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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (2008) 731–736

An experimental study of aluminum can recycling

using fusion in induction furnace
G.O. Verran ∗ , U. Kurzawa
State University of Santa Catarina – Udesc, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Campus Universitário Prof. Avelino
Marcante s/n, 89223-100 Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Received 21 May 2007; received in revised form 5 October 2007; accepted 17 October 2007

The present study investigates the influence of casting parameters on efficiency in aluminum can recycling using electric induction
furnace. The cans were compacted in “packages” using high pressure. Initially, the flux amount was maintained constant (20 wt.%),
but the temperature of the bath and melt treatment were changed. Next, using two different bath temperatures (750 and 850 ◦ C)
and melt treatment with an intensive mixture of flux in molten aluminum, flux amount was changed. The recovered aluminum was
poured into permanent molds. Results were assessed computing the efficiency of the recycling process defined as a relation between
the recycled and the original amount of aluminum. Chemical composition was evaluated by optical emission spectroscopy. Results
indicated that the use of bath temperatures above 750 ◦ C and flux amount of at least 10 wt.% leads to good recovery of aluminum
after the recycling of cans.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Recycling; Aluminum; Aluminum cans; Casting; Flux

1. Introduction Can recycling is responsible for placing Brazil for

five consecutive years at the top of the aluminum inter-
Recycling of aluminum, particularly aluminum bev- national ranking of the activity. In 2005, Brazil surpassed
erage cans is important due to several economic and the international record of beverage aluminum can recy-
environmental reasons. Recycling of aluminum requires cling. 96.2%–127.6 thousand tons of aluminum can
only 5% of the energy for primary aluminum production. were recycled in 2005, which corresponds to something
During the last decades interest has been focused on recy- around 9.4 billions of cans per year or 26 millions of cans
cling of aluminum cans. Recycling of 1 kg of aluminum per day, or even, more than a million per hour (Abal,
beverage cans saves up to 8 kg of bauxite, 4 kg of chem- 2007a,b).
ical products and 14 kWh of electricity (International With the efforts performed by the recycling chain –
Aluminium Institute, 2007). plates and cans manufacturers, beverage bottlers, work-
ers cooperatives and recyclers – and by the Government,
through the awareness of the population, the aluminium
∗ Corresponding author at: UDESC, Universidade do Estado de
can recycling program is, today, a successful experience
Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas, Campus Uni-
versitário Prof. Avelino Marcante s/n, 89223-100 Joinville, Santa
with great social, economic, and environmental influ-
Catarina, Brazil. Tel.: +55 47 40097934; fax: +55 47 40097940. ence. Only the collecting phase (the acquisition of used
E-mail address: (G.O. Verran). cans) injects annually R$ 490 millions in the Brazilian

0921-3449/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
732 G.O. Verran, U. Kurzawa / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (2008) 731–736

economy, a financial volume equivalent to companies parameter influence on recovery after aluminum can
that are among the 500 biggest of the country data of recycling (Tenório et al., 1995; Verran et al., 2005).
2005. The result is product of the association of several Recent studies have investigated the effect of melt
factors. The most important of then is the fact that the treatment and some process parameters on the efficiency
country owns a recycling market already established in in aluminum recycling.
all regions. Besides that, the easy procedures for collect- Majidi et al. (2007) have studied the effect of fluxing
ing, transporting and selling and high price of the alu- temperature on the refining process of molten aluminum.
minum scrap, combined with the great availability of the Results indicated that optimum temperature of fluxing
material during all the year, promotes the beverage alu- is about 740 ◦ C, at which flux can effectively remove
minum can recycling, stimulating changes of consumer oxides and inclusions from aluminum melts; and that
behavior. It is notorious the importance of aluminum refining will not be very effective in fluxing temperatures
cans for the activity of recycling in Brazil. Besides rein- below 700 ◦ C.
forcing the ecologic consciousness of the population, it Rabah (2003) has presented a method focused
incentives the collect of other materials (Abal, 2007a,b). on updating the current recycling technology by
In the United States, recent publications (Dunleavy, augmenting the removal of the paint coating, decreas-
2006; Henry, 2007; Toto, 2006) have shown that there ing magnesium loss during melting and improving
has been a great effort to increase can recycling. Toto hydrochloric acid leaching of the formed slag. For refin-
(2007) describes a program developed by Atlanta-based ing purposes, iron present in the leaching solution was
Novelis, a spin-off of Alcan and a global leader in alu- removed by oxidation using oxygen gas or hydrogen
minum rolling and can recycling, it has adopted the peroxide and filtered as goethite. Parameters affecting
Cans for Cash program to reduce loss of aluminum cans the extent of recovery and quality of the products were
due to landfill. Alcan started the program in 2004 in investigated. Results show optimum recovery efficiency,
partnership with the US Conference of Mayors, a non- about 96.6%, at temperatures around 800 ◦ C.
partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 Some papers have enfatized the advantages of the
or more. Under the program, there are four population use of medium frequency coreless induction furnaces
divisions: division 1, 250,000 and above; division 2, for recycling aluminum scrap. A major contributory fac-
100,000–249,999; division 3, 50,000–99,999; division 4, tor has been the high metal recovery levels, particularly
up to 49,000. The program awards $5,000 for recycling to for clean, high surface area scrap, in comparison to other
the cities that collect the most cans in each division. The furnace types (Smith, 1994).
program awards $5,000 to second largest can collector Schmidt (1988) has related the advantage of the spe-
of each categories for their innovative ideas, promot- cial characteristics of the coreless electric induction
ing aluminum can recycling. Keep America Beautiful melter in replacing to fuel-fired reverberatory furnaces
(KAB) joined the Cans for Cash partnership to encour- that are traditional in the aluminum industry. Taking into
age community participation in 2006. KAB encourages account both material and conversion costs, the net cost
cities to partner with their local affiliates to promote the of molten metal delivered to the die casting machines has
recycling of cans. been cut 25–30%, compared with the previous fuel-fired
The Swedish aluminum beverage can market reached melting.
0.84 billion cans in 1990. The recycling rate was 83.3%. MacIntosh (1983) has discussed about this subject.
All collected cans are delacquered in a special pretreat- He analyzes the advantages of using an induction furnace
ment unit before being remelted together with ‘can/can for secondary aluminium recovery over the use of the
stock’ production scrap in a 3000 kW channel induction direct-fired furnaces.
furnace. No virgin metal is added. The resulting high In other work, Smith (1995) describes the develop-
quality AA3004 material is cast to slabs and rolled to ment and optimization of electrically based technologies
0.33 mm can body stock. The delacquering and remelt- for metal melting and melt processing. The work relates
ing processes are performed in such a way that metal to both ferrous and non-ferrous foundry sectors and in the
loss and environmental impact are minimised. Above all case of aluminum, to their material suppliers, namely the
by continous adjustment of the combustion conditions in secondary ingot producers.In recent publication Luzgin
the delacquering unit a very effective destruction of toxic et al. (2004) have described the role of induction melt-
organic compounds is achieved (Knutsson and Sjoeberg, ing units in processing the secondary raw materials,
1991). the application of electromagnetic fields during smelt-
Despite the relevance of this activity, the litera- ing and casting of non-ferrous metals and technical
ture shows few experimental studies concerning casting characteristic of the melting induction plants.Recently,
G.O. Verran, U. Kurzawa / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (2008) 731–736 733

Dispinar and Campbell (2007) has presented a study in a Table 1

secondary alloy ingot producing plant targeted to inves- Experimental conditions
tigate the metal quality change in the holding furnace Experiment Melt treatment Casting temperature (◦ C)
during secondary remelting of aluminum alloy LM24 01 Without mixture 700
(Al–8Si–3Cu–Fe. The investigation was an attempt to 02 Without mixture 750
understand the effect of: (i) the use of diffusers (porous 03 Without mixture 800
plugs integrated into the body of the furnace) and (ii) 04 Without mixture 850
casting techniques involving different degrees of turbu- 05 With mixture 700
06 With mixture 750
lence. Casting density and biofilm index were found to be 07 With mixture 800
useful parameters to assess metal quality. It was found 08 With mixture 850
that the metal quality was increased significantly, and
was maintained high throughout the casting operation
when: (i) diffusers were used and (ii) turbulence was tal temperature, the melt treatment was given under two
reduced to a minimum. conditions: addition of flux to the surface of melt with-
In this study attempts have been made to improve the out mixture and intensive mixture of flux in the bath. The
efficiency in recycling and quality of aluminum recycled. flux amount was 20 wt.% of the total melt. A commercial
A preliminary study (Verran et al., 2005) has evaluated flux based on potassium and sodium chlorides was used.
the influence of flux amount on recovery after aluminum Concerning fluxing temperatures, four different ones
can recycling. The influence of casting temperature, melt (700, 750, 800 and 850 ◦ C) were investigated. The exper-
treatment and flux amount were investigated. imental conditions have been presented in Table 1. After
fluxing and skimming the melt, recovered aluminum was
2. Experimental procedure poured into permanent moulds.
The chemical composition of the casting ingots was
The cans were compacted in packages of 50 cans analyzed in all experiments using an Optical Emission
using a hydraulic press and a die specially designed and Spectrometer Shimadzu OES 5500 II.
manufactured for this purpose, as shown in Fig. 1. The results of recovery were assessed computing the
The experiments were conducted in an induction fur- efficiency of the recycling process, defined as a relation
nace of 40 kW, using a graphite crucible with capacity to between recycled and original amount of aluminum.
melt until 1.3 kg of aluminum. In order to obtain differ- Based on a previous analysis of the first series of
ent experimental melt temperatures, potencies ranging experiments, the parameters to the second series of
from 2 to 4 kW were used, resulting in heat times around experiments were defined.
20–25 min. In this second series, two fluxing temperatures (750
In the first series of experiments, influence of fluxing and 850 ◦ C) and an intensive mixture of flux in the bath
temperature and melt treatment were investigated. After were used, only the flux amount was changed. Table 2
total melting of charge and acquisition of experimen- shows the experimental conditions used.

Fig. 1. Equipments and cans package.

734 G.O. Verran, U. Kurzawa / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (2008) 731–736

Table 2
Second experimental series conditions
Experiment Casting temperature (◦ C) Flux quantity (wt.%)

01 750 20
02 850 20
03 750 10
04 850 10
05 750 5
06 850 5
07 750 2
08 850 2
09 750 1
10 850 1
11 750 0
12 850 0 Fig. 3. Efficiency vs. flux quantities.

3. Results and discussion mixture of the flux in melting aluminum aids the break
down of the oxides, promoting the process of metal-slag
The results of efficiency in aluminum recycling from separation (Tenório and Espinosa, 2002).
the first experimental series are shown in Fig. 2 for the Fig. 3 shows the results of efficiency as a function
conditions without and with flux mixture to the melt. of the flux quantity. It can be observed that increases in
It is seen that the use of flux mixture was more flux quantity leads to increases in efficiency values for
effective as compared to no mixture of flux in all different fluxing temperatures. It can be noted that over
melt temperatures investigated. Increases in melt tem- 10 wt.% in flux amount leads to stabilization in efficiency
peratures leads to increases in efficiency values. This values despite the increase in flux quantity added to the
confirms that melt treatment has a significant role in the bath.
efficiency results, and that the higher is the fluxing tem- Regarding the influence of melt temperature, a minor
perature, the higher the efficiency values. These results increase in efficiency results was noticed when higher
are in agreement with previous studies concerning the melt temperature was used. It suggests that 750 ◦ C is the
influence of fluxing temperatures on recovery of alu- good melting temperature, resulting in energy saves and
minum from used aluminum beverage cans (Majidi et reduction in oxidation losses.
al., 2007; Rabah, 2003). Results indicate that it is possible to reduce the flux
This behavior can be explained by the fact that the level, thus reducing the environmental impact of this
melt presents a fully different viscosity as compared to recycling process.
normal casting aluminum alloys. In aluminum cans the Influence of fluxing treatment on efficiency in alu-
melt presents the formation of a stronger viscosity metal- minum can recycling can also be observed by scrap
lic mass. It can be attributed to the presence of oxides aspects, Fig. 4. In the experiments in which no flux was
and other impurities solved in liquid aluminum, so the added to the melt (Fig. 4a), a clustering of the scrap with
the presence of aluminum metal be seen, which indicates
the inefficiency of this experimental condition. As for the
use of 20 wt.% of flux (Fig. 4b), another aspect can be
seen in the scrap, here clustering of the scrap was not
observed and there was not any aluminum metal.
Results show the occurrence of great efficiency val-
ues in aluminum can recycling using fusion in induction
furnace, and that these efficiency values were higher
than those obtained in some industrial plants. Accord-
ing to the information on industrial efficiency values of
aluminum can recycling, these values are around 55%
for oil/air combustion furnaces and 60% for natural gas
combustion furnaces (Kurzawa, 2006).
The chemical composition of recycled aluminum are
Fig. 2. Efficiency vs. bath temperatures for different melt treatments. shown in Table 3, the average values were presented as
G.O. Verran, U. Kurzawa / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (2008) 731–736 735

Fig. 4. Photography of the scrap: (a) no flux and (b) use of 20 wt.% of flux.

Table 3
Chemical compositions of the recycled aluminum

Mn Mg Cu Si Fe Zn Cr Ti Ni Pb Al

Minimuma 0.73 0.48 0.10 0.09 0.29 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 97.65
Maximuma 0.78 0.88 0.14 0.16 0.40 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.02 98.09
Averagea 0.74 0.63 0.11 0.10 0.34 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 97.99
a wt.% evaluated by optical emission spectroscopy.

well as the minimum and maximum values of the chem- Acknowledgement

ical analysis performed in samples of all experimental
conditions investigated in this study. The authors wish to thank UDESC, State University
These results show major changes in Mg amount, of Santa Catarina for financial support.
probably due to the higher reactivity of this element at
high temperatures, and Mn amount just below expected
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