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Assessment Task 1
Written Assessment Task Details
Weighting: graded 50%
Length and/or format: 1800 words +/- 10%.
Purpose: This is a summative written assessment based on a surgical case study requiring
appraisal of an individual’s holistic health care needs and subsequent interventions and
management to assist with the application of theory into practice
Assessment criteria: please see the marking rubric at the end of this assessment.
**Please note that in-text citations are included in the word count whilst the reference list is
not included in the word count. Words that are more than 10% over the word count will not
be considered.

Assessment Task 1 - Case Study

Edward (Ted) Williams
Edward (Ted) Williams is an 82year old male who is day 4 post-operative following a bowel
resection and formation of a temporary colostomy. Ted had previously had a coloscopy and biopsy
that confirmed a malignant mass. He has a past medical history of; heart failure, type II diabetes
melilites, obesity and gout. (BMI 37.6m2; Height 175cm; weight 115kgs)

Ted is a widower and lives alone. His wife died 3 years ago following a bout of pneumonia. One
year ago, Ted moved into a retirement village located in a regional area two and a half hours from
the city. The retirement village is near where he lived with his wife and children until they left home.
Ted has 2 grown up children, a son Christopher who lives overseas with his wife and son, and a
daughter Janice who lives with her husband and 3 children in the city. While Ted lives alone, he has
a partner Gwen 78, who also lives in the same retirement village as Ted.

Current medication:

• Metformin 500mg Mane

• Captopril 12.5mg mane
• Frusemide 40mg mane
o Allopurinol 100mg Daily
o Paracetamol 1g QID

Ted is now day 4 post op. He was Nil By Mouth (NBM) for the first 48 hours after surgery.
Yesterday he commenced on a full fluid diet and has upgraded to a light diet yesterday evening.
Today, Ted was given his regular metformin and ate breakfast. Since then Ted has vomited twice
and feels nauseous. He has been given ondansetron 4mg for nausea.
Teds vital signs at 10am are as follows: T 38.1; HR 98 reg; BP 135/85; RR 26; SpO2 94% on 3L
NP. He has right sided inspiratory coarse crackles and he has a moist productive cough. He has
PCA morphine in situ for effective pain regulation. Ted has some abdominal pain that he says is at
a scale of 4-5/10, he says the pain worsens on palpation to 7/10 and you note that his abdomen is
distended. The colostomy bag is intact and the stoma can be sighted through the bag. The stoma is
warm, pink, moist and slightly raised above the skin. There has been no output since his surgery.
He has sluggish bowel sounds and has not passed flatus. The abdominal laparotomy has a clear
occlusive dressing (opsite) and there is minimal ooze present. He has a redivac drain with 30mls of
haemoserous fluid, and a urinary catheter in situ and is passing approx. 60-70mls of urine/hr.

Assessment Instructions and Resources

Assessment Task 1 Questions

Question 1: Use stage one of the clinical reasoning cycle (CRC) ‘Consider the patient situation’ to
identify the biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural impacts of Ted’s surgery for him and his family
[Hint: use the RLT model in your answer]

Question 2: The information for stage two of the CRC collect cues and information has been
provided for you in the case study. Use this information to provide responses to CRC stages three
‘Process the information’ and stage four ‘Identify Problems.’ Please link to pathophysiology and
provide evidence from the literature to support your thinking. (600words)

Question 3: Using stage five of the CRC Establish goals outline and justify (5) nursing care
interventions/strategies the registered nurse would implement to provide care for Ted. Justify your
thinking with links to current peer reviewed evidence and literature (600words)
[Hint: can be in dot point format]

Question 4: Select two classes of drugs that would be used to manage Ted’s post operative
condition. Please provide a rationale for why that drug class would be suitable for Ted. Provide a
detailed description of the pharmaco-dynamics of each of the selected class of drug as well as the
potential side effects and the nursing implications for administration (250 words)

[Hint: How do they work? How would it help Ted resolve his
Assessment Task 1 Helpful Hints
Hints for completing this assessment:

• Please review the marking Rubric and see the weighting for each question. This should guide
your answers along with the suggested word limit for each. Note: word limits are suggestion
ONLY. The whole assessment is 1800words +/-10%

• This is not an essay however I do expect full sentence structure and academic writing,

• The word count is minimal therefore your answers need to be concise. (this is a skill of
academic writing). You do not have the word limit to ramble.

• Please use headings such as 'Question 1'; 'Question 2' etc. and then answer the question
beneath. This will save your word count.

• For Question 3 you can use dot points for each intervention to save on word count but please
maintain proper sentences structure. And you still must provide enough explanation so the
reader knows what your nursing intervention involves and why?

• For Question 4 for instance name/state the class of drug and then answer the question. It does
not require a leading sentence

Assessment Task 1 Case Study Marking Rubric 50%

Criterion High Destinction Distinction Credit Pas

(75-84%) (65-74%) (50-
Q1: Identify the Provides Provides a solid Provides an Pro
biopsychosocial, comprehensive undertanding of the understanding of the und
spiritual and cultural understanding of the biopsychosocial, biopsychosocial, biop
impacts of surgery for biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural spiritual and cultural spir
Ted and his family spiritual and cultural factors influencing care factors influencing care fact
factors influencing care for Ted and his family for Ted and his family for T
for Ted and his family by covering most of the by addressing a lot of by c
(15%) by covering all the necessary factors the necessary factors the
necessary factors

(12.75 - 15)
(11.25 – 12.74) (9.75 – 11.24) (7.5
Q2: Provide responses Provides Provides a solid Provides some Pro
to Stage three and comprehensive discussion and discussion of the disc
four of CRC by discussion and indentification of the pathophysiology and iden
processing the identification of the underlying identifies 2 patient und
information and underlying pathophysiology and problems with some path
identifying patient pathophysiology and identifies 2 or more justification by literature iden
problems identifies 2 or more patient problems and some links to case prob
patient problems justified by literature study to li
justified by literature and strong links to case min
(30%) and comprehensively study. stud
links to case study
(19.5 – 22.4)
(25.5 - 30)
(22.5 - 25.4)
Q3: Establish goals Patient care goals Patient care goals Patient care goals Pat
outline and justify (5) clearly identified using clearly identified usingclearly identified. (4 to ade
nursing care SMART objectives. (5) SMART ojectives. (5) 5) nursing care to 4
interventions/ strategies nursing care nursing care interventions stated. inte
the registered nurse interventionsidentified. interventions stated The care plan was logi
would implement to The care plan was cohesive and pres
The care plan was
provide care for Ted. articulate, logical, logical. A number of des
cohesive, logical and
Justify with balanced and key areas are covered stru
evidence/literature to convincing. All demonstrating an sati
demonstrating great
support. important aspects are understanding of the of s
knowledge of the key
covered demonstrating important prov
areas. A strong
comprehensive issues. Some attempt und
attempt at analysis and
(30%) knowledge of the key at analysis and critique dem
areas. Comprehensive was made.
analysis and critique
(19.5 – 22.4)
(25.5 - 30)
(22.5 - 25.4)
Q4: select two classes Two (2) classes of Two (2) classes of Two (2) classes of Two
of drugs that would be drugs appropriately drugs appropriately drugs appropriately drug
used to manage Ted’s identified with rationale identified with rationale identified with some iden
Post operative of benefits. of benefits. rationale provided. prov
condition. Please
A comprehensive A detailed Some understanding of Min
provide a rationale for
understanding and understanding of the pharmaco-dynamic, pha
why that drug class
explanation of the pharmaco-dynamic, potential side effects pote
would be suitable or
pharmaco-dynamic, potential side effects and nursing and
potential side effects and nursing implications for imp
(15%) and nursing implications for administration are adm
implications for administration are provided prov
administration are
(9.75 – 11.24) (7.5
(11.25 – 12.74)
(12.75 - 15)
Mechanis- Grammar, There are no errors There are no errors There are minimal The
spelling and with grammar, spelling with grammar, spelling errors with grammar, with
punctuation and punctuation that and punctuation that spelling and and
impact readability, and impact readability, and punctuation that impact imp
the meaning is easily the meaning is easily readability, and the How
(5%) discernible. The case discernible. meaning is easily is d
study reads without discernible.

(4.25 - 5)
(3.75 – 4.2) (2.5
(3.25 – 3.7)
Referencing All In text citations and One error in the in text Two errors in the in text Thr
reference list are citation and/or citation and/or text
correct and use APA reference list (Based on reference list (Based on refe
(5%) style. Textbooks, APA style). Textbooks, APA style). Textbooks APA
authoritative websites, authoritative websites and authoritative prov
systematic reviews and and journal articles websites provided.
journal articles provided.

(3.25 – 3.7)
(4.25 - 5) (2.5
(3.75 – 4.2)

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