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Autoimmune and Chronic

Illnesses Training Program

Limitless Health
T. Pienaar
Sport Science and Biokinetics

This training program has been designed to assist with and improve health and
functionality. The program is not a cure or used to treat medical conditions, but rather
aimed at assisting improving their current health, addressing health conditions and
symptoms. The program is designed to:

- Assist the body and physiological systems to adapt to training stimuli and improve
- Assist to reduce the current symptoms and effects of the body from medical
conditions and illness, by increasing the body’s threshold to these effects.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Improve mental health and self-confidence.
- Improving body composition.
- Increasing muscular strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health.

The autoimmune and chronic illnesses training program is not directly designed for weight
loss or changes in body composition, although these benefits will be induced due to
improvements in cardiovascular and muscular health.

This training program is not intended for selling or redistribution but should only be
purchased through the original exercise specialist.

The program can be seen as safe for most individuals, but to reach maximal benefits and to
ensure optimal safety, medical clearance by a doctor is advised. If medical clearance is not
possible the program should be started gradually and increased only as tolerated.

My story and Qualifications

I have recently finished my second degree in health and wellness. I completed my

undergraduate qualification in Sport Science, and my honours degree in Biokinetics.

Biokinetics is also recognized as an exercise physiologist and we are trained in special

populations, chronic conditions, rehabilitation and preventative medicine.

Exercise is seen as a form of medicine in the profession and the benefits stretch far beyond
improvements in body composition and mental health. Exercise has been proven to reduce
the risk of attaining medical conditions, but also effective in assisting with treating and
reducing the effects of various illnesses.

I have a love for exercise and wellness, but I have a very specific passion in rare conditions.
From studying my degrees I have found a love and curiosity for the idea of longevity and
control that we are able to have over our own health. I experienced an unfortunate but
fortunate turn of events in 2019 when I was sick for several months. My condition worsened
for many months before, after many doctor’s visits, I was finally diagnosed with
Pandysautonomia, a rare variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and received treatment and
assistance for this condition which caused complete dysautonomia, a dysregulation of
normal functions within my body, and took a large toll on my life. I became fascinated with
rare conditions and decided to investigate these as well as design a program to relieve these
conditions effects and improve functionality and quality of life.
I had to retrain my body from the most basics of training my heart to adjust from lying to
sitting without racing (as seen in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), and then
eventually progress to daily workouts in the gym, whilst still taking rest days and listening to
my body.

My story and condition can be further read about in my book ‘Life After Dysautonomia’,
where I also speak about my coping mechanisms.

I designed this program to attempt to help other individuals who suffer from various
conditions, and to provide support, because I want to learn from my experience and use it
for good. These conditions can often be overwhelming and having support is often a small
part that assists with the healing and coping process.

I hope that this program helps you to take control of your life and improves your quality and

Importance of Self Care and Meditation

Exercise and physical activity are extremely important in daily life, but it is important to note
that there is no substitute for healthy eating and a good mentality. Daily routines and taking
care of yourself should be your main priority. For example, in my experience I have found
that I struggled with my POTS and various symptoms more if I did not ‘ease’ into my day. I
would habitually start my day with a 15-30 minute walk which assisted with stabilizing my
heart rate for the day. This routine gave me a good start and mental stability for the day.
Each person will have their own form of coping mechanisms and it is important to use the
ones that work and keep trying to find one that works if you do not have one yet. It is
important to also note that as your body gets stronger and improves, these coping
mechanisms may improve.

Various strategies which I have found to work will be listed below, please feel free to
attempt these, but not limit yourself to them.

- Meditation in morning and before bed (also helpful during the day when feeling
- Prayer
- Drinking sufficient water
- Chamomile tea
- Starting the day with a 15-30 minute light walk
- Exercise lightly first thing in the morning
- Yoga and stretching
- Listening to anxiety podcasts and watching support videos
- Learning about your condition and symptoms to understand the mechanisms and
increase your knowledge
- Relaxing baths with Epsom salts

My main aim of this program is to assist with physical health and well-being, but I hope that
you are able to come to peace with your condition and use it to become a stronger person
and conquer any of the challenges you may face.

General Guidelines

The following guidelines are general in nature and can be adapted to suit your own personal
needs. These are guidelines which will assist with general health and well-being.

1. Drink sufficient water throughout the day

2. Move daily, even a little bit counts
3. Be mindful of your symptoms and keep a daily diary to record any improvements
you experience. It may be helpful to regularly monitor your heart rate and blood
pressure to assess any improvements, this can be done weekly or monthly.
4. Be patient
5. Eat well- nourish your body with nutrients, fruits and vegetable and ensure a
balanced diet
6. Take your medication as prescribed, and get medical clearance if you are not
confident in starting the exercise program
7. Get 15-20 minutes of daily sunlight
8. Ensure you get out into nature at least once a week to nourish the mind and soul.
9. Take the stairs instead of a lift where possible- at your own pace
10. Listen to your body, rest when you need to and most importantly take care of

The exercise program that follows is based on starting from a very basic level and each
section will be completed for two weeks to allow your body to get stronger before
progressing to the next section. The program is split up as follows:

Section 1: Physical activity introduction and system retraining

Section 2: System retraining and isometrics
Section 3: Isokinetic movements
Section 4: Adaptation stimulation through hormesis
Section 5: Strengthening and flexibility
Section 6: Maintenance

Exercise Program

Section 1: Physical activity introduction and system retraining

Section 2: System retraining and isometrics
Section 3: Isokinetics and cardiovascular
Section 4: Adaptation stimulation through hormesis
Section 5: Strengthening and flexibility
Section 6: Maintenance

Note: many of the sections are most effective when performed with certain equipment such
as dumbbells and a stationary bicycle, but due to many people not having such easy access I
have included alternatives and body weight home exercises that are still effective and will
assist with results. The names of each exercise are provided, if you are unsure of the
exercise please put the name into Google and follow the pictures provided or contact me
for assistance- I do not have any current copyright to place pictures within the program.
I encourage you to follow the program to the best of your abilities and finish the program to
see notable results. A heart rate monitor may be useful to keep track of heart rate changes
during the sessions but is not imperative.

The basis of the program is to assist with strengthening and improving the physiological
systems and their response to exercise- which in turn will improve your body’s response to
daily stresses and reduce your symptoms. The program is holistic and addresses all of the
physiological systems equally. The different systems will be highlighted in different colors-to
allow for you to identify which system you are loading with each exercise. Note- this is more
for knowledge and curiosity and is not important otherwise.

Cardiovascular and aerobic – pink

Muscular strength- blue
Muscular endurance-green
Core – yellow
Balance and proprioception- purple

The stretching program is as follows- this should be done daily if possible and after each
exercise session. Hold each position for 30 seconds.
- Reach to touch toes (seated or standing)
- Reach hands above head, lean to left, then to right
- Bend the knee, touch foot to bum and stretch
- Arm across chest stretch
- Interlock fingers reach forward, then behind back
- Bend neck to one side until you feel the stretch, then other side
- Repeat

Section 1: Physical activity introduction and system retraining
This week will consist of three structured sessions (3 days per week) and daily stretching.
This is completed in week one and two.

Day 1: Upper body and core movements with heart retraining

Upon waking and lying in bed perform the following exercises, repeat the cycle three times
before getting up to take on the day:
- Reach arms forward and open and close hands (star fish hands) 20 times
- Open arms to the side and bring back to the front of you 20 times
- Slowly sit up from lying, take a deep breath, and return to lying. Repeat this 10 times
- With straight legs, lift one leg up at a time towards the ceiling, repeat on the other
side, 15 times each leg
- Perform a crunch with hands behind head 15 times
- Repeat 3 times

Day 2: lower body and sit to stand progressions

Upon waking and lying in bed perform the following exercises, repeat the cycle three times
before getting up to take on the day:
- bend knees and lift hips towards ceiling whilst keeping tummy tight (glute bridge) x
- lift one leg to ceiling, perform 10 clockwise leg circles, then anti clockwise, repeat on
opposite leg
- slowly sit up on the edge of the bed, when ready stand up and take a deep breath
then sit down. Repeat this 10 times
- stand next to bed and perform calf raises with both feet x 20
- repeat 3 times

Day 3: walking and exercises

For this session, you will be completing a 20 minute walk with a variety of exercises
Min 1-5: walk at a light pace
Min 5-6: walk with arms moving up and down. (like a jumping jack)
Min 6-11: light paced walk
Min 11-12: with each step kick your leg back towards your bum (bum kicks)
Min 12-20: walk at a light pace

Stretch and ensure you drink sufficient water.

Section 2: System retraining and isometrics

From this section moving forward a warm up must be done before each workout:
- perform each for 30 seconds
- arm circles forward
- arm circles backwards
- bum kicks
- forward straight leg kicks
- repeat

This section will form a part of week 3 and 4 of your program and will become slightly
harder- remember to take it at your own pace and return to week 1 and 2 for another week
before moving onto this section if you do not feel ready yet.
This section consists of four days of exercise. One of which includes cycling and walking; and
three days of isometric training.

Day 1: aerobic
Option 1 : walk for 30 minutes, 5 minutes at a light pace, 5 minutes at a slightly higher and
faster pace, then repeat.
Option 2: bicycle- perform a 10 minute warm-up cycle on level 1-3; cycle for 5 minutes on
level 5; then 5 minutes on level 3; 5 minutes on level 6 then 5 minutes cool down on level 2.

Day 2: upper body isometrics

Hold each position for 30 seconds
- lying on your back, hold a light dumbbell up in each hand towards the ceiling/ hold
hands to ceiling if you do not have weights
- straight arm plank (on knees or feet)
- bird dog pose each side
- sit up hold
- v-sit hold
- repeat x 3

Day 3: lower body isometrics

Hold each position for 30 seconds
- wall squat
- standing/ kneeling straight leg kick back each side
- side leg lift
- lying glute bridge hold
- side lying leg clam hold each side

Day 4: whole body isometrics
Round 1- hold each position for 30 seconds; round 2- perform each exercise for 10 reps;
round 3- hold each position for 30 seconds

- wall squat with arms forward

- back lunge with arms on hip
- calf raise
- v-sit
- plank hold
- side lying clams
- full sit up
- repeat for 3 rounds as specified above

Note: remember to warm up and stretch!!

Section 3: Isokinetics
This section consists of moving exercises to start training your heart and muscular systems
to work efficiently with daily tasks and to transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the
body. It consists of 3 workout days, but I encourage you to continue to walk or cycle on the
days in between for example. This is your week 5 and 6.
Monday- workout
Tuesday- walk
Wednesday- workout
Friday- workout
Saturday- cycle
Sunday- rest
Note: for dumbbell exercises start with a low weight of 1-3 kg and progress as you get

Day 1: upper body and core

- warm up
- ladies or men’s push-ups x 8 reps, repeat this twice with 1 minute rest in-between
- lying floor angels x 10 reps, repeat twice
- chest press with dumbbells x 8 reps, repeat twice (if no dumbbells just perform the
action with hands)
- full sit up x 10, repeat twice
- lying on back, both legs straight up to ceiling, perform a crunch and reach arms
towards feet x 10 reps, two sets
- plank hold for 30 seconds, repeat twice
- bent over row with dumbbells x 10, repeat twice (if no dumbbells just perform the
action with hands)
- tricep extensions with dumbbells or tricep dips on a step x 10, repeat twice
- stretch fully

Day 2: lower body

- warm up
- body weight squat (can use wall) x 8, repeat three times
- back lunges x 8, repeat twice
- mountain climbers x 10 per side, repeat three times
- side lunge x 6 each side, repeat 3 times
- calf raises x 12, repeat twice
- glute bridges x 8, repeat 3 times
- side lying side leg lifts x 12 each side, repeat twice
- side lying clams x 10 each side, repeat twice
- stretch fully

Day 3: full body strength
- warm up
- spider mountain climbers x 12
- cross mountain climbers x 12
- 10 jumping jacks
- Full sit up alternating with a crunch x 10
- Wall squats x 12 followed by a 15 second hold
- Push-up x 10
- Bird dog reach x 8 each side
- 10 jumping jacks
- Repeat 3 times

Day 4: balance and proprioception

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds to the best of your ability.
- Stand on one leg, both sides
- Tandem stance (one foot in front of the other)
- Reach arms to side, stand on one leg, both sides
- Tandem stance with eyes closed (hold onto a chair if you need to)
- Repeat twice

Section 4: Adaptation stimulation through hormesis
This section includes a slightly higher intensity work rate and if you feel you are not ready
please repeat week 5 and 6 again before progressing. This is week 7 and 8 and consists of
four days of workouts. Listen to your body and if the session is too difficult, reduce the
intensity or perform the movements slower and do less reps.

Day 1: cardiovascular
Option 1: walking- walk for 10 minutes at a moderate pace; perfom running intervals of 30
seconds with a 2 minute walking rest in between. Repeat this 10 times.

Option 2: cycle- warm up on a stationary bicycle on level 3 for 10 minutes. perform intervals
of fast paced cycling on level 5 for 30 seconds with 2 minutes rest in between. Repeat this 8
times and then cool down at a light pace on level two for 5 minutes.
Always stretch afterwards
Note: you will feel your heart race increase and you will become uncomfortable during
these sessions. Persist as much as possible, but if you feel very unwell reduce your speed
and take it easy or stop the exercise.

Day 2, 3 and 4- Tabata training

For these days- choose 5 exercises from the below list, choose different exercises each time.
You will perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 30 seconds complete rest in between,
then move onto the second exercise for 30 seconds and rest again for 30 seconds. This cycle
will be continued until you have performed each exercise 4 times (20 minutes).

- Body weight squats
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Mountain climbers
- Side lunges
- Full sit ups
- V-sit ups
- Crunches
- Side plank
- Full plank
- Dead bug exercise
- Walking lunges
- Calf raises
- Glute bridges

Section 5: Strengthening and flexibility

This section is most effective when performed with gym machines, but if you do not have
access please repeat week 5 and 6 with a heavier weight or increase the sets completed to 4
sets per exercise. This section is week 9 and 10 and consists of 5 days of exercise, two
cardiovascular and flexibility and three strength sessions.

Day 1 and 4- cardiovascular

Either walk or stationary bike cycle at a constant moderate pace for 40 minutes. Perform a
full stretch session after the cardiovascular training.

Day 2 and 5:

- Warm up
- Step ups x 12 each leg
- Latt-pull down machine x 12 on moderate weight
- Chest press x 10 on a light weight
- Squat machine x 12 on moderate weight
- Bicep curl with dumbbell (2/4kg) x 12
- Abduction and adduction machine at gym x 20 on light weight each
- Repeat twice

Day 3:

- Bicep curls x 12, repeat

- Bent over row x 12, repeat
- Squat machine x 12, repeat
- Back lunges with a side twist x 8 each leg, repeat
- Overhead press x 8 with lighter weight, repeat
- Donkey kick back x 15 each side, repeat
- Fire hydrant leg exercise x 15 each side, repeat
- Finish with a strong 40 second plank

Section 6: Maintenance
Once you have completed the program I hope that you have noticed various benefits and
improvements. You can now contact me for a personalized program or begin the program
again from the beginning. Keep moving forward, keep improving your health and keep up
the positivity. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Contact Information and Hosted Challenges (support)

Aside from the program provided, I will be hosting challenges that will consist of creating a
support group and motivation weekly. The challenges will last for 4-6 weeks and will also
allow for participants to receive additional knowledge and opportunity for advice on a
weekly basis.

Support and advice is possible to you for purchasing this program and I encourage you to
make contact with me if you have any questions or need advice related to the program.

I am passionate about helping people and I hope that this program gives you a new sense of
hope, control and health. Coping daily with an autoimmune or chronic illnesses is a daily
challenge and by assisting your body and strengthening your physiological systems it should
make the challenge more manageable and reduce the effects it has on your life. I want to
help you get better, fitter, stronger and healthier and I also am a strong believer in a
personal touch. Therefore, I will attach a link to my blog below, where you will be able to
contact me via the page and I shall respond to you as soon as possible and try to assist to
the best of my ability and knowledge.

If you are satisfied with the program and would like a follow-up program that is more
personalized please contact me and I will create a personal program for you to continue
your lifestyle and health journey!

I wish you the best on this journey, remember this is a journey and
should not be seen as a task or something you ‘have’ to do, but
rather choose to. Your health is so important and good health makes
for a good life.
Enjoy this journey, enjoy the changes and feel amazing!

Your health is your most invaluable investment!


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