Andy Muschietti

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Artists I admire (directors)

Andy Muschietti
Well known films:

 Mama (2013)
 IT (2017)
 IT2 (2019)
 Upcoming- The Flash (2022)

I think that Andy is a good option for me to pick because he is very well known in the horror
genre and especially with the IT remakes, knows how to not only create that eerie tone to a
film but can also create this sense of nostalgia that is something I really enjoyed about IT,
even though it is a movie with very thrilling aspects, you still feel the bond between the
characters and in a way it makes you feel more connected to them and welcomed. This is
something I really admire and want to include in my production.

Another aspect I thoroughly like

in Muschietti’s work is his use of
camera angles and framing, the
picture beside has a lot of
meaning to it and I think it is
done very smart. Just from this
picture alone and without any
context of the scene/film, we as
an audience are able to see that
they have a higher ground and it
is showing us there is some
control and power. The way the
camera is below them tells us
they are who we should be
focusing on and it really
highlights their importance.
Muschetti continues to use
techniques like this throughout
the entirety of IT as well as being
demonstrated in other work he
has produced.
Artists I admire (directors)

Another thing I admire about Muschetti is his way of being able to tell a whole story
within just a few shots. From the pictures above you can see how this scene says a
million things all within a few seconds. From the clip linked below (2.17)-(2.30) you can
see how short the scene is and how simple the shots are however, the story the hold is
so import and to show that in such a short amount of time is really admirable to me.
The shot consists of the 5 final losers who just defeated pennywise, looking into a
reflection of a shop window, in the reflection we see all 7 of the losers when they were
children, in the picture of their younger selves we can see Eddie and Stanley who didn’t
make it. This is really important and subtle at first glance, but it shows a memory that
that they will never forget.

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