Csoeregi1994 Design, Characterization, and One-Point in Vivo Calibration of A Subcutaneously Implanted Glucose Electrode PDF

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Anal. Chem.

1994,66, 3131-3138

Design, Characterization, and One-Point in Vivo Calibration

of a Subcutaneously Implanted Glucose Electrode
Eiisabeth Csoreg1,t Chris P. Quinn,* David W. Schmldtke,* Sten-Eric Lindquist,g Michael V. Pishko,*
Ling Ye,* Ioanis Katakis,* Jeffrey A. Hubbell,* and Adam Heiier’**
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 787 12- 1062, Department
of Analytical Chemistry, University of Lund, P.O. Box, 124, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden, and Department of
Physical Chemistry, University of Uppsala, P.O. Box 532, S-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

A 0.29-mm-diameter flexible electrode designed for subcutane- include (a) safety, (b) clinical accuracy and reliability, (c)
ous in vivo amperometric monitoring of glucose is described. feasibility of in vivo recalibration, (d) stability for at least one
The electrode was designed to allow “one-point” in vivo hospital shift of 8 h, (e) small size, ( f ) ease of insertion and
calibration, Le., to have zero output current at zero glucose removal, and (g) a sufficiently fast response to allow timely
concentration, even in the presence of other electroreactive intervention.
species of serum or blood. A valid zero point, along with a Keys to safety are absence of leachable components,
measurement of the glucose concentration in a withdrawn biocompatibility, and limiting of the potentially hazardous
sample of blood at which the current is known, defined the foreign matter introduced into the body to an amount that is
sensitivity in the linear response range. The electrode was inconsequential in a worst case failure. The clinical accuracy
four-layered, with the layers serially deposited within a 0.125-
(1) Armour, J. C.; Lucisano, J. Y.; McKean, B. D.; Gough, D. A. Diabetes 1990,
mm recess upon the tip of a polyimide-insulated 0.25-mm gold 39, 1519-1526.
wire. The recessed structure reduced the sensitivity to (2)Shichiri, M.; Kawamori, R.; Yamasaki, Y. Merhods Enzymol. 1988, 137,
movement and allowed, through control of the depth of the (3)Shichiri, M.; Yamasaki, Y.; Nao, K.; Sekiya, M.; Ueda, N. In Zmplanrable
recess, control of the transport of glucose and thus the range Glucose Sensors-The Srare of rhe Art; Pfeiffer, E. F., Reaven, G. M., Eds.;
Supplement Series/Hormone and Metabolic Research; (Reisensburg, 1987)
of linearity. The recess contained the four polymeric layers, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.: New York, 1988;pp 17-20.
with a total mass less than 5 pg and no leachable components. (4) Moatti-Sirat, D.;Capron, F.; Poitout, V.; Reach, G.; Bindra, D. S.; Zhang,
Y.; Wilson, G. S.; Thevenot, D. R. Diaberologia 1992,35,224230.
The bottom glucose concentration-to-current transducing layer (5) Karube, 1.; Yokoyama, K.; Tamiya, E. Biosens. Bioelecrron. 1993,8, 219-
consisted of the enzyme “wiring” redox polymer poly- 228.
(6) Brilckel, J.; Kerner, W.; Zier, H.;Steinbach, G.; Pfeiffer, R. F. Klin.
[(~inylimidazole)Os(bipyridine)2Cl]+~~+, complexed with re- Wochenschr. 1989,67,491495.
combinant glucose oxidase and cross-linked with poly(ethy1ene (7)Gernet, S.; Koudelka, M.; Rwij de, N. F. S e w . Acruarors 1989,17,537-540.
(8)Pickup, J. C.; Claremont, D. J.; In Zmplanrable Glucose Sensors-The Srare
glycol) diglycidyl ether, to form an electron-conducting ojthe Art;Pfeiffer, E. F., Reaven, G. M., Eds.;Supplement Series/Hormone
hydrogel. The layer was overcoated with an electrically and Metabolic Research; (Reisensburg, 1987)Thieme Medical Publishers,
Inc.: New York, 1988;pp 3636.
insulating layer of polyaziridine-cross-linked poly (allylamine), (9)Yokoyama, K.; Lee, S. M.; Tamiya, E.; Karube, I.; Nakajima, K.; Uchiyama,
on which an immobilized interference-eliminating horseradish S.; Suzuki, S.; Akiyama M.; Masuda, Y. Anal. Chim. Acra 1992,263,101-
peroxidase based film was deposited. An outer biocompatible (10)Tamiya, E.; Karube, I. Sens. Acruarors 1988,15, 199-207.
layer was formed by photo-cross-linking derivatized poly- (11) Bindra, D.S.; Zhang, Y.; Wilson, G. S.; Sternberg, R.; Thevenot, D. R.;
Moatti, D.; Reach, G. Anal. Chem. 1991,63,1692-1696.
(ethylene oxide). The current output of a typical electrode at (12)Cronenberg, C.; Grocn van, B.; Beer de, D.; Heuvel van den, H. Anal. Chim.
10 mM glucose and at 37 OC was 35 nA, the apparent K, was Acta 1991, 242,275-278.
(13) Johnson, K. W.; Mastrototaro, J. J.; Howey, D. C.; Brunella, R. L.; Burden
20 mM, and the 10-90% response time was -1 min. The Brady, P. L.; Bryan, N. A.; Andrew, C. C.; Rowe, H. M.; Allen, D. J.; Noffke,
sensitivity varied only by f5% over a 7 2 4 test period. The B. W.; McMahan, W. C.; Morff, R. J.; Lipson, D.; Nevin, R. S . Biosens.
Bioelectron. 1992,7, 709-714.
electrode tracked the blood glucose concentration in a rat model (14)Koudelka, M.; Gernet, S.;Rwij de, N. F. Sens. Acruarors 1989,18,157-165.
before, during, and following intraperitoneal glucose infusion. (15)Shaw, G. W.; Claremont, D. J.; Pickup, J. C. Biosens. Bioelectron. 1991, 6,
Two failure modes were observed. The first, deactivation of (16)Pickup, J. C.; Shaw, G. W.; Claremont, D. J. Diaberologia 1989,32,213-217.
hydrogen peroxide-producing lactate oxidase in the interfer- (17)Gregg, B.; Heller, A. Anal. Chem. 1990,62,258-263.
ence-eliminating layer, resulted in inadequate preoxidation of (18) Gregg, 8.; Heller, A. J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95,5976-5980.
(19)A h , T.; Lau, Y. Y.; Ewing, A. G. AMI. Chem. 1992,64,2160-2163.
interferants. The second was an abrupt drop in the sensitivity (20)Bartlett, P. N.; Caruana, D. J. Analyst 1992,117, 1287-1292.
(21)Chen, C.-Y.; Gotoh, M.; Makino, H.;Su, Y.-C.; Tamiya, E.; Karube, I. Anal.
of implanted electrodes, -7 h after implantation. The failed Chim. Acra 1992,265, 5-14.
electrodes promptly regained their sensitivity in buffer. (22)Kawagoe, J. L.; Niehaus, D. E.; Wightman, R. M. Anal. Chem. 1991, 63,
(23)Murakami, T.; Nakamoto, S.; Kimura, J.; Kuriyama, T.; Karube, I. Anal.
In response to the need for frequent or continuous in vivo Lett. 1986,19,1973-1986.
(24)Pishko, M. V.;Michael, A. C.; Heller, A. Anal. Chem. 1991,63,2268-2272.
monitoring of glucose in diabetics, particularly in brittle (25)Tamiya, E.;Sugiura, Y.; Akiyama, A.; Karube, I. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1990,
diabetics, a range of possible in vivo glucose electrodes have 613. 396-400.
been Thedesired characteristics of theseelectrodes (26)Turner, R. F. B.; Harrison, D. J.; Rajotte, R. V.; Bakes, H. P. Sens. Acruarors
B 1990,21, 561-564.
(27)Urban, G.; Jobst, G.; Keplinger, F.; Aschauer, E.; Tilado, 0.; Fasching, R.;
+ University of Lund. Kohl, F. Biosens. Bioelectron. 1992,7,733-739.
t University of Texas at Austin. (28)Velho, G.; Froguel, P.; ThCenot, D. R.; Reach, G. Diabetes Nurr. Merab.
I University of Uppsala. 1988,I , 227-234.

0003-2700/94/0366-3131$04.50/0 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994 3131
0 1994 American Chemical Society
must be such that even when the readings are least accurate, sensing site. Good correlation was observed between intra-
the clinical decisions based on these be still correct. Feasibility vascular and subcutaneous glucose concentration^.^^,^^ They
of prompt confirmation of proper functioning of the sensors also demonstrated the need for in vivo sensor ~ a l i b r a t i o n . ~ ~
and of periodic in vivo recalibration is of the essence if a Another approach to in vivo glucose monitoring was based on
physician is to allow the life of a patient to depend on the coupling subcutaneous microdialysis with electrochemical
sensor. This one-point calibration, relying on the signal at detection.46 To control and adjust the linear response range,
zero glucose concentration being zero and measuring the blood electrodes have been made glucose-diffusion limited, usually
glucose concentration at one point in time, along with the through glucose transport limiting membranes.
signal, is essential, but has heretofore been elusive. The Diffusional mediators, through which the 02 partial
sensitivity must be sufficiently stable for the frequency of the pressure dependence of the signals is reduced, are leached
required in vivo recalibration to not be excessive. The sensor from sensors. Such leaching introduces an unwanted chemical
must be small enough to be introduced and removed with into the body and also leads to loss in sensitivity, particularly
minimal discomfort to the patient and for minimal tissue in small sensors. In microsensors, in which outward diffusion
damage. It is preferred that the sensor be subcutaneous and of the mediator is radia1,47.48the decline in sensitivity is rapid.
that it be inserted and removed by the patient or by staff in This problem has been overcome in “wired” enzyme electrodes,
a physician’s office. Finally, its response time must be fast i.e., electrodes made by connecting enzymes to electrodes
enough so that the corrective measures, when needed, will be through cross-linked electron-conducting redox hydrogels
timely. Glucose oxidase has been wired with
In response to some of these needs, needle polyelectrolytes having electron relaying [Os(bpy)2C1]+/2+
typel.2A6.8.11-13,16,19,22,23,25-27,29-32and other subcutaneous am-
redox centers in their backbones. Hydrogels were formed
perometric sensors were considered. The majority of these upon cross-linking the enzyme and its wire on electrodes. These
utilized platinum, platinum-iridium, or platinum black to electrodes had high current densities and operated at a potential
electrooxidize H202 generated by the glucose oxidase (GOx) of 0.3 V vs SCE.17*50The electrooxidizable interferants were
catalyzed reaction of glucose and oxygen.2,5q6J1-13~16~19~26,27*30 eliminated through peroxidase-catalyzed preoxidation in a
In these sensors, the GOx was usually in large excess and second, nonwired, hydrogen peroxide generating layer on the
immobilized, often by cross-linking with albumin and wired enzyme ele~trode.~5.36
g l ~ t a r a l d e h y d e . ~ ~ To
- ~ ~exclude
? ~ ~ , ~electrooxidizable
~ inter- In this paper, we report on a 0.29-mm recessed gold wire
ferants, membranes of cellulose acetate and sulfonated electrode for subcutaneous in vivo glucose monitoring, ap-
polymers including Nafion were ~sed.~~,~6,33,34 Particular proaching in its performance all of the above listed require-
attention was paid to the exclusion of the most common ments, including in vivo one-point calibration. The electrode
electrooxidizable interferants: ascorbate, urate, and acetami- was constructed by depositing four layers into a recess. The
nophen. Also, to cope with the interferants, two-electrode recess was formed by etching away gold from an insulated
differential measurements were used, one electrode being gold wire. The polymer layers were protected within the recess
sensitive to glucose and electrooxidizable interferants and the against mechanical damage. The recess and its polymer layers
other only to i n t e r f e r a n t ~ .A~ ~strategy for overcoming the also reduced the transport of glucose to the gold contacting
problem of interferants, applied also in this work, involved sensing layer. By limiting the glucose flux, the desired linear
their p r e ~ x i d a t i o n . ~To
~ . ~make
~ the electrodes more bio- response range, spanning the clinically relevant glucose
compatible, hydrophilic polyurethanes,2.6*11.37,38 poly(viny1 concentration range, was obtained. The sensor had no
a l ~ o h o l ) and
, ~ ~ o ~ ~ H Emembranes M A ~ ~have been used.
Several researchers tested GOx-based glucose sensors in
vivo and obtained acceptable results in rats,4*30,37*42 rabbit~,13?~3
leachable components, and its four cross-linked polymer layers
contained only 5 pg of immobilized material and only a few
nanograms of polymer-bound osmium. Preoxidation of the
d 0 g ~ , 2 , pigs,8-41142
~ + ~ ~ , ~sheep,6and h u m a n ~ . l ~These
, ~ ~ studies
>~ interferants in one of the four layers made possible one-point
validated the subcutaneous tissue as an acceptable glucose- in vivo calibration of the sensor.
(29) Wang, J.; Angnes, L. Anal. Chem. 1992,64, 456-459.
(30) Koudelka, M.; Rohner, J. F.; Terrettaz, J.; Bobbioni, H . E.; Rooij de, N . F.;
Jeanrenaud, B. Biosens. Bioelectron. 1991, 6, 31-36. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
(31) Velho, G.; Froguel, P.; Sternberg, R.; Thevenot, D. R.; Reach, G . Diabetes Materials. The electrodes were made of a polyimide-
1989, 38, 164-171.
(32) Pishko, M. V.; Katakis, I.; Lindquist, S.-E.; Heller, A. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crysr. insulated 250-pm-diameter gold wire, 290-pm outer diameter
1990, 190, 221-249. (0.d.) (California Fine Wire Co., Grover City, CA). Heat-
(33) Shiono, S.;Hanazato, Y.; Nakako, M. Anal. Sei. 1986, 2, 517-521.
(34) Gorton, L.; Karan, H. I.; Hale, P. D.; Inagaki, T.; Okamoto, Y.; Skotheim, shrinkable tubing (RNF 100 3/64 in. BK and ‘ / I 6 in. BK,
T.A. Anal. Chim. Acta 1990, 28, 23-30. Thermofit, Raychem, Menlo Park, CA) and a two-component
(35) Maidan, R.; Heller, A. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 2889-2896.
(36) Maidan, R.; Heller, A. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1991, 113, 9003-9004.
(37) Koudelka, M.; Rohner, J. F.; Terrettaz, J.; Bobbioni, H. E.; Rooij de, N . F.; (44) Shichiri, M.; Asakawa, N.; Yamasaki, Y.; Kawamori, R.; Abe, H. Diabetes
Jeanrenaud, B. Biomed. Biochim. Acta 1989.48.953-956. Care 1986, 9, 298-301.
(38) Velho, G.; Froguel, P.; Thevenot, D. R.; Reach, G. Biomed. Biochim. Acta (45) Kerner, W.; Zier. H.; Steinbach, G.; Briickel, J.; Pfeiffer, E. F.; Wiess, T.;
1989, 48, 951-964. Camman, K.; Plack, H. In Implantable Glucose Sensot-The State of the
(39) Rebrin, K.; Fischer, U.; Woedtke, T.; Abel, P.; Brunstein, E. Diabetologia Art; Pfeiffer, E. M., Raven, G. M., Eds.; Supplement Serics/Hormone and
1989, 32, 573-576. Metabolic Rcaearch; (Reiscnsburg, 1987) Thieme Medical Publishers Inc.:
(40) Fischer, U.; Ertle, R.; Abel, P.; Rebrin, K.; Brunstein, E.; Dorschevon, H. H.; New York, 1988; pp 8-13.
Freyse. E. J. Diabetologia 1987, 30, 940-945. (46) Moscone, D.; Pasini, M.; Mascini, M. Talanta 1992, 39, 1039-1044.
(41) A h , T.; Lau, Y. Y.; Ewing, A. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991,113,7421-7423. (47) Aoki, K. Electroanalysis 1993, 5, 627639.
(42) Claremont. D. J.; Pickup, J. C.; Sambrook, I. E. Life Support Sysr. 1986, (48) Fleischmann, M.; Pons, S.;Rolison, D. R.;Schmidt, P. P. Ultramicroelectrodes;
369-370. Publishers Press: Morganton, NC, 1987.
(43) Ito, K.; Ikcda, S.;Asai, K.; Naruse, H.; Ohkura, K.; Ichihashi, H.; Kamei, H.; (49) Heller, A. J . Phys. Chem. 1992, 96, 3579-3587.
Kondo, T. ACS Symp. Ser. 1986, 309, 373-382. (50) Ohara, T.; Rajagopalan, R.; Heller, A. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 24-29.

3132 AnalyticalChemistry, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994

silver epoxy (Epo-tek H20E; Epoxy Tech. Inc., Billerica, MA)
were used for electrode preparation.
The glucose-sensing layer was made by cross-linking a
genetically engineered glucose oxidase (rGOx) (35% purity,
Chiron Corp., Emeryville, CA) with a polymer derived of
poly(vinylimidazo1e) (PVI), made by complexing part of the
imidazoles to [O~(bpy)2Cl]+/~+. The resulting redox polymer,
termed PVI-Os, was synthesized according to a previously
published protocol.50 Poly(ethy1ene glycol) diglycidyl ether
400 (PEGDGE; Polysciences, Warrington, PA) was used as
the cross-linker.
The barrier layer between the sensing and interference-
eliminating layers was made of poly(ally1amine) (PAL;
Polysciences) cross-linked with a polyfunctional aziridine
(PAZ) (XAMA-7; Virginia Chemicals, Portsmouth, VA).
The interference-eliminating layer was prepared by co-
immobilizing horseradishperoxidase (HRP) type VI (Catalog
no. P-8375,3 10 units/mg, denoted herein as HRP-VI; Sigma, I
Poly imide
St. Louis, MO) and HRP for immunological assay (No.
8 14407, minimum 1000 units/mg, denoted HRP-BM; Boeh- 1. Sensing Layer
ringer-Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) with lactate oxidase from 2. Insulating Layer
Pediococcus sp. (Catalog No. 1361, 40 units/mg, denoted 3. Interference Eliminating Layer
LOX; Genzyme, Cambridge, MA) and a recombinant mi- 4. Biocompatibie Layer
crobial source (Catalog No. 138l denoted rLOx, Genzyme). Flgure 1. (A) Photomicrograph of a recessed, uncoated electrode,
Coimmobilization was performed using sodium periodate lying flat on a surface. Use of a light microscope afforded a view
(Catalog No. S-1147, Sigma).35 through the polyimide insulation but not through the gold wire. (B)
Schematic drawing of the glucose sensor.
The biocompatible layer was made of 10% aqueous poly-
(ethylene oxide) tetraacrylate (PEO-TA). To form the photo-
cross-linkable polymer, PEO was acrylated by reaction with were pulled with a micropipet puller (Narishige). Tempera-
acryloyl chloride. The 18 500 g/mol PEO (Polysciences) is ture was controlled with an isothermal circulator (Fisher
a tetrahydroxylated compound by virtue of two hydroxyl Scientific).
groups on a bisphenol A bisepoxide that linked two a, Electrode Preparation. Lengths (5 cm) of polyimide-
o-hydroxy-terminated 9000 g/mol PEO units. Acryloyl insulated gold wire were cut with a sharp razor blade.
chloride (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI) in a 2-5 M excess was Electrical contact was made at one end with silver epoxy to
used to acrylate the polymer (10% w/v PEO in benzene). an insulated stainless steel wire, and the junction was covered
Triethylamine (Mallinkrodt, Paris, KY) was used as a proton with insulating heat-shrinkable tubing. The recess-forming
acceptor equimolar with the acryloyl chloride.51 electrochemical etching process was carried out in 10 mL of
Other chemicals used were ascorbic acid, uric acid, 3 M potassium cyanide, with the gold wire as the working
4-acetaminophenol,L-(+)-lactic acid, and hydrogen peroxide electrode and a platinum or gold wire as the counter electrode.
(30%), all from Sigma. All chemicals were used as received. The wires were placed in contact with the bottom of the beaker,
Solutions(if not otherwisespecified) were made with distilled, all electrodes being equidistant from the counter electrode.
deionized water. Glucose monitoring was performed in buffer, The beaker was sonicated during the etching procedure. The
in bovine serum (Sigma, Catalog No. S-6648) containing ends of the Au wires were bent upward, so that agitation by
antibiotic-antimycotic solution (Sigma, Catalog No. A-8909) the sonicator caused the oxygen bubbles formed during the
at 37 "C, and in rats. etching process to rise and escape. The electrodes were then
Instrumentation. In making the recessed gold electrodes, thoroughly washed and immersed in water for 30 min. The
a potentiostat-galvanostat (PAR Model 173, Princeton recession procedure is highly reproducible; a deviation off 10
Applied Research, Princeton,NJ), operated in a galvanostatic pm was found (using an objective micrometer) for a batch of
mode, and a sonicator (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) were 30 recessed electrodes. Before coating, the electrodes were
used. Cyclic voltammograms were recorded with a poten- examined under a microscope for flatness of the gold surface
tiostat (PAR Model 273A) and a conventional electrochemical and correct depth. Figure 1A shows a side view of a recessed,
cell having a Pt wire counter and a SCE reference electrode uncoated electrode. The recessed gold surfaces were coated
and were evaluated with PAR 270 software. Glucose signals by filling of the cavities with aqueous solutions containing the
were monitored with a bipotentiostat (Biometra, EP 30, cross-linkable components of the different layers, and their
Gothingen, Germany) and a two channel strip-chart recorder cross-linkers. The solutions were introduced under a micro-
(Kipp & Zonen, Bohemia, NY). The recessed electrodes were scope with a micropipet (connected to a microsyringe by
coated under a microscope (Bausch & Lomb) using a polyethylene tubing and shrink tubing), using a microman-
micromanipulator (Narishige,Seacliff, NY). The micropipets ipulator. After application of each of the individual layers,
(51) Pathak, C. P.; Sawhney, A. S.;Hubbell, J. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993,115, the electrodes were cured overnight at room temperature in
83 11-83 12. air.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994 3133

Electrode Structure. The electrodes were prepared by mg/kg rat wt). An i.p. injection of atropine sulfate (166 mg/
sequentially depositing four layers: the sensing layer (l), the kg rat wt) was then administered to suppress respiratory
insulating layer (2), the interference-eliminating layer (3), depression. Once the rat was anaesthetized, a portion of the
and the biocompatible layer (4). Figure 1B is a schematic rat’s abdomen was shaved and coated with a conductive gel,
drawing of the sensor. The thin polymer layers were well and an Ag/AgCl surface skin reference electrode was attached.
protected by containment within the polyimide sleeve. Sensors were then implanted subcutaneously, using a 22-gauge
The sensing layer was made by “wiring” rGOx to the gold Per-Q-Cath Introducer (Gesco International, San Antonio,
electrode through a redox hydrogel to which the enzyme was TX), on the rat’s thorax or subcutaneously in the intrascapular
covalently bound. The electrodes were prepared as follows: area through a small surgical incision. The sensors were taped
10 mg/mL solutions were made from (1) the PVI-Os redox to the skin to avoid sensor movement. The sensors, along
polymer in water, (2) the cross-linker, PEGDGE, in water, with the reference electrode, were connected to an in-house-
and (3) the enzyme, rGOx, in a 10 mM HEPES solution built bipotentiostat. The operating potential of the sensors
adjusted topH8.15. Theredox hydrogelwas formed bymixing was 0.3 V vs Ag/AgCl, with the Ag/AgCl electrode serving
the three solutions so that the final composition (by weight) as both the reference and counter electrodes. Sensor readings
was 52% redox polymer, 35% enzyme, and 13% cross-linker. were collected using a data logger (Rustrak Ranger, East
The insulating layer prevented electrical contact between Greenwich, RI) and at the end of the experiment were
the redox hydrogel and the interference-eliminating enzymes transferred to a computer. During the experiment, the rat’s
(HRP and LOX). PAL-PAZ was used as the insulating body temperature was maintained at 37 OC by a homeostatic
material. The film was deposited from a solution obtained by blanket. The sensors were allowed to reach a basal signal
mixinginvolumeratioof 1:1, 1:2,or 1:3,aPALsolution (4.5 level for at least 1 h before blood sampling was started. Blood
mg in 100 mM HEPES buffer at pH 7.0) and a freshly samples were obtained from the tail vein, and all blood samples
prepared PAZ solution (30 mg/mL). The PAZ solution was were analyzed by use of a glucose analyzer (YSI, Inc., Yellow
used within 15 min of preparation. Springs, OH; Model 23A). Approximately 30 min after the
The interference-eliminating layer was prepared according start of blood sampling, a i.p. glucose infusion was started
to a previously published protocol.3s A 50-pl aliquot of a 12 using a syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus, South Natick,
mg/mL freshly prepared sodium periodate solution was added
to 100 pl of a solution containing 20 mg/mL H R P (HRP-VI
or HRP-BM) and 100 mg/mL LOX (LOX or rLOx) in 0.1
MA) at a rate of 120 mg of glucose min-I (kg of rat wt)-I.
The glucose infusion was maintained for 1 h. At the end
of the experiment, the rat was euthanized by sodium pento-
M sodium bicarbonate, and the mixture was incubated in the barbital injection i.p. or asphyxiation by C02, consistent with
dark for 2 h. Alternatively, the oxidation of H R P was carried the recommendations of the American Veterinary Association.
out prior to adding LOX and cross-linking. All animal experimentation was approved by the University
The biocompatible layer films were photo-cross-linked by of Texas Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee.
exposure to UV light (UVP, Inc., San Gabriel, CA; Blak-
Ray; spectral peak at 360 nm, UV irradiance at the sample
200 mW/cm2) for 1 min. The initiator used was 2,2-
dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (Aldrich). A solution of Structure of the Sensor. The Recessed Electrode. The
300 mg/mL of the initiator in 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone (Al- recess, i.e., channel, in the polyimide-insulated wire was formed
drich) was added to the prepolymer mixtures. Approximately by electrochemical etching of the gold under galvanostatic
30 pL of the initiator solution was added per milliliter of 10% control. By controlling the charge, the total amount of gold
(w/w) aqueous solution of the tetraacrylated PEO. The electrooxidized and dissolved as Au(CN)2- was defined. When
prepolymers were cross-linked in situ inside the recess of the the conditions were set so that the CN- transport into the
electrode. The films were prepared by filling the recess with channel and the Au(CN)2- transport out of it were not rate
the prepolymer solution twice and exposing the electrode to limiting, a flat gold wire surface was produced at the bottom
the UV light source after each time the cavity was filled. of channels with aspect ratios of 0.5-2.0. Thus, when the
In vitro experiments were carried out in batch fashion at CN- concentration was high enough and the wires were
25 and 37 OC, using a conventional three-electrode electro- ultrasonically vibrated, the tips of gold wires were flat. Passage
chemical cell with the enzyme-modified gold wire as the of 1.5 C/electrode at 8 mA current/electrode produced 125-
working electrode, a platinum wire as the counter electrode pm-deep cavities. At theoretical efficiency for one-electron
and a saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE). The oxidation, 3.08 mg of gold would have been etched. The
electrolyte was a 20 mM phosphate-buffered saline solution amount of gold actually etched was only 0.076 mg, showing
containing 0.15 M NaCl at pH 7.15. Experiments in serum significant CN- or water oxidation. Nevertheless, the process
were performed at 37 O C , adding 100 pL antibiotic- was reproducible, accurate, and fast, with 20 electrodes being
antimycotic solution to 10 mL of serum. Phosphate-buffered processed in each batch in less than 5 min.
saline and serum were agitated during the experiments. The Structure and Performance. The depth of the channel
working potential was +0.3 V vs SCE for experiments with and the thickness of the polymer layers in it controlled the
the PVI-Os polymers. mass transport of glucose to the sensing layer. By controlling
In vivo experiments (6-10 h) were carried out in 300-g these parameters, the apparent K,,,was adjusted to -20 mM
male SpragueDawley rats. The rats were fasted overnight glucose. The polyimide wall of the channel also protected the
and prior to the experiment were anaesthetized with an four polymer and polymer-znzyme layers against mechanical
intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of sodium pentobarbital (65 damage and reduced the hazard of their loss in the body.

3134 AnalWalChemisby, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994

‘00 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 160 , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , ,

i 150 -


80 130 -
120 -
70 110 -
- 60 / h

100 -

F 50 - P

70 -
60 -
50 -
40 -

‘ 1 ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 5 1 0 15 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 40 45 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 70 75 80 8 5 0 5 1 0 15 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 40 45 50 5 5 60 6 5 70 75 80 8 5
Glucose Conc. (mM) Glucose Conc. (mM)
Figure 2. Dependence of the sensitivity on the Os loading of the wire: Figure 3. Dependenceof the sensitivity on the recess depth: (0)125-
(V)PVI,-Os and (V)PV15-Os. and (0)250-pmdeep electrodes modified with the same amount of
sensing layer; E = +0.3 V vs SCE; 20 mM phosphate buffer containing
0.15 M NaCi at pH 7.15 and 25 OC.
Because the glucose electrooxidation current was limited by 140 I I I I

glucose mass transport through the recess and its polymer

films, rather than by mass transport to the tissue-exposed tip,
the current was practically insensitive to motion. Evidently,
the electrooxidation rate of glucose in the recessed sensing
layer was slower than the rate of glucose diffusion to the 100

channel’s outer fluid contacting interface.

PVI5-Os was chosen as the wire of the sensing layer. The -
0 80
subscript 5 is used to indicate that, on the average, every fifth :
vinylimidazole mer carried an electron-relaying osmium 0
center.50 The results for PVI5-Os and for PVI3-Os (every > 60

third vinylimidazole mer carrying an osmium center) are

compared in Figure 2, showing higher current density of 40

glucose electrooxidation on electrodes made with PVIs-Os

than on those made with PVI3-Os. 20
Depth of the Recess and the Sensing Layer. Channels of
125- and 250-pm depth were investigated to assess the
1 I I 1 1 I
dependence of the current on the depth of the recess (Figure 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 18 20
3), with the total amount of PVIs-Os and rGOx being kept Sensing Layer Thickness (p”
constant. Much of the loss in current in the deeper cavities Figure 4. Dependence of the normalized current on the thickness of
resulted not from reduced glucose mass transport but from the sensing layer: 20 mM phosphate buffer containing 0.15 M NaCi
adsorptive retention of part of the enzyme and polymer on the at pH 7.15 and 37 OC; E = +0.3 V vs SCE. Q Is the number of
coulombs of Os redox centers in the layer.
polyimide wall when microdrops of the component solutions
were introduced into the recess in the process of making the used. The best results were obtained using 1:2 PAL-PAZ
electrodes. Through repeated rinsing with water, some of the (Figure 5 ) , with three coatings applied to form a -7-pm-
adsorbed polymer and enzyme on the walls were washed onto thick cross-linked film.
the electrode surface, increasing the current. The highest The Interference- Eliminating Layer. The interferants,
currents were seen after five washings. When the thickness particularly ascorbate, urate, and acetaminophenol, were
of the sensing layer was increased through increasing the oxidized in the third layer, containing LOXand HRP. In this
number of coatings (Figure 4), the current reached a maximum layer, lactate, the typical concentration of which in blood is

and then dropped. For the preferred 125-pm recess, 10
coatings, producing a 13-pm-thick wired-rGOx sensing
layer, yielded sensors that had the desired characteristics for
1 mM, reacted with 0 2 to form HzOz and pyruvate. H202,
in the presence of HRP, oxidizes ascorbate, urate, and
acetaminophenol, being reduced to ~ a t e r . The
~ ~ preferred
, ~ ~
in vivo use. coimmobilization process involved two separate steps: pe-
The Insulating Layer. This layer electrically insulated riodate oxidation of oligosaccharide functions of HRP to
the redox enzymes of the interference-eliminating layer (HRP aldehydes, followed by mixing with LOX and formation of
and LOX) from the wired rGOx layer. PAL cross-linking multiple Schiff bases between HRP aldehydes and LOXamines
with PAZ, forming a polycationic network at pH 7.0, was (e.g., lysines) and between H R P aldehydes and amines. The

AnalyticalChemistty, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994 3135

l o9 o0 -I Table 1. Sensoor Characterlrtks'

i(nA) j(pA/cm*)
EH LB tr(s)
33.9 69.1 18.5 33.4 30-90 5.0

i is the current measured at 37 OC and at 10 mM glucoseconcentration;

j i s thecurrentdensitymeasuredat 37 'Cat 10mMglucoseconcentration;
60 Kmapp is the apparent Michaelis-Menten coefficient determined from an
electrochemical Eadie-Hoffstee (EH) or a Lineweaver-Burk (LB) plot;
1, is the 10-902 rise time, 90 s for 2 mM and 30 s for 20 mM glucose
Z 50 concentration; current variance is the maximum deviation from the mean
e value measured during the 72-h test conducted in 10 mM glucose in the
40 presence of interferants. The current was monitored continuously at 37

Stability and Other Characteristics. In order to improve

i the stability, the more thermostable rGOx rather than GOx49
was used and glucose transport was reduced to make the sensor
01 I 1 , I current diffusion, not enzyme turnover, limited. The glucose
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time ( h )
flux was attenuated by the three outer layers and the sensing
layer itself. Because the sensing layer had a large excess of
Figure 5. Stability of the sensitivity of electrodes varying in sensing
layer thickness and Insulating layer composition and thickness. (0) glucose oxidase, its activity greatly exceeding that needed for
5-pm PV15-Os, 4-pm PAL PAZ (ratio 1:l): (0)7.5-pm PVIs-Os, electrooxidizing the attenuated glucose flux, the sensor's
4-pm PAL PA2 (ratio 1:l): (V)7.5-pm PV15-Os, 4.5-pm PAL PA2 + stability was improved.
(ratio 1:2):and (V)12.5-pm PV15-Os, 7-pm PAL PA2 (ratio 1:2): + The stabilitywas tested in the presence of 0.1 mM ascorbate
20 mM phosphate buffer containing 0.15 M NaCl at pH 7.15, 37 OC,
10 mM glucose; +0.3 V vs SCE. in 10 mM glucose at 37 OC. The current output of a typical
optimized electrode was 35 nA and the apparent K m , derived

from an Eadie-Hofstee plot, was 20 mM (Table 1). The
10-90% response time was 1 min. As expected, and as can
be seen in Figure 5, with thinner films the glucose mass
transport increased, Le., the current was higher, while for
thicker films the stability improved. Because of the high
sensitivity of thin sensing film (- 1 pm) electrodes (>10-*A
cm-* M-l), a 1 order of magnitude decrease in sensitivity
could be traded for stability, while the currents remained high
enough to be easily measured. As seen in Figure 5, the
sensitivity of the stabilized sensors did not change by more
than f5% for 72 h of operation at 37 OC. After a small initial
decrease in sensitivity, it increased to a maximum after 40 h,
and the final 72-h sensitivity was almost identical with the
initial. There was no measurable difference in the apparent
stability of the sensitivity of continuously operated and resting
Flgure 6. Interferenceelimination by the glucose sensor: A indicates
the injections of ascorbate, producing a 0.1 mM concentration: L electrodes measured at 6-h intervals.
indicates inlections of lactic acki; 0, indicates glucose injections; 20 The characteristics of the electrodes are summarized in
mM phosphate buffer containing 0.15 M NaCi at pH 7.15, 37 OC; E Table 1. Each entry represents an average value for five
= +0.3VvsSCE. Toaccommodateallthedata,thescale waschanged
between the first and second glucose Injection. electrodes. The baseline currents were typically <0.5 nA and
the noise <10 PA. The currents observed throughout the
thickness of the interference eliminating layer was -85 pm. physiological glucose concentration range (2-20 mM) ex-
The layer was made by applying six successivecoatings. Figure ceeded the noise equivalent current by at least a factor of 100.
6 shows that electrooxidizable interferants were eliminated in The apparent Km was 20 mM, and the 10-90% response time
the presence of lactate at physiological levels. LOX slowly was, for aged electrodes, -90 s at the lowest physiologically
lost its activity in the cross-linked HRP-LOX layer. This led relevant glucose concentration (2 mM) and 30 s a t the highest
to degradation of the ability of the layer to eliminate (20 mM). The baseline of nil at 0 mM glucose was stable for
interferants. After 36 h of operation at 37 O C , a measurable 36 h in the presence of 0.1 mM ascorbate. The stability
current increment was noted when enough ascorbate was added observed and the existence of a valid zero point in the presence
to produce a 0.1 mM concentration. of interferants suggested that the sensor could be used in vivo
The Biocompatible Layer. The biocompatible layer for 72 h and be tested/recalibrated in vivo through a single-
consisted of photo-cross-linked tetraacrylated 18 500-Da poly- point calibration, Le., by withdrawing only a single sample of
(ethylene oxide).51 The thickness of this layer, made by
sequential photo-cross-linking of two coatings, was 20 pm.
The 1-min UV exposure required for the photo-cross-linking
- blood for independent analysis.
In Vivo Experimentation. The objective of this experiment
was to establish the validity of a one-point in vivo calibration.
process reduced the sensitivity by 16 f 2%. Two sensors were simultaneously implanted subcutaneously

3136 AnalyticalChemistty, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994

1 ysI
stop 1350

25 I I300


5 I I I I 4 I 1 Io
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50
Time (min.)

Flgure 7. Current output of two subcutaneously Implanted sensors, 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
tracking the blood glucose levels before, during, and after an
intraperitonealInfusion of glucose In a rat. The glucose concentrations Reference Glucose(mg/dl)
in blood samples from the tail vein of the rat were measured with a Flgure 8. Clark-type clinical error grkl analysis for the two subcutane-
YSI analyzer. The circles (0)represent the blood glucose levels ously implantedelectrodes calibrated In VIVOusingan arbitrarilychosen
measured on the withdrawn samples, line A shows the output of the point (0)electrode implantedsubcutaneously in the lntrascapulararea
electrode implantedsubcutaneouslyin the chest, and line B represents and (0)electrode Implanted subcutaneously in the chest. Readings In
the output of the electrodeImplantedsubcutaneouslyinthe intrascapular zone A are clinically accurate, those in zone B are considered clinically
area of the rat. correct.

in a rat: oneon the thorax and the second between the scapulas.
To make the difference between the blood sampled and the 350
' A
subcutaneous fluid probed with the sensors as extreme as E c .
possible, i.e., to probe whether the one-point calibration holds
even if the organs sampled are different and the sampling
sites are remote, blood was withdrawn from the tailvein. Blood
glucose levels were periodically measured in withdrawn
samples, while the absolute uncorrected sensor current output
was continuously monitored. The results are shown in Figure
7. As seen in Figure 7, at 410 min the current of this electrode
dropped precipitously. Such a drop was observed in other
subcutaneously implanted electrodes between 400 and 600
min, but was never observed in electrodes operated in buffer
at 37 OC. When the failed electrodes were withdrawn and
retested in buffer, most of their original sensitivity was found L
:' A 0%
to be intact. The cause for this sudden and reversible 0%
6 I 1 I
deactivation is under study. By use of an arbitrarily chosen
point to calculate a calibration curve for each electrode, Le.,
one blood glucose level determination and one current
measurement to establish the scales, all the data from Figure
7 were plotted in a Clarke-types2 clinical grid (Figure 8),
without further correction. In this analysis, points falling in
region A of the grid are considered clinically accurate, while deactivation of the lactate oxidase, resulting in loss of
those in region B are considered clinically correct. Points interference elimination, one-point calibration should be
falling in region C are not correct, but would not lead to practical. After such calibration, the readings of the sub-
improper treatment. Points in regions D or E are incorrect, cutaneous sensors will provide, without any correction,
and if treatment would rely on these, it would be improper. clinically useful estimates of blood glucose levels.
All of the points, from both electrodes, are in regions A and Figure 9 shows the distribution of all possible correlations
B, with 43 of the 48 points being in region A. The three points obtained when each of the 24 glucose analyses was used for
in region B near 100 mg/dL glucose, for the electrode single-point calibration of either implanted electrode. There
implanted between the scapulas, were the last three points of are 2 X 24 X 24 = 1152 points in the distribution. Of these,
theexperiment, at -410 min. Notwithstanding theunknown 78% are in region A, 15% are in region B, 1% are in region
failure mode at 400-600 min and failure after 36 h by C, 6% are in region D, and no points are in region E. In
(52) Clarke, W. L.; Cox, D.; Gonder-Frederick, L. A,; Carter, W.; Pohl, S. L.
Figure 10, we test for the improvement of the single-point
Diabetes Care 1987, 5, 622427. calibration through use of redundant electrodes. First, the

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994 3137

built. Their construction involved coating of a 250-pm-
diameter gold wire, in a 125-pm-deep polyimide-walled recess
formed by etching the gold, with four layers: an immobilized
wired genetically engineered glucose oxidase layer; an electri-
cally insulating layer formed by cross-linking of poly-
' (allylamine) with a polyaziridine; an interference-eliminating

..i .! //i layer of cross-linked horseradish peroxidase and lactate

oxidase; a biocompatible film of poly(ethy1ene oxide), de-

i rivatized to allow its photo-cross-linking.

The electrodes had no leachable components. The total

amount of polymers and enzymes was -5 pg. The glucose
response through the physiologically relevant 2-20 mM
1% concentration range was close to linear. The electrodes did
not respond to ascorbate, urate, or acetaminophen01 for 36 h.
Their 10-90% response time was 90 s at 2 mM glucose and
C 30 s at 20 mM glucose. Their sensitivity, after 30-min
A 0%
equilibration, was stable for 72 h at 37 OC in 10 mM glucose,
, . I

0 .'
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 the current deviating from the average by less than f5%. Two
Reference Glucoae(mg/dl) electrodes implanted subcutaneously in a rat tracked the blood
Flguro 10. Distribution of 242 glucose concentrations, based on 11 glucose levels, and their absolute, uncorrected current output
single-point calibrations for each sensor, for redundant implanted was proportional to the blood glucose concentration. Analysis
sensors. I f the difference in the readlngsof the two sensors (electrode
A readlng minus corrected electrode B reading) was greater than the
of the correlation between the blood glucose levels in the tail
standard deviation for all of the differences, the data were rejected vein and the current output of the sensors in the subcutaneous
both as possible one-point calibrations and as data points. regions of the thorax and between the scapulas of the same
rat showed that even when the probed sites and organs differed
readings of electrode A were normalized with respect to those
in the extreme, one-point in vivo calibration was valid. The
of electrode B by multiplying each reading by the average
analysis also showed thevalue of implanting redundant sensors.
output of electrode B divided by the average output of electrode
Had clinical decisions been made based on individual sensor
A. Next, the standard deviation was calculated for the
readings, calibrated at one point, 94% would have been
differences between the 24 sets of readings of implanted
clinically correct. By using redundant sensors and accepting
electrode B and corrected readings of implanted electrode A.
only those pairs of readings that were within one standard
Then, all those sets of readings that differed by more than the
deviation, the percentage of the clinically correct decisions
standard deviation were rejected. The number of sets was
was increased to 99%.
reduced thereby from 24 to 11; 82% of the points were in
region A, 17% in region B, 1% in region D, and no points in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
regions C and E. The distribution demonstrates that the The National Institutes of Health (DK42015) is acknowl-
sensors can be calibrated through a single independent edged for supporting this work. The Royal Swedish Academy
measurement of the glucose concentration in a withdrawn of Sciences/Per-Eric Lindahl Foundation is acknowledged
blood sample. They also demonstrate the improvement in by E.C. and the Swedish National Board for Industrial and
clinical accuracy resulting from the use of redundant sub- Technical Development is acknowledged by S.-E. L. for
cutaneous sensors. The selection of those data points that financial help. The Chiron Corp. is acknowledged for its gift
differed by less than the standard deviation for the entire set of the rGOx. The authors thank Dr. Tim Ohara and Mr.
led to a 6-fold reduction in the probability of clinically erring Ravi Rajagopalan for synthesizing the PVI-Os polymer, and
in a decision based on readings of the implanted sensors. Mr. Mark Vreeke for valuable discussions. The authors thank
Finally, the observation that a particularly large number of Mr. Andrew Young for the use of his bipotentiostats for the
readings differed by more than the standard deviation at low in vivo experiments. We also acknowledge Dr. Wolfgang
glucose concentrations shows that the sensors are less accurate Kerner for his assistance in constructing the recessed elec-
at the low glucose levels. trodes.

CONCLUSIONS Received for review January 26, 1994. Accepted June 1, 1994."
Insulated gold wire based 290-pm-0.d. subcutaneous
glucose sensors, allowing one-point calibration in vivo, can be Abstract published in Aduonce ACS Abstracts. August 1, 1994.

3138 Analytical Chemistiy, Vol. 66, No. 19, October 1, 1994

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