The Wiener Theory - Human Devolution Query

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The Wiener Theory – Human Devolution Query

By Randy Gonzalez

Meanwhile, in the adventures of the pseudosciences, an interesting proposition rises with

stiffened resolve to take notice of post-modern maladaptive behaviors. With a turgid state of
insistence, the unrelenting willfulness for actors in the social mainstream to act in stupid ways
invites the speculation of the Wiener Theory. What is a wiener? More than a frankfurter or a
Vienna sausage? Simply a hot dog? Actually much more than that, as the Wiener Theory is
summoned to confront the rapid spread of social stupidity.
Metaphorically speaking of course, will due deference to the few who persevere toward self-
evolution, the social descriptor applies to the devolving state of human affairs. In particular, the
insidious antics of cultural regression is prime for the symbolic reference of the ‘weeny”. So many
fun and fascinating applications come to bear on the condescending proclivities rampant juvenile
narcissism. While opinions may vary, and they will, any typology or description is arguable. As
such, the concept of “narcissism” raises the possibilities of a number of critiques.
For the Wiener Theory, this distinction most likely applies more than several other descriptors,
which may or may not be considered so called “personality disorders”. As to that, briefly stated,
philosophical perspectives, absent scientific validation, fall short of technical authenticity. In the
pseudosciences, or “social studies” arena, as in criminology, psychology, sociology and theology,
opinion driven conjecture is always subject to critical analysis. With the Wiener speculation, the
suggestion is that a person behaves with intentional and premeditated purposes.
To this, the classical school of criminology enters the discourse and particularly with regard to
the broader scheme of the Gonzo Theory. Behavior is a matter of free will based on rational
thinking and subsequent cost-benefit analysis by the perpetrator. A utilitarian doctrine, the
conceptualization is one in which a lucent process of thinking renders freely made choices. Aside
from the howling, screaming and yelling of dissenters, rational decision making for maladaptive
actions is neither abnormal nor suggestive of a “personality disorder”. In the viewpoint of one
author of a college criminology text, perpetrators of an offensive act, select targets of opportunity,
based on gain minus risk, to maximize their advantage of others.1

Standard type introduction to criminology textbook by a major national college text publishing company;

As a metaphorical subset to the overall framework of Gonzo Theory, the Wiener concept
identifies several substrata of “antisocial” members of the human species. To digress for the
moment, as used here, the so-called “antisocial”, “psychopathic or sociopathic” and “narcissist”
personality types merge into a mental matrix of profound selfishness. For the incessant self-
centeredness of exaggerated personal worthiness, a more consolidated perspective warrants a
unitary configuration. This of course will no doubt provoke some in the pseudoscience arena to
gasp, feel agitated and experience an altered state of consciousness.
Regardless though, the issue is not about defining behavioral inclinations with extraordinary
specificity or clinical sufficiency. Instead, the intention is to call notice to purposeful illicit
behaviors that intentionally inflict harm on others. In this context, probably more relevant than
other descriptors, the common feature of condescending attitudes reflects in the conceptualization
of “narcissism”. Using the narcissistic reference, the “wiener idea” conjures an intentional
motivation on the part of perpetrators to act in selfish ways. As to this speculation, there is a broad
spectrum of premeditated inflictions evident in modern society.
Accordingly, in one online archive, depicting definitional criteria from the primary reference
material of the psychiatric industry, a possible label or construct might be useful. This relates to
the theoretical configuration of something called “narcissism”. Acting, being and otherwise
exhibiting oneself as a wiener could be ascribed this speculative notion. A grandiose intention for
self-aggrandizement, purposeful application of subjective validation for self-importance, and
selfish inclinations come into play. On a smaller scale, outside the “fixation fantasies” of
politicians in general, reduce the comparison to modern academia.2
To that, take the typical faulty meeting. Observe carefully the mixture of pretentious portrayals
of credentials. Note the chasm between the real hardcore scientists (biology, chemistry, physics
and physiology, etc.), and the softcore or pseudoscientists (criminology, psychology, sociology
and theology). The former are scientists, the latter are philosophers. This of course, produces
instant emotional reactivity among the nonscientists. Regardless, there are wieners in both groups.
Yet, upon closer inspection, it appears the pseudoscientists, some of whom are serious wannabes,
are quite indignant if their school of thought is not treated as a “real science”. After all, they assume
they have all the answers to the mysterious questions of human behavior. This brief illustration
goes to the point in part that being a wiener also reflects ideological perversities.

From a network of therapists providing traditional organization definitions about “mental health”;

As to the cause and effect notation, “wienerism” fluctuates along a human continuum of self-
indulgence and presumed entitlement. Next faculty, as a side note, observe who needs to ask the
most questions, or raise irrelevant issues, especially when it is time to end the meeting. Now
compare “wienerism” to the neediness of unwarranted admiration or self-validation. Being a
“dick” can be complicated to explain to the totality of the intricate components. Politicians so
easily fall into the realm of the wiener. So prevalent during election season is the grandiose sense
of self-importance. With the advent of millennials entering politics, it gets comical.
Not in every case or situation, as there are always exceptions to generalizations, but the egoistic
fixations of “beauty and brilliance” shines through. Their political role-play fantasies pervade the
prime time news with their pretense to entitled ascendency. Exaggerated claims of “open borders”,
“immigration reform”, free college education, or easing student debt, and so on, reflect the
narcissistic condescension of smug disregard for the voting public. The overwhelming desire to be
seen as the one who knows everything, the person to connect with, and the extraordinary fixer of
complex problems, speaks volumes of insatiable self-promotion.
Deeper the probing query delves to the far reaches of dogged idyllic sense of entitlement. For
the American political aristocracy, assumption of privileged anointing passes from one generation
to the next. Offspring sometimes assume they are next to enter the political realm. It is their turn
now to “feel the call” to public service. It is something they felt they had to do for the betterment
of humankind. Yet, only elected office will do, absent of course, any prior real-world education,
experience, training or rough and tumble exposure to reality. Conceit tries to hide deceit.
As entitled nobility, superficiality knows few limits. Likewise, accountability for things said
and done, no matter how illicit, ought to be excused because the American people need them.
Conventional laws, rules, codes of conduct, and so forth may or may not apply, as these things
could get in the way of “getting things done”. Outlandish and lavish displays of personal relevance
portrays the dynamics of someone who needs a lot of personal attention.
Although politics is a good source of entertainment for the many dicks clamoring for validation,
other walks of like have plenty of dicks. From Hollywood celebrities, to Wall Street financiers,
the hot dog stand is alive and well cooked. In particular, movie stars and movie wannabes have
ample representation among the film industry’s elite. There is a walking talking wiener
everywhere. Talk shows, radio and television news sources present a cast of characters, in which
some of them provide active portrayals of wienership. Nothing is completely safe.

Incongruous rhetorical hyperbole flaunts fraudulent conjecture in place of rationally

meaningful discourse. Exaggeration, overstatement, and embellishment beyond reason permeates
the news and social media to the extreme. For those who indulge in such babbling, it is yet another
characteristic of being a wiener. Exposed to someone being a dick seems to be a frequent
encounter. In every venue of public experience, whether working, shopping, recreating, or movie
going, there is a high probability of an occurrence of the wiener theory. With so many people
playing the role of the “offended”, just being a dick, exposure is very likely.
As to an informed and logical interactive discourse, it is as though I.Q.’s have slumped like a
downturn in the stock market. Probably more significant than intelligence quotients is the
perceived maturity level. As one writer put it, American society appears characterized by
increasing expressions of “infantile narcissism”. With adult children, sometimes it is extremely
challenging to engage in a profoundly intellectual conversation. For that matter, simply to expect
a grownup level of mature civil behavior on the part of those who appear to be adults.
Concerning one writer’s perspective in observing mainstream culture, a kind of “regression to
infantile” behavior appears widespread. Such is the expression of some, particularly in the college
environment to be hypersensitive and emotional in child-like ways. To have safe places, insulated
from harsh realities of the real world, devolves to self-indulgent regression. Likewise, an
exaggerated sense of self, especially at a juvenile level, underlies the intentional contrivances to
promote and advance one’s personal agenda. As a perpetual selfie of self-promotion, attention-
getting antics look for opportunities to exploit on personal “victimization”.3
Whatever gambit they are playing, the wiener, or the dick, sometimes standout. He or she will
be the person most likely the loudest, outlandish or provocative in a crowd. In a sense, on a very
base level of expression, the “hot dog” needs validation. From a variety of sizes, shapes and
backgrounds, for the satiation of personal insecurity, validation is important. From a simplistic and
unimaginative perspective, they want to be noticed in ways very similar to most politicians in
general. Within the scheme of thinking, often contriving deception of themselves, there are the
mystical notions of intense cognitive bias. With perseverance, there is the frequent flirtation with
self-centered adoration of one’s imagery. For the public official the photo-op is vital, along with
superficial facial expressions, shallow smile and insincere handshake.

From a contemporary writer and social observer in publication article and video interview, a philosophical
perspective on cultural regression;

With the deceptive affect, the disingenuous flare for rhetorical hyperbole and the fixation on
self-importance, the modern politician expresses a regression to infantile vanity. Like the kid who
never quite got over high school graduation into the real world, the self-admiring absorption avoids
the maturity of wiser differentiation. In the commentary of one online politically oriented
magazine, for instance, the writer proposes the observation that modern politics is rife with
examples of narcissistic behaviors. For contemporary politicians, the writer asserts the very word
itself, politician, defines narcissism. Vain, conceited, and selfish, applies widely.4
As to that perspective, a more caustic descriptor is the symbolic reference to the wiener. Used
as a condescending primal identifier, the hot-dog, the stuffed sausage, the weenie, and given the
phallic shape, the dick. Alternatively, applied with a little more disdain, simply being a “prick”.
This further suggests the calculated villainy of individuals who think they somehow are the answer
to all the social and political ills of society. For them, they alone are the ones who can solve all the
problems. It is their time or their turn to change the planet. Because they are so special, at least
from their perspective, their ancestry, social status, political “aristocracy”, etc., grants them certain
privileges of public office “ownership”. Admiration of self is boundless.
However, the self-aggrandizement does not stop there. Subjective validation for an excessive
interest in one’s political arrogance also includes speaking stupidly. Factual reality becomes
overwhelmed by specious conjecture based on emotional reactivity. Objectively validated
evidence is relegated a subservient role, replaced by unsubstantiated self-serving opinions. Modern
politicians say idiotic things on a regular basis. More often than not, they escape accountability.
Whether or not they actually believe the foolishness they regurgitate is arguable.
Nonetheless, the stupidity spewed in public is nauseatingly insulting. Grotesque fallacies of
inference degenerate into inconsistent hasty generalizations that defy logical explanation. In
addition to the intentional ignoring of facts, with a preference for magical thinking, human wieners
insist they know what is best for everyone. Even though found predominantly in politics, wieners
are found in all places across the social spectrum. Where ever there a people, wieners are readily
available to interfere at any given moment. They are more than willing to offer their unsolicited
opinions, and promote any gossip that satisfies their advantage over others. The human hotdog
relishes in the divisiveness they create by pandering to whatever advances their interests.
Unfortunately, human selfishness is part of the devolving consequences for human extinction.

Online media commentary regarding American politics and culture;

Aside from the socio-political ramifications, the Wiener Theory has an additional sinister and
debilitating aspect. According to many reference sources, but one in particular, the “wussification
of the U.S.” is the condescending and degrading vector of overly sensitive and emotionally reactive
people. Such an atmosphere is destructive and dangerous. Little social advancement is possible.
As such, wussification portends toward several humanistic inclinations signaling multiple
characteristics of intentional human frailty. Various descriptors come to the forefront. These
include, but are not limited to, words like coward, sissy, and wimp. Yet, the underlying framework
of wiener theory encompasses the diversity of individual and group shortcomings.5
Hidden within the recesses of a crybaby mindset is potential for horrific interpersonal
inflictions. Mean-spirited, condescending and divisive, hateful and hypercritical, the social
mainstream if filled with egregious displays of animosity. As to wussification, additional
depictions comprise things like crybaby, pushover, wimpy, weakling, pansy and so forth.
Nonetheless, the protestation against “wimpiness” argues that by various complicities many accept
assumptions of exceptional inadequacy. Instead, a gluttonous decadence proclaims the cowardice
of intentional maladaptation. The malevolence of infantile narcissism extends adolescence will
into adulthood, as the Peter Pansy refuse to grow, change and mature.
Applying the Wiener Theory, emasculated personalities succumb to the seductive wimpiness
of anti-intellectualism in favor of emotional insecurity. Likewise, preferring a “dumber downed”
framework of simplistic thinking, facts are replaced by fictions, as specious conjecture replaces
scientific validation. Intentional gullibility persuades an indifference to logical data in the
evidentiary necessity of proof, while foolish fallacies of inference pretend to be reality. Wussy
politicians, political supporters, academicians and pundits, to name a few, pontificate one false
narrative after another. Rather than assert a rational basis for logical discourse, many would rather
rant condescending invectives toward those with whom they disagree.
Cowards come in a sizes and shapes. Fraidy-cats fear the chickens they see in the reflections
of themselves. Meanwhile, the regressive notions of anti-social inclinations hasten the drift toward
the final exit of an infantile species. To be insulated from reality, the pains and pleasures of life,
the suffering and successes, perpetuates cowardly antics that personify child-like behaviors. By
protracted adolescence well into adulthood, unhealthy states of non-evolving people persist in
adhering to unending states of limited intellectual capacity. The cowardly are everywhere.

Online PDF e-book regarding the overly sensitive downward trends of a “wussified” America;

In a 1993 treatise on “national cowardice”, an author ponders the erosion of self-respect and
personal individuality. Instead, in contemporary America, the mere mention of something akin to
“cowardice” finds replacement by such things as “self-esteem”, or feeling good about oneself.
Individualism, particularly as related to self-reliance, competence and perseverance, appear
permanently damaged. Regressing with each decade, the foolhardy decadence of “sheep-like”
behaviors amplifies the neglect of social responsibility to ensure cultural advancement.6
As such, the Wiener Theory includes the accusations of a cowardly society and the subsequent
betrayal of personal integrity. With that comes the debasing ingredient of purposeful stupidity.
Unwise, senseless and imprudent thoughts that become voluntary actions provoking the basis for
asinine actions. Acting stupid is a cheap way of evading personal responsibility and hiding from
subsequent accountability. Cowards enjoy such infantile narcissism and go to great lengths to
avoid growing up as mature adults. It is about being a perpetual phallic symbol.
Avoiding pain and suffering, to relish in comfort and ease, absent any aspect of sacrifice, is
what cowards do. Learning from good, bad and horrible experiences are parts of enlightenment as
self-evolving life forms. From one source that studies human behavior, people develop by way of
a diversity of exposure to sordid harsh realities. Discovery by real-world encounters assists in the
development of strategies to cope with varied challenges. In today’s world, some have criticized
the excessive sensitivities of many who fear being offended, threatened or otherwise challenged
in any manner. In a regressive risk-avoidance culture, eventual collapse looms closer.7
For the weenie, under the umbrella of Wiener Theory, cowardice, stupidity and loser thinking
degrades social structure. In addition, weak, timid and fearful in transforming life skills into
prosocial endeavors, invites the downfall of community, society and nation. For some, America
devolved into a “nation of wimps”. Naturally, there are exceptions to wimpiness.
For example, a small percentage of the population chose a different course of action. By
contrast, roughly 5% of the population dared the bravery in serving community and country. This
includes men and women who became first responders and joined the military. Another small
percentage, say another 5%, serve valiantly in allied fields of public service. That suggests about
10%, maybe more, pursued “anti-weenie” exceptionality. Regardless of numbers or percentages,
a sizeable majority linger in the shadowy collusions of the Wiener Theory.

Online essay regarding modern day devolution of personal dignity from the 1990’s;
Journal related to the philosophies of various psychological studies;

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