Hotel Field Visit

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Hotel at The End of The Universe

Nagarkot it is a best tourism destination and also Hotel at the end of the
universe is located in Nagarkot, near Mahankali Temple. It's is an oldest
restaurant in Nagarkot. Form Nagarkot bus park it was all the way to left side.
Form bus park if we travel from there you can easily go there within 10
minutes. People say that when this hotel built there is no one restaurant to serve
the food and beverage. These hotel actually organize by family and now owner
is Oasis Bhaju who was from Bhaktapur, Sukuldokha, Before 20 years ago
owners father go there for smoking a weed and when he consume weed he saw
the beautiful sine form their and he buy some land and later on he was planning
to organize some like fast food café like that but later on many people go there
for consume food and beverage and his father he build up hotel form 5 small
room and its process going on. This time Mt. Oasis has 20 rooms and 4 tent
houses for selling accommodations and one big restaurant for drinking and
catering propose. Location of this hotel it’s located on the Nagarkot which is the

best tourism place. There is one famous temple which called Mahankali Temple
and this restaurant just below form this temple just 20, 25 steeps. It's located on
the best and peace environment. Such a piece environment and this restaurant
have big garden area where they have good tree and other. And the it was best
sunset view point in Nagarkot.

Location of this hotel

Its located in the Nagarkot which is the best tourism place. There is a famous
temple which called Mahankali Temple and this restaurant just below form
these temples just 20, 25 steeps. It's located on the best and piece environment.
Such a piece environment and this restaurant have big garden area where they
have good tree and other. And the it was best sunset view point in Nagarkot.

Structure of this restaurant

The structure of this restaurant is quite big Once it's served the food for 55 to
60 portions. in the kitchen they have just 4 staff one chef, to general cook and
one dishwasher. Al they are local resident from this place and the chef was
graduate from Indian university and rest of from Nagarkot. Two cooks are not
well educated but they cook the quality food and deliver to the guest overlay it
was good in the restaurant they have one big bar too. And they serve cocktails
and mocktails to their guest. This hotel isn’t a star hotel but it’s served a that
kind of service which we can found in 3-star resort or restaurant.

Organization structure of this restaurant

General manager

Assistant manger



Organization structure of kitchen in this restaurant

Executive chef

Head cook

General cook

Dish washer

Fig: Organizational Chart

Mission and vision of this restaurant

This restaurant mainly focuses for the foreign guess who came from France,
Italy, Holland and some other place. Owner's wife from Holland and she focus
to those guests from her country because she thing that foreign guest was so
easy to serve any kind of facilities compare then local guest.

Some mission

1. They want to seals their product by hygiene ways.

2. They want to seals their product all over name.
3. The place where this hotel is located it was fully on nature so they want
make sure guest enjoying on the nature.
4. They want to build some more restaurant in chain concept.

Some vision

1. They want to make their customer happy

2. Considering their customer.


SWORT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to assess the strengths,

weaknesses opportunities and threats of a person's or organization involved in a
scheme or in a business venture.


 Lower employment costs.

 Deep sales orientation for quick Hotel at the end of the universe.
 Time savvy management
 Quality over quality.
 Competitive prices
 Flexibility


 Ineffective branding
 Inconsistent service
 No clear mission and vision statement.
 High staff turnover.


 Expansion of the hotel.

 Diversification
 Potential to increase market size
 Celebrity endorsement


 Low business activity.

 Limited employment pool
 New entrants
 Competition from international brands.

Types of Menu Serve

This restaurant mainly focuses on continental cuisine. But this restaurant also
serves Nepali cuisine, Indian cuisine, Italian cuisine, Chinese too. Mainly the
market of these hotel are French people so it focuses on continental cuisine.

The following type of menu serves by this restaurant

1. Ala carte menu: referring to food that can be ordered as separate items,
rather than part of a set meal.
2. Table de hote: a restaurant meal offered at a fixed price and with few if
any choices.

Menu design

1. Menu cover page (including details about VAT%, service charge and
other details)
2. Hot drink
3. Breakfast item
4. Snack menu
5. Cold food
6. Main course
7. Salad
8. Dessert
9. Alcoholic beverage
10.Back page

Types of food offering to the guest

 Mainly this restaurant offers continental menu

 They have these kinds of food they are
 Chicken sigler
 Grilled chicken
 Sandwich and Burger, some Indian food and other.

Standard recipe for grilled chicken and accompaniment

Grille chicken Recipe for 4 portions

It is marinated and grilled chicken served with red wine sauce Ingredients Quantity Units Unit Total Remarks

cost Cost
1 Chicken 4 Pcs Breast/leg
2 Mustard 30 gm
3 Rosemary 5 gm
4 Seasoning To taste
5 Olive oil 60 ml
6 Garlic 15 gm
7 Espagnole 200 ml Pepper
Sauce Sauce
8 Red wine 50 gm “
9 Butter 30 gm “
10 Garlic 30 gm “
11 Cream 30 ml “
12 Parsley Garnish

Methods of Preparation

1. At first check the condition of chicken, if frozen starts thawing process to

melt ice and gets order.

2. Take the meat hammer and starts hammering process to lose the tissues
and make tender
3. To marinate chicken, add garlic, mustard powder, salt, pepper,
Worcestershire sauce, rosemary and olive oil.
4. Rest for around 2 hours by keeping in refrigerator at 2-degree Celsius
5. Remove from heat then heat the griller.

S.NO. Ingredients Quantity Units Unit Total Remark

Cost cost
1 Tomato 1 150 Gms
2 Garlic 5 Gm Chopped
3 Olive oil 5 Ml
4 Seasoning To Taste


1. At first wash, remove eyes of tomato and dry it.

2. Grill tomato over grill/griddle.
3. Drizzle olive oil.
4. Add seasoning
5. When side gets golden brown, remove from heat and serve as an

Types of Beverage serve in this restaurant

 They offer different type of hot drink like tea, coffee and other
 Also, they offer cold drink like coke, Pepsi, milkshake and other
 They have bar to serve different type of alcoholic beverage like beer,
wine, whiskeys
About market promotions

They promoting their business by online sources and other sources. By the
online sources they have agoda, expedia, hostel world, trip
adviser, and other side too where people direct reserve restaurant for dining
propose and they have facility to book accommodation by that side too. By the
online source they have more foreign guest from France, Italy, Holland and
many of other country.

They also do have some magazine and some to promote their business. They fix
it on that place where mass of people go there for relaxed and spend their day.
For this activity its help to promote their business and its help to increase their

Food and beverage is a significant issue nowadays. It can cause a complex
difficulty to guest due to the matter arising within the food and beverage. We
would like to resolve those problems so as to prevent from servicing problems.
Here are some recommendation and solution for servicing problems. Solution

and recommendation offer brand-new approach to understanding hospitality that
not only illuminates current systems but prepares reader for whatever comes
next. Its problem-solving approach reveals why modern food and beverage and
protocols are designed as they are, by explaining the issues and protocols or
system must overcome, considering common solution, and showing how those
solutions are implemented in new and mature servicing. Securing your servicing
should be treated with the greatest priority. Knowing that you simply services is
being attacked could be a great advantage that any function a strong tool. If
your hospitality strategy is utilized correctly you must not have a serious
challenge with intruders. Some solution or recommendation are as follows:

 Providing the best hospitality services and pleasing the guests.

 Providing the best food facility with fresh and hygienic food.
 Avoiding the bad issues of the food and beverage.
 Promoting the services of food and beverage within the guests and other
services provider.
 Promoting the hospitality of the work place by the best services to the
 Pleasing the guests by clean and clear accommodation.


In conclusion food and beverage could be a very large area and need a training

which have a high knowledge of pleasing the guest. In a food and
beverage, all we would like is hospitality, accommodation, pleasing the guest,

and providing good services. From the above result we knew that food and
beverage is largely used for hospitality. It also includes new training of in
keeping with today’s era. So, food and beverage mechanism is
incredibly important to know mainly to those that are working around it and
folks that desires to grasp it. Nowadays food and beverage are that
the communication the scope of accommodation and hospitality which has
increased significantly within the past decade, and this progress in servicing
would haven't been possible without the progressively advancing in food and
beverage. Mention above is the explanation of what a food and beverage is and
the types of food and beverage.  Food and beverage is important for our way of
pleasing, so we should always have some knowledge about all the bad that
may happen to guest through the food and beverage and the way to secure guest
from it. Nowadays the food and beverage is getting more and more advanced
because new style of food and beverage is introduced within the market that
may make the hospitality and service easier for administrator similarly as guest.


Interviewing Manager of the hotel

12, E., 2020. Hotel At End Of Universe. [online] Hotel At The
End Of The Universe. Available at: <> [Accessed 12
March 2020].


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