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The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin

V. 60. No. 9 (September 1976). P. 1463-1501, 44 Figs.

Plate Tectonics in Oii and Gas Expioration of Continental Margins^

Tulsa, OI<lahoma 74102

Abstract The hypothesis of multiple crustai plates How can we find the greatest concentrations of
floating on viscous material, called asthenosphere, economically recoverable oil and gas in this huge
provides reason for viewing the earth's outer shell or frontier with the least expenditure of time, man-
lithosphere as a dynamic system of shifting continents
and changing ocean basins that has shaped world ge- power, and capital? Fortunately, development of
ography during the past 200 m.y. concurrent with the the plate-tectonics hypothesis is very timely to
accumulation of roughly 90 percent of the known re- help solve this problem by explaining the origins
serves of oil and gas, Plate tectonics offers a powerful of continental margins, and thereby suggesting
approach to exploring the continental margins (extend-
ing offshore to water depths of 15,000 ft or 4,600 m) guidelines for oil and gas exploration.
which reasonably could contain more oil and gas than
the land. Relative movements among crustai plates Concepts of Plate Tectonics
suggest classification of continental margins (as diver-
gent, convergent, and transform), and discussion of The hypothesis of multiple crustai plates float-
their origin in the context of structural style, tempera- ing on a viscous layer called asthenosphere, pro-
ture history, gross stratigraphy (Including source, res- vides reason for viewing the earth's outer shell or
ervoir, and trap potential), and particularly the time and lithosphere as a system of shifting continents and
place relation of these factors necessary for oii and gas
accumulation. changing ocean basins (Figs. 2, 3). Plate tectonics
The formation of divergent, Atlantic-type, margins by includes the related concepts of sea-floor spread-
extension tectonics (including continental rifting, crust- ing, lithospheric subduction, continental drift,
ai subsidence, and seaward tilting) reasonably encour- continental collision, and transform faulting.
ages exploration because high earth temperatures fa- These dynamic processes have shaped the chang-
vorable for generation and expulsion of oil and gas
prevail at the same time and place as shallow-water ing scene of world geography during the past 180
sedimentation (that favors the formation of sources, m.y., coincident with the time of accumulation of
reservoirs, and traps). Clues to possible oil and gas approximately 90 percent of the known reserves
provinces buried within or beneath thick carbonate of oil and gas in the world.
platforms or thick land-derived sediment include: fossil
rifts or pull-apart basins, peninsula and island spllt-offs, Sea-floor spreading—Interpretation of magnetic
remnants of tear faults or transverse grabens (aulaco- Uneations in oceanic areas and dating of oldest
gens), reefs, salt or slump-related features, volcanic sedimentary material overlying basaltic litho-
rocks, and onlap unconformities with stratigraphic
pinchouts. sphere have led to conclusions that the present
Convergent, Pacific-type margins invite exploration ocean basins are quite young and that new ocean-
in Cenozoic sediments deposited during the formation ic crust forms by upwelling of basalt along ocean-
of several basin types that favor oil and gas generation, ic ridges in a process called sea-floor spreading
expulsion, and accumulation for varied combinations (Hess, 1962; Vine and Matthews, 1963; Vine,
of reasons. These include rapid, deep burial and sub-
sequent uplift by thrust faulting adjacent to oceanic 1969). Thus, progressively older trends of basaltic
trenches, and high earth temperatures associated with
extension faulting in marginal seas of Asian-Pacific ©Copyright 1976. The American Association of Petroleum
margins. Geologists. All rights reserved.
Continental collision, representing the final stage of
plate convergence, results in extreme contrasts of to- 'Manscripl received, March 27, 1975; accepted. February 12,
pography, sedimentation, structure, and oil potential 1976. This paper was presented as an AAPG Distinguished
and In realization that understanding the continental Lecture at 50 localities in North America during October 1973
margins of the present helps in the understanding of to May 1974; in part at the Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral
ancient continental margins that now form parts of the Resources Conference. Honolulu. Hawaii, in August 1974; at
land, including most of the known reserves of oil and the Cairo Fourth Exploration Seminar. November 1974; as a
gas. public lecture sponsored by Amoco International in Portugal,
Angola, Pakistan. Thailand. Taiwan, and Japan during
November and December 1974; in part at the AAPG Annual
Meeting in Dallas. April 1975; as a keynote at Exploration
INTRODUCTION Update '75. in Calgary. May 1975; and finally in Singapore,
Jakarta, and Manila during February 1976.
Present continental margins of the world com-
prise vast frontiers for oil and gas exploration ex- ^Visiting Professor of Geology. University of Oklahoma
tending offshore to water depths of 15,000 ft (formerly Research Associate. Amoco Production Company,
(4,600 m). This prospective offshore area exceeds
The author appreciates the Input of many colleagues and the
the prospective onshore area already explored support of Amoco management in the preparation and
and being produced (Fig. 1). presentation of this paper.

1464 Thomas L. Thompson

"^"•^1 SHtUaW IH'EII 10 MO FT ) •MO.OOI SO Ml.

I--, yn m w D K -ajKHiiaa so MI
• • DEEP WtTER .600 15000 r i 20 000 000 SO Ml
Mttr Kdilni at lul. VH
FIG. 1—Areal extent .it oil and gas prospectivitv of world.

FIG. 2 - Dvnamic earth model.

Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1465

FIG. 3—System of shifting continenls and changini; ocean basins

lithosphere are present with increasing distance Conlineniul ilrlfi and conunenlat collision—The
from the spreading trends (Fig. 4). Although !,ev- absence of lithospheric subduction between some
eral hundred holes have been sampled since 1968 sea-floor spreading trends and the adjacent conti-
by the Gtomar Challenger in the deep-sea drilling nents (as in the Atlantic Ocean) implies continen-
program, the oldest known oceanic lithosphere tal drift to accommodate the generation of new
apparently is less than 195 m.y- old. Thus. 60 per- oceanic crust. On a nonexpanding earth, conti-
cent of the earth's present surface formed since nental drift ultimately may result in continental
Triassic time. collision, wherein the intervening oceanic crust
Lithospheric subduction—Unless one postulates has been subducted and oceans are drained by
a rapidly expanding earth (60 percent since Trias- deformation and uplift of ihe converging conti-
sic time), then the formation of new lithosphere nental margins.
implies an equal rate of lithospheric destruction Transform faulting—In defining this special
or underthrusting of one lithospheric plate be- class of faulting, Wilson (1965) implied transfor-
neath another. Lithospheric subduction reason- mation of one sense of movement to another, for
ably takes place along the trends of deep oceanic example, the transformation of lateral slip (along
trenches, andesitic volcanoes, and trends of deep a strike-slip fault) to dip-slip (along a normal or
earthquakes, all of which characterize the Pacific reverse fault). The development of the plate-tec-
Ocean margins. tonics hypothesis since 1965 has brought about
1466 Thomas L. Thompson




• • •


«/» O
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1467

the widespread use of the term, transform fault- the transition from (he I ,iir'.weather fault system
ing, in discussion of movement parallel with the to the .Aleutian fault s\slciii in the nt)rthern Ciulf
boundaries of adjacent segments of lithosphere of Alaska. In this report, transform movements
on ocean ridges (Fig. 4) and movement parallel are discussed in the context of either divergent or
with the boundaries of adjacent lithospheric convergent systems. In fact, oblique-slip diver-
plates, as along the margin of Pacific North gence and oblique-slip convergence may domi-
America (Fig. 5). nate most plate interactions.
Useful in the development of plate tectonics The relative effects of crusial divergence versus
and related concepts are: Wegener (1924), crustal convergence reasonably explain the strong
Du Toit (1937), Hess (1962), Wilson (1965), Tak- contrasts between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
euchi et al (1967). Dewey and Bird (1970), Dewey margins. Although in convergent systems conti-
(1972), Le Pichon et al (1973), and a series o'f nental margins generally coincide with plate
symposium volumes (Blackett et al, 1965; Max- boundaries, in divergent systems the continental
well et al, 1970; Bird and Isacks, 1972; Shagam et margins move progressively farther away from
al, 1972; Wilson et al, 1972; Tarlmg and Run- the plate margin as new oceanic crust forms.
corn, 1973). Since 1968, these concepts have been Thus, divergent margins in midplate positions of
supported strongly by data of the JOIDES (Joint the Atlantic Ocean contrast with convergent mar-
Oceanographic Institute Deep Earth Sampling) gins in plate-edge positions in the Pacific Ocean.
expeditions and accepted widely by the scientific
community. Objective
My discussion is intended to characterize con-
Classification of Plate Boundaries and tinental margins of the world from the viewpoint
Continental Margins of plate tectonics with reference to the predicta-
The worldwide distribution of earthquakes sug- bility of those geologic factors necessary for oil
gests breaking of the lithosphere into a mosaic of and gas generation and accumulation. Although
semirigid plates that move relative to each other the stratigraphic factors of oil and gas source and
(Fig. 5). This provides the basis for classifying reservoir potential are included in the discussion,
plate boundaries and continental margins as di- emphasis is placed on the crustal tectonics related
vergent, convergent, and transform. In essence, to the heat necessary for oil and gas generation,
extension faults, compression faults, and strike- and the structural styles that would influence the
slip faults occur on a crustal scale, respectively migration and trapping of oil and gas, particular-
characterizing divergent, convergent, and trans- ly on the time and place relations of these several
form plate boundaries and continental margins. factors.
The world distribution of continental-margin
types based on plate tectonics shows a present DIVERGENT CONTINENTAL MARGINS
dominance of divergent margins around the At- Prominent continental rises, gentle continental
lantic Ocean, a dominance of convergent margins slopes (1 to 3°), broad continental shelves, and
around the Pacific Ocean, and a complex distri- broad coastal plains characterize the morphology
bution of margin types around the Indian Ocean of divergent margins of extended ocean basins
(Fig. 6). such as those around the Atlantic Ocean. Howev-
The indicated transform margins imply domi- er, various geographic localities, when considered
nance of strike-slip faulting in transformation collectively, suggest a time sequence of stages in
from one sense of displacement to another; how- the formation of divergent continental margins
ever, the transformations nearly always include (Fig. 6).
components of divergence or convergence. For
example, along Pacific North America, the trans- Tectonic Formation of Divergent Margins
formation from divergence at the East Pacific The divergent-margin sequence begins with
Rise to convergence in the western Gulf of Alas- tectonic upwarp, rifting, and volcanism, as in
ka includes the prominent San Andreas strike-slip eastern Africa (stage I), progresses through early
fault system of California and the equally promi- sea-floor spreading represented by the Red Sea
nent Fairweather strike-slip fault system of south- and the Gulf of Aden (stage II), to the extended
east Alaska. A combination of strike-slip and di- ocean stage represented by the equatorial Atlan-
vergence is expressed by the split-off of Baja tic (stage III). As new ocean basins extend by
California from North America to form the Gulf addition of new oceanic crust along spreading
of California. Combinations of strike-slip and trends, the divergent continental margins move
convergence are expressed by the formation of progressively farther away from the accreting-
the Transverse Ranges in southern California and plate margin. Passive subsidence with essentially
1468 Thomas L. Thompson

I ° ^ t 8 !g O I

90° \f.Cfi 150° ISO" 150" 120







FIG. 6—Classification of continental margins based on plate tectonics.
1470 Thomas L. Thompson

T " i
K P L A NATION Ridgc. Such distiirliiHis it hi.- continental mar-
EARThflUAKt EPICENTERS gins are not apparent; laiiur, the fracture /.ones
15° h - ^ - -h. -^
EARTHQUAKE MECHANISMS tend to terminate at continental margins or short
distances inland.
Fracture zones that cut across the ridge crest
between adjacent spreading segments are termed
ridge-ridge transform faults. These faults localize
most earthquakes associated with sea-floor
spreading. First-motion studies by Sykes (1967)
demonstrate that displacements along these trans-
form faults are in the opposite sense to the offset
of adjacent ridge segments of sea-floor spreading
(Fig. 7). This seems reasonable with the recogni-
tion that new oceanic crust moves outward from
FIG. 7—Ridge-ridge transform faults in South Atlantic each spreading ridge segment in both directions
(after Sykes, 1967). perpendicular to the ridge.
Fracture trends extending beyond current
no earthquakes or volcanism characterizes diver- spreading-ridge segments remain as fossil evi-
gent continental margins, except in the rift and dence of earlier strike-slip displacements along
early sea-floor-spreading stages. transform faults and lead to a postulate that ini-
Areal extension fau/ling—Parallelism of the tial continental breakup includes strike-slip fault-
Mid-Atlantic Ridge with continental margins on ing, as well as crustal rifting (normal faulting that
opposing sides of the Atlantic Ocean suggests allows upwelling of magma from the astheno-
origination of the ridge in its present segmented sphere). The rectilinear pattern formed by this
form broken by fracture zones perpendicular to areal extension faulting suggests control by preex-
the ridge segments (Fig. 6). Otherwise, if the isting, orthogonal fracturing, known to character-
spreading segments had formed an unbroken ize continental crust in general (Gay, 1973).
ridge, the continental margins would have experi- Upwarp and rifling (siagc I)—The characteris-
enced tremendous distortion in order to account tics of stage I in the formation of divergent conti-
for known age distributions of oceanic crust and nental margins include formation of basaltic
still maintain parallelism with the Mid-Altantic magma in the upper asthenosphere, thinning of

FIG. 8—Three-stage model of rifting and sea-floor spreading (modified after Heezen. I960;
Dewev and Bird, 1970).
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1471





f l l l l '^'"^^s:.i^.
500 Ml r , . " . ^ ' V ' - - - ; .-,v\

'•'-:"-!x'- /
500 KM



FIG. 9—Tectonic features associated with divergent trends m East Africa and Red Sea area.

the overlying lithosphere (probably by plastic sult from increased temperatures caused by con-
flow in the lower part and areal extension faulting centrations of radioactive minerals in the deeper
in the upper part), broad tectonic upwarp, and earth; this is the "hot-spot" theory of Wilson (see
volcanism at the surface of the earth (Fig. 8). Jacobs et al, 1974), which presumes that lithos-
Two reasonable causes have been recognized pheric thinning results directly from the forma-
for the formation of basaltic magmas and the ap- tion of magma. Alternatively, basaltic magma
parently related lithospheric thinning and tecton- may result from pressure reduction on the asthe-
ic upwarp. Formation of basaltic magma may re- nosphere caused by areal-extension faulting (and
1472 Thomas L. Thompson




FIG. 10—Seismic-reflection profiles across northern and southern Red Sea areas
(from Phillips and Ross. 1970).

therefore thinning) of the overlying lithosphere. Subsided margins (stage III)—Tectonic subsi-
As in the hot-spot theory, tectonic upwarp would dence in the formation of divergent continental
result directly from the volume increase repre- margins may range up to 40,000 ft (12,000 m),
sented by the change from solid rock to basaltic depending on several factors. Assuming isostatic
magma. In contrast to the hot-spot theory, how- balance, the controls for subsidence include the
ever, tectonic thinning would cause formation of amount of thinning of continental crust, in-
basaltic magma rather than be a result of it. creased density due to cooling of new oceanic
Continental rifting and sea-floor spreading rea- crust as it moves away from spreading trends to
sonably are initiated by broad areal extension of form deep ocean floor (Sclater et al, 1971), and
the lithosphere. This conclusion is suggested by the amount of loading by sediment influx from
the apparent absence of compressive structures in the adjacent continents.
the hthosphere all the way from the eastern foot-
hills of the Andes Mountains, across the Mid-At- Shallow-Water Sediments and High
lantic Ridge and Africa to the Persian Gulf. Per- Temperatures of New Ocean Basins
haps radioactive hot spots cause points of Initiation of sea-floor spreading from continen-
weakness in the lithosphere, thus localizing litho- tal rifting may have special significance for petro-
spheric thinning and rift formation in the broader leum exploration because high earth temperatures
context of lithosphere in extension. (that favor generation of oil and gas) are present
Early sea-floor spreading (stage II)—Continued concurrently with shallow-water deposition of
lithospheric thinning by plastic flow and area ex- sediments that favor the formation of sources,
tension faulting eventually results in collapse of reservoirs, and seals for petroleum. Thus, we can
the tectonic upwarp over magma blisters. The anticipate black (euxinic) muds for source, shore-
process of sea-floor spreading begins with separa- line sands and carbonate reefs for reservoirs, and
tion of the continental lithosphere, transgression evaporites for seals. This same combination of
of ocean water, and upwelling of basaltic magma source, earth heat, reservoir, and seal may lie sub-
to the earth's surface as oceanic lithosphere. High sided under continental margins of extended
temperatures associated with trends of sea-floor ocean basins, buried by an influx of sediment
spreading proceed from magma at shallow depths from the adjacent continents.
beneath spreading oceanic ridges (Langseth, Rifl trends in east Africa and Red Sea—The dis-
1969). tribution of Precambrian rock illustrates the
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1473

FIG. 11—Tectonic features of northern Red Sea region (photograph from

Apollo 7).

broad, tectonic upwarps that characterize initial areas still in the earlier stages of rifting, or in ar-
extension of continents where Cenozoic volcanic eas of fossil rifting that have cooled appreciably
rocks demonstrate magmatic upwelling (Fig. 9). during subsequent sedimentation.
The suggestion of high earth temperature was ver- The giant El Morgan field was discovered in
ified in the southern Red Sea where deep drilling the Gulf of Suez which may be interpreted as a
encountered temperatures of 500°F (260°C) at a fossil rift with high paleotemperatures (Fig. 11).
depth of 8,000 ft (2,438 m) in rocks of Miocene The distribution of Precambrian terrain demon-
age. This deep drilling recovered small amounts strates a broad tectonic upwarp that characterizes
of gas as the only evidence of petroleum, which continental rifting and early stage sea-floor
presumably would have been destroyed within a spreading. Transform faulting along the Gulf of
few million years by such high temperatures. Aqaba has allowed widening of the Red Sea rela-
Reflection-seismic profiles suggest a less ad- tive to the Gulf of Suez. Thus, the Gulf of Suez
vanced stage of rifting in the northern Red Sea remains as a fossil of an older rift with marine
when compared with the southern (Fig. 10). A sedimentation but apparently without upwelling
deep rift with no sediment cover marks the hot of magma to the ocean bottom. Production at El
southern Red Sea where magmas apparently Morgan comes from intcrbedded sandstones and
welled up to the ocean bottom during early sea- evaporites of Miocene age that have been draped
floor spreading. In contrast, the northern Red Sea over tilted fault blocks (Fig. 12). The carboniza-
shows essentially unbroken sediment cover tion level of disseminated organic matter indi-
draped over tilted fault blocks in a broad down- cates paleotemperatures somewhat higher than at
warp. A "just right" earth-temperature history present.
may help to explain association of commercial Fossil rifts and petroleum in Africa, Europe, and
petroleum with this northern Red Sea region. North Atlantic—The idea of fossil rifts being pro-
Prospectivity of fossil rifts suggested by oil and spective for oil and gas accumulation may apply
gas in Gulf of Suez—Conditions favorable for oil to the Sirte basin of North Africa, the North Sea
and gas generation without destruction may pre- basin, and the rifted margins of extended ocean
vail in areas adjacent to primary rifts, in those basins in general (Fig 13). Determination of the
1474 Thomas L. Thompson



FIG. 12—Structural profile across Gulf of Suez-northern Red Sea area

(Base Map from Nation a

Geographic 1968)

FIG. 13—Fossil rifts and petroleum accumulations in Africa. Europe and North Atlantic.
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1475

F I G . 14 Divergent triple junction in E-.ast Africa (modified after McKensie. 1970).

1476 Thomas L. Thompson


i*-;' f

FIG. 15—Sequence of formation of divergent triple junctio
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1477

most prospective segments of divergciil ni,irgins

requires understanding of the tectonic mecha-
nisms involved in continental breakup.
Divergent triple junctions and aulacogens The
Afar terrain of eastern Africa, the Niger delta re-
gion of western Africa, and the Arbuckle-Ouachi-
ta region of Oklahoma may represent successive
stages of the same tectonic process related re-
spectively to new ocean basins (divergent triple
junction), expanded ocean basins (aulacogen del-
la), and continental collision (southern Oklahoma
First-motion studies on earthquakes in eastern
Africa suggest that three plates (Arabian, Nubian,
and Somalian) are moving away from the point of
intersection of three earthquake trends (Fig. 14),
The sequence of events leading to the present in-
cluded tectonic upwarp, fracture, graben forma-
tion, and early sea-floor spreading (Fig. 15).
Matching coastlines across the Gulf of Aden
support the suggestion that Arabia has moved
away from Africa (Fig. 16). The Afar terrain ap-
pears to block the restoration of Arabia against
Africa. However, basalts younger than the rifting
apparently comprise most of the Afar terrain. The
Gulf of Tajura appears as a small embayment 16—EarK stage sea-floor spreading in East Africa
projecting into the Afar terrain, opposite the iCJcniini II)
southwest corner of Arabia.
The serrated margins in the Gulf of Tajura ap-
parently result from areal extension faulting (Fig. those along the nit trends of the Afar triple junc-
17), including northwest-trending normal faults, tion (compare F-igs. 9. 19. inset). While sediment
and east-northeast-trending fracture zones, map- was being eroded from the tectonic upwarp and
ped by Backer et al (1973). Although probably deposited in a graben system forming along the
buried by the influx of sediment during subsi- rift trend, sea water apparently encroached from
dence, this same pattern of extension faulting rea- the west and the south, evaporites formed as ir-
sonably characterizes the margins of extended regular patches, perhaps isolated by rugged ter-
ocean basins in general. rain along transform faults. With further crustal
The northerly-trending lineations and white ar- extension, basaltic magmas welled up in the for-
eas that appear on Figure 17, on closer examina- mation of new oceanic lithosphere. The Benue
tion, can be recognized as basaltic flows broken trough was left as the sediment-filled fossil arm
by normal faults with evaporites in grabens (F'ig. (aulacogen) of the Niger triple junction from
18). This might be described as oceanic crust which the Niger delta prograded onto cooling and
without the ocean, although much of the terrain subsiding sea floor.
extends below sea level. Heat residual from the cooling crust at the Ni-
The separation of Africa from South America ger triple junction may account for the generation
in Early Cretaceous time apparently involved a and expulsion of petroleum in Tertiary sediments
divergent triple junction in the Niger delta region of the Niger delta. L niested Cretaceous objec-
(Fig. 19). By analogy with the Afar triple junc- tives associated with evaporites can be antici-
tion, the Benue trough was similar to the East pated beneath the Niger delta, perhaps within
African rift, the prominent transform faulting in reach of the drill along the periphery of the delta
the equatorial Atlantic was similar to the trans- and within the Benue triiugh.
form faulting in the Gulf of Aden, the South At- The southern Oklahoma aulacogen, as defined
lantic seaway was similar to the Red Sea, and the by the Russian geologist Shatski (in Wickham et
hump of Brazil was similar to the corner of Ara- al, 1975). parallels Precambrian trends and ex-
bia. The distribution of Precambrian rocks along tends 450 km into the Mid-Continent from its
the restored rift trends of the Niger triple junction junction with the Ouachita foldbelt in southeast-
suggests the same type of tectonic upwarps as ern Oklahoma. The histor\ of the aulacogen in-
1478 Thomas L. Thompson

FIG. 17—Areal extension faulting during early stage continental break-up in East Africa (Apollo
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1479


Areal extension of basalt terrain hv normal faulting m East .Africa (photograph by Haroun Tazieff).

eludes three stages: a rifting stage from latest Pre- carbonates deposited during the subsiding stage
cambrian through Middle Cambrian time; a sub- from Late Cambrian through Early Devonian
siding stage from Late Cambrian through Early time.
Devonian time; and a deforming stage from Late The margins of extended ocean basins include
Devonian to Early Permian time. The rifting other possible remnants of divergent triple junc-
stage was dominated by mafic intrusions and ex- tions with potential exploration objectives in au-
trusions, followed by silicic igneous activity. lacogens, prograded deltas, and subsided pull-
Cambrian faulting suggests that the early aulaco- apart basins. Features possibly related to diver-
gen was a graben with uplifted flanks. During the gent triple junctions include the Cuanza delta of
subsidence stage, the aulacogen accumulated 5 to offshore Angola, the Congo delta, Amazon delta,
10 times more shallow-water sediment than adja- Zambezi delta off southeast Africa, Godevari
cent areas. The deformational stage was dominat- trough of eastern India. Gulf of St. Lawrence,
ed by large vertical displacements which formed Georgia embayment, and Mississippi embayment
the Anadarko, Marietta, and Ardmore basins, (see Burke and Dewey, 1973).
and the Wichita, Criner, and Arbuckle uplifts. Pull-apart basins and island splil-offs—Oil and
Left-slip displacements are indicated by offset fa- gas productive basins of eastern Brazil and west-
des boundaries, as well as fold axes which trend ern Africa represent multiple-graben formation
at an acute angle to the faults. Deformation with- (pull-apart) in the separation of South America
in the aulacogen may be related genetically to a from Africa along the south-trending arm of the
collision which formed the Ouachita Mountains Niger triple junction (Fig. 19). The Reconcavo
and deformed the continental margin of early Pa- basin produces most of Brazil's oil and gas where
leozoic time. Oil and gas production in southern normal faults demonstrate areal extension of the
Oklahoma comes mostly from sandstones and lithosphere. Oil production is associated with





FIG. 19—Tectonic mechanisms of crustal extension at divergent continental margins (after Burke et al, 1971).
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploratior 1481


10 50
FIG. 20—Pull-apart basin in Mozambique Channel. East Africa, travel time is two
way (Lamont Geological Observatory. 1970).

FIG. 21—Areal extension faulting in southern California and Mexico (Apollo 9).
1482 Thomas L. Thompson

FIG. 22—Locations where shallow-water rocks were recovered from deep water under subsided margins
of extended .icean basins (cores from JOIDES)

Cretaceous evaporites under the Gabon shelf. have had a high thermal history favorable for oil
Giant-field reserves associated with Cretaceous and gas generation.
evaporites have been established under several Oil-prolific Bass Strait between the southeast
hundred feet of water offshore Cabinda. More corner of Australia and Tasmania apparently re-
deeply subsided margins of Africa (such as Ango- sults from complex displacements on strike-slip,
la) and opposing Brazil may include unexplored normal, and transform faults during separation of
pull-apart basins with oil and gas potential. Australia from Antarctica and the Lord Howe-
Island (and peninsula) split-offs, such as Mada- New Zealand Ridge (Elliott. 1972). Shallow-water
gascar, Tasmania, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and Baja rocks have subsided and trend eastward under
California, form distinctive features of divergent unexplored deep-water margins of the Tasman
margins, perhaps resulting from pull-apart with a Sea.
dominant strike-slip component of displacement Right-slip displacements apparently dominate
or from rift cross-trends. Huge grabens under the the Pliocene to recent rifting of Baja California
Mozambique channel demonstrate pull-apart away from the North American mainland (Fig.
(Fig. 20), but the distribution of continental frag- 21). High temperatures at spot locations in the
ments (Madagascar and the Seychelles-Mauritius Gulf of California and Imperial Valley reason-
Ridge) relative to Africa, India, and the Carlsberg ably reflect penetration of magma high in the
oceanic ridge suggests strong left-slip component lithosphere along short-spreading trends that join
of displacement. Cretaceous tar sands on the west transform faults (Elders et al, 1972).
coast of Madagascar may reflect former high Extension mechanisms active in Miocene time
earth temperatures associated with a triple junc- with associated basalt formation and heat may
tion at the mouth of the Zambezi River. Sri Lan- help to explain the generation and accumulation
ka may have rifted away from India in a fashion of giant oil and gas fields of the Los Angeles ba-
similar to Madagascar from Africa. Unexplored sin and lead to new discoveries offshore, on the
Palk Strait (between India and Sri Lanka) may southern California borderland.
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1483

Thick Sediments of Extended Ocean Basins gal limestone '>f prc-Vliocene tige come from
6,000 ft (2.000 111. oi A.Iter northeast of Brazil.
Sediment thickness i)n the subsided niargnis of Nonmannc Creldccous locks came from Orphan
extended ocean basins ranges up to 40.01)0 ft (12, Knoll undei 6.()0() ft ol i\aler east of Newfound-
000 m). depending on the several tectonic factors land. Reefs of E^arh ( reiaceous age were cored at
noted previously. Although extension faulting depths of 6,000 ft in the Gulf of Mexico, thus
reasonably characterizes the basement structure suggesting a shallow-water origin for Jurassic
of divergent margins in general, the character of evaporites there.
the sediment sequence provides variability which Classification ol extended ocean margins—Sub-
leads to classification. sided margins of extended ocean basins generally
Evidence of subsidence—Cores of shallow-water fit into one of four types (or a combination of
rocks recovered by deep-sea drilling demonstrate these types) that depend on the relative signifi-
the tremendous subsidence related to the forma- cance of land-derived sediment, carbonate depos-
tion of divergent continental margins and suggest its, slump faulting, and evaporites (Fig. 23). Con-
that extensive regions once were in shallow water trols for the preceding characteristics, for variable
or above sea level (Fig. 22). Lagoon deposits and patterns of unconformities, and for the relative
reefs of Paleocene age were sampled under 5,000 amounts of shallow-water versus deep-water sedi-
ft (1,500 m) of water in the Indian Ocean. Non- ment on these divergent margins include the rates
marine Jurassic and overlying black shales of of sediment input, the rates of tectonic subsi-
Cretaceous age came from under 7,000 ft (2,500 dence, and eustatic changes m sea level.
m) of water on the Falkland plateau. Cretaceous Suggestions of oil and gas prospectivity—Oil
coquina came from 7,000 ft of water at the flank shows on Challenger Knoll in the deep Gulf of
of the Rio Grande Ridge, southeast of Brazil. .Al- Mexico stirred interest in deep-water exploration


lOKM- TimiiiLmiiilijili i j n . i i j l u n i r i f n f a
sob KM 1000 KM



10 KM




500 KM lood

FIG. 23—Types of margins present in extended ocean basins (after Beck. 1972).
1484 Thomas L. T h o m p s o n

100 MILES »- 10 MILES


FIG. 24—Locatton and section of JOIDES core hole with oil shows on Challenger Knoll in deep Gulf of Mexico
(after Ewing et al, 1969).

-25 miles-
11 - . - ! - '

FIG. 25—Prospective structures with thick sediment in deep Gulf of Mexico.

Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1485

in 1968, when oil-saturated cap rock from a salt pinchout (Fig. 30), funned in thick, land-derived
dome was recovered from a few hundred feel be- sediment under the sontiiiental rise. Recognizing
low the ocean bottom in 11.720 ft (3,572 m) of the subsidence hislors of such divergent margins
water (Fig. 24). Challenger Knoll (about 10 mi or suggests a shallow-watei origin for much of the
16 km in diameter) shows on the seismic profile sediment sequence, now under deep water.
as a small bump on the ocean bottom above a
sediment-buried piercement feature, interpreted CoNVERGF.N r C O M iNE\ I \i, MAR{;INS AND
as a salt dome. COLLISIONS
JOIDES coring in 1969 (site 9) penetrated sand Because the earth forms a sphere, divergence of
turbidites of Miocene age as evidence of reservoir continents away from trends of sea-floor spread-
potential under deep water (Fig. 25): the Kane ing implies convergence of continents and the
Surveys of the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Geological prospect of continental collisions elsewhere (as-
Survey revealed salt domes and thick sediment suming no significant expansion of the earth). As-
under virtually the entire Gulf of Mexico (Fig. suming 60 percent of the earth's present litho-
26). The unexplored area in the Gulf of Mexico sphere formed by sea-floor spreading within the
exceeds the explored area by at least 10 times. past 195 m.v. since Triassic time, then 60 percent
The Blake Plateau, east of Florida, illustrates a must have been consumed and continental colli-
subsided carbonate platform with a prospective sion somewhere would be assured.
reef (Fig. 27). Deep-water sediment above shal-
low-water sediment on the Blake Plateau (where Tectonic Formation of Convergent Margins
the rate of sedimentation did not keep pace with The characteristics of Pacific and northeast In-
tectonic subsidence) contrasts with continuous dian Ocean margins seem consistent with the idea
shallow-water sedimentation on the Bahama of lithospheric-plate convergence and subduction.
Banks where sedimentation did keep pace with These characteristics include deep oceanic
tectonic subsidence. trenches, steep continental slopes (3 to 30°), nar-
The continental margins of New Jersey, south- row continental shelves and coastal plains, the
eastern Canada (Laurentian cone), and western uplift of marine sediment as island or mountain
France (Bay of Biscay), respectively, illustrate a trends, and the formation of andesitic volcanoes.
possible extension fault (Fig. 28), salt-related Isostatic gravity lows along the continental slopes
structures (Figs. 28, 29), and a stratigraphic suggest dynamic downwarp of the oceanic crust


X I *- ^ I f .-f
FIG. 26—Areal extent of deep-water oil and gas potential in Gulf of Mexico (after Meek, 1973).
1486 Thomas L. Thompson

FIG. 27—Section across subsided carbonate platform. Blake Plateau. F lorida.

SiA LtvEL -0

'r ce?iio2oic IIM^"



FIG. 28—Section across detrital continental rise, New Jersey.

Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1487

0 1 5
FIG. 29—Section across possible salt sir l l C t l l re in ihick sedimem und c! , ;i jit'n'ian cone ot
• tern Can,:ida.

8Ay Of BISCfiV
(Stride et a I 1969)

2 5 0 0 FEET '/

/' 3,000' I Minimum)
a ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ k ^ - * ^ ^ n CRETACEOUS

FIG. 30—Stratigraphic pinchout under continental slope of western France (after Stride et al, 1969).
1488 Thomas L. Thompson

FIG, 31-- Types of convergenl ni.irgms present in Asian-Pacifn .mil Andean region.

(Vening Meinesz, 1934; Bowin. 1972; Grow. being generated along ihe Hast Pacific Rise, plus
1973). Distribution of shallow, intermediate, and the Mid-Altantic Ridge. Estimates of conver-
deep-focus earthquakes along an inclined plane gence rates in the Pacific basin range up to 4 in.
which proceeds landward from the trench sug- (10 cm) per year (Lc Pichon. 1968). or 140 mi (224
gests underthrusting (Benioff. 1955; Isacks el al. km) in the last 2 m.\.
1968; Stauder, 1968). Andean versus Asian-Pacific convergent mar-
Contraction of Pacific basin and rates of margin gins—Convergent margins consist of two types
convergence—Assuming a balance of crustal for- repre.sented by the Pacific margin of South Amer-
mation and destruction in the Indian Ocean, then ica (Andean), and the Pacific margin of Asia
the area of the Pacific Ocean is assumed to be (Asian-Pacific). In contrast to the Andean con-
contracting at a rate roughly equal to the exten- vergent margin, where reverse faulting is a promi-
sion of the Atlantic Ocean basin. In essence, the nent feature inland from the trend of andesitic
amount of subduction along Pacific convergent volcanoes, the .Asian-Pacific convergent margin
margins must balance the amount of new crust includes normal faulting and the formation of


FIG. 32—Elements of western Pacific convergent margins
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin ExploratiO'i 1489

FIG. 33—Diagrammatic section showing subsurface temperaluns .ii con-

vergent margins (after Sugimura and t.\e(la, I*'"'.'*;

small ocean basins on the landward side of the coincidence of deep earthquakes with high earth
andesitic volcano trends (Fig. 31). temperatures along the block-fault-basin trend in
Two contrasting tectonic trends along Asian-Pa- Japan and Indonesia suggests an empirical means
cific margins—The continental margins between of predicting high-temperature trends that might
the Asian and Pacific plates include two contrast- favor oil and gas accumulation in similar tectonic
ing tectonic trends on opposite sides of the ande- settings elsewhere in the world (Fig. 35). Other
sitic volcano trend (Fig. 32). Thrust-fault basins productive regions that coincide with possible hot
under continental slopes adjacent to deep oceanic trends based on earthquake distribution include
trenches contrast with block-fault basins general- south-central Burma and perhaps the Oriente ba-
ly under the small ocean basins on the landward sin of Ecuador and Peru. Eventually, Bristol Bay,
side of the andesitic volcanoes. However, com- Alaska, may join the ranks of major producers of
plications in this apparently simple relation arise this type.
from time-sequential changes in the angle of con- Tectonic origin of block-fault basins with high
vergence between plates. temperatures at convergent margins—Possible ex-
planations for block-faulting with upwelling of
Oil and Gas Along Block-Fault Trends of magma include e.xtensional bending of litho-
Asian-Pacific Convergent Margins sphere as it subsides with the downgoing slab of
Plate convergence in the western Pacific appar- oceanic lithosphere (Fig. 32), upward flow of
ently distorts the distribution of earth heat, such asthenospherc caused by encounter with the
that the isotherms in general are depressed be- downgoing slab, subduction of spreading ridges,
neath trenches, and elevated beneath the trend of or the torniation of ihombic pull-apart basins
volcanoes and the trend of block-fault basins caused by subparallel interaction of converging
(Fig. 33). The high temperatures proceed from plates. Oil and gas production in the Japan Sea is
basalt magmas known to well up in these "back- believed to reflect high temperatures associated
ridge" regions (Karig, 1974). with rhombic pull-apart basins of Miocene age,
High-temperature association of oil and gas with formed by subparallel plate convergence. A
block-fault-basin trend—Indonesia includes sever- change in the angle of plate convergence in Japan
al giant oil and gas accumulations associated with (from oblique to perpendicular) since Miocene
high earth temperatures along the block-fault-ba- time apparently has caused compression and
sin trend (Fig. 34). The giant Minas field in cen- high-angle reverse faulting on former normal
tral Sumatra and recent discoveries in the Java faults.
Sea produce from sandstones of Miocene age at
shallow depths (less than 6,000 ft or 1,829 m). Oil and Gas Prospectivity along Thrust-Fault
High temperatures are associated with giant oil Trends of Convergent Margins
accumulations in reefs of Miocene age in West
Irian, New Guinea. The giant Arun gas field of Convergence between oceanic lithosphere and
northern Sumatra produces from reefs of Mio- continental lithosphere may result in thermal gen-
cene age. eration of oil and gas in sediments as young as
Deep earthquakes as guide to high-temperature Pleistocene age because of rapid deep burial asso-
trends of oil and gas production—The geographic ciated with subduction. Mountainous source ar-
(Bast M ^ from o
National Geographic 1967)




FIG. 34—Oil and gas accumulations at convergent margins in southeast Asia.





FIG. 35—Oil and gas accumulations at convergent margins of Pacific and Indian Oceans.
1492 Thomas L. Thompson

dip TfiiNeH

FIG. 36—Possible trend of oil and gas generation at convergent margin in western Gulf of Alaska.

eas for sediment and steep continental slopes fa- matter disseminated in the sediment. Continued
vor rapid burial of organic material with turbi- subduction of oceanic crust under continental
dites. Rapid subduction of oceanic crust under slopes may cause thrust faulting such that oil and
continental margins may carry sediments to gas accumulations are uplifted toward the ocean
depths which provide requisite thermal environ- bottom and eventually to the surface of the earth.
ments for generation of oil and gas from organic Source potential for oil and gas—Some of the
subduction zones at converging plate boundaries
provide the basic ingredients for generating oil
and gas. A deep trench formed during subduction
provides a natural repository for organic-matter-
rich sediment.
Continental margins in general favor prohfic
marine life, the organic remains of which are the
recognized source of almost all oil and gas, less
than one percent being attributable to lacustrine
or other nonmarine deposits. Upwelhng of deep,
cold water from trenches provides the mineral in-
gredients necessary for biotic proliferation that
may make convergent margins particularly favor-
able for petroleum generation. JOIDES cores
near trenches commonly show concentrations of
organic carbon in excess of 0.5 weight percent,
often adequate for thermal generation of petro-
leum in commercial quantities.
Burial of organic matter prior to oxidation is
essential to oil and gas generation. Basins associ-
ated with converging-plate boundaries apparently
provide optimum conditions for rapid burial, to
protect the organic matter, because mountainous
. s o MIIES-
regions provide a ready source of sediment and
FIG. 37—Thrust-fault mechanism for burial and subse- the steep continental slopes characteristic of these
quent uplift of deep-water sediment. regions accelerate the transport of sediment by
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1493

slumping and turbidity flow to the lowoi slope lower carbonization levels (65 to 70 percent).
and trench. Present high earth tempera:ures mighl explain the
Evidence for rapid, deep burial, and uplifi in west- anomalous carbonization, hut oceanic trenches
ern Gulf of Alaska—A compacted core of Pleisto- generally are geotherniailv cold. Furthermore, no
cene sediment recovered by JOIDES (Site 181) recent volcanism has been noted in the vicinity of
from the continental slope adjacent to the Aleu- JOIDES hole 181. Rapid lithospheric conver-
tian Trench apparently has been subjected to gence at the Aleutian Trench could have caused
pressure and temperature conditions that are in- rapid, deep burial, compaction, and diagenesis
consistent with its present depth of burial, just a (carbonization), and subsequent uplift of the
few hundred feet below sea bottom. When com- Pleistocene sediment. In essence, perhaps the sed-
pared to Gulf of Mexico standards, the carboni- iment was carried to the heat and returned.
zation level of the contained organic material sug- Thrust-fault hypothesis for generation and expul-
gests a former depth of burial of at least 8.000 ft sion of oil and gas—In the western Gulf of Alaska,
or 2,438 m (Grayson and LaPlante, 1973). cooled and subsided oceanic lithosphere appar-
How did the compacted core of Pleistocene age ently has wedged 70 mi (112 km) under continen-
reach this stage of diagenesis (70 to 73 weight per- tal lithosphere since the beginning of Pleistocene
cent organic carbon) and yet be at a depth of only time and may have contributed to conditions suit-
a few hundred feet below the ocean bottom? One able for petroleum to accumulate along the outer
might postulate deposition on hot oceanic crust at continental margin (Fig. 36). Trench and lower
a spreading trend, but analysis of other JOIDES continental slope deposits of Cretaceous and ear-
cores from the northwestern Pacific indicated ly Tertiary age have been tightly folded, meta-

NW 819

KODtflK i. ^
„ J
FIG. 38—Hypothesis for petroleum generation during continental-margin subduction.
1494 Thomas L. Thompson

morphosed. and uplifted to form land areas .id|a- mulating in the .Aleutian i rench area, being ear-
cent to the Aleutian Trench on the Kenai Penm- ned downward along ,i subduction zone bv the
sula. Kodiak Island, and Shumagin Islands subsiding oceanic plate and buried to such depths
(Moore, 1973). that the sediment would bo compacted into rock
How did these deep-water sediments get bur- (Fig. 38). The increased temperatures at this
ied, metamorphosed, and uplifted? Furlherniore, depth (approximately 15,000 ft or 5,000 m) would
how can we explain the compacted and carbon- cause diagenesis of organic matter to form oil and
ized mudstone of Pleistocene age recovered by gas. Sequential formation of new thrust faults at
JOIDES (Site 181) on the lower continental the base of the continental slope would cause
slope? thickening of the sediment pile, steepening of the
Thrust faulting, wherein mechanical burial continental slope, and seaward advancement of
plays a dominant role, may explain rapid burial the slope and trench. Continued thrust faulting
and subsequent uplift implied here (Fig. 37). could transpt)rt compacted sediment (and per-
Thrust faulting may bury trench sediments to haps oil and gas accumulation) to shallower
depths of several miles and subsequently uplift depths.
them to the ocean bottom on a continental slope. The thrust-fault process suggested here could
Such a process implies consolidation of the sedi- satisfy the general requirements for crustal mate-
ment pile at depth, uplift, and slumping of sedi- rial balance from the viewpoint of plate tectonics;
ment from high on the slope to the lower slope could account for the gravity minima, the wedge
and trench, seaward advancement of the conti- shapes of seismic velocity units, the distribution
nental slope and trench, and sequential formation of earthquakes: and could explain the net trans-
of thrust faults successively farther seaward. formation and uplift of sediment deposited be-
Deeper paths of tectonic transport may result neath the sea to sedimentary rocks in mountains
in generation and expulsion of oil and gas. We above the sea.
may visualize sediment slumping and flowing Application of ihrusl-faull hypothesis to oil and
down an oversteepened continental slope, accu- gas exploration—The outer continental margins at

Nprth a Ml. South

100 Ml

.... ^
- t i N f Of sefTiOfj

0 y. I ^t
, ^^^^
FIG. 39—Sections illustrating convergent-continental margin in western Gulf of Alaska.
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1495

o h-
o o H o
o UJ o o UJ
o u.
o o UJ
CM o u. lA
i 1

"i ^,

0. ^ as
'£ -o
T3 <u
T3 «
•S u
H 1-
•o <^
C "^
rt .y
I j ^t:
3 -a
c S
^ X

•- o
<-* Q,
1496 Thomas L. Thompson


-o -a
— c


C3 . S

r3 O
Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1497

continent-ocean basin subduction zones nia\ be Other regions of mtercsl closely analogous to
more favorable for preserving oil and gas accu- the western Gulf of Alaska Include: the eastern
mulation than the inner continental margins be- margin of the Philippmc Islands; the southern
cause the same process that may form oil and gas margins of Indonesia. New Britain, and Solomon
also may destroy oil and gas as the process inten- Islands: and the western margins of Central and
sifies inland toward the volcanic-island and South America. In each of these localities, as in
mountain trends. For example, the old Katalla oil the western Gulf of Alaska, a substantial land
field (which produced from lower Tertiary rocks) area for sediment source lies in close proximity to
perhaps was noncommercial because of faulting, the associated trench. Oil and gas potential of
uplift, and erosion that may have dissipated a for- these sites depends in part on the lithologic na-
merly more valuable accumulation (Fig. 39). The ture and elevation of the sediment source, i.e.,
apparent absence of pre-Cenozoic petroleum ac- whether a substantial component of clastic mate-
cumulations along Pacific margins in general may rial is available for the formation of reservoirs.
be the result of this destructive process. Oceanic crust converging with oceanic crust
I visualize a trend of oil and gas somewhere should result in mechanical characteristics similar
between the lower, continental-slope trend of or- to those of the previously mentioned regions in
ganic carbonization and the shoreline trend of the sense of a subduction zone, similar favorabili-
metamorphosed and uplifted older rocks, perhaps ty from the standpoint of organic production, but
along the outer shelf and upper slope. less favorable sources of land-derived sediments.
Shale diapirs and near-surface normal faults Such regions include the island margins adjacent
may form important corollary effects of thrust to other deep oceanic trenches; for example, the
faulting under the continental margins. However, outer Aleutian Trench; the Kuril, Ryukyu, Mari-
distribution of lithologic units in northern Gulf of ana, New Hebrides, Kermadec, and Tonga
Alaska (south of Katalla) indicates thickening of Trenches; the South Sandwich Trench; and the
the sediment sequence and uplift of successively northern part of the Puerto Rico Trench, east of
older rocks inland from the continental slope. the Lesser Antilles Islands. Although these areas
Thus, Miocene sediments are adjacent to Plio- generally receive less land-derived sediment, they
cene, lower Tertiary adjacent to Miocene, and may include reef carbonate rocks that would pro-
Cretaceous adjacent to lower Tertiary (Fig. 39). vide petroleum-reservoir potential in close prox-
Petroleum in young Cenozoic sediments of the imity to subduction zones. For example, carbon-
Orinoco delta offshore east of Trinidad may have ate reefs of Cenozoic age can be anticipated close
originated in older rocks that have been uplifted to known oil seeps on the Tonga Islands.
from hotter levels by thrust faulting (Fig. 40).
These thrust faults reflect the same northeast Continental Collisions
trend of structures evident on Trinidad and The end result of continental convergence
would suggest northeast-trending petroleum would be continental collision. When all interven-
sources beneath the more obvious northwest- ing oceanic crust has been consumed by subduc-
trending structures formed in the overlying Ceno- tion, the intervening oceans would be drained by
zoic sediments by slump faulting toward the uphft of the converging continental margins. The
downslope of the Orinoco delta. A reflection pro- morphology of the converging margins would in-
file across the north end of the Puerto Rico fluence orogeny and basin history during conti-
Trench indicates oceanic crust wedging under the nental collision (Wilson. 1965; Dewey and Burke,
Antilles Island Ridge. A reflection profile near 1974).
the south end of the Antilles Island Ridge sug- Early-stage collision in northeast Indian Ocean—
gests thrust faulting in thick sediments under the In the Timor Sea of the northeastern Indian
continental slope. These thick sediments probably Ocean, a fossil divergent margin of northwest
were deposited by the Orinoco River from the Australia is converging with Indonesia (Fig. 41).
southwest. Continued influx of sediment from the Aulacogens, areal extension faulting, and unme-
Orinoco River apparently has provided the re- tamorphosed Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimenta-
quired reservoir and unruptured traps for oil and ry rocks of northwest Australia contrast with
gas above the compacted and thrust-faulted older thrust-faulting and metamorphosed pre-Cenozoic
sediments postulated here as the source. rocks of Indonesia. Folds forming in thick sedi-
Other petroleum-productive regions that may ments of the Timor Trough strike northeast, es-
reflect the thrust-fault hypothesis for generation sentially perpendicular to structures that trend
of oil and gas include shorehne Peru and the San- along the Bonaparte and Agfura aulacogens.
ta Barbara Channel-Ventura basin trend. Thick sediments that underlie the eastward struc-
1498 Thomas L. Thompson

7000 FEET


10 50
FIG. 42—Section illustrating deformation of thick sediment in Timor Sea between Australia
and Indonesia fl.amont (ieological Observatorvi Travel time is two wav



FIG. 43—Clironologic sequence of closing of Tetfiys Sea.

Plate Tectonics in Continental Margin Exploration 1499

t^ CH

^ ec


.Si -

o -^
•i I
e d
1500 Thomas L. Thompson

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