This Graduation Speech

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My Graduation Speech

Honorable Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, Honorable Congresswoman Sonny

Mangaoang, Honorable Mayor Ferdinand Tubban, our principal Juan deka
Cruz department coordinators, ]advisers, teachers, parents, distinguished
guests, co-graduates, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning to all of you.

I am greatly honored and flattered to have been asked to speak for this very,
very wonderful occasion. I promise, as King Henry the VIII allegedly promised
each of his wives, “Don’t worry, I won’t keep you long.” This speech will last
for 5 minutes and 2 hours.

I’m sure everyone knows what a corn seed is. When you plant a corn seed on
a healthy soil, you don’t get a corn seed but a corn, right? It’s because the
harvest is always greater than what is planted as long as we nurtured them
properly. This applies to what we are right now.

And so, my fellow graduates, we are gathered here tonight to reap more
than all the combined product of the thirst, hunger, exhaustion, & sleepless
nights we encountered en route to this exciting moment.

As we happily walk our way up to this stage, but please do not take it
literally, we sometimes falter and fumble. We have already heard inspiring
stories of successful people, and as I have noticed, failure is the common
ingredient that seemed to add flavor to the final dish of what they have

When I was a child, I loved music so much and I dreamed of becoming a

professional musician. I even thought of enrolling in some of the prestigious
conservatory school of music in the Philippines, but my family couldn’t afford

I didn’t turn out to be a full-fledged musician.

During my elementary days, I always dreamed of being the best. I strived

hard and managed to be consistently on top of the class. Because of the
social issues that occurred between me and my teachers, I was not able to
make it to the top when I was on my 6th grade.

I didn’t become the valedictorian.

These failures made me stronger. True, what I’ve just shared to you are my
sad experiences. But these experiences didn’t bring me down because I
didn’t want them drag me down. I know there are still a lot of things like this
out there waiting for me, but always remember what Robert H. Schuller
reminded us, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Also, remember
that “Day always follows the night as there’s rain after summer.” I managed
to survive the rainy season and am now starting to work on summer. Are you
experiencing the night of your life right now? Don’t worry; you will have your
day after the night. The sun will rise and it’s rising very soon.

Today, as you leave with a diploma on hand, remember the encounters, the
good times as well as the bad times you’ve experienced at Senator Renato
“Compañero” Cayetano Memorial Science & Technology High School that
made us a better person. Bear in mind the promises you made to yourself
and others. Keep in contact with those who have touched your lives. Come
back and visit our Alma Mater!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the God Almighty, my guardian
angels, Lola, Ate Neneth, my family for their encouragement, unconditional
love and support, my teachers who discussed not only what is in store in
their lesson plan but also the lessons of life, my fellow schoolmates who took
part in molding my personality and were always considerate during difficult
times. Let us also take time today to thank the people behind the success of
this momentous event.

The Cayetanos namely His Honorable Senator Alan Peter Cayetano and his
wife Honorable Congresswoman Lani Cayetano, Honorable Senator Pia
Cayetano and most especially the late Honorable Senator Rene “Compañero”
Cayetano, last but not the least the energetic and exciting, disciplinarian but
compassionate, our principal George Tizon. The sacrifices of these people
lead us to this fruitful accomplishment. Let us give them a big hand. (clap)

Thank you! I am going to miss the days we have spent together. Keep our
dreams alive! And finally, please let me end this speech with a quote from
the ever famous Winston Churchill, “Success is never final. Failure is never
fatal. It is courage that counts.”

God bless you all.

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