Computer Networking

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Introduction to Computer Networking............................................................................................... 2

Advantages of using Computer Network:........................................................................................... 2
Disadvantages of using Computer Network: ...................................................................................... 2
Network Connecting Devices: ............................................................................................................ 3
CURRENT STRUCTURE OF COMPUTER NETWORK .............................................................................. 4
TYPES OF COMPUTER NETWORK: ...................................................................................................... 4
ISSUES: .............................................................................................................................................. 5
COMPUTER NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: ............................................................................................. 5
i. Peer-to-Peer Architecture ...................................................................................................... 5
ii. Client-Server Architecture ...................................................................................................... 6
FLOWCHART...................................................................................................................................... 7
ALGORITHM ...................................................................................................................................... 8
RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................................................................... 8
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 9
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10

Computer Networking

Introduction to Computer Networking

When computer was first introduced in scientific work and business, a medium sized
company or university might have one or few computers, while large institution had at
most few dozen. The merging of computers and communication has had a profound
influence on the way computer system is organized. The old model of a single
computer serving all of the organization’s computational needs has been replaced by
one in which a large number of separate but interconnected computers do the job.
This system is called “Computer Network”.

A Computer Network is defined as two or more computing devices linked together for
the purpose of communicating, sharing information and other hardware resources.
The concept computers sharing resources is called networking. Most networks are
constructed around a cable connection that links the computers. This connection
permits the computers to share through a wire. Several wireless solutions available
now a days are infrared ports, Bluetooth, radio links, Wi-Fi and other protocols allow
a variety of new devices to link with PCs.

Advantages of using Computer Network:

I. Resource Sharing.
II. Centralized control and management
III. Speedy and cost-effective communication
IV. Backup and recovery
V. Flexible access
VI. Workgroup computing

Disadvantages of using Computer Network:

I. Expensive
II. Security Problem
III. Needs special technical knowledge

IV. Networking Failure
V. Complex

Network Connecting Devices:

Some of the devices used in network are as follows:

i. MODEM: The word MODEM stands for Modulator and DEModulator. It is a

device, which translate data from binary codes to analog data that can be
transmitted over the telephone network and translates analog data into binary
ii. Hub: hub is a connectivity device with multiple ports for connecting computer is
a star topology. It accepts data, amplifies them and then broadcasts. Due to
broadcasting, data traffic is increasing. It is also used to split network segments
and propagate signals through it.
iii. Switch: A switch will attempt to select the most direct path needed to send a
data packet to its destination. It is also known as intelligent hub. When switch
receives a data packet, it creates a direct connection between sender and
receiver and forwards the data packet to the destination computer only.
iv. Bridge: Bridge is used to connect two different network segments together. It is
the connecting device between hub. It passes data packets between multiple
network segments that use same communication protocol. A bridge is more
intelligent than hub as it examines the destination address of each packets and
only passes through those that need to get from one segment to the other.
v. Router: Router is used to connect two or more different networks together. Its
main job is to find out the best route that can be used for transmission. Router
manages a routing table, which is used to determine the most efficient routes
to the various network nodes.
vi. Repeater: Repeater is a device that amplifies a signal being transmitted on the
network. It is used to increase the length of the transmission media, in which
data can be transmitted.
vii. Gateway: Gateway enables communication between network using different
network architecture. It acts as a translator between networks using
incompatible transport protocols.

The Network allows computers to connect and communicate with different computers
via any medium. LAN, MAN, WAN are the three major types of the network designed
to operate over the area they cover. There are some similarities and dissimilarities
between them. One of the major differences is the geographical area they cover, i.e.
LAN cover the smallest area; MAN covers an larger area than LAN and WAN
comprises the largest of all.

There are other types of computer networks also like:

i. PAN (Personal Area Network)

ii. SAN (Storage Area Network)
iii. EPN (Enterprise Private Network)
iv. VPN (Virtual Private Network)


I. Local Area Network (LAN): Lan is the interconnection of computer in a limited
geographical area like in single room, rooms within a building, or building on
one site. It is smaller and cheaper than other networks. LAN server consists of
additional software and hardware. A LAN is useful for sharing resources like
files, software programs, printers, disk driver, games and other application
II. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): is extended up to a city or a large
geographical area than LAN. A MAN can connect several LANs. It is used to
connect multiple system or network within a single city.
III. Wide Area Network (WAN): WAN is used to interconnect computers spread to
a larger geographical area like in separate cities or countries. It often connects
multiple smaller networks, such as LAN or MAN. Communications is usually
done through satellite, microwave system or optical fibers.
IV. Personal Area Network (PAN): Personal Area Network is a network arranged
within an individual person, typically, within a range of 10 meters. PAN is a
personal devices network equipped at a limited area. PAN ordinary has such
mobile devices: cell phone, tablet, laptop. That type of network could also be
wirelessly connected to Internet.

The Computer network is the support of an organization responsible for normalizing data
transmission throughout the complete categorized structure. Now a day’s every
organization uses Computer network to maintain a proper flow of data communication.
And These networks are used to share and exchange information which can be a text file,
image file or multimedia file. But when a user faces a problem and due to lack of technical
knowledge must abandon work. Some common network problems and the required
solution to solve the problems are mentioned below:

❖ IP issue: When the two computers are assigned with same IP address by manual
mistake then it will give rise to the connection problem. This can initiate connection
error with the computer of parent network. For solving this problem identify the
concerned computers and assign them unique IP address. For Solving Network
Interface card related issues Beep, the computer and change the faulty setting.
❖ No Network Access: Sometime while working Computer shows “No Network
access” or service not available for your computer with a web server error code
HTTP 504. For the resolution of this problem checks whether all the devices are
properly connected if not then reseat all the connection. In case of Wi-Fi internet
connection, a user access internet connection through radio waves. There are
some unreachable areas also known as Cold Spots at which internet connection is
not available, to eliminate this problem Check the router or hub settings and re-
plan the whole network.
❖ Declination in speed while accessing network resources: You have noticed that the
speed with which you access network resources varies with time. Most of the
people have fallacies that excess data transmission is the reason for speed
declination. This usually happens due to improper network planning which leads to
sluggish data transmission. Re-plan the network properly and allocates resources
according to the need. It is always advised to zip up large files this will reduce the
burden on the network.
❖ Regular Network connection failure: In case of wired connection due to some faulty
connection or physically damaged can cause regular drops network connection.
For resolving this problem examine the network cables if there is any cut then
replace it. In case of wireless network identify the cold spot and faulty router
settings, and then correct them. It is very difficult to troubleshoot the problem in
wireless network, but some sensible decision can eliminate your problem.


On the basis of computer architecture, computer network can be classified into:

i. Peer-to-Peer Architecture: In peer-to-peer architecture, all computer has authority to

access data and therefore are known as peers. Each computer function as both client
and a server. There is no any dedicated server. Peer-to-Peer network is also called
workgroup, which refers to small group of individual computers, who work together.
The network architecture is a good choice for environment where there are few
computers and users, security is not an issue, and centralized control is not needed.


a) It is simple and easier to set up

b) The peer to peer network is less expensive.
c) If computer fail to operate, it will not affect others.
a) Data security is poor.
b) Data recovery and backup process is difficult.
c) Administration of the network is difficult without dedicated server.

ii. Client-Server Architecture: it contains at least one dedicated server and client
computers. Server provides to clients and client always receives services from the
server. Server provide service like data, webpage, email, SMS, file print etc. Client-
server network has become the standard model for networking. As network increase
in size and traffic, more than one server is needed. Spreading the task among several
servers ensure that each task will be performed in the most efficient possible manner.
a) Centralized administration is possible through the network.
b) High security can be provided by using appropriate server.
c) Data recovery and backup process is easier.
a) It is expensive due to use of dedicated server.
b) It is complex to establish and manage.
c) If the server fails, it will affect the network.


Fig: Flowchart to develop Network.

Step 1: Initial investigation
Step 2: Requirements Generation
Step 3: Design
Step 4: Development
Step 5: test and Deploy
Step 6: Implementation
Step 7: Maintenance

computer network is a significant issue nowadays. It can cause a complex difficulty to
us due to the matter arising within the computer network. We would like to resolve
those problems so as to prevent from networking problems. Here are some
recommendation and solution for networking problems. Solution and recommendation
offer brand-new approach to understanding networking that not only illuminates
current systems but prepares reader for whatever comes next. Its problem-solving
approach reveals why modern computer network and protocols are designed as they
are, by explaining the issues and protocols or system must overcome, considering
common solution, and showing how those solutions are implemented in new and
mature. Securing your network should be treated with the greatest priority. Knowing
that you simply network is being attacked could be a great advantage that ay function
a strong tool. If your network security strategy is utilized correctly you must not have
a serious challenge with intruders. Some solution or recommendation are as follows:

❖ Network Operating System Installation and Maintenance

❖ Maintenance and Installation of e-mail Services, Integrated Data Transfer, and
Seamless Linking to the Internet
❖ Review/Design and Implementation of Data Backup and Recovery Procedures
❖ Remote Networking Capabilities Implemented with Secure Connections
❖ Installations of Shared Resources (e.g. Printers)
❖ Disaster Recovery Planning
❖ Wireless Network Installation
❖ Remote LAN Maintenance for Minimized Downtime

❖ Website Management and Internet Integration into Business Functions for
State-of-the-Art Process Streamlining

In conclusion computer network could be a very large area and need a network which
have a high speed of transmission and really less while computing. In a very computer
network, all we would like is security, speed, accuracy and adequacy. From the above
result we knew that computer network is largely used for data sharing. It also includes
new development in keeping with today’s era. So, computer network mechanism is
incredibly important to know mainly to those that are working around it and folks that
desires to grasp it. Nowadays computer network is that the communication the scope
of communication has increased significantly within the past decade, and this
progress in communication would haven't been possible without the progressively
advancing in computer network. Mention above is the explanation of what a computer
network is and the types of computer network. Computer network is important for
our way of life, so we should always have some knowledge about all the bad that
may happen to us through the computer network and the way to secure us from it.
Nowadays the computer network is getting more and more advanced because
new style of computer network is introduced within the market that may make the
networking easier for administrator similarly as user.


Computer network definition, archived from the original on 2012-01-, retrieved 2011-
11-12. 2020. Computer Network. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 11 March 2020].

History, C. and hope, C., 2020. Computer Networking History. [online] Available at:

Shrestha, P., Manandhar, s., Rpkka, P., Bhusal, R. and Khanal, R., 2015. Computer
Essential. 3rd ed. Kathmandu, Nepal: Asmita Publication.


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