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Rit ual

The Magical Perspective

Ef fi cacy and the search for the in ner fire
By Luc Sala, no vem ber 2013

Ir. L.H.D.J. Sala is a physicist, an infor mation technologist and critical

thinker. He believes that just as in the days of Kant and Hume,we
have to rethink everything, doubt everything and not limit the ‘new
philosophy’ to critical correlations and analysis of previous thinkers.
We have to start afresh, now, here, feel rather than know, intuit rather
than deduce. Let’s revive the intuitive wisdom we can and do access all
the time, honor the dimensions, worlds and categories beyond the
materialistic. Luc believes the “Enlightenment” has in fact closed our
eyes to the real light of transcendent connectedness, and it’s time to
let go of the fetters of “science”.
He has published many books, mostly in Dutch, thousands of articles
and columns, produced many television programs, his website gives an over view.

Ded i ca tion, ref er ences and quotes
This book would not have been possible without the strong opposition I experienced in my career,
for it’s the headwind that makes the kite go higher. Luckily there have been many who supported me,
so without ignoring their help I can honestly dedicate this book to my enemies, may they try to prove I
am wrong, and have the guts to tell me.
In this work I mention many writers and thinkers, but refrain in general from giving exact quotes or
bibliographical references. This is not because I have not ruined the books and publications in my li-
brary by scribbling notes on many pages, but because I think that present day internet resources make
is quite easy to find and check links and sources. It is now much easier than the days one had to go to a
library and look for “paper” books. The other reason is that I have actually met, befriended and in
many cases for mally inter viewed so many of the people I refer too. Some of that material is on
YouTube or part of other publications and articles, but that is only a very small part of the thousands
of articles and television programs I wrote, produced and made. My inspiration and spar ring partner
was my partner An-Jes Kriyana Wagemans, my daughter Kathelijne did the production. The meet-
ings and discussions with people like Tim Leary, Sasha Shulgin, Albert Hofmann, Huston Smith,
Nick Herbert, Jeff Mc Bride, John Allen, Sogyal Rinpoche, Pilot Baba, Ra Uru Hu, Ira Cohen, Hans
Plomp, Eli Jaxon-Bear, Greg ory Sams, Ram Dass, Allen Cohen, le Baba Laetoli, Suhotra Swami,
Brother David Steindl-Rast, Stan Krippner, Joel Farb, Rupert Sheldrake, Nick Franks, Fred A. Wolf,
Fraser Clark, Chris Goldfrap, Otto van Nieuwenhuijze, Werner Pieper, R.U. Sirius, Franceso Varela,
John Perry Barlow, Willis Harmon, Alejandro Jodorowitz, Jean Houston, and so many others have
formed me, yielded invaluable insights and inspired me to look beyond the obvious. I do mention
some of their ideas specifically, and sometimes disagree, but I feel I owe them my thanks and respect.
Beyond their books and lectures they allowed me to connect to their souls and feel their sacred know-
ing and sample their true wisdom. As much of these meetings has been preserved on video, looking
back at that material I can now see, how tolerant and wise these people were. My questions and atti-
tude then were, in many respects, immature and self-centered and yet they tried to convey their in-
sights at the level I could then understand, but also hinted at what they knew at a deeper level. It’s sur-
prising that working on this book I often come across notions and insights they expressed long be-
fore, but only now surfaced in my consciousness. So one could say that I am only bringing together
what all these people, from their perspective, channeled to me. Very often it’s not what they said, but
their attitude that left a lasting impression, their individual bridges between truth and love they shared
with me.
I have been very lucky, very few people were tutored by so many great and independent minds, and
the unusual ideas and concepts I state in this work developed only because they were the helpers and
signposts on the way to think for myself. Or, maybe more humbly and appropriate, the way I tapped
into the wealth of ideas and notions that exist beyond our “selves”.
One more thing about those on my path that shared their wisdom. I cannot honestly recall one of
them who didn´t express, knowingly or by their behaviour, that there is purpose and direction in the
universe, by whatever name. I might have met some materialist or rational atheists, but they didn’t
make an impression, while the “believers” stayed with me. Luc Sala

Mindlift Publishers
Hilversum Netherlands Cover: Tomas L. Sala
Copyright © 2013 by Mindlift Publishers
All rights reserved, including digital distribution and internet republishing.
ISBN 978-90-820823-02 Delta: This is an EBM print from
Printed in the Netherlands
Pictures: Author&friends, PhotoDisc, PhotoAlto, Goodshoot, Corel, Wikipedia, Firetribe

Some sample images from the book
by Ir. L. Sala part of

all rights reserved

Luc Sala Nov. 2013 1

Luc Sala Nov. 2013 3

Focus · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 22
The matrix and the models · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 23
Development model · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 24
The structure of the psyche · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 26
Ritual versus ceremony: efficacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Psyche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Self and not-self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Identity· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 30
Personality-Mask-Ego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Feelings and emotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Ritual matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
The three worlds model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Set, setting and magical correspondences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The will, free will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Causation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
God, spirits, reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Anthropologic views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Bonewits: the emic approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Wider definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Social platform function, Dunbar’s number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
The sacred dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Ritual is practical magic and hinges on consciousness · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 42
Skeptics abound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Parapsychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Mystic and mage; two primal modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Ritual and ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Control of infor mation flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Purpose · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 46
Looking at what a ritual achieves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Magic and efficacy· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 47
Ritual and risk, placebo and healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ritual as a group process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Group mind - group resonance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 49
Is ritual addressing entities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Is there a ritual state of consciousness? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Do we need tools, liturgy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Sacred space · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 51
Ritual Gestalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Magic, good or bad, categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Why they work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
The Personal : the set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
The Social: the setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Humor, divine madness, and magic · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 54
Freedom of variation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 58
Purpose – goal – processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Focus on the internal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Cleansing · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 59
Healing· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 59
Bhakti · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 60
Sacrifice · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 60
The ritual spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Re-entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Where did it start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Celebration as starting point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Theories of religion and thus magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Movement, drumming and dance came first. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
The chakra model of ritual development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Levels of awareness: the first chakra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Ritual theory: how is ritual seen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Interest in ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Émile Durkheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Victor Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Lévi-Strauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Michel Foucault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Roberto Assagioli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
The historical and prehistorical development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Jewish ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Christianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Catharism · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 77
Ritual theory and the law: Xunzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Antiquity · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 80
Explanatory theories: study of ritual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Ritual understood : Leadbeater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Revealed or human construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Apologists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Axial Age views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Ritual versus myth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Faded origins · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 87
Ritual came first, but later conformed to religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Other views: fixing reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Modern myths · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 90
The development of ritual · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 92
Art as a connection, a correspondence · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 92
Body art · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 94
The value of art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Creating art as a ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Intellectual and cultural property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Maker, performer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Copy, adapt, change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
New and old rituals, ritual innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Oneness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Mystical or magical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Different or the same: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Ritual to reach the otherworld; a staircase to heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Plotinus: Henosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Other names for mystical experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Mysticism 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Bliss and truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Other classifications of mysticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
The connection between the worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Mysticism as a material effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A three-worlds approach to describing, rating, and staging ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Three realms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 107
From the other side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Satsang - Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
The psyche and the mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Two in one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Another view, but first some definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Self images: the subjective illusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Inner child layers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 115
And what about the other? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Masks and subpersonalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
The development of the selves.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The I dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Self-consciousness and letting go of it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Self and I and All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
The geometry of the I dimension and the otherworld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Individuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Personality types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Why do we act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Therapeutic action fields: NLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
The essential magic: working on the self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Mask and masking, roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Karl Marx: character mask · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 126
Masks and roles in ritual · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 127
A warning: the map is not the moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Pilgrimage and quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Ordering wills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Causation and free will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Volition is time-bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Animal will · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 136
The Magical will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Is will what matters in practice? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 138
Intent · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 138
Attachment to will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Thelema, will in central position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
The classical five senses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Two way traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Sense enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
The extra-dimensional senses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
extra-dimensional perception and the primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Senses beyond the tangible: primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Animals and ritual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Specific associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Unconscious links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
The sensitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Personal experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Sensitive and defensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
What is reality anyway? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 153
Conscience, what has it to do with consciousness · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 155
Consciousness interpretations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
A different approach · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 157
Consciousness and infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
My view, consciousness is the control link · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 158
What is not-selfconscious? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 161
The Soul and Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Soul in Antiquity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Consciousness and soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Egytian cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Heka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
The Egyptian soul · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 165

Theurgy: Iamblichus· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 167
Deprivation and the soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Personality, self-consciousness, identity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
The self in consciousness perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Facing the self, self-worth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Where did self consciousness come from? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Water, the extraterrestrial par excellence. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 170
The process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Kinds of self-consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Self identification and self awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Cognitive Dissonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Quantum theory and Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Where to find it or locate it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Consciousness creates reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Paradigm Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
C.D. Broad, Huxley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Looking through the veil · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 175
Conscience and morality · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 175
Other states of consciousness · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 176
Time is the carrier, the manifestation mechanism of the root consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Time as a mind-thing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Obsessed with the future· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 178
Time is the key to understaning death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Our psychological times: the experience of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Time and repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Time in the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Argüelles: The Law of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Time A and Time B theories: blocktime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Elusive nature of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
The spiritual world, beyond time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Two or more time dimensions: J.W. Dunne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Time is more than an inflexible t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Egyptian two time dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Time and Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Yoga time travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Forward-backwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Bayesian probability · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 188
Entropy and the arrow of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Free will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Knowing what comes, an antenna for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Turning to physics and biology for proof of awareness of the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
DNA, astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
The present can change the past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Causality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Time and morality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

What is information anyway? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Magic is more than quantum-mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Quantum-reality or Consciousness-reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Quantum-Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Non-local causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Epi-reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
String-theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Quantum Bayesianism · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 201
What about magic without tools, like in faith healing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Two approaches, willing or not willing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Magic; the easiest and most difficult of sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Quantum-sensitivity · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 205
Honor the magical· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 205
The laws of magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Her metic Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Levi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Crowley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Bonewits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Law of Attraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Law of Limitation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 214
SciFi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Esoteric magic: Blavatsky and Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Hyper-Links · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 217
Resonance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 218
Sacral, holy and transforming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
The secret side of sacraments; the mysteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Taboo · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 221
Proof of initiation· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 221
Baptism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Confir mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Buddhist Sacraments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Hindu Sacraments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Sacraments as God-given . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Gender issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Funeral rites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Sacrifice: bribing to the gods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Sacrifice as a deal with the Gods · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 228
Cognitive dissonance exploitation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 229
Vedic sacrifice· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 230
Human Sacrifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Aztec sacrifice · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 231
Time travel as the purpose of human sacrifice · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 232
Social Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Yearly and seasonal celebration rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Potlatch ceremonies of the Northwest Indians, gift economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
True or half true . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
One way or two-way communications · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 236
Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Is there an explanation? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 237
Prophesy: two steps, seven layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Divination, the backdoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
History of dowsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Anecdotes and serious dowsers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Into the hologram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Ethics of divination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
I Ching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
The value of divination techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
The Tarot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Tarot Rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Aniconism: the ban on images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Looking is sending energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
The most powerful tool of the magus is his imagination! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Mind’s eye: vision quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
The mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Why and how do we see mental images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Ritual is the root format of science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Fire, from blacksmith to alchemist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
The new alchemists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Gold Alchemy: The true nature of gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Alchemical notions of fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Alchemical sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
The Emerald Tablet of Her mes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
VERBA SECRETORUM HERMETIS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 260
Ancestor veneration: a time-magic phenomenon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Ancestor worship; fixing a kar mic past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Thought waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Chakras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Cultures and chakra · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 269
What is the Aura? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Aura layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Ritual before religion and myth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Religion as a cognitive construction, ritual the primordial essence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

The social perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Concentration on the social. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Ritual and Political Power · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 273
Home rituals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 274
Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
The original experience forgotten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
An primal experience beyond theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
The gods of magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Egypt · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 276
There is no clear god of ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Janus Bifrons, my God of Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Animism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Ritual as paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
A step back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Time and Steiner’s idea of Karma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Dangers, ethics and karma of magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Morality: Spinoza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Ethics: Plato’s Phaedrus horses extended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
The taboo; the sensible bar rier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Ritualism; the great escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Ra Uru Hu: the Human Design System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Neuro-plasticity and change: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Organizational karma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Will and virtue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
The will to do and be good· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 293
Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Cybertribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Cyber Me · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 298
Modern views: Chaos magic and Quantum Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Cybermagic in the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Cyberchurch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Is the chat-race magical? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Pagerank censored subsets of reality · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 300
Rituals 2.0: mechanized sociality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Infotheism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Cyberspace ritual, yet to come . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
The Meta-App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
The horizon · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 305
The New Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
A different new ritual: the exit party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Holiness is relational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Sacred sites and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
The tree as an element in myth and ritual · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 312
Dream technology, lucid dreams · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 313
Doubling · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 315
Dream enhancing technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Altered states of consciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Trance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
How to get there . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Mystical; higher or lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Immersion, ritual and Virtual Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Water, the miracle molecule with the hidden dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Infor mation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 323
Esoteric and symbolic notions of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Alive water · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 324
Matter of life · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 325
Flow forms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 325
Bovis· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 325
Alternative views about water · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 326
Ritual use of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Ritual water perfor mances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Deluge myths · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 327
Holy water, living water · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 328
Ritual washing and cleaning · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 328
Baptism · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 329
Gold; the secret qualities of more than a noble element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Prayer: intention field optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
The Global Consciousness Project · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 336
Prayer studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Correlations with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Magic Wands and Healing Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Wand symbolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Use for healing: Reiki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Wicca, Talking stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
The empower ment options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Psychedelics · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 345
Psychotrope, entheogen, empathogen, hallucinogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Psi-matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
The evolutionary role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Entheogens at the base of self consciousness and religion · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 347
Animals and drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Conscious plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
The psychotropic and psychedelic axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Doors of perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
The magical, a dangerous but ignored side · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 353

Santo Daime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Narrow focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Vision changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Micro-dosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Circumcision as a mushroom cult identifier. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 357
Gender inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Who is the father?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
The Egypt case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
The chromosome difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Birth as a sacrament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Circumcision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Cornflakes or what? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 361
Jewish circumcision · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 362
Christian stance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 362
FGM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
The roots and reasons · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 362
Ritual Body mutilation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 363
Another perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Ritual sex and sex in ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Sex and psychiatry· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 364
Sex rituals and fertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Sex rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Neotantra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Falling in love and guided visualization: two inner child events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Moving up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Falling in love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Guided meditation or visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Albert Hofmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Timothy Leary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Alejandro Jodorowsky; Coyote mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
A plethora of options · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 379
Specific situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Some personal examples · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 382
Image healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

Volume 2: Fire-Ritual


Rituals as our link to the spiritual and magical metadimensional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
The origins of fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Fire and civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

Fire and cooking · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 391
Traditions and rights· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 392
The role of fire in human development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
From candle to festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Sampling some fire rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Comparing rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
The officiators and fire tenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Fire as a symbol, fire symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
What’s in a (my) name: Lugh · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 400
Sexuality and fire · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 400
The Phoenix, the flaming bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Lucifer · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 401
The fire ritual as archetype for rituals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 403
Fire as a sacrament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Some more examples of fire-rituals: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
New fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
The liturgic scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Stages and elements of the ritual · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 405
Ritual enclosure – sanctuary-holy space - circle work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Lighting the sacrament of Fire · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 409
Dance and perfor mance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 410
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Charge of the circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Fire ritual as a tool for paradigm shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Fire correspondences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Sweat lodges – sweat baths – fire walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Alchemical Notions of Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Greek notions of fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Jewish notions of fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
How do I experience rituals? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
A new blend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
My FireDance song · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 423
Fire circle architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Installations and locations · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 424
The ritual elements of FireDance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Alchemical phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Closing the FireDance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 427
Set, setting and magical · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 427
Agni: the divine fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Vedic tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Vedarambha, Hindu investiture of Sacred Thread (Janoi), dedication to a teacher and Gayatri-Mantra 430
Pravargya Jyotistoma ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Pravargya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Modern perfor mances of Vedic rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432

Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
FUN 433
Burning Man and cyberspace · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 434
Burning Man as a pagan or cybergnostic event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Temporary Autonomous Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Fire central · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 437
My view · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 438
Ten Principles of Burning Man · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 440
The energy on the playa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Spiritual side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Resonance and magic · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 444
Magic-All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
The shadow of God’s love · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 445
The roots of ritual · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 446
Expanding reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
The authority problem: what is reality and what is imagination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
The temple of my inner fire · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 450
Not an encyclopedic work · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 450
The looking glass · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 450
The unconscious revealed: Freud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
C. G. Jung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Assagioli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Descartes and Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Secondary consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Introspection and Self-Awareness Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Social identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Self-perception theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Global Workspace Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Implicate order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Penrose -Hameroff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Henri Stapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Perception, reality, Mind-at-Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Bicameralism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Holistic Physics: Nick Herbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Kurzweil’s notion of magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
What brings change? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Will to live, will to power: Scopenhauer · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 472
Nietzsche· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 473
The Wills from Vienna· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 473
The meat computer in our head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

Rudolf Steiner and his 12 senses: the supersensory reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Eurythmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Grouping of Steiner’s senses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
ToM: Theory of Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Why parapsychology doesn‘t impress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
The future tail· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 481
The statistical fog · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 481
Dowsing with a pendulum: pallomancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Expressing gratefulness is a most effective ritual act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Ever wondered why science does not measure beauty, balance, intent, holiness, and spiritual energy? . 485
Measure of what? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 486
We value but do not measure · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 487
The results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Proof is in the pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
The difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Two or more personalities or modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
The mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
The shadow : the wounded inner child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Subpersonality, not a willed state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Lucidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Lucidity Postulates: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
The basis of personality is the breath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Dowsing, divination, intuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
The difference, not the data is what matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
The songs and hymns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
The magical quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
The ritual matrix of Holy Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

1 Introduction

Rituals in the broad, common sense are every- ence the spiritual (otherworld, magical) realm. It
where: in daily life, in the office, in religion, in uses magical links or correspondences which are
mating behavior, in education. Nobody is beyond processes and tools ment to affect the extra-di-
them; we all have our habits, quirks and patterns. mensional realm. This then reflects back into the
We use rituals or rather ceremonies all the time, as tangible, nor mal reality. So ritual is a way to
a way to ease the mind, concentrate, meditate, fo- achieve results which don’t follow the rationality
cus, express thanks or atonement, or as a way to and causality of normal reality.
escape the world around us. I acknowledge the problem of definition here as
I consider them true rituals if they are also a way some “rituals”, especially many religious ones,
to connect to the deeper layers in ourselves, were originally intended, designed and under-
where I believe we have much easier access to the stood to be magically effective, but their true
spiritual or extra-dimensional world. It is there meaning got lost. They became more or less
that we connect more to the inner fire of our soul empty, more ceremonial than ritual.
and the magic we all have. In that sense true ritu- In this book I look at rituals in a very broad way,
als are practical magic, they offer us a way to reach not much concerned with the details of specific
beyond the rational, beyond the limits of space, rituals but trying to outline what is the essential
time and normal causality. ritual process, and what elements make up the rit-
Rituals are an essential part of life and I believe ual matrix. Why do we do them, how do they
they are effective in more ways than is generally work, why are they more concerned with doing
assumed, and have meaning beyond the psycho- and acting than with thinking, what role did they
logical and the social. They also have a magical play in evolution, what is the relationship of ritual
component which is not usually seen as a rational with consciousness, time, evolution, our psyche
componint of our reality. We take them seriously and our being?
only from a religious perspective, as part of psy- I argue they are a central part of our precognitive
chological routines and patterns and as a socio- being and acting, very much related to intuition
logical phenomenon. and the perception of infor mation beyond nor -
Studying ritual, ceremonies and such is left to the mal space and time limits. Understanding ritual
anthropologist, the (para-)psychologist and so- aims at what is essential in reality construction
cial scientist, maybe to theologians. They are (which is what perception ultimately is). This is an
hardly ever seen by medical doctors or psychia- important issue in the ongoing debate about
trists as a practical way to deal with life, stress, consciousness.
danger and disease or used in the business world Ritual offers us ways and means to affect both in-
to predict the outcome of marketing plans. Ritu- ternal and external reality, from easing our mind
als are not considered effective, let alone essen- to actually affecting our body, the group, the out-
tial. Their efficacy, which means affecting reality side world, the future, and even the laws of na-
is not acknowledeg in our Western cultures, but I ture. It is therefore far more than just a theatrical
hope this book will help to change that notion. perfor mance or superstitious placebo act.
Rituals are essential as they provided prehistoric This means I argue that rituals work, they have ef-
man with group structure and hierarchy, enabling ficacy. I try to explore and explain this beyond the
specialisation and hence progress. rational and yet in a way I seek to rationalize or at
least ground the irrational. Now efficacy doesn’t
I would like to make, from the start, a distinction mean that ritual always brings what is asked for or
between ritual and ceremony. Ritual, the way I use intended. In many cases what comes about might
the word, has a magical or spiritual component, be different from what the performer of the rit-
while ceremony is limited to psychological and ual assumes or wants. Ritual is much more than or
social effects. A true ritual is intended to influ- deeper than a mind-trip, it is rooted in mecha-

nisms and relations that go beyond the cognitive, cover all and be complete, which I had to sup-
they are pre-cognitive. press. I had to remind myself all the time not to
So looking at ritual, assuming it is a fundamental get lost in comments on what other philosophers,
tool to overcome the mind-matter dichotomy, is social scientists and ritual theorists have come up
much more than an anthropological exercise. The with, but retain my original perspective. How-
basic questions I address seem simple: Are rituals ever, as my ideas are rooted in what others discov-
more than mere behavioral patterns? Why do we ered or stated before, even as I offer alternative
do them? Do they work? How? views, there will be many references, critiques and
These are however issues that are very close to theoretical perspectives, which are also com-
the essential controversy between a materialistic mented on in the appendices.
and an idealistic world view. A dispute that is so The more deviant and originals views and models
acute and heated in our postmodern days but of are touched upon in the opening chapters; they
course ran through all philosophical discussions come back in the later ones and then hopefully
in historical and probably prehistoric times. Tak- the reader will be able to follow my line of
ing ritual seriously in the way I tackle it is taking thought and see how these ideas change the who-
the bull by the horns. I am confronting materialist le picture about what rituals are and do.
neurologists and physicists and maybe science This may mean I outline and repeat the main new
and academia as a whole. views and hypotheses more than once, and in dif-
We might not equate rituals with primitivism, su- ferent words as they offer a perplexing vista at
perstition and black magic any more these days, first. Later on they will be woven into a more ex-
but few scientists risk their academic career by panded analysis of ritual in a historical, theoreti-
even remotely connecting ritual and spirituality cal and magical context. As there is a constant
with effective magic and the roots of conscious- mix of more theoretical aspects, historical per-
ness, as I have done in this book. spectives and original views, I feel I had to repeat
and rephrase the main theses more than once,
Focus also making each chapter digestable by itself.
Here I have to draw some lines. This book is not a I try to place ritual in a much wider perspective
guideline for ritualists, a manual with rules and than most ritual theorists have done, but I offer a
sug gestions. Its focus is on what ritual is and how logical path to arrive at this. My main point is the
it works at a fundamental level. integration of the magical, but I accept that in do-
I will look at ritual as something that existed be- ing this I aim at a new (and yet age-old) paradigm,
fore myth, language and religion and maybe even shaking at the roots of the material worldview.
before human self consciousness emerged or This is an ambitious goal, as it means replacing or
happened. This means I will not go deeply into extending the tree of rationality with a magical
the convoluted mix of ritual, religion and art that perspective, and obviously there will be aspects
has evolved later and which we see today. Instead of this complex goal that are treated less extensi-
we will look more at the original essence of ritual. vely. The whole subject with its roots and
I will of course use examples of contemporary branches is like a giant Banyan tree. My challenge
ritual expressions like Burning Man, but will try therefore has been to offer the reader a view that
to focus on the precognitive processes, the honors both the whole and the parts.
primitive if you like. Concerning the style, this is not really a scientific
Since the subject of ritual and its effects is indeed book but more a story of discovery, a tale of a
far-reaching there is the danger of getting lost in path I walked in life. I often refer to my personal
the details and spreading in too many directions experiences even though they are subjective, thus
and separate arts. This book covers many aspects trying to complement the somewhat scholarly ap-
and links up with many fields. In the process of proach so full with lots of facts and expositions
writing it I touched so many tangents that I had to elsewhere.
limit myself. There is the tendency and danger of
a panopticon, too broad an over view trying to

I have tried to maintain a clear structure but also process which is so essential in ritual actually
to render a readable and entertaining book with works.
enough personal color. I expand well beyond accepted ideas about the
Looking at rituals beyond the limited notion of structure of our psyche, personality and masks.
the materialist scientist or scholar is quite a chal- In doing so I put some serious question marks
lenge, also for the reader, especially as I introduce about how ‘science’ and ‘spirituality’ in our new
many new concepts, views and conclusions. In age of mind-manipulation and media hypnosis
order to go beyond what could easily be called deals with mind and matter. There is much fash-
pseudo-science I have to explain the foundations ion and hype in modern ritual, or in practices that
of my perspective, my methodology and the con- are essentially ritualistic in medicine, academia,
sequences of my views. Doing this has required business, therapy and beyond. These practices are
not only an over view of the relevant aspects of often masks covering the true intentions, but are
rituals ancient and new or an examination of why effective on the social and psychological level.
we have rituals and what their functions are but I
also had to go deep into the roots of what magic, Models and systematic ranking are important for
perception, reality, time and consciousness are. me, often a graphical image helps me to clarify my
As such, this is a book about philosophy and the- views and I hope help the reader to anchor the
ology as much as ritual and magic. concepts. There are a number of graphical im-
ages I use to elucidate my views. They are how-
The matrix and the models ever maps of the moon, not the moon itself and
Ritual in the magical perspective adds a whole only tools and simplifications to get the (or rather
realm to traditional views as it covers a wide spec- a) picture across. In order to make things man-
trum and many aspects of ritual. I use the term ageable I have for instance flattened the complex-
ritual matrix as a container to discuss them and ity of all the various subjective and wider realities
give them a place, but not as a mere list and cata- into an three world image. It’s a simplified map
log. I whow how questions and insights concern- with three realms, the psyche, the world (includ-
ing perception, senses and metasenses, trance, ing other people) and the spiritual. Some will ar-
dreams, celebration, leadership and officiator gue our mind and the otherworld are the same,
roles, perfor mance, staging, emotion lines, etc. fit but here I prefer to separate them.
into a general ritual matrix. This of course also I will use the words (mind)-set, setting and magic
leads to new answers and arguments about how to indicate them and to distinguish between set,
art and myth are related, and to what religions do world and the spiritual intangible realm. Looking
and did with rituals. at rituals with this model in mind I analyze the rit-
The fundamentals of ritual however are more to ual matrix for its efficacy in these worlds. I dem-
be found in how our psy- onstrate this later in the book
che works, how body and by subjectively ranking the ele-
mind integration and the ments of the Christian Eucha-
development of ritual go rist. Here I touch on the sub-
hand in hand. Ritual of- jective measurement of the
fers a bridge between the “value” or energy level of
subjective self levels we parts of the ritual matrix and
(falsely) equate with real- how this relates to the three
ity and the wider and world model that I employ.
deeper reality out there. This is an example of how
But to understand this I very subjective but repeatable
need to paint how we ex- ranking and gauging by divi-
perience these selves and nation (dowsing with a pendu-
how the ego dissolving lum) can still lead to a more
objective recognition of sta-

tistical trends and understand- compare cultural devel-
ing of phenomona. In the book opment factors beyond
I will give more lists and the usual and anthropo-
matrices with such subjective mor phic so cio log i cal
data. classification of “human
The “set” part of the model, in- prog ress” or “iden tity
volv ing per ce p tion, body focus”. I propose a ritual
awareness and projection is of development model that
course important in the ritual acknowledges a certain
context. It concerns the mind- time-line development,
set and intentions of the perfor - honors cultural specifics
mer (and of the au di ence/ and mir rors the individ-
viewer/par tic i pants). Even ual‘s growth us ing a
though the focus of the book is chakra model as a way to
on the magical, I have to start with the psycholog- differentiate various stages. It applies to societies
ical and in par ticular with selves and the masks as well as religions, but is in essence the human
(assumed selves) as this is where the ritual process personal development model.
starts. To gain more insight into what rituals really mean
Letting go of the ego, stepping out of the as- and cause, the existing understanding of social
sumed self and getting in touch with the deeper scientists and ritualists has to be correlated with
self is the core of the ritual process. The analysis what the esoteric and old mystery schools know
of those processes, including m personal experi- and knew about it. But this is just the start; I try to
ences on that level is what led me to deeper un- combine this with what thinkers, scientists and
derstanding of what ritual is and does. This analy- practitioners such as A. Schopenhauer, J. Frazer,
sis of be com ing aware of our selves and A. Crowley, C.W. Lead beater, A. Lang, M.
ego-structures is an important step to reach a ‘rit- Murray, G. Gurdieff, M. Eliade, V. Turner, R.
ual’ or inner child state. Only then can we under- Steiner, C.G. Jung, A. Jodorowsky, Hakim Bey
stand other means of achieving such a state of al- and R. Sheldrake have come up with.
tered consciousness like lucid dreams, trance, Most important for me however was interpreting
yoga, drugs or meditation. the actual experiencing of ritual (by myself and
with others) at a deeper level. What did I feel per-
Development model forming rituals, what is the effect of a certain act
Ritual evolved from prehistoric forms to what we or intention?
see now. I argue it played a role in the develop- I needed to integrate this subjective part and un-
ment of societies, probably even in evolutionary derstand how my projections and those of other
terms. Ritual facilitated the emergence of hierar- people’s are involved and maybe distort our un-
chical layers and specialization. Fire and ritual, derstanding. I therefore also look at what con-
before we even had language, myths and religion, cepts such as self, time and consciousness con-
were the decisive factor in how we progressed tribute. In this way some important classes and
from pure sur vival to more socially developed forms of ritual are analyzed, like divination, sex
community structures. magic, sacrifice, and so on. For example, as a new
From the Eleusinian mysteries to the Aboriginal departure I analyze ancestor worship as a kar mic
songlines or fraternity hazing, our cultures are in- purifying time-magic phenomenon, and you will
terwoven with rituals and ceremonies, but we find much more about fire rituals in the second
hardly have any notion of how these really influ- volume.
enced us. Rituals are often the deciding cultural Rituals, as most magical acts, are mostly time-ma-
factor which gives a tribe, a people or a move- nipulations. Here I use an unconventional way of
ment its identity, but here I have difficulty with looking at time to explain what happens. To start
terms like progress. How could we discern and with, there are other dimensions than nor mal

space-time, which is what modern quantum This meta-dimension comprises both the tangi-
physics also recognizes. ble, the mental and the spiritual. I call this the
I argue that intangible qualities like beauty, per- meta-dimensional, but Nature, God, the All, the
ception of future and past, genetic sensitivity, Divine Consciousness, Schopenhauer’s “Will” or
sacrality, justice, magical quality, danger, health the One are equally acceptable indications of
(balance) and intention/purpose are aspects of what exceeds our daily human scope anyway.
the extra-dimensional realm. They are curled up
along our nor mal space-time dimensions and are The theoretical models and descriptions I have
part of an underlying framework of resonance developed here find their roots in the long history
(consciousness, love, infor mation) that unites ev- of human philosophical and psychological think-
erything.. What these extra aspects (dimensions) ing. They nevertheless offer an image that is quite
precisely are, they might be infinite Hilbert space different from what “science” now accepts. More
dimensions, I don’t know or care about so much. specifically, this image differs very much from
They are anyway beyond nor mal space and time, what most contemporary neuroscientists and
but they are there and they matter, that’s the im- neo-Darwinists, with their reductionist and mate-
portant part. rialistic approach, present to the world. Rupert
I believe that by acknowledging and accessing Sheldrake in “The science delusion” (2012) ex-
these otherworld aspects we have a key to know plores this separation of the worlds or rather ne-
and influence many things, including the future. gation of the otherworld and the narrowed view
Here time enters the fray. I came up with an im- of science in depth.
portant and unorthodox insight; the notion that The concept of extra-dimensionality, a word I
there are two accessible time dimensions. We prefer to use to denote the spiritual dimension(s)
have access to both. There is a more flexible mag- and how we contact and address that realm, is a
ical time dimension and then there is the straight, central theme in this book. I use the word ex-
logical and nor mal one. The magical time is what tra-dimensional rather than the “fourth dimen-
‘runs‘ in the extra-dimensional otherworld and sion” notion used by many writers like J.C.F.
goes both ways; there is no one-way arrow of Zöllner, P.D. Ouspensky, C.G. Jung and C.H.
time there. Eternality might be a third kind of Hinton, as there might be many more extra
time. The two time dimensional model addresses dimensions.
is sues like evo lu tion, na ture/nur ture, free Quantum-scientists now talk (in M-theory) about
will/deter minism in a totally new way, and hints eleven dimensions in all and the extra ones are
at solutions for many other phenomena. curled up and not tangible. Rudy Rucker pointed
In this approach the future influences the present out that the non-tangible might well be an infi-
(and the past). This is quite a blow to the classical nite-dimensional Hilbert space. Whatever it is, it’s
and new physics, and also to the legal and psycho- extra, more than nor mal space-time.
logical underpinnings of society, even to the Psyche: our inner world
roots of “scientific” thinking. Science and ratio- The psyche is the best tool we have, but how little
nality have led us away do we understand how it works or
from this dual time real- how self consciousness happens?
ization; by ignoring the We don’t even know how we
magical and the magical translate sense input to thought,
time dimension we have images and memory.
lost the essenti al Even worse, we are hardly in
connection. touch with the deep layers of our
I see, capping this three psyche. We have protected and
world model, a meta-di- shielded, in the course of our up-
mension underlying ev- bringing, our vulnerable and sen-
erything, which has to do sitive nature with an ego, an as-
with (all-)consciousness.

sumed personality. We have masked what we mals) have a deep inner level of sensing, being
really are. and knowing, beyond the physical. To illustrate
The personality which we tend to assume is our this, I indicate a set of infor mation/energy nodes
“me” or self, but this is just a superficial layer, a (primes) where exchange with the extra-dimensi-
mask. The perceived self acts as a shield between onal takes place. These primes are the transmitter
our core and what we show to the world. It thus and receiving organs for communication with the
also shields us from what the world brings to us in unseen. To access the capabilities of these organs
love, hate, resentment, violence, projections and we need to be aware of these primes and what
challenges. This personality – I like the notion of they offer. They used to be called our divine con-
assumed self – can also be described as ego and nection, but now the word ESP (extra sensory
has layers and levels, sub-personalities, and hid- perception) is more common.
den traits. Trying to discern what happens at By letting go of our assumed self (ego), we have a
these levels in a ritual context and what effects chance to access the deep layers of that sub- and
this can have, is an essential element of this book. unconscious part of ourselves where the self dis-
I believe that connecting to the deeper levels be- appears too, where the subjective dissolves. I
yond this ego is what makes rituals, healing, magic don’t specify the primes (transmit/receive nodes)
and other es o teric and mostly intangible very much. I don’t place them in specific organs
techniques, effective. in the body, but obviously we do perceive things
like beauty, danger and, here comes the crucial
The structure of the psyche point, even the future.
An important part of this book deals with how Practical magic
rituals affect the psyche, how perception is more Rituals and magic are of course very much re-
than physicists can measure and how mind over lated, just as magic and religion are simply two
matter works. I develop a model of the psyche, faces of the same phenomenon. Rituals are
self images and interaction amplifying the work clearly means to influence reality, can be de-
of S. Freud, C.G. Jung, A. Adler, R. Hubbard and scribed as magical acts. This concerns the internal
the transpersonal psychologists. reality (including psychopathological states), the
In this model the subjective axis, where I place outside world reality (including our bodies), and
the sense based self-images like the shown self, the otherworld. Magic is everywhere; the magical
the assumed self and the inner me, differs (or- is far wider than the manifested and measurable
thogonal) from the transcendental I-axis, where we deal with in the hard sciences.
we have access to the extra-dimensional realm. It Physics in that sense is just a subset of the magical
is in the inner me, if you like the higher self com- (and a small one too). This is not novel thinking:
plex, that there are layers or modalities of the psy- people like Immanuel Kant already distinguished
che which can be referred to as the inner child, between the unknowable totality of “Das Ding
but also what C.G. Jung calls the collective un- an Sich” (the isness of something), and the lim-
conscious, the archetypical. Maybe it is better to ited and subjective perceived reality of what a
call these inner layers (in that core self) the person observes. This limited perception is, su-
super-conscious level; it is obviously not less, but perficially, “Das Ding für Mich” (my experience
more connected to the spiritual, the inner fire. of it), the manifested, physical and measurable.
Affecting or making contact with these deeper Plato gave us the image of the cave, where per-
layers is, I believe, one of the main purposes of ceived reality is only a shadow of what is really
ritual. This is the fundamental message of this out there, and virtual reality has given us the op-
book: ritual is a means to get in touch with our tion of experiencing and absorbing the illusion
deeper “I” as the core of our inner “Me”. It is of “maya” reality, while the movie “The Matrix”
there that we can feel and influence the wider re- takes this even further.
ality, the magical or spiritual world. I would call magic an art rather than a trade. One
All this points to the notion that we as humans way of looking at a magic act is to see it as dealing
(but in this we are not very different from ani- with the extradimensional, overcoming the limi-

tations of daily and manifested reality. Magic is a Beyond this rational look at ethics I also sug gest
broad subject, but deserves considerable atten- that the primes mentioned above give us access to
tion in the context of ritual. I developed concepts hyperreal but important “truths”. Morality in that
and models of the structure and essence of magi- perspective is God-given in the sense that it can
cal working, they do differ from accepted science be perceived as originating in the extra-dimen-
or even esoteric and religious insights into what sional realm. There aspects like beauty, truth and
magic is. justice reside and our time and space are irre-
Magic is everywhere. We live magical lives. Once levant.
we accept that there is direction and purpose in The exclusion of the immaterial, the amputation
created reality, it is very hard to ignore that there is of what spiritual and religious traditions teach, in
a deeper, more profound hyper-causality than the many cases is directly related to the loss of ritual
causality flagbearer Pierre Simon (de) Laplace as a basic part of life and upbringing and has led
and most of the philosophers assume. to serious divisions and problems in today’s
Jung’s synchronicity just touches the surface of world. Religions have offered a stable base, just
how deeply the magical is part of our life. We are because they have traditionally claimed exclusiv-
all magical beings and we perform magic all the ity in the understanding or description of the
time, through our thoughts, our words and our metaphysical. They have imposed dogmatic but
deeds. We might see our little off-the-record gos- clear notions of morality, and have gone to war to
sip routine at the copying machine as a harmless defend or spread these. Ignoring the religious
and innocent pastime, but in a way it’s already a roots of the ethics that define culture to a large
magical and not so innocent act. For me, a better extent in most civilizations is a costly experiment,
understanding of ritual can help me (and I hope as both communism and neo-liberalism have
you) to understand how all thoughts, moves and shown. In the rituals that we did away with the
acts influence reality. crucial ethics were often institutionalized and
I will illustrate that reality is magically influenced transmitted to the people. We have lost our bear-
by sharing personal experiences and stories, relat- ings, and I think we have to go back and see what
ing my own magical journey. The examplesI give in a wider perspective what we have scrapped.
illustrate the underlying “technology” as visible Religion is not without a purpose and looking at
in the details of the ritual matrix, I try to show religious ritual in the context of extra-dimen-
how often the links (cor respondences) have a ra- sional access routines (another way to define rit-
tional or at least logical ground. Take for instance, ual) makes them more logical, in a way. Looking at
the use of gold in crowns and ritual attire. We the core focus of ritual traditions has led to my
have lost the understanding that the purpose was using of the chakra model to make a somewhat
to shield the wearer against brain/thought waves, unorthodox classification of religious traditions
I will come back to this. and ritual development over time.
The ethical aspect of rituals and magic requires Now this sounds all very serious, but in looking at
some deeper understanding and modeling of rituals and ceremonies one also has at least to be
what ethics, morality, and good and evil mean. To open to acknowledging the play, the entertain-
understand this, we can look at what Plato and ment aspect, the need to exag gerate, to embellish
philosophers before and after him came up with the process, the need for sleight of hand magic
concerning good and evil, white and black magic, and illusionist trickery. Playing, often with a re-
the nature of justice, law and rightfulness, of vir- petitive character, can become a ritual, and when
tues and sins and natural law. The brave and the taken to the theater-level, the two aspects inter-
wild horse in Plato’s Phaedrus are a great starting twine. The old Greek drama’s were much more
point for a new way to look at the “Contrat So- stylized rituals than today’s experimental theater,
cial”. It points at a balanced way to deal with cre- and in the person of the sleight-of-hand magician
ativity and criminality, the apparent but false we see this interesting amalgam of entertain-
choice between security and liberty. ment, play, illusion, psychological manipulation
and jesting.

A recur ring theme in the book is the notion of in- of resonance) is in essence the ultimate infor -
for mation. This is actually a main theme in my life mation technology.
too, as I made my career mostly in the infor ma- I have also looked ahead: where is ritual going?
tion technology (IT) industry. At some point I We now have the interesting subject of cyber-
started wondering about what of infor mation re- space, a virtual environment where we have to re-
ally is. I looked beyond what Claude Shannon (the define what reality, love, contact and all those
sender-receiver-noise model) and the computer monikers mean. At this point we can ask whether
industry have made of it. In our world of data- virtual (cyber-)ritual is possible and effective. In-
processing the misunderstanding of what infor - teresting questions. There are already people who
mation is has taken on grotesque forms. We even see cyberspace as a good way to address the
refer to giant ag gregates of data like the Internet otherworld (again beyond the conventionally ac-
as infor mation media now, and talk about infor - knowledged social and psychological effects).
mation highways rather than data highways. I be- Priestly roles in cyberspace like that of the
lieve that infor mation is what hits us (a bit is only cyber-druid are already assumed; cyber-paganism
information if it bytes) and makes a difference. and even info-theism are emerging movements. I
Mountains of digital bleeps do not do so, not un- will also go into the lack of cyberspace ethics and
less we put intention and effort into “mining” why we need the hackers and the cyberspace pio-
them, using filters and search engines. But then neers, the defenders of infor mation freedom.
there are those bits that do reach us, hit us, change Many of them see their work as a sacred duty, and
us, that we didn’t ask for, but came by themselves. here the study of magic and ritual suddenly be-
I am thinking about the surprise meeting, the ac- comes a real 21st century issue.
cidental news item we see, a book that opens at
the right page, data we need that reaches us in a In the second volume of this book I have applied
synchronistic moment. There the whole notion all of this to rituals concerned with fire. Fire is a
of infor mation widens, includes the irrational, core part of ritual. Noah’s first act after the Great
the magical and then the connection with ritual is Flood subsided was to thank God by lighting a
a logical one. Infor mation (exchange or retrieval) fire. In a religious, Biblical context this was the
is also not a one way street, it is at least a two-way first ritual. In the Zoroastrian and Vedic tradi-
process, and more likely similar to what we call tions, fire is the quintessential ritual tool. All com-
fields in physics. When we deal with infor mation munication with the gods and otherworld is
that really makes a difference (a physicist would through the fire and Agni, the fire-God. Fire ritu-
say it changes the entropy, a philosopher would als are therefore a good subject for elucidating
call it free will) it feels much more like dealing and applying the hypotheses, models and pro-
with a process or an operator in a field, something cesses described in the first parts of this book. I
that touches upon consciousness. have looked at them in both the traditional forms
Looking for infor mation we often experience an and how they have emerged in mod ern
effect similar to the old adage: “When the student incarnations like FireDance and Burning Man.
is ready the teacher will come” and this can be ap- As a general for mat of the book, I will develop
plied even to mundane web-searches and every- my insights and models concentrating on my own
day life searches. When we find what we are look- understanding. I will try to give the references to
ing for or when we are given what we need, and theoretical and historical context in the appen-
the bit thus bytes, there is a striking similarity to dices.
what happens in quantum physics when the I could have used the footnote for mat of scien-
probability curve collapses and “existence” is es- tific publications, but I think Internet, Wikipedia
tablished/measured. In both realms, conscious- and Google are easier and more modern ways to
ness is at the root of it and so infor mation and check on my arguments and sources. If you
(tangible) reality meet. How exactly, I leave to sci- doubt a statement or want to know where it co-
ence but I dare to sug gest that magic (the science mes from, just Google it.
Luc Sala, November 2013

2 To start with: definitions and the main points

Let me start with some definitions or rather limi- realm. Ceremony in this view is limited to the psy-
tations of the subject matter. What do we mean chological and social effects (more or less in nor -
when we talk about ritual, ceremony, magic and mal reality, including our mind). I will explain that
suchlike? Discussing mind, consciousness, emo- the magical in the ritual, in order to be effective,
tions, feelings, reality, personality, soul and similar needs a special psychological state (of conscious-
concepts, there are many definitions and an often ness) which could be called the ritual state and is
very vague use of these words. I will relate my un- like the inner child state. This state in itself has ef-
derstanding of these terms in the specific context fects on the participants, but a true ritual also
and see this also as a way to quickly introduce the aims at influencing physical reality, to “work” be-
points in this work that are new ideas or yond the psychological and social. This is what is
hypotheses. meant by the efficacy of ritual, it includes the
I accept that sometimes the way I use them is a bit magical effects achieved.
peculiar, but it fits into a broad general cosmog-
ony that will become clear as you read on . Psyche
One general remark is that these concepts usually I see the psyche as the totality of the mind, con-
refer to processes rather than to things. They are scious, subconscious and unconscious, and this
dynamic and changing. The “nature” of things is extends even beyond the brain. It is a process, not
a dynamic process with a past, a present and a fu- a static phenomenon. Looking at the psyche as if
ture. The phrase: “Natural History” is much we took a snapshot at a given moment (the now)
closer to what Plato referred to as “Phusis” (re- ignores the trajectory. What happens is always in
lated to growth) than the rather static word relation to the past and the future. The psyche is
“physics” that we use nowadays. Scientists are our infor mation processing unit and most of
obsessed with measuring. But to measure is a what happens there is “embedded”. The psyche
“now” act at a specific moment and often ignores is not the same as the soul. The soul is the core of
the dynamic aspects and the whole of the picture. our being, the divine spark that also is beyond the
I like to say: “To measure is to know, but risks mind; it is the transcendental part. It is part of the
losing track of the whole.” me and the I, at the center of the higher self, but
So I will start by indicating what I mean when I also separate from it. This is not what Freud saw
use some of these words, not so much defining as soul (Seele); he equated that more with spirit
them as limiting them in scope. More exact defi- (Geist) in a materialistic sense, as a part of the
nitions (and why there are so many different mechanism of the mind .
ones) will be dealt with in subsequent chapters.
The limitations I will outline below are more to Mind
help focus and eliminate unnecessary explana- The word “mind” is preferred by cognitive scien-
tions further on. tists to “psyche”. Mind is usually seen as a func-
tion of the brain, but I believe the psyche is more
Ritual versus ceremony: efficacy
than only cognitive processes (thinking), has
I do sug gest (and use in this book) a distinction roots not only in other parts of our body (like
between ritual and ceremony. Ceremony is a memories of experiences stored in body parts)
more mundane activity, while ritual has an other- but extends beyond the body limits and in other
worldly, spiritual connotation and I use this dif- dimensions. I therefore prefer the word psyche. I
ference to separate the two. Ritual, the way I use will deal with the whole complex of psyche, self
the word in this work, has or had a magical com- and I in this book, as it is relevant in the context
ponent aimed at influencing physical reality (in- of ritual .
cluding psychological and social effects) through We are connected to a wider awareness, not only
interaction with a spiritual or extra-dimensional through thinking but at more levels. Thinking is

im por tant, the no tion of
thought-waves appeals to me,
but there is more. A brain scan
reveals a lot about chemical and
electrical activities in the brain,
but not what happens in the
psyche (or even the mind). It is
a materialistic snapshot, at best
a series of snapshots.

Self and not-self

The notion and meaning of
self has changed over time
from more social to more indi-
vidual, but in my view it is the grave (ad limina) the stone threshold of life.
subjective image that we have, as in “myself ” or Many rituals use fear, uncertainty, stripping of
“me”. The sentence “I am looking at myself in identity as a tool. Initiation rituals are a good ex-
the mirror” makes this clear. The notion of self ample, a rite of passage usually involves hardship
covers at least three selves, as it is used to indicate and ter ror, terrifying the initiates to the point
the deeper levels (the unconscious, higher self) where they give up their (perceived) identity .
and the self image that we see as the conscious
self, but also the self we are showing to others. Identity
These three (subjective) self images are one way Self and identity are closely related, certainly in
to look at how our psyche is working, looking at the modern materialistic context. One is what
the “I” as the witness and controller. I make thus one owns, mostly stuff, status, knowledge,
a distinction between the I and the me . web-content, sensitivity, taste, mainly things that
The connection to a different dimension (in the I) distinguish one from others or show peer group
offers another perspective. The conscious “as- affiliation. Self-concerns are very much the cen-
sumed” self image is not what we really are, it is a ter of an individual’s striving for well-being and
construction that is perceived as personality or for making sense of one’s life. Loss of ego and
ego. Letting go of that self image we can access loss of identity are related.
the inner me, the true self. In there we see that the The goal of losing the self in a ritual context
deeper we probe, the less individuality there is. In means letting go of the identity too. But this is the
the end the self disappears, there is only not-self. outside, false identity. Just as the self is fluid and
Here I step away from the idealist notions of Jung changing, so is our identity, our self that we as-
(individuation) and Maslow (self-actualization), I sume we are. We are often unconsciously moving
believe we have ultimately to let go of being dif- between the various self modalities (masks).
ferent and special. “I am only different as I have Then the way we show parts of our self to others
not yet learnt to be the same”. The mystical is even more contrived .
unitive state and the I intersecting with the selves
form the crossroads of the subjective and the Personality-Mask-Ego
transcendental. Again here are words that have a different mean-
Fear and liminality ing depending on the author or discipline. Freud’s
Letting go of the ego is a fearful thing, we lose ego is not what we now call ego as in egotistic. I
our bearings, drop our masks and this stepping will use a model of the subjective selves where I
over a threshold has been recognized by Victor consider the mostly unconscious inner self part
Turner as a fundamental characteristic in ritual. of our psyche to be the inner me, or the higher
he used the word liminality. The limen is a thresh- self. This is separate from the conscious self im-
old, a Latin word also used to indicate visiting the age of the assumed me (ego), or what we think we

are. It is where we go in dreams, in altered states is nature, that what our soul chose and manifest in
of consciousness. our genes. Nurture is our adaptation, in modern
This conscious part does have some hidden, less terms the epigenetic. Sometimes more masks de-
conscious attributes; together the popularnotion velop later because of new influences, situations
is personality or ego, but basically it is a mask. I or traumatic experiences; some people only have
use that word because it kind of fits with persona a single mask or ego modality. Having more
(the Greek for mask) but it’s more flexible, not so masks can be felt as being less honest, as being
rigid. This is thus not an unchanging, simple self more complicated, but in fact all masks are in a
image, a constant mask. It changes over time and sense false. Only the switching between them
develops and shows different facets . makes other people insecure, so a single mask
To complicate this even further, in many people reassures them .
there are self-contained other egos, modalities The third self is the one we present to the world, I
that I usually indicate as masks, because they are call this the shown self. There is another notion
separate; one can switch from one to the other. In of a mask, the pretention we offer. That is what
extreme cases these become multiple personali- appears in the difference between what we think
ties; nor mally we experience them as mood we are and what we show to others, but this is a
swings. Often the people around us notice the more conscious masking. It’s more in line with
switch between masks better than we do . what happens in a theater. We put on a show, pre-
All our masks or sub-personalities or ego-modes tend, create and cast an image .
are coping mechanisms, the result of the inner The core self in this model is not very defined.
me core (our original nature also called the inner There are layers. I like to use the notion of inner
child) dealing with external situations. The first child (which is a layer within the self); others use
and usually most prevalent ego-mode or mask is that of higher self (with the lower self being the
the result of dealing with our parents and our ego) or the soul. There is the use of the word
early upbringing. This is where the nature/nur- not-self for what we believe we are (and just play
ture separation starts. Our inner core or inner me at being), but this could also be the core, where in-
dividuality ceases. Most traditions differentiate
between higher self and ego and aim at letting go
of the ego. I tend to think that ego and self need
integration, but that it is the inner me (higher self)
that has access to the magical through intuitive,
instinctual senses and energy exchange nodes,
which I call primes.

Quite an essential part of my ritual model is the
concept of exchange with other dimensions. Hu-
mans perceive much more than tangible physical
reality; we intuit things like beauty, balance, love,
danger and many such things, but have no way to
measure or quantify these notions, at least in the
eyes of the scientific world. These intuitions are
not mere illusions; we experience them as emo-
tions (they have physical bodily effects) and they
are translated into feelings, which make us do
things, decide upon actions, and shape our lives.
Ignoring them or classifying them as irrational
mind programs or illusions and going for the em-

pirical, the measurable, has of course led to
progress, but also limited us .
I argue that we have senses and actuators to deal
with the extradimensional, that they are real, have
measurable effects and can be used consciously.
In fact, we all use these primes unconsciously all
the time. Using them more consciously can be
called ESP (extra sensory perception) and magic,
and in ritual we use them to perceive and influ-
ence the extradimensional, beyond time, place,
reason and tangible causality .

Feelings and emotions

Another distinction I like to make is that between
feelings and emotions. The distinction became
clear to me on reading Antonio Damasio, the
neuroscientist who dares to admit that wisdom perspective I use a model with three worlds or
and science are different things, and whose books realms: the mind, tangible reality and the spiritual.
are about science as he sees it. Emotions are what This is a simplification, as the otherworld (the
happens in our body, the physiological effects of spiritual) is probably far more complex, has many
external stimuli or internal “make believe” sug - layers and there are many views and theories
gestions, whereas feelings are what our mind about it. I don’t want to go into this, I leave the in-
makes of them. Feelings are in the mind, closer to visible realms or layers of the mental, astral, etc.
consciousness; emotions often happen before we planes to the theologians and esotericists and
are even aware of them and are more basic. A keep it simple. This doesn’t mean I include or ex-
mood is an emotional state and differs from emo- clude a world of spirits, gods or whatever; let ev-
tions in that these are less specific, less intense erybody believe what they like. This third, intan-
and less likely to be trig gered by a particular stim- gible realm serves as a way to include the extra-di-
ulus or event. Moods are subjective states and mensional and I just call it spiritual because this is
have more root elements in the personality struc- what most rituals are aiming at .
ture. They also last lon ger than emo tions. Maybe there is a some relationship with the extra
Temperament is even more fundamental and dimensions that string theory physicists these
longer lasting. days talk about, but I leave it to them to see and
name the correlations. They will usually also not
Ritual matrix
accept that time (or one of the time dimensions)
A ritual is more than just a set of acts. Things like works both ways, in the sense that the future in-
intention, attention, the mindset, but also the lay- fluences the present (and thus the present the
out, sounds, smells and much more make up the past as well as the future), even as the mathemati-
ritual matrix. Apart from the nor mal senses and cal equations point at this, and some quan-
the primes mentioned above, an effective ritual tum-physical models can only work if there is
matrix uses links or cor respondences that con- negative time.
nect the tangible sense world to the extra-
dimensional. I will look at the various aspects of a Set, setting and magical
ritual, mostly looking at it from the perspective of correspondences
set, setting and magical connections.
Within the three world model I denote what has
The three worlds model to do with the mindset as set, what has to do with
the world (people, place, liturgy) as setting and
The totality of the cosmos and beyond is of add the third corner of the triangle as the spiri-
course unfathomable, but to give a manageable

tual, magical dimension. In a somewhat outdated for this special gift, and I will point to ritual as a
jargon the many physical and symbolic connec- way to become reconnected in this sense. We
tions with this third world were called “the corre- might have gained some, but also lost.
spondences”. The mental connections (to the Ascribing consciousness to animals leads to see-
otherworld) are our imagination, our dreams and ing it in plants and then why not accept con-
the sense/transmit organs I call primes . sciousness in water, crystals and all matter, ulti-
mately a pantheistic view of creation. Even if this
Consciousness goes too far for many to swallow, there are good
I assume there is some overarching level of being reasons to assume consciousness is not a purely
beyond being, the metadimensional. This is the human thing. I will point in this book to phenom-
formless and unchanging that I tend to see as the ena concerning plant consciousness. One of my
all consciousness, but could be named God, more es oteric spec u la tions is that we owe
Spirit or even the Essence of Nature. This must ‘dreaming’ to the plant kingdom .
manifest into form in order to express itself. I see
time as the vehicle for this manifestation in our The will, free will
space-time reality. Space follows, but like time is Has a particle of water, falling onto the watershed
not a thing of itself, but is only the outline of in the Himalayas, the freedom to choose whether
form. Manifestation is form. Formlessness, the to go to the Indian ocean or the Pacific? And
true content, can only be outside of time in the could we call this will?
Platonic sense. Focus, attention (to the present) and intention
The notion of consciousness and the word itself (concerning the future) are certainly important in
comes in many flavors. Some see it as self-con- ritual and magic, but there are two fundamental
sciousness, as awareness of one’s own existence, problems. First, do we have free will? Some will
sensations and thoughts, sur roundings, and so say we are just preprogrammed to act out what is
on. Others conceive it as so vast, that only point- deter mined anyway. I agree with the mystical
ing at what it is ‘not‘ makes sense. I see conscious- George Gurdjieff that most of the time most of
ness as a root phenomenon; it shows up every- the people are not free, in the sense that they play
where and in everything, tangible and intangible. out their mask scenarios in an unconscious way.
Everything manifested has some consciousness. In the model with two time dimensions that I use
I will argue in this book, bor rowing from the new in this book, I offer a way out of theis dilemma.
physics and quantum science, that
consciousness is where it all starts and
that time and then existence follow.
This might be a surprise to you, but in
the context of dealing with the unseen
as in magic, it makes sense. I believe
time is “used” by consciousness to
manifest our reality, as a vehicle for
manifestation .
Humans tend to think they are the only
beings who are self-conscious and can
think about themselves, but maybe this
“gift” is of less value than we think.
Being self-con scious means be ing
aware that we are aware; it is consid-
ered a more human quality, but animals
do have some of it as well. We could
speculate that we have traded some
other consciousness like magic or ESP

In a magical time dimension we do have freedom Resonance
to manipulate time and thus reality. To access this
I argue the fundamental law of nature and magic
dimension we have to get into a different state of
is resonance. Ultimately everything is related to
consciousness and to do this already could be
everything else. All things, events, thoughts are
considered an act of will. This is stepping out of
relational and as a physicist would say, entangled.
the cosy normality and risking sometyhing new.
Perception is a resonance mechanism and needs
Secondly, I feel the focus on the (human) will as
some kind of consciousness, as even modern
the central force in human consciousness is giv-
physics indicates. What consciousness is remains
ing it to much prominence. People such as
the big mystery. For me it is more related to the
Schopenhauer, Aleister Crowley, Roberto As-
ground of all being, but maybe one day science
sagioli and many others ignore or overlook that
will discover the consciousness particle, the ulti-
the will (willful intention) is only one of the ap-
mate resonance explanation, even beyond Higgs’
proaches. In the chakra model it has to do with
gravitation boson .
truth and power (the third chakra) and obviously
is realted to making things happen. But there are Causation
other energy modes we possess and there tools
like love, sex, art, expression, and visualization Where does change starts? It there only a prime
come into play. Think about language as a magi- mover and chaos or is consciousness instigating
cal tool, we can feel elevated and connected just chance? In a ritual we try to cause something
tuning into a song. which is beyond rationality, we “will” a change.
When magic is defined as using the will to manip- Causality in philosophy describes and analyses
ulate time and thus reality, then of course it is the cause and effect but is usually limited to rational
essential component, but I feel this is limited. By and chronological (time-related) relationships,
expanding this notion of magic as using all reso- where the effect is the consequence of the cause.
nance possibilities, the other chakra modes, we Causation is the notion that events occur in pre-
widen the scope of it. The human will is only one dictable ways and that one event leads to another,
of the mechanisms. but usually within the limits of following the ar-
row of time and logical reason .
Empiricist David Hume listed conditions for
cause-effect relationships, which in modern
quantum-theoretical terms are not valid, but still
apply to “human” scale causality
situations .
He questioned that we can ever re-
ally perceive cause and effect, we
just assume (and this becomes a
habit or program in pour mind) an
association between two types of
object or event.
In magic (and ritual as practical
magic) however causation is not
limited by the direction of the ar-
row of time or the dimensionality
of space, and thus foregoes the
laws of nor mal logic and rational-
ity .
Will plays a big role in ritual, but
there are many interpretations of
what will means. In order them in a

In this book the concepts are accompanied with graphs,
sometimes complicated but offering a visual way to grasp the relationships

graphic that illustrates their place in a wider per-

God, spirits, reality
Free will, when exercised in manipulating the Limiting ourselves to the tangible and rational in
course of things, therefore has to grounded in an- the context of ritual would narrow this book to a
other dimension, a time other than logical time. materialistic description of a rather irrational as-
Then it is not limited by the nor mal chains of pect of life, so some form of extra-dimensional
events. What matters in magic (and free wil deci- reality is assumed. This does not imply that an ac-
sions) is to find a bridge, a correspondence or res- ceptance of the concept of a God or a spirit
onance between the worlds and this is always a world is necessary to understand the analyses.
duplex, things go both ways. Not only do we It is enough to accept that there is an unseen di-
change things in the extradimensional other- mension that we connect with, a dimension that
world, they mirror back. Action is reaction but is as yet unmeasurable and intangible. It exists
supersedes the barriers between the worlds, by and might eventually be explained in the sense
way of the resonance between them. The barriers that the magical is just the as yet unexplained. I
are in that sense ir relevant, karma applies every- personally believe there is a primal ground of be-
where. “Correlation does not imply causation” is ing, indicated in many ways by mystics calling it as
a phrase used in the sciences and statistics but not the ultimate truth or love .
in magic. Here it does work, the concept of cor- This meta-dimensional all manifests for us as re-
relation indicates resonance and points to the ality. But as we are limited in our understanding
possibility of reciprocal influence. of that which is beyond everything, we project
onto it and experience what we are: multilayered
beings .

From the formless all to the consciousness of the
minutest resonance we tend to span a web of pro-
jections, naming and thus framing Gods, deities,
spirits, devas, life energy, dimensions, down to
electrons, bosons. All are levels or layers of the
tangible or intangible and are real in the percep-
tion of the believers. Just as I cannot hold God in
my hands, I cannot grasp a Higgs particle or for
that matter time.
In my view of ritual I make a distinction between
the tangible and the virtual (extra) dimensions
and assume an overarching meta-dimensional
background, but this is just a model to integrate
phenomena deemed irrational, not necessary a
higher level of truth. The model presented how-
ever offers a new understanding and leads to
propositions and explanations that do seem to
align with obser vations, by me and in history .

3 What defines a ritual?

Rituals are ceremonies with a magical purpose: manifest reality; the symbols and cor respon-
this how I introduced the concept in the first dences connect it to what lies beyond.”
chapters. But let’s see how others view it. In the Great, some notion of the supernatural at least,
classic sense, rituals and ritualistic behavior, rang- but in this view ritual is limited to humans and as-
ing from psychopathic repetition to large scale sumes that language must be part of ritual. But
cultural events like the Olympics or even wars, still not really accepting non-symbolic results and
seem to be at the same time a habit, a (sometimes comparing it to language is also quite a step; this
obsessive) escape from external pressure as well kind of refers back to the myth versus ritual de-
as a connection to a higher level of awareness bate in anthropology. I will try to show that there
within the participant(s). Very few definitions go was ritual before there was language (and thus
beyond this and see ritual as an effective way to myth) and maybe even before there was self-
manipulate reality or acknowledge the magical as awareness as we know it. Ritual is far less cogni-
a real purpose. Even fewer will try to include con- tive than words; it is probably also less symbolic.
tact or communication with supernatural beings This can be guessed from the obser vation that
or a supernatural reality. Mostly the definitions most “original” (primitive is a bad adjective here)
are very polite and politically correct, but rituals have music and dancing, movement and
therefore not meaningful. drumming, very simple mantra-like songs, and
Wikipedia refers to a ritual as a set of actions, not much verbal expression. Language is already
perfor<->med mainly for their symbolic value. It very cognitive, very “mind” and I believe ritual
may be prescribed by the traditions of a commu- comes from a much deeper level, where we feel
nity, including a religious community. The word and exchange things science now calls irrational.
usually refers to actions which are stylized, ex- Myth and religious thinking are the mind looking
cluding actions which are arbitrarily chosen by for and constructing explanations for what we
the performers. This definition is not very deep; it “know” and feel at a deeper level.
sounds rationalistic and a bit grey. I don’t like The question also arises, looking at what Ency-
Wikipedia very much; I agree with Jaron Lanier’s clopedia Britannica sug gests, of whether for in-
classification of it as Digital Maoism, the power stance mating rituals or habits of animals are also
of mediocrity, of the little hero who claims a turf. ritual. An interesting question, that has to do with
I do use Wikipedia and other wiki’s a lot, but look the whole issue of consciousness, self-conscious-
for depth elsewhere. ness, sentience, perception and qualia. Even
Encyclopedia Britannica, a more reliable source, Wikipedia mentions that many animal species use
defines ritual as the perfor mance of ceremonial ritualized actions to court or to greet each other,
acts prescribed by tradition or by sacerdotal de- or to fight. Let me just remark that St. Frances
cree. Ritual is a specific, observable mode of be- was preaching to the birds, so from a religious
havior exhibited by all known societies. It is thus point of view they are able to receive or under-
possible to view ritual as a way of defining or stand spiritual infor mation. And in Hinduism an-
describing humans. imals have karma too and can upgrade their in-
Human beings, to follow the notions mentioned carnation level, while the Buddhists and Jains are
in the Encyclopedia Britannica, are more or less very precise about what they call sentient beings.
defined as ritual beings who “exhibit a striking It has to do with experiencing subjectivity, like
parallel between their ritual and verbal behavior. feeling pain consciously. Any dog or horse owner
Just as language is a system of symbols that is will tell you how their animals feel you, how they
based upon arbitrary rules, ritual may be viewed are in touch with you beyond words, help you,
as a system of symbolic acts that is based upon ar- communicate consciously with you. I personally
bitrary rules. It therefore operates outside the have had therapy sessions with horses acting as

great teachers for me, showing me my modes of aid, sympathy and empathy, direct and indirect
behavior and my level of “realness”. reciprocity, altruism and reciprocal altruism, con-
This understanding finds modern support. Neu- flict resolution and peacemaking, deception and
rological research shows that animals at least have deception detection, community concern and
all the hardware aboard which scientists now see caring about what others think about you, and
as instrumental in human consciousness. As is awareness of and response to the social rules of
stated in the 2012 Cambridge Declaration on the group”.
Consciousness: “The absence of a neocortex Animals do feel pain, and are aware of it too; just
does not appear to preclude an organism from kick a dog to find out. As for how experiences re-
experiencing affective states. late to consciousness, I will come back to this in
Convergent evidence indicates that non-human the chapters on perceptions and senses. The “sci-
animals have the neuro-anatomical, neuro-chem- entific” way to describe ritual carefully evades the
ical, and neuro-physiological substrates of con- point of how symbolic acts come to be. Where
scious states along with the capacity to exhibit in- does the need for rituals arise, why do we do
tentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of them; what is the intention? There is no obvious
evidence indicates that humans are not unique in necessity to perform rituals and yet they show up
possessing the neurological substrates that gener- in all cultures. Maybe this has to do with how ex-
ate consciousness. Nonhuman animals, including periences become conscious, the problem of
all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, “qualia” or how sense data ag gregates (core ob-
including octopuses, also possess these neurolog- ser vations like a color) become internal “images”
ical substrates.” Does this mean anything beyond and memories, how subjective perceptual experi-
our accepting that animals can feel conscious ences happen and how they are stored and re-
pain, or that there are conscious or even self con- called. In ritual there is repetition and this as-
scious animals like dolphins or whales? Is the ob- sumes some kind of memory. The ritual state,
vious play mode we see in many animals related what happens inside, is omitted in most descrip-
to our human play, to expression of individual tions and just the external (behavior, acts, repe-
emotion, art and ritual? tition) is mentioned.
One of the markers for re ligious All these careful omissions and limita-
awareness is the burying of the dead, a tions of “ritual” definitions tell me more
ritual that points at a notion of an af- than what is included.
terlife and this again at well developed
causality. Now elephants are known to Anthropologic views
have a recognizable ritual sur rounding I am not an anthropologist and don’t
death. Chimpanzees also mourn the want to be one. The ques tion of
dead, and notice things that have only whether a ritual has magical efficacy
aesthetic value, like sunsets, both of doesn’t seem to interest them much;
which may be considered to be com- they mostly want to look at the social
ponents of religion or spirituality of some sort. and maybe psychological effects. At best they
Some birds make seemingly artistic displays to at- consider rituals to be storehouses of cultural
tract mates. Dolphins play and have rescued hu- memes, carriers of a tradition, a tribal memory.
mans on many occasions, all at least an indication They do have various definitions or let’s say inter-
of pre-moral sentiments and that observing cau- pretations of ritual, and often see the develop-
sality may not be a uniquely human trait. Social ment of ritual in a neo-Darwinian perspective, as-
behavior, sociality is of course one of the corner- suming some kind of progress and evolution.
stones of morality, but does this mean animals Ritualistic behavior is then seen as a primitive
know good from bad? Michael Shermer points at stage and modern man has outgrown that need. I
the characteristics shared by humans and other don’t mind the word primitive or even primal, as I
social animals, particularly the great apes: “at- do see ritual as a more primal phenomenon than
tachment and bonding, cooperation and mutual for instance religion and will introduce the word

accordingly, as transformational events for the
community and individuals in the community.
Even more modern scholars like linguist Mi-
chaelSilverstein see ritual as social action aimed at
particular transfor mations often conceived in
cosmic terms. This all affirms the psychological
and social importance but leaves out most of the
spiritual dimension, the magical efficacy. They
have only looked at the set and setting, ignoring
the magical dimension.

Bonewits: the emic approach

Isaac Bonewits, quite versed in magical practice
himself, has put one of the more modern and es-
oteric definitions of ritual in his pagan dictionary
at his site
Ritual: Any ordered sequence of events, actions and/or
directed thoughts, especially one that is repeated in the
“same” manner each time, that is designed to produce a
Anthropology is a fascinating profession, colorful and predictable altered state of consciousness within which
flashy, but how real was this man? Le Baba Laetoli certain magical or religious (or artistic or scientific?) re-
(Kali Baba) was once a Los Angelos gang boy. sults may be obtained.
Notice that he kind of points at the liturgical ma-
trix involving procedures, acts and directed
primes to indicate contact centers with the thoughts (intention) but maintains repetition as a
otherworld. So if primitive means original state factor. He has been very active in the neopagan
and not a derogative expressions, it’s fine. world and very influential and is well respected,
Joseph Jordania, in the context of the role of mu- but in this definition he seems reluctant to honor
sic, supposed that the initial function of ritualistic the modern trend of creating new, original rituals
behaviors in human evolutionary prehistory was all the time. I think an interesting insight I share is
to achieve an altered state of consciousness in the that repetition is a useful tool to get out of the
hominid brain, building group awareness and a cognitive state.
collective identity. In this state hominids did not Bonewits’ theoretical model of why magic works
feel fear and pain, they were religiously dedicated assumes some field or meta-reality he refers to as
to group interests, did not question orders, and the ‘Switchboard‘. He postulates this as a network
could sacrifice their lives for the common goal. of interlocking meta-patterns of everyone who
Well, music can do that, but I think this state is has ever lived or who is living now, expressed as
not exclusively human. constantly changing and infinitely subtle modifi-
When I personally witnessed the mass hysterical cations of cur rent telepathic transmissions and
wildebeest and zebra migration in Kenya, I no- receptions. Many phenomena interpreted as
ticed that before the animals jump from the river “spirits” may actually be “circuits” within this
banks they circle for a while, as though ritually switchboard, as may be many other “archetypes”
drumming up energy to cross (with many dying of the “collective unconscious”.
in that tumultuous crossing). So I think this “bat- Now this has some connection with the notions
tle trance” of Jordania is an animalistic and not an of Akashic Records, Jung’s archetypes and the
exclusively hominid phenomenon. collective unconscious, and with Sheldrake’s
Anthropologists like Victor Turner, the structu- morphogenetic fields induced and shaped by rep-
ralists, Levi-Strauss, Émile Durkheim, mostly etition. His switchboard is like the collective
look at the social effects of ritual and define them

mind of all as the basis of reality, what we believe cre ation be ing a eter nally re peated dance:
will manifest. I must admit that for instance the Brahma breathing universes. For many cultures,
Maya 2012 craze kind of points at such a phe- the dance of the planets and stars and the seasons
nomenon, our collective unconscious creating represents a divine ritual, as did the movement of
our own reality. There was a movement where we the sun chariot across the sky for the Egyptians.
all started to believe it, and it came closer to mani- So we have human, animal and divine rituals.
festing, but in early 2012 that spirit died; there When pondering about the question of what a
were too many movies, books and humbug and ritual is, I thought about the question of what a
the general public started to disbelieve, so ritual is not; what actions in life, what sequences,
nothing happened. what events do not qualify as a ritual or cere-
In his switchboard model, Bonewits tried to get mony? Very few of our actions, actually, as we act
away from the issue of external forces and spirits; very much like automatons, repeating what we
he states that they may be “circuits”, some kind have done before, acting out routines and pro-
of rational explainable phenomena that science grams that emerged somewhere in our past. So if
one day might discover. This has to do with his nearly every thing is a rep e ti tion and pro-
focus (choice) on using magic only in the thauma- grammed, what is then so special in ritual? In fact
turgic (wonderworking) sense, as a way to achieve I think that a true ritual is not an old ingrained
miracles. Here again he is at some distance from program or sequence, the repetition in there is
many neopagan, druid, craft prac tices that just a tool; it somehow also opens us up to an
emerged in the past century which use theurgic aspect of new, unique, free will.
magic, assuming and calling spirits, deities, natu- Beyond the definitions by others, I will try to
ral forces, with external entities asked to help do make clear that true ritual is aimed at making a
the magic, thus ascribing the efficacy to personal- connection beyond the tangible, reaching out to
ised spirits. Theurgy – the word Theos is in there the spiritual. We reach out to a realm, where we
– assumes the assistance of God and/or spiritual get in touch with the overarching consciousness
beings. that mirrors back through the time dimension to
This issue, whether there is anything out there the manifestation dimension. How we do this can
that is conscious beyond some overarching hardly be limited, and ritual as such appears in a
mechanisms, is of course a fundamental ques- wide range of forms and instances.
tion. Bonewits escaped it by pointing to his law of So this brings me to the question of why there is
pragmatism; if it works, it works. ritual anyway.
Bonewits did however point to a predictable al-
tered state of consciousness, and here I see a be-
ginning of understanding what a ritual is and
does. He saw this state (or a number of states,
probably referring to the various ritual practices,
use of psychedelic substances etc.) as the door to
produce results. “Results that may obtained” he
says; rituals don’t always work, which is a fair
comment. And he mentioned artistic and scien-
tific outcomes as a possibility, but still separates
the magical from the religious. Altogether,
Bonewits comes close to what I try to get across
in this book.

Wider definitions
Not limiting ritual to humans of course opens a
wide range of possibilities, for instance planetary,
cosmic and divine rituals and even the whole of

4 Why ritual, what is the efficacy?

Why do we have ritual, the magical qualities Church rituals are not intrinsically empty, but in
of ritual and why and how it works; the effi- practice are mostly ceremonial, just repeating
cacy of ritual what was once a holy endeavor. Rituals are in es-
Rituals have always been part of culture, in what- sence magical, and it took a while, but these days
ever form or in whatever the tradition was. They we accept that religious rituals are magical too.
connect us to the otherworld, the sacred, and the Although I can see the objections to the descrip-
heavenly, bringing us in the liminal, in-between tion, Holy Mass of the Catholic Church is (or re-
space where we can access or feel (and eventually fers to) a magical undertaking, as in fact all reli-
influence) that otherworld. Rituals are the com- gious ritual is or was intended to. And it works: I
mon path to enter a special state of consciousness have attended church rituals where by chance or
that allows us access to the extradimensional, usu- intention the magical was very much present.
ally in special situations like seasonal changes, rites However, I have also sat through many Masses in
of passage, death, and crises and for special pur- my youth where boredom and empty repetition
poses. This is a state where we can and have to was all I could perceive.
shed our ego, masks, and pretentions to be our- That, for me, is a pity; eliminating the sacred from
selves, entering the inner-child state where we have our lives is like an amputation, leaving us with the
access to the infor mation and exchange we nor - barren dryness of rationality and materialism. We
mally suppress or deny. This is a sacred process, still appreciate what ceremonies or habits bring,
sometimes even kept secret, as it requires dedica- as social or psychological anchors. Not all of us
tion, an anchored methodology and training. This subscribe to the sacredness of rituals, but we do
means leading rituals is often being limited to a have secular rituals: having this morning cup of
special class of people coffee, going to the football match all dressed up
Ritual and ceremonies we encounter these days of- in the right colors and attire, having a Friday night
ten have a connection with the original creation beer with friends. We might call them habits, as
metaphysics, they echo the primordial acts and we repeat them in an often automatic way, but
mythical prototypes and help define the cosmol- they have a symbolic meaning, too. This qualifies
ogy and the culture. The roots of ritual are deeper. them as rituals or, in the way I use the word, cere-
They are in fact much older and more primitive, as monies.
in related to ‘primes’, our contact points with the Sometimes we have connected otherworld magi-
otherworld, but have developed and are now in a cal qualities to what looks like very mundane
symbiotic state with myth and religion. In the things, a mascot or a special sign, which makes
world of everyday modern reality, much of these them more ritual than ceremonial. Real rituals (in
once sacred rituals is lost or degraded into mere general, the sacral rituals) tend to bring us to an-
ceremonies or commercial events like Christmas other state of being, change our consciousness,
or Thanksgiving, with just a shade of the original our mindstate. But they do also have other ef-
intent left. fects, they are more than staged psychotherapy or
They have become empty; they might make you merely self-hypnotizing performances.
feel good for a moment, but they don’t elevate you,
don’t raise your awareness beyond the nor mal, the Social platform function, Dunbar’s
mundane, the profane. Many rituals that are now in number
essence ceremony; they were originally intended Before I will go into the magical roots of ritual,
or designed to be magically effective, but became first an important social effect that seems over-
more or less empty. They might still have psycho- looked in the analysis of the development of
logically soothing or physiologically exciting ef- hominids and early humans. Ritual had another
fects and have a social function, but I classify that and important function as a contact platform, in
as being more ceremonial than ritual. line with the social function of being together in

a structured form. A ritual as such helps to estab- Ritual is practical magic and hinges on
lish not only better contacts, but helps to identify consciousness
the other members of the group or tribe and relate That magic and ritual are closely related is now a
to them. The size of a tribe is limited in the sense common understanding among social scientists,
that we have a limited span of people we can relate but they usually mean this in a limited under-
to. It takes time to know and recognize other peo- standing of mostly ceremonial magic, they see
ple but to function as an effective unit, it is essen- magic as part of ritual. I see it the other way
tial. This limits the group size. We see some of this around, ritual is just a part of magic. Magic being
in monkeys and apes, their groups are limited in the more general indication of the whole, a holis-
size, as they have to spend much of their time es- tic notion of how the universe works and how we
tablishing and maintaining social hierarchies and deal with it. All is magical, tangible reality is just a
pecking order. For human the group number var- subset, part of the whole.
ies but the median number according to Robin Practical magic is the art of using the cor respon-
Dunbar is about 150. This is supposed to be influ- dences, the links between the spatio-temporal di-
enced by the basic living conditions and also the mensions (physical reality) and the extra-dimen-
stage of development of a culture. The more peo- sional “space” in an intentional way. In this view
ple can live and work together the more specializa- rituals are a form of practical magic. I don’t mean
tion is possible and this brings technology etc. magic as in tricks, self-delusion, superstition or
Ways to have a larger tribal groups are of course fake effects. I do believe practical magic is or can
hierarchies and contact platforms. Now I believe be, depending on the situation and conditions,
that rituals, as being a very core contact platform, effective; it works. It will have an effect in the
would help to structure innertribe contacts and realm it is intended to work in and then mirrors
thus increase the optimal group size and thus back to the tangible reality.
would be instrumental in sustainability and devel- I noted that everything is magical, so all physical
opment. In later stages this would lead to hierar- action has, in the same manner, practical magic
chies and functional specialization. So in a way rit- (side)-effects. Physical action, even accelerating
uals are part of the development path of a culture, Higgs bos ons, is in tended to work in the
as stepping stones towards more complex societ- spatio-temporal dimensions (four dimensional
ies, as they help increase Dunbar’s number. Rituals space-time), but always has some effect in the ex-
provide means for structuring the ties between tra-dimensional space. One could say that in the
people, including the weak ties Morten Hansen extra-dimensional there is always a reflection of
sees as providing a network between people be- what we do or what happens in manifested, phys-
yond Dunbar’s strong ties. ical reality and in the mind (thinking); one could
call this a kar mic mir roring. Action and reaction
The sacred dimension is not limited to temporal space, it involves the
Ritual and magic are very close. I know no true rit- whole, the metadimensional.
uals that don’t have a magical intention, even as I The three worlds I use as a general model are en-
understand that religious people could take this as tangled, what we do in one, is reflected in the
a sacrilegious remark. other. As above, below, as within, without. Noth-
Traditionally, the notions and study of religion and ing new there; this was known to the sages of old.
religious ritual were kept far away from magic, the The scientists of today are closing in on this with
sacred kept separate from the devious and secret, the “New Physics” notion that there are more di-
but are they really different? I don’t think so. They mensions and there is no existence without con-
have a different connotation, different history, dif- sciousness (obser vation being a way to manifest,
ferent traditions, and different academic valuation, to collapse the probability). I leave it to others to
but this is mostly because the whole field of ex- figure out if consciousness is just a collective di-
tra-dimensional connection has been corrupted, mension in the extra-dimensional space or the
manipulated, and misused forever. thing that holds the whole (the metadimensional)
together. It might be the neutrino field that mani-

fests in coloring that what we perceive as reality, it The exploration of the extradimensional, once
might be the supreme Godhead, Nature, Allah, the domicile of mystics and shamans has gotten
Brahma. Everybody can have their beliefs here. I an immense impulse with the re-discovery of
just postulate that consciousness is a root factor, in psychedelics and entheogens, with magic mush-
the very small, in our mind and in the very large; rooms, peyote, LSD, XCT and Ayahuasca, just to
things like time and manifestation arise out of it. name a few. But it is good to remember that the
I summarize this by saying “time is the vehicle of great sages and mages of the past probably also
consciousness” and will explain the roots of that had access to similar substances, like in the
later. Consciousness, in a very broad perspective Eleusian mysteries in Greece. In fact, magic
(human self-consciousness is just a form of it) lies mushrooms grow on Mt. Sinai, where Moses re-
at the base of the three worlds, and whatever we do ceived the Ten Commandments and elephants
affects all three worlds and is thus magical. If we are known to look for psychedelic mushrooms,
act with intent, as in a ritual, whatever we do influ- the jaguar .
ences all three worlds. The effects of ritual are often seen as limited to
This all points to an acceptance of the efficacy of the psychological and social plane, where they
rituals (I believe rituals are effective). They have ef- clearly have an effect on participants and umfeld
fects in the psychological and sociological realm, (wider sur roundings). These are well noted and
but through their effects in the extra-dimensional explained, but the question of efficacy in the ex-
they can also influence or impact the tangible real- tra-dimensional as well as in the physical reality
ity. Rituals work, but how and why they work is as has obviously fewer clear answers. In the (writ-
yet unclear. Obviously some understanding is ten) history passed on to us many events are de-
somewhere buried in the traditions and writings of scribed as miraculous; the holy books are full of
the sages long dead and I will try to unearth some examples, but the rational minds of today are
of that. skeptical. There is little hard evidence in scientific
terms or such proofs are ignored and ridiculed.
Skeptics abound There are of course miraculous events, impres-
Modern academic researchers and writers are usu- sive predictions, and sorcerers with exceptional
ally very skeptical, denying the efficacy or only ac- gifts (siddhi’s). There are even documented mira-
cepting some social or psychological effects. They cles in the religious world, but the general scien-
more often than not describe ritual as a remnant of tific attitude towards magic and ritual remains
primitive, totemic, irrational, and superstitious cul- one of disbelief. This is partly because science
tures; hint at the “forbidden” magical aspects; or doesn’t accept the irrational, even systematical re-
try to push ritual in the camp of religion (a lost case search by para-psychologists and studies into the
for them anyway). And yet, our holy books, our mechanisms of magic (like this one) are brushed
myths, dreams, many of today’s movies or fantasy aside. Magic is impossible, goes against logic, the
novels or TV-series are full of magic, miracles, rational, the accepted notion of causality, locality,
prophets, and sorcerers. Of course there are seri- and the accepted and somewhat deified Laws of
ous researchers of the otherworld. In centuries Physics. That these turn out to need adaptation
past, there were magically inclined theologians, al- and are everything but stable is seen as progress-
chemists, and poets, often supported by rulers ing insight, not as a sign we are only looking
who also dabbled in esoteric practices. Their heri- where the light is.
tage lives on in churches, Masonic lodges, druidic
circles, witchcraft covens, esoteric societies, and in Parapsychology
the ceremonies we still have, like the Olympic There has been quite some re search into
Games, holidays, baptism, mar riage, and funeral otherworld or paranor mal (psi) effects, but this
rites. In the new age movement there are many has not been taken serious and is usually de-
who have tried and experienced old and new ritu- scribed as pseudo-science. Psychic phenomena
als, sometimes borrowing from far-away and half were of course always of interest to individual re-
forgotten cultures, and found real value in them. searchers, like Thomson Jay Hudson who ob-

served hypnotism and mediumship came up with tence to all) and proving the standard model of
three laws: modern physics doesn’t help us much there,
1. Man has two minds: the objective mind (con- looking carefully at what the sages and wise men
scious) and the subjective mind (subconscious). of the past have given us is a better approach if
2. The subjective mind is constantly amenable to we are willing to accept their findings, books,
control by sug gestion. grimoires, and rituals as true and de facto effec-
3. The subjective mind is incapable of inductive tive. This is not an easy job as their truth is hid-
reasoning. den, masked, contorted, wrongly translated,
The term parapsychology was coined in or around adapted and coming from a different worldview,
1889 by philosopher Max Dessoir and was used by culture, convictions.
Joseph B. Rhine in the 1930s as a replacement for What is necessary is to combine and unite the fin-
the term psychical research. Rhine and later re- dings of psychology, philosophy, sociology, and a
searchers like Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne with whole bunch of sciences with an understanding
random number generator experiments used a of the nature of the wider reality, accepting that
thorough experimental methodology and aca- we have (and always had) access to it through the
demic discipline but the results have yet to con- magical (and mystical). Rituals as a widespread
vince academia. The work of Rupert Sheldrake form of practical magic offer a great opportunity
has sparked in ter est in parapsychology and to study the bridges, gateways, and cor respon-
psi-phenomena. dences to the otherworld that is our world, too.
Science doesn’t really accept extradimenional ef- Rituals are therefore, in my view, ready for
fects and yet, we all experience the extradimensi- re-evaluation beyond the anthropological and so-
onal, have intuitions, feelings, experience synchro- cial ritual theories developed so far. Performing
nistic events. Then there are the churches, institu- ritual is necessary, as a fundamental part of our
tions that have always been active in the extra-di- psychological development and as essential in
mensional magical realm and have these prayers, helping us to understand how our world, includ-
rituals and ceremonies that billions of people ing the extra-dimensional realm, really works.
believe in. Given the bewildered state our Western modern-
Now if one could accept that the broader Laws of istic, materialistic, and rational world has gotten
Nature covering the extra-dimensional as well as itself into, we need another paradigm: we need to
the total physical reality are by nature not limited to understand a wider reality. I here say wider, and
space-time the seemingly incongruent claims for not total reality; that’s too pretentious. I believe
magic might be less frightening. For it is fear for that studying and practicing ritual, as part of the
the unknown, the unexplainable, the irrational, the all-encompassing magic, is a promising path.
divine, that lies at the root of the skeptical view. So I come back to defining ritual, which is a pro-
And understandably, accepting magic as a real cess before anything else. For me it is a threefold
force would under mine and threaten not only sci- operation, involving set, setting and magic. Ritual
ence, but society at large, the legal system, morality, is establishing a bridge, a gateway to the extra-
human relations, and much more. That nor mal dimensional, on top of and in relation to the cer-
space-time Laws of Physics are at best a subset of emonial aspects that encompass the social and
a much larger reality is hard to swallow. psychological. It can be performed using sym-
Accepting magic as effective would mean a para- bolic acts, tools or words, using their cor respond-
digm shift, mostly for the materialistic West. To ing qualities, or just be plain intentional (virtual)
achieve this paradigm shift or at least move away without some coding or inter mediary tools, ges-
for the overly rational one, we have to understand tures or words. It can be done following specific
better how magic works, what the relationship be- rules like in a liturgy, or done in a new, original
tween mind and matter is. We have to bridge the way and never repeated, like in a personal prayer.
abyss between science and religion (which is ap- It can be done alone or in groups, with humans,
plied magic as I see it). Finding the Higgs-particle animals, plants, object or entities, with good in-
(a boson that supposedly gives mass and thus exis- tentions or bad ones, open or closed for partici-

pation by outsiders. It can be effective instanta- based on complex interaction patterns in a realm
neous, in the nor mal spatio-temporal dimensions that for me is real, but is not measurable by
or beyond, and it can take place in sacred places or ‘scientific’ means.
just everywhere, in cyberspace or in thought space. These two modes relate also to the distinction be-
Ritual can be a meeting of intentions, from all tween love and truth, the one receiving and em-
sides and directions, a true Vedic “sangam” or bracing, the other active and related to the will
confluence of the seen and the unseen, of action and power. Love and truth are both divine and
and conscious thought (and unconscious mind). I together form wisdom, ultimately God is love
can hardly define it, as it is so wide, so deeply part and truth coming together.
of what we are, that it just is, a category by itself. In much writing about magic the above distinc-
tion is not really made. The two modes are both
Mystic and mage; two primal modes present, but what usually is clear is that one has to
Apart from the sociological and psychological ob- give up the personal will- here Aleister Crowley
jectives and classifications, we can distinguish two was very clear- and align oneself with the divine
fundamentally different ritual modes, the one be- will. In this sense, the magical as he saw it is a also
ing a passive recipient of primal infor mation, like quest for losing the ego, and can be directed at
foretelling the future, the other the active influenc- good or bad, be right- or left-handed.
ing of the world state, like health and wealth- influ- There are people, who by inclination, training, or
encing the present and the future, or even the past. genetic profile, are better at “channeling” primal
Both involve the primes, contact points I will ex- infor mation, at connecting the conscious mind
plain later, here it suffices to mention that they with the extra-dimensional realm. If they are
have a major role in the consciousness process and good at picking up the right message, they are
thus in ritual. seen as mystics or prophets. If they are good at
The first is the passive mode, the mystical and fe- sending out the right message and affecting the
male kind of connecting to the otherworld. This is wider reality, they are sorcerers or magicians.
about receiving infor mation, opening up to the sa-
cral, sensing what the primes pick up, which even- Ritual and ecology
tually reaches the mind and consciousness. The Balance between the worlds is one of the pur-
mind through the body, the emotional and arche- poses of public ritual. The balance within the rit-
typical layers, then deals with this primal infor ma- ual, with sacrifices and thanksgiving, adoration
tion, but not always in a straightforward way; emo- and worship to appease and entice the forces be-
tions, feelings, and thoughts are filtered, mirrored, yond, is a natural prerequisite. What is less obvi-
and distorted. Also our unconscious body/mind ous, but very nicely explained by David Abram in
system has, in many cases, already responded long the book “Mystery School,” edited by Eugene
before we think about it. Burger and Jeff McBride (2003), is the role the
In the other fundamental mode of ritual, the magi- sorcerer and shaman in a tribal society as the
cal one influencing the worlds, the infor mation ecologist of the community.
goes the other way. We want something, have an “he or she acts as the intermediary between the human
intention and use the primes to influence the community and the larger ecological field, regulating the
otherworld, as an active and more male interac- flow of nourishment, not just from the landscape to the
tion. What the mind or body/mind system wants
human inhabitants, but from the human economy back
reaches the primes in an equally distorted, filtered,
to the local earth.”
and internally mir rored way and therefore might
result in something very different from what the The shaman in this view acts primarily as a inter -
original intention was. We also have unconscious me di ary be tween hu man and non hu man
intentions, our system acts by itself or responds to (earthly) worlds, and only secondarily as healer.
inputs and influences the extra-dimensional in of- Now this offers quite a different perspective as to
ten sur pris ing ways. Ac ci dents, meet ings, what sorcery and magic are or could be, expand-
synchronicity doesn’t happen like that, they are ing the responsibility of the magician. Dealing
with the forces of nature means honoring them,

as we know many cultures do, for instance convey- the use of golden crowns by kings and popes as
ing a message to an animal before killing it. The well as gold in ritual attire. Gold has a special
notion, that we are responsible for the effect of quality; it protects against brainwave or better
our acts for seven generations and thus have to be thought waves (things science cannot measure,
very careful about what we do with natural re- but are experienced by many and sometimes la-
sources is another example of magical ecology. beled as synchronicity) and especially in ceremo-
This view supports the idea, that whatever we do nial situations a crown protects from external in-
has magical consequences on a scale much beyond fluence on what is thought or decided. This is a
the here and now, and points at the responsibility largely unknown property of gold, but explains
of whomever dabbles in magic. why it is so often used in ritual context. I will
come back to this in the chapter on ritual tools.
Control of information flow
A ritual is fundamentally a procedure or an attempt Pur pose
to control the infor mation flow from and to the The purpose of a ritual can be varied and has dif-
primes, a primal activity to narrow the use of that ferent levels. Often the real intentions are not
word a bit. This means bypassing the filters and clear to all or are hidden, the social control of the
straightening the process in order to get the re- society by way of ritual is obviously not adver-
quired results, either active or passive. To under- tized as such. The purpose can be different for
stand the way to do this effectively is not an easy different participants, the producer/organizer,
subject, for even those who are in practice effec- the officiator, the priest or priests, the partici-
tive healers, prophets, fortune tellers, or magicians pants or practitioners, the audience, and even
rarely know how they do it. They often see it as a those who allow a specific event, the politicians,
gift from the beyond. Some fall prey to the ego- police or religious authorities. Purposes can be
boost associated with these talents (called siddhi’s many, like predicting the future, healing, material
in Vedic context) and can or will not explain how success, confirming with religious obligations,
they do it. At best, the (assumed) way they go traditions or ideals, thanksgiving, worship, purifi-
about it becomes the basis for later rituals trying to cation, appeasing the Gods or preventing natural
emulate their success. Do and repeat exactly what di sas ters, sat is fac tion of spir i tual or emo-
the great sage did and it will work, is the idea. Of tional-psychological needs of the participants or
course, over time some understanding of how audiences, obtaining sexual, physical or intellec-
these magical processes work evolved, at least to tual growth, testing of capabilities, qualification,
some. Sometimes they have issued oral or written strengthening of social stratification, social co-
guidelines as to how perform certain rituals. This hesion, group bonding, achieving trance states,
knowledge was usually kept very secret, so the delivery of sacraments like marriage, funerals,
guide lines are of ten coded or hid den in just feeling good, a sense of security, moral edu-
metaphores. Understandably so; magic is no toy cation, demonstration of social status in respect
for children and can backfire in many ways. or submission, initiation, marking a time-change
Over time the original understanding about why (season-eclipse-planets) or status change (rites of
and how a specific procedure, gestures, words, passage), affiliation and allegiance, inaugurations,
songs, substances, and sacrifices were to be em- obtaining social acceptance or approval for some
ployed often got lost. The priests or sacrificers of event or action (like war) and then a whole array
later generations therefore had to stick to the rules, of more negative purposes like hurting adversa-
copy the texts, and do everything according to the ries.
book. As they did not understand why, they as- The list of goals is very long, but then ritual is a
sumed every detail was important. In cases where very basic category. In fact there are few human
some part of the original liturgy got lost, like what actions, that don’t have some ritual aspect or at
the soma substance in Vedic rituals was, the rituals least symbolic reference to it, in sports, in courts
were performed literally, later becoming empty of law, in graduation, in science. There are ritual
and obviously less effective. Another example is

traditions everywhere and most of them make only, and of course in his early years had some ex-
sense, although not in a rational way. perience with it (he was once a Manichaean).

Looking at what a ritual achieves Magic and efficacy

Stating that magic and rituals are effective sounds If we see a ritual as a magic act, the question of
like an unsubstantiated belief, not befitting our ra- the efficacy of a ritual is also one about the effi-
tional 21-th century worldview. However, all cacy of magic in general. Is magic just science we
through the ages ritual and magic were deemed ef- haven’t mastered or is there more? Are psycho-
fective and have sur vived quite a few onslaughts, therapy or homeopathy also magical and what
from organized religion and philosophers. The de- about alchemy? These days we can produce gold
bate about the efficacy of ritual runs through his- from mercury quite easily with nuclear technol-
tory, but never seems to come to a clear conclu- ogy, does that annul alchemy? The question of
sion. There is always this and that, always accept- course hinges on the definition of magic and the
ing it at one level, rejecting it elsewhere. range of magical acts. Obviously this includes
Plato and Augustine are good anchors to show the sympathetic magic, contagious magic, imitative
dichotomy and paradoxical views. Plato (in Laws) and nature magic, theurgic magic and other
argues against magic, he sees it as a poisoning and commonly known varieties.
warns against it. He sees spells Does magic or Magick
as a psychological means of (Crowley) work, is it an art
frightening based on ritual ac- or gift for some, or a com-
tion and warns against those plex way of self-delusion,
who use magic for the per- auto-sug gestion, maybe a
sonal gain. He thus admits that way to cope with innate
magic exists, notably spells, clair voyance and premo-
and has power over its victims, nition, and can we prove it
but he sees it as a psychologi- works?
cal game, not something that T hese qu es tions are
works because of the influ- age-old and the answers, if
ence of gods. Magic is a psy- any, have a lot to do with
chological and, in the last in- The striking similarity of temple floorplans the belief system and reli-
stance, a social problem, the like here in Bali points at very basic energy gious inclination of who-
gods do not enter here. pat terns . ever poses and answers
But then in Plato’s Phaedrus them. In most non-West-
Socrates talks about prophesy and divine madness ern cultures, it is believed to work, in our world
and praises this as the source of the most impor- the belief was there, but got lost with the enlight-
tant blessings granted to men. In Symposium the enment and rationality. In the later days of the In-
Athenian identified magicians as maleficent, al- quisition there was little doubt that magic did
lowing however a measure of efficacy as a func- work, but the Church saw it as an evil, devilish
tion of the god Eros. phenomenon, and made it a heretic act.
Plato considers sorcerers fake, but praised the di- There is a lot of debate on how magic works and
vine mad ness of prophets, while Augustine of course, whether it works at all. Even though
thought that communication between men and nearly everybody has had synchronistic experi-
gods was possible, but dangerous and had to be ences or unexplainable coincidences, proof that
stopped or was only allowed in the religious con- magic works is hard to get. Opinions range from
text. Augustine accepts public religious ritual, be- total denial and refutation to the belief that all
cause it is given and validated by God himself, and and everything is governed by the laws of magic
because there are the Sacred Writings to base the and our ‘nor mal’ causality is just a small and
ritual on. He condemns private (pagan) rituals rather insignificant subset of the wider magical
which serve individual, private and egotistic goals reality. I tend to agree with the latter. Some be-

lieve that what you believe comes true, the tion, the coordination between the tangible and
“Credendo vides” (I believe, so I will see) ap- the virtual matrix is key to the success of a ritual,
proach, others see magic as a separate discipline, in whatever terms, material or immaterial. Using
open only to the initiated and well trained. the right names, the right movements, the right
Can we prove it works? Proving anything of this cor re spon dences, even the right breath is
kind in a so-called scientific way, which means a re- essential.
peatable and verifiable experimental setup, turns
out to be very difficult. There are numerous so Ritual and risk, placebo and healing
called para-psychological experiments, but very Anthropologists like Bronislav Malinowski have
few yield repeatable results on a wider scale, al- long noted that the assumed effect of ritual and
though if done in a small circle of ‘believers’ the magic is linked to conditions of risk and uncer-
results are usually quite impressive. One of the few tainty. Some level of perceived danger and diffi-
scientifically proven results is that there are per- culty, also in the preparation, adds to the
ception phenomena whereby human subjects liminality and disorientation feelings that help to
seem to be able to anticipate the future, certain achieve the ritual state of consciousness and this
body responses occur before the event that should paradoxically increases the illusion (or reality) of
cause them actually happens or before the signal control of the otherworld. Easy challenges are
could nor mally travel to the brain and cause the re- not considered real in the magical sense, not a fair
action. Rupert Sheldrake has designed experi- exchange with the otherworld, and the heavier
ments that could or would prove ESP-effects that and risky the ritual the more value is attributed to
would convince science, but his work is not really it, like in the Sundance ritual of the Plains Indi-
considered scientific. He is seen as a maverick sci- ans. There is some psychological research indi-
entist with weird ideas. One of his projects, trying cating that the belief in the efficacy also increases
to prove that when we look at things we influence if the potential value of the outcome is higher, if
the outside, that our eyes (or our mind) are send- the stakes are higher. Even if one doesn’t believe
ers, makes much sense to me. Looking at things we in the magical one takes it more serious if the
charge them, I believe the value of art objects (also setup is more impressive. In the chapter about
films, books, statues) is raised when many look or consciousness I will come back to this cognitive
looked at it. My personal magic trick, taking small dissonance phenomenon.
clouds out of the sky, very impressive for a rational In healing, one of the most common goals of
audience, is probably not more than influencing magic, the preparation, perception, set and set-
the tenuous balance of gas and fluid in the cloud ting play a similar role. The setup, with adequate
with a bit of photon energy, by just looking in- imaginative, emotional, sensory, moral and aes-
tently at them. This by the way, seeing magic as yet thetic input for the patient and empathically
unexplained physics, is a stance many scientists geared towards playing into what is expected in
take. terms of symbols and procedures related to the
cultural mythos and adapted to the sufferer’s id-
As for the efficacy of a ritual, much hinges on the belief iosyncratic story and beliefs is really important.
of the participants, if you believe it works, it works. Healing rituals can be very simple like just hug -
ging (Amma) but usually involve dramatic sce-
To validate en enhance this belief, make the magic nario’s of evocation, enactment, embodiment
work, it is necessary that the levels of meaning and and evaluation in a charged setting of hope and
intention are aligned and point in the same direc- uncertainty. The patient has to be brought into a
tion. If one tries to achieve peace and har mony, it liminal dissociated state for the process of heal-
doesn’t make sense to stage a conflict and use vio- ing to work, again this paradox that insecurity
lent symbolism, except maybe when in the initial brings effectiveness. This is in line with the gen-
stage the evil forces have to be scared off. Similarly eral thesis in this book, that ritual efficacy has to
a war dance can do without the soft appeasements. do with shifting internal states, that only at
One can assume that connection and har moniza-

deeper levels of the psyche changes can occur and the “brainwaves” we generate synchronize the
the future influenced. group activity. Shaving heads in this respect seem
In the healing process undoubtedly the placebo ef- to better synchronize minds, as we see in military
fect plays a role, in ritual (healing) as well as in med- training and among certain cult groups, I assume
ical practice. If the doctor and the whole environ- hair has a shielding function similar to gold (the
ment is serious, the outcome of placebo experi- real effect of crowns).
ments is better, one takes it more serious, is more
receptive to the illusion. In this respect even the Group mind - group resonance
color and size of the pills makes a difference, like The effect, that in groups people start to think
white pills work better for ner vous complaints. and feel alike is well known. That they even de-
Placebo studies and ritual theory are, from the psy- velop a kind of group mind is of course well
chologists perspective often seen as mutually known, like in the bandwagon effect, people
interpenetrating disciplines. Healing rituals work, seem inclined to follow an emergent trend, a col-
like placebo treatment, better if administered by lective consciousness develops. Durkheim used
authoritative culturally sanctioned ‘powers’, the the word Collective Effer vescence to describe
showmanship of the officiator or doctor is an this and saw it as a root of religious awareness.
important factor. Sharing or exchanging thoughtwaves not only
The setting transmutes the often somewhat theat- synchronises, it may lead to new thoughtforms
rical mythos into an experiential reality for partici- (egregores in occult lore) and ideas, it might be
pants. The placebo effects, even in nor mal bio- that this is how memes and collective subcon-
medical practice, are then a result of what is expe- scious ideas emerge.
rienced at some level as a healing ritual. And even In crowd psychology the subject is studied in the
if a supposedly effective therapy is used, routine context of what groups mean in terms of power
biomedical phar macological and procedural inter - and also how in groups the eternal strug gle be-
ventions contain significant ritual dimensions. A tween individual and collective interest evolves.
hospital in that sense is (even if it pretends not to Ordinary people can gain direct power by acting
be) a ritual space and even very modern treatments collectively, revolutions and big social changes
have this aspect of a socio-cultural healing ritual. are usually crowd processes. Groups are safe and
For Western patients more impressive machinery one tends to give up individual notions and con-
and treatments are considered more effective, else- form to what the group wants, including separat-
where the extended magical setting with lots of ing from the outside, us-and-them thinking and
props and action works better. Science is more and acting. Here the roots of fascism become visible,
more investigating these effects, recent studies of systems that allow the individual inferiority com-
placebo treatment point to an effective placebo plex to hide behind the superiority feeling and
effect beyond the causality of scientifically symbolism of the group. In marketing and public
understood natural processes. relations this is cleverly exploited, Apple for in-
stance thrives on the us-them separation, they
Ritual as a group process cleverly use the concept of “the rest of us”.
One can do rituals by oneself, but doing it in The psychology of the crowd differs significantly
groups is felt to be more engaging and effective. from the psychology of the individual members
1+1=3 is what we experience and is even part of within it. Bonding might bring about a collective
the Christian faith (Christ will be present if two or and unconscious set of values, but more practi-
more are united in his name). Together even sim- cally members start to think and act the same
ple things like walking, dancing, but also praying with positive or negative results, as can be seen in
and meditating go better. It is speculated that ritu- sports event. A kind of resonance process is hap-
als involving synchronous activity may produce pening, with each member’s emotion increased,
positive emotions that weaken the psychological and one becomes less aware of one’s actions. In
boundaries between the self and the group and a ritual this can lead to situations, where the atten-
group mind emerges. Another explanation is that dants go beyond nor mal boundaries. The pro-

cess of deindividuation or mental unity is depend- forth another state and that certain drugs like
ent on the level of anonymity, security, closeness psychedelics can again bring about another level
and sensory input, notably overload through or state of consciousness. Then if we look at the
lights, music or dance. In a disco setting all this is psyche as a multi-level array of id-ego-superego
obviously used, reason why some like Hans like Freud described it, or as a complex of inner
Cousto call the disco culture ritualistic. child/higher self and self masks or subperson-
The explanations for this synergy of thought goes alities I use in this book, this indicates even more
in two directions. Contagion theory states that ways of being conscious of oneself or the reality.
crowds cause people to act in a certain way, con- It has been stated by influential anthropologists
vergence theory states that people who wish to act like Arnold van Gennep and by Victor Turner
in a certain way come together to form crowds. that there is a specific state in rituals, that they call
This is quite different from what I mention as liminality, where the participant is in a kind of
thought wave resonance, but then science doesn’t in-between state, in limbo about his position,
accept the idea that we radiate and receive some loses his identification with social hierarchies,
kind of intangible information from others. and becomes open to new “programming”. An
One of the questions that are relevant here is interesting concept, that points at a specific state
whether the group size (in relation to the spatial of consciousness, but remains a little vague. I
distribution and the gestalt) is important for the ef- think that part of the process of a ritual, not the
fectiveness of a ritual, and whether spectators or ultimate purpose but a necessary step to get
an audience are a factor. That a group of 7 or 12 there, and not always achieved, is to bring the of-
makes more sense than 4 or 6 is what we know in- ficiator, the participants or the audience in a spe-
tuitively, but do 24, 144 or 10 million make a differ- cific state, that I will for now generally describe as
ence? The Global Consciousness Project assumes the ritual state, but could equally well be called
this and measures stochastic deviations of random the inner child state. A state of consciousness
number generators, the Hindu Kumb Mela masses close to the inner me, that has less ar mor and de-
are supposed to bring about major changes, but do fenses, is open to much more direct contact with
numbers really matter? It’s an old adagium that to the primes and therefore with the extra-dimen-
change the world one has to start with number sional realm. A state that shamans all through the
one. ages have reached through various (ritual) means,
including music, dance, deprivation, psycho-ac-
Is ritual addressing entities? tive substances, ritual gestures etc. I believe true
Another age-old question about rituals is whether heal ing and other magical acts can only
they address only the innerworld and our percep- effectively take place when this altered state of
tion or that they establish contact with an outside consciousness is achieved.
reality beyond ourselves. Are rituals calling for real So I argue there is a ritual state of consciousness,
or just imagined gods, demons, entities or forces, is that has to do with being in the less protected and
there anything outside we can know at all. Is there more open “inner child” state. That state has
something real outside Plato’s cave? I will refrain something to do with heaven, with the sacred
from this ontological question and leave it to phi- space, like when Jesus talks about “being like the
losophers like bishop Berkeley. I will just assume, chil dren to en ter the King dom (state) of
in the Her metic view, that whatever is out there, is Heaven”. Being in that state offers all kind of
a reflection or mir ror of what happens inside our possibilities, both in the inner- and the outer
mind. I use the notion of an extra-dimensional world, so reaching that state and using the height-
realm to clarify my understanding of ritual, but ened awareness at various consciousness levels
this model is just a map, not the moon. can be a psychologically healing experience by it-
self and the ultimate purpose of the ritual.
Is there a ritual state of consciousness? In this sense ritual can also be seen as a psycho-
We know that waking, sleeping, dreaming are therapeutic event. For purposes beyond that the
states of consciousness, that hypnosis can bring ritual state is at least helpful if not necessary to

obtain further results. In this light all kind of ritual at this than others, as they better reflect subcon-
and magical tools, stories, myths, songs etc. used in scious or symbolic cor respondences or are better
rituals can be seen as tools to help attain that state aligned with the psychological processes in-
of consciousness. They can be seen as anchors volved in entering the ritual state. The language
that help the mind to let go of its outer defense of dreams for instance is more effective address-
systems (personalities, ego) and let the awareness ing the un con scious layer of archetypical
reach past the emotions, feelings, and body reac- symbolism than rational words.
tions to that core of our being, where the primes Alejandro Jodorowsky in his works on psycho-
are pure and accessible. magic explains why what he calls shamanic psy-
chotherapy works as a healing path using the
Do we need tools, liturgy power of dreams, theater, poetry, and shamanism
Ultimately the human mind or better the soul in a and concrete poetic (symbolic) acts. He notes
ritual (altered) state of consciousness should be that psychological realizations can cause true
able to do magic without any tools, implements, transfor mation and as illness in his view can be
substances, symbols, music, magical spells or for - seen as a physical dream that reveals unresolved
mulas or gestures and in any place or circumstance. emotional and psychological problems, ails can
The mind however, needs help in concentration, heal. Jodorowsky thereby points at the process of
one needs to align body, mind and heart to get into integrating or breaking apart the dysfunctional
that state. The tools help to get there, and repeti- persona (mask) a patient identifies with, to con-
tion and a familiar and safe environment (sacred nect with the deeper self. This comes close to my
space) helps to get beyond the threshold that sepa- notions about how identifying the quarrel points
rates one from the magical realm. Act like cleans- between subpersonalities or masks and the inner
ing, purification and in fact many things in the lit- child (deeper self) are the key to resolving
urgy of a ritual are nothing but familiar signposts problems.
towards the gateway, they have been psychologi-
cally anchored and help to get from the nor mal re- Sacred space
ality to the appearance to the significance to the ul- The ritual space, often a circle and cleansed and
ti mate vir tual of the sacred or magical. If protected by various means like invoking various
necessary, fake it till you make it! protecting entities is a feature found in many ritu-
Preparing oneself and the place and tools help to als. It provides first a physical safe place, but then
recall the anchors, the routines, the neural path- it becomes, apart from the physical situation, first
ways that were constructed on previous occasions, a symbolic sacred space and then a virtual sacred
in that sense magic is also a craft. Beyond initiation environment, as a place where the further ritual
the priest, shaman or magician needs practice, he acts can take place. If the sacred space is tempo-
needs the memories and anchors to ease the transi- rarily there, it is usually created and closed after
tion from the nor mal to the sacred, and the tools the ritual. In many rituals, where there is a lot of
and the liturgy help him there. Again routine and emotional or spiritual energy, there are usually
being accustomed to the liturgy is the paradoxical people assigned the task of holding space, mean-
condition, based upon a sense of safety, for enter- ing they kind of check the boundaries and if nec-
ing the liminality of otherworld. essary step in to scare or neutralize incoming
Experienced users of psychedelic substances energies.
know that there is always this moment of insecu-
rity, of fear, before ingesting something, and that Ritual Gestalt
this should be so, otherwise the trip might be Psychology looks at events like rituals also in a
flashy and visually interesting, but not trans- holistic perceptual way, as gestalts. According to
formational. The power of a ritual is therefore the Law of Closure the mind tends to perceive
never in the tools, but in the practitioner, who can complete shapes even if those forms are incom-
use them to align himself with the “work”. Of plete. We group sensed infor mation into pat-
course some acts, words, routines, tools are better terns, objects or gestalts. So we don’t think about

separate acts when the word Mass comes up, but bring the mind in an altered state, it’s a psycholog-
have a more complete image. A ritual is easily per- ical effective technique at the root of ritual be-
ceived as a whole, as the ritual gestalt. In this book, havior.
adding magic cor respondences to the set and set- This can be felt as discipline, but provides also
ting makes for a more complete gestalt of a ritual. safety. In modern spiritual communities like the
Liturgy involves more than using the right words Santo Daime church, where psychoactive sub-
or making the right gestures or having the right in- stances are taken as a sacrament this is done in a
tention, it’s the total gestalt, the combination of fairly strict and rigid ritual context, and called cer-
mind-body-soul focus that helps achieve the re- emony. This limits the freedom to deviate form
quired state and thus decides the outcome of a rit- the liturgy but as the Daime (Ayahuca) can have
ual, on a psychological and magical level. So rules surprising effects it makes the whole thing also
and scenarios are handed down and followed, more safe.
sometimes very rigidly, but also in a way comfort- The Gestalt idea of ritual and the Bert Hellinger
able, things happen the way one is used to. Para- Systemic or Family Constellation approach, in it-
doxically this comfort and security aspect of self a ritual process transgressing nor mal time-
invariance opens the possibility for change (of space dimensions, have much in common. Sys-
identification and mask) in the participant. Doing temic constellations throw another light on how
it the same as before brings about this option of rituals function. If we look at it in a liturgic con-
liminality, of being at the crossroads, the Indian text and see how physical placement and result-
idea of sangam, the in-between. ing emotions of participants, facilitator and rep-
The concept of staging and controlling the ritual is resentatives yields infor mation and resolves deep
thus part of the process of creating the (mind) set issues, the ritual context is clear. Hellinger who
that helps participants cross over to the ritual state. was a Catholic priest before, became deeply in-
This stands apart from the earlier mentioned lack spired by the Zulu rituals and ancestor venera-
of true understanding of what was done before tion. The ancestors were seen in their culture as
and became a traditional ritual. The power of a rit- positive, constructive, and creative presences.
ual increases if all the conditions are optimal, if the The ritual connection with ancestors is now a
“gestalt” of the ritual is focused and as the felicity central feature of the constellation process.
conditions (John.L. in) are upheld. These origi- Hellinger’s constellations are ritualistic, they cre-
nally were intended for speeches, but apply to rit- ate a virtual environment that yield infor mation
ual quite nicely. Some felicity conditions are the es- about family and other relationships, transgress-
sential condition (intention to act), the sincerity ing time and distance. Old conflicts are resolved,
condition (seriously and sincerely) and a prepara- in a way that can only be described as magical.
tory condition (whether the authority of the offici- There seems to be a cor respondence between
ator and the circumstances of the act are appropri- physical postures, distance, orientation and that
ate to its being performed successfully). They have what happened before in the family.
to do with authority, possibility, obligation and In ritual the choreography, movement, placing
legality. and orientation obviously play an important role.
Timothy Leary, the Har vard professor who popu- The orientation of the priest in Catholic Mass
larized LSD, has often pointed at the need to create (changed since Vaticanum II) facing the congre-
a special environment and a special mindset to gation or facing the deity makes a big difference.
benefit from what a psychedelic substance brings. Instead of facing the east or the apse (ad orien-
Set and setting were his shorthand for a deliberate tem), the priest now faces the people (ad
staging and preparation. Ingesting or smoking populum). It makes a distinct difference in the
psychedelic substances has been part of many tra- ritual gestalt, and although seemingly more shar-
ditions and rituals, and looking at their liturgy ing and democratic, it takes away from the origi-
some notions of an effective setup emerge. Secu- nal purpose of the Holy Mass, which is connec-
rity and invariance are obviously major parts of tion to God rather than a social happening.
creating a “gestalt” for the ritual. Repetition can

The theosophist and cofounder of the Liberal work. Calling it superstition, as J.G. Frazer did, or
Catholic Church Charles W. Leadbeater, one of kind of limiting the goal of a ritual to the perfor -
the great authorities concerning rites, made this mance itself like Frits Staal kind of ignores the
very clear, the priest should be at the head of the fact that many people all through the ages be-
people, towards the divine. lieved and believe they work, that a ritual will
bring real effects. They are supported and stimu-
Magic, good or bad, categories lated in that belief by their (organized or not)
Historical the word magic has had two meanings, religion.
one a positive, signifying a highly elevated and eso- We can forgive Frazer that he would call the ritu-
teric form of practical wisdom indicated as magia, als and religious customs beyond the ‘civilised’
based on the perceived effectiveness of mystical world as primitive, a century later we have to ac-
patterns and intelligences, possessing real efficacy cept that all religions, cults and denominations
in nature and in human affairs. The second and far are on equal footing in that they are to be re-
more negative connotation comes from the disap- spected as genuine expressions of a belief sys-
proval by theologians and religions of various tem. And if religions, of course including Chris-
popular practices and techniques, seemingly be- tianity, Judaism, Islam and all the other ‘world-re-
cause of their perceived inefficacy in nature and ligions’ honor ritual, they must have some value.
human affairs, but also to keep magic out of the Even if one comes from a totally agnostic
hands of the common people, for many reasons. point-of-view then the psychological and social
Often one speaks of black magic, or left hand effects of ritual cannot be denied. One might call
magic (in the Tantric tradition) as opposed to them delusional, self-hypnotic, illusionary, but
white magic, black meaning the intention of the they do have an ef fect, at least upon the
magician is not benevolent. There is also the dis- participants and their inner worlds, their psyche.
tinction in positive magic, as aiming at an “Do Y so A ritual works or it doesn’t, depending on pur-
X will happen” or negative magic or taboos “Don’t pose, intention, perfor mance, actors, the divine
do Y or X will result” will and grace, timing and the myriad of details to
Other common categories include High and Low be observed. In this book I can only point out the
Magic (the appeal to divine powers or lowly spirits few underlying mechanisms and models that
respectively, with goals lofty or personal, accord- were in the literature or otherwise revealed to me,
ing to the type of magic). Another distinction is no doubt a particular mix of projection, interpre-
between “manifest” and “subtle” magic. Subtle tation and explanation.
magic refers to magic of legend, gradually and A ritual is both an end and a means. Performing a
sometimes hardly noticeable or intangibly altering ritual is an end in itself and yet serves other pur-
the world, while manifest magic is magic that poses too. Frits Staal, one of the foremost au-
immediately appears as a result. thorities on Vedic fire rituals, posed that a ritual
has no meaning, in that one performs it for itself
Why they work and it doesn’t matter whether all those hymns and
There are some aspects and situations where ratio- gestures are empty of meaning, just doing it is
nal cause and effect play a role, but the deeper enough. Rituals in his view are no folkloristic
workings and effectiveness of a ritual are mostly events serving the gods and expressing myth, but
hidden and in a sense opposing the Western logic help us structure our lives. A ritual is organizing
and worldview and seen as ir rational. The meaning our activities in a certain way and forms the basis
of a ritual is therefore dependent on one’s perspec- of scientific thought. He points at the rituals of
tive. animals, they existed long before language or
The classic explanations as why or how rituals myths existed. He sees mantras not as texts with
work range from therapeutic release to social deep meaning, but as ritual sounds without a
power-play or mass hypnosis to morphogenetic meaning, maybe even the precursor of human
fields, their mere sur vival for sometimes thou- language. All very rational and mechanistic, in
sands of years however sug gest they did and do line with the somewhat fashionable notion of

emergence (out of chaos life, consciousness and The Social: the setting
humans evolved) but again not seeing the biologi-
Rituals usually have a social aspect as they bring
cal roots of ritual as indic ations of
the devotees together and establish the clerical
extra-dimensional senses.
and social hierarchy and often a base of income
A more spiritual interpretation is that there is an
for the priests. Rituals provide structure and if
often hidden but at a deeper level clear meaning
done regularly a certain discipline, they become
and intention in all and every part of a ritual, that
familiar, trusted, safe and thus offer an platform
the psychological, social and magical correspon-
and opportunity for individual healing and con-
dences are all there and fucntional. Maybe this is
version. Clyde Kluckhohn, an American anthro-
cor rupted through time or misinter pretation,
pologist and social theorist who did field work
translation or tinkering, but basically I do see a rit-
among the Navaho native Americans, sees the
ual as a meaningful act. Its efficacy spans the
function of a ritual as “the discharge of emotion
innerworld of the participants, sacrificer and ben-
of individuals in socially accepted channels” and
eficiaries, but also the outer, tangible reality and the
certainly excessive feasting and fertility rites have
unseen spirit world.
that aspect, but it is usually not the main purpose
The Personal : the set of a ritual. It can be, and rituals do have a social
effect, but his interpretation points more towards
Personal development is often the purpose of a what I define as a ceremony, devoid of magical
ritual, whether it is as a stage of initiation, seeking intention. Mardi Gras (Carnival, Fasching) is a
spiritual growth or just as learning more about rit- good example, but drinking coffee and gossiping
uals and how they work. Doing rituals is a journey around the copy machine too. If we take his view
in itself, a journey of discovering the working of as pointing at ritual as resolving Cognitive
consciousness and its various states. This can be a Dissonance at deeper levels, I do agree.
lengthy process with many mistakes, invoking the
wrong energies and getting results not anticipated. Humor, divine madness, and magic
It is therefore a risky path, better taken with pa- Laughing is very healthy. It releases stress and
tience, good guides and with some study. Colin ambiguity. Jokes can solve difficult situations.
Low uses the image of a horse: anyone can get on The jester at court did have a function, if only to
the back of a wild mustang, but reaching the point point at the masks and idiosyncrasies of his mas-
where horse and rider go in the same direction at ters. It feels that laughing is also a way to let go of
the same time takes practice. the mask yourself, reaching for the deeper level.
For sure the psychological aspects of a ritual are The coyote mind, the jester, the joker also shows
very important, if the participants and spectators up in ritual, sometimes as the unexpected influ-
go home with a feel ing of well-be ing, of ence, the voice from the chaos, the logically im-
connectedness and wholeness, much has been possible; a quantum jump to get beyond the
achieved. These psychological effects might derive logical causality.
from the contact with archetypal energies at un- Coyote, divine madness
conscious and subconscious levels, the mass- or The unexpected, the confrontation, the mir ror
auto-hyp notic ef fects of rep e ti tious chants, held up can be a way to shock people out of fixed
dances, hymns or prostrations, the sharing and cultural and psychological patterns. In Vedic rit-
communion with others in the ritual, the release of ual there is one priest who has to perform this
traumatic energies, inner priority reshuffling, or role, going against the liturgy with unusual inter -
whatever mechanism psychology dreams up. It ventions, acting as the quantum chaos effect. The
does work, and even the most rational scientist will explanation is that he is fending off the evil
admit that feeling good has many beneficial effects forces, the powers that deliberately want to effect
on the body, which might (partly) explain the and change the ritual. He is drawing the chaos
healing so often resulting from rituals. curtain, ripping nor mal reality, and thus allowing
for nonrational, noncausal things to happen.

We see this divine madness, and yet very earthly
trickster figures like the coyote, the Icelandic Loki,
the spider Anansi (Africa) or Iktomi (Lakota),
Reynard the Fox, often in shape-shifting animal
form; even Prometheus is a kind of jester at Zeus’s
cour t and the g reat God him self was a
shape-shifter. There are many folk stories and
myths about this. Often the smart little animal or
figure wins out by clever tricks. The often anti-so-
cial anti-hero turns out to be essential to save the
day, with unusual solutions or tricks.
Being different, challenging, or even obnoxious or
confrontational is also seen as part of divine crazi-
ness or crazy wisdom. Jokes, koans, paradoxes, un-
conventional, outrageous, or unexpected behav-
ior; often teaching in this form is more effective
than rational discourse. The inspiration for such
actions is not only smartness, it is seen as coming
from the otherworld: nor mal logic is replaced by
an intuitive but effective madness. It is beyond
hope, beyond answers, beyond identity. One has to
let go of attachments. This notion shows up in
most traditions, in Plato (Phaedrus) we see it as di-
vine madness “Theia mania”, unusual behavior
attributed to inter vention of a god.

5 The ritual matrix

There are many elements in a ritual, physical • Manipulation of reality (consecration/ magic/
things, symbols, acts, songs, and in order to get healing/sacraments)
them into perspective I use the concept of a ritual • Divination
matrix. It’s a list of events and stages with their ef- • Sharing
fects. Such a framework is useful as many things • Party-orgy-fest
happen at a ritual, there are many directions. It is • Dismissal - reentry
not only time, the chronology, but also the whole
setting, the individual experiences of officiants There are other ways to describe the stages and
and audience and the effects the ritual has . elements of a ritual process, one could look at the
As we can see in the Catholic Holy Mass I used as chakra system of increasing spiritual energy, see
example before and is analyzed in detail in the ap- the planetary system as a ritual matrix, use the
pendix, there are many elements in a liturgy, the Kabbalah or the alchemical stages of Nigredo,
whole environment plays a role, it is a complex Albedo and Rubido are also a good approach, but
structure and to create a realistic image of the rit- here I keep to a more liturgical order .
ual matrix requires so many dimensional axes that In the Firedance for mat (see the chapter about
a simple graphical image is not easy. We can as- that) some of these other approaches are used
sign a position to each element in a set, setting and cleverly integrated. The processes of a ritual
and magical graph, a kind of timeline and indicate are often mixed in the practical liturgy and some
the weight of it by the size of the markings, but show up at various stages, purification and dedi-
this would still not help much in finding an opti- cation are often repeated. Sometimes a ritual is
mal approach or scenario, not even for a single limited to offering, worship, celebration, com-
person, let alone for a group. So I use a matrix, as memoration or communion, sometimes trance
a structure to at least identify the influences and (entering the spirit realm) is the main process.
effects. A classification of rituals, which like is the use of
Let’s first look in general at different stages, not the chakras as an outline. Starting with the root
necessarily in a logical timeline order. In any ritual chakra for earthing and working up to the crown
there are more or less standard stages, but their chakra and back down one can focus the energy
importance or effect on the whole depends on and achieve a kundalini-like structure of a ritual.
the intentions, purpose and mise-en-scene, again By concentrating on one chakra like in some
these might be different for the three aspects, but tantric rit uals more specific ef fects can be
also among the people involved. I will come back achieved. Alice Bailey, a British writer and theos-
to detail in later chapters and in the appendix is an ophist, saw the bridging of the three lower chak-
extensive example of a ritual matrix. ras and the three higher chakras as an important
step to achieve wholeness. Aleister Crowley used
• Preparation - Entrance - Sacred space the seven Chinese tattwas or energy modes, re-
• Purification - propitiation (mercy, forgiving of lated to breath patterns, as a basis for Ceremonial
sins) Magickal rites. Ceremonial Magic(k) in the strict
• Dedication sense is the ancient art of invoking and control-
• Celebration / Commemoration ling spirits through the use of certain for mulae.
• Devotion - worship Ceremonial Magick is a transcendental experi-
• Invocation - asking for presence ence that awakens the magician to his inner Di-
• Sacrifice - Communion vinity, taking him into mystical realms and into
• Petition (asking for Grace / Healing / Blessing / communication with the Higher Self.
Shielding I use the chakra system to outline a development
• Transfor mation (the liminality phase) and ascen- model not only of rituals, but also of religions
sion/possession and of course this is all related to the chakra’s in

the human body, mir roring outer very simple prayers to ask for help or
realities and structures. healing to rituals to influence the
course of a war.
Freedom of variation
In rituals the liturgy can be quite Focus on the internal
strict, one has to follow exactly The ‘real world’ part of the matrix in-
what is prescribed, in the book or volves the liturgic scenario, its prepa-
by tradition. This has the advan- ra tion and exe cu tion, the tim ing
tage of routine, it allows the atten- based on ce les tial cir cum stances,
dants and officiaters to concen- what the sacrificer(s) and the sacerdo-
trate on the inner processes. On tal crew (priests/ helpers) do, the rit-
the other hand there are groups, ual enclosure, the implements and
and the craft, neopagans and druid tools, the sacrifice materials, the spec-
movements are examples, that like tator/devotee crowd and its social
new rituals, creative forms, where setting. These are, for many rituals,
traditional elements and gestures well described in the literature, again
are included, but a lot of freedom Frazer did some amazing ground-
is deemed essential to have a certain “freshness”. work, and I will not go into much detail here.
In my view this has the danger of those “new” rit- The “set” or mindset is more interesting in the
uals becoming too cognitive, too much thinking, context of this book and is less studied, like what
not enough letting go of the form. In sticking to a happens in the mind of a young boy in the prepa-
routine form there is the paradox of being free. ration for an initiation ritual? Often researcher
have to assume or guess, as they are not part of
Purpose – goal – processes the culture, caste or have not had the training and
There are many reasons for a ritual, from just ob- sometimes lifelong preparation the officiators
ser vance of the tradition via very practical and have. Or if they are on the inside, they lack the
material goals like winning a war or obtaining ma- broader view to compare and objectify, this is the
terial goods to healing, devotion and spiritual ad- old emic/etic discussion in anthropology. As the
vancement. Changing consciousness or reaching set includes the expectations of magical efficacy
other states of consciousness is an important and this is usually ignored in the scientific
part of a ritual, as a goal by itself or as a way to approach I will concentrate on that .
achieve other goals. Being in that state offers ac-
cess to forces and contacts otherwise not possi- Even beyond the mindset, the magical effects per
ble. The question is how do we achieve those se are what fascinates me, this is the true focus
goals, what actions and modes help us to get and reason for this book. There is magic in rituals
there? As a broad description ritual as a process and it works, there is efficacy. On a personal level,
aims, beyond the psychological and social goals this gradually became clear to me, taking part in
that also apply to ceremonies, at shifting the con- or attending many rituals, fire-events, festivals
sciousness, creating more unity, forging a con- and also Ayahuasca rituals with both Western and
nection between worlds, expanding our indigenous shamans. There is a difference. In
awareness . general, the Western shaman would concentrate
Even as there are different goals, the structure on the mystical part of things, the union, the heal-
and tools are often the same, ritual tend to have a ing, the psychological spiritual and not on the
similar for mat. In a fire ritual the fire is usually magical, the spirit part. The authentic, well
seen as the connection with the otherworld, the trained indigenous shaman would be much more
fire god Agni as the deity that is the messenger. aware of the magical side and its dangers. To ac-
This means that a whole gamut of purposes or commodate the mostly western participants, he
goals can use the same divine messenger, from or she would go along and focus on the atmo-
sphere, the mystical healing of the individual, but

would be (without stressing that) far more aware also the tools and implements need to be cleaned
of magical effects and disturbances. He would and purified. In the purification often (salted) wa-
take greater care to “hold space” and ward off ter, complementing the fire, is used, but also
undesired “spirits”, demons and energies. As smoke from sage, representing air .
many of these rituals took place in my venues, I
ran a number of spiritual centers over time, the Celebration as in drumming up the good spirits
difference was clearly noticeable in the state the and having a party in itself is purpose enough and
place was left after the rituals. With Western sha- the ritual setting lifts it above the level of after
mans or with “Santo Daime” rituals guided by work drinks. Mar riage, funerals, coming of age
Western officiators, there was far more spiritual etc. are ground for rituals and should be cele-
wreckage, energy, ectoplasticity . brated in the proper setting. Celebration can take
many forms and a fire adds that special flavor of
transfor mation and renewal. Music, songs, feast-
ing, dancing, masks, dress-up, nearly everything is
appropriate .
Commemoration of events, heroic deeds or fig-
ures and of celebrating the rhythms in nature like
the start of seasons, equinoxes etc. is the root of
many rituals and has gradually led to stories and
myths. Myth being the cognitive interpretation
The ritual process aims at bringing down the ego or assumed
of the natural and magical processes observed,
self and reaching the inner me or higher self serving as a rational explanation of the why and
how questions, a cosmology and spirit world
loaded with projections and human imagery.
Preparation of a ritual has practical aspects, like Drumming, dancing, playing, celebration was
setting up, building, dressing up, preparing tools there be fore the fron tal lobe yielded this
etc. but also the preparation of the ritual mindset self-awareness thing that asked questions about
of attendants or officiators can be extensive, and the why. The image of the hunter telling how he
meditation, fasting, yoga, exercises of all kinds, was successful before at a gathering around the
isolation and silence can be part of the concen- fire preparing for the next hunt, and then visual-
tration process. If we see the liminality stage of izing what will happen makes more sense than as-
losing identity, which is and was seen (by Victor suming that religion caused such behavior. Intu-
Turner notably) as an essential part of indigenous ition (and the connection with the extra dimen-
rituals (like in rites of passage) as part of the sion) was there before self-consciousness, as is
preparation, it clearly is a mindset process. I tend obvious from animal rituals .
to see liminality, the threshold stage as part of the That ritual evolved was, in my view, because it was
process of losing the ego, the mask. This means felt as an effective way to influence the outcome
interpreting it as part of the process of getting of that hunt, war, or project. Ritual is related to
into the ritual state of inner child or higher self, much deeper senses and awareness than what our
not as the defining characteristic of ritual. Get- mind brings us, it was there before there were
ting into this (not necessary less conscious but myths, welling up from the collective uncon-
less ego-centered) state of consciousness is a scious in C.G. Jung’s words, maybe even before
much wider qualifier of ritual process than there was symbolic language .
(Turner’s) liminality .
Cleansing Healing of body and soul is also a common pur-
Purification is usually part of a ritual to clean one- pose of a ritual. In many cultures it is seen as a
self from sins or bad karma, water and fire are by-product of purification, getting rid of evil
both used for this, again in connection with spirits or spells, but often the process of healing
prayer, chanting etc. Not only the participants but

is more complex and a purpose in itself. Shielding Already Plato saw sacrifices as communion with
and protection against evil influences can be seen the Gods and the outcome divination as their an-
as part of this process, with blessing as the way to swer. In Vedic ritual, the offering material, the de-
call forth the good and positive. The use of spells ity, and the act of offering (libation/oblation) are
as a tool in this respect is quite common, but is re- the three main aspect of a sacrifice. (dravyam
ally a ritual class in itself. And spells are dou- devata tyagah). A further step is the communion
ble-edged, they can come from good or bad in- as in uniting with the divine, partaking in the con-
tentions, in many cultures spells and counter secration, even eating the transmuted sacrifice to
spells are very important . achieve this communion .

Bhakti Transfor mation of the participants is an essential

Worship; there is the general devotional kind of process, to enter a different state of conscious-
ritual (Bhakti in the Vedic tradition) just honoring ness, letting go of the ego, entering the in-be-
the deity or spirit without asking for anything, just tween space (in oneself or as between the
thanking for the good we have received and re- worlds). It often comes down to reaching for a
gretting the sins we have committed. This can be higher level of consciousness or power in the
done by simple prayer, chanting, prostrations or outer or the inner world, the psychological trans-
offerings and most important, by silence. Silence for mation then has social implications, like in be-
is one of the most powerful tools in any ritual! coming a warrior of the tribe. In Alchemical
terms it is using the ‘secret’ fire of transmutation.
Communion with the spirits, other participants The alchemical qualities of fire are well known, in
and the community is a central theme. The com- fire rituals the transfor mation can be magical,
munication with the spirit or deities, asking for fa- psychological and/or social, but a funeral rite is
vors of a material or immaterial kind by sacrifice of course also fairly practical. Rites of transfor -
is a common aspect. Here the offerings become mation, passage and initiations often use fire.
sacrifice, a gift in order to obtain something in re- Usually there is also physical but highly symbolic
turn, a kind of fair deal, to give in order to receive. act, one has to take a step, make a move, cross a
The communication is two-way, not only in th ex- bridge, receive a tattoo, being circumcised. Jump-
pectation of the results, but oracle signs or divi- ing over the fire, through a fire-arch, or walking
nation are interpreted as an answer of the spirit(s) it’s hot ashes, jug gling fire; the fire helps to trans-
. form and to achieve something new and better, a
higher state. Here the fire is more than a window,
Invocation or conjuration of spirits is part of it is a doorway to heaven. One goes through the
many rituals, but is also seen as less appropriate as fire into another state or world. Burning old
the spirits are supposed to be present anyway at a cloths or paraphernalia in order to be ready for a
ritual at their honor, but they of course can and new set is a good example of such a symbolic act,
should be welcomed. a strong signal to the subconscious that change is
happening. Here the fairly modern technique of
Sacrifice EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) comes to
Sacrifices and offerings are a central act in reli- mind, a psychological acupressure technique that
gion and in magic, and even as we have limited the helps to resolve emotional issues by tapping cer-
more bloody aspects of sacrifice in our modern tain points. Beyond the thought we seem to need
world, nearly all religions still incorporate sacrifi- a physical token to get things going. In praying we
cial notions. Sacrifice is a way to communicate express this in folding our hands or kneeling, the
with world of the gods, the unseen. The word body and soul (mind) both need to be involved .
sacrament, used for the core rituals (sometimes
involving ingestion of a substance) in a religion, Ascension is rising up to the divine level, in many
underlines this. cases entering the realm of the spirit in a
trance-like state. It is letting go of the ego in a

special way, giving oneself up to the spirit, dae- and a dismissal, but especially in cases where
mon or deity. We see this in many African reli- heavy transformational energies emerged, more
gions, but also in Voodoo. Descent is usually part care is needed to help participants processing
of the ritual sequence, going to the underworld, their experiences. Coming down from the highs
facing death, but coming up again, regenerated, is a subtle process, if one wants to keep the les-
ready for celestial ascent. In the shamanic type of sons and insights. Especially in psychedelic rituals
ritual the trance aspect (doorway) is usually the this is often overlooked, getting up is easy, com-
most important, the shaman makes the ‘trip’ to ing down with the “goods” much harder. Tim
the other world on behalf of his people or Leary emphasized this, he used this image of a
client(s). spaceship coming back to earth, the re-entry
procedure .
The ritual spaces
There is the virtual, inner matrix of private pur- Party
pose and intention, consciousness shifts or The party aspect is important too, a ritual can be
jumps, magical visualization, internalized prayers, fun or at least end with fun, being it just mead and
alliances and foeships with the unseen world and cookies or a true Bacchantic fest or Dionysian
the kar mic circumstances. All religions empha- orgy. Catholic Carnival (Mardi Gras), the last
size that the inner and outer should be aligned for preparation for the Lent period of fasting leading
a ritual to be effective . up to Easter, is obviously a remnant of earlier and
One often sees (apart from the 3 worlds of mind, more exuberant processions and festivities and
setting and otherworld used in this book) three has some in ter ested prac ti cal ef fects like
spheres or realms involved in a ritual setting: expanding the community gene-pool .
A: the real (sensed) world outside After intensive rituals there usually is a sense of
B: the ritual enclosure or sanctuary belonging, of group bonding and having a coffee
C: the unseen or spirit world, which includes the with the congregation after Sunday ser vice is just
heavens, hell and purgatory, but also the astral a simple example. I have been present and took
and other higher planes. (Sometimes one divides part in some Kumba Mela’s in India, where mil-
the unseen in an upper and underworld, with the lions of devout hindu’s take a bath in a holy river
sensory world in between) at an auspicious day. There the morning with the
B is a projection/analogue of both, forming the sun rising after the bath (with a procession that
connection between the two worlds, it can also be takes a whole night) was so glorious, so over-
seen as the focal point, the mir ror point between whelmingly being one with all, so feeling united
the two worlds, the centre where all become one with all those people, from beg gars to baba’s to
in the ritual. The ritual enclosure is in both ranking guru’s, that I walked through those
worlds. The ritual is connecting A and C and fre- crowds weeping from happiness, and I wasn’t the
quently refers and joins the two worlds with for - only one. Sharing was no duty, but natural and the
mulas, chants, mantras, sacrifice, oblations, liba- event changed people, like the young student
tions, consecration, benediction, dedication etc. who took me back on his moped to his parents
usually with the analogy, orientation, movement house where we shared food with them. My
very precisely prescribed. Having a physical form poetic interpretation of the event was:
symbolizing the central axis (world tree) that es-
tablishes the connection is common in many Maha Kumb Sangam
traditions . the battlefield of belonging
We walked
Rituals usually have a take-off (separation), a
to wash our souls, to shed our sins, to sense our kin-
transfor mation (transition) and re-entry struc-
ture (incorporation). This last part can be a thank-
ing of those present (also the spiritual entities) We came

to where the rivers join
in sangam,
in simple unity
rivers of holy water
rivers of eternal souls
10 million of us, maybe more
in simple devotion
the holy dip
Doing samgam, being sangam
the Ganges as a surprisingly cold door
to being at one
a simple sacrament Kumb Mela 2001: largest gathering ever
flesh and water
the crowd feels like one
the black naga tongue of the serpent
freed by the police polo-game
reaching out, at the auspicious moment
shivering cold in naked holiness
chaos outside, love touched, order inside
the Lord’s immanence
in the coloured crowd
the misty red rising sun
in the eye of the beg gar
so simple
It touched me
like an inescapable truth
just creation manifest
Brahma’s grace
and Krishna as my simple charioteer
Honda driven

Alahabad Kumb Mela, India Jan 29, 2001

In the appendix VIII, an extensive matrix is given

with indications of set, setting and magical

6 History of Ritual and Views of Ritual

In this chapter I look at how ritual developed, in ritual house parties, head banging and housing at
and before historic times but also at how scholars festivals, experimenting with ayahuasca and
and scientists have looked at ritual. trance-dance, ritual is still there.
Concerning ritual theory we see, that one usually The interesting question is why did ritual de-
looks at the development from a par ticular angle, velop? Was it play, a way to pass time, a natural ex-
from within a paradigm. Even if an anthropologist tension of celebrations, something taken over
immerses him- or herself in a culture and comes from the animal kingdom or indeed a practice
up with what used to be called an emic (from the that came from the Gods, a gift or as atonement
inside) instead of a generalized etic (objective) for sins, a connection mode for worship?
view the paradigm still influences the result. Some- Part of the ritual matrix may have biological
one with a strict materialist and rational back- (neurological) roots, like the effect and need for
ground will see most rituals as mere superstition. repetition. Repetition of thoughts and acts hap-
The somewhat wider classical approach, seeing in pens a lot, we get into loops, repeat steps. The
ritual a way to offer religious devotion, raising and mind and the body seem to like repetition and
directing energy and creating social/community “entrainment”, to ease the ner vous system, es-
bonding and structures, will already yield different cape stress, making ritual repetition like a natural
insights. mode of expression, of dealing with danger,
Anthropologist are not really interested in how a stress and uncertainty, pathological obsessive
ritual works, but what it does to the people and repetition points there. Here we also see that it
how it affects society, relationships, culture. They has roots beyond the conscious, these repetitions
usually don’t honor the magical efficacy that I see we see in animals and psychopathological cases,
as an essential part of ritual. But if we compare but is also used in drumming and dancing as a
two tribes next to each other, the one using effec- way to get into a trance state.
tive rituals to grow better crops or wage successful
wars, very soon the two societies will grow apart. Celebration as starting point
So the magical result of rituals is part of their In most cultures ritual probably started and was
meaning. And I am not an anthropologist anyway, mostly concerned with celebration, I think. A
so I feel free to create an image of (the wider) real- good hunt, good har vest, a successful fight, peo-
ity to see if it explains certain effects and develop- ple would gather to celebrate, party, enjoy, share
ment and see if it yields predictions about future stories, thank each other and nature (deities) and
developments of ritual or more dramatically ex- those who came before, dance, drum, maybe get
plains how and why lack of ritual these days limits stoned or drunk. They would remember earlier
individual and societal development. events, the hero’s and their deeds, project their
hopes and archetypical worries, use their imagi-
Where did it start nation and myth would be born. Here we already
Was the fire lighted by Noah after the great flood have the basic ingredient of ceremony and
really the first ritual? It’s a nice Biblical touch and maybe, as these activities would bring people
fits in with my focus on fire rituals in this book, but closer to their inner core (self), they would be-
I think one could assume rituals are at least as old a come aware of their primes, allowing energy and
self-consciousness; what the caveman of old infor mation exchange beyond the nor mal senses.
painted on the walls must have been part of a ritual They would so be able to rise above limitations of
of some sorts. In old and even prehistoric cultures, time and space and become conscious of their
the evidence of ritual activities is overwhelming “magical” powers. So instead of celebrating only
and looking at relatively “primitive” societies that afterwards, they would start gathering before the
sur vive it is still a major part of life. Looking at a next hunt or war, using their imagination and vi-
generation pierced and tattooed and gathering in sualization to get in the right mood, project suc-

cess and thus magical efficacy in what then were meaning and explain the incomprehensi ble
indeed rituals. Much of that had to do with sur- otherworld, experiences and nature in general
passing time. A celebration of a marriage, initia- was seen as enough explanation by essentialists
tion, a new king or leader and even a funeral is not like Tylor and Frazer and later by Mircea Eliade
about the past, but about what is hoped for in the who recognized the longing for otherworldy per-
future, magically trying to influence what lies fection and the quest for meaning. The notion
ahead, ward off evil forces. To do so was the privi- that religion evolved because it was an effective
lege of shamans and priests and later of rulers and way to deal with the otherworld and the daily real-
kings, who thereby assumed a magical responsibil- ity has escaped most scientists, I think.
ity as a balance or fair exchange for the surplus in If we want to know how ritual came to be, some
work, goods or water they could get from the peo- might ask how religion then came to be. It is in
ple. They were kind of promising a safe future in through some visible traces of ritual activity that
return for gifts, taxes, help in building or warfare in science claims to recognize religion. Here traces
the present. of burial or taking care of the dead in a special
way are seen as proof of some notion about an
Theories of religion and thus magic afterlife. For me it feels more as if religion
Why do people group together for rituals and evolves after certain acts were recognized as hav-
eventually form lodges, cults, sects and churches? ing “supernatural” effects and in the context of
Is it because God or Gods told them (revealed via self-awareness and symbolic thinking and lan-
some messenger) to do so, are they brainwashed, is guage. Rituals first, only later their magical effi-
there peer pressure, need to belong to a group, are cacy made people wonder about explanations,
they looking for security, rational economic bene- developing hypotheses and projecting images
fits, meaning, hope for a better (after)-life, is it a and beliefs into what then became religions and
habit one gets used to, are they originally cargo belief systems? But if rituals were first, devel-
cults brought by extraterrestrials (via psychedelic oped from celebration and sharing, then magic is
mushroom spores as Terence McKenna sug - at the root of it all. This is then an interesting de-
gested) or do rituals offer something humans need velopment scheme; celebration, magic, ritual,
for a biological or neurological need? Rituals do morality as experienced result and self evident
play a role in the economic surplus exchange truth, and only then (organized) religion with
model that lies at the root of more complex societ- each stage of development using what was ac-
ies, but they have a much wider importance. They cepted as working before, keeping the tradition.
are also culture car riers, obviously a kind of group No need for social scrutiny to act moral or good,
memory, containing the history and culture and in the choices between individual and collective
later ritual development the myths. Then they have came about naturally and were if necessary
a social effect in regulating relationships, kinship, checked in ritual, by divination or oracle. Of
succession and allegiances and of course do pro- course, once religion became established, spe-
vide meaning for the individual. Whatever the an- cialization happened, hierarchies emerged. The
gle, in ritual theory the efficacy of a ritual is hardly ordinary people were cut out of the ritual experi-
taken serious, at least in scientific circles. Assum- ence and became spectators. All kind of struc-
ing that there are real advantages and effects in tures would emerge, hence the need for dogma,
performing ritual however does puts this in an- strict obser vance. The once felt and natural
other light. If it works and is perceived to work morality became institutionalized, a system, with
there is pretty solid ground for doing them, even rules, laws and interpretation, if necessary
before self-consciousness, symbolic language and enforced as divine commandments.
religion developed. This all goes against the more or less accepted
Social scientists have looked at religions and magic theory that belief in the supernatural emerges
mostly for the meaning and the social effects, ig- from hypotheses assumed by individuals to ex-
noring the truly magical side. The substance of re- plain natural phenomena that then were shared
ligion, why the beliefs make sense, hold value and to lead to collective religious belief. That model

however assumes symbolic language and verbal The early rituals developed, became more com-
exchange (of sacred truths) and this would limit plex, and specialization developed if the circum-
religious sentiments to a timeframe where articu- stances allowed it (enough food to exempt spe-
late language (beyond the animal exchange of cialists from basic sustenance work) and smiths,
warnings and mating calls) had developed. In the healers, priests, artisans and courts emerged. It’s
model I sug gest where magic is perceived to work quite possible that this led to less involvement of
and is felt via the primes there is no need for such the people, to ritualization of what once was
developed language and is spirituality as the feeling deep-felt impulse and intuition. Empty repetition
of being connected an individual awareness and and dogmatism took over, stratification, hierar-
interpretation of what happens. Morality then is chies and castes emerged and modern man be-
also something that is felt and is checked against came what he is now, isolated, detached, lonely,
the outcome of magical acts. The necessity of so- desperately seeking the meaning that is still in his
cial sanction and dogma is then much less, sociality bones and soul, but appeasing this desire with
will play a role in the development, but is not the ever more material substitutes.
main factor. So ritual probably started as a natural bridge be-
Cognitive scientists usually state that religion co- tween individual and social acts, it developed
mes with the development of the brain and nota- from social activities, parties, celebrations; things
bly the frontal lobe, but in my view it is possible like individual expressive art and extensive liturgy
that all this thinking actually limited the religious came much later. The drums, implements, altars,
awareness and access to the primes that would songs, stories were at first communal, not indi-
make living in har mony the natural thing. The vidual, but of course over time became individ-
primes are the hardwired energy exchange organs ual. Even the Dreamtime Aboriginals in Australia
that offer magical capabilities that eventually de- have developed layers and social strata, some are
velop into religion. So the so called evolution of more equal than others and have special tasks and
the religious mind might be not the process of ex- possessions like churinga’s.
panding, but of limiting spiritual awareness in-
stead; we becoming more and more cognitive and Movement, drumming and dance came
less spiritual with more brain cells. The brain has first
pushed away spiritual consciousness in this view In original ritual the movement, music and dance
and religion as it developed was trying to keep the are fundamental, more fundamental even than
memory of the past alive. It was magical awareness sacrifice, words, stories, songs and myths. When
that would bring a selective advantage to a person, looking at rituals, these are far more common
people or tribe, not for rational or material prog - among indigenous people and in the ritual matrix
ress, but in terms of balance and happiness. I see have deeper roots, more power, they are more
that I am bringing back the Noble Savage notion orig i nal and come from
into play here, but didn’t lower chakra’s than for in-
G. Gurdjieff talk about stance refined imagination
the organ Kundabuffer as techniques. In this sense the
what kept us away from movement of the body is
re al iza tion (In Beel ze- more fundamental in a ritual
bub’s tales to his grand- context, it feels like the mind
son). Yes, the natural se- needs to reach down to the
lection and more brains body in physical expression
did favor the rational and to help thoughts to become
m a t e ri a l i s t i c, the be liefs. Ges tures, move-
cognitive understanding ment, dances and the physi-
and progress, but see cal placing of people, imple-
where it did bring us. ments, fires etc. are more
fundamental and magically

more important than what is said or thought in rit- rise from mere material to spiritual, and point at
ual. This is also becomes clear from assessing the the heart as the pivotal energy point between the
elements of the ritual matrix elsewhere in this lower and higher motives. I have noticed, that in
books. individuals there is a similar development and I
As ritual, religion, myth and magic have devel- even use this as the basis of diagnostic analysis of
oped, in a time span of at least a few tens of thou- inner child and (sub)-personalities.
sands of years, maybe more years, I believe experi- The chakra system provides a way to view how
mentation and experience has shown what works our (creative) life energy manifest and can be
and what doesn’t. The efficacy of ritual depends checked against the belief structure and thus the
on the belief system, but the belief system is of way one deals with life experiences. A person fo-
course based upon what works. There obviously cused of say the material-power chakra (3th
has been an element of chance, the one shaman ac- chakra) will see the world in those terms, will as-
cidentally finding a specific plant, another a way to sociate with beliefs in material values and focus
foretell the future, and the circumstances, climate on power issues. The fifth chakra, where mani-
and nature being different. So even in the remain- festation and structure are important (the hands,
ing “ritual” cultures (and maybe all are in a way) the throat) will focus on rules, action, living a de-
there is great diversity, but there must be a funda- cent and moral life in the physical sense. A person
mental matrix arising out of the way the human who has achieved awareness of the seventh chak-
psyche works (by itself and in relation to the social ra probably won’t worry much about material
and the spiritual). The question is whether we can things and feel connected to the spiritual beyond
discern a developmental model of ritual from rules, vision, manifestation or material issues.
studying history or interpreting existing cultures as In this context religions can also be classified as
being on different rungs of that development lad- having a main chakra focus, like Christianity on
der. Now the backdrop of what we really know the heart, Judaism and Islam on the throat (mani-
about rituals in the past is limited, prehistoric evi- festing) chakra, Hinduism on the power chakra,
dence scarce, so let me develop a model, a hypo- Buddhism on the sixth (third eye/vision), etc.
thetical structure. I will use the chakra model, as The basic tenets of those religions are projec-
elsewhere in this book, but other models could tions of the chakra energy, like in Islam the focus
works as well, think of basic differentiation in is on bringing animal man to human man, aiming
hunter/gatherers and settlers, in the four cor ners at decency, structure, external things rather than
or el ements, the three Ayurvedic types, the philosophical considerations or spiritual aspira-
Enneagram typology and the Maslow hierarchy of tions. Islam stipulates being “good” in a practical,
needs, et cetera. visible sense, following the rules that make sense
for health, so cial re la tions and mo ral ity.
The chakra model of ritual development Mohammed, although honoring the Abrahamic
Rituals have, like anything, tradition, cut back a lot
a de vel op ment path, an from the Judaic multitude
evo lu tion. Now in the of rules and ritual and only
chakra model I use here, kept a few that made sense.
the focus of rituals (and the
cultures they are part of) go Levels of awareness:
up from the first, very the first chakra
earthly chakra through fer- Looking at the develop-
tility, sex, power, love to ment of rit u als it thus
manifestation, vision and makes sense to as sume
spiritual awareness, in a that the first rituals arose
nutshell. This is quite a gen- from projecting the first
eral approach, many tradi- chakra energy onto the ex-
tions point at the need to ternal world. Nature, the

powers of the earth, animistic deities, life and Lucidity approach (see appendix) I assign num-
death, the weather and fire are logical correlations. bers to these states, but we easily recognize that
The rituals of the first chakra are earthly, about ba- there are differences within a chakra focus. And
sic energies, nature and we can see remnants of there are values for all the other chakra’s to, and
this also in the seasonal festivals and rituals. The the whole complex is changing and adapting to
first chakra is where things start, and from where situations too, but the model does yield some
the life energy comes and rises up, the start of the insights in people, societies and their rituals.
kundalini (snake). Without trying to classify all rit- Then there is the phenomenon, that people, but
uals according to their chakra focus, let me use the also societies and corporations can have superfi-
example of Chthonic rituals, related to the earth cial awareness (in their mask) which is different
powers and thus primarily a first chakra phenome- from the core awareness. In the chapter about the
non. Chthonic Magic, (from the Greek Khthôn = psyche this is explained, but here I mention it be-
Earth) is mostly related to the gods and divinities cause in some people (or organizations) there is
under and on the earth. The underworld gods like like a hidden personality that can be more or less
Hades, Hekate, Abraxas are very powerful, have to aware. Looking at such a person superficially one
do with death and the afterlife and the rhythm of perceives one image, but there is this deeper
the earth. The realm is often extended to include thing that shines through. I found that this mech-
the second chakra, also fer tility and sex with deities anism is what attracts some people to other peo-
like Demeter, Persephone. These Chtonic deities ple or organizations that at face value have little
are often portrayed with snakes and are in a way to offer. I encounter this a lot in truly religious
first chakra gods. people, they are aware of all the bad connotations
If there is development in human and prehuman about their church or affiliation, but look beyond
society, rituals follows. More self-awareness, tech- and see the inner core of the faith.
nology and “prog ress” will bring time and free- The focus on a specific chakra will also, at times,
dom to explore “higher” levels. Usually the more diminish the attention for other energies and
advanced state, climbing along that chakra ladder, kind of color the approach. This can be noticed
will understand the lesser states better and use the in the different movements. So in present-day
energy in a more conscious way. The things that witchcraft and neo-paganism there is more a fo-
made sense are retained, so some of the old deities cus on the heart, while in the early twentieth cen-
and practices are kept but based upon the ad- tury it was all about the will and power. In what
vanced understanding in later stages of develop- we see in neo-druidism and Craft circles is that
ment. Things like seasonal rites were renewed or the past is honored, but the earlier traditions are
given new meaning, maybe not always for the idealized, promoting the Christian virtues of the
better. Christmas is a good example, it still marks fourth chakra like love, compassion and unity.
the return of the sun and the light, but is now a They ignore a bit that the older root traditions
commercial ceremony, a kind of economic magic. maybe were more about fertility, used human sac-
The model is actually more complex. Within each rifice, were less matriarchic than the feminists
chakra one can not only recognize the basic focus, would like, non vegetarian and war-oriented.
but also a level of development, one could say the In the wider perspective, in the development of
realization of the previous steps. So a person or ritual (and society and the individual) there is a
society or religion or ritual (again the three worlds vertical axis (the chakra idea) with a strong focus
of set, setting and magical connection) can be cen- on one or more chakra’s but all the other chakra
tered in a specific chakra, but be at different levels orientations also coexist and are addressed at
of awareness in that chakra. Of course the level of times. This shows of course more clearly in ad-
aware ness in the chakra’s one has “worked vanced societies where resources allowed devel-
through” is higher than those not yet covered. opment beyond mere sur vival. The other orien-
Think about a person with a clear third chakra fo- tations and ritual occur rences are then not main-
cus, the bossy one. He or she can be a primitive stream, are at times hidden, gone underground or
control freak or an advanced and wise king. In the are limited to selected groups, lodges or castes.

We will still see rituals associated with the various prints, the projections and the bias, from the ob-
chakra’s, although of course in a culture that de- ser vations and conclusions. This is not to deny
nies for instance sexuality, the sexually oriented that the messenger is also the message, that the
rituals disappear or go underground. individual angle has value, but needs to be recog-
This is not the place to go deeper into this classifi- nized as such. In ritual studies this is probably
cation or model, I leave that to anthropologists, I also because the researchers and especially field-
just want to propose another way of looking at workers are usually less “controlled” by peer
how ritual came to be. pressure and can project more freely, they will see
what they are concerned with, what they are.
Ritual theory: how is ritual seen Let me go into some detail here, about the views
In trying to look at what ritual means it makes of some of the leading anthropologists and soci-
sense to look at the history and development of ologists and how I see them, as they colored my
ritual understanding. I don’t think the fundamental view of the history of ritual and the history of
ritual matrix has changed so much, not in our his- ritual theory. What the old Greek, Roman and the
torical times anyway, humankind hasn’t changed Catholic theologians had to say is covered in
so much. So it’s not the ritual that has changed so many books and articles, I will concentrate on the
much, it is the image of ritual and the relation to re- more recent insights.
ligion, magic, myth, and art that has changed, espe-
cially since it became the subject of theological Interest in ritual
and philosophical discourse. I a way the more re- The interest in rituals, especially those originating
cent anthropological views of ritual are more a in the East, got a boost in the nineteenth century,
mirror of the “Zeitgeist” and individual perspec- when the Veda’s and Upanishad first came to the
tives than an objective analysis. Science has it fash- West, and intellectuals got interested in what
ions too. In this respect it’s funny to read about the those strange cultures and peoples were about.
academic view of a movement I have personally This interest was sparked initially by Ger man ori-
participated in, the New Edge movement in the entalists like Max Müller, but towards the end of
nineties. This was covered in a scientific disserta- the century England took the lead in what then
tion by Dorien Zandbergen, but she paints a pic- were seen as backward, superstitious and satanic
ture quite different from what I remembered and practices of primitive people. The esoteric be-
documented. And I personally not only knew came popular, the link to magic and the occult
most of the people in that movement, but orga- made it even more exciting. Some pioneers trav-
nized in 2003 the only New Edge conference (in elled to those exotic places and especially Ma-
Amsterdam). Truth is in the eye of the beholder, I dame Blavatsky with her Theosophical Society
suppose. (1875) opened a door to the East. A certain reso-
We are all looking at different parts of the ele- nance with Masonic and Rosicrucian notions,
phant, but with a limited scope. Some see the tail, which were seen as The Western Esoteric tradi-
some the trunk, some the ears, all believe they are tion led to groups like The Golden Dawn lodge
right and all their truths together could give us a (1888) and a synthesis of East and West tradi-
better idea about what an elephant is. This is what I tions with somewhat later the magick of Crowley
notice in anthropology, social science and science and Gardner. People like James Frazer tried to
in general, we are working from a paradigm or classify and organize the knowledge of customs,
even a myth that is hard to escape and on top of it taboo’s, myths and of categorize the magical. He
we have our personal lens, the way we interpret laid the foundation for what is now called anthro-
perceptions due to our personality, character and pology, then very much focused on totemism and
references. Reading through the stacks of books I the year-king idea. Due to his work and that of
have in my library and even more browsing the people like Mircea Eliade in the twentieth cen-
endless sites and wiki’s on the internet, I found out tury we slowly started to see that there was noth-
that a main job in making sense out of all that is ing primitive about those other cultures, they
trying to separate the personal and societal im- were just different. Then people like Aldous

Huxley, an English writer, and Huston Smith, an learned and ambitious professor who didn’t re-
American religious studies scholar, made clear ally fit in and had to prove he knew so much. In
they weren’t that different either, but had common “T he El e men tar y For ms of Re li giou s
roots, the perennial wisdom. Life”(1912) he starts out with some grand views,
In comparing the myths of various cultures Joseph indicating that the separation of the sacred and
Campbell showed the common story lines and the profane is the root of religion and social
threads (like the monomyth of the hero’s journey structures, but he hardly corroborates the point,
in “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” from 1949. rather buries it under a lot of (borrowed) facts.
But then an interesting development opened a He doesn’t mention God, but elevates Society
whole new vista, that of looking at rituals as a door and the social to become like God, the cause of
to a wider reality, as a means to get into another all. When he talks about the development of reli-
mindstate. The discovery of the Mexican use of gion as a function of the emotional security at-
magic mushrooms, the psychedelic concoctions tained through communal living, he is aptly de-
for the Amazon and the discovery of LSD by Al- scribing what he is looking for himself, his theo-
bert Hofmann, a Swiss scientist, in the fifties ries are mostly projections. This doesn’t mean
opened the mind of at least some scientists to the they are not relevant, one only has to see the limi-
notion, that there are more levels or states of con- tations and appreciate what his nose for what we
sciousness. The idea took hold that maybe many would call “politically correct” produced. His
of the shamanistic, Greek and Indian rituals and structural thinking as a method surpassed what
mysteries had to do with achieving those states, by he himself did with it, his use of statistics (con-
various means. Work by ethno-botanists like cerning suicide) was innovative even as his (again
Terence McKenna and the growing interest in sub- borrowed) data were skewed. So let’s follow his
stances like ayahuasca has changed the view of reasoning about the universal sacredness of
many about what rituals are and can do. nature, objects and totemism as the result of that
sacredness. He noted the contagion, the transfer
Émile Durkheim of sacredness from object to bearer to place and
He is seen as one of the fathers of sociology (with vice versa, a magical process.
Marx and Weber) and was very influential in mak- “A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices
ing us aware of the social structures and mecha- relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart
nism underlying society, but here we have another and forbidden - beliefs and practices which unite into a
scientific flag bearer who could not escape being single moral community called a Church, all those who
child of his time, his education and his character. adhere to them.”
His personality is easy to read, he was an ennea-
He tried to prove, but in fact did no more than
gram 5 with a 6 wing, meaning someone who iden-
demonstrate on the basis of selected facts and as-
tified himself by what he knew, but so insecure be-
sumed relationships that religious phenomena
cause of his lack of emotional and intuitive con-
stemmed from social rather than divine factors,
nection that he needed structures and systems to
ignoring the spiritual dimension. To link sacred-
help him. That he is the father of structuralism co-
ness with religion was not an unheard step in
mes as no surprise and his fascination with effer -
those days, when myth, religion and ritual were
vescence may well be because of his early experi-
seen as simultaneous, he just missed the insight
ences as the rabbi’s son in the synagogue. The “ef-
that the sacredness of things is a real quality, that
fer vescent” feelings of enthusiastic belonging, the
objects and acts posses power, that they can be
special energy and sacredness of the Jewish con-
instrumental to achieve the magical. He probably
gregation were probably so impressive that he
never sat at a campfire with those “noble sav-
took them for the root of religious life. His take on
ages” and related the sacred and the special feel-
what a community can offer as more than the sum
ings and intuitions of the magical to the experi-
of the members resembles the communitas of
ences of his youth in the synagogue, where reli-
Victor Turner, and he is right, the ritual state is mi-
gion, sacred objects and effer vescence were ob-
raculous, especially for the brainer he was, the
viously present and related. And how clever, in

his work he doesn’t refer to the Judeo-Christian ing from obser vation up. The problem was he
traditions and notions he was part of, but sticks to didn’t look for motivation, feelings, emotions,
cultures far away, not straying too far from his such things were not in his psychological back-
home base paradigm. Who could blame him for pack. Suicide was a statistical given, not a moral
tackling the sacred, but what if he would have writ- dilemma.
ten about the rather drastic forms of genital male Looking for the common ground beyond the
mod i fi ca tion like the prac tice of penile concepts of spirituality and God he looked for a
subincision of some Aboriginal tribes. Those were social origin of religion, the empirical root for as-
the days of the Dreyfus affair, antisemitism and signing sacredness to things. Even as he accepted
nationalism where dangerous movements and it that for early humans everything was supernatu-
was not easy to steer clear of that for Durkheim, ral (blaming science for the divide), he still as-
his reputation did decline in his last years, he died sumed a separation between sacred and profane
in 1917 and many of his students died in “la for the cultures he studied and based his theses
Grande Guerre”. He was a critical thinker though, that the sacred is the core of religion on this.
his notions about religion (as a purely materialist What he called sacred was not of divine origin,
phenomenon) extended to indicating the enthron- but the result of group processes where the spe-
ing of the individual as the new religion. A social cial energy was supposed to come from objects
institution in his view is comparable to a religion or or nature. Here I think he was right to guess that
church, so sociology as the science of institutions something special (collective effer vescence)hap-
can deal with them. pened in these group processes (let’s call them rit-
One of the interesting notions in relation to ritual uals) but I think that was not some psychological
is Durkheim’s “common” or “collective con- group mind mechanism, but the entering of the
sciousness” as the set of norms, beliefs and values ritual state of consciousness, where magic enters
that morally hold society (or a religion) together the stage. Sacredness then is real efficacy, not col-
against the egoistic human tendencies. He did lective ideals attached to material objects, the sa-
think in statistics here, not really honoring senti- credness thus not real in material sense. In other
ments and emotions beyond that they result in a words, superstitious self-delusion, and obviously
collective position and talks about the average as he has succeeded in keeping that the accepted
in: viewpoint for more than a century now.
The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the aver-
Victor Turner
age members of a society forms a determinate system with
a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or common The somewhat sociopathic Victor W. Turner,
consciousness. E. Durkheim who took and expanded Arnold van Gennep’s
The key to society is social interaction, but the de- notions about liminality and initiation rites, was
velopment from mechanical solidarity (from need) for a while very influential concerning the way
to organic solidarity (from benefits) with more di- social scientists looked at ritual in terms of
vision of labor will replace collective conscious- communitas and liminality (from liminal, - in a
ness. As he saw religion as the strongest sense of state of ‘ambiguity, limbo, transition’). He him-
collective consciousness,, “Religion gave birth to self seems to have been the living communitas
all that is essential in the society.” it would be re- and liminality person, enjoying conferences,
placed too, by science and the cult of the individ- role-playing, being sage, clown, trickster and
ual, but would always be a root factor. teacher. I even feel that for him it all was about
belonging. His ideal communitas, he referred to
His contribution to understanding religion and so- the monastic life, was beyond caste, class, rules, a
cial mechanisms is that he constructed complex community with love. For him liminality was not
categorical concepts that went beyond the obser - so much being in between and without identity,
vations, like totemism and sacred. Painting a struc- but being beyond the ego, letting go of the mask,
ture with the internal links and connections, and a state of non-self connectedness. Nothing
then see if the facts will fit is different from work- wrong with that, and his views and message are

alive still at festivals like Burning Man where he constructs, bridges to unite the two (life and
would have felt very much at home. Others how- death, good and bad, raw and cooked).
ever have used the concept of liminality much Now I agree with the notion of progress (a very
more as indicating loss of identity, separation, as Western idea anyway) as not being the common
cut loose from the roots, thus separating ritual root of development “the once-common path
from its social roots. Victor Turner can be credited of development”, but maybe there is another,
for having made anthropologists look beyond the deeper basic drive to be found in ritual than just
everyday life and into the marginal occur rences, bridging. I fear that the guilt trip that Lévi-Strauss
the ritual traditions that have to do with the spiri- and the postwar anthropologists have laid upon
tual. That those marginal things are the carriers of Western society (we, the colonial exploiters) has
the core of a culture is a more recent insight. backfired in the sense that all our “help” towards
the Third World has not really helped them, we
Lévi-Strauss just forced Western thinking and paradigms on
Postmodern structuralists like Lévi-Strauss were them. We have, with all our modern gear and ra-
much more focused on the dichotomy, on classifi- tional thinking, cor rupting them even more than
cation, deconstruction of the whole, looking for in colonial times. Lévi-Strauss saw modern man
binary opposites to explain society, ritual and the as pulled towards contradictory poles of ‘con-
human mind. Lévi-Strauss was in my view more of demnation of emotional shocks’ and ‘denial of
a marginalist, interested in understanding in terms differences’, but these seem very much his own
of differences rather than in looking for bridges challenges, as he experienced the confrontation
and common traits. He assumed the West was dif- of intellectual ideals and the diversity of cultures,
ferent in its development, addressing the ‘cultural of ideals versus experience. He honored the ex-
discontinuity’ between the West and the rest of the perience above the intellectual climate of “sci-
world, especially in the last centuries and in the ence”. In a way he “blamed” our mental struc-
context of progress, capitalism and colonialism. tures (and our focus on opposites) for (uncon-
He talked about “dépaysement” meaning “home- sciously) structuring our lives. This fits in with
lessness”, “uprooting” or ”marginality" and tried the notion of his time, that society could be fixed,
to explain culture (and society) as the result of dif- a leftish view of the world in a time when intellec-
ferences, while at the same time kind of upgrading tuals looked at communism as the promised land
“the primitive” beyond the totemic visions of ear- and were fighting the establishment. They in a
lier anthropologists. He didn’t accept a common way were Cold War thinkers, looking at separa-
heritage but saw the differences, the strug gles, the tion, at opposites, trying to bridge but feeding the
inequality as the root of the discontinuity, the West enemy ideas doing that. That we maybe all share a
has abused the primitive. Lévi-Strauss claimed he need for ritual beyond marginality kind of es-
looked at different cultures to understand how the caped the European intellectuals of those days. I
mind works, assuming there is a basic mental think that ritual is a basic need, coming from
scheme that works for all more or less the same. In something beyond and deeper than the mind and
looking at the parts (deconstructing), ordering and has to do with our relation to the other dimen-
classifying he was more interested in divergence, sions. Anthropology has looked mostly at the in-
revolution and change than in unity and holistic in- dividual-social axis, Durkheim in the sense that
terpretation. He didn’t accept some universal de- social structures influence individual thinking
velopment path beyond that the binary opposites and perception, Lévi-Strauss assuming the oppo-
leading to a Hegelian (dialectic) synthesis that site, the mind influencing the social, both not
shows in how a society and the mythology and rit- accepting the third world of magical spirituality.
ual in it is organized. Lévi-Strauss’ structural an- They looked at set and setting, and came up with
thropology saw a dichotomy everywhere, people interesting theories, but ignored the magical.
are thus this or that, belong to this or that part, but Ritual is a such a complex matrix that we can look
he pointed at rites and mythology as the at how the deconstructed parts help to constitute
the whole, but the whole is more than the parts.

This whole may have dimensions not present in as impor tant angles, the French philosopher
the parts we can perceive from a limited perspec- Michel Foucault comes to mind. He was very in-
tive. The Australian aboriginal has such a different flu en tial in di rect ing at ten tion to West ern
view of time and reality, that studying his acts will Esotericism, the disguise for what really is the ac-
tell us little about the inner reasons for them, un- ademic study of magic and that’s why I got inter-
less we are willing to make the jump to his whole ested in him. Although in some ways a tor mented
(holistic) paradigm, which is nearly impossible. man, who died as the first public person of AIDS
Notably the dualities, oppositions and dichoto- in France in 1984, he was optimistic in the sense
mies one assumes are present in all cultures might that change (in humans and society) was possible.
not exist in that form. The me-mind might be the He was rather courageous in admitting he wasn’t
all-mind, the us-them or I-you (self-others) for in- consistent, but evolving and his work was not
stance is maybe not what is important for an Ainu “the” but “a” answer to his questioning of how
or Aboriginal or deeply religious monastic, sacred we are in the present, how subjectivity is all we
and profane are not necessary opposites. Our know and how society developed in creating
mind does like to think in pairs, in me/other and notions about self, power and communication.
good/bad dualities but is this the only or even the His ideas look quite different from mine, his no-
natural way, or only the rational? Levi-Strauss’ tion of self is much more the face we show to the
looking for “concrete” terms to describe the dif- world, and thus closer to what I would call per-
fer ences re mains ra tio nal, ig nor ing the sonality or shown me, but the essence of his
extradimensional, it’s like making a 2D movie of a work has to do with what tools the self has to find
3D event, the spiritual that eludes description is itself and express itself. His notion of the self as
just not part of the equation. Social behavior is not being defined by a continuing discourse in a shift-
only governed by (deconstructable in compo- ing communication of oneself to others points at
nents) communication via the nor mal senses, but a different view on what the self is and does. He
we react to much more like thought-waves (or denied the view of a person having an inner and
mind-fields) via the hidden senses I call primes. So fixed ‘essence’ that is the person’s identity, but
ignoring this it is hard to discerns a hidden univer- saw a dynamic pattern. He based his ideas on his
sal code in different cultures, the only common work in prisons and madhouses, where the in-
code is the unity of the three worlds we try to mates often do switch between subpersonalities,
refind (in ritual, psychotherapy, art, play),. Even so when reading about his “self ” I see that as the
that unity can be experienced differently, meaning external form, as the mask that acts, talks and
that the reality experienced can be spiritual like the communicates. identified.
Aboriginal Dreamstate, worldly or just in one’s I don’t think he would called himself as devoted
mind (hallucinogenic). to the study of magic or ritual, but his focus on
I could be called a structuralist myself as I believe “technologies of the self ” is very close and call-
there is an underlying structure, a general principle ing them “operations over the body and soul that
to both the individual and collective acts, and this account for the transfor mation of ourselves in
has to do with the way our psyche works and how order to obtain happiness, wisdom, immortality,
our view of the world reflects that, but I see the etc." would equally well describe practical magic.
whole or holistic as the root of the structure in the These ‘technologies’ include self-contemplation,
psyche, the internal disputes are there, but not as self-disclosure and self-discipline, Foucault saw
an opposition. them as ways to enter into discourse. Language in
this way is the vehicle of expression. The
Michel Foucault episteme, the ways acceptable scientific dis-
The ideas of another influential social scientist can course was defined was in his view one of the
also be analyzed in the light of a personal preoccu- identifiers of the paradigm (as Thomas Kuhn
pation, in this case with power and sex. Maybe not uses this word) of a historic period. Such
the first one thinks about in the context of ritual, epistemes were defined by the way truth or
but as I see self, identity, magic and power in ritual knowledge was conditioned, justified and framed

as “scientific”, not as an outspoken qualification, tion/desire) are what differentiate his model
but more unconscious, all per vading. He tried to from Jung’s. T he wide ar ray of
bring out what characterized such periods in his psychotherapeutic methods he used are not very
“Archeologies”. The timeframe he refers to in different from what we see in the transpersonal
much of his works and quotes, the Greek and ap proach, with the ex ce p tion of his
Roman antiquity, was of course full of magic, subpersonality focus. He sees subpersonalities as
ritual and cults. functional, willed semi-autonomous subsystems
Foucault describes his work as the history or the within the personality related to circumstances, a
diagnosis of the present, as the analysis of ‘what natural and not dysfunctional multiplicity. This is
today is and how is it different from yesterday?’. different from my approach, where I see them as
He clearly had an interest in power and power rela- defense mechanisms originating in alienating
tionships and this would point at a personality fo- traumatic experiences and as separate masks.
cused on the third chakra and type 8 enneagram They are usually not willed, but happen because
personality, intuitive, slightly anti-hierarchical and of triggers. In the extreme, pathological form
original. I would characterize his notion of the (Identity Disorder) the masks don’t even know
episteme as power-based. He rejected common each other.
notions of people having some form of implicit His work tends to be mostly about spiritual
power, but saw power as a technique or action in growth, reaching the higher unconscious level,
which people engage. Power is a relation, not a idealistic and a bit elitist, far above the sex and
thing and exercised but not possessed. He didn’t power focus of his contemporaries. “The central
equate power with what the State represents, but foundation of psychosynthesis is that there is a
stated that power operates at the most micro levels fundamental difference between drives, im-
of social relations and is productive rather than pulses, desires and the will. In the human condi-
repressive. tion there are frequent conflicts between desire
Truth is a major theme in Foucault’s work, in par- and will. And we place the will in a central posi-
ticular in the context of its relations with power, tion at the heart of self-consciousness or the
knowledge and the subject. I notice here that truth Ego.” He clearly sees the will as the important
and power are both third chakra elements and are factor, the directing agent in the personality, a
closely aligned that way. In a nearly Hinduistic ap- function that can be trained and developed. This
proach Foucault defines ‘spirituality’ as the meth- places him in the same vein as Crowley, who also
ods the subject uses to transform him or herself in goes for the har monization and unification of
order to gain access to the truth, like in the Vedic the individual and the universal will. It’s clear that
expression Ya Evam Veda. he himself was a willful man, probably an
ennegram 8 type like so many luminaries from
Roberto Assagioli the mid-twentieth century, where WWII favored
I don’t think the originator of psychosynthesis had black-white thinking and acting, not much space
much interest in ritual, consciousness is what this for the grey middle road. His focus on will kind
Italian psychologist was mostly concerned with. of fits the projections of a benevolent dictator,
His notion of subpersonalities was influential and who only believes in his own path. If he returned
requires that I distinguish them from my ideas. He the fact of will to psychology, like Crowley did so
was influenced by Freud, exchanged letters with to magic, this is only a partial reality, a third chakra
him, was a friend of Jun g, but had his own ap- energy focus. It’s where he comes from, like
proach and got quite a following, who somewhat when he expresses the importance of self-con-
dogmatically follow his methodology, which is sciousness as the unity of willing and being, “I
rather comprehensive, but peculiar. His approach am aware of being and willing”. The will he sees
was based on his notions about the various levels as essentially the activity of the self which stands
of consciousness (the egg-diagram) and his star above the multiplicity. It directs, regulates and
diagram where he comes up with 6 influences on balances the other functions of the personality in
the self, imagination (fantasy) and impulse (ac- a creative way as the conductor of an orchestra,

dealing with drives, desires and takes different pos- This is what runs through history and even today,
tures. There is assertive will, controlling will, but as we tend to call the study of the otherworld no
also the accepting will, the yielding will, the dedi- longer theology but study of comparative reli-
cated will. Assagioli is obviously also influenced by gion, the magical part is often forgotten, ignored
Advaita thinking as he points at the idea that we are and in the eye of the materialists it’s all a pseudo
dominated by everything with which our self is science anyway. Magic, white or black, is not part
identified, we assume we are the content of con- of the curriculum of the medical, physical or hu-
sciousness rather than consciousness itself. The manistic sciences and in a way never was, and yet
experience of the pure “I” brings the freedom. In it is part of all.
this his idea correlates with what I develop in the It’s not only magic per se that has this dark con-
chapter about the psyche. notation. Also myth, so closely associated with
many rituals, is seen by many as a negative term,
The historical and prehistorical indicating a lie or false image.
development It was quite nor mal for writers and sages in the
Back to the history of ritual. In old and even pre- Greek and Roman times to scold and condemn
historic cultures, the evidence of ritual activities is the common magic while at the same time honor-
overwhelming. Think of the cave paintings and ing the official religion or mainstream magical
what we see in Egyptian temples and pyramids. cult practices like the mystery schools and ora-
Ritual obviously is much older than writing, the cles. Often the argument was that religion dealt
first, more bookkeeping than symbolic use of with the divine, while magic was just using spirits
written accounts (cuneiform) dates from around and demons, the lower ranks of the otherworld
4000 BCE in Mesopotamia. In the Middle and Far or underworld, in a way the same argument used
East, ritual was a way of life; in many instances to demarcate high and low magic. For the Greek,
there were priestly castes that were engaged in little ritual as in the Dionysian festival on the Acropo-
else. In the Greco-Roman world, public and pri- lis was more of a theatrical event with plays about
vate rituals associated with the various religions or the heroic deeds in a Homeric setting than active
worship of Gods were also a part of everyday life, participation, yet the chorus in those plays and
as can be seen from the multitude of temples and the art on the temples points at the celebration
shrines, often of very different cults, found at his- and procession roots of the festivals.
toric sites and in what writers and historians of
those times left us. Yet even then, a distinction was
Jewish ritual
made between magic and religion; magic was The Judaic tradition has always had a great deal
mostly seen as the more negative, selfish, secret, of ritual and liturgical regulations, but also rules
and usually illegitimate. preventing magical practice by the common peo-
Magic was often, all through history, differentiated ple. That has to do, in my view about religions,
from religion as being manipulative, coercive with the focus on the fifth chakra, where interac-
rather than supplicatory of the deities or spirits. tion with the manifest reality is concentrated via
Religious rites were sup- the voice, the mouth,
posed to aim at lofty goals and the hands. The Jew-
such as salvation or re- ish faith is full of rules
birth, and are conducted -how to behave, what to
in the open for the benefit eat- and a pious Jew is
of the community. Magic overloaded with com-
was seen as the dark art, mandments and prohi-
supposed to deal with the bitions. Looking at them
lower sentiments, material be yond the ob vi ous
and lust ful goals, not health and social stratifi-
something one wanted to cation effects, as way to
be associated with. The Jewish Torah is a sacred text (Photodisc) limit and to constrain

magical interaction with the otherworld, is an in-
teresting approach for studying magical effects.
The taboo on graven images is a good example, it
has to do with the fear for the power of imagery.
Magic was forbidden and equated with evil, im-
pure black magic, divination obviously widespread
but forbidden, while of course the Bible is full of
prophets. As in many cultures, there has been an
undercurrent of mystical and magical study, nota-
bly the Kabbalah. This was considered coming
from a spiritual source and thus per mitted as white
magic by its elite practitioners, but it was always a
path for individual seekers.
It is interesting to view the Kabbalah and notably
the sephirot of the Tree of Life as giving a kind of
developmental model of a spiritual person, it
looks like an early but fundamental psychological
classification or explanatory model of magi-
cal/spiritual interaction. Kabbalah is mystical, try-
ing to discern God’s hand in everything, but has
magical side to it that is less accepted indicated as faith in Biblical times the sacrifice plays a major
Kabbalah Ma’asit (“Practical Kabbalah”). The use role and Noah’s fire after the Great Flood is like
of charms, dream interpretation, amulets, healing the first instance of a essential ritual element of
(Baal Shem healers), angelic names, incantations the faith. The rainbow, the animal sacrificed, re-
and divination, spirit possession, scrying is proba- ceding water, they have become archetypal. In
bly much older than the Jewish tradition and has the Vayikra part of the To rah (Le vit i cus
roots in Mesopotamia. 1:1–5:26) the laws of sacrifices are given as in-
The methods and rituals must have been quite structed to Moses by God. What is interesting
common, they spilled over into Islamic occult here is that depending on the purpose of a sacri-
practice as I have witnessed in the way North Afri- fice, different procedures and sacrificial animals
can marabouts use them, usually under a Koranic were used. There were sacrifices of well-being,
disguise. The use of angelic names (The iel in guilt offerings for unwitting sin, sin offerings for
names like Gabriel and Michael means -of God) various things, atonement and if a person deceit-
on amulets and in incantations is taken over by Is- fully or forcefully took money restitutions had to
lam, also the use of many and secret names of be made, but with a 20% surcharge for the priest.
JHV or Allah. The laws deal with animal sacrifices, bulls, rams
There is a lot of ritual in Judaism, lots of rules and or goats, turtle doves or pigeons, which the priest
laws and limitations, things have to be done in a burned completely on wood on the altar or some-
specific way, living cor rectly by the book is a nar - times partly outside the camp, sometimes only
row path. The Bible is a great source of tales about dash the blood and burn parts. Then there were
magic and ritual, it also offers some insights into meal offerings which were of choice flour with
the ritual practices of other people and the more oil, from which the priest would remove a token
pagan past. These practices sometimes these were portion to burn on the altar, and the remainder
taken over from enemies or conquerors, but then the priests could eat. Meal offering could also be
there were prophets that would guide the chosen cooked in a pan, could not contain leaven or
back to the path. Of course Moses was the prime honey, and had to be seasoned with salt. Meal
law-giver, he received many rules, laws and com- offerings of first fruits had to be new ears
mandments which over time became more strict parched with fire, grits of the fresh grain.
by later interpretation of the texts. In the Jewish

In Psalms 50, God clarifies the pur pose of magic, he probably was a sorcerer or magician
sacrifices. It states that cor rect sacrifice was not the trained in pagan magic and this must have felt as a
taking of a bull out of the sacrificer’s house, nor potential threat to the other contenders for the
the taking of a goat out of the sacrificer’s fold, to Caliphate. When he finally got the position, there
convey to God, for every animal was already God’s was much resistance and insur rections and in the
possession. The sacrificer was not to think of the end he was killed and his son Hasan only became
sacrifice as food for God, for God neither hungers Caliph for a few month before he had concede
or eats. Rather, the worshipper was to offer to God his position to Mu’awiyah, a relative of Uthman.
the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call upon God in All this had, I feel, more to do with the struggle
times of trouble, and thus God would deliver the between the magical and the anti-magical
worshipper and the worshipper would honor God. factions.
When training with my North-African marabout
Islam I learned about his fear (even today) of funda-
In Islam, drawing upon the Jewish tradition, magic mentalist groups within Islam that are dead
again was and is seen as evil. But here, in contrast against any magical practice, so the magical arts
to the Jewish rites, ritual is sober and hardly magi- of the marabouts (actually much older than Is-
cal, apart from some practices during the Hadj to lam) had to be covered and hidden in extensive
Mecca and the rituals of the Sufis. Magic is forbid- use of Koran texts. This made me look at the rit-
den, and partly this was in response to the overtly ual differences between Sunni and Shia, and
magical practices of Mohammed’s time, the Kaaba there is obviously more appreciation of the magi-
(Ka’aba) used to be a temple with many statues and cal in Shia, even as both share the most funda-
images of deities, now it only contains a black mental Islamic beliefs and articles of faith.
stone (in pieces) and two pillars, which remind me In that they tried to straighten and rationalize reli-
of the Masonic temple layout. The Kaaba was a gious practice, Mohammed, Gautama Buddha
multi-religious and cultic (pagan) temple before it and Luther had a similar reform objective, clean-
was stripped of its many statues and holy objects, ing up the excessive magical and form-orienta-
only the black (maybe meteor) stone Hadjar tion of religion in their times, they were icono-
al-Aswad put there as a cor nerstone by the clasts. I think that most of the big schisms in the
Prophet Mo ham med (five year be fore his history of religion had to do with the acceptance
prophethood) remained there, but in pieces. I or rejection of magic (and magic ritual). The
wonder about the original form of the stone, ac- Cathars (Albigensians) were, in their own way, a
cording to the tradition it was already used by very magical sect, and the crusade against them
Abraham? The prophet Mohammed and his suc- by the Church (1209–1229) also marks the begin-
cessors have stripped the Islamic faith of most rit- ning of the Inquisition. Martin Luther’s protest
ual references. He was, like Moses and other Jew- and stripping of the Catholic liturgy had a lot to
ish prophets before him, fighting the worship of do with the increasingly magical practices of the
idols and magical practices of his time, and came Roman Catholic church, like selling indulgences
up with a limited set of religious rituals, among and the overly ritual (and thus magical) nature of
them the Hadj to Mecca, which has now a whole the Holy Mass and the focus on images of saints.
list of explicit rituals. He didn’t like sorcerers and Gautama Buddha had similar reser vations about
magicians, and the schism in Sunni and Shia is not the practices of the Vedic/Hindu priests and the
only a matter of succession, I believe it to be the Brahmin caste. Churches, especially as they be-
result of a difference in appreciation of magical come institutions, like the idea of submission and
(or more rit u al is tic) prac tice. Note that the compromise of the individual to God, the whole
Prophet Mohammed’s cousin/son-in-law, Ali bin idea of being “catholic” points there, while the
Abu Talib was not made head of the Ummah, first individual experience and the individual magical
came Abu Bakr (the Prophets father-in-law), power is then seen as a threat to the institutional
Omar and Uthman and only then Ali was chosen. I powers. Magic is ignored, the mystical accepted
believe this had to do with Ali’s appreciation of as it fits within the dogmatic tenets. Even today,

in the ayahuasca churches like the Santo Daime, in to recognize the consecration as the magical
the form we see in the West of it anyway, there is a charging of a sacrifice, similar to the charging of
tendency to ignore the magical effects of the psy- water or an object with magical energy and the
chedelic tea, and focus on the mystical, with heal- sharing of this in communion, makes sense. I will
ing accepted as an effect but not recognizing that analyze Holy Mass in detail later.
as a magical. This is a dangerous omission, some- The Church has always labeled the rituals of
where in line with the Noble Savage notion that in- competing religions or factions within the
digenous customs are noble, sacred and always Church as false, heathenish, heretic and meted
better than our Western rationality. There is a risk out severe punishments, from excommunication
in ignoring the magical effects and magical effi- to execution, mostly on the stakes and even orga-
cacy. The original ayahuasca rituals in the Amazon nized massive crusades against the Cathars and
jungle didn’t only serve holy purposes, they were Islam. The fight against such heretical and com-
also used to wage war, kill enemies, prepare for peting religious movements, from Manichaeism
hunting or bewitch adversaries and in the ritual (a major Gnostic religion, originating in Persia
(hallucinogenic) state) this part might show up. In with the prophet Mani (circa. CE 216–276)) via
the chapter about psychedelic substances in ritual Gnostics and Marcionites, Arianism, Paulinians,
more about this. Bogomils, Catharism and Waldensians was an
ongoing con cern. The Cathars, also called
Christianity Albigenses (after the city of Albi) or Bougres
In Christianity one has, over time, cleverly bor- (Bulgarians) had distinct links with the Christian
rowed, assembled and integrated many of the ritu- movement of the Bogomils (“Friends of God”)
als of the preceding era and of competing reli- of Thrace and these again with the earlier
gions like the Mithras mysteries, in essence the Paulicians and the Manicheans and the Christian
Christian sacraments and liturgy are clearly magi- and pre-Christian Gnostics.
cal procedures. The Essene, Gnostic and other es-
oteric roots of what Jesus preached and practiced Catharism
show up in the non-canonical gospels and docu- I will go into the Cathar faith a bit more, because I
ments found like the Nag Hammadi and Qumran had some strange experiences visiting the Cathar
scrolls, and as the New Testament is full of mira- places in the South of France. I climbed Mont-
cles (the religious indicator for magical achieve- Segur on acid, found the fortress of little impor-
ments) the magical roots of Christianity are fairly tance, the store ruins there are seventeenth cen-
clear. According to Qumran scrolls specialist John tury anyway, but the view on the Pyrenees was in-
Allegro the scrolls are coded messages about a hid- spiring. Imagine the Cathars there, beleaguered
den use of mushrooms, he sees the Jewish Faith or and facing hunger and death, looking at that
rather the Essenes as a mystery cult and continua- beauty while their enemies were down there, pre-
tion of earlier Sumerian mushroom use. He paring to burn the lot of them, what a juxtaposi-
pointed at Salomo’s Song of Songs (Heb.4:4) as an tion of emotions. It taught me something about
ode to the sacred mushroom (Amanita Muscaria). how we look at things, what perspective does and
Also the story of Eve and the serpent in his view how the Snellian optical illusion (we think our
are pointing at mushroom use. eyes work like lenses, but in fact we can see things
The Christian rituals, often nicely coinciding with far away and close by sharp at the same time in
pagan seasonal celebrations and rites, have incor- certain mind states) is a limitation and manipula-
porated much of what I would call a complete rit- tion of perception. Coming down from this
ual matrix, with the exception of the fertility and steep hill I had another experience, it felt like I
orgiastic (with carnival as a last relic of the old had to make love to the earth in a very intense and
rites). Some scholars from the psychedelic move- sexual way and somewhere I felt this had to do
ment see the Last Supper as a psychedelic ritual, with the Cathar faith, but I have found little refer-
that is re-enacted in Holy Mass. To compare Mass ence about that. It did make me look into the
with a Vedic soma ritual is maybe a step too far, but history of heresy.

Heretic movements, often anti-dogmatic and Templar certain privileges like tax exemption.
based on personal experience and consciousness, The Templars were instrumental in bringing
may have had rituals and magical practices that much of what the Arabian culture had preserved
were original and effective, not hindered by what a from old (mostly pagan and Egyptian) wisdom to
tradition prescribed. I like this quote of Gerald the West, like the use of irrational number di-
Brenan: mensions in building (p, Ö2. Ö3, Ö5 and golden
“Religions are kept alive by heresies, which are really sud- mean). Here again St. Bernard played an impor-
den explosions of faith. Dead religions do not produce tant role. This changed the building style of nota-
them.” (Thoughts in a Dry Season, 1978) bly cathedrals and marked the era of the Gothic
Although not much is known about the exact ritu- cathedrals like those in Sens and Chartres. Ir ra-
als of the Cathars, their consolamentum, a kind of tional numbers in architecture make buildings
energy transmission by laying up of hands was less vulnerable to resonance distortions from
clearly an important ritual. And this must have earthquakes and allowed a building style much
been powerful one or did they have sacraments beyond the rather simple masonry of the Roman
(maybe even substances) to prepare their “Parfait” era. This knowledge was known to earlier civili-
for a fate of being burned at the stakes, walking zations like the Egyptians but got lost when the
into the fire singing and without fear. The Cathars Roman-Christian empire destroyed whatever
are regarded as dualistic, believing in Good (God) traces they could find of the pagan past, like the
and Evil (Satan, Demiurge, creation) as two, equal library of Alexandria. The Templars must have
and comparable transcendental principles. God recovered some of that old wisdom, but were at
was entirely disincarnate: a being or principle of variance with the official church, some of the
pure spirit and completely unsullied by the taint of knights in Montségur were supposedly also
matter, being the god of love, order and peace. Templars.
The Cathars were against the Church, corrupted in The very cruel Albigensian Crusade against the
many ways in those days and were anti-sacerdotal, Cathars also instigated the creation and insti-
their leaders (the Parfait) lived an exemplary life, tutionalization of both the Dominican Order
quite different from the Catholic clergy of the and the Medieval Inquisition. Dominique de
time. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who was very in- Guzman, who founded the Dominicans, be-
strumental in the crusades against Islam, and al- lieved the heretical movements could only be
though opposed to the Cathars, said of them: “If fought if priests behaved even more pious and
you question the heretic about his faith, nothing is perfect than their opponents.
more Christian; if about his daily converse, noth- Medieval Inquisition, from 1184 onwards in vari-
ing more blameless; and what he says he proves by ous guises, exemplifies the strug gle between the
his actions ... As regards his life and conduct, he magical and the dogmatic obedience to fate and
cheats no one, pushes ahead of no one, does vio- the Church. It has cost the lives of many, heretics,
lence to no one. Moreover, his cheeks are pale with saints, scientists and innocents. The early (medi-
fasting; he does not eat the bread of idleness; he la- eval) Inquisition got a really bad name and is of-
bors with his hands and thus makes his living. ten associated with the suppression of witch-
Women are leaving their husbands, men are putt- craft. This is, however, not totally cor rect, they
ing aside their wives, and they all flock to those her- were less cruel, more organized and better super -
etics! Clerics and priests, the youthful and the adult vised than is usually perceived. For instance they
among them, are leaving their congregations and themselves didn’t burn or execute heretics, that
churches and are often found in the company of was left to the civic authorities. The Church did
weavers of both sexes.” speak out against heretics like Thomas Aquinas
Now Bernard of Clairvaux was in his days one of “Wherefore if forgers of money and other evil-doers are
the most powerful leaders of the church, started forthwith condemned to death by the secular authority,
the second Crusade, has a hand in electing popes much more reason is there for heretics, as soon as they
and was instrumental in allowing the Knights

are convicted of heresy, to be not only excommunicated situation similar to how Christ was brought
but even put to death.” (Summa Theologica, c. 1270) before Pilatus, the Roman ruler who had secular
Magic and witchcraft were seen as different form power.
herecy. In medieval times, the great sages often Only when most of the heretical movements like
dabbled in both religion and magic. People like the Cathars and the Waldensians were rooted out
Gerbert d’Aurillac and Albertus Magnus (Albert in France, Italy and the Rhineland, the Inquisitors
the Great) were active in the then often occult sci- looked for new victims (Inquisition had become
ences as well as in ecclesiastical matters. Medieval an industry in itself) and turned against the
Inquisition paid little attention to sorcery and mag- Beguines, a woman’s movement recognized by
ical studies (like alchemy, memory studies) and the Church since their foundation in the thir-
even several Popes dabbled in alchemy and it was teenth century, as mystics. But this witchhunt was
only with pope John XXII (pope from 1316- already in the fourteenth century, at the Council
1334), that sorcery became heresy and thus liable of Vienne 1411, they were proclaimed heretics
to prosecution by the Inquisition. Magical practice and persecuted, many were burned at the stake.
with pagan roots has always been discouraged by Later, in fact mostly after the Lutheran refor ma-
the churches and those in power; it was deemed tion which was in itself an anti-magical and
dangerous and evil, and only the official religion anti-ritual movement, one turned more vehe-
with its own magical rituals was accepted. This of mently against old pagan and healing practices,
course, was using the same magical tools as the which were labeled as witchcraft and actively sup-
common shaman, witch or healer, but with much pressed or worse. This lead to witch-hunts, often
more pomp and splendor, incorporating it in a so- as a mass hysteria phenomenon, spanning a pe-
cial stratification approach that served the purpose riod of 1480 to 1750, widespread in Europe and
of keeping the common folks docile and subser vi- the Americas, with an estimated 40,000 to 60,000
ent. The Roman Catholic Church did its best to in- victims. For many, the procedures of those
corporate or wipe out the remnants of older tradi- witch-hunts, the tortures and trials are attributed
tions and nature-magic, but the old ways remained to the Inquisition, and the Church blamed for it,
widespread in folk religion throughout the but it was much more a thing of the Refor mation,
medieval period, the pagan roots were hard to die. where fear of magic and condemnation of ritual
The Inquisition used worldly powers to do their was much stronger. Witch-hunts are quite com-
nasty work, but in itself had, at least on paper, a mon, even today there are reports of witch-hunts
fairly strict set of standards. The Inquisition had in India, Africa, and Papua New Guinea.
several layers of oversight built into its framework
to limit prosecutorial misconduct. Torture by the
Ritual theory and the law: Xunzi
Inquisition could be used only after 1252 when Magic and ritual go together and are a concern of
Pope Innocent IV issued a papal bull entitled Ad the rulers and the law. This also because there was
Exstirpanda, which authorized the use of torture widespread belief in the efficacy of sorcery,
by inquisitors, but its use was not much found in spells, and the rulers had to deal with this.
heresy trials until the later fourteenth century. Tor- Anti-magical procedures and punishment re-
ture methods that resulted in bloodshed, births, cords are found in an cient Egypt and in
mutilation or death were forbidden and torture Babylonia. The Code of Hammurabi (18th cen-
could be performed only once. Among the possi- tury BCE) stated: “If a man has put a spell upon
ble punishments were prayer, pilgrimage, wearing another man and it is not justified, he upon
a yellow cross for life, banishment, public recanta- whom the spell is laid shall go to the holy river;
tion, or, occasionally, long-term imprisonment. into the holy river shall he plunge. If the holy
The unrepentant and apostates could be “relaxed” river overcome him and he is drowned, the man
to secular authority and then there was the possi- who put the spell upon him shall take possession
bility of various corporal punishments, up to and of his house. If the holy river declares him inno-
including being burned at the stake. The Church cent and he remains unharmed the man who laid
did not execute, clerics were forbidden to kill. A the spell shall be put to death. He that plunged

into the river shall take possession of the house of came the blueprint for traditional education in
him who laid the spell upon him.” China. A student did not simply study ritual; he
The social aspects of ritual were recognized early practiced and performed it. This performative
on. Ritual could be used to reinforce the sta- aspect was crucial to the goal of transforming
tus-quo, keep the power structures in place, fortify one’s nature, to achieve satisfaction on a personal
the order of things. An interesting figure in the his- level. Ritual has this power to transform some-
tory of ritual theory was the Chinese Confucian one’s motives and character (his heart), and with
scholar and philosopher Xunzi (Hsün Tzu, ca. practice it becomes an end in itself as part of the
312–230 BCE). He saw ritual as important, but like Way (Tao).
many intellectuals even then, denied the real magi- Xunzi also honored the use of music; he saw mu-
cal effects. The commoners could believe what rit- sic as important as ritual in moral education and
ual promised; an educated man should perform in governing. Much as Plato sug gested in the Re-
rituals because they served the social goal of estab- public, Xunzi believed regulating music is one of
lishing and maintaining order. In his days, the the duties of the state. There should be correct
(Shang) kings relied much on ritual to establish music to give people a legitimate source of emo-
their own position and that of their underlings and tional expression, and unorthodox music should
vassals. This also served to put limits on the power be banned to prevent it from upsetting the bal-
of the ruler and emphasize his obligation to the ance of society. Again an insight that has been
people, especially in times of war and contention used by many authoritarian organizations and
for lim ited re sources. regimes, churches, and
The point of the ritual movements.
rules is here to enforce
the distinctions neces- Antiquity
sary for social har mony Classical Antiquity made, like
and prevent people from most cultures, a difference be-
reaching beyond their tween accepted religion and
station, an insight by witchcraft, magic, sorcery, but
Xunzi that applies to usually accepted divination, as
nearly all religions and it was part of the practice of the
societies. accepted religions. Plat o in the
He believed man’s in- Phaedrus has Socrates talk
born and evil/un civi- about magic, augurs and divine
lized tendencies needed madness in this perspective.
to be curbed and recti- There are many law books that
fied through education have provisions against sorcery,
and ritual. Xunzi had a spells etc. like the pre-Christian
rather rational view of nature and reality. Not be- Twelve Tables of pagan Roman law, where evil
lieving in the spiritual, he accepted sacrifices and incantations intended to damage cereal crops
divination as part of the ritual system that binds were specifically mentioned. In Rome, witchcraft
society together, but did not expect any results. His was punished and there were witch-hunts that ex-
view was that people just need the good order ceeded those in pre-modern times, often blaming
brought about through the rituals of the sages. witches for causing epidemic illnesses. The “Lex
Xunxi’s insistence that human nature is bad, be- Cornelia de Sicariis et Veneficiis” promulgated
cause people are morally blind by nature, was often by Lucius Cornelius Sulla in the second century
condemned by later thinkers, who favored of the BCE is an important source of late medieval and
idea that people are naturally good. early mod ern European law on witchcraft.
Xunzi created a program of study, an organized Tacitus used the term religio-superstitio to
Confucian cur riculum that would teach proper rit- indicate the magical practices.
ual behavior and develop moral principles that be-

Understanding rituals or ritual theory, trying to un- forms of ritual in magic and witchcraft. In the
derstand ritual, was part of Greek philosophy but middle ages and later, the alchemists tried com-
as part of theology we see an interest in the subject plicated procedures (rituals, in their own way) to
with the Church fathers, St. Augustine, Thomas magically turn lead or mercury into gold. Al-
Aquinas and many others. though not very visible, for fear of inquisition
and similar anti-magical authorities, many people
Explanatory theories: study of ritual dabbled in magic and wrote about it, under their
For a long time, magic was described and viewed as own name or an alias. There were many grimoires
different from religion, mostly because the estab- and secret, supposedly sacred books which, real
lished religions didn’t want to be associated with or fake, often linked to ancient Greek, Jewish
the ‘primitive’ magic. However, as the study of rit- (Salomo) or Moorish sources. The division be-
ual and myths advanced, it became clear that there tween magic and science was less clear in those
are no justifiable differences between religion and days. It was, however, a dangerous game, people
magic, as both were considered ir rational and like Giordano Bruno, not only a cosmologist but
non-causal. It is just a matter of scale; the word re- also an expert in mnemonic techniques (Ars
li gion is more ap pro pri ate for larger, more Memorativa/memory art) and Egyptian magic,
organized forms. was burnt in 1600 (17th of February) on the
Today, many of the old issues, like whether magic Campo de’ Fiori in Rome.
and religion are separate, are resolved, also because The history of ritual in more modern times, with
we came down from the arrogant position that our authors like Eliphas Levi, Gerard Encausse
‘Western’ development was superior to what the (Papus) , Aleister Crowley, organizations like the
savage ‘heathens’ were doing. The similarities be- Golden Dawn, Theosophy, and the (re-)emer-
tween Christian and, say, Vedic, Mithras, or Al- gence of Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Magick,
chemical rituals are obvious and there are often Druidism, Craft, and cyberpaganism has become
historical links between them. It is even feasible, a very complex tale, but has not reached any clear
that all belief systems can be traced back to a single conclusion about what ritual really is and what it
source, probably Mesopotamic, with branches achieves beyond the psychological and social.
spreading out, long before there were written ac- Many claims are made and ritual schemes pro-
counts. The recent insights in what the function of posed, many philosophers like Schopenhauer
sites like Stonehenge was, where more than 2500 and Heidegger were fascinated by the metaphysi-
years BCE pilgrims from all over Europe went to cal. Apart from now accepting that ritual and
find healing, and research into the distribution of magic are twins with religion, little has been done
genetic materials (DNA) from certain people and or found to bridge the gap between the worlds of
tribes makes me wonder about the level of devel- science and religion.
opment and intercultural contact in those days. The study of ritual, magic, and myth is not a con-
Was the Bronze age less primitive, did they have stant factor in any culture. We have seen peaks of
access to magical ways, effective rituals and under- interest in the Hindu world, but also periods of
standing of for instance DNA-healing in relation loss of interest in both the rituals and the study
to celestial phenomena that got lost (to us of them. The ancient Greeks were certainly into
Westerners anyway)? magic and didn’t really separate magic, science,
and philosophy. In the Western world, alchemy
and magic had their heyday in the late Middle
The description and understanding of ritual be- Ages, and interest in magic again cropped up with
havior and ritual has many faces. The traditional the development of renaissance science, the
ones, usually related to religious sources and deal- Her metic tenets that surfaced also meant that
ing with revelation, myths or creation stories, see magic became fashionable. Giordano Bruno, the
them as valuable and necessary acts to connect Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathemati-
with the divine and influence the future, at the cian, and astronomer, was not only a cosmolo-
same time warning against the “black” or evil

gist, but had a keen interest in magical rituals, adapted to our times and mindset. The best ex-
especially those of the Egyptians. ample of ritual (re)creation we find in C.W. Lead-
The scholarly world, since the days of enlighten- beater, who not only understood ritual and wrote
ment, has been late to pick up on ritual and magic. about it, but designed a whole church liturgy.
In the 19th century, the subject was studied as if
looking at a very primitive culture. It was through Ritual understood : Leadbeater
the interest in the Vedas and the work of Max Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934) was a
Müller, a Ger man philologist and orientalist, that prominent early member of the Theosophical
more serious study into the connections between Society, and is mostly known for his bringing to
religion, myth, and rituals began. the West the notion of chakras and other knowl-
In the 19th century, Eliphas Levi, a French occult edge and as being a spiritualist. His lifestyle was
author and ceremonial magician, as well as the not impeccable, but in my view he is the foremost
people of the Golden Dawn (Samuel Liddell interpreter and (re)creator of ceremony and ritu-
MacGregor Mathers, a British occultist) and als. In the liturgy of the Liberal Catholic Church
Aleister Crowley, an English occultist, mystic, cer- he has created a new blueprint for understanding
emonial magician, poet and mountaineer, pushed not only the original intentions of the Catholic
the envelope considerably. Holy Mass, but expanded en deepened it. His cre-
Many theories have been put forward. Names like ation and the intricate details of each movement,
Douglas; Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, an English an- setting and phrase is not a half forgotten and
thro pol o gist; Rob ert son-Smith, a Scot tish worn-out re-enactment, but a very alive and vi-
orientalist; Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, an brant event. The actuality of the Leadbeater ritu-
English anthropologist; Bronislaw Malinowski, a als is amazing for those who have even only an in-
Polish-born- British-naturalized anthropologist; kling of what rituals are supposed to be. He uses
Émile Durkheim, a French sociologist; Lucien the laws of magic, the correspondences that are
Lévy-Brühl, a French scholar trained in philoso- at the root of them, in a very masterful way.
phy; Sir James George Frazer; and even Sigmund More recent Nevill Drury in his book “Stealing
Freud, an Austrian neurologist who became Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western
known as the founding father of psychoanalysis; Magic” gives an interesting account of twentieth
looked into myths. Later in the 20th century, century magic in the West with primers on
Mircea Eliade, Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy, kabbalah, alchemy, and tarot, but his focus on the
Joseph Campbell, Victor Turner and Claude left-hand path is a bit fashionable. Sex, tantra and
Lévi-Strauss have showed a deeper respect for the Crowley and how the Golden Dawn was influen-
function of myth and ritual in society and religion. tial are cer tainly part of modern magic and
Magic is often described as the unexplained, as if cyberspace has made communication about
science would catch up, there would be no magic these subjects easier, but it’s only a part of what
left. Bronislaw Malinowski defined it as “a body of magic entails, maybe two out of the seven
applied technology used to influence the domain a chakra’s.
society believes are ordinary incalculable, uncer- He sees twentieth century magic as mostly con-
tain or unaccountable.”. cerned with will and intent, aiming at transfor ma-
Truly understanding ritual, and the underlying tion of one’s perception as in specific effects or
magic, remains an exception. Too often we see changes in one’s sphere of consciousness. He
writers and scientist describing them from a West- states that that it is in the issue of will that magic
ern, rational perspective, usually full of social in- differs from mysticism and religion. The magi-
terpretation but far less concerned with the magi- cian assumes that the gods will respond if one
cal and sinister side of many rituals. Lots of anec- undertakes certain ritual or visualization proce-
dotal stories, lots of details and cultural assump- dures. Drury describes this as: “That he or she
tions, but few theoretic models. What misses is can will to effect”.
cracking the magical code, and using that under- He notes that the traditional techniques of invo-
standing to come up with new rituals and forms, cation and sacred for mulae have been legitimized

by existential philosophy and human potential sciousness” also points back to the very early
psychology by describing them as emanations of human understanding of time as an illusion.
the creative imagination, forces of the transcen-
dent psyche. Thus magic as addressing archetypes Revealed or human construct
of the collective unconscious. Drury points out, When talking about the origin of ritual and ex-
that this explanation is not shared by many mod- cluding the notion of extraterrestrial influence
ern magician, who see their pantheon as entities (which would only perpetuate the question of or-
belonging to another plane of existence and magic igin) the question remains where the inspiration
as a vital means communication with them. He comes from. Are rituals, magic, and religion re-
calls the type of magic aiming at transforming vealed, or are they only human constructs, based
one’s perception of the world from profane to on deeper psychological processes and projec-
sacred the High Magic, or gnosis. tions? Most religions claim a divine inter vention,
New theories like Rupert Sheldrake’s morpho- some divine entity who revealed the moral codes,
genetic fields and the ‘new physics’ have stimu- holy scriptures or rituals. This often became the
lated the thinking about the link between con- basis of their faith. Bible, Koran, Vedas- there are
sciousness and perceived reality, with magic and many examples. Although it is clear that there is
rituals a prime example of mind over matter is- human influence in the transmission, translation,
sues. Greg ory Bateson’s notion was that rituals and dissemination of these texts and traditions, it
frame our notion of reality and are embedded in is believed to be divine revelation. There is also a
meta-communicational patterns. Modern devel- school of thought believing in some kind of pe-
opments are the revival of paganism and witch- rennial recording of all and everything, the
craft in various forms, such as Wicca. The Akashic records, but these are only available to
cyberpagan movement, with Mark Pesce and oth- some advanced souls or individuals charged with
ers, started to use internet as a ritual platform. some kind of assignment to “channel” or
Pesce views witchcraft as a religion of har mony disseminate such information.
with yourself and the environment, har monizing Whatever the case, I can only refer to my per-
yourself with the cycle of time and being able to sonal experience. It did happen to me, that cer-
deduce what things are appropriate to the tain ritual movements (mudra’s) and/or their
moment. meaning were revealed to me, usually in a trance
Pesce uses rit ual and mag i cal rou tines in state.
cyberspace like when he brings a new website on- One particular movement of the hands ‘came’ to
line, before it goes public, he places a page of invo- me at some occasion, and I have asked many peo-
cation and blessing on its root page, to realize a sa- ple what it meant. It took some ten years before I
cred intention for it. realized that it was a gesticulatory bridge between
Homeopathy and Radionics can also be regarded the Christian and Muslim posture, the way of
as a form of magic. holding the hands prayer. It is the transition be-
The understanding of phenomena like percep- tween holding your hands as in prayer and then
tion, consciousness, and the whole notion of ob- moving them in a surprising circular motion to-
served reality sheds new light on what magic and wards reading a book, but keeping the fingers
thus ritual can be. The notions derived from connected when making the move.
Quantum Physics, the wave/particle duality, and Another gesture transmitted: the traditional
non locality now indicate that the whole universe is ‘how’ greeting of American Indians with the
linked and ‘dancing.’ Obser vation is a factor in palm of the hand facing forward and open to in-
manifestation, so magic might be more ‘scientific’ dicate ‘peace.’ It became clear to me that this was
than was accepted before. This “New Physics” related to the sign of the full moon, indicating to
idea that the physical universe is the product of a others that one was on a pilgrimage to honor the
“process of consciousness” is not really new; it is ancestors and therefore requested a peaceful pas-
also the basis of Eastern esoteric philosophy. I like sage. Hence the hand was not stretched and flat,
to add that my view of “time is the carrier of con-

but slightly bent as to indicate the circle of the full
I would say that these and other experiences were
more like touching an existing body of wisdom
than a personal revelation and that there is a state
of being, for me very much related to love and
connectedness, where it is easier to tap into this
wider and more universal knowledge. I could even
relate this to magical power, as at that level under-
standing and power come very close (ya evam
veda); they merge as the deeper relationships be-
come clear . Changing things turns out to hinge on
very little effort, often just putting one’s mind to it
brings the change.
Energy follows intention, thought manifests itself
in matter. Not on the crude level of making ob-
jects appear from nowhere, but things just happen.
Synchronicity is no longer accidental, but the re-
sult of the magical focus.

7 Myth as the mask of religion

In anthropology myth and ritual are seen as the mode. So maybe these mythical roles did fit in
two central components of religious practice. The with the older stages of the development of hu-
relationship between them has been the subject of man religiosity, but as soon as transcendent
much debate and remains unclear. My take on it is monotheism took hold the older myths became a
that ritual really belongs to a different stage of de- bit of an embarrassment. This might have be-
velopment, of evolution, of the human race and come more obvious after the jump in conscious-
of the energetic and spiritual development of a ness around 3200 BCE, a crucial moment in hu-
culture. Now in later stages of development myth, man evolution according to Lucy Wyatt (Ap-
which requires language and symbolic meaning, proaching Chaos, 2010) and certainly in what
together with ritual is addressing the subcon- Karl Jaspers called the Axial Age (800 BCE-200
scious, bringing one into sacred time, sacred space, BCE, with Christianity and Islam included 800
a state of consciousness that relates to the deeper BCE-800 CE)
layers of our psyche and being. Ritual stems from a Anyway, a conflict between the religious (cere-
more intuitive, more nature and magic connected bral) and the mythical conception of the deities
time and level of development, myth is already a was obvious. These differences had to be ex-
somewhat cognitive construction. It requires plained away and Andrew Lang in his 1887 book
more than a mind just looking for explanations, it “Myth, Ritual and Religion” gives an account of
has to do with an image of the otherworld, imagi- how all kinds of apologies were made over time.
nation and a verbal expression and is closer to One was looking for an explanation, a way to rec-
what we call religion. Religions, as the general indi- oncile the ethical elements of the faith with these
cation of practices and implicit belief systems, are strange, zoomorphic, lustful and amoral aspects
usually full with stories and mythological themes, of the myths. Greek philosophers and poets tried
the creation myth being a prominent one, offering to ignore the more unethical wanderings of their
an explanation or at least an image of how the Gods, blamed mistakes in etymological interpre-
world, humans and the cosmos came to be. tation of words like Plato in Cratylus let Socrates
do, projected physical processes in the mythical
Apologists adventures or like Euhemerus see myths as dis-
One of the questions philosophers and theolo- torted or exag gerated record of facts like the
gians have wrestled with is the rift between what is adventures of older hero’s and forefathers.
usually ascribed to the Gods or God, being above The interesting notion in Lang’s approach is that
all sin, the source of all morality and supreme in he ascribed the two seemingly opposing concep-
power, presence, knowledge and understanding tions to two different moods, one of contempla-
and then the complete opposite of that in how tion and submission, one of playfulness and er-
they act and are portrayed in the myths. There are ratic fancy, he compares them to Love and Lust,
many examples, but just think about how the su- far apart and yet near. How close to Plato’s two
preme Greek Olympian Zeus frolicked around, winged horses in the Phaedrus, but he didn’t see
shape-shifting, deceiving, seducing, not a very ele- the link and tried to see them as development
vated lifestyle to say the least. The same is true for stages, the wild one of the myths superseded by
the Indian Hindu deities, the stories about them the tamed, strict one of morality, but with
are equally full with debauchery and deceit, not a fall-back degeneration. If I do accept the two
great role model for the pious believer. The play- moods as being always part of the human psyche
ful, fertility and lust-oriented behaviour of the and indeed necessary to prevent stagnation, the
mythical figures is like a second and third chakra wild side of myth and the tame side of moral reli-
mode of being, less cerebral and ina chakra-model gion are just two sides of the medallion.
of cultural development more primitive, but also Lang defined religion as “the belief in a primal
less concerned with a mask or Freud’s super-ego being”, slightly different from E. B Tylor’s “be-

lief in spiritual beings”. He noted degeneration of somewhat closer to the Hindu notions of a cyclic
religion, from an original devotion to “Märchen” cosmos.
or fables even in Christianity, and kind of acknowl- There were other axial times, the neolithic change
edged that the “original” savages he saw in Austra- towards agriculture with cultivated grains around
lian Aboriginal tribes and other “primitives” were 10.000 BCE is probably as important in the evo-
less inclined to the “sacrifices of human beings to lution, recent finds like the Göbekli Tepe excava-
a blood-loving God” and ordeals with poison and tions in Turkey illustrate this. This stone-age
fire to which Darwin alluded. So he saw degenera- mountain sanctuary with large stone construc-
tion ten den cies in both religion and the tion elements up to 50 tons, inscribed with
pre-religious savagery. mostly animal representations, changes many no-
I think the two faces of myth and religion are tions of early religious development. It points at
rooted in the human psyche, the interplay between the importance of zoomorphic roots, already
the two is necessary for progress. In the context of noted by the nineteenth century totemistic an-
the model of the different selves I developed they thropologists like E.B. Tylor, A. Lang and later E.
can be seen as different layers, different masks of Durkheim. The whole spread ing of Meso-
the underlying root contact with the otherworld. potamian cul ture, tech nol ogy and re li gion
In the contact with extradimensional, where ritual around 3000 BCE marks a paradigm shift of
was an earlier development stage than religion, sorts. Some kind of major change must have hap-
there is both the pure, strict oneness and the chaos pened, leading to a connected culture spreading
of indeter minacy. Both faces demand a place in from India to Ireland as exemplified by the mon-
our psyche and thus in the expression of religion. uments like Stonehenge as a pilgrimage and heal-
Note that in most rituals there is also this ambigu- ing sanctuary dating back to at least 2600 BCE, in
ity, next to the strict liturgy there is the coyote the same time the pyramids were built in Egypt
mind, the playful, unexpected, deviant. (4th dynasty). Another cataclysmic disaster
around 1627 BCE seems related to the Exodus
Axial Age views and other historic events.
Karl Jaspers (Origin and Goal of History) and Ka-
ren Armstrong (The Great Transfor mation) have Ritual versus myth
placed much em pha sis on this Ax ial Age So I see myths as a stage in religious develop-
timeframe in the religious evolution of mankind, ment, less censored by cognitive deliberations
when the great religions emerged. There was than the for mal religion, but understandable in
amazing synchronicity especially around the time the light of the human tendency to cloth and
the Greeks Ionic Enlightenment with Plato, cover one’s deep inner me with archetypical im-
Socrate s and Aristotle spawned those great philo- agery and indeed masks. Masks to insure the con-
sophic insights, but also Buddhism, Taoism and tinuity, honoring past beliefs like the zoomorphic
other less anthropomor phic views emerged. and animistic roots of religious thinking, the un-
There are different theories like that of John C. derstanding of magic once so prevalent, all this in
Landon’s (World History and the Eonic Effect tales and stories so different from the morality of
2005) explaining the rhythm of progress as a play the newer deity paradigm. Yet it pays to look at
of freedom, but I personally think it has much to how the two main parts of the religious matrix
do with solar cycles and climate spikes, maybe were seen by researchers in the past and where
there were periods when travel and exchange was their views do support other notions about the
much easier and the observed synchronicity was role and essence of ritual.
the result of direct contacts. This doesn’t mean I The myth-ritualist theory of the so-called Cam-
reject non-random convergence, the Darwinian bridge Ritualists like Frazer and Jane Ellen Harri-
(emergent) explanations are obviously too limited son holds that myth does not stand by itself but is
to explain all. In the chapter about time I argue that tied to ritual or even derived from it, others see
evo lu tion is a re mem brance of the future, them as more separate, just sharing common
ground or see myth as the origin. In the approach

of James Frazer (Golden Bough) myth emerges framed, disconnected from the intuitive name-
out of ritual during the natural process of religious less. The reinforcement and social effects Walter
evolution. Frazer argued that man progresses Burkert noticed in myths and rituals coming to-
from belief in magic (and rituals based on magic) gether, becoming more cerebral and sacred, has
through belief in religion, to science. When man thus a price, the original meaning got lost. Ritual
loses his belief in magic, he justifies his for merly over time became less gut-based and more theat-
magical rituals by saying that they reenact myths or rical, re-enacting myths, old memories and habits
honor mythical beings, Frazer argued. He did see at the cost of direct experiential contact with the
ritual as primitive and superstitious, in line with the otherworld, which for the “primitives” was the
general notions of his time, but if we take his real world, like the dreamtime of the Aboriginals.
“primitive” not in the derogative sense, but as
stemming from an earlier stage in development. I Another notion I oppose is the coupling of be-
think he was right there, but his notion that the one lief and ritual, in the sense that, as Edward Shils
produced the other, the “primacy of ritual” ig- pointed out: “belief without rituals is possible,
nores that they come from a different angle. Myth ritual without belief cannot be” or becomes a
is later than ritual, but also comes more from the mere ceremony, an empty ritual. Myth as part of
mind and is not an organic development. I tend to the belief system then is seen as more primal than
see ritual more as coming from down up and myth ritual, but there are also views that the two are in-
from above (the mind). Bronislaw Malinowski and dependent. Here belief as a religious conviction
Mircea Eliade, within the totemic notion of ritual, doesn’t fit the bill, belief as a gnostic, intuitive in-
also noted that an important function of myth is to ner knowing does. In my experience I can only
provide an explanation for ritual. They obviously acknowledge that a belief system in the sense of
recognized the timeline, myth explains what was a deeper knowing of some kind is necessary for
there before, but more what is above, the heavens the ritual experience, but then I have never met
and fate. It’s great to see myth is “a narrative resur - anybody without some beliefs of some sort. Psy-
rection of a primeval reality” but this already as- chedelic trips in this perspective are indicative, as
sumes some self consciousness, a level of asking they make belief systems, inner worlds and all
ques tions about why (philosophy) and how kinds of imprints rather visible, the imaginary (or
(science). Animals don’t do that, but they display real in an other way) worlds one visits are
ritual or at least ritualistic behavior. representations of inner belief systems.
Myths are stories, probably at first not more than
tales of heroes and experiences, later the explana- Faded origins
tive and philosophical concepts crept into them. To understand what the relationship is between
In creation myths there are the beginnings of a sci- myth and ritual we cannot really look at what we
entific explanation of how thing came about, of now have as rituals. They are too far removed
course building upon intuitive understanding or from the origin, have become too much of an in-
knowing in a gnostic sense (of the heart). Some- tellectual construction and of course this leads to
times these myths find support in modern physics. a closer link and interweaving with myth, also a
This idea of original spiritual awareness and prac- cognitive thing. Religion, the organized dealing
tice changing over time, becoming more cerebral, with explanations of the structure of the uni-
seen a divinely given rather than as natural thing to verse, took over from the indeed primitive, from
do also resonates with the distinction bible scholar ritual as an expression of magical awareness. In
William Robertson Smith (in 1889) made between modern times, many original rituals have van-
ancient and modern religion: in modern religion, ished or became empty, some have sur vived in
doctrine is central; in ancient religion, ritual is cen- another form. Religious ritual is no longer experi-
tral. Ritual is elevated from the intuitive to the cog- enced as an essential part of life, in the rational
nitive, but lost something in the process; the link West it is seen as archaic, ir rational and supersti-
with the natural magic that caused it in the first tious, but of some psychological value. Cere-
place. By giving it words (like in myth) it became mony, the non-magical form of ritual is only ac-

ceptable in the context of nationalistic or sports Now all this doesn’t mean for me, that ritual and
events, with the emphasis on the social, the feeling myth are just tools and biological necessities, they
of connectedness that the ‘wave’ or the national seem to resonate with very fundamental levels of
anthem produce. That the yelling crowd believes what life and even existence is. Here the connec-
otherwise and that their energy magically make the tion with the primes becomes important, ritual
“home team” win, is not seen as proof of magical (and myth) are in my view related to the connec-
efficacy. Many a sportsman believes his mascot or tion with the extradimensional.
talisman does influence the outcome of the game. One can try to understand rituals in a rational,
Science is of course eager to see this as placebo systematic and logical way, at an equal footing
effects, explaining away the supernatural or with religion, but a word of warning. Ritual is not
magical as a mere psychological effect. a rational cognitive procedure, it is not a mind
Science is already a very cognitive game, far above game, it comes from deep within, from a level
such mundane things as intuition, feeling, know- were words and rational understanding don’t
ing from the heart. How could scientists assume or count. There are deeper messages and meanings
even guess that in the time rituals emerged cogni- in ritual that elude the nor mal perception or in-
tive functions were less important, maybe even terpretation, most magical or occult qualities are
less present. That the efficacy of repetition, conta- hidden from sight and mind. In fact, magical effi-
gion and all the other magical laws was known, felt, cacy doesn’t even come in easy and easy recogniz-
a reality that didn’t need explanation. That the peo- able bits, it is more like homeopathic dilution -
ple just knew what to do, as an intuition. Ritual less is more. “The gods love what is hidden”.
stems from a level of development where magic
was the norm, not the exception. Ritual in that per- Ritual came first, but later conformed
spective is also the result of an intuitive need for to religion
security, for safety, for repetition of the familiar Rituals play a role in most traditions and religions
like animals do and as we see in pathological as they are seen and experienced as a way to com-
obsession. Repetition appeases our nerve system. municate with the Divine, the otherworld, the
The development of ritual and later myths can also paranor mal, the gods, nature-spirits or the self.
be traced in how a child develops. A young child As these religions are for a large part mental con-
with a far more magical awareness than adults, cre- structions of a mind in need of meaning, over
ates security by creating small rituals, with parents , time the rituals have often become complex
a doll, adding meaning and story as the mind de- re-enactments of myths. Myth and ritual in this
velops. If at some time parents or society impose a sense together are the pillars of many a practice
model or a belief system (with “adult” myth and and religion and it is understandable that they
ritual) that offers alternative mind and body ap- were seen and studied as equal partners, as the
peasers, they are accepted or rejected, but become central components in what establishes a reli-
part of the personality structure anyway. I will gion. In the literature the connection between rit-
come back to how the psyche and ritual are related ual and myth in that religious context is heavily
later. discussed, are they inseparable, what is their dia-
By now it will be clear that I am not looking at ritual lectic relation, how do they influence each other?
in the classical anthropological or socio-psycho- This has to be separated from the question of the
logical sense. I try to discern what ritual means; origin of ritual, as the primeval ritual is quite
how it is staged; what set, setting, and correspon- different from a ritual in a later, religious context.
dences are; and how this translates in effective re- As for myth, this feels like a way for the mind to
sults on the psychological, social and magical lev- seek security by providing a cognitive explana-
els. Meaning and purpose are related to the origin. tion, order in an otherwise chaotic and threaten-
The relation between myth and ritual is important, ing world. Philosophical answers dressed up as a
but I do believe that ritual was first and that myth logical story. The myth, often containing a
(and religion) is a later development, in society and worldview or cosmological ordering, appeases
in the development path of a child. the mind.

Other views: fixing reality chine like vehicle. And here he also sees the sepa-
ration of sacred time from profane time.
The view of many scholars is different, they look
more at the social function of ritual or see, as “In imitating the exemplary acts of a god or of a mythic
Freud did, myth and ritual as a way the uncon- hero, or simply by recounting their adventures, the man
scious manifest. Quite an acceptable view, if we in- of an archaic society detaches himself from profane time
clude the notion that our unconscious also picks and magically re-enters the Great Time, the sacred
up infor mation at a deeper level, through the time.”
primes. In the context of more established reli- says Eliade in “Myths, Dreams and Mysteries”
gion, myth and developed ritual are more equal This feels as a somewhat limited view, in a way ig-
and then seeing them as bridging a fundamental noring the magic part. The ritual time-machine
gap between body and mind makes more sense. of Eliade only goes back to a religious past, to a
Myths are from the domain of words and beliefs cognitive need for explanation and divine inter -
(thought), ritual is in the domain of action. A myth vention, not to the time where ritual arose from
is thus a system of word symbols (legomenon), a gut feelings, from primal intuitions. His eternal
ritual a system of objects and act symbols (drome- return to the mythical age, the Great Time, is a
non), different and yet in the ritual where a myth is mind trip, while a ritual is essentially a means to
used one can see the synthesis. leave time and space altogether. Only being sub-
Ritual was and is seen as a universal category of ordinate to the divine ultimate reality and imitat-
human experience, but so is myth as part of most ing the myths is ex clud ing the hu man
traditions. Catherine M. Bell in her 1992 book co-creational and magical role, as ritual can also
“Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice” points at the dia- be used to change reality or our notion of it. In its
lectic nature of myth-symbols versus ritual, primeval form this was what it was, a magical act.
thought and action are different and yet come
together. The ritual-from-myth approach from notably
Jane Ellen Harrison (in Ancient art and ritual, Edward Burnett Tylor sees the relationship be-
1927) “Ritual then involves imitation; but does not tween myth (explaining the world) and ritual
arise out of it. It desires to recreate an emotion, not (dealing with the world) as analogous to the rela-
to reproduce an object. A rite is, indeed, a sort of tionship between science and technology.
stereotyped action, not really practical, but yet not The opposition and bridging between thought
wholly cut loose from practice, a reminiscence or (belief) and action comes back in the theoretic
an anticipation of actual practical doing; it is fitly, models and views of many anthropologist. Ritual
though not quite correctly, called by the Greeks a is such an interesting confluence of the cultural
dromenon, “a thing done.” and the social, so central to the world of belief,
Mircea Eliade described myths, rituals and sym- behavior, religion (and magic) that ritual theory is
bols as a complex system of affir mations express- a cornerstone of anthropological science. I delib-
ing the ultimate reality notions of a people, what I erately kept magic between parentheses, in fact
would call the inner belief system. In his view real- the elimination of the reality and efficacy of
ity acquires significance by its relation with the un- magic in nearly all this scientific work is what
seen, it is a function of the imitation of the celes- makes most of it so uninteresting and nearly
tial paradigm. In other words, everything is seen as bloodless. Even as scholars as Frazer, Durkheim
an image or representation of the otherworld and and many others accepted totemism and sacrifice
we anchor that by repetition. Eliade sees that an as the basis of ritual, and described it as making a
important function of myth is to provide an expla- connection with the otherworld, they kind of
nation for ritual, the myth is the narrative resur rec- kept a rational distance from believing all this to
tion of the how the mythical gods and heroes be real, effective, necessary, essential beyond the
acted, and as such the justification of the ritual as social effects.
an imitation of the divine play. It’s like going back I could hardly ignore Joseph Campbell’s “The
to the times of the mythical figures, a time-ma- Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949) a well known
study of comparative mythology by Joseph

Campbell. His theory of the journey of the arche- seen as sacred, there was no philosophical para-
typal hero states that the same patterns and stages digm, the connection to the all was felt and ex-
of self-discovery surface in many places. He says pressed in ritual long before religion emerged.
about this monomyth: She does make clear that different stages in devel-
“ A hero ventures forth from the world of common day opment have their different myths, but doesn’t
into a region of super natural wonder: fabulous forces are put this in a framework beyond a one-dimen-
there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero sional historic development line. Her somewhat
non-descript spiritual, vaguely Buddhist inclina-
comes back from this mysterious adventure with the
tions shine through, the focus on the first axials
power to bestow boons on his fellow man."
and the interpretation of the second axial time
Campbell describes mythology as having a four- comes in a bit awkward, but I agree that moder-
fold function for human society. nity’s rejection of myth is disastrous. “We are
The Metaphysical Function: Awakening a sense of myth-making creatures,” she says. We need
awe before the mystery of being through par tici- myths to “help us realize the importance of
pation in mythic rituals or the contemplation of compassion . . . to see beyond our immediate
mythic symbols. requirements.”.
The Cosmological Function: Explaining the uni- Myth is not about irrationality. Like science, ar-
verse as it is perceived, a kind of proto-science. gues Armstrong, myth extends “the scope of hu-
The Sociological Function: Supporting the exist- man beings,” that is, it enables “us to live more in-
ing social order, confirming the status-quo, often tensely” in this world. The same imagination that
validating it by reference to some kind of divine goes into religion, also makes it in the arts. “A
intervention. myth is essentially a guide,” writes Armstrong, “it
The Pedagogical Function: Guide the individual tells us what we must do in order to live more
through the stages of life, rites of passage. richly.”
All these functions are of course applicable to rit-
ual in general. Modern myths
In “A Short History Of Myth” (2005) Karen We make new myths, new masks to cover thing
Armstrong makes the somewhat obvious point up. Politics these days offer us plenty of myths,
that mythical thinking is different from the rational the reasons for war are obviously fabrications,
or scientific-minded thinking that predominates but also the whole notion of democracy is a
today. She notes that even the earliest men of the myth, the alleged threats from drugs, terrorism,
Palaeolithic period seemed to sense a gap in their Islam or the various Illuminati conspiracies are
lives, an ambivalent separation from the world of myths, and creating myths as in “brands” has be-
their myths. In don’t agree with her approach that come an industry. These modern myths are just
burial and grave-goods point at myth and religion as rooted in subconscious pattern and geared to-
rather than ritual, she mixes up myth and religion wards shielding form the true inner core of poli-
some times. T hat mythos is yoked to tics, business and science as the myths of old.
transformative ritual is too sweeping a statement, And our present day semi-Gods like Clinton,
in later times, especially in the context of Greek Beckham or Jobs have two faces just like Zeus
mysteries this might be true, but not in the early rit- and Indra before.
ual stages of mankind. Myth and ritual are both Armstrong sees modernity’s rejection of myth as
more form than content (logos if you like) and ad- disastrous. “We are myth-making creatures,” she
dress deeper layers than the cognitive. Also her says. We need myths to “help us realize the im-
claim that monotheism was there before polythe- portance of compassion . . . to see beyond our
ism and that the earlier transcendent concepts of immediate requirements. We need myths that
God were replaced by more accessible spirits pow- help us to venerate the earth as sacred once again,
ers and deities to facilitate participation in the sa- instead of merely using it as a ‘resource’.”
cred feels a bit too much “noble savage”. The to- Great, I agree, but ritual comes first!
temic identification of tribes and people all over
the world points otherwise, I rather believe all was

8 Art and ritual: originator and performer, work and maker

Making or combining objects, decoration, creating Greeks described the process of making art.
a special place, a special atmosphere: today we call Harrison says about the connection between the
it art or craft, depending on the originality and two:
reproducibility, but in the early days of human cul- “It has an important bearing on questions vital to-day,
ture and rituals, there probably was no distinction. as, for example, the question of the place of art in our
Supposedly sacred objects have been found in modern civilization, its relation to and its difference
burial grounds, around old campfires, at special
from religion and morality; in a word, on the whole en-
energy places and in shrines, but are they fine art or
quiry as to what the nature of art is and how it can help
just functional tools in process that involves
or hinder spiritual life.”
mindset, setting and magical
correspondence? She also writes:
One of the functions of art “these two diver gent develop-
that is often overlooked but im- ments have a common root, and
portant in the ritual context is that neither can be understood
the qual ity of trans port ing without the other. It is at the out-
viewer, listener or reader into a set one and the same impulse
state that is closer to his or her that sends a man to church and
inner core. to the theatre.”
One could say that art in that This might be true of more
sense is a transport mechanism, recent art-forms, including
a vehicle to reach a different the Greek plays, theatre and
state of consciousness. It can architecture, but this is a later
do this by surprise, because of stage. Once self-conscious-
novelty or shock, because it ness became part of the hu-
links to archetypical imagery in man brainpack this merging
our subconscious or because it obviously took place and in
reminds us to anchored past historic times and long be-
experiences. This magical qual- fore they were already insep-
ity is obviously what makes us arable. In the Paleolithic set-
Art often serves ritual purposes
appreciate art, but is hardly ac- ting however art ob jects
knowledged in art theory. In were probably merely a re-
that sense overlooking the magical in art (theory) is production, a replica or decoration. What is now
similar to what has happened in ritual (theory). displayed from those era’s in museums are not so
There is something to the idea that in historic much art objects as applied craft with little aes-
times myth, ritual and art emerged and developed thetic considerations and certainly no identifica-
in connection with each other, something Jane El- tion of the maker, maybe some identification
len Harrison illustrates so nicely in her 1913 book with the forefather-hero who was the maker or
“Ancient Art and Ritual” about the Greek culture. caretaker of such an object. The whole discus-
Art and ritual go often together, but I think art fol- sion about mimesis and the role of the maker as
lows and is in ritual context more magical than connecting and copying what is out there kind of
merely mimetic. Of course a bear dance would use ignores the magical. Even as Plato accepts that
props reminding one of the bear. This is however poetry derives from “divine madness” he ranks
more to make the magical connection, not so the philosophers much above them as they truly
much the mimetic (and thus limited and imperfect, seek the truth. Aristotle considered human be-
far removed from the ideal truth) copying of na- ings as mimetic beings, feeling an urge to create
ture (or the world of ideals) the way the ancient art (and literature) that reflects and represents re-

ality. Both Greeks obviously didn’t fully acknowl- Expression and primitive art (in whatever form)
edge the magical aspect but Aristotle does honor had to be functional. How else can we interpret
the effect of art giving rise to catharsis and thus to the cave paintings but in a ritual context and as an
a big change in mindset. effort to connect to the unseen, to make sense
I argue the primeval ritual came first, art as a sepa- out of a world and maybe even magically influ-
rate discipline came later, even as objects were ence the outcome of a future fight or a hunt.
probably used very early to represent some forces Maybe the painting were less a reminder, but
or Gods or were considered special and holy by making them was the ritual act. The first paint-
themselves. Object as such don’t mean much be- ings, the first statues, the first carved representa-
yond being representations or having some un- tions, but also the first songs and dances were ex-
usual or beautiful appearance. pression, in that sense art but probably very func-
There are birds are attracted to shiny objects and in tional ritual art. So art and ritual, art and religion
Papua New Guinea there are birds (Bowerbirds) and art as a magical act are in a way much older
that create small construction and use colored ob- than what we now call the fine arts.
jects in a little display to impress potential mates. Aesthetics play a role, beauty is a divine quality,
but is also in the eye of the beholder and thus a
The development of ritual cultural thing.
There is much ritual behavior in animals not too Art in general terms is obviously an expression
far removed from the human ways. Singing, danc- of an individual but within the context of a cul-
ing, tournament and territorial “lek” behavior is ture, a platform and a paradigm, the work was
quite common in animals, and there are many ani- originally not much connected to the maker but
mals who like to use psychedelic fruits, mush- to whatever purpose there was for such an ex-
rooms or alcohol. So ritual or ritualistic behavior pression. Possession of artifacts, probably lim-
was there from the start, and as ‘human’ con- ited to a select few and in the context of a lineage,
sciousness grew it acquired more meaning. I think leadership or initiation, was more important than
ritual went through a gradual process as an impor- who made it. Even if a specific object was con-
tant part of human social and cultural develop- nected with a specific divinity, demon, hero, an-
ment and only much later became like the equal cestor or person, it was a symbolic connection,
and companion of myth. I argue elsewhere that not an artistic one. The one who commissioned it
fire and ritual were the two main factors in facilitat- was more important than those who made it. Vi-
ing the development of tribal societies beyond a sual artists as such were rarely recognized by
small group and Dunbar’s number limitations. name until the 17th century, writers and play-
Myth has to do with language and self-conscious wrights were know by name much earlier, like the
symbolic language beyond indicative sounds came Greek Homer and Hesiod (7th or 8th centuries
later than ritual. There are many theories how BC). Even the oldest buildings like the pyramids
myth and ritual they are related, but by looking at commissioned by pharao Sneferu (4th dynasty
indigenous cultures we see that ritual dance and around 2600 BCE) and later his son Khufu
celebration is probably the first expression of a (Cheops) were named after the rulers who had
communal event. The at the beginning descriptive them built, even as Sneferu seemed to have taken
stories and sign-language recollections at the a very personal interest in the design and
campfire, at first to remember the adventures and architecture of these monumental tombs.
experiences, later developed. As humans pro-
gressed, but this took maybe millions of years, Art as a connection, a cor respondence
they would bring in the supernatural and cosmo- Ritual in itself can be seen as an art form, but
logical in trying to make sense out of the powers there is also ritual art and art made in a ritual con-
around, and then as a magical re-enactment to se- text, so maybe it is good to start with the ques-
cure success for the future, using props and crafted tion, how art figures in the three world ritual
artifacts to anchor the stories and myths. model I use in this book.

I will start concentrating on the older, less individ- work of honor, of course they were often paid
ualistic and functional art. Art in pre-individualis- for it, but not always. We only have an vague idea
tic times meant skills, crafts and science. It was of- about the individuals who painted in the prehis-
ten mimetic, an imitation, representation, mimicry toric caves, who were the designers of the great
and as such a magical link, a correspondence to the temples and buildings of antiquity. Sometimes
otherworld of unseen and intangible forces, but we know the name of a great sculptor or we find
also a link to forces and events unreachable for the the tombs of great architects like in Egypt, but in
humans, like the stars, tornado’s, earthquakes, etc. general ritual art (and craft) was anonymous.
The magical notion (law) of similarity must have The link with the symbolic meaning of an artifact
been understood fairly early. had often more to do with the past (ancestors,
The mindset of the originator (the one who com- church founders, saints) than with whomever
missioned it or made it) had, in the case of art in a made it. The one who commissioned the work
religious context, much to do with his or her decided, the artisan had limited freedom in how
worldview and notions of the otherworld and the to make it. The purpose was the most important,
spiritual, limited to whatever the culture and tech- the desired effect on both the participants (on-
nology allowed. The purpose of the art was proba- lookers, congregation) and the spiritual. This
bly not to express an individual emotion, but to could be emotional effects like creating an atmo-
contribute to whatever the ritual context was like sphere, mood and sense of holiness and certainly
to help focus and elucidate the emotions of the at- the liminality and loss of identity would be part
tendants. I think it’s fair to assume, that the magical of that. Imagine, as Aldous Huxley so aptly
qualities (the cor respondences) were the most im- pointed out in his Doors of Perception, the im-
portant, looks were secondary, aesthetics mattered pression of a Gothic cathedral or royal court
only in so far as it would stir up certain emotions. upon a poor peasant, with never before seen or
One can imagine that certain masks or garb would heard striking colors, heavenly music, smells,
bring about awe or fear, whatever was deemed use- overpowering dimensional impact. Or the expe-
ful in the ritual context. My view on that artisan rience of a boy in an initiation rite, crawling into a
type of art then is that it bridges the three worlds, dark and narrow cave to meet the creatures of the
and as such art, theatre and ritual are all ways to underworld, the shadowplay and sounds that
unite them in a meta-dimensional context. They would make him ready for transfor mation. Ready
are the links between the realms inside, outside and to enter into that ritual state, where true magic on
the extradimensional. all levels could happen. The lengthy preparation
Certainly much religious art was designed to be and impressive liturgy of the mysteries like the
used in a ritual context, it was part of the setting of Eleusinian Mysteries, initiation ceremonies in the
a ritual. What mattered were not only the visual as- cult of Demeter and Persephone were intended
pects in decoration, paintings, but also the layout to leave a lasting impression, deeply anchored
of the sacred sites, the styling of implement, the with the help of psychedelic trance.
garb, the music, architecture and the artful use of In ritual context art usually has pragmatic pur-
words, gestures, dance and even cooking. In that poses, and the question is not whether it works as
sense the religious and magical art used in a ritual an enhancer of mindset, groupsetting or the
context could not very well be individualistic, they magical correspondences but in what proportion
were functional in the setting, less a display of a these goals are intended or experienced.
specific artists and more anonymous than we see Towards the end of the middle ages this idea
today in the fine arts. Of course this or that crafts- about individual expression became more im-
man was better at it and would probably be asked portant, painters, sculptors, composers became
to devote more time doing what he did better, but famous and often rich, art became a business.
this was a functional thing, his talent was a part of Names were attached, signed; the artist, if recog-
the whole. In the days of the Gothic cathedrals the nized for his abilities, got a status, became
craftsmen contributed their work and creative en- somebody in society.
ergy without their name connected to it, it was a

It remains an interesting question, whether the
spiritual (cor respondence) value of a work of art
gains or loses if the name of the maker is attached
to it. Would Michelangelo’s David be less or more
impressive if we didn’t know who sculpted it? I
sometimes think that anonymous art has more
value. There is less kar mic attachment for the
maker, less ego. There is this notion about things
contributed to the general good anonymously,
such acts are more ‘holy’ than things with ego
Art has been characterized in terms of mimesis,
expression, communication of emotion, but in a
ritual context I would see transformational impact
(bringing people into that ritual state) as the most
valued. In ritual the decorative and symbolic func-
tions are more important than uniqueness or aes-
thetics, the purpose is to draw the audience to-
wards consideration of the more spiritual things,
induce transformation and reverence.

Body art
There is one timeless category of art that kind of
bridges the individuality and the belonging to a
group and that is body art. Mutilations, tattoo’s,
piercings, very fashionable these days, but of A Zombie Parade (Dusseldorf 2013). Is this art, artistic
course age-old. Many cultures and subcultures use or just the need to be noticed?
body art, to establish a marked difference between
us and them, either very visible or hidden from
view, as in circumcision. Tattoo’s are often used The value of art
and applied in a ritual context, as a sign of initia- (Fine) Art these days is considered valuable, if it
tion, bonding or belonging. These days, with so has uniqueness, imaginative qualities, the origi-
many tattoo’s and piercings it is more a sign of be- nality and aesthetic considerations are more im-
ing different, unique, an individual, although the portant than skills or time spent. Art is now seen
effect wears thin if everybody has them. Yet many as something that stimulates an individual’s
people choose a specific tattoo for symbolic or thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the
spiritual reasons, they try to manifest a deeper senses, it’s getting to be a consumable, something
meaning with that specific tattoo. that adds to life’s quality. One could say, much of
Ritual can be seen as a (conceptual) art form in it- the fine arts these days is vanity, beyond necessity
self, the styling, choreography, wording and lit- as a way to connect to other layers and other di-
urgy, creating and performing rituals was and is a mensions it is business, and a fairly fabricated and
challenge. Even if within the limits of a prescribed manipulated one too. It does have aesthetic and
liturgy there is freedom to perform, to feel, to con- emotional value, good music, a great perfor -
vey emotions, the priest(s) can make the differ- mance, a moving movie, but we have to distin-
ence. And as I think true (egoless) creativity is very guish between mere psychological processes and
close to what I call the inner child or ritual state, the magical resonance an art-piece can have. The
just as magic is, true art is magical, transform- purpose of art can be manifold, it’s like ritual, it
ational, moving, ego-dissolving. can have psy cho log i cal, so cial (po lit i cal,

hierarchical, religi ous, convey a message, mood, or
philosophi cal) and symbolism for the viewer to in-
magical-spiritual purposes. terpret (art as experience). Hav-
Here I like to point at the energy ing participated in a few happen-
associated with certain pieces, cer- ings myself, helped organize fes-
tain works, perfor mances etc. I be- tivals and conferences, I like the
lieve that any object or concept notion of conceptual art, even as
gains energy because of apprecia- in the end then everything
tion or attention it accumulates (in becomes art.
one of those extra dimensions) To bring an idea to expression,
and can be per ceived by our from some impulse or associa-
primes. A Buddha statue that has tion to the level where there is an
been seen and revered by millions actual event with actual partici-
has more energy than a similar The seal at King Tut's tomb pants, even if this happens in
piece just out of the mould. This cyberspace, is a creative process,
could be explained in terms of challenging and transformative.
morphogenetic fields, but I just want to point at In that sense new art forms emerge, like com-
the fact, that the more people see (and give atten- puter games. Both my sons are involved in that
tion) a certain image, the more energy and value it discipline and I can see the creative challenge
has. (and the business acumen necessary) that drives
This also goes for people and places, the more them. Their work comes very close to creating ef-
people look at someone or visit a place, the more fective rituals, they use visuals, sounds, myths,
energy they bestow. on it. Famous people don’t imagination and even deception and sleight of
need to be special, as long as they made it into the hand scoring techniques, in fantasy worlds that
mindscape of the masses. This can be noticed not have myth i cal pro por tions (they don’t do
only with images, but also with names or other kill-games). I even believe, that one day there will
identifiers. In Egypt the pharao’s were very aware be games that will use refined psychological tech-
of this, they needed their name to be preserved (in niques and age-old initiation procedures to help
seals) and mentioned in rituals, so they would live gamers grow towards higher consciousness. The
on in the afterlife. computergame Journey to the Wild Divine (2001
The danger of having a well established identity is by Kurt R. Smith and Corwin Bell) with biofeed-
that it becomes very hard to escapee it. Letting go back technology points in this direction, but
of that identity, something we need to grow and regrettably few other games in this direction have
reach our inner child, means overcoming the en- surfaced.
ergy pattern we created, our ego. This has mani-
fested not only in the minds of other people, but Creating art as a ritual
our environment is full of it, the objects we are at- Is painting, sculpting, composing art in itself a
tached to, the choice of furniture, our Facebook ritual process? For many it is, they follow some
page, we are a prisoner of our image. internal of external ritual procedure, concentra-
In fact this is an argument in favor of not signing a tion or meditation exercise and often describe
work of art, a book or anything we produce. this as opening up to another dimension. The
Anonimity means the maker is not attached to his creation process of art is experienced as connect-
work, and is more free to prog ress and seek new ing to senses beyond the nor mal ones, but then
avenues of expression. the input or feelings are translated into an expres-
Identity sion in nor mal dimensions, form, sound, images,
Contemporary art is more an individual expres- words. This process is similar to what I see as the
sion, in artworks (art as objects) or concepts (hap- core of ritual, going to a deeper layer of the psy-
penings, perfor mances, idea-based arts) that are che, where a contact is made with the extra-
compelled by a personal drive (art as activity) and dimensional. Of course this is often an internal

kind of ritual, but there are more expressive ways
of creating art. Action painting is a way to combine
conceptual art and a happening actually producing
art objects and can be interpreted or experienced
as a ritual act.

Intellectual and cultural property

It seems like a non item, but there are rights in-
volved in rituals. Intellectual property rights in the
legal sense, but cultural heritage property right as
well, and ignoring these is not only unfair, but
could cause serious problems. Many indigenous
groups now consider their ritual (including the
songs and other elements of the ritual matrix) as
exclusive property and protect against copycat use.
They do this for material reasons, but also to pre-
vent improper use and protect the sacredness of
their tradition. Rituals like the North-American
Indian “Sundance” ceremony are considered pro-
p erty of the tribes and normally closed to
The issue here is that these traditions have not only
a right to own their rituals based on intellectual Medieval religious books were embellished, but usually the
property laws, but there is a moral right. Also these maker remained anonymous. (Photodisc)
rituals often are not without risk, only well pre-
pared people should participate. The exploitation by itself. “To give a text an Author” and assign a
of the Ayahuasca rituals of the Amazon is a case in single, corresponding interpretation to it “is to
point, a whole business developed, luring many to impose a limit on that text.” Barthes points out
visit the region for participation in such a ritual. It that any work is a complex layering of convic-
has be come a tour ist trap of sorts, not all tions, a “text is a tissue [or fabric] of quotations,”
ayahuasceros are really qualified and serious drawn from “innumerable centers of culture,”
accidents have happened. rather than from one, individual experience of
what he called a scriptor.
Maker, performer
French philosopher, and anthropologist Michel
Another issue, related to the question of author- Foucault in a famous 1989 lecture on “What is an
ship, concerns the relationship between the origi- Author?” said:
nal maker, the author of a ritual, the performer or “The Author is a certain functional principle by which,
priest, the participants and teh ritual itself. in our culture, one limits, excludes and chooses: (…)
In the world of literature there has been a long last-
The author is therefore the ideological figure by which
ing debate about who and what an author is, how
one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation
much separation there should be or could be be-
of meaning.”
tween work and author, writer, scriptor. The tradi-
tional practice of criticizing texts was to connect He describes the process of writing and the no-
and include the intentions and biographical con- tion of “author” from the inside, as individual-
text of an author to the interpretation of a text. In ization, a fixing of a particular interpretation
his 1968 essay “The Death of the Author” the amidst a sea of other meanings. Both are at odds
French literary critic and theorist Roland Barthes with the authority of an author, of literature as a
argued that writing and creator are unrelated, au- political tool, as an instrument of power. Of
thor and work should be separate, the work stands course religious text have always served political

(and personal) goals, but the criticism of people specify as much as possible, limit deviations, in
like Camille Paglia pointed at the fact that the order to achieve that even a mediocre performer
French post-structuralists themselves used their still can get the message across.
work as a political tool.
She argued maker and work always have a relation-
ship. New and old rituals, ritual innovation
Of course one could remark as Plato did that any There is the common notion, that rituals have to
work is always a mimesis, a copy of what is per- follow the traditional for mat, fixed ritual pre-
ceived in the world of ideals and truth and as such scripts to be effective and diversions or new ritu-
never an invention, but always a discovery. I kind als are therefore less legitimate (or seen as hereti-
of side with Plato, as I have always felt that my own cal). This idea of perpetual continuity is fairly
writing and especially poetry wasn’t mine, wasn’t strong and is seen by many as essential, doing
coming from a rational mind but rather from the what our forefathers and ancestors did connects
otherworld, where all knowledge and truth resides, us with them, honors history and the tradition.
and indeed received as divine madness. Especially when there is only an oral tradition
In the context of ritual, many of the old traditions and the ritual is also the car rier of the common
claim that the original was bestowed upon some memory, the container of the cultural values and
wise ancestors, maybe written down much later. paradigm, sticking to the tradition makes sense.
The Hindu Vedas are claimed to originate with Another reason for following very precisely the
some rishi’s long ago, who received them. They are layout, texts, songs and liturgy passed on from
considered sruti (“what is heard”), orally transmit- the past is that the understanding of the original
ted and only written down roughly in 1500–500 ritual matrix got lost and sticking to what is re-
BCE. This means there are no copyright issues, membered or written down is the only way to
but a lot of translation and interpretation differ- hope for the same (often idealized) efficacy as in
ences, the same as with the Bible and many other the past. In Vedic rituals, where for instance the
religious texts. nature of the magical potion Soma is lost, this
seems to be the case. Then there is the argument,
Copy, adapt, change Sheldrake points at this, that repetition builds and
In performing a ritual the original intention of increases the morphogenetic field.
whomever designed (or received) it has to be hon- I believe there is another reason to use a for mat,
ored, and in many traditions one sticks meticu- that has become a routine in the minds of the
lously to whatever was written or orally transmit- participants, as this allows to let go of the cogni-
ted, as one lost the understanding of why things, tive and concentrate on the feelings, the atmo-
movements, exclamations, etc. were there. Repeat- sphere, the experience. This will be less self-con-
ing a previously existing ritual and thus conform- scious, but allows to reach deeper levels and con-
ing to its morphogenetic field has value too. Repe- nect to the inner me. In other words, the more
tition has practical advantages, one can let go of thinking, the less being.
the form and concentrate on the content, the in- There is, however, also a school that believes we
tention, the mood, without having to consult the should make our own rituals, that newness and
manual or textbook all the time. invention are allowed and give fresh energy and
The performer, priest or officiator can try to stick focus, even in the context of an existing tradition.
to the form, but it cannot be denied there is the as- All traditions must have started somewhere, so
pect of perfor mance, the ability to represent the why not innovate. The Christian rituals heavily
perceived or true meaning of a ritual. Some people borrowed from earlier traditions but there must
can lead a congregation into the heavens, even have been an element of newness, freshness that
without much personal touch or deviation from obviously appealed to many in the early days. If a
the liturgy, just because of their personality, their religion or practice wants to grow and adapt to
aura and energy. Others try to make the best of it, new circumstances it has to allow for change, im-
but perform poorly. The standard approach is to mutable rituals tend to become empty, repeating

a petrified past without alive quality. New forms,
new ritual matrices can then help to revive the tra-
dition. This thinking is quite common in the
neopagan, neodruidic and various modern craft
movements, people like Crowley and Gardner
have inspired many to design rituals.
In these more modern mystery traditions creating
rituals is a major part of the whole thing, the new
ritualists develop, within some framework, their
own interpretations and forms of ritual. This has
also to do with the focus of many of the adherents
and initiates of these groups, they look for per-
sonal growth and spiritual development in the psy-
chological sense and enjoy the social, the being to-
gether and then new rituals are a great way to coop-
erate and exchange. The danger is that the set and
setting become more important than the magical
efficacy, the participant feel good and the group
bonding is fine, but the magical content is lost in
the energy of creating and performing the new
So for rituals, both sticking to the tradition and in-
venting new forms make sense, but from a differ-
ent perspective. It is interesting to see how online
rituals, definitely one of the new trends, will de-
velop. There one can both borrow from existing
prescripts and introduce whole new for mats, only
time will tell what works best.

9 Mysticism and ritual

The mystical experience I had in the summer of tem. Not an easy process going from a very ratio-
1989 was one of the most significant of a series of nal physics education and a rather square family
awakening calls and insights that year. After travel- man to this spiritual and mystical being; from a
ing extensively through the U.SA, also going to master of my life to someone who accepted the
Hawaii in search of the inner fire and experiencing universe and whatever guided it, to guide me.
the Pele volcano from close-by, I did a course in
Esalen (Big Sur, Ca). Although I thought this was a very private experi-
After a week of Zen meditation with Eli Jaxon- ence I found out when I met GangaJi in Amster-
Bear and GangaJi I actually became quite fed up dam in March 2008 (and never met her in be-
with these endless sittings but obviously the pro- tween) that she remembered me well, for I was
cess of becoming aware of who I was and maybe the guy on the rock, It turned out the whole
wasn’t was going on. Eli was a bit of an Advaita Zen-group kind of watched me sitting there
chap, who kind of stressed that the I wasn’t the without me knowing. She told me it was an unfor-
self and that we were covered by what we believed gettable sight, kind of confirming what I felt
was the self but actually an illusion. there. Her reaction was a confir mation after nine-
Also brother David Steindl-Rast was there, an in- teen years that what I experienced there was real,
spirational and very real man, with whom I had as real as mystical experiences can be. It might be
some deep conversations. So one day I decided it that GangaJi influences played a role, she is con-
was time for some more action and kind of de- sidered by many to be an enlightened soul, but at
cided on a magical and somewhat ritual act. I went the time of the incident she merely was Eli’s wife.
out to climb a somewhat isolated rock in the sea,
took a stone that came from the canyon there and a Oneness
chisel. I went on to work on my projections, chip- So back to ritual. One of the functions, goals or
ping off pieces of the stone for everybody I dis- processes of ritual is to achieve mystical oneness
liked or hated. Kind of letting go of my projec- with the divine, for an individual or the commu-
tions, as they were part of me, but also preventing nity. The other, the magical goal is to affect reality,
me from feeling my deeper self. Doing this quite the future, and this includes purposes like heal-
concentrated but also on a beautiful place with the ing. This can happen via trance-states and some-
Pacific at my feet, the sounds and sights were times exuberant dancing, possession states,
soothing and fantastic, I then went into a kind of breathing and emotional explosions, but also at a
mystical state. Not a being good visualizer nor - very quiet, individual level. The mystical near-
mally, I got some kind of image coming to me. I death experiences are obviously not of the ritual
saw my life unfold in all its perfection, became the kind, neither are the spontaneous mystical occur-
experience, lost the experiencer, in short I went rences we sometimes have in nature. The occur -
through a unitive experience. This was very mov- rence of such states is mostly seen as a gift, grace
ing and intense, I looked up at the sky, there was bestowed upon us.
the sun but also the moon, everything had mean- Many people report that participating in rituals
ing. The two crabs I passed climbing down were and ceremonies has elevated them into a higher
for me clear signals about two occur rences of can- state of consciousness and has given them some-
cer in my life; I saw my house; this was prophetic times extraordinary experiences, including the
and mystical. It took me weeks to digest, with ups feeling of bliss usually associated with mystical
and downs. Everything I believed in changed, was experiences. Often they get in touch with what
embraced and had to be given up for another be- they perceive as ‘ultimate’ or deeper layers of re-
lief, and that had to go too. The mystical experi- ality, whether in their inner or outer world. It is
ence did repeat itself alter, although less intense good to dive a little bit deeper into mysticism, as
and reinforced this total change in my belief sys-

rituals are definitely one way to prepare oneself for conveyed to bystanders. Some people channel in
mystical experiences. a half conscious state, some just relinquish their
awareness to the entity of force. Some artists use
Mystical or magical such a mystical state to produce their art.
There is a fundamental difference between the
magical and the mystical. The magical is about act- Different or the same:
ing, influencing reality via the otherworld. The further classification
mystical is receiving, opening up to what is out I have to admit that I have reached mystical (and
there. This distinction is not usually very clear, but magical) states not only in quiet retreats or beau-
for me it is a starting point in understanding the rit- tiful nature, but in dancing around a fire or partic-
ual state. One could say the mystical is the femi- ipating in all kinds of rituals in sometimes a very
nine, the passive receiving and sensing part of be- active way and yes, those include what we could
ing in the center of the inner me, in the I dimen- call tantric rituals. Some experiences were very
sion that gives access to the extradimensional. The different from the individual, isolated vision
magical, where we aim at changing something, in- quests and journeys, some were very cerebral,
fluencing the outcome of some process, is a male others very bodily. Some were of the mystical un-
thing. It is an active state, using the actuator part of ion kind de scribed by peo ple like Meister
the primes that gives us access to the otherworld. Eckhart and the Christian mystics, some were
Both mystical and magical are usually present in a more cognitive states of understanding, some
ritual context and when I talk about the ritual state, were very sensual, feeling a very deep connection
both are part of it. with the earth, the group or a partner. They were
This distinction is an important one, for although however all about being in that reality beyond the
in many rituals the focus is on the mystical the material, that dimension out there or in here
magical state is always there too. So when in some where magic is the rule, myth and archetypes are
religious rituals the general purpose is to reach a commonplace and the ultimate truth is or feels
mystical state, some participants do pick up a bit manifested in such wondrous ways. And it is in
of the magical and can influence not only the ritual the variation of conscious states, of different
per se but other participants as well. This is why I wander-modes that I started to see the different
am not in favor of for instance the psychedelic rit- kinds. I will try to give some rational kind of
uals with ayahuasca or iboga, where the magical as- classification of these various mystical states.
pect is kind of ignored. The substance brings both To classify these different states and expand be-
mystical and magical energy and when the ritual yond my own limited experiences I again use the
leaders are not aware of this, it can become dan- chakra model. Other models are equally good,
gerous. I noted that very few of the “Western” but I used the seven chakra’s before to illustrate
ayahuasceros or ritual leaders have any notion the development of ritual and religion and here it
about the magical aspects. The danger that volun- seems like a good model to distinguish between
tary or involuntary sorcery, projection, possession the mystic states. I think there is a mystical state
or spells happen is always there. Healing, often a for each chakra (and a magical one too). Each of
stated purpose of such events, is magical and our energy modes has a state that allows access to
needs to be contained, by what is called ‘holding the otherworld, but these states are different. The
space’. union state (unio mystico) is clearly the one re-
There is a another kind of mystical experience: the lated to the heart and as such the only one accept-
possession state that can be described as uncon- able to the Catholic Church and therefore
scious channeling. Here the person being posses- equated with mysticism in the West. Then there is
sed or acting as a channel often is unconscious of the third eye state (sixth chakra) where one can
what happens and takes on the personality of an see relationships, understand complex situations
deity, a discarnate being or a deceased one. Mes- and this could be called lucidity. It is what many
sages are picked up, sometimes coming through as experience in LSD-trips: they ‘know’ things, have
automatic writing, as words or hymns or otherwise insights and although much of this is forgotten

after the re-entry, some is retained. Sometimes one some saint or holy man connecting to the All or
can reach in this way or in (lucid) dreaming unusual One in quiet isolation, somewhere on a mountain
levels of (cognitive) lucidity and sometimes pro- or in a cloistered monastery. According to that
phetic or oracle-like understandings of truth, fu- traditional view, not even in the middle of his
ture or past like as in cosmogonic visions. I think prayer or devotional practice, but when he is or
that many inventions and discoveries are obtained she is sleeping, resting. Then the mystical rapture
from this state, from those moments of clarity and happens, an extraordinary experience that comes
access to a wider knowledge or wisdom. Then unexpected, hoped for, but always like grace, as a
there is what could be called the tantric state, when gift from the divine plane. I see ritual as one of
sex brings a spiritual connection and ecstatic expe- the stepping stones towards the mystical state,
rience. The fifth (throat) chakra mystical state poetically speaking as a staircase to heaven. It is
sometimes comes out as “speaking in tongues”, not the only way to get there, mystical experi-
glossolalia. Shamans, I suppose, may get into a first ences happen for other reasons, accidental or by
chakra state, connected to the earth and nature. volition, but the ritual way is a common way. For
The third chakra mystic state has to do with power, me rituals are part and parcel of the ‘nor mal’
It therefore could be a state in which one perceives mystical and the magical experience, and as we
the Divine omnipotence. The seventh chakra mys- see that even the great saints and mystics have
tic experiences are a bit harder to pinpoint. Maybe their little procedure (or in some cases extensive
genuine spiritual and utterly incomprehensible preparation, fasting, cleansing, meditation) in
beatific experience can be ascribed to the seventh order to attain those higher (altered) states, that is
chakra. not too bold a proposition.
So there are mystical states of altered conscious-
ness different from union, experienced in trance And I agree, having had quite spontaneous mys-
or ecstasy and often achieved through ritual. I tical experiences that just happened or were trig -
think many of these ‘other’ states are indeed com- gered by some emotional state or exceptional
parable or similar to what is traditionally seen as meeting. But I also experienced ones induced by
mystical. Is shamanic trance less ‘connected’, less fairly strict Zen meditation or by a good bit of
mysterious, than what Meister Eckhart experi- ‘journeying’, wandering around in the psyche-
enced? The experience arrives in a different way, delic otherworlds of the LSD-25, DMT,
but is the ‘plane’ or ‘level’ of the experience or the Ketamine, Ayahuasca, Psylocybin, Alcohol and
reality visited so different? It makes sense to com- numerous other entheogens, usually in a ritual
pare trance, the intuitive flash, channelling and ec- context though. There are gradual differences,
stasy, drug induced oneness, samadhi, satori, the and ‘looking over the hill into the promised land’
states some reach in their vision quest and other is an apt description of the psychedelic trip but in
‘journeys’ and label them in general ‘altered state general the experiences have a common pattern,
of consciousness’ but accept they are either magi- one reaches inner worlds of beauty and intensity
cal or mystical and can be classified in some model beyond description, where love, truth and unity
like I do with the chakra’s. melt into a state of bliss and awareness never
This is a somewhat systematic approach, more re- suspected.
lated to where the mystical energy is focused and
what the experience brings. Plotinus: Henosis
Now there are many writers with great insights in
Ritual to reach the otherworld; a mysticism, but I like to start with Plotinus (ca.
staircase to heaven 204/5–270 CE). He was one of the major ideal-
At first sight, the image of people dancing around ists and is considered as the founder of neoplato-
a fire has little to do with mysticism and yet in such nism, but his ideas also offer a bridge between
settings they do sometimes enter into another state East and West (the Greek/Egyptian) philosophy.
of consciousness that I consider mystical. Usually He recognized three principles: the One, the In-
mysticism is seen as an individual experience, tellect, and the Soul.

I like Plotinus, because he points at a reality behind macro and microcosmic in the Her metic (Toth)
the senses and acknowledges that the all, the tran- sense. He talks about reaching a state of absolute
scendent “One” beyond being and non-being is simplicity, dissolving the nous, becoming a tabula
also in your self. Ac cord ing to Eustochius, rasa or blank slate. Henosis for Plotinus was re-
Plotinus’ final words were: “Strive to give back the versing of the ontological process of conscious-
Divine in yourselves to the Divine in the All.” ness via med i ta tion to ward no thought
His “One” is prior to all existents and being, iden- (Nous-consciousness) and no division at the
tified with the concept of ‘Good’ and the principle point of unity, where the individual becomes
of ‘Beauty’. Plotinus compares the One to “light”, pure energy and potential. This resembles as
the Divine Nous (first will towards Good) to the what I describe as letting go of the ego, reaching
“Sun”, and lastly the Soul to the “Moon” whose for the center of the inner me, the divine spark of
light is merely a “derivative conglomeration of the I.
light from the ‘Sun’”. Nous as being, this being and perception (intel-
Now his notion about the One is very much to that lect) manifest what is called soul (World Soul),
what Adi Shankara (Advaita Vedanta) came up stepping from eternity into time. This clearly
with some 550 years later. Describing the “One” is point at the idea that consciousness comes be-
not just an intellectual conception but something fore time and time is a step towards manifesta-
that can be experienced beyond all multiplicity in tion.
an ecstatic union. Plotinus writes, “We ought not “For there is for this universe no other place than the
even to say that he will see, but he will be that soul or mind’ (neque est alter hujus universi locus quam
which he sees, if indeed it is possible any longer to anima), indeed the ideality of time is expressed in the
distinguish between seer and seen, and not boldly
words: ‘We should not accept time outside the soul or
to affirm that the two are one.”
mind’ (oportet autem nequaquam extra animam tem-
This experience of mystical “oneness”, in those
pus accipere).”
days called ‘henosis‘ is what makes Plotinus so in-
teresting, he obviously was a mystic and reached Authentic human happiness for Plotinus means
some level of realization through devotional prac- identifying with that which is the best in the uni-
tice. To get there, closest to the Monad, one must verse and this is beyond worldly fortune and the
engage in divine work (theurgy) and here he points physical world, open to every human being. He
at the Egyptian traditions, but also other tradi- was one of the first to state that happiness is at-
tions, he traveled to the East (at least to Persia). tainable only within consciousness. The truly
This divine work means a virtuous life, but also go- happy human being would understand that
ing though rituals intended to unite with the which is being experienced affects merely the
Monad (the One). These rituals mimic the order- body, not the conscious self, and happiness could
ing of the chaos of the Universe into the material persist even in averse conditions. Very much like
world or cosmos. His approach was ascetic, he re- the Advaita position again.
jected matter as an illusion (non-existent) and was
Other names for mystical experience
thus a true idealist. All of “creation” emanates
from the One in succeeding stages of lesser and There are many words and indications for the
lesser perfection. The first emanation from the un- mystical, like samadhi or satori. In Eastern Or-
moved Divine Mind is the nous (logos, reason) thodox theology is is called Theosis, the process
and then follows the World Soul, identifying the of coming into union with God.
lower aspect of Soul with nature. From the world Fanaa is the Sufi term for “dissolution” or “anni-
soul proceeds individual human souls, and finally, hilation” (of the self, the ego), while remaining
matter as the least perfected level of the cosmos, physically alive. Persons in this state obtain
but still divinely caused. awareness of the intrinsic unity (Tawhid) be-
The culmination of Henosis is deification, becom- tween Allah and all that exists, including the
ing like a God in crafting one’s own life as a mag- individual’s mind.
num opus, understanding the relation between the

In Indian religions moksha (“liberation”) or mukti that is so full with definitions, theories and ‘au-
(“release”) means the liberation from samsara, the thorities’ that it is hard to see the trees for the for-
cycle of death and rebirth. est. There are, in short, as many mystical truths as
there are mystics, it seems that nearly everyone
Mysticism 2.0 coming down from these mystic heights (or
Why not a mystical experience for everybody? In highs) has something to share, be it a poem, a
the Greek culture this was achieved (at least for the painting or sketch or a full blown revelation like
elite) by way of the mysteries (Eleusinian, Diony- the Prophet Mohammed received from the
sian), there are many rites in the various religions Archangel Gabriel. In that forest one has to cling
and cultures aiming at such an experience. It is part to one’s own tree, so to speak. So one has to go
of the esoteric Jewish tradition to believe that ev- with one’s own understanding and even better,
erybody, sometime in their life, be it at the moment one’s own experience with mystical journeys,
of dying, has an opportunity to reach the divine revelations and altered states.
and to connect to God. And many, many people Most mystical literature is a ex-post description
confess to having had, at any time, such a meeting of a mystical experience, lacking the immediacy
with the deep unity, the ultimate and sometimes of what most deem indescribable, beyond words.
horrifying truth or the incomprehensible beauty. That doesn’t mean , that those renderings aren’t
This happens under different circumstances, often among the most introspective, poetic, artistic and
being in nature, often after some difficult mo- moving literature, paintings etc. we have. Psyche-
ments, as part of an ecstatic or trance experience, delic experiences, in many ways related to mysti-
and the many stories about OBE (out of body) cal experiences, have yielded more direct testi-
experiences sound fairly mystical too. mony of these states, but often what is written
There are quite a few respectable scientists who down or recorded doesn’t make much sense, con-
believe(d) that the psychedelic experience has at sciousness at that level is not very logical or
least mystical aspects, among them Stan Krippner, rational.
Stanislav Grof, Aldous Huxley, and Huston Smith. So in analyzing mysticism, we have to rely on
Professor in psychiatry Charles Grob did scientific ex-post personal accounts, personal interpreta-
research into the effect of psychedelic substances tions and personal theories and classifications, on
(ecstacy, psilocybin, ayahuasca) to help curb anxi- ideas rather than on facts. Then what is true, what
ety in ter minal patients, but reported a high inci- is projection, how to discern between the ulti-
dence of mystical experiences. He told me that, mate truth that in my mind is there at some level,
based upon the sug gestions of Ram Dass (Richard and the personal coloring and projections on top
Alpert) he added a ritual setting to the treatment to of that. They come in a great many shades, those
create a setting where this mystical state was facili- colorings, from the outright religious to the jun-
tated. He noticed that patients that did achieve gle overtones in South-American shamanistic
such a state benefitted more and were less anxious renderings, and we could easily classify the nu-
and worried about their impending death. A single merous stories of alien abduction as a kind of
and even fairly low dose of a psychedelic would mystic experience and what about those channel-
bring transfor mation and acceptance for most of ing all kinds of entities. Without taking the whole
the patient in his experiments. of ESP and supernatural occur rences into the
fold, it is clear that we have to be careful in ac-
‘Knowledge alone, lacking the spark of immediacy,
cepting the various ‘truths’ as such. Not only are
starves the human being of the substance of reality that is
they sometimes conflicting and tinted by the
essential to life’ backgrounds, education, tradition and culture of
in “The vision of Hume”, David Appelbaum, the ‘mystics’, on top of that comes a whole load
1996. of personality issues and projections. It take a
deep understanding of the psychological issues
There are many descriptions of mysticism and ex- and upbringing of a person to kind of filter the
tensive literature, with Evelynn Underhill, William truth out. With the additional problem, that the
James and Aldous Huxley as keystones in a field

mystic in most cases is not up to any criticism, sure how “deep” this is. One tries to point at
doubt or evaluation, they usually come back or brain coherence (left-right) and other synchroni-
down ‘fully loaded’ with what they see as nothing zation patterns, but I doubt that many of the
less the ultimate truth. self-anointed holy of this world would accept
such a test, what if they flunked?
Both in magical and mystical states transfor mation Other classifications of mysticism
can happen, the psychological (mindset) is cer- In general, there is a grouping in nature-related
tainly addressed. It can be a personal, psychologi- versus religious-related mystical experiences. In
cal transfor mation, one just sees aspects of one- older times the nature-related ones were suspi-
self thus far not noticed, or recognizes certain re- cious, one was easily branded as a heretic or pan-
action patterns and their traumatic origins. It can theist, with grave consequences, being excom-
also be like a given insight, something more related municated not being the worst. This happened or
to the notion of a sacrament, a grace that is be- nearly hap pened to many mystics, Meister
stowed, as coming from an external source, but Eckhart was one of them, this inspiring medieval
with the same transformational effect. mystic got into trouble, confessing he saw God in
all, in the essence of all things. Giordano Bruno
Bliss and truth (and how many went unnoticed) even paid with
The mystical experience, even if we accept we can his life for his unorthodox notions. As some-
only know it by description or by remembering times mysticism involved or bordered on sensual
and thus filtered by the mind, is characterized by experiences, hallucinations this was a serious
passing beyond the borders of the mundane, by problem, was the person a saint or a witch pos-
going beyond the separation. That usually comes sessed by the devil? Here the Church usually
with two ‘gifts’; one the state of bliss or total hap- made choices of a political nature, if a certain
piness and peace, the other the feeling of having “holy” person was recognized by the public as
had an extraordinary important experience, often being holy, a miraculous healer and careful to stay
with insights that are felt to be so deep and pro- within the canonical and dogmatic borders, he
found, that they need to be ‘carried back’ into the would be called accepted as a pious person and
world. About the happiness, that is hard to qualify, maybe become a saint afterwards. Otherwise im-
as it is very individual. Is happiness a matter of se- prisonment or worse was the (Inquisitional) deal.
rotonin levels, a state we can achieve by taking the Sometimes it was a matter of choosing the right
right pill? Is it a function of our psychological words, women with sexual visions in a convent
state, our emotional maturity, our understanding could describe this as a spiritual event, the
of the world in general, is my happiness your hap- consummation of their marriage to Christ.
piness? We know, from the research into brain- No separation, being one with all, experiencing
waves and EEG’s and the electrical activity of our the connection with all and the All or God, cross-
cortex, that meditative states generate recogniz- ing the border between the ‘worlds’, there lies the
able patters of alpha-waves, and there are numer- essence of the mystical experience. In the exten-
ous indicators of being in a peaceful, relaxed state. sive literature about mysticism there are a lot of
But again, is that happiness, is that bliss or do we subjective descriptions of whatever that entails,
have to rely on the ex-post descriptions of that what that no separation means. In most cases it is
state? Can we measure, with rational, scientific hard to classify or distinguish between the as-
means, the level of happiness, bliss, the depth of pects of that experience, as they kind of mingle
the mystical state, the spiritual resonance? Maybe and flow into each other. Zaehner, according to
the neurobio logist, cog ni tive sci en tist, the A. Bär , classifies mystical experiences in three
brain-researchers or hor mone-chemist can come groups:
up with some yardstick, some chemical acid-tests, . Pantheistic, the oneness experience, a feeling
specific voltage levels or frequency patterns that that all is one, God in everything, love as the
would “prove” the mystical state or allow to mea- binding force

. Monistic, feeling that the human soul is identical course also the notion that there is only one un-
with the Godhead, one is God, Atman is Brah- derlying reality, that of consciousness and the
man, God is inside rest is a dream, maya, an illusion. Then there is
. Theistic, the connection with a transcendent the distinction between the outer world and the
Godhead, far above us and different from man, inner world, with quite a few concepts around as
but connected to by the eternal soul. how that inner world is layered, with subcon-
In most descriptions, at best a reminiscence of the scious, collective subconscious, unconscious etc.
experience and almost all mystics emphasize that
the experience itself is beyond words, all these Whatever the case, there is the general idea that
three forms figure. However, as some traditions ritual connects, that it ties in with essence of reli-
have a theological problem with the idea that God gion as re-ligare, to link again. This assumes that
is in everything or humans claiming to be God, we we can connect, but this is nearly universally ac-
see that many descriptions and published revela- cepted. Ritual, magic or religion would be an ut-
tions are limited to the theistic. This feels like a log- ter senseless concept if we couldn’t.
ical result of censoring mysticism, after all those There is the philosophical school of duality, with
transgressing from the accepted had a fair chance God and the spirit (in the sense of conscious-
of burning at the stakes. ness) operating outside the material world. In
The discussion about what was to be considered a Cartesian wording, there is a split between mind
more holy or deeper mystical experience, whether and matter. But if God and spirit operate outside
it was better to bring back clear notions or to have the material world and have no effect on it, then
grand visions, were questions the Church fathers what do we care, perhaps we can safely ignore
contemplated at length. That each mystic or in- them altogether and why perform rituals at all,
spired individual would see or experience what except as some kind of auto-hypnotic therapy.
was in line with their focus, intent and energy pat- On the other hand, if God/Spirit/Conscious-
terns in body and mind obviously didn’t matter so ness does affect and interact with the material
much. world, maybe even ‘is’ the underlying matrix,
However, I think that apart from the above then there must be a way to interact. Why not de-
Zaehner classification, which for me is only about fine ritual as precisely that, as a way to interact
the source the mystic connects with and mostly re- with the underlying matrix, the implicate order,
lates to the Gnostic knowledge of the heart, there heavens, or whatever form (projection/illusion)
is a classification of the mystical in another way as I we choose?
indicated earlier in this chapter. Maybe it is good to mention here, that gods, god-
desses, angels, elementals and such might have a
The connection between the worlds ‘real’ existence or at least represent ‘real’ energies,
but that many believe they are only the creation
Connecting is a word that comes up a lot in the of the (human) consciousness which creates and
context of rituals and mysticism. Connection be- sustains them. Either way, in ritual we consider
tween the worlds, between inner and outer, con- them to be ‘there’. It is the conjunction of the
nection with the spirit, the higher self, other di- symbol and the person that will bring forth the
mensions, the vocabulary is vast and only loosely change in consciousness.
defined. There are quite a few classifications of
‘worlds’ or dimensions around. The scientist, es- Mysticism as a material effect
pecially the mathematician, can easily work with
many dimensions, but in the physical world we These higher states of consciousness, and there
have the three spatial dimensions and time. When are many names associates to them, from enlight-
we talk about dimensions in reality, one can speak enment to satori, are hard to describe, as they are
of heavens, in some religions there are seven, usually very personal experiences. Conscious-
some traditions see an upper- and an underworld, ness no doubt is, for incarnate humans, related to
some distinguish between the tangible, the world what happens in our brain as modern brain-re-
of ideas and the world of spirit, and there is of search has often demonstrated by showing the

particular brain patterns of electrical activities in
the brain generated in various states of conscious-
ness. However, the conclusion that therefore con-
sciousness resides in the brain, that the ‘meat’
computer in our head is solely responsible for
what we are, do, experience, think, as materialists
state, is quite controversial. Seeing humans as ma-
chines, as Julien de La Mettrie and more recently
Marvin Minsky and Daniel Dennet do, accepting
mere matter to account for human mentality, re-
duces mind to matter. Their rational materialism,
with consciousness as an emergent quality of mat- Urban tribes develop their own rituals, like this group from
the Ruigoord community near Amsterdam
ter, does n’t go well with the no tion, that
consciousness is at the root of all existence, not
emergent but always there. self is a magician, on a Faustian path to recreate a
People like Ray Kurzweil, who describes himself Golem. His work, however, serves an important
as a patternist, have a notion or rather dream of goal, namely that we have to seriously tackle ethi-
“spiritual machines” capable of consciousness, cal questions about computers, nanotechnology,
but this, according to their critics like Prof. William genetic engineering and such.
“reduces the richness of the real world and spirituality to Mysticism:
computational absurdity”. ‘love is the key, truth is the goal, one is the prize’ comes
Mind over matter, as the magically inclined believe, to mind, expressing that the oneness cannot be de-
or mind reduced to matter, as materialist do, that is manded; only welcomed.
the question. According to Ray Kurzweil, evolu-
tion is on a clear track and will soon include the
merger of biological and non-biological intelli-
gence, downloading the brain and lead to immor-
tal software-based humans. For me, Kurzweil him-

Rainbows are experienced as heavenly messages, especially as one is around crop


10 Set, setting, and magical correspondences

A three-worlds approach to describing, leave such distinctions to others, questions like

rating, and staging ritual whether a ritual addresses achetypical Gods, de-
mons or basic principles is not what matters. Rit-
Things are complex and talking about ritual and
uals work (magically) because there is a connec-
magic they become very complex. In order to illus-
tion with the extradimensional, let that be
trate my views I have to use simplified models, like
the three world graph and indicate them with ref-
erences that make sense. The indications set- set-
Set, setting, and magic (cor respondences) are
ting and magic serve this purpose.
easy indicators for the three realms or three
Looking at ritual and magic one has to find a
worlds or three axes I use in my model. This of
scheme that bridges the theological, the philo-
course has a bit of hippie taste to it, but then the
sophical, the social and the psychological together,
psychedelic experiences have given me some real
in a way that allows examination of the situation in
insight in what rituals are and do, without the lim-
a holistic approach and yet allows reductionist
its of daily reality. Moreover, the great minds of
the psychedelic movement have influenced me
Seeing ritual as both inner and outer reality “work”
deeply, people like Albert Hofmann, Alexander
I added magical cor respondences (or “links”) to
Shulgin, Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, and
the set and setting for mula, and in way this is the
many others have helped me, guided me, and
same as adding the magical effect to the psycho-
mostly tolerated me; allowed me, as Tim cried out
logical and social effects of ritual that science
so often, to “Think for Yourself ”. I also have no-
already accepts.
ticed, off and on the record in the many inter -
This obviously points at a three worlds (or
views I did with entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers,
spheres) view of the wider reality, being the inner
artists and reality hackers, how the psychedelic
world (of our psyche), the outer world of physical
experience was a turning point in their lives.
reality and the magical world, the extradimen-
I have used the set, setting, and magic approach
sional, and together they form the metadimensi-
to look into rituals and what they mean and do, ir -
reverently extending the guidelines Timothy
These three worlds can be depicted as the three
Leary posed for tripping, I included the magical
points of a triangle, each connected to the other
dimension, but appreciate his work in the psy-
two. Their relationships and the more metaphysi-
chological and social directions. He did not only
cal view on how they are related to time, con-
shout one-liners on the stage, but has done seri-
sciousness and meta-dimensional reality is dis-
ous work trying to understand how the mind and
cussed in the first volume of this book. A more
the world interact. He always amazed me by how
practical and applied view with more specifics
strikingly he choose words to describe complex
about how this works out in a fire ritual you will
situations or interrelations.
find in the second volume.

Three realms Using this model is not unique, but a practical

choice and it helps me to bridge the gap that ex-
I use a three world model, not because it is the best
ists in the literature and thinking about ritual.
one (I imagine far more complex models would be
Looking at what has been written about rituals
more accurate), but because this gives me a work-
and their effect it is obvious that both the more or
able framework. The inner world, the outer world
less intangible innerworld of a person, and the
and the unseen, spiritual world are fairly easy con-
world around are involved, but what about the in-
cepts, if I would differentiate and separate things
tangible out there. Usually the scholarly studies
like the extradimensional into Plato’s world of ide-
of ritual ignore the magical otherworld, they do
als and a divine realm things get complicated and
look at what happens physically, at the psycho-
in my discourse I don’t need this. In fact I gladly

logical for the personal and the social for the inter- much exegesis serious interest in what ritual re-
actions with each other and the environment. This ally achieves is easily seen as heretic. The system
limitation, as we can see in the work of Frazer has over time petrifies and becomes protective and
often led to limited descriptions of particulars and closed. Not from the start, in the tradition of the
excessive details. The interaction with the third Church, obviously a great ritual and magical tra-
realm, the spiritual or otherworldly, is usually ig- dition, we see some interesting diversions and in-
nored or described as superstitious and non-effec- fluences from other religions in the early days.
tive. Interesting for anthropologists maybe, but Later on the the ol ogy that dealt with the
hardly worth a scientific look, even in recent otherworld had to stick to the dogmatic outline
studies. of the papal guidelines, a pattern we see in many
In the chapter about water, and how rituals are religions and schools of thought.
used to exploit surplus or shortage I mention the
work of Lisa J. Lucero concerning the Maya cul-
ture and its dependency on water. She talks in great
detail and with astonishing insight about how the
setting (the water situation in Yucatan) was the
mayor cultural factor, but hardly looks into the ef-
ficacy of the large scale rituals in that culture.

From the other side

There is of course another approach, ouside of
science and academia. The (non-scientific) practic-
ing magicians or would-be magicians look at thing
from the other side of the rational fence. They are
focused more on what worked, what they felt and
suspected, on their experiments and successes,
also in their published works. Aleister Crowley be-
ing the great example, they mostly write or talk
about the otherworld and how to address and in-
fluence it by acts, utterances and thought pro-
cesses this side of reality. They did look at the three
worlds but their insights are not considered as
covering real knowledge.
Of course a lot has been carved, written or other-
wise put down in books, scrolls, symbols and
such. One can look at all the various laws and
rules set forth by the various authors, copy what
has been written in grimoires and on the many
websites dealing with magic, magick, craft and
witchcraft, but it is hard to find a systematical or
practical approach for describing, staging, assess-
ing, or validating rituals that isn’t colored by the
tradition involved.
This is understandable, being part of a ritual or
magical (religious) tradition one has to preserve
the status-quo and stay within the confines of the
tradition. Rating or comparing rituals could
lessen the strength of belief in one’s own. Except
for connecting to a real or constructed past as in

11 The psyche: the inner battlefield of self

What is it that makes me do things, think, worry, Satsang - Truth

compare and judge? What programs or mecha- I have attended many so-called satsangs, a meet-
nism inside me keep me busy planning, thinking, ing with truth with and from some spiritual mas-
questioning? What is it that I consider me, myself, ter. This kind of spiritual encounter sessions
I? Why is there one part in me that wants to finish were quite popular since the early nineties in Am-
and perform, while the other part wants to do new sterdam and teachers came from abroad, some-
things and is distracted by new options all the time. times for weeks, to give these satsangs. Some
There is this nice idea, that in a ritual I have to give came to my center to do this and I have met and
up the ego and will find magical powers in the hid- inter viewed quite a few. Many are from the
den, inner me self, but how does this all inside of Advaita Vedanta tradition
me work? Ritual and cere- (an early Hindu-Vedic un-
mony are of all hu man derstanding of the one-
times, but was it there from ness of all beyond form)
before the individual self ? and were taught by people
Were there pre-humanoids like Ramana Maharshi and
or early humans without a his pupil Poonjaji. Usually
developed self and were these satsangs were op-
they less self conscious and portunities for those with
maybe happier? When did problems about the self,
this mind of ours became their path, their relation-
self conscious, did Nean- ships, their material situa-
der thalers do more than tion, to express those on
make mating and warning the stage in front of the
sounds? Did they perform teacher, who would use a fairly standard set of re-
rituals and why and to what effect? sponses, basically mir roring back the questions.
Many questions, but few answers. The archaeolo- The response pattern that was used the most was
gists have found ritual traces in the oldest civiliza- to ask: who is experiencing this or that? Not that
tions. There are ancient burial grounds all over the many understood this to mean that they had to
world pointing at an afterlife notion and cave- question from where their questions and prob-
paintings of seemingly ritual stances. This indi- lems came, that they had to step out of the ego,
cates a source for rituals from very deep in our sys- the notion that they were that. The idea was that
tem, maybe deeper as this self consciousness we there is experience, but the eternal soul is not the
think separates us from animals. Even animals of- experiencer; what we think we are is not what we
ten display behavior that could be described as rit- are in side. There, in the deeper level the
ualistic. Especially repetition seems to have deep experiencer, the I dissolves and the experience
roots in our neurological makeup, extreme ritualis- alone remains, the ego gone.
tic behavior can be a signal or symptom of mental Fair enough, this is a basic truth found in many
disorders. But how does this relate to the con- traditions and paths. But what really happened
scious mind, is ritual just a work mode of the neu- there, why do people go to these meetings, which
rological system, a way of releasing tension or is it in a way are rituals. The attraction of the satsang
related to the whole underlying complex of the is obviously not only to meet “truth”, the stated
psyche and evolution? Many questions beyond purpose, but for many it is an ego-kick to be on
what brain-research, philosophy and psychology stage, in the seat, being the center of attention for
now figured out and maybe this book is because a while, free to weep, cry, be silent, and maybe feel
they were never answered. Is there a truth hidden oneself for real. Then I noted the social aspect,
in what ritual is and does? usually it was the same group of people that

would go to whatever or “me” or “self ” could be de-
satsang was offered, so scribed. How these two dimen-
one could feel among sions in my self could be
friends, likeminded peo- understood.
ple. The majority of the
attendants had some kind The psyche and the mind
of Osho back ground, When talking about the psyche,
knew each other and it is hard not to bring in con-
were open enough to get cepts like will and conscious-
into a “holy state”. So in ness. However, in order to de-
this sense the satsang velop the concepts and models
worked, it gave people a gradually, I will separate them
personal (set) and com- here. I see the psyche as the
munity (setting) boost. It structure, with elements and
would qualify as ritual, layers that can be distinguished
with props, praying etc. as separate parts, while con-
The ser vice would last sciousness is a process. Think
for hours, there were the usual photographs of the about brains and mind, the physical brains are the
teacher’s teacher, singing of Bhajan’s (mantra-like structure, the mind is what uses that structure, as
Hindu songs) and indeed some people got away a process.
with great insights. I personally wasn’t very im- This division is a bit artificial, for psyche and con-
pressed with the spiritual quality of what I called sciousness are two ends of the slippery stick of
the “Satsingers”, they repeated a fairly simple mir - cognition, but it helps to clarify the models and
ror technique, but I have to admit they were nice schematics I use to explain how I see the ritual
and affectionate when on the stage and obviously process.
well versed in telling small stories, making jokes I prefer to use the word psyche, because it’s a bit
and establishing a heart contact with the crowd. I wider than the mind, which is usually seen as
often had to deal with these teachers in a different what the brains bring forth. The psyche is the
setting, like about money, status issues inter view structure of how we deal not only with thoughts,
appointments and noted that very few of them re- but with all kinds of infor mation, like intuitions,
ally “walked their talk” in private. So there must body signals, sense data, conscious and uncon-
have been something that elevated them to this scious messages, but also dreams, hallucinations
role of “spiritual teachers” when facing the con- and mystical experiences.
gregation. They grew in a way to a higher level of There are many models of the psyche, in the ap-
understanding, they made sense, were empathic pendix I will explain some of them, but here I
and instrumental in the change processes of the will concentrate on my notion of how the ele-
attendants and as such, the whole deal was ments of psyche are positioned and related.
effective, at least for some.
For me their notion, that I and ego and self are not Two in one
the same, slowly This ap proach of
formed the basis of a separating the self in
con cept about the two parts, the lower
psy che, about how self or ego and the
this strange combina- higher self or soul is
tion of thinking, feel- un der stand able, it
ing, experiencing, and pops up in many
conscious and uncon- forms, as true self
scious decision mak- and false self, the in-
ing, which we call “I” ner child and the

mask, in the separation of being and becoming, feet. But then, some synchronistic incidents
there are many variations on this theme. The un- helped me, by insights and meetings, but some-
derstanding of one’s self as multiple me-forms is times a line in a book, even remarks in a comic
quite a process, but we all at times feel there is a strip reminded me that I had to look beyond my
better, deeper self somewhere in us. Even as it is projections. I realized that what I missed in the
logical to focus on the particulars one encounters Satsang approach. There and in the models of
in the me one thinks one knows, and seek ways to Roberto Assagioli, the Enneagram, Zen, astrol-
remedy the defects there as most psychotherapy ogy and most of the transpersonal methodology
promises, there is this longing for what lies be- the self image is separated from the higher self
neath that. I myself have for a long time only but not really from the projected, displayed per-
looked at how I could get in contact with this hid- sonality. Transpersonal therapy is more con-
den part in me, that I learned to see as my inner cerned with the deeper layers and the inner me
child. I was amazed how I became what I am, a per- than with the daily problems of not feeling un-
son focused on knowing, smartness, power and derstood by others. The focus on identifying the
truth while deep inside me was this intuitive child soul as different from the self image kind is great
that knew the answers but didn’t care and just and offers many insights, but clouds that what
wanted to play. The approach of the Advaita causes much of our psychological worries, the
teachers thus offered me a good anchor, and com- question why do other people see me different
bined with what I learned from the transpersonal from what I think I am. The two selves approach
approach and the general new age focus on spiri- is great for spiritual insight, but kind of ignores
tual psychology I even developed my own brand the practical psychology, the strug gle to pacify
of inner child analysis. This model, I called it Lu- the self image with the projected image. So how
cidity (see appendix) is useful in analyzing the dif- do I relate this spiritual approach form satsang to
ferent masks (personalities we develop and think my daily worries and self-perception?
we are) and the relationship of mask(s) with the
inner child, but doesn’t cover the whole picture. Another view, but first some definitions
Of course I was looking for a better model, but as Now you might ask, where and what is this psy-
usual, we only look where the light is, I was finding che, this I, the ego, the me, the self, the personal-
only what I already knew, what confirmed my pro- ity? Well, first we have to look at what do we
jections and my focus on what I considered “spiri- mean by these words? Here the problem of what
tual”, looking higher and higher up but not at my terms to use becomes clear. There are many

is the totality of the human mind, conscious,
subconscious and unconscious, but I see it as
also including other parts of our body (there is
memory in our limbs, organs and especially in
our guts) and the ethereal body layers. The tra-
ditional definition does mention human, I
would keep the option of non-human psyche
open. And maybe there is no limit to the range
our psyche covers, as there is also the connec-
tion to what some would call the
superconscious, and it is there that ritual
becomes part of the picture.
The psyche is not the same as the soul, even as
the Greek root is often translated as such. The
soul is the core of our being, the divine spark
that I see as beyond the psyche and the mind. It
can be interpreted as the transcendental coun-
terpart of the psyche, but also as a separate part
of our being in another dimension. In that
sense the true I-point at the center of our sub-
jective self lies at the crossroads between the
nor mal sens e di men sions and the
Of course there has been a lot of thinking and
theories about the psyche, the self, identity, etc.
I have grouped that together in a separate ap-
pendix, where the history and views about this
can be found with some commentaries. In this
views about what the psyche is, many are related to
mind, brain, spirit, soul, and consciousness and
there is a tendency to use the word mind rather
than psyche. I don’t really like that in the context of
this book, because it points too much at the brain
as the source and seat of the psyche. I think our
psyche is wider and is related to much more than
thinking and also in replacing psyche we have to
call psychology mindology, a bit awkward. One
sometimes used the term Mind at Large (Aldous
Huxley does) but that opens it up too much, as this
also involved a higher level of consciousness and
implies that we are connected to the all. As such
that is in line with my thinking, but I would use
other words. The subject of consciousness and
soul will be dealt with in another chapter, also the
practical dealing with the psyche via all kind of
methods and the typology will be in the chapter
about psychology.
The notion of psyche in the way I use it includes
the traditional notion, as the encyclopedia tells us it

chapter and that about the senses I will outline a not perceived by our nor mal senses and thinking,
different and unique approach which unites to- I don’t feel I, just me.
gether the broad fields of what I would call surface
therapy and spiritual growth paths. Both are partial I will give some visual images, maps and models
approaches to deal with the subjective self or to make my ideas understandable. Maps are not
selves. In ritual both are present, but the true magi- the moon, mine are limited in scope and offer
cal lies at the spiritual sides of things, psychologist only wide generalizations, but I hope are helpful
and therapist deal with (mind)-set and setting. in understanding the big picture. For many pic-
tures are better than a thousand words.
I think we have to fundamentally accept the psyche
as multidimensional, allowing access to the nor -
mal and to the otherworld. This means that we
have to look at least for models with more axes,
more dimensions. As the logical mind has trou-
ble dealing with more than three, at best four di-
mensions, graphical representations, topological
maps or partial views are probably the best we
can expect.
The first simplification, in a way going back to
William James is that psyche has two different
orientations or dimension, being the I dimension
(the vertical, the transcendental) and the me-self
dimension that I draw as horizontal.
I and me are different concepts if we consider
the sentence: “I am looking at me in the mirror”.
I is some deep identity and me is subjective, that
what I perceive. I assign therefore two dimen-
sions to I and me, with the me (or myself) as the
subjective dimension. The core self or I-point is
where the two dimension axes cross, and where
the Cartesian (but not tangible) I as witness and
connection with the otherworld resides. The I
does extend (or is) in the other dimension, but is

So here comes my take on the structure of the psy- the other is. At the next level of complexity, we
che. It is quite a story, but maybe the images help to also have, in the self (me) dimension of our psy-
grasp what I propose, a model of the multidimen- che a number of programs (masks, personalities
sional realm of the psyche and the self. There is or subpersonalities) each with its own mode of
not a single image, but many. All are probably just operation, intelligence, bodily functions, quite
lenses to look at the same, showing facets of a separated from each other. I use the word
thing that is outside human scope, or certainly out- subpersonality here different form its use in
side mine. transpersonal psychology (notably Roberto
So let’s start with how we see our self, the relation Assagioli) where it is seen as a personality mode
with the I dimension comes later. We can start with that kicks in (appears on a temporary basis) to al-
two selves, this is a well known image separating low a person to cope with certain types of
the false from the true self, the mask from the psychosocial situations, which resembles what is
higher self, the ego from the hidden me. It shows called a social role or mask.
up in most traditions, and is generally accepted as a
model on the psyche. It is however not always clear Self images: the subjective illusions
that this concerns the subjective selves or that I In general one could say that there are (at least)
and me are different, sometimes because of three me’s or selves, and I am talking about sub-
definitions. jective selves here. The diagrams clarify this.
I developed this into a somewhat extended picture There is the self we show to the world (in acting
of the various self images we have, there are three and reacting), the one we think we are (our con-
“selves” and then in a later picture I indicate where

scious self-image or assumed self) and then the Inner child layers
one we really are (the hidden inner child, the true The notion of the inner child needs some more
self, the inner soul). This already becomes a com- explanation and another diagram to explain the
plex picture, even beyond the different meanings layers I see there. Inner child is an ambiguous
of the words used. These three images or perspec- word used in many therapeutic systems and I
tives on the total “me” have layers and conscious, tend to use it for the inner me or higher self with-
subconscious and unconscious connections. The out much specification. I see the inner child as a
central self is the one we believe we are, the iden- way of describing layers of the usually hidden
tity we call the me, as in “I see me, myself in the and not nor mally conscious inner me, with a
mir ror”. The I saying that, the self conscious one, outer layer affected by early experiences, the
the witness, is not in this picture, the I is in this wounded inner child. This wounded inner child
sense not the me, I will come back to this later. The nor mally develops a defense layer, shielding it
assumed self is what we think we are, but not what against the parental (mother) influence in the first
we show to the world. year or so. This becomes the first and usually
We usually hold back a bit in showing even our as- most prevalent assumed self or personality, the
sumed self, we hide some things, embellish others, first mask. We could say that this first mask is
mask our shortcoming, but we do or start this con- what result from the interaction between what
sciously, even as this filter then often becomes a the inner child wants (came to do in this incarna-
habit. We can let go of it and show more of what tion) and the reactions of the mother. I believe
we believe is our self in certain situations, with cer- that if we can identify the inner child’s makeup
tain people, at different times. Others do perceive (from purpose, through plan and characteristics)
what we show, but also some parts of us that we and we also know the patterns (type) of the
hide, maybe even to ourselves. There is an uncon- mother we can predict what that first mask would
scious part in the assumed self, but others can also look like.
sense something at the deeper level, in the inner This is where the usual typologies of the person-
me. They see through you, and even respond to ality (enneagram, Jung) fall short. They don’t see
this hidden part, in positive or negative ways. a type at the inner child level (and nor mally ig-

nore additional masks anyway).

I personally believe we come to this incarnation the unconscious true “me” is like the secret
with a ‘plan’ and choose where we ‘land’ including driver that makes us think, do and experience
the obstacles and experiences, but the model does- things we consciously maybe wouldn’t consider,
n’t rely on this assumption. but act out as an automaton.
Inside the inner me, in the core is the soul, the eter - The self identity gives us the illusion of looking
nal flame that has no self, so that is why the left self at our self as objective, as a separate entity or ob-
is indicated as me and not as self. This is to illus- ject in the universe. This is not true, what we per-
trate that in the deeper layers of that part of our ceive is usually an illusion, the false self. The three
psyche the individuality (the separate self) disap- self images together (except the core of the I, the
pears gradually towards the center. The deeper one heart of the inner me) are apparent, a subjective
gets in exploring and uncovering this inner me, the deluded identification we seemingly need as part
less individualistic one becomes. This could also of the process of life and living.
be called more collective as in Jung’s collective un-
conscious, where he locates the archetypes, but And what about the other?
even this identification will dissolve. The self be- The three subjective selves are not what the
comes the non-self, the non-self becomes the total world, the other, sees. Then we have to add an-
unity, the mystical oneness, the divine flame, the I other image or actually a whole range of images,
Am without identity. One indicates this self at the for everybody will see “me” in a different light.
core of our being the higher self, the true self or His or her perception is filtered (the looking glass
hidden me. It’s what we are nor mally not aware of. idea) and often influenced by their projections,
It is the deep hidden unconscious that however in- part of what they see in me is a part of them-
fluences our behavior and thinking in many ways. selves. The filtering of the shown self is mani-
Some layers are more accessible, are more fold, depending on place, situation, timing and
subconscious than unconscious. what we could call the chemistry between people.
Sub- and unconscious Some see the positive, some the negative, it takes
I make a distinction between the deeper uncon- a very well trained psychologist to be able to look
scious, which is really hard to probe and the sub- at someone objectively.
conscious to where there is somewhat easier ac- This image of (at least) three selves is not the
cess. How deep one can go depends on the situa- whole picture, because we interact with what is
tion and the techniques used. The archetypal imag- outside. We are not alone and in the interaction
ery that Jung sees in the subconscious and uncon- with others mechanisms like filtering and projec-
scious I consider carrier-mechanisms, vehicles to tion (seeing oneself mir rored in the other) come
help transmit messages from and to the deeper lay- into play. Of course the interaction with others
ers. Imagine they rise up, from the unconscious means that the other has a similar complex of
levels where they are picked up by what I call selves, but we cannot just mirror the image with
primes. They rise, first through the subconscious the three selves to see what happens when two
and then, filtered and distorted through our emo- people meet. The separating filter and the projec-
tional filters, might reach our conscious and cogni- tion mechanisms in the communication layer be-
tive levels of awareness. The messages we receive tween two self complexes are very complex and
from the extradimensional and from the inner fire dynamic processes, however with less relevance
then reach us as fast intuitions, slower emotions for the subject of this book.
and even slower thoughts. Now in the picture where this image of me as
I speak of subjective self images, but this is not seen by others is added, there are a couple of ex-
just a picture in our mind. A self image is an entity, tra connections. The other(s) can pick up some-
an identity that brings along a whole set of behav- thing from what we hide, see more of our as-
ioral patterns, moods, reactions, action agents, sumed self than we were willing to share, and in
bodily characteristics, potential deficiencies or dis- some cases can even sense something of the in-
eases, sensitivities and talents. A self image is the ner me, the normally unconscious hidden one
root of what we are, feel, do and think. Especially that is the core self. Another line indicates that

there is feedback from what others see in me to the Masks and subpersonalities
conscious self, we adapt to what we perceive oth-
In reality we often multiply or differentiate the
ers think or say about us. This also indicates that
conscious selves, creating new sub-personalities
the self images in this picture are not static, they
or structural masks to deal with outside forces
change. They change or adapt depending on the
and experiences. This complicates the picture,
situation and as we grow older.
but cannot be ignored. These additional masks
The development of our selves through life is a
are the result of sometimes traumatic experi-
subject in itself.
ences but I differentiate them from the social
Let me limit myself here by indicating that it is a
roles we also play. We do have social adaptations
basic tendency and need for us to develop our self
or masks that also could be described as sub-
image and our knowledge of who we are. This can
personalities (like Assagioli does) but these are
mean that only our assumed self develops, but also
more consciously controlled.
that we grow in our ability to be flexible in what we
When I talk about masks these are structural
hide and add to the shown self. This self knowl-
parts of the psyche, modes of being and acting
edge can bring to light some of the subconscious
that underlie how we see ourselves and how we
drives and programs in the inner me and this can
act. We are however mostly not conscious of
be seen as spiritual growth. This paradoxical let-
these mask, we just shift into them, trig gered by
ting go of the ego and yet understanding how we
cues and unconscious drives.
have protected our the non-self is what the spiri-
We don’t change our (self-)masks as easily as (so-
tual teachers see as moving towards enlighten-
cial) roles, in my view the
ment. It is what Jung called, somewhat awkwardly,
(self-)masks/subpersonalities are more or less
individuation and Maslow indicated as self-realiza-
fixed and hard to change (or integrate). We do
tion. It the direction of spiritual awareness in many
shift between subpersonalities, but usually be-
traditions and certainly one of the purposes of rit-
cause we react to trig gers and unconscious cues.
ual. Developing a more aware mindset might in-
Within a specific mode we can shift between
clude more aware ness of the magical and
roles and put on conscious (social) masks, but
extradimensional, I think it usually does.
this is to deal with the situation, we nor mally
know and notice that we do.
These three subjective selves on
We have unconsciously created
a row in my picture are relatively
such extra self images (with the
simple images and I could al-
associated behavior and think-
ready develop from this a whole
ing patterns) as a response to
constellation about how ritual
traumatic experiences. As such
(and therapy, which is a kind of
they are good protections and to
ritual anyway) would influence
be appreciated for what they of-
all the items and connections in
fered, a way out in difficult situa-
these graphs. However for most
tion, a way of coping with exces-
people, the plot thickens, as their
sive stress, danger or disease.
self image is a bit more complex,
We are a combination of selves,
in fact there are, in one person,
and therefore even what we
often more assumed and thus
think we are is often not a con-
shown (projected) self images.
stant. What I am hinting at here
Many of us possess more self
is that we have not one con-
modalities or subpersonalities or
scious assumed self, but more.
simply said, more masks. Modal-
We all have multiple personali-
ities is a more gentle designation
ties, but only in extreme cases
and less in va sive than
this becomes pathological. Or,
sub-personality, but not so clear.
less dramatic, we usually have
modalities of the assumed con-

scious self that are clearly demarcated. The first highest form of spiritual awareness. In this devel-
conscious self we usually construct is a way of opment the heart (no. 4) is the link between the
coping with the situation as a baby and young lower material (sur vival, lust, sex, will, power) fo-
child, it feels like the development of self-aware- cus and drives and the higher spiritual chakras (5
ness goes hand in hand with creating this self to 7). Becoming more aware is what happens as
image. we rise along this chakra column, this can be also
The picture of the various selves of course gets indicated as growing in spiritual frequency.
complicated if we add more (self-)masks to it. I The image becomes even more complicated as
will use the word mask or structural mask for these we have an awareness level in each chakra too.
variations in the assumed self. I could use other The development of the various self images (in-
words, modalities instead of mask for instance, ner child and masks) is not uniform, each self can
but this would divert from the intuitive associa- develop independently and follow different pat-
tions. The word mask is of course related to per- terns. The inner child also develops and grows
sona (Greek for mask), but is used by many in dif- (sometimes falls back too). The level of the vari-
ferent perspectives like by Karl Marx. I will come ous mask can differ substantially, one can be a
back to what masks mean in the social and ritual very ‘holy’ person in one mask, quite an asshole
context and how masks relate to roles at the end of in another, and switch between them without no-
this chapter. ticing. That is, others will probably notice it, the
hidden downside does show in our behavior and
The development of the selves. moods.
The psyche is not static, it changes all the time, The level can vary, in some people there is a very
whatever we experience of perceive changes the well developed inner child but a rather primitive
psyche. In childhood the changes are more pro- assumed self personality, in others there is a very
found, but we “learn” till the moment we die. Es- holy outward personality, but an inner child fo-
pecially our self image is not static and unchang- cused on mere sur vival, sex or material needs. As
ing, we react to circumstances, develop and we have more me’s the situation becomes more
(mostly) grow, hopefully become wiser, more tol- complex, one can have and display different lev-
erant and less attached as we mature. Every experi- els of development. This means a person can
ence brings change, our psyche changes, our brain have different selves (structural masks different
changes, for better or worse, “You never use the from social role masks) with a different focus,
same brain twice” (Robert Turner) and this plastic- different intelligence, etc. Different software on
ity, this adapting never stops. This development the same hardware, in computer terms.
process of our selves (the inner me, the assumed The spiritual teacher radiating holiness as he sits
self(s) and the shown self(s) goes through stages, on his throne might, in a different situation, turn
and here the approach of Abraham Maslow’s pyra- out to have less developed traits. The sex, drug
mid of needs (at the top self-actualization: to find and rock & roll side of many guru’s is well
self fulfillment and realize one’s potential) comes known. I will come back to this in the description
to mind. William James already in 1890 saw a of the Lucidity system (see appendix) and in the
material me, a social me and a spiritual me. context of what a ritual brings in psychological
All these models are valid, I like to use the chakra terms. Here it suffices to know that each self, in-
development model, but in the chapter about the cluding that of the wounded child, can change
will I give an Urouboros model. and develop over time, and this includes healing
The chakras are energy nodes (7 of them) recog- and integration of selves. We can change, albeit
nized by many Eastern traditions. As we are born, not easily.
we start a path through the chakras, from the very
existential no. 1 (at the perineum) to the pure spiri- Our selves (masks and inner child) thus can be
tual no. 7 (at the top of our head). Nor mally, as we different and this again is something usually
develop from infant to mature, we gradually go up overlooked in therapeutic and medical situation,
from the very basic material root chakra to the at best there is the distinction between true (inner

child) and false self (mask/ego). I noticed, having the childhood amnesia (we don’t remember con-
looked into their mask complexes with many peo- sciously our baby years) cuts us off from that
ple, that between masks there are differences in in- stage. We do have emotions and feeling then (the
clinations, talents and qualities. @Nor mal = One amygdala shows reactions) but are like animals,
can be attracted to one gender in one mask, to an- without a self-image or a reflective experience of
other in the next mask, this difference can be time.
deeply hidden and suppressed. Some of these dif- Remember that Jesus indicated that we have to
ferences have to do with hidden qualities, things become like children if we want to enter the
that are not directly obvious, like the level of intel- Kingdom of Heaven! To understand the soul,
ligence. We usually have some notion about where not as the Freudian mechanical Seele but as the
we rank in intelligence, social intelligence and transcendental connection, we could try to fol-
such, compared to others. Not always very realis- low what the mystics have to say. They came
tic, mostly we assume we are smarter, faster, more closer to understanding what this I-point without
responsive than we are, just as many of us see self-projection is, but admit they lack proper
ourselves as less or more beautiful or attractive words, this is beyond or rather before words.
than we are. Language and self-consciousness are interwo-
Few people notice that sometimes there is a differ- ven, both develop in early childhood towards in-
ence in intelligence between their structural masks dividual self-perception and symbolic interpreta-
and or inner child. Psychologists or doctors proba- tion, mostly in social interaction, the other shapes
bly never look at this possibility, but it explains a the assumed self.
lot. I guess this inner split (in IQ) happens in about The self as the subjective part of the psyche is a
8% of the people. Examples are Leonardo da social construction, the brain in that sense a so-
Vinci and Steve Jobs, in both cases with interesting cial organ. Each of us is a complex mix of nature
results. Uncovering the differences between the (the I that incarnates in the child and comes with
masks is very rewarding in clarifying behavioral DNA and some kind of game plan) and nurture,
patterns and the sometimes sudden changes we the social interaction and physical situation. Our
experience and is the ba sis of the Lucidity cognitive processes are a subjective and complex
approach I developed (see appendix). mix of interpretation, memes, meaning and fil-
tering, and not a constant mix either. The mysti-
The I dimension cal or inner child understanding of the I as the
The core, the inner fire is where we can locate or disappearing self one has to experience individu-
assume the soul. As this interacts with a whole dif- ally, probably when we die we will get there.
ferent dimension, it is not a single point. It is a con-
nection to something much larger. In that sense it Self-consciousness and letting go of it
is no longer individual, it is part of the non-indi- The whole idea about self consciousness feels
vidual, the non-self, the all. From the perspective like an endless mirroring and feedback mecha-
of the assumed self, which it how we experience nism, introspection is like an inner comparison.
the world, we cannot identify what it really is, we The notion of self is something we don’t bring
just use a constructed projection we can call soul with us at birth, it is only formed as we grow up
or God. The cultural and religious imprint we have and see ourselves mirrored in the reactions of
shapes and colors this projection. We can really others. It is the outward appearance, the way we
only guess what this I, this other dimension is, as all have learned to deal with the world and as we
communication from there has to go through the usually have identified our self with this pattern,
channel of a constructed, shaped and filtering sub- what we think we are. Consciousness is some-
jective self image. If we could ask a child, that co- thing we bring along as we enter this world; the
mes into the world as a tabula rasa without mirror phenomenon self-consciousness is a spe-
self-consciousness, as far as a self image is con- cial sense or talent (or curse) that we develop later
cerned, we would understand more about the soul. to a more developed stage than (most?) animals. I
Children however forget about these early stages,

come back to this in the chapter about at birth, we do develop it in childhood. It is a
consciousness. learned thing, the result of experience and nur-
That we nearly always feel misunderstood and ture and it takes a while to form. Obviously there
judged has more to do, I think, with our double or is a period we don’t remember from our early
triple self image (inner child/mask/shown me). years and this varies among cultures, Western
When we first meet a person, we perceive (intu- children remember from an earlier age.
itively) the inner child and only when we start to The self or rather the no-self is a central to many
talk we mutually impose the ego/personality that world religions and rituals and the Western idea
we think we are or even worse, what we would like to equate self with individual is not the only para-
to show. So the initial response is usually biased digm, there is also the self as part of the group,
and out of balance, the ego of the one responds to tribe or religion. In animals like the horse there is
the inner child of the other and vice versa. Our a physical self-awareness, but also a herd aware-
stance, words and energy induce the change, we ness, so the question remains whether this self
skip to the ego-ego level exchange, false self ver- discussion is really a human issue.
sus false self. Luckily sometimes this doesn’t hap- The I in this view can be considered as that what
pen and we stay both in the inner child mode, like controls and regulates self consciousness, as the
when in falling in love. player, the initiator and witness. The I exist in a
The structural mask, the assumed personality, is way in a different dimension, and can only work
not only a pose, it is a filter of reality, a lens color- in a mediated form, via the self, in that sense the
ing what can come in and what goes out. It is flexi- self manipulates what comes from the I. That I is
ble in that it adapts and shifts, into other masks or the agent responsible for initiating (in response
aspects. Personality is utterly dynamic and chang- to input from this and the other dimension), but
ing, even as we think we are always the same. We impulse is then mitigated through the selves to
will adapt to the context, but within the confines become an individual’s thoughts and actions. The
of the set of responses we developed as a general I is the substantial, even objective nature of a per-
mask or masks in the past. son which endures and unifies consciousness
I think there is an unconscious part in our assumed over time. The I is the ultimate teacher, brings
self. Maybe this is the mir ror or connection with about experiences of all kinds that only in a very
the inner me, the unconscious there, maybe a re- detached helicopter view can be seen as benefi-
pressed part of what caused the assumed self to cial in the development of that same I. If I think
manifest. in terms of resonance, the I is the master
program that unites all the resonances.
Self and I and All The (vertical) axis in the psyche that connects us
An important question comes up here, that of the with the otherworld is different from the subjec-
relationship of self to the all, the superconscious, tive the multiple self images, it kind of offers us a
the divine if you like. link to a
Self obviously is related wider expe-
to reflection on me, to ri ence of
self awareness. But what t r u t h ,
is self for most of us? Is beauty and
seems to be the individu- other ex-
ality, the me as the object tra-di men-
of reflective conscious- sional val-
ness and not the deep in- ues. Here
ner part, which is ulti- the I, not as
mately more like a the control-
non-self. It has a very ling will, but
strong so cial com po- as the con-
nent, as we do not get it nected wit-

ness, is a more appropriate concept. This I is
more objective, looks at what we do with our
game of selves from a different perspective. A
perspective from the otherworld and thus, as
seen from the subjective plane of selves, easily
labeled as divine, pure presence, holy truth,
larger consciousness or mystical. This is the axis
that is beyond time, the eternal soul aspect, that
where we come from in incarnating. It is the pure
being, not the self consciousness we develop in
growing up.
Self consciousness is a subjective quality, the I
axis is not about that but manifests at the subjec-
tive plane. It uses what’s available in experiences,
traumas and acquired programming to influ-
ence, translate and filter reality. It is the I axis
which offers transcendence as we become aware
of the illusion of all self images, this is why in the parasympathic nerve system, the breath mostly,
center of the unconscious me is the link, the point the core process of our interaction with the out-
where the transcendental I axis crosses the subjec- side. We can control breath to a certain extend
tive self dimension of our sense world. One could and we can calm our body by concentrating on
therefore call this I point the Transcendental Self regular breathing, even guiding the chi-energy
or Observing Self. The other self images in this through various parts. However, doing this to si-
sense could be called superficial or illusion, limited lence the (conscious) brain is a very difficult pro-
to the nor mal sense experiences, they are con- cess, try to be unconcerned even for a few sec-
structs resulting from the interactions (the social). onds. But it is a path, and one can train like in
In other cultures or paradigms other constructs yoga and meditation to dissociate from the mind,
than our rather rational individualistic one might become one with the body, just being here now
apply. I like the idea that there are or were people, and thereby forget the ego. Some people achieve
like the Ainu in northern Japan, with more of a amazing and miraculous thing by this, the siddhi’s
communal self that didn’t know a word for I. of Indian sadhu’s are well known. Physicist Fred
Now by trying to let go of the illusory selves, in Alan Wolf takes the possibilities of this quite far
practical terms letting go of the ego with its sense in his book about The Yoga of Time Travel
attachments, we can get closer to this transcenden- (2004), he believes that we can actually influence
tal I axis. The myriad of techniques to do so, from our bodystate in such a way by yoga, that we can
sensory deprivation to meditation, we encounter influence the possibility of events. That doesn’t
in the spiritual traditions and practices and notably imply we can make sure an event happens, we can
in ritual. Deliberate inattention to the messages of do something about the chance it could happen.
the senses Evelyn Underhill called it,
referring mystical states, to gusts of
“Transcendental Feeling” induced by
some saving madness such as Reli-
gion, Art, or Love. These days we
have more ways than that, like drugs
or techniques to control and quiet the
sympatic and parasympathic nerve
system, switch off the sense system.
A common trait of most systems of
med i ta tion seem to ad dress the

The geometry of the I
dimension and the otherworld
This I dimension in this perspective is
one vertical line, but this is just a
graphical indication. In the three
world model I use it is a space, but it
could be anything. Obviously the nor -
mal mechanics of space and time
don’t apply to the extradimensional,
which permeates our space-time con-
tinuum. But does this mean there is
no space or time perception when we
go there? The dream state we remem- times conflicting ways. Osho (Bhagwan) said
ber when waking up does have familiar features that: “Personality is imposed on you from the
like color (although many dreams are black and outside; it is a mask. Individuality is your very be-
white experiences), texture, and smell. There is ing, it is that which you bring into the world.” Still
also some notion of place and time in the sense the being special as important is there in this mes-
that one scene follows another. sage, although somewhat differ ent defined.
We do experience a certain power over where we These days we like to be different from others, be
are and what we do and the sequence in time, but it individuals, have a special identity, be respected
differs from ‘nor mal’ consciousness. Experienced for our uniqueness, but this is also the ego, the
‘Lucid dreamers," who have honed their control part others easily dislike. It is mostly the outward
over the dream state, tell us that they can go wher- appearance, the way we have learned to deal with
ever they want and experience a certain sensation the world and we usually have identified our self
of time. There is logic in their travels, although with this pattern, that what we think we are. Sri
they can go back in time and are not limited by the Chinmoy made a useful distinction in individual-
futilities of gravity or matter. So it looks like not all ity: “Human individuality is a self torturing
reality is gone in deep trance or psychedelic experi- personality. Divine individuality is a self
ences or are there varying degrees of entering that discovering personality.”
state? There might be a multitude of realities or The importance and sacredness of the individual
quan tum-states, with different levels of over and above the collective, now so prevalent in
non-Newtonian causality. our Western thinking, is the focus of rights and
responsibilities, of media and artistic expression.
Even ceremonies these days are mostly about
Letting go of the ego, in other words letting go of people. In sports, science (Nobel laureates) and
the self-consciousness, is a fundamental part or politics it’s the individual that matters. But there
stage of the ritual matrix. This comes with identity is a price to this, the social cohesion is faltering,
loss and a state of liminality (in between state) our liberality eats away at charity, social responsi-
which Victor Turner saw as an essential character- bility, caring, connectedness and Facebook is a
istic of ritual. Here the warbled notion of identity poor remedy. It is why rituals and notably their
individuality (or loss of it) pops up. Is individuality social effects are so important, they are the glue
the last defense around our inner core or just the that holds things together. Once this was the do-
positive part of our personality, as Jung’s individu- main of religion, now it’s sports, reality tv, being
ation seems to sug gest? It’s not very clear, is the fa mous in the media. Sociologist Émile
purpose of life being different, special, unique or Durkheim wrote:
should we let go of that? Especially the Western
Thus very far from there being the antagonism between
focus on identity makes it something we should
the individual and society which is often claimed, moral
aim at, and spiritual teachers use the words person-
ality, identity, individuality in different and some-
individualism, the cult of the individual, is in fact the

product of the society itself. It is the society
that instituted it and made of man the god
whose servant it is.

Personality types
There are many questions and theo-
ries about personality, character, na-
ture/nurture influences, like can peo-
ple change at all, is there a relationship
with time (astrology), with DNA (na-
ture)? One of the questions I wrestled
with as I began to see how I devel-
oped my own personality patterns had
to do with the focus on the assumed self of most velopment as necessary and perfect is a better ap-
personality typing systems. Something was miss- proach, and ritual is one of the ways to get there,
ing in most, like in the Enneagram and other this is part of the psychological efficacy of ritual.
typologies (Jung, Big Five, Myers-Briggs, Astrol-
ogy); they don’t cover multiple selves. Why do we act
They were great tools for superficial therapy, Acting and doing is very much related to the
group interaction analysis and managing people, sense world, pure being (without judgment) is be-
but described at best the surface, the assumed and yond that. There is the concept of the “sense of
shown selves. I was looking for something deeper, agency” (SA) and this refers to the subjective
a structural relationship between inner child, per- awareness that one is initiating, executing, and
sonality traits and the most influential parent. In controlling one’s own volitional actions in the
practical terms, if we know the personality type of world. This action or agent self is sometimes in-
the mother and the child, could we deduce the in- dicated as the executive function that allows for
ner child scenario and talents based on a common actions. We need this aspect of the self to under-
pattern of how the defense/coping mechanisms stand (or rationalize) why we act in the sense
work? Assessing personality, especially one’s own, world. We act and react based on automatic pat-
is hard work and provides income for many insti- terns, stored in the brain and response mecha-
tutions and therapists. It often feels like just exte- nism in our nerve system, but we also act or think
rior work, patching up or covering the more nasty we act willingly. That we can will things is not to-
aspects, in order to fit in and function better but ig- tally obvious, neuroscientists like Benjamin Libet
noring that the core of our being is what created have indicated that what we think we “will” is de-
this personality in the first place, for good reasons. pendent on unconscious processes in our brains,
I think accepting what we are and honoring the de- the whole notion of free will could be an illusion.
This is slippery terrain, for in the deter ministic
view all we do is automatic anyway. The issue of
free will and that we act voluntarily is hard to ap-
pease with rational causality, only the quantum-
probabilistic uncertainty offers the materialists a
way to something like free will, Roger Penrose
sees some quantum processes deep in the brain.
I do assume there is free will, but only in the mag-
ical time dimension and our access to that I di-
mension is mediated by our subjective selves. In
other words, the I that is free to decide only exist
in that dimension. In that perspective that which
we thus suppose to be the free will is filtered, cor -

rupted, refor matted by our subjective self. Free In very general terms I divide therapy and self
will in this sense is an exchange process with the growth approaches in three main groups or fields
extra dimensional, the free will dimension so to of action. They do overlap, but this helps me to
speak. There are impulses coming from the ex- find my way in the jungle of therapyland.
tra-dimensional and there are actions and impulses The first and superficial is the one that deals with
our selves send there, in a constant process of mir- the difference between the assumed and the
roring, introspection, feedforward and feedback. shown self, I call this the surface therapy. This is
The I and the selves are in a dialogue and this where dealing with daily life situations, work, re-
makes decision making so muddy, the conscious lationships, looks, age and superficial judgment
and unconscious send sometimes opposing mes- takes place. A fruitful field for therapy and there
sages. This discussion between the inner me and are many approaches here, abrading, polishing,
assumed self is sometimes quite noticeable and working on the behavior patterns, reforming
conscious. This dialogue leads to action impulses routines and pattern, rewiring the neurological
that we might experience a choice between divine pathways (NLP). The result will be a different
will and the ego will with its own objectives. Fol- “shown me”, different self schemas, better un-
lowing the latter leads to evil, falsehood, obsessive derstanding of the differences between assumed
sin, but we do have a choice; this is the process of and shown self, a general increase in awareness
“better conscious” acting (The Gewissen in Ger - of how one behaves.
man and in Freud’s Superego). Not an easy pro- Don’t take me as ignoring the value of this work,
cess, this touches on morality and choice. Some- we all need to align us with what the world re-
times there are intuitions coming from the ex- quires, in order to live with others. In fact I be-
tra-dimensional that seem irrational but somehow lieve that analyzing rituals in an NLP (neuro lin-
related to necessity in the wider picture. guistic programming) context is very useful. It ig-
I admit that the experience of free will is mostly il- nores the magical, but the set and setting of a rit-
lusion, but so there are moments or states that we ual are full with NLP elements. I look at the ritual
do escape this illusion and again, the ritual state is matrix of Holy Mass in an appendix, but it is
one of them. In the chapters about Will and Time I equally valid to see such rituals as a series of NLP
come back to this. for mats and anchors. Repeating certain move-
ments and chants in a special setting does rewire
Therapeutic action fields: NLP our brain. Many religious rituals intend to anchor
In the model given above, there are many ways and good feelings, about oneself, the community and
levels where and how a therapist or psychiatrist the deity and use techniques and routines that we
could interfere, and the enor mous ar ray of thera- now recognize as NLP-type affirmations and
peutic methods illustrates this. And surprisingly, anchoring.
they usually do work, the therapist is the main fac- To illustrate how therapeutic approaches con-
tor anyway. The person of the therapist is as least cerning the difference between shown and as-
as important as the method, as Carl Rogers argued. sumed self work, there is a more conventional
But why are they so different, how could different way to illustrate this. It’s the well known diagram
and sometime radically opposing views develop? I of the blind spot in our self knowledge. In a four-
assume that the people who developed such meth- fold division on two axes, indicating what we
ods focused on a specific connection or self mode, know about ourselves and what others know,
obviously influenced by their own projections and there are lines separating the amount of infor ma-
focus and came up with an approach that worked, tion we and others have or share. It indicates
in that respect. what we hide to our self and to others and shows
In view of the above model, this offers maybe an- a bit better the flexibility we have in shifting the
other way to distinguish between all the available lines, opening up or not, but without the notion
methods for spiritual development, therapeutic in- that the four areas are images of our psyche. This
ter vention, growth, enlightenment or whatever graph is often used to indicate the blind spots in
one calls them. our perception and help people realize that oth-

ers can see things they themselves are unaware of. the magic kicks in, but this is not to ignore the
It makes clear what the purpose of therapy can be, other realm, the set and setting.
both in knowing more about one self and allowing
others to know more, shifting the lines. The four Memory
self images in this picture however only describe Memory is what we have stored, but often in a
what happens between assumed self and shown tainted and filtered way, and to make it even more
self, in relation to the other and this image is there- complex, we remember the future too. The feed-
fore applicable to that part and doesn’t cover the back and feedforward processes between per-
relation between inner child and assumed self. ception, memory and constructed reality are
what establishes consciousness. A tricky subject
The second one, the self awareness approach, again, where science has traced some of the
deals with the assumed self, the self image. Here mechanisms but real explanations have not been
some deeper probing is necessary, not only to un- found. Memory is a subject that will find its place
cover more of the unconscious part in that “me”, in the chapter about consciousness.
but to recognize how this self is related to the in-
ner child, how maybe more masks developed and The self is thus, partly due to the different inter-
their relationship to traumatic experiences, paren- pretations, not an easy concept. In fact one could
tal force etc. This is where the cause of many dis- even argue that the self is the cause of many
eases can be located and maybe addressed, it’s the problems, and that especially the notion of a self
level of deep psychological work. as different, individuated and special is the cause
of much trouble. The attention given to the indi-
There is a third level where the spiritual aspect is vidual self in the West has obviously led to prog -
more important. This concerns the relation of the ress in the scientific and material sense, but at
assumed self and inner me, the process of getting what cost have we moved away from self as part
closer to the inner fire. This is more the area of the of the whole, as self being always is based on a re-
guru, the shaman, the spiritual teacher; someone lationship, with space, matter, others, nature and
who has experience in being in this inner me mode. the all? My baseline lesson in life “I am only dif-
It has to be noted that the results of increased ferent because I have not yet learnt to be the
awareness and spiritual frequency might have little same” has a lot to do with this.
relevance for the shown self. This third is where I think that the inner tension between child and
the magical part of a ritual takes place. mask(s) is root of the human condition, that
most illnesses and problems in our life stem from
This division in three therapeutic action fields im- the repressed inner child (inner self) that wants to
plies, that work on the superficial level may help to be heard and is suppressed by the mask(s) or per-
improve the dealings with others and can be expe- sonalities we have developed as a defense-mech-
rienced as very beneficial, but there is the danger anism.
that because of the superficial effects the need to
look deeper becomes less. More specifically, often The essential magic: working on the
diseases, depressions and worries are a signal of self
deeper problems, by fixing the superficial the pos-
Summing this all up. We have a self-aware “me”,
sibility (and need) to get to the root of things is
separate from others and separate from our envi-
lost. This is what happens in allopathic medicine a
ronment. And yet this “me” must be given up to
lot too, we fix the symptoms, not the cause.
reach the “unity” state of the “I”. This means
In the context of a ritual, all three modes can be
that whomever wants to enter the realm of the
present and have effects. One can learn about the
miraculous has to do away with the ‘worldly’ illu-
way one interacts with others, how the shown self
sions about him or herself. Magic therefore starts
and the assumed self are different and how to get
by giving up the “me”, the perception of self and
in contact with the inner me. In this book I con-
the personality or ego we associate with it.
centrate on the inner self contact as this is where

Mask and masking, roles Structural masks and social masks are very im-
portant in the interaction between the self(s) and
The word mask as used in psychology and sociol-
the social world. They establish the relationship
ogy can apply to the self image (the assumed self)
between the set and the setting, between the in-
and to the social roles or self schemas. The indica-
ner person and the outer world. One could say,
tions structural or self-masks as I use are not the
that as society developed, we need more and
same as the role masks, the more or less conscious
more masks, more theatre, less truth and less
shifts or adaptations of the shown “me” to differ-
higher self. In modern times, we are constantly
ent (social) situations.
playing out some role, letting go of our mask has
The (social) masks or roles referred to in that use
become special and requires an effort. And yet,
of the word are attitude adaptations or stances in a
we have to let go of both role masks and struc-
particular situations in daily life, sometimes re-
tural masks to enter the inner me, where true cre-
ferred to as multiple self-schemas or character
ativity, happiness and free reside.
masks. We have many such roles and this kind of
In sociology “role-taking” as developed by prag-
illustrates how our psyche practically adapts en
matic social psychologist George Herbert Mead
covers itself. These roles are the ways we deal with
and “role-set” (Robert K. Merton) refers to so-
situations, they are situational adaptations to work,
cial interaction in which people adopt and act out
school, nor mal life challenges. They can be seen as
a particular but assumed social role placed in a so-
behavior patterns or subprograms of the shown
ciety that according to Mead in “Mind, Self, and
me, often they are Pavlovian conditioned re-
Society (1934)” is an open-ended symbolic uni-
sponses we have stored as mini-programs and use
verse. We play the role of “police officer” as a
if necessary. They were once rational and con-
child, but also if we become one; we have
scious adaptations, but over time became semi-au-
semi-per manent or transitory roles for most situ-
tomatic scripts and action plans, often efficient
ations. We learn these by imitating “role-mod-
ways to deal with situations and people. They do
els”, by internalizing myths and stories and by
have a relationship with the underlying psyche and
participating in rituals, where the otherworld
selves, and one could say that each subpersonality
roles (divine behavior) inspires us.
or structural mask has its own set of role-patterns.
These sets of roles within a self-mask are what we Karl Marx: character mask
display and as such constitute a character or
The notion of a personality or character being a
mask is not only interesting in the spiritual and
As we switch from one personality to another we
psychological context but can be applied to orga-
kind of call upon another set of internally consis-
nizations, churches and societies. Karl Marx used
tent roles and in this sense a subpersonality or
the word char ac ter mask (Ger man:
mask can be deter mined as a specific type, like as in
Charaktermaske) to denote a character disguised
an enneagram personality type. When there are
with a different character. He and many others
more subpersonalities and unconscious switches
since see it as a way of dealing with complex situ-
between them this typing becomes harder or im-
ations in society, concerning status, division of
possible. This is the main problem and limitation
labour, trade and relationships.This concept was
of personality typing methods, what mask is being
used to describe and interpret how people act
tested. In medical practice this is also why test re-
and relate in societies and how societies deal with
sult can differ so much. Blood pressure and other
that. It was less a psychological concept (Marx
indicators might give insight in one mask, but the
wrote about in the mid-nineteenth century) than
cause of an illness might reside in another.
part of an economical and political worldview
I tend to use the word (self-)mask only as a modal-
and is different from what I describe as structural
ity of the assumed self. Mask switches are also trig -
mask or subpersonality.
gered by situations and unconscious cues, but have
The “social roles” do not necessarily assume the
their roots in much deeper experiences and are
masking of behaviour, the dishonesty and power
much closer to multiple identities than the social
play Marx assigned to masks. Marx used his no-
roles or more superficial self-schemas.

tion of masks to point out how institutions as well are layers of a single globe is probably more accu-
as people were hiding their true intentions. rate, but then it is harder to show the interactions
Roles are more related to stance variations (acting between the layers. Just as an alternative I will also
as child, adult, par ent) as in Eric Berne’s give the graphical image using a single self image
transactional analysis theory. I also think that for with layers and a slightly different one with
instance Voice Dialogue could deal with both multiple selves.
structural mask and role/self schemas and even So my map of the psyche is not the moon, just an
with archetypical patterns in the core me, but in a attempt to clarify some processes and thus no
different therapeutic perspective. better than the schematics others have made to il-
lustrate their point of view.
Masks and roles in ritual
I use the word structural mask as it better explains
that the assumed or shown selves (masks) are dif-
ferent from what lies behind or deeper in the psy-
che. Personality (from the word persona also
meaning mask) or character are like ego words
with so many meanings and theoretical models be-
hind them, that I try not to use them. Masks in the
classical sense of assuming another role are of
course part of most rituals. The most extreme is
that a person is being taken over by a demon or
spirit, like in many indigenous traditions. But in
most rituals there are roles and masks, there is the
theatrical and perfor mance aspect and also the
need to separate the ‘nor mal’ status of the officia-
tor from his formal position and role in the ritual.
The priest or officiator assumes the official posi-
tion of power and authority, in a way hides behind
his or her office, dresses up and acts differently, be-
comes an official, often a representative of either
the deity or the church that commissioned him or
her. But also the other attendants and participants
assume a role, play their part. This doesn’t mean
such a role change is not honest, it often is an ef-
fective way to establish a new and time-limited re-
lationship between the participants, letting go of
their identity and stepping into another role. This
constitutes, as Victor Turner pointed out, a
liminality situation, a possibility to cross the
threshold and lose one’s identity, one’s ego. Letting
go of the ego is essential in reaching the inner me
state, where the magical can be touched.

A warning: the map is not the moon

The graphics used here are just a simplified at-
tempt to explain the obviously very complex struc-
ture of selves and I. I have separated the self im-
ages as three globes next to each other, but this is
just one possibility. The approach, were the selves

12 Mindset: the psychology

Like most people I wondered, from the time my age and the transpersonal scene. Because of my
self kind of showed up in childhood, why I was travels and working with the Mondo 2000 people
different from others and why would I act the way like Leary and Claudio Naranjo I was exposed to
I did. Why wasn’t it immediately understood what many new theories and less known models like
I wanted or did, why would others react as if I Leary’s eight-circuit model of consciousness,
came from another planet, misunderstand my in- Ichazo’s Enneagram and the typology ideas of
tentions, treat me like a stranger, in short what was classical and modern psychology. Over time I
different in me? Of course I gradually learned to grew fond of the notion that we are not our one
adapt, make myself clear or not clear if necessary, “self,” but that there are more of us inhabiting
learned to use my masks, manipulate but there re- (and sharing) this body and even this brain. The
mained this fascination to know why people (in- general model of inner-child and mask(s) I use
cluding me) behaved as they did. Not much was (with all ifs and buts of any generalization)
taught at school, and as I didn’t study psychology helped me to uncover certain patterns and possi-
or some social science the best I could figure out bilities, while being more or less in line with the
was that we were in a way programmed, like com- traditions of old and psychologists notions of
puters. Apart from the general theories and mod- new. Higher self, Inner Child, Persona, Mask, the
els I picked up here and there, there was some at- words don’t matter so much, as long as the dis-
tention for how people interacted and made deci- tinction between the different modalities, masks,
sions in the curriculum of the Business Adminis- and ego-manifestations (or moods, sub per-
tration program at Erasmus University where I sonalities, behavior types) is accepted.
went after graduating in Physics in Delft. But these I like the way Carlos Castaneda makes his distinc-
were mostly very rational models, the homo tion between the tonal (the nor mal tangible real-
economicus was not yet seen as homo emoticus or ity) and the nagual (the magical realm), showing
homo incentivus, let alone homo ludens. And who how Don Juan tries to train his apprentices to ex-
would understand a word like cognitive modifia- perience (and magically use) the difference.
bility in those days? Castaneda brings together, and I don’t care
One of the things that fascinated me was the no- whether it’s fiction or not, many approaches of
tion of “real”. I like to meet “real” people. I got the dealing with the nagual, many options and meth-
somewhat infantile notion that if I
could know what “real” people are,
how I can recognize them, how they
behave, I would understand the
world better. But what is “real”? It is
obviously beyond being nice and
empathic, it has to do with honesty
and trustworthiness, being oneself,
intuition, egolessness, but where to
find an easy answer?
There is this general notion that real
is hidden behind the illusion, the
false ego, but where to go to uncover
this real thing. So I started looking
into psychological models, the no-
tions psychologists were working
with and new ideas that emerged in Ichazo's Enneagram is a great tool to look at the assumed self, but I
the humanistic psychology, the new never found a connection with the inner child or shown self.

ods for getting there, for training the psyche to let comes closer to the inner self and the spiritual
go of the programming, masks, and hypnotic con- core without aiming at obtaining any magical
victions that make up the “nor mal” reality. That results.
this leads to strange experiences or manipulations In the sociocultural context, the bonding and so-
of time, mass, energy, identity, and reality is not ex- cial structure that comes with rituals has value.
plained by classical physics and rational material- However, looking at practical rituals like those
ism, but generally accepted as fact in history and for rain and healing, or those before doing battle
seen as magical (divine, demonic, evil, saintly). or hunting, the outer world efficacy cannot be ig-
These days quantum physics is getting closer to be- nored. Usually there is an inter mediary stage,
ing the science of magic, as it upgrades from the where by divination or interpretation of certain
ultra-small scale of bosons and gravity-particles to signs, like the appearance of a bird in the sky, the
more macroscopic phenomena where reality flips, outcome or future is ‘divined’. This leads in itself
thus entering the realm of macroscopic magic. to a psychological state of mind and more ratio-
These approaches no doubt all have value, but I nal observers speak of a self fulfilling prophesy,
missed a coherent view, a kind of overall image self-hypnotic illusion, or hallucination.
about how psyche, personality, ego, etc. worked A ritual seems to have little direct magical effect
and how one could influence this complex mecha- on reality, as it addresses the other world and the
nism. I was looking for integration between what I response will not be a direct physical apparition,
began to call the mask-child system with the mod- but will yield inner changes. Mystical or contem-
els of conscious and unconscious self-image with plative states are often experienced, but the magi-
perceived image. cal effect of the ritual remains abstract and mys-
In the chapter about the psyche I describe what I terious, easily interpreted as merely a symbolic
found, but here I will place that in the mindset per- act. The form hides the content, the true work-
spective of a ritual with the three self-images in the ings. They are there, but rarely appear as immedi-
context of the set-setting-magic approach. ate miracles, magic works in an indirect way, easily
Ritual is obviously also a psychological process. mistaken as chance. However, there are the reali-
We experience. learn, get insights through ritual. ties of the setting, the fire, the liturgic acts, the
This part of what a ritual achieves is hardly con- people around us, our movements and sounds,
tested, all anthropologist notice that participating and together they are very much real. We feel
in a ritual has psychological effects. They don’t touched, transported to a different state of being.
need to be positive, one could doubt whether a Some even experience a state of synesthesia, a
young boy really appreciates the initiation rite or unified sensory perception, a euphoric feeling. So
the effect of circumcision, but obviously it’s part the psychological and social efficacy is hardly
of a ritual tradition. The playing field of the three doubted, and for many that is enough.
worlds (mind, body/outerworld and spirit world Going to Church brings a good feeling, connec-
or if you like inner world, outer world, unseen tion to other members, isn’t that enough? If one
world) and the communications between them sees direct results of certain rituals, like sponta-
with the mind as director of their interplay are neous healing, people speak of miracles, espe-
more interesting than looking at the stars and cially in a religious context. But direct, immediate
galaxies far away or making particles go faster and results are rare; magic doesn’t work like that nor -
faster. mally, it works by synchronicity, in indirect ways.
For many the inner workings, the psychological as- The efficacy is hiding, things happen in the back-
pects are the more important part of a ritual, like ground, mostly unnoticed, but they do happen,
learning about one’s intention, motives, energy, the the course of the future is just changed in such a
inner recognition of self and ego. Peace of mind, way, that it becomes logical, normal, chance.
growth, connectedness, the honoring of the tradi- Magical results obviously do happen and it works
tion are the goal and enough of a result and even better if you believe it works. After all, our worlds
enlightenment comes into reach for those who use are made by our perception and those are very
a ritual for self contemplation. In that process one dependent on what one beliefs. And if it doesn’t

work, it must be the will of the Gods, or worse, cific psychotherapeutic method and session has a
some black foe-magic or intentional mistakes by ritual matrix and vice versa, but I leave this to the
the priest, one thinks. I happen to believe it works, reader. Just realize that good rituals are set up
but it works only if we really reach that state where with deep psychological insight. A few examples
magic cuts in the ra tio nal, the log i cal, the will make this clear. The Sacrament of Confes-
time-bound. That is not an easy challenge, for sion of the Catholic Church was, in a time when
what is that “ritual” state then, can we learn to get the authority of Church and priest was less chal-
there, what help are rituals, what makes a ritual ef- lenged, a great way to administer psychological
fective? Studying ritual practice, observing how relief to the faithful. Compare it to any modern
the master of old did it, meditating and concen- psychotherapeutic method and admire how this
trating, training the will and mind power (the in- was a cheap, fast and efficient way to help people
tention) do help, but it is understanding the true to deal with stress, sin, guilt, etc. Of course it was
fundamentals of magic, beyond the moves, the also part of the power-machinations of the
words, the gestures and the energies, that progress church, but it worked pretty well for a long time.
in this respect will come. Another example from Church history is the pil-
The mindset of a participant is a ritual is important grimage. In the days of the Inquisition actually
in three areas. First there is the effect of the relatively few people were handed over to the
mindset on the world around and vice versa, the worldly authorities, there were many other pun-
people in the ritual. Secondly the mindset has to ishments, but most were ways to penance. One
deal with the magical outcome, the efficacy and of them was that the sinner or converted heretic
thirdly the mind by itself, as it changes during a rit- has to make a pilgrimage to Rome, Santiago de
ual, and how initial mindset ef- Compostela etc. Now
fects the resulting mindset. these days there are
Of these three areas the subject thousands and thou-
of how participants experience sands who also walk
the setting, the people and the to Santiago and expe-
world around is the least interest- rience a tremendous
ing for me, partly because so eg o-clean ing and
much has been written about transfor mation in do-
this. Here I can refer to the many ing so. In fact such a
ritual theories and the historic in- trip is now often ad-
terpretation of ritual, as covered vised for people with
in other chapters of this book. deep existential prob-
lems by the medical
Pilgrimage and quest world. Walking, fast-
The participant can experience a ing, a new environ-
ritual as just an experience but if ment, no need for
one opens oneself to the ritual ego, a pilgrimage is a
atmosphere is can become a psy- ritual that takes time,
chological therapy and in some but has all the ele-
cases instigate life changing in- ments of a good rit-
sights. Here probably the best ual matrix. So what a
take is to accept that a good ritual great in ven tion to
is therapeutic and a good therapy is ritualistic. deal with the problem makers, self thinkers,
Both require that the participant opens up to an would be revolutionaries of the middle ages, just
awareness of mask, assumed and shown self and send them on a pilgrimage, a ritual quest.
maybe even to what his or her inner child really has Chances are they won’t return and if they do, they
to tell. The ways and means to get there are numer- probably came to their senses a bit.
ous, and it is of course interesting to see how a spe-

Concerning what magically happens for the indi-
vidual during a ritual, we have to start with the be-
lief system. What you truly belief, will manifest, if
it aligns with the divine will, is what the sages tell
us. I think this is true, but aligning with the vertical
axis of the divine I is not easy, and requires a con-
nection with the core self, as discussed in the chap-
ter about the psyche. As long as we let the false self
do the bidding (praying) nothing much will result.
Concerning the belief system, of course there is
an initial state, but part of the art of ritual is to se-
duce the participant to change the belief system
during the liturgy. This is not so much a question
of words, speeches, ser mons, but of using sub-
conscious matrix elements like movements, pos-
tures, concentration moments induced by sounds,
smells and all kinds of access to the primes.

13 Free Will: causation, power and ritual

“Let us say then frankly that the education of the Will is fundamental questions that have to be addressed,
the object of our existence.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) notably the issue of causation and free will, also
What are we without a will, without this mostly il- in the context of animal will. Only after that will I
lusory notion that we have something to say or to deal with the practical views concerning will in
do that makes a difference? Our identity and sense ritual magic, with willpower, intention and focus.
of self hinges on our will, on our ability to be dif-
ferent, to make a difference. I say illusory because Ordering wills
both philosophers and neuroscientists agree that I will place the various ‘wills’ or meanings of the
most of our ‘decisions’ are involuntary, automatic word will in some order, but this again is in the
responses. We pride ourselves as being in charge, context of a worldview, that I will briefly explain
but are we and when and how can we influence here again.
this? Let me just state that all ‘nor mal’ existence is the
Is there any point in trying to influence the future manifestation of the universal all-consciousness
(as we basically do in rituals) if whatever happens (the metadimensional that one could call God).
is either deter mined by the past or indetermined as This manifests in tangible reality but also in the
in the present being the result of random chaos? realms we cannot touch, the one in our head and
Questions like this and the eternal (compatibility) the otherworldly spiritual realm. In this third
conflict between free will and deter minism com- (extradimensional) realm nor mal causality (space
plicate talking about the role of the will in ritual and time) rules don’t apply. I treat it as a a single
and magic. realm, but it might comprise levels like the As-
Will is a vast subject and can be looked at from tral, Etheric, Atmic, Budhic levels as various tra-
many angles. Philosophers like Schopenhauer, fas- ditions point at. Here I just address them as one
cinated by otherworld phenomena, used the con- realm. Behind the veil of the tangible lies thus an-
cept of will to denote some overarching principle other realm. The universal consciousness, how-
beyond perception. Others looked at more limited ever it may express itself, is thus the origin of all
images of what will is. Freud’s will to pleasure,
Friedrich Nietzche’s “Wille zur Macht” (the will
to power) and the will to live in the psychother-
apy of Alfred Adler are just a few examples. In
an appendix I deal with the various historical
views about will and the free will-causation-de-
ter minism debate. So there you can find (my in-
terpretation of) what others think about this, the
various views and interpretations of will. The
will to pleasure, to meaning, the will to duty, the
will to act. I will also deal with how will seems to
work in our brain, the neurological and
materialist interpretations.
Philosophically, there are no easy answers here,
it’s an age-old question that fills many books. As
I try to shed some light on the connection be-
tween will and ritual I will first try to rank and or-
der the various will concepts. I will try to fit them
in a model, an image, that helps the categorize
the notions of will, a kind of map that involves a
classification. This is a simplification and leaves

the forms of existence (in the mind, in the physical che. I think that free will decisions depend on not
world, in the extradimensional) and all motion. having an illusionary self-consciousness but on
Now let’s look at the various meanings and inter- being truly connected to the inner me, our deep
pretations of the word will. It is one of those inner self.
terms that come in many flavors and have lost a Here we encounter a paradox. Will and letting go
distinct definition; will is used in philosophy, psy- seem opposed, and yet are both part of doing
chology and sociology in many ways. There is Hu- and achieving real change. To cause and effect we
man will, Divine Will, willpower, power, transcen- rationally give a temporal sequence, but in the
dental power and magical power, will as an action wider model of reality where time is at least more
or just an intention. Will can be seen as a fairly lim- complex than the linear one-directional, they are
ited and superficial human capacity or as the over- juxtaposed. At the same level, thus cause <=>
powering divine will that makes everything hap- effect. In an extreme case, if we do (will) some-
pen and then much in between. We can see some thing and make a decision, the effect might be
will in animals so why not in every manifestation? what was to happen anyway in some divine will
Will and consciousness kind of merge at this sense. The effect then called for the cause, that
point. what we thought was an independent decision).
The concept of the will is thus quite broad Many The higher levels of human will are anyway
philosophers used it, but in different ways and in closer to free will (in whatever paradigm) and it is
different context. I don’t wish to comment too here that they touch the divine will, and that’s
much on the different notions about the will, as the where we started.
debate goes on and on all through history. I do I thus ordered many (though not all) of the will
however differentiate the meanings and give them concepts in a structure with the intention to sepa-
a place in a wider scheme. rate the meanings and levels of the word by con-
I think the various interpretations of will differ in structing a kind of hierarchy. The graphical ex-
where one places these wills, at what level. I use an pression for this classification model uses the im-
Uruboros image, as the will hierarchy bites itself in age of the Ouroboros circle, the serpent eating
the tail or rather recreates itself. its tail. Just note that part of the serpent (the up-
Obviously the divine will is on top, then follow the per part of the circle) lies in the extradimen-
origins (wills) of being and becoming, then there sional, is unmanifested. There is a will too, for
are the instinctive (animal like) urges we experi- lack of another word called Divine Will. The
ence as some kind of will. Then we arrive or rather Ouroboros body starts there, originating in the
drift into the human will levels. The human wills mouth and then:
constitute really a range in itself, from the natural » Following the tail first there is the will to be, to
and logical part of human being in the world to the exist in time and this will is in all manifestation,
mystical state of being close to the will far above. in all matter, it is the will to manifest.
Maslow has drawn a hierarchy of needs, but this » Then comes the will of becoming, being in
can also be interpreted as a hierarchy of human space, having a form. It occupies a ter ritorial
will. The basic needs are close to the animal urges, form, and thus the fundamental and vital will
we will to eat, breathe, sleep, defend against to defend it, move, act, change. This is the sec-
threats, etc. and even as we have some kind of veto ond stage of manifestation. It also can be as-
power much of this is involuntary and obviously in cribed to anything, to all elementary particles
our brain these decisions are taken before we and the cosmos as a whole. It is the becoming,
realize them. the “Panta Rhei” of Herakleitos. Every being,
The higher human will faculties come closer and no matter how small or great, is an evolving
closer to free will and making a difference. Here life.
self consciousness comes into play, we realize we » Then comes the animated level, with will as an
think, we realize we make decisions, even as this urge, as something based on desires and needs,
mostly is an illusion. But then the (assumed) self is as we see in animals. We want and thus will to
an illusion as I explain in the chapter about the psy- eat, get warm, have sex, follow our instincts,

the automatic responses. It’s a stimulus response of the past or fate? Is everything deter mined,
mechanism and it is only limited by more con- pure chaos and chance or can we influence
scious willNietzs-levels. This part of the serpent things. Does ritual, magic or even just making de-
body is in a way expressed in Maslow’s pyramid cisions make sense, can we manipulate fate or is it
of needs and accompanying wills or urges. all an illusion and are we just robots acting out
» The upper levels of that urge level of will like predeter mined programs, or drifters in a sea of
the will to meaning or to self-realization are probabilistic variations?
more human, but still automated, subconscious. To start with causation, what makes things tick,
As we then progress to more self conscious de- what makes the world go round? Why is there ex-
cisions, the will level we encounter in our think- istence anyway, who or what started it and why
ing, the ego-driven will of the assumed self and is God still there? Theologically and philo-
pops up. It’s the will level that we try to over- sophically these are core questions, we want to
come in ritual, through meditation, concentra- know or explain existence and why things are
tion, etc. This is where the step towards the what they are.
inner me - that allows the magical connection - The next, more human question is then what
takes place. makes us do things, take action or refrain from
» The superficial will then develops in the will in- action in our head or in the world. Can we make a
side, a deep, inner me will that results from being difference, decide things? Do we only respond to
in touch with our core self. This is close to the external stimuli, are there decisions we make or
divine will but still on a human scale. are we living a life deter mined by what is already
» Then this refers to something much greater, the planted in our heads, not even with a quantum
kind of will that could be indicated as Nature, uncertainty deviation?
God or Divine Will, the metadimensional. To put this in very practical terms: is what I write
There are many more will levels that could be spec- here original thinking and a result of my own vo-
ified, but would obscure the image. As you can see, lition, or am I just like the monkey typing away
all these wills or will levels are not in a linear suc- following unconscious orders from my DNA
cession, but in a circle. and upbringing?
I placed them in a cycle of will levels where the
most high and aware manifests again and comes Volition is time-bound
back in a new cycle, starting again as the most small Will and volition are of course related to ethics
beginning. It is the fundamental Ouroboros cycle. and morality, hence the interest of all the philoso-
The various views of what will means for the dif- phers. The ethical question about our influence
ferent philosophers can also be placed in this on reality is of course if we as humans can be
graph, while of course the magical/spiritual pur- held accountable for our actions, what we do or
pose of a ritual has a place in it too. Letting go of don’t do. In extremo, even for what we think or
the ego and aspiring to get in touch with the divine not think. When are we guilty of something? In
will is what a ritual can achieve, apart from the psy- the Middle Ages heretical thinking would get you
chological and social aspects. burned at the stake. And regrettably, this tends to
This image is valid for the will and wills, but has a be the position of the law in matters of security
much wider appeal. This way of looking at will also these days. We are now considered guilty even if
reflects a similar order in consciousness in the uni- we have done nothing and before we act, think
verse and in the development stages of a child. about airport frisking.
Are we really free to act? If so, under what condi-
Causation and free will tions, in what state of consciousness and what
Since the days of Aristotle causation and free will role does the will play? Is that all just self hyp-
(volition) are the big questions, but there is no final notic rationalization, a great way to fool our-
verdict (see the appendix). Can we will something selves, is responsibility, morality etc. nonsense?
that changes the course of things, can we cause a My position is that we are both subject to deter -
break in a chain of event or are we will-less victims ministic chains and have free will, as many people

feel. I do however place these two in different sciousness. Ritual is one of the means to get
realms and in different time-frames. It’s the extra- there, but not the only one.
dimensional otherworld where I think free will In this whole debate I myself am clearly on the
takes effect. side of the idealists, acknowledging that there are
The will is a virtual thing. Not even the most mod- two worlds and that the ratio (Verstand) of the
ern equipment can do more than look at our brain one is quite separate of the reasonability (Ver-
when we ‘will’ or ‘decide’ and register the accom- nunft) of the other. Immanuel Kant really under-
panying mechanical, chemical and electrical pro- stood the difference and his morality and ethics
cesses. The underlying will, volition or conscious- were based on “Praktisches Vernunft”, applied
ness remains an enigma. And measuring through intelligence that accepts practical solutions, un-
divination the interaction with the extradimen- certainties and compromises.
sional otherworld is as yet beyond what science The notion of intelligence in relation to will com-
will accept. plicates matters even more. Intelligence is pres-
The distinction, or is it separation between the tan- ent in all of us but it develops as we mature and
gible, measurable and the otherworld comes up in can only increase by being used. Using it, we need
many forms; science versus religion, mechanical a will, willpower. It is often said that a developed
causality versus agent causality, logic versus intu- will is the tool for manifesting intelligence. I think
ition, ratio versus synchronicity, the meat com- here intelligence and magical power to manifest
puter versus divine grace etc. I will explain in more one’s ideas or access higher truths are somewhat
detail in the chapter about time that the major fac- mixed up. Is loving a person not more intelligent
tor here is the difference in time. The rift can be re- than understanding them?
solved if we accept two time dimensions, one lin-
ear uni di rectional and an other bi- or rather Animal will
un-directional, magical time. Will and identity are paired. So an interesting
In man, the two realms, the seen and the unseen question is whether animals have an identity and
exists side by side. We have a spiritual existence as thus some kind of will. An animal has urges, in-
wel as a physical. Going a step further, all mani- stincts, but can it make real decisions, does it have
fested reality is made up of those two realms, one free will? Much research has been done, by psy-
in time and rational, the other outside time and ir- chologists and neuro researchers with complex
rational, synchronistic, non-causal. devices, attached to animals, plants and even
I also believe that we co-create in both modes, we mushrooms. There are amazing results and in-
can follow the causality trail and be subject to cau- sights in communication patterns and senses, but
sality and deter minism, and yet we also have free the question whether animals or at least some an-
will, to act outside of unidirecvtional causality. imals like whales, dolphins and cuttlefish have
And there is growing support for my position. self-consciousness or employ symbolic language
Physicists now agree on some 11 dimensions and has not been answered conclusively. We can
acknowledge the observer (and thus conscious- make them recognize themselves in a mirror and
ness) as part of reality, at least of perceived reality. so what, seemingly they are self-aware, but what
This means that there is some kind of yet not un- to do with this? Stop killing animals to eat them,
derstood connectedness that is instantaneous, but what if plants then have consciousness?
timeless, nonlocal, spanning all the universe. Religion offers a different perspective here, re-
Even the Higgs particle doesn’t explain all. member St. Francis preaching to the birds. In the
In a very general way I argue that the apparent in- Qur’an animals, as sentient beings, are believed to
congruence and compatibility issues between de- praise God, even if this praise is not expressed in
ter minism and free will are because we ignore our human language:
access to the extra-dimensional realm, the magical “All creatures on earth are sentient beings." ”There is
time dimension. As I point out in this book, we can not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings
only access this realm in a special state of con- - but they are communities like you."

“There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a be- Then there is the higher will, the one we must ac-
ing that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities cess in our deep inner me, not always aligned with
like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and our superficial will. Even as we know this leads to
they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end.” bad energy or karma and that the universe has no
These quotes indicate that animals are held to be waste basket for evil acts, we still do them.
sentient beings and have some kind of choice, and We can have a private will, but in the world we
they are held responsible for their act in the final face the strug gle between our personal will and
confrontation. The prophet Mohammed must the common will, the private and the social will.
have assumed some level of animal volition as he So there are will conflicts on many levels, but they
speaks of animals being called to the Lord, a way have in common that they eat energy. We spend
of saying they are held responsible. He is known to much of our brain power on deliberations,
have talked to animals, notably camels. doubts, inner will conflicts, thinking about what
Most owners of domestic pets and for instance to do next. Our brain is a demanding thing and
horses feel their animals communicate with them consumes much of our vital energy. It is amazing
more intently than could be expected from a that most of the time that energy goes into wor-
‘dumb’ animal. They display identity and a kind of rying and thinking about the future, not living in
limited will so can be held responsible. the now. I wonder if this is a unwelcome side-ef-
In other traditions like Buddhism sentience, hav- fect of self-consciousness and progress?
ing senses which includes a subjective experience Another question is how does will, attention, in-
of the mind, is ascribed to animals and even to tention and aspiration work in the context of rit-
certain kinds of mushrooms. It is now known that ual, do they matter?
plant-plant communication makes use of exten-
The Magical will
sive fungus networks (mycorrhiza) with sense-like
functions. Without free will magic is an illusion and ritual an
Assuming plants have a will may sound strange but empty theater, so let there be free will. The ques-
there is enough evidence that plants and trees have tion is how this works, is there an effect beyond
complex ways of sensing and even communicat- some brain activity, how do aspiration and focus
ing among themselves and with insects, mush- work? Are we directing thought energy, what is
rooms, fungi, and they do appear in dreams. Con- the role of attention (now) and intention (to-
cepts like the world-tree in many cosmologies or wards the future). I think the answers are to be
the holy trees in many traditions indicate there is found in the primes (see next chapter), our facul-
something there. In the chapter about dreams I ties for dealing with the otherworld. Will is
will come back to this, arguing we have to consider adressing and focussing these faculties. It may be
that our dream state is something we owe to the itself a prime faculty, and as such is often seen as
plant kingdom. They were here long before hu- the core of the magical act, the essence of ritual
mans or animals and had ample time to evolve and efficacy. I consider that as too limited, ignoring
develop before some of them decided, or were other faculties and modes of acting, like love and
forced, to take up their roots and move. Animals conviction.
and we are in essence just plants who did that, our There are schools of thought in magic that be-
guts are inverted roots that deal with the little earth lieve magic occurs only in accordance with one’s
we carry around in our belly. will — in other words, intent is everything. This
Conflicting wills, karma can go as far as assuming that the physical aspects
Assuming there is free will, we still face many is- of ritual magic, spell work, altars, candles, herbs,
sues concerning what will brings us. One of them etc. - are unimportant. They believe the strength
is that what we will is not clear. Our assumed will of will alone is what matters to bring about re-
faces opposition. Inter nally our super-ego or sults. If one focuses one’s will and intent pre-
subpersonalities, our reason and our urges fight cisely enough, and manipulates the necessary
over our decisions and action. energy, magic will happen.

There is some truth to this, certainly if the magi- sharing my loss with others is a sure way not to
cian or priest knows how to get to the point where find it again, while if I keep it to myself the thing
one is in touch with the will of the deep inner me, might pop up just as if I magically manifested it
close to the divine will. However I fear most of us again. By talking with others about my loss I cre-
need the help of tools, props and ritual to get ate the negative outcome, manipulating in a way
there. Also the focus on strengthening will can eas- the future (or the present). Not loading the future
ily become an ego-trip and counterproductive. It’s with our projections thus seems to be a factor in
not only will, but trust and conviction that makes the outcome of magical acts, a paradox that again
magic work. Confidence in one’s magic or trust the points at the possibility there are two time-di-
support from otherworldy powrers is even more mensions, as will be explained later in this chap-
essential than will. ter. Keep your magic to the magical realm, don’t
Will has thus featured prominently in many theo- involve or ‘charge’ reality. Telling other people
ries about magic. Many active sorcerers and theo- intensifies the problems.
rists of magic have given the will, the exercising of
the will and the relation of the ego (small will) to Intent
the divine will a central position. They made the Intention, Intent and Purpose all mean a wish or
will the instrument of choice of the magician. I desire that one means to carry out. Purpose im-
will argue for a wider perspective, but accept theirs plies having a goal or deter mination to achieve
as a sign of the times. Will and power were very something. Deter mination is the root of Will, it
much the hallmarks of the industrial revolution sets the Will on the path to achievement.
and the Zeitgeist of the late nineteenth and early Intent is the destination (looking at the result, the
twentieth century. future); Will is what propels one to reach that
destination. This is why in magic and ritual mak-
Is will what matters in practice? ing the intention clear is deemed so important
Will and conviction go hand in hand, much magi- and peo ple like Crowley made a point of
cal work goes into manipulationg one’s conviction, strengthening of the will as the path to intention.
changing one’s belief. The danger is that changing There has to be deter mination if one wants to
beliefs changes one’s identity, might cor rupt one’s achieve anything magical. Deter mination goes
integrity, create karma. hand in hand with identification of and with a
Magic is not for the faint of heart. goal, a direction or specific purpose. It can come
There are paradoxes in magical processes. Aside from desire, from urges. However, the word de-
from the philosophical considerations, did you
ever notice that when you want something deeply,
concentrating on it, putting energy there, willing it,
it doesn’t work? Then, when you give up, let go of
your aspiration, accept that the outcome is not go-
ing to be what you expected, detach yourself, then
magically things do shift and it works after all. In-
teresting, when one gives up the will and that’s
probably the ego-will or mundane will, a new situa-
tion arises, so why exercise will-power that only
serves the ego?
Let go of the outcome and it will come to
Most of us know this paradoxical sequence. If we
can let go of our attachment to the outcome of
something, the future can and often does change
dramatically, magically. If you give up, it happens!
For instance, I noted that when I lose something,

sire comes from the Latin meaning “await what the the divine or otherworldly power, asking for what
stars will bring”. On top of that, not all desires are is best for everybody and the whole.
acceptable, there are improper motives. The ways to do this are manifold, but as else-
The clearer and more specific a goal is, and using where I will use the chakra system to differentiate
visualization techniques, lucid dreaming and other here between the methods. There are “ritual”
focus methods can be used to get there, the better paths to move beyond time for every chakra.
the result. However, the danger is always that the The general idea there is to let go of the personal
goals stem from the ego-levels and even as the (ego) attachments in this model like intelligence
magic works, one gets what one asks for, not what power, will, truth or even love. Cutting loose the
one needs. So there is that paradox again: letting go personal benefits, and bowing to the Will above,
of the ego, of the carnal mind, the monkey mind which is essentially the will we can perceive in our
of low desires and impulses miraculously brings inner me or higher self. That is the True Will in
what the ego wants or wills. One has to have faith the Crowley sense
in the outcome, believe in the power of the ritual, “Do what Thou Wilt.”
and yet, paradoxically, leave it all to a higher
“Magick is the science and art of causing change to oc-
cur in conformity with will.”
Man is man by virtue of willing, not by virtue of know-
(Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice).
ing and understanding. R.W. Emerson
Of course, as this deeper self will align itself with
Strong willed the divine it will provide us with what we need,
In psychology, will and being wilful is a distinct not what we want.
feature of the personality. We easily notice if a per- I feel the personality of Crowley is what shines
son has a strong will, just as we usually have an im- through here, he was a second and third chakra
mediate idea or intuitive perception about their in- focused person. Will energy for him is a very logi-
telligence and many other things. This is partly be- cal step in his rising to higher consciousness lev-
cause a strong or weak will translates into a pos- els, but for others different energies and pro-
ture, body dimensions, facial expression. cesses might work the magic.
This by the way is another indication that the will is The word will sounds nice. It fitted well with the
also beyond the mind, not only a brain function times and the complicated rituals Crowley sug -
but something that reflects our totality. gested (and probably practiced) and did resonate
There is also will as in self-discipline, training and with his dominant personal mode, his natural en-
control of oneself and one’s urges, usually for per- ergy focus and his need for power. Failure, he be-
sonal improvement. Self-control is the ability of a
person to exert his/her will over theiir body or self.

Here I note that where many traditions impose all

kinds of disciplines and practices upon their ad-
herents, I believe discipline is rather the result than
the cause of ‘enlightenment’ or achieving higher

Attachment to will
Time chains us to the manifested, an attachment
that imprisons us. Escaping that prison is what we
try to do in magical practice, like in a ritual. We
have to let go of the fetters of time to get into the
magical, ritual state of mind. We have to detach
ourselves from the material and from time in such
a way that even the outcome of what we are doing
doesn’t matter anymore. Leave the outcome upto

lieved, was due to a lack of willpower. So for him opher see it? I think will is something that is re-
and many of his comembers of the Golden Dawn lated both to mind and body, but also to our con-
and subsequent OTO folks these methods work- nection with the extradimensional, free will espe-
ed, because they were geared to their weakest (and cially.
maybe strongest) point. This however doesn’t Will has to do with seeking things, like infor ma-
make his approach universal. tion. For instance, when looking for something I
As the other dominant chakra focus in our culture often notice, that the answer comes to me in
is the heart (4th) chakra, a link is often made to strange ways. The guy next to you in a cafe is
love. reading the book you were looking for. So the
“Love is the law, love under will.” (Aleister Crowley, The original intention finds resonance in another di-
Book of the Law -Liber al vel Legis) mension and comes back in reality. Jung would
call this synchronicity, I would point out that
Thelema, will in central position magical or even miracolous is another attribute
of true will. Did you notice that holy people do
The magick people like Aleister Crowley (and
miracles, the bad guys do magic?
scores of philosophers and writers before and af-
The will rules, or not?
ter him) have enthroned the will, made it the crown
The will as the magical ground sounds good, but
of their teaching. Yet, I dare to at least throw some
any causal change actually is a magical act. There
doubt over this notion.
is this nag ging notion in me, that many of the in-
I tend to be critical of the will as the dominant cog-
fluential thinkers have enthroned the will be-
nitive factor in magic and in general. We are, and
cause they are projecting their own obsessions.
here all those studies and experiments of the
Looking beyond the will as the central issue is not
neuroscientists point in the same direction, very
an easy option, and even rather counterintuitive
much automatons, programmed robots as George
for me. I am a wilful individual myself. I could de-
Gurdjieff noted. So training the will, the resolve to
scribe myself in many ways, but always this focus
achieve something sounds like a great endeavor, an
on action, manifestation and will rings through. I
advice that makes sense if one has aspiration.
am a manifestor and thus an producer rather than
The problem is that what one wills is mostly a re-
a follower. I would naturally side with the will-fo-
sult of programs and memories in our assumed
cus in magical practice and theory. Is it just be-
self and in that sense an illusion. Now Crowley and
cause wilfulness is also my own most prominent
probably most master sorcerers were well aware of
mask that I feel justified to criticize?
that, he knows that aligning oneself with the divine
To summarize; the focus on the will as the central
will is what matters and makes the difference. His
force in consciousness (or magic) by people like
whole Thelema (the word means “will”) is about
Crowley, Assagioli and many others ignores or
the difference between human, mundane “will”
overlooks that the will is only one of the methods
and True Will. Realizing or admitting the latter
or tools to express oneself, there are others. In
equals self-realization, again a different use of the
the chakra model the will takes its place with
word self. Now if we take that as letting go of the
truth and power in the third chakra. Obviously a
ego it sounds like good advice, but why call this all
focus there makes things possible. There are
the will? In my view this could just as well be called
however other energy exchange modes like love,
opening up to the primes, or reaching for the ritual
sex, expression, visualization, beauty. Only when
state and what they tell us.
magic is described as using the will to manipulate
The power of magic, I argue, is when we reach a
time and thus reality, then of course it is the es-
state that allows access (via the prime organs) to
sential component, but this definition is limited.
the magical time dimension, a state we approach in
Defining magic a bit broader, as using all reso-
ritual and in the ritual state of consciousness. It is
nance possibilities, then the will is only one of the
there that we are aware and free, or in other words,
tools on the magical path.
can make a difference.
Will and intentionality go together, but are they
properties (functions) of the mind as most philos-

14 Ritual and perception faculties; the senses and the primes

We feel, smell, see, hear and taste the physical capabilities I call ‘primes’ in order to reach the
world, but there is much more infor mation com- otherworld..
ing to us and perceived by other organs, or what I In science and modern life, the contact means
call primes than what fits those five traditional with the intangible hasn’t been denied as much as
senses. There are a number of attempts to enlarge ignored or briefly labeled as “sixth sense lore”.
the number of ‘nor mal’ senses and in the appendix And yet, many wise men and writers point at how
about the senses you can read about it, but there is important they are, a good quote is from John
little serious study into the esoteric senses. Para- Lilly’s “The Centre of the Cyclone” (1973).
psychologist dabble in experiments with ESP (ex- “Presumably there are ener gies, to which each human is
tra sensory perception) but notably science doesn’t sensitive, that we cannot yet detect by means of our in-
really accept that we perceive anything significant struments. Built into our brains and our bodies are very
beyond the physically measurable. Yet these con-
sensitive tuneable receivers for ener gies that we do not yet
tact points with the extradimensional are what
know about in our science but that each one of us can
controls our thoughts and actions, guide us and
detect under the proper circumstances and the proper
help us, steer us away from danger and are what we
state of mind. We can tune our ner vous systems and
try to bring into our awareness by means of medi-
tation, yoga, drugs, dream interpretation and of bodies to receive these ener gies. We can also tune our
course ritual. Ritual is the most common means to brains and bodies to transmit these energies.”
‘switch on’ the extra senses and transmitter What Lilly does acknowledge here is that we also
transmit energies (the magical way to influence

reality) but he tried to be ‘scientific’, certainly in without perception are empty’ and “spiritual”
this early book. He was a daring explorer of the concepts other than those of the physical world
extradimensional, talked to dolphins and explored are not known to ordinary consciousness; there is
his inner self with ketamine experiments in an no internal source of such concepts. He means,
isolation tank. in other words, that supersensory reality (the
metaphysical) cannot be deduced from concepts,
The classical five senses cannot be known in ordinary consciousness.
I stumble upon extrasensory perception all the The five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing,
time. The extradimensional energy is all around and sight help to guide in the nor mal, physical
and dealing with it is part of life, and more so in sit- world. We can divide the senses into three stimu-
uations where rationality has not (yet) taken over lus classes: chemical (taste and smell), mechanical
culture and tradition. When visiting Bali I noticed (touch), and light (photoreception, sight). If we
that some of the most holy objects were old stone look at how life developed, some senses are more
statues, often worn to unrecognizable lumps, but basic than others. Even the smallest creatures like
venerated still. The younger generation would fo- amoebae have senses and react for instance to
cus on new statues of the Hindu pantheon, but in a pressure or chemical conditions. They are not
special corner of the temple complex there were aware of this, one assumes, but even humans
always some of those old stones, clothed with sense a lot below the threshold of becoming
clean sarongs, obviously held in high esteem by aware of it. In fact the sense of touch is just the
some of the elders. The energy of these old stones tip of an wider set of senses concerning position,
was much, much higher than that of the new stat- movement, balance. The physical awareness of
ues, but only a few would recognize this. This oneself, in relation to the body but also to where
made me recognizing that in a ritual context the it is, in contact with what and how is the
sense of touch is obviously very important, as can proprioceptive sense. There lies the sense of
be seen in many cultures and holy places, where movement and the relationships that movement
touching the holy stone is the most sacred act. brings, where the body is in space (upside down
Even in the mostly non-ritualistic Islam, the black or right side up, works via the vestibular sense in
stone in the Kaaba in Mecca is worn off by the mil- the inner ear ), the sense of the body parts in rela-
lions touching it. So it seems that of all our nor mal tion to each other and the floor, the wall, the
senses, that of touch is very important, and it feels doorway, the other.
like we can actually feel the sanctity of objects. It is obvious that the senses play a role in ritual
Now this might be one of the metasenses or what I and ceremony, as they do in nor mal life. We see,
call primes, dealt with elsewhere, but it also gave hear, smell, taste, and experience the ritual;
me some insight in statues, in what role sensing maybe in different states of consciousness, but
plays in ritual and in relation to the question of art usually our senses are functional. The question is:
and the ban on “graven images” called aniconism. what senses are the most active, and how do they
The notion of traditional 5 senses is very old. They relate to the experience and effects of a ritual? I
are called the “five material faculties” in Buddhism think the proprioceptive sense is more important
and they appear in the Katha Upanishad (6th cen- than the other senses, it is more primitive and it
tury BC) as five horses drawing the “chariot” of turns out that movement, dance, postures and
the body, guided by the mind as the “chariot spatial position have more impact that senses that
driver”. Aristotle named them, influencing the came a bit later on the evolutionary ladder.
Western culture, although more senses are easily Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio’s argues that
recognized, like sensing the temperature. Imman- our body is the theater stage where our emotions
uel Kant stated that our ability to know is inextrica- as different physical states (being agitated, red,
bly bound up with the way our senses are orga- cold, high blood pressure) are sensed or played
nized, some thing that fits the time where out. We sense our body first, notice that this or
empiricists like Hume were doubting anything that that emotion happens. Those emotions will thus
could not be perceived. Kant said that ‘concepts’ lead to feelings (in the mind) and this is contrary

to the view that everything starts in the mind. their eyes or hands, but also transmit more and
Some things do, the mind can pretend it feels. In more intensely. Some people look at you with
that view the orchestration (if not manipulation) piercing eyes; it feels like they see right through
of the senses in a direct link (body loop) or as-if you. This capability can be felt as positive or neg-
(imagining you are in that state) is a major compo- ative. It frightens people. In some cultures they
nent of what we experience and thus the effect a speak of the “evil eye” and so-called “holy peo-
ritual has upon our feelings and mood. We feel, ple” often have this air of benevolence in their
because we sense or imagine we sense. eyes. The same goes for hands. We have healers
The traditional five senses have been expanded or and sometimes when we shake hands, we feel the
differentiated like touch into the proprioceptive energy of the other. I noticed there are other
sense and mechanoreception senses like balance, senses that in some people are very prominent.
but there are now more or less accepted senses in- One way of looking at this is that they have kept
cluding pain (nociception), temperature, time, this sense open to the deeper level. They can,
body state (pressure, need to go to the bathroom), even by being in the ego-personality, allow com-
hunger, thirst, itchiness or even the expanded 21 munication at a deeper level with wide-open
senses that Bruce Drurie described in the New Sci- senses. This can be a genetic condition or acquir-
entist in 2005? And there are more; in animals ed by experience or training.
there are senses that some of us might also have
but never really explore, like positioning via sonar The extra-dimensional senses
like bats, electroreception or a magnetic sense. The senses mentioned above are, however, only
senses that refer to physically measurable dimen-
Two way traffic sions, even as they are mitigated by our mind, like
One of the often overlooked aspects of the tradi- in the case of pain. The expansion of view into
tional senses is that there are sensors and actuators, light and color and electromagnetic field and of
receivers and senders. The outward (radiat- taste into five different sub-tastes, etc. doesn’t re-
ing-transmitting) complementary effects of the ally touch upon the extra-dimensional senses or
traditional senses are not generally noticed in de- primes I see and which play such a role in the
scribing them but isn’t is obvious that we can hear supersensory reality we access or try to access in
and speak (or make sound in many ways), we can ritual. Scientist like to point at an organ related to
passively taste, smell and touch and also produce a sense receptor, but there are thing we notice
taste and move and actively touch. Obviously we that have no obvious relation to a body part, like
need some kind of feedback. If we couldn’t speak social discomfort. And what about common
or make sounds, what purpose would there be in sense, our bull-shit detector; we all have it, but
hearing? And the speaking of a deaf person is of- where is the receptor?
ten distorted because of the lack of feedback. See- There are senses beyond the physical, that is gen-
ing looks like one way receiving, but Rupert erally accepted. The Tholkappiyam of the Tam-
Sheldrake has designed many experiments that ils, a very early scripture, talks about the Mind as
show that when we look at something we actually the sixth sense. When we now refer to the sixth
also transmit (send) some energy and create, by sense, people usually mean some kind of pre-
looking, a “field of mind", we send something. science or supersensory perception, the subtle
One of my “magic” tricks is to take small clouds perceptions, psi, esp & inner senses.
out of the sky, impressive until you see that kids Exactly defining what constitutes a sense in a
pick this up very easy. I think that by looking at very broad perspective is thus not so easy. I like
those clouds I in flu ence the sensitive con- the approach of Rudolf Steiner. His esoteric
densation balance by sending some photo energy. views on how we function in relation to the
supersensory realm are elucidating, even as I feel
Sense enhancement he has superimposed too much Christianity on it
In some people specific senses are more active and is not really willing to accept magic. Also it is
than others. Some will not only perceive more via ob vi ous that his ap proach and that of

anthroposophy in general is one that excludes or mes first and incarnates in the body, I see in a way
ignores the sexual. Apart from that, he came up world and body as the materialistic (space-time)
with a fascinating view that offers a first step of in- corner of triangle. The writings of Hermes
tuitive senses beyond the physical, which he calls Trismegistos also works from a different image,
the supersensory reality. For details, see appendix. they indicate that the worlds above and below are
like mirrors, “above as below”, the macro and the
extra-dimensional perception and the micro, the deep inner and far outer worlds are
primes each other’s reflections, there is some kind of
What rituals do to us has a lot to do with the nor - symmetry between the worlds. This kind of as-
mal senses, with emotions, feelings, thoughts and sumes a twofold model of heaven and earth,
projection, but also with the perception of what I without the separation between Mind and Spirit I
call extra-dimensional infor mation. In the three make.
worlds model the connection between the mind Plato made it clear, we are more than what can be
and the spiritual world needs organs to make an ex- measured, detected or wrung out of super-
change possible. We could call this senses for the colliders or cosmic obser vations, and his concept
extra-dimensional . This concept hints at an expla- of world (a dimension) of ideals was a great at-
nation how we deal with super-sensorial input, and tempt to deal with the intangible, his cave-image
how magic happens. showing us that our reality is but a shadow of
I use the word extra-dimensional to indicate the what is, the whole. His dualistic vision, accepting
non-tangible, otherworldly, spiritual realm and the a wider reality that encompasses the ideal as the
notion of meta-dimensional to indicate something root of isness, is not very far from modern phys-
that covers both the nor mal space-time (physical ics if we take consciousness to be part of it, or
reality) dimensions, our inner worlds (Mind) and even the basic component. It was Popper, who
the extradimensional. The image of three worlds expanded the dualist notion of Plato to a three
and their relationship is expressed in the triangle world view, in clud ing the in ner world of
image. thoughts, and I like that model and use a similar
This model accepts that there are other dimen- form.
sions, or better extra-dimensions (or maybe just The three world model is a simplification, but
one dimension) beyond the nor mal space-time things get complicated as it is. One could add the
four-dimensional world we experience. This is of- divine/infor mation/love dimension to get a five
ten described as the spiritual. I assume in this dimensional worldview with tangible outer
model that there is bidirectional exchange between world, intangible outer world, inner world, ideals
the worlds. world, divine world. And I could speculate that
The model is maybe a simplification, but serves the divine dimension is actually the conscious-
the purpose of explaining in general terms how I ness, infor mation, love, will, dimension that lies
see that we (and animals and plants, maybe every- at the root of all being.
thing) sense and deal with what happens in those The extra-dimensional that we access via the in-
extra dimensions. The extra-dimensional space is ner me and the “I” dimension we connect with in
where the intangible and in a way idealistic (in the the center of the inner me is anyway is a ter ritory
Platonic sense) qualities of beauty, love, balance, of strange and non-causal relations, of synchro-
and such reside and here one could divide that nicity, miracles and magic, it’s the otherworld, the
realm in an ideal and a spiritual and so complicate beyond, paradise (and hell), the stuff religions
the image. Another argument against the model deal with and parapsychologist try to explain. It is
could be that the mind and spiritual realm are the the reality outside Plato’s cave, the intangible
same, that what we experience as spiritual is noth- world, but at the same time has this relation with
ing but what our mind constructs. Also the model the inner world of mind and imagination.
works form the dualistic psychological notion that
mind and body are separate, but as I tend to believe
that mind (as a projection from the spiritual) co-

Senses beyond the tangible: primes ture. Here the notion of consciousness comes
into play, time and consciousness are deeply
The roots of ritual lie much deeper than some ini-
related as I explain elsewhere in this book.
tial myth or cosmological understanding. They are,
I indicated the two parts of the primes as being
I believe connected with senses that reach beyond
part of the inner me, but where exactly they are
the manifested into the extradimensional, beyond
located I don’t know. Maybe these primes are or-
the spacio-temporal manifested reality, into the
gans, systems, maybe our DNA and especially
junk-DNA (the large part of DNA that is not di-
We all experience and feel the intangible, our lives
rectly related to our physical being) plays a part in
are much more influenced by feelings and emo-
this as a kind of antenna and even transmitting
tions related to the intangible aspects than by the
activator, maybe these are a fundamental part of
hard reality of space-time. I believe we have ex-
living systems, I just use the term primes. Primes
tra-dimensional senses, that pick up what happens
are senders and receivers, actuators and sensors
in the other dimensions and in the whole of the ul-
and they act in and through the extra-dimen-
timate reality. These senses, that are actuators too, I
sional space, with some effects in our nor mal
call “primes”. These are hidden deep in our sys-
space-time reality too. Primes are not specifically
tem, have no visible organs (although there are
human, animals have them too, and I think be-
body parts and notably glands that seem to be in-
yond that plants, crystals and in a way all exis-
volved more than others) and don’t yield very clear
tence has something that connects them or it to
messages. They are located somewhere, I leave it
the extra-dimensional space. Theologians might
to the scientists to figure out where, and are more
call that space God, spiritual people might call it
or less subconscious unless we enter or create a
the Sacral, Mother Nature, Love or the Creation
state of consciousness (ritual state, inner child
Force, Infor mation, Chi, scientists maybe see it
state, higher self state) that gives access to them.
as negentropy, by whatever name it is that, which
I could say they are related to Extra-Sensory-Per-
is beyond the tangible. Rituals in my view origi-
ception, but that in a way limits them to only sens-
nate from these primes, they are a natural reac-
ing, while calling them meta-senses is more apt,
tion to external or internal imbalances, threats,
but a bit too wide for what I like to expose. They
extra-dimensional infor mation and have been
are also effectors or actuators, they effect the out-
part of our being forever, so there is no historic
side situation. Sensors and actuators are technical
first ritual, but of course every culture has cre-
notions, both are transducers, the one is receiving,
ated its own mythical stories and from there di-
the other acting. I use the words to indicate that the
rectives and rules for rituals. The result, the tradi-
“primes” receive and send whatever it is that con-
tional ritual, is therefore different in the various
nect to the extra-dimensional space. For instance,
and cultures, but has retained some basic root
when we experience beauty, we receive and when
characteristics, like the use of fire as a means of
we love something, we send.
communication with the otherworld.
The primes are the medium, gateway or channel
These primes are essential for our existence and
to relate to, sense and influence the wider world
behavior. Who can deny that we are driven,
of feelings, emotions, and intangibles. They work
guided, ruled far more by things beyond the mani-
in the extra-dimensional space directly, and then
fested than by the rational, cold logic of the mate-
via other people and indirectly (via what in magic
rialist. Our existence is so beyond the scientifically
is called the correspondences) reflect back and
measurable, so much more related to energy, love,
influence the nor mal four-dimensional reality.
hope, consciousness, beauty, truth and other
This again has much relation with what happens
“ideal” categories that are extradimensional, that
in rituals, where the magical aspect (affecting the
we must have a way to interact with those dimen-
extradimensional and thus the present and the
sions. I deliberately leave out time, but I do think
future) is part of the setup and deeper purpose.
that magical time, where free will resides, is part of
Our “primes” are the real interface with energy,
the extra-dimensional realm and that through the
time, truth, love, danger, procreation, spirit, the
primes we have access to it, can feel or sense the fu-

fundamental categories or dimensions that matter would like to point at how architecture and espe-
beyond matter. Archetypal, bodily, emotional and cially sacred architecture influences us, via the
cognitive filtering and mixing mechanism, both on nor mal senses and the primes. Churches, tem-
the in and out influence the real message or ac- ples, holy places often use the natural energy (ley
tions. Only rarely do we contact those primal capa- lines, energy spots, places with high biodiversity)
bilities, where true creation and magical power re- but then enhance this with specific layouts and
sides and go beyond the prison we created. Per- forms. Modern architecture may use some of the
sonality, body, emotions, beliefs, the world around old insights, it’s not unusual these days to use the
us all are part of this prison. oriental Feng Shui principles in design. Archi-
The primes give access to the intangible, but the re- tects can use age-old principles and ratio’s that
lationship to our other senses and our conscious have found their way in the building codes and
thinking is not a straight one. We think that the trade practices, even if the true meaning got lost.
mind (or imagination) is the great tool to change In that sense shrines and holy places are, like ritu-
our beliefs and situation, but what reaches our cog- als in a culture, a kind of memory, containing the
nitive levels is just a filtered and twisted represen- secrets and insights of old. We still awe at places
tation of what our primary sensor/actuators pick like Chartres cathedral, sense the effect of arches,
up. space and window dimensions, building ratio’s,
The travel of the infor mation or better signals we and sometimes an architect can create a similar
receive or transmit from there to our nor mal con- ‘holy’ atmosphere in a newer building. Few real-
sciousness and vice versa is complex, often com- ize that what we call Gothic churches are a West-
promised, and goes through layers of archetypical ernized form of the Arabic style of building the
projection, emotions, traumatic repression and are crusaders brought back and thus can be linked to
often changed as we color them, partly suppress Egyptian and even Sumerian building styles. As-
them, enlarge or exag gerate them. Some people, at trology, cosmic ratio’s, hidden symbolism, and
some times and under some conditions, are better colors were part of it and imagine how these ca-
at (consciously) interpreting them, they are the thedrals must have looked in their original color-
prophets, the holy ones, the sensitives, and those ful state, more like a Hindu temple than as the
actively using these prime exchanges as transmit- solemn and grey spaces that are left to us. Lucy
ters, radiators or effectors are the sorcerers or heal- Wyatt in “Approaching Chaos” (2010) argues
ers. But we all, at some time, have experiences that that the Knights of Templar (with the support of
indicate we are connected to the otherworld via Bernard of Clairvaux) were very instrumental in
those primes, but rationality and the common bringing secret and sacred knowledge of building
sense we ascribe to scientific thinking have be- to the West. Notably the ir rational number ratio’s
come a serious obstacle to acknowledge them as (like the roots of 2,3 and 5 and the golden mean)
real or important. Some do belief in the powers, are what distinguishes between the rational Ro-
passive or active, that they bestow upon us, and all man (and Greek) style of building and the Gothic
of us use them unconsciously, but very few ac- churches. There is a re la tion ship be tween
knowledge them for what they are, ways that con- resonance and stability in building and ratio’s are
nect to the other worlds beyond space-time objec- very important and obviously talk to us at a
tivity. The inner world of ideas is connected to the subconscious (prime) level.
“hard” world of tangible reality and to the
intangible world of spirits, ideals and maybe even Animals and ritual
the divine dimension. One of the insights I try to convey about ritual is
that it is a pre-cognitive phenomenon. It doesn’t
Architecture originate in our prefrontal lobes, in the part that
The physical world can be used to enhance or in- distinguishes us from animals, at least in propor-
voke the connection with the extradimensional tional ratio of brain mass. Ritual is more ‘primi-
otherworld. We can use the cor respondences, the tive’, more related to our primes, part of our be-
links between the world and they are many. Here I ing that has roots in our animal or maybe even in

our vegetal part. In that sense it is more original,
anchored deeper in our being and is essentially a
way to remember or connect to those origins.
Thinking in the ritual context is an impediment,
limiting the effects and indeed the efficacy of
Rituals are often considered specifically human,
but there are many animal behavioral patterns, that
could qualify as rituals. Animals often do have spe-
cific tics that look like compulsive, and resemble
the ritualistic compulsive tics that we sometimes
have and are very obvious in the pathological be-
havior of mentally ill. So there is a biological basis,
maybe even necessity for repetition and this could
indicate that humans and animals share some
more senses and notably metasenses than we as-
sume. They are in closer contact with their ‘primal’
infor mation, their intuition, but also use ritual to
evoke this contact and most likely also this other
conduit to the deeper senses, dreaming.
In the chapter about psychedelics I will come back
to this, as more and more it becomes clear, that we
as humans have learned and copied much more
from animals than usually is assumed like that the
use of inebriating or hallucinogen substances(and
medical and other uses of herbs) is basically
copied from animals.
Science now accepts that at least the neurological
hardware of animals is not fundamentally differ-
ent from the human (the Bir mingham Declaration
2012). If we take the parallels between ritual and
verbal behavior in humans, where language is a
system of symbols based upon arbitrary rules and
ritual can be seen as a system of symbolic acts that
is based upon arbitrary rules, we can extend that to
animals, knowing that animals also use language.
Language as a practical communication means, but
the songs of birds and the sounds of whales do
seem to have more beauty, meaning and probably
symbolic intent than just exchange of facts.
Owners of dogs, horses and other animals we can
befriend at a deep level will agree that communica-
tion with animals often happens in a magical and
very intuitive way, animals seem to use other
senses in a direct and effective way. This I see as
their using the prime communication channels. In
that sense talking to trees is not so strange, if that
com mu ni ca tion is in ter preted as a primal

John Perry Barlow, Simon Vinkenoog and Tim Leary in my garden in
Hilversum in 1990, a synchronistic meeting of magical people, for the
occasion of the presentation of a book about Virtual Reality

15 Holes in the mask: the synchronicity enhancement

We are magical beings, we are much more than just only under special conditions, via meditation,
the cells, flesh and bones materialistic science is concentration, etc., influencing the set. The situa-
concerned with. We (and everything else) has an tion and setting also plays a role, like in a ritual
existence in the extradimensional and I think we and there are other factors. For instance a family
do influence the otherworld all the time, also out- connection can be a factor in achieving signifi-
side the ritual sphere and probably more often cant better results in telepathy, healing, etc. The
than we think. We have roots in the otherworld and question is if we can influence this synchronicity,
do use them, to sense and to transmit, here the no- be more open to when it happens and thus ‘syn-
tion of primes surfaces again. chronize’ or are in the flow? Are there ways and
Synchronicity, the seemingly accidental conjunc- means to g et there? I su g g est that
tion of relevant events, hap- parapsychological
pens to everyone but in dif- re search should
fer ent forms. Some times look beyond the sta-
these occurrences are seen as tistical card guess-
ac ci den tal, some times as ing ap proach to
magical, but they obviously prove that psi exists.
have to do with an opening to Looking at individ-
the extradimensional, an in- ual mask-states and
stantaneous connection we experimenting with
make. Some of us experience psi-gifts and nota-
this a lot, some don’t recog- bly the differences
nize such an occur rence, but between results ob-
I would say we all know these tained in the various
experiences. The explana- mask states could
tion, in line with the models yield more insight in
developed in this book, is how these talents
that we seem to allow some work.
special (psi-) communication via a temporary hole Let me give a personal example. I have many
in our nor mal defenses, our masks. These holes or books and quite often there is a book that talks to
specific access points for what is seen as paranor - me, it falls out of the bookshelves for some rea-
mal of psi-infor mation are not a constant factor, son, someone else glances through it, the title
as subjects shift between masks (personality-mo- suddenly makes sense to me and when I then
dalities). Not only their mind-state changes, but start reading it is exactly the book I needed. Not
also other bodily functions, something overlooked only that, often when reading I feel a connection
in most medical diagnostics. In different states we with the author that is also more than rational, I
are different, the same hardware is used by a differ- understand things that are not written, maybe im-
ent program. Access to the extradimensional plied, I am moved beyond the context, the writer
(psi-talent) is usually limited to the inner child becomes like a friend in my mind. And by the
(higher self) state, but there are sometimes holes in way, I hope this effects also works for electronic
other masks that offer a shortcut. Alle people have books, but I have some doubts still and this is one
these holes, but through circumstance or practice of the reasons I keep these thousands of vol-
some holes are more ‘open’ and allow better umes around. This effect, of “chance” encoun-
psi-access. ters with things that matter to me, made me real-
Parapsychological research has shown that some ize long ago that infor mation must be a field or
‘gifted’ people are better at this, the sensitives. two way street. The process works in mysterious
Some psi-gifts appear to be there all the time, some

ways and is beyond chance, for how is it possible while in their ego or personality mode and thus
that this happens so often? closing off the communication with the deeper
Now here I want to step just outside what happens self or inner child, leave open some spots or
in ritual. The question is really about how we ad- channels. These holes in the mask are then their
dress the magical, extradimensional realm, even more or less direct links to the primes, the
unintentional. Are we maybe far more magical meta-dimensional senses, and are kept open for
(and thus existing in the extradimensiona) than we what one could describe as magical interaction.
think? This can also be seen as some people have parts
Does magic work in more ways than as the result or organs of the body with magical (or at least
of intention and attention? Do we influence the special) powers. There are people with healing
world via our psyche and body in more ways than hands, some would have eyes that would not only
we think? And here the same question could be see more, but that could influence reality by see-
asked about animals and even trees, do they per- ing something, internally or with open eyes. The
ceive and act (less self-consciously maybe) in the notion of the evil eye is interesting in this
otherworld, the dream state? context.
C.G. Jung was fascinated by synchronicity and the I think that truly understanding this phenome-
Eastern sages have often claimed that the world we non has been lost over time, although in art and
experience is what we cause, we are what we see, symbolism there are many traces of it and we
what we see we make. So the magical nature of all have this taboo on graven images that sur vived. It
is an age old question that has a lot to do with psy- is obvious from their imagery (the eye of Horus)
chology, perception and how our psyche works. In and statues that the old Egyptian culture knew
fact we can recognize what could be called the this, and maybe some of the sur viving indige-
“natural” or unconscious magic in many fields. nous cul tures like the Ainu or Aus tra lian
Whatever we call art is often a magical act, in my aboriginals have traces of it in their rituals and
opinion stemming from the deeper layers of our they don’t want to be photographed.
psyche, where we are in contact with the extra-di- I would like to point at the damage to many
mensional reality. When writing I often feel a con- Egyptian statues, usually ascribed to pure vandal-
nection with the subject beyond the rational, espe- ism, but in my view maybe damaged for another
cially in poetry there is a kind of inspiration that is reason. The Egyptians recognized that some
“greater” than me. I am connected or linked to parts of the body posses magical powers and that
some higher level of knowledge or wisdom. Un- this power was sometimes intentionally trans-
derstanding the contact-methods and processes ferred to statues. In order to break that magic
concerning this link and access is what fascinates power from the statues (and the persons repre-
me, partly because I want and need to understand sented, whom as Pharaoh’s were Gods and could
my own “self.” rule from eternity), they cut of hands, faces,
noses, etc. They maybe later pharaoh’s. later
Specific associations dynasties, later cults.
Let’s look at some specific processes concerning
“custom” synchronicity. I think that some organs Unconscious links
or talents are more instrumental here than others. We all experience that some people have a more
The taboo on graven images in a ritual context has penetrating view than others and that some are
been dealt with in another place, but has some actually feared for their eyes or gaze. Others have
other aspects that are maybe less understood. It healing hands, a healing voice, or even genitals
concerns an understanding about what I would possessed of miraculous effects. All this can be
call “holes in the mask,” specific openings in the seen as leaving connections, holes in the mask or
layer of our personality defense systems. masks, providing access to the deeper levels, and
I am not only talking about psychological holes, as I have explained elsewhere, in that way access
but rather about physically located spots or organs, to the “magical” and “mystical” powers of those
like the eyes, the hands, the genitals. Some people, levels. Where nor mally intricate techniques or

methods are necessary to get to that level (and ritu- ities, often so clear in the family they grow up in,
als are basically that), these people (via those holes) are seldom used.
have a natural access to those powers. Now this is a Beings with a great mir ror capability and a clear
different way of looking at faith healers, witches, obedient mask hiding the true “herd” or inner
guru’s and assorted holy people, ascribing to them child self as are used as therapeutic helpers, but
even in their “nor mal” state of consciousness,
these special talents, and powers. These powers or
siddhi’s are or have become “natural” to them and
don’t require much effort to be used; they are often
or always there. Sometimes these holes in the mask
develop after the mask is formed, by training or
initiation, there is a relation with experience and
upbringing, although some genetic disposition
might be necessary. In others it is there from the
start and maybe some event brings it to the
conscious level.

The sensitives
I have noticed that people with this kind of talent
can perceive the genuine inner quality of things
and people- very broadly speaking, the love and
spiritual in a person, situation, or object. This
means they can also see the lack of this, the nega-
tive traits. They can gauge things and people, and
this is possibly what gave rise to the notion of evil
eye. The talent, therefore, is often perceived as a
problem, a curse, as it fosters fear in those affected,
isolating them, making them feel rejected and dif-
ferent. As there is no theoretical framework deal-
ing and explaining with these powers, apart from Our mask protects us and is needed to function in the
the esoteric and sometimes outright weird mus- world, but we often reach beyond it and become magical
ings of self appointed leaders and teachers like
Crowley, and because science never took this seri- accepting the gift from people like those with
ously, many are left to deal with their talents/prob- Down’s syndrome is a step too far. And yet, so of-
lems by themselves. This is not an easy thing. They ten have I seen situations where such a child sin-
wonder why and how they are different, have glehandedly changed the mood of whole crowds,
problems relating, and might notice miraculous ef- opened their hearts, and did bring the gift of un-
fects, but these are usually ignored, ridiculed, or conditional love to the place.
worse. Institutions, in my view, are full of people They bring authenticity. We can call it truth. It is
with magical talents that are not recognized or the fundamental quality of creation and those
studied. who have access to it, because they have left some
For instance, I believe that people with Down’s opening in their personality shield, are blessed
syndrome have no (or very limited) ego masks, are and cursed at the same time. Until they learn to
capable of much more genuine contact, and teach recognize their talent and use it in the appropriate
us the incredible power and love we all have in our way, there is a lot of “work” on their path.
inner child. They are usually not really honored for There are many people who have these capabili-
what they bring to us; they mir ror our soul and ties. Alejandro Jodorowsky for example, obvi-
show us our own masks. Their therapeutic capabil- ously has a visual talent, which has come out in
his theatrical and film projects (Holy Mountain is

still an amazing movie), but his talent in spotting ries about holy men or guru’s claiming to transfer
the true issues in someone else made him a great magical power or consciousness via sex, are usu-
therapist, sug gesting to his clients psychomagical ally depicted as per verts. Maybe they are not;
acts, a brilliant way to let them change themselves there is enough old literature about sexual heal-
by reprogramming their consciousness. But then ing. The old Taoist and Tantric practices point at
he has magical hands, too; not only is he a master in this but this understanding is not part of what
massage, but in using the tarot (a combination of science and the medical world see as proven best
hands and visual interpretation of the symbolism practice.
arriving from the meta-dimensional space via the
cards). He is also a great magician. Sensitive and defensive
The most important lesson concerning holes in
Personal experience the mask is that there are people with talents that
My personal hole is using a pendulum as a way to have access to infor mation and acts beyond the
access extradimensional content. I have used this nor mal reality, but experience this as negative, as
technique so much, it has become a second nature problematic. These talents are usually not recog-
and works very fast and usually without much dis- nized, which can lead to isolation and defensive
tortion due to projection mechanisms. At first it behavior that impacts one’s life seriously. Once
required much focus and a ritual like concentration recognized and accepted, this is a gift with posi-
stage, later I flipped into divination mode by just tive possibilities.
pulling out a pendulum. I am fascinated by these As a final remark about this, this hypothesis (for
capabilities, partly because I also have a tendency scientific proof is not what I offer) points at a
to focus on seeing the trueness and quality of whole class of “magical” talents, that are not rec-
things, people, and organizations. This focus on ognized as such. However, these can also be seen
“truth” and especially the sensitivity for weakness as justification of behavior or acts that have
in people and organizations helped me a lot in my nothing to do with it, we can hide behind hyper-
profession as a journalist and media-entrepreneur, sensitivity or specialness, the feeling of being dif-
but also in diagnostic therapeutic context like in ferent can be abused. Parents have a tendency to
using my Lucidity approach. label the deviant behavior of their children as
Unfortunately, I am less apt than for instance special, gifted, supertalented or as caused by an
Jodorowsky in perceiving this visually. For some inborn disease. I only have to point at the fash-
reason I don’t easily see with my third eye. My ionable issues like ADHD and the Violet or In-
hands are not magically open; I have to use a digo children. These labels have been picked up
backdoor technique like dowsing with a pendulum by parents and therapists, covering all kinds of
to access the metadimensional, but with a lot of deficiencies in health, education, food, and up-
training this has become like a second nature now. bringing. I have yet to see the geniuses and mira-
My second magical or hypersensitive area is the cle workers that grew out of all these exception-
genital, where I can perceive some of the veracity ally gifted but misunderstood Indigo children
and truthfulness of the sexual. Not an easy talent, that were identified by the parents more than a
for in practice this means I don’t get excited when decade ago.
there isn’t a good measure of truth in the partner Identifying holes in the mask and special gifts will
or the situation. require careful examination and testing. There is
I also noticed that this talent has developed over a lot of projection, even in looking at oneself, and
time. When I was younger I was, let’s say, less picky, I therefore cannot ignore the sug gestion that
but more and more I am influenced by the level of maybe my whole theory about this is just a fabri-
authenticity and sincerity. Now society or even cated justification for my own deficiencies.
sexologists are not really aware of this, and people
with problems of a similar nature are seen as pa-
tients, not as potential sex-magicians. Those who
understand or intuit more and there are many sto-

16 Consciousness: the root of all

What is reality anyway? Not coincidentally consciousness is on the fron-

At Mount Tamalpais near San Francisco one tier between science and religion, somewhere be-
sunny afternoon while looking at the mountain tween nor mal spacetime and the otherworld.
(and being on LSD) I ‘received’ this line of po- This resonates with my position that ritual is a
etry, a personal revelation about the nature of ob- way to transcend the nor mal reality and makes
ser vation and consciousness: looking at consciousness a fundamental necessity
in this book. Where will it lead to? I will develop
in this chapter a model where human conscious-
Between me and the mountain, but God to enjoy
ness is the boundary process that deals with the
border between the ‘nor mal’ dimensions and the
Some trippy truths dissolve in the light of ‘nor - unseen, extradimensional world. I must warn the
mal’ reason, but this one had a deeper meaning. reader that things like consciousness, time, causa-
The triangle of observer, object, and God is a tion and even will are overlapping, as these are
deep Sufi symbolism. There is the joy of creation deeply interconnected, so I have to repeat some
shared between the three. Then there is the of the arguments already made in previous
deeper meaning of the archetypical mountain chapters.
representing mankind, suffering, and the aspira-
tion of the manifested to reach into the heavens. Even with all modern brain research the phe-
It took me years to embrace this all. It remains a nomenon of consciousness at the various levels
poetic line that immediately reconnects me to remains a largely unexplained enigma. However,
that moment and that vision, but also to the in the context of ritual and magic I am still curi-
happiness and grace it represents. ous to know or at least frame in some kind of
Whenever I wander in those meaty theories model what happened between me, the mountain
about quantum-physics or get lost in the lengthy and the meta-dimensional that I poetically called
treatises of philosophers, scientists and mages, I God. It could be described as an experience of
come down to the same simple image: Me, God, the three worlds (psyche, world, spiritual) inter-
the world. acting. It was a mutual reflection process, where
Who cares about the difference, about the sepa- the three entities mir ror each other resulting in
ration, as there is this memory of unity, of enjoy- bliss and deep awareness. But what are these
ment? I was, and am, absolutely aware of that three entities? The inner me, the I, is not tangible.
mountain’s participation in the joy of being. The mountain I can see and touch, but the moun-
When scientists try to frame or catch that rela- tain entity is again virtual, and God is present but
tionship in matrices, wave descriptions, probabil- not touchable. It’s all obviously a matter of reso-
ity theorems, or whatever theory or hypothesis, nance, being in and out of time. The experience
they only approximate to what is. was short but not instantaneous, and it felt very
One could call this experience an expanded state real in space. The trees on the mountain ridge
of consciousness but then we face the dilemma were kind of talking to me, I felt myself sitting
of defining what consciousness is. there, the sun was there, the mountain breeze,
and yet there was this overlay, this superimposed
This chapter is about consciousness and is maybe expanded reality.
the core part of this book, but what a tricky sub- This consciousness experience, with the help of
ject it is. There are so many definitions, religious Albert Hofmann’s problem child, had a ritual
positions, scientific demarcation lines, issues like context. I prepared the trip, looked for a location,
free will, time, the divine. Consciousness is, like noted set and setting, opened up and made con-
love, a very broad and vague subject and I have tact with the otherworld. Resonance happened
touched on many aspects already. and the magical result was expanded conscious-

ness, with a simple line of poetry as a
reminder. Maybe there were other
effects, some rewired connections in
my brain, experiences like this do
change you.
In terms of my ritual matrix model,
the set, setting and magic aspects
were there. The result I brought
back was maybe a rationalized inter-
pretation of something pre pro-
grammed in my brains or psyche,
but so what? Maybe this had nothing
to do with free will or initiative on
my part and just had to be so. If that
was so, it was a mighty impressive
I reached another state, and again
the word consciousness comes up.
On that mountain I felt I made a
connection with the ultimate con-
sciousness of the metadimensional Consciousness is a process, an operation on the border between the normal and the
reality known as God. It was limited extradimensiona. It allows looking beyond the tangible. The magical state allows
in the sense that my consciousness looking (acting) outside, the mystical means letting it in.
of many other things and even
much of my body awareness had
the seen and the unseen and is a process in time,
evaporated, but at the same time another part of
not really a state. It’s gatekeeping, the control of
my awareness was clearly expanding beyond the
the exchange between the worlds, the place or
portal where we interact with the extradimensi-
Isness onal. It’s were the special non rational conscious-
Expanded consciousness as I experienced it then ness ‘organs’ I called primes come into play. Even
and at many other occasions for me relates to a as simply equating consciousness with experi-
state of being, more than just a mind-state. It is ence is a tempting idea, then experience should
being more close to the deep I, the true self, in a include the perception of the otherworldly and
more intimate connection to the otherworld. It intangible. And how about describing conscious-
offered me a different view and experience of the ness as experiencing just the intangible other-
relation between my inner and outer world. Wil- world, leaving awareness as the interface to the
liam Wordsworth called it ‘deeply interfused’, be- normal reality?
ing between the world of ideas and the outside re- In a diagram that somewhat resembles Scho-
ality, between the cold facts and wisdom, between penhauer’s notion of the universe and the human
the daily rational reality and the more complete position, I have indicated how one could see hu-
isness, the being and the not being. man consciousness in relation to the wider di-
mensional. Humans (the little faces) nor mally op-
I think understanding consciousness, self con- erate in the space-time tangible world, but com-
sciousness and the wider consciousness is essen- municate with what lies beyond (the intangible,
tial and crucial in understanding ritual. Ritual is an the extradimensional, the spiritual, the platonic
act and experience at the border between the world of ideas) via those primes. It is like having
worlds, and that is exactly where consciousness little windows looking out of the tangible. One
processes happen. What we call (human) con- can receive (mystical) or act (magical) and some-
sciousness is concerned with the border between times even venture really outside the nor mal in

what then could be called another state of con- come up with great views about how memory,
sciousness. It happens that some people remain consciousness and perception are related in our
in such a state. They are cut off from nor mal real- brain, but have not really answered the question
ity and we might then call them saints or lunatics about what consciousness is.
and burn or isolate them.
This picture is just a starting point to deal with the Conscience, what has it to do with con-
complex subject of consciousness, but illustrates sciousness
the fact that I see it as a border-process, as what Before I go into what conscious is at various lev-
happens at the dividing line between the tangible els, I would like to point at an important aspect of
and intangible. consciousness, that is the relation with willful, in-
tentional action. As I have already pointed out in
Ritual is in essence an act of border transgres- the chapter about will, Schopenhauer referred to
sion. It acts upon our personal consciousness Will as the ultimate, divine presence, but one
(mindset), social consciousness (set) and extra- could easily exchange that with the wider con-
dimensional consciousness. I know this is a dar- sciousness. The essential cause of all, as I see con-
ing and idealistic statement. Materialistic science sciousness, is also the prime mover and thus the
tends to see consciousness as some function of will that makes things happen.
neurons and the brain and there are many theo- When we consciously try to change things, and
ries and experiments to that effect, but nobody we do so in serious rituals, we are or should be
has identified a thought as such. When I argue aware of the consequences, in other word con-
that consciousness is the interworld resonance science. Just responding to external signals, pres-
mechanism, the link between the tangible and the sure or reacting to physical situations is not really
intangible, I know the ice is thin. wilful, premeditated or intentional. It is when we
However, this is all based on the models I have make decisions about action (or wilful non-ac-
presented so far such as the distinction between tion) that the whole mechanism of inner deliber-
self and I, between assumed self and true self, the ations, cognitive dissonance, inner critic and what
multiple time divisions and the use of primes to not, starts to happen.
connect beyond the tangible. But obviously this carries over in automatic mode
I will concentrate here on my notions, in the ap- behavior, conscience becomes like a program, an
pendices you will find much more reference ma- automatic reference. When we just do things not
terial and what other people came up with con- really hindered by conscious restraints, our un-
cerning consciousness. conscious conscience or inner knowing guides
Hard consciousness us.
There are ways of looking at consciousness not It is when there is doubt, when there is inner con-
related to the extradimensional or ritual, but to flict between our subpersonalities, when maybe
different modes of thinking and brain activity. one part of us says yes, the other no, then the
Neuro-scientists often refer to patients and cases question of conscience surfaces. It’s not the deep
of people with abnor mal cognitive functions in ocean of unconscious, intuitive acts and drives
their books and theories about what conscious- that concerns us when thinking about morality,
ness, memory and perception could be. These sit- but it’s the stormy surface, the crest of waves and
uations, often related to brain damage due to acci- undercur rents that create the foam of uncer-
dents, diseases, operations or birth defects have tainty, where conscience starts to matter.
taught us a lot about the mechanics of the brain Thus what we consider to be our conscience mat-
and led to interesting models and theories. They ters only on the battlefield of the subjective and
are however, mostly concerned with tangible de- assumed realities, where we refer to codices, laws
for mities or defects and how these work out in and prescribed morality, the divine charter com-
behavior, and these days show up in MRI and ing from the heavens. This is where the moralists,
PET-scans and neurochemical changes. Interest- the ethical philosophers and theologians come in
ing work and people like Antonio Damasio have

with their explanations, guilt trips and threats These fuller reality events are experienced as far
about hell, karma and damnation. more interconnected, they are not just material
The real question about morality goes beyond in- results of prior rational causes but are related to
stances where we deliberate, weigh arguments, truly new acts, thoughts and emotions. They can
decide between alternatives. It is beyond Kant’s have a different cause than the past, they are the
practical intelligence “Vernunft”, I even argue it result of free will and even are influenced by the
transcends his categorical imperative, it has roots future or what we project the future to be. We
in the extradimensional. Morality ultimately, be- have to extend the range of causes and logical
yond rational arguments, is metaphysical. I argue consequences.
it exist in the extradimensional and we can sense it Therefore the notion arises, call it feeling, aware-
as a deeper knowing, a true knowing through the ness, personal consciousness or faith that there is
primes that guides us in all other situations and direction and meaning, even if we don’t rationally
actions. perceive it as such. We are not living in a stochas-
This is where we have to make a connection be- tic chaos of quantum chance, humans are not an
tween the subjective and objective realities, where accidental emergence in a materialistic universe.
the real I comes into play. Morality and con- It was Western rational Cartesian thinking and
science are not rooted in our mask existence, or in the denial of the magical that forced us to aban-
the masks that institutions, churches, academia don this awareness, relegating it to the realm of
and psychiatry wear. We only have them there as religion, superstition, and primitive belief. How-
programs, automatic routines. ever, a quick scan around us and we see that most
I will argue in this chapter, that our human con- human beings do not adhere to the ‘modern’
sciousness is the link between the nor mal and the standard of rationalism. We are still dreamers, be-
extradimensional, a jump outside the realm of lievers, we have ideals, assume free will and voli-
time. In that sense consciousness is not only tion, all things incompatible with rational (in)de-
linked to memory of the past, but also to a ‘mem- ter minism. Observe the shamans, the rainma-
ory’ (for lack of a better word) of the future, a kers, witchdoctors, magicians (and stock-bro-
concept explained in the chapter about time. kers). Join the aboriginals in their Dreamtime rit-
Levels uals. Who can deny that it’s our rationality that is
Consciousness has levels, starting with simple an isolated quirk, a late second millennium aber-
awareness, perception and then perception of the ration? And with what detrimental results; we
perception as in self consciousness and beyond have ruined our world, our genes, and the fabric
that the higher consciousness. Here already the of society.
question is what do I perceive? My wider reality Maybe, and this is a positivist remark, we just
on that mountain or in mystical moments is obvi- need to integrate it better, learn how to deal with
ously not the daily reality. I am more and more be- what our frontal lobe expansion brings us.
ginning to realize that the so-called nor mal is just
a subset of the miraculous, the magical. Consciousness interpretations
The isolated, local, unconnected events de- The word conscious comes in many flavors, and
scribed in physics textbooks are only particular definitions abound. For some it means aware-
instances, collapsed probability curves of a much ness, as in perceived reality, for others it is another
wider reality that includes the extra-dimensional. word for the greater all. The notion of higher lev-
I even wonder, is self-consciousness such a real els of consciousness is in itself used in many
step forward in evolution. Have we lost or ex- ways, think about God consciousness, super con-
changed it for something else? In my view self sciousness in yoga, buddhic consciousness in
consciousness often keeps us away from this Theosophy, cosmic consciousness or Christ con-
otherworld, the acceptance of this extra-dimen- sciousness. So for some it’s a cognitive and hu-
sional out there that is the starting point of this man human state, for others a basic category of
book. all. It’s one of those notions that we use to indi-

cate many different things and only the context brings awareness and even self-awareness, We are
helps to guess what is meant. self-conscious and for a long time have assumed
The word consciousness has to be specified as to that to be a rather human quality. At least some
what it means in context. In the appendix I will animals seem to share it with us, but where do we
refer to some of the notions, in this chapter I will draw the line? That consciousness is the root of
limit myself to just making a difference between all manifestation becomes more and more clear
the wider consciousness (the all, Universal mind, in quantum-physical terms, but what do they then
Brahman, Allah, super consciousness, etc.) and mean?
the lower levels of consciousness (of humans, It’s easy to equate it with great concepts and name
animals, trees and even matter), not unlike the dif- it chi, love, God, self reflected infor mation, the
ferentiation I make in levels of will (see the will ground of all or nature, but that doesn’t bring us
chapter). In our psyche there are also levels of much further in understanding it and using this
awareness and consciousness, but I will forego understanding to influence reality as in ritual. I
identifying them beyond the I-Me model, leaving think we have to see what connects conscious-
the fine distinctions between consciousness, ness and in the context of ritual, how do we deal
spirit and soul to others. with it.
The Christ Consciousness people like Blavatsky
or Edgar Cayce refer to, feels like a layer or level A different approach
and a pointer towards the awareness or knowl- There are many theories about consciousness,
edge of an ‘ultimate reality’ which traditional the- qualia (phenomenal experience), etc. but none
istic religion has named God. that explain the gap between brain and mind in a
In the limited cognitive definition it is the quality conclusive way. David Chalmers called the gap
or state of being aware of an external object or the hard problem of consciousness. The scien-
something within oneself. It has also been de- tific views on this range from ignoring there is
fined as: subjectivity, awareness, sentience, the such a problem as does Daniel Dennett who be-
ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, hav- lieves rather materialistically than we will one day
ing a sense of selfhood, and the executive control figure it out, to the New Mysterianism of Colin
system of the mind. McGinn who proposes that our human mind is
I will use it in that sense to describe brain pro- just not able to explain consciousness.
cesses, how memory works, awareness, etc. but
also in much broader way. I relate it not only to Consciousness and information
the higher consciousness used in religious con- The mind-body separation or dualism, which
text, but also to denote the common link in all and Descartes, Leibniz, Schopenhauer, T. Huxley and
between all, and as the overarching principle of many others came up amounts to little more than
manifestation. I thus don’t see it as exclusively hu- that the experience, the consciousness is different
man. Even self-consciousness, being conscious from the brains, the machine or the mill of the
of being conscious might not be exclusively hu- brain as Leibniz has tried to visualize it. We now
man. In the chapter about time I will even make can have, with all kind of techniques, a much
time part of the whole consciousness question closer look at the mill inside our skull, but
and argue that time is the vehicle of the overarch- Leibniz’s gap remains.
ing consciousness. Bear with me, it’s one of the
most complex and deep subjects in science and
metaphysical philosophy.

Understanding consciousness is the key to the

universe, at least for us humans. It’s a deep and
persistent issue in science. How can we bridge the
mind-matter gap? Consciousness, in the wider
sense of underlying all and everything, is what

Thoughts cannot be observed or perceived by
examining brain properties, events, and pro-
cesses. We can see what pain or a specific image
effects in the brain, we can cause certain images
to appear by stimulation, but the pain as experi-
ence is not the brain process. There is no real ex-
planation, but theories abound how perception,
consciousness and memory are related and
function in the brain. I will deal with some of the
existing views on consciousness in the appendix.

My view, consciousness is the control

Consciousness must be a resonance and mir ror-
ing process. It is a control mechanism, bouncing
and mir rored between layers of sensed, pro-
jected and constructed perception on the border
between the worlds. Its physical manifestation as
electric pulses and brain processes is just the ma- the ther mostat of the central heating, but most
terial print. It allows us to function, sense, act, will biological functions are feedback loops. We per-
and sur vive, keeps the genes in the pool and of- ceive something, or measure as in technical feed-
fers explanations to keep us busy and maybe back systems, then compare this to the undis-
happy. It could be a totally illusory thing, just as turbed (homeostatic) situation and then adapt the
perceived reality might be a construction, but let’s parameters of the system, like changing the set-
assume it makes sense. tings. Most systems do this automatically. Biolog-
Now I argue that consciousness is the gate- ical systems are great in this respect, they function
keeping mechanism with the extradimensional. and adapt autonomously. That our body temper-
It’s a combination of the still somewhat material ature, acidity, blood pressure, and what not, is
(measurable) senses, memory input and retrieval kept within nar row boundaries is not nor mally
on the one hand and the immaterial on the other. noticed. Only in cases where the disturbance is
too heavy for the system we will notice it, we fall
ill etc. In society and business too feedback is how
we manage things. We measure against the stable
state or the aspiration level (target value) and feed
this back into the loop.
Feedforward is the other control mechanism, and
in a simplified model this is when we tweak the
system to counteract certain disturbances we see
coming, but don’t use feedback to control the re-
sult. Think about a heating system that by design
deals with the average temperature differences in
I limit this image to simple processes, a kind of the seasons. More advanced systems use combi-
flatlander view of a multidimensional situation, nations of feedback and feedforward. An exam-
but first I need to explain a bit about control ple of feedforward is when we are in a car and see
loops. a steep hill in the distance, we then speed up to
Control loops regulate many things, in technol- climb the hill more easily. In a pure feedback situ-
ogy and in our body. There is feedback and ation we would wait till we feel the car slowing
feedforward. We live in a world where feedback is down and then hit the accelerator pedal, but this
the predominant control mechanism. Not only would be less efficient. Now this example already
points to the problem, for by seeing the hill far

away, we are in fact measuring the approaching di<->mensional processes. It is reflected and
disturbance and using visual feedback. bounced back and forth between the layers and
For really effective feedforward it is nice if we modes of self and I, with self consciousness as a
knew the future, so we could anticipate and coun- special situation. In a wider sense, consciousness
teract the disturbance that is coming. We ap- is then how our psyche interacts with the wider
proach this of course by developing models to reality and acts beyond our manifested existence
predict the future, as when we take some preven- in normal space-time.
tive medicine if an epidemic is approaching. Is consciousness limited to life?
Again biological systems are great in this respect, This of course brings up the question whether
we wouldn’t be able to walk or climb a staircase if other life forms, animals and even lifeless matter
the eye-muscle coordination didn’t take care of also interact with that wider consciousness. Does
this, automatically. everything then have a soul of sorts, the vehicle
for consciousness we humans seem to possess?
Now brain research and again Benjamin Libet’s Are then all elementary particles of matter mere
experiments about volition have indicated that resonance patterns of consciousness, manifest-
actually much of what we consider a free choice, a ing in time and spatial energy? It has been specu-
wilful action, is already decided in the brain be- lated by a number of physicists like Jon Wheeler
fore we make what we think is a conscious deci- that all matter may have been conceived out of
sion. Now his and similar experiments are con- the fab ric of space as cur va tures of the
cerned with relatively simple, uncomplicated ac- space-time emptiness. I think even that is filled
tions, while I believe that true free will decisions with, or even is consciousness. This is something
require a different state of consciousness. Other I will deal with in the chapter about quantum
experiments have also shown that the brain reality.
sometimes shows a reaction before the stimulus
that should cause this has been perceived or even Let me sound a personal note again. Just a quite
happened. This could be explained as a kind of different notion of consciousness, to show that
premonition, the unconscious part of the brain we can see things differently. From my window in
knows the future or at least signals not a response my bedroom I can see some majestic trees and in
but a warning. the morning they are my friends, greeting me, re-
I want to point out that this allows effective feed- flecting the green I need to compensate for what
forward. And we experience this, at least I often the solar spectrum lacks. Trees remind me that we
do. I will do something a bit unexpected, like in and the animals are just plants that decided to
traffic, without a real cause and then realize that move and thus carry a bit of earth with us in our
this has prevented an accident or something. stomach, a notion Cyberphilosopher Jaron La-
Again, this might be ex-post rationalization or nier shared with me once. Looking at the trees, I
justification, but it happens often enough to sug - live in a windy country, I noticed they are far more
gest that indeed I or my body self protection sys- than just photosynthetic transfor mation devices,
tem perceive the future. Others could call this they are also very efficient at transforming wind
their guardian angel or synchronicity. For me it’s into fluid pressure. Their leaves are little pumps
evidence for the existence of sense organs, the that make sure the water containing the nutrition
primes I discussed earlier, that sense the future. they need gets up there. Far in the distance I can
In my model this means a connection to the other also see these huge manmade wind turbines, how
time dimension in the extra-dimensional realm. clumsy compared to what the trees do so
This feeling the future is also relevant in the magi- elegantly.
cal and ritual context as this allows for prophecy So concerning consciousness, I often feel a con-
and divination. nection with the trees, mostly when I allow it, in
So all leads to arguing that human consciousness quiet moments when I open up to nature, in my
is a mixture of feedback in the sense realm of inner child state. I don’t really talk to them, but
nor mal reality and feedforward in the extra- they make things clear, for example that they need

water. I tend to pump too much from my well to gled” than we? Entangled means there was a close
provide water to the plants and greens in my gar- connection like a spin pairing. Everything origi-
den, so the roots of the trees get dry and so they nates (science claims) from a single Big Bang mo-
warn me. Maybe it’s just a shade of green that I ment, where we can assume all and everything
pick up but the message is quite clear. was entangled. The idea that everything is still
For me there is some level of consciousness in connected in this non-locality perspective could
trees, actually in all manifested reality and be- be inter preted that in the extradimensional
yond. I actually think that trees communicate everyting happens instantaneous, outside of time
much better with nature around them than we and place.
think, they are well connected. There I even got So if everything, down to the smallest particle or
the notion that they have a dreamstate communi- energy-blip, is connected, then our level of
cation mode. I would like to see an experiment self-consciousness is maybe far removed from
where two separated patches of forest, not too the not-selfconsciousness of ‘lower’ manifesta-
far apart, are fed different amounts of water to tion, but that is a matter of perspective. Maybe
see if the trees collectively will call in more rain in the lower levels feels more connected, more
the patch that is really short of water. Of course ‘happy’, more content with just being. This could
true believers in a pantheistic universe will point imply that self-consciousness and the outgrown
at how they talk to their plants and how this helps. frontal lobe gives us something, but at the cost of
Experiments in Findhorn and elsewhere have something else. G. Gurdjieff hinted at that with
demonstrated the positive effects of human at- his “Kundabuffer” organ tale in ‘Beelzebub’s
tention to plants. I would argue for much more tales to his grandson‘. Maybe we are not pro-
connectedness among plants and in fact all mat- gressing, but just transforming from one con-
ter. Rupert Sheldrake with his morphogenetic sciousness state to another, organizing our world
resonance field theory has of course made a in only a seemingly negentropic (negative entropy
strong case for some kind of form-infor mation = more organized) way.
exchange or field. But as it’s old folk lore that fruit
trees anticipate the next year in the amount of
fruit they produce, they must have either
prophetic capabilities or feel certain rhythms
like El Niño.

For a notion that is too far out, Eastern sages

sug gest it helps to look at what it is not. Try to
imagine what it is to be not conscious and then
of course the notion of unconscious comes to
mind. Maybe it’s better to talk about the
not-selfconscious and my notion of levels
there is not unique. The Jains, an Indian reli-
gion, don’t talk about consciousness but about
sentience and recognize different levels, start-
ing with water, the homeopaths must like that.
Concerning levels, what if consciousness does
not increase with complexity, but decreases,
that the smallest particles are more connected
to the all than we humans, who think we are at
the top of the pyramid. That the trees are
maybe less self-conscious, but more aware
about what happens to them than we. That par- Going deeper towards the dissolution of identity we pass from the
ticles at the quantum-level are more “entan- human down to the primordial unconscious.

What is not-selfconscious? The Soul and Consciousness
Going deeper into the not-selfconsciousness I The soul can be seen as the origin of conscious-
will try to specify levels in the inner-me, the core. ness, but then what is the soul, do animals have a
Talking about the psyche and the selves earlier I soul, etc. There are these old questions, like how
didn’t go in great detail there. The more common much does your soul weigh? This is related to the
notions of shadow, persona and archetypes notion that the soul leaves the body as we die.
(Jung) for me offer less of logical framework in There is no definite evidence of a physical effect,
this respect. There are however many stories but it has been researched.
about people moving through levels of con- The soul is a somewhat vague concept, it has
sciousness in altered states. They report going been used as a synonym for spirit, mind, psyche
through stages, from the human to the primordial or self, and the general idea is present in many re-
essence. The 1980 Ken Russell movie ‘Altered ligious, philosophical, and psychological tradi-
States’, inspired by the sensory deprivation re- tions. One usually sees it as the incorporeal (non
search of John C. Lilly, illustrates this process tangible) and, in a religious context as the
vividly. immortal essence.
So I made another graphic model of the core me, There is an overlap with consciousness, for which
representing a different model of the structure we have found no material ground either, but it
of the unconscious. In this I indicate the layers of lies deeper, it could be seen as our presence in the
the unconscious as each covering more primitive otherworld, in the extradimensional. Humans are
but essential not-selfconscious shells. In the mid- supposed to have a soul, and as we are supposedly
dle there is the inner flame, the essential I without very special in the anthropocentric perspective of
any identity. religions, even an immortal soul.
This might be, for many, a somewhat surprising I agree that whatever the soul is, it is outside of
picture. I admit it’s not the only way to indicate ar- time and space limitations. When religions talk
eas and layers of the unconscious. It does how- about souls as being capable of union with the di-
ever correlate with experiences in a deep psyche- vine, I interpret that as humans being able to
delic trance or near death experience. People reach that realm. But even in the traditional reli-
come back to tell about a trip that carried them as gious view animals have a soul or something like
if down the rungs of the evolutionary ladder. De- it. Thomas Aquinas attributed “soul” (anima) to
scending from human to animal to plant to inani- all organisms but only human souls are immortal.
mate matter and then the primordial cosmos. And what about things without DNA, objects
This experience, as expressed in the graphic, car- like crystals, rocks, mountains, the earth (Gaia
ries the message that the deeper we go, and thus Anima Mundi), the sun, the cosmos, the Higgs
sur render more of the ego identity, the more we boson? Soul and consciousness in the wider
become the non-self, descending via uncon-
scious levels we share with animals, plants, and
even mere matter.
One way to interpret this is to see that the reso-
nance of self-conscious manifestation and thus
captivity in time and space disappears. Letting
go of manifestation and thus identity means
oneness with the all (or nothingness in the mate-
rial sense). This graphic is in a way counter-intu-
itive, and requires some contemplation. Of
course there are more than four layers, in fact
there is an endless multitude of consciousness
levels, but the four kingdoms will do to make the
point. Consciousness as a combination of feedforward (in the inner self via
the primes) and feedback (in the assumed self via the normal senses)

sense come close, but in the limited sense of con- He defined the soul as nothing other than “what a
sciousness as related to awareness, perception, human indicates by saying ‘I’.” A statement I
self consciousness, they are far apart. rather like. His soul and my extra-dimensional I
are similar concepts. Kant identified the soul with
“The brain is a computing machine connected with a the “I” in the strictest sense. Remember my
spirit. Consciousness is connected with one unity. A ma- graphic of the separation of me and I as different
chine is composed of parts. The active intellect works on dimensions, the I thus as outside and perpendicu-
the passive intellect which somehow shadows what the lar to tangible daily reality.
Soul is just one of those words of which there are
former is doing and helps us as a medium. I don’t think
so many different interpretations. James Hill-
the brain came in the Darwinian manner. In fact, it is
man‘s archetypal psychology sees
disprovable. Simple mechanism can’t
‘soul’ as a more psychological issue.
yield the brain. I think the basic ele- Then there is H. Blavatsky’s Theo-
ments of the universe are simple. Life sophical notion that the soul, not be-
force is a primitive element of the uni- ing immortal, is both active in the
verse and it obeys certain laws of ac- field of our psychological activity
tion. These laws are not simple, and (thinking, emotions, memory, desires,
they are not mechanical. ” Kurt will, and so on) as well as in so-called
Gödel paranor mal or psychic phenomena
such as extrasensory perception and
out-of-body experiences. The spirit is
Soul in Antiquity then the eternal real self. Mostly these
The Ancient Greeks used the dis tinc tions are a matter of
Khnum's potters wheel with the definition.
same word for ‘alive’ as for
ka double
‘ensouled’, the soul gave the body
life. The soul was considered the Consciousness and soul
incorporeal or spiritual ‘breath’ which animates While the word soul has many meanings anyway,
the living organism. The word pneuma was also it is generally used to denote the incorporeal and,
used to indicate the soul. Plato considered the in many conceptions, immortal essence of a per-
soul the essence of a person, but more as we see son, living thing, or object. In the Jewish-Chris-
personality, guiding how we behave. He consid- tian-Islamic (Abrahamic) religions souls, or at
ered this essence to be an incorporeal, eternal oc- least souls capable of union with the divine are
cupant of our being. The Platonic soul has three exclusively human. There are incidents like St.
parts. There is the logos, or logistikon (mind, Francis preaching to the birds or the Koranic no-
nous, or reason), the thymos (emotion or spirit- tion that animals have to appear for Allah, but in
edness) and the eros (appetitive desire). Plato’s general humans are considered special. The scho-
tripartite theory of soul is set out in ‘The Repub- lastic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed
lic‘ where he argues that these parts correspond “soul” (anima) to all organisms but stated that
to the three classes of a just society. @Nor mal = only human souls are immortal. Other religions
Aristotle had a more materialistic view and de- like Jainism teach that all biological organisms
nied the soul had a separate existence from the have souls. The animistic view is that non-biolog-
physical body. He located the soul in the heart ical entities such as rivers and mountains possess
and identified three hierarchical levels of the soul souls, which might include certain places, trees
in living things: plants, animals, and people. and objects like stones and crystals.
The 13th century Arab physician Ibn al-Nafis If we equate manifestation to being imbued with
stated that: a soul, I believe everything manifested in time
“the soul is related primarily neither to the spirit nor to and thus place has some level of soul. In more
any or gan, but rather to the entire matter whose temper- scientific terms, if we assume extra dimensions,
ament is prepared to receive that soul,” this soul (the part of everything that exists in

those extra dimensions) through where memory is not anchored in
consciousness is the link between physiological traces in the brain.
the nor mal and the In other directions were very ad-
extradimensional. A more palpa- vanced. Their building skills were
ble image is to speak about every- amazing. There are indications
thing having roots in the extra-di- that their large stone construc-
mensional, like a shadow image of tions were made with a technique
manifestation. to create a concrete very similar
To take the soul concept to its to stone. But even more amazing
other extreme, Anima mundi and was their accuracy, they were so
the Hindu Atman or the Buddhist precise that the pyramids can
Dharmic Atman are concepts of a now be dated because they used
“world soul.” stars to align them with true
Soul is also a synonym for spirit, mind, psyche or north and the four cardinal directions, and even
self. It is related to the notion of being “bound” had certain shafts pointing at specific stars. There
in life, it is released at death, but maybe sticking is still debate about the exact building date of the
around afterwards. Think about the practice of Cheops pyramid for example, although 2450
ritually binding or restraining the corpse of the BCE +/- 25 years is generally accepted. This is
deceased in graves by mummifying to prevent his also roughly the dating of Stonehenge and it is
or her return as a ghost. likely that more bronze-age sanctuaries date from
this period, indicating there was some communi-
Egytian cosmology cation between the Mesopotamian, Egyptian and
Egypt had a fascinating culture and it’s one of the other civilisations.
ancient cultures where a rich written legacy is
available from about 3400 BCE maybe even pre- Heka
dating Mesopotamian phonetic symbols. It was The Egyptians had a God of medicine and magic
partly in hieroglyphs but we can now read most called Heka and referred to “magic” as heka,
of them and there is the parallel but more pho- meaning (James P. Allen) “the ability to make
netic hieratic script used to write on papyrus. It things happen by indirect means”. Magic was
was a culture where the sacred and the profane seen as the cause of many thing, even as the force
were hardly separated. Everything was holy and used to create the universe. It was employed by
related to the overarching fertility issue of the the gods to work their will and by humans who
Nile and it’s flooding. Fertility was thus the basis knew how, had the special knowledge. These
of their life and rituals, which gave women a more were obviously the priests who had access to sa-
or less equal status, unusual in most other cul- cred texts such as the books of the dead and
tures. Magic was everywhere, ritual was part of among other things did divination and per-
everyday life and philosophy limited to the practi- formed healing in special places in the temples.
cal. Their philosophy and theology was not very At the level of common people there were more
critical and accepted overlaps and layering of accessible forms of magic, which still exist in all
deities, rituals and cosmological views. African cultures. Spells, divination, amulets,
The Egyptians were quite knowledgeable, but in snake charming and healing must have been part
some respects not very developed. Their under- of nor mal life too, as can be deduced from the
standing of the human physiology was a bit odd, enor mous amounts of amulets preserved. Incan-
as they ascribed far greater importance to the tations, hymns and rituals were seen as magical,
heart than to the brains, they did not preserve the temples and shrines as places and ways to prevent
brains in the mummification procedure. This or overcome negative events.
leaves me with the sug gestion, that they maybe Egyptians believed that with heka they could in-
saw our brains as a mere antenna. This ties in with fluence the gods and gain protection, healing and
some more modern views of the mind at large, transfor mation. The word entails activation of

the ka, an aspect of the soul of both gods and hu- rheumatism and malaria, but little traces of can-
mans. Health and wholeness of being were sa- cer have been found in the mummies. Upper class
cred and associated with Heka, the divine person- people were often overweight and adult life
ification of magic There is no word for religion in expectancy was about 35 for men and 30 for
the ancient Egyptian language, mundane and reli- women.
gious world views were not distinct. Thus heka The heart (jb or Ieb) was very special, it was seen
was not a secular practice but rather a religious as the essence of life, the seat of the mind with its
observance. emotions, intelligence, and moral sense, more so
The basic focus of Egyptian culture was the sec- than the brains. The heart was believed to be the
ond chakra, fertility but also lust, pleasure and center of all consciousness, even the center of
probably sex. Women were, in their worldview, life itself. This metaphysical heart was believed to
more or less equal to men. The Egyptians were be formed from one drop of blood from the
practical people, literally down to earth, less in- child’s mother’s heart, taken at conception. It was
clined to speculate about theological or philo- the seat of emotion, thought, will and intention.
sophical issues. Rituals, irrigation, agriculture and The heart gave human life its direction, contained
the afterlife and death were more important. a record of its moral past, and after death was
The body was a magical platform, but differently weighed by Anubis against a feather representing
understood from the way we do in modern medi- Ma’at. The final judgment however was not influ-
cine. Some techniques like embalming and trepa- enced by the social position of the deceased.
nation were well developed. It turns out that trep- The actual understanding of the heart’s function
anation or making holes in the skull was not un- was limited. They described how from the heart
common in even stone age cultures, we can only tubular channels (metu) linked all parts of the
speculate why, some claim expanded conscious- body together. Like irrigation channels, they de-
ness is behind it. Scientifically, the Egyptians livered not only blood, but also air, tears, saliva,
were well developed. They probably started out mucus, sperm, nutriment and even bodily waste.
with some inherited techniques and capabilities The brain was less important. Its only real func-
from Sumeria, or even Atlantis or other earlier tion was thought to be to pass mucus to the nose,
civilizations, but were pretty ignorant about the so it was one of the organs that were discarded
biological causes. They attributed diseases and during mummification. The heart was preserved
bad luck to demonic influences or bad thoughts. and even protected by a scarab image, a beetle.
Their doctors were good healers and some like Maybe their dismissive treatment of the brain
Imhotep became famous. They had diseases like was because they realized that the brains are the
seat of self-consciousness and
would be a en cum brance to
functioning in the otherworld.
One way to look at the Egyptian
cosmological view, sug gested by
Chris Goldfrap, is to see our nor -
mal existence as a theater, where
the stars play out their battles with
us as their proxies, This ties in
with Leary’s idea of earth being a
laboratory of some higher level
The heart is a god, the stomach is its
The inscription of Nebneteru
Egyptian notion of the realms. The God Shu holds up the Sky Goddess Nut Death was a complex affair, the
with the Earth God Geb beneasth Nut. funeral rites were complex, in-

volved embalming and much ritual. The afterlife sometimes mentioned to denote the akh as the id,
was what certainly concerned the rulers. They the name as the ego and the ka as the super-ego,
had the means to ensure that their identity parts but this doesn’t make much sense.
like the ka were taken care of, that their names For if we look at it from the perspective of the
were preserved and thus could aspire to become three Egyptian worlds, underworld, earth and
literally stars (akh) in the sky after they died and heavenly world, with the Sun RA (or RE) as the
passed the tests. The Egyptian rulers were resur - one that circles all (and throws shadows), it makes
rectionists believing that when they died they sense to see the heavenly world as something
could be reborn as a star (akh) in the ‘Kingdom which for the Egyptian was a real sky-world,
of Osiris.’ When Egyptians looked at the sky, above them, but only accessible for mortals (and
they saw it as a real place and the stars as pharaohs especially kings) after death.
and deities. To exist there after the body died re- Gary Gilligan (in “the God King Scenario” with
quired that one had to prepare, but also that some Velikovsky lore) made the point that the
earthly existence had to have a counterpart in the whole notion of Upper and Lower Egypt might
otherworld, the heavenly realm. not refer to the geographical North/ South divi-
sion, but to the earthly and the heavenly realms.
The Egyptian soul Lower Egypt or Earth was, in his view, home to
The notions about the otherworld and the soul humans. An inter mediate region was occupied by
we find in the Egyptian cosmology have value if human ‘doubles,’ and Upper Egypt or the ‘land
only because they have lasted for more than three above’ was home to the eternal form of humans,
millennia and demonstrate a refined and complex the ‘all powerful’ stars that were divine. The up-
worldview. Even though archeology and the per world was reflected in the lower, so part of
study of the ancient texts has revealed much one’s identity or soul was a kind of mir ror of the
about how the ancient Egyptians lived, per- heavens, an astrological image.
formed their rituals and buried their death, there We can divide the various beings and soul parts
is no clear account of their culture. Their view is according to the location. Humans in this world
complex, but somehow for me resonates better (Lower Egypt) and then the deceased (at least
with the common denominator in a wide range those lucky enough to be taken care of) and dei-
of cultures, even better than the view of people ties above, plus some messengers in between.
like Freud. Who didn’t make it up there died not only here,
The ancient Egyptian view of what made up a but in the underworld. The moral value of every-
human being is complex. Apart from the physical body’s life was weighed against the feather of
body (khat) there were a number of constituents Ma’at. This underworld or netherworld is also
forming a psyche or a soul, or rather a multifac- where the Sungod Ra goes at night.
eted presence in two time dimensions and three So the different souls or soul parts were different
worlds. There are the ka (kA, the twin), ren (rn, stages, belonging to different realms.
the name), shut (shadow), the ba (soul), sahu The ka (kA)
(spirit-body) and akh (star). Other attributes were Ka seems to be the active part of one’s being, the
an individual’s khu (“spiritual intelligence”) and life-force or potency, that what makes us act and
sekhem (“power”). There are some eight manifest. The Egyptians believed that animals,
non-material parts or identities named beside the plants, water and even stones had their own ka,
physical body, so it’s rather complex. indicating some connection with consciousness
The ka is like a double, the ren is the name and re- or sentience. Heka or magic thus applied to ev-
mains close to the body, but the shut, the ba, sahu erything. The human ka, as its vital essence, was a
and akh were more mobile and independent and constant companion of the body in life and
could appear and act separately from the body. It death, a kind of spiritual double, manifested
is hard to translate these terms, and even harder from birth on. It was also immortal if taken care
to equate them with modern psychological or of by real or virtual nourishment in the form of
philosophical insights. The Freudian model is offerings after death.

The ka hieroglyph looks like two arms praying,
addressing the heavens, maybe honoring the as- The akh or star was then the fully resur rected and
trological persona. glorified form of a dead pharaoh in the next (sky)
The ka could be consciousness and the will to world, enduring and unchanging for all eternity,
manifest, it is with us as a double. So it isn’t a tan- the ‘powerful one.’ This star image makes me
gible part, but existing in the otherworld, beyond think of the Jewish star, with the male and female
time and space. The ka is establishing a connec- triangle moving into each other to form the star.
tion to the magical (heka). The ka as the nonphys- Now apart from the stars there must have been
ical ‘double’ emerged the moment a person was some more humanlike identity in the heavens, im-
born.. In many images the creator-god Khnum mortal and similar in form to the mortal body, liv-
was shown modeling the ka on a potter’s wheel at ing as before but in the Elysian fields. This is what
the same time as he was molding the body of a could be indicated by the sahu, the spirit-body or
human. Ka was there but invisible as long as a the repository of the soul as Wallis Budge, who
person lived, dwelling in the intermediate realm. first translated the Ani Book of the Dead, called
Ba it.
The ba hieroglyph contains a phoenix bird. It has The name (rn)
been translated as the noble part of the soul. The As a part of the soul, a person’s ren (rn is ‘name’,
ba was depicted watching over the physical body no vowels) was given to him or her at birth. The
after death, with the job to reunite it with the ka, Egyptians believed that the identity would live for
the deceased’s astral ‘twin’. I rather see the ba as as long as that name was spoken or read, which
indicating a process, it feels like the guide or vehi- explains the practice of placing it in numerous
cle, the indeed noble and timeless mentor of the writings. I think it’s a correspondence, a link be-
ka and the physical body, making sure they reach tween the physical and the spiritual. The name of
their destination. The ba providing for the time the ba and the ka is the foundation of a being as
after physical death (70 days of embalming pro- an individual existence. Names were vulnerable
cedures) an anchor, a to magic, but had to be preserved after death,
con science in the hence the many seals or cartouches encircled
magical for the more with a protective loop of rope with the name of a
earth-bound ka. It deceased Pharaoh. In inscriptions of virtual of-
concerned usually a ferings crucial for sur vival in the hereafter the re-
pharaoh or deity, ba cipient had to be named. True names were hid-
was not as so ci ated den, this is com mon to many cul tures.
with mere mor tals. He-who-must-not-be-named shows up in Harry
The ba had an effect Potter.
on the world, like it The power or identity of the shadow or of the ka
carried and protected could be transferred to statues or images, the kas
a reputation, a (moral and powerful) superego were thought to reside in tomb statues. The ba re-
part of the psyche. This power also existed in sided in a statue in the likeness of the deceased,
some material things, there it was called bau. just in case the mummy got lost or damaged.
And yet the ba was magical, spells enabled it to as- Many statues in Egypt were destroyed or the
sume any shape and it had something to do with faces damaged, this has to do with this belief in
creativity and sex, it was often shown with an magical contagion, something that represented,
erect phallus. So the ba was also a (male) sexual touched or belonged to someone could be used
being, which needed food and drink after the magically for good or bad. A subsequent king or
body died. The ba moved about, sometimes in ruler didn’t want his predecessors present in any
the company of the shadow, but did not stray far form. Obliterating inscribed names or images
as in the night it unites with the ka of the body en- was a kind of postmortem punishment or re-
suring continued and sublime existence in heaven venge: the person was assigned to oblivion. This
(the Elysian Fields) in the afterlife. was probably the fate post-Amarnan pharaohs

The weigihing of the heart by Anubis

had in mind when they erased the name of portance of rituals assisting in the process of dy-
Akhenaten (Akhnaton). I believe that many of ing and transition is growing as more and more
what we call grave robbers were in fact sent by people these days choose conscious deaths
later rulers and were not mere criminals. (euthanasia).
The khaibit or shadow (Sw.t or shut).
The shadow is a crucial concept, in a land where Theurgy: Iamblichus
the sun is so much present. The line “the night is We owe some understanding of the Egyptian
the shadow of the earth” has multiple meanings, magic to Iamblichus (ca. CE 250-325) who is
literal and poetic, but also relates to the image of among the most important of the so-called Neo-
the sun, drawn across the sky in daytime but with platonic philosophers, second only to Plotinus.
a nighttime shadow in the underworld. Images, Under its abbreviated Latin title De Mysteriis
shadows, they were seen as cor respondences, Aegyptiorum (The Egyptian Mysteries), he an-
ways to connect to the person, before and after swers some critical questions of Plotinus’ disci-
death. ple Porphyry. Now Porphyry regarded the cere-
Everything has a shadow, so man must have one monial rites of Egyptian theurgy with distrust.
too and we see it depic ted as a black figure. Shad- He favored Mithraism, which prevailed in Asia,
ows were not negative things, under the hot while Iamblichus belonged rather to the cult of
Egyptian sun shadow was protective and came Serapis, which was the State religion of Egypt.
from Ra. It might have been something like a Iamblichus wrote about the Mysteries of the
guardian angel, a protector. Unlike the body, it Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians, also known
was supposed to have an entirely independent ex- as the Theurgia, and how this deals with a ‘higher
istence and to be able to separate itself from the magic’ which operates through the agency of the
body; it was free to move wherever it pleased, and gods.
shared with the ka and ba the offerings of real
and depicted food in the tomb. Deprivation and the soul
The medieval Arabic philosopher Avicenna in his
The notions of the Egyptians concerning the “Floating Man” thought experiment tried to sep-
soul are not clear, but the fact that they did recog- arate self consciousness from sensations. Imag-
nize two time dimensions neneh and djet (see the ining oneself suspended in the air, isolated from
chapter about time) makes their complex imagery all sensations, which includes no sensory contact
of identities and soul components fascinating. with even the own body. As one then, apart from
The idea of a ba assisting the soul to make the any sensation, would still have self-conscious-
transition comes back in other cultures, like in the ness, the soul therefore had to be a primary given,
Bardo Thodol of the Tibetan Buddhists. The im- a substance. People like John L<$I[]Lilly, J.>illy

have experimented with such a state, in so called more or less aware of. This awareness of self,
sensory deprivation conditions. He found that in having an image of who we are, is not there from
such a situation one could induce mystical experi- birth but develops slowly in a baby and keeps de-
ences, especially with the help of conscious-en- veloping all our life. Our identity develops too,
hancing substances and get closer to the soul. changes with every experience. We learn, store
the feedback we receive from our senses in work-
Personality, self-consciousness, identity ing memory and create a self image in our long
Apart from addressing the otherworld, rituals are term memory banks. We look at ourselves and it
psychological and social tools and they can help is in comparing what we see and what we want to
to evaluate who we are, help us grow and bring be (or think what we want to be) that we might
consciousness and self together. For ultimately change our identity, our assumed self or just that
our identity and self image dissolve. For true part of us that we show others. Others play a role
self-consciousness makes one aware of being not in this too, directly or indirectly, for much of what
different from someone else or from anyone or we display is based on what we think others think
anything else. The all is one experience, good and about us.
bad dissolve. One might get the impression, that the ego does-
n’t matter much, but in the nor mal world we can-
Who am I but my friends in me
not live without an assumed self, ego or identity.
Who are they but the Friend in me The idea that that ego is bad and should be elimi-
Then what about my enemy nated is false. It is the boundary mechanism that
Who is he, who is she? In me? makes up the individual consciousness. Without
it one would not exist as an individual. We cannot
The self in consciousness perspective really function in the world in the egoless state we
might attain in ritual. Our soul or eternal being
The addition of self to self-conscious ness,
has chosen the inner me as a vehicle, but this in-
self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, self-im-
cludes also the ego or ego-masks. We thus can ex-
age opens a can of worms, there are so many the-
perience individuality with personality, likes and
ories that offer explanations and models, that it is
preferences. Integration is what matters, not
hard to pinpoint what exactly is self-conscious-
ness. Again I have to limit myself and try to point
This whole process of working on the personal-
out how I see self consciousness in a different
ity, becoming aware of what we or the parents or
society made us believe is a rather complex pro-
One of the important difference I differ from
cess, but a fascinating one. Our self image and
most cur rent views is that I believe we all have
how it’s received by the world and correlated with
several subjective selves, at least and inner child
our experiences and inner expectations very
and one mask, sometimes more. Moreover that
much influences how we feel. Our personality
what we call consciousness I see as a process in-
and how it’s mir rored and reflected upon in the
volving communication (exchange) with a time-
worlds inside and outside makes us happy, un-
less or magical time dimension existing in the
happy, satisfied, willing to change, etc. Not only
extradimensional world of ideas, spirits and the
the three self images play a role, but for some
unseen. Most theories and models (see appendix)
people there are more assumed selves (masks)
assume we have only one self and the interplay
and also the filtering of outside impressions to
between the selves is ignored. Further more many
complicate how and what we see as self. Not that
theories seek to explain our psyche without in-
we ever will obtain a complete image of who we
volving the otherworld (extra dimensions) but
are, there are pieces of the puzzle too deeply hid-
look for mechanical and red uctionis t
den or repressed to bring to the surface, even the
most holy and realized individuals I have met still
In the model with the three selves I use, the as-
had some quirky traits. But maybe I haven’t yet
sumed self (I try not to use the word ego) has an
identity, a personality with many traits, that one is

met the Buddha or Christ, and would I be able to based on introspection. Unlike self-awareness,
recognize him or her anyway, who knows? which in a philosophical context is generally de-
Nor mal = There are many models and tech- scribed as being conscious of oneself as an indi-
niques to define and work on the complex of vidual, self-consciousness has gotten a negative
selves, and in the context of looking at how ritu- connotation. It now refers to being self-involved,
als and consciousness are related they are proba- being excessively conscious of one’s appearance
bly all of some value. Many psychotherapists, or manner, which can be a problem at times.
psychologists and neuroscientists have been There is either too little or too much, being too
working on this. I have looked into many models, proud or too shy, both often resulting from the
used many approaches, seen great results of this same lack of self-esteem. In a positive context,
or that therapy, but alas, only a few miracles and self-consciousness may affect the development
even fewer true enlightened or holy ones. I must of identity, for it is during periods of high
confess that neither in myself or in others do I see self-consciousness that people come closest to
much beyond the gradual maturing of self image knowing themselves objectively.
and personality that comes with age and experi- We cannot do without, at least in our modern
ences. Even in the midst of the millions at a world and one could wonder how it came about.
Kumb Mela in India, where the gurus are lined up
and one stumbles into many holy sadhus and Where did self consciousness come
babas, all meditating, praying and lost in divine from?
adoration, very few will not stretch out a beg ging We now know that animals have some kind of
hand to the rich westerner. We can work on our- self-consciousness. Many recognize themselves
selves, use the most modern techniques, see our- in a mir ror, and they they have intention in the
selves in cameras, use the numerous feedback sense that they seek psychedelic experiences (see
for mats offered in workshops and therapy, but chapter about psychotropic substances). We
why not use and learn from the age-old don’t assume however that they have the human
techniques that are contained in rituals. level of self-obser vation, knowing that they
Even though I have a tendency to focus on the know, and a memory not only of events, but of
magical, I am always amazed at how ingenious thoughts.
many traditional rituals deal with psychological So when did this capacity emerge in history, when
issues. They offer the participants many and of- did humans or humanoids begin to think about
ten efficient roads to self-realization, think about thinking? It seems logical that when this capacity
Confession in the Catholic Church. In a ritual one came about there must have been an associated
can concentrate on the otherworld and the magi- change in the way life and society was organized.
cal, but the (mind)-set and the social setting play a This change probably left traces in archeological
role too. Churches are often more social meeting sense, but also the communication between peo-
places and self-help centers than devotional sanc- ple must have changed, language and maybe mat-
tuaries. I know a psychiatrist in the USA, who be- ing patterns. From the caves to the open field,
lieves that as psychopharmaceuticals (the chemi- from small groups to villages, cities; civilisation
cal straightjacket) only deal with symptoms and and pre-civilisation has left traces that we find
there is no time and money to do serious therapy, and interpret, although a consistent picture has
sending patients to local churches is the next best not really emerged.
approach. There they find community, attention These days we can trace the ways the human ge-
and practical help (apart from the belief system nome (DNA) spread over the world. Geneticists
that bridges the cognitive dissonance) and isn’t like like Bryan Sykes have identified original
that what churches offered all through history? DNA clusters, how they are distributed in us to-
day, how we descended from ancestors clans, and
Facing the self, self-worth figured out how modern man came to be. The
Our identity hinges on our self perception and question is of course, what caused the emergence
self-consciousness, mir rored, projected and of the form of self-consciousness that came with

what we in our self centered way now call prog - also evidence of some cataclysmic events, like the
ress as in farming, metalwork, urbanization. impact of a large meteor or major vulcanic erup-
Was it the end of the ice age, somewhere around tions, of which there are traces in tree rings,
12.000 to 15.000 years ago, that this self con- ice-layers and defor mations in the landscape as
sciousness emerged? Lucy Wyatt (Approaching on the island Thera (Santorini). Of course the
Chaos, 2009) sees the emergence of a sustainable story of a great flood shows up in many cultures.
social archetype as occurring even before that.
She call this the way of the civilisers Agriculure, Water, the extrater restrial par excellence.
domestication of crops and animals are part of I am not a great believer in most of the explana-
the process as was the emergence of technology. tions, but willingly add another weird insight to
Obviously there have been moments in the long the long list. Could it be that the extraterrestrials
lifespan of the earth when there were singulari- (or conscience in some form) came with the ar-
ties (special moments), change events, disasters rival of water? Water is a miraculous substance,
etc. that have influenced the development of essential to the life that emerged on our planet,
consciousness, self consciousness and how it is and it does came from space, so is an extraterres-
related to evolution. trial influence. Meteors and asteroids did bring
There are many hypotheses about how self-con- water to us from far away and even today cosmic
sciousness came to be, and what effects it had. It water reaches the earth, largely unnoticed as the
wasn’t always there, or maybe there was a ice crystals evaporate when entering the atmo-
group-consciousness similar to that in animals. sphere, but in substantial amounts. The thing that
Psychologist Julian Jaynes sug gested that there distinguishes the Earth from other planets in the
was a time that self-consciousness hadn’t devel- solar system is the presence of oceans full of wa-
oped. That only some 5000 years ago, in the third ter, a liquid that in itself has very specific but un-
millenium BC this became part of the human likely characteristics, essential to the evolution of
toolkit. Ethnobotanist Terence McKenna sug - life. Other planets do have water, but much less.
gested that it emerged with the use of psychedelic There is water on Mars, there is ice hidden in the
mushrooms, that arrived as spores from outer polar craters of our Moon, and the Saturn moon
space. As it now turns out there are many more Enceladus jets substantial amounts of water into
psychedelic plants and substances, and many ani- space. Water molecules are present in the cosmic
mals use them for getting high, his idea seems too soup, they have been found in nebulae far out in
speculative. Not impossible, as Fred Hoyle’s in- the galaxy. Fairly recent research has confirmed
terstellar bacteria and notion that evolution on that comets do contain water. The 2011 Herschel
earth is influenced by a steady influx of viruses Space Obser vatory data show the Hartley 2
arriving via comets indicates, but improbable. comet containing ocean-like water with the right
The story of Eve eating of the Tree of the deuterium proportion. So why couldn’t water be
Knowledge of Good and Evil in Paradise, upon the extraterrestrial gift to earth, loaded with
the sug gestion of a serpent resonates with the homeopathic information to start life?
idea that psychedelic experiences are related to a
change in consciousness. It relates that our pres- The process
ent state, being self-conscious beings in a state of Whatever the cause, there seem to have been axial
suffering, came about through eating some kind times, when humanity made some sudden and
of fruit. distinct steps. Axial moments like around 10.000
What made humans so different, special, self BCE when agriculture and modified wheat crops
conscious? Was it extraterrestrial influence? emerged, around 3200 BCE when Mesopotamia
The many conspiracy theories point at stories, and Egypt developed symbolic writing (adminis-
myths, some imagery, the unexplained emer- trative writing, accounts etc. were there before)
gence of science, writing and technological and imense sacred architecture. Or the time
achievements that popped up without a proper around 500 BCE when Greek and Eastern sages
development path, like the hieroglyphs. There is came up with a different worldview.

If we relate technological development along blurred. This frees me from commenting on
with writing, architecture, religion and philoso- Atlantis, Maya proph e cies, root races and
phy to self consciousness, even in historical times whether it was God or the mushroom spirit that
there seem to have been peaks and valleys, high downloaded the Ten Commandments to Moses.
points and disasters, vanishing cultures and
incredibly gifted ones. Kinds of self-consciousness
Stories and myths only reach back for a limited Psychologists distinguish between two kinds of
time, remnants of previous civilisations are lost self-consciousness, private and public. Private
or became part of newer cultures as Graham self-consciousness is a tendency to introspect and
Hancock has argued. The classic example is the examine one’s inner self and feelings. Public
Egyptian Sphinx, part of a pyramid complex self-consciousness is an awareness of the self as
erected in the third millennium BCE but proba- it is viewed by others. In my selves model these
bly much older, dating from before times when are feedback mechanisms related to the assumed
there was lots of (rain) water around, maybe and the shown self. The distinction is important
10.000 BCE. Archeological dating is limited, car- as adaptations in the shown or public identity are
bon dating not as reliable as was assumed, what not necessarily always grounded in fundamental
do we really know about cultures dating back to changes. We just adapt more, please, hide and lie.
before the last ice-age? This might not resolve any inner conflict and this
I think that the evolution of self-consciousness superficial mask might lead to problems (psycho-
has not been a one way street, that we as humans logical and psychosomatic) at a deeper level. We
in our present form may not be the peak, but an- are also never totally aware and therefore never
other deep valley in evolution as we are so clearly sure about how others see us, projection mecha-
working toward ecological disaster. Self con- nisms and unconscious tendencies confuse us,
sciousness might be the problem, not the solu- self consciousness in this sense can be a
tion and maybe the humans and pre-humans that distraction rather than an asset.
have lived for a couple of million years before us The limited nature of self-consciousness is what
were more happy, more connected to nature and we work with, all our lives. Inner peace often
more balanced than we are now. means becoming content with our self image, the
There seem to have been other epochs, when self
consciousness was a high levels, but we have only
vague references and little archeological evi-
dence. There are myths like the Maya stories of
prior Suns, references to prior root races in an-
cient literature, inexplicable occur rences of ar-
chitectural miracles like the pyramids. New find-
ings and DNA research (we come from a limited
gene-pool) bring ever more questions, but also
indications, that we, at our present level of mate-
rial and scientific understanding, might not be the
summit of evolution.
However, in relation to ritual the emergence or
fluctuations in self consciousness is not such a
fundamental question, ritual was there before
self consciousness. Even when cultures died, rit-
ual remained and might have served as a reminder
of earlier times, acting as a common memory for
the tribe or civiliztion. Only in a later stage of de-
velopment ritual, myth, religion and art merged in
a more conscious context and demarcations

differences between the perceived and con- important, as this means a certain moral respon-
structed self image are resolved. Those differ- sibility can so be attributed to an individual. Self
ences are what makes us look for change, bring consciousness allows to make a choice, between
insecurity and can lead to excessive self-monitor- affirming or denying the will.
ing and social anxiety.
Private and public self-consciousness are differ- Cognitive Dissonance
ent, can have different levels of integration (inner I deal with a number of theories about con-
acceptance) and are not always correlated. I can sciousness in the appendix, but there is one that I
feel loved by others, but not love myself. I can fancy, not in its original form, but applied to a
think I am very smart, but realize others don’t see model with multiple selves. Most theories assume
this. Self consciousness develops over time, but we have only one self, and ignore that we have
in general is relatively stable. It can develop faster more. Not only do we have more masks or
in certain situations, where we can dash ahead in self-modalities, but within such a mask we can
understanding the self and thus others. In ritual shift our focus. One moment we are into the cere-
and therapy this is often the goal. Holding up a bral but only a second later we can be in a differ-
mirror by oneself or having others hold up mir - ent mode, intrigued by sex, power or action. We
rors. In that sense the essential questions from thus can hold conflicting cognitions but as we
Byron Katie’s “Work” are not much different think we are only one ‘self ’ some discomfort
from what Socrates did, confronting and giving might arise: was this me that said that a moment
feedback. ago?
The setting plays a role too. Being in a group, in a Leon Festinger’s theory of Cognitive Dissonance
crowd, being watched by cameras, being in a dark (1956) describes how we deal with inaccuracy in
room, sensorily deprived, wearing a mask, the our opinions and facts. He looked at internal in-
conditions influence our self-consciousness or consistencies within a single self as an explana-
what we are willing to show about ourselves. Not tion for behavior adaptations and changes in self
that we are accurate, we usually have a distorted image. Experiments showed that in many cases it
view of our abilities, often think we are better does explain things. In order to protect our con-
than average, but look worse than average. Thus sistent self-image and prevent uncomfortable
we need others to help us evaluate our opinions emotions we then have to fix this inaccuracy or
about ourselves. dissonance. The theory of cognitive dissonance
Maybe it’s good to mention again one of my basic in social psychology proposes that people have a
understandings here: motivational drive to reduce dissonance by alter-
I am only different as I have not yet learnt to be the same. ing existing cognitions, adding new ones to create
To understand what we see as ‘that’ around us we a consistent belief system, or alternatively by
have to be aware that we create this ‘that’ to a large reducing the importance of any one of the
extent by projection and by assembling bits and dissonant elements.
pieces of data in ever new memory pictures. To solve or avoid the dissonance in opinion or ex-
pressed facts, and regain mental equilibrium,
Self identification and self awareness people will do funny things. They will reinterpret
or fix their reality lowering the importance of one
Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection
of the discordant factors, adding consonant ele-
and the ability to recognize oneself as an individ-
ments, or changing one of the dissonant factors.
ual separate from the environment and other in-
This can take the form of lying, misperception,
dividuals. This has been noted in animals too.
rationalization and manipulation of the situation.
Some animals are self aware, in the sense that
This tendency can be used to manipulate people,
they recognize themselves in a mirror, dolphins,
and many experiments have illustrated that one
apes, cuttlefish, parrots, mag pie and elephants
can make people act in ways going against the
have this capacity to be self-aware. The somewhat
true inner beliefs (or adapt them a bit) if they are
higher step is becoming aware of this awareness
made insecure enough by introducing disso-
as in self-consciousness or introspection. This is

nance. One also stands by a certain choice, once a this. By becoming aware of the inner workings
certain type of car has been purchased, the qual- and notably the differences between assumed
ity of the car is beyond criticism, the same goes self and inner me we can recognize the root of
for choosing a school, education or religion. some dissonance, but the step to the magical of-
So Cognitive Dissonance is certainly an interest- fers even more. When we hear about miraculous
ing way to look at things. In a ritual context disso- healing, this might mean that an internal disso-
nance is sometimes part of the setup. Even if nance has been resolved, and the body can now
logic and rationality plead against accepting a cer- give up trying to bridge it. The body is often the
tain belief, being part of the church and thus sup- place, where the dissonances show up. The inner
posed to follow the tenets of the faith creates dis- child uses the body to warn us there is some con-
sonance, which is sometimes cleverly used to flict that needs to be solved. If we don’t listen,
elicit gifts. things get worse.
Exploitation of weaknesses caused by inducing All in all, Cognitive Dissonance if expanded to
cognitive dissonance in the congregation is one include the hidden dissonances between the vari-
of the techniques used by many religions. More ous selves is a great concept to help understand
positively, the cleaning acts, washing of the hands the working of the psyche at many levels.
etc. in rituals are known to counter the feeling of
being unclean. Again the Catholic Confession is a Quantum theory and Consciousness
great way to re lease cog ni tive dis so nance Consciousness has forever been the enigma of
resulting from sins committed. philosophy. What is it, where does it come from,
Now what if we took this concept of internal dis- is God an overarching consciousness, how are
cord and subsequent adaptations a step deeper. perception, knowledge, awareness, self-con-
For many people there is an internal dialogue, dis- sciousness related, where does consciousness re-
cussions between parts of the self or between side? The paradigm shift caused by relativity and
selves, which Freud at trib uted that to the quantum mechanics has been dramatic, but also
super-ego. In my model of multiple selves I don’t sheds new light on consciousness. We will never
need his superego, I just see the differences be- see the universe again as the simple Newtonian
tween the masks and the inner me (child) that set of hard objects or as the atomic building
cause dissonance. blocks of Democritus.
One subpersonality or mask feels this, the other Quantum theory showed probability is the root
that. The inner child might kick in with again an- of manifestation, uncertainty about what is or is
other opinion, sometimes we are stifled and un- not has replaced the notion of hard matter. In-
able to decide things because of all these conflict- tention decides what we will observe and believe
ing views. But then, life goes on, things happen and thus consciousness is part of the perceived
and the internal differences are solved by the and measured reality. Look for a universe of par-
same kind of mechanisms as described in the ticles and you will find them, look for a universe
cognitive dissonance model. And if the issues are of waves and they will appear. Knowing speed,
not solved, and note the internal dissonances place and mass at the same time is impossible, the
might not be conscious anymore, this can lead to universe is at least a biverse and maybe a multi-
somatic disturbances. verse.
As I explain in the appendix about the Lucidity
approach, inner dissonances and imbalances are Where to find it or locate it?
the cause of many, if not all diseases, complexes, But what about this consciousness as not only the
etc. The ways we try to solve them are amazing. awareness of, but being an essential part of mani-
Our system uses whatever function to deal with festation. What is this elusive thing that is maybe
it, intelligence, sexual orientation, the way we just a projection, could it be a belief that has man-
look and of course our behavior. ifested because we are looking for it, similar to the
We need ways to resolve the discordia in our sys- soul? Is there a material root for it? A cause, not
tem and ritual offers very powerful tools to do an effect like neurological processes and why not

look for it in the depth of matter as we do for
gravity in the CERN colliders? Do the neutrino
streams establish a consciousness effect? Is life,
in the limited DNA or the ultimate star seed
sense, just a manifestation of it, colored by what-
ever cosmological input it receives? Is there a
consciousness particle, does it have a spin state,
does it come in quantum leaps, is it symmetrical in
the C, P, T sense other elemental particles are? It’s
fascinating to speculate about this. Science fiction
writers are good at it, but the creation myths of
old are good too.
There are many theories about consciousness,
but none has emerged as the winner, as the solu-
tion that is accepted and would be the basis of a Traditionally our moral laws comes from assorted holy men
next paradigm. Science here is not really going for in contact with the otherworld.and interpreting their visions,
the dark or the magical. It is like only looking dreams as coming from the heavens.
where the light is (the MRI-scanner, Large Had-
ron Collider, Chromatographs), literally ignoring sciousness collapses the quantum probability
the elsewhere that lies outside the light cone that wave, Von Neumann’s original idea, whose or
lim its what we can perceive given normal what consciousness are we speaking of ? It would
causality. be rather anthropocentric if this only apples to
This light cone image has to do with the (limited) human consciousness. The universe was and is
speed of light. In the theory of general relativity, there without humans, unless we assume it’s all
the concept of causality is visualized as follows: imagination and maya.
an effect must belong to the future light cone of Fred Alan Wolf also argued that the source of
its cause. Something that is far away can only matter is conscious mind. The conscious mind
travel with the speed of light to be noticed. But “invents” a illusionary body and starts believing
what is then the realm outside that cone? And that “it is” the body. He however goes a further
what about non locality, entangled events con- step towards accepting the role of time in stating
nected without any time delay, instantly? And if that infor mation must be coming from the fu-
time is an illusion, as it is just the vehicle of con- ture. This I have described as “Evolution is a re-
sciousness, and thus doesn’t exist per se, where membrance of the future”, not a very Darwinian
and what is manifestation? approach. Wolf points at the fact that an observer
in quantum obser vations can change the past by
Consciousness creates reality fixing the outcome of an obser vation. So the
The idealistic position is that reality is the result present influences the past.
of the intangible, ideal realm, but we only know
Paradigm Shift
our perceptions, as bishop Berkely stated. So the
notion that (the universal) consciousness is the Are we willing to look beyond, working from the
only substance and brings forth reality is not en- hypothesis that there is an otherworld, other di-
tirely new, I just insert time as the mechanism for mensions, a consciousness that surpasses all else?
manifestation. This would require a bridge between worlds that
People like the physicist Henry Stapp, John Von have been kept apart, the hemispheres of science
Neumann and Eugene Wigner pointed in this di- and religion/spirituality. When Thomas Kuhn
rection and some interpretations of quantum talked about paradigm shifts, and he was careful
mechanics support this. The problem is that situ- to limit this to the hard sciences and not include
ating this whole process in the brain doesn’t ex- the humanities, he believed that enough anoma-
plain how the rest of reality happens. If con- lies in a scientific worldview would eventually

topple it and a new and progressed paradigm Huxley indicated that the elements of the “Mind
would emerge! But would he see a grand unifica- at Large” do include the various “other worlds”
tion, the closing of the rift between science and with which human beings er ratically make con-
religion as a paradigm shift or as a revolution? tact and this includes “the world of Visionary Ex-
For the humanities, there are no clear paradigms, perience”(Heaven and Hell).
anything goes, different views exist side by side.
However I think quantum physics and string the- Looking through the veil
ory at least point to an emerging new view; a Zeit- What do we see and measure? Why do we know
geist that accepts all and everything is more than and feel and in a way perceive about beauty, mo-
what we can touch, bridging the science/spiritu- rality and such? It is important to talk about what
ality divide. I believe that seeing magic as a funda- perception could be, as this is an important part
mental quality or dimension would provide such of what ritual is, does, and achieves. I mean not
a bridge. Maybe looking at my hypothesis that rit- only the classic perception senses, but the ex-
ual has been the root paradigm long before things tra-dimensional senses that connect us to the
like myth and religion came around will be of larger, maybe whole of meta-dimensional reality.
help here. We perceive through senses, but who are we?
What is that I or me that perceives, consciously,
C.D. Broad, Huxley unconsciously most of the time, the I that thinks
Changing our view on reality this way means a (cognitive) but also intuits, that is self-conscious
paradigm shift, even greater than the one quan- at times? It is clear that my perception is unique
tum mechanics caused. The consequences of and therefore limited; nobody sees the world as I
such a paradigm shift would be enor mous. C. D. do, reality is at best a perceived or assumed reality.
Broad, the English philosopher, was quite clear Movies like the Matrix and the grand ideas we de-
about the consequences of accepting the reality veloped in the heydays of Virtual Reality illustrate
of psychic events. He pointed at backward causa- that reality is in the eye of the beholder. Even
tion, the future affecting the past (as in divina- then, in the New Edge circles of the early nine-
tion), mind reading (I call this exchange of ties, where I was involved with the Mondo 2000
thought-waves), telekinesis and teleperception as crowd of Leary, R.U. Sirius, Barlow, Lanier,
proving these would upset not only science, but Gullichsen, and Lundell, we knew that percep-
society. tion, reality, actuality were mere concepts, that
C. D. Broad proposed that “the function of the our experiences were what mattered. Virtuality
brain and ner vous system and sense organs are in was a great philosophical tool, especially as most
the main eliminative and not productive. Each of the people involved were also psychonauts;
person is at each moment capable of remember- part of their inspiration came from wandering in
ing all that has ever happened to him and of per- the psychedelic realities of our own minds.
ceiving everything that is happening everywhere
in the universe” and Aldous Huxley responded: Conscience and morality
Conscience is like consciousness and ego one of
“According to such a theory, each one of us is potentially
those ambiguous terms. It has some relation with
Mind at Large, the idea that we could perceive all input
the totality of what we know and have stored as
simultaneously. But in so far as we are animals, our
known, the Ger man ‘Gewissen’ but also with the
business is at all costs to survive. To make biological super-ego in Freud’s view, aiming for perfection,
sur vival possible, Mind at Large has to be funneled the faculty that consciously and unconsciously
through the reducing valve of the brain and ner vous sys- criticizes and prohibits our drives, fantasies, feel-
tem. What comes out at the other end is a measly trickle ings, and actions, the inner critic.
of the kind of consciousness which will help us to stay Our conscience is related to feelings of guilt, in
alive on the surface of this particular planet.” (A. that way punishing misbehavior but also im-
Huxley, Doors of Perception) proper thoughts, fantasies and feelings, as such
instrumental in the cognitive dissonance mecha-

nism so masterfully employed by churches and mostly about civic contracts but also with scaled
the advertizing world. punishments, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
It is generally described as the complex of ethical tooth”, graded according to social status, whether
and moral principles that controls or inhibits the slave or free man.
actions or thoughts of an individual. As such it is Conscience
thus considered to be a very human inner, intu- One can look at the holy books for guidance, but
itive sense of what is right or wrong in one’s con- there is always a link to what one feels as right and
duct or motives, impelling one toward right ac- good, if one is conscious enough..
tion. But how then can we explain why dolphins Consciousness and conscience are related. Reli-
choose to rescue humans or dogs save their mas- gion has tried to guide our conscience with refer-
ters? Is conscience not rooted at a deeper level ence to ‘God given’ commandments and moral
than cognitive rationality? So doesn’t the dictio- rules, while the rationalist approach is to look for
nary or encyclopedia miss the point when it only a social contract or other causal relation. Kant
describes consciousness as an aptitude, faculty, came up with the categorical imperative as a ratio-
intuition or judgment of the intellect? Even when nal kind of morality.
it defines it as being aware of moral values, this
still hinges very much on reason and learned In my view the primes allow access to a wider re-
rules. It is supposed to be informed by accultura- ality, where moral questions are dealt with in a
tion and instruction, but then the psychological wider perspective (beyond time, place and nor -
result is not really rational or cognitive, be it mal causality) and this is then perceived or trans-
feelings of remorse or rectitude and integrity. lated as conscience. The inner light, the natural
Conscience is universally recognized as the root morality or whatever we call conscience is thus
of morality, but it hovers somewhere between awareness of the wider truth. The subject is dealt
knowing and feeling. It is understood to give, like with in the chapter about morality and karma.
an inner compass, intuitively authoritative judg-
ment regarding the moral quality of single action, Other states of consciousness
including situations where one could not foresee Waking, sleeping, dreaming are the generally rec-
the results of such action. The question is where ognized states of consciousness. But then there is
it comes from, does it have roots beyond what is lucid dreaming, out-of-body and near-death ex-
programmed, is there a core morality that is uni- perience states, meditation, mystical states and
versal? @Nor mal = Concerning morality, we like samadhi, hypnotic states and psychedelic or sha-
to point to the Ten Commandments, but they are manic states. I will come back to some of these as
a fairly limited guideline, mostly concerned with they play a role in rituals, but wish to point to the
the relationship with God and only very sum- distinction Stan Krippner and others made.
marily mentioning inter-human affairs. The The content of an altered state and that state by itself
seven Jewish Noahide Laws(see chapter on have to be separated, maybe what we call a shamanic
karma) are more concise.
state is nothing but a specific kind of content experi-
As a code of law the Babylonian Codex of Ham-
enced in a state that is physiologically comparable to
murabi is much more defined and elaborated. As
it dates back to about 1772 BC it existed much be-
fore Akhenaten (Akhnaton) who lived around
1336 BC or 1334 BC. He is the one with a mono- There are many more things to be said about con-
theistic faith that might have influenced Moses, sciousness and the various models and theories,
who according to Rabbinical dating lived 1391– also in relation to quantum physics, will and
1271 BC.E. dreaming. Look in the Appendix about Con-
Hammurabi’s law is one of the oldest deciphered scious ness for what peo ple like Edelman,
writings of significant length in the world, partial Penrose, Stapp, Bohm, Herbert, Jaynes, Kurz-
copies exist on a human-sized stone stele and var- weil, and Baars think about it.
ious clay tablets. The Code consists of 282 laws,

17 The magical dance of time, epi-reality, entropy

Time is the carrier, the manifestation votion the purpose is to become a better person,
mechanism of the root consciousness in the future. Even healing is a process in time,
apart from the miraculous healings ascribed to
The universe unfolds in time and with time, ex-
great saints. Time, consciousness, and manifesta-
ploring itself in a plethora of consciousness
tion are woven together in a strange dance of
masked as manifestation, and yet connected in
concepts (maybe merely projections we have
the root consciousness of the all. In essence I see
about them) where the new physics touches the
time as the vehicle to manifest consciousness in
oldest views of cosmology found in the Eastern
our tangible realm.
Why did scientist and philosophers go their own
One of the books that impressed me when grow-
way dealing with time, most these days looking at
ing up was “The Once & Future King”, an Arthu-
objective, some like Bergson at subjective time?
rian tale by T.H. White (1958) where Merlin lives
Why not see time as a complex? Sheldon Renan
backwards. He knows the future but not the past
points at this, he talks about “time as an ecosys-
and makes young Arthur experience the worlds
of animals like fish, hawk, ant, goose, and badger,
On the one side time is straightforward, linear
teaching him to become a worthy king. A mar vel-
and ther modynamically pointing in one direc-
ous fantasy but also an introduction in relativity,
tion, while being symmetrical in all equations (ex-
in honoring different perspectives. The figure of
cept in some very deep quantumphysical particle
the wizard Merlin (Merlyn) fascinated me, he was
physics). On the other side philosophers pon-
the ultimate prophet but didn’t know where he
dered about our perception of time, about clock
was heading, but could ask others about their
time and subjective time and even speculated that
time was just another illusion. Neither side really
looked at magic, the manipulation of time by
Time is the key of the magic door to conscious-
consciousness. Now that we face things like the
ness, not because it exist or not, but because what
big bang, the limits of time, the strange role of
we want to achieve is not in the now, it is in the
complex (imaginary) time in quantum physics
past or in the future, now is just a fleeing moment.
and prescience in psychological experiments the
It is from consciousness (by any other name)
concept of time deserves a more prominent
from where time as the root of manifestation and
place. The convergence of the neuroscience and
reality emerges. Manipulate time and you manip-
the quantum physics allows us to let go of the no-
ulate reality, and that is what ritual (as practical
tion of fixed time, of time as the untouchable
magic) is all about. There is, however this strange
Chronos, and learn to play with it.
enigma, that in order to do magic we have to enter
Time remains such a wild thing. Time is so illu-
a timeless state. That this state requires us to relin-
sionary that one can understand that philoso-
quish our ego might indicate that ego and time
phers and sages of old have even doubted that it
are both illusions, as the sages have been telling us
exists at all. What can we do with the (proven) re-
all along or should I say now, as this realization
sult of Einstein’s relativity, that space-time allows
only happens at a “now” moment.
for time to change depending on speed, that grav-
Nearly all of the magical purposes of a ritual have
itation and time are mutually dependent ripples in
to do with time or should I say reach beyond the
the space-time continuum?
limitations of nor mal time. It’s all about time
magic, divining the future, praying for whatever Time as a mind-thing
good to come to us in the future, asking for for-
giveness for our past, honoring the ancestors, One way to look at time is to see its relation with
thanking for what good came our way in the past. perception and the mind. We are forever trying to
Even when just praising the deities in bhakti de- understand how seeing and imaging works, how

imagination is possible, but alas; even the most travel. Even as most of us realize that for instance
modern brain research does little more than indi- our memory of the past is heavily colored and
cating where in the brain this happens. distorted, it’s what we have. Neurologist say we
Consciousness and its relation to time is another create our past anew every time, combining rele-
challenge that science has not yet dealt with. We vant bits to an image resonating with (some of)
feel; we are even aware of feeling and time and the reality out there and our inner needs in there.
this self-consciousness seems to be related to a
certain level of complexity of the physical brain. Obsessed with the future
The relationship of time and consciousness, as in Our future is an obsession for most of us, just
prophecy, prescience or knowing beyond time think how much time we spend planning for to-
obviously has to do with magic, but is a fringe morrow, for later, how much of our fears and joys
subject. Scientific research indicates that there are are about things in the future. Our mind is a time
instances that we know or perceive what’s com- machine in itself, jumping out of the now and
ing, but there is little explanation, mostly trying to luckily we can do that because the automatic pilot
explain this away as self delusion. This is maybe keeps running, keeps our body safe while we
because magic is left out, it doesn’t fit into the ac- dream away.
cepted scientific paradigm. Some daring proposi- Magic in the sense of playing with time just
tions are needed. I will not try to better the work means going a bit deeper with our deeply hidden
of the neuroscientists and cognitive explorers out-of-time time manipulation talent, it just takes
but obviously time, consciousness and per- a few more steps to start visualizing past, future
ception play a major role in magic and thus in and present in a different light. In that sense
ritual. magic and dreaming have much in common,
Looking at time is quite a complex matter, and I there is a different causality, not irrational, but
will go into some of notions that philosophers, with a different, extended rationality.
physicists and theologians came up with and even Imagination, visualization, working it out differ-
venture into what quantum physics has to say ently or new in our mind is a core process in
about time, but I will start by keeping it simple . magic. Loosening the fetters of the the reality
That what creates time must be beyond time, an frames pushed upon us by education, society and
ontological obser vation. I use the concept of culture. Freeing our psyche from the ‘con-
consciousness to indicate what lies or is the bor- structed’ reality that comes with the masks of the
der process between nor mal spacetime and vir- assumed self, where logical, non magic, deter -
tual (not spacetime, extradimensional) and thus ministic time is so much on ur mind.
as the process of accessing that what is beyond Even “pop-magic” books and movies like “The
time. On the human level, in order to manipulate Secret” will tell you that this process influences
time (and thus reality) we have to get to a space, a (reframes) reality or at least our perception of re-
state of consciousness that is beyond time. That ality. In ritual, we have a process to help us to get
sounds paradoxical but in dreams, in near death to a state, where we are beyond time (and ego) or
experiences and even in our memory we very of- in other words closer to where at least linear time
ten step out of time, out of our now-prison, out and the causality it entails doesn’t weigh so
of linear time and linear causality. heavily and we can fix it, escape it, manipulate it
In our dreams we are free to go anywhere, back or observe it .
and forward and out of time. So we all experience Of course the question is, how does this work.
in some way this ability to use time in a different Why can we in magic and in ritual access this level
way and escape from the fetters of the now. We of reality and is there proof or at least circum-
do so more often, even outside dreams. It’s a hu- stantial evidence or research that points in this di-
man talent to imagine the past and the future, to rection. I think there is, but it means walking
play with images in our mind. Our memories, that through his tory, as sess ing proph ecy, syn-
bag we carry with us, are our most precious pos- chro<->nicity, the psychological and philosophi-
session and the source of much internal time cal notions of time and even touching the quan-

tum physics view of multidimensionality. I will mal” reality. It sounds paradoxical, we do want to
do this here lightly, as there are many books, stud- influence the future (and the past and present)
ies and theories about time, and I just want to and to do so we need to escape from identifying
open the door to the possibility, that there are with them .
more time dimensions, and that we can access This we do in many different way, but in order to
and manipulate these via an altered (ritual) state bring some order in all the ritual approaches I will
of consciousness . use here, like in the rest of this book, the three
world model, using set, setting and magic (corre-
Time is the key to understaning death spondences) to deal with we deal with time in a
Can we do without time? Between birth and ritual. Time is different in the inner, the outer, and
death there is time, time is change, time and hu- the magical-spiritual realm or at least plays a
man consciousness bind us to manifestation. different role.
“Time is a mortal thing” is something I realized
when contemplating death, change and what life Our psychological times: the experience
means. Everything manifested always will end in of time
some way, and yet the starseed it and we are made I will start with how we experience time in our in-
of ultimately remains (at least until the next cos- ner world. Browsing through what philosophers
mic cycle or big crunch). Time for mortal beings have said about time, I find it remarkable, that not
is thus connected to the opposite, to the No only the Eastern sages but also Western philoso-
Time, to death. No wonder there is this age-old phers have pointed at the subjectivity of time. In
question; what is there beyond time, beyond life, our perception time is not fixed, not even contin-
beyond death, beyond this prison of hours, days uous and some see it as an illusion, part of the
and years? maya we need to deal with the complexity of
Death is when we remember we are not alone what is, time then is a way to put things in order,
Death is fascinating as is it either an opening to make them manageable .
another dimension or just the hard end. There are In our mind there is no clock, we can not touch
the many stories of those who nearly died and time, nor smell, nor taste it, we only live in the illu-
their reassuring tales, but most of us feel that sion of an eternal now and yet are mostly con-
death has the promise of birth or rebirth. In a cerned with what will happen later. We can let the
metaphorical and a reals sense. Often a ritual (and future influence our now so severely by expecta-
much of psychotherapy is ritual) aims at dying to tion, fear, joy or excitement, that we forget who
yourself, at letting go of the old life and starting we are and what is happening now. Time in our
anew. Death to your identity, getting rid of all the experience and in our memory is not a constant,
worries, expectations and traumas we carry with but does have this forward ar row, this direction,
us. In the end, beyond time they don’t matter things done cannot be undone .
anyway . We all remember that as children time had a dif-
So in a ritual we want, at the magical level, to ma- ferent meaning. It was not so much slower: there
nipulate time and we do that by escaping the was a different time perspective. Now that may be
“nor mal” time identification. We can (or try at a psychological distortion of the past (the good
least) to transcend the fetters of time, forget old days) but doesn’t a newborn baby live in the
about the pressing future, the worries of the past, now, in the immediacy of sleep and hunger, not
be out of time for a while. We do so by various postponing fulfillment? Infants have no time
means but they all come down to entering into a sense and no time perspective. Time is something
state of consciousness where the nor mal limita- that grows upon us as we mature. When we grow
tions of time (and space and causality) disappear, older, life seems to accelerate, until we accept it’s
we might say we lose the nor mal time awareness over and it becomes boringly slow. We have expe-
and enter a timeless now. And, here comes the riences where time seems to go faster or slower;
strange thing, we do so as we actually want to our mind seems to have its own timer. Our indi-
achieve something in “nor mal” time and “nor - vidual relative, subjective time is not linear, not

very logical. It goes slower or faster at times, gives more efficacy, as the freshness and newness
makes jumps (like in déjà vu, imaginary time brings alive energy.
travel and OBE), and becomes flexible in our
dreams. Some times we can have ex ten sive Time in the world
dreams or visions that in clock time were very Apart from our subjective time experience there
short and other times waiting feels like an eter- is the time of the outside world, we could call it
nity. We also have this asymmetric and warped clock time or real time, it is the time of the physi-
memory and anticipation of time; the past and cist, but also the social time. We create our world
the future are not the same. around time, calendar, appointments, seasons
So there are at the subjective level, two different and frequencies, and even interpret those cycles
ways to experience time. There is the conscious, in a magical perspective. The way our solar sys-
intuitive and fluid notion of time (the truly expe- tem works and manifests in eclipses, astronomi-
rienced time of Henri Bergson) and the more cal occur rences, comets and the seasonal patterns
rigid clock time, measured time, the time that we has always been part of the esoteric and ritual cal-
tend to ignore or pass in automatic mode. endar. Astronomers studying the cycles and the
movements, astrologers interpreting the celestial
Time and repetition bodies, our horoscope culture in the media, and
Repetition is doing the same thing over and over the Maya 2012 wave, it all has to do with time.
again. It’s obviously related to time and part of Linking the celestial with the mundane, the work
ritual behavior. In Rupert Sheldrake’s view we re- of the augur, the prophet and the astrologers has
inforce the morphogenetic field of an action by much to do with real or imagined cor relations (in
repetition. I think repetition also is a basic way to magical terms, the correspondences). Picking the
escape, to let go of our ego and thus boost our right moment for a plunge into the Ganges as at
other talents. Repetition is obviously a way to deal the Kumb Mela or a good moment to get married
with stress as we see in the behavior of psychotic or start a war has become a science in itself. It was
people, but it offers a kind of security. We also taken more seriously in the past but is still very
program our minds this way as it is also an essent- much used, although not so openly by those who
ial memory tool; affirming and anchoring what want to look rational and sensible. The relation-
we know or experience in working memory. At a ship between the heavenly bodies and our lives is
very primitive level, our organism likes repetition: there, I will come back to how astrology and
a small child feels safe when lulled to sleep, a DNA are related.
rocking chair makes one feel good, shaking is a
way to induce trance, we follow rhythm. Brain Argüelles: The Law of Time
machines (the flickering light and sound units) Now that the Mayan story of a new timeframe
use this principle. starting in 2012 has not materialized, we tend to
Obsessive neurotic disturbances often have a rit- discard the underlying logic and Mayan calendr-
ual nature. One repeats a movement or pattern, ical mathematical insights. There is, however,
which seems to appease the brain. Repetition is
obviously a basic neurological mechanism, but
with effects stretching from neuro-pathological
to mystical. Ritual and repetition go together, re-
peating a previous ritual exactly the same is often
a prerequisite, tradition is seen as important and
deviation as heretical. Following the ideas of
Sheldrake, this repetition would strengthen the
morphogenetic field and thus the influence or ef-
fect of a ritual. There are however also schools
that sug gest that creating new and original rituals

something to be learned from how the pre-Co- yet-now, the past is the no-longer-now, and the
lumbian Americans dealt with time in a philo- present is the now that flows from future to past.
sophical and practical way, especially as they seem Priority is always given to the present.
to have organized their culture and rituals around A way to look at what time means is the way in
the calendar. In Time and the Technosphere which events are ordered in two distinct but re-
(2002) Jose Argüelles explained what he calls the lated ways, think about how we describe events in
“Law of Time,” identifying two timing frequen- language. Events can be characterized as past,
cies: one he calls “mechanized time” with a present or future, nor mally indicated in languages
“12:60 frequency,” and the other “natural [time] such as English by the verbal inflection of tenses
codified at the frequency 13:20.” He claims that or auxiliary adverbial modifiers. This approach
our nor mal 12:60 timeframe has no roots in how derives from the analysis of time and change de-
nature cycles affect our biosphere, that we live in veloped by Cambridge philosopher J. M. E.
an artificial rhythm, clock time masking real time. McTaggart in The Unreality of Time. We can do
There is a resonance with the distinction of hav- that in a tensed way like “Something has hap-
ing clock time and experienced time in the Henri pened, will happen, etc.” and this is called (A-the-
Bergson sense. The lesson Argüelles draws from ory) or in a tenseless way (B-theory). The follow-
his studies is that the irregular 12-month [Grego- ers of the A-theory are also called presentists,
rian] calendar and artificial 60-minute hour is time is seen related to the present, the now. A-the-
out-of-step with the natural “synchronic order” orists deny that past, present and future are
and he sug gests a more har monious, thirteen equally real, and maintain that the future is not
moon, 28 day calendar. Natural timing, in his fixed and determinate like the past.
view in line with the rhythms of the biosphere Alternatively events may, in the B-theory of time,
and earth-moon-sun system, will bring modern be described as earlier than, simultaneous with, or
human civilization back on course. His focus on later than others. B-theorists, the word eternalists
9/11 Twin Towers as the ultimate clash of the comes close, see no difference in past and future,
non-natu ral Gregorian calendar with other except the fact that we know much less about the
calendars (notably the Islamic) is a bit too farfet- future. Time goes on in the same way, just as an
ched in my view . inter val; something that aligns with the way mod-
What is interesting about his analysis is the notion ern physicists see time. The t in their for mulas is
that by using multiple calendars the Maya had dif- relative and indicates duration.
ferent rhythms playing in society with different The difference is basically a dispute about tempo-
associations. However, we do the same with our ral passage or ‘becoming’. B-theorists argue that
weeks, months and numbered days This redun- this notion embodies serious confusion about
dancy, for we could easily indicate days by num- time. They tend to see time as part of space-time
bers from 1-365 and the year, gives extra infor - (fourdimensionalists) or as blocktime. The no-
mation and brings additional sequences, like a 7 tion of spacetime and a 4D block universe (space
days week, into play. and time in one set) doesn’t allow for the move-
ment, the becoming that we perceive, the passage
Time A and Time B theories: blocktime of time. It is making the spacetime diagrams
Time as the subject of metaphysical dispute goes (Minkowski diagrams) too static, not animated.
back to the ancient Greek philosophers Hera- When we think in four-dimensional spacetime
clitus (Panta Rei) and Parmenides. Par menides and how an object moves along its world line as
thought that reality is timeless and unchanging used in relativity theory the now is not there or
(Being). Heraclitus believed that the world is a dy- just a point on the graph. However, modern
namic process of ceaseless change, flux, and de- physics seems to favor the block universe view.
cay (Becoming). It is impossible to step into the The now of time for humans is a sword that cuts
same river twice. Aristotle’s idea of time is as a our freedom to act in two, the past as what is done
uniform, linear, and infinite series of “now- and deter mined and the future where we can still
points.” lies in between. The future is the not- influence things. We are forever in the “now”, in a

way it feel as if we are moving through time in lit- from India that described things strikingly similar
tle now steps and always following the ar row of to what the “new physics” and the expanded as-
time towards the future. tronomy now imply. Even the more Western un-
The experience of the infinitesimal moment of derstandings from the Hermetists early in the
Now as the sword that divides past and future Christian era, lost and then resurfacing in the Re-
(asymmetrical, with a different degree of free- naissance, indicate that they had a better under-
dom) is a psychological thing. The perception of standing of how the heavens and the earth are re-
time doesn’t show up in physics, at least not in the lated than many “enlightened” scholars of the
equations that are assumed to describe our reality. nineteenth century.
What matters is duration, the time difference, the Reality in the new physics feels much more like
now doesn’t figure. Time in our mind is, accord- the old Vedic maya, a dreamlike illusion, and is far
ing to K. Gödel (quoted by R. Rucker) only a per- less fixed than we thought. What we think is mat-
ception and not reality, we are confused as we ter turns out (subatomically) to be mostly empty
only occupy a series of different givens inter- space with some resonating energy forms. What
preted as a series of realities. Givens are a space then is, where all these strange oscillations
person’s sensations at a given time. happen, remains to be seen, but there is a lot of it.
Time plays some part in the propagation of
Elusive nature of time waves, and might be an extra-dimensional kind
Time is the elusive thing that we cannot grasp but of ether. Science has no good explanation for
that marches on, an unending line of present mo- what space is, even in the 11-dimensional model
ments, with ourselves at the head of the proces- that string theorists now embrace.
sion, moving towards our certain and known end:
death. Time in our minds is a kind of line or row The spiritual world, beyond time
of now-experiences, nicely put together as a kind In all these time models the spiritual is missing, or
of movie; in our minds we interpolate the missing is it maybe hidden in those curled up extra dimen-
now perceptions, but who knows? We might be sions? I don’t care so much about the exact nature
jumping parallel universes all the time. of what is out there, as long as it is there. I argue
More than Science Fiction literature, modern that there is an extra-dimensional world, from
physics has changed our idea of what time is. The where consciousness takes care of manifestation
physicists have definitely changed our notion of of spacetime as we experience it. It is illusionary,
how the universe works. There are now things in the sense that it is not tangible, it’s the other-
like Relativity theory, Quantum physics, Higgs world, the spiritual realm.
bosons, M-brane Theory, mass-energy and CPT This is not totally out of touch with what science
super symmetry that define or describe time. In suspects. Physicist Fred Alan Wolf talks about
the twentieth century we started doubting every- sub-spacetime as where manifestation originates.
thing, mostly after Einstein came up with relativ- There is Roger Penrose who in The Emperor’s
ity and spacetime became the inter mingled view New Mind (1989) already argued that known laws
of mutual exchangeable dimensions; time and of physics are inadequate to explain conscious-
space, gravity, energy and matter became compli- ness, in The Nature of Space and Time (with Ste-
cated for mulas and equations. Time has been phen Hawking) and Shadows of the Mind (1994)
questioned and redefined and space-time evolved he talks about a third world of idealistic reality.
as a reality that allows time dilatation, time af- Penrose sees three distinct worlds: the physical
fected by gravitation, theoretical time travel, and world, the mental world (our perception of the
other strange time effects. physical world), and the somewhat cryptic Pla-
Reality, due to the probabilistic nature of mani- tonic world. What is interesting is that he asserts
festation also was no longer a solid thing, and in that what we perceive as real is (mostly) a mental
this way science was moving towards the views construction. This goes also back to Immanuel
held by ancient sages like those in the early Vedic Kant who pointed out that maybe our view on re-
Puranas or the Tantras. These are holy scriptures ality is just the way we constructed it to deal with

the higher complexity we can’t understand. Real- ideas, very much accepting precognition and the
ity, including time, might be an illusion, and this analogy of time as a book we can read, were
points to the idea that consciousness uses time as picked up by people like J. B. Priestly and Aldous
a vehicle, a carrier to manifest (things). Huxley. They were quite popular then, but not
Because of quantum theory, the role of con- much of his ideas have sur vived except in some
sciousness in the whole picture has changed too; work by C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and possibly in
we are no longer observers, but participants and Charles Williams’ “Many Dimensions ”about the
co-creators of what we see or experience. What Stone of Suleiman, a magical object that allowed
exactly consciousness is remains a mystery, and among other things miraculous space and time
what “we” then perceive as self-consciousness travel.
depends again on perception. How do we pro- Dunne came up with quite different and novel
cess both the external world (via senses) and our ways to look at time, it being not sequential but si-
internal (body and mind) state to arrive at this multaneous, not progressive but static and that
strange notion that “we are”? It is beyond think- past, present and future are equally present at any
ing; it happens, but also flies out of the mind as moment and equally available to a perceiver (in
we switch to automatic, go from experienced to observer 2 state), but nor mally (as observer 1)
clock time. perceived as happening at a fixed rate. His work
on dreams was quite remarkable in a time that
Two or more time dimensions: J.W. thinking about the consequences of quantum
Dunne mechanics was just beginning, but his ideas were
We experience time in different ways. The French not seen as relevant for the physicists of his time.
philosopher Henri Bergson has written exten- Dunne believed that we are existing in two paral-
sively about two kinds of time, differentiating be- lel states, and indicated how the second state al-
tween clock time and inner time. He pointed out lowed deja-vu and precognition.
that only the inner time, the really experienced I came to a similar notion about two time dimen-
moments, stay with us; the automatic things we sions, without knowing about his work, by look-
do in clock time are easily forgotten. The old ing at the inner child state (close to the immortal
sages of the East knew this well; techniques like soul or higher self) where magical capabilities like
meditation and yoga help one to enter the inner precognition can be accessed, consciously or in
time, switch off the clock time orientation. I be- the dreamstate in which also the masks and ego
lieve that the ultimate goal of all ritual is the same, are gone.
to let go of the prison of external time con- Dunne seems to have inspired T. S. Eliot who
straints. wrote in “Burnt Norton”:
The British aeronautical engineer J. W. Dunne in Time present and time past
1927 in “An experiment with time” and “The se- Are both perhaps present in time future
rial universe” claimed that the dreaming mind can
see what lies ahead (precognition) and “fix” And time future contained in time past
things in a second time dimension, he recognized The Wikipedia entry about Dunne is not a priori
two inner observers, one aware of nor mal linear negative about his ideas. It mentions that the
clock time, the second one with a wider con- Aboriginal people of Australia, for example, be-
sciousness of time (in dreams) that could freely lieve that the Dreamtime exists simultaneously in
move through time past and future. As Rudy the present, past and future and that this is the ob-
Rucker in “The Fourth Dimension” (1995) ex- jective truth of time, linear time being a creation
plains so vividly there is a paradox there that can of human consciousness and therefore subjec-
only be solved if there is an infinite regress, an in- tive. Kabbalah, Taoism and indeed most mystical
finite number of extra time dimensions. Dunne traditions have always posited that waking con-
himself did talk about subsequent observer lev- sciousness allows awareness of reality and time in
els, sur rounding the previous ones. The whole only a limited way and that it is in the sleeping
idea is to awaken the second obser ver. Dunne’s state that the mind can go free into the multi-di-

mensional reality of time and space. Similarly, all
mystery traditions speak of the immortal and
temporal selves which exist simultaneously both
within time and space and without.
Now Dunne claimed he developed his theories
based on dream-obser vations, but in an article in
the New Scientist in 1983 it was reported that
Dunne had written a book just before his death
admitting that he was a medium and a believer in
spiritualism, the article reports that Dunne had time with an imaginary axis, for mathematical
deliberately chosen to leave this out of his “An purposes they claim, but obviously this points at
Experiment with Time” book as he judged that it the possibility that this imaginary time could ex-
would have impacted the reception of his theory. ist. And then, according to some interpretation
But can we translate this idea of two psychologi- of the latest string theories and 11-dimensional
cal time dimensions into two “real” time dimen- reality models, the possibility of dual or multiple
sions? I argue that we should accept that there are time dimensions is at least considered. The 11 di-
more time dimensions, an idea that immediately mensions could include more time dimensions
solves a lot of philosophical and practical issues. according to physicist Itzhak Bars. He developed
Especially if we assume that the one time is what something called two-time physics. Alas, hardly
the physicist have always regarded as time, the any physicists and very few philosophers have
straight ar row of causality and logic, and the looked at this.
other time dimension is more free, more dy-
namic, maybe without an arrow and why not call Time is more than an inflexible t
it magical time. I have a feeling some of the old sages knew about
One is the logical, causal, rational, deter ministic this too, like maybe Plato hinted not only at the
time of the clock, and that is necessarily unidirec- structure and task of our psyche in Phaedrus. He
tional, while the other time is the magical, cre- paints this charioteer with his two winged horses
ative, free-will dimension, the Bergson inner (one obedient and one wild) but maybe also real-
time, like the curly eddies in the river bed of be- ized that they refer to the two dimensions of
liefs. Both are real, but the free will one is limited time, as expressed in our thinking and actions.
by our self imposed worldview. The free will dimension complicates matters, but
Then it is only a small step to the idea that we have is essential, as everything would become static
access to this magical time dimension when we and would eventually petrify without this dimen-
get into that special state of consciousness that sion of change, creation, and freedom. It is in this
we know from the mystics, our dreams and ritual? dimension, in the wild horse of Plato, that life and
I argue that it is in the transcending ritual state progress manifests; it is the life-force itself and
that we access or enter into the magical time, ig- we only limit it by sticking to the beliefs that in-
noring or escaping normal clock time. clude our human laws of nature. Any true sor-
Now where to find some confir mation of this cerer or believer (or psychotherapist) will tell you
somewhat weird notion. I already mentioned about the miracles that are possible and happen
Bergson, another deviant view on time came when we let go of our (programmed) beliefs (or
from John G. Bennet, describing three time di- create new ones).
mensions, adding eternity to what I would call When Plato spoke about Phusis or Physis, now
clock time and magical time and he again was in- commonly translated as nature, I believe he didn’t
fluenced by P.D. Ouspensky’s “A new model of mean the static image of the measured and deter -
the universe” (1931). mined now, the notion physics now refers to. He
But what do quantum physicist think about this. saw nature as a process (growth), not only includ-
Well, they already play with complex (imaginary) ing the past but also the future, a far more dy-
time equations, expanding the one dimensional namic image of the fundamental ways thing are

(physis has roots in phyein “to bring forth, pro- One who Becomes, and djet, the perfect aspect
duce, make to grow”). The Greek Phusis was of time is related to completion, Atem, the Per-
philosophically balanced with Nomos (law and fect One.
order, convention and rationalism). Thy being is the infinite neheh
Plato’s fascination with prophets and augurs was-
n’t superstitious; I feel he realized the bidirect-
Thy image is the unchanging djet
ional nature of time. Plato might have under- From thy planning ka emanate all occur rences
stood that time is more complex than just the t in Jan Assmann (Ägypten, Theologie und Fröm-
our physics equation, but not many modern age migkeit einer frühen Hochkultur).
philosophers have picked it up. The Egyptians according to Jan Assmann viewed
“totality” as the opposite of finite and bounded.
Egyptian two time dimensions To them, the boundaries of totality were not con-
Although in modern times the idea of multiple trasted with the un bounded, but with the
time dimensions has not really been accepted, in “whole,” with “plenitude”. In chapter 17 of the
ancient Egypt there was such a notion. Neneh Book of the Dead (actually The Book of Going
and djet were two concepts associated with time forth by day), the expression “all being” is ex-
and eternity. The neneh (nhh) concept of time is plained as “neheh and djet” indicating that neheh
associated with the finite, serial clock time or pe- and djet designate the comprehensive and abso-
riodic time measured in relation to cyclic nature lute horizon of totality. Djet and neheh are sym-
like the days and the seasons. Neneh means ‘cy- metrical concepts and are almost always used to-
clic time within the world of physical phenom- gether like in the act of ritual purification, pour-
ena’, the eternity of continuous, repeating cycles. ing water jars containing the symbol ankh, or life,
The neneh hieroglyph resembles a rope that has over the person being purified who was then said
been twisted and looped to make a chain pointing to be pure forever (djet) and ever (neheh). Neneh
at the cycling motion of the sun as it rises up and is time which belongs to this earth, to celestial
sets down. The hieroglyph also resembles a events, equinoxes, the movement of the sun and
standing-wave and the dual serpent energies as stars, as in repetition, measurement. Djet is of the
seen in the symbol of the Caduceus. otherworld, where time is not present, things un-
The other concept relating to time, the djet (dt) changing in eternity and yet the Gods could
comes much closer to magic time or eternity as change them, fixing time (in the future). It’s kind
no time and is translated as “everlastingness”, of funny that in modern Kemeticism, a revival of
“changelessness”, “continuing eter nity”, or Egyptian beliefs, one comes up with an explana-
“eternal continuity” and is about getting beyond tion that is in line with what the Egyptologist
or out of cyclic time. Djet “perfect time” is basi- assume, but misses the magical character of djet.
cally “No Time”, timelessness expressed by the
“serpent at rest” hieroglyph, also associated with A few thinkers like Henri Bergson with his dis-
the backbone or spinal column, which symbol- tinction of experienced time from clock time,
izes the meditative state; ‘resting’ within the and A. N. Whitehead with his process philosophy
neutral point. and reality approach that accepts events as due to
These concepts were seen as repetitive and re- the “ingression” of timeless entities, were willing
dundant to our modern way of thinking. To the to question the nature of time. Whitehead’s or-
Egyptians each of these represented something ganic realism is characterized by the displacement
concrete and distinct, and they were used in ritu- of the notion of static stuff by the notion of fluid
als, texts, and illustrations, as separate ideas but energy. He was trying to overcome the basic dual-
used together. Jan Assmann (The Search for God ity between man and the universe, seeing reality as
in Ancient Egypt, 2001) speaks of them (in anal- analogous to an organism, changing and growing
ogy with the ‘united double kingdom’) as ‘united all the time. His God was an evolving God.
double time’, where neheh, the imperfect time di- Whitehead accepts and integrates psychic im-
mension is associated with change, Kheper, the pressions such as emotions, beauty, love, and sat-

isfaction in his notion of reality, and even accepts phenomenon? Or maybe consciousness is what
telepathy . time makes?
In his metaphysical view, Whitehead stated that Consciousness goes way beyond our human
space and time were to be seen as abstractions level. Things like the sun and the galaxies are so
from extended events and thus experienced em- enor mous and complex, but at the same time the
pirically. Time does not have any reality in nature, smallest particle must have some level of con-
but is the property of a perceiver. In quantum sciousness; it exists. We make our reality rather
physical times we now would say observer, and anthropocentric, looking like Roger Penrose does
this again points to a close relationship between at what happens in our brain to locate conscious-
consciousness and time. His doctrine of the ep- ness. The world did exist long before there were
ochal character of time depends on the analysis philosophers, or was creation watched anyway by
of the intrinsic character of an event, considered some higher level being?
to be the most concrete, finite entity, which he
calls the “actual occasion." His view of reality as Yoga time travel
constructed from spatio-temporal extended Time travel has been the fascination of many
events is fairly neo-platonic, and yet points at writers, and it is more acceptable to write about it
quantum physics. in those terms than about prophesy. To travel in
Others like Martin Heidegger who opposed the the mind to other places and places might have
timeless concept of Being, and Ilya Prigogine (in- been part of the secret tools of the sorcerers and
ternal time) have also written about time. The priests of older civilizations, but we can only as-
method pursued in Heidegger’s “Being and sume that this was the case, there are certain clues
Time”, an influential 1927 essay about ontology that there was an obsession with transcending
(the study of existence), attempts to delimit the time, in life or after death. We can see that in fu-
characteristics of Dasein (being there = what neral rites, in the gigantic mausoleums, pyramids
man is), in order to approach the meaning of Be- and burial monuments and in how the diseased
ing itself through an interpretation of the tempo- where given gifts of all kinds for the afterlife .
rality of Dasein. Dasein is thus not man, but it In more recent times, travelling in your mind has
starts with man and the outcome of the progres- become more of a public thing, the work of Rob-
sion of Heidegger’s argument is the thought that ert Monroe in out of body experiences (OBE)
the being of Dasein is time. was instrumental to this, but nowadays pop-psy-
chology is full of regression, past life experiences,
Time and Consciousness imaginary travels, guided mediation and such. It
Now all this philosophical theories for me point is used for psychotherapy, healing and the secret
in a clear direction. In the phrase “Time is the ve- ser vices of this world experiment with remote
hicle of consciousness” I indicate that time is the viewing. Science took an interest in Near Death
transport medium that makes the un-manifested Experiences, as this is a state where time and
take form and that in turn allows space to reso- place also become fluid and neuroscientist look at
nate, spirit to move, matter to manifest. This no- the brainscans of people in meditation, in coma
tion came up in a conversation and struck me as and with brain damage and try to figure out what
something worthwhile. Time as the conveyor this means in terms of consciousness, perception
belt, transforming bits of infor mation (or per- and reality. I think that with this wide array of
ceived data) into consciousness. Time, of course, “innerworld” travel techniques it is more than
(nor mally) has an ar row, as this is essential in ther - likely that the mages of old used similar tech-
modynamics, in thinking about resonances, fre- niques. In other words, a prophet or saint might
quencies, energy, entropy, but could it be at the have been someone who by means of intuition or
same time the link to consciousness, making cre- training was able to travel to other places and
ation or materialization (being, and that is a tem- times in his mind. If one can physically do this, is
poral thing for all but the eternal) a consciousness unclear, I have met people who claimed this like a
group from the Italian Damanhur community,

and there are many instances in Forward-backwards
the literature, but not much
Physicists see time as a one-di-
real evidence.
rectional dimension, an arrow
Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum
with one point, related to move-
physicist, in his book “the yoga
ment with a maximum in the
of time travel” (2004) tries to
speed of light. I always sus-
bridge the views of the new
pected that time or at least part
physics concerning time with
of what we call time, in an ex-
those of the Eastern sages
tra-dimensional framework, is
(Patanjali and the Bhagavat
bidirectional and begin to feel
Gita). He is a gifted writer and
this as a fundamental step in un-
teacher, his books offer great
derstanding magic (and the uni-
insights and he makes the aca- The Aztec time-awareness was complex,
but very accurate verse). The way time (t) pops up
demic and bloodless equations
in all those for mulas and theo-
and experiments come to life
ries, it could also run in both di-
in wonderful stories and exam-
rections, be positive and negative, forward and
ples. His focus in this book is on timetravel and he
backward. Most for mulas use time (t) squared
explains, with many great examples and refer-
anyway, the plus or minus would make no differ-
ences to scientific models and discoveries, how
ence, in the equations time is what they call sym-
that would be theoretically possible and how he
sees in the old practices of yoga a way to achieve
But this is a rather startling idea, it would mean
it. He sees two realistic (as in scientifically possi-
that the future influences the present, quite a step
ble) types of time travel, the one jumping be-
away from the causality paradigms of the materi-
tween the parallel universes of the 11 dimen-
alists. Yet if we take prophesy serious, as I do, this
sional string theory model, using wormholes,
is a foregone conclusion, but what about entropy
negative energy and equipment yet to be in-
then, or would negentropy be part of those other
vented. The other, what he calls extraordinary
dimensions, feeding structure and infor mation
time travel, has to do with yoga or meditation .
into space-time?
These techniques, and he mentions that they in-
I sug gest the magical time dimension stretches or
volve letting go of the ego, are the core of many
bends in both directions, meaning any event is a
esoteric traditions, like Raja-yoga. It all is about
function of past, present and future and of the
controlling the mind (becoming the body beyond
worldstate and consciousness of the inner or
the mind that only hinders the direct experience
outer (observer) resonances. So the outcome of
of self) and entering the state of consciousness
any event/experiment is not only influenced by
where we can jump and exchange our universe
the observer, the object and what’s around, but
for a parallel one or even for the dimensionless
also dependent on its future tail. The future then
(ego- and formless) divine consciousness state.
plays a role in the present, but also the present in-
In this way we can leave the limitations of
fluences the future, and this points at a strange
space-time and become true soul and conscious-
paradox, namely that looking at the future influ-
ness, as Patanjali already stated. Wolf ’s approach
ences the future. Mir rors within mirrors, but
here is coherent with what I see as the essential of
what is resonance, the basic element of reality,
the ritual (inner child) state, where the ego and
other than a reflection, a mirror seeing and mani-
masks are lifted and one can manipulate the ordi-
festing itself.
nary reality of time and place. In his view time
Now physicist will see that a notion, whereby
travel is not magical and impossible, but part of
time flows in two directions, clashes with the sec-
what we are if we let go of the prison of our
ond law of ther modynamics which forbids in-
limiting notions of time and space.
verse processes. Most things are ir reversible, the
entropy (something like the inverse of infor ma-
tion) of an isolated physical system cannot de-

crease; it remains constant, and usually it in- the idea, that humans expect some afterlife
creases. However, suppose we are not limited to 4 (heaven/hell) is a much better ethical condition
dimensional space-time, and what looks like a de- than the idea, that there is nothing beyond death,
crease is infor mation flowing into other dimen- and that anything you can get away with is morally
sions. acceptable. In business and politics these days the
Now if in practical terms the future influences latter attitude seems prevalent. Make the next
the outcome of an event, we need an image to de- election, the next quarterly report, forget about
scribe this. Just as the past is like a tail that influ- the long term, “après nous le deluge” (Madame
ences the present, I call the future influence the de Pompadour). The days that the future was part
future tail. Now if a tail is very heavy, very influ- of our then mostly religious paradigm feed-
ential, moving it becomes difficult. So effective forward (taking the future in consideration)
(intended) change in the present, as it also has to yielded less immediate control, but see what the
deal with the future tail, might be difficult. This feedback of our digital era has brought us? We
explains why changing paradigms is such a hard measure and measure, but have reduced our
task. It requires so much change, so it’s future tail awareness to those measurements, forgetting the
is so heavy, that it becomes nearly impossible. whole picture. You can find more about feedback
Only occasionally some great mind can cause in the chapter about consciousness.
this, people like Giordano Bruno or Einstein
were great magicians in this sense. One descrip- Bayesian probability
tion of magic in this perspective might be to see it The term “Bayesian” refers to the 18th century
as the art and science of manipulating the future mathematician and theologian Thomas Bayes,
tail of an event and this could be expanded to in- who provided the first mathematical treatment
clude the past. For by influencing or changing the of a non-trivial problem of what is now called
past we can then change the present. So the magic Bayesian inference. Pierre-Simon de Laplace pio-
and time in this sense are very much related . neered and popularized what is now called
Predicting this deter ministic future is therefore in Bayesian probability. It’s an influential proposi-
this view not only knowing the past (the Laplace tion. Scientific American referred to it in a simple
approach), but also figuring “in” the future, a te- one-liner: Initial Beliefs + Recent Objective Data
leological feedforward approach, far beyond the = A New and Improved Belief.
feedback approach now so prevalent in society According to the subjectivist interpretation of it,
and science. Understanding of feedforward and probability quantifies a “personal belief ”. In test-
feedback control mechanism and its effects like ing a hypothesis, typically done without assigning
resonance and oscillation is, beyond the technical a probability, the Bayesian approach differs as it
aspects, very important as it relates to the way we assumes an outcome somewhere between 0 and
think and plan. Assuming or feeling a future 1, that then serves as the probability basis for
event/situation/condition) and then steering to- analysis. The “subjectivist” statisticians deny the
wards it is feedforward and possibility of fully objective anal-
much more effective than the ysis, the Laplace approach. I kind
feed back whereby we just of sense the acceptance of irra-
mea sure and adapt like a tionality or a wider reality than
simple thermostat of the just statistical causality there. I
central heating. would say, a belief is something
Assuming that the day will taken from the future, in one’s
end (and philosophers like mind one comes up with a propo-
Hume and Berkeley argued against us knowing it sition or outcome. In other words, the future (as
for sure) and the night will come is a kind of imagined in the hypothetical outcome) influences
feedforward. Think of how we program that the result, one could say the process of creating a
ther mostat for the expected temperature differ- hypothesis is already feeling a little bit more of
ence. Feedforward in the big societal picture as the truth. Not very much different from what I

argue, that the future influences the present.
Bayesian Quantum theory (QBism) assumes that
the wave function we talk about concerning man-
ifestation is a mental construct, a way the ob-
server fixes the outcome, but has no base in
spacetime reality. This might be true, but what if
it has a base in the extradimensional?

Entropy and the arrow of time

There are deter ministic and reversible phenom-
ena, such as the motion of the earth around the
sun: they have no privileged direction of time
(and can be reversed). Irreversible processes have
an “arrow of time”, are governed by the second
Law of Ther modynamics and thus entropic.
However, our daily experience of the irreversible
and creative dimension of life and our existence
as humans observing and creating order goes
against this entropic arrow.
Now to link this psychological notion of time
with the reality of physics is not easy. One way to
look at it is to accept that there is negentropy
flowing in from elsewhere, an expanded view of tor, and not a number. There can be many inter-
the equilibrium and here I sug gest the extra di- nal times, and time becomes an average time,
mensions where also magic works. Nobelist Ilya combinings contributions coming from all values
Prigogine stayed within the scientific paradigm of the internal time. In this sense, time becomes
and used concepts as internal time to explain the “non-local” - the present is a recapitulation of the
arrow of time in highly unstable dynamic systems past, and an anticipation of the future.
(life, chemistry) and non locality. Prigogine then explains that future is not con-
In Einstein’s view the idea of localization in tained in the present for systems satisfying the
space-time, meaning that for particles their being second law of thermodynamics. Therefore, ac-
and interactions are defined with reference to cording to this description, states have an orienta-
space and time, was an essential as well as an inte- tion in time. Time is now intrinsic to objects. It is
gral part of the theory. no more a container of static, passive matter.
The classical approach for irreversibility in iso-
lated systems considers entropy as the basic Free will
quantity which, according to the second law of Freedom and self determination in this perspec-
ther modynamics, increases in isolated systems as tive (with two time dimensions), so contrasting
the result of irreversible processes. Entropy in- with modern physics and the materialist view, are
creases because the probability increases. At a in this perspective just two ways of being in time
ther modynamic equilibrium complete disorder is or in fact being in different time dimensions. As
reached, and the probability reaches a maximum. we are able to effect the future in magical time, we
When there is no equilibrium and instability, are responsible for what we do in that state, but
things change but according to Ilya Prigogine less responsible for what we do automatically in
(The Rediscovery of Time 1983) we can then use the nor mal time mode. If this implies that we
internal time and accept non locality (the thing could only put true sorcerers and highly evolved
that surprised Einstein). beings on the stakes and pardon the automatons,
He stated “Time is non-local topological time”. is up to the reader.
Whenever the internal time exists it is an opera-

Knowing what comes, an antenna for rectional causal (only the past influences the pres-
the future ent) notion in our (in the West mostly scientifi-
cally and rationally oriented) programmed per-
Now in a ritual context time and notably the fu-
sonality layers and mindsets, but can have access
ture is very much of interest, like we do pray for
to a bidirectional causality in deeper layers of the
many things we hope will come to us, asking for a
self/inner child etc. In mystical and trance states
rather magical event to happen. Or we ask to
many do experience the future, become pro-
know about what will happen, so we can act in an
phetic etc. In those states we can also influence
appropriate way. Assuming that we in any way,
the future (and past and present) and shape reality
enhanced or helped by ritual, can make contact
or at least the perception of reality (the dreamed
with the future is thus essential for the efficacy of
illusion or maya), but isn’t that all we have access
ritual. If praying works, we have to assume that
to anyway. So this brings maybe a new notion
there is a way we influence reality and time, nota-
about how magic and magical action can be de-
bly the fu ture. And thus the fu ture, being
fined, seeing it as the manipulation of reality out-
changed, influences the present. In the chapter
side of the nor mal arrowed time notion and then
about I will go into some methods to work with
again I point at Carlos Castaneda’s distinction
between tonal and nagual reality.
Within the framework of senses for the extra di-
In magical practice, obviously our working base is
mensions I mentioned that one or more of those
that we can influence the future through thoughts
senses or meta-dimensional organs (primes) we
and acts in the present. The Magical (but in fact
all posses have to do with perceiving the future,
universal) Laws of resonance, attraction, polarity
both the logical one we see as time in the four-di-
etc. all basically work outside unidirectional time,
mensional framework and the more magical one
although the cor respondences used like fre-
that has to do with free will. We also, as our senses
quency (sound, color) are of course a very
are bidirectional (sender/receiver) have a way of
space-time concept and within our nor mal world.
influencing the future, although not in all the
Many psi-experiments prove we can influence
time-dimensions, the more logical and straight-
the present via some kind of looping around
forward time-dimension is less or not susceptible
space-time reality, mostly if we can move into
to manipulation .
those deep layers of our psyche and existence
The idea, that we know (are aware of) the future,
that are not very ego-driven by means of trance,
has dawned upon me as an explanation of many
meditation or ritual concentration. Just as a side
phenomena, in the magical realm but also in “sci-
remark and not intended to complicate matters
entific” physics. There are now many experi-
even more, I believe we can also influence the
ments that indicate that we actually perceive or
past, in Family Constellations (Bert Hellinger)
know the future, sometimes just milliseconds be-
this happens quite often .
fore something happens, sometimes there is a
body reaction faster than neurological transmis- Turning to physics and biology for
sion can explain, observers react to pictures be- proof of awareness of the future
fore they are randomly chosen from a series .
However, in a wider context, assuming that “any Knowing (or sensing in whatever way) the future
event is a function of not only observer, world of course touches fundamental issues, like evolu-
state (observed) and past, but also of the future” tion, free will, blasphemy and consciousness it-
goes against our notion of how unidirectional self, accepting that the future can be known,
time-space works, but is mathematically in line which implies that it influences the present, turns
with physical laws, where time is often squared the whole of physics upside down. Does a seed
and thus minus or plus makes no difference . know where it is going and does some kind of
I believe, that our “nor mal” notion of time is a awareness of its future explains how it will
programmed paradigm, just as we believe that evolve? Is the whole of evolution not a process
our mind is contained in our brain. As “edu- of “remembering” the future, far more practical
cated” humans we have developed a strict unidi- than Teilhard de Chardin’s teleological notion of

a far away divine goal? And what about DNA, the of DNA. Russian researchers, as mentioned in an
basis of our biological existence as science tell us? article by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, see
Scientists discovered there is not enough basis DNA as a biological Internet, especially the 90%
data (infor mation) in DNA to even come close to of “junk DNA” not related to protein building is
the variation expressed in real life, so what is important in this respect, as it follows similar
DNA really? rules as all our human languages in syntax, se-
mantics and grammar. The alkalines of our DNA
DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules
I like to give as a hypothesis and a daring one, that just like our languages. Nor mal human language
the main antenna for time (and thus magical in- resonates with DNA and can be used to commu-
teraction) in living beings (on this planet), is nicate with DNA. So in this perspective lan-
DNA, that tells the seed to what plant it will grow, guages did not appear coincidentally but are a re-
evolution is remembering the future. DNA again flection of our inherent DNA. Esoteric and spiri-
has an existence in both time dimensions, this is tual teachers have known for ages that our body is
really what epigenetics means, we can escape the programmable by language, words and thought,
deter ministic part by venturing into the free will given the right frequency etc. and here age-old
dimension. Epigenetics, the science that deals methods come into play, with relaxation and
with how an environment influences genetic deeper levels of consciousness, but this points
choices and bifurcations, indicates that in the de- also at why affir mations and hypnosis work,
velopment of a species and of an individual many DNA reactions to language are quite nor mal and
“choices” are made, related to the environment, natural in this context. To work with DNA at this
but how to explain that the seed becomes a spe- level requires a state of relaxation and inner peace
cific plant. Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morpho- that has a lot to do with the ritual process and the
genetic fields and fields of mind offers a limited liminality thereof.
explanation, and certainly ties in with the notion The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist
that everything influences everything, but still Pjotr Gargajev explored the vibrational behavior
doesn’t explain why a species or individual devel- of the DNA and stated that one can influence the
ops over time as it does beyond the Darwinian cellular metabolism through suitable modulated
view. Now what if we see DNA also as an an- radio and light frequencies and thus repair ge-
tenna of or towards the future and in that sense as netic defects. They claim, in other words, to be
a crucial receptacle and source of guidance for able to change DNA structures with relatively
life-forms to know where to go and how to sim ple means like elec tro mag netic fields.
choose from the environmental factors? Is DNA Garjajev’s research group repaired with this
maybe the basis of the (not yet physically located) method chromosomes damaged by x-rays. They
supersensorial and meta-dimensional “primes” I even captured infor mation patterns of a particu-
believe we use in magic activities? lar DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus re-
DNA is more than a storage medium for genetic programming cells to another genome. The Rus-
coding and by the way a very efficient way of stor- sians worked on devices that can influence the
ing large amounts of data and is now considered cellular metabolisms and repair genetic defects
and experimentally used as a technical back-up through suitable modulated radio and light fre-
medium for digital data. It is, according to many, quencies, quite different from the Western ap-
also what is called a hypercommunication me- proach of cutting and replacing single genes in
dium and doesn’t that mean active outside the the DNA-strands. According to them, our DNA
limited four-dimensional reality? Many scientists is not only responsible for the construction of
and researchers have noted the correlation with I our body, but also serves as data storage and in
Ching and other divination and time-related tools communication. While western researchers cut,
and artifacts. Jose Argüelles for example noted mix and match single genes from the DNA
the correlation of 64 rune symbols to the 64 strands, the Russians experiment with tools and
hexagrams of the I Ching and to the 64 codons devices that can influence the whole cellular me-

tabolism, called wave genetics. The Russian re- rules. Of course we can doubt the universality of
searchers use the example of insect hive commu- time, if there are multiple parallel universes they
nication (when the queen is taken away but alive, may have different reference models of time.
the hive lives, when she is dead the workers die) to And Einstein’s relativity allows for different clock
il lus trate the effectiveness of hypercom- speeds depending on speed, even in this universe.
munication, much in the same way Sheldrake Non locality, the phenomenon that events seem-
illustrated his view on fields of mind . ingly can happen instantaneous (without the lim-
The methodology of using symbolic messages its of speed of light transmission) also nibbles at
for healing reminds me of what Radionics does time, but for most macroscopic events the sun is
with frequencies and images. Radionics uses sym- coming up every day and the clock ticks. Nature
bolic codes and infor mation for treating diseases follows the sun, the moon and the planets, and
. things like solar flares (eruptions of solar energy)
DNA seems to play more roles in the hypercom- affect the earth and our lives, and even as the
munication, there are effects like the so-called nearest stars are light years away, we are under
Phantom DNA effect that seem to point at en- their influence. Using astrology and divination to
ergy fields that exist in another dimension but can choose the auspicious moment for certain things
be traced in nor mal time-space. is dealt with in a separate chapter but I just want
Hypercommunication is described as communi- to hint at a another DNA relationship that has in-
cation via and in morphogenetic fields or related teresting consequences. I think that if astrology
to the role of the observer in quantum-physics has some value, then cosmic time (the changing
and I believe when seen as meta-dimensional constellation of celestial bodies) is a factor in
communication it transcend also time, in other what we are, whether at birth, conception or
worlds allows dealing with past and future and during our lifetime .
without spatial limitations, some kind of worm- Now science assumes that DNA plays a major
hole connectivity, the microscopic equivalents of role in what we are and do, it’s the genetics (na-
the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges or in plain ture) that starts us off in life (nurture does the
words, tunnel connections between entirely dif- rest). So combining the two, then time as in celes-
ferent areas in the universe through which infor - tial patterns and DNA must have some relation-
mation can be transmitted outside of space and ship. But this whole astrology thing, in its various
time. The adaptability of DNA is something forms (Western, Chinese, I-Ching, Human De-
Greg Braden also noticed, he reports DNA sign System) has come up with certain correla-
changes in human DNA. DNA repair is a hot tions between date of birth (and celestial patterns
topic in fringe-science and 2012 lore, but could later) and what and how we are, so ultimately as-
indeed play a role in the way we deal with the trology is a DNA thing. This is a fascinating
metadimensional . thought, and points more at a 64 I-Ching like as-
So talking about DNA as an antenna into the fu- trology and some relationship with the 64 DNA
ture is not such a big leap really and I believe that codons (the combinations of 3 nucleotides
understanding DNA in this sense is part of the (A,T,G,C)) than a system that assigns potentials
question where the meta-senses I have been talk- based upon correlations noted over time without
ing about reside in our system. The implication an underlying system. But it also means, that
of accepting our “knowledge” of the future ex- DNA is in a way a mirror of the celestial constel-
plains evolution as “a remembrance of the fu- lations and here I have to think about the way an-
ture”, the seed knows where it’s going, the DNA cient places like Stonehenge are laid out. There is
is conforming to the future it “knows”, perceives, little doubt that they intended as a link between
picks up, hence again this word “antenna”. the sky and the earth, and that they were also heal-
ing places of some sort, as recent excavations
DNA, astrology have indicated. Could it be possible, that they
Now apart from all this talk about magical time, were constructed in such a way, that DNA healing
there is clock time, nature seems to follow certain (in whatever form) could take place there?

I believe that this distinction also hints at the pos- Time and morality
sibility that there are really two time dimensions,
Morality has to do with time, not only because we
piggybacked on each other, and that we are in
have to reckon with an afterlife, but because we,
both, but the magical one is not part of nor mal
even in classical nor mality, influence the future
with actions in the now and are thus responsible
The present can change the past for what we cause. This is true in nor mal causality,
but what if time is not so strict and ar row-like. If
One interesting question is whether a ritual not the future influences the present, as prophesies
only changes the future, but also the past. In a undoubtedly do, morality as we know it, the
psychological sense forgiving, contacting the an- whole notion of legal responsibility, the legal sys-
cestors etc. does change the perception of the tem and punishment for what you do in the pres-
past, but can we change the past in a more real ent becomes ir relevant. More than that, one
sense? Since Einstein we stopped seeing time as a could be responsible for changing things in the
strictly linear dimension and in more general past, as well .
terms I postulate that for any obser vation or Ilya Prigogine saw:
event the outcome is a function not only of the
“that his new (local inter nal) description of time puts in
observed, the world state and the observer but of
time past AND future. This what we could term
a new perspective the question of the ethical value of sci-
“future value” of an event weighs in. I sometimes ence. This question could have no meaning in a world
describe the science/art of magic as the manipu- viewed as an automaton. It acquires a meaning in a vi-
lation of that future value function. But then, as sion in which time is a construction in which we all
the effect of time is bidirectional, why not as- participate.”.
sume that also the past is changeable, can be in-
fluenced (from the present)? In that sense, and
stepping back a bit, I believe that changing our
perception of the past actually changes the past
and those changes can be observed in the pre-

Our notion of causality, even with the criticism
of Hume and Berkeley that we can never be sure,
is still very unidirectional, the past influences the
present and the future. Quantum theory has al-
ready made some holes in this paradigm, but
there is more to come. If we assume, as I do, that
we can know the future and that prophets and
sensitives do a better job at accessing and trans-
mitting it, and that the future also influences the
present, things change dramatically. Good-bye
causality as we know it!
Our whole system, our whole society, legal sys-
tem, healthcare and what not has then to change.
Evolution is no longer a chaos thing, it part of a
grand cycle. The laws of Nature (as physicists be-
lieve they know) have to be rewritten, philosophy
reinvented. Or maybe just the old cyclic notion
of Vedic thinking re-assessed.

18 Magic or Quantum-Magic: mind over matter

To look seriously into the otherworldly was, for a cerns the deeper aspects, the hidden qualities, the
long time, not done. The contact with the knowledge of the heart, the Gnostic wisdom.
otherworld and certainly magic is not considered Maybe we can use the word “isformation” here,
the subject of serious study or scientific analysis; trying to understand what really “is” in the
it’s a fringe science and parapsychology just meta-dimensional totality.
slipped in under the radar. Theologians can deal What did modern man achieve, apart from a dec-
with ‘beliefs’, but they are a class and a world adent wealth for some, a spoilt ecology, technol-
apart, religion being merely a social phenomenon ogy that claims connectedness but delivers pulp
since Marx and Nietzsche. Anthropologist can and instant loneliness, textbook science that has
look at it, if they keep their distance, too much of no real answers for natural disaster, man-made
an “emic” involvement is not scientific, except war, and economic crises? What greatness is there
when we classify it as theological. A magician in our ability to bomb nations or to create a
who writes about magic like Crowley is suspi- hype-economy if we can’t prevent the poor of
cious and must be deluded, and is probably a this world becoming poorer every day? Science
crook or per vert. Understanding, describing, ut- has limited herself to rational spacetime explora-
tering the scraps of insights gathered there is left tion and even the humanities are forever looking
to the mystics and spiritual seekers, easily brush- for material, rational explanations, trying to trans-
ed aside as irrational and irrelevant in our modern late ideals and intangibles into statistics, brain
world of communication, infor mation, and sci- currents or chemical reactions. I happen to be-
ence. The politically cor rect attitude is: “We don’t lieve that we cannot ignore the limits of today’s
need to delve into the superstitions and ancient science anymore. There is a growing urgency to
lore, modern man can do without!” look further, to ask essential questions about the
However, not that quantum physics has kicked goal of technology, the real use of infor mation,
the deter ministic rug from under our feet, we can the relevance of ever faster data-processing and
venture a bit outside rational thinking, especially arithmetical progress. Does it make people hap-
as we dress this exploration up as quantum magic. pier, better, more connected, or are we blindly
I really don’t know there is this relationship, but chasing the spook of progress while in fact re-
chaos theory, relativity, quantum mechanics, non gressing into the dark age of abundant data but
locality, probabilities rather than observable cer- less and less information about what really
tainties made it fashionable to label all new in- matters?
sights as quantum-. So why not use this cover to I do believe that the basic of mind/matter inter-
explore what has always been the intriguing part action is similar to what we call quantum-effects
of the whole, the magic? Theology, in fact the in the ‘new physics’, but is not a physical phenom-
original science of the otherworld, has been ex- enon. People like mathematician J. von Neumann
changed for the mask of quantum-understand- and Eugene Wigner made clear that the role of
ing, the ‘standard model and Higgs “God parti- the observer is essential, in fact that without ob-
cle”. What’s in the name anyway, I could have server, without attention, without consciousness
named this chapter Information-magic. reality is a fiction.
What do we know, did we know, or can we know This is not a new insight for the Hindu or Bud-
about the link between ordinary reality and the dhist, and those wan der ing in the vir tual
metaphysical world and how they interact and re- Cyberspace economy must feel the familiarity. I
late? The word “knowing” is not even appropri- use the word quantum-magic because the truly
ate; it is closer to feeling and sensing, the shaman magical, the miracles of creation, the singularities
or mystic doesn’t retrieve equations or hard facts, of history, the grace we experience in our per-
but poetic insights. The concept of infor mation sonal lives, they all seem to follow the same irra-
as in digital data doesn’t apply here, as this con- tional rules we encounter at the quantum level.

Only the quantum approach explains the strange things and ideas that matter beyond the next dol-
phenomena where events, things, particles hap- lar, the next moment, the next exit? Stacking and
pen or not happen, seemingly at random but ob- stockpiling gigabytes and terabytes of data,
viously depending on intention and conscious- senselessly moving them around the globe, but
ness, at whatever level. I feel that the phenomena not really connecting with anything, not feeling
of quantum-physics is not limited to the very our spine resonate with ethereal and eternal truth,
small, the very fast, the boundary regions, but is not making sense out of the overload of stimuli.
the central force in creation. The magical force, Media proliferates, but do we care more, do we
the life force, the exhalation of Brahma, the Chi feel deeper, do we understand and empathize
or the Holy Spirit. better? The extension of the senses has indeed
Different from Nick Herbert’s approach in “Ele- become mere massage, killing time and seemingly
mental Mind” I am not so much concerned with eliminating the limitations of the time/space di-
the exact nature or location of the consciousness mensions, but numbing us at the same time. We
process or with the historical debate about are less and less part of the creation, but consume
mind/matter. Nor do I intend to prove by scien- the virtuality that separates us from the real expe-
tific experiments that the Newtonian causality rience. A vir tuality filled with web-contacts,
model is inadequate as in Rupert Sheldrake’s Facebook friends, and social networks that break
“Seven Experiments”. I simply assume that when we ask more than the very superficial.
whatever has sur vived in folklore, religion, tales The limits and emerging constraints of commu-
and fringe literature as magic or ritual practice has nication and infor mation technology are maybe
some truth or let’s say probability in it. Instead of not so obvious as we are blinded by visions of
discarding the unbelievable I honor it, seeking the e-commerce, mobile communication, global
deeper truth behind it. internet, social networks, and the promise of a
Obviously the practice of shamans, rainmakers new economy without losers. However, we really
and such has sur vived the ages, so some results have to look at the basic question: how data
can be assumed. And of course trickery, deceit, becomes information.
sleight of hand play a role, just because there is no How does this flow of facts and figures, images
guaranteed outcome of any healing or magical and sounds we are now offered via internet ev-
act. But to deny that miracles or at least singulari- erywhere and always, translate into the things that
ties occur has more to do with a psychological de- really matter? This question, I believe, has every-
nial and fear of the unexplainable than sticking to thing to do with our relation to the metaphysical.
the facts. The quantum-facts of the physicist Infor mation science needs to wake up and rede-
have led to theories that seem to explain and even fine itself. It may be surprised to find itself at the
predict new experiments, in the same way the same level as witchdoctors, shamans, and holy
quantum-magical facts of human history should men praying to the Gods. Infor mation is not only
be examined. looking at the cognitive processes, filtering, rec-
What are the general principles of jungle healing, ognition, and association- those are only pro-
of the traditional ways of indigenous cultures, cesses at the receiving end of the stick. The pro-
but why look so far? We still have many practices cess of informing oneself, of obtaining relevant
and rituals that sur vived the cold winds of ratio- data, is much more a two-way phenomenon, it
nal thinking. Look at the coins in your pocket, lis- must have some extra-dimensional link. And we
ten to the solemn vows in courts, but how about do have the senses to interact with this infor ma-
the graduation events and watch athletes with tion dimension, think about synchronicity as the
their mascot’s and obsessive quirks. most simple example. These interactions via
what I call primes, explained elsewhere in this
What is information anyway? book, are real but not rational and explained by
The twentieth century was all about technology the laws of physics. Rupert Sheldrake made the
and infor mation, but did we ever understood point that when looking at someone we some-
what infor mation was, true infor mation about how connect to them in a way different from

what classical physics can explain. I think the promoted to co-creators in a game of proba-
same applies to the whole ‘infor mation’ thing. It bilities and non-locality.
has to do with intention, with frame of mind, Quantum-state and infor mation are in a away in-
with access. Maybe that what we perceive as in- terchangeable. A bit is only infor mation if it
for mation is nothing but some side-effect of a bytes, but how does it byte, when does it byte, and
consciousness process, along with time and man- how does it make the quantum jump from noise
ifestation. Maybe we manifest the ‘tangible’ data, to meaning? Attention, consciousness, will, per-
coming to us in the form of books, emails or ception, we know that these play a role, but what
other media, only after we have made up our role and how, what happens to “reality” when we
minds as what it is we need. understand, what happens when we connect,
By switching on one’s PC or television set, tap- when we unite? Of course, rational science has
ping our tablets or smartphones, we can theoreti- looked into it and we have a far more detailed un-
cally receive gigabytes of infor mation, but we all derstanding of the sense organs, the sinews, syn-
know that there is a limit to what really reaches us. apses, and the structure of the brain. But to what
Our system doesn’t accept more input than that effect, do we understand thinking beyond neu-
as the core level. A yet, that poem or this piece of rons fir ing? There are now theories about
music, this glance and that touch sometimes neuro-linguistics and symbolic language, but the
change our life completely. We all know instinc- next so-called semantic search engine on Internet
tively that lots of data don’t serve us, that it’s the hardly goes beyond rational searches. It is still fil-
few that move and resonate within us that matter. tering and not really creating a dynamic path
But even with the best search engines and neural based on previous searches, experience, and
network computer we really have no idea how to emotional state of the seeker.
filter or separate or recognize those few bits that
would really byte. Magic is more than
The rise of the information age is astonishing. quantum-mechanics
The advances in processing power, storage and Quantum-magic is but a word to paint or sketch
communication speeds awesome, but aren’t we the ‘science’ that by others was called Magick
going over the top, aren’t we drowning in the (Crowley), gnosis, alchemy, or witchcraft. It flour-
data-sea? Like with all ‘advances,’ we will un- ished in many forms and among many groups,
doubtedly discover that we have gone too far. whether in secret or openly. Maybe not even a sci-
Once we explored or have approached the limits ence, a science deals with rational causality, re-
of our physical and sensory input we will feel sat- peatability and falsification, but an art. Art can do
urated and the race for more speed, bandwidth, without form or structure, rules or dogmas; art
or quantity becomes ir relevant. Who wants Hifi relies on intentionality, connected ness, and
sound in frequency bands one cannot hear, who inspiration.
wants resolution beyond the perceptible? When the bard Shakespeare wrote ‘"To be or not
We will sober up and start looking for what really to be that" is the question’ (no interpunction in
matters and I happen to believe that is the magical those days) maybe he was he was not referring to
side of things. We have to stop the data-bom- death and existence, but rather to the old Hindu
bardment, in the virtual and psychological sense “Thou are That” , a hint that got lost in history as
and in the real sense of polluting this world and the human preoccupation with suicidal mortality
its fragile connections with the next level of maybe obscured the true message of the bard.
self-constructed reality. Therefore, protecting The next lines of William could be interpreted as
ourselves from that pollution will be the main pointing at what the mind imagines as trouble
concern for decades to come. This requires a (the outside world) and whether one chooses to
better understanding of how data becomes infor - accept or fight this illusion. “Whether ‘tis nobler
mation not only as a psychological process, but at in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of out-
the core biological level as well as at the quan- rageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of
tum-level where observer and observed are both troubles and by opposing end them?” Shake-

speare, as Plato, Moses and countless others was small and very large scale effects that are not sub-
aware of this dimension, not separate but inter- ject to “nor mal” reality, and consciousness plays a
woven, the heaven among us, the paradise of be- role there. At the quantum level, the observer
ing whole. So maybe he deliberately left the two plays a role. At the Big Bang moment, something
interpretations open. must have started “it” or, as some believe, re-
The twentieth century has seen tremendous ad- started a whole new cycle. Could it be that time is
vancements in science, but has left us with the not so much related to space but to conscious-
same perennial questions as to the nature of ness, that consciousness and time conspire to
mind, matter, and God. Is God the collapsing manifest? That in other and more symbolic
power in the quantum-physical probability game? words Love (consciousness) uses Time to mani-
Are we co-creators in that sense? How does the fest Truth? Truth and energy/power do have an
individual relate to his reality? This is not merely a esoteric resonance and time is seen as illusory, a
philosophical question, as the familiar causality mortal construct, in some philosophical tradi-
and mechanistic approach seems incapable of tions. And there even manifestation is not more
coping with the serious problems of the world. than Maya, a dream within a dream. But do we
The inherent dangers of technology to our eco- dream the dream or is it dreamed for us? Some
system and mental health, or even to our gene see time as a grand illusion we created to deal with
pool and DNA are slowly coming to light- what the complex wider reality. Even Kant mentioned
to do? The magical alternative needs a new appre- the possibility that our “nor mal” space-time di-
ciation. We need to come clean about the power mensions are just a construction. Einstein’s rela-
of mind (or consciousness) over matter. tivity theories gave us those strange paradoxes,
I believe that the relationship between mind and made time in a way more flexible and indicated
matter, between (perceived) reality and con- that if we could travel at the speed of light, very
sciousness, needs methodical study and research. funny situations are possible, like meeting people
Research that goes beyond the mechanistic limi- in a different time frame. We can no longer be-
tations of time and space and accepts that the lieve that there is one Now, the same for all, and
freedom from those ‘nor mal’ constraints does that time is a constant. Relativity destabilized our
extend into the scale of everyday life and maybe traditional notions of space and time, but that
even beyond. I think that a study of magic (quan- was only the first step.
tum magic, infor mation magic etc.) is essential
for the direction of science, society, biosphere Quantum-Physics
and thus of mankind in this third millennium In physics, the minimal thickness of time is the
ahead of us. Planck time, (tP), the unit of time required for
Quantum mechanics and understanding of en- light (a photon) to travel in a vacuum and at light
tropy has opened our eyes to the intricacies of speed, a distance of 1 Planck length (roughly
creation. Chaos theory gave another link between 10-43 seconds). Anything at this scale or smaller
the world of ideas and perceived reality, virtual would be quantum-state phenomena.
reality actualized the ‘psychedelic experience’ or The whole world of classical physics (and in a
the “mystical unitive awareness” into the science way relativity) was turned with the advent of
of perception and visualization; we have grown quantum physics, the dualism of wave and parti-
to appreciate the mathematics of creation, the cle emerged (the famous double slit experi-
logic of the mind-com puter, but failed to ments). The universe has not only discrete (and
realistically delve into the esoteric. elemental) steps in manifestation, but is a proba-
bility in need of an observer to become noticed,
Quantum-reality or and thereby the observer becomes creator of
Consciousness-reality what he or it notices. Schrödinger, Heisenberg,
Time, existence, and consciousness are part of Pauli, Dirac- the first half of the twentieth cen-
the big game. Here is where quantum-mechanics tury saw enor mous advances in our understand-
and new physics point the way: there are very ing the material world while breaking down the

notions of the mostly Western scientist of centu- ing the one yields infor mation (a Qubit or quan-
ries before. Not that we really made progress tum-bit) about the other. Now in the EPR (rela-
apart from atomic and nuclear power and semi- tivistic) vision this was because the twins had a
conducting (a quantummechanical process) in hidden set of agreements (local hidden variables)
understanding creation, existence or magic; no- how they would react to a measurement. Experi-
body saw Aleister Crowley as an experimental ments have shown that this is not the case, and
physicist. It was, however, noted that the quan- non-locality is now used for practical applications
tum-equa tions were open to time be ing like in quantum computing and a new and prom-
bidirectional, time-symmetrical. The notion of is ing way of transporting information via
now, already attacked by Einstein’s relativity, was quantum teleportation.
further eroded. Past and future, at least at the I like my friend Nick , Herbert’s proof and exper-
quan tum scale, be came interchangeable; iment to explain the Bell theorem and implica-
electrons in positive time were equal to positrons tions and how he took the whole thing a step fur-
in negative time. ther in Quantum-Tantra and Holistic Physics. He
looks at mind as the link or solution, and accepts
Non-local causality that mind is everywhere, universal in nature, a
Are related time and space necessarily for exis- fundamental quantum effect. If we see mind as
tence? Is something limited to what is local? consciousness manifested, I think he points in
Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 noted that when two the right direction.
quantum systems are brought together and then
separated in space, they remained connected in Epi-reality
an entanglement, a new and per manent kind of Here we first have to look at what quantum sci-
wholeness. He saw it as the main difference be- ence brings as a antirealistic paradigm before we
tween the then new quantum theory and the old can return to a wider perspective, the epirealistic
classical ways of describing nature. Then (in one, that accepts the spirit dimension as part of
1964) John S. , Bell’s non-locality theorem kicked the meta-dimensional whole.
in, toppling whatever science thus far believed. Quantum reality states are different from local
Even Einstein found it spooky as it was at least (traditional) realism in the sense that reality state-
seemingly contradicting relativity and the 1935 ments like: “a tree in the forest is there even as no-
EPR (Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky,, and Na- body looks “ are challenged. It leads to the bizarre
than Rosen,) approach. Bell’s Theorem shows the notion that the world is in some sense “not real”
impossibility of a Local Realistic interpretation except during an act of measurement (or con-
of quantum mechanics, broadly meaning that in- scious interaction). One can look, as Heisenberg,
for mation can travel faster than light (instanta- did, to “the quantum state being potentiality as
neously) and this has been proven in experiments contrasted with actuality of the “local” relativistic
with “entangled” systems (related spin of ele- state, seeing the (unmeasured) world as just a po-
mental particles because of previous interaction). tential (a multifold of potentiae) humming
This is only at the subatomic (quantum-physical) along.”
level, but it does indicate that there exist interac- The quantum state does not obey the restrictions
tions between events that are too far apart in and causality of space time behavior, it’s more
space and too close together in time for the slippery, only if its statistical probability collapses
events to be connected by signals moving at the it becomes real, actual, manifest, objectively re-
speed of light. duced to a beable. And a beable that cannot be
The discussion here gets a bit technical, involves predicted, a chance phenomenon, making the
the entanglement, a state whereby two bodies universe and us a chance event, in this view. An
(electron, photons or atoms) have a connection (a unobserved object is quantum wise not a real
past) where they kind of assumed the same qual- thing but a probability wave, not an actual hap-
ity (polarization, spin) that stays with them; they pening but a bundle of vibratory possibilities,
become twins even as they are separated. Measur- only when observed those possibilities collapse,

the so called quantum jump. But what is measur- Higgs particle (a very short manifestation of the
ing, is it different form observing, who are ob- Higgs field that would bring mass to at least the
servers, is there self-observing, do we need re- atomic realm) that seems plausible seen the re-
cording in some form for observing to leave a sults of Hadron-collider experiments plays a role.
mark, a trace? What has awareness, conscious- Peter Higgs and Francois Englert have gotten
ness to do with this, is manifestation the result of their Nobel-prize in 2013, and the ‘standard
consciousness or vice versa, the quantum jump model’ got a boost. A feasible solution for quan-
moment is the crux of (the) matter. There lies the tum gravity would be necessary to cover all four
secret of what Heinz Pagels, called “the cosmic fundamental forces of nature and the Higgs
code”: quantum physics as the language of an boson provides this (there are in the standard
anti-realistic nature. subatomic model fer mions that constitute matter
and bosons that provide the forces that holds it
To be and not to be, to be or not to be that, those together). But there are fine details, like the spin
are the questions which quantum physics and of the Higgs particle that has not been measured
quantum philosophy bring to us, and that’s ex- and science has not ended, yet. Also the question
actly where the spiritual kicks in and o wonder, of the invisible dark matter (4/5 th of all) is a bit
the sages of old were concerned with. nagging.
This all of course has led to many speculations It’s all still rather unfamiliar and strange. Like we
and theories, philosophers and theologians saw in have to accept that each material particle is de-
Bell’s theorem a proof that everything is related, scribed as a distinguishable excitation state of ba-
that the non-local nature of reality points at some sic energy strings and areas with quantum me-
underlying union of everything, and questions chanical aspects. It may be that gravity has to do
the whole of traditional causality and cor rela- with leakage between parallel universes, and at
tions, events can happen and be related without least M-theory assumes existence of multidimen-
“physical” contact. The quantumtheoretical im- sional spaces within any single point of space and
plication, that there is a kind of weird connection time.
possible without direct (material) interaction, just Now the notion of more dimensions and funny
a common historical contact, is quite magical, it time effects (negative time) at least points at
indicates that there is an <$I[]implicate or- something more than the familiar tangible reality
der>im pli cate or der (Da vid Bohm) that out there! A world curled up alongside nor mal
surpasses causality as we think we know. space-time, the possibility of extra dimensions
Attempts to unite quantum and relativity theories and wouldn’t that be where the unexplained, the
have led to new theories to explain reality like otherworldly resides? And even as these other di-
string theories en the multidimensional super- mensions are virtual (unmanifested), just the re-
string M-(brane) Theory, and that kind of opens sult of mathematical logic, why not accept an
the possibility of more (up to 11) dimensions, extradimensional realm associated with them?
curled up along our space-time, space-like but The issue is whether we can have contact with
also time dimensions. that realm, whether there is a link between the
manifested and the unmanifested (the invisible,
String-theory non-collapsed) and whether we as humans (and
The M-Theory states that reality is constructed animals and maybe all) have a contact possiblity.
from one-dimensional energy ‘strings’ and ‘mem- Do we, but also all manifested reality also have an
branes’, much smaller than even subatomic parti- existence in those other dimensions? I think of
cles and that these generate mass, existence, and these as a kind of roots in the otherworld.
even time. This is our latest approximation of a So maybe my notion of the extra-dimensional
‘theory of everything (but magic)’ but relies on senses and transmitters, the primes, that underlie
the super-symmetry of forces and matter and is my understanding and interpretation of magic
limited to what is manifested. This super-symme- and the working of ritual magic, fits in. As we are
try is what needs to be proven, and there the limited in our ability to measure them in our ‘nor -

mal’ space-time, maybe in the middle of the sun, result than the frequentist approach to statistical
way out in space or at the moment of death? And inference. Inference means drawing conclusions
maybe someone can tell me, if we could go to the from data, and in the Bayesian approach a hypo-
center of the earth, what would gravity be there thetical outcome is used to ar rive at earlier states.
(close to zero?), would we be able to “measure” It is called the personalist approach, because it ac-
all those funny elemental particles in particular cept the role of the subjective analyst in drawing
conditions or places? up a hypothetical outcome, not as a yes or no situ-
ation, but with a cer tain probability. In the
Entropy frequentist approach one starts from the data and
Now entropy enters the fray. For quantum phys- works towards an outcome. All this is fairly fun-
ics kind of allow time to flow backwards, and that damental as it concerns the nature of infor ma-
goes against the Ther modynamic Laws and the tion, how data yields infor mation and how
entropy of our known universe, that will eventu- information is contextual, and depends on the
ally die a ther mal death in most scenario’s. Infor - way the data are analyzed.
mation, negentropy, has no mass and (non-local- The subjective Bayesian account of quantum
ity sug gests) no constraints on its velocity. The probability evolved out of the work of K.R.W.
so-called collapse or reduction of the wave Jones and named the Caves-Fuchs-Schack
packet, the quantum jump, is the result of infor - “QBism” Bayesian approach after Carlton M.
mation changing, and this could happen instanta- Caves, Christopher Fuchs and Rüdiger Schack.
neous and in relation (actually equal) to what hap- This personalist approach resonates with what
pens to something far away (the entangled has been observed in quantum mechanics, the
partner, particle, photon). observer plays a role in the collapse of the wave
This area of quantum consciousness, of ques- function. The observer causes the manifestation
tioning the fabric of reality, time, locality and non (e.g. as wave or particle) of subatomic phenom-
locality is where the whole of Newtonian think- ena. QBism as sumes that this probabilistic
ing goes out of the door, where the laws of ther - wave-function only exists in the mind of the ob-
modynamics and unidirectional time that so limit server as a mathematical tool and has no exis-
our understanding of reality are challenged. tence in spacetime reality. In other words, the
There is little doubt that we live in a nor mally mental state or belief system of the observer ef-
entropic system, where life can be seen as a local fects the outcome but has no ground in tangible
anti-entropic organization of energy amidst and reality, a somewhat anti-realistic and intuitionist
at the cost of entropy all around and thus subject stance concerning the wave-function. So two ob-
to the unidirectional flow of time and entropy. servers might have a different outcome of an ex-
Infor mation and entropy are counteracting each periment, their notion of the future (their
other, at least if we see infor mation in the context hypothesis or expectation) plays a role.
of “a bit is only infor mation if it bytes” but if we For me this points at a situation, where some-
dare make the step to quantum-thinking this thing in the otherworld (a belief system or a hy-
could be rephrased as “a bit is only infor mation if pothesis) influences tangible reality and this is
its probability curve collapses and it manifests”. consistent with my three world model. It makes
quantum physics a somewhat magical and para-
Quantum Bayesianism doxical science, where manifestation, time, place
Among the many interpretations and extensions (non-locality), speed, entanglement, etc. are no
of quantum theory there is one, that comes close longer very solid concepts.
to my notion of time dimensions, in the sense If we add the notion of consciousness to this
that this theory also sees the future (or rather an even the obser vation of the quantum state be-
image of the future) as influencing the present. comes subjective. Apply consciousness, as the
The probability approach of Thomas Bayes, us- process of perception on the border between the
ing the concept of “degree of belief ” has been seen and the unseen, to the “Schrödinger’s cat”
used in practical applications and can yield better thought experiment in the “Wigner’s conscious

friend” elaboration, with a dead or alive cat in the the otherworld, where he can seek and maybe
box, and it is the outsider who collapses the prob- find answers to what need to be done in that
ability wave. Eugene Wigner used this to illustrate world or this. I believe he goes into a ritual state,
his belief that ‘immaterial’ consciousness is nec- comparable to what I call the inner child state, but
essary to the quantum measurement process. The he might feel it as going to his soul, his higher self,
outsider friend is conscious and thus ‘knows’ the to the level where he can feel his ancestral heri-
state of the cat. tage, his true self, and from there seek healing for
All these rather theoretical considerations dis- his patient, tribe or the world.
solve, if we assume that beyond the spacetime re- Neuroscientists will tell you that this relates to
ality there is an extradimensional realm, from specific measur able brainwave patterns, his
where things like belief that are outside of nor - mindstate (not thought waves I mention else-
mal causality do effect the tangible. where). His bodily state can also be noted: his
breath patterns, his chanting, the way he dances,
What about magic without tools, like in etc. Are they what brings along the mindstate or
faith healing? vice versa, he probably doesn’t care, they work to-
In practical terms this thinking in possibilities gether. Then there is his world state: his culture,
and probabilities comes down to this, what is the the timing, the starry influences, the spot he is in,
relationship between a thought and an event? Be- the distance between him and his patient, the
tween a thought and perceived reality? That such tools he uses, the skulls or bones, the herbs etc.
a relationship exist is quite certain (also in quan- If this resonates with the mindstate and the
tum-physical terms) but how does it work, there bodystate, we probably get better result, for reso-
are obviously mindstates, bodystates and world- nance between the worlds is what matters here. In
states that are effective, but how can we find out general terms, therefore, the body-state and the
which ones. Maybe we have to look at what the world state combined (resonating) with the mind
traditions have found and retained as working, as state do have an effect on the probability of heal-
effective. For a Sage in the Himalayas, a bushman ing of changing the possibility of what reality will
of Papua witchdoctor this is probably more tan- be, healing or not.
gible than for the ‘modern’ scientist, so let’s take But as this is a resonance process, how can we im-
an example from their world, the process of prove the resonance. In the old traditions these
healing. resonances are often equated to cor respon-
Healing is often what people seek in going to a dences. He who know those, is the better magi-
sorcerer, quack or ritual, it the most sought out cian etc. Now by looking into many of these tra-
form of practical magic. If a shaman wants to ditions, who obviously over time found out what
evoke a healing, what helps to achieve the desired works better or not, one could try to distill see
effect? Will taking the psychological route, some some structure, some rules of thumb. For in-
mumbo jumbo, some interesting looking herbs stance, the deeper the trance, the better the re-
into a terrible taking concoction help? Of course, sults. But are shamans with more bones or skulls
the placebo effects are by now well known, it more powerful? Does the distance matter, is there
works, especially if you believe in it and the peo- an optimum, when the patient is far away is there
ple around you support that. However, the real a notable time delay? Can we learn from their
shaman has more to offer than the psychological concentration techniques, their symbols, their rit-
and the social, he makes a connection with the ual how to reach a mindstate / bodystate that ele-
magical, the spiritual, in a what seems irrational vates us into that otherworld were healing is not
belief in his powers. the purpose, but just restoration to balance and
He will probably tell you that his mind state is the normalness.
most important; that he needs to go into trance. Researchers like parapsychologist Lawrence
He has to ascend or go down to a state of con- LeShan have developed insights in the way ‘para-
sciousness, by methods or techniques he has nor mal’ healers work and even devised exercises
learned in his tradition, that allows contact with to train psychic healers. He argued that psychic

abilities such as telepathy, clair voyance, and pre- and the surrender to whatever the universe wants
cognition could be explained using quantum the- can be effective in healing.
ory, and mysticism was a kind of quantum-state
effect but failed to get his ideas accepted by sci- Magic; the easiest and most difficult of
ence. By listening to ‘experts,’ he postulated that a sciences
meditative state of oneness, overcoming separa- The study of magic is, unlike chemistry or phys-
tion between healer and healee, is at least part of ics, quite an easy one, for there are no academic
the secret. His approach did result in statistically hurdles. Innumerable books, pictures, and even
significant (and therefore miraculous) healings. videos are available about other and older cul-
Not with certainty, but the odds are there. And tures. No city is without museums full of arti-
who are we to guess the face of God anyway? facts, in fact the subject of most books, stories,
Even if we ask (pray) for healing, there might be plays and songs is the connection with the divine,
higher wisdom in not healing. This again is not the magical, the other side. The bible is full of
cartesian logic; 1 + 1 isn’t always 2, but like in the magic, sorcerers, prophets. Artist and scholars
wave superposition mathematics, might be 0 or alike have given us images and descriptions from
even -2, depending on phase-shifts. His approach that outerworld, underworld, subconscious or
of going for a deep connection and meditative superconscious realm. Most have been inspired
state in healing of course could be described as a at the passive level, but some have ventured into
ritual approach, letting go of the ego and thus in the psycho-active, maybe better described as the
line with the general notions in this book. quantum-active, states, think about Hieronymus
Bosch. Any esoteric bookshop has hundreds or
Two approaches, willing or not willing thousands of titles, ranging from sagas and myths
True wisdom has two sides, the magical and the originating in the oral tradition to those many
mystical, the active and the passive, in that books about the relationship between modern
ying-yang interaction indicating that in the total physics and the deeper realities. And they all hold
mystic the seed of the magical is present. Now part of the truth, the alchemical tablets, the an-
the fully trained meditation adept, magician, thropological studies, the books with magical in-
prophet or healer will probably admit he doesn’t cantations (Grimoires), the religious and the holy
actually uses or directs his powers, he will tell you books, no doubt the Egyptian hieroglyphs and
that he becomes more of a mystic and “feels” the the Ma yan cal en dar stones, the Sumerian
Divine will. The ultimate magic is then mystical, cuneiform clay-tablets as well as Meister
and vice versa the mystical or spiritual seeker in Eckhart’s poems.
the end develops many siddhi’s or magical pow- So there is abundant study material and who likes
ers, like Jesus who was described as going around to experiment, yoga, tantra, aura-reading, tarot,
sprinkling miracles wherever he went. classes, usually there is something going on
Ying-Yang is the symbol that illustrates this won- around the corner. Further experimentation just
derfully. But it might help to distinguish between requires dedication and discipline, an environ-
the two, the magic (active) and the mystic (pas- ment as pro vided in most re li gious ‘mas-
sive). There is the mystical where one open one- ter-classes’. But it usually takes years or decades
self to the unity, without any attempt to do or act, to be initiated into the higher ranks. Those with
just receiving God’s grace. God of course might access to psycho-active substances can preview
be anything, the thousand names of the divine the show somewhat easier, but without lasting ac-
principle including the new divinities like science, cess and with some risk. In a nutshell the somatic
progress, internet or cyberspace. The other ap- and psychological constraints of psychedelics
proach, where one tries to act, to change, to influ- make clear what the limitations and risks of re-
ence can be called the magical. Reports and stud- leasing the quantum-magical toolbox to a larger
ies about psychic healing reveal that both ap- audience are. The word toolbox seems appropri-
proaches work, that both the intention to change ate, as there are so many approaches, so many
schools and teachings, rituals and secret societies,

that most likely there are many quantum-active that not limiting it to a few might dissolve the
tools that work, at least sometimes. awareness. These are the classic reasons for keep-
It is astonishing that so little structured work has ing things secret and I do agree to some extent.
been done in this direction (or came to the sur- Gradual initiation in these matters is a time hon-
face). Although many, in fact most religions have ored method. And maybe this also makes sense,
mapped the ter rain and usually devised rituals as there is also a black magic route that is related
and practices to help their devotees and priestly to the human tendency to separate, to shy away
class to perform ritual magic or at least enter into from unity, to think in us and them, in inner and
mind-states associated with it, they usually are outer, in this and that. Isn’t that the basis of the
very secretive about it. And rightfully so, there are whole sin-thing, of humans falling out of grace?
enor mous powers at play. Powers of creation, but Surely a course and path to proceed cautiously!
also of destruction. Out in the open there is no This doesn’t mean we should not experiment
control over who uses what and history is full with magic and ritual. There is so much out there,
with stories of the one group of magicians pitted that ignoring the possibilities would also limit us
against some other, of various factions war- in uncovering positive and useful applications of
mongering in the name and under favorable what seems or is magical. Let me give an example.
auspices of their Gods or Gods. One of the methods I personally researched, us-
Of course there are ways to more directly obtain ing a special device (a kind of gold crown with
the esoteric knowledge, receive the initiations real gilding) to shield oneself from the thought
into higher levels of wisdom, but usually at a waves (the thought-noise that enters our brain
price. Solemn vows, secret orders, even those and sometimes upsets us or makes us uneasy) has
who have tried to organize and systematize the some curious side effects. I found that by ‘shut-
knowl edge like Aleister Crowley, Ma dame ting off ’ external thought waves I become not
Blavatsky, Ouspensky have left out important only more sensitive to my own thoughts and im-
parts of their understanding or hidden and cam- pulses, but that an increased sensitivity to outside
ouflaged it. And although many sacred text of the input evolves when not wearing it. In other
old do contain direct and effective clues it seems words, my ‘unshielded’ sensitivity in fact in-
as they have remained obscured and mostly for- creases, resulting in stronger, more chaotic
gotten. Now and then we recover some of the old dreams etc. Not good for everyone, I presume.
insights, like when archeological finds of scrolls Now distributing such devices at a wider scale
or artifacts focus our attention on Gnosticism, could be risky, lessening the thick headedness of
Cathars, Sufism or the Egyptian rites, but mostly some people might result in psychological insta-
this is a passing and quickly waning interest. We bility and depression. With proper training and
consider it the hidden part of our culture and like awareness this could be overcome, but histori-
to see it as the unconscious, the subconscious or cally these things have been misused. More about
anyway fabrications of the mind in need of direc- this in the chapter about ritual tools and gold.
tion and meaning. In fact, studying these things is Note that this method of shielding is in fact the
not even considered science, at best comparative opposite of the crew-cut or shaven heads so pop-
religion and all through the ages those who dared ular in some fascistic organizations. Eliminating
venture into risked being burned at the stakes. So the shield that hair gives has the effect, especially
they kept their understanding secret, hidden, in group situations that one tends to act upon the
maybe distributing it only in coded and disguised group brain-waves and loose the individual eth-
forms or in limited and exclusive lodges and ics. However, there are times, when the thought
societies. waves, astrological influences, electromagnetic
The usual argument in favor of keeping any in- pollution, the emergence of certain minerals or
sight in all this more or less private is that the ‘av- substances in our environment or even deliberate
erage’ person is unable to understand it all, that pollution by evil-minded individuals or organiza-
exposure to these esoteric matters is dangerous. tions are so disturbing, that shielding makes
The infor mation could be used wrongly or even sense.

Quantum-sensitivity quan tum phys ics was then less de vel oped,
These thought-waves are in a way related to quan- non-locality a very novel idea and M-String un-
tum effects, uniting the extradimensional under heard of, maybe today the link makes more sense.
that somewhat fashionable moniker. Allow me It might raise the status of magical and para-psy-
some speculation here about the evolution of chological research and ideas and this I feel is very
life-forms or rather the ups and downs in species important. Even as the whole building of the
and life-forms we can witness in the fossil re- ‘standard model’ of space-time particles might
cords. I feel, this is one of those insights that still col lapse quantum phys ics has top pled
makes my spine resonate, that both the disap- enough certainties and convictions about reality
pearance of the larger dinosaurs and the return to honor it as a real paradigm shift. The notion of
of certain mammals like the dolphins and whales consciousness as the source of manifestation is
to the sea are due to a large-scale thought-wave still uncharted speculation, but I admit the pur-
and maybe nor mal electromagnetic radiation pol- pose of trying to quantify and qualify the magical
lution event or period. Maybe because of celestial is not so much an attempt to master it as it is re-
disturbances, a meteorite, maybe polar shifts have claiming the place and status of the mage, the
caused this, there are many theories around, but I priest, the shaman in our world. Without people
feel that the whales made their choice to go back and a matrix to help us connect to the otherworld
to the water in a deliberate effort to escape from we are sinking in a materialistic and egotistical
this pollution. Water, especially seawater contain- swamp without morality and with a dead end in
ing many spore-elements that have shielding ef- sight.
fects, is a good insulator. The other sur vival strat- We need rituals and those that understand them,
egy, shielding oneself with huge ar mored plates we need sorcerers or maybe just a recognition
as the dinosaurs did, turned out to be somewhat that they exist and have always existed. The great
successful, but in the end didn’t work, only a few minds and leaders of the material world are very
species like the crocodiles sur vived. Some clever often those with magical capabilities, even as we
biologist might note, that other life-forms like in- deny those. We believe we can do without them,
sects did sur vive without any special shielding, but look closer, even in the material ICT-world
but maybe they were always less susceptible to there is magic and magicians. Bill Gates is, his
these disturbances. success proves this, a magical master of time and
This is not my field, but I do believe that very de- money, but he is mostly seen as the rational sili-
tailed analysis of the shields of dinosaurs, the con king. Steve Jobs, Apple’s hero, has more of
ones that sur vived longer or shorter, might reveal the mage, the sorcerer who manipulated the mar-
some chemical differences. I say chemical, but the ket, his customers and appealed to deep subcon-
science of thought-wave shielding has not even scious desires. He was more open about his
started, so maybe there are carbon-related biolog- new-age inspiration and LSD-25 experiences, his
ical devices or organs that are quantum-sensitive, magic was understanding the human psyche and
the brain as a ‘prime’ example. Given this hypoth- translating that in products and services, with an
esis, I again feel that the world is in fact already emphasis on form.
suffering from severe magical (thought-wave) Most cultures do have a magical (or religious)
pollution and that further study and research in face, there usually is a hierophant or high priest
this direction is essential. This is a personal esti- and a dominant religion, with some cooperation
mation, and one I am not really finished with. and coexistence mode with the worldly authori-
ties. In the Twentieth Century we have, in many
Honor the magical countries, done away with traditional religion. We
Linking ritual (and the magical) to modern no- are relegating the task to keep us happy and
tions of the quantum-realm serves a purpose; it semi-connected to the spin-doctors, the Wall-
makes magic less es o teric. Now Law rence street guru’s, Internet, social media and the occa-
LeShan tried this in the 1970s and came up with sional pop-saints and spiritual teachers. We have
interesting results from his experiments, but left the magical to Hollywood, the music industry

and television. We pay for this isolation, this elim-
ination of true connectedness, but we don’t rec-
ognize it. But is there a difference between the
way Wall Street (with the full support from the
greed in all of us) manipulates the markets, gov-
ernment wage wars and the sacrificial adoration
for Gods and Demons with even human
sacrifices in our past?

19 Ritual and Magic: the laws and rules of magic

I see ritual as a form of practical magic, so the words like ritual magic to describe certain forms
subject of magic figures prominently in this of magic, the more lengthy and complex ones, or
book. In the literature, there has been a longtime words like ceremonial magic, or high magic for
separation of the field of ritual and religion from the long, elaborate, and complex ceremonies that
that of magic and this has only changed in recent were developed in western esoteric circles, but
times. By magic of course I mean real
magic, not sleight of hand theatrical
stage tricks and illusion.
Talking about magic and taking it se-
rious is risky. The magical and the
magus practicing it have a bad repu-
tation. Magical work is seen as egotis-
tical, self serving, secret, personal,
manipulative, lustful, or avaricious.
Ritual, on the other hand, especially
in a religious context, is seen as open,
public, benevolent, and spiritual.
Magic is, as Wikipedia says, “gener-
ally seen as any attempt to control the
environment or the self by means
that are either untested or untestable,
such as charms or spells." Not a very
positive view. If the rituals of an es-
tablished religion were so classified,
there would be an uproar. And yet,
are they so different? Is Holy Mass
not a magical re-enactment of a his-
toric event, aimed at achiev ing
supernatural effects?
Magic, continues Wikipedia, “is the are the elaborate rituals in the Vedas and the Ve-
art of producing a desired effect or result dic tradition then not magical?
through the use of incantation, ceremony, ritual, There are many explanations of magic: philo-
the casting of spells or various other techniques sophical ones, sociological ones, and psychologi-
that presumably assure human control of super- cal ones. Very few scientists take magic seriously,
natural agencies or the forces of nature. Magic and one finds, in science, general media, and poli-
has been practiced in many cultures, and utilizes tics alike, all kind of reasons why it doesn’t work
ways of understanding, experiencing and influ- beyond some self-hypnotic illusion or at best psy-
encing the world somewhat akin to those offered cho-social influences.
by religion, though it is sometimes regarded as The word magic or magical is not usually seen as a
more focused on achieving results than religious reference to something that connects with the di-
worship. Magic is often viewed with suspicion by vine as there is the connotation of the devil at
the wider community, and is commonly practiced work. But if we replace “divine” with the more
in isolation and secrecy.” general term “meta-dimensional,” it already
I believe, with many these days, that ritual and sounds better. When one talks about magic, very
magic have a lot in common, and the separation is often an immediate reaction is to ask whether this
an artificial one, not a factual one. One can use is white or black magic. Those with some oriental

inclination will maybe ask if it is left or right hand it was often a force and profession so closely re-
tantra; the word is tainted. Those who do believe lated to the cosmology and religious core of the
in (and practice) magic or claim to do so even try culture that the priest was the magus was a healer
to soften the blow and state that it’s all about per- was a shaman. His or her art was given by the
sonal growth, maybe with a bit of healing thrown heavens (or the demons and devils), often trans-
in. ferred down the generations and kept secret and
The laws of magic The magi of Persia, with Zoroaster as their inspi-
There are laws of nature within the physical ration, adored fire and kept it perpetually burn-
realm, but obviously there are larger laws apply- ing. They were true masters of the art, had a great
ing to the extra-dimensional or the meta-dimen- reputation, and were high ranking and influential
sional whole. Alas, the Laws of Everything don’t with the kings. The Egyptians were mentioned as
usually cope with magic, apart from esoteric in- the teachers of the Persian, Chaldean, and Baby-
terpretations of some symbols like E8 (an inter- lonians, and touted as having roots in Atlantis.
related 248-dimensional symmetrical object), and The Magi or Magii of Babylon were famed for
some scientific superstructures that try to unite their astronomy; they knew the stars and planets
superstring, quantum, and relativity. The worlds well, which shows up in the form the magi (the
of the seen, including the very small and very three kings) that came to honour and adore Jesus
large, and the unseen (the spiritual) don’t seem to in Bethlehem.
match; they remain divided, at least in the eyes of The Egyptians were the most famous magicians.
the rationalist. Some daring minds like Rupert They called magic “Heka” and saw it as a natural
Sheldrake do see a connection of everything to force present throughout the universe. Most ritu-
everything, finding some support from the quan- als included the incantation of spells. Spells con-
tum physicists, but his universal law, the “Law of sisted of both spoken words and subsequent ac-
One,” is more of a philosophical nature than sci- tions. Words and names had to be pronounced
entific, even though he found innovative and correctly. The priests were also the magicians.
convincing ways to prove his views. Of course Techniques the priests used were to act out a
his view isn’t new; many religions and mystics ad- myth with the patient by reciting speeches and
here to the “all is one” under different monikers spells, using substances such as honey or dung to
like “Tao” or the universal interdependence of lure out or repel possessing demons, using wax
the Korean Buddhist Hua-yen teaching, but puppets (dolls), and inscribing protective and
Sheldrake is actually including Cyberspace and healing spells on drinking bowls and amulets.
Internet connectivity. Some of those techniques sur vived, even under
So are there rules that have some relevance in ex- the generally anti-magic Islam, by using Koran
plaining magic and can be used in a ritual context? texts to cover the use of old ways. The Marabouts
In fact there are many; esoteric literature is full of of North Africa still practice some of these old
them, like the very simple “If it works, it reso- ways. The Egyptian hieroglyphs were a magical
nates, resonance is the basic law of all” that I in- script. Egyptian understanding of magic is un-
jected into the 2004 Grimoire for the Apprentice doubtedly represented on the walls of their tem-
Wizard, which Oberon Zell compiled with help ples, crypts and insides of their pyramids, but
of other members of the Grey Council. I use this much is lost. Great libraries of antiquity, like the
as a way to condense the many magical laws of one in Alexandria, were destroyed and probably
Isaac Bonewits and express my belief that phys- took a lot of knowledge about the workings of
ics is just a subset of magic. Thus, a universal magic with them. Julius Caesar accidentally
magical law should also cover physical processes burned parts of that world famous library, later it
and tangible reality, which are based on resonance was damaged under Aurelian in 270 – 275 CE,
anyway. again in 391 CE in an antipagan Christian move-
Old traditions and cultures had writings and the- ment, and the Muslims in 642 CE finished it off.
ories about what now often is called pagan magic; Burning of magical texts was not uncommon; St

Paul, when at Ephesus, called for the burning of 1. The Principle of Mentalism. The truth that
books of magic and curious secrets, to a value of “THE ALL IS MIND”; The Universe is Men-
50,000 pieces of silver. tal, spirit before matter.
Plato and other philosophers of antiquity have 2. The Principle of Correspondence. “As above,
tried to make sense out of magic and the irratio- so below; as below, so above.” The truth that
nal. Some, like Pythagoras, were magicians them- there is always a Cor respondence between the
selves and came up with great understandings of laws and phenomena of the various planes of
mathematical magic, but it feels as though most Being and Life.
of them were caught in the (now considered arti- 3. The Principle of Vibration. “Nothing rests; ev-
ficial) separation of magic and religion. erything moves; everything vibrates.” The dif-
In the Middle Ages there was magic, but it was ferences between different manifestations of
considered an evil art, close to heresy and witch- Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result
craft. Most tracts, books, and grimoires (magical largely from varying rates of Vibration
recipe books) were kept secret, got lost over time, 4. The Principle of Polarity. “Everything is Dual;
or surfaced as the inspiration of secret societies, everything has poles; everything has its pair of
lodges, as true historical artifacts, or invented opposites; like and unlike are the same; oppo-
quasi-copies. sites are identical in nature, but different in de-
In more recent times, Sir James Frazer was one of gree; ex tremes meet; all truths are but
the first to talk about the laws of magic, the sym- half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
pathetic and the contagious principles. He pro- 5. The Principle of Rhythm. “Everything flows,
posed that magic developed into religion and dis- out and in; everything has its tides; all things
tinguished between 2 types of magic. Imitative rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in
(or homeopathic) magic is based on the Law of everything; the measure of the swing to the
Sympathy, one imitates the desired effect to make right is the measure of the swing to the left;
it happen. The other type, contagious magic, is rhythm compensates.”
based on the Law of Similarity, particularly on 6. The Principle of Cause and Effect. “Every
physical contact, as when one obtains some ob- Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;
ject (e.g. clothing) and does something to it in the everything happens according to Law; Chance
belief that this action will affect the person with is but a name for Law not recognized; there are
whom the object was once in contact. many planes of causation,but nothing escapes
the Law.” This re sem bles the no tion of
Hermetic Magic Karma.
Another fairly simple Law of Magic is “above as 7. The Principle of Gender. “Gender is in every-
below,” the Her metic notion of a what can be thing; everything has its Masculine and Femi-
seen as a Law of Correspondence, based primar- nine Principles; Gender manifests on all
ily upon the writings of Her mes Trismegistus, planes.”
not an Egyptian mage, but someone from the And here we have a first set of descriptions of
2nd century CE. The exact text on the Emerald how magic works. I find this remarkably in line
Tablet says “That which is Below corresponds to with the old Vedic notions and even modern
that which is Above, and that which is Above, physics. It honours both the worldview of
corresponds to that which is Below, to accom- Herakleitos (becoming, moving, unlawful, panta
plish the miracles of the One Thing”. This is a rhei) and that of Parmenides and Plato (being,
powerful principle and law for connecting the unchangeable, timeless, uniform laws, reality as
different worlds, like looking at the microcosm as we perceive it is illusion, ideals) but tends to be
oneself, and the macrocosm as the universe that more leaning to the resonance principle. The un-
mirrors that and vice versa; within each lies the derstandings were profound; the Hermeticists
other, and through understanding the one you were the original alchemists, astrologers, and psy-
can understand the other. The Seven Hermetic chologists, but most of all, they pointed to the
Principles (the Kybalion) are as follows: possibility of changing and transforming mental

states, forms, and conditions, what can be called ing there is no dif fer ence be tween the
Mental Transmutation or Mental Alchem(istr)y, microcosmos and the macrocosmos.
the mind in control of itself. Now this sounds Another law has been added:
very Eastern and no doubt the understanding of . 4: the Law of imagination or visualisation
the Aryan, Vedic, and Zoroastrian sages was part Calling upon powers within and outside with
of their toolbox, too. They had access to magical Invocatio, calling down or Evocatio, calling up.
and thus practical psychology. Little is known
about their meditation or trance techniques, but Crowley
what we know of the Greek and other mysteries Aleister Crowley, one of the most famous magi-
and mystery schools indicates they had access to cians of recent times, wrote extensively about
all the tools we have rediscovered in the twentieth Magic, Will, and the Law in among others The
cen tury with psy che del ics, transpersonal Book of The Law. His famous “Do what Thou
psychotherapeutic techniques, role-playing (the wilt shall be the whole of the Law” is a supreme
Greek theater worked with masks/persona), sys- moral law, and means that people should learn to
temic constellations (Hellinger), and such. Maybe live in tune with their “True Will.” It frees the as-
there are even techniques we have not yet piring magician from outside moral restraints,
rediscovered. only following the internal morality. This is point-
Their set of principles was the view of people ing at the “divine” will, the true will of the inner
more or less familiar with the older traditions and higher self, not a license to ignore ethics. It is
(Egyptian, Chaldean, Jewish, Essene, Greek) in- clear that Crowley is aware of the distinction be-
cluding the neoplatonists and Pythagoras. But tween our ‘nor mal’ self, the assumed self image
they were under attack from Christianity, so their (also called mask, personality or ego) and what is
knowledge only surfaced again more than a mil- called the deeper self, higher self, the hidden core
lennium later, in the Renaissance, when Italian inside, behind the masks. In that higher self one is
princes like Cosimo de Medici took an interest in closer to the extradimensional and the divine
supporting research into old texts and wisdom. consciousness.
Translators and writers as Marsilio Ficino and
Pico Della Mirandola revived Hermeticism. Looking at another definition, by Chic Cicero
Her metic occult orders were founded in the late and Sandra Tabatha Cicero in The Essential
Middle Ages and early Renaissance, when there Golden Dawn : An Introduction to High Magic,
was renewed interest in Western Europe, and a this becomes clear:
revival occurred in the nineteenth century with “Magic is the art and science of causing change to
the Her metic Order of the Golden Dawn, occur in confor mity with will. This change can
Aurum Solis, also Rosicrucianism and Freema- occur
sonry. Writers like Kenneth M. Mackenzie,
Eliphas Lévi, Frederick Hockley, William Butler . 1) in the outer, manifest world;
Yeats and Arthur Machen, came out with books . 2) in the magician’s consciousness; and
about magic. . 3) most often in both, for changing one often
changes the other.
Levi Magical change occurs in a way that is not cur -
Eliphas Levi (Laws and Ritual of High Magic rently understood by modern science because it
1854) described three fundamental laws: works through the Unmanifest - through subtle
. 1: the law of the human will (physical will- manipulations of the invisible spiritual realms.
power) However, the workings of magic are subject to
natural law. The effects of magic are sometimes
. 2: The law of astral light and the intermediary clearly visible in the physical world, and other
ethereal principle times they are only apparent on a personal, spiri-
. 3: The law of connectedness, linking inside tual level. The workings of magic are not limited
and outside, the material and the ideal, assum- by the constraints of time and space.”

In this quote we already see that they do mention Two or more events happening at the same time
specific change in the extra-dimensional spiritual are likely to have more in common than the
realm, but the resulting effect is in the manifest merely temporal. Very few events ever happen in
world. isolation from other events. There is no such
thing as a mere coincidence.
There are of course writers who do take magic se- If any two patterns have elements in common,
riously. Isaac Bonewits was one of them, and his the patterns interact “through” those common
hypothetical Laws of Magic (in Real Magic from elements, and control of one pattern facilitates
1971, but expanded later) were a great consolida- control of the other(s) depending (among other
tion of many belief systems concerning magic factors) upon the number of common elements
and offer a cohesive framework for study of involved.
magic. His Laws of Magic are: The LAW OF SIMILARITY
The LAW OF KNOWLEDGE Having an accurate physical or mental represen-
This is probably the most widely used law, and tation of something facilitates control over it.
probably encompasses all the others in some way. This one is fairly obvious in its usage - having a
The basis of this law is that understanding brings model, picture, or other representation of your
control. The more that is known about a subject, target (like a voodoo doll) gives you power to ef-
the easier it is to exercise control over it. Knowl- fect the target. Look-alikes are alike.
edge is power. The LAW OF CONTAGION
The LAW OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE Objects or beings in physical contact with each
An ob vi ous de riv a tive of the LAW OF other continue to interact after separation. Every-
KNOWLEDGE, this law carries additional con- one you have ever touched has a magical link with
notations. A mage who does not have knowledge you, though it is probably pretty weak unless the
of himself does not have knowledge (and there- contact was intense and/or prolonged or re-
fore control) of his own magic. This law is one of peated frequently. Magical power is contagious.
the reasons “evil” mages are very rare—a dedica- Naturally, having a part of someone’s body (nails,
tion to “evil for evil’s sake” is usually due to a lack hair, spit, etc.) gives the best contagion link. Once
of introspection and awareness of oneself. It is together, always together; the part of the thing is
difficult to do harm to others when you under- the whole of the thing.
stand fully what that kind of harm would do to The LAW OF NAMES
you. Know thyself. Knowing the complete and true name of an ob-
The LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT ject, being, or process gives one complete control
A simple scientific understanding - if exactly the over it. This works because a name is a definition
same actions are done under exactly the same (yes, even “Harold”, “Marie”, “Kunte”, and “Jas-
conditions, they will be associated with exactly mine” were definitions at one time) as well as a
the same results. Magicians have at least as much contagion link, and an association (if you call
belief in cause and effect as modern physicists something the same name over and over, that
do, they just realize that a good ritual, like a good name becomes associated with the thing). This
theatrical perfor mance or a good bread recipe, is- also works, because knowing the complete and
n’t always predictable. In truth, a spell involves so true name of something or someone means that
many variables, that controlling or even under- you have achieved a complete understanding of
standing them all is impossible. The key to magi- its or their nature. This is why, in most pre-indus-
cal success is learning which variables are the trial cultures, people are given “secret names”, as
most important, and how to keep them constant. well as “public names”, and why the sharing of a
Control over the variables is icing on the cake. secret name is such an act of trust—because the
The LAW OF SYNCHRONICITY secret name is considered to be very close to, if
not identical with, the person’s true name.

The LAW OF WORDS OF POWER nate probability worlds” of science fiction, but it
There exist certain words that are able to alter the also has a much wider application.
internal and external realities of those uttering The LAW OF PRAGMATISM
them, and the power may rest in the very sounds If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being
of the words as much as their meanings. Many of to sur vive and to accomplish chosen goals, then
such words are names, though the meanings may that belief or behavior is “true” or “real” or “sen-
have been lost or forgotten. Very many magical sible”. If it works, it’s true. Another rather ob-
tools require words to be inscribed upon them scure law, but it does have some very useful
and/or said over them during their construction applications.
and/or use.
The LAW OF PERSONIFICATION It is possible for a concept or act to violate the
Any phenomenon may be considered to be alive truth patterns of a given personal universe and
and to have a personality—that is, to “be” an en- still be “true”, provided that it “works” in a spe-
tity or being. Anything can be a person. Most cific situation. If it’s a paradox, it’s still probably
weather mages personify the winds and the true. This law is basically useless, except to justify
clouds, for example, and thus find focusing their use of the above three laws without screwing
magic on the atmosphere much easier to do. things up in your version of the real world.
It is possible to establish internal communication The synthesis of two or more “opposing” pat-
with entities from either inside or outside oneself, terns of data will produce a new pattern that will
such entities seeming to be inside of oneself dur- be truer than either of the first two were. That is,
ing the communication process. it will be applicable to more levels of reality, and
The LAW OF EVOCATION this new pattern may not be a compromise, but
It is possible to establish external communication may be something new indeed.
with entities from either inside or outside oneself, The LAW OF POLARITY
such entities seeming to be outside oneself dur- Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two
ing the communication process. “opposing” characteristics, and each will contain
The LAW OF IDENTIFICATION the essence of the other within itself.
It is possible through maximum association be- The LAW OF OPPOSITES
tween elements of oneself and those of another A sub-law of POLARITY. The “opposite” of a
being to actually become that being, to the point pattern contains infor mation about that pattern,
of sharing its knowledge and wielding its power. by providing infor mation on what the pattern is
This is the law that controls most lengthy or per - not. Thus, control over a pattern’s opposite (or
manent possession phenomena. close to its opposite) facilitates control over the
The LAW OF PERSONAL UNIVERSES pattern itself. (Note that this is the Bonewits ex-
Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly tension of POLARITY and SIMILARITY)
creates a unique universe which can never be The LAW OF DYNAMIC BALANCE
100% identical to that lived in by another. So To sur vive, let alone to become powerful, one
called “reality” is in fact a matter of consensus must keep every aspect of one’s universe in a state
opinions. This law is nowhere near as obvious as of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Ex-
the other laws in its applications, but if you can tremism is dangerous, as the extreme being be-
figure some of it out, you can use it. comes so associated with the extreme aspect, that
The LAW OF INFINITE UNIVERSES they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This
The total number of universes into which all pos- is another reason “evil” mages are rare, as contin-
sible combinations of existing phenomena could uous association with pain or death will cause a
be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, mage pain or death, ending the mage’s ability to
though some things are more probable than oth- continue actively with “evil”. This is also why
ers. You might consider this to refer to the “alter-

“good” mages, especially healers, tend to live a ·The Law of participation: the assumption that a
long time. thing can participate in or be part of two or
The LAW OF PERVERSITY more things at once was identified by Lucien
Sometimes known as Murphy’s Law. If anything Levy-Bruhl as the principle underlying his
can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying concept of prelogical thought.
manner possible. Magical associations some- ·The Law of Consent: No injury is done to the
times operate in the reverse of what was desired, willing or this works a lot easier with your
and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to co-operation: Magic is said to have difficulty
be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go effecting those who do not believe in it or
wrong, some element of the universe may change knowingly resist or defend against it and thus it
so that things will go wrong anyway. Whether we is far easier to operate a working upon some-
like it or not, the gods (or fates, or what have you) one who con sents to be tar geted than
do have a sense of humor. Emotionally healthy someone who doesn’t.
mages have less problems with this law than oth- ·Equivalent Exchange: Everything has a price,
ers do, as the mage’s own subconscious mind is make a fair deal: Magic conserves a given level
probably a major perpetrator of this law. of value and a given effect must be paid for
with something of at least equal worth. Many
jokes about magic are about how precisely it
Every phenomena in existence is linked directly
works, one might get what one wishes, exactly.
or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or
·Threefold Reciprocity (aka. “The Law of Tri-
future. Perceived separations between phenom-
ples”): Whatever you do by magic, for good or
ena are based on incomplete sensing and/or
ill will be repaid to you threefold: The universe
is somehow “kar mic” and rewards or punishes
As excerpted from Authentic Thaumaturgy by P.E.I the use of magic. However, just an equal ac-
Bonewits tion-reaction mechanism would not give a
A stated before, over and beyond the various laws triple response.
of magic Bonewits and others give, I tend to ·Reversal: Whatever magic does, magic can undo:
think that resonance is the ultimate and overrid- anything created by magic can be dispelled or
ing magical (and physical) principle and the prin- otherwise undone by magic.
cipal law of the universe. “If it resonates, it ·Distortion: Magic changes nothing … per ma-
works, it exists.” nently: the controversial idea that magic works
Another set of magical laws, more or less com- by bending the universe out of shape but does
piled from various sources is this: not actually change it - sooner or later the
·The Law of Correspondence: Things look like world will snap back into its original shape,
what they are and are connected through reso- something like parallel universe shifting.
nance of timing, form, name, color, sound:
This is a fundamental tenet of magic, that Law of Attraction
there is a similarity of any kind that can be In recent times, notably through the 2006 movie
used. Astrological magic and homeopathy use “The Secret,” the notion that there are magical
it, like for iden ti fy ing use ful herbs and laws has entered the public mind, many people
remedies. now are familiar with the “Law of Attraction” as
·The Law of Sympathy: Like attracts like or The it was explained and demonstrated in that movie,
image is the thing: Where a contagion isn’t as well as subsequent books and similar videos.
possible then an image or other witness of the The use of this law and the visualization and
target may be used instead. The better the im- reframing techniques in the movie are limited and
age, the better the link - and even better if the tend to make people try to get what they want
target has personally endorsed the image. rather than what they need. The advocated magi-
Signed photos are really good for this. cal approach is therefore in a way dangerous, and
a layman’s kind of primitive and materially ori-

ented self-serving magic. It does contain some Esoteric magic: Blavatsky and Bailey
important truths. It uses (but not references)
There have been all through the ages groups,
some of the more sensible notions of Ron Hub-
lodges, societies, and brotherhoods that laid
bard and Sci entology such as clearing and
claim to esoteric knowledge, handed down in the
reframing one’s view of personal reality, and has
lineage or through books only to be understood
summarized in a single phrase many of the older
by the adepts, often those who could afford the
Laws of Magic.
cost of the training and tutorship. The secrecy of
Law of Limitation the teachings most of the time related to under-
standing and techniques related to the psyche and
According to Colin Law the principle of limita-
seen as paths to ascend to higher spiritual aware-
tion is a key to understanding the structure of
ness with usually some understanding of magic,
magical ritual and a key to successful practice. In a
is in a way functional. Knowledge turns into wis-
ritual we enter into a state of expanded con-
dom only if “consumed” and internalized, and
sciousness and can channel the energies involved,
although there are many ways to achieve this,
but we have to be careful to limit and focus them,
some kind of experiential anchoring does help.
with minimal side-effects.
How this is done, what rituals are on the path, is
SciFi therefore kept secret; only the initiated know (and
claim to understand), otherwise the element of
Literature, especially fantasy and science fiction, surprise and experiential learning and ownership
often shows insight into what magic is or can do, would be lost. This “secret” part comes up in
as the writers are less constrained by reality and many rituals in many cultures, and is often is con-
develop models that have some relevance for sci- nected to the loss of identity or a change in status
ence. Their imagination often precedes what is as in initiations. It is understandable that Victor
then realized technically, examples like Jules Turner saw this as part of the “liminality” he rec-
Verne’s space travel and Bill Gibson’s Cyberspace ognized as a fundamental constituent of ritual. I
illustrate this. see liminality more as only one of the ways to
It’s interesting to note that the Laws of Magic as achieve the ritual state.
used by writers of science fiction give a much The secrecy of the “traditions” could only be
better understanding of what magic can or can- partial, otherwise no new members could be
not do than what scientists have come up with. found and there would be the risk that the “sa-
The set of rules called the Laws of Magic govern- cred” knowledge or wisdom would get lost. So
ing the use of magic by wizards in the fictional there are usually poems, verses, songs, books,
world of wizard Harry Dresden, a character Jim paintings, symbols, etc. that contain part of the
Butcher created in “the Dresden Files,” makes secret, but often in a form that is hard to under-
clear what ethical limits there are to magical acts, stand or has been deliberately coded or en-
but also make clear that those limits are artificial. crypted, often the words “sealed” and “key” are
The three Laws of Robotics of Isaac Asimov are used in this context. The initiated could decipher
another example; in a way they also define the the messages, and the idea was that the true
workspace of a magician. seeker would pick up the cues and find his or her
That Magic can have negative consequences, es- way to the right literature, people, or groups to
pecially for the aspiring magician, is illustrated in move on to higher levels.
the not very serious but nevertheless insightful There is a wealth of secret or semisecret and oc-
Harry Potter books. The first law of Magic in cult material, every tradition, school, cult, and
Harry Potter (ascribed to Adalbert Waffling): church has not only the original works, but often
“Tamper with the deepest mysteries – the source endless interpretations, studies, new revelations,
of life, the essence of self – only if prepared for and interpretations; sometimes over time the
consequences of the most extreme and danger- original message gets corrupted or inverted. Cer-
ous kind" tainly before the days of science as we know it, all
the literature, art, and poetry was within the con-

fines of the religion of group; to come up with di- dense, full of detail, symbolic language, and im-
vergent opinions or interpretations was a danger- precise references, based on inspiration and au-
ous game, could be seen as heretical, and would thority from an enlightened but anonymous “Ti-
be suppressed, often by very nasty means as the betan.” They do con tain “In struc tions for
Catholic Church did with the Inquisition. To try would-be magicians,” and as such need to be
to change things was not an easy task; changing a mentioned in this chapter of Laws and Rules, but
belief system is quite arduous. Sometimes it was they are hard to interpret. The “Fifteen Rules for
done gradually - in the Vedic Puranas the concept Magic”, intended as guidelines for aspiring pupils
of the prime mover or One Life essence slowly in these books are in Mrs. Bailey’s somewhat ver-
drifted towards a more God-like image. bose and excessive warning style, like: “The Solar
There have been historic figures like Giordano Angel collects himself, scatters not his force, but
Bruno or Shankarya<$I[]Shankarya>, an 8th in meditation deep communicates with his reflec-
century reformer of the Vedic tradition, who tion.” or “The Brothers of the Sun, through the
toppled the cosmogony of their times, but usu- force of solar fire, fanned to a flame in the blazing
ally divergent views were kept within closed com- vault of the second Heaven, put out the lower lu-
munities. And even then there were layers, inner nar fires, and render naught the lower ‘fire by fric-
circles, like the esoteric school in Theosophy (and tion’.” or “The Brother of the Moon ignores the
an even more secret Egyptian section) with more sun and solar heat; bor rows his fire from all that
secrets, more initiations, more “grades” and more triply is, and pursues his cycle. The fires of hell
“us and them” thinking. await, and lunar fire dies out. Then neither sun
The esoteric (hidden) groups were tight lipped. nor moon avails him, only the highest heaven
The general public was left oblivious to the ac- awaits the spark electric, seeking vibration
tions and even existence of the lodges like the synchronous from that which lies beneath. And
Golden Dawn, only slowly did details of their yet it cometh not.”
teachings and rites come out, first by Aleister Theosophy, a tradition that, at least in writing, is
Crowley, in 1905, and later by Israel Regardie in open to any search for the truth, offers a lot of in-
1940. Many of the secrets of groups with hidden sight in the magical realm, drawing upon Eastern
knowledge these days have found their way onto traditions and in the “Esoteric School” helps
the internet, like the material of Scientology and members not only to know and learn about them-
Freemasonry. Many however, shy away from selves and consciousness, but also to actually live
publicity, deny details from their past, and are not it, enjoining a regime (a vegetarian diet and
very open about the organization, like the proper life) that supports this.
Theosophists these days. It is an approach to understanding the universe
The inner quar rels of such groups, however, are and cosmogony that doesn’t start with a religious
interesting material to learn more about their be- God image. It begins with just a general principle
liefs, teachings, and differences and help to distin- of consciousness, the eternal parent âkâúa, the all
guish between true understanding and mere em- that is and is not, the ONE LIFE immutable and
bellishment or imagined downloads from other un con scious in its eter nity, much like the
dimensions or entities. Material like that of Ma- unmanifest Para Brahman in the earliest Vedic
dame Helena Blavatsky (TS) and Alice A. Bailey Puranas. This also means pure spirit as a Being or
can be compared and primary and secondary an Existence is not accepted, substance in what-
sources analyzed, kind of filtering the abundant ever form is what matters, the idea of ultimate re-
but often conflicting insights of both of them. ality as eternal substance, with its unceasing mo-
As Alice Baily in “A treatise on Cosmic Fire” and tion (spirit) which is its life. Motion/spirit
“A treatise on White Magic” goes deep into the (purushra) can only happen if there is something
rules and limits of what an aspiring “adept” is to move: substance (prakiti). The one eternal
supposed to do and not do, there is quite a bit of thing in the universe independent of every other
magical understanding to be distilled from the thing, the ultimate reality, is called dhâtu. Another
otherwise not very readable books. Her writing is

concept is svabhava, nature or essence of all the energy of the three lower chakras could be “pro-
indestructible elements of existence. moted” or transmuted to the higher chakras. In
Here Blavatsky’s Theosophy is clearly different Ini ti a tion, Human and Solar “Rules for
from the Her metic beliefs, but also from stan- Applicants," Rule 11, p. 204:
dard Advaita Vedânta, where primary substance “Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle
(pradhâna) was demoted to the status of illusion to the higher, and preserve that which is created through
(mâyâ). Úashkarâ, who lived around the eighth the fire of the midway point.” This is explained by Mrs.
century CE, refuted the earlier Sâshkhya teaching
Bailey as follows: “This means, literally, the control by
that equated brahman with primary substance
the initiate of the sex impulse, as usually understood,
(pradhâna) and taught that eter nal purusha,
and the transference of the fire which normally vitalizes
“spirit,” is equivalent to Brahman. Hence, it is
the generative or gans to the throat center, thus leading to
above primary substance (pradhâna), no longer
to be taken as equal. Úashkarâ (cârya) also creation upon the mental plane through the agency of
equated brahman with God (îúvara), and this idea mind. That which is to be created must then be nour-
soon became the dominant one, so God (îúvara) ished and sustained by the love energy issuing from the
became the prime mover and the original account heart center.”
of creation was reversed. Another remark in Initiation, Human and Solar,
The original inspiration Blavatsky took for her pp. 204-5-6..
book “The Secret Doctrine” was the Stanzas of “This might be inter preted by the superficial reader as
Dzyan, claimed to be from very old Tibetan ori- an injunction to the celibate life, and the pledging of the
gin. There is some link with an old Taoist book applicant to abstain from all physical manifestation of
called Yin Fu King. Her claims were disputed by the sex impulse. This is not so. Many initiates have at-
W.E. Coleman, who pointed to several contem- tained their objective when duly and wisely participating
porary publications as sources. However, the ma- in the marriage relation ....
terial is intriguing and covers a wide array of sub-
”The physical plane is as much a form of divine ex-
jects. It is distinctly Vedic in signature, there are pression as any of the higher planes... that it may be
great similarities with the cosmog ony (develop- advisable at certain stages for a man to perfect con-
ment saga of the cosmos) of the Rig-Veda and trol along any particular line through a temporary
the older Puranas (believed older than the Vedas). abstention is not to be denied, but that . . . will be
The two quoted sets of Stanzas explore the succeeded by stages when - the control having been
Cosmogenesis (for mation of cosmos) and the gained - the man demonstrates perfectly through
Antropogenesis (human evolution with 5 the medium of the physical body, the attributes of
root-races). divinity, and every center will be nor mally and
One of the differences between Blavatsky and wisely used, and thus race purposes furthered."
Bailey is how they see sex. Although Mme. And, much in the direction of Crowley’s adagio:
Blavatsky early on was involved in some experi- “Do what Thou wilt shall be the whole of the
ments in sex magick of the Crowley variety, in her Law”, she also writes:
theosophical writings she forcibly warns against “In the perfect man upon the physical plane, all the cen-
the terrible dangers of sex in a magical context, ters are under complete control. . . the spiritual will of
maybe because she had some bad experience. the divine inner God is the main factor.... The true initi-
The Fire of Kundalini, Mme. Blavatsky says, “can ate would be known by his wise and sanctified normal-
as easily kill as it can create.” In Theosophy, also
because of some problems with Leadbeater’s in-
The contrast with Blavatsky’s “Guard thou the
clination for young boys, sex is hardly mentioned,
lower lest it soil the Higher” in her ‘Voice of the
which makes for a rather dry society, as I experi-
Silence’ is quite clear. And what about “No Adept
enced myself. They warn against Black Magic,
(of the right-hand path) ever marries”, even
which is distinguished from White by its use of
though she herself was mar ried at least once.
the sex forces, a rather limited distinction. Alice
Bailey is more per missive, and indicated that the

20 Correspondences

The basic ingredients of a ritual are: prayer, offer- The correspondences are based on similarities,
ings, chanting, recitation, role-playing, specifics sometimes very obvious ones, like the color red
hymns, myths, silent praying, oblations, libations, for blood, love, Mars, fire, and red gemstones.
charms, consecration, for malized spells and visu- Other correspondence are more of an esoteric
alizations, breath, movements, smoking, sex, eat- nature, like the sets of correspondences based on
ing and drinking, posture, manipulation, orienta- numbers.
tion, colors, forms, symbols, etc. In fact nearly ev-
erything can be part of a ritual. Sometimes the lit- Hyper-Links
urgy is specified in the minutest detail, like in the Deep metaphysical, mathematical and numero-
Vedas; sometimes it is freer. Sometimes it is just a logical links have been found or constructed, of-
small routine, like saying thanks before eating; ten beyond the comprehension of those working
sometimes it is an extended sacrament with many with them and sometimes the cor respondences
routines and elements in the ritual matrix.. just sur vive in certain rituals without an apparent
All the elements of a ritual have their function, rationale. However, shamans, priests and such are
sometimes very practical, sometimes symbolic, usually aware about the general concept of corre-
oftentimes both. One can classify them accord- spondences, they honor the tradition and there-
ing to the three worlds and the scheme I have fore often stick to it rigorously, as they are not
drawn of relations between set, setting, and cor- sure about the exact effects.
respondences. To do so, the notion of corre- Depending on one’s belief system one can as-
spondences has to be explained. cribe cer tain magical powers to objects like
wands, knives and cups, but the general theory of
“The theoretical foundation for most magical practices is magic indicates, that such powers would be re-
a belief in cor respondences, or hidden relationships lated to the cor respondences inherent in the ma-
among entities within the universe - especially between terials, design, production and ultimately the use
human beings and the exter nal world...The theory of of such tools.
Correspondences - as the basis of magic and rit-
cor respondences affirms the power of thought to confer
ual - date back to the earliest human activities.
reality on products of the imagination, particularly
Wherever our ancestors were involved in ritual or
when these thoughts are expressed through significant
spiritual activities we find totems, holy objects,
symbols.” - Encarta 97 Encyclopedia similacrums and facsimiles. Little statuettes rep-
resenting animals, deities, age old rock drawings
The correspondences are thus symbolic connec- using symbols we can recognize today as repre-
tions between “worlds”, the links between sets of senting the sun, water, stars and planets, corre-
symbols, ideas, gestures, sounds and words, celes- spondences are of all times and all cultures. Even
tial bodies, but in fact between whole categories the oldest myths, stories and scriptures like the
of tangible and intangible items. Size, name, ap- Vedas and the Avesta are full of correspon-
pearance, frequency, location, ownership, there dences, using sometimes very obvious ones like
are many such links. Similarities, relationships, the colour red for fire, sometimes we have lost the
connections in form, color, name, numbers, fre- mean ing or underlying significance of the
quency, physical proximity between forces or correspondences hinted at.
ideas in the material realm and those in the ideal
or nonmaterial and symbolical realms, it’s a wide The correspondences are numerous and classifi-
concept. The general idea is that what happens to cation is cumbersome, many socalled grimoires
one of them happens to the other, there is a cor - or sorcery books deal exclusively with cor respon-
respondence as to the effect of a manipulation, dences. However, over time the magical literature
blessing, dedication or any other ritual operation. has yielded enough structures and matrices classi-

fying the relationships between numbers, stones, line, earth/heaven, yin/yang, moon/sun; not
metals, colors, the planets, animals and such. only are they powerful in themselves, but often
There are extensive lists tying specific zodiac there is a spirit or deity pair representing these du-
signs to certain minerals and crystals, flowers, alities, like Cerridwen/Cernunnos or Isis/Osiris.
herbs, trees and animals. The concept of corre- Other numerals have their own correspondences.
spondences has deep roots and is a central notion Three, for example, corresponds to the Hindu
in magic and rituals, they are the connection be- Gods Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver) and
tween the tangible and the spiritual. Although the Shiva (destroyer); the Christian Trinity; and the
consciousness of the participants is the main alchemical Salt, Sulfur, Mercury.
platform, correspondences are very important
tools. I actually prefer the word ‘link’ because it Such links or cor respondences are ‘hidden;’ not
has an association with cyberspace and Ted Nel- usually detected through nor mal cognition, but
son’s hypertext links. A correspondence (identifi- found or realized by way of special knowledge,
cation) is a symbolic, semantic, or associative rela- methods and training. Here a central phrase is
tion or link between two or more substances, en- “Ya evam veda” from the Vedic Brahmanas,
ergies, words, objects, or ideas that affect each meaning that the magical power resides by ‘the
other and can be used to manipulate them in the one who knows thus,’ referring to the higher
ritual context. knowledge and way of knowing these hidden
links. Whether knowledge of the correspon-
Resonance dences gives the magical power or those with the
Notably, the manipulation of the outside world power will gain the understanding and knowl-
from within the ritual world via the correspon- edge of the correspondences is an interesting is-
dences hinges on the use of these links and thus sue. Obviously they go hand in hand, but will, for
bears on the result of a ritual; these are the magi- instance, initiation bring increased understand-
cal cause/effect mechanisms. They link the dif- ing, or is learning and study the way to achieve the
ferent worlds. “As above, below” is one way of higher wisdom?
stating that idea; working with ‘witnesses’ in ho-
meopathic Radionics another example of this Correspondences are the links that make things
principle. There are extensive lists of correspon- happen across the worlds and dimensions; they
dences and they are often used in rituals: the spir- identify what resonates. The concept of reso-
its/Gods related to the quarters are linked to cer- nance is very useful here, as it has a physical
tain stones, names, incantations, herbs, animals, meaning (in wave theory and also in quantum and
colours, body parts, numbers, symbols, etc. These particle physics), but also applies to non-tangible
links (and there are many at different levels) es- connections.
tablish a certain order in the seen and unseen uni-
verse; they are the framework of the magical “Magic is resonance” is, in my view, the basic law
worldlier. Many are highly symbolic, but the true of all magic (and of all reality, one might say) and
meaning often remains hidden to the uninitiated. the links or cor respondences are resonating
Some links are more effective or more ‘resonat- through all dimensions, time, and space, includ-
ing’ than others, but there are always the higher ing the world of ideas and the world of spirit.
resonances that also influence the outcome of There exist inner resonances (between mind and
magical acts like rituals. extradimensional) and resonances between the
tan gi ble world and the ex tra-di men sional
Usually cor respondences are given as related to otherworld.
the numerals and are arranged in layers. There are
the binaries or dualities, like in feminine/mascu-

21 Sacraments and mysteries

The high points in ritual are the sacraments, the me, where I am catapulted into a state of bliss,
moment where a special connection is made or some experience that stayed with me, that I can
happens with the otherworld, when the sacred is recall and catapult me back in that special state.
present. In our Western need to categorize and One of the sacraments in that sense I received
abstract what for most is just a logical and nor mal was kind of given to me, and not even directly but
part of life we call these events sacraments and in as a video I was so lucky to edit. I had met Patch
some traditions like the Catholic Church and Adams, the “Gesundheit” doctor also known
Hinduism they have been canonized, given spe- from the movie where Robin Williams played
cial status. They have, as all rituals, multiple goals, him, at a conference, briefly. He looked like a nice
they aim at the individual mind (experience, guy, but this was a busy event where I was filming
growth, awareness), the social context (initiation, and inter viewing many other people. However,
change of status, rites of passage, communion) some time later some of my friends helping me
and the magical. The magical has always been the with my local television station, came to me to ask
tricky part, protestant Christianity did it’s best to some funds and equipment to join Patch Adams
eradicate it, from their liturgy, from their inter- on a trip to the Balkan. There Patch went around
pretation of the Bible, from their belief system. with a bus, visiting refugee-camps with his group
This denial of the magical, exchanging the mythi- of would be clowns, clini-clowns but actually
cal and the direct contact with the otherworld for nor mal people with a big heart, like Patch him-
concentration on the logos, the essence, the Book self. The material that came back to me was so im-
is not unique to Luther, Calvinism and our West- pressive and touching, that I had to cry all the
ern scientific stance, it is obvious in Sunni Islam, time while editing it for broadcast. In it Patch is
original Buddhism and Catharism, usually as a re- shown going around the camps with kids, their
action or refor mation following excessive magi- parents and in fact everybody in need of some
cal practices and abuse by the priesthood. As a re- love, a smile and a touch. The most moving shots
sult, there are no for mal sacraments in Islam ex- are when the bus leaves a camp and Patch shares
cept some borrowing from Judaism (circumci- from his heart what he feels and felt. He talked
sion) and ritual is limited to prayer, Ramadan about the experience that so many kids and folks
(fasting month) and Hadj (Mecca pilgrimage), touched him, like thirty hands on his body and
very practical and hardly magical. Also Buddhism even more eyes looking at him all the time. He
doesn’t have sacraments, but obviously the hu- called it a baptismal experience, a bath in love, so
man need to celebrate is hard to eradicate, so even special for them but even more special for him.
distinct anti-magical religions have their celebra- Looking at those shots, and they are the most
tions. The two great Muslim festivals are both at touching material I have in my very extensive
the end of a pillar-event, the ‘Eid-Ul-Adha’ or video-library of thousands of hours of inter -
Festival of Sacrifice, commemorating Abraham’s views, I felt like being baptized too, receiving this
willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac and thus wave of warmhearted love-energy that this won-
obeying the Lord is at the end of the Hadj and the derful man radiated. If religious people talk
‘Idul-Fitr’ Festival of Breaking the Fast at the end about what a sacrament is supposed to do, about
of Ramadan. the grace that one receives and the transform-
ational power, I cannot but remember those
So the notion of sacraments is not universal, but shots of Patch Adams, transferring his baptismal
special events, celebrations, moments to turn to experience of love to the camera, to me and
the extra-dimensional because of birth, death, whomever will see this video and thus baptizing
marriage, equinoxes, and such are happening in them, as if time and place dissolve.
all cultures. For me, sacraments are those mo- A magical experience, and for me the proof that
ments and experiences where something touches new forms of sacrament will evolve with new

media, new technology, but that the core will re- Sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace, insti-
main the same: love and grace. tuted for our justification.”
Note how careful this leaves out the seeking of a
Sacral, holy and transforming magical effect, even the word sacrifice is not
The personal experience of a sacrament is impor- there, but then Augustine came from Manichean
tant, but sacraments play an also a major role in background, where probably sorcery and magic
bringing the faithful together, to foster commu- was much more part of the practice and had to
nity. This social aspect of sacraments is widely distance himself from that heathen practice.
recognized, they are a binding force in religion. Grace is one of those concepts and words that
St. Augustine (Contra Faust xix): kind of hide the magical exchange, for it clearly
“It is impossible to keep men together in one religious de- indicates an act or influence from the otherworld
nomination, whether true or false, except they be united that has an effect in either the mind or the visible
by means of visible signs or sacraments.” reality, be it a healing, a miracle or enlightenment.
Thomas Aquinas, a Church father and scholastic
Sacraments are part of many religious rituals, well
850 years later did see the sacrifice part and said:
known in the Christian faith, but present in many
other traditions, in a somewhat broader perspec- “The visible sacrifice is the sacrament. This is the sacred
tive. The word sacrament has different meanings, sign of the invisible sacrifice. A thing is called a sacra-
at the one hand it is a gift, a grace bestowed, used ment, either by having a certain hidden sanctity, and in
to signify a sacred thing which lies concealed (se- this sense a sacrament is a sacred secret; or from having
cret), but on the other hand also the obligation some relationship to this sanctity. A sacrament is a sign.
which arises from an oath, pledging to the perfor - Moreover, it is a sacred sign.”
mance of some ser vice. In profane terms the A sacrament is usually an act (a promise, a dedica-
oath by which soldiers promise military ser vice tion, a blessing or anointing), accompanied by
and allegiance to the State has been called a mili- words to express the dedication and intent and it
tary sacrament. A general indication of sacra- involves a moment of grace, as the power of the
ment would be a special bridge between the seen sacrament, which is considered holy, sanctified
and unseen, a moment of exchange between the (and thus magical) is bestowed upon the receiver.
worlds. The elements of special exchange modes In receiving the sacrament one combines, as in
are sometimes called sacraments in a more nar - most rituals, some physical act with a thought, an
row sense, the psychedelic brews ingested in intention, in fact bridging the inner world of
some Native American rituals (peyote) and the thought with the outer world of manifestation.
ayahuasca of the Santo Daime Church are indi- Often the elements (fire, water, air, earth) are part
cated as the sacrament. These substances are of- of the ritual, in symbolic or actual form. The in-
ten referred to as teacher plants, as at least in the trinsic power of a sacrament to convey grace and
Western incarnation of the ayahuasca cult the transform is seen as analogous to the power of
emphasis is on the individual and the magical is fire to burn, so fire figures in many sacramental
only recognized in the form of healing, the rites.
sorcery part ignored.
The secret side of sacraments; the
There is a broad tendency to ignore the magical, mysteries
and to concentrate on what effects there are for
Mystery and sacrament are both concepts en-
the individual or the group. Sacraments are thus,
countered in the bible, indicating a holy thing that
in theological perspective, not acts of sorcery or
lies concealed and hidden. Sacraments are mysti-
magical transference, but among the means of at-
cal and sacred signs or symbols, which at once
taining righteousness and salvation. St. Augustine
communicate grace, declare it, and, as it were,
gave a definition.
place it before the eyes. The hidden part of a sac-
“A Sacrament, is a sign of a sacred thing; or, as it has rament, already pointed at by Tomas Aquinas, is
been expressed in other words of the same import: A important, in a way a sacrament is hidden from

sight, a secret act and this element of secrecy we the exact details remained secret. The mysteries
can see in many cultures. In the Holy of Holy of were distinguished from public rites that were
the Jewish temple no one was allowed except the open to all.
High Priest at a special occasion. The holy stone
or wood Tjurunga (or Churinga) of the Austra- Taboo
lian Aboriginals was so secret and holy, that only A taboo is a strict prohibition of an act based on
the very select could see it after very dramatic ini- the belief that such behavior is either too sacred
tiations, its hiding place was secret and sacred. Se- or too accursed for ordinary individuals to under-
crecy makes sense, as then initiation is not an take, under threat of supernatural punishment or
empty change of status but a real adventure, an exclusion from society. As such prohibitions are
unexpected shock treatment intended to induce a present in virtually all societies and often related
ritual state (with the accompanying lack of iden- to the totemic focus this was seen in the nine-
tity and loss of status Victor Turner called teenth century as an essential part of religious
liminality), induce some transfor mation and an- practice. Sigmund Freud, in line with his now an-
chor the whole experience in the initiated. This tiquated Oedipus theory saw incest and patricide
practice of keeping things secret obviously is an as universal taboos and the basis of civilization,
effective strategy, we encounter it in so many but it turned out that there are no universal ta-
forms, from the Freemasons to the Fraternity boos. Taboos often have a very practical root,
hazing at universities, there are levels of initiation marriage restrictions serve to prevent incest and
and access to the sacred knowledge and texts, se- breeding, food taboos often make sense given the
cret signs to recognize a fellow initiate, secrecy local conditions, and as they are related to the sa-
and holiness go hand in hand. It is explained as a cred and secret, they prevent unauthorized access
necessary part of gradual understanding of diffi- to places, knowledge and rituals. Many taboos are
cult and esoteric concepts, but also serves as an basically moral rules, not killing group members,
us-them mechanism, playing into the need for a cannibalism. In modern times, many taboos were
superiority environment for those of us with challenged and especially breaking taboos has
some inferiority complex, and who is beyond been fashionable in literature and art, but new ta-
that. Secrecy and power structures go hand in boos emerge under the disguise of politically cor -
hand, he who knows more has more power (ya rectness. As many taboos might have a magical
evam veda is the Vedic phrase) but also those who correspondence beyond the practical or rational I
are initiated are supposed to receive the tend not to discard them too easily, there might be
accompanying insights from their masters or the some truth to them.
The need for secrecy, having hidden understand- Proof of initiation
ing, secret scriptures, levels of initiation is often Often a sacrament has a physical enduring proof,
attacked, just because they easily lead to abuse in like the sacred thread for hindus, but often tat-
many forms, but should be recognized as an toos or other marks like circumcision signify the
universal right. link with the sacrament and the faith. They are
The Greek made use of the word mystery, basi- proof and a reminder of the holy covenant. The
cally a similar concept as sacrament, and events physical tests of endurance or pain involved in
like the Eleusian mysteries were seen as secret, many rituals are amazing, in many cultures there
once in a lifetime sacraments and initiations. The are vision quests, ascetic practices, self multi-
Greek word mysterion, comes from myein “to lation and other customs that nearly seem inhu-
close, shut”. The mystes, the initiated or those man and yet stood the test of time. In societies,
preparing to be initiated were sworn not to dis- where there is a totem identification with an ani-
close the secrets of the rites and this seemingly mal or plant, the markings are a way to identify
worked pretty well, we still don’t know exactly their members and their status. Circumcision, I
what happened. Some kind of theatrical mythical will come to that later, is an obvious way to mark
plays, the use of some mind-altering substance, one’s alliance to a tribe, a people or faith.

A less visible, but important effect Baptism
of sacraments, especially of the rites
Baptism is the sacrament that brings
of passage is the character, the seal
one into the fold, becoming a member
and the mark which they impress on
of the Church. It is the most common
the soul, to use the words of the
sacrament and it has a deep meaning
Church. This is a distinctive impres-
as one surrenders to a new life. In bap-
sion stamped on the psyche which
tizing small children there are adults
perpetually inheres and cannot be
who pledge and perform the inten-
blotted out. Some would call that ef-
tional part, the baby is the one who re-
fective brainwashing, but it shows
ceives the grace associated with the
that the Church was well aware of the psychologi-
baptism. The sacrament does not come from the
cal principles involved, long before we had psy-
water but from the act of pouring the water, in
chologists. Confession for instance was a rather
the form of a washing. The Sacrament of Bap-
ef fec tive kind of ad min i s ter ing
tism by water reflects the believer’s sincere repen-
psychotherapeutic help to ordinary people, in a
tance, his turning away from sin and giving his life
ritualized form.
to God. It is the public profession of faith that
All the Catholic sacraments transcend time: they
one now belongs to Jesus. The believer receives
remind one of something past, in the life of
his new heart and spirit in the Name of the Fa-
Christ; they indicate and point out something
ther, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This happens at
present; they foretell something future like prom-
the moment when the priest baptizes the new
ising eternal life and heavenly bliss, which are the
convert by saying the baptismal words and sprin-
goal of sanctification.
kling the water. At this moment, a supernatural
There are seven sacrament, in the Catholic
event takes place within the person, the old heart
church: baptism, confir mation, (holy) commu-
and human spirit being replaced by the new cre-
nion/eucharist, confession, marriage, holy or-
ation. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit means that
ders (priesthood), last rites (anointing of the
the Holy Spirit has descended on the Christian to
sick). Receiving a sacrament in the Catholic
dwell within his physical body, coexisting with the
Church is an opportunity to receive the gift of
new heart and spirit. Finally, through the Baptism
God’s grace. Confir mation, baptism and holy or-
by Fire, the new Christian accepts the purification
ders are the Catholic sacraments of initiation, like
of the Holy Spirit. This process of being purified
rites of passage. The coming of age of young ad-
provides the new creation with the necessary ad-
olescents is not honored in the Church, but
ditional strength to gain control of the physical
shows up in most cultures, for both men and
body. There are some questions as what the fire
women there are rituals marking the change of
baptism of John the Baptist involved, beyond
status from child to man, woman, and full mem-
what the Church tells us. John preached that the
ber of the tribe. The lack of this rite of passage
Baptism of Jesus would be a baptism of water,
into adulthood in our Western world has been
the Holy Spirit and fire. [Matth. 3:11]. The Catho-
noted as a hindrance in healthy relationships with
lic Church believes that a real change occurs at
the world and others.
baptism - it is more than just symbolism - it is at
Most Protestant churches recognize only two
baptism that Catholics believe that the stain of
sacraments, baptism and the Lord’s supper.
orig i nal sin is actually removed from the
Sometimes sacraments are indicated as ordi-
individual. Other Christian denominations attach
nances. Luther and the refor mation, in the quest
less sacramental value to baptism.
against anything magical or ritual, limited the
number of sacraments and considered things like Confirmation
marriage a worldly affair.
Confir mation is a Catholic sacrament of initia-
tion with fire as its symbol. It establishes young
adults as full-fledged members of the faith, re-
newing what was promised at baptism by parents

and godparents. During the Confirmation ritual,
the focus is on the Holy Spirit, who confirmed
the apostles on Pentecost, indicated by a flame or
fire over their heads, and gave them insights, wis-
dom and the courage to practice their faith.

Buddhist Sacraments
In Buddhism, there are no for mal sacraments but
there are rites like the Kalachakra, that are initia-
tions to a higher level of spiritual awareness and
are embedded in complex rituals, sometimes with
larger groups of participants. Buddhism started
out as a non magical and non religious movement Hindu Sacraments
and is not for mally a religion, but has assimilated In all cultures life-stage rituals (sacraments) often
many things from previous local religions like the have an element of initiation or rite of passage,
Tibetan Bon. like the sixteen main Sacraments (Samskaras) in
In Buddhism, certain things are considered secu- Hinduism. The Samskaras accompany a person
lar and thus not sacramental, like a marriage. In all the way and range from conception to funeral
many respects, the Buddhist initiations and sacra- ceremonies, and mark the crossover points of
mental events are similar or related to the Hindu one’s stages in life, including the time in the
Samskaras, it depends on which type of Bud- mother’s womb. In this rather long sequence of
dhism and the location. Vajrayana, the Diamond ritual acts the notion of how the soul develops
Vehicle way also known as Tantrism is an esoteric shines through.
tradition and has a strong emphasis on sacramen- . Garbhadhan (Sacrament of Impregnation)
tal action with initiation ceremonies involving a . Punsavanam (second or third month of preg-
mandala, a mystic circle or symbolic map of the nancy)
spiritual universe. They also use mudras, ritual . Simantonnayana (between the fifth and eighth
gestures, and sound combination called mantras, month of pregnancy)
sacred syllables, which are chanted (also silently) . Jatakarma (at the time when the child is being
and used as a focus for meditation. born)
The giving of a mantra, also in Hinduism, can . Namakarana (naming the child)
also be seen as a sacrament, especially if it is given . Niskramana (child is brought out of house.
in a special ritual and specifically adapted for the 3rd and 4th month)
individual receiver. A mantra is a sound, syllable, . Annaprashana (first feeding of cereal at six
word or sentence that creates spiritual transfor - months)
mation. Man+ Tra= Mind (Manaha)+ Root(Tra) . Chudakarma (first time cutting of hair, 1st year
i.e. Mantra relates to mind and soul. The ritual or 3rd year)
stages in conferring and energizing a mantra . Karnavedha (piercing the ears in the third or
show how it is palced effectively into the memory. fifth year)
It is to be uttered from mouth to ear only, it is . Upanayana (investiture of sacred thread) from
given life Sun (Gayathri) seed and water seed, 8th year
then air seed, kundalini seed, moon seed, fire . Samavartana (when Vedic studies are com-
seed. Then it is repeatedly chanted to anchor it, in pleted)
the heart and mind, but in the end the so obtained . Vivaha Samskara (marriage ceremony)
sacrosanct mantra inside, thus secret. Some of . Grihasthashrama (related to house-holders.)
these stages are both psychological, others clearly . Vanprasthashrama (re nounc ing the hou-
magical using symbolical correspondences. se-holder’s life)
. Sanyasashrama. (leading the life of a monk)
. Antyeshti (funeral: last rites of the dead).

These Samskaras comprise usually some kind of ings of various ingredients, charity gifts, blessings
sacrifice accompanied with cleansing, feasts, of elders, on sanctified sacrificial grounds, with
presents, decoration and music and bestow a sacred herbs and good omens.
higher level of sanctity, but also cultural, material
and social gain for the person involved. They Sacraments as God-given
have a dual objective, to invoke the goodwill of Usually sacraments are supposedly God-given,
the Gods and to keep away evil spirits or powers. by some revelation a specific act or incidence was
Samskaras include the funeral ceremonies and seen as having special meaning. Moses is of
thereafter, in order to obtain smooth passage of course the great example of how God interacted
the soul to another world. As rites of passage, the with humans and gave them laws, but the Qur’an
Samskaras mark important transitions and as is also a book of divine rules and laws revealed to
such are moulders of character, intended to help the prophet Mohammed.
in secular and spiritual matters. Religion, not as the theological concept, but as
Samskaras also play a role in the attainment of so- the performative experience consists of rituals,
cial status and privileges for the individual within myths and routines that convey moral concepts,
the caste-system, like the boy who is given the sa- often in a symbolical form and supported by also
cred thread acquires the right to study the Vedas. performative art, be it iconic or aniconic. The
Max Muller, one of the first to bring Vedic under- laws and rules might be written down, but are
standing to the West, said about these ceremonies that conveyed in many forms, usually by oral means.
they show “the deep-rooted tendency in the heart of man The moral code and the way to make this known
to bring the chief events of human life into contact with is supposed to come from the otherworld, di-
a higher power, and to give to our joys and sufferings a vinely inspired and revealed somewhere to some-
deeper significance and a religious sanctification.” one. Whether this is true or just what emerged
from the mist of a veiled past doesn’t matter now.
There are many other Hindu rituals, yajna or
Maybe some rules or customs that were once per-
yagya (there are 400 different ones) are partly
ceived through intuition (using the primes I men-
oblig atory like the Agnihotra ritual and the
tion in the chapter about senses) as truths lost
Aupasana to be performed twice daily, at dawn
their original meaning but came to be so much
and at dusk. The Aupasana Agni, lit at the time of
part of a venerable tradition that they became
the yajna conducted at the grooms wedding, is di-
divine rules or even sacraments.
vided into two in a ritual called Agnyadhana. One
The sacred was not so much different from the
part is called the Grhyagni and the other the
profane, as we now experience and even made
Srautagni. These two fires have to be preserved
into a cornerstone of modern politics, I believe
throughout an individual’s life. The son’s fire is lit
one didn’t perceive such a difference, church and
from the father’s fire at the time of his wedding. A
state were the same, the king was the high priest,
yajna is usually a ritual of offerings accompanied
the shaman would become war chief in dire
by chanting of Vedic Mantras, worship, prayer,
times. The sacraments were logical parts of life,
praise, offerings and oblation of the havana
spaced along one’s lifespan and the seasons. And
sámagri (herbal preparations) as sacrifice, much
as there are very holy things, there are also unholy
derived from the practice in Vedic times. The
things, acts and taboos. The sacred naturally has
meaning of the word yajna comes from the San-
an opposite, the unsacred, the taboo. In many cul-
skrit verb yaj, which has a three-fold meaning of
tures the taboo is a relative thing. In some in-
wor ship of de i ties (devapujana), unity
stances going against the taboo is part of the sac-
(saògatikaraña) and charity (dána).
rament, limited to certain ranks or castes, certain
Fire is nearly always part of a Hindu ritual, Agni is
situations, a secret held by the initiated. This prac-
the great connection with the deities. Most public
tice we see even today, the notion ‘Quod licet
Hindu rituals consist of Homa - fire sacrifices of
Iovis, non licet bovis’ or ‘the boss can do as he
elaborate designs and complex liturgy, accompa-
pleases and get away with it’ hasn’t died out.
nied by recitation of Veda texts by qualified
priests in honor of a particular deity, fire offer-

In fact the most taboo acts do show up in the in- body is not a sacrament, the soul is already sup-
ner circle, where sinning suddenly is given the posed to have left, but usually there is an appro-
odium of divinely inspired superior morality or a priate ritual. In other cultures the crossing to the
special way to attain a higher state. The original afterlife is seen as a complex endeavor, a trip one
Vajrayana or Tantric practices like the nighttime needs to prepare for and where much ritual is
sacramental Ganacakra ritual are often men- needed to help the deceased on his or her way to
tioned. There sex was one of the antinomian ele- the final destination. The Tibetan Book od the
ments, and together with possession, dancing Dead is well known in this respect, it assumes that
and singing, and magical procedures like drinking the soul can be reached by the prayers and advice
from human skulls was used as a means to enter a of the mourners.
non-ordinary state of consciousness. Although anthropologists see all kind of burial
activity as a sign of religious awareness, assuming
Taboos were often functional. Clean and unclean, this means some notion of an afterlife, I doubt
halal and kosher do make sense, especially in the this is true. For instance sky burial (leaving the
times when hygienic situations concerning cer- body for the vultures) leaves no traced but is done
tain animals were less than optimal. Certainly ani- by rather religious people like in Tibet and what
mals or fish that were scavengers (eating dead about cremation, climate and hygienic consider-
remnants of maybe ill specimens) were consid- ations demand different rites. On the other hand,
ered less desirable. However the meaning of elephants have some kind of burial ritual and are
many sacramental acts or substances and taboos known to mourn their dead (and even the hu-
related to them may have been lost. Sometimes mans that were close to them), so burial and ritual
they are mentioned in scriptures and we can only can be associated, but seeing it as a proof of reli-
guess about their original purpose or meaning, gion might be too much, I think only clear signs
like the sacred soma brew in Vedic ritual, circum- like grave goods or inscriptions would point
cision, the use of incense or lustral (holy) water. there.
Over time they became part of the worship prac- Mourning the dead is very common, although
tice, and we can only speculate about why they there are cultures where the old or severely handi-
were used. capped are send away to die or actually killed. The
rituals associated with death are many, often the
Religions have always attached special meaning rank of the deceased plays a role. I have wit-
or sacramental value to special circumstances. nessed funeral rites in Bali that involved a lot of
Seeing earthquakes or lighting as signs of an an- people, a lot of complicated constructions, piles,
gry Godhead makes sense. That in the Bible the wooden bulls, an enor mous procession, food for
rainbow is shown to Noah as a sign of God’s the guests and were so expensive that corpses
promise when the sun became visible after the were kept for years to be cremated together. The
great flood is no wonder sense, we all are im- funeral rites for a Hindu involve the burning of
pressed by rainbows and there are many stories the body, again Agni plays a major role in the pro-
about their significance. cedure, this is also seen as the last sacrament for
this person. Cremation is considered obligatory
Gender issues for all except sanyassins, Hijra (South Asia), and
That many sacraments and religious roles are de- children under five. Cremation is typically per-
nied to women. This and also things like circum- formed by wrapping the corpse in cloth and
cision will be dealt with in the chapter about gen- burning it on a Pyre. Oblations are offered in the
der and sex. blazing fire with some mantras. Cremation is
done with one of the fires preserved during a per-
Funeral rites son’s lifetime. The fires associated with deceased
The Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the individuals are extinguished. Úrâddha is the ritual
Sick is not a funeral rite, but usually is adminis- of treating people to a meal in return for prayers
tered towards the very end of one’s life. To inter a to ‘God’ to give peace to the soul of the deceased.

22 Sacrifice : gift or trade

Ritual gives structure and meaning to life subtracting some goods or accepting the deal and
and has value, so we pay take the goods. This process does not involve di-
Let me again begin with a story. I sometimes tell rect contact, is thus relatively safe and brings a fair
this one to wake up my audience to how history deal if both parties stick to the procedure. How-
often is a subjective construction. The American ever, the whole routine can be misinterpreted if a
Thanksgiving Day celebration with its traditional party arrives that has no idea this is a trading and
food is a moment when families come together exchange and just see the goods as a gift. Now
before the winter season to bless the har vest and this is how, maybe based on some true experi-
thank God for the preceding year. Such a fall har - ences and memories, the Thanksgiving Day myth
vest event is quite common in many religious and took shape.
cultural traditions. In Canada and the USA this
tradition of eating together, with turkey and corn Sacrifice: bribing to the gods
bread, is often related to the story that the early It is not in essence very respectful to the deities to
immigrants were welcomed by the natives with make deals, and Luther for one was very aware of
free food that they left for the Pilgrim Fathers. this in the days of indulgences and buying salva-
This is historically incorrect. There was a Refor - tion. However, we all have been in situations so
mation tradition of Thanksgiving ser vices but dire, that we would be willing to promise anything
the actual celebration refers to an event in the year to get out of it. Even those who nor mally will not
1637. Massachusetts Colony Gover nor John turn to any supernatural being, will at times get on
Winthrop proclaimed such a “Thanksgiving” to their knees and pray and put some money on the
celebrate the safe return from Mystic, Connecti- collection plate. Maybe we just pray to escape for
cut, of a band of heavily armed colonial volun- a moment from harsh realities, maybe we try to
teers that massacred 700 Pequot Indians. The no- negotiate a deal with the unseen, making prom-
tion of communal feasting between Indians and ises. We know, in times of misery and war more
immigrants is therefore a complete invention, a people turn to religious traditions in the hope of
cleverly created slice of cultural propaganda, in a support, grace, a way out.
long line of inspired nationalistic and commer- One of the more common practices in rituals of
cialized myths like CocaCola’s Father Christmas. either a magical or religious nature involves sacri-
The story of natives, leaving food for the arriving fice. It is usually to a supernatural being, God or
colonists is a strange mixture of half understood demon, asking for help or inter vention on behalf
indigenous trading practices and naiveté, idealiz- of the sacrificer, the person who ordered or per-
ing the Noble Savage. How nice, these natives formed the sacrifice, for the benefit of them-
welcoming the strangers by leaving out food and selves or their family, tribe or nation.
gifts for them. What a sign of true nobility and Sacrifice means the surrender of something pre-
solidarity, a true signal of welcome and a reason cious to the god in whom a person believes. Sacri-
to thank God! This is to misunderstand that in in- fices have probably forever been part of religions
digenous cultures trading is often done in an as they balance the scales. We want something
anonymous and neutral setting, because the trad- and are willing to give something.
ing partners don’t want to face each other directly. Sacrifice often involves a physical gift, an offering
Trading in such a situation is done by placing the of something that has value and is seen as neces-
goods of one party in a dedicated place (the mar- sary to connect the two worlds. It represents a
ketplace) and then leaving them there for the kind of exchange, making it a fair deal, both on
other party to bring their end of the bargain, plac- the psychological side and in relation to the
ing them beside the goods of the other party in a otherworld. Sacrifice could be many things, in-
proportion that they find agreeable. Then the cluding promises to live a certain life or abstain
other party can come and adjust their part, usually from certain things. A sacrifice thus can be a vir-

tual promise (to do or not do something) or in- Sacrifice as a deal with the Gods
volve bodily experience, inflicting and accepting Sacrificing something that has value in order to
pain or a pilgrimage. achieve a certain goal, expiate oneself or ask for
Embodiment of the sacrifice act makes it very ex- the grace of the divine is very fundamental, it’s an
periential. Pain or stress on the body, self flagella- exchange of sorts. It is the logical extension of
tion and in this context sometimes with theatrical what we do in daily life where we trade attention,
overtones, will also bring about the ritual state, in gifts, money, sex, guilt, security or whatever with
which experience and commitment take prece- other people, merchants and institutions. Even
dence over meaning and communication. The though we are less Homo Economicus and more
body is the way to experience the emotional be- Homo Emotionalis, the Homo Sapiens in us, be-
yond the mental related to the liturgy and ritual tween eros and thanatos, wants to make a fair
texts. The body, the community and the cosmos deal.
are thus ritually connected through sacrifice. It is
a deep connection beyond the cognitive. The giving of gifts, in whatever form, is a practi-
Offering an animal in this context is also quite cal and yet symbolic way of relating to others. It is
common, it replaces the physical involvement of also a way to overcome the barriers of time, for
the sacrificer (or his loved ones) as in Abraham’s we can expect something back in times to come.
case. It’s mostly a symbolic act, using a physical The role of gifting and the inherent obligation of
token for giving up the ego, often perceived as a reciprocity is of course dealt with extensively by
necessary first step to enter the ritual state of the sociologist and structuralist (‘mind causes so-
connectedness. Sometimes the entrails of the an- cial structure‘) Marcel Mauss in his work ‘The
imals serve for divination purposes. The sacri- Gift‘. The givers give part of themselves, the gift
ficed bodies are usually burned and parts of it are is therefore imbued with a certain power that
eaten. That sacrificed offerings served to feed the compels the recipient to reciprocate. Gift ex-
priests and others was a welcome side-effect. The changes in his view are crucial in creating and
killing of animals in sacrifice is so common, that maintaining social relationships by establishing
death seems to establish a special connection or bonds of obligations and honor. He acknowl-
cor<->respondence, I will come to that. edges that gifts have cultural and spiritual proper-
Animal sacrifice is still customary in many reli- ties. More than physical value, they are a “total
gions and parts of the world, in the ritual context prestation” that exceeds the moment and com-
a chicken or goat is often used but animals also mits to the future of a relationship, to solidarity
serve ritual in other ways. For example to honor beyond the moment.
the animal world or a specific totem animal, one Claude Lévi-Strauss also looked at gifts in this
can use hairs of animals, shells from the sea, perspective and saw three fundamental proper-
while bird (eagle) feathers are used in many tradi- ties of the human mind: a) people follow rules; b)
tions as a fan for smudging (with sage or cedar reciprocity is the simplest way to create social re-
wood) to cleanse or scare away demons. lationships; c) a gift binds both giver and recipient
The Islamic Festival of Sacrifice - Eid ul Adha - in a continuing so<->cial relationship.
remembers the prophet’s Ibrahim/Abraham’s Now in his approach we see, as I also indicated in
willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael (con- the chapter on history, a limited view on what
trasted with the Judeo-Christian notion that Isaac gifts are. Also gift giving as just a routine to create
was the intended sacrifice) when Allah ordered connections with others and anchor good feel-
him to do so, but then accepted a ram in his place. ings in an NLP perspective makes sense, but feels
This willingness is seen in Islam and the Bible as a bit too rational.
proof of his love and devotion to God. ‘Resign- Such an approach just en tails look ing at a
ing oneself to God’ can also be interpreted as giv- mind-set and social setting and not taking into ac-
ing up all personal (ego) desire or wishes, letting count the spiritual dimension, the devotional
go of the personal will. (Bhakti) and spiritual aspects of gift giving, the

magical energy. A gift unreciprocated means un- charity one can be released from these negative
finished business, also in karmic terms. attachments. This making good by the act of pen-
From gift to sacrifice in the ritual context is just a ance, by “faith” and “good works” has both a set
small step. Moreover, that part of the sacrifice (mindset) and social setting aspect. The magical
goes to the officiator and often the physical gift or spiritual effect derives from the fact that one
serves to feed the participants or the poor should lets go of the ego and material attachments, bows
doesn’t mean that sacrifices are not an essential to the deity and therefore enters the miraculous
element to achieve ritual efficacy. state.
Public penance is used in many cultures, even in
Cognitive dissonance exploitation the communist ‘church’ and is believed to help
The exchange of gifts has also been used as a way create responsible behavior. It’s a kind of demo-
to secure income for the priesthood. This is a tion and punish ment with a so cial con trol
very material and human element, but has been element.
abused. Giving gifts to the Gods but actually to Pilgrimage
the priests as a way to secure temporal or eternal Dedicating oneself to travel to a sacred place, of-
forgiveness of sins, or forestall other conse- ten far away and difficult to reach has been a prac-
quences fits in with the guilt trip, the whole pro- tice in many traditions. Many festivals like the
cess of exploiting the ‘cognitive dissonance’. Kumbh Mela are in essence pilgrimages. It is seen
This term is used to describe the feeling of dis- as a way to do penance or seek a cure. Present day
comfort that results from holding two conflicting pilgrimages like walking to Santiago de Com-
beliefs or facing opposing facts. There is some- postela do have a ritual aspect, but many psycho-
thing wrong with you, but don’t worry, we can fix therapist now admit that such an expedition is a
it. great way to deal with anxiety, unhappiness and
Such a discrepancy is often used to create the psychological problems of many kinds.
need to eliminate or reduce the dissonance, and it Indulgences
is used in this way in religion and in advertizing. In Catholic theology, an indulgence is a remission
It’s a basic pattern in human relationships and in of punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has
our upbringing and shapes our behavior and per- been forgiven in confession, but the conse-
sonality. The concept of sin, of going against quences still apply. One can thus obtain release
some external morality, is often used to induce from the temporal (on earth or in purgatory) con-
this discomfort and then something is offered to sequences of sins. It is thus not forgiveness of
reduce or minimize the cognitive dissonance. the guilt of sin nor release from the eternal pun-
Gift giving is a way to bridge external dissonance, ishment. Nor is it a per mit to commit sin, a par-
to make friends, to repay moral or factual obliga- don of future sin, or a guarantee of salvation for
tions or debts but can also be used to relieve the oneself or for another.
internal cognitive dissociation. One buys oneself The whole notion of indulgences has sometimes
a way out, gives something, makes a pledge, be- been abused by the priesthood and in the Catho-
lieving or being made to believe that this solves lic Church has led to dissenting movements like
the conflict. the Refor mation. Selling indulgences in the Mid-
Religions use this mechanism in clever ways, such dle Ages became a major business for the priest-
as by including this process in the ritual liturgy of hood and provoked critical reactions. Indul-
sacraments (confession), offering a way out of gences are a form of time magic, one tries to in-
temporal or eternal damnation or karma. The de- fluences the future. The anti-magical movements
sire to be forgiven, the repentance is used to in- like the Reformation, Islam and Buddhism were
duce penance; acts, prayers or gifts to make good. thus opposed to this practice, partly because of
Purification of sins or other negative influences the power it gave to the priesthood as sorcerers
is one of the elements used. One is assumed to be that could get you off the hook. To address this,
sinful and by cleansing or other acts including things as paying for the church became regulated,
sacrifice, gifts, pilgrimage, works of mercy and like in the church tax, still collected in some coun-

tries or in the practice of tithing with a fixed Human Sacrifice
portion of income for the church or priesthood.
Now I come to a sensitive subject. Most of the
Vedic sacrifice cultures of old knew human sacrifice, there are
explicit references in the Vedas. Even the Bible
The role of sacrifice in the Vedic/Hindu tradi-
talks about it, Abraham offering his son and kill-
tion is essential. It was and is their way to connect
ing newborn babies are the examples we all know.
the personal and the impersonal. It is also a way to
It’s not something far removed from Christianity,
continually renew the religious experience as a
the death of Christ is seen as a sacrifice and there
personal token or deal with a personal God. As a
were early Christian infant-cannibalism rumors,
personal sacrifice defies dogma and stagnation of
seemingly the reason Romans persecuted the
a faith, it makes the ritual a personal meaningful
early Christians. There are many findings of ritu-
event. It is a physical act, thus it is anchored in the
ally killed people as foundation offerings and ser -
vants killed to accompany their masters in the
In his book ‘The Door in the Sky‘ which I see as
an apt expression of ritual and myth, Ananda
It happened everywhere, even in recent times.
Kentish Coomaraswamy, a Ceylonese historian,
The Sati practice of Hindu widows throwing
philosopher and metaphysician, mentions that
themselves on the pyre (or being forced) seems
sacrifice, as the main act in many rituals, is seen as
very hard to eradicate. Self immolation and sui-
a specific human activity. The Vedas tell us that
cide bombing seems a growing phenomenon.
‘man is the only animal that can perform a sacri-
The idea of human sacrifices is by now no longer
fice’ (and be a sacrifice too!). A true sacrifice is
acceptable but the practice of calling attention to
more than a devotional offering like flowers or
political or religious issues by suicide, hun-
ger-strikes, etc. seems on the rise.
To have magical effect it has to have ‘exchange’
There is some literature about this like J. N.
value or meaning, both outer and inner, so there
Bremmers ‘The Strange World of Human Sacri-
must be a real connection with the sacrificer(s).
fice‘ (2007) but hardly any explanation beyond
Many things can be sacrificed, libations of spe-
the idea of expiation, divination and guilt of vic-
cial drinks (pouring them in the fire) or oblations
tims. I found no mention of magical efficacy of
of specially prepared (on an adjoined fire) food
human sacrifice, with the possible exception of
or ghee (clarified butter). Offering (and consum-
cannibalism which is seen as acquiring the power
ing) of a magic drink like soma, made of herbs
of the slain. It is assumed there were magical rea-
with a special, probably psychedelic effect, is
sons for all sacrifice, but the explanations are not
commonplace. But also virtual offerings such as a
very specific.
vow representing a personal sacrifice, often as a
Suicide sacrifice as well as killing willing or un-
token of exchange for something. When eating
willing victims has been part of many ancient
or drinking the part of the sacrifice that is not put
rites, like the bloody rituals of the Aztecs and
into the fire, one often says ‘May you never
other pre-Columbian American peoples. Tearing
hunger or thirst’.
out the hearts of their victims, filling the hole
Offerings are usually part of a ritual but a distinc-
with the ‘new fire’ to please the sun-god, these
tion must be made between offerings intended as
rites were based on a very exact understanding of
remuneration for the priest or to cover costs, de-
celestial processes such as the 51 year inter val of
votional offerings and truly magical sacrifices.
the sun’s combined light and magnetic cycle.
Things like a Church tax take away the magical.
Human sacrifice and even cannibalism seem to
Devotion some ten percent of income to the
have been essential to the efficacy of the rituals in
Church (tithing) is not uncommon but more a so-
many cultures. It was part of the war tradition
cial than a ritual practice. True offerings should
and had to with the assumed spirit power of hu-
be voluntary to count in terms of sacredness.
man parts, especially skulls and probably served
sociological as well as magical purposes. The
skulls of enemies bestowed power and rank, go-

ing on a headhunt was a sacred duty and a way to The rituals of the Church do a poor job in con-
establish oneself as a brave warrior. Eating the cealing that the death of Christ was a human sac-
victims (cannibalism) was part of the deal, again rifice of sorts, there is even a cannibalistic touch.
perceived as obtaining spirit power. History is full of tales about human sacrifice in
Sometimes it required the sacrifice of children as fire, the auto-da-fe of the Inquisition times
an oblation (offering to the Gods) and this was among them, but even in our times there are oc-
even seen as a necessity to please the Gods and cur rences of self-sacrifice and what is now called
obtain blessings. Again this was widespread. In suicide attacks and bombing. No doubt for the
the Old Testament the Lord spoke through the bombers themselves doing this it has a ritual as-
prophet Jeremiah, accusing the Jews of imitating pect and is seen as self sacrifice, martyrdom for a
the pagans in their practice of child homicide. higher goal.
Said the Lord:
“They have built high places for Baal to immolate their Aztec sacrifice
sons in fire as holocausts to Baal: such a thing as I nei- In pre-Columbian America with the Maya, Aztec,
ther commanded nor spoke of, nor did it ever enter my Inca and many other civilizations, the gods were
mind.”. seen as the inhabitants of a magical, occult and at
times ter rible otherworld. They were not so much
There are records of Voodoo sacrifices of ba-
created but believed to be the presence of a dif-
bies, and infanticide as a religious ritual was prac-
ferent but often anthropomorphic reality . The
ticed in India. The killing of female babies has no
deities look and act like humans, or animals with
sacred meaning, boys are just seen as better for
human characteristics, and are portrayed in myths
the parents, the birth statistics indicate hundreds
describing mostly (exag gerated) human adven-
of thousands of female babies must have been
tures and deeds. Mankind, between fear and hope
killed in India and China.
with regards to the powers of the deities, sought
Human sacrifice was part of prehistoric culture
answers to the inner need for transcendence. A
and went on till our times. Egyptian tombs and
way to cope with the drab reality of life and death
also the mausoleums of many rulers elsewhere
in earthly terms.
were adorned with the bodies of their ser vants,
In those cultures all of nature was infused with a
slaves and wives. In Africa sacrificial killing was a
deep religious meaning, so that ritual formed an
common practice among the people of regions
integral and inseparable part of the life of man
where slavery and the trading of slaves was part
and fulfilled a collective need and served as a tool
of society. There wars were not only ways to find
of control on the part of the rulers. Ritual needs
new slaves but in regions like Dahomey many
were the justification to dominate others, as in the
prisoners of war and also criminal prisoners were
“Flower Wars” between Aztec factions. Those
routinely killed as offerings to the ancestors, the
were ritual wars in which prisoners were cap-
remainder sold as slaves. The practice even
tured, not as slaves or for ransom but destined for
crossed the Atlantic with the slave trade. In the
sacrifice. The Aztecs had a ritual calendar called
Haitian Voodoo human sacrifice and the use of
the Tonalámatl which ruled which deities were to
their corpses in magical practice was not uncom-
be honored, with variations in form, offerings,
mon, although usually only small children were
content and duration. There were many human
sacrifices and anthropologists mostly believe they
Even Christianity has its roots in the human sacri-
were to preserve the notion that death was neces-
fice of Christ. He willingly made himself a sacri-
sary for the birth and life cycle or to satisfy the
fice, a martyr. He must have realized that his posi-
tion among the people, where he was seen as the
There are, however, indications that at least in
savior and messiah, would be seen as a danger to
some cases the ones sacrificed were volunteers,
the authorities. That he was sentenced to death
and were drugged before the cruel acts of the
could have come as no surprise. So blaming the
for mal sacrifice were performed, like the ripping
Jews for something Christ intended to happen
out of a beating heart. Also the mummified re-
doesn’t make much sense.

mains of young children sacrificed by the Incas the concept of “burning water,” a metaphor for
and placed on high mountain tops don’t show warfare.
signs of involuntary death. It might have been
that it was quite an honor to be a sacrifice in such Time travel as the pur pose of human sa-
a context. Another practice, the automutilation or crifice
autosacrifice, was a ritual that was conducted in The notion that human sacrifice has other, more
private as a personal sacred act. Widespread magical purposes has not been researched, at
throughout the entire population, this was per- least not by people who have published about it.
formed as an offering to the gods by perforating It is mostly condemned and there is no specula-
certain fleshy parts of the body, such as the geni- tion about deeper motives and reasons. Yet the
talia, earlobes, lips, tongue, etcetera. In the fact that it is so common and so powerful points
Northern American native tradition of the to deeper reasons to do this. Now this is specula-
Sundance a similar practice is evident. tion on my part but there are some indications
The Aztecs, by many accounts, had ter ribly that the moment of death allows the priests per-
bloody rituals. The imagery we have in the few forming the sacrificing to enter the otherworld
codices that were spared the inquisitional fires and travel in time. It is a fascinating thought,
and the records and letters of the priests and piggybacking on the soul of the deceased at the
Spanish scribes who witnessed this (from afar we moment of death. Maybe this is why in the past
assume) confirm the extent and cruelty displayed. so many people would attend public executions.
Anybody who has visited their temples with There is a less esoteric story that they come to
those very sharp stones sticking out from the check on the erection hanged people seem to
flanks must realize how streams of blood must have.
have gushed as hundreds or thousands of prison- Many people present at the death of loved ones
ers or slaves were thrown down. report special experiences, especially if they are
But again, we don’t know what the real purpose fully aware of the exit moment. I have seen few
was, beyond general notions that they were to be scientific reports about what happens there, but
carried out according to a rather advanced and heard many accounts of a special state or energy
complex calendar and at special occasions like fu- happening. The literature about near death expe-
nerals, cremations, wars and natural disasters riences and OBE at stress moments is abundant
That these sacrifices were often massive events is but research to what happens physiologically and
clear, seen the size of the buildings and plazas. psychologically, let alone magically at the mo-
Not only the Aztec or Mexicas people them- ment of death is rare. There exist some nearly an-
selves, but many other tribes and people were ecdotal stories about weighing the body before
present, or at least objects and gifts that were their and after the soul has left. I wonder why there is
tribute or came in through trade and were offered no serious research in this direction. The moment
in this context. Prisoners of war and slaves were and process of conscious death could offer seri-
the victims but even this is not certain, maybe ous opportunities to research the spiritual trans-
people of differ ent backgrounds sacrificed for mation. The large number of willed passing
themselves voluntarily. away (euthanasia) should provide ample oppor-
Objects found in the excavation of the Templo tunity to do this but of course it’s not considered
Mayor and believed to be used as offerings and very decent to do so.
buried at the site were many and very varied;
sculptures, flint knives, vessels, beads and jewelry, Social Celebration
minerals, plants and animals of all types, along Many rituals are celebrations or turn out to be cel-
with the remains of human sacrifice. Images of ebrations, even funerals. They are celebrating the
the gods Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli and Tlaloc, seasons, the return of the sun, coming of age,
representing fire and water respectively presided naming and initiation, birth, graduation, mar-
over most of the offerings found in the Templo riage, birthdays, and much more. It can be just a
Mayor. This pair of deities probably symbolized party, a gathering of people who have been in-

vited by a host or come together at a fixed time good, they celebrate, for a reason or just because
and date to celebrate as a kind of thanksgiving. they are together. A calendar of seasonal events is
The cohesive effects of socializing, networking more or less common to all cultures by different
conversation, or shared recreation are widely rec- names and maybe slightly different timing, like in
ognized. When a magical outcome is intended, it Easter .
becomes a ritual. A more ritual celebration usu- Happiness, fun, dancing, meeting and exchang-
ally has a liturgy. It starts with some kind of wel- ing is very much part of ritual, either as the cause
coming, a procession, ser mons, speeches, dedica- or as the result. The feeling of togetherness, for
tion and other parts from the ritual matrix and which Vic tor Tur ner coined the word
ends in a more informal gathering, with food, “communitas”, results from the intention, dedi-
drinks and music or dancing. cation, sharing and exchanging and is partly what
In most cultures such ritual celebrations have makes people come back and repeat rituals. The
spiritual as well as social and economic purposes. exchange part, as in potluck events, is a way to
Although not openly labeled as such they are very share the cost of the food but is also a way to
functional in offering contact opportunities for show one’s commitment to the cause.
young people beyond the tribe or village to
broaden the gene pool or to help remedy the nu- Potlatch ceremonies of the Northwest
tritional shortcomings in the basic staple of a Indians, gift economy
community. In Indonesia, where slamatans are an The use of gifts, not necessarily as sacrifices but
important aspect of communal life, these parties to establish relationships or rank, and as part of
make certain that proteins not nor mally in their the trading routine or in exchange for future fa-
village diet are available to the poor. vors, is quite common. One can even talk about
Celebrations can have ritually described food, al- gift economies. In North America the Potlatch
coholic drinks or strictly non-alcoholic ones, and ceremony is a well known example and the model
can have many forms. This can be in relation to has sur vived in the way we celebrate, asking peo-
the ritual purpose but certainly such events are an ple to bring food etc. The traditional Potlatch
attractor, people like to go to parties. They can however was a gathering of a more complex na-
talk, exchange infor mation, play games, meet ture. There were aspects of competition, peace
new people or find potential sex or business part- keeping and a show of wealth. Who is rich
ners, tighten their bond with the family, village or enough to be seen or qualify as leader or chief ? It
tribe, discuss communal matters infor mally. Cel- was less a sharing of food than a display of
ebrations are essential in the culture and also help power, a way to show who could afford what. Im-
establishing caste and power status and as I men- portant or just ambitious members of the tribe or
tioned before, allow structured contact, helping clan provided for all, showing their importance,
to raise Dunbar’s number limitation of group building prestige and creating loyalties.
Their magical efficacy is usually limited. Only if
the celebration involves serious magical pro-
cesses there is the possibility to influence matters
beyond the rational, like in larger mystery school
rites, where the celebration and maybe orgiastic
mingling is part of the procedure.

Yearly and seasonal celebration rituals

Rituals are often timed in conjunction with
events that also call for celebration. Changes of
season, rites of passage, even a funeral usually
ends with a coffee and a cozy atmosphere of ex-
change. When people are together and they feel

23 Divination, Propecy, Ethics, I Ching and Tarot;

Antennas to the Future to know things, how prog ress happens, what is it
Why and how we know (at some level) the that makes my spine jitter. Is it resonance with
truth, our future, love, health, or for tune eternal truths, Akashic records, the all, or is some
entity, demon or guardian angel helping me?
This chapter deals with divination and prophecy. This “truth” connection many people know, but
Part and purpose of many rituals, a ritual in itself, it’s good that St. Augustine, quite versed in the
a consultation of fate, the Gods, energy, or magical and heretic cur rents of his time and apart
should I side with the Bible and call it an abomi- from being a kind of prophet himself, speaks of
nation, a sin? Let me start by using a modern his mother having this too, she can tell if some-
word to describe it. I see this as an antenna for thing is true or not.
meta-dimensional infor mation, beyond time and Many people feel they are getting similar mes-
space limits; divination as an indirect way to con- sages, warnings, help from beyond, and I often
nect, prophecy as a direct way. hear how they miraculously just missed that
The question whether prophecy exist for many is doomed plane, stepped aside, slowed down or
a matter of belief, religions are full of prophets otherwise escaped from accidents about to hap-
and people like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and pen. And how often do you call someone who
lately the whole Mayan calendar uproar was also says he or she was about to call you? Carl G. Jung
kind of prophetic. Most prophesies are not so called this synchronicity, Rupert Sheldrake be-
much about the future as about truth, divine will, lieves this has to do with morphogenetic reso-
morality, about what is the right thing to do. But nance fields, I like to talk about thought-waves,
do we, ourselves, experience this prophetic but we all have had such experiences.
connection with truth?
True or half true
I do, actually quite often, but in a rather small way.
Sometimes, when an idea comes up, when I find The message or insights we obtain by prophetic
an answer to what felt like a haphazard question, or divinatory means, are special, related to our ca-
when I utter something that sounds preposterous pability to access the otherworld (via our primes)
but comes from intuition at some deep level, I and beyond the nor mal rational forecasting or
feel a certain energy in my spine, a feeling that’s prediction. Those are based on models we have
quite physical and cannot be ignored. I have to because of consistent experiences or on con-
pay attention, it’s like a call form above. It’s like structions or even computer models like we have
telling me, this is true, take notice! It happens of- in weather forecasting or the economy. This is not
ten when working with people, like in family con- to say, that what we receive in divination is not in-
stellations or in therapy, suddenly I know this is terpreted (emotionally, rational, with projec-
true, this is exactly what matters, this is like a small tions). This what makes it sometimes difficult
phone call from the spiritual plane, you hit some- when we hear or read the prophecies or chan-
thing important. Now if this only happened to neled messages (also a kind of prophesy), be-
me, I would think it’s a kind of ner vous tic, but cause they are colored and deformed because of
very often other people present have the same the person, the culture and maybe the intentional
feeling, we look at each other and nod, this is it! cryptic wording. A famous prophet like Nos-
This small and usually unexpected signal, telling tradamus wrote his Centuries, based on astrologi-
me something is important and true beyond the cal obser vations an scrying (for him looking at
nor mal, has helped me a lot, given me insights the reflections of probably the moon in water) in
and helped me on the path to uncover many “se- a specific setting (a brass tripod) that feels like a
crets” and sacred connections. I wouldn’t call this ritual setting, with a mindset, in a time (mid 16th
a prophetic talent, but it always made me wonder century) and for an audience where kings, princes
about how infor mation really works, how we get and the Church were daily reality. His predictions

about the future, often about how the Church bles of his people or when Mohammed went to
would be threatened, were thus limited to those the cave where he met with the archangel.
concepts. He refers to the Bible quite often, but
was this because he realized that prophecy or Art
“seeing” as he did was not acceptable, unless cov- Prophesy (and it’s half brother divination) is an
ered in religious references? Today we would art, more than a science. It seems one accesses a
probably talk about progress and entropy instead world (or being addressed from there) that is out-
of how the Church would fare versus Evil or the side of the nor mal restrictions of time and place.
devil. It is never totally accurate and could it be, if we
This doesn’t mean there is no underlying truth in have free will? If all things were predeter mined
what Nostradamus or other prophets have (or known to God and unchangeable) morality
found, they obviously had access to deeper truths flies out of the door. Prophesy is like looking at
than rational thinking could provide, it’s just fil- the possibilities, the multiple realities that could
tered, disguised, encrypted and mixed with per- be, which one actually will happen (which proba-
sonal projections, fears and inclinations. This is bility curve will collapse a quantum physicist
how we should read prophetic messages, the Bi- would say) is not certain. There lies the freedom
ble, the Koran, they are truths within a context. there is, possibilities are no certainties. Remem-
The morality or truth of such messages one can ber that many prophecies are conditional, a kind
see as eternal truths coming down in a specific of threat, behave such and so or come back to the
age and cultural context, and further limited in Faith, or !!!
that words are often meager means to convey Of course, I have to distinguish here between the
what is understood in a realm where words have two (or more) time dimensions, as I explain in the
little meaning and might have lost their original chapter about time. There is linear, deter ministic
energy also in the translation, in adaptations and time and magical time (free will time) that can be
editing over time. influenced. Predicting the future has therefore
two aspects; one is looking for what deter ministi-
One way or two-way communications cally will happen (what weather forecasters try),
Finding loftier truths and heavenly wisdom in a the other is more like seeing possibilities and po-
trance, in divination practice or a psychedelic trip tentials (magic means turning possibilities into
can be seen as an internal process, whereby one probabilities) in magic time.
accesses the universal or spiritual level inside one- It is clear that by seeing the future, we influence
self, that the wisdom is in essence that what is hid- the present (or rather recreate the present). The
den in our soul and unconscious parts of our mere assumption, which I consider fact that
mind. It is also possible, that one accesses an ex- prophesy is real, and thus that future influences
ternal store of wisdom, spirits, divinities, the spir- the present, has enor mous consequences. There
itual world, the Akashic records, etc. Both are are, all through philosophical history, two tradi-
processes, originating in the seeker, but in the lat- tional stances about the future. One that states it
ter form with an answer from outside the mind, is all predeter mined and thus predictable (set in
thus a conversation or two way process, often in a stone). The other states that everything is in con-
ritual context. Prophets, mystics and such how- stant change because of our free will. Free will
ever also often claim that they were called, that implies that we don’t predict the future because it
the Gods, angels, otherworld creatures or nature can change. Of course, there are rational reasons
addressed them directly with a message, vision, and causality that predict the nor mal develop-
sounds, conveying truths. Possession by an exter- ment, often based upon experience (and Hume
nal entity, quite common in some cultures, is also even attacked that), but in any prediction it is usu-
more of one way process. Often one still can rec- ally (and should be) noted that it can change
ognize some preparation or (ritual) act, like when based on the actions a client takes or influences
Moses went onto the mountain he probably did from exter nal sources. Thus, it is at best a
that to find some quiet to contemplate the trou- “forecast” or “possible outcome”.

I think that the traditional division in deter minis- tion, concentration, certain physical exercises like
tic and free will view points can be overcome by breathing, the use of tools like a crystal ball, get-
changing the way we see time. Elsewhere in this ting into a half conscious or unconscious state
book I developed my theory that there are (at like mediums do (and the prophetic sibyls of old),
least) two time dimensions, one that is linear and but there are also less orthodox ways. John Dee, a
one which I call magical, the time dimension that 16th century prophet and magus, used sexual
is related to free will. In this perspective, the linear practices and Crowley and Blavatsky experi-
future can be foretold or forecasted if there is a mented with that too. So apart from getting into
broad enough understanding of the causalities the ritual sate, the second step is to ascend to a
involved, but the magical future is changeable, high enough level. Not just like that, proper in-
merely an indication of the possibilities (on of struction, training, initiation and experience
the parallel universes of the quantum scientist would nor mally be necessary. Similar to mystical
one could say); the total result being that exact experience, I think these levels might also have a
soothsaying is impossible. focus on a specific chakra energy, leading to dif-
ferent insights. Mystical, magical and prophetic
Is there an explanation? access to the otherworld might have a different
Prophecy works, in varying degrees, because the purpose and achieve different things, but I think
prophet or diviner taps into the truths of the they have in common that there are a number of
extradimensional. It also works because we (all) access-routes, related to the energy centers of the
have special senses (the primes) that are not lim- body and the chakra system is a way to
ited to the place and times constraint of nor mal differentiate between them, albeit not the only
perception. It probably works because at times it one.
is necessary that the community (people, reli- Just as religions have a main focus on one of the
gious community) needs to understand some- chakra energies, like Christianity on the heart, in
thing, one could say that if the people (like a stu- prophesy we see a similar differentiation. Proph-
dent) are ready (or in need) the teacher will come esy about the weather, in older cultures the most
and ascribe this to the field like quality of infor - important for sustenance, might have to do with
mation. A need is answered, because that’s how the first chakra, the earth, the stars and nature, the
the universe works, one can call it grace, divine animistic connection and maybe here astrology
help or revelation, but maybe it’s just a basic play enters the fray. The second, creative and sexual
of polarities, an action-reaction pattern like chakra might be applied to predictions about chil-
karma. Obviously getting into a special state of dren, the future of the clan or family, genetic and
mind, helped by a special body state and in a spe- tribal issues, marriage. The power chakra has to
cial setting (the three aspects of magic and ritual) do with truth, wars, spells, forecasting the out-
helps, but there seem to be many ways to do this. come of worldly endeavors, material things, but
also divine truths. The heart chakra prophesies
Prophesy: two steps, seven layers probably would be about sacrifice, blood, one-
I see two steps in the process, the first is that the ness and love, the fifth about rules and regula-
person has to get into the ritual or inner child tions. The Koran is obviously a fifth chakra pro-
state. This in itself can be quite a process, as nor - phetic understanding and many of the Jewish
mally we are in our ego, wearing a mask to protect prophets talk about proper living, rules and com-
the inner layers. But once one is in that state, mandments, like Moses. The sixth chakra is about
where access to extra-dimensional infor mation is lucidity, knowing things, making connections,
possible without the hindrance of the personal- .understanding complex relations, the realm of
ity, that doesn’t mean is a easy run. In the ritual discoveries, scientific breakthroughs, paradigm
state there are levels, I see it as a (Jacob’s) ladder shifts. People like Pyhagoras, Bruno, Galilei,
one has to ascend, with ever higher frequencies. Newton, Pascal, Einstein can be seen as sixth
So in order to get into these higher levels, there chakra prophets. They would themselves see
are techniques and these might involve medita- their scientific training not as ritual preparation,

and obviously had genetic or otherwise favour- ence. My divining is definitely a ritual, although it
able conditions, but their insights have changed works very fast and yields valuable results. It is,
our world dramatically. The seventh chakra for me, a backdoor into my inner self knowledge
would yield prophecies of a very spiritual nature, and senses.
mystical poetry, far beyond the practical, but
poetic and showing a true connection with the History of dowsing
divine. Dowsing might have been far more common
Maybe it’s good to mention the idea, that there are than has been assumed. Iron age images in Eng-
people that come from the future and they are the land, in landscape and hillside imagery still recog-
ones that bring the technological breakthroughs. nizable today, often show figures of some impor-
If time travel is possible, and Fred A. Wolf at- tance as having two short wands or staffs and
tempts to validate this in scientific terms, we are maybe these were a symbol of them using
handed down our great inventions. There is also Rhabdomancy, a type of divination by means of
the possibility we are given our technologies from throwing a rod, staff or stick to find an answer to
extraterrestrial sources. It might be, but then a question.
leaves the question how did they figure all this It seems that a standardized procedure to gain in-
out? sight into a question or situation is a very com-
mon approach, and as it bypasses the usual ritual
Divination, the backdoor for accessing the otherworld, I see it as a kind of
Divination is a less direct way to access the shortcut, a quick way to get answers from the in-
otherworld, it’s doesn’t require the trance and tuitive or higher self state, a backdoor into the rit-
deep connection, but can be done with simpler ual state It requires a mindset and some tool, usu-
means and with more rational mindset. It is how- ally rather simple like a twig or pendulum, tea
ever not without a certain ritual to get into the leaves or coins, but also a trained way of interpre-
right mindset. We might not see how much train- tation. One can see it as fortune telling and in cer-
ing and experience goes into a tarot reading or di- tain contexts it is no more than that, but I must
vining rod gauging, but the practitioners of those admit that in my life someone laying the Tarot for
will tell you it did cost a lot of time and trouble me was the beginning of a major change of heart
before they mastered their art. Apart from the and direction. There is a long history of using
knowledge and schemes of interpretation they shortcuts to intuition, mostly in a simple form
need to get into the right mindset. With enough where yes or no answers are divined. The divining
experience, talent and the help of their tools they rod to find water is a well known device, throwing
can do this quick and effective, but they will admit dice or the I-Ching in trying to find answers, the
it is still a matter of letting go of all ego, projec- Bushmen in Africa used some surface and di-
tions and allow the deeper self to do the work. vined answers to questions by feeling if their
The conscious mind needs to be bypassed, intu- hand kind of stuck to the surface when moving
ition must bring the answers. These are maybe the fingers over it.
translated back into daily life advice, as they come Before I go into how I use dowsing in the context
in images and emotions, but this is just the trans- of this book, maybe it’s good to tell a bit about
lation of the infor mation received in other forms. what is known about this technique and what the-
As a diviner myself, it took me many years to ories are associated with it. The main question is
learn this, and even now projections and thus of course whether it is only tapping into one’s
false readings can’t always be excluded. I see my own unconscious mind at some level or that it is a
pendulum as a quick way to access what my intu- kind of contact with an outside system or entity,
ition (primes) pick up, but asking the right ques- the divinity or spirit contact that is indicated by
tions, developing a framework and matrix to in- the word divination. In the chapter of divination
terpret the results, check the results with addi- there is a lot about the general idea of divination
tional readings, develop some feedback with the as part of rituals, but the issue of using this as a
subject, it all is a matter of exercise and experi-

way to understand the world, divining to divine nificant since Pope John XXII banned the use of
divination, is a different matter. pendulums during the 1320s, declaring the an-
swers were coming directly from the devil, but
Anecdotes and serious dowsers also made witchcraft a heresy and thus a matter
The practice has not escaped the eye of both crit- for the Inquisition and was supposed to himself
ical writers, all through history it has been ridi- dabble in alchemy. In the South of France in the
culed and religions have branded it as sin, but 17th Century it was used for tracking criminals
there are quite a few anecdotes. and heretics. Its abuse led to a decree of the In-
At it says: quisition in 1701, forbidding its employment for
“The pendulum has also had its share of contro- purposes of justice.
versy throughout history. During the Cold War in A famous diviner was the Englishman T.C.
the 1960’s, American pendulist Verne Cameron Lethbridge. Through his experiments, he found
was invited by the government of South Africa to that pendulums react not only to material, but
use his pendulum to help them locate their coun- also colors, thoughts, emotions and ideas. He no-
try’s precious natural resources, but he was de- ticed the length of the pendulum had some sig-
nied a passport by the U.S. government. A few nificance, and constructed tables of the various
years earlier, he had demonstrated his special ‘rates’. He looked at at many occult phenomena
dowsing talent to the U.S. Navy, successfully map and put forward theories on dreams, ghosts,
dowsing (locating on a map) every submarine in witchcraft and dowsing (in his books like The
the Navy’s fleet. He shocked Navy officials by not Power of the Pendulum). Lethbridge believed
only locating every American submarine, but also that witch cults had their roots in prehistory and
every Russian submarine in the world. After- eventually became a religion of the suppressed
wards, the CIA deter mined that Cameron was a classes. Similarities between eastern and ancient
risk to national security, and he was forbidden to western religions provided him with evidence of
leave the United States." ancient collusion. His idea of Stonehenge as a
The use of the pendulum in esoteric context is by place of healing and his dating based on divining
many considered to be a science and among then has recently found archeological support. I see
it is called dowsing, divination but also known as more and more indications, that the Meso-
Radiesthesia or in French “Radiesthesie”. potamic root culture not only spread to the East
A cave painting dating back to 6000 BCE shows a (Avesta-Veda, Huoma-Soma) but also to the
man holding a forked stick, a divining tool still West and hat even in the Bronze Age there was an
used today. Lots of cultures took divination seri- exchange beyond slow migration of people.
ous, all through history, ancient Egyptians used Druid lore, like the cutting of mIstletoe and
them, diviners at (Roman) times were govern- magic potion brewing sounds much like the lost
ment officials, diviners were part of the clergy, soma story of the Veda’s. It feels that Western
but also the practice was often branded as evil and Europe, like Egypt, has some advanced under-
inspired by the devil, the Bible and the Koran standing of esoteric concepts, astronomy and
condemn it, but there are always incidents where maybe healing techniques lost since, had more
it pops up as the only recourse. The military are understanding of magical techniques, and maybe
known to revert to it when everything else fails. Stonehenge was a place where some kind of
British Intelligence used pendulums to predict DNA healing took place, as DNA is a way reflect
Hitler’s next move, in Vietnam marines used pen- cosmic patterns and Stonehenge, Lethbridge
dulums to ferret out underground tunnels and already noticed this, has an orientation toward the
land mines. sky or is a link between earth and sky energy.
A French priest, Abbé Mermet employed the use
of pendulum divination very successfully during Into the hologram
the early 1900s. He located water, minerals and Divination has many different forms, from look-
missing people using maps. The Vatican hired ing at entrails (especially the liver) of animals, via
him to locate several lost treasures. This was sig- tealeaves, the flight of birds, to the tarot, the di-

vining rod, or automatic writing. R.J. Stewart, that quantum mechanical effects are not limited
whose book “the elements of prophecy” (1990) to the quantum scale.
gives a broad over view of prophets and their Divination is, however, not a laboratory experi-
techniques, here stipulates the historic difference ment in an enor mous Hadron Collider; it is an an-
between nature and art as the source of divina- cient practice - a way of seeing the patterns of
tion. Nature divination has been seen as more ‘what may be’. Our ancestors may have used
honest, with less projection and chance of hu- shells, bones, tealeaves, or some other tokens to
man manipulation. Divination in many cultures form the patterns they would then read. These
was a political tool for the priests or shaman to in- days, reading the Tarot is quite common in new
fluence the cause of things, not always based on age circles. I use divination with a pendulum as a
what was actually divined. In Assyrian times, the basic tool for many things, but there is a extensive
outcome of official divinations was written down tradition of divination; any holy book or tradition
in cuneiform tablets, of which many are pre- has tales about it. Divination was part of many
served. In those days the liver was seen as the cultures, without an augur or specialist in reading
place where outside conditions would manifest, the “signs,” Aryans, Maya’s, Mongolians, Greek,
but as in humans this could be due to individual Romans, etc. would not venture wars, conquests,
and mental problems, they used animals. or expeditions, and I am sure that many a modern
The Greek word for divination, manteia, comes day entrepreneur or stock market speculator has
back in the suffix mancy, as in geomancy, necro- his own way of feeling the future. Even using a
mancy, pyromancy (fire), and crystallomancy simple procedure or tool like a pendulum or
(scrying). It essentially can be understood as as- “touch of health” kinesthetics gives access to the
cribing meaning to patterns. Although it looks sub- and unconscious where we (might) connect
like one needs a specific set of tools or objects to to everything via the “primes” or metasenses, but
do this, be it cards, bones, entrails, tealeaves, or with some filtering and projection as to make the
flames, the underlying principle might be that we outcome less reliable.
live in a holotropic world (Talbot, Bohm, Karl
Pribram), where the universe is a (conscious) ho- Ethics of divination
logram, an implicate order that per vades every- Is it an ethical thing to tell the future? Aren’t we
thing but doesn’t need to be tangible. The meddling with things beyond our ter ritory that
so-called Holographic Paradigm includes the no- much wider implications than just doing some lit-
tion that this connection is not limited in time. tle magic?
Many incidents of Out-Of-Body journeys or The Bible is quite clear about it: “When you enter
Near-Death-Experiences indicate that we can the land which the Lord your God gives you, you
bring infor mation from the past. Experiments shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of
with altered states of consciousness and regres- those nations. There shall not be found among
sion by Stanislav Grof yielded accurate insights you anyone who makes his son or his daughter
in historic and prehistoric details that could not pass through the fire, one who uses divination,
be explained as prior knowledge. He also de- one who practices witchcraft, or one who inter-
scribed precognitive and prophetic glimpses of prets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a
the future in those states, induced by LSD or spell, or a medium or a spiritist, or one who calls
holotropic breathwork. Grof called such mani- up the dead" (Deuteronomy 18:9-11).
festations beyond the usual boundaries of ego The old testament Jews were quite familiar with
and/ or lim i ta tions of space and ti me such things; the diviner Balaam (see Numbers
“transpersonal experiences.” In physics, the no- 23), paid by Balak, was adept at interpreting signs
tion that things are intricately linked is called “en- and omens and tried to curse Israel. There was
tanglement.” It happens at subatomic levels and thus a realistic fear for such practices. Moses also
is so strange that Einstein dubbed it “spooky ac- wrote: “The secret things belong to the Lord our
tion at a distance.” There are experiments entan- God but the things revealed belong to us and to
gling two macroscopic diamonds, demonstrating

our sons forever, that we may observe all the and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (or
words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29). of Self-consciousness I argue elsewhere). Adam
It is of course not very consistent that the Bible and Eve eat from this tree and are punished (with
(and the Koran especially as it is a prophetic faith) self consciousness and the feeling of nakesness;
accept “true” prophets guided by the true Lord, they are sent away and will never come close to
the ones that tell the truth, but see the opponent the Tree of Life (immortality). The two trees to-
sorcerers and prophets as inspired by the devil. gether are the qualifications of God, and re-
Influencing the future is, if we take the common served for him. If man could live forever and
interpretation of the Religions of the Book, thus have the wisdom that came from the tree of
not per mitted. But what about praying, asking knowledge, they would be too much like God.
God to bestow all kinds of good things on us? God seemingly does not want us becoming like
Divination can be seen as praying with an answer. him too much. Yet some aspects of this Tree of
A conversation with the spiritual or divine Life have come to us; the Kabbalah is supposed
dimension. to be a representation of it. In my notion of the
The biblical prohibition of divination (and divine, truth and love are the first duality; the two
magic) is cir cum vented by many practi tio- biblical trees represent them.
ners/believers by somehow involving God in the Yet there are some good arguments beyond that
process, or in Islam, by involving Allah using the to be careful with divination, like that perhaps
Koran (texts) in the process. God does not want us to know the future at all; he
Are there good reasons for a ban on divination? wants us to live in the “now” and focus on our
Let me state (as a warning, too) that using divina- present. When you live in the future, in what of-
tion (or contacting and consulting the spirit world ten is an “if only” state of postponing action or
and in general magical techniques) is not a neutral change now, you forget the demands of the pres-
thing. It has many effects, often far beyond the ent. It can be an escape from reality, a step away
psychological and social implications usually as- from responsibility. I have noticed that there are
cribed to rituals. It has dangerous sides, one of questions that in this sense are “illegal,” like ask-
which is that dabbling in the occult and meddling ing for the time of death or questions of such a
with reality is always done from an incomplete fundamental importance for the development of
understanding of the whole of reality, even as we a person’s consciousness, that no answer can or
follow rules and liturgies that came from ancient should be given. One is not meant to get an ans-
and “reliable” sources. We stand to get what we wer to some questions and a “good” diviner will
want, not what we need. Projection and cor roded feel this or know this.
intentions are hard to eliminate; the dividing line Non-theological ethical reasons to be careful
between white and black, left and righthanded with divination are eloquently expressed by
practice is never clear. The real outcome of any Alejandro Jodorowsky, one of the very few real
magical act might turn out quite differently from mages of our times. He learned, through per-
what one expects, aims at, or hopes for. Even in sonal experiences, not to tell the future or give
what is considered very well-intended magic, like clair voyant advice to those who consult him for
in healing, there are many risks, not in the least psycho-magical advice and sug gestions for psy-
because we tend to look at and heal symptoms cho-magical creative acts. In the book, Psycho-
rather than going for the deep causes of illness. magic: the transfor mation power of shamanic
Magic should never be used in order to manipu- psychotherapy, he states
late the will of others, or to cause harm to any “I do not believe in the possibility of predicting the fu-
living person or creature. ture, insofar as from the moment you see the future, you
There is also the question of trespassing borders. modify it or create it.”
Maybe we are not supposed to know all, as this
He refers to self-fulfilling prophesies. Clients
would imply we want to become equal to God, as-
who assume the work of realizing the predic-
suming divine powers. In the Garden of Eden
tions, many times meet with fatal consequences.
(Genesis), there were two trees, the Tree of Life
He calls professional fortune-tellers hijackers of

the nor mal course of life. He sees his work as a hammer) of 1486 it says “All witchcraft comes
Tarologist and looking at the genealogy tree as a from carnal lust, which is in woman insatiable.”
projective test to locate a person’s needs and Maybe it serves to delve into the difference be-
where problems reside and so that he may give tween the more male inclination to go for identity
guidance to help the client with creating a future and power and the more female direction to-
him/herself. But Jodorowsky believes, as I do, wards love and relationships. A lot has been said
that we choose our destiny in ad- about this, but as we describe
vance and that there is no such thing the male approach as more re-
as coincidence. lated to the third chakra, where
Divination, necromancy and power, will and intuitive knowl-
witchcraft edge of the truth resides, and
A good starting place in examining the female as related to the
how divination is part of our history heart chakra of love and con-
is, of course, the Bible. Even as it necting, we can see here two
condemns divination and sorcery, kinds of magic and thus divina-
it’s so often referred to that it obvi- tion approaches. The female is
ously was part of the culture. The exemplified by the faeries and
attitude towards divination seems to their spells around the crib of a
change over time; in some parts any newborn, the male by the augur
use of such magical techniques is divining the outcome of a bat-
forbidden, sometimes interpreta- tle. Modern witches, like career
tion of dreams and prophetic vi- women, some times tr y to
sions were acceptable, but commu- bridge the identity/relationship
nion with the dead (necromancy) divide. Modern witch Starhawk
was strictly forbidden. Divination defines magic as “the art of
was often connected to witchcraft. chang ing con scious ness at
Not ac ci den tally, most re vered will,” which, in a very broad
prophets were male. This has to do sense, encompasses political
with the patriarchal nature of these activism.
older civilizations and maybe the It’s the intention that matters.
perennial fear of men for the power Where is the magical power
of women concerning birth and seated, what practices are used
healing. Midwives were often a main to address, call forth, and use
target for witchhunts. In the Bible these powers? One could even
there are quite a few witches, starting with Lilith, look for the magical and mystical (active-passive)
the spouse of Adam. King Saul (Samuel 28.7) concentration on other chakras as a way of out-
consults the witch of Endor, and in Exodus lining contact modes with the metaphysical, a
22:18 the injunction “Thou shalt not suffer a kind of classification of magic.
witch to live,” is not a vocational incentive. The
Greeks also knew witches. Circe and Medea are I Ching
good examples; both were using sexual magic, Let’s look at some of the ways we ritually work
something blamed on witches ever since. Medea with the future. One of the oldest divination or
is an indication that the image of witches has prophesy tools is the I Ching. For those familiar
changed from seductive sexual beings to old and with “the book of changes,” the notion that this
ugly hags. The influential Roam poet Lucan has ancient Chinese method of divination is an an-
further spread this notion with his description of tenna for the future is an unusual, but perhaps
the witch Erictho. The sexual association remains useful description. The I Ching is used as a divi-
part of the witches image, but has become very nation tool and consulted to indicate the out-
negative; in the Malleus Maleficarum (witches come of things, often the future, related to spe-

cific questions or actions and is also described as adapted, mingled, or mixed with memories and
a hypercommunication tool. The way the I Ching projections.
is thrown resembles the way Tarot cards are used, But what about tarot, runes, dowsing, astrology,
but there are many ways to try to access infor ma- Ouija boards, interpretation of omens and signs,
tion beyond the space-time limitations, divina- crystal-ball gazing (scrying), channeling, clair voy-
tion being part of many rituals in many cultures. ance or prescience? Is knowing the future, or ac-
Divination comes from the Latin divinare “to cess to dimensions outside our “nor mal” space-
foresee, to be inspired by a god,” related to time a more basic phenomenon than we assume?
divinus, divine. Divination is the attempt to Is an awareness of the future not part of the
foretell future events by ways of omens or whole of evolution? Do we know where we are
reading of signs. going, but as ego-masked and psi-amputated hu-
The I Ching is a good example; it has been used
for a very long time as a divination tool and con-
sulted to indicate the future, often related to spe-
cific questions. In a rather magical way, questions
we pose about the future are linked to the way we
throw the dice or coins, and we are presented
with an outcome in the form of a text from an an-
cient Chinese book. These texts are ambiguous,
but for many present an insight in what is about
to happen or what they have to do. For those fa-
miliar with the I Ching, the book of changes, the
notion that the I Ching is an antenna for the fu-
ture is an unusual, but acceptable description.
If the I Ching is an antenna for the future, some-
how working outside our notion and realm of lin-
ear unidirectional time and causality, but still ef-
fective, this opens a real can of worms. The I
Ching is but one example; there are many other mans, need to use tools like the I Ching to bring it
ways to deal with the future like Tarot, dowsing, to a conscious level?
clair voyance, or prescience. This attacks the tra-
ditional notions of causality, sheds new light on The value of divination techniques
issues concerning deter minism and free will, and The I Ching was written down more than 2000
puts a bomb under what we call “physics” as sci- years ago. The Tarot in its present form is at best
ence sees it. Its such a frightening idea for our seven centuries old, but divination is probably as
whole system that its quite logical that the ques- old as human self-consciousness. How is it possi-
tion has not been asked or addressed, except in ble that these techniques work? Are they exten-
Science Fiction. And yet, who can deny that most sions and adaptations of practices that were
of our holy books, Bible, Koran, Avesta are full found by very wise, maybe prophetic people and
of stories about prophets, sorcerers, and people thus manifestations, corresponding to funda-
who are involved in magic? If we truly believe mental laws, or are they human inventions that
that those scriptures are the basis of our culture, acquired significance and “energy” because they
as politicians like to proclaim, why not accept the have been used so long and have built up “belief
fact that prophesy is possible? Alas, not an easy energy?” I think they are both. There is funda-
game. Interpretation of what we, or at least some mental (cor respondence) power in them and
of us, perceive by way of our meta-senses is a there is human power, built up over time. In this
tricky thing, as what reaches our consciousness respect they are like holy places or holy objects,
and cognitive level might have been filtered, which also have two components. In this view it
obviously helps to separate the more human (ar-

chetypical) from the fundamental aspects, not to some respects a magical tool, a link with a wider,
diminish the effectiveness, but to understand meta-dimensional reality.
where cultural things enter the for mula. The The tarot is or has become a Legominism, a kind
Tarot, for instance, clearly uses imagery of the of coded history or evolutionary symbol, a
early middle ages, and sticking to these originals means of transmitting (by way of initiates that
has its value. On the other hand, we live in recognize it) infor mation about the planetary
cyberspace times, with different archetypes evolution, about the purpose, goals, and direction
emerging; the hacker or wikileaker now might re- of life. The Great Pyramid, Chess, and Kabbalah
place the trickster or fool of old, the neurosur- are other examples of Legominisms.
geon or genetic engineer might be seen as a whole Many people have made connections and inter-
new breed of archetypical agents. So why not cre- pretations of what the Tarot is, beyond a pack of
ate new Tarot decks with new imagery, but retain cards, with symbols and numbers. Some, like
the probably more fundamental numbering and Ouspensky (an associate of Gurdjieff), have
suits? come up with interpretations and historic links
that are not substantiated, but the way one can in-
The Tarot terpret a sequence of 21+1 cards are many. There
A well known divination technique involves the is the link with the Kabbalah (Tree of Life) and its
tarot, a deck of cards that is now often used to ad- 22 connections between the 10 sephiroth and the
dress the meta-dimensional to obtain infor ma- numbered cards attached to the Sephirot: 1 (aces)
tion about pending decisions, the future, and sim- to Kether, 2 to Chokmah, 3 to Binah and so on,
ilar issues beyond the nor mal senses. The Tarot, court cards having a more personal touch. The
initially just a card game (and the Chinese had Sephiroth can be seen as similar to the Chakras in
playing cards long before), has been linked to Yoga. Self-realization requires the awareness and
other esoteric traditions and is used in many ways. rediscovery of all levels of one’s own being, from
Laying or reading the Tarot, can be done in many Malkuth - the physical reality - up to Kether as the
ways; most can be described as Tarot rituals, but spiritual perfection. One can see the Tarot as a
in a way bypass the sensorial setup more ceremo- symbolic or even coded guide to map one’s life.
nial rituals do. They are more or less clean anten- Dividing them in 4 sets of 5 cards, with the world
nas and don’t require an induced trance, liminality as the final one and the Fool as the free spirit,
stage, or immersion. The link to the meta-dimen- opens an interpretation of the cards as a symbolic
sional does require a clear intention or question journey through life, from incarnation to libera-
from the one who asks for the infor mation; the tion of an individual soul. The juggler heads the
person interpreting the sequence, position and four influences in childhood.
meaning of the cards has to be tuned in, but it’s I try to see in the Tarot as an archetypical outline
not like a shamanic journey. The original (or at for rituals, although I have found no clear refer-
least oldest) Tarot of Marseille tradition, seven ence to this in the literature or internet. The 22
centuries old, is supposed to originate in the greater (major) arcana (secrets), including the
knowledge, science, and art of the men who built Fool, seem in themselves and in the numbered
the cathedrals and their understanding of sym- order, also to indicate a liturgic order for ritual.
bolism, but in more modern times the Tarot has One can read it as the procession of ritual arche-
evolved as a spiritual tool with many variations in types and participants, or even influences on the
both the cards and the interpretation. Usually the ritual space, parading towards encounter with
number of cards remains the same, but there are love, fate, justice, going down in the dark, then
hundreds, if not thousands, of different sets. the positive forces uphill and finally reality, with
Tarot, originally but a game, in esoteric practice the coyote mind (the Fool) around.
goes beyond its typical use as a divinatory tool. It The cards are: I (The Magician / The Jug gler) II
is a psychological tool, self help tool, introspec- (The High Priestess / The Popess) III (The Em-
tive tool, meditational tool, creative tool, and in press) IV (The Emperor) V (The Hierophant /
The Pope) VI (The Lovers) VII (The Chariot)

VIII (XI) (Justice) IX (The Hermit) X (Wheel of point having no dimension in the world of the
Fortune) XI (VIII) (Strength / Fortitude) XII spirit, symbolized by the triangle.
(The Hanged Man / The Traitor) XIII (Death) Another way of arranging the Tarot cards is in 4
XIV (Temperance) XV (The Devil) XVI (The groups of 5, with the world/wisdom in the mid-
Tower /Fire) XVII (The Star) XVIII (The Moon) dle as the final stage, the fool at the side, and hav-
XIX (The Sun) XX (Judgment / The Angel) XXI ing four phases: childhood, apprenticeship, chal-
(The World/Wisdom) (XXII / 0 / Unnumbered) lenge, mastery. There are numerological har mo-
(The Fool). nies in this arrangement.
The lesser (minor) arcana, the 56 cards in 4 suits,
also has an esoteric meaning; many have studied Tarot Rituals
it and described it as a map of mental and spiri- The way one reads or lays the Tarot is in itself a
tual pathways. ritual; a reading can be very ceremonial or just
The ideas of the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky and the picking a few cards. There are various ways tarot
Fourth Way about the role and symbolism of the readers might approach it, such as the ceremony
Fool or Idiot are interesting. In their view, the they attach to it or the paraphernalia they use with
Fool is not the wise person and Jester who mocks it. For some, a kind of ritual is an integral part of a
the status quo; he is the fool who is unconscious, reading; it prepares the reader, focuses the mind
a robot who needs to awaken, psychologically (of reader and client), clears the psychic space,
asleep in a life of fantasy. Gurdjieff took this creates a sacred environment, keeps unfavour-
Idiot notion quite seriously and turned it into a able influences at bay, and is essential to maintain-
therapeutic ritual, drinking and toasting to 21 dif- ing the readings integrity. Others see this as some-
ferent kind of Idiots (see : “Der verwirklichte Id- what superstitious or based on fear; they might
iot - Die kunstvolle Psychologie von G.I. consider all ritual as fear-based, being overly anx-
Gurdjieff ” by Bruno Martin). ious in order to separate the reader (the messen-
P. D. Ouspensky, in the first paragraphs of “The ger) from (the source of) the message. This has to
Symbolism Of The Tarot” and in “A New Model do with what the ritual is supposed to be. If it is
of the Universe,” talks about the Tarot and points seen as a way to structure meaning into our exis-
out that for learning and understanding “the tence using some kind of symbolic act, it has a
sense of symbols” (and thus the hidden forces of function. But if this function gets lost, the ritual
Nature and Man) and for teaching the fundamen- becomes empty. Another argument for having
tal principles as well as the elements of the eso- some kind of ritual is that it shows respect for the
teric language, the Tarot is the most synthetic and tradition, showing reverence and humility as one
one of the most interesting methods. He places is dealing with great mysteries and higher
the twenty-one cards in the shape of a triangle, knowledge.
seven cards on each side, with a point in the cen-
tre of the triangle represented by the zero (Fool)
card, and a square round the triangle (the square
consisting of fifty-six cards, fourteen on each
side). He describes this as a representation of the
relation between God, Man, and the Universe, or
the relation between the world of ideas, the con-
sciousness of man, and the physical world. The
triangle is God (the Trinity) or the world of ideas.
The point is man’s soul. The square is the visible,
physical, or phenomenal world. Potentially, the
point is equal to the square, which means that all
the visible world is contained in man’s conscious-
ness, is created in man’s soul. The soul itself is a

24 Images and imagery: the visual

Seeing things, perceiving reality through our eyes periences may be less physical than we assume.
seems the most easy and common of all, but hap- The endless variation in otherworldly views re-
pens to be one of sciences nasty enigma’s. We ported from dreams, psychedelic trips, mystic ex-
think we know how our eyes work, how light periences, etc. is so vast, so immense, that the lim-
seems to pass through our retina and is then con- ited space-time dimensionality of nor mal life
verted into images in our mind, but apart from perception makes sense, as already Kant re-
brain scans and activity monitoring we have little marked. There is more, but we sensibly limit ac-
idea how imaging works. cessing it to special occasions (ritual, dreaming)
When we look at something we have a mental im- or special people. The shaman, journeying other
age and this is kind of synchronized with other realms and achieving better understanding, find-
senses, but physically the sensation of feeling the ing deep truths and influencing health may be
stamping our feet on the ground and seeing our seen as a fraud or trickster, but then we have to ac-
feet follow different pathways and we should no- cept that at least his or her placebo-talents do
tice a timing difference between them, but we result in practical benefits.
don’t. The synaptic pathways are slower, one
should see the stamping before you feel it and the Imagery and visualization are very much part of
delay should be noticeable. Research into visual the magical domain and play an important role in
perception by people like Benjamin Libet also many rituals; they are the doorways to the imagi-
makes clear that vision (and perception in gen- nation, the roots and fundament of our inner
eral) is not a straightforward process, there are worlds, but also a link to the otherworld and in the
anomalies concerning timing that cannot be magical sense, tools to create. The layout, the col-
explained by ‘normal’ physics. ors, the statues, the way people dress in aritual-
The visual turns out to be very much a mental there is not only a lot of symbolism in it, but the
construct, we see what we want to see, what we visual cues reach deep in the sub and unconscious
expect to see and create a visual reality for our- levels of the psyche. This is an age-old part of re-
selves or co-create a consensual world that might lating to the otherworld, as we can see in
be total illusion, as quantum physicists and Vedic cave-paintings and in the jewelry and statues
sages tell us. People like Rupert Sheldrake point at from very early in the development of the human
the possibility that our vision is a field phenome- race. What is the primary purpose of theater, lit-
non, that senses are not the mechanical sen- erature, and especially poetry other than guiding
sor/receptors processing incoming data, but the imagination, which is mostly a visual gift?
more complex interactions with a reality we also And can we read Shakespeare without noticing
co-create. It seems more like we sense and trans- the symbolism, often in many layers super-
mit energy and manifest an image of reality di- imposed on plot and characterization?
rectly with our mind. The reality we think we per- Even in the watered down and modernized ver-
ceive bubbles up, from an unconscious level of sions of ritual, like in the movie “The Secret” the
interaction (hence my notion of primes) towards use of visualization is positioned as the primary
the level we experience as conscious. This deeper magical tool, as the key to influencing reality by
perception affects our body, moods, behavior way of the imagination.
and subconcious (pre-)volition, it guides our au- Imagery and symbolism are the twin mothers of
tomatic state of being. Another way of saying this the ritual realm, and there is much debate about
is that our whole body is our subconscious mind. the role of imagery in thinking. What I miss in the
Here the different states of consciousness like theoretical and experimental approaches of the
dreaming or meditation and phenomena like lu- researchers and philosophers about imaging, im-
cid dream ing, near death ex pe ri ences and agery and how we perceive inner visions is that
out-of-body experiences show us that reality ex- they make no distinction between the (sub-)per-

sonality state(s). If, as I believe, the inner child or times the use of images and moving images
ritual state differs from the masks or outer (video) has become so widespread and images are
(sub-)personalities in using the same hardware used so widely to influence and one could say
(the brain) in a different way, the different states hypnotize us, creating new myths (like how a
might also work with a different representation. woman should look) and changing perceptions,
Now the experience in trance states and psycho- culture, relational patterns, that one could seri-
actively induced altered states of conscious, again ously ask if the ban on images in some religions
in my view closely related or identical to the inner doesn’t make some sense.
child state, show that in most people the visual el-
ements, the imagery, the vividness of the views, Aniconism: the ban on images
the whole experience is quite different and often The use of images, statues, pictures in ritual is
more intensive than what happens in the mask quite common, although there is a distinction be-
states. In fact so many people report that those tween purely symbolic imagery and that which
experiences are more real than what they nor - depicts anthropomorphic imagery, Gods, heav-
mally see or feel. They also frequently report new enly entities and such, as has been forbidden in
insights, seeing imagery that has no links to previ- the Jewish faith (Exodus 20:4) and spilled over
ous experiences and rather feel like coming from into Islam. There is no specific ban on human im-
another realm. This refutes the notion of David ages in the Koran, only in the Hadith (stories
Hume and Kant, that all imagery and thought are about the prophet Mohammed) there are a few
based on previous experiences and associations references. The Old Testament however has a
with known objects and situations and Hume’s high status within Islam, so copying the ban on
notion, that vividness is the main identifier of graven images and idols (aniconism) is quite logi-
reality. cal. Only the Shia, with more of a focus on the
Looking at the ritual state therefore and taking se- magical, accept pictures of people. The concern
rious the notion in most traditions, that what the about (amateur) movies around Islam, portraying
priest, shaman or seer brings back from their Mohammed rather unrespectful terms, is thus
journey is valuable, symbolically correct, some- understandably.
times new and directive for the whole culture, In the 8th century the Byzantine emperors issued
more research is necessary. Prophesy, lucidity a for mal ban on images, followed by the Islamic
(seeing the grand scheme and interrelation of rulers, mostly to please the Jewish population.
things) and developing a vision to deal with ecol- The Byzantine ban was reversed 40 years later,
ogy, cyberchaos, economy and society are essen- the Islamic ban on images of people, nature etc. is
tial if we are to bring humanity back on a sustain- still there.
able path, ignoring these has been a costly experi- Images are essential for many rituals, are age old
ment in quasi-enlightenment and rationality. as the cavepaintings indicate and are part of most
Visions, vision quest, journeying, the inner eye, cultures and religions. Sacrificing and praying to
lucid dreaming, these are some of the practices statues and icons, carrying them around in pro-
and aspects of seeing in a ritual context. This rit- cessions is also a very old tradition.
ual imagery has a physical counterpart, we make
representations, copies of our visions. So of The underlying question, why are images of peo-
course in ritual practice the use of images, statues, ple (and Gods etc.) banned in the first place, is an
paintings and such is visible and part of many cul- important one. There must be some explanation,
tures, but not of all. Some re ject this as not only in the bible, but in many traditions one
representational ‘projection’. sees imaging people as improper or having spe-
There lies an interesting notion, pointing at the cial powers. Many indigenous people resent their
potential and dangers of pictures in a magical pictures being taken, they feel part of their soul is
sense, images have power, they can be used in taken away with it. In some vision quests and sub-
contagious magic like voodoo, but in general they stance-induces ritual states, one tries to see one’s
are energy objects in themselves. In modern

own face, not very easy, but seeing oneself in the Images and statues also have an aura, mostly very
dreamstate is important. slight, but when enough people watch it, the aura
Images, especially faces and within the face the grows. This explains why certain statues and
eyes and the iris of the eyes, give away a lot of in- paintings, watched by millions, gather energy, and
for mation. One’s face is a key to the personality, become sacred or in modern terms, very valuable.
the Chinese have developed this in great depth. This by the way requires that seeing with our eyes
Chinese people believe that the face of a particu- is an active projection of something (light/pho-
lar person represents his or her personality, health tons/energy), something the physicists will find
and fortune. Face reading also known as Mian hard to accept. I believe this, that we project en-
Xiang is a popular ancient practice of Chinese ergy by looking at something, is the case, and it
people, used to study the personality, past and fu- explains notions like the evil eye and the phenom-
ture prospects of a particular person, also for di- enon, that the eyes of shamans and holy people
agnostic medical practices. Modern technology sometimes have an extraordinary intensity, they
uses the iris for identification, but more and more look through you.
face rec og ni tion is be com ing part of our
techno-society, we are recognized, profiled and Looking is sending energy
put in databases, our soul or assumed soul, in fact The notion, that looking is a two way process and
mostly our personality is captured in databanks that by looking (or more precisely by seeing) we
outside our control. send energy (of a kind not measurable by physical
In the West images are so much part of the cul- instruments) is something that would topple the
ture, especially since media like photography, film scientific understanding of how our eyes and see-
and internet have spawned billions of pictures. ing works. Rupert Sheldrake, building on his un-
Imagery has become an important part of the derstanding of morphogenetic fields and telepa-
new myths like that we have to look young, white thy, has designed experiments that show that
and happy to count at all. But there are indica- looking at someone can be perceived by what he
tions, that there is increased awareness about calls the extended mind, a concept similar to what
what pictures, especially faces, can do, to one’s I call the primes. In his staring experiment, one of
self image, to one’s status and privacy. Now that the “Seven Experiments That Could Change the
face recognition becomes a realistic technology World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolution-
and organizations like Facebook are using in not ary Science” he asks people to experiment with
always disclosed ways, the FBI uses it and there is the feeling of being looked at from behind. This
a growing concern about this. Profiling of peo- is a remarkably common phenomenon. So is the
ple, not only based on the surfing and buying hab- experience of looking at someone from behind
its, but done by analysis of pictures and video, is and finding that they turn round.
becoming a common practice for administrations In another experiment, the Photo Experiment,
and security agencies. People now realize that instead of looking at the subject directly, the
they are but target-groups and that extensive pro- looker looks at his or her photograph instead,
files in a way is identity theft, one become what is while the subject is seated in another room.
in the database, not what one really is. That there is an energy exchange with the objects
Images can be dangerous, in the magical context, we look at kind of support the notion of
because they establish a connection, contagious aniconism, the ban on images and notably pic-
or sympathetic. Having an image of someone tures of faces. Someone looking at us or our pic-
might give some power according to the law of ture (or another witness in radionics terms like a
similarities, there is a correspondence between hair, something we also encounter in voodoo)
the person and the image. Of course having sends energy, and this projection can be good or
clothes, or better hair, nails etc. even works better, bad, but for privacy reasons we might want not to
think of the voodoo practice of bewitching be exposed unnecessarily to this kind of commu-
people. nication. It influences us in magical ways and
even might actually steal a part of our soul.

We are all subject to the opinions of others about The induction of the visionary state or lucid state
ourselves, this influences, mostly unnoticed, our is done in many ways, the whole gamut of depri-
self image. The projection of others can become vation (food, sleep, contact, light), ecstatic dance,
a defining part of who we are, at least in our out- music, ritual acts, special costumes, paraphernalia
ward personality, we show a mask that goes well of all kinds, gestures, texts, hypnosis, self-hypno-
with the image people expect from us. This is one sis, breathwork, mortification, physical restric-
of the problems we are now facing with the rise tion, group mind manipulation, pain, isolation
of picture oriented cyberspace social networks, and ingestion of substances or teacher plant
like Facebook. We become the image, the avatar concoctions comes into play.
we put on top of our Facebook page, even if this Preparing and focusing on obtaining a vision in a
is not the real us. specific context, like in a vision quest, is often de-
An eye that sees us is a common symbol in eso- scribed as making a journey, a flight (as in going
teric circles like in masonry, meaning the eye of high) and in our times (in connection with psy-
God is omnipresent. The Egyptian eye of Horus chedelics) as a making a trip. It is often experi-
has a similar meaning, but this is not a two-way enced as becoming high, and in structured envi-
thing. To see the face of God is considered a ronments this is even indicated in levels, like navi-
deathly experience and in the Bhagavath Gita the gating the 3 worlds or reaching the 33th level.
moment that Krishna shows himself as the God
he is and the impression it makes on Arjuna de- Mind’s eye: vision quest
picts how seeing the divine is a very deep and When we talk about the mind’s eye, the third eye
even frightening moment. or the power eye, these all refer to what we see in-
side our head, with eyes closed or as hallucinative
The most powerful tool of the magus is images projected in the nor mal reality. What we
his imagination! can see is quite different, some people are very
Magic and imagery are nearly inseparable, and ac- good at seeing images, focusing and manipulating
cording to the para-psyhchologists like Stan them, there are people with ultra-sharp and wide
Krippner most of the psychical and psi-capability (eidetic) visions and others that can’t see an apple,
now studied in laboratory conditions also have al even as it is there right in front of them and they
lot to do with imagery and is more or less limited just have to retain the image for a short while.
by this. The level one can see with the inner eye these
semi-real things, situations or peculiar imagery
The cultural role of (the renderings of) mental like visions that are not real, but symbolic or fan-
imagery, often very symbolic, is obvious. Cul- tastic depends upon an inborn capacity to visual-
tures, tribes, nations and cults identify themselves ize, but also on practice and the state of con-
with certain images, from the Bear Clan to the sciousness one is in. I believe the inner child state
Swastika of the Nazi’s. Sometimes the imagery is is the one that is the most visual, partly because
very much related to the core myths of a culture, we first experience this state in early childhood,
to its history and historic figures, the imagery in when words or concept have little meaning. It’s
the context of stories is a kind of mnemonic re- the inner child or ritual space state that facilitates
minder of the cultural evolutionary history. Reli- the vision quest or shamanistic practice, deep
gious art in this sontext is a way to spread visions meditation and magical routines in general. Not
and the cultural identity related to them. everybody is good at it, but visual imagery capa-
Cultivation of mental imagery is the core of bilities can be trained and in many traditions the
many indigenous religions or cults, developing cultivation of the visionary talent is the main edu-
the inner or third eye. Visions as in specific pro- cation for the witch, priest, monk, hotar, shaman
phetic experiences or related to contact with or medicine men. This training can take a quiet
otherworld entities are often the defining event in form, like in the Vajrayana (tantric) Buddhism,
a tradition or religion, as in Islam and in the where it involves long meditation on texts that in-
Mormon faith. dicate what and how to visualize and specifically

what to do with the imagery one masters. The also used in modern hypnotherapy, which relies
manipulation of the images of sometimes very heavily on imaging and suggestion.
complex “worlds” of gods, demons and symbols There are many forms of vision quests, and the
(first imag ined, only af terwards painted as Acid Tests of Ken Kesey probably qualify as a
thangkas to remind one of the process) is used to modern and psychedelically induced variation on
influence bodily processes, like using a shrunken the theme. I believe that all these methods have in
“world” to clean internal pathways like the Ida common that the inter mediate goal is to reach the
and Pindala around the Sushumna central chan- state of inner awareness where contact with the
nel or Nadi of the backbone. In other cultures the extra-dimensional or extramundane is possible
visionary state is achieved in sometimes brutal and the practical goals like healing or other results
ways, like the Sundance ceremony of Native can be achieved. What one tries to find there de-
American and First Nations peoples. pends on the cultural context, often it is about
In the training of visualization capabilities the finding a totem animal or guardian spirit, estab-
improving of the vividness of the image usually lishing contact with a specific natural phenome-
comes first, by blocking noise, concentration and non, extramundane agency, spirit or God, asking
meditation. The second stage is then the control- them for help, warding off the evil eye (apotropic
ledness of the image, can one manipulate it, magic), connecting to the core truths of the tradi-
change it, all with increasing the realization that tion, or understanding one’s own psyche and life’s
this influences the daily reality, but is not real. path. In general it’s about connecting to the
Discriminating between mere (psychopatho- deeper layers of reality, exploring the extra-di-
logical) hallucinations or active and conscious mensional space either mystically (passive) or
manipulation of the imagery is part of what magically (active). For the shaman the passive sit-
makes a great seer or shaman. Experiencing the uation is often when he or she listens to the teach-
process of seeing as real living in two worlds and ers, teacher plants, spirit guides, the entities that
knowing the difference discriminates the true called them to this and the active part is directing
magician from the lunatic. This is not to deny that other spirits or entities to do cer tain things. A spe-
the lunatic or epileptic enters the same extra-di- cial situation of passive sur render to the magical
mensional space, but he or she has trouble sepa- realm is the possession trance, inviting spirits or
rating it from ordinary reality, in some cases their entities to take over physical functions.
messages can be interpreted as oracles. The result of a vision quest can be, like in rites of
Visualization training based on scripts, and then passage, to reach another (social) status, to see the
actively and by feedback reinforcing bodily re- future or the cause of present problems, manipu-
sponse or asking to describe and intensify the late the reality (health, har vest, hunt or war out-
stimuli like colors etc. is a way to develop the tal- come) but it can also bring new insights that
ent. A less conscious but effective way to influ- change the course of the community or the indi-
ence the ability to “see” is dream incubation, vidual. In shamanic practice, the shaman often
planting a seed (sug gestion) for a specific topic to enters the otherworld on behalf of others, he as
come up in a dream. It can be used to guide the the more experience traveler or “flyer” knows
imagery in the dream state. Dreams and visions where to find the answers or magical actions that
are both seen as contact with gods, spirits or de- are appropriate or necessary.
mons. Tylor saw dreams and visions as the origin
of religion. The mirror
After a session or event, reworking that what was Mir rors have a magical quality, they are used in
seen, helping to indentify the symbolism and many magical operations, but also in rituals. Mir -
bringing the experience to a more conscious and rors are simple and yet effective tools to explore
cognitive level helps processing and remember- and train one’s magical qualities, specifically one’s
ing the vision, similar to what one does with imaging talent and psychic skills. Mir ror work
dreams and in dream-analysis. These methods are trains the inner eye to perceive the unseen.
Throughout history scrying (mir ror gazing) has

been a magical method to look into the future, an- water of which the inside of the bowl was painted
swer questions, solve problems, find lost objects black.
or identify criminals. For this nor mal mir rors or Mir rors also have a have a dark magical side –
shining objects were used, but there are also spe- they capture one’s image and are held to be a soul
cial mir rors made especially for scrying, called stealer. It is believed that if a dead person sees
magic mirrors, not always very reflecting. himself in a mir ror, his soul will have no rest, so
Looking at yourself for some time, without too when someone dies often the mirrors in the
much focus, detached and without too much light house are covered. Seeing one’s own reflection in
(a candle works fine) will eventually lead to a mir ror in a room where someone has died might
changes in perception. The face may begin to be interpreted as indication of one’s own im-
change in the mir ror, altering in shape or features, pending death. Breaking a mir ror in folklore is
revealing hidden aspects of yourself, some see considered bad luck.
this as past lives images. Looking into a mirror
with some soft focus on the third eye will bring Why and how do we see mental images
some change in the level or state of conscious- Do we see things in our mind like a kind of pro-
ness. Some will see, before their eyes or in some jection on a screen based on the eye-sense infor -
inner view, visions, scenes, people, often per- mation processed in some way (perception), or
ceived in peripheral vision. Even if nothing is do we see because our mind builds an image? An
perceived in the mir ror beyond the nor mal reflec- important question for philosophers and scien-
tion, there is a connection with the extra-dimen- tist that try to understand how thinking and imag-
sional because one sends energy (by seeing) to ination actually works. Do we think (process) in
oneself. That connection might open a flood of terms of images, words, ideas or concepts like the
in tu itive thoughts, in spi ra tions, ideas or memes of Richard Dawkins (The Selfish gene
knowledge, sometimes an inner voice or sounds. 1976). How does our memory works, how do we
The surface of a fluid is a mir ror, but shiny metal store things in our mind? Few answers here, de-
surfaces were used very early, mostly to see one- spite the technology that allows us to gauge and
self. In a way mir rors are objects of human vanity follow the physical processes in our brain.
and certainly they were expensive possessions in A question also heavily debated is how and what
the preindustrial days. Shiny surfaces, like those (mental) images really are in our brain and mind
of gemstones or crystals are used for decoration, and where they originate. Brain scans show, that
but in scrying one looks at objects like a crystal if we see images or imagine images, they are not
ball to ob tain im ages or vi sions from the located in one half of the brain but are related to
extradimensional. Mir rors reflect, one’s own im- activities in both hemispheres, with some more
age but used in another way, they are shiny and re- activity in the left. Before this kind of technology
turn images to where they came from. Using was available it was believed imaging was a right
small mirrors on ritual gar ments is also a way to brain thing.
fend off unwanted influences or bad spirits, to For a long time, from before Plato to long after
turn away evil (apotropaic magic). Looking not Kant and Hume it was assumed that we actually
directly but via a mir ror at an object, like the reproduce pictures of what we have seen some-
moon, offers also another magical perspective. where in our brains, the pictorial theories of im-
Gazing upon shiny surfaces, starting with a still agery. The problem is that what we see can be in-
fluid, is one of the oldest forms of scrying, a fluenced by what we believe or want to see, such
method of divination that we know existed in images in our mind are called cognitive penetra-
many cultures, the early Egyptians used dark flu- ble, so there is some processing going on that
ids to look into, Arabs looked at their polished changes the reality or the memories of reality
thumbnails, the Magii of Persia, the Greeks and (pictures). Another problem is that one can see,
Romans looked into mir rors or mirroring ob- given the right stimulus, like certain psychotropic
jects. In Rome the magical mir rors were called substances or in hypnotic states, images that are
specularii. Nostradamus scryed with a bowl of so vivid, so fantastic, so rich in beauty, detail,

color and scope, that we could never have seen this field) can be explained as an inner association
them in ordinary reality. of two species of representation.
The description theory states that imagery de-
pends upon conceptual, non-imaginal thought,
and not on the perception of pictorial images, but
there is ample evidence that there is at least some
overlap between the two, in physical terms
(scans) and as cognitive processes (thinking).
The infor mation processing approach to percep-
tion, depicting the sense organs as passive trans-
ducers of stimulus energies has been challenged
as it turns out, that the sense organs play a far
more active role, they seek the infor mation, ex-
plore the situation in a way related to the inten-
tion or purpose of the action. Think about how
we consciously or not, scan the sky for meaning-
ful images, often seeing faces as the human mind
is very geared towards seeing them. The enactive
imagery theory is based upon this idea, that imag-
ery is not a static, but a dynamic process.
That we not see things, even with the mind’s eye,
as a whole, but scan continually, becomes clear
through the study of eye movements during im-
agery (and REM sleep where dreams occur).
So-called saccades are quick, mostly unconscious
but purposeful flicks of the eyes, which play an
important role not only in vision, but in mental
imagery as well. In nor mal vision they happen
about three times every second, playing a vital
role in our exploration of the visual world, and
how it’s interpreted.
That imagery or visualization impacts the body
and health is illustrated by the psychotherapeutic
technique known as EMDR (Eye Movement De-
sensitization and Reprocessing). If the imagery
process is disrupted for people holding an trauma
related image in their mind by deliberately moves
the eyes in an image-irrelevant way, so disrupting
the nor mal spontaneous saccadic pattern (rapid
scanning movements that also happen in REM
sleep) those visual memories of the trauma and
the related symptoms diminish.
If images are but one species of mental represen-
tation (brain states), with other kinds of thoughts
like words or concepts also used in cognition and
sense infor mation processing, then things like the
mnemonic (memory) coupling of words to im-
ages, as used in age-old memory techniques (St.
Augustine and Giordano Bruno were experts in

25 Alchemy: science as a ritual

During my studies at the Technical University of ual aspects of the alchemical. I am indebted to
Delft, I had to choose a direction for my final Jeff McBride, great magician and fire-wizard, for
years and decided on process technology. There his insights and translation of the alchemical pro-
was some practical research involved and eventu- cess into a modern fire-ritual. In the volume
ally I found myself working on bubble and mix- about fire rituals I will come back to his concept
ing phenomena in a distillation plant. Wow, this of Fire Dance and how he uses the astrological
came close to alchemy, sitting there amidst ma- and psychological roots of alchemy.
chinery, pipes, valves in a big laboratory hall, try- Alchemy is an ancient practice and art, the cul-
ing to understand and improve a process that was tures known to practice alchemy are the Sumer-
used on a large scale in chemical plants all over ians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Babylo-
the world. In those days I had to learn about sto- nians, Arabians, Grecians, and Romans. The
chastic process control, but the notion of the Soma rituals of the Vedic culture also qualify as a
“Great Work” was alien to me.
This sense of working with equipment, fluids,
gases, material things, these hands-on experi-
ments however had a magical flavor; so different
from sitting in auditoria trying to follow this or
that professor. It was real, exciting, inventions
were in the air. I even applied for a patent, some
mixing device for an atomic reactor, very politi-
cally incorrect in those days.
So I can identify with the attraction of alchemy. I
can see how people like C.G. Jung, who probably
never put a Bunsen-burner under a retort or
alembic, could still entertain this romantic notion
of the work of the medieval alchemists. The
mere material objectives of looking for better kind of alchemical cooking. There were special
metals, better ways to make brandy, turning base deities, who supposedly taught humans about the
metals into gold of course had to be disguised by secret and sacred procedures, like the Egyptian
lofty goals of self-development, by looking for Toth, who showed up in a Greek incarnation as
the Philosopher’s Stone within oneself, the trans- Her mes Trismegistus. The connection between
for mation of the raw goals of mere necessity into sky and earth, of divine astrology and earthly
divine mystical oneness. The image of the alche- processes of Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo was
mist as the homo universalis, combining all the essential in the alchemical liturgy and the Her -
scientific knowledge of his day to find the ulti- metic “as above, below” is the core insight. The
mate key to the universe has by now faded a bit. work was set up as a ritual, considered a holy prac-
We know the road from fire maker to shaman to tice and experienced as magical, a contact mode
blacksmith to alchemist to nuclear scientist has with the otherworld that required concentration,
not yielded happiness and divine union but intention and mastery of the craft.
atomic bombs and ecological disaster. The roots of alchemy are clearly the skills of
On the other hand, I too will use the interpreta- those working with fire, the early technicians,
tion of the alchemical process as a ritual, as an blacksmiths, shamans and practical developers
outline of the road to self-discovery and inner of food processes like distilling alcohol. Their
growth to make an important point. I will try to craft was kept secret, within guilds or castes, it
show that what we now see as the scientific way is was considered holy, powerful and magical but
also a ritual. But first some remarks about the rit- also dangerous. What we consider as nor mal, us-

Work, cor responding with the work to change
the material.
Here my view of Alchemy starts to differ from
the classical interpretation, for I think the need
for inner focus, clarity and detachment was a nec-
essary step to get to this inner me center, where
there is contact with the otherworld. The Mag-
num Opus is my view is not the ultimate goal, it is
part of the work. Once a sincere contact with the
all is established, the ritual state of oneness
achieved, the alchemist had access to wisdom and
understanding beyond time and place, he would
acquire a state called soma athanaton, the immor-
tal. There he would intuit or gnostically know
how the material world, chemistry and so on re-
ally worked. The practical purposes, the gold, the
elixirs, the healing potions, these were the ex-
cuses, the mask that had to be shown to the
world. There had to be some result, some prom-
ise of rational outcome, for jealous rulers or
priests and the stake were always close at hand. So
ing chemicals for many purposes, under the I believe that while material realization might
kitchen sink we all have bottles with rather poi- have been the stated goal, the real goal was en-
sonous or ag gressive contents, in earlier times lightenment and, as always, would entail giving up
were very special and seen as divine substances. the material. This is the paradox of magical work.
Mixing, heating, cooking, we just turn on a ma- Apart from the details of alchemical ritual, which
chine, flip a switch, for the alchemists of old are already covered in many books, let me point at
these were intricate processes, dangerous, with what I think is the relevance of alchemy for to-
unexpected results, no wonder one had to seek day’s scientists. This is that science is a ritual too
the protection of the Gods. but lost its contact with the spiritual. Alchemy can
The goal of alchemy is to transform the base into remind science of its origin as a holy profession.
the pure, of elevating the common to the rare,
Ritual is the root format of science
transmuting matter towards a heavenly and spiri-
tual level, like in the Catholic Mass the bread and Seeing science as ritual seems a strange idea, isn’t
wine are transmuted into the body of Christ. The science supposed to be logical, rational, objective,
results of this ritual like the Philosopher’s Stone why would people see it as a ritual? Certainly pres-
and the Elixir of Life were like gifts coming back ent day academia doesn’t see it as such. They will,
from the otherworld but with these miraculous for historical continuity, keep the traditions go-
qualities, able to cure maladies, and bring youth ing, have their ceremonies and costumes, gradua-
and eternal life. They were addressing the hidden tion speeches and pretend these are rites of pas-
order of divine reality, what I call the extra- sage but accepting the whole scientific world as a
dimensional, as priests and shamans do, follow- magical operation for personal and scientific de-
ing a precise liturgy, a scenario they learned from velopment is beyond their scope. And yet, in
their masters or from old scriptures. To get access reality science is ritualistic.
to this higher order of reality they had, and this Similarly the medical profession is full of psycho-
again is the core of all ritual, to achieve this ulti- logically effective ceremony and what can be seen
mate state of connection and egolessness. This is as ritual magic in the provision of placebo drugs,
what they called the Magnum Opus or the Great their white gar ments and priestly attitude about
what is good for you. If you want to be a scientist,

you have to give up any ir rational belief in ex- Gregory Feist reason that there must be a rational
change for the scientific straightjacket of dis- explanation for this, they look at the environ-
course, (hypo)thesis and antithesis, of footnotes ment, social structures, context and psychologi-
and references and in most cases learn to be a cal profiles to uncover the miraculous process of
good follower before you dare to think and pub- discovery. So far they haven’t looked at ritual, at
lish for yourself. Peer-review of articles that only magical procedures and certainly not at tech-
smell of innovation, success measured in number niques to connect to the spiritual dimension or to
of references, rankings and fame only within the tap into the Akashic records. Like anthropolo-
inner circle, fragmentation and specialization gists only looking at set and setting and ignoring
without over view, in-the-box thinking. Academia the spiritual efficacy of ritual and the magical di-
has become a dry desert pretending to be a green mension, scientists will no doubt uncover what
pasture of progress. Of course, business has chemicals, electric signals and environmental
kicked in, popular books make one famous and factors are at play but remain flatlanders unable
money talks. to look up or down.
But look at what is actually happening when a sci- And yet science in the past did look beyond. Nat-
entist really engages in some deep subject with ural philosophy was not separated from religion,
clear intention and focus. He/she goes through cultures saw art and discoveries as given from
the ritual stages that we see in other rituals, like above, did not doubt divine inspiration, was not
having to give up one’s own ideas and identity by so obsessed with individualistic recognition and
studying the work of others, maybe sacrificing yet laid the foundations of today’s technology
time to do the professor’s job, bowing to the insti- and scientific understanding.
tutions and learned ones and following the liturgy The great example of a class of scientists before
and routines of his field. science were thus the alchemists. They did see
The personal psychological process of research their work as a ritual endeavor, seeking inspira-
and writing is not much different from what a tion and personal growth as well as discoveries,
Zen monk experiences in his quest for the True new techniques, magic elixirs, wealth and pres-
Nature. The path for a Zen Monk is symbolized tige. Their aims were in the world and beyond the
by the Ten Seasons of Enlightenment as por- world.
trayed in the ten Ox-herding pictures. The stages
of looking for the Ox, spotting it, finding it, rid- Fire, from blacksmith to alchemist
ing it, realizing it, leaving it and finally coming From cooking to melting to chemistry, alchemy
back to reality in acceptance of the True Nature has a lot to do with fire. The first fires were caused
are universal. The scientist is a seeker like the by lightning and maybe by volcanic eruptions.
monk. In the end real success doesn’t come from Humans (or proto-humans like Pithecanthropus
hard work but happens like grace falling from the Erectus) first started to value fire as a tool for
heavens. Great discoveries often come in the warmth, cooking, and protection but also discov-
form of dreams or even visions, the intuition that ered other uses for it. To bend wood and harden it
develops and is honed in the routine brings one to to make pointed sticks, to melt ore and metals -
a place where the discovery, the great insight, the these were seen as magical acts. Fire allowed prac-
breakthrough just happens. It takes longer than tical metallurgy, and smithing brought great ad-
attending Holy Mass or a yoga-class but it is a rit- vantages in making weapons and tools. We can
ual procedure nevertheless. Also the more one assume that alchemy was born at the tribal fires
trusts in the process, gives up the ego and opens of old where people discovered that the fire acted
up to what is always already there, the more mi- on different materials in different ways. This was
raculous the results. Great discoveries very often important knowledge and had to be guarded; in
come in dreams or at un unexpected moment as history the secrets of making better weapons
if one has to let go of conscious trying for the an- were decisive in sur vival. This probably led the
swer or insight to come. Rational minds engaged blacksmiths and fire workers to create societies or
in what is now called ‘Psychology of Science‘ like early guilds to protect their knowledge, their se-

cret power over fire and metals, by others often or training, have achieved higher states of con-
seen as magical powers. Blacksmiths, healers, and sciousness. They have had great understandings,
sorcerers were not far apart in status but the fire mystic experiences and by coming down back
allowed a kind of proto-chemistry that evolved into the world, might have retained a few. These
into archaic alchemy. Melting, cooking, distilling, however become conscious only through the fil-
separating, dissolving, and crystallization; the ba- ter of the assumed self and there is always some
sic procedures of chemistry today, could be per- level of distortion, masking, personal projection.
formed with a relatively small fire. The work was But then, in the conscious and thus deluded as-
dangerous, the knowledge incomplete. Many sumed self state they still think they have the
would-be alchemist must have suffered from ex- same level of insight, wisdom and spiritual fre-
plosions, poisoning, or long-term ailments due to quency as they had in the special holy state. So
chemical compositions of a harmful nature. they start to preach, give satsang, heal, become
Their knowledge was carefully guarded and only teachers and therapists, happily projecting their
given to their apprentices after severe tests, writ- “small” truths, often imprisoned in their own
ten down in cryptic terms and protected by oaths mask world and cut off from further growth.
and the discipline of the brethren in the guild or Now this is not to claim there are no real teachers,
secret society. Their art, for this is what it real healers, real sages, for some did retain more
developed into, went beyond the mere material. of these special talents and insights but in general
The magical aspects of working with fire, the re- I have noticed the gurus and spiritual teachers
sults were easily attributed to heavenly helpers. who have turned “professional” are nowhere
Ambitious or curious fire-workers and black- near the level they reached once, certainly not in
smiths became sorcerers and magicians, aiming at daily life. Many have developed a routine or
goals loftier than just making better chemicals or subpersonality that brings them to a higher level
metals. They were scientists, explorers, experi- when in their “teacher” chair . I believe that the
menters. Examples are the Mesopotamian priests more mature traditions or religions have better
or sorcerer-scientists who developed some un- understood (but often forgotten) how this works
derstanding of electricity, whose battery-like and have rig orous training programs and selec-
contraptions have been found in excavations in tion mechanisms before someone calls her/him-
Baghdad. These early chemists believed they self priest or shaman. I have a healthy reserve
could even unravel the secret of life and death concerning self appointed enlightened ones, and
and enter the timeless space of the otherworld in I have met and interviewed many.
their rituals, which they did with some success.
Wandering in the otherworld but limited by their These days we have more access to ways to
projections and only able to bring back what achieve altered states of consciousness, beside
could fit their assumed self-image and perceived psychotropic drugs there are many other meth-
reality, they would “invent” or discover tools and ods available. As we now know, many of the old
methods, sometimes very practical for healing civilizations had access to psychotropic or hallu-
and such. With their acquired understanding of cinogenic plants or concoctions, thus the “initi-
the world of herbs they could make healing con- ated” ones in the secret societies and the ruling
coctions (or poisons), but as they did have some classes had some notion about how to escape the
notion of the supernatural, they also aspired to limits of time and place and enter into altered
make fluids granting eternal youth. These miracle states of consciousness. Prophets and high
drinks show up in many old stories and myths, priests probably were the ones most adept in do-
folklore is full of fairy tales about potions to ing so, and they must have discovered a lot about
shape-shift or live forever. the ex tra-di men sional and what could be
I would like to point out here what I have ob- achieved in those extraordinary states. This car -
served in modern ritual and among many so ried over into the work in the secret societies and
called spiritual teachers. They too, because of guilds concerned with fire and early chemistry.
transference, initiation, psychedelic experiences The medieval alchemists in European and Arab

countries sought to find the philosopher’s stone, to something. They must have had, based on their
a substance or process to achieve eternal youth “contacts” with the extra-dimensional, some no-
and magical power through their chemical experi- tion of what was possible. In principle they had
ments on matter and metals. Many of these spiri- the same tools as modern chemists and genetic
tual-scientific experiments lead to discoveries in engineers, but in a more primitive form. Maybe
metallurgy, medicine, and magic. they hit on some interesting concoctions, maybe
they experimented with Faustian genetics but
The new alchemists kept them secret. The stories about special po-
Visionaries such as Aristotle, Ptolemy, Archime- tions are not so surprising for me, I had weird ex-
des, Paracelsus, Isaac Newton , Einstein, Bohr, periences using ayahuasca, mescalin, DMT and
Pauli, Jung, Heisenberg and Schrödinger found such. Aren’t the substances and materials discov-
laws and understandings of the tangible world ered or made by people like Albert Hofmann and
but usually also explored the other realms. The Alexander Shulgin (LSD, Psilocybin, 2CB, XTC)
interesting question here is whether their insights not miracle potions?
were truly the creative progress of knowledge or They were fascinated by gold, not only because
obtained from other sources, be it extraterrestri- of the chemical qualities and value (gold was not
als, divine entities, devils (atomic power has that always the most expensive material) but because
side), time-travelers from the future, or an inter- it has special qualities, especially the radio-iso-
nal connection to the timeless realm where every- topes. I will explain these qualities elsewhere, but
thing is, the Akashic. The dreams of Wolfgang I feel that refining gold endless times was not
Pauli that he shared with C.G. Jung indicate he without reason.
got many of his insights that way, in a state that J.
W. Dunne (see the chapter on time) already rec- Alchemical notions of fire
ognized as giving access to another (time) dimen- The old alchemists speak of the four elements of
sion. Now one of his main insights, the Pauli Ex- earth, water, air, and fire; of the three principles
clusion Principle (no two particles with the same of salt, sulphur, and mercury; of the two aspects
specs) never had a rational explanation, there is of life, the male and female; and finally of the one
no theoretical argument. It just happens to be principle, the tincture tetraktys. Pythagoras al-
that way, and even then not always, as recent ready expressed this thousands of years ago in
experiments indicate. the symbol of the triangle in which this principle
is at the same time a reflection of the ten numbers
Gold Alchemy: The true nature of gold one to ten. Fire shows up in alchemy at many lev-
For a while there was the romantic notion, a kind els. There is the common, physical fire but also
of myth, that alchemists were really only looking the secret fire, the more spiritual component of
for internal spiritual development, their work was the “great work.” A major symbol of fire is the
only the Great Work of looking for the divine so-called Aesch Majim, the purifying fire, a
within. Their chemical and physical procedures fire-water principle in which the primal wisdom
to refine material, extract purer and purer metals, finds its roots, which is also to be seen in the Jew-
using chemical reactions to find new substances ish Kabala. The alchemist must proceed by find-
or upgrade lower materials like lead and mercury ing ways to reconcile the contradictory forces of
to gold were supposed to be mere routines to fire and water. The Great Work consists of the
help them reach a higher state of consciousness. I union of the Sun and the Moon with the aid of
think this was true but wrongly interpreted and Mercury. Mercury is a fire symbol, has possession
mostly projections from people who themselves of all, both fixed earthly things, and those which
were looking for an escape from a grim world of are immortal. He is nourished by fire.
wars and materialism. They were hoping, like The principle of transfor mation of matter to
C.G.Jung, to find in alchemy the solution for their spirit is central to alchemy, of rising from the
own quest. I believe the true purpose was access sense world to the spiritual level. This is in line
to the magical realm but as a result they were on with the process of moving from the assumed me

in the sense world (see the chapter on psyche) to result of alchemical procedures. Soma is a well
the center of the inner me, where the crosspoint known example but the many psychedelic, medi-
with the extra-dimensional can be reached. cal and sex tools are equally the result of an al-
chemical/scientific process. In the East both
A traditional representation of this process is the Chinese and Indian traditions incorporate sexual
‘Golden Chain of Homer’ or “Catena Aurea imagery into the understanding of alchemy. The
Homeri,” with 10 stages, considered a metaphor un ion of the eter nal op po sites, yin/yang,
for transfor mation. It is connected to Plato’s yoni/lingam, man/woman, and other dualities
Ring and the Superius and Inferius (above/be- are unified into the “one thing,” the great
low) of the Her metic tradition. Plato, much more mystery.
than Ar is totle, was aware of the These traditions see sexual union as a way to
extradimensional. The Her metic philosophy of- transmute bodily, sexual energy (kundalini) into
fers, in the dialogue with Poimandres (Her mes’ union with the Divine.
mentor, acting as divine intelligence), a cosmol-
ogy which is fundamentally Platonic, enriched The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
with Stoic physics. Her mes asks Poimandres to In ancient Egypt, the legendary Thoth was the
teach him about the things that are, above all he creator of magic, mathematics, language and
wants to know God. A vision then appears in writing. The Greek aspect/name of Thoth was
front of his eyes: everything is light but after a the mythic figure of Her mes Trismegestus,
short while part of it is replaced by a descending whose “Emerald Tablet” was said to contain the
darkness. This darkness changes into a watery na- secrets of alchemical transmutation.
ture, corresponding to the watery chaos in Gene- The Emerald Tablet was re-discovered in the
sis. The watery nature gives forth smoke and pro- West during the Renaissance, and led many alche-
duces a wailing roar. Then an inarticulate cry is mists of that time to study both Arabic and West-
heard, which Hermes believes to be the voice of ern Alchemical texts. The Tabula Smaragdina of-
fire. fers the alchemical philosophy and methodology
A holy word, the Logos, descends from the light in a nutshell and is like a book of law for the
and mounts upon the (watery) substance. The magician.
Logos is an active aspect of the Nous. Its activity Now this is not an easy manual, the nature of al-
brings about a change in the watery nature. The chemical language is intentionally cryptic: even
fire leaps up from the watery nature to the height our modern word “gibberish” comes from an
above. The element air follows after. Earth and Arabic alchemist’s name, Jabir. His cryptic al-
water are still mixed with one another and stirred chemical notes were incomprehensible to the
by the Logos. He fashions the seven governors uninitiated.
(the plan ets) out of fire and
pneuma (a mixture of fire and air in
Stoic physics).


One last remark about the focus on HERMETIS
“science” as a material and mostly 1. It is true, certain, and without
metallurgical and chemical direc- falsehood, that whatever is below
tion. There are other “sciences” is like that which is above; and that
possible. Different healing tradi- which is above is like that which is
tions have emerged as a result of an below: to accomplish the one
alchemical focus on different fields. wonderful work.
The shamanic practices of making 2. As all things are derived from
special drinks or substances to in- Crowley's Thelema symbol, the One Only Thing, by the will
duce altered states are no doubt the obviously related to male-female and by the word of the One Only

One who created it in His Mind, so all things owe
their existence to this Unity by the order of Na-
ture, and can be improved by Adaptation to that
3. Its Father is the Sun; its Mother is the Moon;
the Wind car ries it in its womb; and its nurse is the
4. This Thing is the Father of all perfect things in
the world.
5. Its power is most perfect when it has again
been changed into Earth.
6. Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle
from the gross but carefully and with great judg-
ment and skill.
7. It ascends from earth to heaven, and descends
again, newly born, to the earth, taking unto itself
thereby the power of the Above and the Below.
8. Thus the splendor of the whole world will be
thine, and all darkness shall flee from thee.
9. This is the strongest of all powers, the Force of
all forces, for it overcometh all subtle things and
can penetrate all that is solid.
10. For thus was the world created, and rare com-
binations, and wonders of many kinds are
11. Hence I am called HERMES TRISMEGES-
TUS, having mastered the three parts of the wis-
dom of the whole world.
12. What I have to say about the masterpiece of
the alchemical art, the Solar Work, is now ended.
A ritual can be described as social alchemy but the
effects usually reach more levels than just the in-
teraction between people. It touches our inner
powers, and as such is truly alchemical. The tradi-
tional notion of alchemy, involving repetition of
chemical procedures, is very much ritual and
takes many layers, including the superficial pur-
pose of making gold, finding the philosopher’s
stone or the elixir of life.

26 Ritual and death: ancestor veneration as time magic

Life and death are mortal things, they occur in she look for her own image and also visualize her-
time. It’s not surprising that birth and burial are self at her deathbed. When she needed some pri-
the two poles of our existence and show up in rit- vate moments, I decided to do the same myself in
uals in many ways. a connected room nearby, using the pig gyback ef-
Life starts at birth, and there are rituals to help fects of the substance she had taken.
one to remember birth or to achieve a rebirth. The pig gyback effect is a well-know phenome-
The traumas of birth that Stanislav Grof has non wherein psychedelic effects are somewhat
charted so well, come in many forms and reliving transferred to the people around. After quite
them can be a great way to release them. More or some strug gle to see my own face (one of the
less ritual rebirthing has even become the name challenges of travelling in the inner realms), re-
of a whole therapeutic school. We also anticipate membering photos but not really seeing myself, I
death, the fear of death is a fundamental force gave up on that and imagined myself in my death-
and influence in life.In ritual this is refelected in bed. That was easier. I could feel myself lying in a
prayers, in projections about an afterlife, and in bed, surrounded by friends and kin, feeling ut-
how we threat death and ancestors. That we have terly loved. I could look at all their faces, feel the
to die to the old before we can aspire to be re- love I had for them and them for me. It was really
newed is a classical theme in esoteric teachings. a very emotional and positive situation, even as
Dying in itself is seen as a ritual moment, there we all realized it was a farewell.
are manuals and books about how to prepare and I was aware that what I saw was not their nor mal
assist in dying and moving on to the next realm. mode; they and I were in our core self mode and
We find some form of last rites, helping the soul communicated without words. It was a very deep
in making the transition, in many cultures. The and soothing moment. I was crying for happi-
more common ritual around and after death is ness, utterly moved, as I realized that not only my
taking care of the body. friends were there, but among them also those I
Burial rites are seen as a sure sign of a religious had quar reled with. Im pos si ble as it was,
awareness, and for archeologists things like spe- space-wise, all and everything I had seen and ex-
cial burial places, monuments and grave goods perienced in my life was around me. Not as a film
are indications of this religious awareness. Burial playing my life, as sometimes is experienced in
comes in many forms and the accompanying ritu- near-death experiences, but as a grand theater vi-
als are intended to help the deceased go through sion, where time coagulated. @Nor mal = Wher-
the process of reaching the better part of the be- ever I focused became clear and sharp, and yet ev-
yond. It concerns dealing with the underworld, erything else was there also. Then I realized the
furnishing him or her with tools, food, even ser - core message of what I experienced. This actu-
vants for the afterlife or the parallel world. Hu- ally was (is) the sight of my face that I had been
man sacrifice in connection with the death of seeking so frantically before. What I was now see-
high ranking leaders is not uncommon, also there ing was “Thou art That” in a very literal sense: I
was the custom of wives following their hus- (as my face) was the same as what I was seeing; my
bands on the last journey, voluntarily or not. sight spread out for me like a grand vista. Now
the word for face and sight in Dutch and many
Let me tell you about a deep experience of death other languages (Ger man: Gesicht) is the same. I
and dying I once had. This happened when I was was facing the mirror, the complement of my
“sitting” (guiding and guarding a psychedelic trip) face, my life.
with a friend who was actually facing death be- It was so beautiful, so perfect in that it became
cause of a severe illness (cancer, she got total re- clear what my friend the Rainbow bard Fantuzzi
mission) and was probing into her past and the sings “it’s all love or calling for love.” I was in a di-
hidden causes of her disease. I had sug gested that vine state, my life and everything in it made sense.

This has made me aware of what death really is, Often it is believed that the dead are still with us
being the moment when you can see the whole of and demand attention like they were spirits. Ad-
life, the lessons you learned and make peace with dressing them is a way to get favors from beyond,
it, accept it is as being perfect and yet over. Time using them as inter mediaries. Sometime they are
vanished from the equation - everything was just blamed for adverse conditions and need to be ap-
there, and it was clear that life and time mean little peased (propitiation). This is related to the belief
in the face of death. I truly hope that when my that the (living in a sense) dead possess limitless
time comes I can recall or experience this again. potentialities, which they can exploit for the ben-
This somewhat psychedelically induced experi- efit or to the detriment of the living depending on
ence mentioned here also illustrates the impor- their moral behavior.
tance of imagery in the fundamental questions in The social or non-religious function of ancestor
our life. worship is often seen to lie in strengthening cul-
This experience of the future revealed to me in tural, tribal or family lineage identification, and in
my being-towards-death is very close to what the cultivating kinship values, filial piety, and family
philosopher Heidegger calls “the moment of vi- loyalty. By honoring the ancestors the elder mem-
sion” (Augenblick), a redemption of time in au- bers of the clan or family, themselves close to be-
thentic Dasein (being there=man). For Heideg - ing powerful ancestors, are also guaranteed some
ger, we are time: the unity of the three dimen- respect. Maybe offering of food to the ancestors
sions, “ecstases” of future, past, and present. We is a way to secure some nourishment for the poor
always live it in the anticipation of death, where it and elderly in a community.
ends. We live towards the future (death), but what I will offer an additional explanation why ances-
comes out of the future is the past, as in my case tor worship is in fact useful and even necessary,
of seeing my life, my personal and cultural bag - from the set, setting and magical points of view.
gage, my “having-been-ness” (Gewesenheit). We are not beyond the magical practice of many
older cultures, even though we tend to rewrite
Ancestor veneration: a time-magic history from the point of view of the victorious,
phenomenon denying the weaker or ‘primitive’ parts. We don’t
In the context of Bert Hellinger’s Systemic (fam- see it as ancestor worship, but in the Christian
ily) Constellations I have often observed that in faith we do have many saints, usually ascribed su-
clarifying family patterns, secrets and faults and perhuman holiness and miraculous powers. We
forgiving family members and deceased family look at them, pray to them, see them as role-mod-
members, really magical things can happen. Sud- els; this is a form of ancestral veneration, much
denly long forgotten or estranged family mem- like what science considers primitive practice and
bers start to call, renew contact and often admit superstition. Westerners also honor their dead in
their attitude in the past was maybe not appropri- graveyards, celebrate Halloween or Samhain, but
ate. It often feels as if the past has really changed. don’t usually have ancestral altars in their homes.
This made me think about ancestor worship.
Hellinger derived his approach from observing
Ancestor worship; fixing a karmic past
Zulu rituals. Ancestor veneration may then also, Thanking and venerating the ancestors in this re-
or even primarily, be a magical procedure to spect can be seen as a way to influence or change
change the past, fix family or tribal problems by the past, knowing (or feeling) that this again will
elevating the preceding generations to a higher have beneficial effects in the future. Ancestor
status. worship is thus a form of time-magic. In terms of
In most traditions there is some form of ancestor kar mic load it can be understood as changing the
worship. In the Biblical tradition the command- past (or for the rationalist, changing the percep-
ment about honoring one’s parents points to this. tion of the past) by honoring and worshipping
The ancestors are honored, sacrifices are dedi- the ancestors so that a “better” past is con-
cated to them, sometimes even human sacrifices. structed. Even if that past was terrible, their an-
Ancestor rites play a major role in many cultures. cestors cruel or stupid, by imagining them as

great and positive, they would change the present Ancestor worship has been the subject of many
and the future. “Upgrade” your past, erase the studies and books by A. van Gennep (1960), E.
nasty shadows and your future will be brighter. Idowu (1962), and of course Frazer (J. G. Frazer,
If I state that we can influence the future by such The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the
means as divination, prophesy, visualization, and Dead (3 vol., 1913–24, repr. 1968). It’s interesting
that thus time is illusory, then influencing the past that they all look at it as an important religious
also follows as a logical step. Elsewhere I will ex- practice originating in a tradition, but don’t ac-
plain that as consciousness is using time to mani- knowl edge its mag i cal and es pe cially its
fest, then magic - which can be seen as high level time-magical roots. In fact they don’t even look
consciousness manipulation - is mostly a time re- into why it’s done at all, beyond the idea that an-
lated practice aiming at changing the past, present cestors are the most logical and accessible link
and future in the magical time dimension, which with the spirit realm and the afterlife.
is different from normal deterministic time.
I thus see most, if not all, magical practice as ma-
nipulation of and beyond time, or at least one of
the time dimensions, the one that is related to free
will. By magically altering the present we influ-
ence the future, but this means that by manipulat-
ing the past we can also influence the present. So
if we can amend the past, then what is more logi-
cal than amending the most obvious influence,
that of our parents and ancestors? Whatever they
were, if we can elevate them to a higher status,
make them maybe better than they really were,
imagine them to be heroes and benefactors or
even deify them, we thereby in a way upgrade our
own past. If we have great ancestors, we our-
selves must be great too. Now this principle
works on all the three levels of set, setting and
magic. Psychologically, if we change our percep-
tion of the past, we change our present. By repeti-
tion we can change our belief most effectively, so
we do this daily or regularly.
Being descendants of great, powerful, holy and
heroic ancestors makes us carry that heritage as a
jewel, makes us proud and happier than having
some evildoers in our past. The same applies at
the level of society. If we are descendants and
part of a great people, then we have to carry this
greatness ourselves, to honor it and do great
deeds as well. One socio-political effect of this is
the way we build monuments, and name streets or
cities after great leaders or saints. The ancestors
are a binding force in creating how we feel to be a
people. Magically, I believe we can actually
change the past. Rituals are an effective way to re-
write history in our minds, our common social
history and thus change the past.

27 Thought-waves, aura, chakra

There are many ways to look at the human psyche ceptibility for other people’s radiation or aura can
and body in a magical and esoteric perspective. be limited through intent (creating protective
Beyond the psychological typing and the struc- bubbles), clothes (gold, natural fibers, hair) or
ture of the psyche, one can examine the aura and posture (crossing legs or arms). The group-mind
its layers or study the chakras. A fundamental no- effects are used in army training, monastic or cult
tion here is that the human sphere of influence environments. Shaving one‘s scalp helps to pick
extends beyond the skin, the aura, astral, emo- up other people’s radiation, thought-waves etc.
tional and etheric layers are one way to look at and diminishes individuality and dissenting
that but here I would like to first mention the idea thoughts.
of thought waves where our thoughts are part of The idea of thought waves that connect us via an
a mind-at-large or a thought dimensional (a kind as yet immeasurable medium or field to others
of field) that extends beyond our body and likely and the energy of things, fits in with the general
be yond the lim i ta tions of the tangible di- “fourth dimension” notions but is more specific.
mensions. I am not talking here about the electromagnetic
“brainwaves” that can be measured
Thought waves with “nor mal” equipment but about
The vibration of another person’s invisible exchanges of infor mation,
aura, which in essence is his presence thoughts we send and receive and
in the extra-dimensional can be felt might be coming from people but
both con sciously and sub con- also from object and in a ritual con-
sciously but not measured directly. text, from movements, tools, sub-
Indirectly, as a change in body state, stances. If these thought waves (on
it is easily ascertained. It is likely, that their own or as part of an infor ma-
aura radiation and thought waves are tion dimension) exist, they explain
sim i lar or es sen tially the same. things like telepathy and many ESP
Thought waves, not measurable in (extrasensory perception) phenom-
the nor mal physical realm, are part ena. If they reach beyond nor mal
of a reality that many people experi- space and time they offer an explana-
ence, like when someone calls that tion of divination, prophecy and
one was about to call. Picking up much of what we call magic. To me
thoughts or feelings from others is a the notion of thought waves seems
well known phenomenon. The level of what one like a very plausible way to look at magical and rit-
picks up or radiates differs, it can be very plain ual practice, and offers also potential for healing.
and body related like pain, or very vague and spir- In the chapter on Gold I will come back to this
itual and here a comparison with the aura-field but here I will briefly hint at the idea, that we can
levels makes sense. shield ourselves from thought waves by certain
This thought-field or aura-field is why we feel symbolic acts but also by using certain material,
good or bad in the company of certain people or of which gold is one of the most powerful. The
why we are attracted to people with similar “radi- historic use of gold in crowns and ritual garb
ation”. points directly at this quality of gold but this un-
Here the notion of group mind or collective state derstanding has been lost. It does explain why
can be mentioned. The aura of a group that is in- gold, apart from its physical qualities, is still such
teracting intensely or collectively like in sports or a valued material.
at a concert, will har monize, their spiritual fre-
quency will move towards the same level and
their auras will have similar colors. Here the sus-

and the nature/earth focus of pagan and panthe-
istic religions to the 1st chakra. The 7th chakra
religion is not very clear but Sufism comes close.
We develop our awareness/consciousness in
each of the energy nodes but in our rational
worldview we place the most value on cognitive
awareness (intelligence). Spiritual awareness co-
mes next and can even be measured; we are able
to sense holiness, especially if it centers in the in-
ner child. The most common mystical experi-
ence (at least in the West) is the unifying feeling
of the heart, when all is love and one. Mystical
experiences in other chakras, like the lucidity and
omniscience experienced when the mind exalts,
the tantric orgasmic or the magical (will) power
experience are less known. There are awareness
levels in each mode and node, together forming a
rather complex image of one’s being and poten-
tial but definitely not used as criteria for getting a
job in big business. These levels can be measured,
maybe with some projection variations but this
In the Chakra model, that comes from the East has not been the subject of any scientific research
and was introduced here only in the late nine- as far as I know (excuses to Bovis, Tomatis and
teenth century, the number seven figures promi- the few who tried). My analysis in this respect
nently; in many traditions this is a sacred number, shows me time and time again that we are all
with many correspondences. equally endowed with talent but differ in which
If we just take the number seven correspon- and how and where it manifests. The Down‘s
dence, we find: seven major celestial bodies, syndrome child may lack a suitable persona or
seven layers of existence, seven (subtle) body lay- mask but offers to us an insight and access to our
ers, seven temples (including the one we build in
our mind). It is an interesting coincidence that
modern string theorists in Physics have come up
with an 11 dimension model. The 4 manifested
dimensions plus the 7 dimensions that one could
equate to the seven magical layers, etc. makes 11
The Chakra System identifies the seven major en-
ergy centers in the body as located along the
spine. There are more chakras, and in some magi-
cal traditions these are used. Many of the lesser
chakras or power spots are also addressed in heal-
ing techniques like acupressure and ayurvedic
Religions are usually mirroring our energy chak-
ras; the Hindu focus on truth and power relates to
the 3th, the Christian blood/love focus to the
4th, Islamic and Jewish rules and regulations to
the 5th, and Buddhist visualization (visionary) to
the 6th. The more esoteric are tantra (2th chakra)

photographic techniques like Kirlian Pho-
tography give some indication about the
electromagnetic fields around the body. The
so-called aura-photographs often offered at
psychic fairs are mostly humbug and swin-
dle; skin resistance differences in the hand
are projected as lights around the head by
way of led-lights in the device, giving at best
an idea of the energy in the fingers that have
some relationship with emotional states.
The aura is not an extension of the electro-
magnetic (light) spectrum (otherwise infra-
red and UV cameras would give an image)
but rather is perceived by aura readers as
colors. Aura colors change depending on
health, mood, spiritual connectedness, etc.

Aura layers
The following ethereal or subtle bodies are
part of our subtle body system and are rec-
ognized as layers in our aura. There is a con-
own inner child, and is therefore as valuable and nection between the seven aura layers and
gifted as anyone. the chakras.
The Ethereal Layer is close to the human body
Cultures and chakra and radiates just a few centimeters. It is usually
In the two graphs about different cultures I try to grey, white, or blue in colour. Its vibrancy indi-
illustrate, that the additional dimension that the cates the health. It is primarily connected to the
chakra-column gives clarifies a bit why and how Base or Kundalini chakra (life force). This field
the differences between cultures manifest. One can also be seen around trees, plants, animals, and
can be technologically or spiritually well devel- even inanimate objects such as statues.
oped, but at a different level of chakra develop- The Emotional Body lies beyond the ethereal
ment. field and radiates about 8 centimeters. It is con-
nected to the pelvic/sexual chakra. It contains,
What is the Aura? when healthy, beautiful, bright energy spots of
The Aura is an energy field that sur rounds every- near primary color, indicating the emotional state
thing and can be perceived as a luminous radia- The Mental body lies beyond the emotional body,
tion or layer. The auras of people, animals, and all radiating some 20 centimeters outwards, and is
living things are stronger than those of inanimate composed of clear yellow, green, or blue colours
objects but some objects, such as sacred statues, when healthy. It indicates the thoughts and atti-
also have noticeable auras. The Aura of humans tudes of the person. It is connected to the solar
is similar to a Halo around the head, as depicted plexus.
in religious art. The Astral body is closely connected to the heart
Some people can see or “feel” and describe the chakra, has more pastel colors such as pinks and
Aura that surrounds people and animals; this is an blues, and extends up to 30 centimeters from the
art that can be learned and developed, albeit not body. It indicates the capacity for conditional and
by everyone. Some claim one sees it only as intu- unconditional love.
ited in the mind’s eye and that it has to be trans- The Ethereal template layer, radiating up to 60
posed to form images in the mind. Sometimes centimeters from the body, is a type of x-ray or
one only sees them with their eyes closed. Special blueprint of the physical body and its illnesses or

blocks. This field is connected to the throat The aura energy can be most easily felt in the
chakra. palm of the hands and on the fingertips. This en-
The Celestial body radiates 90 centimeters from ergy can be used for defense or attack. The aura
the body. It is connected to the third eye chakra energy can be made into a kind of magical darts
(brow) and emanates multicolored, pastel, irides- (by those working negatively) or into a blessing.
cent, shimmering threads of light. It is the layer This is also why and how blessings and consecra-
of spiritual ecstasy, awareness, memories, and tions in ritual situations are administered. The
dreams and reflects our subconscious mind. The theosophist Leadbeater noted that blessing, not
Celestial Layer is the emotional level of the spiri- in the usual way but with the flat of the hands to-
tual plane and is where the physical mind comes wards the receiver or community is more ef-
to connection with the spiritual mind. fective.
The Causal body or Ketheric template relates to The nor mally invisible energy of the aura can
the higher mind, connection with the divine, and also take the form of links or aura chords estab-
is connected to the crown chakra. It is essentially lishing emotional bonds with others. These are
a photographic negative of the mental and spiri- sometimes seen as aura chords of light that ex-
tual aspects of the person. It is usually filled with tend from the heart chakra, binding one emotion-
golden shimmering light and is sur rounded by a ally to someone else. This can be positive or
gold or silverwhite egg-shaped halo or an outer negative.
rim of protection, which holds all other aura lay-
ers together. It extends 130 centimeters outwards
from the person.

The hierarchy of needs in a different light

28 Setting: the social umfeld and the ritual paradigm, Janus.

The way a ritual is set up as an event share, but first let me explain why
in the world, how it is staged, placed religion doesn’t figure promi-
in space and time, how the liturgy nently in this book. Grouping
deals with ac tions, im ple ments, myth, ritual and such with reli-
officiators, participants and how the gion under a broad umbrella of
links to the otherworld are made, all ir rational and even illusionary
this I group under the general head- practices, as outdated remnants
ing of setting. of a primitive past, this fits the
Many of the practical things are dealt Western paradigm of rational
with in the chapters about cor re- scientific categorization. Name
spondences, the ritual matrix, etc. it, frame it, study it as something
but here I focus on the social, both within the rit- we can do without, at best see it as a potential way
ual and of ritual as a category. I will argue that in to understand our psychological and social devel-
ancient times, even before there was a well devel- opment. Science want to explain things and will
oped religion, ritual was such a fundamental part create abstractions and theories to do so, but
of life, nearly inseparable from the profane, that what is the reality of a belief system?
one could speak of a ritual paradigm. This ritual There are endless studies and books and numer-
era existed even before language in its symbolic ous theories and classifications about religion but
form developed, before self-awareness was fully ask the indigenous shaman what his religion is
developed and myth and religion created out of a and he will not even understand your question,
need to explain things. but if the secrecy of his craft allows it, he or she
Ritual was part of pre-humanoid life, has clear will sing, dance, heal and pray with you. Religion
roots in the animal life and behavior and has been is concept, a way to look at experiences and ac-
anchored in our body and psyche at a very funda- tions from the outside. A child will absorb that
mental level. Ignoring these deep roots and the what we call religion not as beliefs or structures,
need for ritual as basically the way the body con- but as internalized experiences and stories, songs,
nects with the otherworld (the extradimensional) symbols and eventually might be able to express
is one of the problems of our rational times. We what formed as a set of beliefs, but first comes
are separating ourselves from a very basic part of the experience, the practice, the sacred.
what we are and where we came from, but at a
price! Religion as a cognitive construction,
Ritual as a physical and social phenomenon (set- ritual the primordial essence
ting) has received much more attention than the For most people, the notion of ‘for mal’ religion
psychological (set) while the magical has been has little meaning, religion is an intellectual con-
mostly ignored. Many books and studies deal cept, an etic (from the outside) description, not at
with the tangible aspects of ritual, in the religious all related to their experience and practice. A
context and as part of anthropological studies. So Hindu will not nor mally describe himself as a be-
this relieves me from dedicating much space to ing part of the Hindu faith. Maybe he or she iden-
the setting, apart from trying to structure what is tifies with a specific kind of worship, this or that
known and experienced as I do in the ritual ma- deity, but it’s the practice that matters, not how it’s
trix and give examples of the ritual practice like I called and how it is different from religious prac-
do in the volume about fire. tice far away. It’s the way one prays, the rituals, the
daily routines that are not usually seen as different
Ritual before religion and myth from the secular things like eating or work; all are
There are however a few insights that are differ- life, routine, experience. This categorization is a
ent from cur rent understanding which I like to Western preoccupation, we want to explain our-

selves, separate the form from the content, mak- was seen as a step in the social order, not as a per-
ing the whole thing a cognitive exercise. An sonal growth phenomenon. One looked at the
American would know his or her religion, the setting, not the mindset and the magical efficacy.
specific of their denomination, attach value to The functionalist approach, which started with
being different, better, more holy, etc. Someone Bronislaw Malinowski, was basi cally go ing
in the Africa jungle couldn’t care less how others against the speculative notions of the earlier
call his or her belief system, they might know 19th-century ethnographic scientists like Sir Ed-
how some other people, another tribe have dif- ward Tylor’s and their ideas about animism and
ferent practices, might even see them as enemies how evolution happened. The functionalists
and hate them, but this is not based on really try- were looking for causality, assuming every social
ing to understand their beliefs. Religion for most institution has a reason, is the result of some kind
other cultures is just a given, a tradition one of rational cause or process, is basically an inter-
should follow and not question. connected and rational as-is system open to em-
One could say that Western thinking, especially pirical obser vation, no need for conjectures
the so called scientific approach, is a projection about history, Gods, chance. They were looking
of our preoccupation with our own layered and for explanations and often could point at under-
stratified self-image. This has to do with the way lying rationale for things like incest, first fruit
we have, in the West more than elsewhere, se- ceremonies, marriage patterns, etc.
curely masked our inner me, shielding and hiding In line with the Zeitgeist they were mostly sys-
of whom we truly are in a world, were appear- tem-thinkers, looking for rational causality, also
ances and outer form have taken over. The criti- for social developments. Even if the rationale
cal interest in religion, in the theological under- was very flimsy like around circumcision they
standing maybe has to do with the dualist and the- would not accept that there were other non-ratio-
istic character of the Judeo-Christian faith. God nal reasons possible, like divine inter vention,
is seen as a personal God, as separate from us, the chance occurrences, true magical efficacy. They
om nip o tent and om ni scient but far away would not accept-non functional elements in the
allmighty. The more monistic and pantheistic ap- development of societies and cultures, any soci-
proach, with an impersonal totality we are part of ety thus was a logical and coherent system, ho-
and manifests in the many has less need to mogenous and well integrated. And the approach
separate the human (experience) from the all. did yield very many insights, found unsuspected
So in this perspective religion is just a concept, a side effects that could explain certain customs,
building we have erected to justify ourselves, con- and gave a seemingly solid base to anthropology
struct meaning in a cognitive sense, and provide a and sociology, comparable to Newton’s law. But
stage and platform for a class of priests, scientists like in physics, eventually it became clear that
and theologians. The underlying reality of ritual, chaos, uncertainty and more complicated feed-
prayer, myth, magic and living the good life is back and feedforward systems would not yield
what matters more to those we call believers, logical and stable institutions, but some amount
faithful, the ummah, the church. of chaos and instability, not only progress but de-
cline and regression. That obser vation alone was
The social perspective problematic, that the observer was part of the
Let me quickly traverse the models and theories process and biased in what was observed, that
concerning ritual (or religion) as a social institu- truth is always a partial truth. This is already clear
tion. People like Durkheim and in fact most an- from comparing the basic assumptions of the
thropologist have concentrated on the social, see- various functionalists. Malinowski assumed
ing this as the root for rituals (and religion and macro-biological needs as the root of develop-
myth etc.). There has been some looking into the ment, Radcliffe-Brown some machine-like inter-
psychological processes, but talking about initia- connectedness, Durkheim the sacred-profane
tion or circumcision few really looked at what this split, and by all means I am guilty of assuming an
meant for the boys involved. A rite of passage extended causality (including interaction with the

extradimensonal) but still aiming at some kind of Ritual and Political Power
structure and functional logic. I am still siding Setting is not only how a ritual is performed, but
with Einstein’s refusal to accept God as throwing also how it is embedded in the environment, the
dice, hoping for some multidimensional (con- culture and what role it plays in the political and
sciousness) explanation of it all. And just as those power structure of a society. Priest as spiritual
functionalists had their biased perspective I have leaders and kings and rulers as worldly leaders are
mine, believing that the root of social develop- complements, both with their realm and func-
ment lies in ritual (that is in the connection with tion, but also competitors for attention, power
the magical). But let’s see where this bias brings and material wealth. Popes and emperors have at
us, different viewpoints can help to get a wider times worked together, but also waged wars
picture. against each other and this pattern even in the
smallest villages and tribal communities. The cir-
Concentration on the social cumstances favor the one or the other pole,
Ritual theory kind of concentrates on the social worldly dangers the worldly rules, di saster,
part and mostly sees ritual it as a type of critical diseases and bad crops the priests.
juncture where some pair of opposing social or The use of ritual in politics is obvious, not only to
cultural forces come together. Ritualization is defend the status quo of church or state, but also
then a strategic way of constructing a limited and by opposing forces and political aspirants. With
limiting power relationship. It the purpose of forging new alli-
can be a legitimating the power ances and assemble people new ele-
structure of the state, the reli- ments are often incorporated in ex-
gion, belief system or ideology, isting rituals, not varying so much
as a way of social control and as to damage the traditional for -
here modern thinkers are not far mats, but used for new agenda’s.
from what the Chinese Xunzi Luther for instance can be seen as
(ca. 312–230 BCE) said about rit- using the Bible, part of the old or-
ual in Confucian terms. Ritual in- der, to change the Church by using
fluences, as a social phenome- its timeless and uncontested value.
non, groupism (to conform to Ritual has been used, by the worldly
the cultural pattern of a group) authorities and the religious big-
and for malism (fostering the wigs to keep the people docile, obe-
repetition of the traditional). dient (and poor and ignorant) all through the
Ritual theorists like Victor Turner, Clifford ages, already the Chinese Xunzi knew that rituals
Geertz and Emile Durkheim did see the opposi- were great political tools.
tion between ritual and belief, (bodily) action and Sociologists or the ancient philosophers con-
thought, even as these two come together in ritu- cerned with society were, for a long time, not re-
als, art and religion in a symbolic fusion. Geertz, ally interested in rituals, one saw them as supersti-
with his focus on explanation of meaning in cul- tious, a way to keep the people in line and enter-
tural phenomena, worded this as the distinction tained, maybe as functional in social cohesion but
between ethos (moral and esthetics of a culture) not as an economic factor. They considered ritual
and worldview (cognitive, existential aspects of a as a private matter, not of great public impor-
culture). In ritual the World as lived (dispositions) tance.
and the World as imagined (conceptions) are Ritual however per vades many aspects of life, at
fused under the agency of a single set of symbols, the private and the society and economic level. At
they come together in the act. The two worlds home it might be a personal matter, honoring the
turn out to be the same world. ancestors and deities, asking for private grace, but
in more public situation ritual as in ceremonies,
feast, festivals, seasonal celebrations becomes a
social glue. Beyond kinship and rational (trade)

relationships the feeling of belonging, of being port rulers, their families, their courts and sup-
part of a clan, a tribe, a village, town, city or state porters and to allow public works and events that
is fed by rituals. maintain the status quo.
One now tends to accept rituals in the context of
Home rituals managing surplus, as ways to balance the material
Cohesion in that sense is a basic factor in society inequalities between rulers and people with
and ritual unites. This not only true for large pub- promises of future support and contact with the
lic rituals, rituals at home or in small groups also otherworld. Kings and rulers don’t sur vive if
serve many purposes. If home rituals are ex- there is some unbalance, they have in a way to pay
tended into public rituals, a kind of upscaling like their dues too, not only by providing material
we see in bringing the Hindu agnihotra lighting support in case of need, famine, drought, etc. but
of a fire or candle to massive public fire rituals, by being an inter mediary with the gods, securing
they are better embedded in the culture. Using rainfall, Nile flooding or victory in war. Without
(traditional) home rituals as the basis for public that balance, their power will not last. This bal-
rituals or vice versa is a way to anchor them in the ance is anchored and stabilized by linking the rit-
minds of the people. ual, while aiming at the future, to the past. Ances-
Most writers did accept ritual as a political tool, a try, being related to previous rulers or priests,
way to manipulate the people, establish or main- points to a better link to the past and constitutes
tain social order and ignore the true magical ef- authority and justifies receiving offerings that
fects. They may see, like Durkheim, the increased once were intended for the ancestors, that
sense of belonging and being holy as a factor un- sometimes became deities.
derlying ritual, but that people actually benefit be- If we accept ritual efficacy, we see that the magic
yond their feeling good in spiritual and magical of public rituals is essentially time-magic, secur-
terms by participating or watching rituals is not ing some benefits in the future but heavily de-
generally appreciated. pending on the connection of the rulers and the
“Ritual is not in good odour with our intellectuals…. In faith with the past, the ancestors, the lineage. As-
their eyes only economic interests can create anything as suming a connection (through time) with the
solid as the state. Yet if they would only look about them roots of a civilization, a real of fabricated link
with the hero’s or the past, the founders or first
they would everywhere see communities banded together
settlers of a place, gives status and ritual prestige.
by interest in a common ritual; they would even find that
This link can be virtual like a assumed name or
ritual enthusiasm builds more solidly than economic
through material objects associated with the
ambitions, because ritual involves a rule of life, whereas
roots of a culture, magical objects and magical
economics are a rule of gain, and so divide rather than places.
unite.” Edmund Leach (1966) notes that ritual per vades
A.M. Hocart (“Kingship” 1927) all as pects of so ci ety and life, and Pi erre
This limited view has changed lately, like in the Bourdieu (1977) found it is not surprising that the
work of Lisa J. Lucero but only in the sense that politically ambitious transform ritual action into
one recognizes the economic importance of rit- political fortune. Ritual is more and more seen as
ual as away to acquire and redistribute a surplus in integrating religious, social, economic, and politi-
goods or labor. cal life, as a stratum for power and thus manipula-
“Water is the sur plus material pas excellence in many tion. This goes for all aspects of life, civic (birth,
cultures, as water is essential to agriculture and easily marriage, death), legal (ownership, inheritance,
appropriated by those who control rivers, dams and res- courts), trade and war, public works like roads,
er voirs. Thus water rituals (often in the context of fertil- temples and irrigation systems, but also for me-
ity, rain and river fluctuations) are very basic and morial, seasonal and calendar related ceremonies
important. ” (L. Lucero) and feasts. Through ritual one can achieve stabil-
ity as well as change, the political players can
Manipulating or extracting surplus is how many
leaders succeed. It takes material capital to sup-

involve and mobilize the people that rit ual is a so cial
or at least active participants. antistructure (outside and
So ritual is more and more seen even against nor mal life)
an important factor how a few and structure at the same
people get others to contribute time that af fords both
labor and ser vices with a virtual communitas (his term for
compensation (in their mind and social bonding and coher-
usually with a promise for the fu- ent groupism) and forma-
ture or the afterlife) but with an lized social order.
imbalance in material terms. The Emile Durkheim explained
notion of Michael Mann (1986) that economy, rituals as the means whereby collective beliefs
ideology, military force, and politics are the four and ideals are generated, experienced and af-
factors in social power or social control, needs to firmed as real by the community. Ritual is integral
be appended by accepting ritual as a intersecting to the social dimensions of religion (cultus).
mechanism for these factors. Durkheim sees us made up of two beings, facing
different directions, one in the world, the other
Meaning inside and one having a real pre-eminence over
When we ask what rituals mean, we find many an- the other, a moral superior one. He however
swers, but again few dare to point at their real doesn’t see ritual as the way, the step to transcend
magical dimension. One points at the cognitive this distinction by going into a ritual state of con-
aspects, and make the easy step to myth and cos- sciousness, a trance or meditative state as integra-
mological explanation, but this doesn’t honor the tion of body and soul.
fact that the meaning of ritual is not cognitive, it’s
a basic need, something in our body, like breath- The original experience forgotten
ing or food. Myths are a different category, they Rituals have of course changed over time and in
do give cognitive meaning, they explain relation- line with cultural and cognitive development but
ship, program our minds with imagery that fills in often a core has been retained, the essence has in-
the blanks, so we need not worry so much, it that tuitively sur vived. We have however distanced
sense it’s self-delusion, auto-suggestion of mean- ourselves from our ‘primitive‘ past and are now
ing, all in the mind. less in touch with our intuitions. The direct expe-
Ritual is action, it’s not cognitive with a lot of sub- rienced ‘knowing’ that was the root of many ritu-
liminal programming and play into archetypical als got lost, the content became empty form.
concepts as myths are, it is at best thought in ac- The deeper and essential meaning of retained
tion, it will force attention and intention, focus older rituals of long standing traditions is there-
will and magically effect the astral and ethereal fore not so easy to recognize and often there are
planes. Ritual can be seen as a way to strengthen multiple levels of interpretation. Not only the au-
the will and intention, as a tool to bring forth that dience, but also the priests and officiants have a
what one ‘wills’, but aligned with the morality of limited understanding, they dutifully repeat or
the soul or inner world. In a way ritual will thus re- follow the prescribed liturgy, but often have no
flect back into the tangible; it works in multiple clue as why they do this or that, sing or say this, or
dimensions and affect much deeper what the effect is of deviations.
layers of consciousness than the They only know that this is how it
cerebral myth and formalized reli- should be done, and de vi ations
gion. might be dangerous. This is often
The social dimension receives much the reason that traditional rituals like
attention, is often seen as giving the Vedic fire rituals are done in a
meaning to ritual. Victor Tur ner very exact way. The officiators do re-
saw ritual as the affir mation of alize (or are warned in the scriptures
communal unity. He acknowledges and by their predecessors) that there

are important details they don’t recognize as such, witchcraft communities, where her three faces
so they observe the tradition very literally. They are seen as the energies of the Maiden, the
often see rituals as revealed by the higher forces, Mother and the Crone, the eternal cycle. She has
not as human constructs, hence their holiness. been traditionally used to adorn or bless cross-
William Frazer already saw this, but more practi- roads, a logical association with the three faces.
cal: “myth changes while custom remains con- She appears in the stories and myths as both very
stant; men continue to do what their fathers did beneficial and very cruel, and as she is carrying a
before them, though the reasons on which their torch, mostly as a goddess of the darkness, the
fathers acted have been long forgotten. The his- hidden, she is gatekeeper to the realms of the
tory of religion is a long attempt to reconcile old otherworld. She was the only child of the Titanes
custom with new reason, to find a sound theory Perses and Asteria from whom she received her
for an absurd practice.” power over heaven, earth, and sea. Bridgid plays a
similar role in the Celtic pantheon. Spelled some-
An primal experience beyond theories times as Brighid (“breed”) is a goddess of
Ritual is not the only means to reach a state of Triplicity and a member of the Tuatha De Danu
connectedness with the otherworld. For the (“People of the Goddess Danu”), she was ac-
‘sage’ or ‘her mit’ living in the woods rituals have knowledged as the deity of creativity, magic, heal-
little meaning as they seek to reach heavens more ing. She brings the transforming energy of fire
directly and by the inner road. For the active folks quickening and forging, also bringing new life.
‘in the world’ a ritual is the usual way to contact
the otherworld. Ritual is not so much, as some Egypt
state it, a metaphor for conscious living, it is more An Egyptian God of magic is Heka, his name is
a willed relating to the wider or ultimate reality. It also the Egyptian word for “magic” and “magical
is a way of transcending mundane existence and ritual”. He was a primordial being, from “before
routine behavior, with a sense of meaning and di- duality had yet come into being”. As the god with
rection, it gives at its best a jump in conscious- magic powers and spells he was the personifica-
ness, transfor mation, social alchemy and a deep tion of divine magic that the ancient Egyptians
‘connection’, at its worst a structure and stability believed produced the magical power of the sun
to the participant and the community. and of life. Heka (also Hike) was sometimes de-
A ritual is dialectic, we shape the ritual and picted as the son of Khnum. Heka literally means
the ritual shapes us. activating the Ka, the aspect of the soul which
embodied personality. Egyptians thought activat-
The gods of magic ing the power of the soul was how magic worked.
Gods and divinities and how they are placed in “Heka” also implied great power and influence,
the pantheon are usual good indications about particularly in the case of drawing upon the Ka
the social and cultural importance of what they of the gods. Heka acted together with Hu, the
stand for. The great example is of course Agni, principle of divine utterance, and Sia, the concept
the Vedic and Hindu fire god. The role of fire as a of divine omniscience, to create the basis of cre-
social factor is reflected in how he is regarded as ative power both in the mortal world and the
the main connection with the otherworld. world of the gods.
I have been looking for a god, divinity or demon, The connection between heaven and earth via a
associated with ritual, but found no direct refer- messenger gave rise to deities, gods that came
ence. There are many gods associated with magic, with gifts from the above, the Prometheus figure,
in most cultures there is such a figure, often there with fire, magic, crafts and other tools and under-
are even a number of magic divinities, with lesser standings. Both The Egyptian Thoth and the
Gods for specific practices like divination. The Greek Her mes were gods of writing and of
most prominent Greek goddess of magic and magic in their respective cultures. Thus the Greek
witchcraft is Hecate, depicted often as a trinity. god of interpretive communication was com-
She is quite popular with the Wicca and neopagan

bined with the Egyptian god of wisdom as a pa- ture related. Well, I found one and he perfectly
tron of astrology and alchemy. fits the bill, and although I am not starting a new
cult, it’s kind of nice to have a patron of ritual.
There is no clear god of ritual But first I will explain why ritual is so much more
Now I noticed that there was no god specifically related to the older gods and how the distinctions
for rituals. Many gods would be called upon in rit- made by Georges Dumézil therefore supports
uals, some would have this interworld communi- my idea that ritual was something of an earlier era
cation function like the Vedic Agni, but I could and paradigm.
find no mention of a ritual god. So I looked for a Dumézil has pointed at a structural difference in
deity that would fit the bill. It had to be a primor- level between the prehistoric Indo-European
dial god, a deity that was there before the en- gods of beginning and ending (like the Vedic
thronement of mind and self-consciousness. In Vâyu and Roman Janus and the Zoroastrian
the Greek mythology that would mean that he or Angra Mainyu) and the other (later) gods who fall
she had to be like Titan, a archaic deity from be- into a tripartite structure. These primeval gods
fore Zeus, that smart ruler, impersonator and hi- are sometimes called Uranic gods and like the Ti-
erarchic chief of the Olympus. The Greek my- tans of the Greek are later somehow dethroned
thology, as some like Immanuel Velikovsky have by their offspring. Reason and personality over-
argued, is not only a representation of cosmic took the intuitive, and the Uranic gods were often
(solar system) history but can be seen as an ac- debased.
count of the development of consciousness too. Dumézil and his influential trifunctional hypoth-
in the Roman archaic pantheon. Ritual in my view esis of the prehistoric Proto-Indo-European so-
existed before religion and fits the archaic time ciety discerned a tripartite ideology (“idéologie
idea, with deities that were more primitive and na- tripartite”) as reflected in the existence of three

classes or castes, priests/rulers, warriors, and faces also as magical and mystical. In my interpre-
commoners (farmers or tradesmen). tation of the ritual state, one would have access to
This in connection to the three functions of the the other time dimension, where there is access to
sacral, the martial and the productive, reflecting past and future, hence his intrinsic association
the most ancient organization of society. This with omens and auspices.
again had a mirror in the pantheon, were often Janus and Jana (Diana) are a pair of divinities,
tri par tite com bi na tions of gods ap pear. worshipped as the sun and moon, whence Janus
Proto-Indo-European mythology was divided in received sacrifices before all the others, because
the same way: each social group had its own god through him is apparent the way of access to the
or family of gods to represent it and the function desired deity. It might be that the two faces of Ja-
of the god or gods matched the function of the nus are related to another phenomenon, the twin
group. pillars that show up in many temples (from
Masonic lodges to the Kaaba in Mecca). These
Janus Bifrons, my God of Ritual have to do with the twin solstices, the divine twins
I couldn’t find a traditional God of ritual, so let in many religions,
me fill this historic hole. The Roman god Janus is
whom I think is the quintessential patron of rit- Taxonomy
ual. His two faces—one looking to the future and Ritual is more fundamental than religion and at
one to the past - could also be interpreted as look- the same time less cognitive, it is related to a stage
ing towards the two worlds, the tangible and the of development that predates religion and covers
extradimensional. In ancient Roman religion and aspects of life that are not exclusively human. In
myth, Janus (Latin: Ianus) is the god of begin- that sense it is a category in the philosophical
nings and transitions, so also of gates, doors, pas- sense, which is not so much primitive as it is basic.
sages, endings and time. The Romans named the Not as basic as things like space and time and na-
first month of the year, January (Ianuarius) in his ture, sex or kin, but more basic than language,
honor, according to tradition considered the religion, church or law.
highest divinity at the time, so he was seen as a To illustrate what place ritual has in our world
true archaic figure. view (not that of an internet junkie, but say of a
Janus presided over the beginning and ending of medieval believer I tried to create a taxonomy. It’s
conflict, and hence war and peace. The doors of not a true folk taxonomy, but an attempt to clas-
his temple were open in time of war, and closed sify the concepts and things around a ritual, orga-
to mark the peace. As a god of transitions, he had nize them according to the abstraction level. I am
functions pertaining to birth and to journeys and not an anthropologist or linguist, but it would be
exchange. He is also god of the doors, from whe nice to see what items a different culture would
comes the word janitor (doorkeeper). place at the various levels. Taxonomies are a way
That Janus was very much a ritual deity is illus- to compare concepts and there are some interest-
trated by the fact that King of the Sacred Rites ing points there. The middle layers are usually the
(rex sacrorum) himself carried out his ceremo- most common and most exchanged words in
nies, he had no specialized priest (sacerdos) as- daily communications, and are usually shorter
signed to him. Also Janus was ever present in reli- and more the same in different languages. The
gious rites throughout the year, and was ritually word Mass (Miss) for Eucharist is such a short
invoked at the beginning of each one, regardless word, it derives from the phrase “Ite Missa Est”
of the main deity honored on any particular at the end of Mass, the sending away message. An
occasion. easy word and recognized because it is in the last
He is the god of beginnings and of motion and phrase from a ritual held in Latin, not understood
since movement and change are bivalent, he has a by the common folks.
double nature, symbolized in his two headed im- Anthropologists see taxonomies like the local
age. As the god of change, transition and time he categories and names of plants as typical for local
is of course magical, but I would interpret his two cultural and social systems, think about the many

names a Inuit has for snow. They try to interpret Maybe animism is a natural stage in development.
these classifications as they indicate the concep- Jean Piaget pointed at animistic patterns in the
tual order of things. Not an easy thing, the fa- way the world is experienced in a child’s mind as
mous sociologist (and armchair anthropologist) consciousness develops. There is a stage of im-
Émile Durkheim in “The Elementary Forms of plicit understanding that all events are the prod-
(the) Religious Life” (1912) based his view of the uct of intention or consciousness. Piaget explains
separation between profane and sacred and this with a cognitive inability to distinguish the
totemism as the root of religion on obser vations external world from one’s internal world.
of Australian aboriginals. I feels however he did- Modern physics has changed the way we look at
n’t fully realize they probably didn’t have that di- what makes things exist. The physicist Nick
chotomy. For them everything was sacred, not Herbert has argued for “quantum animism” in
only their ritual objects but also the hunt and their which mind per meates the world at every level. In
trekking along songlines. So the relative classifi- the sense that mind here can be exchanged with
cation of their objects and practices was maybe consciousness or even intention it means that ev-
correct, but their paradigm was totally different ery natural system has an inner life, a conscious
from Durkheim’s. center, from which it is aware of its existence and
To understand the paradigm of earlier civiliza- actions. This comes close to panpsychism, where
tions and cultures is not easy and for a long time there is a spirit in all, but maybe at different levels
they were seen as primitive (as in behind), the of awareness.
whole notion of totem and taboo as fundamental The terms animism and panpsychism have be-
categories came about as they were looked at come related in recent years as the understanding
from the paradigm of separation of the sacred that all nature is “alive” as it can only be mani-
and the profane, of religion and science. This was fested if it is observed has grown. Rupert
something that late 19th century thinkers like Sheldrake has claimed that morphic fields “ani-
James, Frazer and Durkheim could not ignore, as mate organisms at all levels of complexity, from
their time was full of new technological (profane) galaxies to giraffes, and from ants to atoms”.
miracles like electric lights, telephone, photogra- Daniel Quinn sees himself as an animist and de-
phy, cars, trains, etc. Honoring the ritual paradigm fines animism not as a religious belief but a reli-
of other cultures was not in their book. Even the gion itself, and considers it to be the first world-
Hindu and Buddhist traditions going back much wide religion, common among all tribal societies.
longer than the Christian one, were regarded as I find that in a way appropriate, because I see the
primitive and superstitious. And even today, sci- various neopagan and cyberpagan movements
ence has become so materialistic and separated certainly as tribes. Tribal revival not as an out-
from the sacred, that honoring or worse studying dated model of cooperation on the path of de-
the ritual paradigm is out of the question, one veloping civilization, but as a way of being and
would risk one’s career and respectability. acting together in its own category. I have partici-
pated in some urban tribe events and helped de-
Animism velop the notion of Tribes of Magic. We now
Durkheim sees rites as ways of dealing in thought know that tribal life in the past wasn’t so hard as
and action with the fundamental dichotomy of we assumed earlier, it was more connected, with
sacred and profane: as two separate worlds. The much more leisure and freedom than we now
sacred is not connected to the divine but just set have in our 9-5 society and more magic, more rit-
apart by a prohibition or taboo (as a totem), he ual and more connecting. Daniel Quinn termed
doesn’t see religions as coming out of animism or this understanding the “New Tribal Revolution”.
naturism, where physical entities or even abstract New tribalists argue that tribal life as an open,
concepts posses spiritual essence. Durkheim egalitarian, classless and cooperative community
doesn’t support notions, like Edward Tylor’s that is the natural state of humanity, as proven by
visions, dreams or extraordinary natural pheno- some two million years of human evolution.
mena were enough to create religion.

Ritual as paradigm mere material to the highest spiritual. Everybody
has their own scenario to follow, but those who
We live in the days of internet connectivity and
believe in conscious incarnation could say, this is
quantum uncertainty, coming out of the para-
a choice and whatever we encounter is what we
digm where everything was placed under the
needed to fulfill the scenario’s goals. So for every-
computer umbrella. Before that there were sys-
body this dance is different, but shares the com-
tems and feedback as the main paradigm and be-
mon goal of reuniting the three worlds, the indi-
fore that the industrial revolution made people
vidual, the others and the divine. In this sense life
see and classify all as being machines, including
can be interpreted in the light of the ritual sce-
our body and mind. I would argue that the ritual
nario, but vice versa a good ritual should have all
as paradigm has been, in era sometime before
the aspects and elements of life. As an example, a
3000 BCE, more prevalent than anything else,
good ritual should honor all the chakra energies.
and lasted much longer than these newer view -
In the Appendix chapter with an analysis of Holy
points on reality. Even today, in societies like that
Mass this is shown for that ritual. But many other
in rural Bali, ritual is what matters most and for
ritual for mats, like the alchemical process, also
many religious people, ritual is the way their life is
bring together the basic processes of life.
organized, where they get the meaning for what
they do. More people in the world today live and A step back
honor the ritual paradigm than our western
materialistic perspective. Is ritual really what I or all these theories claim?
If we see ritual as the way to connect (or recon- Experiencing ritual is different from describing
nect) tot the extradimensional, to the realm we ritual and my experiences are colored by my pro-
belong to, from where most of our decisions in jections. We can bring together facts and stories,
and about life come, then seeing it as the basis of interpretations and theories, as I do in this book,
life is maybe a bit pretentious, but why not. This but it’s never more than a map of the moon, the
brings a message about our present condition moon itself is of a different order. As Jules Henri
too. As you believe, as I do and explain in this Poincaré explained in 1908:
book, that ritual is the connection with the magi- “Science is built up of facts, as a house is with stones.
cal, the spiritual, the otherworld, then it can serve But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap
as an image, a true paradigm that serves a mould, of stones is a house.”
a matrix to offer meaning and purpose. Empiricists like David Hume, who in fact was not
Like Helen Armstrong advocates a revival and denying deeper meaning but just pointed out that
new appreciation of myth, I plead for a revival of it is so hard to separate the observer from what
true ritual. It offers so much, not only meaning really happens, justly stated “impression is what
but a new connection and structure. Life is a ritual matters, ideas are just constructions of the
in itself. If we project the matrix, the sequence of mind”.
human life onto that of a ritual, then the stages There are things we cannot comprehend, not be-
like birth, consciousness, masking, identity, edu- cause science hasn’t solved it, but because it is be-
cation, creed, sharing, celebration, communion, yond the material world and it is scientifically (ob-
identity crisis and death show up in ritual too. Our jectively) impenetrable. The New Mysterianism
life is a stretched out ritual, a quest for the of Colin McGinn claims that. Then there are the
otherworld we will reach at the end and involving “philosophical materialists,” I think about Carl
set, setting and the magical all the time. Sagan’s view of the material world as “all there is,
The approach is straightforward. We have to first or ever was, or ever will be.” They agree that ev-
to honor and appreciate and then let go of ego, as erything can or at least should be described in
this is what manifestation is all about, a divine terms of chance and impersonal natural law with-
play to recover the monad, the essential message out reference to any sort of transcendent intelli-
that love and truth are one. Ritual, as life, is not gence or mind. To them, ideas are epiphenomena
supposed to be easy, it is a dance along the various of matter.
energies and challenges we encounter, from the

Well, that’s humbling, it means whatever theories
or conclusions I come to, they carry with them a
very personal interpretation and coloring, they
are at best filtered and constructed “ideas”. Al-
though I try to construct models and postulate
theoretical explanations, I also have to admit that
those are of a different order than the experience.
The experience of a ritual is always more than
what can be put in scientific models, theories or
even poetic words. It has this mystical side, es-
capes rational description, doesn’t follow our
‘nor mal’ cause and effect relationships and re-
sembles much more what we experience looking
at great art, listening to great music or eating an
excellent dinner, it is a sensual thing. Being on the
“inside” in a ritual is or can be like a mystical ex-
perience, beyond the mind, beyond thought, even
beyond emotions, just experiencing. Ritual is
away from thinking, sometimes even thoughtless,
mimetical, obsessive, routinized, habitual and
often seems illogical. But then it was there, all
through history and long before.

Plato's image of the two horses offers a god image to look at the issue
of freedom versus safety

29 The ethical questions; karma and the dangers

Can we change things magically and are we al- no idea what was to happen, just knew I had to go
lowed to do so, these are not empty questions, not to this Church, a Baroque masterpiece, with gold
in my life anyway. Very often I am faced with seri- everywhere, impressive, radiating the power of
ous questions about responsible magical and rit- old Austria and the Church. When we came to the
ual behavior. This has to do with my belief that door, the magical insight came to me. I asked the
practical magic as in ritual does work and is thus abbot to take me to the place, where his poorest,
consequential. Can one heal a person, cure a dis- most destitute parishoner would stand in this
ease, at what level, is superficial healing accept- Church. He looked at me, the lights went on, he
able, can we influence another person’s life? understood and he took me to a place near a big
When is magic nothing but becoming aware? pillar, in the back of the church, close to the door.
Maybe I need to give another example of how Walking there, we were both shedding tears, as
magic works, in my experience. the truth sank in, and we embraced each other as
we came to this place, this hidden corner that, we
In 2008, just before the financial crisis hit, I par- both knew, was the essence of this and every
ticipated in the Waldzell Conference in the Ben- church. There, where the true Christ would be in
edictine Abbey (Stift) of Melk in Austria, one of the form of the poorest member of the congre-
the world’s most fantastic historic sites with a Ba- gation. There, where all this splendor and power
roque church and a history going back to 1089. symbolism would mean nothing if there was no
The conference turned out to be a parade of love and connection with whomever was stand-
ego-pushers, but I met some interesting people ing there. Not much needed to be said, he under-
and was not the most silent critic of the whole stood that this humble spot indentified the true
setup, a super-expensive conference for do- spirituality, that in whatever ser vice this was what
gooders and egotrippers. Anyway, at some mo- it was all about; honoring the least of the least as
ment I am sitting next to the abbot of Stift Melk, being worthwhile, being welcome, being the
and he asks me what I think of his place. I told guest of honor, the guest of love. Now this whole
him it was materially a big success, lots of tourist thing came to me intuitively, was not a mind trip,
traffic, but spiritually it was empty. Just a few re- but just following what my legs told me. Go there
maining monks focused on the library treasures and open up, you will be guided. Some would call
and the splendor of the Baroque church, but no this a mystical experience, but the abbot had spe-
spiritual spark. As I had spoken about magic cifically asked for magic and that was how it felt
there, asked some question to speakers, he asked and feels to this day. To this day, whenever I go to
me if that could be fixed. I was kind of embar- a big cathedral or mountain chapel, I look for that
rassed, he called my bluff in a way. But he was a place, for it is where I belong, it’s the place of true
kind man, sincerely looking fr answers to a ques- power, of elevation and humbleness, where I am
tion he must thought about a lot. So I contem- reminded I am not different, better, but just the
plated what to do and kind of connected to some same.
level inside me, and said, yes, it can be done. How,
he asked, and I answered intuitively, now! Let’s This example shows, how magic works. Not with
go, it’s in the church! In the middle of the confer- miraculous acts and much pomp, but as the result
ence, we were sitting in the front row, he stood up of awareness, opening up to what is there already,
and guided me to a side door, guiding me through feeling the underlying truth. I don’t know if the
the cloistered and very private part of the Abbey monks did anything with this insight, but it made
towards the Church. This was already quite spe- me humbly bow my head to whatever wisdom
cial, nor mally no outsiders were allowed to come was coming my way. This was not my doing, but
there. But for some reason both of us got in this some deep truth given to me, and maybe to this
“liminality” state, where identity dissolved. I had abbot. In this case the ethical question had more

to do with the karma of the action-reaction for what-
place than with me or the abbot, ever we do karma is often
and maybe with whom was I perceived as energy we
daring to hold up this mir ror to a bring into this life from
man, who obviously dedicated previous lifetimes. Family
his life to this cause, the Stift. karma is different, there
are energies associated
The ethical questions concern- with families and groups,
ing magic and thus ritual are not clans, villages and even
easy, whatever our intentions corporations or institu-
are, we are dealing with conse- tions that we carry with
quences, on a personal, commu- us, sometimes protective
nal and otherworld level, the last and ben e fi cial but in
reflecting back into our nor mal many cases this energy is
reality. Not by chance the pro- “tilted” or neg ative. In
nunciation of the word magic in some cultures this is de-
Dutch is “Mag Ik” meaning “Can I”, is what I am scribed as curse, it does have considerable influ-
doing allowed in an ethical sense. Even apart ence on our well being, health and development,
from questions like black or white magic, this is and is the subject of many rituals too, but here I
very fundamental. Am I allowed? will deal with the ethical.
This has to do with morality, conscience and the
question where this set of norms and rules we Time and Steiner’s idea of Karma
live by, consciously or unconsciously, originates. Rudolf Steiner didn’t see Karma as the iron law
Beyond what church, rationality or divine trans- of the past deter mining the present, but de-
mission tells us, I believe we have access to a scribed it as much more complex and flexible.
wider reality where the interrelatedness of all For as free will must have a place in the universe,
things shows us the true ‘truth’ which is then fil- as he believed, not everything in the present can
tered before it reaches our conscious mind. I have be deter mined by the past. Man has to have a
discussed this in the chapter about consciousness choice, for good or evil. So then karma must be
under ‘conscience’ already, but in relation to the understood by looking both forwards and back-
ethics of ritual there are more issues. wards in time. Karma is the law that every action
Karma, as in that what you do now is reflected in must be bal anced out: ac tion is re ac tion,
what will happen to you later, is basically the ac- somewhere in time.
tion-reaction mechanism we see in physics. In From my perspective, I see karma a bit differ-
many religious tradition, it is extended to include ently, and without the chance element Steiner al-
the notion that we might have, in this life, to expe- lowed. There is purpose and direction in every-
rience the consequences of past lives. Or, that thing. God doesn’t throw dice, I agree with Ein-
what we do no will result in better or worse condi- stein on this, but differ from his dimensional
tions in future lives. Now the problem is that model. There are, I explain also elsewhere, two
whatever we do, we reckon with the conse- time dimensions, the logical causal deter ministic
quences, so totally detached non-kar mic actions one and the magical, non linear one. I think that
are impossible. If we do things, even without free will is acting in the magical one and that
seeking any recompense now, we somehow know karma is a direct action-reaction mechanism: the
this will be repaid in the future. It sounds nice, do kickback is immediate, but the effect might be-
it for God, be of ser vice, let go of attachment, come apparent only later. Bringing karma from
but can we? an earlier lifetime is an interesting idea, but if one
Karma is either personal karma or what in very sees every incarnation as a conscious choice, then
broad terms could be called family or clan related the so-called kar mic load is just part of the
karma. Beyond the notion that there is immediate scenario or life curriculum the soul has chosen.

Many rituals aim at influencing the world around, son of Zeus and Hera, got the better of him, tied
helping the participants, fixing problems, achiev- him to a crag and an eagle would eat his liver that
ing specific material and immaterial goals. From would regenerate every day. Or think of Phae-
improving relationships, healing, winning wars to thon, a young son of Helios and Klymene, who
making rain, there is much we need and want. attempted to drive the Sun Chariot without
Here the ritual truly becomes magical, as in proper knowledge, nearly causing the incine-
“cooking the world” which is what Brahmans are ration of the Earth.
supposed to do. However, whatever the expecta- Do not bury your emotions, but neither should
tions, there is always the divine will (the natural you elevate them to the level of dictator or
order or fate), which supersedes the human will, ego-maniac. The obsession of self-importance
so the outcome of a ritual in this sense is always and personal identity is counter-productive in rit-
uncertain. ual work. Humility is the true trait of the magus.
If we see a ritual as a magical endeavor, intention
Dangers, ethics and karma of magic is the main attribute and the key to success in
Ritual addresses or ‘channels’ a raw and poten- terms of both material and immaterial results
tially dangerous psychic force, so we have to be (Love under will: Aleister Crowley, an English oc-
careful. We are literally ‘playing’ with fire and this cultist and mystic). The will is the driving force,
can turn out good or bad, there is no morality in expressed in intention, but has to be aligned with
fire as such. There is a thin line between success, the various worlds and the ‘divine’ will. If love
and physical or psychical problems or illness. and truth are present and expressed in body,
Performing rituals comes with a sense of real or mind and heart of the people, little can go wrong.
perceived ‘power’ and there is an ego-attraction However, bad intentions by some can turn things
there that is hard to escape. For many being the sour, that’s why in the Veda’s so much attention is
centre of attention is enough to make them ‘fly’, given to warding off black magic.
but remember the story of Prometheus. He took There are strong ethics involved in ritual work
the fire from the Gods to bring it to the humans and magic in general. Not only do we have to be
and give them civilization. But Hephaestus, the careful not to overstep the boundaries of partici-
pants and honor their cultural literacy
(sensitivities, tolerance) but the purpose,
intention and effects of a ritual need at-
tention. I would like to point here at
what I observed in modern ritual and
among many so called spiritual teachers.
They too, because of transference, initi-
ation, psychedelic experiences or train-
ing, have achieved higher states of con-
sciousness. They have had great under-
standings, mystic experiences and by
coming down, back into the world,
might have retained a few. These how-
ever become conscious only through
the filtering of the assumed self and
there is always some level of distortion,
masking, personal projection. But then,
in the conscious and thus deluded as-
sumed self state they still think they
have the same level of insight, wisdom
and spiritual frequency as they had in the
The Human Design astrology of Ra Uru Hu special holy state. So they start to

preach, give satsang, heal, become teachers and a morality beyond the dogmatic or rational, there
therapists, happily projecting their “small” truths, is an underlying order (and in there good and bad
often imprisoned in their own mask world and depending on the situation and perspective) that
cut off from further growth. Now this is not to we can perceive. Not via the nor mal senses, not
claim there are no real teachers, real healers, real via rational thinking, but via the primes, the ex-
sages, for some did retain more of these special change mechanism with the extra-dimensional
talents and insights, but in general I noticed the where that morality is anchored. One could call
guru’s and spiritual teaches that became “profes- this morality as based in God or in nature, and as
sional” are nowhere near the level they reached such the revelations (turned into dogmatic moral-
once, certainly not in daily life. Many have devel- ity) that came to us are (filtered) truth perceived
oped a routine or subpersonality that brings them by those who had access to these dimension, but
to a higher level when in their “teacher” chair or they are mitigated, adapted, colored truths.
role, a saving grace for their disciples. I believe Morality in my view is thus an essential quality of
that the more mature traditions or religions have the metadimensional, but anchored more in the
better understood (but often forgotten) how this extra-dimensional spiritual realm than in the con-
works and have rig orous training programs and crete physical world. To access this morality we
selection mechanisms before someone calls need to make contact with that realm and we do
her/himself priest or shaman. I have a healthy that best by letting go of the mask (personality)
reserve concerning self appointed enlightened and ritual is a practical way to at least try to do so.
ones, and I have met and interviewed many. The better we achieve this descent into the deep
self to consult our conscience the better we will
Effects find true and unfiltered morality. The English
Cause and effect, action and reaction, what we do word conscience is less clear here that the Ger -
resonates in the extradimensional. We can use the man “Gewissen” or the Dutch “Geweten” that
word Karma here, to indicate that what is done refer to what we once knew, to the primordial
has a wider effect, it will resonate through time knowing we carry in our soul.
and all the dimensions. Apart from right or In The Ethics, a philosophical treatise written by
wrong we have to understand that a ritual effects, Baruch de Spinoza he discusses many things,
sometimes as a amplifier, many layers of the tan- from the perspective of being a believer in the
gible and intangible realities. Start with respect soul and the afterlife “The human Mind cannot
for the Earth and the people, and try to extend be absolutely destroyed with the Body, but some-
that unto the other worlds, and you will realize thing of it remains which is eternal.” He was a
that you and everybody are connected, and that great debunker of sorts, attacking Car tesian
what you do will come back to you, good or bad thinking, but also the theological views of his
alike. Using a ritual setting and enclosure like a time. He sees God as being present in all, God is
circle or a ritual space this (can) act as an ampli- the natural world, a pantheistic view that was not
fier, multiplying the energies and karma involved, acceptable to his Jewish fellows in Amsterdam so
this is sometimes referred to as ‘the law of three’ he had to leave and live a fairly isolated life as a
(See Laws of Magic), but it’s more likely that lens-maker. Spinoza argues that the mind and the
action equals reaction leads to “same for same”. body are a single thing, a mode of God like every-
thing else, that is only being thought of in two dif-
Morality: Spinoza ferent ways. Human in his perspective, is nothing
The distinction between good and evil is either special, not a special Kingdom within a Kingdom
supposed to be a rational choice (like in Kant’s and follows the same laws as everything else.
categorical imperative), an essential quality of na- Nowadays our understanding of the conscious-
ture or a God-given morality (Ten Command- ness of animals and the understanding of the in-
ments of Mozes) and forever discussed for its terrelatedness of everything makes his stance less
implications, in relation to free will or deter min- deviant than it was then.
ism, ethics and human nature. I think that there is

He questioned sensory perception, accepted rea- being. The wild horse is becoming, moving, prog -
son as more accurate but his “knowledge of the ress, creativity. It is in essence the combination of
third kind”, or “intuitive knowledge”, about the the social and the individual gain, for that is what
relationship with the all, the Nature or God is the horses represent, and not seeing them as on
what makes him interesting for me. His notion of the same axis. It means not choosing to curb free-
uncaused, self-sustaining reality he called sub- dom with security as an excuse, a trend we see so
stance at the root of everything (consciousness - clearly since 9-11, taking away civil liberties more
thought and space - extension are attributes of and more. The communal goals, and security is a
the one organic substance system God) and this handy excuse to go further and further. But at the
is much like what I call the metadimensional. I expense of freedom, of allowed to be different,
think his idea of time and space having no to be unique, special, deviant, not politically cor -
boundaries or beginning but just infinitely exist in rect. If only the social, adapted horse is allowed
moving might be what science will eventually find there will be no progress, the example of the
behind the Big Bang singularity. communist system is clear, it leads to stagnation.
The morality of Spinoza hinges on his notion Without individual gain slowly the common goal
that all thing strive to exist, as a “will to live”, even is forgotten, an idealistic dream that sinks away in
for the inanimate. He calls this appetite, and when laziness and grayness. The leaning too much to-
we are conscious of it, desire and this constitutes wards the other side, the neo-liberalist approach
good and evil. What one desires one calls good, or better the libertarian model with total freedom
what one dislike one calls evil. Now if I equate his for the entrepreneur (and that includes the crimi-
will to live with the will to manifest and this is nal) doesn’t work either, the liberty for individual
what consciousness ultimate does (via time and gains has made many super rich, but left the econ-
space) the ground of physical reality is conscious- omy and the world in an economic and environ-
ness and it is in all and everything, but also be- mental crisis. True ethics therefore is a balancing
yond it as the higher order, the meta-dimensional. act need careful steering, allowing both horses to
His psychological insights are also remarkable, al- pull their weight but keeping in mind what the
though with too much credit for the role of the goal is. We need both, and the charioteer, more
mind and reason for my taste. If man under- reason and mind than psyche, in an individual
stands (with his mind) his (externally caused) pas- case or in society or business, must make the best
sions he can be free from their domination (that of the team, while listening to what the folks be-
cause ills, unhappiness, lowered vitality etc.). He hind in the chariot, the stakeholders want. It is
will understand the cosmic order and his own not enough to move, the direction also matters,
place in it and will have peace of mind. At the it’s not only about balance but also about
highest stage of knowledge, that of “intuitive guidance toward some goal.
knowledge”, man can understand everything, Both sides are present in the Phaedrus model sys-
including God. tem, in a way the horses can be seen as the
adapted personality or mask conforming and po-
Ethics: Plato’s Phaedrus horses lite, and on the other side the creative inner child
extended full with ideas and initiatives on the other side.
The image of the two horses in Plato’s Phaedrus Adding the stakeholders behind the charioteer
offers a far better image to deal with ethical ques- gives a more social perspective, about the role of
tions than the juxtaposition of security and free- a judge, politician or leader as the steersman of
dom. The psyche is the charioteer who has to the chariot. The job is not only to make the two
control the brave and the wild horse, making sure horses cooperate, but also guide them towards
they go in the right direction. This model is great the goal that emerges from the stakeholders in
starting point for looking at why we have the wild the back. Questions about security versus safety
and the tame anyway. The tame, the obedient should be considered in this perspective, not as
horse is the conforming one, based on the ethics antagonists. It’s not a question of balance, but of
of the “contrat social”, the status quo, the static recognizing the common goals of both.

Nietzsche had a similar idea to describe the hu- happened, in the minds and souls of those close
man mind, using the Greek mythological deities to it?
Apollo as the civilized, disciplined aspect and Di-
onysus as the natural, emotional and wild, un- Ritualism; the great escape
tamed aspect. Nietzsche sees the tension between I like to see Janus (Bifons) as the God of Ritual,
these powerful forces as a characteristic of hu- his double face reflects past and future, the illu-
man life and points at the limited understanding sion of time, the masks we wear, but also the two
of the world as we only project our Apollonian sides of the ritual medallion. WE can do rituals
desires to discipline and control our environ- for many reasons, but a clear danger is that we go
ment, not looking to what is hidden underneath. for the form and not for the content. This remark
Innovation, the wild horse, change, crime, we
have to accept some freedom to divert, otherwise
things become stagnant. Here I find support in
Durkheim’s views on crime. He believed that
crime is “bound up with the fundamental condi-
tions of all social life” and serves a social func-
tion. Crime ensures, “not only that the way re-
mains open to necessary changes but that in cer-
tain cases it directly prepares these changes.” and
“To make progress, individual originality must be
able to express itself... ”.

The taboo; the sensible barrier

In most traditions and cultures there are taboos,
things that are not allowed. Things not to eat,
things not to do, places to not go, relationships
not allowed, cor respondences out of bound,
sometime they make practical sense, sometimes
we lost the true meaning of the taboo, but there will make me not popular with the ritualists, but
are many. They limit our daily life, are written in much of present day interest in ritual is more
rules, passed on by the tradition, upheld by the about the cognitive, the psychological and social
law, they are the profane and sacred but I feel they than about the magical. The emphasis on rituals
also are a magical demarcation. I think many of and liturgical ceremony in the neopagan commu-
these rules that make sense at one level, also have nities is often an intellectual game, designing new
a deeper meaning. I think they really are related to for mats and staging events with likeminded folks.
magical practice that is beyond the limits of safe Nice and socially meaningful, but often more cer-
and ethical and are like warning signs. Transgress- emony than ritual. The thousands of websites
ing them is not only considered sinful, but must and books about witchcraft, paganism, neo-ani-
be forbidden because they open a field of magical mism, druidism, tantra and other esoteric tradi-
possibilities with great dangers. Human sacrifice, tion deal more with form, for mulas, the right
I have mentioned this elsewhere, opens a door to dress, movements, songs, implements and such
time travel and transcendent experiences that are than with the magical efficacy. It is even fashion-
beyond what the layman could endure. They are able to limit the effect of rituals to the social and
part of high level ritual, but with purposes that psychological, emphasizing personal growth,
have escaped the rational mind. When we read aware ness, de ny ing true con tact with the
about how the Spanish priest described the rituals otherworld or claiming all that is just part of our
of Aztec and Maya cultures it seems alike abomi- inner world. Of course anybody can play, meet
nable practice, but do we really know what and pretend, but the effects of rituals can be
more than just a good feeling and camaraderie,

belonging, brother- or sisterhood, I argue there is the deepest level of your being there are reactions taking
a deeper meaning in rituals that can backfire. I place. Reactions. Reactions when a hanging gate meets
have never heard about rituals addiction, but met someone else’s gate, a planet enters a gate, a cat enters
many people who would qualify, devoting a major your aura, when you eat food in a specific way, when you
part of their life to it at the expense of other, also breathe. There are reactions upon reactions. These reac-
essential activities. tions begin at the very base of our being, from which ev-
erything else emerges. That emerging energy travels up
Ra Uru Hu: the Human Design System
the cor ridors of your design, affected by your environ-
In Astrology there is a lot of deter ministic think- ment, the people in it, and the larger environment of the
ing, you are born at a given moment and this de- solar system. As it emerges through the conscious places
cides what’s in store for you, it’s kind of a kar mic in your design there is an accompanying thought travel-
scenario. It is interesting to see how different ing along it, “I am making this happen.” In the thinnest
methods come up with more or less relevant indi- slice of time the thinking mind rides energy it did not
cations about one’s life. I am not a real follower of
initiate and uses it to maintain its supremacy as the lord
astrology, but like to understand the principles, is
of your behavior, forcing that nameless energy into the
there anything beyond the statistical relevance in
framework of a created identity and story about the
relation to place and for instance season. I have
experienced the influence of sun and moon and
world. Mind cannot touch life. Life is the unfolding of
planets, like during conjunctions and eclipses, an unending chain of reactions. Strategy and Authority
and absolutely believe that changes in electro- pulls the form deeply into its groove, maximiz ing its po-
magnetic and maybe other extra-dimensional tential by placing it consistently in places and around
fields do have an effect, but how do I deal with stimuli that evoke reactions that deeply nourish the
the notion that I have freedom. If everything is form.
fixed, what about free choice. My favorite astrol- So what is freedom if we are trapped in the expression
ogy approach is the Human Design, an I Ching of ener gies arising unaided by us in every moment?
astrology with 64 hexagrams, 9 chakra’s and a Freedom comes through seeing that. How do we get to see
very visual insight in what your birth date means it? Through the strange journey of the mind “allowing”
in terms of fixed energy patterns with a clear dis- the form to return to its natural expression, through
tinction between design (soul/inner child/higher Strategy and Authority ((two central HDS concepts).
self) and personality. The message of HDS Life unfolds through us and around us constantly. As
channeler Ra Uru Hu is: “What can you do, most the mind comes to see that the body is in harmony with
of your life is given by what your birth date (as in
life, that it no longer needs to perform the role of deci-
your astrological chart or Human Design Chart)
sion-maker, it relaxes into watching. The amaz ing
gives you. Accept what is, accept the limitations,
thing for the mind in this process is the discovery that it
and try to live with it.”
A short introduction of HDS in a Nutshell by Ra actually has nothing to do with the reemergence of the
Uru Hu himself: body’s intelligence, it is happening on its own. The mind
sees its powerlessness.
“Transcendence of the bodygraph (the HDS astrologi-
cal chart) is not in changing it. We are lost when we So what is freedom if the mind is futile and the body is
think, “If only I could change my self (or running on its own? If we are not in control of anything
him/her/them). Then things would be different.” The what is there to do but to appreciate the spectacle? When
wisdom of Human Design is in limitation, deep, deep. everything is unfolding choicelessly, when we are not pre-
Limitation. We are falling through life set, locked in to occupied by the unfolding, trying to change it or divert it,
these forms and their potentials. No matter the circum- there is transcendence. That is an altogether different re-
stances, whether we are in the “cor rect” place with the lationship to this dream of life. We watch a gigantic play
“right” people for our form or not, we have no choice unfold, a whole planet spinning and dancing through the
about how the whole thing is unfolding. The depth of days. We ourselves watch the character that is “us” play
Human Design reveals what choiceless-ness means. At its unique role in this kaleidoscopic play. A role accom-
panied by a profound awareness and unique perspective

of the play of life that is happening all around us, in us, Neuro-plasticity and change:
and through us. rewiring the brain
To want to change ourselves is the deepest misun-
derstanding of what is going on. What is happening
Karma as a concept has both a deter ministic and
is perfect, regardless of our experience. Whether a free will side to it. We bring along in this incarna-
you play a hero or a villain it is the deep choiceless tion the result of the past, like a burden we can’t
dance of the cosmos emerging through us. To not escape and yet, it assumes responsibility for what
need to be free from choicelessness is transcen- we do and did, very free will like. Here the ques-
dence, transcendence that emerges only through tion arises, can we change at all? This is both a
the correctness of the form, through Strategy and philosophical (theological) question and one of
Authority.“ how the psyche works, in physical terms.
Change is often the goal of ritual and changing
Quite an outspoken view, the HDS astrology is one’s karma (or fate, or the causality) is not the
the only one I know clearly separating personality least of ritual objectives. This brings the question
from design (our original purpose) and points at whether basic human behaviors, habits and func-
how imprisoned we are in the automatic pro- tions can be fundamentally and long term modi-
cesses in our psyche and that awareness is the fied and where this change then originates. We do
only way out. learn as we go along, but is this just software or
KARMIC TIDES does the hardware change too? Is it mind over
Duty, devotion, attraction called love. matter or just matter changing, is it according to
the spiritual paradigm, the Cartesian mind/body
Brutality drives with force of hate.
dualism or just as a result of physical chaos and
Crudely, emotions by actions haul rough. chance events. Can we change, can our percep-
Mortality strives through course which fate tion change, can our DNA be modified, can our
destines through psychic paths on tractor beam of mind change?
time, Questions that find new answers as new tools
fulfilling unwritten script. evolve and our understanding of the way the
brain functions and perception works grows. The
Constructed from cosmic craft, enmeshed dream in
mind. key word for brain change seems to be
neuroplasticity, a term that has to do with the
while willing soul-bidden crypt.
convergence of cognitive modifiability and the
Hidden persuasion from greater beyond neurosciences, and refers to changes in neural
pulls to appointment with divine. pathways and synapses as a result of external
Given occasions of which to get fond, stimuli, in popular jargon rewiring the brain.
Neu ro sci ence now ac cepts that our brain
rule by anointment undefined.
changes throughout life and that brain modi-
Honorable obligations and cultural conformity fiability, even as an adult, is possible, we don’t
compel in waves from unconscious. need dramatic methods like lobotomy.
Questionable implications as virtual enor mity Neuroplasticity has replaced the for merly-held
which spells enslavement till extinguished. position that our brain is like a stone tablet, once
programmed that’s it.
Shame, guilt and pity act to limit carte blanche;
The brain therefore is responsive to structural
signed, sealed, delivered to will. and functional change as a consequence of exter-
Names built convincing that infinite heart launch nal stimulation, accidents, operations. Now this
finds real in quiver loves fill. notion is quite different from earlier understand-
ing that our brain is a physiologically static organ,
Joel Farb 2013
after it reaches a certain developmental stage and
this has opened, in a way, the can of worms again.
For the spiritually inclined this has kind of vali-
dated their belief, that by changing the way we

think (meditate, pray, practice) we can change our (wherever it is your think and process) and this
mind, behavior and functioning. People like the will change your functioning. Take the belief, that
Dalai Lama are eager to point at what their tradi- meditation brings increased focus, decreased day-
tion has always claimed, mind is more important dreaming, and better self monitoring. Substantial
than matter, change your thinking and you claims that now have been cor related with
change your life. Karma is not a a burden, but a changes in the brain, not only the actual brain
challenge, a call to battle the inner programming. state (activity levels) but with with differences in
Neuroplasticity just proves that this is possible at cortical thickness or density of gray matter.
a materialistic level. The general idea that we can I am puzzled reading about the work of Eric
change, that we have some kind of influence over Richard Kandel and Donald Hebb about how
our destiny, that free will exists has of course cells and neurons learn (memorize and thus
popped up in all religions, therapeutic methods, change), becoming more efficient at specific
psychiatric schools, initiatory practices and is tasks with stimulation, not very different from a
now even part of the epigenetic lore. We can es- sportsman exercising his muscles. Their work
cape the genetic blueprint, nurture can change provided a mechanistic basis of learning and
what nature has given us. That we can modify our memory, but why limit this to biological pro-
brain, at least it’s function, is also part of what cesses and mere adaptation? If this works in in-
Neuro Linguistic Programming has heralded, in vertebrates and vertebrates, at cell level and
line with Ron Hubbard’s understanding of how higher up, why not accept this learning, changing
we program (and can reprogram) our mind (and and evolving not only for the brain, but for the
brain) with neurological patterns, engrams. psyche, the mind-at-large, social organizations
There are newer approaches to describe how and why not make the jump to extra-dimensional
neuroplasticity is related to how we think and act, entropic effects, magic and spirituality?
like cognitive modifiability and new ways how to Applications of the new (or rediscovered by the
make it happen, to help us change. But what’s re- materialists) change (growth) potential have im-
ally new? I believe that ritual is one of the essen- plications for dealing with a diverse range of
tial ways to do so and has always been, we just physical and mental needs and disabling condi-
need to understand or map the more modern in- tions. There are, apart from the wish for self real-
sights and ter minology on the ritual matrix. In ization and spiritual growth many obvious fields
other words, try to see and recognize in ritual like chromosomal conditions (Down syndrome,
those approaches that lead to change. Fragile X, Williams syndrome), traumatic brain
Take for instance the resistance to change we injury, developmental delays, autism and the au-
have, there are physical limits and also we like to tistic spectrum, cultural and environmental de-
cling to the old, the familiar, the seemingly safe. privation, problems of aging, cancer etc. These
The three conventionally accepted limits of (per- and other, traditionally considered immutable,
sonal) change are: etiology (the genetic, heredi- conditions are now, in the broad context of
tary, and chromosomal causes of who we are, na- neuroplasticity amenable to modifiability, and
ture, genotype), critical periods (indicating that there is “scientific” interest in the discovery of
there are developmental deadlines after which ways of bringing them to manifestation. The po-
change is impossible), and severity of the condi- tential for modifiability is no longer confined to
tion (indicating that extreme conditions cannot the “hard” and biologically based aspects of neu-
be improved, like losing a limb). Science and tech- ral functioning, it is slowly implemented in
nology are breaking down these traditional con- psychotherapeutic applications, social policy for -
straints and limitations, and more and more we mulations, novel research designs, and the like.
see that we have a lot more freedom to change, What was considered miraculous or magical is
and that the psychological limitations, the way now at least considered to be the result of
our mind perceives and interpret or even creates changes in the way the mind influences the brain
reality is what really matters. Change your mind influences the physicality.
(whatever that is), that will change your brains

Mind over matter, in this sense neuroplasticity DNA sequence. It refers to functionally relevant
and neurogenetic modifiability are holes in de de- modifications to the genome (influencing the be-
fense line of the materialists. I believe that apart haviour or expression of the gene, like activating
from but also in cooperation with the great new or not) that do not involve a change in the nucleo-
scanning technologies and neurological research tide sequence. People like Bruce Lipton interpret
we should look at what ritual in its many forms epigenetics in a rather positive way, as offering us
achieves and does. Far beyond putting electrodes a choice for Spontaneous Evolution, he sees evo-
on meditating monks or testing psychedelics in lution as driven by consciousness, as a process
cold and unfriendly laboratory conditions I feel with a purpose and direction. Choices we can
that studying ritual and the underlying magic is make for instance in lifestyle, in environment, in
where we will find the roots of change, in food, that can help us to bypass and potentially
ourselves and in the world. defuse predestined genetic codes. He uses the ex-
A non-reductionistic framework of what ritual is ample of the butterfly gen in caterpillar transfor -
needs to be developed and this is of course very mation, that is activated in only a very few cells of
much related to the mind-over-matter debate, the pupa that then develop into the butterfly, in a
and this again has a lot to do with psychology, way similar to the stem cell development in an
perception and how and what subjective reality is embryo. These cell are the change agents, the
and how our mind or psyche uses (or creates) the ones that make the transfor mation happen. I met
hardware and physical/chemical/electrical net- Bruce in the Abbey of Melk in Austria in Septem-
work of brain and body. ber 2008, just before the financial crisis happened
Here it is maybe a good point to state how I see all and was impressed by his vision and daring
this study and theories about how our neurologi- stance, a scientist willing to look beyond. He
cal system (and that’s more than the brain proper) stimulates people to think out of the box, seek
works. I strongly believe that mind or even better new options and find solutions for pressing
soul comes first, that whatever physical charac- global problems, and although I disagree with his
teristics we have or develop, are the result of pre-, stance about the Occupy movement he is defi-
unconscious or conscious choices. In a way we nitely an engaged and even radical thinker. I be-
have choosen our incarnation, our parents, our lieve the banks, insurance companies etc. are not
DNA and even the challenges that these will the conspirational cause of the financial and eco-
bring. Our personality, the defense and coping logical crisis, they just provide what we, the peo-
system we developed is what it is, not by chance, ple were asking for, out of greed, materialism and
but because it offers us the best learning opportu- fear. If we change, they will change, we get the
nity for what we came to do here. We (or soul) in- banks, the government, the corporations we
carnate by choice with a vision for this life - what deserve.
we come here to do and to be. Our life is a lesson, However, inspired by Bruce and a very kind letter
and not an easy one to that. We are not here be- he send me after the Waldzell Conference, I sug -
cause God plays dice, but because there is direc- gested to him to set up a Butterfly program as he
tion and purpose. We do have free will, but only in believes that among humans there are also butter-
the magical time dimension, explained elsewhere. fly change agents, people who make a difference,
people able to change the developmental code of
Epigenetics (Bruce Lipton)is another fashion- humanity. The Butterfly Program aimed at find-
able concept, a hip way to indicate we can escape ing those, bringing them together and allow them
from what nature gave us as genetic blueprint, to really become the effective change agents. This
that we can choose to change the conditions that capability of being a “butterfly person” does not
influence the genetic development, changing the necessarily have much to do with academic quali-
expression of our genetic constellations. fications, more with social entrepreneurship, and
Epigenetics is for mally the study of heritable even more with being able to use the deep, hidden
(lasting) changes in gene expression caused by creative core of our being. The idea was to select,
mechanisms other than changes in the underlying by intuitive means, potential butterfly agents, and

offer them a platform to join, interact, and bun- would start without adequate rituals, blessing,
dle their talents. Finding those people is not easy, clearing et cetera.
and things like IQ-tests, personality profiles etc.
are little help: an intuitive approach promises the Will and virtue
best results, and this group is more likely to be Now assuming free will exist, can we act virtuous
found in the post-“Emotional Intelligence” and at all? When is an act a vice or a vir tue (good or
even the “Spiritual Capital” part of the spectrum. bad) is a question that so per vades all models of
The originality, holistic orientation, depth of un- society and notions of legality that thinkers of all
derstanding and at the same time the ability to see ages have pondered upon it. Will and acting are
the emergent, novelty and relevant phenomena related, when we act deliberately, but also when
(the prophetic) before they are fully apparent we refrain from action deliberately. Rationalistic
globally, are the more important factors; this, Aristotle saw three categories of acts, voluntary,
coupled with an effective and professional orien- involuntary and nonvoluntary, and assumes that
tation, as well as their guiding motivation and pas- people have an innate notion of good and bad
sion, would serve as the principal criteria for se- and this is the same for all.
lection. The Butterfly Program never happened
beyond some outlines, but remains a kind of The will to do and be good
ideal, trying to identify these out-of-the-box How do we live ‘good’, how do we know what
thinkers, doers, artists, healers and intuitives, and virtuous living is? We can take Kant’s Categorical
offer them a program that would help them to imperative or assume, as I do, that we have access
even further amplify their awareness, to better to the core of morality via our ‘primes’. Howver,
understand their true talents, and give them the most religions believe the notion of good, the
support and environment to link with similar oth- will of God is given to us in the form of divine
ers in a dynamic action-, project- and prod- commandments.
uct-oriented environment. This could be a world- The will of God in Judaism as given in the Ten
wide project, with the help of those people who Commandments and in the Mitzvah (the 613
have a natural “attractor” talent, or “factor” for commandments given in the Torah and the seven
those with the right “change gene”, and with the rabbinic commandments for a total of 620) is not
possibilities afforded by an increasingly net- very clear, the seven Noahide laws in the Talmud
worked world. are more concise and universal:
1.The prohibition of Idolatry.
Organizational karma 2.The prohibition of Murder.
Societies and organisations and even countries 3.The prohibition of Theft.
also have karma, a past or perceived past that in- 4.The prohibition of Sexual immorality.
fluenced the present. It is interesting to look at 5.The prohibition of Blasphemy.
rituals as a way to influence that karma. Large 6.The prohibition of eating flesh taken from an
scale rituals do have this purpose, having the animal while it is still alive.
Olympic Games in Berlin was clearly a way to in- 7.The requirement of maintaining courts to pro-
fluence the image of Nazi-Ger many. Hitler was vide legal recourse.
very aware of the function of rituals and staged
impressive large scale events, like what Albert
Speer did in Nuremberg. Modern public relations
in a way has learned a lot from older magical tech-
niques and setups. It is remarkable, that these in-
sights have not led to rituals beyond the usual
large parties and receptions around events like
mergers, acquisitions, anniversaries. The old reli-
gions knew better, no large enterprise or building

30 The future of ritual: the parallel universe of cyberspace

New media breed new forms of expression and of the 20th century. This has challenged some to explore
thus of ritual. What do internet, the cloud and the its possibilities beyond the mere superficial, utilitarian
digital and semiconductor processes, so close to aspects of it. In arts, media, psychology, artificial intelli-
the quantum-mechanical uncertainty, bring to rit- gence, consciousness projects, religion and creative crime,
ual? What new ritual procedures and processes new applications are discovered and new interactions
have sprung up or will evolve? mapped. As has happened in the history of mathemat-
So far there is some facsimile copying of realtime ics, the Cabbala, martial arts, building technology etc.,
rituals, with similar acts and liturgy in cyberspace such powerful new knowledge is first applied to the rela-
but not much true innovation, not much beyond tively mundane fields of economics, warfare and the sup-
extending the communication sphere of a per- pression of people before one acknowledges and then
son. That however is something print, the tele-
explores the transcendental possibilities.
graph and telephone already achieved. To extend
the connectivity between people is interesting in All through the ages people have concentrated on parts
improving the set and setting, but this the hall- of the reality to gain access to the greater or even ultimate
mark of all media. Our nor mal senses are ampli- reality in themselves and the perennial wisdom of our
fied, Marshall McLuhan talked about extensions species and the earth, our Silicon Mother Goddess. The
of the senses, but what about the magical? I ac- computer offers us new, and at the same time, age-old
cept that new media have resulted in somewhat possibilities of concentration and expansion, of com-
different ways of participation in older ritual munication and isolation, ego-discovery and letting go,
forms. Watching a religious ser vice on television that are largely untapped. Those who are now so deeply
is now quite common and there are prayer circles involved in the computer are, even unconsciously, part of
and massive cyber-events or cyber-circles where a new tradition, the Silicon Path.
people share an intention, but does this qualify as
Now we, the initiators, explorers, guardians and even
a new ritual form?
exploiters of the Silicon awareness revolution are con-
Cyberspace, in the context of this book, offers us
cerned about its uses and abuses, and above all, ac-
a potential, a new realm for rituals, new forms of
contacting the other and the otherworld. How-
knowledge its potential for growing awareness and
ever, the great cyberspace magus model has yet to human transcendence. We owe today’s hackers and
evolve or can I see the hacker, the lonesome elec- whiz- kids, and ourselves, the opportunity to follow the
tronic frontier explorer as the cyber-alchemist Silicon Path, becoming the magi(cians) and mystics of
looking for eternal digital life? Has a silicon our times. If the computer is nothing but another way to
br/otherhood emerged, worthy of our apprecia- get in touch with the ultimate reality (and what else could
tion, beyond labeling them as digital hoods, it be), it needs some ‘small’ br/others to safeguard that
malware criminals and wikileakers? In august path.
1989, in the days of the Hamburg Chaos Com- Those were the days of computer hobbyists, but
puter Club, The Amsterdam Galactic Hacker the message still rings true. Apart from the word
Conference, Hacktic en the early virus attacks, silicon, these days the term cyber would be more
when the digital idealism was in its infancy and we appropriate, this was a view amazingly consistent
only could guess about where things were head- with how I see things now, some 25 years later.
ing concerning privacy and crowd control with Apart from the transfer of existing rituals to
digital means. I wrote then, with Allan Lundell, cyberspace, the facsimile transfor mation of ritual
the Silicon Path Creed: for mats, the main question for me is whether
We acknowledge the Silicon Path there are new possibilities, new access modes to
the extradimensional with cyberspace communi-
The computer and information technology, with the
cation. Do social media offer a new and higher
word Silicon as its main symbol, is one of the identifiers level of psychological, social and magical or do

they just copy existing ritual for mats. What new Noosphere
access to our primes, or even new prime commu- Cyberspace, the virtual world where we manifest
nication modes have emerged or could emerge. ourselves as mostly bodiless minds, is offering us
Will cyberspace really widen our contact-sphere extended connectivity and collectivity, the global
in a real sense, broaden the possibilities to grow in village at our fingertips, but also access to moun-
new directions or will we face the connectivity tains of data, historical records, wiki’s and per-
limits of Dunbar’s number, even in an always on, sonal details. It is a relative new extension of the
always connected environment?
Here the new possibilities of net-
works come into play. There is the
dream of the network believers en
technology faithful, that more con-
nections will bring more benefits as
expressed in Metcalfe’s Law (more
nodes, more value). This looks
great on paper, but does true value
or happiness increase with more
Facebook friends and what about
spirituality? Here the curve of Tom
Allen, indicating that there is a de-
cay in the use of all communication
media with distance, also points at
limitations of network value. The
crossover of media, the use of different media noosphere, the “sphere of human thought”, a
might sug gest our basic mode of communication notion we owe to Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre
has changed, but Tom Allen argued that we do Teilhard de Chardin. The noosphere is the plane-
not keep separate sets of people. The more often tary sphere of mind or thinking layer of planet
we see someone face-to-face, the more likely it is Earth and was considered as a layer over the bio-
we will meet them through other media. sphere (life) and the inanimate geosphere. It is the
It feels that more digital connectivity breeds more way we change our world and seen as something
superficiality, more unreal contacts and more developing into a new consciousness, towards
loneliness, rather than more depth and collectivi- some teleological unity (the Omega point), a
ty. Social media can be very asocial and even higher state of (united/collective) consciousness
anti-social! Now superficial contacts are not to be of all mental life in the future. This could take a
ignored, they connect one to different fields and form of collective telepathy, a somewhat utopian
worlds, and the weak cyberspace ties (Morten perspective. The internet can be seen as a reflec-
Hansen) can easily be upgraded to strong ties, but tion of the noosphere, offering more collectivity
we are in need of better ways and interfaces to and is seen as form of proto-telepathy. I wouldn’t
facilitate such transform. limit the noosphere to the human mental and
As the digital realm is closer to the quantum-level self-conscious thinking, the relation between life,
and thus to the magic of manifestation, we mind and consciousness is more complex and
should be able to see more magical effects in multidimensional.
cyberspace, and there are experiments that point
in that direction, using random number genera- Identity
tors and such. Mind over matter in semiconduc- The transparency of internet is another step to-
tor devices might be easier than teleporting, wards exchanging an inner identity (and author-
bending spoons or elevating objects, but I have ity) for external (including vir tual Internet pres-
not heard about specific rituals to achieve this. ence) manifestation. We externalize or self or
selves more and more, our memory (pictures,

text, profiles, life history) is on hard discs, stored, Profiling
in the cloud, not in our hearts and minds. The
An issue that has much to do with our identity is
concept of identity, identity change, playing with
the shrinking privacy we have concerning our
identity, changing masks or avatars, privacy is one
messages, our phone conversations, our location
of the aspects of cyberspace that makes it inter-
and assorted cyberspace activities. Companies,
esting. We can use internet, the cloud, social me-
but also governments are building enor mous da-
dia to play with identity, change identity, hide
tabases with whatever they can find out about us.
identity, we can be anybody we want to be, as-
Then the use filtering and profiling techniques to
sume any avatar personality. Externalizing our in-
figure out who we are, what we intend to do and
ner thoughts and feelings is a process all through
how we can be influenced (to buy, to travel, to
the development of expression, ritual, speech,
sign up or to engage in activities, including sub-
songs, writing, art and media. Self consciousness
versive or dangerous ones). For most practical
in that sense is an externalizing process, tearing
purposes, our cyber-identity is what we are, and
apart our wholeness, looking no longer at a holis-
this is a dan gerous thing. We become our
tic self image but at parts and aspects of what we
Facebook profile, we are the prisoners of our
think we are. We are conscious of our masks, our
past, our freedom to change is limited. This is
assumed selves and less in touch with what we
psychologically like a straightjacket. Now most
truly are.
of us already live a mask, the ego structure we de-
Home is where the heart is, but the heart is more
veloped to deal with parents and upbringing, but
and more outside, our memories, individual his-
now this mask becomes a separate reality in cy-
tory and persona are out there, in the cloud and
berspace. Changing it is nearly impossible, as we
thus in the hands of Google, Facebook and the
don’t know what data are used, where they are
invisible powers of the internet. We are becom-
stored and what profiling techniques are used. We
ing the prisoners of that image, identify ourselves
only notice that we receive certain kinds of ads
with what is out there. In many respects a danger-
and spam, that our search engine generates
ous path, with effects for our well being and
different links or that we are refused credit, a
connectedness to the “real” all that are as yet un-
mortgage or a visum.
charted or ignored as we wave the flag of
Our freedom to change and to be different as a
cyberpersonality is severely hampered and this
Internet has made the identity crisis of notably
has psychological effects. Spiritual growth in-
the West visible, as individuals not only put their
volves letting go of our ego, but when your email
whole life and social sphere there, but tend to ex-
and cybercommunications ceaseless fortify the
change their identity with the virtual one created
ego, changing becomes harder. We are already a
there. Who am I but my Facebook page, who
kind of prisoner of our personality, but one of
does the government or Google or a blind
the dangers of cyberspace is that it limits our
cyberdate contact think or deduct I am, even be-
freedom to change and break away from our
yond what they have as facts in the databases and
mask or masks. In plain terms, I think social me-
on their screen? My identity is externalized, out
dia are solidifiers of one’s psychological status
there, out of control and I wonder what this
quo, they limit spiritual growth and change.
means in the long term for things like happiness
The good news here is that profiling is not very
and feeling real. Living the fake life, with fake
well developed, even with massive amounts of
friends, fake contacts and fake activities, isn’t this
data it is very hard to pinpoint one’s personality
the next stage in subjectivity, illusion, becoming
and the understanding of how our psyche and
the mask, adapting to what we think we should
behavior works is limited. Science has not yet
be. I wonder whether Freud would have added a
come up with a sophisticated profiling method
cyber-ego to his id-ego-superego model if he had
that predicts what you think and how you act. But
lived now?
this might change, I think the tools to develop
better typing and profiling are not far off. For the
moment organizations like the NSA and security

forces don’t really know how to use their moun- Most important is that I hope that ritual, the true
tains of data, even Bayesian math yields only lim- ritual that has a magical component, will outgrow
ited results. So they use fear tactics as a way to pre- the limitations of the rational. It’s great to talk
vent trouble. Most of what we experience at air- about ritual as an expression of inner technolo-
ports is just a way to frighten us into manageable gies (Foucault’s Technology of the Self), to point
behavior. Any terrorist with some brains could out how they have psychological effects, bring
develop new ways to hijack planes or create self-insights and how they can be used in a social
bombs that would go undetected. I believe one perspective to protect the status-quo (Xunzi) , for
tries to deter the people that are susceptible to controlling the crowds by command obeisance
what I call thought-viruses. The now mostly (Canetti, Crowds and Power (1960)) or organize
feared ‘Lone Wolf syndrome’, think about the communities (Alain de Botton 2012). Rituals (as
Boston Marathon bombing April 15, 2013, is distinguished from ceremonies) also have a magi-
such a thought virus. Suicide attacks are very cal (ir rational) component and that’s where I am
common now, but were unheard of before Jan looking for in the cyberspace context.
Palach, a Czech student, set himself on fire Janua- Contacts with people like Sarah Reeder and Mark
ry 16, 1969 as a political protest. Pesce, who have seen and incorporated the
Understanding group mind phenomena, and cyber-perspective in their pagan and magickal
these are encountered if not created in ritual, views early on, made me aware of the subculture
would help to understand and deal with such possibilities of the global communication net-
thought viruses. works as they evolved. These were people with a
deep understanding of the possibilities, with
Cybertribe roots both in the technology (Pesce: VRML, Sa-
Looking at where rituals in cyberspace context rah: games) and the esoteric who opened my eyes
could go, where the convergence of technology, for what sacred space and virtual space have in
modern physics, science and esoteric under- common.
standing might lead to, I will look at what has
been said by others, but let me start with myself Cyber Me
as I have been a cyber-explorer since the early There are techniques like Voice Dialogue where I
1980’s. I have been trained as a physicist, in busi- can have parts of my psyche or even body express
ness administration, in industrial engineering, themselves, even get into discussions and this al-
commerce and became a media-entrepreneur, an lows to separate sub-personalities, identities re-
ICT-specialist and editor of computer magazines lated to specific traumas , influential people in our
then, through a grow ing in terest in brain- lives, etc. In cyberspace I also have an identity, a
machines, alter native psychology and my in- Cyber Me and this is different again from the per-
volvement in the Mondo2000 New Edge move- sonality and identity I show in “real life”. This
ment I became part of the world of psychonauts, Cyber Me acts in cyberspace, exchanges with oth-
cyberexplorers and visionaries. I have pursued ers and at some time, begins to take over, the
the new edge and esoteric spiritual traditions, cyber-identity gains a life of its own, mirrored
while inter viewing hundreds of spiritual and ar- back to these other me of me’s at home, work, in
tistic luminaries, travelling extensively and being re la tion ships. This be comes man i fest in
part of the cybertribe, using email since the early internet-dating, the real encounter is often quite
eighties. Quite a broad array of influences, where different from what one expected.
my interest in what infor mation really is has led
me to explore and experience a world that is by Modern views: Chaos magic and
many seen as non-scientific, weird and not rele- Quantum Magic
vant. But as this unusual life-path has led to a fas- A fairly recent trend in magic is the Chaos
ci na tion for ritual, maybe I am somewhat Magic(k) movement. Referring to new insights in
qualified to project a future, a vision about where mathematics and physics, everything is possible
ritual could go. and chaos adherents believe that any concept of

magic works. Belief is a tool, and anything goes. not only reflected in the cosmos around and
Change your belief system and that might require above, but must have a mirror in cyberspace, our
a very fundamental change and is referred to as a new parallel universe. Let’s have a look!
paradigm shift and you can do anything, bor row-
ing from any tradition and mix and match what Cybermagic in the future
one likes. The practitioner can and does use what- Where will cybermagic lead us? Will we learn to
ever tools and techniques with a preference for use the power of the internet, the power of a net-
new and fresh rituals and methods and in practice worked World to do greater, more effective
quite a bit of psychedelic help. This manipulation magic? Will the present flood of apps, most of
of belief however is a very individual process, them of a fairly trivial nature and geared toward
and requires to let go of existing beliefs, aiming at personalization of the data-mountains we face in
being different, a discordian, revolutionary, this infor mation age, lead to a philosophical or
anarchistic. psychological breakthrough? Such a question
One can switch from paradigm, helper deities seems not very relevant for the hundreds of
into agnostic belief and back. The source of thousands developers, companies and users of
magic is believed to be inside and spirits, symbols social networks and apps of today. They’d rather
and energies are just tools. An important concept talk about monetization, business models, and vi-
in Chaos Magic, attributed to Peter Carroll is that ral marketing than where apps sit in the develop-
one recognizes a Gnostic State (gnosis), which is ment tree of our sense-extensions, as M. Mc-
similar to what I have described as the ritual state, Luhan described media and consciousness devel-
the inner child state, the altered (but original) opment. Yet they have potential beyond the ratio-
state of consciousness where there is access to ef- nal, and the cyberpagans like Mark Pesce have
fective magic. Chaos Magic is picked up in the noted this all along: the sci-fi books usually de-
music world in Black Metal, where the symbolic scribe spiritual or magical dimensions in future or
imagery called sigils shows up a lot. offworldly civilisations.
Quantum magic is another fashionable way or
word to bridge modern insight, magical practice Cyberchurch
and understanding and is dealt with in a separate With cyberspace and social media of course new
chapter. ceremonies emerge and it is relevant to see
Then there is cyberspace, which is not the ulti- whether these have a magical aspect and thus
mate infor mation medium as many believe, but in would develop into true rituals. With this I don’t
my view the ultimate externalization of data, mean the cyber-rituals that are mere virtual-
both private and public, a library now so vast and isations of existing rituals like in cyberpagan set-
cumbersome, that we must find new ways to nav- ting. There we see the basic matrix of pagan and
igate it and mine it for what really matters, for craft rit u als trans lated into cyberspace
meaning. Although I have witnessed and partici- dimensionality and those would certainly qualify
pated the development of computers from main- as ritual.
frame via homecomputers to PC’s, networks to
internet and the opening and exploration of digi- Is the chat-race magical?
tal cyberspace, I myself have moved in another
direction, going inwards rather than outwards. In What interest me here is how the basic needs to
doing so, and the process is not at all finished, I connect to the magical would influence the cere-
became more and more aware that first the ways monial of introduction, stratification and caste
the psyche works (as in brains and mind) and then that we see in cyberspace in “nor mal” social net-
even deeper how intuition and contact with the works. Our interaction in digital social media
intangible fashions us, much more than how looks functional, but it is clear we are influenced
many Gigabits we exchange. And yet, the old her - by all kinds of deeper motives like FOMO (Fear
metic “as above, so below” must also apply to Of Missing Out), the need to belong and the
cyberspace. What is in the depth of our souls is need to be different (an individual) and be recog-
nized. Are we also expecting some magical out-

come from participating in the 24/7 always-on ency of an entropic greyness and middle class
craze, texting everywhere, anxious not to miss simplicity wins, Wikipedia rules. Comform or
out? Do we feel that this nearly obsessive devo- unfriend!
tion to what in most cases is little more than a
tribal group and their dealings and musings Pagerank censored subsets of reality
makes us more likely to receive the happiness, So we are kind of cut off from the total,
honors, respect and love we seek? Or are we just emprisoned by an environment we have created
imitating, like in empty ritual, what we believe ourselves by all those nearly automatic acts and
works. In practical terms, does belonging to a net- routines we feed to the cyberplatforms. Personal-
work makes 1+1 more than 2 (this is what net- isation is a double-edged sword, it serves us more
work engineers have claimed all along). Is there efficient what we need, but gives us only a very
magical efficacy in our habitual, I hesitate to call it limited slice.
ritualized, participation in social media? To an- But here comes the problem, we want to be spe-
swer this question we have to look at what the cial too. Michel Foucault, in a way obsessed with
(ritual) matrix in cyberspace interaction entails. what our self is and what technologies one can
The status of cyberdenizens (we are all aliens in use on the self, gives as the purpose of “The art
vir tuality) de pends on how many Facebook of living” to be like no one else. Much of what we
friends they have, how many twitter followers, do in social media is, beyond the belonging, really
how their blog or personal website ranks etc. about getting respect, identity, being different.
Those are the chevrons of cyberspace and as in This requires an strange split as one has to have
any meritocracy there are subtle limitations, too both a social (conforming perfor mance and be-
many Facebook friends isn’t considered cool. haviour) and a deviant, original stance. This split
Also our status might be limited to the group of is not unique to cyberspace presence, already
friend’s friends (the digitribe) as we are, by the se- Plato points at the tedious task of the psyche to
cret algorithms of the platforms, limited in our control both the tame and the wild horse
exposure what falls outside our “profiled” iden- (Phaedrus). In psychological terms one can see
tity. John Perry Barlow’s this as the social, adapted (mask) personality and
”You will only find on Internet what you are looking for, the free, childlike inner self where originality and
not what you need” intuition reside. To be a noted cyberdenizen both
are necessary, but the question arises whether the
has slowly evolved (or degraded) to what the plat-
freedom, flexibility and democratic access of
form allows you to see. This also has to do with
cyberspace helps people to show more of their
confir mation bias, we are biased to infor mation
inner child originality, of their true self. In nor mal
which affirms our prior beliefs, thinking or
society, education, work, school we already are
searching “out of the box” has, alas, become
forced to give up most of that inner self, we be-
come the (fake) egos that know (hopefully) to
To acquire (digital) identity and status in the mod-
deal with that world, but is cyberspace immersion
ern world, one has to perform (digitally) in such a
making this worse or not?
way, that those chevrons are awarded both by
people in the private as well as the more public Rituals 2.0: mechanized sociality
sphere. The two tend to become on. We used to
having real friends and now we are part of a Here I like to refer to the ideas of Karlessi, a part-
like-economy with subscribers, sharers, likers, be- ner in the Italian Ippolita collective who pub-
friended and fol low ers, they all be come lished “Open is not Free” (2007), who talks about
Facebook equals, we have flattened our social social control through technologically mediated
world as Zadie Smith indicated. And as autocom- media and interactions. The Google etc. plat-
plete and geolocation in Google serves (most of forms mediate sociality or pretend to do this to
us don’t know or use the /ncr) what Google hide their true purposes of selling identity for
deems relevant, globality is an illusion too. Good- profit. According to him any act of sociality is be-
bye to complex relationships, the great transpar- coming mechanized and what started as a func-

tional thing develops into un-
conscious rites or rituals, in a
sense that I would call ceremo-
nial. The performative nature
of con struct ing an on line
identity can supersede one’s
iden tity in other “real”
spheres. The digital self takes
over, the mask one wears in
cyberspace becomes the per-
ceived self. In extreme cases
one become the avatar one
plays or created.
Now Karlessi states that the
public and private spheres are
converging in part by the ever -
more frequent and probing
collection and analysis of data
relations (metrics). We become Maslow's pyramid of needs and drives
what we do in cyberspace and
how we do it, there are Participation in what is considered “Freedom of
meta-layers that lead to “profiles” because of Expression” thus not only requires time and
how we created the data. He states that this kind training, but also draws one into the web of data
of perfor mance measurement discards adequacy and profiling that is less and less free and de-
for a per vasive mantra of “more”, instilling the mands more and more. As Kimberly Waldbillig
wisdom that big ger and more is better, but also describes: “These unconscious algorithmic ritu-
brings more possibility of external control and als practiced en masse become the form and
“guidance” which can be positive (caretaking) or function of online liturgy, or public worship, to
negative. the unconscious – presumably leading to “Minds
He sees the participation in supplying these data, Without Bodies”.
often not very conscious as we habitually put pic- In the “post-secular” society there are no more
tures, comments, tales, personal notes etc. in priests, but there is Facebook to confess who you
cyberspace, as “micro-unconscious rituals”. The are or what you would like to be, a powerful part
private sphere becomes more porous, the per- of the communist and catholic ritual matrix.
sonal communications become more and more Ippolita even produced a new set of ‘Command-
public, we become transparent (to others, the ments’ for the post-laic perfor mance society of
profiling engines, the system) in line with the social network users :
Rad i cal Trans par ency cyberspace de mands. . Control – compulsively. Micro-unconscious
These rituals are addictive by design and as they actions on social networks occur to avoid
are unconscious, hard to escape. The transfor ma- Fear-Of-Missing-Out
tion of these rites from habits to addictions
prompts Ippolita to produce a re-definition: Rit-
. Share – compulsively. ‘Things”, bits of data,
acquire new meanings through sharing.
uals 2.0. Corroboration with these social net-
works as religious figures, followership of them, . Participate – compulsively. Through this, any
as “obedient sheep” only feeds the “algocracy” contributor becomes part of something larger
of Big Data. Algocracy – the suffix from Greek: than himself, like being a member of the army,
“to govern, to rule” is the idea of existing under or perhaps more adroitly like being part of a
the authority of algorithms. church. Contribution, consciously or uncon-
sciously, is positively reinforcing to the act of

. Verify – compulsively. Querying the digital or- counts, but we become estranged from our core,
acle rather than relying on sensory data from our soul.
the body
Cyberspace ritual, yet to come
Infotheism The question about magical effects of cyber-
I notice that Karlessi’s approach seems to con- space habits is still open. I would qualify what has
verge with what I called the “Infotheism” trend, evolved as habits with sometimes the smell of a
where we see in for ma tion (as ex pe ri enced compulsive obsession, and not as a conscious or
through the all-embracing internet, the warm and unconscious ritual. However, slowly the belief
seemingly personal environment that seems to grows, that by being (over)-active in cyberspace
know who we are and what we need, the clever we are being part of the “digerati” and acquire
profiling makes us feel at home) as the new deity. the magical power of reality we ascribe to them. It
I agree that much of it is subconscious, but there may be that in the mere repetition of contact-acts
is a conscious effort to explain reality (in physical a true ritual component is quietly emerging. The
terms) as based on a meta-dimensional frame- prayer mills of bcc emails and postings do acci-
work or paradigm; infor mation is what connects dently hit home, a new and interesting contact
everything. From God to Love to Quantum en- happens, LinkedIn generates a new job. Fake it till
tanglement to Consciousness and why not Infor - you make it, communicate till the spark flashes
mation as the root of reality. and indeed a magical contact emerges, between
Karlessi sees the danger of this mechanization of people or between people and the mountain of
sociality, which leads to commodification of self, data, when the fire inflames and “the bit becomes
but I think this applies only to our projected self, information because it bytes”.
a cyberego that is not real anyway. That fighting Here the true question arises. Is cyberspace a true
this trend, fighting it on its own turf (in Cyber- infor mation medium, giving better access to
space) by developing new and original true rituals what we need as it operates in the extra-dimen-
in cyberspace is needed, I wholeheartedly agree sional space (the otherworld) or does it makes us
with. grow away from our core (magical) access to that
In the wider context of externalization of our otherworld, that resides deep in us, hidden be-
identity, a phenomenon Terence McKenna so hind the ego and masks and accessible through
aptly described, from the first cave paintings and ritual. It feels that some of us have indeed found a
myth via virtual reality to todays virtual identity in way to use internet as a means to go beyond the
the cloud, we are more and more projecting who mask, even beyond the cybermask and allow the
we are or would like to be or fear to be beyond wild, untamed and creative horse in the Platonic
ourselves. We leave the body (and our internal sense to roam the vistas of cybermagic, focus at-
memory) to become a vrtual mind, in practical tention rather than disperse it as Bernard Stiegler
terms a bunch of data in the cloud. Not even our says it, but they run the risk of becoming the
own as we have given away the right to the likes of priests of a new religion.
Facebook or made it public in many forms Here it makes sense to look at the development
(copyleft rather than copyright) and even worse, of cyberspace myths, rituals and religion in the
as we are “profiled” and stored in unknown ar- same way as I did for how they developed in the
chives of agencies and corporations. non-virtual past, using the chakra model (or
Our mask and personality in cyberspace are even Maslow’s hierarchy) . Indentifying the growing
more unreal and per verted that the mask(s) from basic sur vival, through sex and creative to-
Freud called our ego, we are developing a wards power is not very hard, but have we
semi-public cyberego that, like our ego, holds us reached the tr ue communitas
imprisoned in a subset of reality (or the dataspace (Turne<$I[]Turner, V.>r) or Philia (Plato) or the
we consider reality). We are a hostage to our heart chakra in cyberspace communication yet
Facebook image and Google profile, the true and what about the more esoteric higher chakras
identity theft is not that we lose our bank ac- or Maslow’s self-actualization? Effective magic

works in all chakras and we can see a dating site as One can look at all technology as eventually
a cyberspace ritual, but it would be interesting to bringing some real prog ress in terms of growing
see how many people have, after subscribing to a connectivity, contact and awareness. Apps are the
dating site (with the ritual description of oneself, fashion of the decade, together with social media,
which is a psychologically important procedure) but can they bring back the dialogue and interac-
found a new partner in the “normal” world. tive quality that already Socrates (via Plato,
Cyberspace offers interesting option to study and Phaedrus 245-250) noted as lacking in the written
experiment with ritual (as a form of communal world? Do they promise to ultimately yield such a
practical magic). One way is to harness the energy Meta-App that will bring happiness, connect-
and feedback of many. The Maya 2012 craze and edness and consciousness to us, the brave new
it’s fast demise could not have happened without app-worlders? Will cybermagic apps help us to
internet. People like Lyn McTaggart have staged cut the isolated asocial cyber-her mit loose from
physical and non-physical prayer circles via the his virtual worlds and addictive games?
internet. The study of divination might benefit Looking through the list of apps, one sees a jun-
from twitter analysis and just as Apple anchored gle that has grown so fast it’s hard to see the trees
the Tree of Knowledge logo in our minds, certain from the forest. They are ways of customizing
images and logos might have unsuspected effect the access to what we call infor mation, but in fact
on public opinion and reality. is no more than the massive mountain of digital
noise. We all the time try to isolate that what mat-
The Meta-App ters to us, to find out what hits us, as in “a bit is
I wonder, will there emerge new ritual forms us- only infor mation if it bytes you”.
ing cyberspace? Just as printing books has yielded I am not saying most apps aren’t handy: you can
valuable tools for ritual (psalm-books etc.) so get practical location based indication of what is
eventually digital technology will expand our rit- happening, what to do, you can get the distraction
ual toolset. I could point at a further development that fits you anytime, anywhere, you can have
of cyberpaganism or quantum-magic but I hope your life and experiences fit the “fashionable”
for innovation beyond that. Now truly different model of the day.
software (in the psychological or spiritual direc- It looks as if apps aim at more contact, more
tion, beyond the digitized but facsimile tarot and connectedness, but we know also it is somehow
astrology) did pop up at times (Bruce Eisner’s providing empty data. What looks like individua-
Mindware, Joseph Weizenbaum’s Eliza, Timothy tion or customizing is in fact nothing but compli-
Leary’s Mind Mirror) but has as yet failed to ance; you will find what you (or your search en-
become a popular category. gine, that is nothing but a common denominator
Let me speculate a bit. I think that more com- agglutinator) are looking for, not what you really
puter, profiling and identification power will need, it also lacks true novelty.
eventually bring about software that has tangible The Google-isation of search, i.e., of tacitly limit-
value and will help us psychologically, socially, ing our search to what the system accepts and al-
and even spiritually. lows, and by geo-localization and personalization
Most likely this will be an app, a piece of software serves you, is like looking for the lost keys there
that uses the computing power and resources of where the lamp’s light is shining, as in the Sufi
the cloud to help us understand ourselves and tale. The complexity of our needs is not mir rored
others better. Such an app might even have capa- in the search and archiving methodology of the
bilities beyond the rational, helping us to contact present internet, even as it is evolving fast to-
the extradimensional in new ways. Imagine a wards multimedia metadata and AI (Artificial In-
Meta-App that divines, consults, raises our con- telligence) techniques to help you find what you
sciousness and guides us in our prayers. search for. Alas all this within the commercial
Apps or applications are pieces of software that confines of what the search engine really aims at,
cater to a real or perceived need in bringing to- making money out of your input. What you really
gether resources (content, links, data, sub-apps). need is different, a hand on your shoulder, a stim-

ulation remark or a kind smile is yet beyond the content was more the focus. Apple was and is dif-
touch-interface of our pads. ferent, it appealed to the cultural creatives, the in-
Apps are, in their present form, and in the con- dividualists, and has led them into the new land
text of the quasi-freedom mobile technology of the western frontier, into mobile digital
provides just quest-killers, they take away the ad- Autarkia. Providing applications to personalize
venture of finding out for yourself. Mobile con- that content, they made the app the new snake Oil
nectivity, the always on-always connected-always of the Cyber-ex ploi ta tion move ment, the
quasi-safe sedation and numbing of the underly- neo-cap i tal is tic, neo-indivi dualistic ego-trip
ing fears, is an anti-depressant that flattens our business.
experience of reality. It focuses us on the good, Apple exploited the Us-Them divide paradigm
white, obedient one of Plato’s twin horses in the brilliantly, although there are ethical questions re-
Phaedrus, and denies the wild, black, creative lated to that approach. By offering a shiny, fash-
one, that wants to go its own way. Jaron Lanier’s ionable, friendly and noticeable “superiority envi-
serious warning against Digital Maoism (i.e., the ronment” to those in need of covering their infe-
omnipresent access to free and publicly created riority feelings, it has had a phenomenal success.
infor mation like in Wikipedia will foster the me- However, since the Third Reich we know that this
diocre and status-quo codification and canoniza- approach is also the hallmark of the fascist
tion of knowledge) should be paid due attention. mindset, and it has less than favorable side-ef-
The “bad” horse of Plato is necessary to have fects towards those not willing to jump on the
progress, to prevent the ossification we have no- bandwagon. By now, having an iPhone or iPad on
ticed in societies that tried to limit individuality in you makes you a badge-carrying member of the
order to promote the collective. digital party, the bitten-off Apple a hypnotic sym-
The negative physiological effects of extended bol referring to the Tree of Knowledge in
computer use, especially in concentrated applica- Paradise.
tions like gaming, are recognized as leading to Will Internet use and potentially, with the help of
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, most of us have some apps and AI , grow more away from the un-
doubts about the radiation of al this new technol- known, the “unseen” and the irrational? Will the
ogy, but more recently the effects on the brain are new generation of digerati develop new senses,
being studied. Nicholas Carr in “The Shallows” habits, capacities or tools to get what they need
indicates that potentially our brain is influenced out of the data mountain, with aids not unlike
and effects like addiction (mostly to gaming) those what ritual tools like the Tarot, the I Ching
might result. or age-old Magic have offered us? There are signs
The dark side of the cloud and app movement is that this is happening; cyber-paganism does use
also that we yield control of our data, our com- the internet for rituals, the cyber-coven an easy
munications and our privacy to large corpora- meeting place for virtual rituals.
tions with sometimes close ties to government Apps are an interesting new kid on the block, but
organizations of countries like the USofA that distributed processing, dumb ter minals, thin cli-
feel free to do whatever with it. The system takes ents, central databases, mainframes, agents, bots
over, or rather we let it take over, as it is more con- and Software as a Ser vice have been around for a
venient, cheaper, gives us bonuses or point, we go long time, and so has Cloud computing. Apps did
along with the game. We happily put our most bring all this together, the mobile (digital) device
private and precious moments on YouTube, giving the needed push to accelerate it, and by
Facebook and are surprised that marketers and now, apps are infiltrating our worldview like ro-
government is looking over our shoulder. dents, multiplying and sneaking in everywhere.
It is not by accident, that it was Apple that made The “app in the browser” trend, allowing an app
apps the significant trend of data-processing in to be started and used from within the browser
recent years; it has been a company that valued environment and thus on all platforms and de-
more the form (the appearance, the mask) — in vices will widen the scope of the app even more.
contrast to an older ICT-giant like IBM, where

Most nor mal activities, like shopping, buy- senses, notably that of touch and movement, re-
ing-and-selling, content-access, navigation, dat- ally opens a new vista, a megajump. The ritual
ing, payments, medical monitoring, art and even app, the metapps that will give us or help us de-
military actions have or will become apps. Partici- velop magic power, will or has been developed.
pating in cyber-wars via malware is already So where are we heading, what can we expect
app-oriented, soon you’ll be able to be a for-hire from this development. Is there a map towards
soldier guiding tanks or drone-planes in real-life the ultimate app, the meta-app that satisfies not
wars thousands of miles away. Augmented reality only our cognitive, intellectual needs, our desire
is the new keyword, but is the lack of real contact for beauty (art) and our emotional/physical ones
between the cyber-soldier guiding unmanned air- (dating-eating-sports) but also our needs for
craft bombing targets in Mali, Afghanistan or finding meaning and purpose?
Libya a step forward or backward in evolution? In the nineties, the New Edge movement of
Mondo 2000, bridging the gap between the dif-
The horizon ferent New Age communities and the digital
This call for a philosophic assessment: where are Frontier, Virtual Reality exploration, Extropians,
we heading? Where is this new movement going, and psychonauts, was heading towards a truly ho-
is it just a practical digital tool, or can we discern listic approach. For a short period, a creative con-
an impact that surpasses that of the invention of frontation of the rational and the irrational, the
the knife, the wheel, alphabet, spacetravel and “seen” and the “unseen”, seemed possible; Vir-
atomic bomb and will lead us to new forms of co- tual Reality was (not in public or the scientific
operation, communication and happiness? Like world, of course) compared to the psychedelic
those technologies have given us symbols and ar- experience (the recent Avatar movie illustrates
chetypical images (the atomic mushroom cloud, this beautifully), and cognitive scientists like
the earth seen from outer space) what symbol will Franceso Varela came close to position of quan-
indicate the new possibilities of internet? tum physicists like Nick Herbert, but this move-
We have exteriorized our world to the extent that ment has more or less died out. VR is now a com-
now our history, our personal identifiers and our mercial moneymaker and technical tool, like 3D,
archives are online. Some will say we have put our no longer a psychological stepping stone for un-
soul online and why not, computers can better derstanding the psyche. Sound and audio-tech-
deal with many practical aspects of life than we, nology, at that time seen as a major inroad into the
mere humans, the believers in AI (artificial Intelli- sub and unconscious via binaural and hypnotic
gence) and computer conscience will state. But techniques, are now mostly used as forms of
then there is the other side, the fear we will lose escapism, not as tools for mind exploration and
control, we are giving power over our selves and spiritual quest.
our identity away to an anonymous and maybe And yet, cyber magic is there, we all know that
less benevolent system with a different agenda some of us get more, better, faster results out of
than spreading happiness. computers than others, that mind over matter
The rise of the app in this respect is quite a step, works in cyberspace too. The short lived rise of
as apps are like the swiss army knife in what Bruce Eisner coined Mindware in the late
cyberspace, handy, fast, comfortable, our pass- 80‘s, will have a revival in the apps-age, we expect.
port to cyberhappiness! Should we welcome this We will get bored with the data-oriented apps, the
development or just see it as another step towards filters, aggregators, and other agents that take
a materialist, atomized, reductionist elimination over the adventuring, the psychological reward-
of true connectedness, a rationalization of infor - ing process of trying, failing and learning we need
mation, and thus a far cry from the integration of to experience in the real world in order to grow
the consciousness dimension in our lives? and develop. Artificiality, now so prevalent in the
It is possible that apps offer more than either social networks, not yielding the happiness re-
view, they are a stepping stone to much wider use sults we expect and seek, will give way to a new in-
of digital technology, as their integration of new terest in the Other, the unknown dimensions be-

yond and within. We will have magical apps, tools This sounds like far out projection, but it is how
to help us have visions, all kinds of spells, digital media and tools in general usually evolve. As a
auguries, and random generators intended to ren- means of communication and access medium to
der a connection to the unseen, the future, the what is known, written, said or imaged about this
subconscious. broad concept, computers are a great tool. They
Understanding the deep realities, the gnosis that seem limited to the very “hard” digital, but just as
encompasses the real and the vir tual, all the di- the stones of a church establish a safe and sacred
mensions, is what life is all about, at least for those place where one can address the otherworldly,
that venture beyond the purely material. We have now we see applications that go beyond the
used technology to explore this before, writing purely digital realm and make the computer into a
letters, books and now emails to discuss and sacred object of some sort. The concept of the
interiorize this, what is the next step? Maybe a de- computer or smart phone as a magical tool, com-
vice that plugs into our brain directly, integrated parable to the wand of the sorcerer, seems a bit
artificial memory, or is Ray Kurzweil right and weird, but observe how much psychological at-
will we be computers ourselves soon. tachment the average user has to these new magi-
We will, I hope, get bored with the data-oriented cal possessions! If we see the apps as the oil that
apps, the filters, aggregrators, agents that take fluidizes digital connectivity and per vades our so-
over the adventuring, the psychological reward- cial lives, how long before it crosses the borders
ing process of trying, failing and learning we need of the tangible? No doubt with a lot of snake-oil,
to experience in the real world in order to grow quasi wizardry, but the initial outlines of an
and develop. Artificiality, now so prevalent in the info-theistic trend can already be traced, the
social networks, not yielding the happiness re- church of the digital is emerging.
sults we expect and seek, will give way to a new in- Are apps a major step in this techgnosis develop-
terest in the other, the irrational, the dimensions ment, offering us themes (tech memes) equal to
beyond and within. We will have magical apps, the genes and memes that now anchor our lives?
tools to help visualize, spells, digital auguries, ran- Is there a map towards the ultimate app, the
dom generators intended to render a connection Meta-App that satisfies not only our cognitive, in-
to the unseen, the future, the subconscious. Far tellectual needs and our emotional/physical ones,
beyond the i-Ching looms the ultimate future en- but also our needs for finding meaning and
gine, not only interpreting the present, extending purpose?
the past trends, following telltale signs and ex- Such a cybermagical app, the use of it will be a
tended scenarios in a mechanical way, but really cyber-ritual in itself, will probably be a combina-
connect us to the manic and divine connection, tion of many apps and maybe lead to yet another
that Plato ascribed to the prophets. and new paradigm, more powerful than the Con-
Understanding the connections between the seen scious Computer dreams of Ray Kurzweil. It has
and the unseen worlds, knowing and using what the potential to bridge the now separate worlds
the old mages called correspondences, what is in of religion/belief and science, using psychologi-
the Vedas is indicated in the phrase “Ya Evam cal understanding and AI modelling, but we have
Veda” is the challenge ahead. to watch out for its dangerous counterpart. The
People like LynnMcTaggart and movies like Big Brother sur veillance, control mechanisms
“The Secret” are showing us that “intention” is at and tendencies loom in the back. Tools always
least part of the mind over matter issue, and this have two sides, and the dark one is easily
idea is now res o nat ing with the “cul tural overlooked.
creatives” who look beyond the obvious and ma- The emerging technology now brings a new di-
terial. They don’t want a “cool” computer, they mension of connectivity and interface modalities
want it to be their friend, companion, guide and to the user wi th touch, feel, move, a
confidant, stimulating and sometimes confront- threedimensional workspace with far more intu-
ing, ultimately the pocket-guru if not their itive appeal that this vertical screen we have asso-
cyber-lover. ciated with infor mation work for a few decades.

To use this in a ritual context makes sense, let’s and the creative imagination as the essence of
hope it’s just a matter of time till we will have magic come together. And as virtual divination
cyberspace rit ual, cyberspace heal ing and with Tarot, runes, astrology and readings and
cybermagic that works. healings via internet are commonplace and many
covens, nests, Wicca and Craft groups already use
The New Magic the internet for cyber-rituals, the emergence of
Technology, the New Physics, Cyberspace, Bio- the New Magic is already under way and in fact
feedback and the development of ancient tech- converging with what is there.
niques like dowsing into modern forms like Combining the magical energy of people in
Radionics are part of what can be described as cyberspace rituals or linking physical events via
the New Magic. Beyond the actual use as a com- internet connections is one of the new trends,
munication medium, especially Internet has been worldwide prayer sessions or linked focus groups
a boon to the contacts between the magically in- are supposed to generate magical energy to help
clined, there are many new forms of magic re- change or transform things.
lated to Cyberspace, from webshrines to group Cyberspace as a concept is not new, media from
e-rituals. There is as yet not a good model (be- books to television have created artificial realities,
yond facsimile similarity) linking these new forms only with the advent of computer-technology the
of magical action to the older models and modes, sensory impact has increased. From words to im-
beyond the comfort and accessibility it provides. ages, from images to movies, from 2D to 3D, and
And yet they all fit within the general idea that we are not yet fully there. Technology that allows
magic is the technology of power, accepting that smells, tastes, more tactile experiences and better
the real power lies in the higher dimensions. The visual and auditory input will emerge, the virtual
otherworld realm has traditionally been ad- reality immersion will become even more ‘real’
dressed by religions, shamans, priests and the and yet totally unreal and virtual.
mages. It has of course, since the emergence of The separation of real and virtual can be looked
the printed book, been invaded by the lay people, at differently. Nevill Drury, in his “Magic and
and with modern media they have even more ac- Cyberspace” article summarizing some of the
cess to texts, songs, music, liturgies and source modern trends and manifestations of magic ac-
material for their own exploration. The New tivity in cyberspace states that “a distinct polarity
Magic is more democratic, but there is the risk is now emerging - requiring us to make a choice
that mediocrity will rule, the same as with which takes us potentially in two quite different
Wikipedia where participation of all has not directions. And although techno-paganism seeks
yielded the hoped for quality improvement, but to embrace both of these dimensions, it seems to
made it flat and untrustworthy. me that the main pathways within western magic
Although some in the field of Magic deny, that a will begin increasingly to diverge. Increasingly, I
convergence between the New and the Old believe, a choice will be made between Nature
magic is unlikely, I believe this is the way we will and the new technology."
go. Referring to my work with Timothy Leary and He accepts that some practitioners will go the
J.P. Barlow in the New-Edge movement of the cyberspace way : “The magical explorers entering
early nineties, where we embraced technology, es- these doorways will then engage ever more com-
pecially VR, as the logical complement of the pletely in virtual worlds, blending technological
New Age and Transpersonal movement, with a motifs with mythic archetypes to produce fusions
little help from the psychedelic experience, I we can only begin to envisage at the present
make a case for a unified Magic awareness, en- time.” but that others will turn “ towards the eso-
compassing the old and the new. teric traditions of for mer cultures and will
The old traditions fit very well in the general con- choose instead to identify only with the mythic
cept and for mulas of the New Magic, where archetypes of the past - but those which have a
quantum physics, virtuality, cyberspace and the sense of resonance and meaning for the present.”
eternal laws of har monics, sympathy, oscillation In his view the magical revival of the archaic past

“also brings with it a thirst for authentic simplic- and friends do travel there anyway. Now as the fu-
ity - for rituals which embrace the earth, sun, neral business is always looking for ways to ex-
moon and sky as they are found in the real world, pand, they might just starting to offer what, ex-
not in the virtual realms of cyberspace. cuse the verb, could be seen as a package deal.
So one can look at cyberspace ritual as very differ- Saying goodbye, exit and funeral in whatever
ent from traditional forms and that there will be form combined, this calls for new ritual forms.
people, making a choice there. It is likely that for a Hotels and sorry again, tour-operators might see
while a certain diversion will occur, like it hap- a market here.
pened in the new age movement, where many I find this perspective also interesting, because I
people (with the best intentions) rejected the have noticed and heard from many people that
more modern technology and believed the old the moment of death for the people present can
and proven methods would be enough. However, be very special. One of my speculations about
the main thrust for the new magic will come from human sacrifice is that there is the possibility of
integration of the old and the new, of applying time travel at the transfer moment. There is little
and using cyberspace and quantum-physics in rit- research in this direction, but there are many per-
ual too as we learn that the real power is not in sonal accounts. Now to create an atmosphere
tangible world, but lies in the other dimension, where both the person dying and those around
the spiritual, the magical realm. can benefit from what this moment offers, we
need to think about how to stage such ter minal
A different new ritual: the exit party and ultimate care. The work of people like prof.
Now there are also new rituals of a different kind Charles Grob who conducts legal research with
on the horizon. Asking for otherworld support administering psychedelic substances to ter minal
when starting a new website or cyberspace ven- patients, with the help of spiritual teachers like
ture is a logical development, the cyberpagans al- Ram Dass (R. Alpert), comes to mind.
ready have done this and developed for mats for In more mature cultures like in Tibetan Lamaism
it. But let’s look in another direction. and the ancient Egyptian belief system, prepara-
There are certain rituals that have sur vived the tion for dying and going over like in the Bardo
onslaught of rationalism like funerals. But as the Thodol was considered an essential element of
medical knowledge and capability to predict the the spiritual life. It seems reasonable to expect
outcome of certain diseases grows there is a that as voluntary euthanasia will increase, people
growing tendency to wilfully end one’s life if the will see the need for appropriate rituals to accom-
pain or general situation become too much. Eu- pany this. The very rational process in a way begs
thanasia is there, no denial this is a growing prac- for a spiritual set and setting, but not thought
tice. In many countries there are legal construc- seems to be given to this, apart from what indi-
tions allowing it, safeguarding against abuse and vidual people arrange privately now. And as today
protecting the doctors involved. Now as this in- many people, even without wilfull euthanasia,
creasing, many people will realize that if the mo- know when their end is near, more consideration
ment of death can more or less be chosen, one for the last step seems appropriate. Creating ritual
may want close friends and relatives around. This beyond the classic Roman Catholic Church
seems to be a good way to say goodbye and share prayers and ministrations given at the Last Rites
some precious last moments. However, then hav- makes sense. Here Aldous Huxley, asking for
ing a funeral a few days later doesn’t make much some LSD in his last hours, set an example.
sense, the same people attend and in such a case
the two events are resonating, also emotionally.
So it’s not such a strange idea to combine them.
Now maybe the notion of an exit-event with
friends or family seems absurd. In Europe, where
for instance in Switzerland there are special clin-
ics for people with such a death-wish, their family

31 Sanctity or Subtle Energy level

Holiness, or sanctity, is in Holiness is

general the state of being relational
holy (often associated with
In general holiness is
the divine) or sacred (worthy
a relational thing, it’s
of spiritual respect or devo-
about the relation of
tion; inspiring awe or rever-
a certain thing to the
ence) within the belief system
divine, to a specific
or religion of those involved.
deity, to the earth, to
This applies to behavior, peo-
the spirit world, for
ple, objects, places, times
some even to the
(Christmas), rituals, etc. We
devil. This relation
use this as a general descrip-
doesn’t imply close-
tion, there are no standard-
ness, as in some religions closeness to God is seen
ized classifications. In religions, there are many
as identification with God and that as presumptu-
rankings, church officials have varying degrees of
ous or even heretic. The “holy” relation can be
status, we have levels like in the Catholic Church
seen as a resonance, a similarity, but equating this
beatification and sanctification, not only for peo-
resonance to love or devotion is quite common.
ple, but also for actions, objects and places. In Ju-
The qualifications of holiness are many, and
daism, there are such degrees of holiness, the
again culturally differently defined, and can be ex-
Holy of Holies refers to the inner sanctuary of
pressed in terms of purity, perfection, following
the Tabernacle and Temple in Jerusalem which
the rules (halal/kosher), commitment, beauty,
could be entered only by the High Priest on Yom
magical qualities, mystical energy, looks, behav-
Kippur. In the temple even circles of varying de-
ior, dress, appearance, and even age or size. Un-
grees of holiness were indicated. This is actually
holy can also have many expressions, often
quite common in places of worship (and ceremo-
related to unclean, not acceptable, blasphemy,
nial locations) all over the world, there are certain
taboo, bad, evil etc.
areas where only elected, initiated or anointed
For a person, reaching some state of holiness,
official can go.
glorification or salvation is usually related to how
Holiness nor mally has no numbers or ranking, it’s
one behaves or is supposed to behave after re-
not measured but most people have like an inter-
ceiving initiations or participating in sacramental
nal gauging of the holiness of a place, a person, a
rituals or purifi cation. Stepping away from
ritual object etc. They have some notion about
worldly desires and attachments and dissolving
how holy the Pope is compared to the Dalai
the ego personality are usually what designates a
Lama, how sacred Stonehenge compared with
“holy”per son. The Buddha de scribed four
Times Square.
grades of ‘noble person’ or ariyapuggala called
Not all come up with the same order or hierarchy
Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami and Arahant
of holiness, much depends on the tradition, reli-
the most holy) depending on their level of purity,
gion or culture. For some cultures, certain moun-
how much one has released the ten fetters
tains, trees or animals are holy, for others they
(samyojana) and overcome the klesha (the poi-
mean nothing. Religious sometimes assign holi-
sons of ignorance, attachment, and aversion). It
ness to certain thing, but then a refor matory
is in ter est ing that one of the three main
movement opposes this, like the Protestants did-
samyojana to overcome is the attachment to rites
n’t accept the holiness of many Roman Catholic
and rituals and infatuation with good works, next
practices, sacraments and imagery.
to more logical fetters of a belief in a self (ego)
and doubt (of the path). The rest of the fetters

more or less resembles the sins of Christian This method can be applied to other things, I
faiths. used it to analyse rituals, like fires in a ritual con-
Hierology is the study of sacredness and as indi- text ( but it can be easily
cated above, has no standardized method of clas- applied to sacred sites. Of course the personal ex-
sification and ranking holiness. Here I propose to perience there can differ; time of the year, celes-
use a method similar to the Bovis methodology, tial condition, gender, age etc. will yield a range of
using a divined and basically subjective method values, but just to illustrate that it can be done, see
to do this and by comparing and cross referenc- some data below, these are very general and to
ing the result to come to a ranking scheme. I have make a serious ranking system, many more ). I
done this for a number of sacred places as an think this approach would be helpful in doing re-
example . search about these places, also a Bovis scale result
could be found for the water in those places.
Sacred sites and I found a general sacredness value (subjective,
Bovis scale measurements might not exactly align with the Bovis scale used
There are obviously places in the world, that have by others) at some main power spots as follows.
a special energy. Many people visit places like
Lourdes 250.000
Stonehenge or the pyramids, and would like to Jerusalem 150.000
know how they would influence perception, mys- Stonehenge 100.000
tical experiences and dreaming. There are many Sedona 150.000
anecdotal stories about how individuals experi- Chartres 150.000
ence such places, tales of transfor mation and in- Avesbury 300.000
sights happening there. However there is no eso- Rome St.Peter 80.000
teric classification of sacred sites beyond the Grand canyon 120.000
numbers of visitors or such mundane statistics. Mt Tamalpais 130.000
On the internet there are some rankings, where Mt Shasta 130.000
Mt Fuji 40.000
people voted for it, but this has little comparative
Glastonbury Tor 180.000
value, unless it is done on a truly grand scale. Glastonbury Cathedral high Altar 110.000
The question is whether a ranking can be made, Chichen Itza 110.000
using divination or other esoteric ways to gauge Machu Pichu 260.000
the qualities of the various holy places. I believe Palenque Pacal Votan Shrine 110.000
there is, by dowsing in a structured way and com- Gizeh Pyramid 350.000
paring and classifying the result, there overcom- Mekka Kaabah 90.000
ing the obvious objection that dowsing data are Verdun fortresses 5
subjective. They are, but they are reproducible Auschwitz 10
within a small margin, as such are true measure-
ments, albeit of esoteric or extra-dimensional This could of course be differentiated in and
qualities, that only have an indirect effect in our specified in aspects like geomantic (leylines etc.),
physical reality. human holy, nature diversity, healing effect,
Now for the quality of water and places there is a dream influence etc. aspects. In fact this method,
standard methodology and scale, called Bovis which yields repeatable results, could be applied
Scale, established by controlled dowsing, see in a lot more studies about art, minerals, art, and many esoteric subjects..
The Bovis scale is named after French radiesthe-
sist A. Bovis (1871–1947), it is a concept origi-
nally applied to water (see the chapter about wa-
ter) and used by dowsers and adherents of
geomancy to quantify the strength of a postula-
ted “cosmo-tel lu ric en ergy” in her ent in a

32 Dreams, trance, altered states, ecstasy, immersion

Altered states of consciousness are fascinating, electrical signals in a similar way as animal tissue
they are the core of many rituals. They are how- and some kind of internal ‘nerve-system’ was al-
ever less specifically human than we may think. ready demonstrated by Jagadis Bose in 1902 and
Let me again start with some rather unusual idea. even noticed earlier by George Washington
I think plants and notably trees communicate Carver. They also wrote about the work of Cleve
through some kind of dream state mode, and we Backster, who illustrated to them that plants have
inherited our dreaming capabilities from our memory and sense all kinds of events. He was us-
plant roots. This idea developed from a conversa- ing polygraphs and later encephalographs at-
tion with LSD-discoverer Albert Hofmann in his tached to the plants. These events included the
home. He explained to me his fascination with deaths of animals and the behavior of humans.
light and how plants seem to compensate for a The reactions of the plants were fascinating, they
dip in the visible spectrum of the sun (the green turned out to be supersensitive, to acts directed
part of sunlight) by refusing green, bouncing it against them but also to human thoughts.
back for use by animals and humans. We are after Backster noted that a special bond of affinity ap-
all their relatives who decided to move and take peared to be created between a plant and its
the earth with them in their stomachs. This sug - keeper, unaffected by distance. Emotions of the
gests an explanation why we feel so good in a for- keeper would affect the plants, even across the
est and why green walls in a hospital make us feel United States and even if the plants were placed
at ease. in a Faraday cage or lead container. Plants also
Based on personal experiences with plant sub- turned out to react to the death of some living tis-
stances (teacher plants), mystical contacts with sue like a shrimp and even bacteria. Backster
trees and a general connection with nature I got
the notion that plants communicate with each
other and their surroundings in ways that are
much closer to our dream state or expanded con-
sciousness states than we think. Just as I argue
that ritual comes to us from an animal level of re-
lating, I have the idea that dreaming (or a similar
virtual state) is a plant thing or at least the way
plants communicate with us in our dream state.
We owe, in this perspective, this capability to
dream (and lucid dream) to a much older life
form. It’s part of the evolutionary heritage of the Buddha in a tree (Photodisc)
plants rather than something that came to us with
self consciousness.
That plant communication and conscience is worded the implications of this research as:
much more refined than we think was argued in “Sentience does not seem to stop at the cellular level. It
the book “The Secret Life of Plants” by Peter may go down to the molecular, the atomic and even the
Tompkins and Christopher Bird (1973) where subatomic.”.
they mention all kinds of contacts between hu- Repeating the Backster experiment by other sci-
mans, animals and plants and among plants. The entists turned out to be difficult, a phenomenon
book is criticized as pseudo-science, but offers we see in many EPS-like experiments. He was
much understanding and sug gests methods and however able to prove in a laboratory that:
lines of reasoning I find convincing and use in
“there exists an as yet undefined primary perception in
this work, like dowsing. They mention that the
plant life, that animal life ter mination can serve as a re-
idea that plants have senses and respond with

motely located stimulus to demonstrate this perception The hypothesis that animals dream is based upon
capability, and that this perception facility in plants can the fact that there are motor movements, twitches
be shown to func tion in de pend ently of human etc. similar to the waking state, indicating a phe-
involvement.” nomenon similar to dreaming. Moreover animals
Publication of his research in a scientific journal often show up in human dreams with sometimes
and later in ‘National Wildlife’ attracted world- very realistic and important messages. Animal
wide attention to these findings in 1969. The dreaming occurs without the REM-eye move-
Tompkins & Bird book also links the chakras to ment we humans display, but then animals proba-
real body parts -the seven endocrine centers - and bly couldn’t afford the paralysis and low muscle
explains why these “hot spots” are so important. tone associated with that state.
Proposing that plants are dreaming sounds like a
Many gardeners or farmers communicate with very speculative guess, but dreaming and trees
their plants and notice similar phenomena, but it have a resonance in many cultures. There are
was the Scottish Findhorn community that trees where dreaming seems to be more intense
awoke the world to how effective communication or even lucid and there are many herbs that help
with plants could be. to dream.
The idea that plants have some kind of telepathic The use of plants to induce special dream states
capabilities might surprise many. Human arro- or enhance dreaming is well known. Specific
gance usually assumes we are evolutionarily supe- plants, often classified as oneirogens, have been
rior to plants and animals, but science is more and used to induce states of lucid dreaming by sha-
more nibbling at this anthropocentric view. mans throughout the world. As an example the
It is known that plants have some kind of Silene Capensis (African Dream Root) is a South
through- the-air communication, they communi- African plant regarded by the Xhosa people as sa-
cate through UV-photon emission, but there is cred, and used to enhance lucid dreaming. The
much more. Researchers in the UK (Univ. of Calea Zacatechichi plant labeled “The Dream
Aberdeen) have discovered an extensive under- Herb” is used by the Chontal Indian tribe of
ground network connecting plants by their roots, Oaxaca, Mexico.
serving as a complex interplant communication
system. They refer to it as a kind of “Plant Our ‘human’ dreaming of course has developed,
Internet". This happens by means of under- and changed to adapt to our tempo and psyche,
ground networks of a type of fungus called becoming a kind of link to the unconscious and
mycorrhizae that can transmit warning of threats inner child state. Moreover as we developed other
from pathogens, herbivores, and parasitic plants. means of communication it has lost, certainly in
This mycorrhizae-induced resistance is part of the West, its edge and importance. This doesn’t
plants’ systemic “immune response". The com- mean there is not a residue of communication
munication modes of trees by way of such sym- with plants in our dreaming. To my amazement,
biotic mycelium networks are believed to connect at a Gateway conference about Lucid Dreaming
large numbers of trees over large distances in in November 2013 in London a number of the
forests. speakers took my sug gestion seriously. Stan
There seem to be even more ways in which plants Krippner and other noted practitioners of OBE
communicate and in the light of their alleged sa- (out-of-body experiences), lucid dreaming and
credness and the psychoactive substances they shamanic journeying came up with insights, per-
con tain plant life might be ac tive in the sonal tales and experiences corroborating this
extradimensional too. Dreaming is a way to ac- view.
cess this, but as plants are much older than ani-
The tree as an element in myth and ritual
mals I speculate that both animals and humans
have inherited this dream-state or something The notion that plants and trees affect our state
similar to it from the plants and trees. of consciousness is not surprising. We see the
tree theme in many rituals. Many trees or groves

are considered holy and worth special attention. tions or treatment under trees, and how tree en-
They can help us in reaching the otherworld. ergy affects creativity, dreaming and journeying.
Farmers, shamans and priests of old knew this all We like to be in nature, but don’t seriously re-
along, holy trees show up in many cultures, the search why that is so good for us.
axial world tree is part of many cosmological Non-Western cultures use plants and trees in
landscapes. The world tree as the combined con- many ways, I know of Su ri nam sha mans
sciousness of all the plant life together and link- (Obia-man) who use the tree- and plant-spirits in
ing the worlds is a powerful image. their Winti-tradition which originated in West-
In the Bible we encounter the two Paradise trees Africa .
of Knowledge of Good and Evil and that of
Life. I tend to see the Biblical serpent not as the Dream technology, lucid dreams
devil but as an animal showing early humans the There are more dream states than just what most
psychedelic quality of cer tain fruits, thereby of us experience and sometimes remember as a
opening their minds up to visit to a mysterious and fascinating
self-consciousness, they lost world, where the rules of nor mal
their innocence. So the Bibli- reality do not apply. In a dream we
cal tree could as well be called can transcend the limitations of
the Tree of time, place and logic, but we still
Self-Consciousness. wander in a world with people and
The Tree of Life we also see situations that are strangely famil-
in the Jewish Kabbalah, com- iar, somehow related to deeper
bining many steps of the di- memories and our inner child state,
vine plan into one image. but using the imagery and events
There are numerous stories of what happened during the day.
about how sleep ing un der Lucid dreaming is awareness of the
certain trees influences your fact that you are dreaming. This
dream ing. Dream ing and awareness can range from very
trees have an ar che typ i cal faint recognition of this to some-
connection and as is so often thing as momentous as a broaden-
the case there is a re al ity ing of awareness beyond what has
grounding to this. The dream ever been experienced even while
of King Nebu chadnezzar Kabbalah: Tree of life awake. In the middle of a regular
(Daniel 4) about how he was a dream one can realize that they are
mighty tree that would be cut dreaming. Then there is the ability
down symbolizing his downfall as ruler exempli- to control the dreams, which is the most interest-
fies the understanding that humans have to let go ing part of lucid dreaming.
of the grandeur and material power (letting go of In the context of ritual, influencing the psyche
the ego) in order to find the true God. and notably inducing different states of con-
The sug gestion that there is a resonance between sciousness is a common practice. The results go
dreaming and trees or plants is maybe surprising, by many names, but the question is how much
but who doesn’t feel different and more quiet in a different a shamanic trance really is from a hyp-
forest? Do trees (and plants) indeed shield us notic induction or a lucid dream. There are differ-
from thought-waves or other energetic radiation, ences in the way we get there, in the level of self
is this why we keep them around the house and consciousness, the physical abilities or in the
like to have gardens and trees around a dwelling, a dreamscapes one visits. Are these however not all
palace or a graveyard? visits to an otherworld we are pressed to color
I am amazed that I could not find much about with personal projections as it is so utterly alien to
medical or parapsychology experiments in na- us.
ture, no reports about medical efficacy of opera-

Are the differences in (phenomenological) con- collegues like psychodrama, dream sharing and
tent and imagery not what we filter based on the role-playing.
archetypical or learned patterns in our memory? Divinatory dreams show up in many of the holy
Content and state have to be separated, as A. books and dream interpretation was an art proba-
Rock and S. Krippner in ‘Demystifying Shamans bly long before there was scripture. Deities
and their world’ (2011) argue. They warn that sha- dreaming up worlds and the universe are part of
manism tends to blur boundaries that investiga- many cosmologies. The Zhuangzi (369 BCE)
tors previously took pride in constructing. I am question:
inspired by the title of their book, this very book “Who is the dreamer who dreamed he was a butterfly?
can be seen as an attempt to demystify ritual. Maybe it is the butterfly dreaming he was a man.”
Dreaming and the more conscious variations like
indicated that dreaming a reality or reality as a
lucid dreaming are well known tools of shamanic
dream is not a very new concept.
cultures, but were part of the Sumerian and
After a long period of ignoring dreams and their
Egyptian culture and prophetic dreams in Juda-
meaning Freud, Jung and others gave a new impe-
ism and Is lam are ac ce pted as d i vine
tus to dream interpretation and how these mes-
sages from our unconscious have meaning for
Dreaming and dream interpretation have been
our well-being. In his first book, The Interpreta-
part of most of the magical and religious tradi-
tion of Dreams, Sigmund Freud postulated that
tions, many cultures don’t even separate the
dreams are wish-fulfillments, enabling the mind
dreamtime from the ‘nor mal’ time. They see the
to resolve internal conflicts (in accordance with
dreaming life as more ‘real’ and important than
his will to pleasure principle). This seems to be
the waking life, integrating their dream experi-
contradicted by the experiences of those with
ences into it. They don’t see it as an imaginative
traumatic neuroses, their dreams frequently bring
cognitive process or the elimination of “waste
them back to the traumatic event. According to
products” of mental infor mation processing, like
Freud this has little to do with their minds being
many Westerners. The Australian Aboriginals are
occupied with the traumatic events. He noted
well known, but also in cultures like the Mapuche
that instead trauma patients tend to avoid think-
in Chile dreaming is very much part of the every-
ing about their trauma during their waking hours
day life. Krippner states the purpose of the
and that the function of dreaming itself is
Mapuche dream as :
disrupted by traumatic experiences.
“A dream provides the Mapuche with information Jung looked a bit different at dreams and actually
about present or future actions of others on the dreamer, split with Freud due to their differing views on
guides decision-making and provides a rationale for the subject. Jung saw dreams as a way of commu-
one’s actions, and/or serves as a channel of communica- nicating and acquainting oneself with the uncon-
tion between the dreamer and other people, and between scious. Dreams are not attempts to conceal one’s
the dreamer and the spirit world.” true feelings from the waking mind, but rather
He compares their dream integration with a syn- they are a window, a link to the unconscious. They
thesis of 16 Native American dream systems, serve to guide the waking self to achieve whole-
where the purpose is: ness and may offer solutions to a problem one is
encountering in normal waking life.
“Dreams are sources of power (e.g., healing, hunting,
The understanding concerning lucid dreaming,
war), cultural knowledge (e.g., myths, rituals, songs,
OBE experiences, near death experiences and
omens) and/of personal information (e.g., occupations,
such has improved much since with people like
social roles, future events, guardian spirits). Hans Beger (EEG), Keith Hearne (lucid dream-
According to Krippner North and South Ameri- ing), Robert Monroe (OBE-hemisync), Michael
can tribes do not require systematic interpreta- Hutchinson (brain machines), Stephen LaBerge
tion of their dreams, their message is direct and (lucid dreaming) and modern brain scanning has
undisguised. Some tribal dreamworkers use tech- expanded this work even more. Experiments
niques similar to those used by their Western with sensory deprivation (John Lilly), psychedelic

states, smart drugs and much more have garnered served; in our dreams we can overcome the limi-
much interest and insights, although materialist tations of nor mal time. His book (with his wife
academics seems to ignore these findings. Lucile) called “Change your future through time
Personally, I got interested in all these technolo- openings” makes all kinds of claims about his
gies and possibilities to expand consciousness method and miracle cures, but is chaotic and
around the min 1980s. I even had a shop called hardly convincing.
Egosoft in Amsterdam for some twenty years, It is however interesting that he does acknowl-
specializing in products like hypnotic tapes, Mon- edge we can influence the future, that animals are
roe, hemisync music, isolation tanks, brain ma- maybe even better at it than humans and he co-
chines and smart drugs. Not only my own experi- mes up with interesting correlations. One of
ences with the products and techniques, but feed- them is that he indicates that a group of twelve
back from customers has been an inspiration for (or their doubles) can allow a thirteenth to reach
me and provided me with a network of contacts special levels of healing and consciousness, he re-
concerning this at a time these were esoteric and lates this to the 12 zodiac signs, optimally such a
certainly not mainstream techniques. group should consist of 12 people with different
zodiac signs. in his view an effective healer actual-
Doubling izes his healing potential in the present, bringing a
One of the stranger theories about how the uni- potential future to manifestation, with the
verse works comes from the French physicist J.P. limitation that this future is an available one.
Garnier-Malet. His Doubling Theory centers I see this as another way to say that healing is a
around the idea, that we (and everything exist) in kind of time-magic.
three different time dimensions and that we have
‘doubles’ in those dimensions and we can ex- Dream enhancing technology
change infor mation concerning our possible fu- In many temples and holy places of old there
tures with them in our deep REM-sleep state. He were both dream interpreters and special places
is one of the few that accept more time dimen- for dreaming. In the East lucid dreaming practice
sions, in line with my own approach. is called yoga nidra. Aristotle talked about lucid
This ‘doubling’ should allow for dealing with un- dreaming, so can assume that in many traditions
wel come and neg a tive fu tures and the dream ing was not lim ited to or di nar y
sleep/dreaming technique he advocates should dreamscapes. Induced and lucid dreaming, OBE
help to secure the best possible futures. This be- and probably hypnotic and various sound tech-
cause our dou ble has ac cess to dif fer ent niques were used, with or without the help of
time-scales and can scout both past and future at special substances. The procedures followed
a different (faster pace). He claims this is in line were likely ritualized, embedded in a cosmology
with modern physics, but has roots in the under- and belief system and the results analyzed for
standing of the old Greek and Egyptian sages prophetic and divinatory relevance.
and constitutes a fundamental but forgotten Present day dream and sleep labs use electrodes
aspect of existence. and other scanning devices, but today’s basic
There is some resonance of his idea of a double steps to achieve lucid dreams or OBE’s can
with the Egyptian Ka and with the notion of an- hardly be much different from the techniques
gels in many cultures. He notes that time goes used through the ages. Maybe people exploring
through certain phases, related to solar events such experiences don’t see them as ritual tech-
(precession etc.) and that this effects our grasp of niques, but the intent, planning, and aims are not
the future and how the various future options are casual. The procedures used to achieve these
played out. In that vein he predicted major dream states and the aim of obtaining infor ma-
changes in 2012, but also claims we can influence tion about the past or the future do qualify these
our destiny through what is essentially guided or techniques as ritual.
controlled dreamstates. His somewhat obscure Looking at the range of special (dreamlike) states
notions seem to relate to what J.W. Dunne ob- and notably OBE and Lucid dreaming, they share

so much in perspective, general landscape and Trance
that they can be placed on a continuum if not un-
There are strange paradoxes concerning altered
der one ‘state’ umbrella. By physicality I mean less
states. We can lucid dream, move around in the
than nor mal gravitation, reaching through walls
dreamscape and yet are being immobilized, our
but not through glass, more or less nor mal time.
muscles (apart from the eyes) limp, we can drive a
Lucid dreaming and OBE differ in initiation pro-
car while on LSD, we can be super-conscious and
cedure and initial perspective, but become much
unconscious of our physical body at the same
the same once beyond the initial stages.
The levels of dream control and dream aware-
In rituals, we explore altered states and this not
ness vary. Practice brings progress, and obviously
necessarily involves drinking strange concoctions
there are levels of achievement concerning vivid-
or being hypnotized. Dancing and drumming
ness, color, clear memory recall, recalling waking
around a fire, especially all night long, will bring
objectives, etc.. Phenomenological content and
most people in a special state. The rhythms and
state have to be dif fer en ti ated here, as I
the movement, exhaustion and group-mind
mentioned before.
bring about a deep sense of belonging, of being
Altered states of consciousness one with the group and the fire, and often a
trance-like state will arise.
Beyond the dream states most of us know and In many rituals the priests, the shaman, or the at-
sleeping and waking states, there are other states, tendants will get into a trance, a very special and
usually referred to as altered states of conscious- very personal state, an altered, often ecstatic state
ness, like the hypnotic state, trance, anesthesia, of consciousness. This is brought about by vari-
tripping. Altered states of consciousness and rit- ous means like dancing, drumming, fasting, isola-
ual touch in many ways. One could even say that tion, circular breathing, ingesting substances,
ritual is always aiming at reaching a non-nor mal meditation, pain and other hardship, etc. More
state of consciousness. people can get into this state at the same time, but
The old notion of a limited set of states has ex- it remains a very personal experience, even if one
panded and now people talk about shamanic accepts guidance of another entity that might
states of consciousness and psychedelic states. I have general or tribal significance.
even tend to think in terms of a spiritual or inner There are many ways to get out of your mind,
child state dif fer ent from nor mal wak ing meaning out of the nor mal consciousness, letting
consciousness. go of nor mality, the mask, pretention. We all
Also the notions of awareness and consciousness know the effects of alcohol, but were not wine
are not very well separated. Awareness is more re- and tobacco once sacred substances too. We see
lated to physical conditions, consciousness to trance states in many indigenous cultures, in cults
mental phenomena. like Voodoo, in ecstatic religions, but in modern
It might be better to talk about the level of times also in the Techno and House parties (with
self-consciousness and accept a sliding scale the help of amphetamines, etc). The frenzied
there, and then look at the content (or landscape) clubbing parties and festivals of today are seen by
to differentiate. The content of a shamanic jour- people like Hans Cousto as a modern ritual, at-
ney might be very different from a lucid dream tempting to reach another level of being and
but the level of awareness of self, body and voli- community through music, dancing, and drugs.
tion might well be in the same range. In other These otherworldly states, induced trances or
words, (shamanistic) trance might be an appro- other expanded conscious states are often used in
priate label designating a wider range of apparent healing, sorcery, and prophesy. In Antiquity, there
altered states of consciousness, as Krippner were many oracles such as the one in Delphi
stated. where contact with the gods was achieved
through people in trance, usually women called

Virgil describes the Delphian priestess (Pythia) in solalia) in a fifth chakra trance may look different
the Aeneid, as prophesying in a frenzied state : from the tantric sex act, but both are about letting
“...neither her face nor hue went untransformed; Her go of one’s ego.
breast heaved; Her wild heart grew large with passion. Trance modes are often accompanied with feel-
Taller to their eyes. sounding no longer mortal, she ings of omnipotence and power of and over time
and associated with the third chakra. In Hindu-
prophesied what was inspired from The God breathing
ism power and truth are central issues and clearly
near, uttering words not to be ignored”
third chakra energies. No wonder that Crowley,
This state for many has negative connotations, the Golden Dawn and Blavatsky) looked at the
we see it as something from “primitive” cultures. Hindu practices and were inspired by the siddhi’s
At the same time in Christianity there are many (magical achievements like levitation) of Eastern
saints who displayed such states. But then, ap- ascetic sâdhu’s; they considered the will as most
proved by the Church, it is usually described as important.
spiritual union or mystical experience. As I have noticed in the trance states resulting
There is, in the literature, little differentiation as from different psychedelics, different substances
to where the energy is focused. Very general indi- address different energy points and produce a
cations are used like calling it a trance. This lacks different “mystical” or “magical” focus. It’s a pity
specifying whether it might be a sexual, mental, that for instance in the Catholic church one
physical ag gressive, coyote-like or playful state. mostly has focused on the oceanic oneness or
Better indication of what is the source of the en- unitive state (love-heart chak ra), the Unio
ergy, the focal point, might help to understand Mystica as being the only acceptable mystical ex-
the differences in outcome and efficacy. One of perience. Sexual, mental, or prophetic trances
the problems is that the true connections with the were ignored, seen as devilish, and would not lead
otherworld in such a state is obscured because to sainthood. Of course the Christian faith is in
there is also theatrical perfor mance, there is a essence a heart chakra religion, other religions are
show aspect. Not ir rational, fake it till you make it related to other chakras like Judaism and Islam to
is a sound approach, but for the outsider or ob- the fifth chakra, regulating the interaction with
server confusing. The chakra model is useful the world and the deity. While the Unio Mystica
here; others methods like psychological typing state associated with the Christian focus has re-
might work as well.
In trance one lets go of the nor mal constraints of
morality, time, and place, but I think making it
more specific helps to differentiate. So there is a
sex-chakra trance, a third chakra trance of will-
power (sorcery), a heart-chakra trance of union, a
third eye chakra trance of total knowing (lucid-
ity-state), etc. Here I see the same problems as in
discussing mystical states.
When one talks about spiritual mysticism, usually
in a Christian context, in literature and media
there is this focus on Being God or part of God,
the union, the oceanic oneness. This is what one
finds in the poems and tales, even as one often ad-
mits this being essentially indescribable in words. ceived much study, literature, and canonization,
I however consider this as only a special state spe- the other states are ignored. It is a bit strange that
cifically relating to third chakra trance; there are as soon as one is accepted as mystic or holy (in the
other and quite different mystical states. They are church), all other more or less ecstatic experi-
all different, but do share the same root intention ences are labeled religious experiences no matter
of otherworld connection. Letting go of one’s what it is or what the trig ger is, whether it is pos-
identity and mask in speaking in tongues (Glos- session or inebriation. Sexual ecstasies are ac-

cepted given the right bearing, like being united around the deeper layers of inner child, higher
or married to Christ. The lucid trance state of self, etc., both trans-ego and pre-ego are applica-
knowing or seeing (6th chakra), which not only ble, both point to a deeper layer of the psyche.
transcends time as in prophesy but knows The higher up the chakra’s the more mystical: we
beyond the known, is often considered move from the very earthly to the very mental but
dangerous and heretical. this is a matter of convention. The shaman who
Mystical experience is often repressed by institu- gets into an animistic, first chakra trance is as
tional religion. Personal experience, and espe- much in contact with the otherworld as a Chris-
cially those who result in denying dogma or tian mystic in a state of quiet union or a Zen bud-
Church authority are seen as a threat to these dhist in a samadhi state. Letting go of the ego, the
structures, but often lead to alternative structures constraints of nor malcy, a kind of paradoxical
and religions. History is full of strug gles between control and yet detachment of body and mind is
people and organizations concerning the issue of what’s essential. The critical faculties that keep us
the personal versus dogmatic ethics. tied to rational reality have to be switched off to
There are religious teachings and traditions that allow entrancement.
do distinguish several stages or forms of ecstasy. Letting go of all worries and attachment, switch-
In Buddhism there are more trance states recog- ing off the control and con necting to the
nized: the eight states of trance together called otherworld is what is experienced as “Rapture”,
absorption. The first four states are Rupa, or ma- “Euphoria”, “Ecstasy”, or “Bliss”. This can hap-
terially-oriented, and the next four are Arupa, or pen intentionally as in a ritual context or just acci-
non-ma te rial, the whole lead ing to a fi nal dentally, in nature or because some kind of inner
saturation state. ”key" is turned. From practical experience I can
Yoga aims at attaining an ecstasy state called say that both ways can bring insights and growth
samâdhi. According to practitioners, there how- in consciousness.
ever are various stages of ecstasy, the highest be- Cultures have developed sometimes very com-
ing Nir vikalpa Samadhi. plex ways to arrive at such a state, like in the mys-
In Dionysian Mysteries, the initiates used alcohol tery schools in Greece (Eleusis). There are many
and intoxicants and trance-inducing dance and initiation rites aiming at an altered state.
music to get into a state of community, remove In very general terms, a real ritual with a magical
inhibitions and social constraints, thus liberating intent needs and aims at such a state of altered
the individual to return to a natural state with consciousness as the way to address the other-
some orgiastic aspects. world effectively. It’s part of the liturgic matrix,
Sufism sees spiritual ecstasy as a state of connec- whether this involves the whole congregation or
tion with Allah. Sufis rituals (dhikr, sema) use just some officiators. It doesn’t matter if it lasts
bodily movement and music to achieve the mysti- for a long period or is just a supreme moment like
cal state. This is not generally accepted in Sunni the Consecration in Catholic Mass.
Islam, but they do allow dream interpretation as
one of the few esoteric (magical) practices in How to get there
Islam. Achieving ecstatic trances is traditionally seen as
Trance and mysticism are the pursuit of commu- shamanic activity. It aims at such magical pur-
nion and even identification with an ultimate real- poses as traveling to heaven or the underworld,
ity, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct consulting and interacting with spirits, clair voy-
experience, intuition, or insight. One can de- ance, prophesy, and healing. The trig gers can be
scribe the mystical or trance state as trans-ego psychotropic drugs like ayahuasca, magic mush-
(transcending) or pre-ego, going back to the state rooms, peyote, datura, and cannabis in combina-
we had before the ego developed. This is how tion with ritual, music, dance, ascetic practices
Freud described it- he saw mystical experiences (pain, sweat ing), and art, spa tial plac ing
as regressive. In the general model I use in this (choreopgraphy) and visual designs to help con-
book where the mask(s) or ego is a defense centration and mental discipline. In fact the ways

and means to achieve an altered state are many, it from what the person knows or understands or
also de pends on the in ten tion and the dares to reveal in their ‘nor mal’ state. Then one
mindset.Buddhist meditation for instance is can resort to a ‘channeled’ or medium mode,
more solemn and dis penses wi th the stepping away from the responsibility of the mes-
paraphernalia. sage. I noted that many ‘channelers’ have (mask)
And many have such a trance or mysti- personalities that are very different from
cal experience seemingly accidental, as what they experience in the otherworld
in nature. state, using the medium mode is protect-
I believe however that careful investiga- ing the assumed self.
tion will reveal there were clear factors
fa cil i tat ing such an en try into the Mystical; higher or lower
Is the mystical state lower or higher than
In recent times many of these prac- our “nor mal consciousness”? Freud and
tices, often related to the psychedelic many materialists see it as falling back, re-
substances and rituals using them, gressing to a more primitive state, but
have come to the West. The Santo usually one talks about attaining a higher con-
Daime church, ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, sciousness. This implies that in our nor mal state
and the discovery of LSD and substances like we are only partially conscious, our mind is pre-
XTC has spawned a whole new strand of rituals, occupied with practical, material things, ‘lower’
often with psychotherapeutic aspects. Some of impulses. It operates in an automatic and often
these became street drugs used in clearly non-rit- neurotic mode most of the time. We are not
ual circumstances. “free.” The Russian mystical teacher Gurdjieff
The positive side of this is that psychology and called this ordinary condition “waking sleep”.
especially psychotherapy evolved through under- Our potential is not used, but by training we can
standing the processes involved and using the achieve higher states; he recognized five. To be-
substances in effective ways. Therapy sessions are come aware of this and progress towards higher
not called rituals, but often follow a similar struc- levels one can study, read and train, but one usu-
ture. In sports, much of the understanding of rit- ally needs the help or the tutelage of a teacher of
ual, visualization and programming has been a higher level (Guru, Rabbi, Sheikh, etc.) who
used to prepare athletes for competition. would oversee the progress.
Ecstatic experience is usually interpreted within Higher consciousness has many names, like
the context of one’s worldview and traditions. Super conscious ness (Yoga), objective con-
This ‘prior imprint’ is then projected onto con- sciousness (Gurdjieff), Buddhist consciousness
tact with otherworldly, supernatural or spiritual (Theosophy), Cosmic consciousness, God-con-
beings. We know of seeing Maria or Jesus, revela- sciousness (Islam, Hinduism), and Christ con-
tions, UFO abductions, angel-contact, access to sciousness. It comes with virtues such as toler-
the Akashic records; the tales differ. They are cul- ance, lucidity, patience, kindness, truthfulness,
turally colored, people see what they know. humility, and forgiveness. It is often believed that
It is usually tough to retain the insights gathered rig orous practice and training, discipline, vegetar-
there, although this capability grows with experi- ianism, and abstinence is necessary to get there,
ence. It happens that one comes back with practi- kind of forcing the inner from the outside.
cal infor mation, discoveries, practical insights, I however believe that this “holy” behavior is the
but these are then usually colored, filtered and natural result of a higher level of awareness. Most
adapted. Most of the time however the experi- really “saintly” people in history didn’t get there
ence brings some insight in one’s own behavior by training and following some doctrine. It just
and programming. This might, for some, lead to happened to them, often through rather heavy
conversions and fundamental lifestyle decisions. experiences, by accident (or Divine Grace) rather
The weight of what one discovers in this unusual than intention. Mimicking that what they then
state can be too much to swallow, too far away naturally display concerning food, behavior, etc.

in a discipline for their adepts in a practice, train- nology remained a tool for scientists, designer
ing situation, ashram or monastery is an interest- and architects. The idea was great, and maybe still
ing way to build a following and keep them in line, has a future as there is a new wave of interest in
but doesn’t seem to generate great numbers of what is now called augmented reality with special
truly independently and newly “holy” individuals. glasses. However, when 3D (on a flat screen, not
in a 3D interactive environment) became a con-
Immersion, ritual and Virtual Reality sumer electronics issue around 2010, it turned
Entering another world, immersing oneself in out that the same problems as with VR helmets
what is a virtual realm is not limited to ritual. hampered widespread acceptance. 3D is nice for
Many art forms aim at bringing one into a differ- a short while, has appeal in cinema, but for home
ent state, even books often make one feel to be in use it’s too tiring for most people and there is the
another environment, one enters a virtual world. slight risk of triggering epileptic fits.
Imagery, movies, theater, music, they all achieve Immersion as part of ritual has always been used.
some level of immersion and are thus used in rit- The Mystery School initiations like in Eleusis
ual contexts. Cyberspace these days is also an- were often a theatrical immersion experience, en-
other world, nearly another state of conscious- hancing the psychedelic effects of a still not
ness in the connection with others and the web. known drink that was given to the “Mystes”. The
In the late 1980s a technology was developed that setting of a ritual, with special garb, tools, decora-
allowed even further immersion, by using special tion and choreography had immersive effects,
headsets and software that would provide some amplifying the imagery and otherworldly state
feedback between motions of the user and the initiated by the drink. In many other cultures this
virtual world. Jaron Lanier, one of the pioneers immersion, intended as a pathway to giving up
of this technology, coined the word Virtual Real- identity, is accompanied by hardship, even torture
ity (VR). I was, as software entrepreneur and and terrifying circumstances. Pushing attendants
writer, quite involved in those days with the over the limen, the threshold into another state,
VR-scene, organized events and wrote a book obviously requires more than just a simple
about it (in Dutch) with the help of John Perry suggestion.
Barlow and contributions of Leary and many of
the VR-cognoscenti.
We all were, in the early 1990s, part of the Califor-
nian Mondo2000 scene, where many then leading
writers and researchers came together, interact-
ing and influencing each other‘s field with a clear
link to psychology and the psychedelic world. We
believed that VR would be the
psychotherapeutic tool of the fu-
ture. Psychedelics and VR had some
interesting parallels and overlaps.
Many researchers were inspired by
their experiences with psychotropic
substances and wanted to create vir-
tual realities that would have a simi-
lar effect. VR was seen as potentially
an electronic drug.
Due to some side effects (epileptic
fits in young children) the antici-
pated general acceptance of VR as a
new medium with high immersion
qualities didn’t happen. The tech-

33 Water; the essential

Water flows, water is time, change, the essential and purification, water is related to the West, and
Panta Rhei of Herakleitos, the symbol of periodic- associated with passion and emotion.
ity and of the human life. It’s the element that fluc-
tuates, has ebb and flood, is never the same and yet Water is essential to the life forms on earth.
loaded with meaning and infor mation. Water, or Where it comes from is as amazing as the quali-
the lack of it is what defines a culture, a life form, ties it brings to us. The lump of star-seed that the
us. No water, no rain, no life, no society, no earth was originally, might not have had water.
structure. The present idea of the cosmological order in
In a ritual context it should be there at the start and how the earth came to be is that we acquired the
the end and at the moment of time-bound trans- water because of frozen water in comets hitting
for mation. Water is the unconscious rhythm and the primordial earth. There is a lot of water out
drive in us, and in wter we are closer to our uncon- there in space, but earth is the only planet in our
scious, inner self. Water is life, the closest we come solar system where it is clearly visible, we are the
to the shadow of God’s love and being baptized is blue planet.
the moment this notion is bestowed upon us. Our life and consciousness depends mainly on
It is the medium we can use to look at the moon, to water. Our body is composed mainly of water.
scry and see beyond the form, beyond the veil of Many people do not realize how important this is.
the reality we think we perceive but also make. Do- Even many doctors do not know the importance
ing that we have a double of water, and that you can
mir ror that brings us insights heal the body with water. Of
in that what the sun tries to course water has been used
tell us, but is too heavy, too in ritual long before it was
bright for the human soul known as the H20 molecule,
during the day. but from its ritual use we
The four elements fire, air, might get an idea about what
water and earth represent water is more than the chem-
plasma, gas, fluid and solid, ical substance. And water is
the basic states of matter. I used in many rit uals, for
see correspondences like wa- baptism, cleansing, fertility
ter in com bi na tion with purposes, as a car rier of in-
earth is blood, water with air for mation or as the holy sub-
is the breath and as water is the infor mation ele- stance it really is. Water, the sea, the rain, we
ment, language. wouldn’t be here without this amazing fluid. And
Aristotelian physics, which recognized the four el- as water expands as it freezes, it has very much
ements added the fifth element (aether) as it was shaped the world by breaking up and eroding
necessary in this view to keep the lighter elements rocks, with ultimately sand and clay as a result.
fire and air connected to the heavy water and earth, The study nature of water is essential as it serves
a kind of additional gravity function. Aether, that also to describes the nature of consciousness in
fills space and composes celestial bodies intrinsi- matter; water is our most easily graspable exam-
cally moves in perpetual circles, the only constant ple of manifested love (will, divine purpose).
motion between two points.
The ritual cor respondences of water are many.
Water is a feminine energy and thus connected I don’t personally like water to drink, but I love
with the aspects of the Goddess and the Earth. It sailing and diving is not a hobby of mine. The
is associated with the color blue, and the Tarot suit surface of water is what I enjoy, immersion in it
of Cup cards. When used for healing, cleansing, might reveal my unconscious. I had some trau-

matic drowning experiences when young and eas- the wine merchants of the Galilee a bit worried,
ily panic when there is a lack of air like when water and another joke is that they conspired to put him
is poured on the stones in a sweatlodge. I grew up out of business because of his cheap wine
in a country where water is everywhere, with lots production.
of rain, and a language that has a sea-like quality,
where trade (an exchange) used to happen over the Another magical encounter with water was my
water, using the rivers, lakes ocean, canals as a car - participation in a couple of Kumb Mela’s in In-
rier. I live on the central European corridor of dia, where millions of people take a dip in the
trading and travelling by land, which Jaap van Till holy Ganges water. Certainly one of the largest
calls Corridoria. It is the area sur rounding the easi- ritual gatherings in the world, and an experience
est route to travel over land from Asia via Istanbul, that made a deep impression. It’s a massive bap-
the Danube and the Rhine banks to the North Sea, tismal plunge in which I of course partook and
using the waterways or on land leveled and eroded indeed felt as if a new life was beginning. As the
by the water. crowd is so large and of a single mind, the group
Just to illustrate my connection with water another energy was amazing, the soul of Hinduism and
personal story. I got interested in the special quali- the cleansing capacity of the Ganges water was
ties of water through some personal experiences laid bare.
with ‘charged’ water. As a physicist I was amazed at
what water quality in the esoteric sense could do. Water, the miracle molecule with the
Visits to Findhorn, where obviously nature re- hidden dimensions
sponded to care and love with abundant crops and Water is a miracle and we find new qualities all the
good results from homeopathic remedies sparked time. Chemically we describe it as H20, a combi-
my interest. Was water more than the chemical nation of oxygen and hydrogen, but in reality
molecule, could it carry information beyond the there are many more molecule forms in what we
tangible? call water. It is now known that in water there are
I then learned from Nick Franks (“21th Century many more immiscible liquid phases and crystal-
Radionics”, 2012) how radionics, extending the line forms and what looks like plain water can be
homeopathic notions, uses the pure infor mation a rather complex mixture. These newly discov-
to create healing remedies of all kinds and started ered forms of water and variations in the mole-
experimenting myself to ‘charge’ water. In combi- cule bonds maybe is the explanation of some of
nation with dowsing I kind of developed my capa- those yet unexplained capabilities of our most
bilities and came so far, that I could make homeo- essential treasure, like we see in homeopathy.
pathic varieties of psychedelic drugs. People Water is miraculous and reacts to intention and
would have a kind of trip drinking water I charged ‘brain waves’ . The approach used by Masaru
or imbued with the essence of the drug. It kind of Emoto is not very scientific and his background
worked, the feedback affirmed there were experi- questionable, but he can be credited for showing
ences similar to tripping, but not very deep. this to the world with his pictures of ‘charged’
However, when I told this to Stanislav Grof, one water crystals. He did illustrate that water has
of the founders of the field of transpersonal psy- memory, something Jacques Benveniste has
chology and quite versed in matters concerning shown more scientifically before him. Now this
LSD etc., he was interested. But he then pointed confirms what homeopaths too have been doing
out that the explanation could be that what I did as matter of daily practice: water can be used to
was maybe nothing but a hypnotic induction, using inform and remind the body of its own inner
the water as a tool. A sobering remark, but then did health.
it matter how it worked, as long as it did. I used to Water combines the principles of motion (H)
joke that making LSD out of tap water is a cheap and electromagnetic coherence (O) in its molecu-
and legal alternative to the real thing, pointing at lar structure. The importance of water is not that
what Jesus did with wine (and maybe he was an it is composed as H2O (two hydrogen atoms and
even better hypnotist). I think he must have made one oxygen atom), but as 2 H2O: two water mol-

ecules nor mally are in close connection. This is a matter that it is composed of, but the way it
result of their shape and polarity. The Hydrogen changes, the phase-shifts, in physical manifesta-
atoms are at an angle of 105° with respect to each tion. More important than the changes of water –
other, which gives the water molecule a kind of or matter – is the reasons for change. All these
boomerang shape. As a result, two molecules are changes take place because there are changes in
nor mally found together as one hand clasping an- the context, shifts affecting the inner balance. As
other. Between them they take up less space, yet this bal ance shifts, so does the form of
have room to move with respect of each other. manifestation of information.
This last bit is very important: the water molecules This again is very important: matter is infor ma-
link up two-by-two; and are thereby deter mined by tion in for mation. It is a manifestation of infor -
the angle of 105° that the hydrogen atoms make mation, which is consciousness. As the ‘universe
with respect to the oxygen in each water molecule. cools down’, infor mation in matter ‘heats up’.
But is that angle changes ever so slightly, the rela- The level of infor mation in manifestation
tive position between the two water molecules will (negentropy) increases, while the entropy (sec-
change also. This variation allows for storing in- ond Law of Ther modynamics) increases. There
for mation. Water exists thus most often as 2H2O, are ever more complex forms of manifestation.
which means that the relationship between the two This can be seen in the emergence of minerals,
molecules can deter mine the behavior of water as plants, animals and humans. This can be seen in
a fluid. Small changes in the relationship between water: water changes shape, form and manifesta-
the two molecules reflect important changes in tion according to the way the conditions around
energy and coherence. it change. When the heat or pressure goes up, wa-
ter adapts and becomes more fluid, vapor,
Infor mation plasma. When the ambience cools down water
Water not only stores infor mation: it is a form of assumes its own shape, deter mined by its own
infor mation, it is the negentropy catalyst. Water inner structure, and memories of its last context.
can do this because of the electric polarity of the
molecules and way the (pairs of) water molecules Esoteric and symbolic notions of water
differ and align themselves. Water is also a liquid Water has been recognized as a spiritual sub-
crystal, it can form invisible crystal constellations stance, as a fundamental correspondence cate-
in what looks like just water. It is the same property
of matter that is now being used in LCD (Liq-
uid-Crystal Display) screens. The water in our
body cells is not liquid, but more like to a gel (in
computing such materials are called Intelligent
Gels). Now in this book I argue all matter is a form
of infor mation (consciousness) manifesting in
spacetime; the universe as a whole is infor mation
in formation and manifestation, but water is very
By understanding water, we can understand more
of the universe as a whole: in water we see the
same changes in the main material phases (solid,
liquid, gas, plasma but more ag gregation states are
being discovered) as we see in the universe as a
whole (in reversed order: Big Bang, Cosmic Gas,
Liquid Stars, Solid Planets). By looking at water we
can therefore more easily grasp and understand
the same principles as we see in the manifestation
of the universe around us. What matters, is not the

gory long ago. This of course is because of its es- evolve or continue without liquid water, which is
sential qualities and usage, cleaning, watering why there is so much excitement about finding it
plants, drinking water, water and life are insepara- on Mars and other planets and moons. It is this
ble. Water as a symbol pops up in many esoteric fairly logical that water plays a central role in
practices, in ceremonial magic, in astrology as well many of the World’s religions and is essential in
as in typology of people. many rituals.
The Element of Water deals with everything relat-
ing to liquid, change and the frozen - physically Alive water
and psychically. Water flows, like the mind which Water is essential to life as we know it. Nor mally
constantly evolves, adapts, and grows. The Ele- life is limited to organic substances (containing
ment of Water is seen as a chaotic element, just like carbon and hydrogen) but in itself water is not
its counterpart, Fire but is not inclined towards de- organic, so how can we call it alive? But then what
struction. Water is not ag gressive and violent like do we really know of life, even as we are deci-
fire, but rather completely random and undecided phering the DNA of all kinds of organisms.
and a water-like personality can likewise change, There are computer programs that act surpris-
bend and go with the tide in another direction and ingly alive, and a computer virus spreading itself
is prone to repeat mistakes and successes. It is the all over, multiplying and even adapting to the
most unpredictable element, and a dangerous one, threads comes close to a biological virus in many
more so than even Fire at times. respects.
Water is change and represents transfor mation as The question of what life might be if it is not
it can come as a fluid, a sold or as steam and fog. confined to the organic sphere has been raised by
And it is because of this ability to change, adapt, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (“A Thousand
and evolve that the world has come to the point it Plateaus”, 1980). They expand the notion of life
is today, or would have died out long ago. to be closer to consciousness at large.
“There is nothing softer and weaker than water, “If everything is alive, it is not because everything is or -
And yet there is nothing better for attacking hard and ganic or or ganized, but, on the contrary, because the or -
strong things. ganism is a diversion of life. ”
For this reason there is no substitute for it." They also claim that organic life is like a subset, a
limited form of life.
Lao Tze in the Tao Te Ching, Ch. 78
Water is often perceived to be ordi- “the or ganism is that which life sets
nary as it is transparent, odorless, against itself in order to limit itself,
tasteless and ubiquitous. It is the and there is a life all the more intense,
simplest compound of the two most all the more pow er ful for be ing
common reactive elements, consist- anorganic.”
ing of just two hydrogen atoms at- They thus expand the interpreta-
tached to a single oxygen atom and tion of life and see organization as
thus one of the smallest molecules. a way life expresses itself, so why
H2O is the second most common not see social organizations as
molecule in the Universe (behind alive. Their notion of what they
hydrogen, H2) and in our body. We call a “Rhizome” as a mode of
use it all the time and mostly forget the special rela- knowledge and cultural interconnectedness that
tionship it has with life and our lives. Liquid water allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and
has many capabilities, it functions as a solvent, a exit points has some resonance with the way the
solute, a reactant and a biomolecule, structuring extradimensional in my three world model can be
proteins, nucleic acids and cells and controlling accessed, beyond duality, linearity, logic, locality
our consciousness. There is a hundred times as and time. A ritual could be seen as a Rhizome act
many water molecules in our bodies as the sum of using correspondences as hypertext-like links.
all the other molecules put together. Life cannot

Interesting enough, there are some experiments Flow forms
with anorganic life forms. A team or Scottish sci- Water, coming from the tap or even from a bottle
entists from Glasgow University are conducting of spring water, is not naturally clean or pure in
research which, they hope, will enable them to cre- the sense, that the powerful crystalline structures
ate life out of inorganic molecules. They have pio- that can hold infor mation and have a healing ef-
neered a method of animating inorganic material, fect, are distorted. By letting the water follow a
which they claim can replicate and evolve just like natural downflow, like in a small brook, can re-
an organic cell. store the original quality. There are flow forms
designed to achieve this apart from a process in
Matter of life nature. Another way to do this is letting sun- or
In an expanded view of what life is we touch of moonlight cleanse it or with crystal energy.
course the fundamental philosophical questions, A special kind of water is human pee, there are
like where does life come from, is life is core pro- spiritual schools were drinking morning urine is
cess of the universe or just a particular manifesta- advised, it would tell the body in a kind of feed-
tion of consciousness at large? If we accept that back loop what it doesn’t need. In a homeopathic
the earth has some kind of consciousness (the perspective it would be enough to just add a very
Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock and Lynn small amount like a drip of urine to a glass of wa-
Margolis), why not call it alive and then what about ter or tea.
the Sun etc. We are all stardust and everything is The esoteric and alternative qualities of water
connected to the extradimensional. concern its applications in health, healing, ecol-
I don’t think life emerges from dead matter by just ogy and awareness. Water has much more to of-
random combining, mixing and chemical reac- fer than the basic qualities in terms of purity,
tions, the cosmos has purpose and direction. Con- acidity, conductivity, pollution, mineral content
sciousness is the root of all, and even if the Higgs and other ‘classic’ physical and chemical yard-
boson is the vehicle for the collapse of the proba- sticks. There are other energies, structures, infor -
bility wave (and hence is called the God particle) mation contained in and related to water. Some
the question remains what causes Higgs particles of these are recognized and known throughout
to be. history, holy water has been part of most cultures
As looking at subatomic particles tells us some- and religions, but the rational Cartesian scientific
thing about the deep layers of reality, understand- model has discarded that as immeasurable and
ing and looking into the nature of water comes therefore bogus. That the quality of water is re-
close to looking at a the deep secrets of life. Doing flected in the growth of crops and therefore
this we have to step away from the materialistic some rational measure is possible, although
and reductionist notion that living organisms are time-consuming, is ignored or labeled as
composed of the same ‘dead’ inert matter that pseudo-science.
classical physics and chemistry has studied. All
matter in our body is alive, or the result of the life Bovis
that excreted the matter that the body (e.g. bones) However, the ‘hidden’ qualities of water have in-
is composed of. trigued many people and although not common
knowledge, a kind of esoteric water science has
There are in nature different kinds of water. Rain- emerged. Energy-water, Bovis scale, restructur-
water, spring or well water, morning dew, seawater, ing, clustering, micro-crystals, infor mation stor-
mineral water of various kinds, there are waters age in water, there are many angles. Quantitative
with special qualities like the Pakistan Hunza water results can be obtained that can be reproduced
that comes from a source thousands of meters and stand up to critical scrutiny. The radiesthesist
deep. André Bovis, looked into the energetic quality of
water and came up with a scale to measure this,
based on divination. This Bovis scale for calibrat-
ing water/food quality is a good example, it gives

a numeric indication of the holistic (not the chemi- an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show
cal) quality of water. The scale can be checked the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have
against tangible reality, not by the hardly scientific not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations
water crystal pictures of Emoto but by doing ex- of memory that remain valid after this particular point
periments with plants. The qualifications of water is taken into account….it attests to the limited vision of
obtained by a pendulum can be checked against the modern scientific community that, far from hasten-
“reality” by comparing the growth and health of ing to test such claims, the only response has been to dis-
plants given that water. Better water yields better miss them out of hand.” Brian D. Josephson,
crops. Not an easy or quick method but possible Nobel Laureate, Physics
and used by organic farmers.
These more hidden dimensions of water are im- Ritual use of water
portant as they can help reach new insights in what
water really is and how it can be used. This includes As water is one of the four or five essential ele-
a whole gamut of water aspects, ranging from the ments in many traditions, it is usually part of the
more or less ‘technical’ orientation to the very eso- ritual matrix. It is converted or charged into ‘holy
teric like those being able to charge water, gauge water’, sprinkled, used for baptism, cleansing,
water quality, see water aura/radiation or perform drunk and in most cased honored as the life-giv-
water rituals. ing substance. Rain, river water, the fertility cults
The Russians Profs. Kussakov & Deryagin point have usually associated water with life, rain com-
at “Poly Water”, a term coined by them to describe ing from the sky with the sperm of God. Very of-
the macromolecular clusters of water under cer- ten sacred places are located on top of aquifers,
tain conditions springs or close to rivers or lakes.

Alter native views about water Water is so fundamental and so miraculous that
Expanding our knowledge of water, beyond the even in the limited context of ritual a wide vista
basic chemical qualities of the H20 molecule, has opens. Water, rain, fertility, baptism, cleansing,
been an uphill strug gle, as the mere mentioning of water plays a major role in history, also as the ma-
magical qualities of water has usually been met jor factor in climate, fertility and thus in civilisa-
with ridicule and worse. The story of Jacques tion. The great flood or deluge shows up in many
Benveniste, who has tackled the issue of the myths and ancient texts, water is not only a friend
‘Memory of Water’ and came up with scientific but also a danger. We need water for crops,
proof of it but was ridiculed and had to give up his hydropower, to cool nuclear reactors, for fishing;
scientific career, is a case in point. major political issues have to do with water as the
In the study of water many people came up with supply of notably freshwater is limited in many
alternative views of some consequence. Samuel parts of the world and things don’t get better,
Hahneman, the father of homeopathy, made po- while at the other end the solar warming makes
tentiated water into a medicinal tool used by many, the sea level rise, flooding and tsunami’s threaten
but seen as quackery by most of the medical estab- the life of hundreds of millions near the
lishment. Many unknown qualities of water were coastlines.
discovered and described by Viktor Schauberger. A good example concerning the role of water (as
in rain) and how rituals around water shape a so-
“Criticisms centered around the vanishingly small num- ciety is the way the Maya culture was dependent
ber of solute molecules present in a solution after it has on rainfall and how this came back in their rituals
been repeatedly diluted are beside the point, since advo- and their social structures. Lisa J. Lucero in her
cates attribute their effects not to molecules present in the 2006 book “Water and Ritual; The Rise and Fall
water, but to modifications of the water’s structure. Sim- of Classic Maya” illustrates how traditional ritu-
ple-minded analysis may sug gest that water, being a fluid, als were used and expanded by politically ambi-
cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture tious rulers. She points out that rites concerning
would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, life, death, and renewal, key factors key in the
which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain Maya lives, like dedication, ancestor veneration,

and ter mination rites leave clear evidence in the ar- water is often ritually invoked to cleanse, to re-
chaeological record, while community, agricul- new to remove obstacles from our life. Baptism
tural, water, and other domestic and traditional by water has a similar purpose. This use is in line
rites take place in open areas or, in the case of wa- with rituals with other great gifts of nature, like
ter rituals at the edge of aguadas (rain-fed natural fire for transfor mation, earth for connection and
sinkholes), reservoirs, and rivers. salt for communication.
She presents a general model that articulates the In the context of a ritual water can become alive,
critical role of water and ritual in political systems, listen to thoughts or words (be charged) and re-
where political power is defined as the ability to ex- spond, become a communication medium, simi-
act tribute in the form of surplus goods and labor. lar to fire (Agni).
Whatever the route to political complexity, a mate- A setting that is befitting of water rituals is of
rial basis is required to support it, and ritual is key course a zone or place connected with a river, a
to explaining it. She remarks: brook or lake, also the sea. Stagnant, still water is
“Rulers need not own critical resources or even control less appropriate, it’s the movement of the water
their access per se. What they do need to provide, however, that corresponds to the cleaning. If we see our
is water during drought, food during famine, and capital life like a river, a water ritual can help to get rid of
pollution, of obstacles in the stream of our life.
to rebuild water or agricultural systems damaged, for ex-
Identifying worries or problems with small items
ample, by flooding. They also need to have the wealth or
to be thrown in the water and taken to the sea is
means to perform the necessary rites of continuance and
then a similar symbolic act like throwing them in
plenty. When agricultural regimes yield less food for what-
a fire to be transformed. As we release obstacles
ever reasons, people abandon their leaders, whose rituals by removing them in such a way, this makes room
have failed to bring forth prosperity.” for empowered, proactive energies to take their
The rainfall dependency and the degree to which place, like energies that propel us towards our
people rely on water or agricultural systems was most profound power and highest level of being.
very high in the Maya culture. She ascribes the Water has a central place in the practices and be-
downfall of the Maya to long-term cli mate liefs of many religions for two main reasons.
changes and notably lack of rain. Firstly, water cleanses, but secondly, it is a symbol
The level of reliance on and scale of water reser - and ingredient of life itself, an essential building
voirs had a significant impact on the degree of rul- block. We are at the mercy of water just as we are
ers’ political power, but Lucero notes that it were at the mercy of our God or gods. Water washes
the large scale rituals in a setting of monumental away impurities and pollutants, it can make an
public architecture and large plazas were the object look as good as new and wipe away any
means to integrate people through ceremonies and signs of previous defilement. Water thus purifies
feasts, affirming the ties of the kings to the super- objects for ritual use, but also can make a person
natural world and their ability to ensure an ade- clean, externally or spiritually, ready to come into
quate amount of rain. This water was then for use the presence of his/her focus of worship.
during the long dry season.
Around AD 850-950 the climate changed, there Deluge myths
was less rainfall and the Maya rulers lost both their The great flood stories, the memory of a deluge
claim to supernatural power and their temporal au- willed by God to rectify humanity is a theme in so
thority. Water and ritual were the key factors in many traditions and seems so universal, that
how the classic Maya rulers kept their power and there must be a historical ground for it, some
lost it. huge disaster in a distant past. The biblical story
of the Great Flood is told in Genesis 6-8. The
Ritual water performances story of the Great Flood of Manu, somewhat
In the context of performing rituals to help similar to Noah appears in Hindu scriptures.
rebalance our lives, shift energies, and experience
an overall positive transfor mation, the element of

Holy water, living water Ritual washing and cleaning
Some faiths use water especially prepared for reli- Water cleanses and purifies. Taking ritual baths in
gious purposes (holy water in some Christian de- rivers or holy wells is commonplace, like the
nominations, amrita in Sikhism and Hinduism). Hindu’s washing themselves in the Ganges.
Holy water is basically water which is blessed, a Faiths that incorporate ritual washing (ablution)
blessing or invocation said above it. The use of wa- include Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikh-
ter other than for baptism goes back to the 4th ism, Judaism, Islam, the Bahá’í Faith, Shinto,
century in the East and the 5th century in the West. Taoism, and many smaller groups like the
The custom of sprinkling people with water at Rastafari and Surinam Wintis movement. In
mass began in the 9th century. At this time many Pagan traditions water is considered a
‘stoups’, basins for holy water from which people sacred and holy item.
could sprinkle themselves on entering a church, A ritual bath in pure water is performed for the
were in common use. Holy water is also used at dead in many religions including Judaism and Is-
blessings, dedications, exorcisms and burials. lam. In Hinduism, after burning a dead body the
Many religions also consider particular sources or remains are thrown in the water (preferably the
bodies of water to be sacred or at least auspicious; Ganges again). In Islam, the five daily prayers can
examples include Lourdes in Roman Catholicism, only be done in most cases after completing
the Jordan River (at least symbolically) in some washing certain parts of the body using clean wa-
Christian churches, the Zamzam Well in Islam and ter. This in line with Mosaic law that required that
the River Ganges in Hinduism. designated individuals, to ensure religious purity
This can be done on a purely virtual level, by just receive a ritual washing (ablutions), sometimes in
ritual means, or by extinguishing a holy flame in preparation for entering the temple. In the
the water, but adding salt, certain herbs (Vervain) animistic Japanese Shinto, water is used in almost
or streaming it over gold or crystals is quite com- all rituals to cleanse a person or an area.
mon. The consecration of holy water can be part Not only people are cleansed, also deities (or at
of a larger ritual or it is prepared beforehand. least representations or statues) are immersed,
The charging of the water is done in a tradition thrown into the sea or the water.
specific way, but invoking the four corners, the For Buddhists symbolism and ritual makes no
four elements or the seven directions plus the spe- sense because it would only emphasize the reality
cific deities related to water is usually part of the of unreality. In Zen, ritual practices are seen as fa-
matrix. natical, provisional teachings. Some use of water
The preparation of holy water is usually a matter sneaked in, like in Buddhist funerals where water
of blessing it and sometimes adding some salt or is poured into a bowl placed before the monks
herbs like Vervain, also to keep the holy water hy- and the dead body. As it fills and pours over the
gienically sound. Other methods are streaming it edge, the monks recite “As the rains fill the rivers
over silver, gold or crystals or exposing it to the and overflow into the ocean, so likewise may
moon. The Christian churches do not have a mo- what is given here reach the departed.”
nopoly on the phrase “holy water,” and many Pa- The Moon Method
gans include it as a part of their magical tool collec- The moon, as I indicated in the beginning of this
tion. It can be used in a variety of ways, but is often chapter, is linked to water. The color of the moon
incorporated into blessings, banishing rituals or is not gold like the sun, but is often associated a
cleansing a sacred space. silver. This is more obvious if one looks at the re-
Sea water is often believed to be the most pure and flection of the moon in water. In some traditions,
sacred of all types of holy water - after all, it is pro- the moon’s energy is used as a way of consecrat-
vided by nature, and is a powerful force indeed. ing water to make it holy and sacred by placing it
The “living water” that Jesus described himself as outside on the night of the full moon. A silver
is important image of water for Christianity. coin is often placed in the water.

Baptism temescal, also as a preparation for a variety of
Ritual baptism has been described in the chapter other ceremonies.
about sacraments, it marks the beginning, the initi- Water Deities and Gods
ation of a new phase. Al most all Christian Water deities or minor deva’s are a focus of wor-
churches or sects have such an initiation ritual in- ship at specific springs or holy wells, but there are
volving the use of water. In the early church bap- also more abstract water, river like Yoruba river
tism was usually performed with the person stand- goddess Oshun and ocean deities, and Gods rep-
ing in water and with water being poured over the resenting “water” as an abstract element, such as
upper part of the body. This was called ‘immer- Aban in Zoroastrianism and while calling ‘father’
sion’ but today this refers to dipping the whole Rhine has some deep meaning, while Neptun is a
body under water which is used, for example, by sea-God we all know and what abou the Greek
the Baptist and Orthodox churches. In most West- Oceanus and Poseidon.
ern churches today the baptism is performed by Hinduism has seven sacred rivers, the Ganges,
pouring water over the head three times (affusion) Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu
and sometimes sprinkling water over the head and Kaveri. All Hindu faith variations do share is
(aspersion). their use of water attain purity and avoiding pol-
Baptism in Judaism has its origins in the symbol- lution. Holy places for pilgrimages are usually lo-
ism of the Israelites being led by Moses out of cated on the banks (or sources) of rivers, coasts,
slavery in Egypt through the receding waters of seashores and mountains. Sites of convergence
the Red Sea and from the baptism of Jesus by (sangam) between land and river or two, or even
John. In Christianity, the baptism of Jesus by John better three, rivers, carry special significance. Sa-
the Baptist in the Jordan, marking the inauguration cred rivers are thought to be a great equalizer.
of Jesus’ earthly ministry, is an important moment The Ganges river is the most important of the sa-
in Christian theology. Theophany or Epiphany on cred rivers, its holy water is used in puja rituals. In
January 6th is the third most important feast of the the Ganges the pure are made even more pure
Church, following Easter and Pentecost. Immer- and the impure have their pollution removed if
sion (or aspersion or affusion) of a person in water only temporarily. The Kumbha Mela is a pilgrim-
is also part of the practice of Judaism (mikvah) age of Hindu devotees and is held every three
and Sikhism (Amrit Sanskar). years at four different places in turn, believed to
Ritual purification is a feature of many religions be where drops of amrta - the nectar of immor-
and are known from the earliest religious systems tality - fell to earth during a heavenly conflict. For
of the Ancient Near East. The aim of these rituals Hindus, morning cleansing with water is a basic
is to remove specifically defined uncleanliness, not obligation.
necessarily dirt or stains, prior to a particular type In Islam water is important for cleansing and pu-
of activity, and especially prior to the worship of a rifying. Muslims must be ritually (tahara) pure be-
deity. They are thus not a physical cleaning act or fore approaching God in prayer (salat). Ghusl,
done to prevent disease spreading (it does help), the major ablution, is the washing of the whole
but originate in taboos (blood) or maybe even in body in pure water, after declaring the intention
the personal grooming behavior of the primates to do so. Muslims are obliged to perform ghusl
and other animals and may have neurological after sex which incurs a state of major ritual im-
roots, think about obsessive compulsive disorder purity. Ghusl is also recommended before the
behavior. Friday prayer, the two main feasts, and before
Hot water touching the Koran. Ghusl must be done for the
Usually cold water is used, but heating water (to dead before they are buried. Wudu, the minor ab-
dissolve herbs) is also common, it unites the ele- lution is performed to remove minor ritual impu-
ments of fire and water. In the tradition of indige- rity from everyday life, like before each of the five
nous peoples of the Americas, one of the forms daily prayers. The third type of ablution is per-
of ritual purification is a sauna like procedure, formed when no water is available and then clean
known as a sweatlodge or in the south as a sand may be used.

34 Ritual Tools: Gold, Prayer, Wands

Beyond water there are very few substances, tory in alchemy that indicates there is more to it
things or acts that are not in some way used in rit- than just some chemical qualities and metallurgi-
ual, symbolically or in tangible form cal qualities and rareness.
and are thus part of the ritual ma-
trix. It would require more space Gold; the secret qualities of more
and volumes to describe all possible than a noble element
tools and implements used in ritual, I am for a long time fascinated by gold, as
so in this chapter I will deal with a it has qualities that are not commonly
few important tools and substances. recognized but play a distinct role in ritu-
Fire of course is a very general tool, als. Of course gold is an easy metal to
and deserves a special volume in handle, it is rather heavy, it doesn’t nor -
this book. mally decay or oxidize and it’s both rare
enough and not rare enough to serve for
There are tools and elements of the minting. It is soft, shiny, malleable, and
ritual matrix that are more or less ductile metal, with the symbol Au and
standard. There are the material atomic number 79 and very dense, 70%
things, like having some kind of an heavier than lead. It has always had value,
altar, the general layout involving a although the present price per troy ounce
fire place, magical circles, but also far exceeds the value it had in history, due
implements and tools like the cup, to speculation, hoarding, use as security
the wand and the sword. They show investment and increased usefulness as a
up in many traditions, think about stable conductor in electrical devices.
tools like drums, musical instru- However, there are other rare and noble
ments, candles, pentacles in many materials with similar qualities, like plati-
forms, knives, feathers, in cense num, that are also valuable, shine and re-
burners, and of course many materials and tools semble the sun, but are less the subject of
with a symbolic cor respondence. In any book on speculation and greed.
witchcraft or magic these tools are described, of- Gold has always had this magical aura, beyond
ten in great detail and sug gestions are given how the rational qualities. True, it shines and looks like
to incorporate them in rituals. Also the anthro- the central lifegiver, the sun, when polished, and
pologists have covered the use of tools in all can be found in a fairly pure forms, different from
kinds of cultures and there would be most metals one can find a “na-
little new insights I could contribute. tive” nug get of gold in a river bed
There are also less visible elements, that and pick it up without tools and
we encounter in rituals, like meditation, melt it on a open fire, but what is
silence and prayer. They are hard to iso- the magic of gold? I believe there
late, but it is clear that silence at the is a true secret side of gold, that
right moment can be very powerful. there are qualities of this metal
Again a lot has been written about that modern science has ignored
meditation techniques, so I will con- and have been lost over time, but
centrate on sharing my notions about a were once recognized and this awareness still
few tools only, being gold, prayer and magic lingers on.
wands. Qualities that have much to do with accessing the
extra-dimensional realm, where magic and the
I will share some unusual ideas about a material spiritual reigns. I have discovered these qualities
quite often used in ritual context and with a his- through a series of synchronistic experiences and

meetings, it feels like I have a kar mic connection niques even point at exchange with the Americas,
with gold. and recent finding of coins in Australia indicate
that there were visitors there long before the
Just to start off with some archeological facts. Dutch discovered the continent in 1606. The
The wizards or priests of early Europe (800-1500 Phoenicians (Canaanites) were known to travel
BCE) wore hats of gold intricately embellished extensively over sea, the Egyptian got Cedars
with astrological symbols that helped them to from Lebanon in the third Millennium, and sick
predict the movement of the sun and stars, this people travelled to Stonehenge from all over
according to an article in the Telegraph in 2002. Europe.
This solved the mystery behind a series of
strange yet beautiful golden cone- shaped objects One of the amazing sciences of those times was
discovered at Bronze Age sites across the astronomy, they knew a lot about
Europe. Historians at Berlin’s Museum the celestial movements, more than
for Pre- and Early History claim to have they could nor mally find out with
established with near certainty that the the limited obser vational tools we
mysterious cones were originally worn as think they had. The accuracy of
ceremonial hats by Bronze Age oracles their calendars is amazing, the Maya
(king-priests). The researchers discov- one is now widely known, but there
ered that the 1,739 sun and half-moon are old Indian scriptures like the
symbols decorating the Berlin cone’s surface Bhagavata Purana (5th book) that show insight in
make up a scientific code (logarithmic table) distances, relations and even knowledge of things
which cor re sponds al most ex actly to the unknown in the West till recently. How did they
“Metonic cycle” which explains the relationship know? I will not go into speculations about this
between moon and sun years and gives the ability like those of Zecharia Sitchin, but maybe the old
to predict accurately the correct time for sowing, folks had a better link with the all and could ac-
planting and har vesting crops, an impressive cess infor mation in a different way than we now
piece of astronomy. This kind of indicates that with our rational equipment.
the late Bronze Age was a far more sophisticated
period in Europe than assumed. Monuments, re- These cold cone hats mentioned before thus
cent excavations, artifact dating and results from were ritual implements of some sort, but within a
DNA tracing also indicate that Europe in those context of astronomical and maybe even astro-
days was a far more connected place than we logical understanding. Now astrology is consid-
thought, there was a lot of cultural exchange. ered a pseudo-science, but isn’t there also a rela-
Places like Stonehenge were not only ritual mon- tion with those extra-dimensional senses? I have
uments but served more like healing places and known for some time, based on (subjective) ob-
were visited by people seeking help from all over ser vations during grand conjunctions, that each
Europe, and this from 2500 BCE and maybe ear- planet gives off dis tinct and rec og niz able
lier. A new perspective emerges on how culture energetic rays/ waves.
has spread from a core in Mesopotamia or I could feel the difference between the planets as
Northern India across the Eurasian continent, they moved in and out of the line of sight. I for a
with far more traffic and exchange than was as- long time suspected that wizards hats were one
sumed. It is amazing to discover, how the people means of isolating specific planetary or stellar en-
of the second and third millennium BCE shared ergies, a kind of energy telescope. The gold cones
so many words (language), technologies, astro- and the interpretation of the symbolism on them
nomical insights and philosophical and religious bolsters my view. The shaman, priest or wizard,
practices. The cor relations between building knowing were the star/object was on the sky,
styles, ritual practices and initiation rites are indi- could with such a gold cone hat as now have been
cating this was maybe not such a primitive era at identified isolate that energy from the other
all. Amazing similarities in construction tech- rays/waves reaching him and thus concentrate on

what message could be deducted or received But gold is used in many ways, is it possible that
from that. But walking around with a gold hat gold shields or conduits something we can indi-
would be too obvious, so I therefore think, that cate as thought-waves or brain fields? The use of
such a gold cone was inside the more well known gold to shield or direct certain energy patterns
black hats we traditionally see in pictures. and notably (chi or zero point or other dimen-
sional or neutrino/quark) thought fields is the
Back to the gold, these artifacts that show that only reasonable explanation for things like
gold was used in magical implements in a special crowns, gold embroidered gar ments, gold woven
way. Now I knew, even before these finds, that into underwear (the pope has some, especially
gold was special, based on experiences in gold made for him from fine hemp by nuns in Ger -
plated underground rooms and the special feel- many, they would not sell me any of that except
ing of raw gold nug gets I possessed. I had written with authorization of a high ranking cardinal,
and made television programs about the idea, which later became pope Benedict), and gold
that gold had something to do with access to used in jewelry. Shielding, focusing, protecting or
other dimensions and notably thought waves enhancing, the form would be a factor, the same
as in antenna’s. In general, the form, number of
points and construction of a hat, crown or tiara in
this perspective then decides its function and ef-
fect upon radiation (thought energy etc.) and so a
kings crown would have a different effect than
the one of an emperor. A jester’s hat is an inter-
esting variation. If it has gold or maybe other pre-
cious metal weaving or lining inside it, in the right
hands and with proper training and sensitizing,
could be used to pick up on the thought energies
of others.
So why would gold be special, and in such a way
that even modern scientific methods would not
reveal this? In fact science does know about
transmutation of lesser metals in gold, there are
processes that happen in atomic reactors, but as
these are radioactive process, nobody seriously
considered producing radioactive gold, let alone
start parapsychological experiments with such
material. There are some medicinal uses of gold
(salts and nuclear medicine, radio-isotopes) but in
the past gold was used more broadly in healing
and many still praise it’s effect in things like colloi-
dal suspensions. Gold is known as a good reflec-
tor (shield) of heat and electromagnetic radiation
Gold and isotopes in the periodic table of elements such as light and all kinds of radio waves, it is
often used as a protective coating.
I argue that the specific quality of gold as a bridge
since the early nineties. This finding of these to extra-dimensional “radiation” like thoughts
golden wizard’s hats offered some more “solid” lies in its (radio-)isotopes, there are some 17 of
proof of my theory/postulate about magician’s them and they are not very stable.
hats, that these are devices to channel specific ra- The most stable 195Au isotope has a halftime of
diation like stellar or planetary energies to the 168 days. I suspect that the whole alchemical pu-
magician. rification process of gold (similar to what is sug -

gested in the Vedic traditions) has to do with the Prayer: intention field optimization
isolation of isotopes, maybe in combination with
One of the virtual tools in the ritual matrix is
the mono-atomic Ormus gold. These isotopes
prayer, talking aloud or silently to the powers
are still present in native crystalline gold nug gets,
above, praising, thanking or asking for favors. We
which gives these a special value. In general trans-
may safely assume that ever since the dawn of the
mutation of materials is a nuclear process (it hap-
human race prayer has been part of religious or
pens in stars and the sun) and involves radioactive
spiritual practice, and it is and was, in whatever
decay. Now most people think radioactivity is
form part of most rituals. Even when, as I think,
dangerous, but this is a matter of dosage and mild
ritual was there before religion and ego-identifi-
amounts of radioactivity can be even beneficial.
cation, there must have been a feeling that alone
The study of the long term effects of atomic di-
or with a group one could access the beyond, ask
sasters have indicated that we can handle moder-
for help, rain, game or whatever or thank for
ate amounts of radiation and even benefit from
whatever good happened.
it. One of the most active experimental alche-
Whether wishing for nature’s help, imploring a
mists of our times, Art Kunkin, claims that the
pantheon or asking for the help of One God -
secret of the Philosophers Stone lies in the radio-
praying has always been a way to connect to the
active effects of certain materials, he used the
otherworld, often in an attempt to cause changes
uranium containing peckblende for his
in the present or future. Like many other forms

Gold is thus special, valuable beyond the material

qualities, it has secret qualities that seemingly
were known or sensed by the sages of old. This
understanding got lost, at least I have never
found any reference to it. So the non physical se-
crets of gold remained hidden, apart from some
recent work with a special phase (ag gregation
state) of gold. Mono-atomic gold (also mon-
atomic or Ormus) is a white powdery substance
with very special physical characteristics, that re-
ceived some attention for esoteric qualities and
seemingly was known to older cultures, notably
ancient Egypt. It was rediscovered by David
Hudson and is claimed to have all kind of special
at trib utes like su per con duc tiv ity and bring
super-psychic abilities and is supposed to be the
white philosophers stone or elixir of life.
What interest me here, even while the whole story
is not very reliable, is that there are more phases
Prayer and devotion (Photodisc image)
than the plasma-gas-fluid-solid ones and here a
whole field of explanations of strange phenom-
ena becomes visible. This story about gold is rele- of practical magic, it is essentially time-magic,
vant in the sense, that it illustrates there might be asking for something to be different in the future.
hidden values or truths in ritual practices we don’t Nowadays praying is not a very popular word in
recognize anymore. It’s easy to label certain cor- science, we like to talk about intention fields, vi-
respondences as superstitious or ignorant, but sualization techniques or the “secret” to getting
sometimes we have to look a bit better, there is a what one wants (attraction field), but it really all
hidden truth. comes down to the practice of magic to alter real-
ity, now or in the future. In the past, this was the
domain of shamans, sorcerers, priestesses and

churches; today we have ESP and parapsychol- works. As praying and love are related, I like the
ogy researchers trying to prove that praying following quote of PierreTeilhard de Chardin:

Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and grav- name would do. Some large scale experiments
ity, we shall har ness the ener gies of love, and then, for concerning human consciousness are going on
the second time in the history of the world, man will dis- and have yielded substantial evidence that the hu-
cover fire. man mind, reacting to events, influences other
systems, notable random number generators

The Global Consciousness Project (RNGs).

To study the effect of prayer one could analyze These are computer software programs which
results of healing or could how many more cows undisturbed render a series of numbers that are
someone would have as a result of regular prayer, equally divided, the statistical distribution is not
but this doesn’t yield so called scientific results. skewed in any direction. The idea behind the
Now we can assume that mind-energy, con- Global Consciousness Project with many RNG’s
sciousness and attention do have some resonance all over the world, supported by the Institute of
with prayer, there are subtle interactions that link Noetic Science, is that when human conscious-
us with each other, with nature and the earth. I ness becomes coherent and synchronized, the be-
have indicated this as thought-waves, but any havior of random systems may change. So they

expected that when a great event synchronizes cerned with. This is not to say that prayer, as one
the feelings of millions of people, the network of pertinent technique, has not been researched. In
RNGs becomes subtly structured, the numbers fact there are numerous studies substantiating the
are no longer random. This in fact happens and claim that prayer works, to say the least. Proving
this is taken as a signal that there are changes in that it works, let alone explaining how it works
what Teilhard de Chardin called the noosphere, however is not an easy thing, since it involves a
the unifying field of consciousness. Of course dramatic paradigm change. I explained in the
this doesn’t prove much beyond that there is a chapter about time that magic (and thus prayer)
correlation, and other explanations cannot be ex- seems to work outside of the nor mal linear time
cluded, but it is one of the first major scale dimension in a special bidirectional time dimen-
measuring projects. sion; from the present we are able to influence the
The GCP is basically about attention, the read- past (retro-causality), the future (the general
ings go up with events like major accidents, disas- notion of magical efficacy) and the present itself.
ters and such, the aim is not to influence the situa-
tion as in prayer, the changes are attributed to the Prayer studies
reaction of some kind of field to events that just Few will call prayer a magical ritual act, but of
happen or are planned like Olympic Games. The course it is, we seek miracles. Prayer is, like
9/11 disaster does score in the list of results, but dreaming, that other source of parapsychological
not so prevalent as one would expect. The hope understanding, a bit more tangible than outright
of the GCP people is that once the link between magic and doesn’t unduly stretch the credibility
events and thoughts (consciousness) is clear, that of its researchers. There is quite some scientific
large scale group consciousness has effects in the study of prayer/intent and this has yielded many
physical world, we can make the step toward in- interesting results. They usually follow the rules
tention, working toward a brighter, more con- of rational, time-bound causality for as far as re-
scious future. There are already a number of peatability or verification and the use of instru-
more directed events recorded, like massive ments and methods is concerned. People like Ru-
group mind meditations, that show intentional pert Sheldrake, Lynne McTaggart (in her books
effects. The Field and The Intention Experiment), or
Praying is intention Stan Krippner have developed and described in-
Not only because of the GCP, but I assume tricate methods to prove telepathy, healing effects
prayer works. Something that has such an univer- or intention fields, but they stick to the scientific
sal appeal and is part of all religions and holy paradigm. That’s a pity, in some respect, as they
books cannot be mere superstition or self-hyp- don’t use the tools of the trade they are studying.
notic. There are, like in all ritual acts, beneficial In this chapter I take a different route, using an in-
psy cho log i cal and so cial ef fects (in clud ing tuitive method (dowsing) to establish the dimen-
self-delusion) and those alone make prayer sions of intention fields. Now thinking in terms
worthwhile, but this should not blind us for the of a matrix or model of dimensions and charac-
magical side of prayer. teristics indicates a leaning towards the scientific
Research into the efficacy of praying (or inten- model, while I am allowing for a certain measure
tion fields) means studying one of the core prac- of freedom to consider aspects otherwise outside
tices of magic. In a broad sense, magic can be of the range of classical science. The results men-
seen as the art and science of influencing reality. tioned here were obtained by dowsing and as
Some might call it perceived reality, but where lies such influenced by the personality of the dowser
the difference? A Buddhist would say that all per- (me), his mood, experience and quality as a
ception is deception (Maya) anyway. What mat- dowser, as well as his projections and a priori be-
ters is that magic uses the invisible to influence liefs. The result is not only a body of specific data,
the visible and tangible, using techniques and however erroneous and subjective; what emerges
methods far outside the rational, linear or unidi- is a framework of dimensions open to further
rectional time paradigm most science is con- testing or investigation. The resulting matrix

somewhat resembles Mendelejev’s Periodic Ta- effective than others. Others, sometimes men-
ble of Elements, as it engenders a structural im- tioned in the literature, seem relatively unimpor-
age of what intention fields entail. (The word tant. Also it is possible, that the most appropriate
“field” is used for lack of a better image to descri- brainwave frequency is closely related to being in
be this phenomenon.) the inner child state and then the data point at a
When asked what an effective intention field is related quality. The specific frequency that seems
made of, people mention things like faith in the the most effective lies in the so called Alpha
healer, belief in healing, group interaction, cul- range, and this is quite a bit higher than the states
tural background, the physical and psychological usually associated with meditation, Samadhi etc.
state of the person saying the prayers, ritual con- Brain waves have been grouped according to
text, specific words or visualizations. They also their frequencies and labeled with Greek letters.
seemed intuit how these factors influence the Their most common frequencies include alpha,
outcome, but did not work with quantification. In beta, delta, and theta.
this study, I quantify factors and characteristics » 13-30 Hz - Beta Range, the state of nor mal
of intention fields, using dowsing to obtain data, wakefulness
checking them and correlating them, often mov- » 8.0-12.0 - Alpha range light relaxation, positive
ing in new directions as I go deeper and deeper. thinking, stress reduction, inspiration, motiva-
This is a process that achieves a more complete tion, relaxed, yet alert
understanding of the relevance of these data and » 3.5-7.5 - Theta Range; associated with creativ-
the relationships between the factors. ity, intuition, daydreaming, fantasizing, recol-
The results are initially expressed numerically, lec tion, im ag er y, dream like, switch ing
sometimes as limited in range as with percent- thoughts, drowsiness; “oneness”, “knowing”,
ages; in other cases being little more than relative repository for memories, emotions, sensations.
numbers. Often a double score does not mean Some similarity to trance-like states with inter-
that the effect is twice as effective but could indi- nal focus, meditation, prayer and spiritual
cate a logarithmic or quadratic scale or even defy awareness.
interpretation. The numbers are then interpreted » 0.1-3,5 Hz Delta range, deep sleep, lucid
in terms of relevant dimensions and put into a dreaming, increased immune functions, hyp-
model. nosis ; Decreased awareness of the physical
world. Access to unconscious infor mation.
Correlations with Dominant brainwave in infants under one year
Effectiveness of Intention old.
To establish what makes a prayer or intent effec- » Below 0.5 Hz - Epsilon range, extraordinary
tive, a number of conditions and variables are states of consciousness, high states of medita-
listed, containing a score of relative importance tion, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-
versus other conditions, plus an effect score for a level in spi ra tion states, spir i tual in sight,
low, average and high effort or level of expertise. out-of-body experiences, Yogic states.
Something might have a low relative importance,
but a high effect, indicating its sensitivity. In some Brainwave Frequencies are thus the frequencies
cases it turns out that a specific trait or action associated with various mental states and again,
yields high results only when applied with a lot of are not thought fields but frequencies measured
expertise or effort, making these dimensions by conventional devices. These brainwave states
more sensitive. The data is grouped and ranked. can be reached by various ways, like meditation,
This is a first ar ray of data, a kind of introduction concentration, relaxation, but also by using brain-
into the intention effectiveness, for specific traits wave entrainment equipment like light&sound
or effects a more in-depth array is developed. devices (brainmachines). These can coax the
brainwaves to a certain frequency, and in doing
These results indicate already, that there are a few so, achieve the mental state associated with that
conditions or approaches, that are clearly more frequency. There are indications, that this whole

approach is too limited because the frequencies group configuration (Circle is best, 3D configu-
monitored are relatively low and higher fre- ration even better), person-to-person distance,
quency bands or higher harmonics could have male/female distribution and place matter too.
different effects.
The frequencies of the electrical activity in the Magic Wands and Healing Sticks
brain indicated above and measured by elec- The classical tools in magick like the athame
trodes are an indication of the electrical activity (knife), cup, pentacle etc. are described in the
relatively at the outside, at the skull and thus close many books about magic(k), I will only go into
to the cortex only. There are other frequencies in- wands here. I have a fascination for wands, the
volved, in the electromagnetic and gravitational magical staffs used in sorcery. On my travels in
spectrum but also in the extradimensional. Cer- India I noted the beautiful designed crystal wands
tain colors with specific frequency ranges are with semiprecious stones and intricate wood-
used in light-photon healing and the effects of work. I purchased many, made them produce my
colors on our mood are well known. own designs and for a while sold them in my Am-
Natural Phenomena Frequencies includes natu- sterdam shop. I had, even before Harry Potter
ral frequencies that occur in nature -Schumann’s made the concept of magic wands common
Resonance of 7.83 Hz as the basic frequency of knowledge among kids, the idea that here there
the Earth and this one has, contrary to popular was something from our forgotten past that sur -
new age lore, hardly changed over time and is not vived, but we lost the true meaning. Jokingly I
an indication of the 2012 Maya story. Then there told interesting people, that my design was just
is the cosmic octave; sound tones calculated from Wand 1.0 and that later generations would work
the revolution/orbit of the various planets. better, given time “wanding” would become as
Audio-healing frequencies are also used for diag- normal as using your mobile phone.
nosis and healing. The French ear-doctor Alfred A wand is magical tool for directing energy.
Tomatis uses specific filtering to restore the sen- Magic wands are and have been one of the essen-
sitivity of the ears and claims results that are far tial tools of the would-be and the serious adept
beyond improved hearing. of magic and sorcery. They exist in many forms,
“Healing" Frequencies are frequencies that influ- many sizes, in many traditions and are
ence var i ous or gans and body parts. made from a myriad of materials. Some are
Radionics practitioners use a kind of fre- said to have enor mous powers, others are
quency device to influence the body and just very beautiful, very exquisite or made
sug gest it could be used to heal illnesses of of very rare or fetish materials. They are
different kinds, or stimulate some region of described as wands, power sticks, staffs, to-
the body (chakras). The medium used to do tems or scepters, and usually the owner has
this varies - sometimes devices that work a special kind of attachment to them. But
with “witness” samples like a hair of the cli- whatever the purpose, whatever the quali-
ent, some generate EM fields which are ap- ties, whether you are waving your wand to
plied to a precise part of the body, some- enforce your will or just using it as a prop in
times symbols or numbers, while others use the home altar or as a jewelry piece on the
vibration and sound. coffee table, magic wands are fascinating
Group size and effect of intention items.
Being in a group is maybe relevant, so I com- Magic wands serve as ritual implements
pared those. The result is that 2 people al- and are also used for healing and they have
ready score 3 (1 is for 1 person), but 12 is a a number of symbolic meanings or cor re-
very powerful group size with a score of 20, spondences. In Reiki and other forms of
and then 144 is important, but the group ef- energy healing the crystal tip and ball, at the
fect kind of levels out from there, so these world- ends of the wand can have great healing power in
wide prayer events might not be so effective, a the hands of the right bearer (owner/practitio-
small but dedicated group works fine too.. The ner). Its use is sometimes geared towards specific

illnesses or ailments, sometimes of a general na- Wand symbolism
ture. How to use such a wand is a matter of prac-
Freudian inspired psychologists would sug gest
tice, inclination and talent, and the effectiveness
that wands may express phallic symbolism of
may grow over time and with experience. Inten-
domination and power, but there are many other
tion, dedication, concentration and trust in the
symbolic relationships. A wand is a pointer, a
power of the universe as rep re sented and
drumstick for a shaman, a guide, a magical instru-
symbolized by the wand, is essential.
ment, a talking stick, to mention just a few of the
Like other tools, they can be considered as just
many symbolic meanings. Often the wand has a
psychological crutches, a way to concentrate, a
pointed side and a rounded side and apart from
kind of totemic helper. There is however, also the
the pointing function, the symbolism is that the
idea, that certain objects can acquire magical
pointy part indicates our will, our intention,
power, in the various ways of contagion, polarity,
pointing at something, goal oriented, in fact the
vibration, invocation or personification. A wand
essence of the magical act. The crown or
used for a long time or by a powerful sorcerer
rounded part, sometimes a crystal ball, is the be-
then would have more effect. In Harry Potter the
ing, the mystical, the receiving end, the opposite
various uses and qualities of a magic wand are
of the becoming of the point. As the wand often
well rendered.
has a point, a shaft and a crown, one could iden-
The use of a wand or stick of course goes back to
tify these as symbols of the mind, the body and
the earliest humans and even many animals use
the heart, the mental, physical and emotional
sticks to get their food, poke their ears. Picking up
aspects of a human being, the soul being in all
a stick in the woods is quite a natural thing, it is
fairly general tool. Over time the stick became a
In using it as a divination or focus tool for psy-
weapon, a support, but also a sign of authority as
chological (self)-discovery, a stick with a point on
the baton of a conductor, the staff of a military
one side and a sphere on the other side can be
officer, the scepter of a king. A wand usually con-
used to focus on our “worldly side”, more magi-
sists of a thin, straight, hand-held stick of wood,
cal and intended to achieve some change, the
ivory, or metal.
sphere is more mystical, more centered, no point-
Generally, in modern language, wands are cere-
ing at anything. Then the body in between repre-
monial and/or have associations with magic but
sents our body, also the connection between be-
there have been other uses, all stemming from the
ing and becoming. In the Indian power sticks this
original meaning as a synonym of rod and virge,
is often represented by a series of semi-precious
both of which had a similar development.
stoned indicating the seven chakra’s.
In ecclesiastical and for mal government ceremo-
In the special Power Sticks I designed this sym-
nial, special officials may carry a wand of office
bolism is emphasized by inserting some pure
or staff of office representing their power, like
gold nug gets or other special object into the ball
the staff of a field marshal in the army. Compare
side, indicating the Higher Self or Soul that is in
in this context the function of the ceremonial
our inner core of being.
mace, the sceptre, and the staff of office.
Magic wands can be used to throw spells, conjure
The ancient Book of San Ciprián (aka Cipria-
apparitions, cast circles and do whatever a sor-
nillo) gives step-by-step instructions on how to
cerer wants to do. There are old magic books, in
make a magic wand. The rod of Moses was a ha-
French called “Grimoires” that describe these
zel wand. In catacomb frescoes of the third and
uses, but most books about witchcraft deal with
fourth centuries, Christ is frequently represented
this too. The handling and moves with the wand
performing miracles by means of a wand. In
like the Lesser Ban ish ing Rit ual of the
Zoroastrianism, there is a similar ritual imple-
Pentagram, the combination with the right words
ment called a barsom.
or spells, the necessary mindset and intentions,
there is a lot written about it.
The form and materials of the wand or stick are
usually chosen to match the use, all in the context

for energetic healing of muscles and bones, the
round side for organs and tissue. It is easy to see
what energy is kind of directed by the wand and
this helps the practitioner to focus his own or the
of what in magic are called “cor respondences”. universal energy. It requires some concentration
These links can be used to choose the right mate- and “emptying” of the mind, letting go of the
rial to be used in personalized power one can or- ego, focus of attention and some talent and expe-
der or make oneself. Using materials or symbols rience, but using a wand for healing can be a great
from the earth, the sea and the sky or using some- tool. It helps to concentrate and can bring the
thing from the four kingdoms is quite common. practitioner in the right mindset to do effective
There is the world of minerals (stones, crystals, healing work, in the magical, the physical as well
metals), the world of plants and trees (flower, as in the psychological and psychosomatic realm.
wood, herbs), the world of animals (bones, fur,
shells, feathers), the world of sentient beings, the Wicca, Talking stick
world of ideas or symbols (a name, graph, a pat- A wand can be used for many purposes, like as a
tern), in fact one can make many world construc- talking stick in circle work. A different use of
tions. The basic elements earth, water, fire and air magic sticks is in the Wicca and related (Craft,
(with ether as the invisible component) can be Witchcraft, Celtic, Druid) neopagan traditions,
represented by earth elements, fish bones of fos- where a staff or wand is used for ritual and cere-
sils, precious stones with a fiery nature, feathers monial magic(k). They use the wand as one of the
or birds’ bones for the air, a meteorite for ether. four magical implements, the other being knife
The design of a magic wand is therefore not an (athame), pentacle, and a cup (grail). It is one of
accident, the materials, forms and dimensions are the four tools associated with the elements and
chosen in a specific way, often based on a corresponds to fire in most traditions although
tradition, sometimes on ad-hoc inspiration or some say that this is a blind started by the Golden
guidance. Dawn and that wands should cor respond to the
element air. The magician’s wand is often shown
Use for healing: Reiki with a star at the end, perhaps indicating a
Healing sticks are used in the Tibetan and Indian relationship to astrology.
tradition, often used in a so-called 7 chakra de- The same principles of correspondence apply,
sign, having a set of (semi)-precious stones or but the form of a Wicca magic wand is more di-
gems associated with the 7 traditional chakras. verse and although crystals are a common part of
These gems can be set on the body of the wand these ornamental sticks, the basic material is of-
or used as ornaments, they have different colors, ten wood, es pe cially in a “nat u ral” form,
again there is a cor respondence between the branches of trees or sticks that “talk” to the
stone and the chakra. Chakra healing means con- maker or bearer with some ornaments. Abby
centration on the 7 energy vortexes in the body, Willowroot is a famous wand-maker in this
situated along the spine and is aimed at opening respect.
and balancing those vortexes. This is often com-
bined with applying the healing power of the Breac à linne, slat à coille is fiadh à fìreach - mèirle às
wand and its crystal(s) to the nadis and meridians nach do ghabh gàidheal riamh nàire.
and power spots of the body energy system.
A fish from the river, a staff from the wood and a deer
One of the practical uses is to use the wands, es- from the mountain; thefts no Gael was ever ashamed of.
pecially if it is made of crystal, for healing. Crystal
helps to direct the energy, like in Reiki. In Japan The sanctity of a wand needs to be preserved,
practitioners or Reiki-masters use a crystal heal- wands are personal and should not be shared.
ing stick to channel and direct the finer energy Making one’s own from raw materials is a good
streams. The general idea is that the pointy side is approach. Traditionally, the magic tools one

chooses and uses should be as personal as possi- more than physical terms by moonlight, sun-
ble and in some traditions it is emphasized, that light and streaming water.
one actually picks and works the raw material in » E: The option to anchor experiential, emo-
order to create an effective tool. To enhance the tional or healing infor mation, events and expe-
identity and the power of the wand, one can give riences. Sometimes such a wand is purchased
it a name, inscribe this or special symbols, astro- or given to mark a special event or happening, a
logical signs, give it a special place on the altar, mar riage, initiation and such and can be
give it attention, charge it and so make the wand marked with a date or other indication of the
one’s special passion, one’s own tool for healing, event or occasion.
self discovery and learning about the Higher Self. » F: Radionics and frequency-related circuitry
and dimensions. Radionics is a technology that
The empowerment options uses specific frequencies, dimensions, patterns,
The magical quality of a wand can be enhanced in numbers and circuitry for healing and various
various ways: mind-matter applications. It is not like the sor-
» A: The empower ment treatment , that comes cery of the past, but rather a precise method,
with the careful production and design that based on research and proofing. Electric and
add “love-power” magnetic circuits, but also symbolic circuitry
» B: The possibilities for additional personaliza- play a role in Radionics and could be part of
tion and naming, dedication the and design. These are not to generate elec-
» C: The option to insert additional ‘sacred’ tronic light and sound effects, but serve healing
items, materials and power-totems, bodily and balancing purposes.
samples » G: site related empower ment; a wand could be
» D: The option to charge the wand, with inten- taken to sacred places like the Ganges or other
tion, creating a link to otherdimensional ener- holy rivers, the Pyramids, Delphi, cer tain tem-
gies. This also means one has to clean a wand in

Looking at historical figures it is hard to single out great “prayer sayers”, people who stood out as effective in their
wishing. Let’s take a few considered great magicians and give a rating of their general magical level; again this might not
be a linear . In comparison, the average human score less than 10 in magical capabilities.
There are many stories about miraculous results, and especially many saints of the different faiths are claimed to be great
prayers, but I am looking here at people that had a methodical approach, as the idea is to come up with some system or
matrix indicating and maybe explaining what works.

ples or places of power like Sedona or materi-
als from those places could be used.

35 Ritual use of state-changing plants or substances

There are many ritual ways to enter into an altered posed to induce psychotic states and were initially
state of consciousness and even as the actual distributed by Sandoz (LSD) to study the use for
state achieved varies, the common path and goal psychiatric research and treatment. Later on
is clear, one seeks contact with the otherworld in- Humphry Osmond coined the word psychedelic
side or outside one’s psyche. Usually to seek an- (‘mind-manifesting’). This is usually applied to
swers or solutions for oneself, for a specific other substances with a strong visual and hallucino-
or for the group. The use of psychoactive sub- genic effect but in a wider sense psychedelic
stances is a widespread way to get to such an al- states bring about changes of per cep tion,
tered state of consciousness, but not the only synesthesia, altered states of focused conscious-
one, meditation, sensory stimulation or depriva- ness, variation in thought patterns, trance or hyp-
tion can have similar effects. notic states, mystical states, and other mind and
Based on studies of prehistoric art, archeological mood alterations.
findings, philological (language) references, ob-
ser vations of ‘primitive’ cultures and texts like As the number of known natural and synthetic
the Veda’s and Avesta the use of psychoactive substances grew, a differentiation evolved based
plants or mushrooms seems to be part of most on the most noticeable effect. There were differ-
cultures, although in many cases reserved for ent effects, because of the chemical characteris-
priestly or shamanic use. In ancient Egypt the tics but also because of the setting, the one sub-
king (pharaoh) during the Heb Sed festival under- stance could have a totally different effect on dif-
went a near-death kind of experience, probably ferent people in different situations. XTC was
with the help of some substance. used in psychotherapy, but also became known as
Although the ingestion of substances can be seen the love-drug in party-settings. Also many of the
as just another way to reach what I see, in very older mood altering drugs, like cannabis, the opi-
general terms and with much variation, as the rit- ates, but also alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, coffee
ual state and is comparable to could be seen as
drumming, dancing, meditation psychedelica and in
or fasting, the subject deserves some traditions were
special attention beyond being used as such. Although
part of the ritualistic process. some are ‘legal’ and
This because the use of these some not, they are all
substances is not without danger, ‘drugs’ and it depends
there is the risk of addiction with on the dosage, set and
some, there are physical side-ef- setting what the effect
fects and notably the fashionable is. The most legal drug
ayahuasca rituals have a dark side is of course sugar, half
that is not usually mentioned. In a millennium of sugar
general the magical effects of has made most people
with Sasha Shulgin
psychoactive substances (and rit- sugar junkies, with det-
u als in g eneral) are not rimental e3ffects on
recognized or taken serious. health but also on our imaginative capabilities.
Sugar and eyesight are related, in diabetes cases
Psychedelics this is well known, but I tend to blame our ‘ratio-
The mind altering substances (drugs) come in nalism’ and the gradual loss of contact with the
many forms and not all have the same effect. sacred also to our use of sugar. I know people
When they became know in the West the initial who have a kind of psychedelic experience from
name was ‘psychotomimetica‘ as they were sup- just a sugar lump (without LSD!).

There is a tendency, especially among those who mals (jaguars) in users who never knew about
see psychedelics as ‘sacred substances’ to differ- them. His work however, centers on understand-
entiate between drugs used to escape reality and ing consciousness, the relation and psychological
drugs that enhance perception. Opium, heroin, confusion between sense and concept as experi-
cocaine and such are seen as bad and ‘hard drugs’, enced in ayahuasca visions. Perception and inter-
are obviously more addictive and not used in a rit- pretation (the experience given a place) are not
ual context. It’s all a matter of perspective, in the two stages, but go hand-in-hand. We create as we
Western world more people die of alcohol abuse go, Dan Merkur’s ‘intense fantasying’ and creat-
than of any other substance, smoking is bad for ing inner realities is already part of nor mal day-
your health, but both are legal and money making dreaming, but has a magical function too, the in-
propositions for the government. Cannabis in ner reality leads to outer reality. Jeremy Narby in
high enough doses is also psychedelic, but has be- ‘The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of
come, like alcohol, a common way to escape the Knowledge‘ (1999) also points at the relation be-
stress and is slowly becoming an ‘accepted’ soft tween what we believe and what we see, interpre-
drug. In other cultures substances like coca tation taking precedence over reality perception.
leaves, khat or kratom (Thailand) are used by That he relates the common ayahuasca imagery
sometimes the majority of the people. of the ser pent to a deep con nec tion of
I personally believe that regular use of whatever consciousness and life with DNA is interesting,
substance in the long run has a detrimental effect. but maybe that’s basically his belief system too.
Living in Amsterdam where smoking pot of hash
is quite common the lack of creative energy in the Psi-matrix
heavy smokers cannot be ignored. There are the Choosing the right substance or combination of
stories (and proof) of exceptional artistic in- substances for a given person, group or event is
sights, great creations and inspirations, but I an art, one has to see what a person etc. need
think these have more to do with the contact al- opening and for what purpose (healing, balanc-
lowed with the otherworld in the ritual state than ing, experiencing mystical states, etc.).
with smoking a little bit everyday or all the time. The perceived experiences, as they are described
by people after a ‘trip’ are very subjective, but a
Psychotrope, entheogen, empathogen, number of effects kind of repeat and they are a
hallucinogen guideline for advising the most optimal drug or
The effects of psychedelica cover a wide range of combination and dosage. When working with
perceptual and consciousness alterations. These psychedelics, and the Dutch situation allows a bit
have gotten names like entheogen effect, being more free experimentation than elsewhere, I felt
more in contact with the divine, empathogen for that some kind of systematic classification was
improved interhuman contact, but there is no needed. Different people, different set and set-
broad systematic classification of all the sub- tings would require different substances, dosage
stances and all the effects. There is a lot of anec- and sometimes combinations.
dotal material and descriptions of specific mate- As I like to think in systems and matrices I have
rial like on the Erowid website but little system- compiled a list of substances and their effects,
atic comparison. The many books about the sub- called the psimatrix (see appendix IX) and
ject are either very anecdotal or interpretations of checked these with many people, also with Sasha
subjective processes by people who themselves Shulgin. We did some tests and the general idea
have experienced them and try to find some logic seems ok, individual effects can vary. It is a com-
or patterns. parison of various psychedelic substances, some-
Benny Shanon in ‘Antipodes of the mind’ (2003) what like the periodical system of chemical ele-
has tried to find common threads in what people ments this ranks psychedelic substances accord-
experience in ayahuasca session, kind of uncov- ing to their effects or dimensions.
ering visual archetypes and metaphors, common It is based on separating and outlining the various
visuals like visual webs of light rays, similar ani- emotions and effects, still a subjective classifica-

tion, but useful to compare the various sub- They have earned the name of entheogens,
stances. I have used the chakra system to differ- bringing about a connection to the Godhead. Us-
entiate between the effects, this not being the ing these substances, which were ‘known’ to ani-
only possible approach, but a very workable one. mals, may have played a role in the human devel-
The results that XTC is a heart chakra drug, LSD opment and jump started new uses of tools and
a mind opening one, Peyote acts somewhere be- ways of living, hunting etc. This notion has been
tween the second and third chakra, 2CB effects promoted by the likes of R. Gordon Wasson,
somewhat higher are not surprising. Most people Terence McKenna I and many others and has
will agree with these general remarks, but to use slowly gained more support because of recent ar-
the resonance between a person’s inclination cheological findings, discoveries of the mush-
(trauma/drive) and a specific drugs is not com- room appearance in ever more ancient works of
mon practice. Most people know they have a drug art and understanding of ritual practices still sur -
of choice, something that gives them the best ex- viving. It is commonly assumed that the mysteries
perience, the least aftereffect or hangover, the of the Greek civilization involved the ingestion
most mystical insights. I think that careful obser - of psychoactive substances and were instrumen-
vation of a person, body language, physical clues tal in the development of their philosophical and
and tendencies offers some insight as what the political views.
best choice is. This might actually not be the per- There is much speculation about the role of psy-
son’s own choice. An example is people having chedelic plants or mushroom as keys in de devel-
(often not diagnosed) liver problems preferring opment of humanity and religion, and even spe-
ayahuasca, which is not being very friendly to the cies evolution.
liver but gives great visions, They come back The sources pointing at a major role for psyche-
again and again, to watch the ‘inner cinema’ of delics are not only ethno-botanical, the semitic
colors and imagery, not to achieve spiritual language scholar and archeologist John Allegro in
growth. his ‘Sacred Mushrooms and the Cross’ (1970)
showed that there are philological resonances be-
The evolutionary role tween the references to the Amanita Muscaria
Psychedelic trance is not only a fast and usually (Fly Agaric) mushroom in the early Sumer-
fairly certain way to reach an altered state. It ap- ian/Mesopotamian languages and the Aramic
pears to be such a fundamental part of many cul-
tures, in prehistoric times and even now, that
looking at it could help understanding conscious-
ness, evolution, civilization and how our psyche
works. Psychoactive plants might have played an
role in the development of human self-con-
sciousness and maybe were the change-agents
that led to jumps in the use of tools, the need for
symbolic communication and the emergence of
myth and religion. Then there is the fact that all
kinds of animals like psychoactive substances
(not only plants) and therefore our notion of
human consciousness might need an update. Albert Hofmann, who discovered LSD, synthesized
Psylocybin and invented Hydergin
Entheogens at the base of self conscious-
ness and religion
used in the Hebrew Bible and the original gospel
Cer tain plants and mushroom, but also the and religious texts like those found at Qumram.
venom of certain reptiles has qualities of a hallu- He even claimed that the mushroom cult lies at
cinogenic nature but also brings one to state of the root of the Jewish faith and the New Testa-
oneness and communion with the otherworld. ment was a coded message for a secret cult of

mushroom users rather than a historical tale. He bridge to the otherworld dimension? There is
noted for instance the resonance of the Jewish in- much speculation and the development of
dication for mushrooms (little crosses) with cru- self-consciousness might indeed be influenced
cifixion. This was at the time seen as sacrilegious by the discovery and the use of these substances,
and destroyed his scientific reputation (he was maybe in relation to major more planetary or cos-
part of the official Dead Sea -Khirbet Qumran- mic events like large comet impact, the end of the
scroll translation team). His views were felt as a ice-age and/or flooding, but I leave that to others.
threat by the scientific community and the reli- What interest me here is just the role these sub-
gious world, as he argued that our culture and reli- stances played in the ritual context, especially as
gions were not the result of divine revelation in the renewed interest in ritual use of substances as
the classical sense, but is rooted in the use of psy- Ayahuaca has become a fashion among the
chedelic substances. Sug gesting that ‘official’ ‘seekers’ of our times.
Christianity and Judaism and their sacred scrip-
tures were nothing but coded covers and ways of Animals and drugs
dispersing secret infor mation hiding a deeper and It is widely known that animals, once they have
secret mushroom cult ruined Allegro’s scholarly tasted alcohol, tobacco or other inebriating sub-
career. He did however publish his ideas, based stances, they can become addicted or at least ac-
on his interpretation and analysis of texts and quire a taste for them. Smok ing mon keys,
pointing at translation errors in such a way, that drunken elephants, marihuana-chewing goats,
his work could be checked by others. This in a many animals are quite human in their taste for
time, that the Dead Sea scrolls were only partially mood and mind-altering plants. The Italian
made public and interpretations not aligned with Georgio Samorini in ‘Animals and Psychedelics’
status-quo thinking suppressed. (2002) also referring to earlier work by Ronald
Allegro’s work is not easy to follow, it’s very schol- Siegel has shown that there are many examples of
arly and only points at texts and etymological sim- animals that not only acquired a taste through hu-
ilarities in the pre-semitic languages, and doesn’t man inter ventions, but by themselves seek the ef-
refer to other material like artifacts and texts from fects of certain plants. This happens not only ac-
other cultures. In ‘The Mystery of Manna’ cidentally eating a psychoactive plant or fruit, but
(2001), religious historian Dan Merkur ascribes intentionally. There are numerous examples,
to the Christian Eucharist sacrament a similar mammals but also insects like psychoactive sub-
background, ritual partaking of a psychedelic stances and in many cases it turns out it were not
substance. Later discoveries, notably of artifacts the humans who taught the animals to use them,
with mushroom motives have supported the but humans imitating animal behavior. The
view that sacred mushrooms were at least part of mandrils and gorilla’s seeking out the root of the
the religious practice in the region and elsewhere. strong psychoactive Tabernanthe Iboga have in-
Reading Allegro the thought came up, that if the spired the indigenous tribes to use the Iboga in
mushroom was such a fundamental part of the their Eboka initiation rite of the Bwiti faith.
early Mesopotamian cultures (and made it into Samorini gives many examples of animals seek-
the Jewish faith) that maybe there is a link with ing out plants with specific effects. This not only
circumcision, a secret sign of belonging to the for the psychedelic or hallucinogenic effects, but
mushroom cult. for medical purposes. Cats are known to eat cer-
That entheogens play a role in many cultures can tain grasses that make them puke to clear their
no longer be denied, the question is how this has stomach, but there are many more examples.
affected the species. Are humans just apes com- When cows discover the effects of certain weeds
ing down from the trees because hallucinogenic called ‘crazy weeds’ they become obsesses with
mushrooms gave them an edge over their natural seeking and eating these ‘locoweeds’ and become
enemies and other apes or pre-humanoids? Were even addicted with detrimental results. The inter-
mushroom spores sent here by extraterrestrials, est and sometime symbiotic existence with cer-
as McKenna sug gested, or are they the living tain psychoactive plants can lead to inebriation

and addiction, but also to rather peaceful co-exis- Conscious plants
tence. The results of animals or insects consum-
Assigning some kind of consciousness and
ing them can of course not be described in cogni-
intentionality, even free will to animals is quite a
tive terms, but the behavior of the animals shows
step, but the work of Samorini shows that at least
that their bodily reactions are similar to what hu-
the notion of the uniqueness of the humans and
mans experience, including hallucinations. Ex-
the anthropocentric view need some reconsider-
periments with animals given LSD and other sub-
ation. We can however make another step and ask
stances support this. Not all animal ‘drug’ use is
about the consciousness of plants and trees and
negative or dangerous. Animals thus can ‘abuse’
even mushrooms. In the context of the ritual use
the substances or live in har mony with them, sim-
of the ayahuasca brew or peyote these are often
ilar to the way humans deal with ‘drugs’. Some are
regarded as teacher plants, as entities that help us
more addictive, and there are clear withdrawal
to understand ourselves and nature. This as-
symptoms like with locoweeds, some seem to
sumes a kind of consciousness far beyond what
give just a nice ‘buzz’. The effects are however
science and biology accepts. The common view is
not always so positive, as the inebriated animals
that plants have no neurons and therefore no
are not moving coordinated and can become the
feelings and no way of internal communication
prey of enemies that discovered that they are easy
beyond the chemical/physical. Animals and hu-
to catch in this state of at least ‘altered’
mans, in a way just plants that decides to move
and car rying a bit of earth in their stomachs, had
Animals are actively looking for specific plants,
to develop a sense system that would allow move-
recognize them and use them. Samorini mentions
ment with touch and sight and feedback. Plants
that a male mandril, eager to challenge another
are supposed to be static, not having locomotion,
male, prepares for the fight by seeking the iboga
not moving from place to place and therefore not
roots. Having ingested this strong psychedelic he
needing a neurological system.
then wait for the effects before attacking. Pre-
The chemical make-up of plants is not too differ-
meditation like this sheds new light on animal
ent from that of animals. The DNA has the same
consciousness, they are far less automatic and
chemical composition. The chloroplasts (the
more willful than assumed. There are other inci-
organelles that deal with the photosynthesis and
dences, fly that seems to drop dead when close to
energy exchange) have their own DNA like mito-
an Amanita mushroom, therefore also called Fly
chondria in animal cells. The chemical way to
Agaric, are not dead at all, but inebriated and will
bind oxygen is nearly the same, plants use magne-
return to life after a few hours. Michael Huffman
sium instead of iron, and ironically the green sun-
studied wild chimpanzees in West Africa and
light they reject is just that somewhat less ener-
noted they intentionally look for medici nal
getic portion of the sunlight spectrum animals
plants, applied as effective anti-parasitics, they
and humans need. Green light for us helps our
have developed a chimp herbalist subculture.
balance, reason why hospitals use this color a lot.
Based on all these examples it seems that much
The essential oils plants provide are used to influ-
of the early medicinal knowledge humans ac-
ence our health and moods and this is known and
quired was not theirs, but bor rowed from animals
applied all through the ages. So why should plants
by observing their behavior. This again fits in
not have senses? It turns out plants and notably
with the notion developed earlier in this book,
trees are more sensitive and capable of ‘willful’
that the relation with the deep divine conscious-
actions than was assumed. Trees can communi-
ness (the base of all) in humans is not better but
cate via pheromones, influence and use insects to
on the contrary less intense than what animals,
do their ter ritorial defense and react to abuse like
and even plants and mere matter connects. Our
beating or damage. Also their manipulation of
self-conscious ness thus might actually be a
DNA to deal with external situations is remark-
hindrance to uniting with the source of all,
able. Plants have much more somatic genetic mu-
something I have noted elsewhere.
tation (acquired mutation), a change in the ge-
netic structure that is not inherited from a parent,

and this has been used to develop new strands as teachers? To describe them as teachers of how
(sports). Plants are generally more capable of our psyche works could be just a projection
sur viving if they are polyploids, having extra sets mechanism but there are many stories of how the
of chromosomes (not present in animal life). plants helped humans to find cures, medicinal
Polyploids can be created accidentally or deliber- plants or edible fruits and in general conveyed in-
ately. The genetic manipulation of crops and for mation about the plant world to humans.
plants is heavily debated but shows that plants are
much more adaptable than animals. The psychotropic and psychedelic axis
Plants may have more consciousness than gener- Maybe it’s too much to argue that the Tree of
ally assumed. It actually turns out that the notion Knowledge in the Biblical paradise was nothing
of holy trees, influencing people and nature but a kind of sacred mushroom that opened the
around them in magical ways is not so irrational. eyes of Adam and Eve to the real nature of God.
That people working with trees often ‘talk’ to They were then expelled and had to live what we
them and ask for per mission to for instance fell a now consider a human life with hard work and
tree is maybe less superstitious than one assumed. painful childbirth, but it’s an interesting thought.
The communication might be slower and via Self consciousness, with things like free will and
other senses (like the primes) but talking to trees intentionality attached to it, may not have been a
might be more than a silly new age hobby. very prominent characteristic of the human race
Mushrooms (the Fungi Kingdom) are not plants, in its early stages. In fact pre-hominids, hominids
but in fact are much closer to man and animal and early human forms lived for millions of years
than plants. DNA in fungi more closely resem- without much change or progress. Only in the last
bles the DNA of the inhabitants of the animal tens of thousands of year there was an acceler-
kingdom and humans. We are thus closely related ated development of language, script, religion
to mushrooms. They are not dependent on sun- and science, and as Terence McKenna argued, a
light, some species are more or less free-living can kind of increased race of discovery, invention
move or seem to crawl through flagella, a kind of and implementation towards a final teleological
whipping tail. Mushrooms live a kind of symbi- endpoint. The Maya 2012 hype tied in with that,
otic life, usually related to specific biotopes and but nothing much perceivable happened, the in-
trees. Certain kinds like Amanita and truffles creased pace of progress however hasn’t really
switch, according to Anne Pringle from being stopped.
decomposers of organic material to being symbi- There are quite a few stories about how this prog -
otic with trees only once in their evolutionary his- ress towards a technological paradise (and biolog-
tory. After this change to this new symbiotic life- ical hell) came about, ranging from comet impact,
style, they didn’t go back to their free-living past. pole reversal via extraterrestrial inter vention to
Among the fungi amd mushrooms the precursor supernatural guidance, root races to Anunnaki
to LSD (ergotamine), the psilocybin and some of sto ries, Im man uel Velikovsky to Zecharia
the genus Amanita (600 species among them the Sitchin’s Niburu, but what remains is that there
Amanita Muscaria) are known for their psychoac- were obviously strange jumps in the progress
tive qualities. What is interesting here is that at curve. At certain moments in the earth’s past
some point in the evolution some Amanita spe- things happened that have initiated changes in
cies made a jump to becoming symbiotic, quite how humans dealt with tools, crops, livestock and
distinct as this required giving up some qualities religion.
like the ability to decompose cellulose. Why this While the traditional religious rituals are becom-
this jump happen, at what time in history and ing less popular in the rationalistic West, people
does this shed light on the jumps in human searching for experiences and transfor mation
evolution or is even related? have been looking at other means to reach a state
So how to explain this idea, that mushrooms and of consciousness, that brings more connection to
other psychedelic substances are related to an en- the body, the soul and the divine. In many, if not
tity or entities perceived by the indigenous users all cultures the use of mind altering substances,

and alcohol and tobacco are definitely in that re-discoveries, infor mation we get from beyond,
same ballpark, has been found. Often hidden, es- the Akashic, the whatever. A humbling thought
oteric, only for the initiates, but very essential in too, we can never claim to be anything more than
the whole culture, as part of initiations, rites of a messenger.
passage, as a means for healing, prophecy and I have to admit that part of what I understand
contact with the otherworld. In many traditions about I, myself, my psyche, and my mind I owe to
the use of these substances is considered a sacra- the mystical and psychedelic altered state of con-
ment, a holy experience and initiation. The plants sciousness and the experiences, trips, and travels
or substances are often given a sacred and nearly there; as well as to the contacts with those who
divine status. have visited this strange, miraculous and magical
Part of the reason I am interested in rituals is that otherworld that seems to be inside and outside at
there is so much similarity between the altered the same time. I do not totally agree with the no-
state one encounters in meditation and devo- tions of people like Aldous Huxley, who believed
tional practice compared to the psychedelic expe- that psychedelic drugs are disabling filters that
riences. Trips are, by many, considered ritual block or suppress infor mation or signals to reach
events and have the most beneficial effects if the conscious mind and in a way open us to new
done in a ritual context. experiences. I think there is another mechanism. I
I was privileged to have met and worked with m agree we do filter reality, out of necessity, as there
any of the flag car rier people in the psychedelic is too much input to handle, but we do not do this
movement like Timothy Leary, Terence Mc- all the time, and methods and processes to reach a
Kenna, Sasha and Anne Shulgin, Albert Hof- state where we allow more input are part of what
mann and many others in trying to define and ex- true rituals try to bring about. Here my notion of
plore the essence of the psychedelic experience, an inner child state (soul state, higher self, ritual
in inter views, discussions and trips. In my con- state), separate from our ego or personality
tacts and thousands of inter views with leading state(s) is important. I think that psychedelics
scientists, spiritual teachers, healers, therapists, (and other methods to get into an altered state)
musicians and artists I have very often spoken bring us to a space where we are less vulnerable to
with them about their experiences with psyche- what comes to us via what I loosely call thought
delics and other mind altering substances and waves. Not having to deal with this incoming
maybe because of the tolerant atmosphere in stream, we can let go of the need to protect our-
Amsterdam they were usually very open and selves, let go of the masks of ego and personality,
forthcoming, sharing and discussing their views, and then the doors of perception (our primes)
often on camera. open to receive what I elsewhere explain as ex-
I actually believe that talking about these experi- tra-dimensional (otherworld) input, and in the
ences they opened up and ar rived at a more spiri- magical sense also for extra-dimensional output.
tual state of being and shared much more than So in a way taking psychedelics is a paradoxical
they would nor mally do in an inter view. I have process, eliminating or suppressing the need to
seen how hypnotic trance can induce a memory defend ourselves. We can let go of our masks.
of experienced altered states, being high and also Therefore we are free to feel more and open
drunkenness, and maybe this is what happened in wider our nor mal and special senses (primes).
talking with all these people about their trips and This explanation in a way assumes that “thought
journeying. It convinced me, that much of what waves” are different from the nor mal sensory in-
we call prog ress is the result of using psychedelic put, and only part of the extra-dimensional
substances or routines (sensory deprivation, whole and that blocking them opens us up to
standing of your head, breathing routines, etc. other frequencies and layers in the classical and
can have similar effects), allowing access to a meta-dimensional sense. We can see, hear, feel,
state, where all and everything is accessible, be- perceive more, tune in to whole new levels of ex-
yond the limitations of time and space. This also perience, and enter the realm of the nor mally un-
implies, that what we call inventions are usually seen, unfelt, the extrasensory, the clear knowing,

the magical realm, where we connect to what we there and how I grew wary of the multitude of
can call ultimate consciousness, love, chi, or would be experts in the field, most of them even-
Mind-at-Large; where ordinary space and time tually fell for the money. I myself feel not quali-
dimensions become irrelevant. Huxley’s Mind at fied to guide such rituals beyond the scope of
Large concept, indicating a connection to the all, therapeutic sessions with a very small number of
is of course not new, in most religions having ac- people and only if set and setting and magical in-
cess to the Divine Consciousness, the meta-di- tent are absolutely clear and there is no time limit.
mensional overarching God is assumed and I have however, watched many rituals, often par-
prayer and rituals are used to make the ticipated but also, as this happened in my place,
connection. remained sober in order to take care of practical
The mystical and psychedelic experiences I have matters but being present in the group setting.
had have definitely formed me, changed me, in- So I will try to pick out the most essential from
spired me and opened me to think for myself, as the point of view of ritual efficacy and develop a
Leary would say. I always believed that the use of theory about how psychedelics work, that is dif-
these powerful substances should be in a ritual ferent from the common notions.
context, with attention for set and setting, but
also for the magical effects. Much of the modern Doors of perception
use goes towards recreational and habitual use, Aldous Huxley’s ideas of what psychedelics do
often adopting half understood liturgies and hid- have influenced me and many, his Doors of Per-
ing behind the spiritual and mystical, not honor- ception was a great tale of discovery, of reso-
ing the sometimes very real magical. These days nance with my own experiences. His other work,
the rituals or ceremonies, often under the banner notably Perennial Philosophy and Island have
of churchlike sacramental events, are becoming also impressed me very much. I do agree with his
less spiritual, at best transformational and cut off notion of a Mind At Large as in “The Doors of
from the source. The more modern “psychedelic Perception” (from 1954) that “each person is at
churches” like the Santo Daime have good inten- each moment capable of remembering all that
tions, try to follow the outlines and structures has ever happened to him and perceiving every-
from the original culture, but fail to see that these thing that is happening everywhere in the uni-
practices come from a different paradigm. Often verse. The function of the brain and ner vous sys-
the “healing” is mentioned as a reason for these tem is to protect us from being overwhelmed and
new inverse cargocults, and some amazing results confused by this mass of largely useless and irrel-
are reported. However, healing is a magical act, it evant knowledge, by shutting out most of what
means changing the future of a person, and that’s we should otherwise perceive or remember at any
not something to embark on in a weekend work- moment, and leaving only that very small and
shop. The western “Shaman” is rarely qualified special selection which is likely to be practically
and this I say having witnessed many of them in useful. According to such a theory, each one of us
their ritual role and beyond. Ayahuasca, Iboga, is potentially Mind at Large”.
Kambo, San Pedro, Datura, Mushrooms, they I do however disagree with his idea of how psy-
are, as LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann called chedelics work. He sug gests that psychedelic
them, “sacral substances”, their use has great drugs are disabling filters which block or sup-
potential but is not without dangers. press signals from reaching the conscious mind.
I have hosted and performed rituals with many The human mind in his view filters reality, in or-
teachers, shamans, ayahuasceros, priests and der to protect itself from overwhelming sensor
medicine men of many traditions and with some- input, blocks incoming data and perception. We
times strange concoctions, in a place like Amster- perceive what we can handle, colored and limited
dam much was possible and movements like the by our filters. With a drug like mescaline, Huxley
Santo Daime literally started their European ex- sees much more, becomes aware of visual cues
pansion in the various venues I was running. I nor mally not noticed, hears better etc. His sen-
could write many books about what happened

sory perception is heightened and this is what This makes clear why we need such careful set
most people pick up from their “trips”. and setting preparation, we are opening up our-
Now this sound very reasonable, but I had some selves to the full awareness of the inner machin-
experiences that point in a different direction. I ery of the mind, where a connection with the
was always interested in gold, and when I was vis- otherworld is possible. This can bring great in-
iting an underground temple with a room totally sights, but also dangers, as there are hidden cor-
gilded at the Damanhur Community I had the ners and rooms in our memory or mind, that are
feeling that my inner flutter, the stream of maybe better left closed, certainly when the set-
thoughts and impulses kind of stopped. What a ting is not congenial to what arises. Tim Leary
great feeling and this led to further experiments used to say there are no bad trips, only heavy
with gold, golden caps and crowns and I found learning experiences, but we all know that if the
out, there was a similar effect when my head was setting isn’t right, funny and dramatic things can
covered with gold. There was a logical explana- and do happen.
tion, gold was shield ing incoming energies, Another point, often overlooked, is that in the
thought waves, whatever it was that made me psychedelic state (this happens in other rituals
think in all directions. Aha, that’s why kings wear too) one is open to incoming spiritual and even
crowns, I then realized. daemonic energies, in religions like Voodoo this
But then something else came to mind, this feel- happens a lot and is part of the matrix and kind
ing of being free from outside thought impulses of contained. For those experimenting with sub-
also seemed very similar to the state I experienced stances this is a serious danger and this requires
with certain drugs, entheogens and psychedelics. adequate ritual preparation like creating a sacred
What if those substances didn’t disable or lift the container (space) and “Holding space” by people
filters as Huxley thought, but closed the user even with experience in the otherworld.
more off from incoming impulses. One would
feel free, thoughts could be focused, attention The magical, a dangerous but ignored
and intention directed, a paradoxical situation side
would arise. Because the mind was free, not lon- There is a remarkable one-sidedness in the psy-
ger bombarded and didn’t need the protection chedelic movement these days. The adherents are
from the filters associated with personality usually very positive, and facing the suppression
(masks) , one could let go of the masks. In my vo- of the use and the infor mation flow by the status
cabulary, enter the altered state of consciousness quo (government and churches) this is under-
I call inner child or ritual state. In that state, those standable. Be positive, research the potential ben-
other senses, the primes could operate and let one efits, focus scientific work on how these sub-
enter the magical otherworld. But without the stances can help ter minal patients (Charles
mask also the nor mal senses could function at full Grob), alleviate Posttraumatic stress disorder
capacity, no need to defend oneself. (PTSD) symptoms, help to break addiction pat-
In other words, the psychedelic state and we terns, there is a kind of positivist stance in the
know this is at least similar to the ritual state given psychedelic movement. It falls just short of pro-
all the traditions using such substances, opens claiming psychedics the snake-oil cure for all, crit-
one up to those experiences nor mally not open, icism is not welcome and makes one belong to
but in a two step process, whereby first the need the other camp, the evil empire suppressing the
to defend oneself (by staying in a mask state) dis- holy grail.
appears because the drug closes the mind to Among the attendants of psychedelic confer-
thought-wave flutter, and then one is free to use ences, but also in the amount of books concern-
all the senses wide open and have a “trip”. Setting ing ayahuasca it becomes clear that the focus of
free the imagination, the talent that suffers so the movement is towards the ayahuasca DMT
much from those masks and hypnotic program- concoction and the cultures around it, be it origi-
ming we are exposed to all the time in modern nally in dig e nous or mixed chris tian-voo-
media life. doo-american indian variations. It’s fashionable

to make a trip to the Amazon jungle and obvi- influence reality in ways long forgotten or
ously this has spurred a local shamanic industry ignored in our rational scientific approach.
boom there. The focus of the westerners is on
the psychotherapeutic, self discovery aspects of Narrow focus
the brew and of course interesting notions have The focus of most of the scientists and research-
emerged, like Jeremy Narby’s insights in the cor- ers in the West on medical applications, use in
relation between DNA and the ayahuasca imag- psychotherapy, dealing with addictions etc. is still
ery of serpents. DNA healing might be one of very rational. I applaud the work of Maps, Rick
the forgotten or now rediscovered tools of the Doblin’s crusade is worthy of a honorary PhD
ancient, there is some indication that the Egyp- one day, the Beckley foundation in the UK does
tian and Stonehenge healing traditions were good work, but are they aware of the real danger?
DNA-Celestial based. To prove that most psychedelics not only are less
dangerous than most legal drugs, have less side
Santo Daime effects and even can be used for dealing with
However, while the stories about magical quar - many medical and psychological problems is
rels and spell-wars among the ayahuasceros great, necessary and I hope will result in a policy
abound, there is little or no warning for the magi- change at all levels. Maybe it’s worthwhile not to
cal effects of ayahuasca (and other indigenous portray those who oppose a more tolerant drug
substances) on the participants of rituals. Besides policy as the Evil Empire, but come up with rea-
the mystical (oneness) and socio-therapeutic ef- sonable and constructive arguments and re-
fects the magical is ignored or only accepted in search, as Ben Sesa does. Fighting evil with their
healing. The rather religious Santo Daime (tt’s an own weapons of propaganda usually strengthens
official church) approach is quite typical, the their position, understanding why for instance
whole setup is intended to keep the participants the medical profession is conser vative, honoring
in the subconscious/contact emotion aware state their stance of protecting their patients is a better
and not let them slip in the more magical, immo- approach.
bilized state where visions overwhelm the nor mal This should not ignore, however, the magical side
perceptions. An effective approach, by changing of things, the ways of influencing reality via the
song and dance rhythms the congregation is kept backdoor. Ir rational, but very present in our lives,
at bay, not allowing too much entity perception or ignored and even fought by the establishment,
individual journeying. The magical in this way is pseudo-scientific and irrelevant. That fighting
held off, although at the cura sessions it is wel- magic (separating it from religious practices), has
comed a bit more. That ayahuasca in the jungle been a major force in history, that Buddha, Mo-
setting originally is used far more for magical ef- hammed and Luther were all anti-magical and
fect, for hunting, sorcery or even war, with spells that the fight between the magical and the
etc. is noted and some like Narby even warn for anti-magical lies at the root of many terrible wars,
this, is not perceived as a deterrent for the witchhunts and crusades is not broadly recog-
aya-tourists. nized. The Sunni/Shia schism has much to do
Yet the magical is at least as powerful and effec- with this, reformations in religions too.
tive as the mystical states, the self obser vance and So what if it became known that ayahuasca, iboga
the visions reported in so many books, articles and most other psychedelic concoctions are basi-
and movies these days. Psychedelics (and ritual in cally magical practices? That science and politi-
general) bring about a state of contact with an- cians (and most of psychedelic research) thus far
other world, where the limitations of time, place ignore these effects as they are unproven and ir ra-
and causality are overcome. We have access to tional is maybe a happy coincidence, but we
other dimensions, like the magical time dimen- should blind ourselves for what would happen if
sion where free will and access to past and future magical abuse was added to the list of arguments
are possible, but this comes with possibilities to against psychedelics. Religions, magical institu-
tions by definition and full with magic practices

like praying and transmutation, would feel threat- is even a scientific DSM-IV diagnosis code
ened, miracles are their turf and they don’t like 292.89 called HPPD for Hallucinogen Persisting
competition. Politicians would use the anti-magi- Perception Disorder. This comes with more se-
cal sentiments among the general population to vere complaints than just a change in color per-
further ban the use and research, the movement ception. Some diminished perception of red (an
would be labeled as underground voodoo and hence more hues and saturated reds in the imag-
news pa per head lines would scream about ery) doesn’t seem like a big problem, but then
witches, warlocks and how politicians use black color perception is related to anxiety and depres-
magic. This sounds preposterous, but in many sion. Color perception has a relation with the
African and indigenous societies this is and has emotional state, we know this from the use of
been the case. greens in hospitals. But what if the use of certain
So, with all the benevolent effects of psychedelics substances changes this and affects our mood
that are presented at conferences and in literature state and not for the better. Maybe the better
and studies there is this real danger, the magical artistic expression balances this, but these are side
will one day be taken serious. I don’t know what is effects that need attention.
a good policy to prepare or counteract this. I do Now color therapy (chromotherapy) is seen as
see that if parapsychology would really research pseudo scientific, although some great names like
and prove that for instance spells work, that Avicenna, Alhazen and Goethe mentioned the
thought-waves have an ef fect (and in an effects of colors, Feng-Shui works with color ef-
ayahuasca ritual you are likely to pick up the fects, and our whole fashion industry exploits it,
thoughts, problems and trauma’s of the one next the colors of the walls of a hospital kind are not
to you) and prophesy and divination are real, we really pseudo-scientific I think. So what happens
would open a can of worms. Now I am part of in our psyche and how is the way we see colors af-
that work, as I see ritual in a wider context as prac- fected by the psychedelic experience seems an in-
tical magic with real efficacy (see my book) and teresting research subject.
believe that ignoring magic has been part of our
ecological and moral crisis, but I see the dangers Micro-dosing
too. The holy men in India smoke their chillums, chew
There are negative side-effects, and they are real datura or other strong herbs all the time and seem
but not taken serious in the whole movement. to be fine with it. These days many Westerners
That it is not advised in the case of certain medi- use marihuana regularly and don’t seem inapt to
cal condition and psychological problems to use function in society, in fact many are more relaxed
these substances is known, and many organizers and better able to cope with our stressy world. So
make participants sign statements to this effect. what are the effects of continuous but moderate
But accidents do happen, in Chili there are many use of entheogens, nootropics (smart drugs) or
people hospitalized as a result of ayahuasca psychedelics? There are medical considerations,
ceremonies. being hooked to substances can be detrimental to
one’s health, but with a low enough dose the neg-
Vision changes ative bodily effects can be minimized. The mental
There are even other, less noticeable effects. For and spiritual effects on the other hand could be
instance ayahuasca has an effect on our vision, as beneficial. More and more reports are surfacing
exemplified by the artwork by people using it, of ‘nor mal’ people using micro-dosing of such
also the indigenous artists. More saturation, espe- substances with good effects.
cially in the reds, the vividness of the huichol art The research into the effects of psychedelic
but also the col ors in artwork by Western drugs, the research that was stopped for some 40
ayahuasca adepts, this is not an isolated phenom- years and that is now allowed again, has a bias to-
enon, but a broad tendency. Obviously there is a wards looking at the effects on medical condi-
change in the perception mechanisms, the way tions, recognized mental illnesses and such. The
one sees colors. Looking into it, I found that there use of these consciousness-altering substances

for healthy people looking to enhance their life, In Fadiman’s project a growing number of volun-
their creativity, their well-being or their spiritual teers have taken a micro-dose every third day,
connection is in a way overlooked or not consid- while conducting their typical daily routines and
ered politically wise by the scientific researchers. maintaining logbooks of their obser vations and
Dr. James Fadiman, one of the researchers in the have reported back to Fadiman. His findings sug -
1960s at the IFAS facility in California spoke gest that micro-dosing is not at all like a ‘trip’ but
about the 2013 Horizon conference about this. In rather a general mood enhancer, yielding ‘really
his 2011 book ‘The Psychedelic Explorer’s good days’, when things kind of work and one is
Guide’ he list six factors that deter mine the qual- in the flow.
ity and nature of a psychedelic experience. Within the framework of this book I would say
. Set: the mental attitude of a would-be psyche- that this points at the possibility that micro-dos-
delic voyager ing brings people in an inner child (higher self)
. Setting: the surroundings in which a psyche- state of consciousness where they are more con-
delic substance is ingested nected and thus more in tune with what happens.
I have met enough people in Amsterdam, where
. Guide: a person experienced with non-ordi- the substance situation is more lenient, that re-
nary states of consciousness who helps to mit- port similar effects of a small daily or regular dose
igate challenges and channel insights of similar substances. This in stark contrast to
. Substance: the type and quantity of psyche- those who would smoke a lot of hash daily or take
delic agent pills every weekend and were often the vitality
. Session: the entirety of a psychedelic trip, in- starts to suck as if they are draining their energy.
cluding all activities or rituals
. Situation: the environment, people, and cul-
ture from which a person comes to a session “The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the in-
and returns afterward ability of the human mind to cor relate all its contents.
Fadiman has argued that well planned and exe- We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of
cuted psychedelic experiences can help people to black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we
cope with the increasingly dangerous alienation should voyage far”.
we face in the post-industrial society.
(H.P. Lovecraft, The Call Of Cthulhu)
He also reports positive results from micro-dose
intake for prolonged periods. Fadiman defines a
mi cro-dose as 10 mi crograms of LSD (or
one-fifth the usual dose of mushrooms). The dis-
coverer of LSD, Albert Hofmann called, accord-
ing to Fadiman, micro-dosing “the most un-
der-researched area of psychedelics.” Now I have
met Albert at his house when he was already well
in his nineties and at various events including his
100th birthday (he died at 102) and was always
impressed by his vitality. His mind was open and
youthful, interested in people and nature, he was
exceptionally clear and aware and I always sus-
pected he was taking either small amounts of his
“problem-child” and or hydergine (another ergot
drug invented by him and prescribed for Alzhei-
mer’s) himself. Hofmann seem to have hinted at
the possibility sur mised that micro-doses of LSD
would be a viable alternative to Ritalin (ADHD
drug) that is also used as a mind-enhancer.

36 Gender, Sex and ritual

This is the chapter I dreaded most, as these are equal rights in inheritance, voting, property titles,
sensitive issues and I am afraid I will not be very etc. Only in the last centuries this is changing, but
politically correct. an equal position is a relatively new phenomenon
In discussing ritual and religion, the role of the and is still not accepted in most religious
woman (not her sex but the way gender plays a traditions.
role in society) is not the most prominent one, to Men in most all religions are placed above
say the least. Regrettable, many women would women, in that they can hold office, partake in
like to see a better position for themselves and es- sacraments, there is a general gender inequality.
pecially for those females who are seen as re- Not only in the Catholic Church men are ranked
pressed and under valued in our and other societ- above women in the sense that the priesthood is
ies. There is a tendency to look at the past with the reserved for men, this is more or less the situation
idea, that things were better once, that women in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
had a better position then. etc. This is also the general situation and has old
One points at archeological finds with female roots, nearly all known cultures are patriarchic.
statues and imagery, the paradise of the bible, and The holy books and scriptures are clear, Adam
some Vedic scriptures and then write up the comes first and Eve has to follow and be obedient
patriarchic society we now live in as an aberra- to the all powerful male. Women are subordinate
tion. I will go into that and in this chapter also to men en even when their position in the scrip-
deal with a number of ritual practices and rela- tures is more protected and appreciated, like in
tionships between sex and ritual. the Qur’an this is not honored in their actual legal
Circumcision as a mushroom cult identi- The Hindu book ‘Laws of Manu’ (IX, 18) states:
“For women no sacramental rite is performed with sa-
Just to surprise the reader a bit, I think male cir- cred texts, thus the law is settled.”
cumcision in the Abrahamic traditions has some-
There are some indications like in Paleolithic im-
thing to do with the magic mushroom cults that
agery and in the Mahabharata (Hindu text) that
existed in Sumer and Mesopotamia. Quite a state-
once upon the time, and usually more in the con-
ment, but in the chapter about state-altering sub-
text of agricultural settler societies, this was dif-
stances (drugs) I will show why the work of John
ferent and that matriarchal societies did exist,
Allegro on the Qumran scrolls gave me that idea.
were more peaceful and more connected to na-
If the mushroom was such a fundamental part of
ture. This has been picked up by feminist authors
the early Mesopotamian cultures (and made it
as meaning that matriarchy was the first and origi-
into the Jewish faith) then maybe there is a link
nal situation, that existed for a long time and were
with circumcision, a secret sign of belonging to
the more natural way. This has been expanded to
the mushroom cult. I have not found much other
include speculations about a female creator God
explanations for this practice, so why not a daring
and a cosmology and pantheon with women in a
new one?
much better position. In the neopagan communi-
Gender inequality ties this notion is quite common and the female in
modern witchcraft, druidism, etc. is given a more
The position of women has, in recorded history prominent place.
at least, been subordinate to that of men. There The question remains, if this women-friendly
are a few ex cep tions, like the is land of worldview finds real support. In the animal king-
Bougainville and some references to mythical dom, usually the males are stronger, more promi-
matriarchies like the Amazons, a nation of all-fe- nent and look more impressive. The females do
male warriors. Woman were, both in civic and re- decide with whom to mate, but they don’t seem to
ligious life, seen as inferior to men and not given look for feminine qualities in the males, they

choose the strongest, most dominating and im- I argue that next to the fatherhood issue there was
pressive males to give them progeny, a logical another but related mechanism that was instru-
choice biologically. There are animals where male mental in bringing about patriarchy. Women in
and female are nearly equals, but more often there indigenous cultures are known to have much
is a clear distinction between the sexes, their role more influence over their fertility than their West-
in raising their offspring and obtaining food for ern sis ters be fore the ad vent of med i cal
themselves, the young ones and the males. That birthcontrol (contraceptives like the pill). Using
within the family or herd females do have an im- herbs, massage, body exercises, noting fertility
portant internal role is clear, but this we see also rhythms, there was and is much knowledge about
in human societies, the gender roles and position feminine issues, but this was (for good reasons)
towards the outside are often different from what kept from men. It is unlikely that women didn’t
happens inside the household, where women do understand very early on that having sex and be-
have more power. coming pregnant were related, but maybe this
was kept a feminine secret, part of initiation wis-
Who is the father? dom. This knowledge gave women or maybe
In a nomadic hunter-gatherer situation, the some women (witches, midwives) a hidden, but
strength of men to fight and hunt makes a more real power, they knew who the father(s) were and
patriarchal structure more logical than a matriar- could decide with whom to have progeny. In fact
chy. In settler societies with agriculture the re- this is the situation in the animal kingdom, the fe-
verse is true and yet even there patriarchy has usu- male decides and often male only get their way in
ally won out, not only in daily life and law, but in what looks like forced rape. The power of
the whole religious worldview. That the matri- women in allowing sex (and progeny) is there
archal societies that once were had to give in to even today. Women understand more of sex,
male dominance is often attributed to the pater- have a generally much higher awareness of the
nity issue. The idea is that in more primitive soci- second chakra energies than men, even today as
eties the direct relationship between having sex most will acknowledge. In have noticed this in
and fathering a baby was not clear or not seen as many women and it seems to be one of the rea-
important. So fatherhood wasn’t recognized as sons our sex-lives and sex-experiences are so dif-
such, the matrilineal nature of many totemic soci- ferent. Women have sex-wisdom, know more
eties seems to support this and in Judaism we still and might have kept this to themselves in those
see this, the mother is the one certain factor is the days when they were in power or at least equal to
lineage. As soon as fatherhood became an issue, men. So when long ago gradually this under-
men wanted to be sure the children were theirs standing was picked up by men, they had reason
and hence the repression of the female liberty, to revenge, with a power-balance shift and female
isolation, locking them away and the whole moral subordination as a result.
code that made and makes women second class Keeping women out of the religious hierarchy,
citizens. not admitting them to male rituals or giving them
Now this fatherhood issue certainly played a role, more than some cleaning jobs in public events is a
but it also seems a bit silly that this understanding logical result of the general power imbalance of
only came as late as 3.000 BCE, the axial time in- those times. Additional arguments like menstrual
dicated as the end of matriarchal rule so to speak cycles, limited willpower and inborn wickedness
and the emergence of the religions as we now in women were easy to find or construct.
know them. The change from hunter tot settler
societies seems to have happened earlier, around The Egypt case
10.000 BCE when the first (wheat) crop cultiva- Apart from the archeological findings there is
tion originated somewhere in the upper Mesopo- one culture, where the male dominance was less
tamia area in South-East Turkey. This under- and the female were at least more equal to men
standing is the result of DNA-analysis of the than elsewhere and this was the Egyptian antiq-
varieties of wheat, spelt. etc. uity, from some 3000 BCE till 200 BCE when

Greek and Roman patriarchy notions took over. but also the brains of men and women. Brain re-
Now Egypt in those days was a second chakra searcher Dick Swaab did some work in this direc-
culture, as I argued before in the chapter about re- tion and although his views were controversial,
ligious and ritual development. Their focus was the facts (brain scans etc. are there). He also
very much on fertility, the Nile and the flooding found that there are brain differences between
of the river was all important, most of religion homosexuals and heterosexuals, but it is not sure
and ritual was directed towards this. They were if this is cause or result, the old nature/nurture
less interested in the higher chakra energies but discussion.
developed an awareness and hence culture and On the gene level, men and women are different.
technology that amazes us even today. Luckily Biologically men have an y chromosome where
they did adorn their buildings and tombs with women have a extra x and this alone already
lots of hieroglyph texts and scrolls with hieratic makes women, already in the womb, different
texts were preserved, explaning their rituals, laws, from men, not only in the genitals, but in their
and how their kings lived ad ruled. So we know a whole behavior. According to neurobiologist
lot about them and it is clear, that women had a Gerald Hüther this has to do with the innate need
more equal position, more say in education, sig- of a male baby to secure its sur vival, by going for
nificant roles in ritual, there were even a number more extreme confrontations. He sees male ba-
of female Pharaohs. bies as less balanced and less fit than female ones.
Maybe it goes too far to make a strong connec- He posits that the lack of the secure extra X chro-
tion between chakra focus of a culture and the mosome gives women less inclination to fight or
gender balance, but I would not be surprised if confront. This also shows in later life. Although
the more matriarchal cultures that anthropologist the brains of male and female children are not
studied follow the same pattern. In modern much different at birth, they gradually diverge. In
neopagan communities there is the same focus his view this leads to men going for more extreme
on the second chakra, often more towards cre- challenges and confrontations and thus display
ativity than towards sex, with deities, spirits and a more extremes in achievement. So there seems to
general approach that honors the feminine, fertil- be neurologi cal evidence for differ ences in
ity, the seasons and nature. Even as it is not male/female representation in some occupa-
openly confessed or acted upon, newly emerged tions, and the cultural imprint feminism blames
traditions like druidism have a second chakra fo- for this is just augmenting a biological trend. In
cus and the deeper motivation of those joining is the context of this book, it is obvious that there
often a resonance with that. Skyclad (naked) are (in recorded history) more male prophets,
dancing at full moon and not admitting that sex is kings, great leaders, inventors, scientists, while
an underlying drive is a bit silly, hypocrite denial women score better in healing and the soft sci-
of deeper motivations. I have witnessed enough ences and professions, including diplomacy. In
craft, voodo and assorted magical events and rit- management, the differences are not so clear, as
uals not to notice the underlying energies and both male and female qualities are useful, de-
motivations, and have them seen played out dur- pending on the situation. In ritual context, there
ing or after the event. Often the need to be differ- seems to be little ground for any inequality, ex-
ent, like in the craft or gothic lifestyle and cloth- cept that female office-holders with children
ing has to do with an unhappy attitude towards might need more time for them than males, the
second chakra expression. The pretended and same argument used against women in top level
overtly displayed creativity and holiness is a positions elsewhere.
projection, an endorsement of what is seen as
special. Birth as a sacrament
It sounds a bit weird, to look at birth or giving
The chromosome difference birth as a sacrament, but one of the reasons I
It is now accepted that there physical and func- make this connection is that in many cultures cer-
tional differences between not only the bodies, tain rituals are seen as a rebirth, in a setup that is

intended to simulate the birth process. In the shortly before, a dose of oxytocine and other
North American indig enous sweat lodge the hormones to start independency.
whole layout is like a womb, more or less in the Now here I will postulate a rather startling re-
earth and signifying a process of (re)-birth. mark, that might incite some criticism and discus-
Also the process of human pregnancy and birth, sion. At the moment of birth the child will smell
starting at impregnation is considered holy by not only the nor mal smell associates with the situ-
many and accompanied by samskara’s in Hindu- ation, blood, the fluids from the uterus, fecal mat-
ism. In the Christian faith baptism is also seen as a ter, but also the pheromones present at that mo-
rebirth of the person as a true Christian. ment. I think that the kind and intensity of the
One also could look at the process of birth as a pheromones a child is exposed to at and shortly
blueprint for rituals and examine the effects on after the moment of birth is an important factor
mother and child in relation to psychological and in his or her later sexual life. In other words, a
magical spiritual growth. That having children el- good dose of sex pheromones will influence and
evates the status of the woman is clear; she is en- benefit the sex life to come, a shortage will limit
tering a new phase in her life and the community the susceptibility to the pheromones that play a
usually treats her different. Psychologically it also role in attraction and sexual activities later. The
constitutes a major event with traumatic as well as consequences of this hypothesis are serious for
euphoric aspects and by now we know that hor - this means that babies, born in a way that limits
mones like oxytocine (the love/relax hor mone) pheromone intake, would have less of a sex-life
play a major role in the emotions and physical sta- as those who are born in a way, whereby the
tus during childbirth. Oxytocine is not only a hor - mother releases the appropriate pheromones
mone but also a neurotransmitter and thus works (coplunis) and the child remains in the vicinity of
very fast and powerful. The effects are very posi- those pheromones. Now modern ways of deliv-
tive and might bring the mother to a high, compa- ery using anesthetics, caesarean etc. take away the
rable to what drugs like xtc (mdma) achieve. So opportunity for mother and child to experience
the oxytocine could bring the mother is a state the full possibilities of the process. This not only
that can be described as closer to the inner child because of necessity but because pain is now
or ritual state of consciousness. Combined with considered unnecessary and unnatural, the allot-
the pain of contractions and strug gle to push the ted time for delivery in an efficiency driven hospi-
baby out, which brings the woman in a state of tal is limited, all due to the general rationalization
liminality and loss of identity and ego, we see a and industrialization of medical processes. This
classic transfor mation process, ending with the alas includes the most natural ones, birth and
high state of happiness as the mother holds the death. I fear, that we are, by these modern prac-
child in her arms. Quite an opportunity to make a tices, denying this and future generations part of
jump in consciousness, changing her outlook in the full experience, of access to the higher
life, feel the connectedness not only to her baby, frequencies of inner life and, maybe, sex as it is
but to the world. Happiness is, also neurological, supposed to be.
the best incentive to grow in neuron connections With all our knowledge and psychological insight
and consciousness. From darkness to the light, most of us, and I consider myself among them,
birth is an experience of major importance for are real amateurs and primitive lust animals as it
both mother and child. It is noteworthy in this re- comes to sex and understanding sex, love and re-
spect to realize that the most important new ex- lationships. Men are fairly limited, far away from
perience for the newborn is the sense of smell, as the holistic and tolerant view some women have
before there was no breath. The other senses, al- developed. The true sex goddesses I encountered
though muffled by the fluids in the womb were were willing to share their wisdom, but often
there, but smell is new, exciting and in combina- stated that men were not up to it. I fear this is a
tion with the whole birth process, a for mative ex- legacy from our upbringing (mine was Catholic)
perience. Also the child received, because the and culture, where maybe the sixties opened up
connection with the mother was only severed the veils of sexuality a bit, but aids closed them

pretty well again. I noticed that the second chakra prevent or cure a wide-ranging ar ray of medical
understanding of women usually is much deeper problems and social ills, including masturbation
and mature than that of men, especially when the (considered by the Victorians to be a serious
woman has children. Birth and maybe child rear- problem), syphilis, epilepsy, hernia, headache,
ing brings something essential in that respect. I clubfoot, alcoholism and gout. In England arti-
fear that modern medical practice and education cles in favor of the procedure by doctors like Sir
is not very beneficial in this respect and that sex- Jonathan Hutchinson appeared., Towards the
ual dysfunctioning will be rampant in a genera- end of the 19th century circumcision became
tion growing up with internet intimacy and over- widespread in the Anglo-Saxon world. This went
dosed superficial media-sex as an alternative for on till after WWII when in England it was no
closeness and real intimacy. longer paid for by the insurance and died out, in
the USA it is still a common practice (30% of
Circumcision males).
One of the rituals at least physically related to sex
is circumcision, although the way is has become Cornflakes or what?
habitual in North America can hardly be seen as The American historical position concerning cir-
ritual or spiritual. The origin of circumcision is cumcision is, with some creative tongue-in-cheek
not known with certainty; the oldest documen- irony displayed in the somewhat scatological
tary evidence for it comes from ancient Egypt. Its movie “The Road to Wellville” (1994) about John
origin is supposed to be a religious sacrifice and Harvey Kellogg, one of the circumcision pro-
as a rite of passage marking a boy’s entrance into moters. He was an American medical doctor in
adulthood. It is a highly debated issue and there Battle Creek, Michigan, who ran a sanitarium us-
are many interpretations like: ing holistic methods, with a particular focus on
nutrition, enemas and exercise, and was dead
“It is incontrovertible that baptism has been substituted
against sex apart from procreation (he had 39
for circumcision and performs the same office.” Insti-
adopted children). Kellogg was an advocate of
tutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin, Vol. 2, p.
vegetarianism and is best known for the inven-
531. tion of the corn flakes breakfast cereal with his
brother, Will Keith Kellogg. He led in the estab-
Interesting view, but what was first, circumcision lishment of the American Medical Missionary
or baptism? For some religions circumcision for College. generally against unnecessary surgery to
men is obviously a sacrament, like in Judaism and treat diseases, but paradoxically he did advocate
for others it’s a more or less sanctified custom like circumcision, allegedly to prevent masturbation,
in Islam. In the USA circumcision (for men) is and for both sexes. In females, he described the
seen, due to some well intended but over the top application of pure carbolic acid to the clitoris an
moralistic medical practitioners from the 19th excellent means of allaying the abnor mal excite-
century, like Sayre and Kellogg, as a hygienic mea- ment and for nymphomania, he recommended
sure and still practiced widely, nearly as a standard “the removal of the clitoris and nymphae...”. He
procedure. In the wake of the Victorian age fear wanted to rehabilitate masturbators, and became
of anything sexual, and not at all related to any re- an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb
ligious ideas people like the influential surgeon the habit. He is quoted as:
Lewis Sayre were promoting circumcision since
“The operation should be performed by a sur geon with-
around 1870. he was a founder of the American
out administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain at-
Medical Association AMA and saw circumcision
as a purported cure for several problems in young tending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the
boys, based on “reflex neurosis” theory of dis- mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of pun-
ease, a tight foreskin inflamed the nerves and ishment, as it may well be in some cases.”
caused systemic problems and also the foreskin Islamic practice
was seen as harboring infection-causing smegma. In the Muslim world circumcision is a nearly uni-
Other physicians followed, they believed it could versal practice but it is not based on Qur’an texts.

Probably it was already such a common practice, Christian stance
that the Prophet didn’t give it much significance In Christianity, circumcision was a controversial
as like making it into an obligation. Yet it did be- issue in the days that the faith spread outside the
came a tradition, it now happens between the Jewish community and started to appeal to gen-
ages of seven and twelve years. tile. The Council of Jerusalem decided against
It was long believed Aztec and Maya also prac- the necessity of the rite, and St. Paul, in his Epis-
ticed circumcision, but this was probably due to tle to the Galatians, condemns the teachers that
wrong interpretation of certain ritual event of wished to make the Church of Christ only a con-
higher ranking families, involving blood letting tinuation of the synagogue: “Behold, I Paul tell
of the genitals. you, that if you be circumcised, Christ shall profit
you nothing” (v, 2). St. Augustine, who with other
Jewish circumcision Fathers maintained that circumcision was not a
In Judaism, the ritual circumcision is seen as a mere ceremony, but a sacramental rite. (City of
sign of the covenant between Jehovah and the God XVI.27). St. Thomas Aquinas held that cir-
Jewish people, given by Jehovah to Abraham. The cumcision was a figure of baptism: this re-
sanctity of circumcision derived from its divine trenches and restrains the animal man as that re-
institution and sanction. The male children, fol- moved a part of his body- which physical act indi-
low ing Isaac’s ex am ple, were cir cum cised cated the spiritual effect of the sacrament (De
according to the law: Sac., Summa, III, Q. lxx, a. 1). He gave three rea-
“An infant of eight days old shall be circumcised among sons why this had to be the penis, like that Abra-
you, every man child in your generations: he that is born ham was to be blessed in his seed; that it took
in the house, as well as the bought ser vant shall be cir- away original sin and it limited the longing for lust
cumcised, and whosoever is not of your stock: And my and the flesh.
covenant shall be in your flesh for a per petual covenant.
The male, whose flesh of his foreskin shall not be cir-
cumcised, that soul shall be destroyed out of his people: Female circumcision is of course similar to male
because he hath broken my covenant” (Genesis circumcision, but this linking is considered con-
17:12-14; 21:4). troversial, female genital mutilation (FGM) is po-
sitioned as a totally different thing. Not amaz-
The practice of circumcision did changed over
ingly, as about one third of all males is circum-
time in Judaism. The Biblical rite of circumcision,
cised, but if there are sound reasons for male cir-
called brit milah (or bris milah), entailed the lim-
cumcision why wouldn’t there be for the female
ited trimming of just the very tip of the foreskin,
operation. That the extreme practice in some Af-
only that amount that could be pulled down over
rican countries doesn’t serve any decent purpose
the tip of the glans, not affecting nor mal sexual
is clear, but the fact that it is generally accepted
functioning. This is far less dramatic than what is
that many women and girls in the Western world
actually now done, called brit peri’ah and brit
now have plastic surgery on the genitals makes
mezizah; taking away far more skin, whereby the
me wonder. The one thing that can be said with
penis loses sensitivity and its flesh often becomes
some certainty is that male and female circumci-
thickened and scarred. Aspects of the rite like
sion is well established among certain tribes, and
drawing the blood from the circumcision wound
probably had been for thousands of years, most
through sucking or a cloth also seem rather unhy-
likely as a fertility rite.
gienic in modern eyes. This extension of the orig-
inal brit milah was started around 140 CE to pre- The roots and reasons
vent Jewish men to participate in the Olympic
About a third of all males in the world is circum-
games, where only complete men were allowed,
cised. The major medical organizations these
but one could get away with the minor brit milah.
days are mostly against circumcision, or neutral
about the risk/benefits, only the World Health
Organization WHO has a recommendation for

parts of Africa in relation to a potential reduction ings and wars. The Romans had to fight a serious
of HIV. There are some studies that indicate that war when Hadrian passed an anti-circumcision
circumcision also affects the incidence of human law (together with building a Jupiter Temple on
papilloma virus that is associated with female the Temple mound in Jerusalem) which is seen as
organ (cervical) cancer. the main causes of the Bar Kokhba revolt
There are nowadays ethical and legal questions (132-135), but at the expense of so many lives
regarding informed consent and autonomy con- (580.000 Jews were killed according to Cassius
cerning non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision. Deo) and so many Romans that Hadrian refused
However, the importance of the practice in ritual a Triumph, the traditional procession into Rome
context is usually downplayed and this has to with of a victor. Hadrian said regarding the war, “I for-
the lack of much background or facts in why this bade the Jews to mutilate themselves, and they
became such a widespread practice, also in started a war.”
indigenous cultures.
There are, apart from the hygienic arguments, no Ritual Body mutilation
real grounds for the practce, reason why my spec- There are, and this is hardly mentioned in the dis-
ulation about the mushroom cult identification cussion of the female procedures, other and
makes some sense. more drastic forms of genital male modification.
It is assumed that the roots are religious sacrifice There is the practice of penile subincision which
(even a substitute for human sacrifice) or rite-of- consist of an urethrotomy, in which the under-
passage, sometimes related to phallic worship side of the penis is incised. This is practiced as a
and fertility rites, and as such it plays an important rite of passage by some Australian aboriginal
role in the social life of many tribes and people. It groups, in South America and on some Pacific is-
is in a way a tribal mark, but less conspicuous than lands. Now in Australia we see a similar origin or
tattoos. The origin of circumcision is not known explanation as in the Jewish tradition, it is seen as
with certainty; the oldest evidence for it comes a gift from a God. It is called mika and was sup-
from ancient Egypt, there is some notion that it posedly gifted to the aboriginal Arrernte by the
came from the Jews settling in Egypt at the times lizard man spirit Mangar-kunjer-kunja, a being
of Moses. Herodotus write that the Egyptians, from the Dreamtime.
Colchians, and Ethiopians, from very early times, A subincised penis is thought to resemble a vulva,
were circumcised; and he mentions Phoenicians and the bleeding is likened to menstruation.
and Syrians of Palestine who say that they learned Mangar-kunjer-kunja (says Wikipedia) is a lizard
the use of circumcision from the Egyptians god who created humans. He found the first ab-
(Herod., II, 104) . original beings, Rella manerinja, on one side of a
Merely utilitarian motives for the inter vention hill. They were fused together and he separated
have been assigned by many, also in antiquity like them with a knife and cut holes for their mouths,
Philo (De Circumcisione) he mentions cleanli- ears and noses, then gave them the knife, spear,
ness, freedom from disease, offspring, and purity shield, fire, boo mer ang and the tjurunga
of heart, this last the only mystical or sacramental (churunga), and lastly gave them a system of
reason one among the four. Herodotus also men- marriage.
tions this as the motive of the Egyptians, Tjurunga are sacred stone or wooden objects as-
kathariotetos eineka. sociated with certain legends, chants, and cere-
To be different monies. They have been studied by many anthro-
The “us and them” effect of circumcision is ob- pologists including Durkheim in the context of
vious, it’s an identifier for belonging to a group or totemism. The tjurunga were visible embodi-
people. Countries or groups that do not circum- ments of some part of the fertility of the great
cise have often held antipathy for those that do, ancestor of the totem in question. The body of
antisemitism might have some roots here. In his- the ancestor merely transmuted into something
tory there have been attempts to root out the that will weather all the assaults of time, change
practice, this has sometimes led to serious upris- and decay. Stone tjurunga were thought to have

been made by the ancestors themselves. The tions. We tend to see animal sex as a lower form
wooden tjurunga made by the old men are sym- of lovemaking, but look at Indian temples, they
bolical of the actual tjurunga which “cannot be display all forms, although at different vertical
found”. These “man-made” tjurunga were ac- levels.
cepted without reser vation as sacred objects. The In many ways we are not much different from an-
life-holding and healing magical properties of imals in this respect, we also dress up, impress,
these tjuringas were seen as the very essence of dance, fight and do other things that we see as in-
the life of the ancestor, obtaining access to them stinctive behavior in animals. That animals have
(and the associated knowledge) was often a very fun in this and have some consciousness about
serious and painful procedure. how, when and with whom they perform these
mating rituals becomes more and more clear, they
Another perspective seem to have some notion about causality and
The effect of circumcision on penile sensitivity is display even self-consciousness.
researched, but without decisive results. Some- Now apart from the eternal fascination with sex
times it is claimed that “the most sensitive regions as a primary drive we see that sex does play a role
in the uncircumcised penis are those removed by in many rituals, like in fertility rituals and in the
circumcision.” As there are no objective means to old Dionysian mysteries and these days with
quantify or measure sensation this will probably neo-tantra which has become a cult of its own. It
remain unsolved. However, my pendulum gives is kind of ignored or eliminated in most of the of-
me the subjective indication, that penile sensitiv- ficial religions, or comes in through a back door
ity is reduced by about 25%, but this doesn’t like in Carnival/Mardi Grass. Of course in myths
mean the total “pleasure” out of sex is reduced, sex and fornication does play a role, this juxtapo-
as this also can prolong the act. I also see little dif- sition of the morality of the religion and of
ference in the pleasure of women. There is about myths is dealt with in the myth chapter.
10% less risk of infections due to a stronger skin
tissue (less chance of rupture), 7% less risk of Sex and psychiatry
HIV, 20% less risk of HPV and 10% risk of her- The psychotherapeutic world and psychiatrist
pes, so there I see a slight medical justification of have a lot of patient with sexual problems, but are
circumcision in the world we live in, depending not inclined to use much experiential or even
on sexual practices and incidence of these dis- better ritual techniques to deal with them. In the
eases and to be weighed against the risk of the approach of Osho (Baghwan) and his followers
procedure itself in physical and psychological there is more freedom to experiment and in fam-
(long term) effects. The psychological effects are ily constellation work (Bert Hellinger) there are
less in a religious and ritual setting, but amount to clearly ritual techniques that are helpful and
a 10% increase in psychological trauma effect in effective.
just medical procedures, where the meaning is Sigmund Freud attempted to reduce love to ele-
lost. mentary instincts originating from the Pleasure
Principle. In his book ‘beyond the pleasure prin-
Ritual sex and sex in ritual ciple, Freud (he warns he is speculating) draws an
There is no denial that the sexual aspects and analogy between the libido and Eros, which he
symbolism of sex in ritual are to found every- takes as the poetic representation of the force
where, as even the most basic joining of the posi- which binds together the universe and all living
tive and negative, or the male and the female rep- things. Talking about the origin of sexuality, he
resents a union and a sexual symbol. Sex is natu- asks whether the view put forward by Aristo-
ral, and one can see the whole process of attrac- phanes (in Plato’s Symposium) that humans were
tion, mating, reproduction as a ritual in itself, it’s split from their other half eons ago and con-
both a natural thing and it moulds the shape of stantly strive to reconnect with their other in the
civilization in its ceremonial and practical imple- hope of being whole again—might serve as a
mentation, with all the taboo’s and moral limita-

useful metaphor for the individual’s desire to lose Lévi-Strauss’ model of kinship systems is called
himself in his partner during the sex act. alliance theory, and sees exchange as the basis,
Viktor Frankl returns to love its human, existen- women are a kind of mutual and reciprocal gift to
tial character, not a side effect of love and sees sex establish relationships and marriage rules about
as an expression of love, acceptable if it is a vehi- incest, cross-cousin mar riage, sister-exchange
cle of love. and rules of exogamy (mar riage outside the
Discussing the meaning of love Frankl states: group) create social structures. He sees marriages
“Loving represents a coming to a relationship with an- are primarily forged between groups and not just
other as a spiritual being. The close connection with spir- between the two individuals involved. This no-
itual aspects of the partner is the ultimate attainable tion is quite popular, thinking about mar riage in
non-western cultures as less based on love and at-
form of partnership. The lover is no longer aroused in
traction, arranged mar riages for mutual group in-
his own physical being, nor stirred in his own emotional-
terest, etc. but I think this is too simple. Again I
ity, but moved to the depths of his spiritual core, moved
will point at the chakra system, as a measure of
by the partner’s spiritual core. Love, then, is an entering
development of cultures and individuals, to make
into direct relationship with the personality of the be- a distinction between mar riage practices or
loved, with the beloved’s uniqueness and singularity.” choices at the lower and higher levels, but the
Frankl’s logotherapy sug gests a method of treat- Maslov model also points here. A society ad-
ing sexual neuroses based on the phenomenon vanced to the higher chakra consciousness will
called paradoxical intention, in a way comparable honor the higher goals and motives and find ways
with Jodorowits ‘psychomagical’approach, going to accomodate them, while still understanding
for the anti-poison in a situation caused by a and bowing to material considerations, while less
known poison. Thus, the opposite situation developed societies.
should somehow be explored. For example, if an Much of our culture is concerned with checking
individual stammers, rather than trying not to natural impulses and sex is a major issue. Societ-
stammer, one should force oneself to stammer as ies and religions in them have usually limited the
strongly as possible! Frankl relates to many cases expression of those impulses, for practical rea-
when a short paradoxical intention treatment sons like preventing incest, promoting stable rela-
cured people who had been suffering for years tionships and preventing the spreading of dis-
from stammering, perspiration phobias, sleep- eases, but also because there is this idea that con-
lessness, and impotence. trol of lower chakra impulses will help in the
I wonder how much anti-poison rit ual ap- development of the higher faculties.
proaches have crept into what is now called We can look at sex in rituals in general and then
neo-tantra? the imagery, the symbolism and the direct refer-
ences are everywhere, either with a positive or
Sex rituals and fertility negative connotation, regular religions in the
Sex is a necessary part of life, unless we decide it’s West seem less inclined to applaud what in other
enough and we can do without children. Celibacy cultures is often seen as a sacred and spiritual act.
is the way then, and there were religions like Procreation is of course a necessity and marital
Catharism that believed this to be the way. How rites are part of all cultures, but adding an orgias-
we deal with sex is mostly a cultural thing, there tic accent to a marriage ceremony is not usually
are very free times and very repressed periods in part of the liturgy. Sexual rituals are a different
history, but presumably before that, looking at matter, there sex is the core of the ritual, with di-
the various ways “primitive” indigenous people rect sexual ambitions like in neotantric rituals or
deal with it. Sex in the context of marriage and using sexual energy for other purposes, as sexual
how marital relationships and patterns are the ba- magic.
sis of kinship patterns has been studied by many

Sex rituals new wave of interest in sexuality, more for sen-
sual gratification than for spiritual growth.
Sexual rituals are often highly for malized as part
I will not analyze here what exactly are the origi-
of traditional religious or spiritual activity, as
nal fundaments of the Eastern sexual spirituality,
reenactment of divine mar riages, where a God
I just notice that neotantra in its various forms
and Goddess are represented by human actors in
has often little to do with the principles, goals and
a more or less realistic or only symbolic act, but in
practices of the originals. One has taken concepts
some cultures sex by temple-maidens in the ser -
from Taoist teachings, like that preser vation of
vice of a specific deity (hierodules) was not
“Jing” or exchange of “Chi” should be beneficial
to increased and prolonged pleasure, kundalini
In the Western world, partly due to the repression
effects, longevity and general health, but used
of sexuality by church and mores, sexual rituals
these out of context, notably the training of will-
were more part of underground or cult move-
power and sacrifice of desire to attain a higher
ments, and only in esoteric circles like branches
spiritual level has mostly been overlooked. Such
of Rosicrucianism the subject was touched. This
exercises and techniques are part of a much wider
has led to all kinds of strange strands of secret rit-
and deeper cur riculum and discipline. Most of
uals, often limited to small groups and with the
the neotantric tools and trainings rather fall in the
odium, that apart from the spiritual goals more
general category of recreation, stimulation, rela-
down-to-earth inclinations were served and often
tional therapy, sex enhancements, sex tools, penis
the role of the female was a subordinate one.
enlargements and such. The emphasis on inter-
There is a lot of material about the sex magic of
course without orgasm or ejaculation from the
the 19th and early 20th century, like the work of
man and sometimes the woman with all kinds of
Paschal Beverly Randolph, the phallicism of
miraculous effects and results has been promoted
Hargrave Jennings and of course Aleister
in many books, workshops, video’s and websites,
Crowley and even H. Blavatsky dabbled in sex
but alas not to such an increase of sexual
magic, something hypocritical ignored by the
happiness or health for the participants that
Theosophical Society. Crowley, the great mage of
insurance companies lower their premiums.
the last century saw sex as “the supreme magical
power”, but insisted that sex magic was to be seen Neotantra
as a sacrament. A lot of complicated and often
not effective sexual techniques, with or without My personal experiences with tantra courses in
the help of psychoactive substances, were devel- Myster and elsewhere are not very positive,
oped. He described elaborate rituals, all based on neotantra is often irresponsoble playing with very
the idea that sexual energy is a potent force that fundamental and powerful forces in our uncon-
can be harnessed to transcend nor mal reality and scious. In some cases, it’s like opening a can of
states of consciousness. Of course it was known worms and the socalled teach ers are not
that in other cultures, in the East, but also in Af- equipped to deal with what then surfaces. Also
rica and the America’s, there had been a different the intentions of participants differ greatly, some
stance towards sex as a magical and ritual tool, come for a kind of swinger expereince, others see
and some of those notions were imported in the it as a first step in sexual exploration, and this
sex magic(k) procedures. doesn’t mix easily. It’s good business, adding the
Later in the 20th century, when texts about tantric word tantra to a bodywork, massage or encounter
and taoist practices and exercises and pictures of group is a good promotion tool, but misses the
sexual positions in art and on temples became mark. Many people do have sexual problems, and
available, a new interest in sexual magic arose. good sex-therapy is definitely needed for maybe
Alas, the original and often very refined ideas more than half of all, but then a better under-
from the East were repackaged to become a new standing of the second chakra in the context of
variety of sexual ritual and practice, now often in- consciousness is needed.
dicated as neotantra. Especially the rather per - I will try to develop the model of the sub-
missive approach of Baghwan has sprouted a personalities and their interaction with the inner

child/higher self as a basis for understanding grammed, that entering that inner child state is
sexual behavior and problems. I believe that very hard. In dreams, under very averse condi-
many of the original approaches of older cul- tions like serious illnesses or fever, with psycho-
tures deal with the issue in a way that is at least active drugs, under hypnosis and in orchestrated
compatible with these notions, but as the subject, sitations like rituals we do get to that inner child,
even in those cultures, was always shrouded and but sex is for most people the backdoor. In sex
hidden in ambiguous phrasing and symbolism, one can, given a safe and per missive situation,
the parallels are not directly obvious. Based on an play, show oneself, experiment, in short enter the
understanding of the sexual energy in a person (a inner child state. The nor mal taboo’s and secrecy
kind of diagnosis) we can then look at what the related to sex in our early childhood are in fact fa-
various rituals and techniques can bring in resolv- vorable in this respect, children are nor nor mally
ing the problems or raising the sexual awareness. burdened with a lot of sex programming, beyond
All this in the context of seeing a ritual as a heal- the common denial of the whole thing, so they
ing procedure, there are of course also rituals that can creatively play with it. Of course traumatic or
don’t aim at this and are purely devotional. negative intrusions of the sex-gestalt in early
The model I use has two main dimensions, the childhood does lead to problems later and often
one being that all chakra’s have their own level of close the access to the inner child via the
consciousness/awareness development or fre- sex-route.
quency (which can be measured) and the other The relatively easy access to the inner child state
that we are not what we think we are, but a higher via sex is why sex can be such a useful and power-
self/inner child covered by one or more (sub) ful part of a ritual. Sadly, our Western upbringing
personalities or behavioral modalities. The sec- has in many cases frustrated even this backdoor
ond chakra, where sex and creativity reside, can access to our inner child state, and this could be a
have different levels and orientations of con- serious bar rier to a healthy and happy sex-life,
sciousness in the different modalities. The orien- this again spilling over onto our general health
tations are like the colors, the characteristics of and happiness.
the sexual awareness and encompass things like
orientation (home, hetero, bi), fascinations, sex-
ual potential, inhibition levels, trauma’s, love-sex
coupling and such.
This sounds like a very complex model, but just
imagine that someone has two subpersonalities,
one with a very high and one with a less devel-
oped sexual awareness (sexual frequency). In the
one modality (often experienced as a mood) sex is
not more than satisfying an urge for sexual release
and simple lust, in the other one aims at a higher
level of union. Such a person can shift between
the two modalities, making things not easier for a
partner, that also could have more modalities.
This could result in a whole complex set of inter-
actions, sometimes one has great sex, sometimes
things remain at a primitive existential and lust
level, sex in the mask.
The purpose of a ritual, as explained elsewhere, is
to bring a person in the inner child or original
state, as that is where healing and magic can take
place. Now sex is, for many, the backdoor into the
inner child. We are so conditioned and pro-

37 Examples of the ritual state

Falling in love and guided visualization: chakra and then goes up to much higher num-
two inner child events. bers. I have used this scale in much of my work,
like in therapeutic assessments of the inner child
There are many ways to enter into the ritual state
development compared with that of the mask or
of consciousness. Meditation, yoga, fasting, dedi-
masks, but any other scale would do. The higher
cated prayer, psychedelics, physical exercise, pain,
our spiritual frequency is the better we are as ma-
dancing, drumming, there are many ways, often
gician, healers, or in understanding our own pat-
embedded in the ritual and probably all effective
terns. In a ritual part of the work is thus, once we
in a specific culture and specific circumstances.
are in the ritual state of connecting to our core
To illustrate my punt, that for true effects (psy-
and letting go of ego, to increase the frequency.
chological and magical) one has to enter into a rit-
Here the help of a guide, shaman, priest or expe-
ual state I will use two examples that are well
rienced sitter is a great help, of course in the
known and give a perspective as to what this
(could) bring. Maybe they don’t look like rituals,
but they do bring one to a state where similar
things as in true rituals (can) happen.

Moving up
I will first explain a model of development that I
see in people. It’s basically the standard chakra
system, but I use numeric data to indicate the
The ritual state, which I regard as close to what I
elsewhere call inner child state, others talk about
inner states, higher self state or ego-less state, is
where true rituals aim at, for only in that state can
one truly access the otherworld, not hampered by
the defenses, projections and trauma’s of the
mask(s) or personality. To get there is not by itself
enough to achieve the desired results, within the
ritual state one has to achieve a high enough level
or frequency. This means that the inner child also
has to develop, opening up to ever higher fre-
quencies of the otherworld.
This development of the spiritual frequency fol-
lows the pattern and levels, we can also see in the
chakra system, from the very material and exis-
tential via the heart chakra (quite an essential
stage in the development) to the higher levels of
spiritual awareness. The increasing number of lo-
tus flowers used in the chakra imagery is an indi-
cation of the level, it’s not a linear scale. I use a nu-
merical scale or score that resembles the lotus
flower scale, but for instance has 16 as the score
of the level comparable to that of the second
chakra, 43 for the third chakra, 60 for the heart

wider setting of the ritual (treatment, setting, There is suddenly romance in the air, and expres-
initiation). sive and pleasurable feeling. The emotional at-
This inner child development on this path of traction towards another person, the love we feel,
growing insight and awareness can be the result changes us.
of genetic inclination, special experiences or The word falling has some negative connotations,
training. It might be that someone enters this in- falling in love is temporarily, not real (love), has
carnation with a spiritual scenario or life plan, funny effects, but is also sug gest it happens
that involves a highly developed inner child state quickly and we come down from something. We
and this might result in a higher than nor mal obviously go down “heart over head” indicates
score. In many magical traditions children with an that we let go of the mind and allow the heart to
inclination for advanced spiritual awareness are rule. The people around may smile or frown, for
the ones who are trained to become shaman or we start to behave irrational, we project only the
healer, helping them to improve and anchor their best into our partner. Stendhal calls this crystalli-
capabilities. This makes sense as they would have, zation:”Before you fall in love, you see the other
through their innate gift, more access to effective person as a bare branch; as you fall, you coat him
otherworld communication. It is well known that or her with jeweled attractions about 80 percent
children with what looks like deviant mental ca- of your own making” some kind of transference,
pabilities, epileptic tendencies are the ones who narcissistic identification, but who cares what the
will follow the shaman path, one way to look at world thinks, being in love is great! What is im-
this is that they have chosen this in the life sce- portant is to note, that falling in love returns us to
nario, as these defects for them are in fact the tal- emotions of infancy and childhood or even as is
ent, their brains follow the spirit-intention, one is maintained in “Slowing Down to the Speed of
what our soul wants to be, the material conditions Love”(2004) by J. Bailey/J. V. Bailey it is really the
follow from spiritual and mostly unconscious closest most of us come to seeing life in its spiri-
intentions. tual form”. Maybe it’s no more than an instinctual
Nor mally we lose much of the very high spiritual mating habit, but what matters in this context is
energy of our soul at birth (or even before birth) that it removes our ego masks and brings us into
and in that sense the inner child is already a layer an inner child state. It obviously changes our hor -
around the core of our self. The advanced devel- monal and neurological systems, complex neuro-
opment of the inner child means then also a chemical processes involving amphetamine,
better connection with the inner flame or core oxytocine and dopamine in brain and body give
self. There is some alignment with the conscious- us a natural “high”.
ness model of Antonio Damasio who talks about So how do I see falling in love? I believe that when
the proto-self and the autobiographical self that we meet people, our first unconscious impres-
is more like the ego or mask. sion comes from perceiving the other’s inner
So for effective magical and transformational child. This is a split second thing, very quickly our
work we need to get A: into the inner child state internal sense system picks up things like posture,
and B: get to a high enough level. expression, energy and probably even signals
from the extra dimensional. We nor mally don’t
Falling in love listen to this, we use our mind in its nor mal mode
Let’s look at what happens when we fall in love. I and judge the other on a conscious level and thus
hope it happens to all of us, as it is a magical feel- filtered through our mask. The other person, al-
ing, we enter a state of bliss, where miracles hap- though also picking up deep level clues, will also
pen and the world dances with us. The object of nor mally react, in a few moments, from his mind
our love, crush or infatuation is no longer experi- and displays the mask or personality behavior
enced in a neutral, more or less objective way, we that he or is she accustomed to. So although the
become blind to the negative and only see and en- first exchange, unconsciously, is from inner child
joy the positive, our loved one is the best, the to inner child, very soon there are two masks re-
most beautiful, the dream we were looking for. lating to each other. This is the nor mal mode of

communication, even if one of the two lingers in Guided meditation or visualization
the inner child mode for a while, the reaction of
The method is fairly well known, comes by many
the other will soon force the mask to appear.
names like regression therapy or hypnotherapy
Only if, for some reason, both stay in the inner
and consists of bringing a patient or group
child mode, falling in love can happen. This can
through relaxation and hypnotic induction into a
be trig gered by some detail, some memory of
different state of consciousness, somewhere be-
childhood, the place, the time, the expectations,
tween wakefulness and sleep, and then guides
an ingested substance, but the effect is clear, one
them to other realities, heavenly or subter ranean
falls in love. This can last 5 minutes or 30 year,
situations where one can more easily communi-
most love affairs keep this mutual inner child for
cate with oneself or the otherworld. The whole
a while, maybe some months or a year. After that
procedure is very much a ritual, there is intention,
the infatuation hopefully has matured in true
loss of identity (or ego) and the willingness to
love, or else…
give up the defenses and follow the sug gestions.
I believe this inner child state brings some really
Becoming aware of oneself, one’s limitations the
magical extra’s, it makes the world, the other, the
cause of illness or problems, looking into one’s
music one hears, the food and the sex miraculous.
past (for mer life, traumatic experiences) or to-
It’s a state where we, usually not with intent, cre-
wards the future, most of the ritual elements are
ate a world around us that is perfect, pleasurable,
there, including the sacrifice as the therapist ex-
where frustrations disappear, problems are re-
pects some compensation too. It can be done
solved before they become a nuisance, and we
with live interaction, by using audio CD’s, it can
feel like in heaven. Our heart is open, our senses
be enhanced by body awareness techniques or
more susceptible to beauty and we live in a cloud
trance inducing exercises, yoga, breath work, this
of magical events. Now this might all be changed
has become a staple of the new age therapy
perception, maybe reality has not changed at all,
events. And it works, for personal transfor ma-
but we certainly experience it as different. Most
tion, curing mental and physical illnesses, there
people just enjoy this state, especially as it also co-
are enough people who have experienced the
mes with vulnerability and doubts, as the other
magical effects. The way it’s done these days is
person doesn’t show up or is not responding
less dramatic than the communal trance or pos-
from this special state and we go back to our nor -
session in Voodoo rituals, but the basic mecha-
mal state but with this memory about better
nism are the same. There is intention, prepara-
times. But I myself, in the context of my fascina-
tion, induction, altered states of consciousness,
tion with altered states, started to notice that in
sacramental transference and transfor mation.
this state real miraculous things happened, that
Maybe therapists will not push the magical so
there was true magic happening. Being in love is
much as is done in more indigenous cultures, and
being in a magical state. Now this has not much to
stick to the psychological transfor mation without
do with ritual, at best we could call the whole pro-
asking the help of gods or demons, but in a
cess a biological habit or mating ritual, but it
religious context where praying is part of the
points clearly at what we can do and achieve in
matrix, this is essentially asking for magical
this state. Rituals are, the way I see them, orga-
nized and willful procedures to get into a state of
consciousness that in much like that we get into if
we fall in love.
Some say falling in love is typical of modern ro-
mantic love, that it’s a Western world invention,
and in a way that makes sense, as we in the West
are nor mally so hiding behind our masks, that let-
ting go of that is more rare than in civilizations
where there is less ego.

Congratulating Albert Hofmann at his
100 years birthday party in Basel 2006

Timothy Leary in 2005 in his garage in LA in

front of his archive boxes

Alejandro Jodorowski Christopher Hills, Spirulina and University of the Trees mage

38 Inspiration: people living the magic

My fascination with magic might have to do with other impression that that he was his best friend,
my genetic code, with my upbringing, but I be- there and then.
lieve it was fostered mostly by meeting people When at his house, we came for a short visit and
who were special in the sense, that they were he and his wife cared for us all day and made din-
more “real”, more true to themselves than others. ner, we hardly spoke about psychedelics. Like a
They were my true teachers, not because what child he showed his flowers and garden, talked
they said or did, but because they were. It hap- about light and how inspiring the young genera-
pened so often that the real lessons I got from tion was. Seeing him I kind of understood that
them came like accidental, something made me the secret of a happy and worthwhile life is to
realize how ridiculous, stupid or inappropriate I refind, release, rekindle your inner child. Balanc-
behaved, they mir rored in a sense me, but with- ing mask/personality and inner child, accepting
out judgment. They were inspiring, not because they are both essential parts, Albert changed my
they intended to be, but because they were in this life and not because of the LSD, but because he
magical, childlike state of wonder. They were was himself. Not many people I have met like
great magicians and made me look at why they that, the so-called enlightened ones or holy teach-
were such inspiring role models, and slowly I be- ers usually hide behind their mask. I don’t really
gan to see that it had to do with letting go of the care how crazy, per vert or frustrated someone is
mask, of living the higher self. True magicians inside, what I appreciate is someone who doesn’t
don’t do magic, they are magic, they don’t do ritu- pretend, doesn’t hide, just is who he or she is.
als, they are the rituals. Their most important rit- Now this is not to say that I do not see how im-
ual is in their meeting people, in bowing to the portant these teachers and guru’s are, the way
Gods they rec og nize in them, the sin cere they have developed their personality by itself
“Namaste” they radiate. Their most important can be an inspiration. Brother David Steindl-Rast
magical achievement is that they make others see is one of the people who showed me that it is pos-
themselves as they are. sible to be even-keeled, magnanimous and deeply
Albert Hofmann The combination of a well developed and ma-
A very few have really impressed me, notably Al- tured personality and a released and free inner
bert Hofmann (of LSD fame). A visit to his child is rarer, I see it more often in artists like O
house in Burg near Basel in 2002 was one of the and in people living in the shadow. The have-nots
most happy days of my life. I met him a few times often have what others envy and seek; happiness
before, and the amazing thing was that he re- and detachment. They are the ones that have
membered. He had an amazing people memory, strengthened one of those insights that was like a
when I made a video-documentary as a homage signpost in my experiences, in the nor mal and the
to Albert this was confirmed by many, he would mystical and psychedelic otherworld, a mantra to
greet you as an old friend and remember amazing remind me to let go of ego and as such a magical
details from previous meetings. He was inter- phrase.
ested in everybody he met, the most moving “I am only different, as I have not yet learnt to be the
imgae for me was when at the opening of his same”
Centennial Exposition in Basel, he took the Of course I have met many magicians and would
bodyguard assigned to protect him to show him be magicians, many people who took a serious in-
the pictures and artefacts displayed and explained terest in how magic works or doesn’t work. Few
things to this rather square bloke, who obviously impressed me. One of the exceptions was Chris-
equated psychedelics with crime and evil, as if he topher Hills, known for his popularizing of
was his best friend. No not as if, the onlooking spirulina and University of the Trees, but for me
crowd and television crews could not get any mostly a real person. Overenthousiastic, over-

optimistic, a tad egotistic but what an inspiring of the ego or identity. Such experiences of enlarged
man he was, interested in so many things, engag- consciousness can occur in a variety of ways: sensory de-
ing, showing his toys and machines (he likes privation, yoga exercises, disciplined meditation, reli-
radionics), sharing what he knew. I think that is gious or aesthetic ecstasies, or spontaneously. Most
the sign of true quality, the magnanimity of shar- recently they have become available to anyone through
ing ideas, allowing creative interaction, beyond the ingestion of psychedelic drugs such as LSD,
the ego. Christopher was a true magus, intellectu- psilocybin (magic mushrooms), mescaline, DMT, etc.
ally but also emotionally and when he showed me Of course, the drug does not produce the transcendent
around at his mystical estate hidden in the Santa experience. It merely acts as a chemical key — it opens
Crux mountains, we were like two boys exploring
the mind, frees the nervous system of its ordinary
the miracles of nature. He was very aware of sa-
patterns and structures.
credness of places, did his nature magic to en-
hance that, liked form and content, and was one This is more or less what I would describe as the
of the first real humans and real magicians I met. essence of magical ritual: losing the confine-
He was a prolific writer and researcher of esoteric ments of ego or mask and opening up to enlarged
subjects, came up with many inventions and our consciousness.
conversations at his sanctuary were very inspir- Based upon experiences, participation, and con-
ing. He lived free, in contact with nature, was tacts with many psychonauts I have learned to ap-
playful and very open, his notions about 7 layers preciate the “set and setting” approach. Advo-
of reality has been inspirational for me. cated by many, it summarizes succinctly what the
Let me also mention Jeff McBride, not only a conditions and constraints are when entering the
world class sleight of hand magician, but a true world of archetypes, projections, imaginations,
ritualist too. His magic classes and the FireDance and visual dreamlike inner realities. It was Timo-
ritual concept, described elsewhere in this book, thy Leary’s crisp advice for those daring souls that
were eye openers for me and many others. wanted consciously and responsibly to enter the
psychedelic trip, less known than his “Turn On,
Timothy Leary Tune In, Drop Out,” but a very good way to de-
pict the constraints of a journey. The word “set”
Tim was a good friend of mine (sadly only for his
appears in psychological literature as a perceptual
last few years) and inspired me a lot. Although he
set. Perceptual expectancy is a predisposition to
had a public persona that was clown-like and pro-
perceive things in a cer tain way. Sets are related to
vocative, and not politically cor rect most of the
motivation; one sees the world as one wants it to
time, I appreciated him, especially in his home
see. Leary used it to point at the whole of the
setting. Meeting him many times in the nineties in
mindset, motivation, intent, and expectations
his Hollywood house where he was entertaining,
when entering a situation.
writing and at last, dying, he was a most gentle,
He was a great social psychologist and, on the
appreciating host and amazed me time after time
stage, a showman and trickster: in dire need of at-
with his talent for concisely and with stinging
tention, but willing to share his insights. His pub-
words and metaphors pointing at trends and rela-
lic appearances, some of which I facilitated, were
tions. I will go into some details of Leary’s think-
egotistic, loud, and sometimes chaotic, but never
ing as I see many similarities between ritual and
boring. It was fun to accompany him on his tours,
tripping and of course I use (and expanded) his
sometimes making many appearances in a night. I
set and setting notions.
noticed how he very carefully divided and used a
In the 1964 Tibetan Book of the Dead, Leary
rather small amount of coke to get him in the
(with Alpert and Metzner) wrote about the Psy-
mood for his stage perfor mance. His private be-
chedelic Experience:
havior, and of course I only knew him from 1989
A psychedelic experience is a jour ney to new realms of on, was different, like there was another Tim
consciousness. The scope and content of the experience is there. He helped me write a book about Virtual
limitless, but its characteristic features are the transcen- Reality, the big issue in those days when the
dence of verbal concepts, of space-time dimensions, and Mondo 2000 mag azine I was somewhat involved

in was the premier platform where new age, tech- cal (neuroelectric or metaprogramming), enlight-
nology, psychedelics, and brain research came to- ened (neurogenetic or morphogenetic) and psy-
gether as the “New Edge.” He lived his adagium chedelic states of mind for evolved humans.
“Think for yourself. Question authority” and in- Leary proposed that the higher four exist primar-
fected many with it, including me. The time I ily for future use by humans who might someday
spent with Leary, however, was more about migrate to outer space and live extraterrestrially,
cyberspace, virtual reality, mindware (his Mind one of his stranger hobby-horses.
Mir ror is still worthwhile self assessment tool), Another contribution to psychological under-
and consciousness than about his psychological standing is the (1957) Leary Circumplex, known
insights or psychedelics. also as the Leary Rose or Circle, a two-dimen-
Even as I appreciate Leary’s notion of set and set- sional circular representation of personality with
ting (mindset and worldset) as a way to see and two base axes: Power and Love. The opposing
stage a trip into the otherworld (psychedelic jour- sides of the power axis are dominance and sub-
neys do have a lot of archetypical and ritual as- mission (above/below), while the opposing sides
pects), in the context of the ritual matrix, he of the love axis are love and hate (attraction-sepa-
never fully accepted (or acknowledged scientifi- ration or together-opposed). Human traits (he
cally) the practical magic side of it. He did see the himself liked to limit it to behavior) can be so
social implications of religion, like in Load and mapped as a vector coordinate (extremes would
Run High-tech Paganism: Digital Polytheism be located on the circumference of the circle). As
with Eric Gullichsen. the set (mindset) plays a role in ritual, we will
In an inter view with Todd Karr in 1995, he was come back to this approach and how he saw
more specific about magic. In the book “Mystery emotions.
School,” edited by Eugene Burger and Jeff Mc- Leary noticed that there were symmetries (hori-
Bride, Leary said (p.300) : “everybody visits zontal axis) and complementary (vertical) effects
magic. Everybody is involved in magic, whether in behavior, and in a way found psychological
they know it or not“ and ”everything is magic, as proof for the Her metic “as above, so below,” one
all of us are totally ignorant of what’s going on.” of the basic laws of Magic: specific leader behav-
“Magic originates in the brain. The brain is the ior will call forth symmetric follower behavior.
theater and the playground of the unexplained.” “Together” behavior from one person is gener-
On the next page he qualifies the “old” magic in ally answered by “together” behavior from the
religion as folklore that’s passed on, done by peo- other. “Opposed” behavior from one person
ple running around doing tricks, washing people’s generally elicits new “opposed” behavior. The
minds, and confusing them. He then jumps to kar mic Law that opposing behavior call for op-
television, the media, and advertising as being
equally magical in controlling our minds.
His eight-circuit model of consciousness in his
book Exo-Psychology (1977), expanded by Rob-
ert Anton Wilson, describes eight circuits of in-
for mation (eight “brains”) that operate within the
human ner vous system and reflect both in the
lives of individual people and in societies. Each
circuit is concerned with a different sphere of ac-
tivity. It somewhat resembles the Chakra system
(this is what inspired Leary in the first place) with
an eighth “overmind” level, but there is also a
Gurdjieff smell to it. The lower four circuits deal
with nor mal psychology and are necessary for
sur viving and functioning nor mally, while the up-
per four are about psychic (neurosomatic), mysti-

posing reaction (you get what you give) finds fied years. But I like that; it’s more honest, more
support in this image. real, more engaging than those who utter their
Leary, although he often spoke of himself as a worn out holy tapes in serious discourses from
pagan and described the Millbrook estate period their real or imaginary pulpit or throne.
as a pagan colony and experiment, was not a ma- I am not easily impressed by people, this coming
gician. He liked Crowley’s work, acted as if was from a certain arrogance, but also because in my
the high-priest of his own (LSD) religion, but this career as journalist and television maker I have
was more showmanship. met and inter viewed many famous and distin-
Magic for him was the miraculous, the amazing, guished people. Although they all are unique and
the junction of love and consciousness, the all, no doubt angels that helped my spiritual, emo-
the unexplained. He saw ritual more as some- tional, and intellectual development, not many
thing that belonged to the boots, the skirts, the left a lasting impression of being “real.” Too
status quo, the system. His focus was to under- many of the famous world teachers, gurus, spiri-
stand and activate, in any way possible, the brain: tual leaders, and luminaries have succumbed to
activate, boot up, turn on, access neurochannels, identification with their masks, fallen prey to the
use whatever nature or science provided. egotrip of being better, wiser, holier than their
What would have happened if the sixties genera- fellow man, usually with some hidden but notice-
tion of “spiritual” teachers and leaders would able attachment to fame, sex, drugs or money.
have really embraced Crowley’s notion of magick Meeting them for a television inter view or as a
beyond their focus on the expansion of the hu- speaker at my Myster center was a nasty trick, ex-
man psyche and consciousness? They looked at posing more than the superficial impression the
the East (and the Mexican and Amazonian psy- camera’s record. There is always off-camera ten-
chedelic traditions) and integrated the psycholog- sion; a studio is stressful place and issues like
ical and mystical understandings, the meditation, rights, integrity, and money are in the air. Even as
Zen and Advaita, but were less inclined to see or I always felt that in my inter views and with cam-
incorporate the other, magical side, which they eras running I had to respect and even love my
considered dark sorcery, evil, left hand practice. opponents in order the get the best out of them, I
Yet history and the old books talk more about au- usually have seen their other sides, too.
gurs, wizards and sorcerers and wars than about I got pointed towards Jodorowsky by Carola
love, mystical insights, and flower power. Espersa, a Chilean shaman, and found myself in
A more recent inspiration for me was Alejandro Paris, where he lives and works, shortly after that.
Jodorowsky. I only briefly met him, but in a magi- As I was accompanied by people that had all kind
cal setting, related to a successful “ir rational” of contacts with him, from various tribal scenes,
healing process. artistic, chilean, and psychedelic, and I decided I
had to see him. Not so easy; he was busy with a
Alejandro Jodorowsky; Coyote mind film pro ject, but there were the weekly
Delving into what ritual means for me, what psychomagical consultations in a cafe near the
magic is and how I came to write about it, I can Gare de Lyon. There I had, with a friend, a con-
hardly ignore Alejandro Jodorowsky, as there are sultation with one of his associates, Moreno, and
so many parallels between his approach and mine was impressed by the sug gestions and effects. I
to this subject, and he has so eloquently translated spoke and did my lucidity thing with some of the
his understandings that it feels I could leave it to people also waiting for a reading there and could
him to spread his insights. But then there are dif- see how appropriate the psychomagical sug ges-
ferences, so let me share some of my projections tions were, and that Moreno gave them in a very
about this man. He is a quintessential trickster, a fast, effective exchange over tarot cards. The
queerthinker, a happening live act, very much like story of how the reading was part of a whole se-
the Amsterdam mage Robert Jasper Grootveld quence of magical consultations and healing rit-
and in another way like Tim Leary. Both of them ual for my friend, who had breast cancer, is re-
were my friends in their last and not always digni- lated elsewhere, but I was impressed. We tried to

contact Jodorowsky himself, but he was busy their addiction to their most basic needs, like the
with his film project. But then, intention and need to know, the need to be right, the striving for
magic works. My friend spotted him on the street perfection or drama, the need to act, to move, to
and we approached him. Although the contact conform, to bridge, or to help. The enneagram
was short and there was too much ego ex- has 9 points, divided into body, emotion and
changed, he made one important remark that re- mind segments, each with introvert, extrovert,
ally helped me at a very deep level. He said to me: and denial points.
“belief is the key, what you believe will happen.” The film Holy Mountain itself shows an ennea-
This was the confir mation I needed, as well as in gram type 9 personality approach. I wonder
the healing process I was involved in with my whether this is the real Jodorowski, he plays a
friend. somewhat wu wei and kingly character that might
I then started to look more seriously in who have come from Ichazo, a fellow Chilean. The ex-
“Jodo” is and did, how he developed his psycho- trovert life of Jodorowsky indicates more of a 4
magical method and how he expressed it in his or 8 type.
works, films, books, and life. More and more I Both his eyes (vision) and hands (tarot, initiatic
saw parallels in his thinking and mine, but also in massage) radiate special powers, a magical con-
how he has met many “remarkable men and nection to the metadimensional. He is a seer and a
women” and was influenced by his experiences change agent, willing to risk things as his often bi-
with them, how he sampled insights and tech- zarre happenings and film projects indicate, a cre-
niques and recombined them in his own way, how ator of paradoxes and koan-like jumps and rid-
the psychedelic was part of the learning process, dles in a symbolic language that he claims touches
and how he arrived at a notion about magic, ritual, the subconscious there, where real change is pos-
the psyche and reality that is very similar to what I sible. It’s all symbolic, but the symbol is in the see-
found or was given. All this in a manner that was ing, in the act, in being the audience, the theatre is
at the same time ar rogant and totally humble, ob- playing inside. He brings or rather catapults his
noxious and obedient, rebellious and flexible. He viewers in the liminality state, the threshold be-
is a magician and sorcerer, but distances himself yond beliefs, the identity (and morality) crisis that
from these words as they belong to indigenous Turner indicated as essential in a ritual. Watching
traditions. He places himself in the Western the movies of Jodorowsky is therefore a ritual act,
world, honoring his teachers and yet is fiercely in- some classify his work as counterculture, I believe
dependent in going his own way. He has made it’s proto-culture, it addresses and, for me, hits the
great cult movies, endless theatrical productions, proto-self of Antonio Damasio, the embedded
performed happenings of a sur real character, is a self that is conscious but not self conscious.
famous comic strip creator, and has explored the Jodorowsky learned from many, including the
sur realist, the spiritual, the esoteric, the psyche- Japanese Zenmaster Ejo Takata, an array of Mex-
delic and the magical, with quite a multidimen- ican witches/healers, worked with some of the
sional oeuvre. He is well versed in the dealing great minds of his times, but reduces everything
with the supernatural as illustrated by his film to the essential. I never read or heard anybody
Holy Mountain, with the assistance of fellow who so eloquently preached his simple gospel of
Chilean sage Oscar Ichazo (The Arica school love and being. He admits, that his life has been an
movement) and his psychedelic explorations with endless strug gle to become aware and let go of
him. The film is, like his other classic El Topo, his defense systems, the ego-ar mor that anchors
sur realistic, an amazing series of ever stranger us in our limited beliefs about reality. Letting go
sets and actions. It offers a constant surprise in of that programming is a never ending story, but
imagery and yet has an underlying structure that Jodorowsky obviously has explored many roads
points at the enneagram, also kind of revealing to spiritual awareness, and yet has a refreshing,
the insights of Ichazo. The enneagram is a sys- debunking approach to what “enlightenment” is.
tematic way to analyze human programming and His advice about how to deal with psychedelics,
behaviour. It shows that people are different in he took LSD with Ichazo and describes that as a

major step in his development, is practical and antidote to programs and beliefs that have poi-
to-the-point. His advice to look for an experi- soned his clients, or more precisely their person-
enced guide and not for quasi-religious group alities. The perfor mance of certain acts, and he
ceremonies and traditions far removed from our comes up with rather creative concoctions, can
Western reality is far more in line with what directly act upon the unconscious mind, freeing it
LSD-discoverer Albert Hofmann noted about from memories, beliefs and traumas, some of
“Sacrale Drogen” than what Ayahuasca and which are passed down from generation to gener-
Maya 2012 writer Daniel Pinchbeck conveys in an ation. His work with the family (genealogy) tree
inter view with Jorodowsky. I like his statement and roots in one’s psy che looks a bit like
that with the movie Dune he tried to offer the au- Hellinger’s Systemic (Family) Constellations, it’s
dience an LSD-experience without the LSD, he about unraveling hidden family tensions and
understands it’s not the substance but the result handed down problems in an experiential way, it
you bring back to daily reality that is important. has a lot to do with theatrical mise-en-scene and
That is what Leary and the New-edge movement adds a time-dimension to what intuition (and
in the Nineties saw as the potential of Virtual Re- tarot cards) tells.
ality, as I have outlined already in 1990 in a book Jodorowsky likes to pose as a mystic, and his in-
with John Perry Barlow. I found, reading up sight are deep and loving, but at heart is a magi-
about Jodorowsky and watching internet-video, cian and a showman to it. He is a firm believer in
many statements and opinions I wholeheartedly what the Tarot reveals, he uses his own recon-
share and apply, like that he refuses to foretell a struction of the Tarot de Marseille, the Camoin-
future, that he doesn’t want any payment for his Jodorowsky Tarot, a restored version of the Mar-
magical healing work and that we need physical seille Tarot. The imagery resembles the Tarot of
acts (and why not make them theatrical) to get the Paul Marteau but with the colors of the Tarot of
message beyond the cognitive into the deep layers Nicolas Conver (the colours of the Tradition)
of our self. and some refound details that got lost through
His notions of poetic acts, theatre as a therapeu- the centuries. His use of the Tarot, apart from be-
tic medium and panic theatre (happening like per- ing his personal link with his unconscious, in the
for mances) are authentic and based on a deep un- context of his psychomagical act sug gestions,
derstanding of how magic works, how the person does create a bit of a theatrical setting, it becomes
and the character can be separated, how the inner, a ritual, a theatre of therapy. Nothing wrong with
divine self can and must be freed, and how physi- that, except that he claims his psychomagic has
cal (psychomagical) acts are a necessary step to no need of a magic trap, that is how he indicates
connect consciousness with ordinary reality (in the way the Mexican magicians and healers work
changing ones programmed character). His ther- and create initial belief in their powers.
apeutic model and practice is different, quick, In the book The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro
startling and yet effective, using psychomagic and Jodorowsky, published by Inner Traditions, his
psychogenealogy in an absolute original but very Japanese Zen-master Ejo Takata asks him about
pragmatic way. “God”: “Ejo, my reason is always seeking distinc-
When he talks about Psychomagic, his therapeu- tions and limits. It can neither define nor explain
tic method of helping people to help themselves, nor understand a reality in which absolutely ev-
he points at the need to speak the language of the erything is united and forms one unique truth,
unconscious to reach the unconscious, where ev- but if we grant that no concept is reality, that it is
erything, including illness and thus healing, starts. only a limited sketch, I can learn to use words not
There is some similarity of psychomagic to what as definitions of the world, but as symbols of it.
I call structural magic, but the best description I A symbol allows for a vast number of meanings,
can give of what I have seen and read about his as many as there are individuals to perceive it.”
therapeutic approach of healing psychological
wounds is that he uses counter-poisonous acts
(creative symbolic acts in physical reality) as an

39 The appropriate ritual: choosing

What ritual would be effective and appropriate acts and what is obviously directed to the
for me, the organization, the situation? This is a extradimensional otherworld?
fairly nor mal question, because even as we might If you don’t have some connection with a specific
have left the church and the traditions of old, we tradition, you can feel free to roam and hunt for
still marry, die, erect new buildings, have children, what appeals to you. You can copy, emulate, adapt
start new ventures or change status. In most cases existing for mats or create something new and
even these days this calls for a celebration or personal for you. For the common moments in
meeting of some sort and we have developed life like birth, marriage, death, but also the first
more or less standard for mats with often details stone of a new building, the highest point of a
that go back a long time. There are ceremonies construction, the coming of age, first menstrua-
with a touch of the old customs, the rings at a tion, etc. etc. one could consult thousands of
marriage, the throwing of earth on the coffin and books and zillions of websites, go to see astrolo-
we will use the religious tradition or ask a priest to gers and assorted soothsayers, mages and witches
attend special events and we do say some appro- but in general be aware about their motives and
priate words, give a blessing, before we start skills.
eating, drinking and networking.
This all in the politically cor rect mode that we A plethora of options
honor whatever religious tradition feels neces- The various theories, examples and models in this
sary, but Western people will deem the gifts to the book do point at cultural similarities, but also at
bride, the prenuptial agreement and their mort- the differences between people, cultures and situ-
gage situation a better indication about their fu- ations and offer ways to distinguish between all
ture than watching the birds in the sky at the mo- the options. The rituals of the East or the West
ment the rings are exchanged. In the context of are not fundamentally different; they do fit in a
this book, which is based on the assumption that development state of the people and the culture.
ritual has a magical component and efficacy that There are pointers here, like using Ancient Egyp-
is a pity, it seems we cut ourselves out of the real tian rites for a mar riage could be a great idea,
fun, deny our selves the sup port of the when fertility and equality between the partners is
otherworld and the magical effects! important, but feeding a few ser vants to the croc-
So can we do better and how to choose a ritual odiles to stimulate the festivities and appease the
for mat? Can we reinstate the true ritual purpose? Gods is less fitting.
For starters we could try to understand what the Try to define and understand the true purpose of
old cor respondences meant, why there are the ritual, very often this requires a bit of psycho-
golden rings, why are golden crowns held over logical dig ging and self reflection. Here the dis-
marrying people in Hinduism, what is the mean- tinction between higher self and mask is impor-
ing of objects, moves, certain phrases we have in- tant, a good and effective ritual should address
herited from a past where belief and understand- the core and bring one to the deeper level. Do
ing of ritual obviously was more common and rit- away with the pretense, be honest to yourself and
ual/magical causality better understood? So it the participants. Not only people wear masks and
helps trying to understand the true matrix and are driven by vanity, greed and lust, but organiza-
purpose of whatever tradition we feel appropri- tions too. The real purpose of erecting this
ate or are attached to. It already helps to look at grandioso facade at the highway location might
what is known about the roots and maybe take a be different from the pretentions. As a longtime
little more time and give more attention to what city journalist in the city of Amsterdam I have
then surfaces. The notion of separating set, set- seen too many prestigious projects clothed in so-
ting and the magical could help her. What is in cial necessity and welfare purposes, but in fact be-
your mind, what are the physical elements and ing smug and self serving conceitedness or ag -

grandizement of the politicians, civil servants or means to get into the ritual or trance state, one
stakeholders. should allow enough time. However, most rituals
Start on the inside or spiritual ser vices are too long, too boring and
So the process of choosing an appropriate ritual the attendants lose interest, get distracted and this
for mat for an occasion, be it personal or organi- doesn’t help the efficacy.
zational, is also a good moment to look at the real Cutting it short doesn’t mean not using the most
motives, the real purposes, one’s masks, one’s hid- powerful ingredient of the ritual matrix, silence.
den dark sides. What is below the surface, what In speeches, songs and in ritual situations in gen-
are the real motives of the officiator(s), priests, eral, the pauses, the time-outs, the moments of si-
commissioner and participants? The cultures of lence are when people come to themselves.
old were quite aware of the wrong reasons (and
self delusion) to engage in certain rituals, and had Specific situations
built-in precautions, embedded confession mo- Apart from what are traditionally seen as the rit-
ments, tests, selection procedures, preparation ual moments in life, the seasonal high points, the
stages, stop-loss moments and many other ways full moons, birthdays, there are situation where a
to help people get into the right state (the inner ritual might be appropriate, but there is no tradi-
me, the true I state) before they would commit tion or standard to rely on. Sometimes new tradi-
themselves. We have retained some of that like in tions emerge, to separate is so common now that
the marriage ritual in Christian churches where apart from the legal pomp around it with lawyers
before the crucial nuptial commitment the con- and judges sometimes people see it as a moment
gregation is formally asked if there is anyone who to celebrate or even ritually unchain themselves.
objects to the marriage. Psychologically and socially this makes sense any-
The preparation makes the ritual, preparation of way, especially if there are children involved, and
the mindset, of the guests and participants, the proper ritual might help the people to untie at a
physical situation, the space, the offerings, the deeper level. Also in cyberspace new tradition
party after, the whole matrix. Of course one emerge (or should emerge). I think that assuming
could wait for the inspiration of the moment and a new email address or opening a new website or
ad-lib it. cyberstore are good moments to consider some
I have attended great rituals where the officiator kind of ritual , this virtual place will be with you
or a participant diverted from the program and for a long time and will be a focal point in the en-
raised the energy, but usually improvisation yields ergetic exchange with others. Neopagan and
poor results, egotistic perfor mances and lack of cberfuturist Mark Pesce uses blessing amd focus
focus. Whomever has attended closing circles of pages before he starts a new website. Given the
events, where many use the opportunity for a importance in older traditions of name giving
mostly self-serving and too long recapitulation and blessing ignoring this ritual inauguration
of what is obvious, know this. could be a mistake in the long term. There are no
For more elaborate rituals it is good to study the ser vices yet that evaluate the magical qualities
basic structure of existing for mats and if one (numerological or even Kabbalistic value) of
chooses to create a new one, there has emerged a your name and passwords, but specific phone
whole new class of often very inspired ritualists. numbers often are felt to carry some magical or
These are people interested in ritual, often in a mascot weight, so why not your cyberspace
neopagan, druidic or magick setting that maybe identifiers. Your URL carries some weight.
like to help you stage your own. You would then The specific situations where new rituals or a
act as the producer, commissioning the ritual choice of an existing ritual doesn’t follow the
(and paying a rea son able fee for the ones standard for mats are many, but I will give some
performing). examples. One category is healing, for our health
Cut it short and use silence is not only a matter of mechanical process. There
It does make sense to allow time for the process are of course many faith-healing traditions and
and when one uses drumming, dancing or other

practices, but healing is not nor mally on the tive” we turn them out the streets, homeless and
agenda of classical churches. thus create a problem, not a solution.
Medical science can be very helpful and any form So true healing, not merely fixing some problems
of ritual should not exclude consulting a medical and symptoms, would require more than just
professional, but we are more than just our body; measuring blood pressure and coming up with a
it is our soul that might benefit from ritual heal- diagnosis and prescribe whatever the medical
ing. Healing beyond the direct help for traumatic books sug gest. The deep probing necessary to
situations like breaking a leg or a cardiac ar rest trace the root causes of an illness is not usually
should always consider, that beyond the symp- done, we go to the doctor, he prescribes some-
toms there are deeper causes, the deep roots of thing and usually that works. Only when the nor -
illnesses and even accidents deserve attention, mal procedures fail, and this is in very serious
something not realized or honored by the medi- cases or when the complaints or situation linger
cal folks with their standard approaches, and even on, we will seek alternative ways, but even there
psychotherapy and a lot of alternative treatments we look for the quick fix, this herbs, that treat-
don’t bring more than symptomatic relief. ment, fix-me-upper or weekend workshop.
A lot of the old ways of dealing with health were The notion, that any physical symptom might be
considered superstitious and non-effective and related to a deeper cause is something we might
have fallen by the wayside, but are now reconsid- subscribe to after two joints at a spiritual festival,
ered. Practices like pilgrimage, walking for but is hardly taken serious when it comes down to
months to places like Santiago de Compostela are a pain here, an irritation there, a recur ring loop in
now back in favor, as it is clear that for many our thinking. In this we have grown away from
modern day psychological and medical problems more “original” (the word primitive is becoming
such a quest is an effective treatment, even apart more and more politically incorrect for the wrong
from the spiritual aspect. And even beyond the reasons) societies, where not only our modern
homeopathic remedy approach, where chemical masks and pretentions are less, but the belief in
en physical effects of drugs are replaced by more extra-dimensional forces and possibilities has
and more pure infor mation exchange (effective remained alive.
because of the extra-dimensional loop) I believe Than in healing or let’s start with diagnosing, one
that the name of many herbs and elixirs have a has to look beyond the surface, probe beyond the
magical efficacy. shown personality, accept that there are more
Potions like St. John’s Wort Extract (Johannis- masks or assumed personalities with each differ-
kraut) didn’t get their name for nothing, beyond ent physical modalities and that the relationship
the chemical effects (allopathic in this case too) with the inner plays a role too is not an objective
there is the magical correspondence, using it is statement. It is something that arose out of per-
also asking for the help of St. John. sonal and thus subjective experience and might
Many of the old healing ways were lost or eradi- possibly not be valid for all and everything, but
cated, while they were effective, maybe not as after 15 years of serious auto-immune rheuma-
medical treatment in our modern eyes, but as psy- tism (Sarcoidosis) and thousands of analyses it is
chological, social and magical methods with ef- a working proposition. Thou are that in this inter-
fects through mechanisms not understood today. pretation means that whatever happens to you
Michel Foucault pointed out that the emergence has a cause, but this cause is in yourself, only
of mental institutions to put away the disturbed maybe at levels and in dimensions much deeper
were more a way to fill the Lazarettos originally than blood pressure or acidity can measure. Us-
set up to isolate the contagious sufferers of lep- ing divination with a pendulum myself, I accept
rosy. Before the mentally retarded were part of that there are a myriad ways of diagnosing and
village life, maybe given simple jobs, but inte- whatever a shaman, soothsayers, country doctor
grated at some level. Now that institutionalizing or truly empathic medical professional tells you
them turns out to be too costly and not “produc- from their guts, intuition or divination has value,
especially in cases where allopathic medicine

gives up. There are methods that yield surprising present in all relationships, and had a relation
results, like Radionics and the Psychomagical with the father, with as a side effect anger and
methodology of Alejandro Jodorowski and I def- high blood pressure. Blood pressure differences
initely don’t consider myself a healer, but I do related to sub personality masks are often ignored
dabble in trying to understand how healing, ritual by doctors as they only measure patient in a spe-
and magic work. cific mask modality and never catch them in oth-
ers, so a diagnose can be cor rect for a certain
Some personal examples mask, bur not very relevant or even wrong for the
I will go into two cases to illustrate how magical totality.
healing might work. One case involves a woman, The solution came in increased awareness of the
who was seen by others as extremely jealous, but mechanisms involved, once the blame of jeal-
didn’t recognize this in herself. This of course ousy is accepted as being relevant even as it is a
had some effect on her life, relationships and led projection of others, the trig gers and tell-tales be-
to a noticeable isolation. There were obviously come apparent and can be dealt with. The en-
energies at work she didn’t understand, as form ergy-sensitivity is harder to deal with, the resulted
childhood on she had learnt to shield herself shielding patterns and intuitions are useful and
from such emotions. In fact she displayed a life- manifest in very practical but subconscious
style, that made others jealous of her, she was in- choices as placing a bed in a bedroom a certain
dependent and controlled her own life in an effi- way, wearing certain jewelry and many other mat-
cient way. So what others projected into her, jeal- ters of style and taste we normally not recognize
ousy, often was indeed their own jealousy. This as effective energy-manipulation. To unlearn
energy pattern around her, in fact not very much those patterns a shielding of unwelcome thought
her own “inner child” mode of being, but a waves had to be devised. It turned out that mir -
mask-personality that kind of reverberated the rors or plates of gold foil are what would estab-
outside projections and led to behavior that could lish a kind of sacred and shielded space around
objectively be called jealous or were rooted in her bed, placed in an tetrahedron form, with the
jealousy. The isolation tactic she used as an sub- mir rors looking from a point being placed paral-
conscious defense wasn’t what she really wanted, lel to the opposing face, at some 2 meters apart,
so we looked for the mechanisms. These had to but the distance wasn’t so important. Here the so-
do, as in many similar cases, with a denial and lution for the situation was both awareness and
shielding pattern related to her high sensitivity some correspondence physical layout.
for certain energies (thought-wave patterns) in
childhood. She became like a mirror for specific Image healing
energies, attracted people that could use that as it Another example concerns an organization, just
resonated with their own and it was a for mative to illustrate that magical thinking can be applied
influence in her life. Nor entirely ineffective, she to healing beyond bodies. The Amsterdam Police
became independent, free-willed, assertive and Corps has a bad reputation, and this is for good
yet fitted in nicely, her interest in spiritual matters or rather bad reasons. During WWII the police,
and organized mind made here quite popular in helping the Ger man Occupation forces like the
certain circles. Gestapo was instrumental in helping deport Jew-
This jealousy thing however was like the shadow, ish citizens in large numbers. Their approach was
the saboteur that would kick in at the wrong mo- without merit, in the end the majority of the Am-
ments. So we looked at the situation and the un- sterdam Jews were taken to concentrations
derlying pattern, of course related to her position camps, most didn’t return.
in the family. She was a much later born last child The local Amsterdam police played a nasty role
and at the same time sociable, charming, loving, then. This dark past has stained their reputation.
and open, but also as tem per a men tal and Like in many organizations, after the war only su-
self-centered, needy for attention and demon- perficially the more guilty police officers were
strations of affection. The jealousy mask was not punished, the underlying structures and senti-

ments were never properly addressed. I have had, was (and is, I have mentioned it often in my
not entirely aaccidental, an office and operation weekly columns in a small city newspaper) to es-
in a building that once housed one of the worst tablish a museum about the WWII actions of the
police stations, Nr 5 at the Singel in Amster- Amsterdam Police. Such a museum would of
dam-Centre. I lived there for ten years in the nine- course bring the whole issue out in the open, ex-
ties and in that time heard many stories about cuses would have to made (this has never been
how bad it was, what happened there and the en- done) and material would have to be displayed
ergy of that place attracted, magically, many Jew- making clear what role the force played in those
ish people with family ties to that place, so the is- days. It would be, in the jargon I used to describe
sue wasn’t very far from me. Now in that time I effective ritual elements, a truly confessional
ran a 24/7 local television station and often had statement, the ego of the police would suffer,
to report on demonstrations, police actions, fires there would be a lot of publicity, but it would also
and such, shooting in the streets myself. One of made a magical statement. This was the past, we
the regular segments was Homeless TV, made by are not proud of it and we will learn, and this mu-
homeless people I gave a camera, but I did the seums reminds us and the city that we have to be
editing. careful, it exposes our past and what should not
So I was pretty close to the police action, had happen again. I know it would work, it’s not easy
some incidents where I noticed and filmed police but magically and psychologically effective.
brutality, made complaints etc. with as a result
that the police spokesman would call me publicly
an obnoxious figure. None of my complaints
were even taken serious, filmed police beating me
in a riot situation made it ot the fornt page of
newspapers, but the complaints were always ig-
nored or rendered invalid because of false testi-
mony from police officers. So it turned out that,
and this is personal experience but affirmed by
many, that the basic attitude of the Amsterdam
police didn’t improve much from their WWII
days. Arrogant, trig ger and baton happy, on the
take in many cases, the high commissioner would
negotiate a better salary than the mayor, police
chiefs would privately run a hotel, homeless and
arrested people died unexplained, I dare to say
the Amsterdam Police was a bad lot. So what to
do, such a situation needs to be addressed, in a
city were I and my children and grand children
live is not optimal.
Now the basic root energy of an organization is
hard to change, people familiar with mergers&
acquisitions issues know this, to re-launch a
brand is not an easy job. I noticed that there is a
certain similarity here between the stubbornness
and resistance to change of an individual and that
of a larger organization.
So would a ritual act be helpful here? I came up
with a notion, that maybe didn’t resemble a ritual,
but the whole procedure would be a lengthy pro-
cess and have many ritual aspects. My proposal

Volume 2
Fire Rituals: Transformation

Fire is a privileged phenomenon, which can explain anything. If all that changes slowly
may be explained by life, all that changes quickly is explained by fire. Fire is the ultra-liv-
ing element. It is intimate and it is universal. It lives in our heart. It lives in the sky. It rises
from the depths of the substance and offers itself with the warmth of love. Or it can go back
down into the substance and hide there, latent and pent-up, like hate and vengeance.
Among all phenomena, it is really the only one to which there can be so definitely attributed
the opposing values of good and evil. It shines in Paradise. It burns in Hell.

A Fire as Heaven’s calling card; a way to honor and address
the central active principle of our times.

What would we be without fire? Fire, as its kind- tablet at hand doesn’t make good for this loss of
ling and handling is so specifically human, is the experiential connection to a basic element. Fire
most logical and common tool to address the be- ritual is a good way to experience fire, but not
yond, the Gods, the spirits, and the otherworld. many have access to such events, they are more or
More anthropocentrically, fire allows us to cook less the exclusive domain of some groups and
food and digest more efficiently which also dis- events. In the USA for instance the Burning Man
tinguishes us from animals. Fire influences the event is well known, but who can afford the
psychological and archetypical inner world, it is expense of going there?
the life within and experienced as essential for We do need a new connection to fire, the search
our stance in life and relation with others. for the physical and the inner fire is what might
Our inner fire is what we feel as the driving force help renew our connection to the spiritual, the all.
in us, the thing we are looking for in life. It is the That is what this volume intends to do, offer in-
light, the source within, the holy fire that enlight- sight in what fire rituals are and can bring.
ens us. As fire is related to light and light to the The latin word Focus for “hearth" or “fireplace”
sun, these things are often related in the mythol- has sur vived in modern language. As the focus of
ogy. our culture moves from fire to electricity to
Using fire in a magical way to influence reality and internet and cyberconnectivity, incorporating
as a messenger to the otherworld is a less rational these new forms of fire-energy and the new
but still common practice in ritual context. We fire-media into the ritual matrix also requires a
light candles or do a small daily agnihotra fire rit- better understanding of what ritual and thus
ual. To honor fire is an age-old custom; we can magic is, how it works and what it can achieve. In
safely assume that rituals and ceremonies using the first volume of this book the concept of ritual
the psychological, practical, social, and magical in general has been dealt with; here we look at
power of fire are as old as mankind, even in its how this applies to fire-ritual.
early hominid forms. There are traces of the use Fire and ritual are not only connected in many rit-
of fire dating back one million years ago (South uals, they both seems to be essential in de devel-
Africa’s Wonderwork Cave finding 2004). Early opment of the human race. Of course the usual
hominids (pre humans) are supposed to have two typical human descriptors are language and
walked the African soil at least two million years fire, Darwin considered language and fire the two
ago and probably used fire. The change in our most significant achievements of humanity. I ar-
jaws and less potbelly stomachs were the result of gue that ritual existed before language (in sym-
cooked food, fire might have played an important bolic form, exchanging practical communication
role in evolution towards modern man. is common among animals) and allowed the de-
These days, many feel we have lost much of the velopment of the human race. Whether the hu-
connection with the essential aspects of nature manoids like Neander thals, Denisovans and
and especially fire. There is a cry for renewal, for homo erectus could be considered human is an-
new and meaningful ways to celebrate and honor other matter (there is some Neanderthal DNA in
this source of light, warmth and safety. In our us) but they probably used fire all along. Fire
modern world many kids grow up never seeing a played a role in changing food patterns, is what
fire or bonfire, except on television or in a movie. Richard Wrangham argues in his cooking hypoth-
They might hear warnings about fire, but the inti- esis (Catching Fire, 2010). Mastering fire allowed
mate connection we had with fire in the past for to cook food and because cooked food is easier to
cooking food, warming the house and as a place digest, one needs less gut, and there would be
to gather around is lost to them. That they have more energy to feed the brains. Brains could
the electronic fire of Facebook, a smartphone or

expand and the hominid body became more This part of the book is a creative exercise, not
modern. necessary scientific, a way to further illustrate and
expand my notions and hypotheses about what
Now a similar argument about the development ritual really is and does and how this manifest in
of the human goes for ritual. The efficient group fire rituals. At the same time, it has practical impli-
size (Dunbar’s number) in a society is a limiting cations and helps to interpret newer forms of fire
factor, as the group grows larger, more time is ritual. Large-scale events like Burning Man and
needed for social grooming. Robin Dunbar festivals all over the world are essentially fire ritu-
showed a cor relation between group size and als and a lot of magical and ritual lore surfaces
brain capacity so seeming larger groups require there but the fundamentals of the ritual matrix
larger brains, probably one of the reasons homi- and ritual process are not always recognized or
nids have this larger brain size since about 2 mil- disappear in the theatrical extravaganza and the
lion years. Larger social groups beyond the use of stimulating substances.
Dunbar size (100-230, median 150) have distinct My purpose is to find, recognize and distil what
advantages, they allow specialization, division of “works” as a truly ritual part of such events and
labor but require means and ways to manage, rituals in general, and what is merely empty form,
communicate, establish common norms and val- no more than ceremonial repetition. Rituals are
ues, accepted sanctions and status differences loaded with symbolic and archetypical messages.
(Muzafer Sherif‘s social unit) and ritual is a logical The mages of old referred to the “cor respon-
platform for all of that. Ritual allows more struc- dences”, the symbolic links between the worlds
tured social grooming and thus larger group size. and dimensions: the substances, forms, acts,
This means that ritual and fire both are essential words, sounds or symbols that hyper-connect,
to hominid development, where language is of like hypertext buttons on a webpage. In the chap-
course a further means to allow groups to grow ter about set, setting, and correspondences in the
larger, as Dunbar also pointed out and internal- first volume I developed an expanded view of
ized (symbolic) speech allows the development how a ritual hypothetically works and is related to
of self-consciousness and voluntary symbolic a meta-dimensional view of our psyche, senses,
goals in humans, eventually leading to religion, time and existence.
science, etc.. Other mental function like dream-
ing and visual imagery are common in the more Rituals as our link to the spiritual and
evolved parts of the animal kingdom, like magical metadimensional
mammals. I have argued before, that we have Where do we go with this broad interpretation of
inherited dreaming from the plant kingdom. rituals in times, where the connection with some
Even if Dunbar’s number is not the most appropri- deeper levels of reality is so rare, where we lost
ate way to look at group size limitations; concepts
the “live” link to religious traditions and seek
like weak and strong ties within a group complicate
the issue, the idea that rituals are functional in shap- spirituality that is mostly self-serving? There is a
ing relationships and thus add value to the connec- challenge, an invitation to re-embrace the ritual
tions remains valid. dimension, going beyond the mere repetition of
old for mats or copying indigenous and tribal rites
outside our “Western” worldview.
The ritual matrix dealing with fire is manifold,
I like to refer to what Jeff McBride, one of the
complex, and has deep roots in our cultures and
inspirators of modern fire-rituals asked himself
archetypical symbolism. Working with fire or
and his band of co-creators of FireDance and
holy fire can be done in many ways and there are
subsequent fire rituals. What is an appropriate
many traditions we can refer to, with lots of spe-
way to stage a private or public fire ritual, honor-
cific details and interesting socio-cultural roots
ing and not respectless copying the traditions of
and anthropological interpretations but here I try
East and West while leaving space for new forms
to look for the general model, the structure.
and messages, with a high degree of interaction
and participation and yet with the solemn quality

and transformational energy and even the magi- ritual is discussed, the structures and goals and
cal effectiveness we expect of such an event? The whether anything is achieved, the efficacy of rit-
FireDance for mat as developed in the USofA is, ual and the magic underlying it. To that purpose,
in this context, described and analyzed as an ex- the structure of magic and theoretical models to
ample of a modern way to explore the fire and its explain magic as in the first volume are here dis-
magical, mystical and transformational qualities. cussed as applicable in fire-rituals.
Also Burning Man, the massive desert happening A model for a universal ritual scenario or liturgy
centering around the burning of an effigy, de- (cultus) is outlined in the first volume. Here this is
serves a critical analysis of its ritual qualities, as it applied to fire, based on the common threads in
combines pagan, new age, cyberpunk and psy- the many, many traditions with fire rituals, and
chedelic escapism with Bay Area innovation and combining these into a logical and practical struc-
exhibitionism and even counts US president ture, a meta-dimensional ritual matrix . Admit-
Obama as a regular. tedly rituals in themselves are not logical or ratio-
nal and any interpretation is tainted by our pres-
Fire, as one of the essential elements, has a special ent world<->view and paradigms but discarding
role in the relationship between man and the them as superstitious and ‘primitive’ denies the
other world, between this and that, between inner influence of the ‘other’ dimension(s) in our lives,
and outer reality. Fire is in itself a deity or elemen- our history and our religions. Magic and religion
tal force of nature’s order but is also the natural are very closely related, if not actually the same
bridge between the worlds, linking the natural and ritual is where the two converge. Ritual, as I
and the su per nat u ral, the sacred and the define it, is a ceremony with a magical purpose.
mundane. Here I make a clear separation between what the
In our modern world, fire is everywhere, it drives words ceremony and ritual mean, ceremony hav-
our cars, gives us electricity, propels our planes, it ing psychological and social effects but not a
is more omnipresent than ever before, we have a magical purpose, an effect of mind over matter.
symbiotic relation with fire. It has become the Ritual, in this interpretation, is more than a sym-
central active principle in our world of combus- bolical reenactment, it aims at achieving results
tion, incandescence, without fire moder nity beyond the rational, beyond the space-time para-
would be a pretty uncomfortable state. Light, di- digm of the materi al ists, even beyond the
rectly and indirectly related to fire, is becoming psychological and sociological effects described
more and more the basis of our communication by the “scientific” anthropologists.
networks. Far from tracing all fire rituals to a common an-
Fire thus symbolizes transfor mation and change, cestry the fire ritual outline developed here aims
it offers catharsis and can act as a catalyst in trans- at converging to a form, a general matrix that
for mation processes in ourselves and society and honors all the ancient and traditional ways of cel-
beyond that, it connect to the otherworld, the ebrating fire but leaves room for new express-
gods, the meta-dimensional where magic reigns. ions.
It therefore deserves a special place at meetings An important aspect of fire rituals and maybe the
or events where people come together to honor reason I am so fascinated by them, is that there is
the spirit, especially in a world torn by ecological not only the external fire out there but also an in-
and human violence and ter ror, lacking a clear di- ner fire in us. The inner fire, the holy fire, the
rection. A fire ritual is especially appropriate in kundalini, by whatever name, this energy in us is a
times of change and chaos, when transfor mation for midable force but one that is hard to accept
is needed and in a world, where fire is everywhere. and acknowledge, even harder to unleash, at least
In this volume of my book about ritual I look (of- in my experience. I see fire rituals as one of the
ten through the eyes of earlier writers and think- ways to get closer to that inner fire, to the deep
ers or inspired by them) into the origins of source inside.
fire-worship, the myths, rituals and ceremonies
associated with fire. Then the meaning of such a

The origins of fire back. Then life - one-cell organisms, algae, plant,
the very earliest flora - produced enough carbon
In the development of our species the mastery of
for fuel and oxygen. This also means that fire is
fire counts as a major achievement; according to
quite an Earthly thing, no other planet in our so-
many, including Claude Lévi-Strauss, a French
lar system has fire. They have molten magma,
anthropologist and ethnologist, it marks a water-
lightning, the sun is a fiery ball of thermonuclear
shed in the development of our species. It might
energy but no fire.
have been what allowed our forefathers to come
Of course we can and should extend Pyne’s no-
down from the trees and walk on their two feet,
tion of a Third Fire with the now so prevalent
having fire with all those enemies in the African
Fourth Fire, the era of cyberconnectivity and
savannah would have made that move a bit more
internet. As we have taken electricity, in digital
feasible. The control and manipulation of fire is
form, as the new idol, the new god of connectiv-
what really made us ‘human’ and, moreover, dis-
ity, this clearly delineated a new stage in dealing
tinguishes us from the animal world. We are the
with reality and the extra-dimensional space. One
only animals that can really control fire, are able
could even say, that fire as a centerpiece of the
to make it, sustain it and practically use it. Ani-
communication (infor mation exchange) with the
mals use the result of fire, wildfire actually at-
otherworld is just evolving and that using internet
tracts many animals, looking for food and licking
and cyberspace for ritual infor mation exchange is
the salted ashes, only humans will deliberately
the next challenge. For many, their smartphone
cause fire. We can of course not be sure how the
and Facebook interactions are a new altar, where
first use of fire by humans or humanoids came
they ritually interact, with new patterns and even
about, whatever dreams and visions we can have
traditions emerging but a deep hope that it will
about that discovery are mere speculation. The
magically give them what they want and seek, be-
facts are that the remnants of human fire have
ing it new friends, new challenges or just pleasure
shown up in archaeological finds (as early as the
and happiness. That their hope to connect to
Lower Paleolithic age, 790.000 years ago and in
many is limited again by Dunbar’s number is not
pre-homo sapiens human races) and we can make
generally understood.
educated guesses, based on those findings and
There are many stories and myths about where
studies of more recent and even contemporary
fire came from, how humans learned to master it
but less ‘evolved’ cultures, as how the use of fire
and what role God(s) or deities played. The semi-
has developed. Worship or deification of fire
nal work in this respect is Myths of the Origin of
(also pyrodulia, pyrolatry or pyrolatria) is known
Fire (1930) by Sir James George Frazer, a Scottish
in many cultures. The controlled use of fire is
social anthropologist, who in his main work The
considered typical for the human species.
Golden Bough gave us volumes and volumes of
descriptions of the customs, habits and symbol-
Stephen J. Pyne, author and professor at the
isms of what then we regarded as ‘primitive’ cul-
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University,
tures. Although many of J.G. Frazer’s conclu-
gives us, in his book ‘Fire, A Brief History’ which
sions and assumptions proved unfounded, his
eminently teaches us about the history of this ele-
enor mous work of bringing together the stories
ment, some great insights that help us understand
from all over the world still demands our respect.
the various stages in the use of fire. He distin-
At the surface he was a sturdy positivist of the
guished First Fire, that which came from the
nineteenth century, labeling all those strange cus-
heavens as lightning or from volcanic eruptions,
toms he described (or had to describe) as super-
Second Fire, the fire humans sparked and Third
stition and totemism but at a deeper level one can
Fire, the industrial fire of combustion engines
taste his fascination and his understanding of
and electricity. He makes clear that Fire might be
magic and many of the theoretical models he
a fairly unique phenomenon in our solar system,
shared are still worthwhile.
maybe even beyond that. The three factors that
are necessary for fire, being oxygen, fuel and a
spark, did not occur till about 400 million years

I will come back to some of the origin myths, like have noticed that after a brush fire not only the
the complex of notions around the mythical fig- animals that fell prey to the fire were ‘cooked’ and
ure of Prometheus. more edible but also many plants, nuts, seeds and
roots were transformed in digestible, tasteful and
Fire and civilization healthy staple. Apart from the cooking, which led
The role of fire in civilization can hardly be over- to specialization in household chores and in-
estimated. It played a central role in the develop- creased gender specific roles and tasks, fires
ment of the human race, was the major tool in provide warmth and light.
hunting, ag riculture and building, it shaped our Ecology and fire
world in more ways than we usually realize. What We humans have changed the face of the earth
would we be without fire, how could we sur vive (Carl O. Sauer) and although we might think that
in colder climates, maybe the control of fire was cities, concrete and ag riculture are most impor-
what made us come down from the trees and ven- tant in that respect, fire has been the major factor,
ture into the savannahs of Africa, made Homo certainly in the centuries and ages past. The use
sapiens evolve. In his book Fire and Civilization of fire to burn and slash has, according to Johan
(1991), Johan Goudsblom, a Dutch sociologist, Goudsblom, led to substantial deforestation in
describes how he sees civilization as a process, a Europe before the Middle Ages and is still a very
dynamic development of all those aspects of be- obvious practice in many third world countries.
havior that are learned, shared and transmitted. The same goes for the North American plains,
Carl Ortwin Sauer, an American geographer, sees when left alone they slowly turn into forest again;
fire as one of the three pillars of social develop- only massive burning could have prevented the
ment, together with language and ag riculture; it majority of the USA plains from being forest.
changed the face of the earth. And fire and ag ri- There is enough evidence that Native Americans
culture are, for most of human existence, very greatly changed the character of the landscape
much interwoven, burn and slash was the way to with fire, and that they had major effects on the
tame the woods, fertilize the soil and grow crops. abundances of some wildlife species through
Control of fire brings also dependency, once we their hunting (Benjamin A. Botkin, Stephen J.
knew how to use fire we became dependent on Pyne). The American Indians in this way greatly
what it gave us, be it open spaces for farming or changed their ecosystem for their use and
animal hunting or for warmth, light and cooking. survival.
Comfort is addictive; living without fire is seen as Of course natural occur ring fires also happened
a barbaric experience. This paradox of the fire, but it is clear that the human hand played a role in
that we at the same time master it and become its this process, sometimes called culture burning.
slave, makes it all the more mysterious and magi- The term “fire-stick farming” is also used, mostly
cal and feeds our fascination with this strange, to indicate that by using fire to clear the forest or
sometime dangerous element. Again here the burn down the high grass and shrubs one could
parallel with cyberspace is obvious, again we have attract both the grazers and their predators. Buf-
an utterly practical medium that has the tendency falo, wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and such like the
to enslave us and definitely has very dangerous el- new and low grass, as it gives them security by be-
ements. The social effectiveness of ritual as used ing able to spot and outrun the predators and
by many religions to keep us in line becomes even provides them the much needed minerals like cal-
more manifest in cyberspace, where the means of cium and salts in the fresh growth. Burning gen-
communication also become a way to control us. erates ashes with the minerals needed to fertilize
the soil and help sustain animal life. After a brush
Fire and cooking fire one sees many animals licking the ashes, as
Apart from the use of fire to clear forest for the the salt-cycle is crucial to the whole eco-system
above mentioned purposes, agriculture and hunt- of the savannah. Even today, artificial burning is
ing, fire has obvious benefits like light and its use often used in wildlife parks in Africa to attract the
to cook and prepare food. Our forefathers must animals to areas close to the lodges and tourist lo-

cations, sometimes using salt to attract the ani- Another reason to address the use of fire and fire
mals but thereby offsetting the delicate balance ritual in this way is that at many occasions, some-
of the whole ecosystem. times at large gatherings like Burning Man in Ne-
“Slash and Burn” as a short-term way of prepar- vada, Rainbow gatherings, the FireDance festival
ing fields for agriculture works for a short time and other FireTribe events and at many alterna-
but in the long term has a devastating effect. As tive festivals, the fire itself has become part and
Carl O. Sauer noted “The role of fire, especially in parcel of the festivities but is not always honored
the hands of primitive man, needs much addi- in the proper way. Fire in the ritual context de-
tional obser vation, undertaken with the knowl- serves respect, is “holy” ; ignoring its integrity,
edge that long-continued burning may have op- throwing plastic and other waste into it again can
posite effects on vegetation from those that result be seen as an insult. Especially when many differ-
from a short series of burnings.” ent nationalities, people and nations come to-
gether, it is important to give the fire its proper
Traditions and rights place for all to par take and understand. A new fire
Amidst the many forms that religions, cults or in- tradition in this sense is evolving, incorporating
dividuals have developed to honor the fire and the old traditions into a more universal fire ritual
use it as an inter mediary in their communication befitting our times and multi-cultural society. If
with spirits, some universal for mats and themes one perceives this central element of our lives as a
recur and are used as the basis of the general fire divine entity, as most cultures do, what would be
ritual described here. an appropriate set-up to honor it at times, when
Fire is not only useful and docile in its domesti- we do take a few steps back from the rat-race,
cated form, it’s demanding respect. Traditions reviving our connection with the elements fire,
like the native Americans (Indians) have a great water, earth and air?
respect for the fire. Their ceremonies around the We can look at the older traditions and try to dis-
fire, the sweat lodge and the pipe, I would actually cern the general principles of their fire rituals to
call them rituals according to the way I distin- establish a new and maybe more general form of
guish between ritual and ceremony, are certainly a fire ritual, practical and yet respectful of what
valid and powerful but also bring up the issue of our ancestors so clearly considered important
cultural ownership and even intellectual proper ty and sacred.
rights. Sun, gender
There exist many fire-traditions and as they often Fire rituals are very basic; most traditions honor
belong or even establish the cultural identity of and venerate fire, often in connection with light
specific people or tribes, there is the issue of re- and the sun as the prime light giver. The element
spect and integrity and in legal terms intellectual of fire is part of stories and mythology all around
and copyright of the ritual components, songs, the world, often related to the sun. Many tradi-
etc. Just copying the rituals of indigenous tradi- tional fire rituals like St. Lucia, or New Fire events
tions, using their songs or part of the procedures are related to the solar cycle, the winter solstice,
is thus not appropriate, and is felt as stealing or an the seasonal rhythms. The sun, gold, light, fire,
insult. The fashionable and often disrespectful the circle, there is a clear correspondence. In
re-en act ment of sweat lodges, sun dances, physics terms, the sun has no fire (only hot
ayahuasca rituals, etc. or disrespectfully copying magma in nuclear processes) and whatever en-
parts of rituals is therefore not the right ap- ergy we receive from her is radiated out again
proach. Of course there are cer tain fundamental (otherwise we would have heated up far more
parts of the ritual matrix that one can recognize over our 5 billion years earth existence) but in
as universal but one has to be careful not to in- spiritual terms she is often seen as the source of
fringe on what others regards as their sacred all. British writer Gregory Sams has pointed at
heritage (and are willing to claim as such in a court the importance of the Sun in our worldviews
of law). through history.

Comparing the qualities of different fire rituals (divined) with a resulting FSE indicating the magical quality (for the participants)

The role of fire in human development Fire thus became part of war, burning down cit-
ies was the easiest way to destroy them. Fire is
The role of fire, the care for the fire and its wor-
thus also the destroyer, there were some great
ships have probably evolved over time, especially
fires in recent history like London and Chicago
in relation to the male/female role patterns. Soci-
and 9/11 in a way was also a fire-event. This as-
ologists like J. Goudsblom have described the
pect of destruction and renewal with fire we see
role of fire in the civilization process, in how cul-
in the Phoenix but also in the image of Shiva. Fire
tures developed. In most societies the sacerdotal
is transfor mation and the digestive tract in
(priestly) role is now strictly male but in the
ayurvedic terms is the Agni (also the God of fire).
hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies no doubt
the women had to take care of the fire, tending
Fire is part of human (pre-)history, is archetypi-
and preserving this essential resource. In settler
cal, and was part of us, long before we could write
societies the hearth remained the domain of the
about it. Apart from archeological proof and
woman, for warmth and cooking, also keeping
cave paintings we have the old books. The Bible
the healing role in female hands. As the art of
mentions the fire that Noah lit after the Great
fire-making developed, seemingly men assumed
Flood receded. The word “fire,” and its attributes
the role of fire-makers and even excluded women
of “light” and “heat,” are used often speaking of
from participating. Cooking was not always a fe-
the Creator and His goodness even as sometimes
male thing, one of the interpretations of the
it is mentioned as a destructive force like in
name of the Brahmin caste is “cooks” and in
Sodom and Gomorrah.
many of the old Vedic rituals the brahmin are the
The spiritual use of fire (by God and in sacrifice
one taking care of the fire and the preparing and
and ritual) in mentioned on many different occa-
cooking of soma.
sions like the making of the Covenant with Abra-
Fire has, besides cooking and heating, also more
ham (Gen. 15:17), the burning bush (Exo. 3:2-4),
aspects, it can destroy things, burn them down.
the pillar of fire (Exo. 13:21) guiding Moses dur-

ing the nights in the desert, on Sinai (Exo.19:18), magic as view points, or do we have to look at
in the flame on the altar (Judg. 13:20), and many more factors and influences and allow for
Yahweh answering by fire (1 Kings 18:24, 38). individual assessment of what a certain fire ritual
Sacrifices and offerings in Judaism (and many means, achieves or effects?
other traditions) were to be made by fire. (Exo. If we just start by lighting a candle, a simple oper-
12:8,9,10; Lev. 1). Leviticus 9:24 makes clear the ation, we can see how a ritual can evolve, become
sacrificial fire “came forth from Yahweh.” The more powerful, more impressive, more effective.
burning of incense to represent the prayers of One can hardly call the mere lighting of a candle a
the people is another use of fire. ritual but what if we lit it in front of a special
The first hymn of the Rig-Veda is devoted to statue or picture, meditate on the purpose, pray
Agni, the divine fire. The Greek gave fire a big while lighting it, kneel, sing, circle seven times
place in their mythology, both as in the good around it, call spirits or deities to help us, wouldn’t
smith/transformer Hephaistos and as the hell- that increase the subtle energy of the flame? And
fire of Hades. There are the old Persian Mithras- what if we lit it not with a match but by making
cult, the comprehensive Vedic Agni-rituals, Bud- fire with a flint, abstained from eating for days be-
dhist Goma/Homa fire rit u als, Egyp tian forehand, drank a special concoction, specially
Earth/Star fire-worship, Irish Bridgid festivals, prepared and blessed the candle, used special
the Slavic Kupalo solstice and the Aztec and Ma- herbs, incense or oils? What if we did this on a
yan New Fire ceremony every 52 years, the Phoe- special day, under specific planet constellations,
nix and Pro me thean myths, the vol ca nic dressed up in ceremonial clothes or stark naked,
Pele-worship of Hawaii, the Celtic Beltane and with thousands of spectators, sacrificing with
Samhain, the middle column of the Kabbalah as gifts or cutting off our hairs, ultimately throwing
the pathway of fire but even today bonfires are kerosene over ourselves and using the candle to
very common. lit ourselves a the ultimate sacrifice?
Fire has also linguistically crept into the culture What if this act was the beginning or end of a ho-
and reveals the associations (or again correspon- ly war or intended to ward off a famine or
dences) we have with fire. In the Vedic tradition, drought that could kill millions?
the fire-god Agni is both a deity and the way to Would these ritual extensions of the basis fire act
address the other gods but agni is also the indica- effect our minds, our connection with others and
tion of the digestive tract. The Sanskrit word for the reality in a magical way and how much, what
fire is Tejas, also meaning life-power, energy, would work best psychologically, what would in-
beauty, dignity, seed. Homa is Sanskrit for fire crease the efficacy, what would be mere embel-
ritual. lishment or pimping?
Most of us would agree there is a difference be-
Henry David Thoreau: tween the simple act of lighting a candle and a
Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame fully fledged fire-ritual but what is
the dif ference? Can we quantify
From candle to festival these differences? The “hard” indi-
cators like number of attendants,
How strong is a ritual? Starting with the
timing, costs, materials used etc. have
most simple ritual of lighting a candle
been described by anthropologists,
and ending with millions of people
with questionnaires we would asses
witnessing a devoted Indian widow
subjective qualifications and with
throwing herself on the pyre, it is clear
modern brains cans and medical
there is an energetic difference. The
equip ment we can mea sure
question is what dimensions there are, how we
brain-states, oxytocin, serotonin, blood pressure,
can describe or even better quantify the differ-
acidity, and hor mone level find out what parts in
ence? One could try to distinguish between set
our brain are trig gered but does this help in un-
setting and correspondences as dimensions of
derstanding ritual? I am sure one day we will be
ritual energy, or use psychology, sociology and

able to pinpoint exactly what the physical, chemi- which factors are important and to illustrate the
cal and electric effects of a specific step in the rit- way I look a rituals in general.
ual scenario or liturgy are but does this explain What is the difference between the most simple
them? If one believes matters follows spirit (not fire ritual, like lighting a candle in front of some
spirit as an emergent quality of matter but mind statue or the more massive and complex forms
over matter) then for sure there are symptoms like the Vedic fire rituals in old India or Burning
and qualities associated with a certain state, and Man. They have to do with fire, intention, energy
they can be measured. However, why not assume and expectations but differ in scope and intensity.
we, as humans, are capable of not only causing Even before going into the different aspects of
but also feeling what happens at a ritual (and thus fire and fire ritual, I will start with describing but
remembering, visualizing, imagining), why not even more comparing some example events or
accept the subjective as a way to gauge effects and actions associated with fire. This will introduce a
try to learn from those subjective impressions. few new or at least unusual ways to look at what
My metho dology and approach in using a happens there and set the stage for expanding
pendulum is explained in the first volume. those notions and developing a more general
It is obvious that there is a difference between matrix.
fires. Not only in physical characteristics, colors, I compare these events, using an intuitive but
size and what feeds the fire but also in origin, in quantitative method to evaluate sacred space,
the magic qualities, the energy level. To differenti- magical act and energy as a classification of the
ate between the various levels and energy forms is subtle energy levels, with as a result a general no-
quite a virgin ter ritory and one could adopt many tion of FSE (Fire Subtle Energy) grading.
models and structures. So let´s proceed by com- What is important are not so much the specific
paring some fire-rituals with the subjective mea- ratings, as they are obtained by subjective divina-
suring approach (divination) outlined in the first tion (using a pendulum) but the systematic ap-
volume. proach and factoring. This approach helps to turn
subjective gauging into a broader view and yields
Sampling some fire rituals insights that become more objective but as it is
Fire is fascinating, we all have some memories open to review by others it offers the possibility
about fire-events, from a quiet meeting around a to check the finding by more objective measures
hearth or fire place, maybe a violent burn we wit- like numbers of visitors, money spent etc.
nessed, to events where many people gathered I choose some fire rituals that are either well
around a fire in the open. Some left a mark in our known like the Olympic Flame, well documented
conscience, some became a vague recollection, I like prof. Staal’s Vedic Fire Rituals in India in
personally remember some great 1975 and The Burning Man festival,
burns, like the Millennium Burn or an event that I personally attended
2000 at Amsterdam’s Ruigoord, as FireDance in 2003 and 2004 in
where thousands of people gath- Boulder Creek in California.
ered to welcome a new century by Now there are many way to look at
set ting fire to an enor mous these events, so I have not only lim-
Tower of Babel structure that ited the indicators but also define
took nearly a year to construct. here at what I look at. I take as the of-
But I also remember a Catholic ficiator the person or persons most
priest holding two candles over involved in the ritual, like the person
my throat at age five or six, giving lighting a simple candle with a dedica-
me the Blasius blessing. tion and intention to achieve some
good for someone. The athlete actu-
Comparing rituals ally lighting the final Olympic flame with his
Before going into history, ritual roots and ritual torch in the stadium, the priests (hotar) at the Ve-
matrix I will compare some fire rituals to outline dic ritual, the leaders and ceremonial masters at

the FireDance and those setting fire to the effigy public bonfire, tended
at Burning Man are also officiators. The atten- by public officials and
dants are those athletes and officials in the sta- fire men makes 400
dium, the public at the Vedic ritual, the dancers FSE. Even min i mal
and drummers at Firedance and the crowd of ritual procedure will
dancing, fire jug gling and otherwise active people bring any fire up to 500
at Burning Man. FSE and an average
Of course the data are not specific, individual ef- Wiccan fire reaches
fects might be different but this matrix gives an 1800 FSE. The aver-
idea of the factors involved, and points at what age fire used in a ‘west-
interests me in the context of this book. Other ern’ sweat lodge cere-
people might like to look at more hard data, like mony scores 3000 FSE, a sweat lodge fire with
the increase or decrease in body temperature, American Indian fire tending and procedure
heartbeat, oxcitocin levels, brainwave frequen- reaches 8000 FSE. A special fire ceremony lasting
cies, and I certainly hope someone will find ways a couple of days will like the FireDance ceremony
to measure those but look at the data and the in the USA will bring the level from 7000 the first
matrix I came up with. night to 17000 FSE after a few days of dancing
This is a lot of data, and their significance has to and ceremony and culminates at around 35000. A
be understood in relation to the hypotheses de- volcano like Hawaii’s Pele is 50.000 FSE and the
veloped in the first part of this book and in the World Trade Center disastrous 9/11 fire, obvi-
context of what follows. I will leave the interpre- ously with a lot of intention but also negative en-
tation to the reader, maybe it’s good to go back to ergy, reached 12.000 FSE. An atomic bomb is,
this later. somewhat surprisingly but also charged with
Fire Subtle Energy FSE is a kind of fusing, a negativity, only 8.000 FSE. The fire in our human
combination of all the other data, a kind of yard- system is normally around 20 but will go up with
stick to establish what the effect of all the compo- techniques like fire-breath to 150 FSE.
nents of the ritual matrix have been on what in The model here developed would also apply to
the end is the core of the action, the fire or flame water, earth and the other elements. In fact a simi-
itself. I adopted a method similar to the Bovis lar yardstick indicates the energy of a place or sa-
scale grading of the subtle energies of water, us- cred space, the ESE of Earth Subtle Energy
ing a pendulum/dowsing method. scale. In a fire ritual, a high
The Fire Subtle Energy scale used is ESE will promote a high FSE
obviously arbitrary but yield repeat- value and thus a more benefi-
able results. A simple candle, lit with- cial or powerful fire.
out any special care, scores an FSE
of 20, a careful lit candle or wick Meaning
reaches 60, the maximum one could We have then to look at the dif-
reach with a candle as far as general ferent levels of meaning a rit-
FSE is concerned, is about 130. ual has, the psychological and
However, if the intention is made social, the literal, the moral,
very specific, either aimed at a person the al le g or i cal, the sym-
or a narrowly defined goal, higher bolic/anagogic (mystical) and
values can be achieved. The fire of a nor mal stove the transcendental/magical. The French philoso-
is about 25 FSE, an industrial heater reaches 30 pher Gaston Bachelard wrote about it, analyzing
FSE. An open fireside or hearth starts at 40 FSE the imagination of matter and the literary, poetic
but again the intention and care will bring it up. A qualities of fire and the flame. He saw a simple
campfire out in the open starts at 50 FSE, using flame as a strong symbol, a moral communication
very good wood brings it up to 80 but it is the in- with the world, a reverie linking our heart with the
tention and caring that will raise the FSE value. A vertical destiny. He calls fire the ultra-living ele-

ment, intimate and universal, can burn evil (hell and purgatory)
offering the warmth of love. in ourselves and our enemies but
He mentioned the Prome- also rep re sents trans for ma tion
theus com plex, the power.
Empedocles Com plex and Fire and hell
sexualized fire in his ‘The Although there is little in the Bible
Psychoanalysis of Fire’. about the relationship between hell
Meaning is of course based and fire, since Dante’s Inferno this
on the signs (text, words, im- association is quite prominent, es-
ages, movements) used but pecially in Christian context.
also on the context and in the The symbolic and mystical mean-
case of specific rituals on the ing comes from the deeper notions
initiation level and the cultural about function, form and outline
literacy of the par ticipants. of the fire. Symbols derived from
Are they aware of the symbolism, the sensitivi- the fire are a spoken wheel, concentric circles, the
ties, the ‘Umfeld’? Meaning is (in the semiotic Arabic flame in the tent, the Pen te cos tal
view) very much a relational thing and in the case spirit-flame, the sun-image and the colors of red
of a ritual extends into the subconscious, arche- and yellow/gold and white. Rollin a burning
typical and spiritual realms. Cultural differences wheel down the hillside in winter at solstice looks
can easily be overlooked and when staging an like the sun coming down, it’s a symbol that re-
event with cross-cultural participation effective minds us how important the sun is in life.
communication about intentions and form is The allegorical meaning of fire is first and fore-
necessary, purity of intent is not enough. most its quality of purification and transfor ma-
The importance of ritual as a community event tion but it also resembles the sun (the father) and
and its influence on the communal and individual the original creation. The Phoenix myth of re-
psyche has been mentioned already, just note that birth from the fire is a good example; one can also
fire as the source of warmth, light be baptized in the fire.
and protection is the very natural As for the transcendental/magical
focus of a community. Fire of qualities of a fire ritual, the notion
course gives light and warmth, can of fire as the mouth/ear of the
be used to cook, for healing and to gods, as the window or doorway to
scare away predators or insects, and the heavens, as the connection be-
we know also that watching a fire tween the seen and the unseen gives
can both calm and relax body and us a broad idea as what one aims for
mind or arouse the senses. or can be achieved. The fire (or the
In many ancient rituals the literal smoking of a pipe) itself can be
meaning of the chants and the seen as an inter mediary (the original
words is often lost or no longer un- role of Agni) or as a divinity itself.
derstood by the participants or of-
ficiants but that doesn’t seem to The officiators and fire
bother them much, the other levels tenders
of meaning are more important In any ritual there are roles, some
and as long as the combination of ceremonial, some very practical.
sounds, movements and acts are in There are the people in more or sac-
line with the perceived purpose erdotal, priestly roles, called hotar in
and intention of the ritual is has the Vedic context, and fire tenders,
value. musician, fire-jug glers and what-
The moral meaning of fire is that it ever one can dream of. Usually there is at least a
is dangerous, represents energy and passion and leader, also a kind of master of ceremonies, then

a fire-chief, someone in charge of the of- therefore very special. They
fering/libations, oblations, musicians, are in a way the rhythm
drummers, etc. and of course the impor- guards, by altering the size and
tant fire-tenders, the firemen or women energy of a fire they also con-
who take care of feeding the fire and re- trol the energy of the whole
gulating the energy. event. Often they see their
Whether you call them master, queen, role as very sacred, they are
priests or ‘vocalizers’, there is a need to also the connection between
have some structure to facilitate the vari- fire-events, sometimes one
ous ritual processes and procedures. Not carries ashes from previous
only the leader of the ritual but there are fires to the next. This is partly
other important tasks and thus officials to honor the old tradition (and
Fire: A. Wagemans
and it helps to have their function and du- necessity in times when there
ties clarified beforehand. It is good to sep- were no matches) that once a
arate the practical from the sacrificial and pure rit- fire was made it was kept very careful, protected
ual, things like bringing firewood or security by the fire-tenders, so one could easily make a fire
otherwise become a distraction. at the next camp, hence also the name
The officiating ‘priests’ and other ‘officiants’ or fire-keepers.
‘officiators’ should be recognizable, like standing There are schools in fire tending, some like a
at a specific place, wearing the paraphernalia of small, more feminine fire, others careful plan and
their office. For a fire ritual a sug gestion is being execute a scenario, think and influence about the
dressed in red or yellow or white or have yellow/ emotion line during the whole event, and feel and
gold/red/white concentric circles painted on are responsible for the “sacred space”. In the
their costumes or heads /bodies if skyclad. American Indian tradition fire keepers are very
There are different functions, depending on the important and this already starts with the pipe,
scope of the ritual. in the old Vedic rituals there part of larger rituals but in itself a ritual tool. Pipe
were up to 16 priests, each with a very specific carriers are important people in the tribe, and it is
role, like the Brahman as the leader of the ritual, quite an honor to be one, there are quests, tests
the Hotar as the one in charge of the Vedic and rituals connected with being a pipe-carrier.
hymns, the Agnidh as the fire-kindler, etc. The mother fire - continuity
Important but usually overlooked these days, In New Fire rituals the first fire is used to seed the
there needs to be a sacrificer or patron, in Vedic other fires. For instance one can have one ritual to
terms the yajamana. He is initiator of the ritual, as ignite in a special way (flint etc.) the central fire of
a representative of his household, tribe or tradi- a larger festival, then bring that fire to all the fires
tion and calls the name and stated purpose of the of the festival, as a uniting energy and use the
ritual, pays the priests, he is like the sponsor or same fire source to ignite an effigy (like The Man
producer and has a place of honor, sitting to the in Burning Man) in a special ritual. Using the
west with his partner(s) and close to the ritual same fire-source through-
leader, usually on a little stool. The person orga- out a festival is a great sym-
nizing a ritual is in a way the producer but when bol of connectedness. The
the ritual is organized for someone (who proba- use of the ashes of previ-
bly pays for the thing) he become, in the Vedic ous fires to seed the new
context, the sacrificer. one is also a worthwhile
The ‘Astral body’ of a fire can be perceived as the tradition, emphasizing the
‘mood’ of the fire, it can be selfish and tempera- continuity.
mental and needs to be addressed in a ritual to ap-
pease it and reach the higher energy levels where
the ‘magic’ becomes manifest. The people that
make and maintain the fire, the fire-tenders, are

Fire as a symbol, fire symbols pendence, health and vision and rules the physi-
cal eyes. The Chinese animal that corresponds
Fire has iconic meaning, is considered powerful,
with this fire symbol is the pheasant.
and when used as a symbol it’s displayed in many
The Ken Rune, a Symbol of Fire and Strength.
ways. There is a symbol for fire in virtually every
The Nordic Futhark runes, an old system of divi-
tradition and every era. Fire symbols and their
nation based on 24 alphabetical symbols derived
meanings are often archetypical, warm our
from ancient Nordic tribes establishes a link be-
hearts, move our bodies, quicken our minds, and
tween the physical and non-physical. The ken
lift our spirits. Fire symbols and meanings allow
rune represents the flame or fire as a symbol of
you metaphorically to embrace the power and
positive action, sexual prowess, passion and
passion of the Gods. The symbolic attributes of
warmth and victory.
fire refer to it being hot, illuminating, wild, lively,
The Uto-Aztecs had this fire and sun symbol mo-
passionate, energizing, impetuous, consuming
tif representing the seven rays of spiritual devel-
and enlightening and is from the south direction.
opment. Each ray is symbolic of the energetic fire
Although at first sight one could think that fire as
that ignites the whole (or soul) of man.
an active agent would be fully yang, in fact in Chi-
The Mayan Symbol for Fire K’ak’ is a composite
nese trigram thinking as well as in the I-Ching the
of several symbolic elements like the flame itself
fire and the other elements are combinations of
and the fire holder (the hand). This glyph is also a
yin and yang.
symbol of the incense burner, a device used in
Its inner trigram is radiance = fire, and its outer
fire rituals. This fire symbol points at the yajaw
trigram is identical. The origin of the character
k’ak’ which translates to mean “ser vant of Fire
has its roots in symbols of long-tailed birds such
and expresses the point of ignition of magic,
as the peacock or the legendary phoenix.
when the cosmic flame enters the awareness. This
Other fire symbols
is a state of unification between body and psyche,
Prometheus and the Phoenix were already men-
as fire is a consummate unifier.
tioned but there are many fire myths and fire sym-
The Tarot card most associated with Fire is Judg-
ment, where the newborn rises from a coffin.
In alchemy the chemical element of sulfur was
There are also animals that are connected with
often associated with fire and its alchemical sym-
fire. The eagle as a bird is associated with the Agni
bol was an upward-pointing triangle. This symbol
fire ritual; it is part of the floor plan of the altar
signifies upward mobility, forward motion, rising
and is expected to show up in the sky as a favor-
flames and aspirations to solar embodiment (in
able sign. The Salamanders are supposed to have
both literal and philosophical senses). To move
taught prehistoric man how to create and use fire,
into the energy of fire is to be utterly consumed,
they rule the element of fire. In Greek and Ro-
transformed and lifted out of limitation, rising as
man myth the Salamander lived in the very heart
the Phoenix.
of fire and thus took on the representation of fire
This alchemical symbol signifies transfor mation
itself. The elemental concept of, and the term sal-
and cor responds with southern directions in
amander was coined by Paracelsus. The salaman-
practical ritual, the season of summer, and is also
der (or lizard) is also depicted on several cards in
associated with archangel Michael.
the Tarot suit of wands in which it signifies the
The ancient Celts used the form of three flames
creat<->ive spark.
or rays (Triple Flame - Arwen) found upon the
The fire signs in the horoscope are of course of-
faces of deities or Celtic clansmen and women.
ten used in connection with fire, the Ram, Sagit-
These flames were rendered in lines aspiring up
tarius, Leo. The lion has special meaning, as it
and outwards to the subject’s forehead with the
symbolizes gold or the sun – the very highest
base of the three lines meeting at the bridge of
characteristics of ascension and enlightenment in
the nose.
Alchemy. In many cultures lions are representing
The Chinese I Ching Trigram for Fire is an open
courage, wisdom, royalty, justice, bravery, victory,
line between two closed lines. This trigram also
loyalty and protection
indicates southern directions and clarity, inde-

Chinese Drag ons, that sug gest action, vigor and Light(ning) and fire
protection are also related to fire and the sun, be- Flames and light were sacred all through the ages.
ing a beneficent being. Fire is quite a unique earthly thing, as you need
free oxygen and that is not around on other plan-
What’s in a (my) name: Lugh ets in our solar system. The first fire was the result
My personal fascination with fire might have to of lightning or volcanic fire, hitting organic mat-
do with my name, being Luc (from Lucius), I was ter. Lightning came from the heavens and is
named after St. Lucia as I was born on December therefore seen as an act of the Gods, a gift from
13, traditionally a festive day with candles and heavens, from the creator or at least a divine en-
processions in some cultures. Luc is of course re- tity. Many divinities therefore have lightning,
lated to light (Luz) and thus to Lucifer, the thunder, fire as a tool or symbol, usually these are
light-bearer. However, it turns out that the excla- ferocious, active Gods, breathing fire, throwing
mation of Luck as in “Good Luck” actually refers thunderbolts.
to Lugh, a chief Celtic God, the God of Light. In prehistoric times, tool making and fire were
According to Sir Harold Walter Bailey, a British likely to go hand in hand, even wooden spears
Orientalist, who studied the root meaning of and ar rows get hardened points with fire. In the
many symbols, Lu, in combination with the Sufi Stone Age, making stone tools, striking one stone
term Ak means something like the greatest, so upon another, as the flaking process requires, of-
luck means ‘Lugh is the greatest’. Lu as a sound ten creates sparks of super heated stone; a kind
meant virile, bright, shining, fire and the ability to of miniature lightning. Ancient references to
communicate wisdom. light, lightning, or fire are often a metaphor for
For me personally fire not only pops up in my as- being educated as in having the ability to make
trological profile (Sagittarius, Leo rising) but is a fire but also refer to having the divine spark, hav-
fascination; partaking in fire rituals more than a ing achieved enlightenment. The sug gestion of
mere hobby. Carl G. g, that the invention of fire making re-
sulted from pre-sexual onanistic-like use of
Sexuality and fire wooden sticks seems rather far-fetched.
The erotic and sexual connotations of fire are Fire and electricity
many, the fire of love is a metaphor we encounter In the modern era fire is still a major force but
in many a poem. Fertility rites usually have a fire much of its use has been supplanted by electric-
aspect and it is not wise to ignore the arousal ity. There is still fire at the beginning of many
stemming from a fire. There are few natural oc- electric grids, fuelled by gas or cokes but we use
currences as erotic as a volcano, and the fire in the easier to handle electricity as an inter mediary.
our loins is a well-known metaphor. The rising of Especially at the beginning of the industrial revo-
the kundalini energy around our spine feels like a lution fire was still everywhere, in the steam-en-
fire and we recognize the caduceus as a symbol of gines that drove the first machines, trains and in-
that process. An active volcano, where fire is pres- stallations. Now we do most of the work with
ent as the hot molten lava burns everything in its electricity, and most children hardly see fire,
path, brings about erotic feelings and lust in many maybe there is a hearth or fireplace in the house
that watch it from close by. but experiencing open fires becomes rare, for
The Kundalini force is also called the “The Ser- sound ecological reasons of course. Psychologi-
pent Fire”, or the “Dragon” and points at this life cally and culturally however this is regrettable, we
energy that resides in the lowest chakra but can be are more and more separated from the live-giving
made to rise up and fill one with fire energy, cre- element.
ative and sexual. The Secret Fire ascends along Fire and infor mation
the ida and pindala, we see in the Hermetic imag- There is an interesting analogy between ‘infor ma-
ery as tow snakes around the central staff. It is the tion’ (like digital data) and fire in that one can eas-
Vital Energy that holds the Secret Fire in check ily multiply, reuse and proliferate them both. A
fire, given adequate ‘food’ in the form of com-

bustible material, can be divided, split up, handed Cloud-born, the back of the beloved emerged
out, transported, al that without diminishing the Shining on the crest of the apex of Order.
usefulness of the original fire. The similarity of
our modern fascination with the digital data that Wails like women’s cries come out of the Womb,
we shoot all over the globe with the fascination of Like those of cows lowing for their calves.
our forefather with this magical element fire is re- Vena bears himself on golden wings
markable. Didn’t the developers and researchers
As he car ries his smiling lover up to heaven.
of the digital era act like the ‘priests’ of a new reli-
gion, their faith in the power and effects of their Longing in their hearts for you, they have
‘precious’ made them as special as those fire- Seen you flying to the dome of heaven like a bird,
tenders, blacksmiths, potters and fire-magicians As the golden-winged messenger of Varuna,
of old.
The eagle hastening into the womb of Death.
Fire and cyberspace
More and more we turn electricity into small sig- When the Drop comes out of the Ocean
nals and pulses that convey digital infor mation. Towering over the wide expanse like a vulture,
The communication network of the telephone is The Sun rejoices with the clear light
digitized and slowly supplanted by the internet,
an all-digital network spanning the globe and the That imitates his own, in the upper realm.
satellites above us. The qualities of digital tech- This tells us about the Flood and is also like the
nology and communication are in many ways like theft of the magical elixir Soma by the Eagle
that of fire and it feels as if we have moved to a (Garuda) (RigV 4:26-7). This again brings to
next level of using fire. We tend to regard “infor - mind Prometheus stealing the Fire (Soma) from
mation” in the widest sense also as an element, as the gods in order to bring it back to the humans.
something to be honored and maybe even dei- Vena is like the Thunderbird of the North Amer-
fied. The notion of Infotheism, seeing infor ma- ican Indians and the Condor of the Incas, the
tion as the connecting dimension of all the mani- Syena of the Hindus, the Simorgh of the Per-
fested, close to consciousness and thus as a sians, the Phoenix of the Greeks, the Bennu of
sacred thing, is slowly taking hold. the Egyptians, the Firebird of the Russians, and
the Arabia Rokh.
The Phoenix, the flaming bird The Prometheus story is well known but there are
The bird Phoenix, rising from the ashes is a sym- many myths like that. In the Rig Veda (3:9.5) the
bol of the transfor mation fire brings, the power hero Mâtariúvan recovered the hidden fire. In the
to overcome death. Phoenix is a Greek word for Book of Enoch, the fallen angels and Azazel
red, and the Greek called the flamingo bird teach early mankind to use tools and fire. For
phoenicopteros, phoenix with feathers of fire, many North American natives animals like coy-
flaming. The flamingo is also the Egyptian hiero- ote, beaver or dog played a role in stealing fire and
glyph for red, for all things red, anger, blood, the bringing it to the humans.
desert, all are indicated with the flamingo hiero-
glyph. And maybe not coincidentally, the fla-
mingo breeds on the ash cones of lake Natron in The lightbearer Lucifer is an interesting figure in
Central Africa, so the young flamingo rises from relation to fire. He is seen as a devilish “fallen” an-
the ashes. The name Phoenix comes from the gel who stood up against God but he is also an ar-
Egyptian Bennu bird related to Vena in the Vedic chetypical figure of independent pride and dedi-
tradition. The Rig Vedic hymn (RV 10:123): cation to only God’s will, refusing to obey or help
the humans. He signifies in a way the force op-
This Vena pushes up those who bear the Sun. posing dogmatism, human rule and independ-
Clouded in light, he spans the upper realm of space ence from scriptures. For some he is the symbol
In the union of the Sun and the Waters... of an exalted morality, not of devil worship. As
he refused to be subordinate to humankind he is
Vena whips the wave high out of the Ocean.

the opposite of the Promethean figure who op- Zoroaster, at around 600 BCE was a priest/
posed the supreme God (Zeus) to help the hu- singer/prophet from East Iran who turned the
mans. Lucifer as the light bearer is thus a paradox- Mesopotamian polytheism into monotheism,
ical figure, even in the New Testament like in 2 and strug gled against the Mithra religion with its
Cor 11:14: “And no mar vel; for Satan himself is haoma and bulls sacrifice and elaborate pantheon
transformed into an angel of light.” and in 2 Cor with Ahura Mazda as the main God of Light,
11:15: “Therefore it is no great thing if his minis- fighting against the dark force Ahriman. He was
ters also be transformed as the ministers of very influential and Zoroastrianism became the
righteousness; whose end shall be according to main religion. But the old Mithra notions were
their works.” not forgotten and surfaced now and then; the re-
The Serpent God Serpenta Mainyu, the divine ligion stayed alive till the end of the West-Roman
wisdom, is another of Lucifer’s many names. empire and was then replaced by Catholicism,
In a high level freemason’s ritual the Mithra- which was very much against the Mithras cult.
Agni-Lucifer identification figures prominently Mithraism is thus different from the monotheis-
and is seen as opposing all spiritual tyranny. tic Zoroastrianism. It had some roots in the Baal
“To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say religion of ancient Mesopotamia and is traceable
this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, in many rituals we still have. It was a mystery and
31st and 30th degrees: ‘the Masonic Religion should be, initiation religion. Part of it was a holy eucharist,
by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in eating bread together in the Mithras temples,
something Catholicism also embraced or bor-
the purity of the Luceferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were
rowed. Qu ite a bit of
not god, would Adonay (Jesus)... calum-
Mithraic worship was assimi-
niate (spread false and harmful state-
lated or cleverly accepted
ments about) him?...Yes Lucifer is into Christianity, like taking
God...” December 25 as Christmas,
(Albert Pike, A.C. De La Rive, La the birth of Jesus. Mithras
Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc- festivities were on the 25th
Maqonnene Universelle) of December (his birthday)
Mithra and the Mithra-kana feast on
There is a clear relationship be- October 2 marked the begin-
tween Lucifer, Agni and Mithra. ning of the winter.
The god Mithra was originally a Fire was their main ritual, the
Aryan deity considered to be the origin of the custom of per-
mediator between mankind and petual fires that is known
Ahura-Mazda, God of Light. Mith- from the Persian empire of
ra ism was the mys tery branch, Fire brings communitas: Firedance Darius and Xerxes. There
Mazdaism the more popular reli- 2003 Boulder Creek were various ranks in the
gion in Iran/ Persia,. The Mithra Mithras cult, like raven, le-
mystery religion (in Roman times ones, mysten, soldiers, the
called Mitra) was popular from 1500 BCE till head was called father (Pater). During fire sacri-
about 400 CE. It was widespread in antiquity and fices, the mages/priests (wearing red Phrygian
was popular with the Romans especially with hats) covered their mouths not to the pollute the
their soldiers. Mithraic places of worships were fire with their breath.
found all over Europe, usually where Roman en- Mithra stands also for the fire, the dawn, the
campments had been. The Romans identified morning star. The Irano-Aryans sacrificed before
Mithra with the sun god. He overcame evil and dawn to Mitra, the morning star. According to
brought subser vient lifeforms (both animal and Herodotus the religion was suspected of human
vegetable) to humankind. sacrifice in the Eastern cult which was forbidden
in the Western Roman empire

Mithra is connected with the bull. Many times the tion, what would a church be without candles,
God is depicted as killing the bull with a dagger, and the burning of incense is basically a fire act.
holding a bull by the nostrils while plunging the Fire and the Holy Spirit
knife into its neck. The slaying of the bull was In my interpretation of the Trinity, where the Fa-
con nected with the sac ri fi cial drink called ther is the transcended, the Son the immanent (in
Hoama; this is bull’s blood mixed with herbs, all man i fes ta tion) and the Holy Spirit the
probably psychedelic. It was believed to be an im- emanent, the revelation, the divine that makes it-
mortality elixer. The word Hoama (Soma) means self known, the Holy Spirit becomes known in
rain from heaven. The moon is the vessel for moments of total sur render and loss of ego and
Soma, therefore this is a monthly drink. Soma is often experienced as rapture, as a moment of
shows up as the main concoction in later Vedic becoming aware of the divine as one and all. .
rituals in India, where the Aryan later migrated. The Fire is the symbol of the Holy Spirit in the
Avesta is the holy book of Persian-Iranians with Christian faith and related to Pentecost. On Pen-
chants/hymns called yasht similar to the Rig tecost Sunday the promise was fulfilled, St. Luke
Veda. tells us: When the day of Pentecost came it found
The word magus comes from that period and the them gathered in one place. Suddenly from up in
Assyrians. Maga = gifts, magu = partaker of giv- the sky there came a noise like a strong, driving
ing ritual. wind which was heard all through the house
In Greek this showed up as mageia = magic, and where they were seated. Tongues as of fire ap-
magos = sorcerer, magician. peared which parted and came to rest on each of
The mages were also priests, with strange (magi- them.
cal) powers (as the Roman Plinius tells us) and All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to
they show up in the Bible as the Three Kings express themselves in foreign tongues and make
(mages) at Epiphany. They actually had mostly bold proclamations as the Spirit prompted them
worldly functions, as advisers and astrologers of (Acts 2:1-4).
the Persian kings. Mithraism picked up astrology The seven gifts or super natural graces of the Holy Spirit
from the Chaldeans, the most well known astrol- are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (courage),
ogers of the ancient world.
knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The 12 fruits of
The name Mitra is mentioned in the Vedasin con-
the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, benig-
nection with Varuna and means something like
nity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty,
treaty , covenant or contract. In the Isis mystery
continency (the exercise of self constraint in sexual
that originated in Egypt the head priest was called
Mithra. There has been a Mithra revival around matters) and chastity — human qualities that can be
900 CE in Persia and this religion is now called activated by the Holy Spirit.
Farsi. It has a relationship with Parsi in India and
Fire as a sacrament
Pakistan and is now accepted as a religion next to
the Islam. Traditional rituals are always a mimesis of what
was done by the first sacrificers who found in the
The fire ritual as archetype for rituals sacrifice their way from privation to plenty, dark-
We don’t know how humankind could exist with- ness to light, and death to immortality. Fire has
out some fire, and in the development fire played been, from Paleolithic times, the natural choice to
such an important role, that fire-rituals probably connect to the otherworld, as it had such magical
were the first rituals. Even today the use of fire is qualities.
a very nor mal part of ceremony and ritual, even Using the fire as part of a sacrament, a rite of ini-
as in daily life it is disappearing because we use tiation or passage was common. The mentioning
electricity and the fire in our central heating sys- of Fire-baptism in the context of what John the
tems is still there but not experienced as an open Baptist did points at some alchemical notoon of
fire. In a ritual context, we do make the connec- fire as essential for personal change. Not always
was the fire the object of oblations, prayers and

incantations, sometimes one would jump over cording to its nature. The enemy is then visual-
the fire, hold limbs over the fire, or used it in ized in astral form and banished with a Lesser
other ways to communicate more physical with Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and pushed
the fire. The ex treme of course is self out of the circle by the sign of Horus. A next step
immolation. is to fix the enemy (inside oneself or outside) to
the chosen base with the sign of Harpocrates,
Some more examples of fire-rituals: cover the base with cloth, start a ritual fire and
The Olympic flame is already mentioned before. then with strong incantations the inner fire is
The origins lie in ancient Greece, where a fire was evoked, identified with the physical fire, stoked
kept burning throughout the celebration of the up to grow the inner ag gression and then the en-
Olympics in antiquity. The fire was reintroduced emy is put into the fire to be burned and con-
at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, sumed. The remaining ashes are flushed with
and became a standard part of the modern water that is consecrated and the powers of fire
Olympic Games ceremonies. The torch relay and water are called and thanked.
which transports the flame from Greece to the “By the holy names and powers of Yehovah Eloah
site of the actual games was a new aspect, had no Vadaat and Shadai El Khai, I was purified. Thanks
ancient precedent and started with the Berlin to them.”
1936 Summer Olympics. The whole procedure is This is obviously a ritual not of a social nature but
mostly a public ceremony, with little or no magi- combining the psychological and magical dimen-
cal effects, although individual runners and espe- sions.
cially the one who lights the final fire in the sta- The Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepul-
dium might have some personal transformation cher in Jerusalem is considered by many to be the
experience. longest-attested annual miracle in the Christian
In Buddhist tradition there is fire ritual which is world and has been documented since 1106 CE.
called Goma or Homa. In the ritual the priest
burns 108 sticks of wood which symbolize 108 New fire
human sins. They pray to destroy the sins in the
In most fire rituals emphasis is on a clean or new
ritual, in an act of mercy which helps the evil not
fire, not taken from an existing source or from a
to repeat their falsehoods any more.
source with special meaning. A clean fire starts
In the Golden Dawn for mula, an object or candi-
with creating a spark from flint, chafing wood, us-
date could be purified by Fire and Water but at the
ing a magnifying glass or special object (like the
same time an enemy could be influenced. In this
crystal skull in the Mayan culture presumably
ritual, physical fire and water are used as the mate-
used in their New Fire ritual) but sometimes fire
rial bases of Elements or our mental Forces. Fire
from a volcano or a lightning fire is used. In the
is then seen as a power for the purification
Celtic tradition at Samhain (October 31st-No-
through destruction, ag gression to enemy, anger,
vember 1st) existing fires are put out, a new
destruction, strictness. The magic(k)ian evokes
(King’s) fire lit and the new fire is then transferred
powers of ag gression, anger and strictness in
to other fires and hearths. In that sense one can
himself, as a form of self-exorcism and as a way
have mother and daughter fires.
to destroy the enemy. This destruction can be
The kindling of a new fire symbolises purifica-
seen as a Wrath of God. Ag gression, anger, de-
tion and the release of new personal and social
struction have a holy nature in this ritual and be-
energy. This took place at Samhain or midwinter
come big ger in oneself with the fire, so the ag -
but more often in spring or when the first fruits
gression in his mind becomes big ger. The
were harvested.
magic(k)ian also prays for a destructive effect on
his enemy spirit and as the fire burns, so the en- The liturgic scenario
emy spirit is burned. The enemy (in oneself or
outside) is first personified in a base or form of A ritual can be seen as a sequence of actions with
flammable material and placed in a direction ac- a symbolic meaning. The scenario of a magical or

religious ritual around a fire is usually fairly for - . Invitation to participate in smoking, eating or
malized and has distinct stages. A rather extensive drinking, story telling
fire ritual would comprise of the following stages, . Divination, dowsing
set in a liturgic scenario and logical order. Not all
the stages are necessary in every fire ritual but this Transfor mation stage
is a kind of manual for setting up a ritual, partly . Preparation for trance
inspired by the way FireDance is set up. . Silent meditation and visualization
. Walking the fire, jumping the fire
Stages and elements of the ritual
. Trance dancing and music
Preliminary preparation (of materials and
Closing stage
. Ordination of sacrificer, master of ceremony . Blessing
(priest), fire-chief and helpers . Ceremonial gifts to the ‘priests’
. Permission asking (of the spirits and owners . Thanks to the spirits
of the land) and invitation-welcoming . Burning the implements
. Cleaning the site Staking or casting the ritual . Closing and dissolving the Gates and the circle
enclosure (circle or square) . Cleaning of the site
. Preparation of altar and fire(s) Rejoicing, celebration, the theatrical side of
. Processions around and closing the circle, things, fire spinners, dancing, fireworks, etc. can
sometimes including the attendance in a wider be added at appropriate stages.
enclosure. Preliminary preparation
. Entrance into the circle by participants There are logical steps to be taken, like asking
per mission, cleaning the site but one can prepare
. Dedication of the altar, firewood, utensils, in other ways too.
tools and sacrifices In some cultures the officiants meditate, keep a
. Honoring the four quarters, the sky and the fast, sexual abstinence or take a ritual bath. Pre-
earth (the vertical axis mundi) and the inner di- paring the wood, the utensils, the fire-sticks, of-
mension. ferings etc. beforehand, purifying them with in-
. Lighting the fire, ignition cense or water and salt. It is advisable to use or
. Naming the fire and dedication of its main even make utensils, vessels etc. that at the end of
purpose (and at the same time renunciation) the ritual can be burnt in the fire. Sacrifices or the
. Opening the Gates (as an additional layer) vessels used should not be put on the bare
ground but always on an altar or mound, covered
Purification stage with grass or some cover.
. Burning sage and cleansing with smoke, bless- If the fire is used to overcome ag gression or
ing other negative tendencies in ourselves, one can
Devotion and worship stage: prepare by identifying this negative force as the
. Silent devotion of sacrificer and attendants enemy, fix it into some material object, which is
then to be burned in the ritual. The Physical Fire
. Hymns or songs of praise, thanks and devo-
is then symbol of the evoked power, the inner ag -
gression that is to be transformed. The Secret
Communion stage: Fire is the spiritual process, like the secret sun is
. Honoring the energies, evoke spirits the spiritual aspect of the sun, not necessarily the
. Offerings including donations physical thing.
. Charging and dedication of sacrifices In order to make clear for the lay audience what is
happening, it helps to have a small handout with
. Sacrificial acts; consecration, libations and ob-
the basic rules - like not entering the ritual enclo-
sure or at a specific point (stepping over some

small fire for purification) and the outline of the the Vedic god to address this is called Brhaspati,
ritual and maybe some basic songs or chants. the Brahman of the gods, in Latin rites an apol-
Also in making clear who are in charge of the fire, ogy sacrifice or expiatory offering was called a
the ritual, the music etc., dressing or even painting piaculum.
them in a specific pattern (concentric circles or Stating the purpose of the ritual and sacrifices,
sun-wheels -cross in circle-) is helpful and appro- that is both positive intentions and neg ative
priate. At large gatherings some kind of crowd (burning ego, destroy enemies, fighting chaos) is
control is necessary and escapes routes, emer- usually done by concentrating them verbally and
gency planning etc. is necessary. mentally in symbolic objects, either to be offered
Per mission and invitation or burned and thus transformed in the fire.
First ask for per mission, from the people (the By putting the negatively charged objects into the
owner of the site) and the lower and higher spir- (base of) fire (items representing or charged with
its, that inhabit the place. Putting up an altar in enemy, ego-traits) before it is ignited these will
many cultures means taking legal possession of disappear or be transformed. Other, more posi-
the location/area. Then the audience or partici- tive charged) substances are thrown (on top of)
pants are to be invited to join and to partake of or oblated (poured) in the fire; these sacrifices or
the sacrifice. This is important as taking part in a offerings are part of the communication with the
sacrifice uninvited is seen as a taboo, and there are divine/spirits.
usually levels of participation based on rank or Timing and place
status, like only Brahmin caste are allowed to You can light a fire anytime but some times and
drink the sacred Soma in Vedic ritual. places are better suited than others, and there are
In a fire ritual there is no evocation or calling of practical considerations like safety, privacy and le-
the major divinities or spirits addressed, they are gality (open fire is not always per mitted). Many
just welcomed, as they are ever present at rituals sug gest that a liminal (threshold) time and place is
to their honor. Lesser spirits and Devas , espe- most effective, as things are on the cusp of chan-
cially those associated with the location, can be ge, at crossroads like on the beach, on a cliff.
evoked or called. Invocation and trance (posses- This goes both for celestial and human times. Full
sion) are usually reserved for a later stage of the Moon, New Moon, dawn, dusk, noon, midnight,
ritual; the conjuration (calling forth) of spirits when the moon or certain stars rise above the ho-
and angels usually requires a more silent and in- rizon, eclipses, solstices and equinoxes, the pagan
trospective set and setting than a fire. calendar (Sabbaths) but also when the astrologers
Dedication and renunciation deem it to be a auspicious moment. Har mony is
The name of the fire is optional but it is a sug ges- most important, and natural processes like the
tion to seek the guardian spirits of the intended tides and the waning or waxing moon should be
fire. There are certain angels associated with fire, observed. The Egyptians use certain pyramidical
like Gabriel (brings fire to human), Uriel (flame star constellations for their Earth/Star fire
of God), Nathaniel (Lord of fire), Areal and rituals.
Atuniel. The sacrificer or sacrificers -why not The length of a ritual varies, some Vedic rituals
have representatives of nations or groups present take weeks but to make it practical and focused a
act as such - have to state the purpose of the rit- cou ple of hours would do and the daily
ual, give the fire a name and maybe dedicate it to a Agnihotra of a Hindu might only take a few min-
special person or group. utes.
However, it is good practice to then for mally re- A larger fire ritual could start about an hour be-
nounce this and all the personal goals stated or fore the sun goes down, so as to have the
thought, and express to accept whatever the transfor mative stage at sunset but doing it at
spirit(s) deem necessary. The goals of personal dawn, welcoming the sun, has a special flavor too.
profits should be aligned with the highest good.
It is also good practice at this time to excuse one- As for timing, one also observes the personal cal-
self for any mistake in the execution of the ritual, endar of biorhythm, female cycle, etc.

The calendars play an important role, either In Wicca rituals, especially initiation, passwords
based on the sun, the moon, the seasons or just are used to restrict entrance to the circle. Entering
on human events like one’s birthday or the name (or leaving) the circle is entering a sacred domain,
day of a saint. Although calendars are in a way hu- and some attention should be given as to the way
man constructions, they do bear on celestial or one joins the circle.
cosmological orders, even if we still don’t under- A circle of people is the most common form of a
stand ex actly how like in the case of the ceremonial gathering, where everybody is at peer
Meso-American calendars of the Maya and Az- level and has an opportunity to participate. Creat-
tecs. They have a 260-day year (pregnancy) and an ing (casting), charging, closing the circle is done
18-month of 20 days civil calendar. There are of- in many ways but the basic mechanisms are the
ten multiple rhythms in calendars, like the week, same. Simple images as just holding hands, sing-
the month, the solar and the lunar year and these ing Ohm, a talking stick, there are many forms of
give rise to sometimes long waves, like the 18,890 circle work. Often one uses a symbolic item, like a
day/ 52 year cycle of the Maya and the very long pipe or a bowl, a crystal, etc., to pass around the
periods like Baktun and Katun, we are nearing the circle, allowing the individual to partake in the
end of such a solar era, the Aztecs believed this to community by devotion, prayer, speech or other
be the Fifth Sun era. expressions. Holding hands, singing Ohm, using
As for a place, there are sites where nature feels mir rors, a rope, twine, candles, sending (breath)
more divers, more abundant, with more variation energy around the circle or onto a specific per-
in flora and fauna, often where there is water, at son, his or her sur rogate or a charged object, sto-
the shore, at a vantage point in the landscape, rytelling, smoking a (peace) pipe, circle work can
where leylines cross or special earth energies take many forms.
emerge. Human energy can also bring power to a A ritual circle can be very real or totally vir tual.
place; crossroads or sites become sacred because Some people prefer an imaginary border, drawn
of what people have done there, this also in the by visualization but others prefer a physical sepa-
negative way. ration. The perimeter of the ritual enclosure, usu-
ally a circle or square, can be marked by stones at
Ritual enclosure – sanctuary-holy space the cardinal points, outlined by corn flower,
- circle work painted tobacco or by sticks or twigs. One can use
To separate the place of worship or ritual from candles or torches or even whole altars to indicate
the sur rounding is common practice but can be the East (Air), South (Fire), West (Water) and
done in many ways. A square, pentagram, or North (Earth) points and the access portal, where
other forms are [possible, the circle is most com- one can enter or leave the circle.
mon. The circle is a magical symbol, with no be- Opening and blessing the circle is a common start
ginning and no end and can be used in many ways of a ritual. Every aspect of a ritual needs to be
in a ritual. It usually stands for the sun and in a fire blessed and (con-)secrated by calling the appro-
ritual the combination of fire and circle empha- priate spirits, do some purification etc. This in-
size the connection, the correspondence between volves the site, the tools, the priests, the firewood
the two. The sun is often seen as the father. The and sacrifices, the altar, the crowd and the ritual
Sundance of the Plains Indians is widely known, enclosure or circle. In this way usually the quar-
it is a most sacred ritual, unusually inside a circu- ters are indicated and their protectors/deities
lar lodge, wearing Isswun (sacred hat with two asked for sup port. The cen tre di rec tions
horns) and a painted body, sometimes piercing (up/down) establish the world axis or hea-
occurs (Sioux). ven/earth. The seventh direction is the one in-
Respect for the circle is essential; it is the sacred side, the heart, the inner sky. The main focus di-
boundary between the worlds. The concept of rection of a fire ritual is usually East, the ascent to
the circle as a special place, apart from the world heaven is through the fire towards the East. So
and yet connected, is often used and accepting the “sacrificial” altar, even if it is no more than a
someone in the circle is an act of trust and love. small leveled area, in many traditional rituals is sit-

uated looking at the fire in the East, so to the West and communications. One can do without Gates
of the main fire but other directions are used and consider the circle as the main platform or
these days too. And don’t forget the practical doorway to communicate with the other world.
considerations, like the wind direction. However, having a separate Gate to address spe-
For cleaning, casting and consecration of the cir- cific energies, which is opened and closed at spe-
cle or enclosure there are numerous techniques, cific times helps to focus the energy.
using all kinds of tools like sweeps and wands, The altar
ropes, a sword, or just your finger tracing a real or You can do without an altar but is good to have at
vir tual circle. However, first clean the place, least a place for the tools and other attributes. The
maybe using a sacrificial broom. To draw a good altar is the holy place in front of the fire or in the
circle, start with a wooden peg or something East or another appropriate direction. When
(symbolically to nail down the serpent of the un- placed before the fire, the fire should be in the
derworld) in the middle, connect a rope, then go East and the altar to the West of it.
the marker or cornerstone of the altar in the East. Nor mally the altar is the symbolism of the centre
Then starting in the East draw a circle or square of the ritual and of the world(s) but in a fire ritual
for the enclosure, bordered by flags, stones or it takes second place, unless the fire is on top of
cornflower, painted tobacco in the Indian tradi- the altar. It is the (work)-place to prepare the ob-
tion, eventually a wider (second) circle to include lations and libations, and ar range and display the
those spectators that want to par ticipate as devotional and charged objects, statues, pictures
co-sacrificers. The bodily length of the sacrificer of divinities, your personal treasures etc. It can be
is sometimes taken as the root for measurements. adorned with crystals, thunder stone (meteor),
Going (dancing) around the fire (usually in a cir- objects should be positioned as to separate
cle but sometimes the spiral form is used) is a wisdom from chaos.
common part of many rituals. In Hindu mar - Special forms and patterns can be used on the al-
riages the couple goes 3 or 7 times around the fire tar or in building the altar. The numbers 5 (ele-
clockwise. Nor mally all movements around the ments) or 7 (directions including the inner one)
fire are clockwise (deosil), with the exception of or 360 (days/nights) are used in constructing the
ancestor worship or the exposure of negative en- altar. It is said, “he who piles the altar will conquer
ergies. Also at the closing of the ritual and the cir- both worlds”.
cle going counter-clockwise (widdershins) is There is some reason to use the number 7 for the
appropriate. ritual enclosure, as in representing the seven tem-
Libations, or the offering of water (salted, conse- ples in our lives: the DNA, womb, body, house,
crated, perfumed), milk, wine or other substances world, inner (imaginary) temple and the cosmic
to the earth or the fire, by the officiators or all par- temple (the cosmos, New Jerusalem).
ticipants, are a common circle ceremony. As an For larger rituals, altars can be built at more
example, passing a bowl of (salted) water or a places, like at the quarters (watchtowers) or cor-
crystal counterclockwise (against the sun) to col- ners. Going around the circle to the various altars
lect the negative feelings of powerlessness, grief then becomes a procession, with appropriate cer-
or anger then transforming them by passing the emonies at each altar.
bowl over the fire and dedicating a little of the 3D
water and then passing the bowl clockwise, so Usually ritual space is more or less seen as a 2D
that everybody receives the antidote and positive plan and layout but churches and similar ritual
energy. Oblations are libations into the fire, also spaces are of course three-dimensional, with
called immolations. In baptism, there is the ablu- high ceilings and special light effects as in gothic
tion with holy water but oblations could be done cathedrals. In Fire rituals in nature one can use
with liquids of any kind. the terrain and trees to create an atmosphere. A
Gates special form of an altar is when the fire is at a
These are again virtual doorways, created within higher level, so one can go ‘under’ the fire.
the ritual enclosure to perform specific actions

Ignition This practice also applies in new fire rituals, the
The traditional way to start a ritual fire is churn- central one is lit anew and is the source of all
ing, using ancient tools and techniques like a other fires, candles etc.
fire-drill, chafing one piece of wood against an- Cooking
other and during daytime a magnifying glass to In the Vedic tradition, cooking is part of a fire rit-
take the fire from the sun. Using flint and tinder is ual, and often refers to soma, the concoction that
appropriate but remember that an ordinary according to many was psychedelic drink, taken
lighter uses the same principle. It is the intention by the priests but prepared in a meticulous way.
of creating the new and virgin fire that matters Alas the knowledge about the original ingredients
here. To transport a fire, one can carry an ember of the soma are lost, they came from the moun-
but letting the fire die to be transferred to an ob- tain is all we know. The basic role model for a
ject (like the fire-makers ignition gear) makes it Brahman is “Cooking the world” (lokapakti) and
possible to transport it more easily. The spirit of in a Vedic fire ritual this has a literal meaning, all
the fire is conserved in the tools. The ashes of a sacrifices should be cooked or be put in the fire
fire carry in a way the energy of the ritual and before it is lighted, although it is allowed for the
some firetenders make a habit of taking a little bit audience to throw rice or grain in the fire, while
of the ashes of special fires, add them to what has the officiant makes an oblation. Mixing with milk
remained from earlier occasions and use a bit of is seen as cooking.
the mix of old ashes to “seed” the new fire and This is one of the reasons that there are multiple
establish a continuity. fires at a large Vedic ritual site, usually three. One
of them is for preparing (cooking) the sacrifice,
Lighting the sacrament of Fire another to fend off the demons, the main one is
The poem by John Oxenham is a very nice way to for the sacrifice act.
accompany the actual lighting of a fire. In modern rituals, two fires make sense or the
Kneel always when you light a fire, cooking has to be planned as part of what hap-
pens at the central fire. One can use grain, rice,
Kneel reverently and thankful be for Gods unfailing milk and herbs, and as the participants will have a
charity, helping, why not make it into a tasty soup. It is
And on the ascending flame inspire, a little prayer which customary to eat the cooked sacrifice as part of
shall up bare the ritual, and there should be no leftovers, what-
The incense of your thankfulness, for the sweet grace of ever is not eaten goes into the fire. For cooking or
warmth and light as offering dish, clay or earthenware pots or
dishes are used, as they can be thrown in the fire
For here again is sacrifice, for your delight
afterwards as to leave no leftovers. Iron should
Oak, elm and chestnut, birch and red pine boles not be used in the sanctuary.
God enshrined his sunshine and enwombed, for you Oblations are usually made by using a ladle to
those stores of light and heat pour into the fire, while chanting/drumming and
are done facing East, calling upon the fire (Agni)
Your life joys to complete, these all died that you might
to transfer the message.
live; yours now the high prerogative
There are many more offerings that are appropri-
To loose there long captivities and through these new ac- ate and here the concept of correspondences is
tivities, a new life to give of help.
Always kneel when you light a fire kneel reverently and Some examples of offerings and sacrifices:
grateful be for Gods un-failing charity! . Offering 108 bodi-tree branches (fire-sticks)
John Oxenham representing the 108 sins as wood for the fire.
. An offering of gold, either powdered, foil or
It is always good practice, in the case of larger gold-colored foil, to be put in the altar or under
events with more fires, to start with one mother- the fire before it is lit.
fire and supply the rest with fire from this one. .

There is the customary Hindu offering of 5 yards pected of them. It helps to have a master of cere-
of silk to the priests, a small part is burned, it’s a monies, not necessarily the main ‘officer’ but the
kind of payment for the ser vices rendered. Of- one in charge of the agenda, preferably someone
ferings of this form were an elegant way of pay- with a clear and ‘charging’ voice.
ing the priests or officials, no money but valua- At larger gatherings one should pay attention at
bles. the volume of the speakers and performers, am-
In modern rituals, costs do play a role and asking plification is sometimes necessary but usually
for donations is a nice way not to embarrass or awkward.
keep away the ones with less means. As usual in Hymns – recitations – songs
church gatherings, one can pass some container There are many appropriate songs and texts but a
around to help cover the cost of the event. general exclamation is “svaha” followed by the
The communion stage name of the fire, divinity etc.
This is bringing together the people and the The songs, hymns, and mantrascan be taken from
spirit(s), bonding them and estab- any tradition but should be simple
lish a link, a commun(icat)ion be- like the Bhajan style, repeating a
tween them It is usually a holy simple phrase many times. Having
moment, with people standing. the songs op paper handout helps
Offering to the Gods by libation but often it is hard to read so keep
or oblation and then sharing the it simple.
food or drink is a common way to A clear routine as how the audi-
achieve this. One can include the ence can participate should be es-
co-sacrificers (part or all of the tablished, like using a lead singer,
public) in various ways. Like by whose lines are repeated by the
enclosing them with a cloth or silk thread and so crowd. One aspect of communal singing or reci-
connect them to the officiator doing the obla- tation is that it har monizes the breath of the
tions etc. But hold ing hands at these holy people.
moments works as well. Note that for the body, the most magical moment
By calling upon the spirits the fire is used as the is between the breaths, that still moment of quiet
channel, in many traditions any specific verbal introspection and magical contact.
call or address (within a song or hymn) to the There are ceremonies with extensive and precise
spirit is therefore to be accompanied by a special for mulas, texts and for mats but not everybody is
gesture like an oblation, ladling the sacrifice into able to memorize them. But at a fire ritual reading
the fire. from a paper is not so easy either, so keep it sim-
At this stage, concentration and focus are impor- ple and open to improvisation. Some compro-
tant; the words, the stance, movements and even mise is inevitable here. A sug gestion is be to have
the breath are sometimes subject to the liturgical the more for mal texts pre-recorded and played
rules. via the sound system, of course with an eye to
having the participants repeat certain lines etc.
Dance and perfor mance Some appropriate song-lines, of many:
The perfor mance dimension of ritual serves to I Give Thanks to the Fire, For Warming Us Through
bring the participants in the same state, to em- the Night; I Give Thanks to the Spirit of the Drum!
power them and establish a common base for
transfor mation or ascension (trance). Dancing, I am the fire and the union of opposites. I am the mys-
recitation, storytelling but mostly singing and tery. I am calling you in your dreams. I am bringing you
music are the spice of the ritual, raising the spirits. home to me.
Dancing by holding hands around the fire, indi- Earth my (our) body, water my blood, Air my breath
vidual expression or more choreographed danc- and fire my spirit
ing patterns like the spiral dance but make sure And I love you so, you help me see; see you in all (is to)
that then everybody understands what is ex- see you in me.

Music join in the intuition of our common roots and destina-
Drumming, didgeridoo, flutes, music makes the tion.
people and the spirits happy. You can use what- Connect now by holding each other’s hands and softly
ever, if it feels appropriate and is at hand but hum the song of the origin, the sound of the universe, the
again there has to be some unity. For some songs Ohm, which reminds us that what is within, is also
or moments heavy drumming is less suitable, for without.
others anything goes. Sharing instruments is a All is one!
good practice but as some people are very careful
about their instruments, having tuned it right etc.,
Fragrance and smell belongs to fire but can be en-
make clear which instruments are for sharing, like
hanced by using special wood, vernal grass or
placing them a designated spot and returning
sage, essential oils and of course incense, in what-
them there after use.
ever form (frankincense, myrrh). It can be of-
Sometimes inexperienced drummers or musi-
fered, extolled towards the altar or the people,
cians tend to play too loud. It helps to explain that
one can walk around the enclosure with in-
one should only play or sing so loud as to be able
cense-sticks or a censer or pass along incense
to hear the others. Especially the Tambourine is a
sticks in the audience.
dominant sound, that could distort the balance.
Sounds (rhythm), postures and words are tools to Pyrotechnics
focus the body (breath), minds and hearts and the Impressive fire-effect can be achieved with sim-
‘prana’ of the participants. Inner har monization ple means, like in the Pravargya Vedic ritual where
of thoughts and visualization in line with the ex- fresh milk of a cow and a goat are added to a boil-
ternal action is important. ing pot of ghee (butter) to give an impressive fire
pillar. But there are many techniques and sub-
Charge of the circle stances to enhance or color the fire. Strontium
salt, barium and natrium salt give red, green and
A very general address and opening statement in- yellow color. Copper sulphate, copper oxide-am-
tended to be non-denominational and acceptable monia gives blue, lead nitrate, sulphur-antimony
to most traditions goes like this: gives white light. Small metal particles like cop-
All are welcome per, aluminum or porcelain, magnesium salt, coal
The circle has no beginning and no end, it has no time gives sparks, scintillation. Epsom salt gives stabil-
and existence but for the attention we give it. ity to an alcohol fire. However, this is the domain
of specialists, the most practical is to keep it
Its charge, its call for us is to live in the now, to be present
and to share, so we will become one in love and truth.
Welcome the energy of the four quarters, the air in the Any kind of divination or dowsing method is
east, the fire in the south, the water in the west and the suit able, like I Ching, Tarot, pen du lum,
earth in the north. Let us also honor the spirit of the tea-leaves, cloud images, animals or a movement
central axis, which connects us to the universe, allowing in the fire, in the end everything is connected.
us to over view and accept our humanness. One can pose a question in general but also peo-
A circle is perfect and we can hold it to its promise of ple can have their individual questions written on
perfection and renewal, again and again, so we can al- a paper, which is to be thrown into the fire. The
ways and now for give ourselves and start anew. movement of the fire can be interpreted as a di-
vine message but this requires some practice. The
Celebrate in this circle the connectedness, which includes practice of staring into the fire (scrying) resem-
us here, the seen and the unseen, the worlds of matter, bles staring into a crystal ball but there is also the
ideas and spirit, our past and our future, our fears and effect that the rhythm and flickering of the
our dreams. flames induces (entrains) a meditative state (alpha
The circle will help us to connect our heart, our body and brain waves), something, which is also used in
our mind ener gies, so that feeling, sensing and thinking brain machines.

Modern times and cyberspace fairly short too. The different stages and inten-
What new elements are to be added to age-old rit- tions are maybe not applicable in a specific
uals? Can we have altars in the cloud, pray in case, and not all of the steps are necessary, one
tweets, have a Facebook temple page? Should can take a limited purpose and limit preparation
Samhain be the time where the veils the magical to making a circle, piling the wood, do some quick
cyberspace, the other and the nor mal world are so dedication and offering, what matters is to keep
thin, that a cyber-ritual is called for, like Mark the general structure in mind and make the steps
Pesce did in the 1990s? In the old days, one would in the process short and efficient. Opening and
oftentimes use a representation of the physical closing however, are always necessary, leaving a
realm of say a King or the divine realm of a Deity ritual open ended is not good practice, the energy
in the ritual. As we have expanded our world with otherwise and lingers on, at the ritual place and in
new electronic networks, Internet and modern the minds of the participants.
media, why not use a symbolic notion thereof as In setting up a ritual keep the purpose and setting
part of our ritual. As we greet the four directions, of the ritual in mind and choose from this out-
the sun and the moon, why not invite the good line, like a menu, what you like and is applicable to
will and cooperation of that enigmatic network, the situation. Purpose, timing, participants, place
the Internet or include cyberspace, our virtual are the main constraints, your intuition and good
playground. We can also use modern networks to intention the main tools. Don’t be afraid to make
include participants or even ritual officiants who mistakes, what matters is that you get involved in
are only virtually present, Skype and video-tele- connecting to this sphere that in modern times
phony offer these possibilities and online aug- could be called, and the ritual is
mented or even virtual reality might bring even like typing in that URL.
more possibilities for participating in a ritual
space or creating a ritual space. Cyberpagans now Fire correspondences
use the new communication channels for virtual As a guideline a number of correspondences of
rituals and why not? The space that one enters in fire are given but each of these has again corre-
ritual is not confined to our normal space-time spondences, weaving a complex and magical web
reality, it is beyond space-distance and time. of relationships, which can be used to stage a rit-
ual and decide upon the liturgy and the ritual
Fire ritual as a tool for paradigm shift matrix.
Rituals are a complex cultural reality, a mix of re-
ality, feeling and fantasy but they also mirror the
worldlier, the cosmology and the social struc- ELEMENT FIRE
tures. They can be seen as a total blueprint of the DIRECTION South
world and this opens an interesting possibility. A WIND (Greek) Notus
ritual can thus invoke a change in the ruling para-
ASSOCIATIONS Flames, lightning, sun,
digm, if we give it that intention and purpose.
1volcanoes, energy,
Nor only asking for peace and har mony but for
fundamental changes. For this the fire with its 2spirit, will
transfor mation power is very appropriate. The COLOR Red
world is at a stage, where fundamental changes in COLOR Amer. Indian White
the beliefs of people, especially the ‘modern’ peo- WEEKDAY Sunday, Tuesday
ple, are necessary. Why not ask the perennial CHAKRA Manipura (solar plexus)
STATE Plasma
powers, el e ments and spir its to bring that
transformation, dedicate the ritual to that MYTHIC ANIMAL Phoenix
purpose. ARCHANGEL Michael
The long and the short of it ALTAR TOOLS Candle & Athamé
Although the above description of a fire ritual in TAROT Wands (Rods)
all its parts seems like a lengthy affair, it can be COURT CARDS Kings

PLAYING CARDS Clubs Sweat lodge
SABBAT Litha A great deal is written about sweat lodges in the
SOLAR MIDPOINTSummer Solstice Native American tradition and although not re-
ally fire rituals conforming to the matrix de-
scribed in this volume, they have a structure that
WEATHER Hot displays many of the same elements like circular
STAGE of LIFE Growth sacred space, cosmological correspondences in
BODY ANALOGSpirit (aura) the layout of the site, naming of the implements
HUMOUR Choler (stones) but the whole for mat is more of an indi-
ATTRIBUTESpiritual, potent vidual challenge and experience, an inner quest
FUNCTION Feeling and personal experience than a communal fest.
SENSE Sight The beautiful analogy with the womb makes
CARDINAL SIGN Aries clear, that the sweat lodge is a great psychological
MUTABLE SIGN Sagittarius
invention, using powerful archetypical imagery.
ALCHEMY PROCESS Combustion Temazcal
METAL Iron or Gold The Temazcal, the traditional Mexican sweat
JEWELS Fire Opal bath, is more a healing and therapeutic procedure
INCENSE Olibanum than a ritual. Dr. Horacio Rojas Alba of the
PLANTS Garlic, hibiscus, onion, Instituto Mexicano de Medicinas Tradicionales
3pepper, nettle, mustard TREESAlmond, in flower Tlahuilli has described the Temazcal and its me-
GODDESSES Hestia, Pelé, Vesta, dicinal and healing effects in some detail. Interest
4Brigit, Sekhmet in the ancient sweat bath, still called by the name
IRISH GODDESS Brigid given to by the Aztecs, the Temazcal, sprang up in
GODS Horus, Hephaestos, Mexico somewhere in the last decades of the
Vulcan, Loki, Agni 20th century and it became quite popular, a simi-
MAGICAL POWER To Will lar development as happened with the North
American sweat lodge. These sweat baths, still a
Sweat lodges – sweat baths – fire living tradition in many parts of the country, are
walking usually small round stone or mud structures
Another ritual, that has many aspects of a fire rit- looking rather like old-fashioned beehives. It was,
ual, is the sweat lodge. Sweat baths exist in many as Dr. Alba points out, traditionally used in the
cultures of the world, both ancient and modern. healing and easing of almost all kinds of medical
The sauna of Scandinavia is well known as is the conditions, including, pregnancy and child birth,
hamam of North Africa and Turkey. In the ruins although the early Spanish rulers didn’t like it at all
of Pompeii there are the remains of sweat baths. and destroyed the Temazcals wherever they
In India, people lay in the sun, covered with found them.
leaves to protect themselves from the burning In the Magliabechi Codex, one of the few books
rays of the sun, to bring on sweating. The Native which came down to us from the days of the
American version, in the form of a sweat lodge, Conquistadores, a caption under a native drawing
or in Lakota the Inipi, is fairly well known, and of a Temazcal observes:
has strong ceremonial overtones but also relaxes “This is a drawing of the baths of these Indians which
and cleanses the body and offers an opportunity they call the Temazcalli. At the door of the bath there is
to tests one’s strength and resolution, holding out an Indian who is the advocate for the sick, and when a
in dark and steaming hot condition is quite a sick person goes to the baths he makes an offering and
challenge. stretches his body on the ground in veneration of the idol
In Native American ritual, the sweat lodge and which they call Tezcatopocatl and who is one of their
the vision quest bear a close relationship to the principal gods. They used in these baths other Infamous
general fire ritual.. reliquaries and many naked Indians bathed and com-
mitted great ugliness and sins in this bath”.

Sahagun, a Franciscan friar who recorded so small, and through it we enter a small, dark, warm
many of the Indian customs of his day, tells us and humid space, in this way recreating the
that: uterus, cutting off the outside world and giving
“It [the Temazcal] is used firstly in the convalescence of us a chance to look inside and find ourselves
many sicknesses, so that they should finish healing more again. Our re-emergence through this narrow
rapidly... All sick people benefit from these baths...” opening represents our rebirth from the darkness
and silence of the womb.
And he goes on to list sicknesses that he thought
The practice of inducing sweat has long been
especially responsive to the sweat bath: traumas,
known to be beneficial in sicknesses of the skin,
broken bones, contusions, skin problems and
liver and circulation, in problems of rheumatism,
growths, among others. He mentions, as well,
arthritis, gout, and other chronic diseases, as well
that it is also good for
as acute problems like muscular pains, colds and
“pregnant women who are close to giving birth as there congestions, and sweat baths are but of the ways
the midwives can do certain things so that the birth is used to bring about healthful sweating. Slight
easier... ”, and it is “good for the mother shortly after giv- overheating of the body produces a series of re-
ing birth so that she heals and to purify the milk...” actions: it stimulates both the superficial and the
The Temazcal not only involved the worship of a deep blood circulation, accelerates the frequency
goddess, Temazcaltoci, “the grandmother of the of heartbeats, as well as increases their force, calls
baths” but it incorporated the elements of the an- into action the mechanisms of ther mal regula-
cient cosmology, both in its construction and the tion, activates the metabolism, and promotes
way in which it is used. The Temazcal is a micro- sweating. Its basic advantage as a sweat bath con-
cosm reproducing in itself the characteristics of sists in the way high heat and high humidity are
the universe, the macrocosm. So we find in the combined. Other types of steam bath also com-
Temazcal all elements of the different eras or cy- bine heat and humidity but the temascal sur-
cles (known as suns) throughout which, accord-
ing to Aztec mythology, the world has passed and
continues to pass: earth, wind, fire and water (we
now live in the fifth ‘sun’) and through whose
constant movement and life is manifest. The
Temazcal is oriented according to the cosmic di-
rections: the fire is placed towards the east where
Father Sun, the god called Tonatiuh, arises; he is
the light or masculine element which comes and
fertilizes the womb of the mother earth (the
chamber of the Temazcal itself), and so life is
conceived. The doorway through which the bath-
ers enter and leave is oriented toward the south,
“the pathway of the dead”, which begins with passes them in effectiveness for two reasons: the
birth and ends in death, to the right of the path of person in charge of the bath can adjust -increase,
Sun. When we enter the Temazcal, according to diminish or direct- both heat and humidity to
this ancient doctrine, we return once again to our meet the specific needs of the patient he is treat-
mother‘s womb, presided over by the great god- ing, and the vapor is made from herbal teas, the
dess, Tonantzin or Temazcaltoci, the great herbs chosen for their effects on each individual
mother of both gods and humans. She is our be- patient.
loved mother, concerned with the health of the The high heat and the high humidity, taken to-
children and she receives us into her womb - of gether, produce their healing effects, basically,
which our own mother‘s womb is but a through reducing or impeding the body‘s mecha-
microcosmic manifestation - to cure us of physi- nism for cooling itself. The heat, higher than nor -
cal and spiritual ills. The entrance way is low and mal body temperature, induces sweating; the high

humidity inhibits the evaporation of the sweat, ashes as a breakthrough psychological procedure,
the chief method through which the body nor - a kind of test or proof of mind over matter.
mally cools itself, and thereby, blood circulation is
increased, sweating is increased, and the elimina- Alchemical Notions of Fire
tion of toxins is maximized. Alchemy is a paradigm of transfor mation, both
There are, according to Dr. Alba, two others spe- on the interior and exterior plane and uses the
cial characteristics of the Temascal as a sweat “fire of nature” both in a practical and symboli-
bath that must be mentioned. The first is that ev- cal/allegorical way. Alchemical allegorical fire is
ery bath is directed by a specially trained healer, related to the sun, the source of light and has
most often a woman (called in Mexico, the some resemblance to Tibetan Buddhist notions
Temazcalera). She examines the patient, makes of Primordial Field and Clear Light. The Greek
her diagnosis, chooses the herbs that are indi- elements come back in the alcemical work, the
cated, decides on the levels of heat and humidity Great Work being the work on the soul. Creation
that are to be used, prepares the Temascal, and oc curs in in creas ingly dense levels of en-
then enters the chamber with the patient to over- ergy-matter, from the most subtle, Fire, to the
see and manage the course of the bath and if nec- most dense, Earth.
essary, perform treatments like a massage using a Alchemy is Change, the symbols of Alchemy em-
variety of traditional techniques. When the pa- phasize this aspect of Change: the transmutation
tient comes out of the bath, he is carefully of the baser metals like lead and mercury into
wrapped in a sheet or blanket, and made to lie Gold through the steps of Solve et Coagula, Se-
down and rest, usually in a room or place specially paratio et Coniunctio (“dis in te grate” and
prepared for this purpose, until the body finishes “unite;” “separate” and “join”). The work stages
of its own its sweating. The patient is given a cup of Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo are not only physi-
of herbal tea, nor mally made from an herb cho- cal/chemical processes butstaes of the work on
sen for his precise condition, to help replace liq- the soucolorl, the self.
uids lost in the bath, and then left to rest. These
two special features of the traditional Mexican Greek notions of fire
sweat bath -the skills of the Temazcalera and the In the Greek pantheon the supreme Olympian
mandatory rest period after the bath- may go a Deity Zeus is usually representing fire, throwing
long way in explaining its impressive curative fiery thunderbolts around but it is also associated
powers. The Temazcal is also widely used during with Hades, the central hellish fire under the
pregnancy and in childbirth, although for these earth. Here are many stories in the Greek mythol-
purposes, it is not made quite as hot as it usually is. ogy like the story of Prometheus, who took the
Births are of ten attended inside the warm fire from the Gods to bring it to the humans but
Temazcal by a traditional midwife. Not only does was caught and punished by Hephaestus, the sun
the warmth help to speed labor but the baby is of Zeus and Hera. Hephaestus was the craftsman
then born into an environment that is not so and smith of the Gods and smiths and fire tradi-
radically different from that from whence it tionally have a deep connection too. Prometheus
came. was not only credited for bringing back the fire
Walking the fire but also bringing civilization and crafts to man.
Although walking the fire or rather the hot ashes Another myth (according to Ovid) whereby fire
of a fire is sometimes part of a fire ritual, it does and the sun played a role was that of the crafty
not really fit in with the general matrix of a uni- Daedalus, who created the labyrinth for King
versal fire ritual. Jumping the fire, dancing around Minos but got himself imprisoned in it, crafted
the fire, jug gling with fire, moving objects wings and escaped with his son Icarus. Going too
through the smoke or the fire are all fairly com- high in the sky the sun got the best Icarus , the
mon parts of fire rituals but firewalking is more wing burned and Icarus fell down and drowned
of a separate event, using the fire or rather its hot in the sea. The story of Phaethon, a son of
Helios/Apollo and Clymene, tells us about him

driving the Sun chariot of Mount Sinai that smoked
his father in an improper because the Lord had de-
way, nearly incinerating the scended upon it in fire, fire
earth and Phaeton being that destroyed the enemies
killed by a thunderbolt of of the Israelites. In the ritual
Zeus. fire and especially candles
The Greek philosophers, play a significant role. The
who accord ing to Peter menorah in the Holy Temple
Kingsley, a British author, is a literal representation of
were not at all ra tio nal the divine light that ema-
thinkers, made little sepa- nated from there to the en-
ra tion be tween magic, tire world. A special light in
myth, science and philoso- the Synagogue is called a
phy. Many philosophers ‘Ner Tamid’, which means
recognized the qualities of ‘an everlasting light.’ In the
fire. words of the au thor of
Plato’s Timaeus: Proverbs, “The soucolorl of
”Now that which comes to be man is a lamp of G-d.” Fire
must be bodily, and so visible shall be kept burning upon
and tangible; and nothing can the altar continually; it shall
not go out. Every Friday
be visible without fire, or tangi-
evening, the Jewish woman invites the light of
ble without something solid, and nothing is solid without
Shabbat into her home by kindling the Shabbat
earth. Hence the god, when he began to put together the
candles. And Chanukah, the festival of lights,
body of the universe, set about making it of fire and
comes once a year.
Fire is one of the four basic elements in Greek How do I experience rituals?
thinking (Ether figures in the five Eastern tradi-
In this book I have given some personal accounts
tions) and Empedocles wrote:
of magical situations, where ritual played a role.
Now everything has fourfold roots. Shining
My experiences are of colored, subjective and I
Zeus, life-giving Hera, Hades (Aidoneus) and
can only assume, that they have some resem-
Nestis (Persphone), moistening the springs of
blance to what other experience. My astrologers
mortals with her tears.
friends taught me, that being a Sagittarius with
Pythagoras explained that God created the four
Leo rising this influences how I experience, feel
elements before everything else. The universe is
and perceive such events, my enneagram friends
composed of these four elements: the angels are
point at the clear 8 perception patterns and reac-
made of fire; heaven is made of water; the air, the
tions, the Human Design System folks will see
sun, the moon and the stars of fire and air; ani-
the connection between my chakras and explain
mals and plants of three elements, and man of
my emotions in those terms. All this only tells me,
four; the latter theory springs from the idea of
that there is no objectivity. We all will have our
man as a micro-cosmos. In the Pythagorean tra-
own, unique perception and reaction to a ritual,
dition the fire is the centre of the universe, not
we color these with what we experienced before,
the earth.
our traumas , imprints, cultural identity, and will
Jewish notions of fire pick out and fil ter of the sen sor y and
extra-dimensional information of our primes
In the Jewish faith fires plays an important role. that what we need.
The Torah is described as ‘A fiery law’. Often Celebrations and bans on open fire
Jahweh makes himself known through fire. It was Fires have been part of celebrations and ceremo-
the fiery brush that called Moses, the entire nies of all times and in modern times all kinds of

movements have used fires and fire circles. Some
of them had such a bad influence, that their ritu-
als were forbidden; this includes the Nazi’s in
Ger many, fire rituals were forbidden in Ger many
till long after WW2.
Because of ecological reasons and to limit the
risk of fires spreading these days in many coun-
tries open fires are outright forbidden or re-
stricted, only at certain times (Easter) they are
per mitted or condoned, and often all kinds of
per mits and super vision by official firemen is re-
quired. Although there are good reasons for
these measures and limitations, it also means that
many children will not experience open fire in
their youth.

B - Prometheus: bringing the fire of heaven

The Fire and the relationship between heaven deal, the bones and the humans kept the good
and earth pops up in many cultures. Fire was such meat. Zeus got outraged, took the fire away from
an important part of human development, cul- the humans (in the Hesiod version of the myth),
ture and development that the mythical bringing but Prometheus stole it and brought it to the hu-
or stealing of fire is part of many traditions. For mans in a giant fennel stalk. Zeus then sent Pan-
me personally, fire not only pops up in my astro- dora, the first woman, as a punishment to human-
logical profile (Sagittarius, Leo rising) but is a fas- kind, who released all kind of misery from her fa-
cination, partaking in fire rituals more than a mous box, but Zeus also punished Prometheus.
mere hobby. Zeus chained him to a rock and invoked eternal
torture by an eagle eating away his liver, that was
There are various Fire myths in specific cultures, regrown daily. He was rescued by the centaur
but let’s start with the Prometheus myth, as Chiron, another Titan, who took his place and in
handed down from the Greek mythology. The other versions he was rescued by Heracles. We
figure of Prometheus, is truly archetypical, as he know, at least in fragments, the general trend of
is the link between the world of the Gods and the the Promethean myth. We have only direct access
humans and the similarities with figures like Jesus to partial renderings of it, notably Hesiod and
Christ are obvious. He made the connection be- Aeschylos and references in some other works
tween heaven and earth and brought us redemp- about details of the lost parts plus some artwork
tion (in the form of fire and technology). In the portraying Prometheus in various situations. The
context of this book, theme has been used by
this connection can be many authors to render
interpreted as a connec- their own artistic version
tion between our mask of it, like Shelley, Byron
and the inner child, and and Goethe did, but the
again we can point at the original tale got a bit lost
message of Jesus that we in that. According to the
have to be like the chil- Hungarian Carl Kereny,
dren if we want to enter who worked with C.G.
the kingdom of heaven. Jung, Prometheus is an
Also the two classes of archetypical image of the
Gods in the Greek heav- hu man ex is tence. He
ens, Titans and Olymp- points out that in the
ians, point at two sides Greek mythology (Pro-
of our psyche, the free metheus 1963) gods and
and the controlled one. man both de scended
Prometheus, son of the Titan Iapetus was the from the Gaia Earth Mother, and were equals, al-
God who stole the fire from the heavens, giving it though at opposing poles of the cosmos. Man
back to the humans, tricking Zeus. Zeus took could therefore not have been created by the Ti-
back the fire from the humans, because of Pro- tans (another, later version of the myth credits
metheus’ trick at Mecone, a sacrificial meal mark- Prometheus with this), the early ruling Gods in
ing the “settling of accounts” between mortals the pantheon, later succeeded by Zeus and his
and immortals. He made Zeus choose the worst family and offspring. He therefore sees the later
deal by hiding the best parts of an ox, leaving addition of a central role of Prometheus in the
Zeus and the gods with the bones and useless fat. creation of the human race, the fashioning of hu-
This division became the basis for later sacrificial mans out of clay. Sappho, Plato, Aesop and Ovid
practice, the God would get the bad end of the wrote about this, Protagoras notes that the gods

created humans and all animals, but it was left to
Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus to give
gifts and at trib utes to each animal and
Prometheus decided to give fire and other arts
and technology like writing, mathematics,
agriculture, medicine, and science to the humans.
Here in the Titan/Olympian separation of the
Greek Gods an interesting analogy can be seen, if
we assume that the even in the heavens the dis-
tinction between the inner child (the creative, free
part, the wild horse of Plato) as the Titans, and
the more organized, tamed Gods of Zeus’s
Olympia as the mask. Zeus cer tainly liked to
move around in various disguises, making chil-
dren here and there. The Titans were mostly send
off to the underworld (the unconscious), out of
sight. Prometheus, who managed to be in favor
with the new rulers at first, brings the original fire
(Zeus only took it away after he felt betrayed by
the humans) back to the humans, and thereby
sacrifices himself in a way, bridging the worlds of
heaven and humans. Hence the comparison
made between Christ and Prometheus. However,
Prometheus was a culture hero, the giver and pro-
tector of arts and crafts, but also the trickster god,
like the coyote, the jester or clown. He is forever
connected to fire and therefore to mental gifts,
arts and blacksmithing. Prometheus epitomizes
the rebel who resist institutional tyranny, he is a
challenger to Zeus’s omniscience and omnipo-
tence. In the song/poem that start this para-
graph, which I wrote for the 2003 FireDance
event in Boulder Creek, California, I credit Pro-
metheus for starting the dance of (human) life.
Fire and dance are both great resources for man-
kind and a natural combination. FireDance ritual
designed and led by Jeff McBride and his crew,
described elsewhere in this book, combines so
much mythological and astrological themes, that
it could be called a Promethean ritual.
The Prometheus story is well known, but there
are many myths like that. In the Rig Veda (3:9.5),
the hero Mâtariúvan recovered the hidden fire, in
the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels and Azazel
teach early mankind to use tools and fire, for
many North American natives animals like Coy-
ote, Beaver or Dog played a role in stealing fire
and bringing it to the humans.

C - FireDance, a modern ritual for mat

Since the eighties interest in fire circles in the what is inside, discovering the resonance between
USA has been growing, originating in New Eng- inner and outer worlds, in oneself, in others and
land mostly with pagan groups. One of the more in everything.
modern forms of a fire ritual is FireDance, con-
ceived in the eighties and nineties and becoming a The FireDance event for me personally was quite
mature for mat in the early millennium years by touching, this the poem I wrote to describe what I

Who got the fire in

who let the dance begin
a dance of transformation
a circle of inspiration
when I came they were people
but as we danced
they became giants
giants of love
car rying me
living the inner truth
Jeff McBride and Abigail Spinner, musicians and manifesting the grace from above
artists of Las Vegas and the people around I got the fire in
it made my dance begin
FireDance is in essence a ritual fire circle that anew, anew, anew
transforms and uplifts the participants, following
a liturgic model that was inspired by the alchemi- The FireDance mission was to be a non-denomi-
cal process and sculpted as not to emulate or imi- national, multi-cultural spiritual gathering com-
tate existing traditions like those of the Hindu or mitted to personal development, global transfor -
American native traditions but in the end amal- mation and community creation through drum-
gamating and blending them in a new and very ming, dancing, singing, theatre and the arts.
powerful form. The FireDance for mat has gone
through changes and the original organization FireDance, superficially, is a gathering where
has split off in various directions, but definitely people drum, dance, chant, sing and unite around
marks a revival of interest in what fire rituals a fire, not sitting down but constantly moving or
could mean in this day and age. at least be engaged, in rattling, drumming, sing-
ing. Moving round the fire, slow or fast, but not
Among the many spiritual gatherings and festi- stopping, keeping the energy going, and the
vals that are now part of the new age movement, dancing participants constantly circling around
FireDance (and its successors by different names, the central fire. FireDance is a night time practice,
as it has become a root tradition of its own) had a using sundown, the darkness of the night, the sky
distinct flavor. It is designed from the start as an above and the sunrise as elements. The daytime is
experiential process, something with a lot of to sleep or engage in workshops or other activi-
outerworld pomp and ceremony, but in the end ties, the dance starts as the sun goes down and ev-
an innerworld path, a way to get in touch with erybody is supposed to keep going till morning

light greets a new day, the kiss of sun at dawn is a from mediaeval alchemists and magicians to
great moment and the participants are reborn in stage an intriguing ritual. Combining the very
that new light. The for mat uses music, voice, a personal, alchemical work with a community rit-
fair degree of exhaustion, and a laid-out circular ual is a brilliant move, and did bring back the orig-
pat tern within a sa cred space to help the inal energy of those long forgotten rituals and
par ticipant g o through a cycle of mysteries.
To that he added a cosmic dimension, bringing
On a deeper level, FireDance is a full-fledged and the notion of the central sun and her planets to
intricate ritual, a mystery school in action, a op- the game. In the physical layout circles are drawn,
portunity for deep transfor mation, an experien- space per mitting, symbolizing the planets, the
tial opportunity rare in our material and rational fast ones like Mercury and Venus close to the cen-
world. tral fire of the sun, the slower ones more outside.
The participant can choose what speed and thus
Although there is a general outline, every dance is what circle they like.
different and there is great freedom to change the
pace of the dance, the music, the songs and indi- The basic idea of alchemy is to create a vessel,
vidual initiatives for special celebrations, like heat it with a bonfire, and turn base “metal” into
weddings are welcomed and integrated in the Gold, but has a deeper meaning as it also repre-
whole. Participants are invited to dress up, in sents the inner process of spiritual development.
sometimes outrageous costumes, one can do FireDance takes elements from both, talks about
fire-spinning, perform ceremonies, healings or transfor mation, facing the dark sides, the shadow
sacrifices, but there is no fire-walking, meaning in oneself, the fire as the spiritual sun, but throws
walking over red hot embers and coals. in a great deal of social interaction, of fun, ex-
It’s all about magic and ecstasy, about illusion and pressions, creativity, feeling part of a community,
yet reality, inviting the miraculous to happen, in
the now, in time and outside of time. The fire cir-
cle becomes a safe place, a sacred and holy con-
tainer, a real sanctuary to explore what is inside
us, creative expression, intensive meditation, fo-
cused awareness, spontaneous music or intro-
spection, including and even inviting the emo-
tions and drama that comes with that. Partici-
pants usually undergo intense emotional cycles,
and at times might need some support by as-
signed ‘healers’, but everybody can offer help.
However for many however, the process involves
deep ‘inner’ work and all they need is some space.
coming home, all into the melting pot of the fire
cir cle. Re-enacting the Great Work of Al-
A new blend chemy, stimulating personal growth by accelerat-
ing the fire of nature, which transforms the lead
The FireDance for mat is, in many ways, modern of our lives into the gold of Spirit in a number of
and different and yet it draws on old traditions. stages. One of the basic ideas behind many al-
Jeff McBride, who is also a world-renowned chemical traditions is that of transmuting or puri-
sleight of hand magician by profession, has been fying one thing from a “lower” form into a
fascinated by “that other kind of magic” and has “higher” form.
participated in many books and productions
about both kinds of magic. In the FireDance for - The effects of a dance or similar rituals are some-
mat he has used the alchemical matrix known times life-changing, therapeutically and in greater

consciousness, more social awareness and a
deeper connection with the forces of nature and
our fellow humans.

Quoting Abigail Spinner:

“For me, a huge part of the magic is about becoming
fully present in the Here/Now moment. When you’ve
drummed and danced for many hours, and your body is
tired - I’ve learned not to turn to the clock and check to
see “how much longer till we get there?” I breathe deeply,
find a way to engage and sur render to the Now. I advise
leaving the watch in the tent ..
FireDance empowers us to become our highest visions.
We polish the mir rors of our hearts, listen to our inner
wisdom, and become one cell in a body of a unified group
of musicians and dancers. We share the beauty of an
ever-evolving circle of friends, who come together to find
their way to Spirit. FireDance helps us learn deep les-
sons about patience and balance; we are witnessed, and
move through our ego needs to ecstasy, and Light. “

The FireDance alchemical fire circle for mat is

powerful, has led many to a new level of con-
sciousness, of which I personally can attest. It
was, for me, an ecstatic way to connect deeply, to
myself and others. A miracle of togetherness, a
feeling of tribal belonging, being with friends you Las Vegas, Washington DC, Ver mont, Boulder,
might never have met before, but with whom you and Hawaii. Jeff McBride has developed the Fire-
connect, dancing next to them or seeing them Dance for mat into what is now called Fires Ris-
across the circle. One talks about people who ing, based on similar principles but with a bit
participate for the first time as home comers, and more of a personal seven stage development
that is a very appropriate word. One feels wel- model.
come, the fire melts away our differences, the My personal contribution to FireDance, I at-
gold in us emerges as the night goes on and then, tended twice, was a poem and later, inspired by
when the sun rises, everybody bathes in that Fantuzzi the Rainbow bard, this song:
golden light and feels he or she is no longer alone,
that a doorway, a portal to a new connectedness My FireDance song
has opened. In 2003 I wrote this song:

A number of seminal FireDance events were Who got the fire in

held in California in a beautiful location, among Who made the dance begin
the redwood trees, in the mountains, just outside
of Santa Cruz, CA. Later the for mat has spread Who was that liar
over the world, in many countries and with differ- Who stole the fire
ent names, like the Mayfire or Springfire events in It was Prometheus
the Netherlands and so-called fire tribes all over
And he’s in all of us
the globe, the Fire Circle Tribe and Family of
Fire, which includes clans in Boston, Santa Cruz,

Who dared the mighty Zeus drink can be had. On the outside of the fire circle
And gave us fire to use perimeter is the “comet’s trail,” a path for walking
meditation for those who wish to stay engaged
Who was that Titan and involved in the fire circle, yet seek some
Who betrayed Gods for Man solitude or time for meditation.
It was Prometheus The physical width of the orbits or tracks are dif-
ferent, but resonating with natural dimensions.
And he’s in all of us
The Mercury track would allow a single line of
fast dancers, while Venus was three persons wide
to allow for different movement speeds, passing
and interaction between dancers and Jupiter four
Fire circle architecture persons wide to accommodate a variety of hu-
The layout of the place where the fire was and the man traffic, drummers, the well and other large
dancing and drumming took place had an astro- fixed installations
nomical resonance. The Planetary Rings and As the human body is comfortable walking
tracks used as a blueprint were according to what within a three-foot girth this has been taken into
Jeff McBride recognized as a natural pattern in consideration in the creation of the size of the
fire-events. He realized that how people move is a overall circle and each individual planets orbit.
mirror of our solar system, and the dance is in Flour would mark the ground as to the edge of
that way a recreation of the great cosmic dance the tracks.
of life. The fire is a symbol for the Sun at the cen-
tre and the planets dance in elliptical orbits Installations and locations
around it. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun There are a number of places and locations that
and at our fire circle, the mercurial energy is no- have special meaning and illustrate how details
ticeable in the dancers closest to the fire, or those are important for a good ritual setup.
tending the fire. Venus as the second orbit of the At one tip of the triangle is the Gate - the en-
fire circle is often where the trance into the container. The Gate will be wide
sensuous and ecstatic dance
takes place. Beyond Venus is
Earth. At fire circles this repre-
sents the rattle track, where the
Earth dancers move in a slower
orbit. Mars at the fire circle is
sym bol ized by the ring of
standing people, who, like Mars,
protect and for tify, and add
their energy to those within the
circle. Beyond Mars is Jupiter.
At the fire circle this is a free
movement zone, where people
blend and move together in
freestyle dance. Beyond Jupiter
is Saturn. At the fire circle this
planet is represented by the
people sitting and resting. Be-
yond the orbit of Saturn are the
planets Neptune and Pluto. At
the fire circle these are the out-
ly ing ar eas where food and

enough for a dump truck to pass through. In
front, outside the Comet Track will rest the Por-
tal, moveable so to allow for trucks to enter when
Located just East of the North altar is the Well.
Here is an installation for healing to take place,
comfort given and a safe space for trance. In this
area would also be located a supply of water bot-
tles to be shared at the circle.
The drummer section would centre around a
torch that has been moved back out of the Mars
track. This torch forms the tip of the Heart
where dancers and others may move out of the
orbits and communicate directly with the drum-
mers. The front of the drum section would begin
just out of the orbit of Earth but within the Mars
track and extend back into Jupiter as necessary.
Altars should be set up at the four quarters and
rest on the edge of the container within Saturn,
forming The Grand Cross. The altar at the gate
would be set about midway on the Jupiter track to
give participants the ability to enter the gate and
also to run the Jupiter track without out bumping
into the altar.
FireDance considers the ground in which the fire Healers are encouraged to gently and appropri-
is to be placed a hearth. If a fire ring is cur rently in ately re-introduce the newly “popped” individual
place then that would be used. However, if one is back to the spinning orbits. Aid them in finding
not available the use of an above ground fire cru- their place so that they are not lost and confused.
cible is encouraged in honor of the Earth so we The drummers are together, preferable to the
do not leave scars. north of the fire, but close to the circle; the physi-
There are a great number of FireDancers who cal set-up emphasizes the relationship of drum-
prefer to go bare-footed around the fire. Also, mers to dancers and the relationship of both to
most areas are uneven, rough ground or too the fire. The music comes from many traditions,
dusty. In these cases where the ground is deter - and within the polyrhythmic constraints of
mined to be unsuitable for bare feet FireDance group drumming new songs are created and there
would provide a pad of mulch or saw dust, at least is a body of special fire-songs.
one inch thick from the edge of the stone circle
around the fire up to and including the Earth The ritual elements of FireDance
A circle is round and thus the layout of the fire
When Participants “pop” (go into an usual state
circle place is round, but has an orientation re-
like trance or some regression) and healers gather
specting the four quarters. The general outline is
there happens a clog in the movement and energy
a sacred space around the fire, designated by
of the dance wheel. FireDance encourages the
some physical barrier, which needs to be hon-
“healers” to scoop these “poppers” up and guide
ored. Entering or leaving that sacred space is only
them out of the spinning orbits past the circle of
through the portal, a gate usually to the East,
standing stones (Mars track) to a safe zone - the
where one consciously steps into the magical
Well. Here in comfort and safety they may con-
realm. At the portal smudging takes place, cleans-
tinue their process.
ing of energy, but also a moment of concentra-
tion when entering and becoming part of the

community of the circle and a co-creator of what At the fire circle, this is the time when people ar-
happens there. rive and settling in, the fire is being lit and highly
energized dancing starts. On a personal or
There is a kind of etiquette concerning how to transformational level, this is time to “burn away
engage. People entering the dance circles are sup- and dissolve” whatever stands between us and
posed to do so at the pace of those already danc- the Divine.
ing. The dance track closest to the fire moves the
fastest. The next ring of dancers moves a little The final stage of the nigredo cor responds with
more slowly. The third ring is for rattles and the alchemical stage called separation. In the lab,
trance dancing and moves even more slowly. If the solution is broken up into its separate compo-
space and attendance per mits, a larger number of nents. At the fire circle, people begin to let go of
circles is laid out, representing the solar system whatever lead they’ve been carrying into the fire
and the planets. to be transformed. There is a stage in the alchemi-
cal process called the Peacock’s tail, seen as rain-
The for mat has evolved, some elements bor- bow colored streaks that appear on the inside of
rowed from other traditions had to be taken out, the vessel. At the fire circle, this is when people
as for instance native Americans objected to the “show their colors,” or step out and share a spon-
use of certain elements or utensils of their heri- taneous moment of creative inspiration with the
tage. But also new elements were tried and some- group. This stage can go on for hours.
times added to the liturgy, as should happen in a
living tradition. The next part is the Albedo. This cor responds
with the alchemist’s whitening process, where the
Alchemical phases
As the event not only covers one night, but a
number of nights, the different stages (of experi-
ence, tempo) had to be linked and the model here
was the alchemical ‘Great Work", in line with the
idea that participants would go through different
stages towards a ‘golden’ result. The alchemical
setup is emphasized by a couple of distinct
phases, and they can be compared but are not to-
tally similar to the cleansing, sacrificing, uniting
and communion phases in other rituals.

. Nigredo - Burning away impurities, releasing

ego and agendas.
. Peacock’s tail - Colours, stories, songs, offer-
. Albedo - Inner work, trance, ecstasy
. Rubedo - Dawn, Sunrise and beyond...

The first phase is called the Nigredo, or the black-

ening. It is the part where the “prima materia,” or
first matter, is placed into a container and heated
until there are only ashes and then dissolved with
Jeff McBride
liquid until there is a suspension. These first steps
are called Calcination and Dissolution.
matter in the flask is softening and beginning to
purify. At the fire circle, this is the time when

there is a palpable shift in the energy; the drum- golden rays pierce our hearts
ming may grow quieter, there may be more quiet like ar rows of light
songs or chants. Somehow, there is a shifting, and
the atmosphere begins to feel lighter. Coinciden- dispelling illusion
tally, this is often the time when the sky begins to releasing night
grow light. The stages of alchemy that corre-
spond with this period are Conjunction, Fer men-
solar alchemy
tation, and Distillation. Purification is achieved.
filling each cell of our body
The final stage of the fire circle alchemy is called transforming, transmuting
the Rubedo, the reddening, the sunrise itself. The lead into purest gold
sunrise can be interpreted on many different indi-
vidual levels. We imagine the sun’s rays entering
our bodies, and filling each cell with pure gold. as above, so below
Often at sunrise, a long sustained period of si- the sun sees itself in the fire
lence is encouraged.
in each other
The role of the fire-tenders is essential. They we see god
tend to the fire, but in that way they control the
Set, setting and magical
energy of the whole ritual. By letting the fire go
down or feeding it to make it higher they in a way The whole FireDance project was (and is in later
steer the mood of the whole scene. As the fire is incarnations) a well thought out ritual, where the
driving the energy, it requires skill and consider- individual psychological, the social and the magi-
ation to tend it and balance the energy of the fire cal were given space and attention. That one tried
and the crowd. not to infringe on what some might consider
their intellectual property rights or cultural heri-
Water also plays a special role. Because of the in- tage has forced the for mat to use concepts like al-
tense physical exercise and the risk of dehydra- chemical processes, astronomical trajectories in a
tion the participants need a lot of water and dis- new and innovative way. The limitations were
pensing water is one of the sacred ser vices one overcome by new visions and liturgy that still
can assume. honored the effective aspects from the past.
FireDance does not use electricity, it relies of the The whole setup allowed for both individual and
power of the fire, on the earth (Gaia) as the altar, group processes, great care was given to make
on the air of the wind, the incense and the music, sure everybody was part of the process, not only
and on clean water and good food to help face the participating in the dancing, drumming and sing-
strenuous dancing routine. There is no smoking ing through the night, but also in preparation, the
of whatever or drinking alcohol in the circle. procession and the sharing.
Individual processes (set), even if they were deep
Closing the FireDance and unusual, like in what they called popping,
To illustrate the mindset here the very touching were not only accepted but encouraged. The psy-
closing FireDance prayer in the morning, written chological buildup was very clever, the ups and
by Katlyn Breene, who is creating sacred art, downs to be expected and in fact intended, for
communities and rituals: dancing the whole night will bring exhaustion
and trance-like states, were handled in a nice and
empathic way. This had to do with the mindset of
the sun rises the participants and experienced Firedancers
we lift our hands unto it who took care of the newcomers, but also with
to be re-born the well thought out for mat, the physical layout
and the preparation and teachings given before
like the day
the event really started. Learning songs by hearth,

being aware of the ffect of musical instruments,
the whole philosophy was shared in a nice way, in-
volving everybody and making sure nobody fell
out of the boat.
The magical purpose, creating a TAZ (temporary
autonomous zone, Hakim Bey - Peter L. Wilson)
and tribal awareness, did allow many people to let
go of their ‘nor mal’ masks and be open to new
contact, new experiences and a depth of feeling
that was very special. This is turn allowed psycho-
logical breakthrough, but also inner healing. Feel-
ing welcome, at home, accepted for many opened
inner doors never imagined. The set, setting and
magical were not really separate, they were inte-
grated, the physical layout and the physical acts,
all with deep correspondence meaning, were so
symbolic and yet real, that the resonance among
the participants became a resonance with the
place, with nature, with spirit within and without.
That the people involved were quite familiar with
theater, stage magic and working with emotion
lines and psychological processes has undoubt-
edly helped a lot. Using special effects, coyote
type changes and synchronizing the music, the
fire, the actions made it very special and effective.
The leaders of FireDance, a close knit group of
people who knew each other well, worked to-
gether before in often professional situations, op-
erated as a team and yet allowed individual ex-
pression. There was an amazing softness in the
way things were executed, even as there were cer-
tain in-group issues present, these were kept out-
side the circle. The care and love given to each in-
dividual participant was amazing, many partici-
pants spoke of these rituals as life-changing
I personally felt the whole event as coming home
to a tribe I never knew could exist, the atmo-
sphere as so special, that it inspired me to orga-
nize a number of similar fire events in the Neth-
erlands, called SpringFire. Jeff and some of his
team came out to help us keep the original spirit
and also those events remain vividly burned in my
memory as very special rituals.

D Hindu and Vedic Fire worship

Fire played and plays an important role in the reli- with the same basic meaning and with simpler
gious manifestations of the Indian subcontinent sacrifices, like rice.
and in the Mesopotamian cultures, which have in- A havan ceremony involves a priest and a host(s)
fluenced the Vedic culture in India. Although the and guests sitting before the kunda (fire-altar)
old Zoroastrian religion only sur vives in the Farsi while mantras are recited and various items such
community in parts of India, the worship and use as ghee, rice, herbs, foodstuffs, and other items
of fire in rituals is quite essential in Hindu life. are placed or ladled into the fire. Mantras are re-
The vast majority of Hindus engage in religious cited to ask the fire (Agni) to accept and pass on
rituals on a daily basis at home, notably tending the prayers and offerings to the intended deity or
the home fire, the agnihotra. deities. A puja can be part of the procedure,
These are usually more compact and less elabo- aimed at different Gods and combined with
rate versions of the extensive Vedic rituals. There havans.
are many life-cycle rituals and sacraments in Hin- The larger classic Hindu/Vedic Agni-rituals in
duism, discussed in the first volume. Here we India last sometimes as long as 12 days and have
concentrate on fire-rituals. 17 priests, with massive offerings, huge construc-
tions and altars for the sacrificial fires with some-
Agni: the divine fire times 1000 bricks, specially made implements,
The use of fire as a means of worship is very an- vessels, tools, and careful preparation and train-
cient. Agni is the Godhead that is called upon, ing of the pundits (hota(r)s) involved. They are
then considered to be the Chief of the gods. The very costly and are these days rarely performed.
fire rituals are described in elaborate detail in the Not many are familiar with the liturgy, and the
Brahmanas. The Rig Veda opens with: tradition is slowly disappearing, as the written
texts are not sufficiently clear to stage such a ritual
“I praise Agni, the chosen Priest, God, minister of sac-
without some experience.
Finding, making, transporting and maintaining
The deity Agni is the Lord of the fire in the Vedas. fire was of great importance in the life of the
He is the oldest and most honoured God. Al- semi-nomadic Vedic man. The fire is central in
though part of the trinity Agni, Vayu, and Surya, most Vedic rituals, among them the simple
he is also all three at the same time and the twice-daily Agnihotra that is also part of the
oversou l of the solar system. He symbolizes the Hindu tradition. Larger rituals make clear how
mental, being overlord of that area. much effort and dedication was and is put into
In Hindu faith these days there are, in all the vari- such performances.
eties of this religious umbrella, the well known
Puja’s, small fire rituals honoring a specific deity Vedic tradition
that accompany many other events; feasts, and
The role of sacrifice in the Vedic tradition is es-
commemorations- all part of the Hindu life and
sential; it was their way to connect the personal
liturgy. A havan (North India) or homa (South In-
and the impersonal, also a way to ever renew the
dia) is similar to a puja in the sense that these are
religion, as a personal sacrifice defies dogma and
common modes of Hindu worship. They both
stagnation of a faith.
use a sacred fire and are symbolic forms of com-
The Vedic fire rituals (related to the Vedas) were
munication. The words “havan” and “homa”
an elaborate event, with many priests and a com-
each derive from the Sanskrit root hu, meaning to
plex liturgy involving the sacrifice of horses,
offer, to present, and to eat. The pujas and havans
cows and goats, as well as gold, gems and other
are simplified fire rituals compared to the elabo-
precious items into the fire and the preparation
rate ones from the Brahmanas and Vedas, but
of a special drink, called soma. What exactly
soma was is lost, but it is assumed to be a psyche-

delic concoction. Scholars like Frits Staal and Jan is about Savitur (the sun) and is the most power-
Houben have studied these rituals and even had ful of the Mantras. The Ini ti a tion into it
them specially performed, but the tradition is get- ‘Brahmopadesa’. It’s supposed to lead to the
ting lost. The Vedic rituals use Agni as the main realisation of Brahman (the Supreme Reality).
communicator and were not in a fixed place like a Along with this Mantra the Guru (Acharya) im-
temple or church. Within the nomadic culture of parts his Shakti (power) to the child; hence the
the early Aryans they were held in the open air, spiritual teacher and the disciple are connected by
with new (stone) fire-places being constructed. means of a silken cloth over their shoulders at the
The newer Hindu rituals are called Agamic, refer- time of the initiation into the Gayatri mantra.
ring to the Agamas, a collection of Sanskrit, The procedure starts with cleaning and a water
Tamil and Grantha scriptures mostly about tem- ritual and then a Havan, a sacred fire ceremony
ple construction and creation of idols, worship where the student participates by making obla-
means, philosophical doctrines, meditative prac- tions with ghee into the fire. One of the mantra’s
tices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds makes clear what the purpose is: “I am offering
of yoga, fitting the later development of the cul- this ahuti (oblation) to add to the burning flame
of the Yajna (holy fire) that is mighty in nature
and present in all the created beings and objects
of the world. As this fire blazes forth with the
samidha (wood-fuel), so may I shine with wis-
dom, knowledge of the Vedas and of Brahman
(God) and may I be endowed with vigor, long life,
prog eny and wealth. Grant long life to my
Acharya and to his sons. May I be enriched with
high intellectual power. May I not be arrogant to
anyone. Grant me prominence, vigor, divine
merits and food and grains.”
The important role of the fire is also clear when
the boy, with a little holy water on his hands, holds
them near the fire to warming it and the puts it
ture. There are many, many variations in Agamic
over his face and on the head., saying:
denominations in Hinduism.
1.This fire is the preserver of the body. May it preserve
Vedarambha, Hindu investiture of my body.
Sacred Thread (Janoi), dedication to a 2. This fire is the giver of life. May it grant me long life.
teacher and Gayatri-Mantra 3. This fire is the giver of brilliancy. May it grant me
This is a very important ritual, as it is a male rite brilliancy.
of passage with for mal and physical signs, the 4. Whatever gets exhausted in my body, let this fire re-
boy is now a true Hindu, with rights and obliga- plenish that.
tions. It brings one of the most important man-
tra’s, the Gayatri Mantra (Sun dedicated) to his 5. May Savita grant me wisdom. May the goddess
life. It also means Upanayana or taking the child Saraswati grant me wisdom.
to the teacher, the guru, for further spiritual edu- 6. Let the teacher and preacher, wearing garlands, give
cation. It involves the Sacred Thread as an out- us knowledge.
ward sign of dedication (to follow the rules) and The student also offers prayer to the fire with a
the for mal commencing of studying the Vedas mantra directed to the gods.
(Vedarambha). It is performed in the eighth
May Agni, the Self-refulgent God, give me wisdom,
(Brah man caste), elev enth (Kshatriya) and
progeny and strength, May Indra, the almighty god, be-
twelfth (Vaisya) years of the male child calculated
from the date of conception. The Gayatri mantra stow upon me the favor of wisdom, progeny, and prop-
erly developed or gans. May Surya, the all controlling

god, grant me wisdom, progeny and brilliance. O efful- the fire board and fire stick against each other,
gent and powerful Lord, grant me effulgence, power and making a new fire. The whole sacrificial area is
prominence. laid out according to the detailed ancient instruc-
The Acharya teaches the Gayatri Mantra to the tions. It has three fireplaces, the Garhapatya or
student: Domestic Fire, Ahavaniya or Offering Fire, and
Daksinagni or Southern Fire
“Om Bhurbhuvah Svah Tatsavitur varenyam Bargo There is also Rajasandi, the King’s Throne for the
Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat.” Soma stalks, Samrad-asandi, the Emperor’s
The student is given a girdle and a wooden staff, a Throne for the Pravargya vessels, methi and
deerskin to sit on, one pot to hold water, and two mayukhas, the peg and pins for the cow, the calf,
small pots. The student accepts the staff: This the she-goat and the lamb, a khara or mound,
staff that I hold, I accept it specially for the attain- Uttaravedi altar and nabhi.
ment of long life, knowledge of the Vedas, for The ritual procedures are at first performed in the
adherence to my vows, for disciplines and Pracinavamsa or “hut directed eastward.” The
strength of continence. whole thing centers around the preparation of
the soma (holy beverage made of herbs). On the
Pravargya Jyotistoma ritual day immediately preceding pressing of the herbs
This is of one of the larger Vedic fire rituals. Prof. (minimally the fourth day), the ritual activities
Jan Houben has been so kind to let me use his move to the Mahavedi, or large offering space,
video material of such a Vedic ritual and ex- that has been measured out with much precision,
plained many details in an inter view we did for taking the sacrificer’s length as a measure. The
my television channel Kleurnet. I refer to his ex- fire is transferred in procession from the offering
planations here. altar in the Pracinavamsa to the Uttaravedi, the al-
Jyotistoma is yajna (set ritual) meant for the eleva- tar in the east of the Mahavedi offering space.
tion of the yajamana or the host to heaven, i.e. the The Mahavedi where there are small construc-
Loka or world of the gods. It’s a complex proce- tions to protect the pressing and sieving of soma
dure with lots of priests doing all kinds of things, and the reciting is the place where the pressing of
but the main liturgy is as follows. The sacrificer the Soma, the offering of the Soma to the gods by
(yajamana) of the Jyotistoma is the one who can oblation into the fire of the Uttaravedi, and the
be seen as the one who ordered (and pays for) the consuming of the remaining Soma beverage by
ritual and will have the place of honour. On the priests and sacrifice takes place. The place has
first day of the Jyotistoma, after his morning been made comfortable by spreading soft grass
Agnihotra, he for mally invites the priests to per- to serve as seats for the gods and for the priests.
form the sacrifice for him. Among the priests, the All this clearly indicates that the soma of old had
hota is concerned with recitation and hymns of some inebriating or hallucinogenic effects, but
the Vedas, the adhvaryu takes care of practical the knowledge of the correct kind of herbs used
matters, the udgâta is the chanter of hymns set to then are lost. The Vedic texts sug gest in poetic
melodies (sâman) drawn from the SamaVeda, and language that Soma brings wakefulness, alertness,
the Brahman is the superintendent of the entire and euphoria. After the soma consumption there
perfor mance. The sacrifice then transfers (as- is a final bath and then the materials used for
cends) the energy of his own daily Agnihotra small coverings are burnt. The fire of the altars is
onto a fireboard and fire sticks (the Aranis), the then ascended (vir tually transferred) to the
same from which once the Agnihotra fire was Aranis and the sacrificer takes them home.
“churned.” The sacrificer then takes these Aranis Soma is the name of the mysterious plant or herb
and walks towards the newly erected fireplace, to- from which a beverage is pressed and supposedly
gether with his spouse and the sixteen priests has a certain effect on the mind. The plant and
reciting the first hymn of the Rigveda. drink are worshiped as gods. The Mithra drink
In the sacrificial area, the first fire of the Jyoti- Haoma is pressed in a way which is parallel to the
stoma sacrifice is lighted by pressing and rubbing way of pressing Soma and a similar poetic image

is used. The Soma as god has become an inde- 1975. The tradition of Vedic rituals had become
pendent entity, apart from the material basis in quite weak, and without the encouragements and
the form of the pressed juice. In the hymns that support of Staal, the ritual would probably not
are now more and more identified with Soma, he have been performed. In this perfor mance it was
appears as a god that provides a clear mind, that necessary to take into account all kinds of new
finds the light and a way out of distress, dispells circumstances not referred to in the traditional
diseases, gives fame, happiness and richess. The rules of the ritual. The ritual was to be filmed, and
chants (Samavedic Samans) are effective in bring- extensive sound recordings were to be made. The
ing about an altered state; they are full of rhyth- media paid much attention to the sacrifice, and
mic mel o dies, pat terns of repetition with there were strong protests against the killing of
variations, etc. sacrificial animals; at the last moment it was de-
The name Jyotistoma is equivalent to Agnistoma, cided to use vegetarian substitutes for these. The
which is the basic form of a group of rituals that successful perfor mance by Staal stimulated also
will be called Jyotistoma in the broad sense of the traditional Brahmins to engage again in the or-
term. ganisation of large Srauta rituals. Since then,
some more elaborate Vedic rituals have been
Pravargya performed and more films have been made to
The Pravargya is an oblation ritual in itself. Itis preserve the tradition.
never performed on its own, but always in the
context of the Soma-sacrifice, for instance in the Literature
form of the Jyotistoma. The most important ob- Given the fact that there are thousands, probably
ject in the Pravargya is a pot of clay filled with tens of thousands of studies and titles about
clarified butter (“ghee”) and heated on the fire. magic and myth, the number of publications
When freshly milked cow and goat milk are about fire and especially fire rituals is much less.
added to the boiling ghee, an impressive pillar of In fact, there are surprisingly few books about the
fire arises. It’s a kind of pyrotechnic effect that is subject. Earlier in this volume, a number of rele-
intended to help associate the heated pot with, vant and influential sources are mentioned. Again
among other things, light and the sun, as the asso- we have to point at Frits Staal, as he did one of the
ciated songs also indicate. In the next stage hot most extensive studies into specific fire rituals in
milk and yoghurt (dadhi) are offered into the of- the Vedic/Hindu context. His book Agni: The
fering fire from the pot. Finally, the participants Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar is a classic. It de-
(sacrificer and priests) consume what is left after scribes in great detail the agnicayana ritual, of Ve-
the offerings. The Pravargya ritual is full of sym- dic origin and dating back to nomadic times, the
bols which sug gest intimate relations between the significance of Agni, the way the altar is built, the
cosmos, the ritual, and man. A number of verses implements, the ritual enclosure, the priests and
recited in the classical Pravargya derive from the their roles, and how the ritual is staged- mostly
so-called Riddle Hymn of the Rigveda. A close based on an April, 1975 perfor mance of this rit-
study of this hymn has shown that the hymn may ual. This 12-day ritual in the Vedic/Srauta tradi-
be subdivided into parts which are applicable to tion involves animal sacrifice and has three fires.
specific episodes in the classical Pravargya ritual. In the second volume, Staal offers his own and
The relation between the classical Pravargya and others’ perspectives on this ritual, the archaeolog-
the Riddle Hymn point to an “initiatory” charac- ical context, references to other traditions, and
ter of the Pravargya, which also expresses itself translations of various sutras.
in various other aspects of the Pravargya.

Modern performances of Vedic rituals

The first large perfor mance of a soma-sacrifice
which can rightly be called “modern” is the
Agnicayana organized by F. Staal in Kerala, India,

E - Burning Man: ritual, communitas and transformational fun

Among modern fire rituals (maybe better labeled otherworld) is at play is harder to answer, but is
as experiential transfor mation festivals), Burning important in the context of this book.
Man is one of the best known and has received so There are no doubt attendants who go there with
much media attention and even scholarly interest a spiritual and magical attention, experience a
that it cannot be ignored in the context of this psychological transfor mation and catharsis, and
book. There are many festivals of a similar kind; go home a changed person. There are locations
Boom in Portugal is a big one and the Rainbow and events that are very spiritual, like the Temple,
festivals are worth noting, but Burning Man has but there is also much would-be spiritualism, the
this direct relation with fire, at the center of both new age and new edge embracing of whatever is
ritual and community focus. Burning Man in the different, exotic, new, or offers an opportunity to
Black Rock Desert of Nevada, held every year stand out in the abundance of forms and expres-
around Labor Day, is called a festival, a ritual, a sions one encounters on the “playa” (as the desert
cirque d’exhibition. is called). Massage, tantra, meditation, Tai-Chi,
By any name, it is a world class event with some nakedness, costumes, and unusual postures seem
50,000 par ticipants, most of them regarding to indicate total detachment, but are actually of-
themselves as co-creators actively involved in ten clever ways to get noticed and be a part of the
building, sharing, facilitating, and exhibiting their subculture one wants to identify with. There are
dreams, masks, and grand ideas. The name comes many and very different subcultures at the playa,
from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy, each with their own sectors and camps. If one
“the Man” on Saturday evening. doesn’t want to be confronted with a specific sub-
There are two ways of looking at Burning Man: culture, you don’t have to go there.
from the outside, the etic view anthropologists So describing Burning Man as a single ritual is
would say, or from the inside, emic, the view of nearly impossible; at best one can isolate specific
par ticipants (burners) and fans. The cyber- moments or projects. There is definitely ritual
congregation that has formed over the years, celebration, ritual catharsis, ritual expression, but
plays a big role in how the burners communicate.
The participants are usually very positive about
their experience, calling it a life-changing experi-
ment in community, art, radical self-expression,
and self-reliance.

“I had the privilege of going to the playa in 2009. For

me, at its core Burning Man is an atmosphere of posi-
tive energy which is so well cultivated that everybody falls
in love with the community spirit. In our individual ego
driven world, it’s an amaz ing escape from that.” (M.
how much of it is truly magical? In the context of
It seems clear that Burning Man is an effective
this book it is important to look at how one can
event for both individual personal transfor ma-
let go of the ego and mask to attain the deeper
tion, and for social bonding - two of the three
state of consciousness that I call the “ritual” or
points in the three worlds triangle (set, setting,
“inner child” state. Most attendants will claim
magic). The question of how far the third plane,
that is the essence of Burning Man: You can be
the truly ritual and magical component (the
sacrality as in contact with the spiritual and

But is dressing up and assuming a personality as regard the experience as the equivalent of cyber-based
weird and striking as possible in order to be no- reality.”
ticed really letting go? It feels as if the majority of He also noted that
burners are just there to play with masks,
“Burning Man is very different from the world of the
subpersonalities, hidden desires, social strata-
courting mysticism with the help of some pills
Web and the Internet in certain crucial ways. It is nei-
and exotic music. Maybe as a prerequisite to enter ther vicarious nor anonymous. Cyberspace is a mediate
the ritual state at some moment, and certainly by realm, a disembodied sphere of information, whereas
displaying strange or suppressed traits, one be- experience at Burning Man is relentlessly immediate in
comes a mir ror for others and as such part of the its demands.
psychological process. Participants in our experiment must confront the press-
Looking at the pictures and videos for me is a ing task of sur vival within a natural world that is sub-
kind of re-enactment of the strange paintings of ject to volatile and life-challenging change. Liberty, at
the fantastic underworlds of Hieronymus Bosch. Burning Man, is tempered by our primal needs as hu-
I would like to know what sounds Hieronymus man beings, and this shared experience, symbolized by
imagined. Would they bear any resemblance to our species’ attraction to fire, forms a central and neces-
what burners get served musically and unmusi- sary basis for our community.”
cally? He also spoke of the need to have a center of
gravity, a powerful axis in time and space in order
Bur ning Man and cyberspace
to found a cultural sphere, and how such a tran-
In January 1997, Larry Harvey spoke about scendent center is most conspicuously supplied
cyberspace at the 9th Annual Be-In, an event or- every year (a ritual repetition in time) by the Burn-
ganised by Mike Gosney coinciding with the ing Man himself, as an ultimate landmark and
MacWorld shows. navigation point upon the face of the featureless
He was critical about the liberation cyberspace playa, offering a cosmic axis.
offers from the constraints of time and space. He He also mentions the ritual aspect: “We have re-
believed many of the problems which beset our lied on these ceremonial elements, so reminiscent
modern convenience culture result from having of the ritual religious practices that have shaped
been “liberated” all too well—displaced from the civilization since the inception of human culture,
necessary axis that we as human beings require in as a means of creating community in an anarchi-
time and space. He spoke about Burning Man as cal liberated environment. With little but our
“a project dedicated to discovering those optimal forms shared humanity to guide us, we’ve sought to gen-
of community which will produce human culture in the erate a primal context; an experience defined by
conditions of our post-modern mass society. It is formed the most basic and irreducible elements that are
in the image of the great ecumenical world that sur - needed for the generation of culture. I believe
rounds us; a teeming population of uprooted individu- that an immediately shared strug gle for sur vival,
als. In other words, this intentional community that we combined with the perception of powerful uni-
create from nothing, and that returns to nothing when ties in time and space, are chief among these nec-
we leave, has been “liberated” from nearly every context essary conditions.”
of ordinary life. It is, like cyberspace, a frontier in which Larry points out the need for models that reverse
individuals can exercise remarkable freedoms. Our disintegration:
desert world and the blank expanse of its playa form a “As the world of cyberspace centrifugally expands, and
decontextualized arena of action. Here it is possible to as the greater realm of society continues to atomize into
reinvent oneself and one’s world aided only by a few smaller, independent, and potentially unrelated units,
modest props and an active imagination. Burning Man, we must begin to consciously craft such models. “
then, is a compelling physical analog for cyberspace, and, His understanding of meaning is noteworthy:
unsurprisingly, we have attracted many people who “The world of cyber technology and communication rep-
resents a wonderful tool, yet it comes value free. The ex-

change of infor mation by itself cannot produce tion. Burning Man was depicted as a hellish event
meaning, for meaning is a highly complex and or ganic where the devil ruled. At the same time another
product that is only propagated within the context of stamp was put on the event; it was supposed to be
culture. Our mistake, as Americans, however, is to con- even beyond New Age, a psychedelic and tribal
sistently mistake the tool for the task. If technology it- ritual of the technognostic weirdos attracting an-
self is left to dictate our ends, then I think we can look thropologists to study this outburst of tribalism
forward to an increasingly disassociated way of living. so nicely limited in time and place, a laboratory of
Real community can only be attained through the expe- social psychology.
rience of certain primal unities in the physical world.” Now, there is a lot of pagan influence in the
Burning Man for mat and there are many burners
and also “Both Burning Man and the Internet make it
subscribing or affiliated to what loosely could be
possible to re-gather the tribe of mankind, to talk to
described as a modern pagan lifestyle: an inheri-
millions of dispersed individuals in the great diaspora
tance of the counter-cultural movements of the
of our mass society. Living as we do, without sustaining 1960s but influenced by the New Edge mix of
traditions in time and ungrounded in a
shared experience of place, it is yet possible to
transcend these deficiencies. We must use
technology to create space stations here on
planet Earth, islands of intense and living
contact. It is time to come home. “
Interesting words, and I remember
those Digital Be-Ins, where the worlds
of computers, internet, psychedelics
and spirituality came together. At that
time, John Perry Barlow (EFF founder
with Mitch Kapor) pub lished his
Cyberspace Declaration of Independ-
ence. I met and discussed the then
emerging internet with people like R.U.
Sirius, Matthew Fox, and Mark Pesce.
Many, I would say most of the people at those spir i tu al ity, psy che del ics, and con sum er ism
events are burners, and the tribal atmosphere at techno-gadgetry. Spirituality, in many forms, not
these San Francisco parties and events feels simi- conforming to traditional Christian ways, is part
lar to what is ascribed to Burning Man. of the eclectic atmosphere and is mixed with a
cyberspace and technoscientific orientation, but
Burning Man as a pagan or doesn’t appeal to me as a Gnostic revival as Erik
cybergnostic event Davis (TechGnosis 1998) or Dorien Zandbergen
(NewEdge CyberGnosis 2012) see it. Modern
As its popularity grew and word got out that there
Gnosticism, as seeking fusion of the self with the
is this desert thing where people were running
divine realm of infor mation, spiced with a bit of
around sky-clad, stoned and publicly involved in
apocalyptic Maya 2012 lore, is more New Age
all kinds of weird activities including some kind
than New Edge. Although Burning Man at the
of fire-worship, Burning Man became the target
surface is about seeking natural authenticity and
of criticism from the established right, notably
communal spirituality, the whole event looks
the Christian community. The stamp of pagan-
more like a kindergarten space age attempt to be
ism was easily applied, associated with forbidden
different and noticed; to see and be seen is what
forms of pre- or anti-Christian worship, includ-
motivates many burners. Undoubtedly the whole
ing witchcraft, Satanism, animistic beliefs, magi-
setup is a visual feast, an artistically crafted mirac-
cal acts, ritual orgies, and secret gatherings. Arti-
ulous and epi-realistic Garden of Eden, where
cles appeared and the media picked up on this no-
the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge are for free

and the Tree of Good and Evil
is turned upside down. The
spiritual is there and for some
real and moving, but it’s far
from the main focus.
A very general description of
the at ten dants is that they
moved, pro gressed maybe,
from countercultural alterna-
tives to cyberspace at tuned
“cultural creatives,” meaning
hedonistic middle class folks
with an alternative and inde-
pendent lifestyle looking for
fun and games at the borderline
of de cency with a spir i tual
touch, the catch-up hippies. Sand on the Playa, with wind makes dust
Many of them are white edu-
cated urbanites. The old gang
looks at this development with some disgust; they Temporary Autonomous Zone
don’t want tourists (MacBurners) or dilution of
the original spirit. Larry himself asserted that At Burning Man time, the desert is completely
Burning Man was not a hippie festival, a subcul- transformed into an off-the-grid city-like place,
ture, or founded by pagans, and was never at- in a way Hakim Bey (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
tached to any kind of supernatural dogma. He called Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ),
admits in the media myth section of the website with its own laws, values, organization and cul-
that “the act of pilgrimage to a remote location ture. The dry and flat landscape (a lakebed) is
and the ritual sacrifice of a ceremonial figure has temporarily transformed into Black Rock City,
real religious resonance for many people, and any hosting 50,000 inhabitants for a week, but then
spiritual faith, however arrived at, is certainly this disappears again, leaving no trace whatso-
worthy of respect.” He sees ever. It’s organized following a fairly rigid central
plan, with a semicircle layout, but with a spatial,
“The ritual aspects of Burning Man have wholly
vector-like sequence that allows a kind of travel
evolved in the context of artistic endeavor, and their sig-
along the hours of the day. It is open at one side,
nificance, as with any work of art, is explicitly left open and as Larry Harvey has noted, is “open in the
to inter pretation. It is undoubtedly true that modern pa- front, open to infinity”.
gans, along with fans of UFOs, yetis, and many other Within the assigned segments, and with art in a
creeds or belief constructs prevalent in popular culture prominent central place and the Man as the
have been attracted to Burning Man. It is also probable axis-mundi, there is an enor mous variation in
that an equal number have been re- theme camps, ashrams, activities,
pelled by our refusal to endorse art installations, multimedia ex-
esoteric notions. “ travaganzas, costumes, body or-
Between the lines one can sense namentation or lack thereof,
here the internal antag onisms sturdy shade structures, modi-
and par a doxes sur round ing fied vehicles, sounds, foods, and
Burning Man. substances.
“Burning Man is not for the
faint of heart”
Hakim Bey (Peter Lamborn Wilson

Participating requires prepara- Fire central
tion, planning, and consider- Burning Man is definitely
able cash, even as it is (on-site) a fire-event. It started as a
a cash-free and gift/exchange bonfire ritual on the sum-
based setup (the only goods mer solstice of 1986 when
sold are coffee and ice). Larry Harvey, Jerry James,
Most burners spend a lot of and a few friends met on
time, creativity, and money on Baker Beach in San Fran-
this once-a-year gathering. For cisco and bur ned a
them it is a year-round focus, wooden man as well as a
with internet and local gather- smaller wooden dog.
ings as communication tools. The burning of the effigy
It’s a gift community with a is still the high point of
ban on commercial activity the event. All the partici-
and thus lacks the vendors, pants witness and cele-
concessions, and money issues brate the fire that con-
of other fes tivals. The art sumes The Man, now a
works, theme camps, perfor - Text at the Temple statue 12 meters high or
mances, and par tic i pa tory more, placed at the center
events are contributed by the Black Rock City cit- of the temporary autonomous zone that arises
izens, one tries to hide even the labels and brand every year on the desert.
names of clothes and cars. Food and ser vices are The burning is a spectacular mass event, with all
exchanged or free. The idea is to promote kinds of theatrical perfor mances, fire-jug glers,
“non-consum erism”, a step away from the and pyrotechnic effects, as well as the interactive
money economy. Yet an event where between 50 perfor mances and participation of the attending
and 100 million dollars is spent in fees, prepara- crowd. They are dressed up and make or are their
tion, supplies, clothes, transport, rent of RV’s and own side shows, turning this into a touching, even
camping tools and because of the costs involved dramatic, experience. The mood of the crowd is
is more or less limited to the wealthy can hardly very special; as many have taken some kind of
be called non-commercial, frugal or back to the substance there is a pig gyback effect - everybody
primitive. It is a festival of paradoxes, where real- cheers and feels good. The burn is a mass event
ity is transformed, hacked, made into a spectacle. and very impressive, but less “holy” than some
A highly appropriate term to describe the atten- other projects, like the creation, adorning, and
dants was coined by R. U. Sirius (Ken Goffman) burning of the Temple.
in the name of his magazine Reality Hackers, the The Temple, grown to impressive size over the
predecessor to the Mondo 2000 publication years and usually of spectacular design, is a some-
where the New Edge movement manifested in what newer addition (since 2000) to the festival.
the early nineties. Burners are “reality hackers”, It’s a large construction used for more solemn,
combining technology, transformative spiritual- more subdued and demure perfor mances, as well
ity and art to create a desert community that like a as a chill-out place for the burners. But at the end
spider reaches into the daily life of many. The re- it is also ritually set on fire. The Temple devel-
lational networks emerging from and because of oped into a temporary place of worship and com-
Burning Man are not limited to the event, they memoration, where those that passed away over
connect people in many ways, also economical as the previous year are honoured and mourned.
helping another burner with work, jobs, contacts The atmosphere is mystical and emotional. Par-
is part of the tribal deal. ticipants inscribe personal messages on the sur-
face of the temple, recollections of the ones lost,
expressions of grief about friends and family no
longer there. There are altars and shrines and ar-

tistic expressions of all kinds. The messages left sider. My experience with many rituals and festi-
here are intended as a farewell, a way to separate vals does give me an idea of what the Burning
from the deceased, and a communal funeral rite. Man atmosphere is, but I still remain an outsider.
As the temple goes up in flames, these are seen as I have talked to many burners about their experi-
messages to the otherworld. ence and all of them are
Many visitors see this temple positive, sometimes a
as the main ritual place, as the bit over-the-top im-
center of worship of the fes- pressed, with what hap-
tival, and having more ritual pens there. The whole
content than the burning of thing has a kind of hyp-
The Man. In the vocabulary notic influence. Every-
of this book, the oth er- body men tions how
worldly energy and focus of great they felt, how they
the temple makes it more of a appreciated the warm
ritual. The effigy burning is bath of com mu nity,
more of a ceremony, with ob- how im pressed they
vious very strong personal and communal energy, were. This despite some unfavorable trends, such
but less magical. The burning of personal mes- as it becoming semi-commercial, that only well to
sages, souvenirs of people that passed away, is of do people participate (ticket price in 2013 is
course a common trait in many fire rituals. $380), the lack of vagrants so prominently part
of Rainbow festivals, the skewed attendance in
The Burning Man temples, lately more commu- terms of political, racial and sexual preferences,
nity projects than individual or small group pro- and the sometimes excessive use of drugs. They
jects, have names like The Temple of the Mind seem to see that as part of the for mula, the
(2000), The Temple of Dreams (2005), The Tem- shadow side we need to see the light. When telling
ple of Forgiveness (2007), Fire of Fires (2009) about the terrible conditions, the heat, the sand,
and The Temple of Juno (2012). It is seen (by the dust, they interpret these as challenges, as es-
John Mosbaugh aka Moze) as sential to the transfor mation and bonding pro-
“a place where our community goes to unburden itself is cess. Of course Burning Man is not a religion; it’s
a representation of our maturity as a community as well supposed to be open to all religions, but this
as a natural manifestation of something sacred in the openness and tolerance has become a religion of
its own, with one of the rules being “be positive
City of Black Rock.”
about Burning man.”
He continues,
There are more rules, as indicated by the Ten
“For many Burners, the Temple is a vital place where Principles mentioned below, but they are closer
those who build it possess a solemnity and a respect for to beliefs, or logical consequences of the set and
that process. It is also a place for those who attend the setting. They feel natural and decent. This
event to use for grieving or celebration of life in an envi- non-religious religion surfaces in many alterna-
ronment that is in contrast to a lot of the rollicking and tive events and communities. I experienced it at
outrageous things happening elsewhere on the playa that many festivals like the Rainbow festivals and in
week in late summer.” the Theosophical Society, but also noticed that
below the per missive and tolerant surface, there
My view are very hard and intolerant layers. Being differ-
I have many friends (including my son Michael, ent is only accepted in a specific direction. The
quoted above) who over the years attended Burn- participants are in a way brainwashed or seduced
ing Man, have been to events organized by the not to notice this; the feeling of homecoming,
Burning Man tribe, and even helped build con- community and tribal embracement feels so
structions for the event, but never went to the good (and is lacking so much in the world out-
playa. I stand in the middle - half tribe, half out- side) that one tends to overlook or accept the

constraints. Burning Man in this sense is a very lation between people that is mediated by im-
safe place, an environment where one can experi- ages” with full support of the mass media cul-
ment with letting go of one’s mask, assuming ture. The spectacle as a self-fulfilling control
other societal roles, allowing the transfor mation mechanism for a society that has lost touch with
that might come with the immersion in this itself, a map, an image of the moon (the uncon-
addictively “communal” atmosphere. The other scious) that we value more than the moon. Here
side is that it allows escape from the “nor mal” the social effectiveness of a ritual, as a safety valve
world with its rat race and stress, a psychological for an overpressured crowd and a way to let off
relief, a holiday event that has little to do with a steam, is visible. The burners don’t really go back
“holy” day. to change the world, they accept it as unfair, un-
From the outside, the whole thing is very much ecological and unsafe, but have found something
like a cult. You have to be a believer to be “in” on worthwhile to keep them busy and content.
the thing. Burners don’t like criticism of what they regard as
“Trying to explain what Burning Man is to someone nearly a holy pilgrimage. Trekking to the “playa”
who has never been to the event is a bit like trying to ex- is for them participating in the most experimen-
plain what a particular color looks like to someone who tal, modern, outrageous, hip, and mind-bog gling
event of the year, an experiential dive into an-
is blind.”
other reality. You can change your personality,
- is what the Burning Man website proclaims.
looks, and beliefs as suits you, behave in an ab-
This sounds a bit like the us-them separation that
surd and exhibitionistic manner. Many partici-
also colors Apple’s presence. It’s a way of creating
pants will tell you that this is who they really want
a virtual demarcation between the congregation
to be. So at one hand the inner child can come out
and those “squares” outside.
to play, but on the other hand one can hide be-
The focus on form over content is somewhat re-
hind a new mask of often grotesque proportions.
lated to the enneagram 3 style (the emotionally
One can be part of an experimental community
denying but efficient personality type), which ap-
for a week in face-to-face reality, for the rest of
plies to Burning Man. America as a whole is a 3
the year as a virtual participant in the fan-congre-
nation, and companies like Apple play into this
gation. The challenge for the burners is to ex-
type. Nearly 33% of Americans act (not all the
press themselves and rely on themselves to a de-
time) as enneagram 3 types, but at Burning Man
gree that is not normally encountered in one’s
this is around 50%. The iCulture of Apple is ev-
day-to-day life.
erywhere. The gestalt resulting from this feels
mostly as artsy, expression,
posing, mask, exterior, but
cleverly using the psychedelic,
esoteric and exhibitionist sym-
bolism to pass as alternative,
hip, cool, new, edgy. It is a
spec ta cle and ob vi ously a
transformative ex pe ri ence,
but also a mask, a layer and
imag o that cov ers the
neediness, the isolation and
emptiness of America today,
the alienation. I believe that
the French situationist Guy
Debord (Society of the Spec-
tacle) would have seen Burn-
ing Man in that context, as an
escapist spectacle, “a social re-

publication), art in many forms, reports, individ-
ual impressions in print and on websites, blog,
vlogs, scholarly articles, disser tations- it has
spawned a whole subculture. Not only the me-
dia, but academia comes to see what’s happen-
ing, there are many scholarly publications and
dissertations produced covering Burning Man
and trying to identify what makes it so unique
and compelling .
The main attraction, which has to do with the
lack of connectedness in our present society, is
the magic feeling of being safe and yet free. This
is something that only being part of an inten-
There are no rules about how one must behave or tional community can provide and Burning Man
express oneself, save the rules that serve to pro- is the pressure cooker variety. Community, partic-
tect the health, safety, and experience of the com- ipation, self-expression, self-reliance; these ten-
munity at large; each participant can decide how ets of Burning Man are called the lifeblood of the
and what they will contribute. Philosophic anar- Burning Man experience. Working together, par-
chism, according to Larry, does have a long intel- ty ing to gether, trip ping to gether, cre at ing
lectual pedigree that relates to certain aspects of home-made and yet impressive reality hacks, this
Burning Man. “The essential anarchist idea is that is in a way a luxurious and yet challenging boot
cooperation and mutual aid are the natural state camp of trans for ma tion, where one can
of man. All that is necessary for har monious liv- experience and maybe even start a new life.
ing, it is held, are certain useful customs that have
no need of law to insure respect - and, largely, we Ten Principles of Bur ning Man
have found this to be true. Our Black Rock Rang- Burning Man Founder Larry Harvey wrote the
ers practice non-confrontational techniques that Ten Principles in 2004 as guidelines, also for re-
work quite effectively.” gional BM events. They are a reflection of the
Art and musical expressions of all kinds are an community’s ethos and culture as it had organi-
unavoidable part of this experience, the music cally developed.
and the drums never stop, the eyes never rest Radical Inclusion
upon something familiar. One tries to channel the Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We wel-
expressive energy. Each year a common theme is come and respect the stranger. No prerequisites ex-
given to help tie individual contributions together ist for participation in our community.
in a meaningful way and provide a focus for the Gifting
installations, theme-camps, the costumes and art Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The
work. For 2013, it was “Cargo Cult” . The local value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not
police interpreted that as a sign to hand out many contemplate a return or an exchange for something
tickets for marihuana etc., collecting big time of equal value.
from the burners. The organization went to court Decommodification
about what the county wanted as payment and In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our com-
the police retaliated.. munity seeks to create social environments that are
The event makes headlines. Even president Oba- unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transac-
ma is a “burner”, and has become a media-attrac- tions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our
tor for the event. By now Burning Man has pro- culture from such exploitation. We resist the substi-
duced and initiated not only the festival itself, but tu tion of con sump tion for par tic ipa tor y
has become like a volcano of creative projects re-
lated to the event. Maps, journals of our city be- Radical Self-reliance
ing built, the Black Rock Gazette (a daily news Burning Man encourages the individual to discover,
exercise and rely on his or her inner resources.

Radical Self-expression
Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts
of the individual. No one other than the individual
or a collaborating group can deter mine its content.
It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver
should respect the rights and liber ties of the
Communal Effort
Our community values creative cooperation and
collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and
protect social networks, public spaces, works of art,
and methods of communication that support such
Civic Responsibility
We value civil society. Community members who
organize events should assume responsibility for
public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic
responsibilities to participants. They must also as-
sume responsibility for conducting events in accor-
dance with local, state and federal laws.
Leaving No Trace
Our community respects the environment. We are
committed to leaving no physical trace of our activ- the community belief system one voluntarily
ities wherever we gather. We clean up after our- subscribes by going to the playa.
selves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave
such places in a better state than when we found The energy on the playa
The subtle energy (related to the spiritual plane)
Par ticipation or sacrality of the various locations within the
Our community is committed to a radically partici- semicircle is not the same everywhere. Some
patory ethic. We believe that transformative change, points have more energy and on some days or
whether in the individual or in society, can occur moments there is a concentration of subtle en-
only through the medium of deeply personal par-
ergy. To give an idea of the distribution, a map of
ticipation. We achieve being through doing. Every-
one is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. the 2012 situation, an average over the burn day is
We make the world real through actions that open given. At the moment of the ignition and burning
the heart. of the Man, the energy there goes up to 400.
These are subjective numbers, acquired by dows-
ing, but give an idea of how the energy varies, not
Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most
important touchstone of value in our culture. We surprisingly with an event so big and with so
seek to overcome barriers that stand between us many different camps and activities. Individual
and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of people can experience more or less of this energy,
those around us, participation in society, and con- they can go along with the crowd or follow their
tact with a natural world exceeding human powers. own inclinations, there is no program one has to
No idea can substitute for this experience. follow, just a smörgasbord of possibilities.

Spiritual side
These principles are not stated as rules, but are in There are serious spiritual people involved in the
effect a charter, outlining the order of the whole whole project, Lee Gilmore being one of them.
thing. They are discussed, newly interpreted, and She describes the paganism (with a small p to dif-
not written in stone, but are certainly central to ferentiate it from the religion with P) of Burners

In California, one often gets the feeling that spiri-
tuality revolves mostly around self-centered
transfor mation and less around the bhakti (devo-
tional). You are spiritual as in human potential, as
in working on yourself, transfor mation, eating
healthy, achieving all you can be. The cultural
creatives go for Yoga, Biodanza, guided medita-
tions, all kinds of massage, and tantra, and so
these are the keywords on the playa. Even the
temple focuses on personal transfor mation, deal-
ing with one’s own inner world memories and
grief, and less with reaching out to the divine.
Magic and spirituality are more seen as a way to
as a “root religion” in which they share “consti- better your conditions, relationships, and health
tuted-primal religious tendencies.” She says than as a way to connect to the unspeakable, the
“Like Pagans, Burners embrace practices such as ritual divine, the immaterial. The gift-giving is more of
- ritual celebration, ritual catharsis, ritual expression. an exchange, a way to create and help the commu-
Like Pagans, Burners share a deep respect and love for nity, to appreciate contact and relations than a
nature and preser vation is paramount (preser vation in true offering, a sacrifice to the divine.
the “do no harm” sense of the word). Like Pagans (Pa-
gans who identify with a particular denomination),
Burners strive to adhere to a set of values both determi- Summing up: “Burning Man as a ritual” offers
ned by and upheld by the community.” very much in terms of inner transfor mation and
personal growth, connecting with like-minded
She sees also strong parallels:
folks and experiencing community spirit, but is
“Just as Pagans gather seasonally to consecrate the less a true magical event. Some will use the unique
rhythms of life, Burners annually create their event in atmosphere to connect with the otherworld, but
order to celebrate catharsis and ecstasy.” this is a personal choice.
(Lee Gilmore in ‘Burning Man, Paganism, and
the Study of Religion’.)
But then she encourages people to reconsider the
concepts of “religion” and “spirituality” as de-
fined less by matters of institution, doctrine, and
belief, and more by questions of ritual, practice,
and experience. She asks questions like:
“Why does Burning Man (sometimes) smell like reli-
gion? And then, what does that say about some of the
directions that religion seems to be evolving these days?
Christopher Michel is a pagan who comments
about the deeper symbolism of the burning. :
“The burning of the effigy (and other art installations)
at Burning Man is not an assertion of dominance or
power over the thing (man) the effigy symbolizes. Nor is
it an attempt to banish the thing the effigy symbolizes or
to banish evil. It appears to be an exercise in radical
self-expression — one of the basic tenets of the

Epilogue: why this book

Writing books is a personal thing, you do it be- reverse this trend. Not with any noticeable re-
cause you feel a need to do so. I do it because it’s a sults; the reductionist, rational, material mask in
way to organize my thoughts, integrating all the our world and in ourselves has grown stronger
tracks and paths that I followed. This book is the and stronger. It is only disease, disaster and crisis
result of many years wandering between and in that occasionally remind us things are not OK.
three worlds, the rational one and that of the al- I myself have been a willing participant in the ma-
ternative irrational people plus my expeditions terialistic and intellectual rat race, at times benev-
into the spiritual otherworldly. Coming from a olently bowing but not succumbing to the alter-
fairly rational base in my education and entrepre- native views until my system (mind, body, soul)
neurial activities I gradually became aware of the stopped me in my tracks. I became aware I was
great rift; the separation between the rational and
the ir rational. I do have a foot in both but missed
the connection in my business and personal life.
Over time I noticed that ritual offers me a bridge.
Science and spirituality have parted ways since
the enlightenment has enthroned reason and ma-
terialism and although this undoubtedly has led
to progress in many fields, it has also left us with a
serious Dissociative Identity Disorder. We have a
rational outer stance, where we have penetrated
tangible reality with technology and progress
wearing a scientific coat. This while the spiritual Ritual: the paradox of letting go of the mask
and core inner self, the essence of being human, by becoming your mask
was forced underground. This separation is
slowly becoming pathological inside us, as the hu- not whom I thought I was; there was a hidden
man psyche gets torn between the two modes. It core, an essential me behind the mask of ego that
is also mir rored in society, in our ecological bank- really called the shots, somewhere in me there
ruptcy, in the secularization of thinking about was an identity or soul that controlled my health
who we are. The loss of meaning, happiness and and guided me. My eyes opened a bit to what was
connectedness as the price of what is termed clearly there but hidden from sight because of
progress is cleverly hidden; media, cyberspace this mask, in me, in society, in science, in
and chemical dependency keep us in our affluent technology, in politics.
illusion of material welfare, while our true, inner I have since explored this hidden and yet so pres-
identity suffers in autistic silence. ent underworld of consciousness of the true self,
This grim image of where we have gone is not in many directions. I was, in line with my work in
new, scores of great thinkers have seen this, ICT, mostly driven to understand infor mation,
pointed at this rift and have looked for bridges. this invisible thing that cements all and every-
Whether they called it God, metaphysics, the un- thing together. It slowly dawned upon me, that
conscious, the magic(k)al, the esoteric, the new infor mation, magic, love, spirituality, and con-
age, the psychedelic or the transpersonal, we have sciousness were all just different perspectives and
been amply warned that we are hiding and rele- names for the same, colors or manifestations of
gating large parts of what we are behind this ra- the Deep Oneness.
tional mask. Our libraries and wiki’s are full of I needed a framework to deal with this conver-
great names, who have not only warned about it gence and found it in the concept of resonance.
but have come up with explanations, cures, theo- If something exists, works or moves, there is res-
ries, art, and inspired all kinds of movements to

onance; the universal connection (and manifesta- of a for mer time. Rather it is of all times, we have
tion) mechanism. only suppressed it for the wrong reasons.
Ritual can have many forms, many goals, many
Resonance and magic liturgies but in this book I tried to make clear
However, resonance is not an easy power word, what makes an act a ritual, describing what in my
it’s too hard, too technical, like infor mation. On view differentiates them from mere ceremonies,
the other hand words like spirit, soul and love are habits or compulsive repetitions. I go beyond the
too soft, consciousness too vague. notions that it’s the symbolic aspect, the sacrality
So I started to use the word magic as the over- of a ritual or the intention and although not deny-
arching phenomenon, in the sense that every- ing the point of the liminality (dis con-
thing is magical, the physical is just a subset of the nected/limbo) state of the participants and the
magical. Magic is an interesting word, as “nor - possibility of transfor mation and psychological
mal” science doesn’t want anything to do with it. growth I argue a ritual is basically a magical act.
It has these connotations of evil, secret, hidden
and yet we all know it’s every where, that Magic-All
synchronicity is magic, that religion is magic and I state a ritual is a way to connect to the totality,
even that science in reality is a magical game. the all that includes the spiritual as well as the
But how to deal with this broad concept of magic mind and the tangible world. We can do this alone
as a fundamental force in both tangible and intan- or with others. We can do this in our mind only
gible worlds, which I began to recognize in all and (although that is more like meditation or praying)
everything? How to elevate magic to a level where or by performing ritual acts by working with the
it could be seen as the core connection, the bridge correspondences, using aspects of the tangible
between the rational and the ir rational, the essen- world as the (often symbolic) magical links be-
tial technology of love and power? tween the three worlds of the inner, the outer and
Well, that’s how this book came to be. It tries to the spiritual.
give a different perspective. Why not look at what I see ritual in essence as a magical act, offering
remains as magic in our society, the practical more than the psychological and social effects
magic that is still there, the ritual? usually ascribed to it.
Ritual is a way to bridge the worlds. Not only the This interpretation required me to define magic
inner world of the mind and the outer world of in this context and in this book as the essential
society and tangible reality but reaching out to the tool to influence the wider consciousness (the
otherworldly, the spiritual, the extradimensional. meta-dimensional all) that gives (causes) all exis-
In this book I use ritual as the vehicle to talk about tence and sparks creative development.
how I see magic, resonance, infor mation. Its title Magic is in essence resonance work and as such
in a way is hiding the real purpose and message, the ultimate technology. In more practical terms,
which is that I believe all is one and that it’s time to magic means using the links with the spiritual to
do away with this split between the worlds in our change reality.
selves and in science and society. Everything has a magical aspect, our nor mal per-
Ritual beings ceived and measured reality is a limited subset of
Humans are ritual beings and always have been. the Magic-All. In that perspective prayer, intent,
At some deep level we need this vehicle, as a magical acts, ritual, witchcraft, religion, play, art,
bridge into another state, as an escape from the and psychotherapy are all magical. They make a
burden of reality or as neutralization of an un- connection between the worlds using the corre-
bearable ur<->ge or anxiety, as a quiet place to spondences and are as such deeply rooted in what
feel ourselves and as a way to connect to that we are, magical beings in a magical world.
otherworld we assume or believe exist. Rituals are the bridges between the finite and the
Ritual bubbles up from the deep, as immensely infinite, a way to connect at a deeper, often sub-
varied as we humans are. It’s not atavistic, we are conscious level. They seem to be merely symbolic
not reverting to the ways of thinking and acting but the symbolism has roots in a different causal-

ity, in relationships that exist, but are not material The shadow of God’s love
or tangible. Why write another book about ritual, as it maybe
Ritual is not a rational thing, it is related to ex- will be no more than another study into the eso-
change of energy and infor mation at a deep level, teric and anthropology, into the world of subtle
it goes much deeper than the mere mind or cogni- energies, prana, magic and the unknowable,
tive. A ritual is our link with the other dimensions spiced with some quantum possibilities? Why try
(or dimension) that exist beyond space-time tan- to put in words my often irrational and strange
gible reality and even beyond our thinking. notions, weird ideas and possible explanations,
That link works not only via our nor mal senses amidst such a multitude of scientific books and
and acts but also via exchange points I called studies about ritual?
primes. These supersenses connect us to the spir- Maybe my efforts are egomaniacal but there is a
itual and this includes the ideal, the beauty, bal- feeling that it is about time we embraced the
ance, kinship, health, danger, the future and all wider meta-physical again, instead of limiting
those qualities that govern our lives so much but ourselves to the tangible, the measurable daily re-
cannot be measured in a physical way. ality of the scientific worldview. Why not accept
I used in this book the subject matter of ritual as a magic (by whatever name) as a fundamental and
platform to clarify how and what the process of all-per vasive aspect of life and science including
exchange with this intangible otherworld is, how mundane things like economics and our daily
magic plays a role and how it relates to our think- bread?
ing and acting. Most works in this field treat the “other dimen-
I hope I clarified why ritual is such a fundamental sion” as something outside the nor mal, as an ir ra-
interaction, essential for our well-being in the tional subject and realm. I tend to see the world
broadest sense. It’s not a calling for a ritual revival more and more as a magical place where the logi-
but I hope it re-qualifies ritual as part of “proper cal and the rational are the exceptions. This
and just” living. means I am not looking for the rare occur rences
Metanoia of paranor mal experiences, for the miracles and
We need the sacred, and although I don’t consider the fringe events but trying to discern the magical
myself a Christian, I like the phrasing and the force in all things.
truths of that faith, if we are open to the original All my life I have tried to see the underlying prin-
meaning and context of the Bible. Especially ciple in everything, in mystical terms to see “the
Mark 1:24 and Matthew 4:17, where the core shadow of God’s love”. Not the amazement
commandment, the Kerygma, is given as: “the about the yogi’s miraculous powers, nor the delv-
time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at ing into the esoteric rituals of hidden tribes or
hand; repent, and believe in the Gospel”. The brother hoods but ac cept ing that the ba sic
central word, repent, here is a rather limited trans- life-force (or whatever resides in the meta-dimen-
lation of the Greek “metanoia” or the Aramaic sional) per vades everything and should be ac-
“tob” meaning flowing back into God. Metanoia cepted as such. Not something for the elite, for
indicates going beyond the mind, to a state of to- the seekers and the priests, for the officiator in a
tal connectedness, indeed becoming God-con- ritual alone, not reserved for the mystically in-
nected. Reading it with this in mind, one could in- clined but the base of everybody’s reality.
terpret it as a commandment to meditate, pray, or Our world seems to have rigid “natural” laws but
why not connect sexually or drop some acid who classifies the bending and manipulation of
(LSD)? For me, the Kingdom of God is the total those laws by so-called saints, prophets, sorcerers
meta-reality and doesn’t Jesus tell us to be like and assorted holy men as irrational or supernatu-
children if we want to enter there, and doesn’t ral? It’s us, not noticing that we ourselves have
that mean to enter into a deeper, inner childlike fixed those laws, that they are a conviction, a be-
state? Such a state can be approached by various lief system. We have imprisoned ourselves in a
means but the ritual one seems to be a fairly belief system about reality, not even seeing that at
common path. best it’s a map of what really is. If incidental devi-

ations from those “eternal” natural laws are pos- likely that our ancestors were more in touch with
sible and in fact frequently encountered and ac- them than we are. They are more easily accessible
cepted as historical facts, then how “eternal” are if we reach inside us into the deeper self, the inner
those laws? Is it too bold to assume that those child or higher self, whatever we call it.
laws have changed over time and may change This is what I have argued that the true ritual
again? does, helping us to get there, letting go of the
I believe we have to fundamentally shift the para- mask, the ego, reaching a state of consciousness
digm. Not only because some strange sensitives that allows access to this strange realm. This pro-
tell us this but because science is hitting on such cess is very much related to the structure of our
deep layers of reality that the classic notions of psyche, where the subjective ‘me’ comes as masks
physics are caving in under the pressure of quan- or assumed selves covering the inner me or
tum physics. Consciousness plays a role in mani- higher self. To clarify how the ritual state can be
festation, the quantum equations point there and achieved I developed models about the psyche
experiments confirm that what we think is matter and the relation between me’s and I.
may just be consciousness resonating. Time comes in two flavors
I have developed in this book some rather un- In order to explain what is so special about the rit-
usual takes on this, one being that time is the ual state, where we are free of the ego masks or
transport mechanism, the vehicle of conscious- the assumed self or selves, I hypothesized that
ness. In other words, consciousness comes first there is a second time dimension. One of the di-
and uses time to manifest what we experience as mensions of the spiritual realm is magical time,
matter and space. The art and science that deals different from logical and nor mal time and it’s the
with consciousness is therefore the mother of all. dimension where we can influence reality and
It is what I call magic and ritual is a form of prac- logical clocktime. Living in two time dimensions
tical magic, beyond and including the social and solves a few philosophical issues, as it allows de-
psychological effects. ter minism and free will to happen in two diffe-
So the reason I am writing this book is also be- rent dimensions.
cause I would like to shake up the “scientific” par-
adigm a bit by introducing some of my unusual The roots of ritual
insights and hypotheses.. They have come to me There is much debate about how ritual came to
in sometimes strange circumstances but seem to be, also about the relation with art and myth, and
represent a common thread in my life, expanding there are many ritual theories but in this book I
my understanding of what infor mation really is, used a different way to look at both the history
and ever more expanding my “A byte is only in- and theory of ritual. I used the oriental chakra
for mation if it bytes” oneliner. model of development (in individuals or societ-
One of the basic models in this book has been ies) to show how gradual development of con-
the three world model where I see mind, world sciousness is mirrored in the ritual focus and
and the spiritual otherworld as three points of a forms. Every chakra has energies and a con-
triangle. The spiritual is very broadly the realm sciousness factor that can be recognized in indi-
where the intangible resides, the Platonic ideas, viduals, in rituals, religions and in development
beauty, the otherworld. This might be many extra paths.
dimensions or just one but they are outside of This model allowed me to look at the historical
nor mal space-time. The whole, the three worlds development of celebration, ritual, myth, theater
together and maybe even the space of conscious- and art and to see how they relate and can be clas-
ness around it I call the metadimensional. sified. This development model mirrors human
We, as humans, and maybe animals too, have ac- development; we also grow through the chakras,
cess to the extradimensional, via senses or energy from very material to very spiritual, and in this
exchange organs, that I coined primes. They are sense ritual and individual resonate. It makes
primitive in the sense that they are less cognitive clear that ritual, as an act rather than a thought,
(are maybe shared with animals) and it seems

came way before the self reflective stages of Expanding reality
myth and religion.
Religions paint the otherworld as heaven, or the
I could have used other models, like Maslow’s hi-
divine realm but in modern times few of us have
erarchy of needs or the Enneagram but the chak-
kept up the belief that we are indeed guided and
ra model gives an elegant ladder. Of course in the
directed from another level. The holy books of
scientific classifications of religions there are also
most churches are fairly clear about the other
morphological schemes, with a series of discern-
world, heaven and hell, the afterlife, and how
ible stages of development. But there an advance
their saints and prophets have performed mira-
beyond the earlier stage is mostly seen as progres-
cles and wonders but science turns this into
sive or evolutionary development in a material
fairytale and superstition.
sense, from primitive to technologically ad-
We go along, hide our true beliefs, pretend to be
vanced and more rational, usually with a decreas-
rational and logical. Usually we don’t openly re-
ing influence of religion. The chakra model also
gard or experience things like business success,
implies some organic growth but not only
relationships or even birth and death as influ-
towards more materialism or secularization.
enced by the other dimension. Yet at some level I
Lucidity think we do but the mechanistic paradigm forces
Another thing that lies at the base of this book is us to keep this a secret inside. Very few see it and
my Lucidity approach, which looks at subperso- live by it. Even among so-called fundamentalist
nalities as masks over a deeper layer (Inner child/ movements one sticks to the codified dogmas
higher self). I have used it a lot in work with indi- and this leaves little space for walking the talk, liv-
viduals (see appendix) and in this book I used it to ing the faith, being the love that is the root of all.
look and explain a little better what happens in Many pray and worship but at the same time our
the ritual process. For me, the essence of a ritual world or at least our perception of it is becoming
is to get into a state of consciousness, getting overpopulated, ecologically destroyed and ethi-
closer to our true core, connecting to the I-di- cally narrowed to political correctness. There
mension. The words don’t matter much, getting seems to be no way out; water and air are getting
into an inner child state, letting go of our ego, worse every day; war and violence are rampant.
personality or mask, concentration, meditation, Where to look for salvation and hope?
getting into trance, being possessed, these are dif- I do believe a better understanding of the magical
ferent ways to reach this magical or ritual state. nature of ourselves and the world around us of-
Different words and techniques but with the fers a way out (or in), a way to overcome our hu-
same goal. In this state, being closer to the inner man condition of suffering, a way to move to-
child, we have far more access to our body, our wards a broader consciousness, a way ahead. I
mind and through the primes to the spiritual. don’t mean to preach about this. On the contrary,
Looking at the various forms and stages of ritual, for the message to have any impact, it has to use
this process of getting into the ritual state is what the words and concepts of modern man.
defines a ritual, makes it different from a mere The challenge is to prove that magic is the real sci-
ceremony with just psychological and social ence or the science of reality, that magic is tangi-
intent and effect. ble, practical and even economical. I do believe
that studying and applying the magical force and
The notion of efficacy, the word I use in the sub- its fundamental relationship to what some call
title, is important. I do take magical interaction “infor mation” is the fundamental task of this
seriously; I see the magical efficacy of ritual as coming era. What is out there, in the wider or
real; it works. Much anthropological work has complete reality, undoubtedly has to do with in-
been done and many theories developed that for mation, negentropy, consciousness and the
don’t accept this efficacy but this has led to a lim- mind-at-large.
ited view of what ritual, religion and magic really
are, beyond the rational and measurable. The true infor mation age is yet to come, not con-
cerned with what happens between data and

screen but with exploring the whole process nology and psychedelics, usually in a ritual con-
whereby data becomes infor mation. My saying text. The notion that there is more than the tangi-
“A bit is only infor mation if it bytes” is a powerful ble has been experienced many times in different
phrase that attacks the twentieth century notion situations and has grown beyond mere belief, it
that more is better and that computers and logic has become an inner certainty. These experiences
are the only way to progress. Further more I sense have helped me to see and feel beyond the limits
that if our reality is indeed per meated by magical of everyday perception, tuning in on Aldous
force(s) then there must be a interesting connec- Huxley’s Mind-at-Large and looking at ritual with
tion between magic and true infor mation tech- new eyes, a new perspective.
nology. The journey and transfor mation from The most important lesson from exploring the
so-called reality, from facts and figures or even inner realities with the help of various techniques
sense data towards understanding (and wisdom) and substances is this: reality is a subjective expe-
cannot be seen as a one-way process, a computa- rience. We don’t know if even simple things like
tional and logical software operation. Infor ma- the color “red” are the same for you as for me and
tion in that sense is more of a field effect and du- what is red anyway, the old qualia problem of per-
plex process. The sender and the receiver are in a ception. Many wisdom schools of old have
sense one, interacting with each other, in and be- pointed to the illusionary “Maya” nature of our
yond time and spatial dimensions. Infor mation reality perception, and have told us there is a
(as the resulting consciousness-change) happens higher level of reality.
when the probability and possibility curves of the
data collapse and the noise is turned into byting The authority problem: what is reality
bits. and what is imagination
To illustrate that magic exists (proving it is maybe An after math of mystical experiences – and I
too audacious a task) and can be recognized and have had some – seems to be that the ‘connec-
used on a far wider scale than even the softest tion’ to a deeper truth often leaves a notion of au-
new-ager could imagine, I had to delve into the thority and the need to express it, in writing,
depths of history and the hidden knowledge of teaching or stance. One assumes that the ultimate
many a (sub-)culture. I came up with maybe an truth one has seen or experienced can be trans-
overwhelming amount of details and explana- lated into a more mundane form, and still retain
tions but tried to shift back to a more personal the supernatural qualities. Alas, many mystical
view by adding many small personal stories, more revelations are distinctly tinted with personal pro-
or less relevant to the points raised. I hope the jections and ideas. With 18th century empiricist
personal examples and applications will help to David Hume, who so clearly pointed out that
pave the way for the deeper understanding, that ideas are but filtered, mediated, interpreted and
we are capable of (inter)action in the other world often mechanical versions of the impression, we
but have just forgotten how. have to be careful in accepting all those ‘truths’.
Explorations Indeed reading Hume and trying to understand
Part of my inspiration for this book comes from his motives for being so skeptical, one has to see
psychedelic travels. These have helped me to ex- and humbly accept one’s own limitations.
pand the set and setting notion (thanks to Timo- So I must state that this book and my attempt to
thy Leary and the psychonautic community) with arrive at ‘a’ truth can and in fact must be colored,
a third item, the magical. This refers to our deal- filtered and influenced by my personality and fil-
ing and exchanges with the spiritual world, and in tering of reality. Projecting my own shortcom-
fact set, setting and magic are my anchors for ings onto the theories and views of others might
work ing within a three world model, with be the customary pattern of what I think is logic
mindset, worldset and the spiritual. and reason but what according to Hume is nearly
Part of the inspiration for this work thus comes always a mechanical process. I see many parallels
from experiencing mystical or altered states in Hume’s ‘debunking’ approach and the way
through various means, meditation, brain tech- Gurdjieff kind of discarded most of our behav-

ior and thinking as mechanical. Hume insisted we what today we would call patterns, really totally
have to go back to the impression, the experience, different from the sympathy or correspondences
if we want to know the truth. He did point out of Hume? Didn’t they together come up with
that religion, morals, justice are constructs of our what I now see as the fundamental laws of magic?
minds, merely ideas that might or might not bear The theorizing of Kant and the widespread de-
a relation to the ultimate truth. bate between the empiricist and the rational ap-
It is interesting to see that he took sympathy as a proach has led to great theoretical models but I
valued way back to the real, back to the experi- cannot escape the feeling that many of these the-
ence, back to the deeper truth. Sympathy, in the ories are in themselves so rational, a little blood-
language of his times, cements the whole and is less, that they are removed from what I feel, expe-
the unifying force of the cosmos. It is also inter- rience, am. The observer is part and even
esting to note his views about how the mind func- (co-)creator of the observed, in his renderings of
tions, using association as the way reasoning ordi- it and in the act, as modern physics state. Then
narily proceeds. Association then relies on three the thinker is part of the thinking, the writer is
principles: resemblance, contiguity, and cause part of the written, the process of writing is a
and effect. Resemblance is then nothing but sym- projection and should not be claimed to be the
pathetic attraction elevated to the realm of ideas, ‘only’ truth, just one (and rather individual) di-
as Hume asserts, according to Appelbaum. Now mension of the truth. So this book is my truth or
sympathy in this context is a concept very much my attempt to define a truth, not the truth!
related to resonance and correspondences, a sub- At a distance, yet personal and fresh
ject I have dealt with extensively in this work. It In trying to write about rituals – and my fascina-
lies at the root of my understanding of magic and tion derives from my personal mystical experi-
miracles, something Hume, by the way, definitely ences – I constantly have to remind myself not to
rejected as “a violation of the laws of nature”. go for the constructs, the theories, the precon-
I don’t think Hume was not a believer in God; on ceived notions and inherited ideas and culture.
the contrary, he pointed out that our mental Instead I should look for my individual tree in the
toolkit and filtering of impressions is not really forest, remember what I experienced, and look
suited to discovering the ultimate splendor and for Hume’s ‘sympathy’ and resonances to bring
unlimitedness of the Godhead. So he abstained, me back to the underlying truths, bring me back
staying deliberately inside the realm of ordinary to Zen’s ‘beginners mind’.
perception and common sense. He only took a Obser vational awareness, being here now, con-
distance from ‘thinking’ and the mind; reality is scious in the experience, not outside looking in or
what it is, not a mental construct. I even got the back, quite a challenge! Writing about rituals and
(personal) notion that what Hume was longing their role in the alchemy of consciousness as a
for, and missed in what other philosophers wrote, process of becoming aware of the deeper truth, I
relates to what in theology is called the Holy wanted to explore the ‘new’ meaning, the fresh
Spirit, direct experience of the divine. understanding, feeling the ‘pang’ of resonance as
Others like Kant took this as a challenge and con- I write, remember, intuit, in fact experiment. This
centrated on what that that same mind and ratio- might also only be the resonance with my own
nal think ing (cog ni tive func tion ing) could prior programming but I hope there is some con-
achieve and discover, without recourse to experi- nection with the structure and deep matrix of the
ence, sensual input and empirical methodology, ultimate reality I believe exists.
limiting reason to leave room for faith. So part of the objective of this book was distin-
Different from Hume, who saw impressions as guishing between impression and idea, between
the origin of knowledge, the original stuff of the subjective and objective and in discussing the var-
mind, Kant accepted “innate” knowledge, a con- ious rituals trying to discern between them. The
cep tual frame work, a grid through which paradox is that the main tool I use, resonance, is
impressional experience must pass (Appelbaum). also an important part of the subject matter. The
But are Kant’s schemata, the ability to categorize, lens I look through is the mir ror, is the object, is

therefore a cognitive construction. And to com- the chaos of experiences, insights, lessons and
plicate it even further, I use resonance to control paradoxes one encounters. It is a way to assemble
and check whatever infor mation bubbles up, us- and classify all those ideas and notions in a some-
ing divinatory (dowsing) techniques. Is this dou- what integrated framework, a reference to and for
ble checking part of my inspiration or just myself.
another dialectic mirror in the mirror?
Not an encyclopedic work
Poetry explains this maybe better. The initial reactions to the draft copies of this
book indicated taht many saw it as a kind of ency-
The temple of my inner fire clopedic work about many aspects of ritual. The
volume of the book made them look at the table
O lord, do I need your grace of contents and they would pick a few chapters to
read, not going through the whole. Of course
I stand, in awe and fear that is fine, and I have repeated many insights a
at the entrance of the holy place number of times to accommodate such reading,
I see the altar, feel the sacred but it is not the intention of this book. I present a
different view and interpretation of what ritual is,
but sense the bar riers, right in here
can do and means, focusing on the magical and
where armor, ego, doubt and hatred the psyche. These ideas are not isolated, but
prevent me from a lusty stride based on reading, interpreting and weighing the
to race towards the holy grail works of many others. I do mention them and
trust modern methods like using search engines
I stand, only my eyes travel on the internet will allow readers to seek out the
my body frozen, my soul chained references. We don’t have to go to libraries and
O lord, help me move one foot have specifics like ISBN-numbers or the names
of publishers and exact locations to browse for
to start a jour ney of a thousand more
background information, internet provides easy
You got me here, I made it to the door access to sources.
and even if you make me trip over this threshold
The looking glass
then at least I will move forward
The book mir rors who I am and offers a view
Thou art my true love into who I am and how I function. The book and
helping to hold you in my heart the author are connected, I don’t claim objectiv-
to include the world and all above ity. My experiences in the media, in business, and
my spiritual and psychological quests plus some
even me, the hardest one to love
out-of-the-box thinking I developed due to life’s
so, help me kneel, challenges have resulted in so many articles, notes
as being closer to the earth and videos that it’s time to sort things out in order
will help me move towards the fire to make some sense of it, for myself mostly. I
have a tendency to systematize,
the inner joy and utter rapture typical for the slight Asperger’s
that I see before me syndrome I share with many
but cannot embrace, yet April 2005 physicists. This, combined with
some unusual talents and a lot of
To finish this justification and epi- work has resulted in this book, or
logue, this is not a scholarly book, it’s is it a grimoire really? It definitely
an account of a personal strug gle of mirrors my critical stance, I have
dealing with the unexplained. It’s this tendency to spot the weak-
most of all a way to find structure in nesses in people, theories, com-

panies and concepts, and in this book I take a shot
at quite a few notions concerning ritual, myth, re-
ligion, consciousness and manifestation. In doing
this I feel I have to at least briefly mention what
drives me and where and how I came to my
alternative views.
It does challenge you, the reader, I hope. There is
much I agree with and I do give references but I
do not go for the footnote culture that I think is
outdated. I believe these days of Google and
internet search just the name and a book title are
usually enough for the reader to check my
“Come on, let’s change the laws of nature” might
be the battle-cry of a lunatic but I feel the com-
pany and inspiration of Hume, Giordano Bruno,
Pythagoras, C.D. Broad, Einstein and so many
more who dared to challenge the scientific cor -
rectness of their times. Admittedly, some of my
claims may sound preposterous and a tad too
wild but don’t we need a little exag geration, a little
noise to stir things up? If only this work wakes up
a few people to the notion that love is not a con-
struction of our imagination but the magical in-
gredient of life and reality, it’s worth the effort.


Hail Janus, my god of ritual


Ap pen di ces

Contents appendices

Appendix: the psyche in perspective

Appendix: Consciousness theories
Appendix: the will in perspective
Appendix: supersensory reality Rudolf Steiner
Measuring the unmeasurable. the sacred, the idealistic
Lucidity: bridging the gap between the inner child-mask
Holy Mass - Eucharist; a classical ritual analyzed
The ritual matrix
Ritual Sacred space; temples in Bali
The PSI-matrix: a comparision of psychedelics

I - Appendix: the psyche in perspective

The model I use to describe the two axes of the the Jesuits? Different paths, different techniques,
psyche, the I axis and the me-self axis has its an emphasis on different chakras but the same
roots in the thinking and theories of the past but goal.
is quite different in some aspects. In this appen- Even a superficial study of the various esoteric
dix I will look at some of the older theories, and schools reveals that understanding the self and
try to indicate where the fundamental differences the personality is the core of their teachings. Un-
are. derstanding the drives and limitations of the psy-
The Ancient Greek aphorism “Know thyself ” chological defense systems in oneself and others
(Greek: gnothi seauton) was inscribed in golden is clearly important, even as one aims at losing
letters at the lintel of the entrance to the Temple that personality in a surrender to higher forces, or
of Apollo at Delphi. It sounds like great advice, as a prerequisite for entering certain conscious-
but to what extend can we know ourselves? How ness states. Metacognition, thinking about think-
deeply do we have to search into the depths of ing is what we do, trying to find out why we think
our souls or the dark recesses of our sub- and un- and are conscious the way we are.
conscious mind to ar rive at some useful knowl- There are simple systems to classify and describe
edge? Did the Greeks mean self as in ego, as in personality or the psychological subtypes of the
mask, the obvious personality we display to the human species, and there are complex ones. The
world or did they hint at knowing our deeper Ayurvedic Kappa, Vata and Pita approach is al-
core, the inner child hidden in our shadow, the ready more refined than describing people in
true or higher self ? In their culture, masks (per- terms of the basic fire, water, air and earth char-
sona) were a nor mal way to express things in the- acteristics. But what about astrology, in many
atrical form, so was Delphi a way to get beyond variations another link into the quantum-magic
the image, the pretense? And can we know our- realm? There is eastern and western astrology,
selves by ourselves, or do we need the help of but also more complicated systems based on the
others? The Delphi oracle obviously was one way celestial constellation like the Human Design
to self-discovery, as was divination, visiting a System of Ra Uru Hu. Whoever scientifically
clair voy ant or partaking in the Eleusian stud ies the var i ous types of psy cho log i cal
mysteries. make-up knows about the Meyers-Briggs
We have seen many ways of self discovery as typology or the Big Five resulting from statistical
mankind developed, the great religions of the analysis, while the enneagram of personality
world are basically all ways for coming to grips types with sufi-roots provides a more logical
with whom we really are. Jesus, according to the framework.
gospels, taught us that we have to become like the Many of these systems assume the brain is where
children if we are to enter into the Kingdom of personality resides, but it is the body where our
Heaven, and according to the Gospel of Thomas, personality manifests, body and mind are one in
that Kingdom is the now. Buddha, in his teach- expressing who we are. One’s body can be read as
ings about liberating us from the fetters of the an expression of what we do, want, need and lack.
senses, used different words but the same mes- This manifests in every feature and every organ,
sage. In Zen Buddhism the discovery of the self in our face, eyes, ears and down to our cells. Here
is the ma jor task, in Hin du ism and the the most significant is our oxygen engine - our
Upanishads there is the acceptance of Brahma as lungs (even more than the heart). Breath is what
our inner core (Atman), and do you think the ulti- primarily defines a personality or the way some-
mate goal of the Cathar Parfaits (the perfect one behaves in a sub personality. Whatever the
ones) was anything else than to be true to the discipline or path, breathing seems to be a univer-
self ? And what was the purpose of the “Spiritual sal part of the training and toolkit of shamans,
Exercises” of Ignacio de Loyola, the founder of heal ers, mys tics, sadhus and the mod ern

new-ager alike. Change the breath, change the to focus on other things. Routine, automated
consciousness is a core understanding of yoga things like driving a car, walking, biking, our brain
but not part of modern typology theory. likes to turn them into neuroprograms (subrou-
tines) and stack them in the unconscious. Being
The unconscious revealed: Freud conscious is heavy work and calls for the I to
Talking about soul, self, ego we face the problem switch on one of the me-self modes. In a way the
of what means what. What we have learned to see strong tendency of our brain to create these auto-
as ego comes mostly from the charge Sigmund mated subroutines brings freedom and also un-
Freud gave to this word: the complex of psychic derlies the ritual paradox - that a strict liturgy
functions like judgment, tolerance, reality testing. helps us to let go of ego attachments. Complex
The word “soul” also has many interpretations. and new ritual forms are great as psychological
For Freud the soul (Seele) was a material some- exercises and as theatrical social events, but are
thing, deeply hidden in the neural mechanisms, usually mind trips and magically not very
part of the brain. Spirit (Geist), soul (Seele) and effective.
brains (Gehirn) were all based on material inter- One can try, as Freud did and neuroscientists now
actions and processes, whereby he - and this is his do, to describe this complex “organ” of the psy-
important contribution - understood that we che as purely material, as rooted in chemical and
have in the unconscious (Unbewusste-Id) a big electrical processes in the brain, generating con-
store of programs and imprints that control what sciousness and self consciousness in the process.
we do and think. This unconscious influences the We just have to find out where they are located
conscious more than vice versa, it originates in and what mechanisms they are based on. This is
experiences we have before we become con- what most scientists are looking for, the how of
scious, and there is an Ego (Bewusste Ich) that our mind. This approach has yielded interesting
knows little about why and how we actually do insights. Freud’s approach of id, ego and super-
things. Freud believed there was a material basis ego points to the reser voir of unconscious pro-
for the psyche. The brain was a machine, not for gramming that governs so much of our behavior,
itself, but an instrument to give meaning and but he tried too much to make it all reside in the
cause actions for the individual in her/his rela- material brain. The notion of the witness “I” in
tions with the world and the social other. The that view is kind of limited to a controlling super-
ruler of this instrument, the ego, was in his view ego loaded with parental rules. Conscience is
rather limited, as there was this unconscious Id then a rule book, not a multidimensional aware-
and also the superego of parental and cultural ness. Even if one accepts the notion of a Platonic
programming limiting its freedom. The superego realm of ideas, where thought and concepts are,
consists is his view of the conscience and the the resulting models are limited to rational causal-
ideal self. Freud’s sees the “self ” emerging out of ity and logic. What I do like in Freud’s earlier
conflict between biological drives and the models is that he recognized the development of
demands of society. consciousness in a child, with a conscious system
Freud had a pessimistic view about what the un- (early years 0-2), a preconscious system (2-7), and
conscious (id) gave us, and saw it as a reser voir of an unconscious (after 7). His preconscious layer
unacceptable wishes, feelings and thoughts, not we now call subconscious, it is where we can
as a place where talents would be hidden. nearly picture. The unconscious is what we can
He thought in mostly mechanical terms. Those sense but not picture.
were the days of machines, of drives and pres-
sure, things like programs were not part of the C. G. Jung
paradigm then. He would probably not have ac- Carl G. Jung made more of the self and accepted
cepted that animals had an id too. However they another dimension beyond the brain. The self in
do need an unconscious to react to external Jungian psychology is seen as one of the Jungian
forces. The automatic responses we pick up as we archetypes, signifying the unification of con-
develop are useful as they give us the opportunity sciousness and unconsciousness in a person,

some kind of ideal result state. Jung was inter- behavioral) of an individual that makes one dis-
ested in spiritual things and inner growth and de- tinct from another. This, however, ignores the
scribed the self as the product of individuation, fact that the personality perceived by others dif-
the process of integrating one’s personality. In fers from that perceived by our self. Obviously
Jungian theory, the self is only one of several ar- personality has to be coming from the inside and
chetypes, not a broad indication of a psychic manifests in the relationship with others, but are
state. Jung accepted the ego as the place of con- we really free from it when we are alone? Are we
scious identity, whereas his self is both the center egoless in isolation, without pride, vanity, desires,
and the whole of the total personality including frustrations, fear, anxieties or worries?
consciousness, the unconscious, and the ego. He In summarizing these insights, it is accepted that
speaks of this self as the connection with the all, nearly all people have developed a mask personal-
the source of dreams, prophesy. “If I were one ity or assumed self program, that hides the origi-
with the Self I would have knowledge of every- nal design in us. The mask or adapted personality
thing, I would speak Sanskrit, read cuneiform is our conscious self. It is perceived as I and my-
script, know the events that took place in self, the ego, but in fact it is a mode of being, a
pre-history be acquainted with the life of other mode of op er a tion and stim u lus-re sponse
planets, etc.” automatisms that dominates our thinking and be-
Freud and Jung have of course developed elabo- havior, but is not the real “self ”. It works, has
rated models that clarify where they see the dif- adapted to what parents, school and the world ex-
ferent aspects of the psyche. The Freudian use of pect from us, is effective and usually quite “nor -
ego and super-ego and id doesn’t really honor mal” but it is fake, constructed, and we are un-
what the deeper layers of our psyche are capable conscious of its not being the real self. The inner
of, it sees the id as the set of uncoordinated in- core, the real self is closer but also a bit different
stinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical from the wounded child mode of being, as that
and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, “repressed program” is what became of the outer
realistic part that mediates between the desires of layer of the “Higher Self ” or inner child in the
the id and the super-ego. Jung of course added process of creating the mask personality. It can
the unconscious to the whole picture, and the no- be accessed and shows itself at times, I think this
tion of archetypes, and did see the role of mask is where C.G. Jung’s Self, Shadow and
(persona) and of hidden parts (shadow, animus). Anima/Animus reside, in the subconscious
Both models are interesting but not very relevant rather than in the unconscious. When we have ac-
in the context of this book. They describe differ- cess to those repressed areas (accidentally, under
ent axes, Freud more the vertical layers in the psy- stress or via therapy, illness, drugs or otherwise
che, Jung more the relation with the other. This exceptional circumstances) we can consciously
idea that there are two “lev els” or touch on the archetypes, complexes and traumas.
subpersonalities in us is not new, we see this in In what in general terms can be called the inner
most traditions in some form and when C.G. child mode we have at least a chance of working
Jung talked about his Number 1 and Number 2 through those complexes and traumas, accept
states he obviously refers to his outward, normal them and potentially integrate them, clearing our
state (for him No. 1) and his inner childlike state selves, uncovering the inner, hidden child. The
(No. 2). state we then arrive at, sometimes with much ef-
Personality and ego are terms used in many ways. fort, sometimes instantaneously and effortless,
Ego has, since Freud, a particular meaning but in has been described as mystical union, lucid
general is seen as the less adapted side of the per- aware ness, en light en ment, Sa tori, Sam adhi,
sonality, the dark side of what we show to the Gnostic. There many words for this altered state
world. Some see personality as the total set of of consciousness which cannot really be de-
traits that define the way a person’s behavior is scribed by words. To get there sometimes more
perceived, how we come across, the particular set extreme methods are used, like the Sundance rit-
of response patterns (emotional, attitudinal, and ual and in modern psychotherapy approaches like

regression, Arthur Janov’s Primal Scream or
Groff ’s holotropic breathwork.

An other ap proach, Rober to Assagioli’s
Psychosynthesis, also d oes work with
subpersonalities but sees their source more in the
unconscious. His egg-model of the psyche dif-
ferentiates levels in the personal unconscious, but
aims too much at the development of the higher
self and is too complex for the purpose of this
book. It is a development model but rather verti-
cal, ignoring how we live a personality that is not
The notion of identity has also evolved. From a
classic view of identity being rigid and very much
some way an unconscious part shines through all
related to religion and affiliation, it is now seen as
the self, so why not indicate it?
more fluid, more adapting, more individual. It is
In Carl Rogers’ theory he uses the expression
now more about distinguishing one self, being
“self concept” that excludes the hidden part:
different from the next, being special, certainly in
“people use the term self concept to refer to all
the modern materialistic context. One is what
the infor mation and beliefs you have as an indi-
one owns or does, mostly stuff, status, knowl-
vidual regarding your own nature, unique quali-
edge, sensitivity, taste, mostly things that distin-
ties, and typical behaviors.”
guish one from others. The identity consisting in
Now the rather complex concept of self, me and
belonging to a group, caste or nation is less. Peer
I that I picture here, makes one think about what
group association has given way to being special,
William James said in his in his Principles of Psy-
individual. Self-concerns (self-concept, self-es-
chology (1890) where he also makes a distinction
teem, and self-control) are very much the center
between I and me. The main distinction that
of individuals’ striving for well-being, material
James draws is between the self as known (or me)
and immaterial goals and for making sense of
and the self as knower (or I). He interprets the
one’s life. Even though they are illusory, these
axes in a mir rored way from my model, seeing the
conceptions of self and the world affect how we
me-self as object and the “I” as subject. The
behave and move towards our goals in a constant
process of mir roring, monitoring, judging, redi-
recting and changing. This again has far-reaching
implications for what we perceive, feel, for our
behavior, self-esteem, and dealing with the world.
It is now accepted that identity is flexible and
changing, the 2006 book by Nobel laureate
Amartya Sen “Identity and Violence; The Illu-
sion of Destiny” illustrates this. In the approach I
advocate our identity is like the self, moving be-
tween and in the various masks, with even more
multiplicity and plasticity in what we show to the
world. The goal of losing the self in a ritual
context usually means letting go of the identity
I have indicated an unconscious part in the as-
sumed self. This is not widely accepted, but in

metaphysical “I” beyond the physical being that Were phi lo s o phers like Hegel, Husserl,
does the thinking and can be seen as the subject Heidegger, Merleau-<->Ponty on a really new
of experiences has little relevance for James’ psy- track with their exploration of phenomena (what
chology. He sees also three kinds of “me”, the presents itself to us in conscious experience)?
“material me”, the “social me”, and the “spiritual Would there really be a schism between the ideal-
me” but I see these more as stages in the de- ists and the realists if we truly understood what
velopment of a specific self-image. the Vedas and Upanishads and Advaita had al-
The notion of subpersonalities in psychotherapy ready bridged? Were not Kant and Hume both
is fairly widespread but one sees it as a pathologi- trying to understand what is beyond empiricism
cal state (identity dissociation), or as adaptations and rationalism, trying to define or isolate deep
to changing situations with for instance a work reality from the perception we know is subjective
self, a home self, etc. In some approaches one at best? And didn’t both touch on that vast realm
sees a person as having many selves or sub-identi- of magic and transcendental knowing that we
ties and these are addressed with techniques like cannot perceive with our senses or rationalize
voice-dialogue with good effect. In the model with our mind, but do intuit it exists? The mean-
with multiple masks it looks as if all mood ings of self have changed and became more com-
changes or ways to deal with specific situations plex, more related to the other, the social but
are related to mask shifts. This is too narrow an there is no clear definition. Who are we then, who
interpretation. There is enough flexibility within is me? There are a myriad of models and views
a mask to adapt to changing situations, and in all but none that suit my purpose of placing the rit-
masks we access the underlying inner child state ual process in perspective. Philosophers, psychia-
with similar (unconscious) patterns. Eric Berne trists, psychotherapists and neuroscientists have
distinguished the personality’s ego states in this come up with partial models, sometimes unrealis-
sense in his transactional analysis theory as Par- tic and mere projection, sometimes useful and
ent, Adult and Child. These states are accessible valid for particular situations. I have, alas, never
at any given moment, he said, and within a mobile encountered a theory or model, that offers me the
feeling of self one can switch between them. I see over view I seek.
them as present in all masks. As Berne uses his In modern times we have seen psychotherapy,
method in the context of social interaction, his psychology and a host of related disciplines
Free and Adapted child seems to relate more to evolve from philosophical debate to tools for
the differences between assumed and shown self self-knowledge and therapy. Psychological tests,
than to the inner child self that I see. personality type matrices like the Enneagram,
George Herbert Mead developed the concept of Myers-Briggs indices, Big Five typology, Steven
the looking glass self, the idea that a person’s self Paglierani‘s emergence approach, self-help pro-
grows only out of social interactions and the per- grams, psychedelics, inner child and wounded
ceptions of others. Mead’s “self ” is the part of an child programs, primal scream, NLP, voice dia-
individual’s personality composed of self-aware- logue, one can spend a lifetime discovering one-
ness and self-image and how others view us but self or what we assume is self, in most cases just
has a part which is independent of how others being ego or ego-modes. That many of these only
see us. deal with the surface is a pity. In practice, they
Even with all these subtly differing approaches don’t reach much deeper than adapting a bit the
and scholarly views, something is missing in our masks that we developed in dealing, coping and
perception of the human condition, in how we pleasing the early childhood situation or later
perceive our psyche. Psychology, with Wundt, trauma. This symptomatic approach works, to
Pavlov, James, Freud, Jung, Adler, Perls, Maslow, some degree but ignores the true causes.
Rogers, Piaget, Skinner, Grof and so many others
has discovered a lot, but has modern science re-
ally uncovered more than what the Zen-masters,
the Vedic Rishis, Plato or Plotinus understood?

II - Appendix: Consciousness theories

In the chapter about consciousness I have briefly Second Nature (2007) Edelman defines human
touched on some of the notions about what con- consciousness as being:
sciousness is but concentrated on my idea, that at “... what you lose on entering a dreamless deep sleep ...
least human consciousness concerns the link be- deep anesthesia or coma ... what you regain after emerg-
tween the nor mal sense reality and the extra-di- ing from these states. [The] experience of a unitary
mensional. As we can access the magical time di-
scene composed variably of sensory responses ... memo-
mension when in our inner me or ritual state of
ries ... situatedness ... ”
consciousness, we have access to other and more
effective control loops than the feedback we use His theory of memory is built around the idea of
in the sense reality. This allows for true feed- plasticity in the neural network in response to the
forward, we “know” the future and this becomes environment, and he sug gests we make model
part of the reflection and mir roring process that brains and pay attention to how they interact with
yields consciousness and self-consciousness. their environment. Edelman proposes a biologi-
There are however many other approaches and cal theory of consciousness, also material and not
for those that are interested in what science has dualistic and based on his studies of the immune
come up with in hypothetical consciousness ex- system and within Charles Darwin’s Theory of
planations and model there is this appendix. It’s a Natural Selection. He argues that human con-
bit more than just summing up other theories, I sciousness depends on and arises from the
couldn’t resist giving some comments. uniquely complex physiology of the human
brain, where there are vast numbers of neurons
Descartes and Locke and associated cells in the brain in many varia-
tions and with many connections in many layers.
As we observe our self and not only react to the
He sees consciousness as the result of the
image in a mir ror or upon a confrontation but
extraordinarily rich and complex morphology of
think from within about who I am, there is true
the brain.
awareness of the awareness. This is what John
Locke ob served as per sonal iden tity and Introspection and Self-Awareness
Descartes put in his famous words: Theory
“...And as I observed that this truth ‘I think, therefore Self-Awareness Theory has a focus on self-
I am’ (Cogito ergo sum) was so certain and of such evi- awareness as a positive way to develop. It states
dence ...I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept that when we focus our attention on ourselves,
it as the first principle of the Philosophy I was in we evaluate and compare our current behavior to
search.” our internal standards and values. This can be an
intense process, for we might not like what we
Secondary consciousness perceive, especially if we are in an agitated or oth-
Nobel laureate Gerald Edelman came up with the erwise emotional state. These internal evalua-
term ‘Secondary Consciousness’, an individual’s tions bring more self-awareness and the opportu-
accessibility to their history and plans, and this nity to align oneself with one’s standards. During
has to with an awareness of one’s own conscious- our life from childhood on self-awareness devel-
ness. He sees primary consciousness as simple ops gradually and knowing oneself, one’s capabil-
awareness that includes perception and emotion ities and limitations are part of maturation and of
and a ‘remembered present’ like animals have. our general intelligence, we store (distorted and
Secondary consciousness depends on and in- filtered) experiences in our long term memory
cludes such features as self-reflective awareness, where they form some self image, that is called
abstract thinking, volition and metacognition. In upon to deal with actual situations.

Social identity cess function in humans and other mammals. It
would allow to direct cognitive tasks to specific
Our social selves are what I would call assumed
areas instead of involving the whole brain and
selves but embedded in group interaction. Henri
mobilize working memory functions; there is no
Tajfel and John Turner in their social identity the-
evidence for unconscious access to working (long
ory introduced the concept of a social identity
term) memory. In 1988 Baars stated:
and status differences as a way in which to explain
and even predict intergroup behavior. A social “consciousness is accomplished by a distributed society
identity is the portion of an individual’s self-con- of specialists that is equipped with a working memory,
cept derived from perceived membership in a called a global workspace, whose contents can be broad-
relevant social group. cast to the system as a whole”.
Conscious events enable selective attention and
Self-perception theory almost all kinds of learning: episodic and explicit
There is the question what is first, attitude or be- learning but also implicit and skill learning. Con-
havior? Psychologist Daryl Bem developed Self- scious perceptual feedback enables voluntary
Perception Theory (SPT) as an account of atti- control over motor functions, and perhaps over
tude for mation. It asserts that people develop any neuronal population and even single neurons.
their attitudes by observing their own behavior Consciousness is the gateway to the brain. This
and concluding what attitudes must have caused Global Workspace Theory may be thought of as
it, he assumes behavior causes the attitude, we act a theater of mental functioning. Consciousness
or react in a certain way and then seek an explana- then resembles a bright spot on the stage of im-
tion like an ex post justification. This explanation mediate memory, directed there by a spotlight of
is similar to what a person would interpret from attention, under executive guidance. The rest of
others’ behavior, it’s a rationalization. In the con- the theater is dark and unconscious. Executive
text of Libet’s research this makes sense, in many
‘routine’ situation our system has already decided
on action before we become aware of it, we don’t
act willfully. The argument against this elimina-
tion of free will is that there are situation where
we do go deeper and contact a layer and a state
where free will exists.

Global Workspace Theory

The whole complex machinery of the brain
could only work if there is some kind of coordi-
nation, some mechanism to manage the lot of
massive parallel distributed and specialized pro-
cessors. Consciousness is a candidate for that
role. The idea that consciousness has an integra-
tive function was indicated by Francisco Varela as
the “brainweb” (2002), a kind of memory man-
agement capacity that ‘organized’ access and ex-
change between brain functions that are other-
wise separate. Such a central infor mation func-
tion could have a distinct physical location but
also be a process that can happen at different
locations in the brain.
According to Bernard J. Baars consciousness
would be the primary agent of such a global ac-
Consciousness according to Robert Fudd (1619)

functions -the director behind the scenes- are The way Australian aboriginals see time (their
also largely unconscious, often using the actor in dreamtime is like a parallel dimension) and some
the spotlight on the stage of working memory Native Amazonians don’t recognize verticals and
capacity to recruit and trigger specific functions depth in photographs are more indications, that
much of our worldview is learned, programmed,
Memory cultural. Beyond this I think we do have senses
Consciousness and memory go hand in hand. If and transmitters that connect to the implicate or-
we forget things very soon and just have short der or the extra-dimensional which I call primes.
term memory and nothing gets stored in long
term (working) memory, we have no reference, Penrose -Hameroff
we cannot compare with the past, let alone intro- Roger Penrose has played an important role in
spect. If we can’t compare and form an opinion, our understanding of general relativity but has
there is no meaning, so understanding how we asked himself also questions about how things
store thing in memory and how we retrieve those like platonic absolutes of beauty and morality fit
memories is crucial. into the new physics and our understanding of
Antonio Damasio said in 1989: consciousness. He accepted that morality and
“Meaning is reached by time-locked multiregional consciousness are tied up but seems to have re-
retroactivation of widespread fragment records. Only stricted his notion of consciousness to sentient
the latter records can become contents of consciousness.” beings (humans to start with) and by looking for a
consciousness mechanism based on quantum
How we store or record things is a complex pro-
processes in our brain made us more different
cess. Working memory, where cognition hap-
and special than we probably are. Roger Penrose
pens, involves two kinds of sensory conscious-
came up with the sug gestion that the brain is a
ness, the phonological loop (for inner speech and
quan tum-level pro ces sor and with Stu art
mental rehearsal), and the visual sketchpad (for
Hameroff for mulated the Orch OR (orchestra-
voluntary visual imagery).
ted objective reduction), placing the quantum-
No problem jump mechanism in the microtubules in neurons.
Some philosophers, such as Daniel Dennett ar-
They see the connection to the basic proto-con-
gue that consciousness is not a fundamental fea-
scious level of reality as a biological process.
ture of the universe and no more than tricks peo-
Their theory is interesting, and combined with re-
ple play so that it appears nonphysical. In this way,
search and theories about how consciousness is
Dennett compares consciousness to stage magic
related to thinking, feeling and emotions as in the
and its capability to create extraordinary illusions
work of Antonio Damasio yields many insights
out of ordinary things.
but does not really goes beyond the materialist
Implicate order notion or touches the magical.
An important point Penrose did make was that he
The ideas of David Bohm concerning quantum stated that “Consciousness Involves NonCom-
effects that he saw as contradictory to relativity, putable Ingredients” and that it would be impos-
assumed a more fundamental level in the physical sible to construct machines to be better than our
universe, his implicate order from which arose mind in the important matters, the non computa-
the explicate order of the universe as we experi- tional ones.
ence it. Bohm saw in the coherence of experi- Penrose also developed the twister theory, that
ences, such as listening to music a manifestation things (points in spacetime) don’t exist and that
of the implicate order. He pointed at the work of time is a fundamental process that happens to
Jean Piaget, who claimed that young children them, that existence is a the result of this process,
have to learn about time and space but have a by virtue of the meetings of the intersections of
“hard-wired” understanding of movement, as it processes and thus secondary. This is totally dif-
is part of the implicate order. ferent from what we nor mally assume, that things
exist and time is a process that happens to them.

However, it feels much closer to what I say: James already sug gested that consciousness was a
“Time is the carrier of consciousness, conscious- ‘selecting agent’ present when choices have to be
ness uses time to manifest things.” This brings made. Consciousness is needed in the universe,
consciousness to the fundamental first level. because otherwise there would be no historical
Time emerges as a process and existence (and development, no progress, no direction, no be-
thus space) as a result. Twister theory tries to for - coming. Real becoming necessitates temporal
mulate the laws of physics as processes and not as atomicity. But this presupposes teleology, and
points existing in space and time. It might have consequently, mentality.
some validity there; maybe there is something in According to Stapp, we live in an evolving cos-
between string and twister views. mos consisting of a physical reality with the
closely related but different mental aspects of na-
Henri Stapp ture. As a consequence mentality (a result of a te-
Quantum theory requires, for for mal mathemati- leological goal, a future), is no longer reserved for
cal consistency, some kind of quantum jump as- human beings and higher creatures. It comes
sistance (for the probability curve to collapse) down to the question whether elementary quan-
and consciousness is a good candidate. I think it tum events have a degree of creativity.
is a quality of the universe beyond the human in- Henry Stapp’s theory makes sense to me, as it al-
carnation but that is probably a bit too much for lows (beyond his focus on the human brain) for
most of the materialist and anthropocentric consciousness to be part of all existence, playing
scientists. a role in ordering the universe and creating
Concerning the link between consciousness, negentropy, prog ress, structure. His top-level
mind, perception and reality, many theories have control in the brain idea however is too limited,
been proposed, like that mind is an “emergent and doesn’t allow for mind to tune in to another
property” of active neuronal nets (related to the all-encompassing consciousness process, that
particle model and not to quantum physical in- might use the quantum processes to make the
sights), or that mind is the conscious “software” link between the worlds.
that manages the brain’s unconscious “hard-
ware”. The idea that consciousness is a quantum Perception, reality, Mind-at-Large
effect in the brain was elaborated by many, as we The philosophical questions concerning con-
humans are conscious at some level, we believe. sciousness are the age-old essential ones. Some
Trying to connect brains and consciousness in a are answered now with the help of the neuro-
rather materialistic approach, one looked at the scientists and modern equipment to study what
deepest level of functioning of neurons. happens when we think, perceive, and interact
Henry Stapp’s “quantum theory of conscious- with reality. The materialists are still trying to find
ness" is based on Heisenberg’s interpretation that out what parts of our brain are involved in per-
reality is a sequence of collapses of wave func- ception, consciousness, and cognition and what
tions. Stapp believes that classical physics cannot mechanisms of chemical and electrical interac-
describe the brain, and thinks that a quantum tion are at the root of conscious ness and
framework at some higher level than the neurons self-consciousness. But this is the sobering con-
in the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR approach is clusion: all the mapping, scanning, testing, and
needed for a full explanation. Stapp envisages the array of theories trying to pinpoint what the
consciousness as exercising top-level control brain does and is have not yielded real insights
over neural excitation in the brain. The element into what and where our mind is. Mind is more
of conscious choice is seen as removing chance than brain; that is becoming clear, even to the
from nature, he sees quantum theory as infor ma- strict reductionists. What we think is influenced
tional in nature and quantum choices thus linked by what happens elsewhere in our body, by pro-
to increments in knowledge. He points at William cesses and memories stored in our heart, guts,
James’s view of mental life as “experienced probably in our immune system, and ultimately in
sense”, as a sequence of mental perceptions. every cell of our body. We, and the universe, are

proven but turned out to be true or more true
than the previous explanations. Are they edu-
cated guesses, or did these discoverers have some
link to the future? Diderot called it the “esprit de
divination” pointing to other and definitely less
scientific methods to gauge the future.

Self-awareness might be a fairly recent develop-
ment in the human brain. The idea of “two-
chamberedness” is a hypothesis in psychology
The brain is a computer or not? that argues that the human brain once assumed a
state in which cognitive functions were divided
holographic: the parts and the whole are one, all between one part of the brain which appears to
containing at least a reference to the all. In our be “speaking”, and a second part which listens
body, where ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic med- and obeys—a bicameral mind. Julian Jaynes with
icine recognizes the whole in parts like the feet, his book The Origin of Consciousness in the
the face, the ear, and the iris, this holographic Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976) came
unity is clear and cannot really be the result of up with idea that a bicameral mentality was the
DNA programming; there must be another nor mal and ubiquitous state of the human mind
epigenetic force that connects everything. only as recently as 3000 years ago.
For those who accept that there is another reality, Instead of making conscious evaluations in novel
another dimension where the mind operates, us- or unexpected situations, the person would think
ing the body and the brain only to manifest in there was a voice or “god” inside giving advice or
space-time what is necessary for functioning, commands to be obeyed without question: one
there remains the question of mind over matter. would not be at all conscious of one’s own
How does that go, and also in how far is the mind thought processes per se. There is some support
separated or connected, apart or a part of the for his opinion in what some call schizophrenic
whole, contained in the physical shape or ex- experience.
tending to what? In his view the ancients would hear voices they
We could, like many scholars have done, follow then recorded in myths, legends and stories, the
the historic lines of thinking but this is not a book more ar tis tic ones would talk about their
about history, except that it is obvious that mod- “muses”.
ern scholars and philosophers like Bergson, Jaynes defines consciousness as “that which is
Teilhard de Chardin, Huxley, and so many others introspectable” and separates this from other
heavily rely on what comes to us through history, mental processes , cognition, learning, and sense
from the East, the Greeks, the mediaeval schol- and perception which occur in all animals. The
ars, Kant, the “enlightened” philosophers, and coordination between the hemispheres were the
more recent people like Sheldrake, Damasio, and logical, analytical left hemisphere has taken over
Alva Noë. Real breakthroughs however, don’t from the creative right could be, according to Iain
come from looking over old statements and theo- McGilchrist, a better explanation for the histori-
ries but by intuiting new views, explanations, cal shift Jaynes indicated.
models, and paradigms.
Holistic Physics: Nick Herbert
One of the lessons I get from looking into all
these great theories is that they are usually not the We need to bridge the worlds, for leaving science
result of straightforward mathematical and sci- and wisdom apart has created a society and a
entific reasoning and experiments but are more world going for self-destruction. Physicist and
like intuitions by gifted people (that withstood well known author Nick Herbert dares to go fur-
falsification). Things that at the time could not be ther, in his holistic physics he points at psychedel-

ics as a tool to explore the basic sciousness) built out of realized
structure of consciousness. He is (manifested) quantum jumps;
not the first one and I myself owe and a fuzzy, indeter minate, am-
much to what Albert Hofmann biguous experience (type-two
c.s. gave us. In his 2002 essay on con scious ness), an in sider’s
quantum tantra Herbert states: view of some of the brain’s vi-
“As the cornerstone of holistic bratory possibilities. Here his
physics, I assume that every quan- ideas come close to what I see
tum system has both an “inside” as the fundamental model of
and an “outside”, and that con- magical practice. To act magi-
sciousness in humans as well as in cally, in the realm of quantum
other sentient beings is identical and thus indeter minate possi-
to the inner experience of some bilities, we have to go to a
quantum system. A quantum sys- deeper layer. Nick describes
tem’s outside behavior is described by quantum this as a conscious decision in the human mind,
theory, its inside experience is the subject matter or in the mind of some non-human sentient be-
of a new “inner physics” yet to be developed. The ing, to promote part of its ambiguous type-two
size of the quantum system in the brain responsi- experience to more unequivocal type-one status.
ble for our familiar human form of conscious- I would even go beyond sentient beings but the
ness can be estimated from subjective measure- general idea is not different from what I see as
ments of conscious data rate - how much magic. When he states:
infor mation can you simultaneously pay “Moving beyond quantum psychology, the realization
attention to? that behind every visible quantum process lies an invisi-
Nick further states that the quantum conscious- ble psychic extension will result in a new kind of phys-
ness assumption, which amounts to a kind of
ics—I call it “quantum tantra”— in which human
“quantum animism” likewise asserts that con-
awareness becomes an essential component of every
sciousness is an integral part of the physical
world, not an emergent property of special bio-
logical or computational systems, we live in an Also already it points at what tantra in the original
animated quantum world. context (holy books about consciousness) means,
I like this notion of him, as it indicates that every- a way to develop one’s magical talent. And that
thing is conscious, although at different levels or quantum tantra might be experienced at best be-
frequencies, and that ultimately everything that is tween two people, as Nick says, illustrates that he
manifested is conscious at some level, or maybe is a human being, not a science robot.
being aware is a better word. A stone that falls on This is the Day we discovered the Door
the ground but also elemental parts like fer mions that was open to all from the Start
or bosons in that sense have not only conscious-
this is the Day we traded in War
ness but the ability to manifest, to make the quan-
tum jump. Maybe the hidden variables from the in exchange for a wide-open Heart
EPR paradox do exist, in another form and refute This is the birthday
the nonlocality. I also share this idea as for me, of Love and of Light and the Child
like for him, psychedelic and mystical experiences
have convinced me of the consciousness of the Day when we took off our diapers
“things”. and entangled our lives with the Wild.
Now Nick predicts, because of the two-fold —doctor jabir—
character of the quantum description, this quan- In his work, apart from his poetry, he also hints at
tum model of mind will have two basic types of another aspect of ritual and magical work. He in-
subjective experience: a clear, deter minate, com- di cates that the join ing of two centers of
puter-data type of experience (type-one con- Heisenbergian potentia via an oblivious link (in

quantum tantra entanglement) does not make any nary” powers of the material world through the
records. This new experience of insides-to-in- power of patterns. Rather than a materialist,
sides “essence merge” is a moment-to-moment Kurzweil prefers to consider himself a “patter-
impression that is immediately forgotten. Indeed nist.” It’s through the emergent powers of the
the experience of multivalued potentia (type-two pattern that we transcend. Consider humans. “It
consciousness) is of a kind that by its very nature is the immense, indeed transcendent, power of
must be forgotten (but will have lasting effects), our pattern that persists.” He also states: “The
since only single-valued experiences (type-one pattern is far more important than the material
consciousness, or quantum jumps) can be re- stuff that comprises it. A pile of components is
corded in the brain or anywhere else in the world. just an inventory. Ordered in an innovative man-
This sounds like one has to give up identity (at- ner, and perhaps with some software (another
tachment to the manifested) and that brings us pattern), we have the “magic” (i.e. transcendence)
back to Turner’s liminality, the in between state. of technology.”
Maybe magic is the way we humans can bring Kurzweil accepts that precisely because these
back non local quantum effect back to the mani- central issues of consciousness and reality are
fested, tangible reality. Modern science now ac- not fully resolvable by scientific experiment and
cepts that the observer of an event (or of all argument alone; there is a salient role for philoso-
events) plays a significant role in the manifesta- phy and religion. However, for him this does not
tion (or collapse of the probability function) and require a world outside the physical world we ex-
so con scious ness co mes into play, but the perience. He points out the paradoxical and pro-
(fundamental) science of quantum-magic has yet found nature of consciousness, how one set of
to be explored. assumptions (i.e., that a copy of my mind file ei-
ther shares or does not share my consciousness)
Kurzweil’s notion of magic leads ultimately to an opposite view, and vice
Ray Kurzweil was briefly mentioned before but versa. He states that the universe - “all that is” - is
in fact his rather unique worldview deserves indeed personal, is “conscious” in some way that
more attention. Although his ideas about down- we cannot fully comprehend but this does not re-
loading humanity into a future development of a quire to go beyond the “mere” “material” world
computer-like system seem absurd and have met and its transcendent patterns. The world that is is
with wide criticisms, his view of reality and magic profound enough and he takes the reality of a sin-
is an interesting one and far less materialistic than gle photon as an example, where we encounter
is generally as sumed. He even agrees with deep mysteries, the photon simultaneously taking
Spinoza’s, “God reveals himself in the har mony all paths available to it, only retroactively resolv-
of what exists.” For him the magic of technology ing the ambiguities in its path. We notice the pho-
is transcendence and technology is evolution by ton taking on the properties of both wave and
other means, an actually accelerating continua- particle, an apparent mathematical contradiction.
tion of the evolutionary process. He sees con- Photons are part of the material world, and we’ve
sciousness as the seat of “personalness,” as the got trillions of trillions of them. Is the world of
ultimate reality, and also scientifically impene- matter and patterns not profound enough, he
trable. asks?
He poses questions like: What’s the problem with Kurzweil steps away from materialism, denying
the so-called material world? Is the world of mat- that the issue of consciousness as a powerful nat-
ter and energy not profound enough? Is it truly ural design principle introduces any mystery into
necessary to look beyond the world we encounter our investigations. “One of the ways in which the
to find transcendence? There’s transcendence ev- universe of evolving patterns of matter and en-
erywhere; as he sees it, one does not need to go to ergy that we live in, expresses its transcendent na-
an ornate dualist view that regards transcendent ture is in the exponential growth of the spiritual
levels of reality (e.g., the spiritual level) to be not values we attribute in abundance to God: knowl-
of this world. We can “go beyond” the “ordi- edge, intelligence, creativity, beauty, and love,” he

says. That’s not so disturbing; maybe his future
computers will help us understand ourselves and
consciousness better.

III - Appendix: Will, causation, freedom

The issue of will and free will is such a broad sub- get in a different state of consciousness, or
ject and has been discussed all through the history becoming conscious and this alone could be
of philosophy having links with causality, deter - considered an act of will.
minism consciousness, etc. that it deserves going The problem of free will in its broadest outlines
into the various views that emerged. Even as the is the question whether there are free acts, acts
words magic or ritual are usually excluded from the that are undeter mined by past states of affairs
theses and views of the philosophers and scientist, and are not indeter minate as in being random
influencing the state of things, introducing new fluctuations. Can we influence the present and
causes, manipulation fate is in essence magical, it thus the future is what concerns most models, my
means changing what is, creating something new. notion that we can also (magically) influence the
In this appendix I look at the various view and try past and hence the future is another step.
to indicate in what respect they fit into the simpli-
fied model of will that I use. What brings change?
Are we victims of fate and just live our lives as It has been noted that Newton’s third law (every
God, nature, DNA or circumstance had it in store action has an equal and opposite reaction) is, in
for us, or is life a university of consciousness, essence, a statement of determinism.
where we can make a difference, where we are Free will is unnatural, or perhaps more accurately,
free? This is the essential ethical question. Can we supernatural or magical since its existence would
be held accountable for our acts, assuming we are violate the law of causation. A belief that the in-
able to deliberately make decisions? Does talking dividual has free will is a belief the individual has
about good or bad makes any sense if we are not magical or supernatural powers.
free, and if we have some freedom, when and how. To change the chain of event, effect the state of
An age old philosophical and theological question, things, we have to assume a cause, an origin of
very fundamental to our ethical stance, the legal such a change. Causation has to do with the be-
system and a serious problem
for the rational materialists
who deny purpose and direc-
tion beyond some vague en-
tropy notions to the universe.
Some will say we are just pre-
programmed to act out what’s
deter mined anyway, and there
is only a kind of “contrat so-
cial” at the basis of law and
ethics. I agree with Gurdjieff
that most of the time most of
the people are not free, in the
sense that they play out their
mask scenario’s in an uncon-
scious way. In the model with
two time dimensions I present
in this book, there is a magical
time dimension where we do
have freedom to manipulate
time and thus reality, but to ac-
cess this dimension we have to

lief that events occur in predictable ways and that distant past and the physical laws of nature. This
one event leads to another. The nor mal explana- possibility of break or a separate origin of a chain
tions of existence start with a cause. Here Aristotle of events(autonomous agent causation) is essen-
paved the way for much of the later thinking with tial for the notion of free will and responsibility.
his four causes, the material root cause, the for mal Epicurus looked at atoms and assumed some
(functional) cause, the efficient cause (causation as “swerving” and thus new causal chains. For him,
we use the word, the first relevant movement that the occasional inter ventions of arbitrary gods
initiates an effect) and final cause (the end, the cri- would be preferable to strict deter minism.
terion of completion). The four were ordered by Epicurus thought like Aristotle that human
Thomas Aquinas as “final > efficient > material > agents have the autonomous ability to transcend
for mal” in which the first efficient cause was God. necessity and chance and are thus to be held re-
Pure causality (there is always a cause, nothing sponsible. Also Carneades and later people like
happens by chance or by has to do with time, the Thomas Reid and many modern thinkers came
chain of events, the predictability. There is the up with ideas about agent causality. The quantum
Laplace notion that everything has a cause and is indeter minacy notion of course made clear that
predictable, the positivist notion that all can be ex- everything is probabilistic and thus randomness
plained and God is just an excuse for not knowing and chance play a role, in line with Aristotle’s
how things work. The theological question is of indefinite cause.
course that strict causality assumes a causal chain
back to a prime mover or first cause. Dilemma
Causality as a more physical phenomenon found The dilemma of deter minism on one side and
support in Pierre-Simon Laplace’s thesis that if the randomness on the other of human freedom has
cur rent state of the world were exactly known, it not been solved, not even by modern quantum
could be computed for any time in the future or prob a bil ity. The “ran dom” move ments of
the past (if we knew all the physical laws and influ- sub-atomic particles are only undecided random
ences). Here the coupling of causality deter min- in the sense that no human measurement can ac-
ism (everything is decided) takes a firm hold. But count for or predict them. They are not random
then modern quantum mechanics learned that we in the sense that they have no prior cause.
are unable in many cases to identify the causes of The free-will positions with respect to compati-
actually observed effects or to predict the effects bility or incompatibility with deter minism and
of identical causes, but arguably they are deter - indeterminism are varied and complex. Mostly
ministic in some interpretations like in simply re- they are seen as belonging to two worlds, two par-
defining deter minism as meaning that probabili- adigms, and here my idea of two time dimensions
ties rather than specific effects are determined. So offers a way out. Free will belongs to another
the element of chance enters the stage. (time) dimension and realm than the deter mined
Agent-Causality is the idea that agents (like a per- rational time of physical phenomena.
son) can start new causal chains that are not
pre-deter mined by the events of the immediate or The Old Greek pondered about the free will
distant past and the physical laws of nature. In question, Aristotle was one of the first to accept
modern quantum-speak, can we influence the that there were also random chance actions next
probability curve of manifestation? to the necessity (pre-deter mined causes) of
Aristotle was one of the first to point at causality as events, but he also accepted Autonomous Agents
well as agent-causality, he went beyond the idea as a cause of (new) things. The point was respon-
that “every event has a (single) cause” and ac- sibility of humans for their act, as chance is un-
cepted chance and external influence, thus multi- certain and necessity destroys responsibility.
ple factors responsible for an event, not only the Agent causation is a positive answer to this, it as-
past and necessity. Agent-Causality is the idea that sumes a relation that agents—human acting or
agents can start new causal chains that are not thinking or rational substances—can have to
pre-deter mined by the events of the immediate or events. This is opposed to event causation where

events bear to (earlier or simultaneous) events, the surfaces. Libet himself argues conscious volition
logical sequence of things. is exercised in the form of ‘the power of veto’.
Not all the Greek were believers in free will, the Kant’s Good Will (of duty)
Stoics harbored ideas of foreknowledge and Immanuel Kant sees the dichotomy and comes
pre-deter mination, but accepted that one can as- up not with a solution but with two view points,
sent or dissent to an action. one to view ourselves as members of the world
A person’s will is one of the most distinct parts of of appearances – which operates deter ministical-
their mind, along with reason and understanding. ly - or as members of the intellectual world, when
It is one of the things which makes a person who we think and decide about how to act. He argues
they are, and it is especially important in ethics. that in the last case we have a free will and are thus
In Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica the con- morally self-legislating. He defends this because
cept of will is treated extensively. He accepts free we cannot know the ultimate structure of reality,
will as an appetitive (carnal love, hunger, thirst, lust we cannot grasp the God’s-eye perspective and
and desires) power, sees the will as moving the in- have to accept these two worlds, one (noumenal)
tellect, a rational appetite. of understanding, freedom and practical reason
Thomas Hobbes criticized the medieval scholastic and one (phenomenal) of appearance and specu-
definitions as being to rational, as we sometimes lative reason. Kant was an idealist, believing the
can will and do things against reason. He called the noumenon (Ding an Sich) caused the phenome-
will; the act, not the faculty, of willing: the last ap- non, while Schopenhauer believed them to be
petite, or aversion, immediately adhering to the ac- two sides of the same coin.
tion, or to the omission thereof. He also accepted Concerning the will Kant stated that everything
that animals have will. is qualified (relative to something else) with the
Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke and Hume believed that exception of the good will. The good will is good
the term free will was frequently used in a wrong or in itself. Kant writes,
illogical sense, and differences between “will” and “A good will is not good because of what it effects or ac-
“free will” are due to verbal confusion (because all complishes, because of its fitness to attain some pro-
will is free): posed end, but only because its volition, that is, it is good
Spinoza argued that seemingly “free” actions
in itself . . .”
aren’t actually free but deter mined because “inter-
However as he claimed that all objects are mere
nal” beliefs are necessarily caused by earlier exter-
appearances nothing whatsoever can ever be said
nal events we might not recog nize as such
about the thing in itself, why exclude ‘good will’?
And his argument assumes some direction, some
The two opposites, as David Hume put it, are in
“telos” or goal in good will and thus in creation,
fact reconciled as all mankind has ever agreed in
and that is hard to prove.
the doctrine of liberty as well as in that of neces-
Kant starts from common sense morality to ar-
sity. He pointed out that actions are influenced to
rive at the supreme principle of morality, which
such an extent by pre-existing motives, inclina-
he calls the categorical imperative:
tions, and circumstances that there is a certain uni-
for mity, one could say predictability. So he ac- “I ought never to act except in such a way that I could
knowledged that by liberty applied to voluntary ac- also will that my maxim should become a universal
tion we can only mean a power, a choice of acting law.”
or not acting, according to the deter minations of in a different for mulation:
the will. Here we see already what could be an in- “one should act as if the maxim of your action were to
terpretation of the much more recent neurological
become by your will a universal law of nature.”
experiments (like Benjamin Libet’s ) that even if
unconscious processes in the brain are the true ini- Kant motivates his metaphysics of morals: “That
tiator of volitional acts, and free will therefore there must be such a philosophy is evident from
plays no part in their initiation, we can veto a cer- the common idea of duty and of moral laws.”
tain course of action or unconscious decision as it The moral law must “carry with it absolute neces-
sity.”, it is imperative.

Kant seems to limit rational willing to rational be- body, which is the only thing that we can know
ings able to act in accordance with the representa- and experience at the same time as both a phe-
tion of a law or principle and to have ‘practical rea- nomenon and a thing in itself.
son’. The capacity to reason has the purpose to His view of the (greater) underlying will was not
produce good will. So there is will guided by incli- very positive, it being a malignant control of all
nation (also in animals) and a will guided by reason, phenomena. He saw human desiring, “willing,”
the will that acts from duty, he argues. Actions only and craving cause suffering or pain. Our world
have moral worth and deserve esteem when they and we humans are illogically, directionless moti-
are motivated by duty. I see Kant’s position con- vated by only our own basic desires, driven by a
cerning to will then as “the will to duty” conform- continually dissatisfied will, continually seeking
ing to the categorical imperative. ‘duty is necessity satisfaction. Mankind’s duty is to fight this by
of action from respect for law.’ chastity and asceticism, fighting our desires and
For Kant, having a will is the same thing as being urges.
rational, and free will means having a will that is Ar thur Schopenhauer view on free will and
not influenced by external forces. Free will gives it- moral responsibility:
self a law. different from the laws of nature, taking Everyone believes himself a priori to be perfectly free,
its own direction, autonomous. Kant’s “a free will even in his individual actions, and thinks that at every
and a will under moral laws are one and the same”, moment he can commence another manner of life. ...
not so different from Crowly’s interpretation of
But a posteriori, through experience, he finds to his as-
tonishment that he is not free, but subjected to necessity,
Here one can note, that this idea about free will co-
that in spite of all his resolutions and reflections he does
mes very close to what magic does, influencing the
not change his conduct, and that from the beginning of
future, bending and manipulating the nor mal cau-
sality and string of events. But of course one his life to the end of it, he must carry out the very charac-
would not think in those terms in Kant’s days. ter which he himself condemns...
He is one of those philosophers using the con-
Will to live, will to power: Scopenhauer cept of will to denote some inner most drive, a
The esoterically inclined Arthur Schopenhauer, primary root essence not only in us humans, but
who influenced Nietzsche, made the will a central in everything. He makes this like the almighty
issue, in particular as the “will to live.” It is what God or the all-consciousness, his will notion is in
makes things move, it is the most fundamental as- all and everything, it’s a force of nature that hap-
pect of reality, more fundamental even than being. pens to show up in man too. We are always want-
Schopenhauer explained the universe as driven by ing something, desiring, urging, in need of some-
a primordial and overarching will to live, resulting thing, but this goes for everything, will in that
in all living creatures’ desire to avoid death and perspective is the essential quality that goes be-
procreate. I feel his notion of will to live is close to yond knowl edge, it’s Kant’s “thing in it-
the will to manifest, of a higher order than the self ”(noumenon). This was the basis for Arthur
Adlerian individual ‘will to live’ (see below). Mani- Schopenhauer’s concept of the human will as be-
festation is how the overarching consciousness be- ing the desires, needs, and impulses in us. This
comes visible and tangible (through time and then how ever does n’t give us much free dom,
space). Schopenhauer points out, for a posteriori we see
Schopenhauer stated that everything in the world that our freedom was nothing but perceived ne-
is nothing but an expression to the Will and de- cessity, that changing one’s conduct and character
pends solely on oneself. The world is in its whole is impossible.
nature through will, and through idea. Arthur Schopenhauer said (On the Freedom of
Schopenhauer argued that it is absurd to assume the Will):
that phenomena have no basis, but he accepted we “You can do what you will, but in any given moment of
cannot know the thing in itself. Instead, he said we your life you can will only one definite thing and abso-
can know it by reference to knowing our own lutely nothing other than that one thing.”

His Will to Live or Will to Life (Wille zum Leben) they then conspire together for power. And the process
is an inherent drive within human beings, and in- goes on."
deed all creatures, to stay alive; a force which se- In his famous saying about the death of God
duces us into reproducing, having precedence Nietzsche expresses some longing for the days
over reason. ritual had meaning:
Nietzsche God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed
Friedrich Nietzsche also use the notion “will to
him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort
power” (Ger man: der Wille zur Macht) as a promi- ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was
nent concept in his philosophy, he sees it as “unex- holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned
hausted procreative will of life.” There is will to has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this
power where there is life and even the strongest blood off us? What water is there for us to clean our-
living things will risk their lives for more power, it selves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games
is stronger than the will to sur vive. He believed it shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed
to be the main driving force in humans, manifest- too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods sim-
ing as ambition, the striving to reach the highest ply to appear worthy of it?
possible position in life, achieving status. “Desire F. Nietzsche
for Power” (Machtgelüst) is the pleasure of the This doesn’t mean that actually there is no God
feeling of power (including cruelty, gift giving and anymore but expresses a fear that the decline of
love) and the hunger to overpower and domina- religion, the rise of atheism, and the absence of a
tion, which he originally saw as limited to ‘intellec- higher moral au thor ity will lead to chaos,
tual beings’ but later, in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra nihilism.
(1883) applied to all life. Nietzsche argues the idea
of the ”will to power" is to offer much richer ex- The Wills from Vienna
planations than utilitarianism’s idea that all people A distinctive use of the word will came from the
want is to be happy, or Plato’s notion that people psy cho ther apy schools in Vi enna, where
want to be unified with the Good. He also broad- Sigmund Freud’s called the lust and pleasure
ens Darwin’s notion of evolution, posing that the principle “the will to pleasure” , avoiding pain
“expansion of power" is more important than and seeking gratification of needs, wants and
adaptation and the struggle to survive. urges but he accepted other drives like self pres-
Nietzsche ag gregates everything, like he states (In er vation (the reality principle) , the “compulsion
Beyond Good and Evil) that philosophers’ “will to to repeat” and a death instinct in a constant
truth” (the desire to seek absolute truth) is nothing struggle with the libido.
more than a manifestation of their will to power. Alfred Adler’s individual psychology pointed at
His translates the metaphysical notion of both ani- the “will to power” . Adler considered an individ-
mate and inanimate matter as centers of force into ual’s freedom of choice as a fundamental factor
matter as centers of will to power and it feels he in in the decision-making process. His Viennese
a way equates it with the over pow er ing school of psychotherapy was called individual
metadimensional (God, consciousness or the all) psychology.
like Schopenhauer does with his “will to live”. He Alfred Adler was influenced by Nietzsche’s work
sees a physical universe of perpetual strug gle and as he wrote:
force, cyclical and returning to the beginning again Nietzsche’s “Will to power” and “Will to seem” em-
and again.
brace many of our views, which again resemble in some
“My idea is that every specific body strives to become mas- respects the views of Féré and the older writers, accord-
ter over all space and to extend its force (its will to power) ing to whom the sensation of pleasure originates in a
and to thrust back all that resists its extension. But it feeling of power, that of pain in a feeling of feebleness
continually encounters similar efforts on the part of other (Ohnmacht).
bodies and ends by coming to an ar rangement (”union") Adler’s wanted to build a movement by arguing
with those of them that are sufficiently related to it: thus for the holistic integrity of psychological well-be-

ing with that of social equality. His interpretation . Life has meaning under all circumstances,
of Nietzsche’s will to power was concerned with even the most miserable ones.
the individual patient’s overcoming of the superi- Our main motivation for living is our will to find
ority-inferiority dynamic. meaning in life.
Victor Frankl pointed at the “will to meaning” as We have freedom to find meaning in how we
something beyond sur vival and gratification of think, in what we do, in what we experience, and
basic needs. He felt that Freud’s “Pleasure Princi- even when we are faced with a situation of un-
ple” was lacking a human dimension. The main changeable suffering.
thesis of his philosophy: “one can live only for so We are mind, body and spirit. These dimensions
long as one’s life has a meaning.” fits well with the of the self are interdependent. The key is the
increased feeling of nihilistic emptiness and exis- spirit. The spiritual core, and only the spiritual
tential vacuum of modern life. core, war rants and constitutes oneness and
“For too long we have been dreaming a dream from which wholeness; it enables us to exercise our will to
we are now waking up: the dream that if we just improve meaning, to envisage our goals, and to move be-
the socioeconomic situation of people, everything will be yond our in stinc tual and sex ual needs to
okay, people will become happy. The truth is that as the self-transcendence.
strug gle for sur vival has subsided, the question has Logotherapy claims that work may be a source of
emerged: sur vival for what? Ever more people today have meaning, direction, fulfillment, for many an im-
the means to live, but no meaning to live for.” portant source of meaning, for some the only
In “Psychotherapy and Existentialism” he ex-
Victor Frankl, who sur vived the concentration
plains where his will to meaning fits in:
camps, was an inspiration for many and I like his
“We have seen that there exists not only a will to pleasure ultimate lesson, learnt in the harshest of condi-
and a will to power but also a will to meaning. Now we tions: “The salvation of man is through love and
see further: We have not only the possibility of giving a in love.”.
meaning to our life by creative acts and beyond that by the Frankl argues the true meaning of life is to be dis-
experience of Truth, Beauty, and Kindness, of Nature, covered in the world rather than within man or
Culture, and human beings in their uniqueness and indi- his own psyche, as if it were a closed system.
viduality, and of love; we have not only the possibility of In his autobiog raphy Frankl writes:
making life meaningful by creating and loving, but also “As early as 1929 I developed the concept of three
by suffering - so that when we can no longer change our groups of values, three possibilities to find meaning in
fate by action, what matters is the right attitude towards life - up to the last moment, the last breath. These three
fate.” possibilities are: 1) a deed we do, a work we create, 2) an
Frankl went against Freud and Adler in stating experience, a human encounter and love, and 3) when
that: confronted with an unchangeable fate (such as an incur-
“Actually, ‘pleasure is not the goal of human striving but able disease, an inoperable cancer) a change of attitudes.
rather a by-product of the fulfillment of such striving; In such cases we still can wrest meaning from life by be-
and ‘power’ is not an end but a means to an end. Thus, coming witness of the most human of all human capaci-
the ‘pleasure principle’ school mistakes a side effect for the ties: the ability to turn suffering into human triumph.”
goal, while the ‘will to power’ school mistakes a means for and
the end” “..... the striving to find a meaning in one’s life is the pri-
His logotherapy offered a new approach to psy- mary motivational force in man. That is why I speak of
chotherapy. He was trying to expose and deal with a will to meaning in contrast to the pleasure principle
the origin of the many ills of contemporary soci- (or, as we could also term it, the will to pleasure) on
ety, like boredom because of lack of meaning. His which Freudian psychoanalysis is centered, as well as in
idea was to turn an apparently meaningless life into contrast to the will to power stressed by Adlerian
a genuine human achievement. psychology.[32]
Logotherapy’s central affir matives are:
Viktor E. Frankl

Some materialist thinkers, like Daniel Dennett
The will to live and the will to die see the results as proving that dualistic free will is
There are situations, like when our life becomes miserable unlikely. In ‘Elbow room: the varieties of free will
due to circumstances, we lose the sense of meaning or when worth wanting’ he makes the point that we don’t
even want too much free will, living on the auto-
we feel we will become a burden to others, that the will to
matic pilot makes a lot of sense.
die becomes stronger than the will to live. The will to live is
visible at the level of existence and as a drive to fight for
sur vival. The will to live is a platform for other drives and
wills. It is, at the human level seen as an important and
active process of conscious and unconscious reasoning.
Hope plays a role here, as in other aspects of the will, as it
concerns the future that we think will bring something.
Psychologists in general agree that there is the will
to live, the will to pleasure, the will to superiority
and the will to connection, there is less support for
the will to identity or the will establishing meaning-
ful personal responses.

The meat computer in our head

Modern science has looked at how our brains deal
with decision making, how we arrive at action or
no action, but the results have not really bridged
the gap between the determinists and the free will
believers. Based on research findings many mod-
ern (neuro)-scientists claim that what we think are
conscious decisions are just brain programs be-
yond our control, we only have the illusion we
make a diference, there is no free will. They point
at experiments by people as Benjamin Libet with
what is called the readiness potential (RP) signal
that have proven that whatever we do has a causal-
ity (is the logical result of) in brain processes be-
yond (self)-conscious influence. We act because
that’s the way we are programmed, based on input
and memory and the notion of free will is then a
post-facto rationalization. Libet himself left the
possibility of free will, as he points at a kind of
veto function, one could go against the uncon-
scious decision at some point. Others point out
that the readiness potential signal doesn’t repre-
sent a decision to move, but that it’s merely a sign
that the brain is paying attention.
Neuroscientist Sam Harris believes that we are
mistaken in believing the intuitive idea that inten-
tion initiates actions. Harris argues:
“Thoughts simply arise in the brain. What else could they
do? The truth about us is even stranger than we may sup-
pose: The illusion of free will is itself an illusion”.

IV - Appendix: Supersensory reality: Rudolf Steiner

That we perceive beyond the five senses has been senses that reach into what he calls the
dealt with in the explanation about the extra supernatural, my “primes”.
senses I call primes. They are not exclusively hu- I have a feeling that what I see as the extra-dimen-
man, animals are in many respects more in touch sional qualities, like beauty, balance, a sense of be-
with things like danger (perceiving the future) longing, love, the future, etc. are related to
and are known to influence random number gen- Steiner’s concepts, and in a more distinct way, to
erators. A duck chick can attract a random mov- Plato’s ideas. My “primes” can be mapped to his
ing device that it assumes to be the mother (if it is supersensory senses but I feel that they are more
the first thing she perceives, Konrad Lorentz magical than what he accepted, as he focused
showed this behavior) and display some kind of mostly of the mystical experiences (receiving and
magical influence. I believe that we as humans not acting), all with a rather “Christian” coloring.
have kind of lost touch with much of our prime However, his interest in developing the will
capabilities. points at an underlying understanding of the
The notion that we have other ways of percep-
tion is not new and there are interesting ways of
looking at what we do display in capabilities.

Rudolf Steiner and his 12 senses: the

supersensory reality
I will go into Rudolf Steiner’s notion about intu-
itive senses, which at least opens a door towards
what I call primes. For Rudolf Steiner, founder
of the Anthroposophical movement, modern
scientific methodology and spiritual issues were
completely compatible. Knowing oneself starts
with the senses but Steiner realized that we have
already intuitive senses for the supersensory
world, for “inner seeing” of “ideal and spiritual”
concepts. Concepts were very important for him.
They arise from an inner knowing and bring us in
touch with the supersensory, not from ordinary
sense-perception. We need them to interpret, to magical process, in line with Crowley and what I
think. develop in this book.
Knowledge of these concepts is related to what Different from the nor mal 5 senses, Rudolf
we know intuitively, and thinking is (the first) Steiner has pointed at 12 senses and thereby has
supersensory object. The thinker (I) and thinking ex panded our un der stand ing of what the
are one, subject and object, percept and concept intradimensional senses are and do. I make here
are the same. We think we are thinking and so we the distinction between the “nor mal” tangible
are, in that supersensory reality. In other words, (sensible) world senses, which are included in
there is content beyond the tangible, so in Steiner’s 12 senses and the extra-dimensional
Steiner’s view there no need for Hume’s empirical senses I describe as “primes.” All senses together
sensory input to arrive at thinking or supersen- are our link with the meta-dimensional wider
sory knowing, the mystical (and not theoretical) reality.
experience of the higher worlds as he calls it. We Steiner has, mostly intuitively, defined 12 senses
have senses that reach into the sensible and which, when seen in the light of today’s brain

scan techniques and neurological insights, are re-
markably close to what “science” now finds out.
He also has, in my view somewhat artificially,
connected his 12 senses with the astrological Zo-
diac but this is not very clear.
Steiner’s insights have been applied in many
fields, like in agriculture (the Biodynamic move-
ment), education (the Waldorf movement), cura-
tive ed u ca tion (the Camphill move ment),
Eurythmy and an ex ten sion to the art of

One of the understand ings of Steiner, his
“Eurythmy” art, using the body as visible speech, Steiner's Goetheanum near basel
visible music, was at the time definitely a new art
form, like modern dance or sculpture. Rudolf ence of nature, objects, fabric, supplying them
Steiner maintained that Eurythmy is music trans- with the artificiality of plastic- Steiner honored
lated into movement and is not dancing in any learning the hard way. In this sense he must have
sense of the word, and Tone-Eurythmy is singing sensed that “primitive” rituals and traditions, as
in movement, either by a single performer, or by they were called in his days, were functional in
many together. The movements of Eurythmy bringing wisdom to those subjected to it. Pain can
proceed out of the inner organization of man, be seen as giving birth to wisdom.
are part of his total sense connectedness to I feel that in these days of smartphones, al-
higher levels of being. It bridges sensorial worlds, ways-on security, sense-deprived computer play,
and has as such similarities to techniques used in and shielding children (and adults) from anything
shamanic practices, like the singing of Aya- dangerous, risky, or adventurous, we are limiting
huasceros that creates visual image for those par- our (children’s) spiritual (supersensory in Stei-
ticipating in an Ayahuasca or Jahé ritual. The edu- ner’s view) awareness and growth. A virtual risk
cational and therapeutic use of Eurythmy looks (in a game) is not a real, bodily experienced risk.
like what Gurdieff and Bennet did in their Communication is a great good but it also brings
enneagram work and this again has roots in Sufi entropy (the polarities dissolve), dullness, and
dance. greyness: we all live the same overly safeguarded
Steiner: “What we know under the name of Eurythmy cyber-life. The differences that make up what
is nothing else than the means whereby the human or - Life really brings to us, the lessons of sense-diver-
ganism can find healthy outlet through movement” sity are lost in the plastic monoculture of hi-tech.
Our mind obeys easily the safe h(e)aven of
What makes Steiner not only a mystic but a magus
cybercontact and adapts itself. Brain plasticity is
as well, was his focus on the will. Identification of
now an accepted phenomenon; we will think as
the will, the cultivation of the initiative as taught
we are trained to think, whatever way that is. De-
at the Waldorf Schools, which he regarded as
velopmental neurology has shown that the brains
qualities sorely needed by humanity in the present
of neglected children grow less and that stimu-
day, are magical rather than mystical. He saw ex-
lated children have big ger brains, like a big ger left
perience, sensual and mental, as essential in hu-
temporal lobe when one has learned to play a mu-
man development. The senses (the 12 he de-
sical instrument (Aric Sigman). Negative experi-
scribed) are not only tools to deal with the world,
ences are, alas, the best teachers; they let us feel
they are divine (he talked about angelic) gifts to
the borders, barriers and internal hindrances,
discover the truth and find wisdom. Pampering
make us aware of the difference between the
children, denying them the experience of pain
ego/personality/masks and the inner child or
and misfortune, taking away their sensual experi-

soul level- Nietzsche’s ‘what doesn’t kill you lower senses; “the Lower Senses develop the
makes you stronger.’ Higher Senses.”
Steiner’s six exercises are a great tool to develop
As I have stated elsewhere, if God is both love the magical and mystical connection in oneself.
and truth. Creation can be seen as the shadow of
his love, intended to make us aware of the union ToM: Theory of Mind
that exceeds the duality but the shadows often The way Steiner always thinks in terms of the
come in a sinister form. wider perspective and shuns reductionist think-
ing has some connection with the more modern
Grouping of Steiner’s senses Theory of Mind (ToM) approach and especially
Rudolf Steiner places his 12 senses, Touch, Life, in how ToM evolves in a child’s development.
Self-Movement, Balance, Smell, Taste, Sight, ToM is a way to describe how someone creates an
Temperature/Warmth, Hearing, Language, Con- image about a person or situation, relating one-
cept, Ego into three groups: lower, middle and self to the other and this as a perspective of per-
high (spiritual). The 12 senses are like a circle, sur- son, time, and space. One uses one’s Theory of
rounding the human being, and are all present all Mind to position oneself versus the other; it has
of the time. to do with empathy. This assessment of others,
The more different and interesting senses in sometimes called “mindreading” is a crucial so-
Steiner’s sense list are: cial skill in inter-individual communication but
• The sense of Life or well-being covers physical, related to the ability to assign and maintain an im-
mental and emotional aspects of our relationship age of self. The ability to read another and to see
to the world and within ourselves. oneself (conscious of one’s own mental states)
• The sense of Language or Word, all that it is to and the so-called theory of mind (TOM) capac-
sense and “be in” a language: hearing/perceiving ity, which requires the ability to model the mental
the language, this sense is different form hearing states of others, are thus seen as related higher
music or sounds. cognitive functions.
• The Movement Sense refers to the inner sense of
ToM again resembles the NLP (Neuro Linguistic
one’s own movement; proprioception. This
Programming) concept of View of the World.
sense begins even before birth
NLP is based on the idea that with our senses we
• The Warmth Sense – distinct from Touch.
are only able to perceive a limited part of the real
• The Concept or Thought Sense is the ability to
perceive thinking.
world and that this is also filtered by our experi-
• The Ego Sense is the ability to sense another per-
ence, beliefs, values, assumptions, and sensory
son’s ego or presence (not as the development of systems, leading to a therefore limited and “per-
one’s own ego). sonal” view of the world but this is the basis how
The four lower or bodily senses of Touch, Life, we act and feel. We follow certain programs or
Movement, and Balance are placed together in structures in our way of dealing with the world
the context of events and experiences in today’s and NLP offers ways to become aware of those
world, and are of fundamental importance in programs and change them.
early education (0-7 years) as an ‘etheric-placen- The problem I have with these models and
tal’ nourishment. These four lower senses are Steiner’s approach is that there is little concern
connected to the four bodies of Steiner’s under- for the subpersonalities and the inner conflicts
standing of the human being. Namely, Touch to between personality and inner child/soul, even as
the ‘Physical,’ Life to the ‘Etheric,’ Movement to the development processes outlined by them are
the ‘Astral ‘ and Balance to the ‘Ego’, our identity very insightful.
or ‘bodily egohood.’ For each of the first 4 lower
senses — senses that appear in the first day of life
and grow throughout childhood—there is a com-
panion “higher” sense that appears later and rep-
resents a transfor mation or flowering of the

V - Measuring the immeasurable. the sacred, the idealistic

Why parapsychology doesn‘t impress Other experiments tried to bring the subjects in a
There have been many who try and tried to prove relaxed state or even ‘altered’ state and this usu-
that the magical works, or that a ritual has efficacy ally improved the tests scores. Sheldrake even
in the magical sense, or as some would call it, that looked at what animals like dogs or cats could
psychic phenomena are not illusory. There is the perceive beyond the rational, like sensing when
Catholic Church that has complicated proce- their masters would come home and came up
dures to gauge miraculous healings, looking for with significant results. All research points in the
rational explanations before they accept a mira- same direction, but doesn’t seem convincing
cle. The British Society for Psychical Research, enough to make the ship of science and sketicism
established in 1882, has been investigating the is- change course.
sues at depth. Then there are the more or less sci- Now greater minds than mine have pondered
entific parapsychologist, which have set up all about this question, but let me give you two lines
kinds of experiments to at least come up with sta- of reasoning here, that might shed some light on
tistical significant result, trying to prove that there it.
is some mind over matter effect or mind-mind
The future tail
communication beyond the normal senses.
The results are there, there is growing evidence I consider all events to be not only the result of
that telepathy, precognition and other ESP phe- the past and the present, but also of the future.
nomena are real, but as this This has to do with my notion
usually concerns statistical re- of two time dimensions, where
sults or incidental demonstra- the magical time dimension
tions, the skeptics and diehard goes both ways, as I explained
materialists do succeed in la- in the chapter about time. Now
beling all this pseudoscience. if the future in flu ences the
Rupert Sheldrake, forever try- present, there is something like
ing to find new ways to sup- a future tail that is part of the
port his morphogenetic reso- outcome of any event, includ-
nance theory, has listed an im- ing experiments with psychic
pressive number of experi- phenomena. This however also
ments and gives all kinds of means, that if the future tail is
convincing examples concern- too heavy, as a specific experi-
ing these psi phenomena in his ment would potentially change
2012 book “The Science De- the worldview or reality too
lusion” but finds little support in scientific circles much, it would hamper the out-
and the media. He mentions that between 1880 come. In other words, prov ing psy chic,
and 1939 there were 186 papers published de- extradimensional capabilities beyond any doubt
scribing four million card-guessing trials with hit would influence our world and paradigm so
rates above what could be expected from random much, that it becomes impossible or nearly im-
guessing, but points out that a meta-analysis possible. We know from history, how much it
showed that the results were hugely significant took to change the Ptolemaic geocentric system.
statistically. In other words, the future tail of proving magic
Now researchers like Stan Krippner did under- works is too heavy, so far.
stand that the mental state of the participants in
The statistical fog
such experiments played a role and they did
psi-testing with people in a specific state, like in a A second remark concerns the methodology. Sta-
REM-dream state and achieved better results. tistical evidence has gained status, because it was

used in medicine, physics, psychology and many be less productive, a focus on predicting individ-
other sciences to prove all kind of things. We ual responses is a more promising avenue. This
have learned however, that statistics can be ma- requires deeper insight in the ‘magical resonance
nipulated, yield false insights and are not always state’ of subjects, and experimenting with both
to be trusted. In the case of psychic research the objective and subjective state qualifiers. The use
results are called statistically relevant, but if this of techniques used in the history of magic like
means the outcome is just a few percent better the various divination methods should not be
than random it is hard to convince the skeptics. considered unscientific, but studied as potential
Take the card-guessing experiments, whereby ways to learn more about the magical and
large numbers of subjects were asked to guess miraculous phenomena.
what cards were picked or displayed elsewhere or
by other people. Both the picker and the ‘receiver’ Dowsing with a pendulum: pallomancy
were probably from a fairly nor mal background, Talking about psi-capabilities, I am not only talk-
students willing to participate for a modest fee. ing about someone else’s experience here. Even
They probably did their best, but in such an ex- as I am limited in many things, like in visualiza-
periment most of them would probably be in tion, I do have a talent that I think has to do with a
what I called their mask, their nor mal personality connection to the otherworld and the magical
and hence not in the special state that is needed to realm. This is not a very broad talent, but it serves
access the special extradimensional. Some might me in a specific way and offers me a way to tran-
be, which explains that the results would always scend the limits of causality. I consider it a hole in
show some difference with a random outcome. my mask, somewhat like I have described in the
Such experiments would not be convincing. Now chapter about synchronicity. It a kind of sneaky
this has been realized and one has tried to use bypass into the inner child state, where psi con-
subjects in a better adapted states, as mentioned tact happens. In the beginning it required some
above, with some better results. I believe that this kind of ritual effort, some preparation, concen-
line of experiments will not yield really impres- tration and intention, but as I became more adept
sive results, unless great care is taken to bring the at it the practice became like a second nature and
subjects into a truly ‘inner me’ state. Even then works very fast.
the one might be better at it than another, other In short, I am a diviner and much of the insights
factors like relational ties, genetic predisposition, in this book result from using a pendulum in my
the influence of thought waves of the environ- work with people and in developing hints and in-
ment, the level of shielding etc. etc. would play a tuitions into models, matrices and more substan-
role. But unless the individual state of conscious- tial ideas. I can understand that this practice will
ness of each subject could be deter mined and be seen by many as unscientific and irrational. Be-
gauged during the experiment, the results would cause I originally was trained a s physicist I can
not be significant. under stand that, at university nobody took
This would require a much better understanding psychic capabilities serious.
of the human psyche and the state(s) of con- I will therefore explain how I came to be a diviner
sciousness than is now available. I think that older and how I use this technology, and point out how
and indigenous cultures understood much better the intuitions I get are checked against reality and
how these states work and what can be achieved. for the content of this book merely formed road
Their ‘primitive’ approach in many cases is much signs pointing in a direction that then was ex-
more refined than our mechanical solutions with plored in other more rational ways. However, as
brain scans and elec trodes. Here the the outcome of my divinations has a high degree
demystification of shamanism the way Krippner of repeatability (which sometimes amazes me
sug gests would be a sensible route. too) and as divination has been part of ritual for
The present ‘scientific’ focus on statistical results many of not most cultures (see the chapter on
as we have seen in parapsychological research, divination) I will go into my dowsing metho-
dreamwork and altered states research seems to dology in some detail here.

asked about this, maybe there was a specific diet?
Being at one hand a physicist with a tendency to The doctors then (1998) said there was no rela-
systematize, and at the other hand as a “sensitive” tionship between diet and rheumatism (which by
with a somewhat developed intuitive notion of now is more accepted) and I was sent home in the
what ritual means, the challenge for me here was same condition (in a wheelchair) as I had come;
to combine subjective data (obtained with a pen- live with it and take painkillers!
dulum) into a broad picture and hypothesis and I then went to see my homeopathic adviser
make this logically coherent, check it against (Elise). She was the one who has made me go to
other evidence and sources. The way I did that the hospital in the first place as she feared poten-
was by first assuming that rituals “work” and then tial eye and heart problems. She disagreed with
developing a framework (a matrix) of measurable the doctors concerning the cause and told me it
characteristics or dimensions (repeatable within all had to do with food allergy, intestinal ir rita-
some margin), analyzing the factors involved and tions, leaking gut, etc. I had to watch what I ate,
coming up with a model. Further work might ne- certain fats (trans fats ) and substances like MSG
cessitate to adapt that model or even abandon it (monosodiumglutamate) would trig ger Sarcoi-
but this is why it’s a hypothesis, not a given truth dosis attacks. Of course this had to do with stress,
overweight, too much working, and in my case,
I became dowser (with a pendulum) due to a seri- suppressed anger.
ous illness. I then needed to learn this technique Now my food intolerances were not very clear, in
in order to deal with certain food allergies and in- the sense that one could not easily find if
tolerances and nor mal methods were impractical taste-enhancers like MSG or trans fats were used
or impossible. in a specific dish. MSG is widely used and many
I would never have believed such a practice report problems, but it has been labeled safe by
worked but then became very ill with Sarcoidosis, the FDA. Even the Wikipedia page ignores the
a nasty rheumatic and incapacitating illness. This problems, one of the reasons I kind of distrust
type of auto-immune disease is an inflammation that website more and more.
that kind of moves through the body and hides in So I had a problem, how to check on sauces,
the lungs. I ended up in a university hospital un- dishes, food? She sug gested to use a pendulum to
able to move or walk. It was an auto-immune dis- check if a dish was safe for me or not. By that
ease and could go away and come back, there was time the disease would have me try anything, so I
no known cure (then and now). The verdict by did and dowsing turned out to be a very easy way
the rational professors was that some serious in- to test (in)-tolerance.
take of Prednisone (cortisone) would alleviate It worked, got me out of bed and the wheelchair,
the symptoms but not cure it. They did warn me but because of my training in physics I got inter-
of serious side-effects of cortisone the treatment ested in how this worked. I experimented, ex-
was nearly as bad as the problem. panded the scope of my dowsing and found out it
During my stay at the hospital I experienced could be applied to literally everything and it be-
some very high fevers. They were so bad that I came a major tool for me. The message that I
had them at my bed with all types of emergency would gain access to knowledge came through,
devices. In that overheated state I had very weird dowsing turned out to be the tool for that.
dreams and hallucinations. In of them one I was As a physicist I was amazed about the results, was
told or understood that I would be given access to this superstition or what? But I checked, repeated
whatever knowledge I required. The condition the procedure, found where projection clouded
however was that I had to assume responsibility the obervation, learned to concentrate and kind
for what I would discover. There was no men- of tune in to what obviously an ir rational
tioning of how I would find this knowledge, it otherworld. Over time I have learned to use the
would come to me was the message. pendulum in a more precise way and found it to
Concerning the disease, I did notice that some be a way to access knowledge and data far beyond
foodswould make the symptoms worse, so I

the accepted boundaries of time, place, causality let go of the arrogant ego masks and assume a
and logic. higher power or authority. So in a way thanking
In fact, I began to notice I could find out things for grace received one would automatically get
that were considered paranor mal, although I closer to the inner child state (the ritual state of
never considered myself as a “sensitive”. I started consciousness). Now even aside from the ques-
developing theories about why this worked, got tion if there are higher (or lower) level entities,
interested in ontological en epistemological ques- this would have an effect on the set and setting as-
tions, and widened my scope of application of pects of the ritual and for the magical effect,
the dowsing. By looking in many area’s I have de- seemingly the spirits (gods et.) like this thanks-
veloped models, matrices, ideas about the wider giving seemingly very much. So the outcome of
reality, the present book is but one of a whole divination supports the general thesis, that letting
series of studies and projects. go of the ego enhances the effects of ritual and in
Many of my projects concern the human psyche fact is the central purpose of the matrix.
and it was mainly through psychotherapeutic
work using a pendulum that I have developed my This example illustrates that divination doesn’t
notions of metasenses, primes and (sub)-person- lead to clear cut answers and that a methodical ap-
alities. In therapy, the live interaction of a pendu- proach, looking at a question from different an-
lum session allows for quick assessment, feed- gles and often only by analysis of substantial
back and falsification and further development amounts of data obtained purely by dowsing
of the method. I have tried to develop models without even concentration on the specifics, in a
and theories that would harbor the dowsing data way like what happens in automatic writing but
in such a way, that further experiments could es- following a preconceived scheme of potential ef-
tablish the validity or uncover inconsistencies. fects, can yield less subjective insights. The num-
With this then find ways to test it and see if one bers found (I usually dowse numeric data) acquire
can predict the outcome of events.. meaning only in relation to other data. For in-
stance, I can look at a person and feel there is a
Now in the context of looking at ritual, I have striking quality that I want to analyze like “spiri-
used dowsing to construct ritual matrices with di- tual teaching quality”. Now there is no accepted
vined values for all aspects of an event. Most of definition for this, but there is a subjective and
the results looked quite logical but it was from the not very defined or even conscious notion in me
anomalies, from the illogical results that I got the what it means. So finding a number x means little,
most. One example that also show how I use the until I find the comparable data for other people.
divined intuitions (for that is what they are, sub- I thus divine a list of the spiritual teaching quality
jec tive truth cor rupted with al ways some for some other people I know. Some will score
projection errors) is this. low, others high and I will begin to get a feeling
for what one could call a scale.
Expressing gratefulness is a most In this way I begin to see what I subjectively char-
effective ritual act acterize as “spiritual teaching quality” in a rela-
Acts within a ritual that had to do with grateful- tional set. This kind of analysis is not totally
ness, thanking spiritual entities, nature, God and straightforward and produces anomalies. Maybe
the ancestors scored surprisingly high. Much a certain person really scores more or less than I
higher than I expected, and it was a consistent expected and that leads to a refinement of the
trend. I had no explanation for this, even when i definition again or maybe into looking at what
looked at it in the context of the set, setting and this person then is. Again an example. The Dalai
magic dimensions it would score much better Lama didn’t score as high as spiritual teacher as I
than other aspects like clothing, texts used, imple- would have expected, but as I had met him per-
ments, and I could find no explanation at first. sonally this made me wonder and look into what
But then it dawned upon me, that by thanking an it is that makes him so special then. It turned out
outside entity (in a sincere way) one would have to that his main quality is being the guardian of an

important spiritual tradition, his role and talent as I believe, because we can sense those intangible
diplomat, worldly leader and safeguarding his tra- qualities (with the primes), we can also measure
dition is far more important and scores higher them, be it subjective but reproducible and there-
than his teachings. His teaching are valuable, but fore we can quantify our relationship to the un-
they are not his own, he just transmits and trans- seen, the intangible. We have senses beyond the
lates the views of his tradition. So here the divina- nor mal five, that tell us how beautiful, holy, dan-
tion leads to a better clas si fi ca tion and gerous, etc. something is, as I outline in the chap-
understanding of what spiritual teaching (for me) ter about metasenses and primes. We feel these
entails. qualities of the ideal (Platonic) world beyond, in a
way gauge them, rate them, live with them, in fact
The use of divination (apart from what it means most of our lives are guided and controlled by
in a ritual context and as a prophesy tool) has them. Why have we not measured or attempted
other aspects, it shows that we can measure quali- to measure or quantify what those aspects are, as
ties and aspects that are beyond what the nor mal they seem to make up the whole of us and it, they
physical devices can gauge. Much of the under- are at least part of the wider reality? Beauty, in-
standing in this book is derived from subjective tent, balance, likeability, these are aspects we have
sensing about the unseen, compiling data and re- hardly come to acknowledge beyond the vague
lationship-patterns with a divination technique, notion of “ideals” in the Platonic sense, enslaved
using a pendulum. I believe that doing so yields as we are in the Cartesian prison of rational and
insight into what rituals (and magic) are, achieve material causality.
and represent. In the context of magical thinking, Quantification of these intangible qualities can
this is quite acceptable, as a means to arrive at real be (and I believe is) the basis for a whole new field
world insights it is a bit more unusual. of un der stand ing of our in ner-outer and
ideal/transcendental worlds. I am not sure about
Ever wondered why science does not what exactly those extra qualities or dimensions
measure beauty, balance, intent, are but about the constituents or aspects of the
holiness, and spiritual energy? ideal, the intangible, the immaterial, the mind and
There is no accepted scientific way to compare the spiritual stuff. Then we don’t have to look for
intangible qualities, apart from intuition. Even as aspects that are orthogonal, independent from
each other, as dimensions are supposed to be but
can accept that the intangible qualities can be part
of more dimensions or worlds. In a way nothing
new, intuition, esp., prophecies, sorcery, all were
part of culture and in fact an essential part before
rationalism and science took over. No holy book
talks about subatomic particles but all are full
with stories of magic and prophets.

Subjectively we all can feel these things and many

people can, if tuned in to what happens at this
level, work with it and come up with specific in-
In a way we have to enthrone again the magical,
we look far into the cosmos and deep into the the otherworldly, if you want the divine, reducing
world of elemental particles, we have no yard- science and physics to a mere subset of what can
stick to measure the things that matter to us most be known about the wider reality that involves
in daily life, the intangible energies and qualities love, infor mation, chi, and magic. I believe we
that make us like and dislike, fight or flight, feel have to accept that prophesy, divination and such
and think. via our extra-dimensional senses (primes) yield

real infor mation, real understanding of struc- Measure of what?
tures and that there are ways to quantify those sig- There are things we can measure and those we
nals, using divination techniques. Dowsing, cannot but intuitively perceive and this I believe,
geomancy, using a pendulum, tea leaves, reading measured too but subjectively. The nor mally
entrails, touch-for-health, or brain scans to reach measurable things are the basis of physics, as we
beyond our mask and rational screening into the now see it, ignoring what cannot be measured, at
deeper layers of our awareness, and uncover the best trying to develop ways and means to mea-
treasures hidden there. This is not a new idea, the sure ever deeper, faster, dissecting the micro and
use of intuitive knowledge has been part of most macro-cosmos into manageable parts. “To mea-
cul tures, divination as a way to access the sure is to know´, the motto of the physicist and
otherworld has come in many forms, from read- the engineer, ignores the holistic, the totality, the
ing the stars to throwing dice. Divination can be interrelatedness of everything, and has led to the
seen as a way to use the intuitive, to unlock the reductionist worldview that has limited our
meta-senses and thus go beyond the tangible and worldview, trying to imprison life as a mere mate-
physically measurable. In the chapter about rial phenomenon. Most of us, however, experi-
divination the various ways are described. ence life in a different way, as a much wider thing,
What thus far has been overlooked is this possi- we feel connected beyond the reduced measura-
bility to gauge or measure what happens during bility of the material.
and as a result of a ritual. Some work has been Can we measure all those other things? This is not
done with brain-scans and MRI and neuro- a new question we face in these days of Higgs
scientist can indicate where and what chemical or particles and Big Bang theories, it’s an age-old is-
electrical activity takes place during ritual (and sue. How do we know that what we know is real,
other altered consciousness) states but these are what is real, is there a reality we can perceive, or is
like single shot photographs of a small effect of a everything illusion, Maya, how can we relate what
much larger dynamic process, it’s like photo- our “self ” perceives and thinks to what is outside.
graphing the tail of an elephant in trying to find Plato believed in two worlds (the tangible and the
out how the animal looks and lives. ideal) but prized thinking and ratio, Aristotle
looked more at the tangible and organized and
But how can we trust the outcome of what a pen- categorized our reality but both of them dabbled
dulum tells? How can we accept subjective data as in the other dimensions (Plato accepted pro-
a base for developing a worldview. Well, there was phetic communication with the Gods, Aristotle
philosophy before we measured, and as a physi- was a kind of sorcerer himself.). David Hume,
cist I have learned that all measuring is subjective empiricist and challenger of idealist thinkers no-
in a probabilistic sense, so why not work from the
subjective, given that there is a rea-
sonable degree of repeatability.
Why can’t I take subjective but con-
sistent data, to develop a thesis, a
model and the expand it so it can be
tested against more objective crite-
ria and falsified or not? But first we
have to look into what measure-
ment is, and infor mation. Infor ma-
tion is a lot more than measured
and stored data, our psyche and
body are capable of a lot more than
using a yardstick or microscope.

The Lucidity approach seeks to identify the various masks

tably Immanuel Kant, didn’t deny this or the tion-economy. So we gauge the value of things in
other world, he just stated that we can never irrational ways but refuse to apply this to meta-
know the real causalities, never be sure what physical things, rituals, feelings and such.
caused what, so let’s limit philosophy to what we Anthropologists and sociologist have examined
can perceive (and measure). In the process, how- rituals, registered what they thought was happen-
ever, this all became limited to what the four ing, asked participants about their impressions,
dimensions yield in rational, repeatable, noted how many attended, par ticipated or made
explainable data. sacrifices but apart from noticing some common
aspects like the liminality Victor Turner indi-
Galilei stated that we should measure what can be cated, they mostly looked at parts of the whole,
measured, and make measurable the immeasur- either as insider or outsider. Those that accepted
able. He himself did a good job but then science the magical or metaphysical reality, like Crowley,
lim ited it self to mea sure onl y the Blavatsky and Teilhard de Chardin were either
fourdimensional time-space phenomena. This not accepted by science or regarded as outsiders
gave us technology and power over our world, and isolated. The Weberian rift between science
but alas, also a mechanistic, reductionist and ma- and religion/magic kept them apart. Methods
terial worldview that has imprisoned us in the like divination could help to bridge this rift but
limited and material dimensions we call reality. have hardly been taken serious. Parapsychologist
Measuring is in a way the death of holistic under- are mostly concerned about proving these tech-
standing, as it is a making a snapshot, yielding a niques and ESP in general exist, using them to
static view of the measured, and the ceteris pari- broaden our scope and understanding requires
bus condition is very artificial and limiting. Yet it another jump, they didn’t attempt a classification
has served well in physics (up to the point quan- or measurement of their “sensitives”.
tum physics kicked in) but has been ignored in As stated before, I believe we have special senses
other fields. and energy exchange organs that give us access to
Materialistic and in a way deter ministic and fatal- those as pects, which I call primes. Some
istic we deny the soul, the intangible and the di- sensitives have already well developed such
vine, sciences believes that chaos and chance rule senses, (clearvoyance, Psionics, ESP) but a quan-
reality. We have now come to the point where titative and reproducible way to use them is divi-
people like Dawkins and Dennettry to explain ev- nation. The concept of quantitative scales for
erything from that four-dimensional subset, not other phenomena, things like beauty, health, etc.
even allowing some divine or consciousness is thus not new, many dowsers use scales, dia-
overall presence like the empiricists and rational- grams and come up with all kinds of numbers but
ists of the Hume, Spinoza or Kant era did, track- this is not considered scientific or objective, and
ing Plato and Aristotle and all the great sages. remains the domain of the believers. Materialists
can question this and the problems of proving
We value but do not measure the effectiveness of homeopathic or isopathic
Our intuition and experience tell us a lot about remedies (obtained in a somewhat ritual process)
the intangible world but science has not (yet) indicate how hard this can be, but there are mil-
found or accepted a way to measure or substanti- lions, including myself, who benefit (or at least
ate this intuition. Of course there are many peo- believe they benefit).
ple who use their intuition in practical ways, like
farmers and artists and we all give value to things, The results
not because of rational things but because of In developing my broader view of magic and its
what we feel. In the economy we pay money for effects I have thus looked, using the pendulum, at
beauty, health, sacrality, in seemingly ir rational many aspects of ritual and magical events and as-
ways. Homo economicus is far more emotional signed them a numerical value, using a dowsing
and intuitive than the textbooks assumed, Nobel- instrument (a pendulum). This method yields (I
ist (2002) Daniel Kahneman talks about the emo- accept that) subjective data, in this book you will

see some examples. In comparing, extending, those paradoxes. In this book I simply assume
working and cross-referencing those data how- there is an otherworld, and I (and humans in gen-
ever, less subjective patterns emerge, eventually eral) have access to it. I do also believe, that con-
resulting in a kind of model that can be tested. sciousness is at the root of everything and that
Tested with the same divination method by my- time, space and mat ter are the result of
self or by others but in the end evidencing consciousness.
measureable, real world effects.
Using divination techniques it is possible to mea- Proof is in the pudding
sure basically all aspects, effects and energies of a Whether my approach in the end makes sense, is
ritual. What is necessary for such measurement to up to the reader. Apart from the para-psychologi-
yield objective insight is some kind of under- cal experiments and evidence that there is at least
standing of the matrix of a ritual, its stages and something more than tangible space-time reality
the roles of the various participants, in other there is our own experience. I could point at brain
words some idea about what is happening. Such scans and laboratory tests with mystics, psyche-
measurements can be repeated and will yield re- delic substances, etc. but we all experience unex-
producible results, although these are basically plainable and yet real effects on healing, health
subjective. Yet by comparing and calibration and happiness.
more objective data and relationships can be es-
tablished. It helps to be able to deter mine in a For more actual applications of what I have
consistent way whether act a or act b is more found and my hypotheses concerning a wide ar-
effective in raising the energy of a ritual or ray of subjects, using dowsing to measure rela-
magical act. tionships, see also my website
This ranges from a matrix of psychedelic sub-
How can all this be explained? In rational terms, it stances and their effects to a model of the human
cannot. However, if we assume, as I do, that we psyche, an elaborated inner child/ mask model, a
can know things beyond the nor mal dimensions comparative ranking of holy men and guru’s to
and that prophets and sensitives do a better job at anthropological insights in this book.
that, it is possible but with subjective data that
need inter pretation and cor relation to yield
practical results.

The above is an application of what I call

meta-dimensional philosophy, a way of thinking
that goes beyond the Platonic dualism and ac-
cepts as a general idea that there are more dimen-
sions. Whether there is just one extra dimension
or 7 or even more is not the issue, I leave that to
the scientists. The string theorists and “new”
physicists tell us about the mathematical neces-
sity that there should be more dimensions, like in
the Mbran-superstring theory with 11 dimen-
sional space including maybe more time dimen-
sions but I let them speculate about what that
means for the isness of things, das Ding an Sich,
the deep reality.
The consciousness factor their quantum and
probability theories require is complex, there is
no common understanding of the role of the ob-
server, how many worlds there are and more of

VI - Lucidity: a quickscan approach

There are many ways to look at the psyche of a this is already quite different from cur rent think-
person, but most take a long time and use com- ing, so I had to find words that would be easy to
plex ‘scientific’ methods with lengthy question- understand.
naires. These mostly work from a model that is Based on the more or less accepted notion of an
limited in that it recognizes only the nor mal di- inner child and personality or ego (masks) I could
mensions and ignores the dynamic character of explain to the subject, the person being analyzed
personality, or assumes a stable self-image. An- what I was doing. The challenge is to get the per-
other prob lem is that me th ods l ike son to understand that he or she is not only the as-
Meyers-Briggs, Enneagram, Big Five, classical sumed self, but that there are more
psychoanalysis and even astrology indicate a cer- subpersonalities or modalities which are more-
tain type and behavior but don’t really point to so- over seldom recognized as such. Once this is un-
lutions: how to deal with one’s personality der stood, the work can start. The in ner
stumbling blocks and nasty patterns. child/masks model is a generalization but it
I felt the need to develop a methodology that turned out to yield adequate and practical results.
would allow me to quickly scan a person, identify Differences between the various masks or self-
problem areas and would sug gest and evaluate modalities are especially significant, they are the
ways to deal with those. I therefore needed a diag- cause of many a psychic and somatic issue.
nostic tool with enough detail to identify not only This ap pre ci a tion and aware ness of the
symptoms but also root causes, and would point subpersonalities in ourselves or others is nor -
at indications for treatment or therapy. Now the mally not understood in the approach of the
nor mal methods would not give me more than medical profession of our age. Allopathic doc-
superficial data, so I decided to use a divination tors, psychiatrists and psychologists simply lack
tool to come up with answers. This is not uncom- the insight and tools to describe and quantify
mon in al ter na tive med i cine, meth ods like these subpersonalities. Even as many alternative
“Touch of health”, Kinesiology or Manual Mus- therapists do understand the importance of the
cle Testing are widely used. As I am an experi- distinction between child and mask - nearly all
enced dowser I know the limitations and dangers traditions state the goal of not identifying with
of this approach. our ego, personality or mask - there are no sys-
I gave the method that I developed over time, as tematic ways to explore them in short order.
this is a ongoing process, the name Lucidity as it Methods like Voice Dialogue or PsychoSynthesis
brings light into situations that are often rather take a lot of time and don’t deal with multiple
dark and unclear. Of course masks the way I see them - as
it’s also a play on words, my the result of traumatic
first name is Luc(ius). There experiences.
exists also a Lucidity Institute The aim of the procedure
that researches lucid dream- The goal of the Lucidity ap-
ing in the USA. proach is to establish what mo-
The first point was that I real- d a l i t i e s
ized that there is not one per- (subpersonalities/masks) there
son facing me or asking for are in a subject, how they com-
advice but a combination of pare with the inner child or core
selves as I explained in the inner me, and what differences
chapter about the self, each are substantial enough to cause
different, with different tal- specific behavior, diseases, im-
ents, behavior, bodily func- balances and so forth.
tions, intelligence etc. Now

I will start the Lucidity process with a more or less because of traumatic experiences, such as abuse,
standard form. This is a matrix where the various accidents or diseases. I tend to describe these as
characteristics of the inner child and one or more add itional mas ks, ag ain a workable
masks are indicated in a logical order, starting generalization.
with some basic features like intelligence, general In following the list of characteristics the person
health etc. I will use subjective readings, and if becomes gradually aware of his or her modalities,
necessary give the corresponding reading for sees where they come from, and maybe remem-
people they know, myself or a public figure. This bers traumatic experiences. It’s a process of eluci-
because the readings I get are based on some in- dating the structure of one’s psyche. It helps
ternal calibration, I get numbers that are repeat- sometimes to explain the model in computer
able and consistent but I don’t always know the terms, there are two or more software programs,
scale. So when comparing readings about social running the same hardware. Although I detest the
quotient, spiritual frequency etc. it is also neces- notion that the human mind is nothing but a meat
sary to build up some rapport. I make myself vul- computer, the idea that the same body (with
nerable by sharing details about myself, using me many automatic programs) has different but in-
an example and touchstone but this is part of the ternally consistent ways of interacting, reacting
process. and dealing with the world is useful.
Gradually the items go from superficial towards Following the list I not only explain but gradually
less obvious hidden characteristics, but it is im- show that the same body and brains (and auto-
portant to check the results with the person to matic and autonomous systems of it) by being in
build some confidence. The process is not like a these different modes not only displays different
laboratory check, it is an interactive search for the responses, but is a different person or personality.
deeper truth about a person. I could fill in the This is a subpersonality, with its own IQ, sexual
form and ar rive at a diagnostic result without the preference, ultimate goals, level of happiness, so-
person being there, using what in Radionics is cial patterns, responses and needs but also with
called a witness (a picture etc.) but the best results shortcomings, malfunctioning and diseases spe-
are obtained in interaction, in a process of feeling cific to that personality or subpersonality. In
and growing awareness. Healing or solution often short, it becomes clear that the outer personality
starts with understanding the underlying mecha- (mask or masks) and the inner child state are not
nism, once “the light goes on” and people realize two superficially different modes of being; they
the cause of certain problems they change their are fundamentally different.
self-image and often healing happens without The standard form indicated here is only the first
further intervention. step in the process. As the matrix takes form
The design we bring with us to this world at birth more specific questions come up, and the stan-
(or at conception) is the inner child. It holds the dard form gives way to a more specific list. The
original message contained in our DNA, in the process becomes more personal and the dowsing
choice of parents and place, and what can be seen turns into a dialogue. Questions and answers fol-
as our karma. As we then develop, we very soon low in a process of finding solutions, going for-
start with the defense and adaptation program ward and back, retracing earlier reading data, es-
that then becomes our first personality, our ego, pecially data that seemed er ratic before but can
that which we then start to believe we are. Usu-
ally this is an effective way to deal with the cir-
cumstances and situation we were born into, we
could not do without this ego system. And yet
this assumed personality, with traits, drives, be-
havior and limitations, is different from - and in
most people not well connected to - the original
blueprint, the inner child. Sometimes we develop
more personalities or sub-personalities, usually

The standard list I use
is the outcome of many
ses sions and has
changed over time. As
one could make a nearly
endless list of personal-
ity traits, of functional
parameters and charac-
teristics that could dif-
fer between child and
mask or masks, it is im-
por tant to limit the
work to those that are
the most sig nif i cant.
Obviously there are in-
dicators that are more
practical, general and
infor mative than oth-
ers. The problem with
all these data, as anyone
who has gone through
the med i cal sys tem
knows, lies in the inter-
pretation. How is one
to de fine what is
healthy, what is ill, what
is dis ease, what is a
problem and what a
talent, what is normal?

The difference
now yield new insights and perspectives. Gradu-
ally the person starts to recognize the various In the nor mal (allopathic) medical world one can
modes, and becomes accustomed to the idea that also do a lot but there the data obtained (blood
one can switch between modes and that the inner test, laboratory test, psychological test, MRI
child mode offers different options for dealing scans, etc.) are in most cases limited to one mask
with life. mode or modality. Interpreting those data ig-
nores that the person could be in a mode that’s
Now I believe that the fundamental differences just not relevant. Think about having toothache
between child and masks are the cause of many, in one mode, but when sitting in the dentist chair
if not most, dysfunctioning in body and mind. the pain has disappeared miraculously because
Understanding those differences is a first step in one has changed into another mode/mask. Ob-
trying to see what they effect they have and this taining data from the inner child mode is possi-
leads to diagnosing and eventually sug gestions ble, and sometimes one unintentionally does get
for remedy or therapy. Becoming aware of the these data because patients are drugged into this
differences and their roots in one’s life or past is a child mode or otherwise regressed into that state.
very important process. Most if not all ailments, Nor mally there is, however (and apart from some
syn dromes or prob lems are symp toms of inner child work specialists) no attention given to
dysfunctioning, only if we find the root causes the parameter differences between child and
can we really do something. masks. As I believe those differences are the most

common cause for malfunctioning or
complaints, this limits the effectiveness
of normal medical diagnoses and

Two or more personalities or

The word “personalities” or even sub-
personalities is a bit strong and makes
one think of Multipersonality Disor-
der, or Dissociative Identity Disorder.
It will nevertheless be used here to indi- with some symptoms that are only symptoms of
cate those programs, modes or subpersonalities deeper fundamental problems in the psyche, they
we often see described as the conscious personal- sometimes keep the person away from becoming
ity, as opposed to the self, shadow, wounded or aware of those deeper problems. There are many
inner personality, many words are used. similar therapies that can be used with some ef-
I developed or extended the idea of multiple fect, the underlying roots however are not ad-
subpersonalities or masks in this form, as I dis- dressed in such symptomatic approaches. Only in
covered in myself and others that these programs the inner child mode, where the ego is dissolved,
are rather independent modes of being. Each can we consciously address the root issues. By
mode has its own breath pattern, intelligence, so- looking at the effects and relating them to the bag
cial qualities, sexual orientation, sexual prefer- of experiences and traumas the wiser and more
ences, talent pool etc., sometimes quite different. pure inner child can integrate them. Integration is
Each mode draws upon and accesses the “bag” the goal, not denial of the mask or masks, they are
of experiences, traumas and reflexes built up in useful tools to deal with the world, but need to be
our lifetime and stored in the body and the mind. applied in the right way.
In the ego (mask=persona) mode or modes most The defensive character of our mask(s) already
of the effects and mechanisms are unconscious, points at the problem, that therapy is only effec-
automatic and cannot be accessed. The reflexes tive at the root level when the subject is in an in-
especially happen very fast, unnoticed, and are ner child mode. This however requires the same
hard to catch or pinpoint. We ourselves and oth- from the therapist or healer. It’s not identified as
ers might notice them, or rather the resulting such, but words as empathic, feeling, comforting,
symptomatic behavior, moods, stance. Thus be- are often used to indicate therapists who can
coming aware of certain patterns access such a mode.
we can then adapt a bit, evade the The two prevalent modes
effects, find cognitive solutions. most recognized as constit-
Many therapies like NLP and be- uents of the psyche and in-
havioral approaches are effective fluencing our thoughts and
in changing some aspects of the behavior are usually indi-
mask, and adapt it to what the ex- cated as the conscious and
ternal world expects or requires. the un/s ub con sciou s
However, these adaptations are modes. Such a model does
superficial, they change the mask, not map precisely over my
and thereby self perception, and model of inner child and
can be effective in better coping ego-masks. There are sub-
with day-to-day situations. They conscious (and deeper un-
do NOT really change the person conscious) facets of the in-
inside, the inner child and the Agamemnon's mask
ner child that show up in
higher self. In fact, by dealing the ego-masks too. How-

ever, talking about this infor mally, the con- to the world. It is the outer most layer of our psy-
scious/unconscious dichotomy is more easily che. It develops from very early childhood, basic
understood by subjects. personality traits can be detected before the child
The inner child is hard to reach, only in dreams is one years old and by age 3 or 4 it has kind of
and sex do we nor mally have access. However, formed itself. This mask personality is not un-
with special techniques like meditation, yoga and changeable, in fact it develops and grows and can
hypnosis we can reach this state. Some people be changed later in life.
have more access and use this state in artistic ex- The mask or ego is what we think we are but it is a
pression, as a healer, clair voyant etc. mask, a fake (to oneself) personality to deal with
Later in life the inner child sometimes gets more the world and the problems and opportunity it
liberated and the original me, the child that we presents. It keeps us away from our real and
once were, is showing more. The relation be- deeper self (lower/shadow and higher/inner
tween the various modes, not denial but con- child) as it provides us with meaning and direc-
scious integration is crucial in growth towards tion, including ideals, intention, ambition and
wisdom. It takes a lot of work however, some- will. It has its own self-image, its own body mode
times illnesses and suffering, to liberate the inner (breath, posture, digestion), its own mental mode
child and develop it along the spiritual awareness (intelligence, memory, will), blaming strategy, its
axis. We might then discover that it is the deep own libido, emotional and intuitive mode (re-
connection to the higher self and divine oneness flexes). These are different and fairly independ-
that underlies it all. In ritual we have the possibil- ent from the characteristics of the other person-
ity, to reach the inner child state, which I ality modes or programs. In most people the
sometimes call the ritual state. shadow/in ner child but some times more
Our traumas, stress, frustrations and “buttons’ mask-like personalities have developed.
are stored both in the body, as every cell and or- The mask characteristics are, in my opinion, not a
gan has a memory too, and in the mind as cogni- given (nature) but a result of nurture (education,
tive memory, and can and will be trig gered conditions of growing up) with at most a limited
and/or accessed from the mask unconsciously genetic (DNA) influence. This also means that I
and from the inner child state more consciously. believe the characteristics of this mask personal-
Healing the mind and body is therefore easier ity are not fixed but can be changed or developed.
from and in the inner child state. This explains In most people, this mask or (false) ego is a good
why there are rituals and why there will always be feedback mechanism that helps us cope with the
rituals, for they are effective ways of healing and world. It works fairly well, it keeps us relatively
accessing deeper exchange nodes (primes). We well adapted, somewhat happy, in general though
usually are in the inner child state when under superficial good health and most important, it ef-
stress, in illness, when outside our nor mal situa- fectively keeps us away from experiencing the
tion, when in love, in sex and with certain sub- deeper personality mode(s), the real self or inner
stances, in cer tain body
positions, meditation etc.

The mask
As we grow up, we develop a per-
sonality mode (program) to cope
with the outside world, its de-
mands, logic, irrationalities, ad-
verse conditions etc. This be-
comes our mask, the personality
we experience as ourselves, as
the I, the ego, the operational
mode we identify with and show

self. And rightfully so, without the mask we, as a but like the anima/animus seems to be somewhat
child, would probably not have sur vived or would more active than archetypical figures as the wise
have been damaged even more. The mask strives man, the hero etc.
for outward perfection, structure, evasion of For me Jung’s notion of the shadow is unclear,
negative emotions, even the search for some kind but much of what he and others say about it does
of subjective truth, but is also a very good shield, point to either a nor mally suppressed subperson-
indeed a mask, used to show an identity that is not ality with dark roots or the part of the inner child
our true self. Anxiety, fear and anger are major that has been damaged by the traumas of birth
drives and typologies like the enneagram show and early life. In creating the mask or masks the
how these are the basis of different (mask) inner child got wounded too. This part is mostly
personalities. unconscious, only under stress, in adverse condi-
tions, as a result of certain drugs, addictions, in
The shadow : the wounded inner child love and when under attack we notice this
The shadow is a psychological term, used by Jung shadow. And if we don’t, others around us usually
and others, to indicate a space or operational do and call this “bad mood”, or not being your-
mode with its own response patterns, judgments self etc. There is also a more positive aspect to the
and reflexes in our psyche we do not experience shadow, as there is a golden potential hidden, that
or “own” in our nor mal ego/personality mode. does show itself at times as a feeling of happiness
It’s like a counter-ego figure, the hidden parts of or even mystical union. The shadow in that sense
the personality, one could say the unconscious can be seen as the inner child, which is wounded
part of the assumed self in my model. It is some- because of experiences, traumas and defense
times indicated as one of the archetypical figures, mechanisms but still contains the roots of origi-

nal inner child, sometimes called the higher self. sence a part of the divine. It connects, unites,
The shadow is more authentic than the mask but does not separate, does not discriminate. It has
is still fairly self-centered and is usually perceived those divine virtues, love, humbleness, patience,
as the “bad” guy inside, the one that makes us do compassion, courage, wisdom, is creative and is
nasty things. It is however essential that we recog- where we communicate with the otherworld by
nize, accept and honor even those “bad” traits in- way of the primes. It goes with the flow, intention
side of us, only then can we become aware of becomes effortless, we feel at one with all.
how they, often sneakily, influence our lives and
learn to deal with them. Denial of the shadow Subpersonality, not a willed state
doesn’t work, we have to become conscious of This subpersonality or modality model is some-
what is there and what it does, and paradoxically it what different from Roberto Assagioli’s notions
then dissolves and disappears, the true inner child of psychosynthesis and the usual view on how
emerges and sheds the woundedness. This can be subpersonalities work. They are often seen as
seen as a cleaning or clearing of the shadow, as functional adaptations to situations, like work, re-
giving space (time/ attention) to the inner child lationship, fights etc. In that view, a person can
and ultimately as enlightenment or satori etc. have many subpersonalities and subidentities,
The true self, the perfect child in us that protected which are supposed to kick in when needed, more
itself by building the or less under the control of
mask or masks but got the will. I believe they are
wounded and damaged formed in childhood or be-
in the process, is always cause of traumatic experi-
still there. It is however ences we couldn’t handle, and
hidden behind or in this the subs will kick in because
shadow, the neg a tive of trig gers that remind us of
pat terns and re flexes the original experiences. They
that developed in con- are thus involuntary but once
junction with the mask, recognized can be somewhat
the woundedness that is controlled.
not of the mask or ego We share the hardware but in-
but lies deeper, subcon- voluntarily use the different
scious. Abuse, pressure, bad conditions, lack of programs we developed to deal with outside cir-
love, lack of touch, all human beings have picked cumstances, and mostly quite effectively. These
some of thesesfrom the tree of abundant trauma. different programs cause different thoughts,
One could say that they did so with perfect un- emotional and bodily states. Things like intelli-
derstanding and by free will, their souls made the gence and mood but also the physiological situa-
choice for incarnation in this life and with these tion might be very different: acidity, temperature,
parents, they created or picked the ingredients for blood pressure, sugar levels, etc. In one state we
the resulting mask or masks. From this perspec- can be very healthy, in another very unbalanced.
tive one could see the development of the mask The body, as a kind of constant, has to deal with
and the lifelong strug gle to come back to the these different states, and I see diseases of all
higher self as the human condition, the storyline kinds as the result of conflicts between the
of one’s destiny. And if we see that even in the subpersonalities with the inner child as a kind of
same family and with the same bouquet of poten- root director. Diseases in this view are warning
tial trauma and abuse, different kids pick differ- signals that there is a strug gle at a deeper level and
ent masks, this leads to the assumption that the a cure requires that at first we become aware of
soul, the ultimate driver of our body-mind-spirit, what this strug gle is. Doctors tend to measure
is in charge of all this. things like temperature, blood pressure, and such
Our higher self, the original inner child, is the and use this for a diagnosis but these snapshot in-
connection with the divine spark in us, is in es- dicators ignore that a person might have different

(sub)personalities. I am not talking here about ex- casions, but the method itself can also be used to
treme cases like pathological subpersonalities as analyze deceased ones.
in Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Multi- Using divination to gauge the parameters of the
ple Personality Disorder ( MPD), but about the psyche using the inner child-mask(s) model is
distinct modalities we all have, like the inner child very useful in detecting (potential) conflicts be-
or higher self state that I consider so important in tween layers and (sub)-personalities of the psy-
the context of ritual, and the mask or che. These often lead to somatic or psychical
personality/ego we display. problems or unwanted behavioural patterns. In
We could say they all use the same hardware but this es say the psy cho log i cal model of
with different programs. Therefore what we mea- ego/mask(s) and(wounded child is outlined and
sure in most situations pertains only to one actual developed and numerical data concerning their
subpersonality. The cause of a specific disease or relationship are used to illustrate this model.
problem might reside in one subpersonality but These data are obtained by radionics/dowsing
not in another. There is a certain spill-over, but to methods and therefore have a subjective aspect
really gauge the underlying causes of a certain but does give reproducible results. The outcome
complaint one has to measure or diagnose a pa- of this diagnostic procedure (Lucidity method)
tient when he/she is in the subpersonality mode yields effective results in understanding the work-
from which the problem originates. This sounds ing of the psyche. This method has been used
very complex but we all know that our toothache and validated in hundreds of cases and is here
sometimes magically disappears when we are at also applied to historical people. The data on the
the dentist’s, or that a specific headache some- different mind-states/programs/subperson-
times disappears if we change our stance (change alities have shown that although our body and
our mask). Many professional psychologists now mind have the same hardware, the different pro-
acknowledge that even the most advanced and grams (subpersonalities/masks) use this hard-
extensive psychological tests give little insight in ware differently. People can have different IQs,
the way a person acts and will act in real-life situa- sexual orientations etc. in different (sub)-person-
tions. Even though psychological testing is still alities. Additionally the Lucidity method can indi-
very popular in the corporate world, the results cate the potential of various therapies to help rec-
are indicative rather than predictive at best. Top ognize and integrate the wounded child, identify
performers emerge in the reality of human inter- the masks and the inner conflicts and free/release
action, while problem-makers are rarely weeded the inner child. This model is explained, illus-
out by such tests. The “human touch” in selecting trated by case history data, analysis of historical
personnel and in HRM functions is essential, but figures, comparison of data concerning spiritual
I think this is actually intuitive obser vation of the teachers/gurus, and compared with various
multiple masks, which can be perceived but not philosophical, therapeutic, religious and magic
easily pinned down or measured in tests. worldviews. Analysis of the numerical data for
normally intangible and vague qualities like
Lucidity spiritual resonance, emotional IQ, sexual
Understanding, measuring and analyzing the pa- orientation, happiness, beauty and much more
rameters of the ego-system and the underlying also gives insight into:
inner child yields valuable insights for therapy . how the psyche develops
and healing. The methodology I use and devel- . how ego and personality in growing up and ex-
oped , the lucidity method, is based on the as- periencing the outside realities diverge from
sumption that we can by divination measure even the original soul/higher self scenario
intangible parameters, differentiate them for the . how the resulting differences yield valuable in-
personalities or masks and so indicate potential sights into one’s mental and physical health
inner conflicts. Feedback is essential for actual and happiness.
cases and has validated the method on many oc- The approach also sheds light on how psycho-
therapy works and could work.

Lucidity Postulates: » Our traumas, experiences and memories are
stored in our mind (brain), in our body and in
» Most people have two (sometimes more) “pro-
our emotional responses. They are accessed
grams” (sub-personalities), that seem to be me,
un consciously from our mask(s), un con-
the assumed me’s or masks.
sciously and sometimes more consciously
» The dominant program (the most nor mal
from inner child state.
mask or ego state) is what we nor mally think
» Under pressure, stress, illness, pain we will
we are.
switch programs but also when very happy, in
» Part of the mask program is shown to the oth-
love, travelling, under the influence of sub-
ers, hiding some, adapting some parts in order
stances, sounds, other people.
to fit in.
» The repressed program (inner child) is usually
» The differences in assumed and shown pro-
active less than 10% of the time, often only a
gram are often an indication of deeper mo-
few percent (in dreams).
» The repressed program wants to claim its place
» The shown part of the dominant, everyday
under the sun, and makes that clear via signals
program is usually well adapted, social, well be-
like depressions, illnesses, malfunctioning or-
haved and of good will, the Nietzschean
gans. If ignored, those signals will become
Apollo in us, the Platonic tame horse, con-
stronger and eventually kill us.
trolled and conforming.
» Illnesses, especially ones related to deeper
» The repressed program (the design, inner
unbalances, are primarily caused by the re-
child) is what we originally were but got dis-
pressed program but the effects carry over into
torted because it was repressed and not given
the dominant mode.
» The dominant program (the mask) will have
» The term “inner child” refers to that original,
less effect on our exterior and the impression
its talents and innocent sense of wonder. The
we make on others, as it is usually quite “nor -
shadow is the inner child as it developed in the
mal” and adapted.
dark, so to speak, dominated and pushed away
» The repressed program shapes, especially as
by the other program, that adheres to the
we grow older, our face and body language, the
deficiencies and illnesses become a strong
» The dominant program usually develops in
non-verbal message.
early childhood as a result of real or perceived
» Other people perceive us, at least initially, as the
traumas and experiences, sometimes peri- or
repressed program (personality).
prenatal. This not only happens in dysfunc-
» The split between what we think we are (the
tional families or due to physical traumas, acci-
dominant), and how we are perceived by others
dents, illnesses, but is a nor mal development in
(the repressed), is what I call the Human Con-
everybody’s life. It overshadows the inner
dition, and the cause of much suffering.
child, original program.
» We all have some idea about what our re-
» Each program is based on a specific and con-
pressed program entails, as we know how we
sistent breath-regime/mode
act when mad, stressed etc. but usually we don’t
» Each program has a distinct intelligence, social
acknowledge that as a separate program and
interaction pattern, creative talents, libido, sex-
refer to it as “our bad mood”, not realizing that
ual ori en ta tion and other spe cific
it is that bad mood that shapes our persona, the
impression we make on others.
» Each program leads to body effects, also in the
» It follows that other people are better capable
way we look and present ourselves
of recognizing and pinpointing the character-
» The sometimes great differences in intelli-
istics of the repressed personality.
gence, talents, sexual orientation, willpower,
» Becoming aware and accepting the repressed
etc. between the two or more programs give
program, discovering and “owning” its prob-
rise to in ner con flicts, in se cu ri ties and
lematic aspects, its programmed reactions or

“buttons” but also the hidden talents and gifts
is a first step to liberation.
» Once the repressed program is liberated or
freed, it stops the negative signals and becomes
a peer-level partner of the then less dominant
» Healing the in ner child or liberating the
shadow program, allowing the original design
to emerge is there fore es sen tial in most
» This healing, cleaning or clearing is a multidi-
mensional operation. It involves giving more
time to the inner child, developing its spiritual
resonance and the clearing away of the com-
plexes that gave rise to the for mation of the
mask or dominant personality in the first place.
» A happy inner child, given space to express it-
self, is the best guarantee for a long an healthy
life, and the possibility of self-realization. Spir-
itual and creative leaders usually have a fairly effective . Even esoteric notions as enlighten-
liberated inner child. ment, level of awareness, happiness and in fact all
The characteristics of these processes, programs dimensions of our human “being” can in such a
and states of being can be represented by numeri- way be represented by numerical values. Those
cal scales and values, different ones for the differ- values are subjective but repeatable and give a
ent masks. I use a standard form to do so and use deeper insight in how our psyche-body-mind
a pendulum to find values for the items on the list, works.
they might be the same or different for the vari- Now the above postulates are quite specific and
ous personality masks. somewhat revolutionary, especially the ones
The question here is what to fill in, beyond no- where I attribute separate IQ’s, social capabilities
tions like good, average, bad, for it concerns etc. to the dif fer ent pro grams/sub person-
vague no tions like emo tional EQ, health, alities/modes. In case of extreme multiple per-
wellbeing, mostly vaguely defined capabilities. I sonality syndrome this is generally accepted, but
use my personal intuition here, measured with a it is quite a statement to argue this applies to
pendulum. The pendulum is my contact medium nearly everybody.
with my inner self and thus with the otherworldly
The basis of personality is the breath
dimensions where I believe these things reside.
Here the notion of relative scales is important. It I believe there is a root mechanism at work in our
is not essential to use a scale or calibration that is body. This is the breath, as this is the fundamental
universal, as long as one can repeat the outcome energy mechanism. So I am sug gesting that IQ,
of even a subjective measurement. If I call a cer- personality traits, body postures and looks etc. are
tain painting beautiful I can give it a rating, let’s caused by the breath pattern. This in turn is
say 8 (out of 10). Now another painting is less at- driven by our psyche, the master and charioteer
tractive, so I give it a 6. What makes this a practi- of our selves complex. So I believe it is the psyche
cal approach is that later I can classify paintings (mind if you like) that causes our breath and
based on this scale, on the condition that my sub- chi-energy to move through our system as it does.
jective scale still holds and I would give the paint- Here I differ again from the “Western” under-
ings the same value or ranking when repeating the standing. Of course those well versed in yoga and
evaluation. Consistency and repeatability can what Chi does will see the resonance with “east-
make a subjective scale and ranking practical and ern” wisdom. Incidentally, this means that chang-

ing one’s personality can be achieved by a strict many times, has evolved into what I call the Lu-
breath regime, as achieved in monastic situations cidity profile; this is a matrix that compares a
by chanting and mantras, but also happens when number of essentials for the inner child, the mask
certain muscles are afflicted by an accident or by - and if applicable - the subsequent masks. Not
wearing a tight corset. every item on that shortlist or profile is relevant
for a given person. It only matters if a substantial
Dowsing, divination, intuition difference is detected between mask and child.
There are ways of obtaining data that are not The form used is a start. In specific cases we of-
widely accepted in scientific circles or the medical ten need more detail and further specifications,
world, but will yield reproducible and significant but as a general status instrument this form
indicators about the physical and psychological works well and of course is not a static instru-
state of a person. Apart from the intuition and ment but evolves.
the talents of an experienced doctor, who at a
certain level knows or feels what a patient radi- The difference, not the data is what
ates, there have been developed over time alter- matters
native methods such as Kinestetics, Touch for By dowsing the data to make up the Lucidity pro-
Health, Radionics and all kinds of dowsing or file one has to be careful, the danger of projection
divination methods. Often these are classified by is always there. The best and most trusted data
skeptics as mere superstition and fraud but they have to come from the intuition level of the
do yield reproducible results. The alternative dowser (one could again say from his inner child),
medicine world uses these techniques a lot, and and this is not something that works very well
they help to understand the condition of the cli- with people close to oneself. While there has to
ent, even as one accepts that the results are easily be some kind of link, either in the form of per-
tainted by projection or prejudice. sonal contact or via an inter mediary close to that
I personally use a pendulum in what I see as ac- person, it works best if there is no prejudice, no
cessing the intuitive level of perceiving or “know- prior judgment.
ing” to dowse those characteristics that in my The data obtained are very much related to what
opinion might play a role in the condition of the the dowser feels, knows or senses about a specific
subject. I accept other ways of obtaining those item, he is the one behind the calibration so to say.
data, such as measuring devices that gauge sub- Take IQ, there are many different tests to mea-
conscious and autonomous responses like gal- sure this and even those have to be updated every
vanic skin response. However, I have worked few years. As the test battery becomes familiar,
with a pendulum long enough and with so many there is a kind of inflation in IQ scores.
people, that it has become a fast, consistent and So when I (or another practitioner) obtain num-
ef fi cient method to “see” and measure in bers they are what the dowser intuitively senses
adequate detail. and assign numbers too. For me, concerning IQ
Now the advantage of using an intuitive method grading, a university level IQ is around 126, and
like dowsing is that one is not limited to obtaining the highest IQ score I have seen is 156 (Leonardo
data about the mask, but also about the inner da Vinci). The premise that the average IQ is 100
child and this opens up the possibility to com- doesn’t seem to apply anymore, at least for the
pare. There are also no limitations of time, one Netherlands and for me. I seems to ‘gauge’ in my
can dowse characteristics as they were before, dowsing that a functioning citizen these days
even for dead people. One can find averages, needs to have at least an IQ of 114 (I presume
peaks, and cor relate them, it’s a miraculous way to that worldwide 100 is still the average). Also the
work. I have done this for many years and with notion of IQ is limited, it’s only an indication of
many people, and gradually developed a shortlist the rational and logical, other things like social
of those characteristics that are most significant quotient, spiritual awareness level, sensitivity,
and useful in diagnosing root problems. This connectedness etc. play a role. All humans come
shortlist, amended, expanded and rear ranged

with a full deck, I believe, even if they are labeled not nor mally be more than a few percent off
differently. from the healthy 100% score, but a substantial
I use numbers and quantitative data, being a phys- difference between child and mask levels might
icist by training. For the purpose of finding the indicate were the root of the affliction lies. When
important differentials between child and mask a health problem is more in the child than in the
modes it would probably suffice to indicate mask, it indicates that the problem lies in the ge-
whether there is a significant difference at all, netic or kar mic load, and is usually harder to cure.
without needing to put a number to it. Problems in the mask or masks have their roots in
The disadvantage of quantitative data is that the traumas, events or accidents in that mask state,
client is easily trig gered into disputing them, and are usually easier. Here again we come across
thinks him or herself more intelligent, happy, the notion that inner child problems can only be
healthy or whatever and quarrels about what ev- addressed in the inner child mode. This was well
erything means. On the other hand, some leeway understood in the shamanic tradition, where both
and in how hard the data are usually leads to a the client and the shaman have to get into a trance
meaningful discussion about what is at issue, and state (inner child mode) to see and heal the
becomes part of the awareness process that the problem.
Lucidity Program in essence is. Spiritual awareness frequency or level is the first
Apart from the numbers, there are a number of of the more esoteric indicators. It indicates at
indicators that require a more extensive qualifica- what cognitive level (6th chakra) one understands
tion. These can come from a list, or in some cases the spiritual, and the numbers indicate at what
have to be found intuitively. chakra level that is. There are other similar indica-
Explanation of the items on the model tors with the same numbering approach, such as
form sex ual aware ness (2nd chak ra) and mag i-
The items on the model form need some expla- cal/power awareness (3rd chakra). They some-
nation, as they are short and abbreviated indica- times differ between child and mask, and these
tors only. Let’s start with time (spend in the mask indicators also give a general idea about where a
mode). Most people spend very little time in the person is in his development.
inner child mode, and are mostly in their nor mal Again it has to be stated that the absolute readings
daily (first) mask. Only in dreaming, under severe are not so important. It’s the differential between
stress, in cases of disease or when having sex child and mask(s) that causes the problems and
does one nor mally let go of the mask and revert offers a starting point for further diagnostics and
to the inner child mode. However, one can also therapy.
enter into this state with meditation, certain exer-
cises, concentration and with certain (psychoac-
tive) drugs. An average person is only some 2-5%
of the time in his child state. For people who have
a higher proportion of time in that mode, there
are usually places or situations where that state is
more common, such as the garden, meditation,
sport, painting or singing.
When there is more than one (sub)personality
and thus more mask-states, the same applies -
there are times and situations where the one per-
sonality prevails. This can be at home, at work,
maybe with a certain person or during certain ac-
tivities. This can give a good indication for where
this mask originates.
Another good starting point is looking at the cli-
ent’s general and psychological health. This will

VII - Holy Mass - Eucharist; a classical ritual analyzed

One time I was, by chance, attending a Holy Mass and how their sacraments are so moving for the
consecrated in the presence of not only a Cardi- devout. To show how the three world model
nal but high officials from other religions, in a works in analyzing a ritual I will therefore use the
grand cathedral in Antwerp, with a lot of pomp example of the Eucharist or Holy Mass, a well
and circumstance, a great choir and devout con- know part of the Christian liturgical routine. It is
gregation. Quite a happening and as this was in in its general form a ritual with a well established
my early day of experimenting with magical set- liturgy and ritual matrix. The Holy Communion
tings, I decided to take a seat nearly in the middle of the Christian religions is also called the Sacra-
of the cathedral, a strategic position. As the ser - ment of the Altar, the Blessed Sacrament, the
vice progressed I realized that the officiating Lord’s Supper and it is a Christian sacrament or
priests were not really on par, not realizing what ordinance. It is a reenactment of the last meeting
the magical part of their ser - of Jesus with his dis-
vice really entailed. So as ciples and done in ac-
consecration was about to cordance with Jesus‘
happen, I decided to use my in str uc tions re-
own pow ers to help corded in the New
“charge” the wine and Testament. The word
bread. This sound prepos- comes from “eucha-
terous and was certainly ob- ris teo”, giving
noxious and sacrilegious but thanks.
I knew that nobody would Mass is a ritual of
notice my little sorcery act. sacrifice and adora-
Charging substances is quite tion, of propitiation
a nor mal practice in magical (mercy, forgiving of
context and even as I could sins) and pe ti tion
not be close to the bread and (asking for grace and
wine (usually we use our blessing, also in ma-
hands like the priest does but might not recognize terial sense like health) . Many thing have been
it as a magical routine) I knew how to use inten- said about the Holy Mass. Undoubtedly it is a sol-
tion and attention and the setting was great! The emn, well staged ritual with much specific word-
effect was interesting, especially after the officials ing and movements but at the same time there is
present and the congregation partook in commu- much debate about details, there are many varia-
nion, the sanctity and spiritual frequency of the tions among Christian churches and challenges as
whole lot really took off. It lead even to some to the sacrificial character, whether it is real or just
commotion for as the whole lot was leaving the symbolic.
church in a kind of procession they kind of intu- Looking at it from the outside, the most obvious
itively made 3 rounds and not the sin gle intention is to remember and celebrate the hu-
circumabulation the program indicated. Now of man sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The eating and
course the gaiety and happiness I perceived could drinking of consecrated substances that are sup-
have been projection, I was witnessing what I be- posed to be the body and blood of Jesus is some-
lieved, maybe not what others experienced. It did what macabre. However, by using the archetypi-
show me, what setting can do, and how my cal Human Sacrifice combined with energetically
mindset and the whole context could work. charging substances that are consumed the Holy
This experience marked my interest in how the Mass brings together very strong magical tech-
Roman Catholic Church has kept their traditions nologies in one, standardized event with the
effective, even as the belief of many has waned, odium of eternality.

The magical act Of course for devout Christians comparing the
The Eucharistic Prayer is the central act of the consecration to the charging of a substance or
entire celebration, it begins with a prayer dialogue object in a “heathen” ritual form other traditions
between priest and people and then the Sanctus, or in a healing context feels like sacrilege. Would
an acclamation of the holiness. The Canon is the such a comparison take away from the special
most solemn part of the Mass, it means “the value of the Holy Mass? Let me state that I be-
rule” and indicated this is the eternal, never lieve that the Christian Mass is an exceptionally
changed part, time ceases to exist, all is now as well designed ritual, adapted and honored over
God comes to earth at the words and acts of the time, combining strong elements in an effective
priest. To indicate this moment, a server rings the way, where the quality of the officiator is not de-
cymbal or the bell three times. The priest begins cisive for the outcome, he can follow the liturgy
the Canon by bowing low. he kisses the altar, to and render an acceptable “perfor mance”. I do
show that he is united to Christ, Who is about to think that over time some crucial understanding
offer Himself. got lost, liturgists were more concerned with
The Institution Narrative and Consecration re- words, details, theological disputes about the sac-
call the words and actions of Jesus at his Last ramental qualities that looking into the magical
Supper, which he told his disciples to do in re- quality. The work of C.W. Leadbeater in the lit-
membrance of him. In the consecration or tran- urgy of the Liberal Catholic Church is an inspira-
substantiation the bread and wine are changed in tion in this respect, he understood much more
the sacramental body and blood of Jesus Christ. about energies and correspondences than most
The priest performs this by placing his hands theological eminencies.
over the Chalice and Host, the subjects of sacri-
fice, symbolizing the transference of sins so that The songs and hymns
the sacrifice would be a victim offered in penance The Church has even understood that too much
for sin and indicates that Christ gave His life for repetition would be boring and has introduced
our sins. variations in texts and songs. The fixed songs and
Showing the host, the supposed to be the body of text are called Ordinarium Missae: Kyrie · Gloria
Christ to the people is done in a specific way, ele- · Credo · Sanctus · Agnus Dei · Ite missa est, the
vation them high up. This is accompanied by the chang ing parts are the Proprium Missae:
words Ecce Agnus Dei. Ecce qui tollit peccata Introïtus · Graduale · Alleluia / Tractus / Se-
mundi (Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him quentia · Offertorium · Communio, while the
who takes away the sins of the world). readings from the Bible also change daily. The use
In comparing this central part to the way sub- of incense, candles, the imagery and layout of a
stances are “charged” in many magical rituals and church as the place where Mass is held, all helps
by many spiritual people there is little difference, to increase the effect on mind, community but
clearly there substances or objects are being given also the magical effectiveness. The church in a
a special energy, attention and intention. It is clear way becomes a place for the initiated, having re-
that the liturgy of Mass prepares both priest and ceived the sacraments they understand the sym-
congregation for the magical moment, brings bolism, they are part of the mystical union with
them in the required ritual state by words, posture Christ. The partaking in Mass has mystagogical
and acts. The whole setup, supposed to be identi- value, helping the faithful to enter the deep reality
cal through the ages, is about focus, about letting behind the liturgy.
go of individuality, stepping out of time (joining
with what happened 2000 years ago) and becom- The magical quality
ing the impersonal performer of the sacrament, As for many the Holy Mass becomes a routine,
within a sequence that one knows by heart like a devoid from the true contact with the spiritual,
mantra (sound) and mudra (hand positions). It is we can see it as an empty ritual, a ceremony; some
duly internalized and can be performed in a heritage that we honor but without much efficacy
meditative state. beyond the psychological (well being, part of a

group) and community (social effects). This how- cess as even Paul mentions this (1 Corinthians
ever, doesn’t need to be true for all, there are still 11:20-34). The practice was later forbidden,
many people who experience the spiritual con- maybe some took its meaning too literally, there
nection offered and priests who recognize their must have been hippie-like folks even then. Hav-
important role in providing an interface between ing coffee and cookies after Mass these days is a
the worlds. Of course there are differences, prob- way to fill in the missing part, the Agape meal
ably a Mass consecrated by a very holy and dedi- shows up in some traditions, even in Freemason-
cated person in a very inspired setting in a beauti- ry.
ful church at an auspicious time will yield more The exclusion of any reference to sex in Mass is
effect that one with less “quality”. The whole in line with the Church tradition (at least in the
setup however offers a reasonable chance of rit- Roman Catholic Church) of having only celibate
ual efficacy, even if the conditions are less opti- male priests. The interesting part is that the fe-
mal and as such it is not a wonder that this has male/male union is replaced by the union of peo-
always been a core part of religious life for the ple and church as in a holy matrimony, the union
devout Christian. with the Holy Spirit replaces the more earthly un-
ion between people. In that way the second chak-
The ritual matrix of Holy Mass ra is honored in another way but not excluded.
If we take the various parts of the Holy Mass and The fertility comes in at a higher level, a bit like
look at what their effect is on set, setting and mag- the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
ical correspondences, or in other words how they of the the Rosicrucians, far beyond the physical
influence the mind, the community and the spirit union.
world (God) a matrix can be set up. Holy Mass is a great example to show how rituals
I give below, in the form of such matrix with the were staged, long before we would analyze things
main components of Holy Mass listed, it offers in psychological terms. It sur vived, was adapted,
an outline of the structure and give values for the changed but still there is a lot of the original en-
relative importance for set, setting and magical ergy. To indicate how it is set up and what factors
effects. To come up with the relative importance play a role, I give a set, setting, magic and chakra
values and the weight (how the one element ranks focus table to illustrate how and where the focus
versus the others) I use a pendulum technique. and effects of various part of the Holy Mass are.
This of course leads to a subjective ranking but This table is a subjective (divined) estimate and
with the advantage of yielding numbers to look at maybe not more than a personal It’s a matrix with
the various influences and effects, it’s a quantita- a lot of infor mation, some is logical, other
tive comparison. These divined values only in- numberThe perspective of the matrix obtained
tended to illustrate the approach. As I explain in here is that of the participant, the person in the
the appendix about using a pendulum, the exact congregation following the Mass, not the priest. I
numbers are not so important, it is in construct- am also following the general Catholic approach,
ing a matrix that hidden deep relations often which sees Mass as a sacrament, with more than
come to the surface and bring new insights. the symbolic value assigned to it in Protestant
This approach also makes clear how a ritual ma- Churches. I have taken the common elements,
trix can be established and what it could contain. sometimes elements are specific to an event or
The Mass, as it probably incorporates many ele- time of the liturgical calendar but are included
ments of earlier rituals (notably the Mithraic and here to show the whole matrix of the Mass.
the Jewish Passover meal) offers a good over view Inter pretation
of a general ritual. What is missing maybe is the Quite a bit of data, and as you can see, the intu-
social, the celebration at the end, the fertility part, itive notions come through in divined numbers.
where in Dionysian fashion the orgiastic element The conclusions as to what is really important are
would be. In early Christian communities, there in line with the traditional interpretations, like
was an Agape or Love Feast prior to Mass, where that the consecration and the communion are the
food and wine were consumed, probably to ex- most important. The other elements are impor-

tant in building up to those central moments. to be a believer to see that here a powerful ritual
What important in rituals is the emotion line, the has emerged, even if only looked at it in the
same as in perfor mances and movies the audi- psychological and social perspective.
ence has to be led towards the high points, by I have indicated a weight factor plus chakra focus.
gradually building the energy and also taking care This weight varies per individual but I try to give a
of a come down after the peak. In theater perfor - general idea. Subjectively, everybody has special
mances there is the well know peak just before in- moments. For me the memory of my father sing-
ter mission, an a great final scene, in rituals similar ing the Credo, standing next to me remains a
emotion curves can be recognized and are part of strong anchor, even as I realized later he wasn’t
a good experience, individually and as a commu- such a good singer and out of tune. That he stood
nity. The energy and efficacy of the magical part out from the others was only perceived as special
is, as has been explained before, dependent on be me but makes hearing a credo for me even now
how deep the officiator and the attendants can let a small journey back in time.
go of the ego, how deep they dare to go in sub- The above matrix is subjective but shows some
mission, and for this things like security and ano- interesting trends, what struck me was the varia-
nymity, the possibility to kind of disappear in the tion in chakra focus. Even a fairly basic element
group mood and actions are important. In Holy like water (1-st chakra nature) is used, by charging
Mass this is done in an effective way, the priest be- (for that is what holy water is) it very old magical
comes, after the ser mon, more or less an anony- practice is honored. In fact the whole transub-
mous officiant, he stands there representing the stantiation at the consecration is a charging pro-
church as an institution, not as an individual but cess. The Catholic Mass is still a magical ritual, full
as a ser vant. This is one of the reasons why facing with powerful moments and (bor rowed) magic.
away from the people during the crucial moments It’s ritual at its best, even when nowadays atten-
of consecration, facing the Lord rather than the dants and priests might have lost the meaning of
people is magically a better situation than the all the elements. The magical focus of the Mass
modern way of looking at the congregation, ad cannot be denied, this becomes clear when we
populum. compare it with for instance the Protestant ver-
In the liturgy the emotion line is clear, there is a sion. In “The Lord’s Supper” the sacramental
gradual buildup of the weight of the elements, character is less (Refor mation was decidedly
the plot thickens. The emotion line of the whole anti-magical) and the weight of the correspon-
sequence, the way the scenario is set up and cog- ding canonical act drops to 10.
nitive and non cognitive elements alternate is bril- I used Mass an example of the approach I use to
liant, especially in the traditional liturgies. There study rituals. A lot more could be deduced by
must have been great ritualists in the Church, the looking at rituals in this way, especially comparing
more modern versions lost something, they are different intentions and liturgies but also by look-
maybe more people-friendly and aiming at social ing at what certain psychological types would
cohesion but lost the magical efficacy and mysti- consider important, how the perspective of the
cal quality. The variation in focus, in different po- priest would be, if a mass by the pope would yield
sitions (standing, sitting, kneeling), in song en- more magical weight, etc. The purpose here is just
ergy, the way different (sense) types are addressed to show how this method works and inducing
(sight, sound, body), the use of smells, mantra others to divine their own lists and matrices. If
like prayer, combining top-down (as in the ser - enough people would do so and compare their re-
mon) and peer level (credo) to prepare the people sults, as has been done with the Bovis-scale for
and the priest for a sacred moment. Look at how water, a better understanding of ritual efficacy
clever Mass is also used as a tool to keep people in could result.
their place (as sinners and as separated from the
sacred altar), and how over time things like social
hierarchies became part of the setup, with rich
folks having their own benches, one doesn’t have

VIII - The ritual matrix

A ritual matrix can be small or very large. In order pretation of the result would require even more
to get some idea of how different aspects and comparative data but this gives an over view of
parts of a liturgy influence the three worlds, a how a matrix could look with some fairly general
rather long list is compiled with data. The inter- readings.

Description ritual action set setting magical- group energy

participant perspective correspondence step
purpose 10 60 30 60
people - officiants 30 50 20 250
materials 5 10 25 30
liturgy choice 40 50 10 20
garb 20 40 20 12
astrological timing 12 30 60 3
permission proprietor 5 10 0 1
permission devas 30 20 55 14
fysical space-location 5 10 5 40
spirit. cleansing space 10 30 20 12
out of circle 15 25 10 140
cleansing participants 40 40 5 50
intention participants process. 60 30 10 400
in the circle 10 45 10 800
circle - space 10 20 85 40
physical (cornflower etc.) 30 40 0 400
virtual circle opening 10 20 10 90
entering circle 10 40 10 220
union-participation of all 30 45 5 1400
spirits & directions 5 10 90 50
blessing 5 10 30 200
salt-water-incense 15 30 5 300
effect of
clear purpose 20 50 17 900
isolation from world 10 40 25 400
unwelcome audience -10 -50 -40 -120
welcome audience 10 20 30 250
physical tools & implements 25 5 50 30
garb - costumes 30 10 5 200
liturgy - scenario -order 30 10 50 2100
focus and intention 20 30 50 3000
preparation 5 45 10 20
lighting 10 20 80 120
symbolic immolation 30 40 0 240
oblation 5 10 90 200

invocations 10 15 50 140
Incantations 10 30 10 20
creed 40 50 10 20
Homily, sermon 15 50 5 10
Intercessions- adoration 5 10 5 5
Thanksgiving 20 30 95 110
group songs 15 35 5 5
call & recall 30 35 10 22
performance 5 30 0 3
group 20 15 30 90
constellation-choreogr. 10 15 15 1200
performances 10 30 25 10
to cover expenses 10 80 0 0
devotional offerings 25 5 40 130
magical offerings 10 20 55 500
virtual group (pledge) 10 50 5 5
virtual personal 50 10 20 110
sacrifice bodily 90 10 90 210
meditation 25 40 20 15
prayer silent 20 25 10 10
prayer group loud 30 40 10 25
prayer loud individual 40 90 5 10
silence 30 110 250 180
confession 40 10 50 300
charging 10 15 50 120
Transmutation 10 15 15 120
Eucharist (transubstantiation) 25 30 40 60
officiants 10 30 50 40
participants 20 30 50 20
participants taking part 250 600 0 400
Bacchantic Dionysian 25 25 0 200
participants 25 25 5 2
deities 5 10 95 40
circle closing 5 30 0 5

data obtained by divination

IX - Ritual Sacred space: temples in Bali

I am interested in the quantitative aspects of rit- meaning ‘space sur rounded by a wall’, puri is used
ual and magic, and use dowsing (a pendulum) to for palaces. An orientation towards the moun-
guage what the actual energy or holiness of acts, tains (Kaja) is the most significant, the one to-
places, tools etc. is. In this note about a field study wards the sea (Kelod) is reserved for death (Pura
in Bali I will explain how my work in looking at Dalem) usuallly with the graveyard attached. In a
ritual and extra-dimensional (sometimes called village, the main (ancestor-founder) Pura Puseh
metadimensional) phenomena actually yield temple is located on the side of the village facing
practical results and insight. How observing a the mountains, to protect against forces coming
culture (and its monuments) using the approach from there. Most temples elsewhere are located
that I outline in this essay at least yields a different to the East or West, but the volcano-orientation
insight into the mechanisms and structures of a of Balinese temples is unique. One might say that
society, and in this case in how temples are con- there are more temples than homes in Bali, rang-
structed. One has to place this in the context of ing from a simple altar or rice paddy shrine to
the Balinese mind, and of how their society is and enor mous royal and state temple complexes.
has been organized: very layered, still with much They are usually quiet and uninhabited, except at
caste difference, very structured, and in essence festivals when they become community centers
very fearful. The happy faces, dances and gener- of worship, dance and music (gamelan), with the
ally good mood of the Bali- now il licit cock-
nese is an intricate cover, a fighting and gam-
way to deal with brute natural bling g o ing on
forces of volcanos and nearby. Tem ples
tsunamis, earthquakes and of are not solely in-
course human enemies. tended for wor-
Bali is different from the rest ship, they are pleas-
of Indonesia, not only be- ant resting places
cause of the Hindu faith (In- for the Gods, and
do ne sia is pre dom i nantly festivals are a kind
Muslim) but also because of of entertainment
its richness. It has always been for the Gods.
a fertile place, there was silver, Bali is a mag ical
and it has abundant greenery, forests and natural place, and the Balinese religious activities are of-
beauty. The Balinese believe that the island is ten magical. There is an underground level of
owned by the supreme god Sanghyang Widhi, sorcery, spells and fear of the dark underworld
and has been handed down to them in sacred forces, daemons and human witchcraft. The fes-
trust. These days Bali is a magnet for tourists, tivals also show how fear is an intrinsic part of
more tourists come to Bali than to any other place Balinese life and how offerings to the Gods, the
in Indonesia and bring good money and work for sea and the mountain are all-important. At the
many. Balinese are thus envied by their neighbors Melasti spring equinox festival, at the start of the
from Java and other islands. Terrorist threats and Balinese lunar New Year, large effigies of the
attacks have much to do with this, the tourists are gods are car ried to rivers and the sea for ritual
seen as evil and unholy, especially by the Muslims. bathing, prayers and religious offerings. Ugly
The major role played by fear of natural disaster, looking Ogoh-Ogoh papier-mache evil monsters
notably from the volcanic mountains, is illus- are carried around, with much noise to scare the
trated by the orientation of the temples, shrines daemons away. The following day it is Nyepi, and
and thrones, that are everywhere on the island. then everyone in Bali including tourists must re-
The Balinese word for temple is pura, in Sanskrit main silent, it’s a day of stillness. The evil spirits

will then leave the island alone, grand vistas, conflu-
thinking that the place is unin- ences of rivers, un-
habited. The restoration of bal- der g round rivers,
ance between good and evil is deep canyons, special
also commemorated, notably at flora or fauna, special
Eka Dasa Rudra with washing of biodiversity, safety
all statues in the sea, the island’s and defensibility, that
most important festival originally are fac tors in the
held every hundred years, last natural energy of a
time was in 1979. place.

When looking at Bali and its ritu- Manmade energy or

als I will first address the some- holiness can add to
what limited issue of holy or sa- The classic Balines temple layout the natural, and often
cred (energy), the so called power does so, as humans
spots or holy places. I will also are attracted to some
consider how human holy places are layered and place, live there and over time build up the energy
stratified, how temple offerings are related to of- level there. People leave meta-dimensional traces,
ferings to the mundane hierarchy (bribes), and their happiness or misery stays at a place, as a visit
how temples are laid out and constructed. In the to Auschwitz or Verdun for most people makes
context of ritual, where sacred space plays an im- quite clear. Understanding this has wide implica-
portant role, this is a logical first step. All places tions, but let’s keep for the moment to what holy
have a certain energy, one could call it spiritual en- places and their setup and layout reveal.
ergy but I will use the more common term holy. In early 2012 I made a trip to Bali, the Indonesian
Certain places in nature have a higher energy than tropical island and visited many holy places. A
others, some places are real power spots, and few weeks on Bali, at the end of the monsoon
many vis itors feel that. Sedona, Jerusalem, season, is a hot and humid experience but also al-
Stonehenge, MontSégur, Mount Tamalpais, lows, next to the sun, surf and disco opportuni-
Mount Kailash in Tibet, there are many well ties, a dive into a cultural and spiritual society with
known sites. I am sure there is a strong spot many lessons and warnings for our 21st century
nearby for you too, visited by many people to complacency. There is no doubt Bali is a great
meditate, contemplate, pray, sacrifice there, or place, it offers a combination of natural and hu-
just feel. One could rank these spots in many man treasures that is quite unique and allows us
ways: tourist boards for example like to count vis- westerners a comfortable taste of the tropical.
itors, and religions put a high value on spots re- Many fall in love with the island and come back
lated to their own faith, but can we not measure in again and again. The eerie beauty of the rice fields
some way their holiness or energy levels? This is along the hillsides, especially when the thick
exactly what I but also many others with dowsing monsoon clouds color the sky and the volcanos
rods, pendulums or otherwise do, yielding subjec- are just barely showing themselves, is a sight that
tive results in the eyes of “science”, but giving in- stays with you.
sight into differences, patterns and qualities of I was particularly interested the energy lay-out of
the energy in and around these holy places, the temples, as there are so many and most of
temples, monuments, historic places, leylines, etc. them are laid out in a similar, classic pattern, de-
The holy quality of a place has two components. voted to the Gods of the Hindu pantheon with
The first is the natural, some geological or geo- some local adaptations, and here and there a bit
graphical situations are more special than other, of Buddhist influence. Despite some 2,5 million
notably high and overpowering mountains and foreign tourists annually, Bali has retained its own
peaks are usually considered holy. But there are culture with a strong religious Hindu-dharma fo-
many more special features: impressive sights and cus, and probably more shrines, sanctuaries, pro-

tective offering altars and temples
than inhabitants. It has great beaches,
mountains, volcanos and rice-paddy
vistas. Economically it relies on hand-
icraft and tourism, but outside the cit-
ies and beaches is still very much a tra-
ditional agricultural (rice-paddy) soci-
ety. The 4 million or so Balinese are
friendly, cooperative, clean and fo-
cused on aesthetics, more craft ori-
ented than artistic, concerned with
living now, not in the future. They are
tightly knit into family and village very old temple near Ubud
structures and very concerned with
the “otherworld” they see as balanced and how nice, how great for your holiday pictures and
reflected in the manifested. postcards! However, in the villages one can ob-
The anthropologists of the 1930’s looked, with serve that these beautiful offerings are an indus-
Western eyes and a soft spot for the primitive, at try in themselves, with mostly older people in-
Bali, at the temples, rituals, gamelan music and volved, an economic activity like tourism, handi-
aesthetics, admired the traditional art but failed to craft and ag riculture but hardly figuring in the sta-
see the fundamental defensive nature of the cul- tistics. Magic, rituals, offerings, they are part of
ture, its complete lack of concern for whoever or the whole. Even though tourists’ interest has
whatever is outside of family or village, its escap- made them commercial, (since every hotel has of-
ist tendencies and the tight harness of agricul- ferings as part of the Bali experience, dances and
tural seasonality. They see the ritualizing states of gamelan are entertainment), they also offer a way
self-control as resulting in graceful and tactful be- to understand the Balinese soul. This soul is far
havior, part of religious expression among the more defensive, far more focused on shielding
people, not as escapism or hiding behind a mask. against evil, danger and the magical powers of
This seeing only the nice picture is not an excep- other humans than we think. The inner peace of
tion, we make the same mistake in admiring the Bali is a cover, a mask, easily deceiving the West-
Ankhor Watt temples in Cambodia as the summit ern seekers.
of Khmer cul ture, and not as mon strous Angular and defensive building style of
ego-monuments built by ruthless rulers at the temples
expense of the people, and ultimate signs of An indication of what all that “theatrical and
disastrous decadence. masked” holiness and friendliness of the Bali-
Balinese culture was and is seen as enchanted, nese hides, I sensed in the rather angular way their
magical, a paradise. Even today this is the domi- temples are built. Square corners, pointy stones,
nant view; go to Bali to search your inner child, always walls and grating, like defending the sa-
use yoga, massage, art and of course the low cred space against enemy forces. A Balinese tem-
prices to escape your Western problems, find ple is like a fortress, a safe place in the meta-di-
peace. Spirituality is still the banner of Bali, al- mensional sense. By looking at the Balinese
though most young Australians at the Kuta and temples I noticed how defensive they are, with
Seminyak beaches find that in their Bintang beer strong architecture and pointing details, straight
bottles and pep-pills. edges on the corners, no places to hide, entrances
Of course, Balinese women spend sometime and portals of a specific form, copies of copies
30% of their time preparing offerings, placing everywhere. And why is every statue again pro-
them around their house, temples, rice paddies, tected or shielded by a sarong, usually chequered
on all the power spots they can imagine and par- for demonic statues, and white (with gold band)
ticipating in prayer and rituals. How impressive, for more pleas ant de i ties? The chequ ered

(poleng) sarong indicate the ever present polari- course differences. Temples devoted to water for
ties of the Balinese worldview very well. The in- instance had a different layout, but then again the
tersecting black and white squares represents the sur rounding shrines followed the standard pat-
world in terms of dualities, opposites, good and tern. There are small house temples, family or
bad, day and night, gods and under world, clan temples and a number of really large com-
mountain and sea. plexes dedicated to the moon,
These are the temples of a fearful the volcano or the lake. The
people, bowing to the outside larger temple complexes usu-
pressure, pleasantly merging with ally have more shrines for the
intruders and invaders. They hide various deities, sometimes for
their unconscious fears behind the deities of specific clans or
smiles and great but not creative families. As could be expected,
craftsmanship, sticking to tradi- the main path leading up to the
tions that served them well be- shrines usually had higher en-
fore. Not really bowing to the ergy, the height and size of the
Hindu and Buddhist faith but shrines was a good indication
merging, adapting, still retaining of their value (energy level).
the old animistic and ancestor be- but one striking phenomenon
liefs, much like the Tibetans in- was that although most of the
cor po rated the Bon in Bud- worshippers go for the more
dhist/Lamaism with all kinds of modern and recognizable stat-
demons, gods and devas. The Ba- ues of Hindu Gods, and these
linese are flexible, they adapt, for are usually in a central place,
example these days the temple rituals are no lon- there are also, usually in the North-East, shrines
ger strictly planned according to the astrologer’s for statues or stones, hardly recognizable as stat-
divination, but take place at weekends and after ues, that are obviously much older. These older
work hours. With all their modern manners they stones had very much higher energies than the
are however still bound by the allegiance they owe modern ones but very few people will actually go
to family and village (and no-one else, charity and and pray to them. They were not ignored, had de-
social responsibility ranks much higher with cent sarongs around them and in processions
Muslims), by the need to marry and have male would have an honorary place but didn’t seem to
children. Premarital sex is not allowed, but many appeal to the ordinary folk. Some older priests or
wait to marry until a pregnancy guarantees a women seemed to be aware of this but not the
family fu<->ture. common people, also indicating that ritual for
Temple energy them was less of a real contact with the
As I went around the Bali temples I measured the meta-dimensional than a social task, a way to be
energy by divination and checked orientations, seen as a loyal member of the clan, community or
power spots and what objects had the most en- temple-group.
ergy. There were regular patterns, in fact the The cleansing gate: candi bentar
whole energetic layout of the temples and shrines The typical entrance gate of a Balinese temple,
was strikingly similar, usually with three items: an called candi bentar, is quite characteristic and eas-
entrance, an activity and a holy “mandala”. The ily recognized. It has some connection with the
architecture, sometimes dating back to the arrival mythical Mount Meru¸ its two sides representing
of Hinduism which occurred when Islam came two halves of Mount Meru. One of the interest-
to nearby Java in the 11th-century and caused the ing findings was that this gate or portal, consist-
leading Hindu nobility to flee to Bali changed ing of two adjacent pillars with complicated
very little over time. The Pre-Hindu temples forms on the outside but a sharp edge facing the
however, are rare and quite different, and among inside, had quite a different function than indi-
the many, many Hindu temples there are also of cated in textbooks and leaflets about Balinese

temples. They describe the function of these por- spectful of the old site, went to pray there stand-
tals as keeping the demons out, because often ing before that image and ignored the two stone
there is a straight wall behind and demons are altars at the sides. We checked the energy around
supposed to move in straight lines only. and noticed that the old statues, from those altars,
However, as I measured a distinct energy dip in were thrown into the river, by now unrecog-
the portal, a zero-energy level, there was some- nizable except by dowsing.
thing else, not related to demons. I believe these My friend An-Jes felt they were thrown in the
portals, of a specific design and characteristic for river at a time of utter despair, as flooding and
Ba li nese tem ples, act as a maybe other disaster made
cleansing device, a kind of en- the villagers try an ultimate
ergy shower for those who effort to appease the gods.
pass through it. Nor mally The settlement was proba-
there is never a zero energy in bly there, in a hidden bend,
nature, I have measured it only because the river contained
in situations, where there was silver or copper. This disas-
strong (hu man) magic in- ter happened, I feel, some-
volved, like at places where where in the 300-500 AD
trea sures were hid den and timeframe and it would be
magic was used to conceal in ter est ing to check this
such a location. Nor mally the against geological data, as a
energy level is about 20 on my major Krakatau like event
scale, so a zero-energy situa- might then have dramati-
tion is remarkable. Pass the Ba- cally threatened not only
linese portal and you have to Bali but maybe also other
go through a zero-energy field, places. I have always sus-
that kind of cleans your aura pected that the relative dip in
and soul. No water cleansing, European history (the fall of
or washing as in other cultures (the Balinese do the Roman Empire) had something to do with a
have a healthy respect for what water can carry, natural disaster, and a major eruption could have
they use holy water a lot in rituals) but just step- had worldwide effects.
ping through the cleansing gate. The underlying As we checked the newer temple in the village,
magical technology must be pretty strong and ef- not more than a few hundred years old, we found,
fective as we found no gates without that dip, at like in many other temples, a few old stones in the
least in real temples, a make-believe Balinese por- northeast corner. Barely recognizable as statues,
tal in some garden exhibition (Floriade) in the so old and worn were they. Neatly on their own
Netherlands did not have this zero-energy effect. pedestal/temple, sometimes with sarongs but
This magical technology seemed related to the hardly part of the nor mal rituals. Now the energy
Hindu temples. However, we visited a rather hid- of these old stones was so high, outranking the
den and hardly visited pre-Hindu temple near nor mal objects of devotion, that it was stunning.
Ubud. It was a so called Chandi or Candi, the These were objects of worship and reverence of
term for older tombs, temples and structures for midable age, probably stemming from even
built during the 7th to 15th centuries. It turned before the Hindu waves from Java in the twelfth
out to be a very powerful and old place, protect- century and later. A thousand or more years of
ing the village from the river. There were earlier human worship (and the belief in the magical
uses of the zero-field cleansing technology, al- power of stone objects, so abhorred by the decid-
though not with the candi bentar. At a very an- edly anti-magical Sunni Islam) had given these
cient riverbed site, cut out from the rocks, the re- statues, now turned into unrecognizable lumps,
maining statue in the middle had a similar immense energy. Some of the Brahmin elite must
zero-energy cleansing effect. The villagers, re- know about this, as the stones are surely re-

spected and attended to in some way, but the
common folks just do not know. Now there is
much magic (guna guna) on Bali, it is still used a
lot, and it partly explains why so much attention is
given to the five times a day offerings. However
the use of magic is also very much underground,
and magicians, witches and such are at the same
time valued and despised, and even persecuted.
We went to another old temple, at Chandi Dasa
quite a bit above the newer village temple and
again not even mentioned as an important site.
We found a temple built or rebuilt in 1961 but
with an altar containing one of those old stones
of very high energy, no demon statues, only white
and gold sarongs and a magnificent, quiet mood
around. We found it to be much “holier” than the
major temples mentioned as tourist attractions.
In particular, some old stones had energy levels
far in excess of what the villagers actually wor-
shipped in the newer temple downstairs.
Inner child It is also charming, there is less need for durable
The culture of Bali is clearly more interdimensi- masks, they are friendly now but don’t need to
onal, accessing in daily life the extra-dimensional stick to that. On the other hand, their friendly
realm, more in contact with the otherworld, the stance, also bor row ing from their
unseen, the spiritual, the meta-dimensions. For Hindu-Dharma spiritual practice, is a mask itself,
me this means, in the context of the theoretical an escape from a sometimes grim reality. Escape
model of the psyche elsewhere in this book, that from family, fate, caste, poverty is very hard, tour-
the Balinese have found in their belief system and ism (or crime) or marriage outside is the only way.
rituals a way to escape harsh realities. They are But what if you finally manage to get a job on an
more in contact with (parts of) their inner child international cruise-ship? You earn enough to
than we are, and as a result less compelled to act, save 600 dollars a month, but have to spend the
to create, to deal with the future. This means the proceeds of a year on your marriage feast when
Balinese, especially the women are more sensi- you return.
tive, tactile and show a delicacy of feeling. In psy- In my view of anthropology and ritual, the rela-
cho-anthropological terms, this is what sets Bali tion with the “otherworld” is crucial, and is
apart from our modern mindset, where we are mostly in the subconscious layers I call inner
very much less in that mode, we hide behind child (higher self/soul). Recognizing the mask(s)
masks and ego’s. Sex and dreams are how we now and child modes in individuals as well as in larger
connect to this state, also because we have forgot- social entities is essential to understanding them.
ten the link ritual offers here. This inner child As in individuals, societies tend to ignore or deny
mode also has an effect on the Balinese percep- their unconscious drives, the traumas that have
tion of time, and this on their economic stance led to (sub)-personalities. However history again
towards the future, their (lack of) ambition. This and again shows these hidden energies as sud-
of course is related to accepting what is, as a denly erupting, and as the decisive forces and
karmic condition. root causes of the big drama.
Their sense of time is different, with cor respond- Indicating a deeper contact with the inner child
ingly different ways of evaluating profits. They might give the impression, that the Balinese are
think short term: sell now at a high price, and if more holy, more connected than we in the West,
the customer never comes back that’s not a worry. where the inner child is more often ignored. This

is not necessarily so, as the inner child too has lev- eigners, the gods and the higher castes. There is a
els of awareness, and it feels as if the inner child high level of nearly pathological need for new-
of the Balinese is not very developed towards the ness, cleanliness, an obsession to own new
higher and really “holy” levels. It is like a scooters, cars, have the correct clothes, to behave
wounded child, limited to dealing with the mate- “correctly”.
rial things, praying for safety, constructing tem- A policeman in Bali not dressed to perfection is
ples mainly aimed at survival and security. not respected or even obeyed, the exterior and
Religion and chakra focus sticking to the tradition matters in a nearly absurd
Looking at the Balinese they have an interesting way. So much money is spent on having the latest
mix of energies, quite different from the other model of scooter or moped (nearly everyone
Indonesian people. One way to look at that is the working has one), that hardly anything is left for
chakra focus of their religion and culture. The education or escaping the fetters of family, caste
Hindu faith energetically relates most to the third and fate. New, beautiful, status comes with aes-
chakra (truth-power), while the Muslim (and Jew- thetics and fashion, shabbiness is a sin, at least for
ish) are focused on the fifth (voice, ruling the real- the more higher castes or those pretending to be.
ity) and the Christian faith has the fourth chakra So the young girls and boys in the tourism indus-
(love, blood) as its main point. So the Balinese try basically work to pay for their image of mobil-
combination of animistic (first chakra), ancestor ity (on the road and via their mobile), at low
worship (second chakra) and Hindu(third) indi- wages in the tourist industry, and continuing to
cates a fairly practical and sur vival stance on life, rely on their free housing (the family compound
and yet the Buddhist (sixth chakra) adds the vi- or village doesn’t charge for living there) and the
sionary accent. All together an interesting mix, low price of food. They are in fact slaves to the
quite different from the Java energetic spectrum, banks, and external factors such as the economic
and the question remains whether it will sur vive crisis (less tourism) or rising gas prices will
the onslaught of moder n life, moder n threaten their whole existence and lifestyle. No
technology and global tourism. scooter, no mobility, no work, as living in the
Rosy image but a culture of fear tourist places is unthinkable, in cultural and
There is an image of Bali as a paradise, as a peace- financial terms.
ful land of beautiful people mainly concerned Corruption as an antidote to powerlessness
with keeping the forces of nature and the spirits At the same time there is rampant corruption, ev-
in other (meta-)dimensions happy. This is, how- erywhere. This makes me wonder what cor rup-
ever, deceptive, the Bali image is too rosy, too ide- tion really means, it might again be a sign that
alistic, repressing the reality of 80,000 deaths in there is no decent way to escape from the harsh
the KPI-purge (the communist party) in the six- realities of family, caste, village or religion. You
ties, the volcanic threats forever present, the can’t ignore it, as newspapers everyday report on
40,000 orphans hidden from sight, the Hindu-Is- officials involved in cor ruption and fraud, and
lam feud (and the bombings to make that real) usually blame the higher-ups. Not a single Bali-
and doesn’t look much further at what defines the nese I spoke to has not heard about how for mer
Bali mindset. Of course it’s a good promotional president Suharto and his family enriched them-
image, Bali as a holy and blessed paradise, but this selves, but these are the same people routinely
ignores the fundamental dissonances, the fear paying off the policeman, guard or official. As a
that is present, the anxious sticking to the tradi- tourist you are not supposed to see how the driver
tional, the lack of real connection with the deeper with some sleight of hand donates a little here
layers of the psyche. Yes, a large part of the day, and there, and how the police at road-traps des-
especially women, is devoted to offerings and perately try to find some real or on-the-spot
seem ingly spir i tual ac tiv i ties, es pe cially by made-up cause to get some money. How the
women. But on looking and feeling beyond that, workers in the hotels have to share extra income
one sees a petrified tradition based on fear, fear with the higher-ups, how the corruption pyra-
of nature, the volcano, the tsunami, invaders, for- mids per vade everything. How the rich Javanese

and smart westerners use the corruption to get tive, look at what has elsewhere given way to
what they want, at whatever cost to the ecology, western materialism. Great, but something is
the culture or the poor. Caring for nature and the missing. We cannot progress without the wild and
land is part of what in Hindu lore is called the phi- unruly, a fact that one comes face to face with in
losophy of “Tri Hita Karana”; dealing with the Bali, where the culture is so strict, repressive and
divine, fellow man and the World, those are the stagnant. Remember the tame and the wild horse
three pillars. Sounds great, and has become offi- of Plato’s Phaedrus as a model for the psyche.
cial ecospeak, but the reality of stinking rivers, in- Now I wonder whether cor ruption is not a kind
adequate sewers and dirty beaches is more devas- of invisible protest, in the sense that it is the small
tating than can be compensated by cheap labor man’ s need to bribe and therefore corrupt the
sweeping and cleaning the fallen leaves in the ho- system. Unconsciously maybe, but is this not the
tel gardens. The rivers, where they entered the only way to preserve some sense of pride, of
sea, were filled with debris and junk. The ecologi- power over the system? Especially in Bali, where
cally important mangrove swamps unseen by on the one hand the caste system and the family
tourist eyes resembled junkyards and smelt really dwelling and the old desa rule are prevalent, on
foul, as we noticed when we cycled a bit off the the other hand the worldly power lies with bosses,
tracks. investors and officials seen as foreign. The sec-
Bribing and offering are, and I make a strange ond economy of bribes and corruption seems to
bridge here, maybe both psycho-social or even me a natural complement to an overpowering
psycho-magical mechanisms to obtain and en- first economy. Corruption is the people, we are
sure magical power, so much the underlying sen- the corruption as we need at least the illusion of
timent in Bali. The one to the worldly, the other to another way out of the corner we find ourselves.
the intangible, both part of life on an island con-
tinually beset by threats. And maybe it’s good to
remember that Adam and Eve had to leave para-
dise after the first act of bribery, the apple of the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, so corrup-
tion is the essential sin, of revolting against the
overpowering force.
The Balinese are a proud people, and under stress
act as foursquare and angular as their temples, as
the Puputans (killings of whole Royal families by
the Dutch when they ruled Indonesia) in the early
nineteenth century illustrate. Those were not
senseless repressions by the Dutch, killing whole
royal courts but the result of deep integrity issues.
The royals were caught between old adat (cus-
tomary rights) and the treaties they signed with
the Dutch con cer n ing Tawan K arang
(kliprechten-beachcomber rights) and saw no
way out.
Tradition and custom stifle the real development
and prog ress beyond serving the tourists, build-
ing hotels and catering to the investment whims
of the rich. The entrepreneurial spirit, the cre-
ative spark is missing in Bali, and so progress and
change are limited, again something the tourist
board touts as the main asset of the island. There
you can still feel the past, see the romantic primi-

X - The PSI-matrix: a comparision of psychedelics
This matrix gives the character- K=Ketamin, Al = alcohol) in a experiences might vary. They
istics and dimensions of various relative 1-100 numerical relation are given for research and sci-
psychedelic materials (C=Can- (some exceptions). The values entific purposes only. Alcohol
nabis, E= Ectacy MDMA, are not absolute. These are in- has some psychedelic qualities
A=Ayahuasca, L=LSD, dicative, general and approxi- itself.
P=Psilocybin, M=Mescalin, mate values, individual


Alphabetical by title
777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth by Aleister
Crowley (Author), Israel Regardie (Editor, Introduction)
A Manual of Ritual Fire Offerings (in the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism) by Michael Perrott (Au-
thor), Sharpa Tulku (Author), Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (2006), ISBN-13: 978-8186470510.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey (Author), Lucis Publishing Company (2005), ISBN-13:
A Treatise on White Magic or The Way of the Disciple by Alice A. Bailey (Author), Lucis Publishing Com-
pany (1998), I SBN-13: 978-0853301233
Acid Dreams, the complete social history of LSD by Martin A Lee and Bruce Shlain (1985) Grove Press
ISBN 0-8021 3062-3
Agni: The Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar by Frits Staal (Author), Motilal Banarsidass (2010), ISBN-13:
An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present by Doreen Valiente (Author), Phoenix Publishing (1988), ISBN-13:
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean Tradition by Peter Kingsley (Author),
Oxford University Press, USA (1997), ISBN-13: 978-0198150817
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche by Marie-Louise van Franz (1999) Shambala, C.G. Jung Foundation.
ISBN 1-57062-426-7
Are We Spiritual Machines?: Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. by Ray Kurzweil (Author), George F.
Gilder (Author), Jay Richards (Editor)
Beyond the Stony Mountains: Nature in the American West from Lewis and Clark to Today by Daniel B.
Botkin (Author), Oxford University Press, USA (2004), ISBN-13: 978-0195162431
Communication and Culture: An Introduction by Tony Schirato (Author), Susan Yell (Author), Sage Publica-
tions Ltd (2000), ISBN-13: 978-0761968276
Compendium Maleficarum: The Montague Summers Edition by Francesco Maria Guazzo (Author), Dover
Publications (1988), ISBN-13: 978-0486257389
Demystifying Shamans and their world by Stan Krippner and Adam Rock (2011) ISBN 9 781845 402228
Edgar Cayce on prophesy by Mary Ellen Carter (1986) Warner Books
Entropy, a new World view by Jeremy Rifkin with Ted Howard Bantam Books/ The Viking Press (1980)
ISBN 0-553-20215-4
Fire and Civilisation by Johan Goudsblom (Author), Penguin Books (1995), ISBN-13: 978-0140157970
Fire, A Brief History by Stephen J. Pyne (Author), University of Washington Press (2003), ISBN-13:
Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna (1992) Bantam ISBN 0-553-07868-2
Fragments of a Poetics of Fire by Gaston Bachelard (Editor), Suzanne Bachelard (Author), Kenneth
Haltman (Translator), Dallas Inst Humanities & Culture (April 1997), ISBN-13: 978-0911005189
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart (Author), Grey Council (Author), New Page
Books (2004), ISBN-13: 978-1564147110
Homa and other fire rituals in Gandhara by Giovanni Verardi, Napoli :Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1994
[i.e.] 1995. 79 agli Annali vol. 54 (1994), fasc. 2

Hymns to the Mystic Fire by Sri Aurobindo (Author), Lotus Press (1996), ISBN-13: 978-0914955221. Hymns
to Agni from the Rig Veda translated in their esoteric sense.
La gestión del Hombre en la Tierra by Carl O. Sauer (Author), Simposio El Papel del Hombre en el Cambio de
la Faz de la Tierra, Princeton, 1956
La Mettrie: Machine Man and Other Writings (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) by Julien
Offray de La Mettrie (Author), Ann Thomson (Editor), Cambridge University Press; First Edition edition
(1996), ISBN-13: 978-0521478496
La pensée sauvage by Claude Lévi-Strauss (Author), Adler’s Foreign Books Inc (1985), ISBN-13:
La Spiritualité de la Rose-Croix, histoire, tradition et valeur initiatique. Editions Dangles (1990) ISBN
Le Totémisme aujourd’hui by Claude Lévi-Strauss (Author), Presses universitaires de France - PUF (2002),
ISBN-13: 978-2130528784
Liber de potestate et sapientia Dei: Corpus Hermeticum I-XIV, Her mes (Trismegistus.) (Author), Marsilio
Ficino (Author), S.P.E.S. (1471)
Light, soul and visions in the Veda by H.W. Bodewitz, Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (1991),
Post-graduate and Research Department, series; no. 36
Magic: a sociological study by Hutton Webster (Author), Octagon Books (1973), ISBN-13: 978-0374983185
Magic: Its Rites and History by Maurice Bouisson (Author), Ams Pr Inc (1983), ISBN-13: 978-0404184056
Magic: white and black: Practical hints for students of occultism by Franz Hartmann (Author), Aquarian
Press (1969), ISBN-13: 978-0850300444
Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley (Au thor), Castle Books (1992), ISBN-13:
Mystery School edited by Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride 2003
Mysticism and the New Physics by Michael Talbot Routledge & Kegan Paul (1981) ISBN 0-7100-0831-7
Mystiek in de hedendaagse wereld by A.L.S. Bär (Author), Servire (1969)
Mythological and ritual symbolism: a study with reference to the Vedic and tantric Agni by Dipak
Bhattacharya (Author), Govindagopal Mukhopadhyaya (Foreword), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta
Myths by Alexander Eliot (Author), Mircea Eliade (Author), Joseph Campbell (Author), McGraw-Hill (1976),
ISBN-13: 978-0070191938
Myths of the Origin of Fire by Sir James George Frazer (Author), Barnes & Noble Inc (1996), ISBN-13:
Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente (Author), Phoenix Publishing (1985), ISBN-13: 978-0919345805
Neuropolitique by Timothy Leary with R.A. Wilson (1988) New Falcon Publications ISBN 1-56184-012-2
New Edge Technology and Spirituality in the San Francisco Bay Area by Dorien Zandbergen (Dissertation
2011 Univ. Leiden NL)
Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom by Ed-
ward Burnett Tylor (Author), Gordon Press (1974), ISBN-13: 978-0879680916
Prometheus Archetypical Image of Human Existence by Karl Kerényi Princeton University Press
(1946/1963) ISBN 0-691-01907
Psychomagic, the transformative power of Shamanic Psychotherapy by Alejandro Jodorowsky (2004/2010)
Inner Traditions ISBN 978-1-59477-336-5
Real Magic: An Introductory Treatise on the Basic Principles of Yellow Magic by Isaac Bonewits (Author),
Red Wheel / Weiser (1989), ISBN-13: 978-0877286882
Ritual Theory and Techniques by Colin Low (Author), 1998 at

Srautakosa: encyclopaedia of Vedic sacrificial ritual, comprising the two complementary sections, namely, the
Sanskrit section and the English section by Ramchandra Narayan Dandekar (Author), Poona: Vaidika
Samsodhana Mandala (1958-1982)
Tantric Ritual of Japan: feeding the gods, the Shingon fire ritual by Richard K. Payne (Au
thor), Aditya Prakashan (1991), ISBN-13: 978-8185179766
The Anthropology of Religion: An Introduction by Fiona Bowie. (2005) ISBN-13: 978-1405121057
The Brain Book by Peter Russel, Routledge & Kegan Paul (1979) ISBN 0-7100-0706
The daily evening and morning offering (agnihotra) according to the Brahmanas by H.W. Bodewitz, Leiden:
Brill, 1976. - XII, Orientalia rheno-traiectina, ISSN 0169-9504, vol. 21
The Door in the Sky: Coomaraswamy on Myth and Meaning by Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (Author),
Rama P. Coomaraswamy (Editor), Princeton University Press (1997), ISBN-13: 978-0691017471
The Efficacy of Sacrifice: Correspondences in the Rgvedic Brahmanas by Clemens Cavallin (Author),
Göteborg University Department of Religious Studies (2003)
The elements of prophesy by R.J. Stewart by Element Books (1990) ISBN 1-85230 134 1
The Encyclopedia of Religion (16 Vols. in 8) by Mircea Eliade (Editor), MacMillan Reference Books (1993),
ISBN-13: 978-0028971353
The feeling of what happens, by Antonio Damasio (1999) ISBN 90-284 1848-2
The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer (Author), Cairns Craig (Editor), Canongate Books (2011),
The making of religion by Andrew Lang (Author), Nabu Press (2010), ISBN-13: 978-1177319355
The origin and growth of religion: Facts and theories by Wilhelm Schmidt (Author), MacVeagh (1931), ASIN:
The Pravargya Brahmana of the Taittiriya Aranyaka: An Ancient Commentary on the Pravargya Ritual by Jan
E. M. Houben (Author, Editor), Motilal Banarsidass Pub (1991), ISBN-13: 978-8120808683
The Psychoanalysis of Fire by Gaston Bachelard (Author), Alan C. M. Ross (Translator), Northrop Frye
(Foreword), Beacon Press; First Edition edition (January 30, 1987), ISBN-13: 978-0807064610
The Rebirth of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake 1990 Random Century ISBN 0-7126-3775-3
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by J.M. Allegro (1970). London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.
The secret life of plants by Tompkins and Bird, 1973 ISBN 006-091587-0
The Science Delusion by Rupert Sheldrake (2012) ISBN 978 1 444 72794 4
The soul of cyberspace by Jeff Zaleski (1997) ISBN 006251451
The Strange World of Human Sacrifice (Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion) by J. N.
Bremmer (2007), ISBN-13: 978-9042918436
The Yoga of Time Travel by Fred Alan Wolf (2004) Quest Books iSBN 90-202 8408-8
Time and the Technosphere by Jose Argüelles(Author), Bear and Company ISBN 90-202 8378 2
Torah Studies by Lubavitcher Rebbe (Author), Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (Author), Rabbi Jonathan
Sacks (Author, Translator), Kindle Edition, Kehot Publication Society (1996), ASIN: B003BNZQ2A
Understanding the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso (1990) Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN
Voodoo in Haiti by Alfred Métraux (Author) Schocken Books (1972) ISBN 0-8052-0894-1
Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Age by Vivianne Crowley, Aquarian Press (1989), ISBN 90 215 1584 9

Index by name Bell, C. 89,95 Crowley, A. 24,34,
Bell, J. 199 57,68, 73,108,
Bem, D. 462 139 - 140
A ,151,195,204,21
Bennet, J. 184,478
Abraham 76,228 0,317,477,487
Benveniste, J. 326
Abram, D. 45 D
Bergson, H. 177,180 -
Abu Bakr 76 Da Vinci, L. 119
181 ,183,185,465
Adams, P. 219 Dalai Lama 291,309
Berkeley 50,188
Adler, A. 133,459, Damasio, A. 142, 370,
Berne, E. 127,459
473 377,463,465
Blavatsky, H. 68,162,
Akhnaton 167 Darwin, C. 86,387,
Albertus Magnus 79 461
Bludorf, F. 191
Allegro, J. 347,357 Davis, E. 435
Bohm, D. 200,463
Allen, J.P. 163 Dawkins, R. 252,487
Bohr, N. 259
Allen, T. 296 Debord, G. 439
Bonewits, I. 39,208,
Alpert, R. 103 211,213 Dee, J. 237
Alva Noë 465 Bosch, H. 203 Deleuze, G. 324
Amma 48 Botkin, B. 391 Dembski, W. 106
Appelbaum, D. 449 Botton, A. de 298 Dennet, D. 106,463,
Aquinas, T. 220 Bourdieu, P. 274 487
Arguelles, J. 181,191 Bovis 505 Dennett, D. 157,475
Aristotle 86,91, Bovis, A. 310,325 Deryagin 326
135,142,162,259, Descartes 461
Braden, G. 192
293,470 Descartes, R. 461
Breene, K. 427
Armstrong, H. 280 Dessoir, M. 44
Brenan, G. 78
Armstrong, K. 86,90 Diderot 465
Broad, C.D. 175,451
Assagioli, R. 34,73 - 74 Diderot, D. 465
,111,140,495 Bruno, G. 81,104,
188,215,237,253, Doblin, R. 354
Assmann, J. 185
451 Dreyfus 70
Augustine 47,81,
Buddha 76,169 Drury, N. 82,307
,309,455 Dumézil, G. 277
Austin, J. 52
Burger, E. 45,375 Dunbar, R. 41,92,388
Avicenna 167
Burkert, W. 87 Dunne, B. 44
Ayahuasca 517
Butcher, J. 214 Dunne, J.W. 183 - 184
B Bär, A. 104 , 259
Baars, B. 176 Durkheim, E. 39, 49,69
Baars, J. 462 - 71 ,86,122,272
Cameron, V. 239
Bachelard, G. 396 - 275 ,279,288
Campbell, J. 69,82,89
Bailey, A. 57,216 D’Aurillac, G. 79
Canetti, E. }298
Bailey, H. 400 E
Carr, N. 304
Bailey, J. 370 Eckhart, M. 100 - 101
Carroll, P. 299
Barlow, J. 148,307, ,203
Castaneda, C. 129,190
320,378,435 Edelman 461
Cayce, E. 235
Bars, I. 184 Edelman, G. 461
Chardin, T. de 487
Barthes, R. 96 Einstein, A. 177,199,
Cicero, C. 210
Bateson, G. 83 273,284
Clairvaux, Bernard of 78
Bayes, T. 188,201 Eisner 305
Coomaraswamy, A. 82, 230
Beger, H. 314 Eisner, B. 303
Cousto, H. 50,316

Eliade, M 68,89 Goudsblom, J. 391,393 Hofmann, A. 69,107,
Eliade, M. 24,64,82, Grob, C. 103 153, 259,351 -
87,89 Grof, S. 103,240, 352 ,373,466
Eliot, T. S. 183 322,459 Homer 260
Emerson, R. W. 139 Grootveld, R. 376 Houben, J. 430
Emerson, R.W. 133 Guattari, F. 324 Hoyle, F. 170
Emoto, M. 322 Gullichsen, E. 175, 375 Hubbard, R. 26,291
Encausse, G. 81 Gurdjieff, G. 33,65, Hudson, D. 334
Englert, F. 200 319,448,469 Hudson, T. 43
Euhemerus 85 Guzman, D. 78 Huffman, M. 349
Evans-Pritchard, E. 82 Gödel, K. 162,182 Hume, D. 34,103,
F H 8 - 449 ,451
Fadiman, J. 356 Hahneman, S. 326 Husserl, E, 459
Fantuzzi 263,423 Hakim Bey 428,436 Huston Smith, H. 103
Farb, J. aka Hemmelstein 290 Hakim Bey, PLW. 24 Hutchinson, M. 314
Feist, G. 257 Hameroff 463 - 464 Huxley, A 69
Festinger, L. 172 Hammurabi 79 Huxley, A. 93,103,
Ficino, M. 210 Hancock, G. 171 112,175,183,35
Fosar, G. 191 Hansen, M. 42,296 2 - 353 ,448,
Foucault, M. 72,96,381 Harpocrates 404 465
Fox, M. 435 Harris, S. 475 Hüther, G. 359
Foucault, M. 298, 300 Harrison, J. 86,89 I
Frankl, V. 365,474 Harrison, J.E. 91 Iamblichus 167
Franks, N. 322 Harvey, L. 434 Ichazo 377
Frazer, J. 24,58,64, Hawking, S. 182 Ichazo, O. 129,377
68,87,89,108,209, Hearne, K. 314 Idowu, E. 265
279,390 Hebb, D. 291 Imhotep 164
Frazer, W. 276 Hegel, G.W. 71, 459 Ippolita 301
Freud, S. 26,29,50, Heidegger, M. 186,459
73,82,85,89,124,1 Heisenberg, W. 198 - 199, J
73,221,297,314,31 464 Jahn, R. 44
9,340,364,456 - James, J. 437
Hellinger, B. 52,190,
457 ,473
364,378 James, W. 103,113,
G Heraclitos 181, 209 118,279,458,
Galilei, G. 237 Herbert, N. 176,196, 464
GangaJi 99 199,279,305, Janov, A. 458
Gardner 68 465 Janus 288,451
Gardner, G. 98 Her mes Trismegestus 209,255, Jaspers, K. 85
260 Jaxon-Bear, E. 99
Gargajev, P. 191
Higgs, P. 36,42,44, Jaynes, J. 170,465,
Gates, W. 205
195, 200 496
Geertz, C. 273
Hilbert 25 Jobs, S. 90,119,
Gennep, A. van 265
Hillman, J. 162 205
Gibson, W. 214
Hills, C. 373 Jodorowski, A. 376,382
Gilligan, G. 165
Hinton, C. H. 25 Jodorowsky, A. 51, 151,
Gilmore, L. 441 242, 376, 382
Hitler, A. 239, 293
Goffman, K. 437 Jordania, J. 39
Hobbes, T. 471
Goldfrap, C. 164 Josephson, B. 326
Hocart, A. 274
Gosney, M. 434

Julius Ceasar 208 307,320,352 - McTaggart, L. 303,306,
Jung, C. G. 116 353 ,448 337
Jung, C.G. 24 - 26 Leibniz 157 Mead G.H. 126, 459
,39,59,73,117,122 Lethbridge, T. 239 Medici, C. de 210
,140,235,255,400, Levi, E. 81 Mendelejev 338
419,456,494 Levy-Bruhl, L. 213 Merkur, D. 346
K Lewis, C.S. 183 Merleau-Ponty, M. 459
Ka 39 Libet 462 Mermet, A. 239
Kahneman, D. 487 Libet, B. 123,159, Merton, R. 126
Kandel, E.R. 291 247,475 Metcalfe R. 296
Kant, I. 142,182,1 Lilly, J. 141,314 Mettrie, J. de la 106
98,286,449,465,4 Lipton, B. 292 Metzner, R. 374
72,487 Lilly, J. 161 Meyers-Briggs 489
Kapor, M. 435 Locke, J. 461 Michel, C. 442
Karlessi 300 - 301 Lorentz, K 477 Michelangelo 94
Karma 291 Lovelock, J. 325 Minkowski, H. 181
Karr, T. 375 Low, C. 54 Minsky, M. 106
Katie B. 172 Lucero, L. 274,326 Mirandola, P. della 210
Kellogg J.H. 361 Lundell, A. 175,295 Mohammed 66,76,137
Kereny, C. 419 Luther, M. 76,227,273 Monroe, R. 186,314
Kesey, K. 251 Lévi, E. 210 Mosbaugh, J. 438
Kluckhohn, C. 54 Lévi-Strauss, C. 71,82,228, Moses 76,198
Krippner, S. 103,250, 390 Muzafer Sherif 388
312,337 Lévy-Brühl, L. 82 Myers-Briggs 459
Kuhn, T. 72,174 Müller, M. 68,82
Kunkin, A. 334
Machen, A. 210 N
Kurzweil, R.
Malinowski, B. 48,82, Naranjo, C. 129
7 Narby, J. 346
Mani 77
Kussakov 326 Neumann, J. von 174, 195
Mann, M. 275
Newton, I. 259,272
L Margolis, L. 325
Nietzsche, F. 133,
LSD 517 Marteau, P. 378 195,473
LaBerge, S. 314 Martin, B. 245 Nostradamus 235,252
Landon, J. 86 Marx, K. 118, Noë, A. 465
Lang, A. 85 - 86 126,195
Lanier, J. 37,159, Maslow, A. 66,117 - O
175,304,320 118 ,447 Osho-Bhagwan 110, 122,
Lao Tze 324 Mathers, S.L. MacGregor 82 364
Laplace, P. 27 Mauss, M. 228 Obama, B. 389,440
Laplace, P.S. 188,470 McBride, J. 45,255, Osmond, H. 345
Law, C. 214 374,388,420 - Ouspensky, P. 184,
LeShan, L. 202,205 424 204,244
Leach, E. 274 McGilchrist 465 Oxenham, J. 409
Leadbeater, C.W. 53,82,503 McGinn, C. 157,280 P
Leary, L. 374 McKenna, T. 64,69, 107, Pagels, H. 200
170, 351
Leary, T 107,351 Paglia, C. 97
McLuhan, M. 295,299
Leary, T. 52,129, Paglierani, S. 459
148,164,175,303, McTaggart, J. 181
Paracelsus 259

Parmenides 181,209 Reeder, S. 298 Smith, W.R. 87
Pascal 237 Regardie, I. 215 Smith, Z. 300
Patanjali 187 Rhine, J. 44 Socrates 47,80,85
Pauli 259 Robertson-Smith 82 - 86 ,172,303
Pauli, W. 198 Rogers, C. 124,458 - Speer, A. 293
Pavlov, I. 459 459 Spinner, A. 421,423
Penrose, R. 123,176, Rojas Alba, H. 413 Spinoza, B. 467
182,186,463 Rosen, N. 199 Spinoza, B. de 286,471
Perls, F. 459 Rucker, R. 25,182 - Sri Chinmoy 122
Pesce, M. 83,298, 183 St. Francis 136
380,412,435 Russell, K. 161 Staal, F. 53,395,
Piaget, J. 279,459, 430,432
463 Stapp, H. 176,464
Stapp, H. 174
Pike, A. 402 Steindl-Rast, D. 99,373
Sagan, C. 280
Pinchbeck, D. 378 Steiner, R. 24,143,
Sahagun 414
Plato 26 - 27 ,29, 284,477
47,60,80,85,91, Sala, M. 433
Stewart, R. 240
144,162,184,260, Sala. M. 438
Stiegler, B. 302
287,300, 302 - Samorini, G. 348 - 349
Stonehenge 510
304 ,306, 416 Sauer, C.O. 391
,459, 477,485 - Sykes, B. 169
Sayre, L. 361
487 , 497, 516 Sâshkhya 216
Schauberger, V. 326
Plotinus 101,167, T
Schopenhauer, A. 24,34, 81,
133,154 - 155 Tajfel, H. 462
Podolsky, B. 199 ,472 Takata, E. 377
Poincaré 280 Schrödinger, E. 198, 201, Talbot, M. 240
Poincaré, H. 280 259 Teilhard de Chardin, P. 190,296,
Pompadour, Madame de188 Sen, A. 458 335,337,465
Poonjaji 109 Sesa, B. 354 Thomas 455
Popper, K. 144 Shakespeare, W. 197 Thomas Aquinas 78,81,161
Potter, H. 214,339 - Shankara 102 - 162 ,471
340 Shannon, C. 28 Thoreau, H. 394
Pribram, K. 240 Sheldrake, R. 24,39, Till, J. van 322
Priestly, J. B. 183 44,48, 83,97, Tolkien 183
Prigogine, I. 186,189, 180,191,196,208, Tomatis, A. 339
193 235,247,249,279,
Tompkins, P. 311
Pringle, A. 350 337,465
Trismegetus 260
Ptolemy 259 Shermer, M. 38
Turner, J. 462
Pyne, S.J. 390 Shils 87
Turner, R. 118
Pythag oras 209,259, Shulgin, A. 107,259,
351 Turner, V. 24,39,
50,59,69 - 70
Siegel, R. 348
Q ,122,127,214,
Sigman, A. 478 221,233,273,
Quinn, D. 279
Silverstein, M. 39 275,467
R Sirius, R.U. 175, 435 Tylor, E. B. 82,85
Ra Uru Hu 289,455 Sitchin, Z. 332,350 Tylor, E.B. 64,89,
Radcliffe-Brown, A. 272 Skinner, B. 459 272,279
Ram Dass 103 Smith, H. 69
Ramana Maharshi 109 Smith, K. 95
Underhill, E. 103,121

V Zhuangzi 314 categorical imperative 156,176,
Van Gennep, A. 50,70 Zoroaster 208,402 471
Varela, F. 462 Zöllner, J.C.F. 25 catharism 77
Va}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af31507\afs24 cathedral 93
\ltrch\fcs0 causal body 270
Index by subject
\f39\fs24\insrsi causality 193
d12718577\charr causation 469
sid12718577 A chakra 237,267
rela,}{\rtlch\fcs aboriginal 183
chandi 513
1 \af39\afs24 acid test 251
\ltrch\fcs0 chaos magic 299
albigensian crusade 78
\f39\fs24\insrsi cognitive dissonance 172,229
alchemy 255
d15480670\charr comet 170
sid12718577 F. alcohol 255
communism 229
305 altar 407
communitas 233,433,
Velikovsky 165 altered states 161 439
Vernadsky, V. 296 amulet 163 confir mation 223
Verne, J. 214 ancestor worship 265 conscience 176
Vinkenoog, S. 148 ancestor-veneration 509 correspondence 91,209
Virgil 317 anima 161 ,217
animism 279 correspondences 107
anthroposophy 477 cosmic fire 215
Wrangham, R. 387
anti-entropic 201 coyote 86
Waldbillig, K. 301
apps 303 craft 98
Wallis Budge, E. 166
art 385 cultural creative 442
Wasson, R.G. 347
astrology 204 cyber-alchemist 295
Weizenbaum, J. 303
aura 267 cybercongregation 433
Wheeler, J. 159
auto-sug gestion 275 cybermagic 299
White, T.H. 177
avesta 217 cyberpagan 299
Whitehead, A. 185
ayahuasca 101,478 cyberpaganism 298
Wigner, E. 195,202
B cyberspace 195,295,
Wigner , E. 174
Williams, C. 183 b-theory 181
Willowroot, A. 341 ba 39,106,385 D
Wilson, R.A. 375 bali 509,511 dasein 186
Wolf, F.A. 121,174, baptism 321 data-bombardment 197
182,187,238 bayesian probability 188 de Loyola, I. 455
Wordsworth, W. 154 bicameralism 465 decommodification 440
Wundt, W. 459 big bang 323 deja-vu 183
Wyatt, L. 85,146,170 biodanza 442 demiurge 78
black magic 74 deter minism 189,469
blacksmith 257 digerati 302
Xunzi 80,273,298
bowerbirds 92 digital be-in 435
Y burner 433 disintegration 434
Yeats, W.B. 210 burning man 387,433 divination 239,465
Z butterfly program 293 divining 482
Zaehner, R. 104 djet 185
Zandbergen, D. 68,435 dna 174,191,
card-guessing 481
Zell, O. 208 239,469
doors of perception 93

dream-obser vations 176, 184 H law of synchronicity 211
dreamtime 156,463 hallucination 251 law of time 181
dunbar’s number 296 heka 163 libation 408
henosis 101 liminality 467
heresy 78 logotherapy 474
efficacy 98
her metic 400 lone wolf syndrome 298
effigy 442
hermeticism 209 lsd 101,205
egypt 164
holy mass 77,207 lucifer 401
eleusinian mysteries 93
human design system 289 luck 400
enneagram 439,478
entropy 187,189, human sacrif ice 231, 501 M
323 hype-economy 195 m-brane theory 182
epigenetics 191 hyper-links 217 magick 197
ethereal body 269 hypercommunication 192 manichaeism 77
ethics 287 I materialist 74
eurythmy 478 i ching 243, 289 maya 2012 435
evolution 193 iCulture 439 maya calendar 235
extra-dimensional 107 iidiot 245 maya prophesy 180
extraterrestrial 170 imagery 247 meaning 434
F implicate order 463 memory 463
facebo ok 300 indulgence 229 mental rehearsal 463
faith healing 202 infor mation age 197 mentalism 209
family constellations 190 infotheism 302, 401 meta-dimensional 107
feedback 188 initiation 221 mian xiang 249
feedforward 188 inner child state 202 mind at large 112,175
fine art 94 inquisition 79 mind at large 175
fomo 299 intellectual property 96 mind mirror 303
for malism 273 intentionality 140 mind-at-large 291
fourth way 245 internal time 189 mindstate 202
free will 184, introspection 172 mindware 303
190,469 isformation 195 mnemonic 253
freemasonry 215 mondo2000 298
funeral rites 225 morality 193,287
ka 165
future tail 188,481 morphic 279
kabbalah 75
morphogenetic field 180,249
G karma 209,283
morphogenetic resonance
gaia 161,325 kemeticism 185 481
gates 408 khaibit 167 mourning 225
gift 440 khmer 511 multiverse 173
global consciousness project kirlian photography 269 mummy 164
336 kundabuffer 160 mushroom cult 77
gnosis 299 kundalini 400 mushrooms 170
gnosticism 204,435
L mysterion 221
golden dawn 215
law of association 211 mystery tradition 98
grimoire 203
law of attraction 190,213 mysticism 99,101
group mind 267,337
law of consent 213 myth 271
guardian spirit 251
law of similarity 211 mythology 277
law of sympathy 213

N preconscious 456 self-awareness 172
near death experience 186 probability 188,197, self-awareness theory 461
neopaganism 98 201 sensory deprivation 172
neuro linguistic programming process philosophy 185 sensory deprivation 168
291, 479 procession 225 sexuality 400
neuro-linguistics 197 profiling 297 shaman 251,255
new age 435 prophecy 237 shamanic state 176
new edge 435 proto-conscious 463 shamanism 101,103
new edge movement 298 psi 481 silicon path 295
noahide laws 293 psychology of science 257 singularity 287
noble savage 77,227 psyche 109 social media 205
non-locality 197 psychomagic 241 soma 97
noumenon 471 psychonaut 298 soul 162
psylocybin 101 string theory 200
puranas 182 subconscious 456
obe 180
pyrotechnics 411 subpersonality 173
officiator 97
Q subtle energy 441
ogoh-ogoh 509
qbism 189,201 sundance 96,251
orchestrated objective reduction
Orch OR quantum-sensitivity 205 super-ego 173
463 quantum animism 279 superego 456
originator 91 quantum physics 176 superstring 200
quantum tantra 466 synchronicity 149
paganism 435 quantum-state 197 T
pagerank 300 R taboo 221,225
paleolithic 91 radical transparency 301 tantra 182
panpsychism 279 rainbow festival 438 tarot 243
panta rhei 321 rapture 101 teleological 190
paradigm 174,190 readiness potential 475 templar 78
parallel universes 187 reality hackers 107 temple 509,511
parapsychology 195, refor mation 79,229 temporary autonomous zone
202,481 436
relativity theory 182
patternist 467 terrorism 298
religion 271
penance 229 the secret 247
rem-sleep 481
pendulum 239,482, theatre 91
rites of passage 233
509 theistic 105
ritual art 93
perception 178 thelema 140
runes 243
performer 97 theory of mind 479
philosophers stone 259 S theosophy
phusis 184 sacrament 219 162,216,4
pilgrimage 229,439 sacrifice 76,227 38
playa 433 samhain 412 ther modynamics 189
polarity 209 samskaras 223 theurgy 167
portal 513 satan 78 thought-wave 205
post-structuralists 97 satsang 109 thought-waves 267
praying 337 scientology 215 totem 251
pre-humanoid 271 scrying 243 tree of life 241
precognition 183 secondary consciousness tribes of magic 279

twister theory 463
u 293
unconscious 105,456
vedas 217
vedic 275
visualization 247
voice dialogue 298
voodoo 231
wikipedia 300
wand 339
water 321
wave function 189
weak ties 42
widdershins 408
will 140
witch-hunts 79
wizard 177
wonderwork cave 387
ying-yang 203
yoga 186,442
zen 257


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