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Volume 12 Issue 01

JPM Newswire
I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

We are serving him by serving them! ”His mercy endures forever” Psalm 106:1

Tis the season to be Jolly!

♦ Yes, Tis the season to be Jolly! But many people would
prefer that the season would go away for many have lost
hope. We truly need to pray for families & individuals
during this time as suicide is highest during this season.
But I am here to share HOPE which was born so many
years ago and I choose to celebrate that Hope the
Savior’s Birthday. Without the birth of Christ there would
be no Hope ~ the Cross!
Tom & Monica
♦ This newsletter is to honor Jesus Christ & His birth! Yes,
Jesus is the reason we celebrate the Season and we are the reason He suffered
and died. Without the cross, the manger is meaningless. Rejoice with us as we
celebrate our Savior's Birthday! Can you hear the angels
singing? “Glory to the new born King!”
Inside this issue:
♦ The Christ of Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto
Tis the Season 1 us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his
I believe in God 2/3 shoulder: and his name shall be call wonderful, counselor
Listen to Teddy 3
the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of
peace.” There are very few parts of the modern world that
Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner 4
are not familiar with the symbol of the Christmas cross, and of the message that
Prayer Corner 4 stands behind it.
♦The Christmas cross is the symbol of peace, love, and joy, as well as the symbol
of human suffering and devotion. Most of all, the Christmas cross signifies the
spirit of giving, representing a man who literally gave his all for man's salvation.
Special points of interest:
• Our Mission & Our Vision.

• You are an extended hand. Our Mission & Our Vision

• 11 years in prison ministry!
 OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord.
 WHAT WE DO.....… Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on
one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend.
 HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999,
and was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life
 OUR VISION……. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates
having to take us off their visiting list. “With God all things are possible!”
Page 2 JPM Newswire

I Believe in the GOD

Even in our modern society, some people still believe in God. Obviously, you
can’t have a personal relationship with God without believing in Him. But, is
believing in God ENOUGH and what kind of God should you believe in?

All over the world people believe in many different gods. Hindu’s believe in
monkey gods, elephant gods and that every man is a god. And the
Buddhists believe that God isn’t a person that He has no feelings or mind, so
capability to love and care for us and that He’s merely a principle. Plus, the
Muslims believe in a personal god named Allah who has given mankind strict
legalistic rules to follow in order to be saved. Only Christianity teaches that
you can’t have a personal relationship with God through any human efforts or
self worth.

So, the question is, “Which God do you believe in?” The Bible teaches us
that by just believing in God, even the true God, you still won’t get into
Heaven. Because it says that even the demons believe in God, but we all
know that they won’t be saved from an eternity in Hell. (James 2:19)

So, merely believing in God is not enough. In the same way, just believing
food will nourish you isn’t enough. You must eat the food before it will do you
any good. Many people believe in God, but they either don’t know who He is
or they don’t have the kind of relationship with Him that He desires them to

The Bible clearly teaches about God and says that though there are many
things that are called gods, there’s actually only one true God (I Cor. 8:5-6). It
further states that it’s impossible to have a personal relationship with the
true God without going through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). So believing in God
without accepting Jesus Christ isn’t sufficient.

But who’s this person called Jesus Christ and how does He affect each of us?
Well, Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. He became a man over 2,000
years ago and was the only person who ever lived a sinless life. After 33
years of perfect obedience to His father in Heaven, He died on the cross,
 Going past the taking upon Himself the punishment all mankind deserved. But in reality,
each of us should have died on the cross for our own sins, but because He
prison walls to
loved us, He was willing to die in our place for us.
take the Love of
Jesus. We can now be saved from the punishment of our sins if we will put our
complete trust and confidence in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and
resurrection from the tomb three days later. We cannot be saved from our
sins by merely believing in God, going to church, trying to be a good person,
doing the best we can, following the ten commandments, reading the Bible,
praying or any other form of self-human effort. continued pg 3
Volume 12 Issue 01 Page 3

I Believe in God….. continued

A personal relationship with God can only be established by:

1. Accepting what Jesus Christ did on the cross (I Cor. 15:3)
2. Asking Him to forgive you for your sins (I John 1:9)
3. Letting Him be the Lord and God of your life (Rom. 10:9-10)
4. And with Him living inside of you (Rev. 3:20), turning away from
whatever God and the Bible call sin (Acts 3:19)

Believing in God is good, but trusting in Jesus completely is the only

way we can get into Heaven. If you wish to accept Jesus Christ into
your life, please pray the following prayer, but do it only if you are
sincere about it…and welcome into God’s family.

Father, it is written in Your Word that if I confess with my mouth that
Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that You have raised Him from
the dead, I shall be saved. Therefore, Father, I confess that Jesus is "We loved you so much that
my Lord. I make Him Lord of my life right now. I believe in my heart we were delighted to share
that You raised Jesus from the dead. I renounce my past life and with you not only the gogos-
satan and close the door to any of his devices. I thank you for forgiving pel of God but our lives as
me of all my sins. Jesus is my Lord and I am a new creature. Old well, because you had bbe-
things have passed away. Now all things become new in Jesus’ mighty come so dear to us."
name. Amen!
Warriors for Christ! Jose 1 Thessalonians 2:8

If you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior let us know. This is the
greatest gift of all. From the manager to the Cross He did it all for you.
As we approach the New Year with new hope, new life, new
perspective, and new joy put your trust in God.

Listen to Teddy
Learn to listen like a teddy bear, with ears wide open and a mouth
closed tight.
Learn to forgive like a teddy bear, with an open heart, not caring who
is right.
Learn to love like a teddy bear, with arms open and imperfect
Do not ask for your life's load lightened, but for courage to endure.
Do not ask for fulfillment in all your life.
Do not ask for perfection in all you do, but for the wisdom not to
repeat mistakes.
Finally, do not ask for more before saying "thank you" for what you
have already received. If you are looking for somebody to blame, look
in the mirror.
There is no challenge that cannot be met and no dream that cannot
be achieved. By Paul Parker – God’s Servant Ministry
Jeremiah Prison Ministry
To Our Family & Friends
Revs. Thomas & Monica Cohee
We love you!
128 Conodoguinet Mobile Estates
Newville, PA 17241
Phone: 717-776-3535
Fax: 717-776-3235

I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b


Pastor Tom’s preaching corner

My preaching corner will resume next month.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Glorious New Year!  You are an Extended
We want to personally thank you for all your prayers & financial support Hand and a vital part of this
ministry. Together we are
for 2010. Thank you for sending us and believing in what we do. The making a difference with Jesus
inmates are so thankful for you. Christ, taking life to a dark
place! We go because you send
We want you to know we pray that God will meet all your need according us. Thank You so much!
to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God is so faithful!
Tom & Monica

Prayer Corner There Is Power In Prayer

 Hebrews 13:5b
 Pray for Kevin, Chris, Mike & Domingo that God blesses them financially above and beyond “Jesus will never leave
their expectations. They faithfully stay in touch with us. you nor forsake you.”
 Pray for Randall V. in prison falsely accused of a crime.
 Pray for Larry, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive commutation. Believe
with them for a miracle with God’s favor.
 Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release.
 Pray for healing for Larry, Bob & Corey.
 Pray for Kevin D. from NY. Kevin is 17 and had Leukemia, he is in remission. I haven’t
heard from his mom in some time but we can still pray for them.
 Leah is now 15. She remains cancer free, 5 years off chemo & is now in the survivor’s
clinic! God is so faithful & continues to hear our prayers!
 Pray for our grandson, Andy, recovering from pilonidal tract surgery & back problem.
 Pray for our son-in-law, Dale on light duty. Pray for my daughter, Vickie, as she has found
out she has food allergies & low thyroid.
 Pray for Terri & Tayler they are doing much better but still miss Alan.
 Pray for my brother Norman he needs a job and needs knee surgery.
 Pray for the Salvation of every man, woman, boy and girl not saved in this world. Our
prayers are heard!
 Please pray for all the inmates, their families, our nation, our leaders, our military and their
 Pray for reform in the prison system, for lives to be changed & a spiritual renewal across
this land with men, women, boys & girls being touched.
 Pray for Bill our dear friend who goes with us to some of the prisons, he had back surgery
and still having pain, pray his health is restored.
 Pray for Dotty another dear friend in prison ministry, she has lymes disease.
 Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all that we do, for Tom & Monica to stay cancer free
& healthy to do God‘s work. The Cross!

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