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Nama :
Kelas :


Lembar test formatif ke : 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/Jurusan : X / II (dua) / Semua Program Keahlian
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan
kendaraan umum dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.

I. Change the direct speech into indirect speech!

1. Mr. Wibowo asked her, “Can you prepare the financial report?”
2. Mr. Peter said, ”I am in charge of bookkeeping.”
3. Mr. Smith said, ”I am sorry to hear about the accident.”
4. He said, ”I have come a long way.”
5. Wati replied,”I will do it if I can.”

II. Give the correct form of the adjectives in the bracket!

1. This is the (busy) part of the city.
2. Janet is (carefull) than her sister.
3. Today is not as (hot) as it was last Friday.
4. That painting is the (bad) painting he has ever done.
5. My wedding day was the (happy) day of my life.

III. Look at the memo!

To : Agung
Date : 10 Januari 2009
Time : 10.00 am
While you were out
Mr/Mrs : Mr. Abas
Telp. No : 6679071
Message : Please come to his office tomorrow morning at 09.00 am
1. Who is the caller?
2. When does he call?
3. What time have Agung to come to his office?

IV. .
1. What is it mean?

2. What is it mean?

3. What is it mean?
Nama :
Kelas :


Lembar test formatif ke : 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/Jurusan : X / II (dua) / Semua Program Keahlian
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan
kendaraan umum dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.

I. Change the direct speech into indirect speech!

1. The little girl said,”my mother is taller than I.”
2. The teacher said,”finish your composition at home!,”
3. The doctor said to the girl,”open your mouth,”
4. She asked her daughter,”where have you been?”
5. My father said,”I will retire next year,”

II. Give the correct form of the adjectives in the bracket!

1. I believe that my pen is (good) than yours.
2. This road is (wide) than that one.
3. He is as (naughty) as his brother.
4. This knife is the (sharp) in the house.
5. I am three years (old) than him.

III. Read the memo below and then complete the following dialogue!
Internal memorandum
To : Hari
From : Tono
Date : 24 July 2007
Subject : Office Furniture
We need new chair for the visitor in the meeting room. Can you
Arrange it? We need 20 comfortable chairs in the either red or yellow.
The maximum amount you can spend is Rp. 2.000.000,-
Hari got memo from his supervisor. He tell Indra about his memo.
Hari : ‘ndra, I got a memo from my supervisor.’
Indra : ‘really, what did he tell you?’
Hari : ‘he asks me to buy office furniture.’
Indra : ‘………………………….. (1).’
Hari : ‘He need a new chair for visitor.’
Indra : ‘…………………………(2).’
Hari : ‘Red or yellow.’
Indra : ‘………………………..(3).’
Hari : ‘Not more than Rp. 2.000.000,-‘

IV. 1. What is it mean?

2. What is it means? 3. What is it mean?

Nama :
Kelas :


Lembar test formatif ke : 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/Jurusan : X / II (dua) / Semua Program Keahlian
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan
kendaraan umum dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.

I. Change the direct speech into indirect speech!

1. The teacher said, “Mira, write your name!”.
The teacher said that
2. She warned us, “don’t come late!”.
She warned us that
3. He often says, “My sister deals with accounting”.
He often says that
4. She said, “I am assigned to write a financial report”.
She said that
5. He asked her, “when will you submit the monthly report?”.
He asked her that

II. Read the following memo carefully and answer the questions!
To : Ira Maya
From : Duta Caspilla
Date : 24th April, 2011
Subject : Office Furniture

Our office needs some new desk and

filling cabinet, can arrange them? We
need 10 comfortable desks and chairs in
any merk, and filling cabinet. The
maximum amout is Rp. 20.000.000,-

1. The sender of the memo is?

2. The receiver of the memo is?
3. The sender asked her to?

III. Complete the sentences by using Degree of comparisons!

1. I want to speak English as (good) … as Mr. Dexter Lane.
2. The girl learns (fast) … than any students in her class.
3. Her father is the (careful) … driver I have met so far.
4. He can type (fast) … than she can.
5. He works (hard) … as the other workers.
Nama :
Kelas :


Lembar test formatif ke : 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/Jurusan : X / II (dua) / Semua Program Keahlian
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan
kendaraan umum dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.

I. Change the direct speech into indirect speech!

1. They wanted to know, “can we lend money”.
They wanted to know that
2. He said, “Tuti, get me an envelope!”.
He said that
3. She has just said, “My bos will appoint me secretary”.
She has just said that
4. Mr. Andi asked her, “can you prepare the financial report?”.
Mr. Andi asked her that
5. Mrs. Ria said, “I am in love now”.
Mrs. Ria said that

II. Read the following memo carefully and answer the questions!
To : Jack Wayne
Engineer Department
From : Director
Date : 15th June, 2011
Subject : George Safflect, Finance holder

Mr. George Safflect, the authority of finance

holder will be visiting our company
Wednesday, June 21st 2011. I would like you
to prepare and to handle the program for
him. He will arrive in the morning before
noon. Please start with lunch and show our
department with little presentation.

Signature authority


1. When was the memorandum written?

2. Who will probably come at the department?
3. What is the position of the guest?

III. Complete the sentences by using Degree of comparisons!

1. Adril studies (diligent) … than his brother.
2. Tamara is the (beautiful) … artist I have ever seen.
3. This mouse is the same (big) … as that one.
4. Chica is (short) … than her mother.
5. He got a (good) … mark than I did because he made a few mistakes in the test then I did.

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