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Пополни го крстозборот според дадените илустрации и зборови во табела.

Напишете ги
збороовите со броевите ако не сакате да го цртате крстозборот.
Пример: 1, volleyball, 2. Computer games .. итн.

ice hockey / skiing / guitar / table tennis / tennis / piano / football /

computer games / violin / swimming

Пополни ги празните места со точен помошен глагол : Do / Does

Ова е Present simple kaде што научивме дека Do е со (I, YOU, WE, THEY)a Does со (She, He,
1. ____________ Jake like volleyball?
2. ____________ your friends go to football matches?
3. ____________ our lessons start at nine o’clock?
4. ____________ Amelia collect badges?
5. ____________ they listen to the radio in the kitchen?
6. ____________ your brother play table tennis?
7. ____________ the dog go to the park with you?
8. ____________ you go to dance class?
9. ____________ your granddad watch sport on TV?
10. ___________ we collect old comics?

Подреди ги зборовите за да добиеш точни прашања.

1. you / Do / the / play / guitar ?

2. dinner / you / When / have / do ?


3. your / mother / play / piano / Does / the?

4. your / What / father / play / sports / does?


Заокружи го точниот збор. И оваа вежба е Present simple внимавај трето лице додаваме
s, doesn’t е затрето лице исто така.

1. He likes / like sport.

2. Victoria collects / collect badges.

3. They plays / play tennis every Saturday.

4. She watches / watchs TV after school.

5. Lucas and Matt doesn’t / don’t go skiing.

6. I doesn’t / don’t get up at 5 o’clock.

7. My brother doesn’t / don’t go swimming with his friends.

8. Erin doesn’t / don’t play the piano.

9. We don’t / doesn’t go to school by bus.

Наставник : Маријана Чагорска

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