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HN. 6684 SNe 3208 Rapti Beats Congress of the Philippines Slee Siac Fiftoouth Congress Ghd Regulae Session —— Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve, [REPUBLIC ACT No. 10410) AN ACT RECOGNIZING THE AGE FROM ZERO (0) TO EIGHT (8) YEARS AS THE FIRST CRUCIAL STAGE OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND. STRENGTHENING THE EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, ‘THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1, Short Titde. — This Act shall be known as the "Barly Years Act (EYA) of 2012", SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - Itishereby deciared the policy of the State to promote the rights of children to survival, development and special protection with full recognition of the nature of childhood ané as well ac the need te provide Gevelopmentally appropriate experiences to address their and to suppor: parents in their roles as primary caregivers and ‘as their children's first taachers, Further, the State hereby recognizes the age from zero (0) to eight (8) yeare as the first crucial stage of educational development of wich the age from 2x0 (0) to four (4) years shall he the responsibility of the Barly Childhood Care and Development (CCD) Couneil. Therefore, {he responsibility to help develop children in the formative years hotwoen age five (6) toight (8) yeareshall be with the Depariment of auestion (Depl&D) ‘The State shall institutionalize a National System for Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) that is comprehensive, integrative and sustainable, that involves multisectoral and intaragency collaboration at the national and local levels among goverment; among service providers, families and communities, and among the public and private sectors, nongovernment organizations; professional aseociations and academicinatituLions ‘The System shall promote the inclusion of children with special needs, provide for reasonable accommodation and ‘accessible environments for children with disabilities and advocate respect for cultural and linguistiediversity, including the use of Filipino Sign Language as the visual language of the deaf community. It shall be anchored on complementary strategies for KCCD that include service delivery for children from age zero (W)to four) years, educating parentsand caregivers, encouraging the active involvement of parents and communities in CCD nportant efforts that nnd familie. \g awareness about the programs, ra improve the quality oflife for young childre Sue. 3. Objectives. — The National ECCD System shall pursue the following objectives: (@) Toachieve improved infant and child survival rates by ensuring that adequate health and nutrition programs are accessitle to young children and their parents, from the prenatal period Uronghout the early childhood years; (L) ‘To enhance the physieal-motor, socio-emotion cognitive, language, psychological and spiritual developmentof young children; (6) Tofacilitatea emooth transition from care and education provided st home to community or school-based setting and to kindergarten; (@)Toensme thatyoung children are adequately prepares for the formal learning system that begins at kindergarten; (¢) Toestablish an efficient system for early idenuiication, prevention, referral and intervention for the wide rangeof children with epecial needa from age zero (0) to four (4) years; (© To upgrade and update the capabilities of service providers and their supervisors to comply with quslity standards for various BCCD program (®) Toreinforce the role of parents and other enregivers nary euregivers and educators of Ueie children ‘especially from age zero (0) to four (1) years; ities wo port is ty (1) Toenhance and sustain Lhe efforts of com promote KCCD programs and ensure that. spectal provided for poor, disadvantaged and linguistic min communities; (@ ‘Toimprove the quality standards of publicand private HOGD progeains through, but not lunited to, a registration aod anal facilities; @ ‘Toensure that the education of persons, and in particular children, who are blind, deafor deablind, are conducted in the most appropriate languages, modes and meansof communication for the individual, and in environments whielt maximize academic social development;and (&) Tocmploy teachers, inchuding teachers with disabilities, who are qualified in sign language and/or braille, and to train ssionals and staff who work at all levels of education, terms are defined Sec. 4. Definitions. ~ ‘The followin as fallows: (w) Barly Childhood Care ani Development (CCD) System shall yaforto the full range of health, nutrition, early education and social servioes development programs that provide forthe basic hols needs of young children from age zero (0) to four (4) years; and to promote their optimum growth and development ‘These programs shall include: (1) Center-based programs, such as the day care service cotablished under Republic Act No. 6972, otherwise known as the "Barangay ~ Level ‘Total Development and Protection of Children Aet*, and hervinafier referred to as the child development service, community or chureh-based early childhood education programs initiated by nongovernment orgenizations or people's organizations, worliplace-related ehild care and education ul stations; programs, child-minding centers, health centers and (@ Home-based programs, such as the neighborhood-based play groups, family child care programs, parent education and home Visiting programs, (i) ECCD Service Providers shall include the various professionals, paraprofessionals and volunteer earegivers who are directly responsible for the care and education of young chikdren from age zero (0) to four (4) years through the varios centers and home-baced programs. They shall include, but shall not be limited to, day care workers hereinafter referred to as child developmant workers, child development teachers, veacher-aides, rural health midwives, social workers, community health workers, barangay nutrition scholars, parent effectiveness service volunteers, and family day eare providers. © BCD Curriculum shall refer to the developmentally appropriate educational objeetives and practices, programs of activities, organized learning experiences, recommended learning ‘materiale and appropriate assessment for eildren from age zero (0) to fone (4) years that ave implemented by service providers through eenter and home-based progeams. Tt shall consist of ‘ational program goals and guidelines, instructional objectives, and content outlines that are age-appropriate, individually appropriate and culturally relevant, (@ Parent Education shall refer to the various formal and alternative means of providing parents with information, skill and support systems to assist them in theirroles aa their children’s primary caregivers and educators. ‘These include public and private parent education programms linked Lo center, home and media-based child care and education programs, Suc. 6. System Framework and Components. — ‘Vhs ECOD System shall ensure that the National CCN Program 1s implemented in accordance with quality standards for accreditation and for this purpose there aha be established a National KGCD Monitoring and Kvaluation Framework. ‘Phe ECCD System shall include the following components: (@) RCCD Curriculum. — 1 shall face o children’s total development and Lake into aecownt age, individual and socio-cultural appropriateness. Itshall praiate the delivery ‘oF complementary and integrative services fur health, nutrition, carly childhood education, sanitation and cultural activities. It shall use the child's first language as tho mediu of instruction, () Parent Bducation and Involvement, Advocacy and Mobilization of Communities. ~ This eomponent shall harness and develop parents’ strangtha as providers af BCCD programs at home, a8 active partners of other stakeholders, as advocates for community concerns that. affect eluldren, and as pillars of support for local and national ECCD programs Urough ‘community organization efforts; © Human Resource Development Program. — Th program shall establish mechanisms for the systematic professionalization of ECCD service providers through enrolment in educational program in site-based or distance education mades, through pre-service or in-service training including continuing ‘education programs, whereby a registration and eradential syste shall be developed in the BCCD System; and @ ECCD Management. ~ ‘This component shall consist of continuing process of planning, implementation, supervision, financial management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting to persons concerned and shall encourage the active involvement of and build the capabilities of service providers, parents and lacal goverumentofficials to sustain the program Ske. 6, Kspanding the ECCD System. — ‘The National BGCD System shall heneeforth apply to all provinces, cities, ‘municipslities and barangays as may be determined by the ECCD Council toachieve universal KCCD eoverage for allehildren from age zero (0) to four (4) years, Sk6. 7. Implementing Arrangements and Operational Structures. ~ ‘The implementation of he National CCD System shall be the respo ~ The BCCD Council shall be responsible for establishing national standards, developing policies and programs, ensuring compliance thereof providing technical assistance and support to the ECCD service providers in consultation with coordinating committees at the provineial, city, municipal and barangay levels. ‘The Department of Kducation (DepED), the Departmentof Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Department of Health (DOH), the National Nutrition Council (NC) and the Union of Local Authorities ofthe Philippines (ULAP) shall meet annual workshop to prepare work and financial plans that will coordinate their technical assistanee and support for the National ECCD Program. ‘They shall observe existing implementing guidelines that ensure consistency in integrated service delivery within the National BCCD System, as follows: () The DepleD shall weognize the National CCD Program fs the foundation of the learning continuum and shall promote it For all children from age zero (0) to four (4) years; and 2) The DepED, the DSWD, the DOH and the NNC shall provide continuing profassional development program support, supplementary learning materials, reference materials, ‘and health care services. ‘supplemental nutril () Responsibilities of Local Government Units. ~ Local government units (1,0Us) shall include allocations from their Special Education Fund (SEE) and Gender and Development (GAD) Fund in addition toother local funds to be utilized Tor the following purposes: sntation of theie KCCD Program; port the implen @s @ Organize and support parent enoperatives to establish ‘community-based BCCD programs; (@ Provide counterpart funds fr the continuing professional development of their BCCD publicservice providers; and @) Provide the facilities for the conduet of their BCCD Program, (6 Responsibilities of Families and Communities Families and comrunitivs shall support the lacal ECCD programs by participating in various community-based projects such as, bbut not limited to, health, nutrition, social development and early childliood education projects for Le overall development of their children from age zoro (0) to four (4) years, S60. 8. Strengthening the ECCD Council. — The KOCH neil shall be strengthened to ensure the State’s focus on building a strong foundation for the development and learuing of kiren during the early years From age zero (0) to four (1) years, to support the fall range of health, nutrition, early education and social development programs for Uhe child's holistic devel and ensure sustained interagency and multisectoral collaboration. ‘The Council shall be attached to Ue DepED. SEC. 9. Organization of the HCCD Council. "Tha CCD. Council shall be composed af the following. (a) CCD Governing Board. ~The KCCD Governing Board shall be composed of, () Secretary ofthe DepED, a8 x officio Chairpersons il, as View @) Kxeeutive Director of the ECCD G. Chairperson; @) Scecetary of the DSWD, as member; @ Seccetary of the DOU, as member; © Exocutive Director of the NC, as member; © Presidentof the ULAP, as member; and @ One (I) private individual who isan BCCD practitioner und expert shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Board, as metaber. ‘The Board shall meet once a month or upon the call of the Chairperson or three (3) members of the Board @) Council Seerctariat. — ‘There aball be established an ECCD Council Secretariat to Le headed by an Executive Director ‘The Secretariat shall provide support services for the cnoriination and monitoring of the jinplementation of policies and plans formulated by the Council eubject to the Compensation and Position Classification Systom and other existing eivil service rules and regulations. See. 10. Functions of the ECCD Councit. ~ The ECCD ‘Council shallearry out-tho objectives of the National ECCD Syatem by performing the following functions: (@) Promulgatepoliciesand implement guidelives for ECCD programs in consultation with stakeholders, including the regional lovel when appropriate, conaiatent with the nationel policy and progcam frameworks as dfined in this Ack; ©) Establish ECCD program standards that reflect developmentally appropiate practices for ECD programs, which shall interface with the kindergarten eurciculum of the DepED; (© Develop a national system tor the recruitment, registration, aezreditation, continuing education and equivalency, and eredential aystem of BCCD service providers, supervisors and aulminiatrators to improve and professionalize the ECCD sector and upgrade quality standards of publie and private KCCD programe; G) Develop a national system of awards and recognition ta deserving 8CCD program implementers and service providers; © Promote, encourage and evordinate the various KCCD programs of the DepED, the DSWD, the DOH and the NC, and monitor the delivery of services to the ECCD program beneficiaries nalionvvide; © Evaluate and assess the impact and outoome of various CCD programs nationwide through an effective information system; (@) Develop a national system for early identification, ren From age zero (0) to screening and surveillance of young ¢ four (1) years; (1) Develop various support mechanisms Mal maximize public and private resources for implementing ECCD progranis, giving priority to the needy and high risk children from poor @ Provide funds w poorand disadvantaged commu for the establish mentand expansion of public BCCD program improvement of physical facilities aud for hiring of ECCD s providers; ©) Promote and encourage private sector initiatives for the establishment of BCCD programs, () Provide guidelines for the conduct of solicitations fram local and international civic organizations, and request private foundations to supplementavailable ressurees; and © Perform such other functions as the BCCD Council may deein necessaty. StC.11. Appropriations. — ‘The amount uceded for the ‘initial implementation of this Act shall be charged againat the ‘current year’s appropriations of the DepED, the DSWD, the DO, and the NNC for the purpose, ‘Theres fier, such suis asimay be necessary for Lhe continued implementation of this Act shall be included in the annual Gonoral Appropriations Act (GAA) In addition, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation shail contribute ant amountof Five hundred million ‘pesus (P500,000,000.00) per year for five (6) years feo its grass income to fund the establishment of National Child Developusent Centars und the convarsicn of existing Day Care Centers into Child Development Centers in vavious ILGUs upon approval of this Act. Suid amount shall be directly rewitted in four (4) quarterly installments toa spectal account of the ECCD Council SiC. 12. Financing BCD Programs. ~ CCD programs hall be financed throngh a combination of public and private funda, ll publieBCCD program providers shall prioritize children from age z2ro (0) to four (4) year from families whw ave in geeatest need and who can least afford private ECD programs (@) Financial and Technical Support. ~ The DepED, the DSWD and the DOH shall support the implementation of the National KCCD System by providing financial and technical ‘support packages la BCCD programs, () Other Forme of Support for BCCD Progeams. — LGUs shall be encouraged to support public CCD programs in their respective localities. Addit ds may be generated from intergovernmental donors. {tn support the public programs ineluding the urban poor. ‘There shall be established a fund for an BCCD Program Contracting Scheme with accredited private providers ab the community levels (6) Fees and Contributions. — ees and contributions collected for both public and private BCCD programs shall be monitored by the BCCD Counel to ensure that these are affordable and within reasonable limits, Families are encouraged to contribute their time and services to support the CUD programs. Se0.18. Annual Report. ~ ‘The BCCD Council shall, at the close of each calendar year, submit annual physical and Financial reports to Congress, giving detailed account ofits proceedings and accomplishments ducing the year, making recommendations for (he adoption of measures that will improve the National ECCD System and ensuring achievement of universal coverage of ECD benefits (oall children from age zero (0) to four (4 yeare, within a period of five () years. Sue. 1. Implementing Rules ond Regulations. — ‘The ECCD Council, in consultation with appropriate government agencies and nongovern ment organizations, shall formulate and Jasue the necessary rules and regulations within sixty (60) days: See. 18. Repealing Clause, — Republic Act No. 8980, otherwise known as "An Act Promulgating A Comprehensive Policy And A National System For Early Childhood Care And Development (SCCD), Providing Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes’, is hereby repealed. All laws, decrees, executive orders, presidential proclamations, rules and regulations or parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the provisionsof this AeLare hereby repealed ‘or modified accordingly Seo. 16. Separability Clause. — Uf, for any rea: portion of thie Aet shall be doclared unconstitutio ‘r provisions hereof which are not affected shall cont ful force and effect. SEC. 17. B/fectivity Clause. ~ "This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Ojficial Cazette arin atleast two @) newspapers of general circulation, Gleb v,. =P h, FetcaNe De MONTEAR fae ‘Speater of the tlowse (of Representatives Approvell, President uf des ‘This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No, 6694 and Senate Bill No, 8206 was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on November 28, 2012 and lanuary 23, 2015, a gh Asa Lge Set ofthe Sete Secretary Genera House of Representatives Approved: WAR 2 6 ‘ BENIG) Chee ul Presiden of ie Phil CERTIFIED COPY: tii i i wines iC in "DIRECTOR

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