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4, AUGUST 2018 1787

An Innovative Two-Layer Multiple-DOF Seat

Suspension for Vehicle Whole Body
Vibration Control
Donghong Ning, Haiping Du , Member, IEEE, Shuaishuai Sun,
Weihua Li , Member, IEEE, and Bangji Zhang

Abstract—This paper proposes an innovative two-layer top-layer and the bottom-layer is small; with the proposed
multiple-degree-of-freedom (multiple-DOF) seat suspension multiple-DOF seat suspension, the WBV in five DOFs can
for reducing the whole body vibration (WBV) of heavy-duty be reduced simultaneously.
vehicle drivers. This seat suspension is composed of a
bottom-layer suspension for vertical vibration control and Index Terms—Heavy-duty vehicles, multiple-degree-of-
a top-layer suspension with two independently controlled freedom (multiple-DOF) seat suspension, vibration control,
rotational DOFs. The proposed seat suspension can con- whole body vibration.
trol the vibration of the driver’s body in five DOFs except
the yaw vibration, which has least effect on humans, with
only three actuators; though the five DOFs cannot be fully I. INTRODUCTION
reduced by the three actuators, all of their magnitudes can
HE WHOLE body vibration (WBV) of heavy-duty ve-
be decreased. Another advantage of a two-layer structure is
that the vertical vibration reduction can be decoupled from
controlling the lateral trunk bending and forward flexion of
T hicle drivers has been widely studied [1]–[4], where the
connection between long-term exposure to WBV and occupa-
the driver’s body, because the fact that the most sensitive tional health issue has been identified. Lower back pain, which
frequency contents of the vertical vibration to human are has been identified as one of the most burdening health prob-
much higher than the frequency content of other four DOFs
vibrations. The top-layer suspension is tested then its ro- lems [5], is linked with WBV exposure. In many industries,
tational stiffness and friction are identified. A decoupled WBV is hazardous to the employee’s health [6]. The WBV of
model is derived and used in order to design a controller heavy haul trucks drivers’ in overburden mining poses an appre-
for the top-layer suspension. Experiments are implemented ciable health hazard [7]. The forestry skidder seats can amplify
where the random roll and pitch vibration with random ver- the WBV accelerations occurring at the seat/operator interface
tical vibration are exerted on the seat suspension base, re-
spectively. The results indicate that the interaction of the compared with the corresponding values of the chassis [8]. Jack
et al. [9] quantified the six-degree-of-freedom (six-DOF) WBV
exposure levels of skidders during routine field operating tasks,
Manuscript received February 28, 2017; revised July 16, 2017, Novem- and it was interesting to note that the operators who reported
ber 11, 2017, and February 28, 2018; accepted May 6, 2018. Date of
publication May 16, 2018; date of current version August 14, 2018. Rec- low back pain and neck pain were those who experienced the
ommended by Technical Editor Liangyao Yu. This work was supported lateral trunk bending and forward flexion at the longest time;
in part by the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects funding among the three rotational vibrations, roll, pitch and yaw, the
scheme under Project LP160100132, in part by the University of Wol-
longong and China Scholarship Council joint scholarships under Grant yaw vibration has the smallest magnitude. All the studies have
201306300043, and in part by the Open Research Fund Program of the confirmed that the WBV is hazardous to drivers’ health; in
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle heavy-duty vehicles, the magnitude of WBV is high, which has
Body, Hunan University under Grant 31515001. (Corresponding author:
Haiping Du.) not seen much improvement over the past two decades due to
D. Ning is with the Automotive Research Institute, Hefei University of the limited attention paid to the development of a multiple-DOF
Technology, Hefei 230000, China, and also with the School of Electrical, seat suspension for WBV control.
Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Wollon-
gong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia (e-mail: dning@uow.edu.au). Three types of single-DOF seat suspension have been exten-
H. Du is with the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunica- sively studied: the passive, semiactive, and active seat suspen-
tions Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, sions. For the passive seat suspension, which has been widely
Australia (e-mail: hdu@uow.edu.au).
S. Sun and W. Li are with the School of Mechanical, Material, Mecha- applied in heavy-duty vehicles due to its low price, it is diffi-
tronics and Biomedical Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollon- cult to optimize its performance around the resonance frequency
gong, NSW 2522, Australia (e-mail: ss886@uowmail.edu.au; weihuali@ [10]. The semiactive seat suspension can adjust its parameters
B. Zhang is with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and based on the vibration, where the electrorheological (ER) and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, magnetorheological (MR) seat suspensions have been proposed
China(e-mail: bangjizhang@hnu.edu.cn). with tunable damping [11]–[13] and variable stiffness seat sus-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. pensions have been proposed with MR elastomer [14], [15].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMECH.2018.2837155 The active seat suspension designs have been proposed with
1083-4435 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

different actuators. These include both rotary [16], [17] and lin- suspension is designed and built in this paper, where a single-
ear actuators [18], [19]. The active seat suspension controller DOF active seat suspension is connected with a newly designed
and vehicle suspension controller have been extensively stud- two-DOF suspension in serial. The single-DOF seat suspension
ied by considering practical applications, e.g., global chassis in [16] and [17] can be only used for vertical vibration although
control [20], actuator saturation [21], and optimal method [22]. it has advantages of concise structure, easy control, and low
Human body is much sensitive to vibrations of 4–8 Hz in the cost with a rotary actuator. The two-DOF suspension has two
vertical direction; thus, the finite frequency control is proposed independent rotary DOFs, the roll and pitch, which can be used
to greatly improve the active suspension performance [23], [24]. to control the lateral trunk bending and forward flexion of the
Several multiple-DOF seat suspensions have been reported. A driver’s body. Overall, this two-layer multiple-DOF seat suspen-
four-DOF spherical motion system has been applied in an ac- sion only uses three active actuators to reduce WBV of driver’s
tive seat suspension [25], which applied the actuators’ motion body in five DOFs except the yaw vibration. Though the two
to compensate longitudinal and lateral accelerations and vehi- translational (longitudinal and lateral) DOFs of the WBV can-
cle inclinations. The authors of [26] applied for a patent for a not be independently controlled by three actuators, the WBV
six-DOF active seat suspension with six actuators distributed as magnitudes in all of fives DOFs can be reduced by the proposed
a Stewart platform. An active seat suspension with two DOFs suspension. In this paper, the system design, parameter identifi-
for military vehicles was proposed in order to control the verti- cation, modeling, and controller design for this new seat suspen-
cal and lateral vibrations [27]. A multiple-DOF seat suspension sion are presented, and both numerical simulations and experi-
with three parallel hydraulic actuators was designed for indepen- ments are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed seat
dent control of vertical, horizontal, and pitch angle directions in suspension.
[28]. The main problems in the multiple-DOF seat suspension The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
design may be that the complicated structure will increase the Section II presents the multiple-DOF seat suspension design and
cost and need more space for assembling it in the vehicle; the prototype. Section III discusses the seat suspension parameter
controlled multiple-DOF vibrations are coupled, but the sensi- identification. The controller design is presented in Section IV;
tive frequency contents of vibrations are different to the human Section V presents the simulation and experiment results. Fi-
body in terms of different DOFs. nally, Section VI presents the conclusions of this research.
Although there are not many multiple-DOF seat suspensions
proposed, multiple-DOF vibration control is necessary in some
fields with stringent isolation requirements [29]. The first pre- II. MULTIPLE-DOF SEAT SUSPENSION DESIGN
sented multiple-DOF active vibration control system was sup- In this section, the WBV on heavy-duty vehicle drivers is
ported by National aeronautics and Space Administration in discussed, and then a multiple-DOF seat suspension with two
1993 [30], [31]. A multiple-DOF vibration isolation system layers is proposed and manufactured.
with electromagnetic voice coil actuators in parallel with soft
springs was presented in [32] and [33]. The quasi-zero stiffness
magnetic levitation was applied in six-DOF vibration control A. Whole Body Vibration
[34], [35]. The above-mentioned multiple-DOF vibration isola- Generally, the isolation of the vertical vibration, which is
tion studies generally require the same number of actuators to be proven to have the biggest vibration magnitude and affects
applied to reduce the same number of DOFs of vibrations; they most drivers’ comfort in common passenger vehicles, is con-
are complicated in structure with high implementation cost, sidered in designing seat suspension. When operating a heavy-
and the control issue is also a big challenge due to the cou- duty vehicle, the severe vibration caused by uneven roads and
pled system dynamics. However, those studies will still benefit the operation of machine tools for digging, dumping, shov-
the multiple-DOF seat suspension design. The multiple-DOF eling, and loading are transferred to the seat; thus, the occu-
sensing technology has been greatly improved with the recent pant often experiences WBV. The WBV in terms of the body
development in the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) frame x3 − y3 − z3 is defined as shown in Fig. 1, where the
[36], [37], which make multiple-DOF vibration control imple- three translational vibrations are along the x3 , y3 , and z3 axes;
mentable at a low price. the three rotational vibrations, which are also called roll, pitch,
The WBV can be defined in six DOFs with three transla- and yaw motions, are around the three axes.
tional vibrations and three rotational ones. Generally, when the To evaluate human exposure to WBV in vehicles, ISO 2631-1
vehicle chassis encounters roll or pitch vibrations, the lateral is always applied, which has defined methods for the measure-
trunk bending and forward flexion of the driver are generated; ment of WBV and provides guidance on the possible effects of
the driver is exposed to two rotational and two translational vi- vibration on health, comfort, perception, and motion sickness.
brations. This is the reason why single-DOF seat suspension The effect of vibration on the driver’s health and ride comfort is
cannot effectively control the WBV. The yaw vibration has less dependent on the vibration frequency. The frequency weighted
effect on drivers’ comfort according to ISO 2631-1 [38] and root mean square (FW-RMS) acceleration aw is determined by
generally has the smallest magnitude among the three rotational
vibrations; thus, it may be considered to be neglected in order to   12

simplify the multiple-DOF seat suspension design. Thus, based aw = (Wi ai ) 2
on previous studies [16], [17], a two-layer multiple-DOF seat i

Fig. 1. WBV of the seated human body.

where ai is the RMS acceleration for the ith one-third octave

band; Wi is the weighting factor given in ISO 2631-1. Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a two-layer M-DOF seat suspension.
The fourth power vibration dose value (VDV) is defined as
  14 suspension design; the translational vibration along the z3 -axis
VDVtotal = ∫ [aw (t)] dt . (2) could be decoupled from other DOFs in order to simplify the
vibration control.
The VDV is more sensitive to vibration peaks than the RMS
method. Because the random test results are presented in this
B. Multiple-DOF Seat Suspension for WBV Control
paper, the FW-RMS method is applied to calculate the mean of
the vibration magnitude for evaluating WBV. Although the driver is exposed to vibration in six DOFs for
ISO 2631-1 has defined the evaluation way of the WBV’s heavy-duty vehicles, the seat suspension structure will be com-
effects on driver comfort and perception; the six-DOF vibration plicated and the cost and energy consumption will be high if all
from seat surface can be defined as follows: the vibrations are reduced. In this section, an innovative two-
layer multiple-DOF seat suspension with three active actuators
av = (kx 2 aw x 2 + ky 2 aw y 2 + kz 2 aw z 2 + kr x 2 aw r x 2 is proposed to reduce WBV in five DOFs where the yaw vi-
1 bration is not included considering the ISO 2631-1 evaluation
+ kr y 2 aw r y 2 + kr z 2 aw r z 2 ) 2 (3)
criteria, the possible complexity of the structure, and the imple-
where aw x , aw y , and aw z are the FW-RMS accelerations mentation cost.
with respect to the x3 , y3 , and z3 axes, respectively; Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of the proposed two-
aw r x , aw r y , and aw r z are FW-RMS rotational accelerations layer multiple-DOF seat suspension model. The bottom-layer
with respect to the three axes, respectively; kx = 1, ky = suspension is a single-DOF seat suspension with spring stiffness
1, kz = 1, kr x = 0.63 m/rad, kr y = 0.4 m/rad, and kr z = ks , friction fr t , actuator output ub ; this suspension can isolate
0.2 m/rad are multiplying factors defined by ISO 2631-1, which vibration along the z-axes of the three coordinate frames. The
indicate that the sensitivities of driver with WBV in six DOFs are top-layer suspension has a two-DOF active joint, which can
different. Among the three rotational accelerations, ar z has the rotate around the x2 and y2 axes (Fig. 2 shows the structure
smallest multiplying factor; thus, it contributes least to the com- in the y2 −z2 plane, which is the same in the x2 −z2 plane). In
bined six-DOF vibration av , which is applied to evaluate human the joint, there are friction torques fr r x and fr r y and actuator
exposure to WBV. Based on the frequency-weighting curves for output torques ur x and ur y . At the same time, the springs kt
single-DOF vibrations defined in ISO 2631-1, the driver’s com- will make the joint have rotary stiffness around the x2 and y2
fort is affected most seriously by 5–8 Hz translational vibration axes. kc and cc are the stiffness and damping of the seat cushion,
along the z3 -axis, 1–1.25 Hz translational vibration along the x3 respectively. The coordinate frame 3 is in the center of gravity
and y3 axes, and 0.8 Hz rotational vibrations around three axes. of the driver body mass. Hb is the distance between coordinate
It can be seen that the most sensitive frequencies for humans frame 3 and coordinate frame 2; Hs is the distance between
are close in terms of translational vibration along the x3 and y3 coordinate frame 2 and coordinate frame 1.
axes, and the three rotational vibrations, and the sensitive fre- The cab floor transfers multiple-DOF vibrations to the seat
quencies of translational vibration along the z3 -axis are much suspension. The proposed seat suspension can isolate those vi-
higher than vibrations in other DOFs. This means that when brations transferred to driver body in five DOFs except the yaw
designing a multiple-DOF seat suspension, the yaw vibration vibration. The effectiveness of the bottom-layer suspension in
control, which would have the least effect on ride comfort when translational vibration control along the z3 -axis has been exten-
comparing with the omission of vibration control in other DOFs, sively validated in single-DOF active seat suspension studies,
could be omitted in order to reduce the complexity of the seat so, it is not further explained in this paper. When a roll vibration

Fig. 4. M-DOF seat suspension prototype.

translational and rotational vibrations than with the single-DOF

seat. Combining with the bottom-layer suspension control, the
Fig. 3. Seat suspension with roll vibration. (a) Single-DOF seat sus- proposed two-layer seat suspension is able to isolate transla-
pension. (b) Multiple-DOF seat suspension with rotational angle com-
pensation. (c) Multiple-DOF seat suspension with translational distance
tional vibrations along the x3 , y3 and z3 axes, and rotational
compensation. vibrations of roll rx3 and pitch ry 3 by controlling three active
actuators, that is, the WBV of the driver’s body can be reduced
DRIVER BODY MOVEMENT WITH ROLL VIBRATION in five DOFs. The results also show the translational vibration
along y3 and rotational vibration rx3 cannot be simultaneously
reduced to zero, which means that the five DOFs vibrations
cannot be independently reduced by only three active actuators.

C. Multiple-DOF Seat Suspension Prototype

A multiple-DOF seat suspension prototype has been built
based on the concept analysis of the last section, as shown in
Fig. 4. In our previous work, a single-DOF active seat suspen-
rx1 is exerted on the seat base, a translational vibration along the sion with rotary motor has been developed [16], [17], which
y3 -axis and a rotational vibration around the x3 -axis rx3 are both is adopted as the bottom-layer suspension of the multiple-DOF
generated. Based on ISO 2631-1, the most sensitive frequencies seat suspension. The top-layer suspension is mounted on the
for humans are close in terms of translational vibration along top of the bottom-layer suspension; its main part is a two-DOF
the y3 -axis, and the roll vibration rx3 ; thus, the low frequency rotary joint, as shown in Fig. 5; the joint consists of a seat mount
of roll vibration input deteriorates driver comfort seriously in plate, which will be fixed with a seat, and two drive shafts; the
two DOFs. With the proposed multiple-DOF seat suspension, seat mount plate is assembled with the drive shaft in roll with a
an active torque can be exerted on the x2 -axis, which can reduce bearing and connecting shaft, and this means that the drive shaft
vibration in those two DOFs. A similar situation exists in pitch in pitch can exert a force on the lower part of the seat mount
vibration input. plate to make it rotate around the y2 -axis (the connecting shaft).
For further illustration of the vibration isolation concept of At the same time, the drive shaft in roll can rotate the seat mount
the proposed seat suspension, a roll vibration excitation rx1 is plate around the x2 -axis.
taken as an example, as shown in Fig. 3. It is assumed that, in Fig. 6 shows the layout of the top-layer suspension, where
the equilibrium position, the distances of the driver body mass there are four springs assembled in the four corners of the
center (coordinate frame 3) to the cab floor (coordinate frame bottom-layer suspension providing rotary stiffness. The actu-
1) are equal in both the proposed multiple-DOF seat suspension ators are composed of rotary motors and planetary gear reduc-
and the traditional single-DOF one, which do not have a two- ers, where the planetary gear reducers are applied to amplify
DOF rotational joint. It can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that, when torque output of the motors to reduce the requirement of the
the single-DOF seat is applied with a roll vibration angle θ, motor’s rated torque output and also reduce the actuator cost. In
the driver’s body will have an equal roll vibration angle θ, and this paper, for the top-layer suspension, Panasonic servo motors
its mass center will have a horizontal translation of L1 . By (MSMJ042G1U) with 1.3 Nm rated torque output and gear
controlling the joint of the multiple-DOF seat suspension, the reducers with ratio 40:1 are used; thus, the rated torque output
rotational angle and the translational distance of the driver’s of the actuators can reach 52 Nm.
body can be compensated, respectively.
Table I shows the results of the rotational angle compensation
and the translational distance compensation methods compared III. PARAMETERS IDENTIFICATION OF
with the single-DOF seat. By controlling one rotary DOF, two
DOFs motions of driver body can be reduced in both compen- In this section, the top-layer of the multiple-DOF seat suspen-
sation ways because the translational distance and rotational sion prototype is tested. Based on the test results, the top-layer
angle are both decreased; thus, the driver’s body suffers less suspension parameters are also identified.

Fig. 7. Top-layer suspension test system.

B. Test Results and Parameters Identification

The two-DOF joint is designed to be controlled indepen-
dently for the two rotational DOFs. The two actuators can
drive the seat mount plate, where the seat is fixed, to move
according to the designed sinusoidal profile. For roll (rx2 ) and
pitch (ry 3 ) movements, frequency-dependent and amplitude-
dependent tests were conducted, respectively. The measured
torque T of the actuator (amplified by its gear reducer) is de-
fined as
T = kr (θ − θbias ) + fr r (4)
where kr is the rotary stiffness determined by the four corner
springs that need to be identified in each tested rotary DOF; θ is
Fig. 5. Two-DOF rotary joint. (a) Design. (b) Prototype. the real rotary angle obtained from the encoder; θbias is a small
initial bias of the rotary angle caused by the imperfection of the
manufactured prototype, which should be zero ideally; and fr r
is the friction torque generated by gear reducer and the joint. A
simplified friction model is applied in this paper as

⎨ Fr r sign θ̇ , θ̇ > δ
fr r = (5)

Fr r θ̇δ , θ̇ < δ

where δ > 0 is a small rotary velocity boundary for the direction

switching of the friction; Fr r is the Coulomb friction parameter.
It can be seen from (4) that the measured torque depends on the
suspension spring torque and friction torque.
The test results in roll and pitch directions are shown in
Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, where the upper platform of the
Fig. 6. Top-layer suspension layout. suspension is forced to do sinusoidal rotation with different am-
plitudes (3° and 5°) and frequencies (0.1 and 0.5 Hz). When
the same amplitude rotations are implemented, the torque out-
A. Test System puts of the actuators are nearly overlapped with different fre-
For identifying the parameters of the top-layer suspension, a quencies in both DOFs. In each direction, when rotations with
test system has been built, as shown in Fig. 7, where a Com- different amplitudes are implemented, the slope rates of the
pactRio 9074 is applied to send desired motor motion profile torque-rotation angle curves are very close, but when compar-
to the motor drive and receive feedback signals. The rotational ing the two directions, the slope rates of the torque-rotation angle
angle of the motor can be accurately controlled by its drive. curves are different. The results indicate that the rotary stiffness
The encoder in the motor can feedback the real rotational an- in the two directions is different. The identified model parame-
gle, and the real torque output of the motor can be also sent to ters are shown in Table II. Fig. 10 shows the comparison between
CompactRio 9074 by its drive. the simulation and experimental results in roll direction. In pitch

Fig. 9. Pitch test of the top-layer. (a) With 3° amplitude. (b) With 5°
Fig. 8. Roll test of the top-layer. (a) With 3° amplitude. (b) With 5°
direction, the simulation and experimental results also show
good agreement. The comparison results indicate that the iden-
tified parameters can be applied to describe the dynamic char-
acteristics of the designed top-layer suspension. It is also seen
from Table II that the rotary stiffness in the roll direction is
higher than it in the pitch direction. Assumption 1: The seat cushion and driver body are assumed
to be one rigid body, because the stiffness and damping of the
IV. SYSTEM MODELING AND CONTROLLER DESIGN cushion are normally much higher than seat suspension, and
In this section, a simplified decoupled model is derived for then the system model is simplified.
the top-layer suspension and used for controller design. Assumption 2: When the system is in the equilibrium posi-
tion, the z-axis of the three coordinate frames is on a line.
Assumption 3: Only roll vibration (rx1 ) is fed into the sys-
A. Decoupled Model tem; the bottom-layer suspension is working in passive way.
Benefiting from the two-layer structure, the control of the Fig. 11 shows the analysis of the bottom-layer where x1 −
three actuators has very few interactions as validated in the next y1 − z1 is the fixed reference frame and it is coincident with the
section; the two DOFs of the top-layer suspension joint can center of the seat suspension base; x2 − y2 − z2 is the frame
be controlled independently; thus, their controllers can be sepa- in the two-DOF joint and fixed with the top of the bottom-
rately designed. The system analysis of the y − z plane is similar layer; Hs (t) (Hs is applied in the following for simplification)
to the x − z plane; thus, only the model of y − z plane is built is the distance between the two coordinate frames; α is the roll
and simulated in this paper. For designing the two controllers for vibration angle; m is the mass of the bottom-layer top; and P
the rotary joint, the model of the multiple-DOF seat suspension and N are the reaction forces of the top-layer along y2 and z2
can be decoupled and simplified with the following assumptions. axes, respectively.

Fig. 12. Analysis of the top-layer.

Then, the coordinate of joint (frame 2) in the reference frame

1 is defined as
y21 = −Hs sinα (7)
z21 = Hs cosα. (8)
Their acceleration in refenence frame 1 can be obtained with
double derivative

ÿ21 = − Ḧs − Hs α̇2 sinα + −2Ḣs α̇ − Hs α̈ cosα (9)

z̈21 = Ḧs − Hs α̇2 cosα + −2Ḣs α̇ − Hs α̈ sinα. (10)

Fig. 12 shows the analysis of the top-layer, where x3 − y3 −

z3 is a frame fixed on the center of driver body mass, θ is the
rotation angle of frame 3 in terms of the reference frame 1, and
Fig. 10. Torque comparison in roll direction. (a) Frequency 0.1 Hz,
amplitude 5◦ . (b) Frequency 0.5 Hz, amplitude 5◦ . θ − α is the relative rotation angle of the top-layer.
The accelerations of driver body along the y3 and z3 axes are
ÿ33 = −Hb θ̈ + ÿ21 cos θ + z̈21 sin θ (11)
z̈33 = −θ̇2 Hb − ÿ21 sin θ + z̈21 cos θ. (12)
The suspension performance can be evaluated by ÿ33 , z̈33 , and
Summing the forces of the top-layer along the y3 -axis, we
can get the following equation:
N sin (θ − α) + P cos (θ − α) − M g sin θ = M ÿ33 . (13)

Fig. 11. Analysis of the bottom-layer. To get rid of the unknown forces P and N terms in the above
equation, sum the moments about the centroid of the driver body
I θ̈ = [N sin (θ − α) + P cos (θ − α)]
Hs is calculated by the bottom-layer’s dynamics
× Hb − kr (θ − α) − fr r + ur (14)
m Ḧs = ks (l0 − Hs ) − mg cosα − fr t where ur is the control torque; I is the rotatinal inertia of the
+ ub − N + mα̇2 (Hs − Hl ) (6) driver body around the x3 -axis.
Thus, the decoupled model in the y–z plane is
which includes spring force, gravity, friction, active force, reac- I + M Hb 2 θ̈ = − kr (θ − α) − fr r + ur + Hb M g sin θ
tion force, and centrifugal force; l0 is the distance between the
+ M Hb ÿ21 cos θ + M Hb z̈21 sin θ. (15)
origins of the two frames when the spring is in free length; Hl
is the distance between the mass center of bottom-layer top and The model illustrates that the coupling term between rota-
the origin of frame 2. tional and vertical vibrations is M Hb z̈21 sinθ, which has a low

In order to reduce the roll and lateral vibrations, a disturbance

observer based sliding mode controller [39] is applied to control
the roll movement of the driver’s body by tracking the desired
roll angle of the driver’s body θd , which is equal to zero in this
The disturbance observer is designed as
q̇ = k0 (−f (θ) − ur ) − k0 dˆ (22)

dˆ = q + k0 J θ̇ (23)

where q is an auxiliary variable, dˆ is the estimated disturbance,

and k0 is the observer gain to be designed.
Because the disturbance varies slowly relative to the observer
Fig. 13. Anlysis of the single-DOF seat. dynamics, it is reasonable to assume that d˙ = 0; by defining the
estimation error as d˜ = d − d;ˆ thus
magnitude considering that the rotary angle θ should be in a
˙ ˙ ˙
small limited range. In particular, when θ is controlled to be in a d˜ = d˙ − dˆ = −dˆ = − q̇ − k0 J θ̈ = − k0 (−f (θ) − ur ) − k0 dˆ
smaller value, the coupling between the rotational and vertical
− k0 (f (θ) + ur + d) = −k0 d. (24)
vibrations are becoming weaker.
Now, N is still required to be calculated in order to obtain ˙
Hs . Therefore, the dynamic of the driver body along the z3 -axis The equation of estimation error is obtained as d˜ + k0 d˜ = 0,
is derived and we can get

N cos (θ−α)−P sin (θ − α) − M g cos θ − M θ̇2 Hb = M z̈33 . d˜ (t) = d˜ (t0 ) e−k 0 t . (25)
(16) Hence, if k0 > 0, the observer is exponentially stable with
Combining with (13), thus, convergence rate k0 .
Define tracking error as
N = M z̈33 + M g cos θ + M θ̇2 Hb cos (θ − α)
  e = θd − θ. (26)
+ M ÿ33 + M g sin θ sin (θ − α) . (17)
The sliding variable is defined as
The analysis of single-DOF seat suspension is shown in
Fig. 13, where Hc is the distance between frame 1 and frame 3; s = ce + ė (27)
the whole weight of the seat-body system is the same with the where c > 0.
multiple-DOF seat suspension. Similar with the bottom-layer of The sliding mode controller with disturbance compensation
the multiple-DOF seat, Hc is decided by is proposed as
(m + M ) Ḧc = ks (l0 + Hb − Hc ) − (M + m) gcosα − fr t f (θ) dˆ
ur = J − − + cė + θ̈d + k1 s + ηsgn (s) . (28)
+ ub + (M + m) α̇2 Hc . (18) J J
The acceleration of driver body along the y3 and z3 axes are
ṡ = cė + ë
derived as
ÿ33 = −2Ḣc α̇ − Hc α̈ (19) = cė + θ̈d − (f (θ) + ur + d)
z̈33 = Ḧc − Hc α̇2 . (20) 1
= − d˜ − k1 s − ηsgn (s) . (29)
The roll acceleration of the driver body is equal to the roll J
vibration input acceleration α̈. Considering the Lyapunov function as
1 2 1 ˜2
B. Controller Design V = s + d . (30)
2 2
The top-layer model (15) is rewritten as So, its derivative is
J θ̈ = f (θ) + ur + d (21) ˙
V̇ = sṡ + d˜d˜
where J = I + M Hb 2 ; the known nonlinear term f (θ) =  

−kr θ + Hb M g sin θ + M Hb z̈21 sin θ, in which z̈21 can be eas- = s − d − k1 s − ηsgn (s) − k0 d˜2
ily measured and θ can be estimated by a MEMS sensor; the
unknown disturbance d = −fr r + kr α + M Hb ÿ21 cos θ + Δ is 1˜
= −k1 s2 − k0 d˜2 − η |s| − ds. (31)
assumed to be bounded including model uncertainty Δ. J


1 ˜
When η ≥ J |dm ax |, V̇ ≤ −k1 s2 − k0 d˜2 ≤ 0 Fig. 14. Body rotational acceleration around the x3 -axis.

V̇ ≤ −k1 s − k0 d˜2

1 2 1 ˜2
≤ −k2 s + d = −k2 V (32)
2 2
where k2 = 2 min{k1 , k0 }
V̇ ≤ −k2 V. (33)
This implies
V (t) ≤ V (t0 ) e−k 2 (t−t 0 ) . (34)
Hence, if 2k1 ≥ k2 > 0, the observer is exponentially stable
with convergence rate k2 .
By selecting appropriate c, k0 , k1 , and η, the disturbance ob-
server based sliding mode control can be applied for the control Fig. 15. Body translational acceleration along the y 3 axis.
of top-layer of the proposed seat suspension. In addition, the
switching action can be implemented with a saturation function y3 -axis is also controlled, as shown in Fig. 15. In both seats,
to solve the chattering problem. body accelerations along the z3 -axis are very small, which in-
dicate that, with the rotational vibration, the body translational
V. PERFORMANCE VALIDATION vibration along the z3 -axis has been affected very little. The
In this section, the simulation result with the designed simulation results indicate that, when only roll vibration (rx1 )
controller is presented. To validate the effectiveness of the is applied to the seat suspension, for the single-DOF seat sus-
multiple-DOF seat suspension prototype in suppressing vibra- pension, the rotational acceleration will all be transmitted to the
tions in multiple DOFs experimentally, the prototype is tested human body and a big mangitude translational vibration along
on a six-DOF vibration platform. The random roll and pitch the y3 -axis will also be introduced. With the proposed multiple-
vibration with random vertical vibration test results are shown DOF seat suspension, the rotational and translational vibration
and discussed. can be controlled simultaneously.

A. Simulation B. Experimental Setup

Table III shows the model parameters in the simulation. The The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 16, where the
friction model (5) is also applied for the bottom-layer suspen- multiple-DOF seat suspension is fixed on the top of a six-DOF
sion friction. The controller is designed as c = 1, k0 = 1, k1 = vibration platform, which can simulate vibration situation in
10, η = 1.2. For analyzing the transient response of the top- six DOFs. A 45 kg mass is loaded on the seat to simulate the
layer controller around the resonance frequency, a rotational vi- driver body mass. An inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor
bration similar to a bump vibration profile is implemented. The (XSENS) is attached to the seat surface to record the multiple
rotational vibration is defined as α = Am sin(2πf t + 32 π) + DOFs vibration. The location of sensors is shown in Fig. 4;
Am , where the amplitude Am = 1 ◦ (about 0.0175 rad), fre- the MEMS sensor (MPU9250) is attached to the center of the
quency f = 1 Hz and time t is from 0 to 1 s. multiple-DOF seat suspension upper platform; an accelerome-
The body roll (rx3 ) acceleration is shown in Fig. 14, where ter (ADXL 203EB) and a laser displacement sensor (optoNCDT
the rotational acceleration is greatly reduced with the multiple- 1302) are applied for bottom-layer control, which has been an-
DOF seat. At the same time, the body acceleration along the alyzed in [16]. MPU 9250 is a low-cost IMU that contains a

Fig. 18. z-axis acceleration of seat surface.

Fig. 16. Experiment setup.

Fig. 19. y-axis acceleration of seat surface.

Fig. 17. Experiment system.

between the top-layer and bottom-layer control, three kinds of
experiments have been implemented with each set of vibra-
three-axis gyroscope, a three-axis accelerometer, and a three- tion, the bottom-layer and top-layer are both uncontrolled, the
axis digital compass. First, the calibration techniques in [40] bottom-layer is controlled and top-layer is uncontrolled, and the
have been implemented to deal with the sensor errors like bias, bottom-layer and top-layer are both controlled.
scale factor and nonorthogonality. Then, with the calibrated
data, the rotary angles of the seat suspension’s base and top
platform are estimated based on an orientation filter in [41]. The C. Random Vibration Test
measured rotary rates from the gyroscope and the estimated When the six-DOF vibration platform generates a random
rotary angles are applied for the proposed controller. roll vibration with random vertical vibration, several DOFs vi-
Fig. 17 shows the whole experiment system, where the six- brations of the seat surface are generated. Fig. 18 shows the
DOF vibration platform is controlled by a CompactRio 9076; the comparison of the z-axis acceleration of the seat surface, where
multiple-DOF seat suspension is controlled by a CompactRio when the bottom-layer suspension is controlled, the vibration
9074, which can get the vibration signals of the seat. The de- magnitude is reduced obviously no matter whether the top-layer
signed controller calculates the desired torques according to the is controlled. The y-axis acceleration of the seat surface is shown
feedback signals and sends it to the corresponding drive of the in Fig. 19, where when the top-layer suspension is controlled,
motors on the suspension. Then the actuators produce corre- the y-axis acceleration is reduced; a similar result is shown in
sponding torques. Two computers are applied to log data and Fig. 20, which shows roll accelerations. The results indicate that
send commends to CompactRio 9074 and 9076. the interaction between the top-layer control and bottom-layer
In this paper, two sets of vibrations are applied, the random control is very small.
roll vibration with random vertical vibration and the random Table IV shows the FW-RMS values of the test results, from
pitch vibration with random vertical vibration. The vibration which it can be seen that when only the bottom-layer is con-
signals recorded by an XSENS sensor are used to evaluate trolled, the z-axis FW-RMS acceleration of the seat surface is
the control performance. For validating the effectiveness of the reduced by 30.3%, but the values of the other two DOFs vibra-
multiple-DOF seat suspension and investigating the interaction tions caused by the roll vibration are close with the uncontrolled


suspension is fully controlled, the FW-RMS value of the z-axis

acceleration, the x-axis acceleration, and pitch acceleration are
reduced by 26.7%, 46.2%, and 53.3%, respectively, and the
magnitude of WBV is reduced by 44.3%.
Fig. 20. Roll acceleration of seat surface. The ISO 2631 has defined the comfort categories accord-
ing to the vibration magnitudes as “not uncomfortable,” “a lit-
FW-RMS ACCELERATION OF SEAT SURFACE WITH ROLL AND tle uncomfortable,” “fairly uncomfortable,” “uncomfortable,”
VERTICAL VIBRATIONS “very uncomfortable,” and “extremely uncomfortable.” In the
experiments, when the multiple-DOF seat suspension is fully
controlled, the comfort categories in terms of the translational
vibrations generated by rotation vibrations are both changed
from “uncomfortable” to “a little uncomfortable,” which im-
proved two levels; when considering the WBV, the comfort
categories are varied from “uncomfortable” to “fairly uncom-
fortable” with one level improvement. The results indicate that
the bottom-layer controlled seat suspension can greatly decrease
the vertical vibration magnitude; while when the multiple-DOF
vibration is exerted, it contributes little to the improvement of
WBV. However, the fully controlled multiply-DOF seat suspen-
sion can greatly reduce the WBV and improve the ride comfort.
In the bottom controlled case, reductions of the two acceler-
ations caused by rotary vibration are very small; it implies that
the control interaction between the top-layer and bottom-layer
is weak; thus, their controllers can be designed independently
for simplification.

This paper has proposed an innovative two-layer multiple-
DOF seat suspension design for heavy-duty vehicles. In order
Fig. 21. Roll acceleration magnitude in the frequency domain. to decrease system complexity, this seat suspension is designed
to reduce five DOFs of WBV with three actuators. The advan-
case; when the multiple-DOF seat suspension is fully controlled, tage of the two-layer seat suspension is that the sensitive fre-
the FW-RMS value of the z-axis acceleration, the y-axis accel- quency content of human to the four DOFs vibration controlled
eration, and roll acceleration are reduced by 29.8%, 41.1%, and by the top-layer is around 1 Hz, while the sensitive frequency
47.5%, respectively, and the magnitude of WBV is reduced by content of human body to vibration controlled by the bottom-
41.4%. layer is between 5 and 8 Hz; this kind of decoupling will benefit
The random roll vibration has been applied to the mathemat- the controller design. The seat suspension structure is concise
ical model in the simulation. By fast Fourier transform (FFT), and it causes only a small volume increase compared with the
the roll acceleration magnitudes of the uncontrolled seat in the single-DOF seat suspension. For the controller design of the
simulation and experiment have been achieved in Fig. 21, which top-layer suspension, a decoupled model is derived to simplify
showed a reasonably good agreement; their resonance frequen- the modeling complexity; then, a sliding mode controller with
cies are all around 1 Hz. a disturbance observer is designed. Both simulation and exper-
Similarly, the pitch and vertical vibration test results are an- imental results show great improvement of the WBV control
alyzed in Table V. When only the bottom-layer is controlled, performance. When the fully controlled two-layer seat suspen-
though the z-axis FW-RMS acceleration is reduced by 27.1%, sion is applied, the WBV can be reduced by 41.4% and 44.3%
the WBV is only reduced 12.6%; when the multiple-DOF seat with the two sets of vibration applied in this paper, respectively.

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The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the help of characteristic,” Mechatronics, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 250–260, 2011.
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Shuaishuai Sun received the Ph.D. degree in Weihua Li (M’15) received the Ph.D. degree in
mechatronics from the University of Wollongong, mechatronics from Nanyang Technological Uni-
NSW, Australia, in 2016. versity, Singapore, in 2001.
He is currently working as a Research Fellow He has been with the School of Mechanical,
at University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering, Univer-
Australia. He has published more than 40 jour- sity of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia,
nal articles in his research field. His research as a Lecturer (2003–2005), a Senior Lecturer
interests include self-sensing, self-power MR (2006–2009), an Associate Professor (2010–
devices, smart materials and structures, innova- 2012), and a Professor since 2012. He serves
tive actuators for locomotive robot, and vibration as an Associate Editor and an Editorial Board
control. Member for nine international journals.

Haiping Du (M’09–SM’17) received the Ph.D.

degree in mechanical design and theory Bangji Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in
from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, mechanical from Hunan University, Hunan,
China, in 2002. China, in 2010.
He is currently a Professor in the School of From 2013 to 2014, he was a Visitor Scholar
Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications with the University of Technology, Sydney. He is
Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollon- currently a Professor at the College of Mechan-
gong, NSW, Australia. He is a Subject Editor of ical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University,
the Journal of Franklin Institute, an Editorial Ad- Changsha, China, and a Research Fellow at the
visory Board Member of the Journal of Sound State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
and Vibration, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan Univer-
Control Systems Society Conference. sity, Changsha, China.

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