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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
I know everyone is well aware at this point, the world is
currently treading though unchartered waters as we isolate
and prepare to defeat an unseen enemy. COVID-19 has
impacted life as we know it, and continues to create new
challenges each day. Quarantines, Self Isolation, and Social
Distancing to name a few. In response to requirements from
the CDC and with a responsibility to our members and
loved ones, we will be canceling our monthly meetings until
further notice.

I pray that you are well and that our country recovers
quickly! If I can assist someone that needs help, please feel
free to reach out and I will do what I can. Please stay safe,
do your duty and nothing less, and as sure as an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure, I will probably see you
at our next meeting in the not too distant future!
– Tim Cupit

Mississippi Division Commander Conor Bond was our guest speaker at the
March 7th meeting in Brandon, MS.

Keep up with what’s happening in and around

Camp 265 by checking out the official
Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!

Mr. Larry Eubanks accepted the “Loyal Lady of the Confederacy Award”
for his wife Elva from MAFOCR President Brandi Gray.
Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
by Tom Fortenberry


Mary Ann Forrest Chapter
In a letter written by a Confederate soldier to his family in 1861. The of the Order of Confederate Rose
soldier writes, “today the world changed. Never in my entire life
I’m sure by now all of you are well aware of the current situation
have I been afraid until now. The unseen enemy has been regarding the global pandemic with the COVID-19 virus. Because of
bombarding all of us all thru the night and into the day. I fear it will this, we are doing the responsible thing and currently putting all
never stop. Pray that peace will come. I pray that this will not affect meetings and gatherings on hold until further notice. We will get back
you and the family as it is here? We are taking action. Our officers to supporting the community and each other as soon as possible. Stay
have instructed us to dig in and prepare for a fight that will pass. My safe and healthy! – Brandi Gray, President, MAFOCR
love to all. I will write again as soon as I can. Love ‘God is my
fortress.’” For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of
Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please visit them online at
The War of Aggression was but one period of conflict in which many
experienced the emotions of fear, courage, bravery, sacrifice,
You can also visit them on Facebook at:
devotion, and love. Even before their time and to this day every
human being in some way has and continues to be tested. I believe
that the soldiers letter expressed his profound fear more of what he
could not see than what one would see in meeting the enemy face to

The sickness which has now come upon the world has and continues
to force each of us to change in many ways what we used to consider
normal. And like a soldier we have been instructed to dig in for the
fight from an unseen enemy.

Our Commander has instructed each of us by His unchanging Word.

Be informed, be alert, make decisions based on knowledge, protect
yourselves and others. And like a storm with its approaching sound
and lightning this time of testing will pass.

Psalms 91: 1-2 1. He who abides in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2. I will say to the
Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in Whom I will trust.

My prayer to each of you. This time of testing is only for a moment

and it’s effects are passing. Yet God is eternal and His fortress is our
unchanging salvation. May your witness be a light to those around

May God Bless each of you and keep you.

–Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265

New MAFOCR members Joy Redwine and Cindy Barton were presented their
member certificates by chapter President Brandi Gray at the March 7th SCV
meeting in Brandon, MS.
by Charles Lewis

"I hope the day will never come that my grandsons will be ashamed to own that I was a Confederate soldier."
– Pvt. A. Y. Handy, 32nd TX Cav.

Fifty seven people signed in at the March meeting. Rabbi Tom Fortenberry opened the meeting with prayer and 2nd Lt. Commander
Tom Lilly led the pledge and salutes to the flags.

The Vicksburg camp commander, Edward Campbell, updated the camp on the MS Division Reunion, scheduled for June 5th - 7th.

MS Division Commander Connor Bond was our speaker. He spoke on General Lee and Jackson's life lessons. To quote Connor, "
History is a collection of stories of heroes skills, strength, and courage." Four attributes of heroes (and how they relate to us today) are:
1.) God first - Pray for the SCV.
2.) Duty - Do your duty at home, to the state, camp, meetings, and dues.
3.) Education - Never ends
4.) Do not show fear - This is the key to surviving overwhelming odds.

Brandi Gray gave the OCR report, Larry Eubanks reported on the Dixie National Parade, Robbie Lewis on the Salvation Army Souper
Bowl, and Brandi Gray on the Brandon Mardi Gras Parade. Tim updated us on the Relic Show, scheduled for June 13th - 14th. It is a sale
out, with 300 tables sold. He also reminded us to sale ads for the newsletter. For every $50.00 of ads sold ($50.00 = 1 ticket) your name
will be entered into a drawing for anAR - 15 to be held at the May meeting. So the more you sale the better your chances of winning.

Pass the hat took in $102.00.

Condolences to Terry Cook on the passing of his mother. If you can judge a person by the character of their children, knowing her son
Terry, she was a remarkable woman.

On Feb. 28th Commander Tim Cupit was a server at the Brandon Garden Club's Tablescape luncheon. This is an annual event for him,
and I think he really enjoys it.

On Feb. 29th Charles Lewis and Chris Merck attended a Division wide workshop at the War Memorial Building in Jackson. Ideas on
retaining membership were discussed, various reports on Division activities were given, and an adjutant workshop was held. If you are
interested in attending one of these workshops, the next one is scheduled for Aug, 27, 2020. Thanks go to Commander Bond for
organizing and hosting this workshop and to the ladies for serving us lunch.

Then on March 14th the camp OCR hosted a prayer/decoration service at the Drake United Methodist Church cemetery in Flowood,
MS. Flags and flowers were placed on eleven Confederate graves, six graves of veterans of other eras, and one Union soldier. SCV
members, OCR members, and Drake board member, Doug Hiser participated in the service. Those in attendance were: SCV members
Charles Lewis, Chris Merck, Larry Eubanks, Butch Kuriger and Willard Chatham. OCR members Maureen Chatham, Robbie Lewis,
Charla Lewis, Brandi Gray, Susan Jones and Robin Pitts.

Upcoming Events:
Due to the Covid-19 virus, please check the Camp 265 Rankin Rough and Ready's page, Mississippi Heritage Calendar of Events page,
and 4th Brigade MS Division page for updates.

FYI - The Sixth MS flag is at the MS Dept. of Archives and History in the original apothecary jar in which it was delivered to them by
an unknown donor at the turn of the century. The regiment fought under its tricolored folds in many of the major battles. The
standard was not surrendered at the cessation of hostilities in 1865, but was instead smuggled back to Mississippi by one of the
regiment's surviving veterans.

– Charles Lewis, Adjutant, Camp 265

SCV Camp 265 Commander Tim Cupit (back row, second from left) attended the “Tablescapes Lunheon” hosted by the Brandon Garden Club, of The Garden Clubs of
Mississippi, Inc., on Friday February 28, 2020.

Commander Tim Cupit, along with Carl & Chris Merck attended the Civil War Relic Show in Vicksburg, MS

MS Division Commander Conor Bond and many others attended the first MS
Division Workshop in many years. Lots of discussion and fellowship to make our
Division better!

For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


Members of the MAFOCR & SCV Camp 265 honoring the brave young soldiers buried at Drakes United Methodist Church.
Vicksburg SCV Camp #1354 Commander Edward Campbell inviting membership Painting by Jerry McWilliams that the camp is donating to the museum opening
to attend the 125th Mississippi Division Reunion, Sons of Confederate Veterans, at SCV Headquarters in Columbia Tennessee. The plaque reads: “BEAUVIOR
in Vicksburg, MS, June 5-7, 2020. Please visit for more 1889, Infant, Jefferson Davis Hayes, On Loan from Rankin Rough & Ready’s,
information. SCV Camp #265, Brandon, MS, Artist: Jerry McWilliams”

In these most strange times, remember to make the best of your situation, get outside for some fresh air, practice social distancing, take care of yourself, take care of
others around you, and check on the elderly. Until we meet again!


The Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

All future meetings have been

postponed until further notice
due to the COVID-19 virus.
Stay healthy!

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