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Tingkatan 5
1(a) Diagram 1.1 shows formation of fluid S and fluid T from blood circulatory system.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan pembentukan bendalir S dan bendalir T dalam sistem
peredaran darah.

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1

(i) Name the fluid labelled S and T.

Namakan bendalir yang berlabel S dan T.

S : ……………………………………………...............................................................
T: ………………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks]

(ii) Explain how fluid S is formed.

Terangkan bagaimana bendalir S terbentuk.

[3 marks]

(iii) State one difference between content of fluid T and the blood.
Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara kadungan bendalir T dan darah.

[1 mark] 1
(b) Diagram 1.2 shows a condition of health problem caused by blockage in lymph
vessel. The blockage is caused by filariasis worm.
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan keadaan seseorang yang mengalami suatu masalah
kesihatan akibat salur limfa tersumbat oleh cacing filariasis.

Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2

(i) Name the health problem.

Namakan penyakit tersebut.

[1 mark]

(ii) Explain how the situation could happen?

Terangkan bagaimana keadaan tersebut boleh berlaku?

[2 marks]

(c) Explain the importance of lymphatic system in human.

Terangkan kepentingan sistem limfa kepada manusia.

[3 marks] 2
2. Diagram 2 shows a longitudinal section of a human heart.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan keratan bujur jantung manusia.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2

(a)(i) On Diagram 5, label the following parts:

Pada Rajah 5, label bahagian-bahagian berikut:
 Left ventricle / ventrikel kiri
 Bicuspid valve / injap bikuspid
 Pulmonary artery / arteri pulmonary
[2 marks]

(ii) Draw a series of arrows to show the flow of oxygenated blood into the heart and out
of the heart.
Lukiskan satu siri anak panah untuk menunjukkan aliran darah beroksigen masuk
dan keluar dari jantung.

[1 mark]

(b)(i) State the difference between the walls of left ventricle and right ventricle.
Nyatakan perbezaan antara dinding ventrikel kanan dan ventrikel kiri.

[1 mark] 3
(ii) Explain the importance of the difference in (b)(i).
Terangkan kepentingan perbezaan di (b)(i)

[2 marks]


Explain the above statement.

Terangkan pernyataan diatas.

[2 marks]

(d) Explain what will happen to a person if the pacemaker (sinoatrial node) is impaired.
Terangkan apa yang akan berlaku sekiranya perentak (nodus sinoatrial) tidak

[4 marks] 4
3 Diagram 3.1 shows the circulatory system and the lymphatic system in the human
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan sistem peredaran darah dan sistem limfa dalam badan

Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3.1

(a)(i) What is fluid X?

Apakah bendalir X?
[1 mark]

(ii) State the different composition in X and blood plasma.

Nyatakan perbezaan kandungan di dalam X dengan plasma darah.
[2 marks] 5
(b) Explain how the product of lipid digestion is transported by lymphatic system and
blood circulatory system.
Terangkan bagaimana hasil pencernaan lipid diangkut oleh sistem peredaran limfa
dalam sistem peredaran darah ke sel-sel badan.
[2 marks]

(c) The diagram 3.2 shows the change in the amount of antibodies of individuals X and
Y which have been injected with a vaccine and an antiserum respectively.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan perubahan jumlad antibody individu X dan individu Y yang
telah disuntik dengan vaksin dan antiserum masing-masing.

Diagram 3.2 / Rajah 3.2

(i) What type of immunity is obtained by X and Y respectively?

Apakah jenis keimunan yang diperolehi oleh individu X dan Y masing-masing?

X : ……………………………………………………………………………………
Y : ……………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks] 6
(ii) Why is a second injection required by individuals X and Y?
Mengapakah suntikan kedua diperlukan oleh individu X dan Y?

X : ……………………………………………………………………………………
Y : ……………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks]

(iii) State two differences between the types of immunity obtained by individuals X and
Nyatakan dua perbezaan di antara jenis keimunan yang diperolehi oleh individu X
dan Y.
[2 marks]

(d) Why AIDS patients do not have antibodies to fight against the disease?
Mengapa pesakit AIDS tidak mempunyai antibodi untuk melawan penyakit ini.
[1 mark] 7
1 Diagram 1.1 shows the connection between a part of blood circulatory system,
lymphatic circulatory system and body cells.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan perhubungan sebahagian daripada sistem peredaran
darah, sistem peredaran limfa dan sel-sel badan.

Diagram 1.1
Rajah 1.1

(a)(i) Describe the formation of fluid X.

Huraikan pembentukan bendalir X.
[6 marks]

(ii) Explain the function of fluid X.

Terangkan fungsi bendalir X.
[4 marks]

The role of lymphatic system is complimentary to the transport system. It is also

produce leucocytes.

Peranan sistem limfa adalah pelengkap kepada sistem pengangkutan. Ia juga

menghasilkan sel darah putih.

(b) State two types of leucocytes produced and explain their role in the body defence
Nyatakan dua jenis sel darah putih yang dihasilkan dan terangkan peranannya
terhadap mekanisma pertahanan badan

[10 marks] 8
2 Diagram 2.1 shows the blood circulatory system in organism P and organism Q.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan sistem peredaran darah dalam organisma P dan
organisma Q.

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

(a) Based on Diagram 2.1,

Berdasarkan Rajah 2.1,

(i) Give one example of organism P and organism Q.

Beri satu contoh organisma P dan organisma Q.

(ii) Describe the similarities and differences between the blood circulatory systems in
organism P and organism Q.
Huraikan persamaan dan perbezaan antara sistem peredaran darah dalam
organisma P dan organisma Q.
[6 marks] 9
(b) Digram 2.2 shows a cardiovascular centre in the brain. Diagram 2.3 shows the
heart with the location of aortic bodies and carotid bodies.
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan pusat kardiovaskular di dalam otak. Rajah 2.3
menunjukkan jantung bersama lokasi jasad aortid dan jasad karotid.

Based on Diagrams 2.2 and Diagram 2.3, explain the regulatory of blood pressure
in the body.
Berdasarkan Rajah 2.2 dan Rajah 2.3, terangkan mekanisme kawalatur tekanan
darah di dalam badan.
[8 marks]

(c) Diagram 2.4 shows a person with his pacemaker that des not function. An
electronic pacamaker is used to replace the original pacemaker.
Rajah 2.4 menunjukkan individu yang didapati mempunyai perentak yang tidak
berfungsi. Perentak elektronik telah digunakan untuk menggantikan perentak
jantung yang asal.

Diagram 2.4 / Rajah 2.4 10
Explain how the electronic pacemaker functions.
Terangkan bagaimana perentak elektronik itu berfungsi.
[6 marks]

3 Diagram 3.1 shows two types of mechanisms used by antibodies to destroy

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan dua jenis mekanisme yang digunakan oleh antibodi untuk
memusnahkan antigen.

Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3.1

(a) Suggest how the mechanisms Type A and Type B are able to destroy antigens.
Cadangkan bagaimana mekanisme antibodI Jenis A dan Jenis B boleh
memusnahkan antigen.
[6 marks]

(b) Digram 3.2 shows the concentration of antibody in the blood of a person who
acquired two different types of immunity.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan kepekatan antibodi dalam darah seseorang yang
memperoleh dua jenis keimunan.

Diagram 3.2 / Rajah 3.2 11
How the immunity achieved in situation X and situation Y are different?
Bagaimanakah keimunan yang diperolehi dalam situasi X dan situasi Y adalah
[8 marks]

(c) Milk is the primary source of nutrition for newborn babies before they are able to
eat and digest other food.
Suggest how to promote mothers to feed their newborn with mother’s milk. What
advice can be given to them?
Susu merupakan sumber asas nutrisi bagi bayi baru lahir sebelum mereka dapat
makan dan mencernakan makanan yang lain.
Cadangkan bagaiman untuk menggalakkan ibu menyusukan bayi baru lahir
dengan susu ibu. Apakah nasihat yang boleh diberikan kepada mereka?

[6 marks]

4 Diagram 4.1 shows a type of plant tissue.

Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan sejenis tisu tumbuhan.

Diagram 4.1 / Rajah 4.1

(a) Based on Diagram 4.1, explain how the tissue is adapted for its function.
Berdasarkan Rajah 4.1, terangkan bagaimana tisu tersebut diadaptasi untuk
menjalankan fungsinya.
[4 marks] 12
(b) Diagram 4.2 shows the movement of water from the root hair to the xylem.
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan pergerakan air dari akar rambut ke xylem.

Diagram 4.2 / Rajah 4.2

Based on Diagram 4.2, explain the movement of water through the roots.
Berdasarkan Rajah 4.2, terangkan pergerakan air dalam akar
[6 marks]

(c) Diagram 4.3 shows the relationship between transpiration rate with the opening
and closing of stomata throughout the day.
Rajah 4.3 menunjukkan hubungan anatara kadar transpirasi dengan pembukaan
dan penutupan stoma sepanjang hari.

Diagram 4.3 / Rajah 4.3 13
Based on Diagram 4.3, explain the changes of the trasnpiration rate from 0000
hour to 2400 hour.
Berdasarkan Rajah 4.3, terangkan perubahan kadar transpirasi dari jam 0000
hingga jam 2400.
[10 marks] 14
Question 1 15 16
Question 2 17
Question 3 18
Question 1 19 20
Question 2 21 22
Question 3 23 24
Question 4

4(a) 25
4(b) 26
4(c) 27

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