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Class-8 English F.

1. Read the following passage carefully 10
I. As the dreaded examinations crawl to a halt, students
look forward to much awaited “creative outlets” , the
summer let off steam and spend their holidays.
A summer camp is conducted over a short period of four
to five weeks involving various fun and interesting filed
activities. The colourful spectrum of summer camps
provides a wide variety of activities which include artistic
skills, such as painting ,origami,art,music,craft and also
spoken English ,cookery and computer courses. Not only
this, the summer camps keep the child “fit as a fiddle” by
imparting lessons in yoga,cricket,tennis and swimming.
II. With changing times and trends parents have become
productivity oriented. They want their children to learn
productive play unlike in past when play was just a play.
Today, the parents just want to tap the potential of their
kids to the fullest. To achieve this aim, the summer camps
afford an ideal opening for children to develop heir
hobbies and talents. The importance of creative play is
often under estimated by most whereas the fact is that
the art and craft projects can excite even a young child’s
imagination and promote a sense of achievement. These
little things can give pride and achievement to the
children when they show to their parents.
III. Summer Camps develop a child’s confidence and his
ideas. They also encourage children to do things on their
own . The camps are beneficial for hyperactive and
aggressive children as they help to channel their energies
fruitfully by drawing out the best in them. They also
promote mutual understanding among teachers and
children. This provides a good experience for better
A. Now Completer the following sentences briefly
i. Students seem to be excited after __________ 1
ii. Summer Camps that are held for four and five weeks
involve ___________ 1
iii. Parents have become productivity oriented which
means that _______________ 1
iv. By promoting mutual understanding among teachers
and students, summer camps __________ ______ 1
v. The importance of creative play should not be
overlooked because ______________________2
vi. Hyper active and aggressive children also get
benefitted by such camps as __________________2
B. Find the words in the passage that mean the same
i. Art of folding paper to make attractive objects(para 1)
ii. Behaving in an angry and violent way towards another
person (para 3)
C. Find the words from the passage that mean the
opposite (1)
i. Demote (Para2)
ii. Quiet/Lazy (Para 3)
Class-8 English F.M-10
Worksheet -1
1. Read the following poem carefully
The Wind and the Leaves
"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day,
" Come over the meadows with me and play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold;
For summer is gone, and the days grow cold."
Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,
Down they came fluttering, one and all.
O'er the brown field then they danced and flew
Singing the soft little songs they knew.
Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went,
Winter had called them, and they were content.
Soon, fast asleep on their earthy beds,
The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.
- George Cooper.

On the basis of your reading the poem, complete the summary given
below with one word in each blank (5)

The wind asked the leaves to come and play with him in the
____(a)____ . As soon as the leaves heard the winds calling, they
came _____(b)____ over the field . They dance and flew over the
wind ____(c)____ the soft and little song that they knew. And also,
they went away when the ___(d)____ welcomed them. Very soon
they were found fast asleep in the earth covered with ____(e)____.

2. Antonyms (2)
i. Content
ii. Little
iii. Loud
iv. Down
3. Synonyms (3)
i. Fly unsteadily
ii. Move or cause to move rapidly
iii. Satisfy

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