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 Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

 Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in

their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their
potential. – John Maxwell

 “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one

has learned in school. “ Albert Einstein

 “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an

open one. “ Malcolm Forbes

 “Education is the best friend. An educated person is

respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the
youth. “ Chanakya

 “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a

lasting impact in the lives of their students.“ Solomon Ortiz

 “Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive:

easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.“ Peter Brougham

 “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge

and the dissemination of truth“ John F. Kennedy
 “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is
the premise of progress, in every society, in every family“
Kofi Annan

 “The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The

Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston

  “If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care

About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls
You.” – Steve Jobs

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