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“Brussels and Washington had imposed a regime that subordinated the long-term

goals of Albanians to the economic and political agendas of the Western powers.”

The Albanian Question

Looms Over the Balkans Again

hroughout 2019, hundreds of thousands What happens in Kosovo will go a long way to-
of citizens of Albanian-inhabited coun- ward determining the extent to which instability
tries—Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, again spreads across the Balkans. Backed by rival
and Montenegro—took part in regular demon- sponsors in Brussels and Washington, the widely
strations. Their protests expressed a deep frustra- despised old elites in Kosovo and Albania face con-
tion with a new era of painful economic austerity, stituencies utterly alienated from them. Troubling-
a lack of progress toward joining the European ly, this rage is also directed at the larger circle of
Union, and an entrenched political oligarchy that external powers hoping to keep the Balkans stable.
continues to thwart attempts to curb its power. Relations with the EU have been rapidly deterio-
Elections in Albania and Kosovo, which had been rating since its shocking reversal of earlier prom-
expected to help bring change during the summer, ises to admit new member states in the Western
yielded mixed results. In Albania, local elections Balkans. An extraordinary rebuff in late October
were boycotted by the inept opposition, which by French President Emmanuel Macron basically
allowed unpopular Prime Minister Edi Rama, in ended any further discussions, suggesting that the
office since 2013 (and now holding the post of regional political order on which the United States
foreign minister as well), to strengthen his posi- and its NATO partners have long depended to pro-
tion. tect their interests in the larger Mediterranean
In Kosovo, by contrast, the results of the snap world is at best in transition.
October parliamentary elections accurately reflect- The consequences will likely prove destabiliz-
ed the collective frustrations of voters. The fore- ing, both locally and beyond. Opposition to an
most opposition party, Lëvizja Vetëvendosja! (VV, entrenched political elite may take a more violent
or Self-Determination), and its charismatic leader turn if citizens realize that yet again, voting in
Albin Kurti seem to have won a mandate to di- elections will not result in real change. That would
rectly challenge Kosovo’s EU/US masters. Yet their further expose the clear divergence of strategic in-
efforts to form a new government ran up against terests that has arisen among NATO partners dur-
the stalling tactics of the second-largest opposition ing the Trump era. Without the prospect of nego-
party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). By tiations for EU membership, Brussels risks losing
all accounts, the LDK, loyal to Washington since influence in Albania, Kosovo, and North Mace-
the 1990s, has embraced the US embassy’s hostility donia. That would give Turkey and Russia greater
to the prospect of working with a government led leverage, as outside powers once again jockey to
by Kurti. A new coalition government was finally shape the region’s politics.
formed on February 5, allowing Kurti to take of-
fice as prime minister. But a difficult partnership is TRUST DEFICIT
expected, with the LDK seeking to block VV from The rapidly deteriorating situation in the West-
enacting its most radical corrective policies. This ern Balkans is a product of the violent disintegra-
spells trouble for 2020. tion of the Cold War order. The transformations
of the 1990s put the region at the center of the
ISA BLUMI is an associate professor of Turkish and Middle North Atlantic strategic calculus, and by the early
Eastern studies at Stockholm University. 2000s it seemed that Brussels and Washington had


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