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Part-1 of Task

First of I would like to start from the beginning as the Director who is Deepa Mehta
Starts the movie with a close up shot of Chuyia and her husband
breathing in his last minutes. This makes the
audience feel sad about her husband and how he
is just in his last minute before he might be died.
Then the movie begins with wide angle shots about moving from one
place to another and then came up the close of camera
to the point where her dad was performing the rituals and some of
them were that she cannot were any bangles anymore and her head is
supposed to be shaved now as these things take place
when your husband dies. This was the symbol which
the director was trying to show us that these are the specific thing
which used to happen with the girls or women
at that point of time. Throughout the movie the movies has
various cinematic scenes such as the eye level shot of Chuyia and
Madhumati talking and soon having a
argument on a matter of widows in the Ashram. Soon then the camera
position and techniques changes to bird’s eye view where it shows us
how Madhumati was getting angry on Chuyia as Chuyia was
explaining to her that she does now want to be a widow at this age of time as she was
only just a kid. Then movies take places through different scenes and introduces
different characters and widows who were already there settled in the Ashram. This is
an over the should camera shot scene from behind as Didi was applying Haldi in
Chuyia’s head as Haldi helps in keeping the brain cool down very quickly and it will be
hard to get angry on anything as the person is cooled
and calmed down with Haldi applied on them. Soon
after Chuyia started to talk with other windows at
night and the director provided a over the shoudler
close up shot which was shot behind the widows
closing up to while Chuyia was talking. As the story
continues it provides with the scene where kamini was runnning after Chuyia as Kalu the
dog ran from Chuyia’s hand into the street and on the way to running Kalyani bumped
into a stranger wheres she was toled that she was running like a girl who is unmarried and
because Kalyani bumped into her it was a evil touches as she is a widow and she will have
to take a bath again and perform all the rituals for safetya nd
protection. The coversation between Kalyani and the stranger
was a wide angle and a close up shot and soon became a POV
(Point of view shot) of what the stranger was trying to say to
Kalyani. As the movies goes on the director provides lighting
scene shot with a close up as the director want us to know
who is controlling th boat and who is tacken from the
ashrama nd to where because this was the scene where
Madhumati was sending Kalyani to his lovers dad place for
the survival of her and for using her as a tool according to
the movie. The movie continues with other normal scene and
wide andgle focus and blur scenes and shot to make the movie a bit more suspense towards
the eneding and making it realistic for the audience to see and feel what was going on in
the previous generations. Here is a scene where Chutiya escaped from the Ashram and
was going to buy soemthign for her to eat ebcuase as we know that widows are not allowed
to eat form outside and they are just given standered food for living which is nothing
speacil but just eatable. The direcotr gives a Over the shoulder shots and a bit of focus
towards what the vendor was sayign to Chuyia that she
cannot be buying or walking around shop and asking for
things just because she was a widows and she lives in vidow
Ashram. Then then story progresses where Chuyia buys a
ladoo and gives it to one of the vidows whose favroute thing
was to eat ladoo and as the old widow eats it she dies at night and the director gives a wide
angle shot , Focus shot on her last moment with Didi ,
gives it lighting so that we can only see her and the
emotion she is passing and living her mainly last breath
where soon she dies. As soon as the old window dies she
also says that she is going to heaven because of what
Chuyia did to her , Chuyia gave her ladoo which she was
pleasing to eat for. Avery long time but none allowed her or gave it to her. As soon as the
widow dies the director provides a wide angle shot of all the
property which was left from the old widow who just dies and
where the ritual is that if a old widow dies all her property is
taken by other. These where some of the techniques used
and how It conveyed the message and symobils used in the

Part – 2 of Task

The Game place undertaken by radbrad

This game include scene where He is talking about the cutscenes. The Gameplay was very smooth and
texual based talking in his own launguage and english at the same time. After the attack on D6, Artyom
becomes disillusioned with the constant infighting and corruption within the Metro and leaves the
Spartan Order. He soon becomes obsessed with proving that other human survivors exist outside of
Moscow and makes numerous dangerous expeditions to the surface, much to Anna's concern and Miller's
frustration. However, on one such expedition with Anna, they witness a working train running on the
surface. Before they can follow it, they are captured by Hansa soldiers along with a couple of people who
claim to be from outside of Moscow. The Hansa soldiers execute the other prisoners and Artyom is shot
and left for dead. Surviving the gunshot, Artyom follows the soldiers to their base to rescue Anna, and in
the process inadvertently destroys a signal jammer that was blocking all communications going in and
out of Moscow. Radio transmissions from all over the world begin to be picked up, and Artyom and Anna
realise humanity has not gone extinct. They escape by stealing one of Hansa's trains with the aid of a
defected Hansa train engineer called Yermak.
As the train leaves, the Spartan Order moves in to retake it and are shocked and confused at Artyom and
Anna's presence. Knowing that Hansa will have all of them put to death for knowing the truth, Miller
concludes that the Spartans' best chance of survival is to flee Moscow. Once outside the city, he reveals to
the others that while many of Russia's cities were bombed, the war did not end and NATO proceeded to
occupy what was left of the nation. To prevent more bombs from being dropped on Moscow, the Russian
leadership decided to secretly jam all communications to make the outside world believe nobody had
survived. They then receive a radio broadcast from Moscow Defense Command calling for survivors to
rally at the "Ark" located at Mount Yamantau and Miller decides to head there, believing that the Ark is
where the Russian government has rebuilt itself.
After crossing the cult-controlled Volga River, the Spartans reach the Yamantau base and discover that
the base's service crew have devolved into cannibals luring survivors in with the false promise of safety.
Artyom and the Spartans manage to fight their way out and escape, but Miller's faith in Russia is
shattered when he discovers that the government never took refuge in Yamantau, or even survived the
war, and thus the Spartans are left wondering what to do next. Using a map they recovered from
Yamantau, they decide to travel to a satellite communication center near the Caspian Sea in the hopes of
gaining access to a satellite to find habitable land to settle. At the dried up remains of the Caspian Sea, the
Spartans steal water and fuel from the local bandits while obtaining an updated satellite map.
As the Spartans continue on their journey, Anna begins to cough up blood, fearing the cause was
accidentally breathing poison gas during the journey. They decide to scout a nearby taiga forest valley to
see if it is suitable to settle. While scouting the forest, Artyom is caught between two rival survivor
factions, and he discovers that the dam protecting the valley from radiation is on the verge of failing,
making the area uninhabitable. Artyom returns to the train to learn Anna's condition has worsened. The
only chance to save Anna is to find the antidote in Novosibirsk, but the entire city is heavily irradiated.
Miller and Artyom decide to head into the city alone to search for the antidote despite the risk. They
enter the Novosibirsk Metro and find a young boy named Kiril, one of the last of the Novosibirsk
survivors. Kiril explains that his father left on a mission to obtain a map marking the location of a clean,
habitable area. Miller decides to go find the map while Artyom heads out to find the antidote. He
manages to recover the antidote, but is gravely wounded by a mutant and absorbs a heavy dose of
radiation. Artyom, Miller, and Kiril return to the train with the map and the antidote, but Miller dies of
radiation poisoning on the way back after using a dose of anti-radiation serum meant for himself to save
Artyom. The rest of the Spartans donate their own blood to give Artyom a critical blood transfusion.
Anna is cured with the antidote and with the map, the Spartans settle on the shores of Lake Baikal, which
is completely free from radiation.
Artyom's ultimate fate depends on the choices the player made during the journey. In the bad ending,
Artyom dies from the radiation poisoning, and the Spartans and a grieving Anna hold a funeral for him
and Miller while Artyom's spirit awakens on a dilapidated version of the Aurora. Artyom, along with the
spirit of Miller and other characters, remain in this ghostly purgatory for eternity. In the good ending,
Artyom survives. Miller is buried and Artyom is selected to take his place as leader of the Spartan Order.
Now that they have a home, Artyom decides to return to Moscow and reveal the truth of the world to the
survivors of the Metro.
The Two Colonels
While Artyom goes to find the cure for Anna's illness in Novosibirsk, Miller begins retracing the steps of
Kiril's father Colonel Slava Khlebnikov to find the satellite map. One year prior, Khlebnikov works as a
soldier protecting the Novosibirsk Metro while trying to raise Kiril. Meanwhile, the Novosibirsk Metro
government, OSKOM, makes plans to evacuate the Metro but there isn't enough anti-radiation serum to
protect the entire population. As a result, OSKOM begins forcibly confiscating serum from the civilians,
causing civil unrest. Civil war soon breaks out in the Metro, forcing Khlebnikov to defend OSKOM
headquarters from the rebels. However, General Tolya deploys poison gas during the battle, killing
almost everybody in the station. When Khlebnikov confronts him, Tolya reveals that OSKOM leadership
has already taken what serum is left and fled, deciding to flood the Metro with poison gas to mercy kill
the rest of the population. However, bitter that he was left behind, Tolya orders his men to destroy the
OSKOM evacuation train before committing suicide. With no other choice, Khlebnikov descends into a
mutant infested bunker to retrieve the map leading to Lake Baikal. He finds the map, but succumbs to
radiation poisoning after losing his serum dose. In the present, Miller enters the bunker and finds
Khlebnikov's body and the map. He assures Khlebnikov that he did not die in vain, and promises to get
Kiril out of Novosibirsk. Miller then leaves where he will ultimately sacrifice himself to save Artyom.
Sam's Story
After the Spartan Order settles in Lake Baikal, one of the Spartans, U.S. Marine Samuel "Sam" Taylor,
decides to find a way to return to his home in San Diego to see if his father survived the nuclear war.
Parting ways with the Spartan Order, Sam travels to the port city of Vladivostok where he meets Captain
Eduardo "Ed" Baranov. Baranov points Sam to an intact nuclear submarine, the Mayflower, which can
take Sam back to the United States. However, Sam and Ed are separated in a mutant attack and Sam is
apprehended by men working for Tom, a fellow American. Tom explains that he was an arms dealer who
was stranded in Russia after the nuclear bombs fell, and asks Sam to find Ed since he is the only person
who knows how to refuel the Mayflower. Ed does not trust Tom's intentions with the Mayflower,
especially since it is still armed with nuclear missiles and his crew has gone missing, but Sam convinces
him to negotiate a deal with Tom. Sam and Ed travel to a nearby abandoned naval base to recover the
fuel rods needed to power the Mayflower. However, Ed is still mistrustful of Tom, and he asks Sam to use
the opportunity to sabotage the Mayflower, even if it means sacrificing his chance to return home.
Suddenly, Tom's lieutenant Klim betrays him and attacks the Mayflower, forcing Sam, Ed, and Tom to
work together. Sam kills Klim and the Mayflower begins to sail out of port. Sam then has the choice of
sabotaging the Mayflower or leaving it intact.
If Sam does not sabotage the Mayflower, Tom takes him to San Diego as promised with the firepower of
the Mayflower at his command. If Sam sabotages the Mayflower, the submarine sinks, presumably killing
both Ed and Tom. Sam remains in Vladivostok, but is happy knowing nobody can use the nuclear
weapons the Mayflower was carrying and resolves to find another way back home.

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