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Tubli (Derris elliptica benth) Extract and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Oil as Alternative

Pesticides specifically for Termites (Varies isopteras)

A Research Project Proposal

A research paper presented to the faculty of

Caraga Regional Science High School

Sigmund Adrian E. Alaba

Lunz Riscian J. Parajes
Charl Peter Gerida
Charmaine O. Cimena

Wilmar P. Colon

S.Y. 2019 - 2020


The writing of this Science Investigatory Project was made possible because of the

astonishing assistance and generosity of innumerable individuals who were very supportive

to make this a befitting fulfilment in inspite of the challenges often encountered by the


The researchers wish to express their profound gratitude and grateful indebtedness to

those people who have been more than generous in sharing their precious time and expertise

whose inspiration, cooperation, have directly and indirectly contributed to the realization and

completion of this simple Science Investigatory Project.

Our sincere felicitations to:

Mrs. Marygen S. Cuadra, teacher of Caraga Regional Science High School as the

Chemistry-Physics laboratory in-charge with the approval of the CRSHS Principal Ms.

Ma.Luisa A. Guya for allowing us to utilize the laboratory to conduct the study.

Mr. Wilmar P. Colon for making us do the Science Investogatory Project also known

as SIP.

To the teachers of Caraga Regional Science High School for their honest

commitment in building strong educational foundation to each and every student of the

school especially the researchers.

Our deepest gratitude:

To our dear parents, whose undying love, financial support, unceasing inspiration and

constant prayers inspire us to go on our journey in life.


Tubli (Derris elliptica benth) are widely available in the tropics and their twigs and roots

have been used as natural pesticides in artisanal fisheries and aquaculture pond. The use of plant

pesticides such as Tephrosia candida, Tephrosia purpurea, Mundulea sericea, Acacia pennata (Weiss

1973), Adenia cissampeliodes (Morah, 1985), Tetrapleura tetraptera Parkia filicoids, Tephrosia

vogelii is common among fish farmers in controlling pests and predators.

 Termites (Isoptera). “Iso”means equal and the “ptera” means wings and together it would mean

“equal wings.”Commonly, termites live in wooden structures, decayed trees, and soil. Habitats vary

among species as some termites require different amounts of moisture. The pests are found in

greater numbers in tropical regions where living conditions for termites is optimal.

Lemon grass is a very popular and used for medicinal, food and insect repellent products.

The lemon grass oils are used in cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, dyes and odorizes along with

thousands of other products. Lemon grass has thin stems, and the flowers are white, cream or green.

It grows around 8 feet in height in some cases but in majority it grows around 4 feet.

Cymbopogoncitratus also known as lemon grass or in our local term tanglad is mainly found in

tropical Asia in countries such as India, Myanmar, Malaysia and Philippines

The researcher has collected the following materials, 3 containers, tubli roots, test tubes,

dropper, lemon grass. The researchers look for the tubli roots near the swampy area. And the lemon

grass was bought cheaply in the market.



Title Page I

Acknowledgment II

Abstract III

Table of Contents IV


I Introduction V

Statement of the Problem 1

Hypothesis 2

Significance of the Study 2

Scope and Limitation 2

Definition of Terms 3

Review of Related Literature 3-5

II Materials and Methods 6-8

III Results and Discussion 9

IV Summary, Conclusion & Recommendation 10-12

Pictorials 13

References 14



Background of the Study

Tubli (Derris elliptica benth) is a poisonous vine that has a branches covered with brown

hairs. Leaves are pinnate and 30 to 50 centimetres long, leaflets are usually oblong, 9 to 13, when

matured smooth above and silky beneath, 10 to 15 centimeters long, and about half as broad. Pods

are 5 to 8 centimetres long and contain 1 to 3 seeds, flat and reniform, olive, brown or black. Tubli’s

roots contain rotenone, a slow acting poison which is highly toxic to pests and insects but relatively

non-toxic to plants and animals. Rotenone is degraded when exposed to sunlight and has a half-life

of only one to three days, thus posing a very low environmental hazard. This is known to be used as

fish poison, as traditionally done here in Philippines, but this is not legal because it kills the big

fishes and their offspring. Tubli is poison to cold blooded creatures like insect insects, pest and

marine organisms.

Nowadays people are engaged to many household problems because of termite’s infestation

in our homes. Termites are invasive pests that cause considerable damage to homes across the

country. Termites are attracted to areas where moisture accumulates in and around your home,

including damp basements, laundry rooms, bathrooms and leaky foundation walls. One way to

control termites’ infestation is by using Friponil, Imidacloprid, and Hexaflumuron, are a broad class

of pesticides.One way to help minimize the use of synthetic products, the one method is the use

alternative pesticides by using plants. One of this the tubli plant (Derris elliptica benth)

complemented by lemongrass oil, with its pleasing aroma to create an effective insecticide without

harming the health of individuals.



This chapter presents the discussion on the research design, research setting, research

subjects, research instruments, and the data collection procedures.

Research Design

This study utilized Prospective Randomized Trial.

Research Setting

The Tubli plants were obtained in one of the researchers' residence at Purok 3 Sitio Cayutan,

Cagniog, Surigao City. The lemon grass was locally farmed in one of the researcher’s garden. The

monitoring on the termites habitat was done on the same residence and in one of the school in city.

The preparation of the tubli root extract and lemon grass extract will be conducted at the house of

one of the researcher and the chemistry-laboratory lab at Caraga Regional Science High School

provided with precautionary measures.

Research Subjects

The research subjects are the termites colony found in houses or even in schools.

Research Instruments

The study utilized plastic cups, containers, sprayer, beaker, tubli roots extract, lemon grass

extract and an observation sheets.


1. Collection of tubli roots and lemon grass - The researchers have gathered tubli roots in

swampy areas and the lemon grass on one of the researcher’s garden.

2. Extractions of tubli roots and lemon grass - The researchers have extracted the tubli roots by

pounding/crushing in water and the lemon grass by chopping it to small pieces and placing it

in boiling water.

3. Bottling the tubli roots and lemon grass extract - The researchers have bottled the extracts of

tubli roots and lemon grass.

4. Collection of termites - The researchers have collected termites near the local area.

5. Application of tubli roots and lemon grass extract - The researchers have applied the extracts

of tubli roots and lemon grass to the termites.

6. Observation of termites terminated - After the researchers applied the extracts of tubli roots

and lemon grass to the termites, the researchers have observed the mortality rate of the


7. Analyzing and Interpreting the result - After the researchers observed the termites, the

researchers have analyzed and interpreted the results.


Collection of tubli roots and

lemon grass

Extractions of tubli roots and

lemon grass

Bottling the tubli roots extract

and lemon grass extract

Collection of termites

Application of tubli roots extract and lemon grass extract

Observation on termites terminated

Analysing and interpreting the result VIII



This chapter presents the results and discussions under Science Investigatory Project. The

presentation based on the data collection procedures presented by the researchers.

Table 1: Trial 1 Termites Termination

No. of Termites Time Used Drops Mortality

Sample 1 20 5 min 3 13

Sample 2 20 5 min 3 11

Sample 3 20 5 min 3 18

The researchers findings suggest that Tubli Root Extract is a poisonous substance that

poisons living things not as fast as traditional poison. Lemongrass extract was not a good candidate

as insecticide to termites, but it did have made the termites act unexpectedly, trying to escape the

lemongrass extract. When the researchers mixed the two extracts, the researchers have found a slight

but not significant change in the time it took to kill the termites. The difference of the three, is that

tubli extract alone is slow, the lemongrass was slower than the tubli extract but when combined, it

became slightly faster.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions, and recommendations based

on the results of the study.


This study focused on the use of tubli (Derris elliptica benth) roots extract and Lemongrass

Extract (Cymbopogon citratus) as a potential insecticide on termites. This study sought answer to

the problem:

The experimental type of research was used and the study is under Science Investigatory

Project. The interpretation of results based on the data collection procedures presented by the


The use of tubli (Derris elliptica benth) roots extract as potential insecticides for termites

(Varies Isoptera), is the most economical, environmentally friendly way of lessening our problems

especially on household termites. This is one way of promoting local and native plants available

within the locality.

The use of lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) extract as potential insecticides for termites

(Varies isoptera), is a good, economical and friendly way to the environment. It helps people who

have no access to traditional pesticides.


The following were the findings:

1. It was after 5 minutes after applying of 3 sprays which contain tubli (Derris elliptica

benth) roots and lemon grass(Cymbopogon citratus) extract, when termites were terminated.

2. It shows within 5 minutes allotted time of observation, after applying of 3 sprays which

contain tubli (Derris elliptica benth) roots extract and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus)

extract, most termites were exterminated

3. Tubli roots with the extract of lemon grass is not a feasible way to exterminate termites.


Based on the findings of this research, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Tubli (Derris elliptica benth) roots extract and Lemograss (Cymbopogon citratus) is not a

potential insecticides for termites after a series of experimental procedures.

2. Tubli roots extract and lemongrass extract used as sprays can possibly terminate termites.

3. Tubli roots when crushed releases rotenone. Lemongrass oil extracted has a small chance

of terminating insects, but not humans. Lemongrass can also be used to repel certain insects.


For future researchers, they must do more experiments, more setups rather than just using

one setup to maximize results. Using more potent substances rather than lemon grass, or add another

substance that will amplify the effect. Use more of the extracts to make the experiment successful

and adding less lemon grass extract rather than tubli extract to exterminate the termites.


Figure 1: Collection of Tubli Roots Figure 2: Extraction of Tubli Root

Figure 3: Bottling of Extracts Figure 4: Collection of Termites

Fsigure 5: Application of Extracts



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