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The Use of Several Media in Teaching Speaking


Farhana Khairunnisa
Indah Nurazizah
Puji Nur Aisyiah
Aghitsnaa Maula Rachman

4th – A, English Language Teaching Department, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon.

From all the four skill in mastering a language, speaking seems the most important one. Because
by speaking, people can express themselves and explain about their ideas. Due to the importance
of speaking, teacher must find the best media to teach about speaking in class in order to make
the students more enjoy and will not feel bored throughout the class. Other than that, the use of
appropriate media can boost the student’s intention and their interest. The data that have
collected by the authors are unpaid media so both the teacher and student can use it freely.
Mostly the media the authors found among 2010 up to 2020 are technical media, but the authors
also found several researches that uses non-technical media. The media listed in this paper
largely are for elementary school or secondary school. This journal recommended that teacher
may use several media listed with the purpose to make the speaking subject or class more
interesting and attractive.


English is an international language we need to learn. To connect with everyone in the

world is very important to us. English has now been taught at all schools, beginning with Junior
and Senior High School. English is also used as one of Indonesia's most important subjects of
unification. Many people in Indonesia can't speak English well, as it is a foreign language for us.
So as an English teacher we have to be very careful with the competence of the student to
speaking, reading, writing and listening in English. Speaking is one of the skills students should
learn in English. You can express your ideas and communicate with others through speaking. In
their speeches, the students learn how to organize the idea, to speak the speech well and stress it.

The use of media as one of the tool has been used since a long time ago. Many studies
shows that the use of media help to improve the students’ motivation in learning English. Over
the last decade, there are so many medias that many researcher used in order to prove that the
medias are really work to boost the students motivation and ability in English. Here are some
media that the researcher use around 2011 up to 2020:
Youtube and Audio Tracks Imitation (YATI)
Hamad, Metwally and Alfaruque (2019) investigated the use of Youtube and Audio
Tracks as the media in English Speaking context. Cited from Bermuda website, Youtube has
become the third most visited website and the second largest search engine by volume.
Constantine (2007) describe about the importance of using podcast in the foreign language class
from beginner to the advance level; beginner can have benefit from general listening and
exposure to new language, while intermediate students are able to find authentic materials and
exposed to a variety of voices (as cited in Abdulrahman, Basalama, & Widodo, 2018). The use of
these kind of media will boost the students’ enthusiasm in order to improve their English
learning achievement, having new experiences about listening and speaking class using
technology, and gain the various instructions and interesting learning atmosphere (Hamad,
Metwally, & Alfaruque, 2019).
For about 48 students from English major were involved in Hamad, Metwally and
Alfaruquue’s research. The researcher divide the group; one group using traditional listening
and speaking method while the other using YATI as the method. The video that the researcher
used was fables because the vocabularies were very simple and common, such as “Little Red
Riding Hood”, “Three Little Wolves” and “The Wolf and the Bears”. The students watched the
video and each of them was invited to tell the story in front of the class by using their own
Then the researcher were asked the students to watch video from YouTube and the link
was sent from WhatsApp. The researchers also sent the podcast and the transcript to the students.
And the next day, the students must imitate what they have listened using correct pronunciation,
voice tone and intonations. Here the researcher tried to observe the students’ Enthusiasm and
also the confidence development in speaking skills.
And the result of this is the students that used YATI method had many improvement
especially theirs confidence, intonation, and fluency, instead of the students that using traditional
approach. The imitation part made the students able to try and develop their performance having
a model to follow, even though they have not meet any native before but with this method
(YATI), they at least can imagine how native speaks and they will be easily imitate it.
Other than that, there is also several advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages Disadvantages
Students are able to try and develop their Deprives students from using their talent
Makes the students feel more competitive

Video-blog (Vlog)
Vlogging defined as a regular spoken activity that can be performed by any internet users
for any purposes (Astriani, Lio, & Badara, 2017). Watkins (2011) state that vlogging is short for
“video blog”, and blog is short for “web blog” (as cited in Astriani, Lio, & Badara, 2017). A
channel on YouTube is the home page for a personal account, and a channel required to make
playlist of uploaded video or even comments (Karch, 2017 as cited in Sari, 2017).
Study by Rakhmanina &Kusumaningrum (2017) shows that the use of video blogging is
more effective instead of using expository strategy, because by vlog, students can have creative
way of communicating. While study by Sari (2017), shows that the use of vlog can motivated the
students and make them become more confident. This study require the students to make a vlog
for one unit/topic of discussion. By using vlog, students become more excited because vlog
enabled them to speak freely and comfortably.
While study from Muhsin (2018) shows students’ improvement in speaking. this study
require the students to watch the vlog from native speaker, make sure that the topic of vlog is
relatable with the students’ life. After that the teacher can show English and Indonesian vlog in
order to show them which vlog that they should learn and practice. The last is the teacher asked
the students to make video-blog outside the class.
From those study mentioned above, the authors can conclude several advantages of using vlog
Students feels more comfortable and
confident in speaking
Students can cooperate with their friends
to make the video
Students have well preparation and
increase students’ fluency

In the visual media, Puppets have as they mimic real things. The use of Hand Puppets
encourages and promotes the involvement of students in several language activities, particularly
for students who are shy or apprehensive. Their social aspects give students the opportunity to
express themselves. Students who work in a group to train and play a puppet learn to cooperate
with others in cooperation, give and take and share ideas where there is. Students who are
unwilling to speak in groups will then be able to take part in oral events with the aid of Puppets
and lead to improvements (Fauza, et al. 2018).
There are some kinds of puppets, and one of them is a hand puppet. A hand puppet is a
hand-held instrument, to play it, someone has to put his hand inside and move it with his fingers.
When a teacher gives the students puppets, their imagination will be created. They'll try to think
about the characters of the puppets by looking at their faces or their bodies.
According to Fauza, et al. (2018) cited in Rehymer (1997, pages 98-101), the development
of an efficient class and original hand puppet stories and dialogs exists. Next, invite the students
to create Puppets in the set of the classroom or to bring some equipment home. Secondly, define
the topic to discuss. Thirdly, give the students time for dialog planning. Fourthly, recommend
that every student work together or in a group. Fifthly, the students pick a suitable marionetta for
dialogue. The sixth one, other learners then listen and consider the work of their peers. Seventh,
Built an interesting stage using Hand Puppet to conduct their work. The teacher gives the
learners encouragement and helps them to do nothing. The teacher also praised the performance
of the students.
Hand Puppets as media in speaking class has several advantages. First of all, puppets
encourage students to pursue learning. Teacher sponsored the use of puppets for the study of
time and energy usage. Secondly in addition to the advantages of the instructor, puppets have a
beneficial effect on the performance of students. Insani (2018), cited in Harmer (2007) believes
that student comprehension is a fundamental way of reaching and communicating not only from
clarification, but also from what he or she sees and hears. The third advantage is Puppets could
create a great environment in the classroom when it comes to teaching young learners to
communicate. In this environment it was discovered that the students felt confident, happy and
relaxed, because the learners had been excited about animals ' and human puppets, using the
hand puppet in the classroom.
Board Game
In their activities of daily living, people are concerned with games Some people play fun
games. Others have games to calm their minds as well. And teachers use games for educated
people as a teaching technique. So everyone has a sense of their own for the use of games.Games
are good to use in the teaching process to make a relaxed way. Thus, students will participate in
their classroom activities and face a challenge in using English. Even when teachers use
sufficient media in teaching it is easy to have fun and enjoy activities.
Games may help students use the target language and practice it in a relaxed way. Games
are also very inspiring because they are fun and interesting. Games can be used in people, groups
or the entire class for classroom events. The writer used some kind of games played in the team
for this study.
Games allow students to present their character, develop relationships with others, and
practice different skills. Teachers will create the resources and activities based on learning goals
in the Monopoly Speaking Game. Monopoly Speaking Game is fun and interesting. You need to
be able to interact (Rohdiana, 2017).
A board game is a game you can cast the dice in the counters and go ahead on the basis of
the dice when you play. A board game is a game which includes counters or pieces moved or
placed in accordance with a set of rules on the pre-marked surface or board. Board games are
kinds of games originating from the U.S. community, but the students are renowned for many
board games. Snakes and ladder, Sudoku, Scrabble, Monopoly, etc.
According to Azzahroh (2015), there are steps to show you how to use board games:
1. The author prepares the stuff for playing games such as board, dice, pawn, and table.
2. There are eight classes of teachers. There are five members in each party.
3. For each group, the teacher puts the board game on each table.
4. The boards should be around each group.
5. There is one pawn for every member to move through the board.
6. The first student shakes the dice.
7. The number of columns that the member should be in the dice determines how many.
The member goes two columns if the dice shows two.
8. It's time for each member to shake the dice.
9. What the board games teach students would tell.
10. They use the English language to overcome the challenge.
11. After the games are over, the students would demonstrate what they had in board games.
Faizal (2013), stated that there are several advantages and disadvantages of the board games
in teaching speaking.
Advantages :
1.They are demanding and inspiring.
2. Language learning takes a lot of effort.
3.Board game assists students in making and promoting the learning effort.
4.Board game gives language practice to speak, write, listen and read skills.
5.So students are encouraged to connect and interact.
6.Creating an important linguistic context.
7.Speaking ability board game should bring a real world perspective into the classroom and
improve the versatility, interpretation and communication of English by students.
8.Board games typically involve friendly competition, and are about learning a language for
9. The board game will help (children) learn more easily and stick to new words.
Disadvantages :
Dewar (2009, p. 15), cited in Faizal (2013), the use of board games in the classroom has
many disadvantages:
1. Many people play the rules of the house (e.g. free parking money, no Auctions, etc.) that will
take a long time to play.
2. Removal of the match. Players may be knocked out early from the game. What needs others to
watch a game play?
3. Too luck-reliant. Just the game rolling the dice until everyone goes bankrupt until all the assets
are purchased and traded.
4. Is not the number of teams well balanced. It seems that 4 players are ideal.
5. The players take too long and two players are completely pointless (that's all luck without
6. It's almost 100 years old. Better developed games were released since then.

Song As a Teaching Media

Education media is a tool that can facilitate student learning. Various learning platforms
exist. Music media are one of the media used. Via songs, people are glad to obtain a cure to
relieve tension or boredom. Song and music can also understand the character or actions of
someone. On this basis, song can be used as teaching media to enhance students interest,
especially in learning foreign language, in the teaching and learning of English in school.

It is of utmost importance, when using songs, not to teach the target language constructs but
to let children learn and explore the language on their own. They need to get the feeling of
success in that process. The language needs to be delivered at an realistic pace and associate
previous words and language constructs with those that will be learned in the near future
(Dzanic, 2016). The aim of the use of media is to explain the provision of learning materials and
to resolve teachers limitations to focus on the subject. Teachers must choose and decide songs
that meet needs and learning goals. According to (Shopya,2013) In order to get students attention
before starting the learning process, the teacher must learn the following steps:

1. Students are encouraged to sit well (not forced to) with a happy heart. This is done by
making students confident singing songs
2. Singing can be sung in a circle on the floor to the place of a student
3. As a role model, the teacher must be able to turn the classes into the students
environment for a feeling of comfort. Students should learn and speak English by singing

- Advantages of Song:

1. Song could become a media introduction of new languages

2. Song can improve students pronunciation
3. Song could be give good contribution in increasing students motivation in speaking
4. Song can strengthen memory of students

- Disadvantages of Song:

1. Students have different characteristics. Not all students can quickly grasp the material
taught by the teacher.
2. Can make sounds that disturb with other classes
3. The teacher can have difficulty controlling students if the song is too crowded
4. The vocabulary used is sometimes not understood by students

-The Various Types of Song

The different song types can be used for our classroom needs. There are also songs in
English kindergarten rhymes. Songs can be categorized as alphabet tracks, activity tracks, fruit
tracks, animal tracks, song counting, song learning and so on. People should be aware that
people can make learning opportunities, not all songs in English. And here is an example of a
song to use:

 Alphabet song


Q R S T U V X W Y and Z
Now I know my A B C

Next time won’t you sing with me?

 Fruit song

I like apple and mango

Banana, avocado
You like grape
And watermelon
We like them all
I like orange and melon
Papaya, pineapple
You like grape
And watermelon
We like them all

For middle and high school students, can use pop songs to reproduce and practice
vocabulary. According to (Dahler, 2014), there are some exercises that can be used by lecturers
to make the students perform some English-class music-related activities such as:
- Theme presentation: students listen to the music when reading the lyrics; they guess the song's
- Grammatical analysis: The students evaluate the song lyric grammar
-Text comprehension: The students seek to understand in this activity
-Discussion of content: The students explored the content of the album
-Representation: The students are the object of discussion of song material

Cartoon As a Teaching Media

There are three main factors in effective language learning according to Goh and Burns
(2012): Teachers, materials, and learners. By developing interesting and relevant materials,
teachers are required to create learning experience for students in order to help their production
of speech. The students face some difficulties in pronouncing English terms while studying
English as a foreign language. Most of them struggle to speak English properly and with
impulsiveness. Teachers also need other media teaching tools. Ismaili (2013) had concluded that
there were major variations on integrated skills using video incorporated in the instructional
material between the study and control groups. He found that the motivational factors associated
with film-based teaching helped to make the teaching and learning process more effective.

It is possible to use cartoon films which are common to children in school. The
combination of audio stimuli and video stimuli provided in cartoon films supported the children
for a successful pronunciation model that is correct. These are often considered ideal media for
creating a positive and pleasant environment in the classroom (Wahyuni,S & Fata,I.A, 2016).
Ruusunen (2011) notes that films introduce students to an authentic target language, modes of
expression not usually experienced in a more restricted classroom environment. This also
motivates the students to take an active part in events related to films.

Advantages of Cartoon media:

1. The credibility of films as educational material will make them more interesting. If the
subject of the film is carefully selected, the student will be able to interact with the films
and thus may be better motivated

2. The language feedback provided in the films is typically dubbed by native speakers, it
takes the learner into a foreign language world that is not encountered outside the
classroom by learners. It is critical, however, that teacher ensure the feedback is
understandable and not too difficult

3. Because learners can have various learning styles, it is wise to use flexible teaching
methods that include visual and auditory stimuli, and enable the use of both hemispheres,
which is necessary for successful learning

Disadvantages of Cartoon media:

1. Big memory room.

2. Special equipment needed for high quality learning

3. 2D animation such as video or images can not be considered as actualization.

4. Too many animations and graphics can also slow down loading of web pages.

How to use cartoon media as a learning resource while communicating is as follows:

1. Providing student cartoon films in the form of short films intended for learning, while
attractively designing the numbers and language used.

2. Students write and articulate some of the words or phrases given in the cartoons

3. Students can say various words and sentences as said in the cartoon at the end of the
watch, and even retell some parts of the cartoon plot.

Seesaw Application

In this era, students are digital learners who utilize technology in learning. There are so
many kinds of technology that can use as a media in teaching and learning. Media is important in
learning English especially to improve speaking skill. Students need interesting media to
improve their speaking skill because some of them are not confident to speak in front of class.
But, do not worry about it because technology always evolve in this globalization era.
Furthermore, teacher will be more creative to find out something that can make their students
learn easily.

In this part, clarify about using seesaw as a media to teach English Speaking skill. Seesaw is
an application that can accessed by smartphone. It offers feature that can enhance language
learning. Seesaw application provide some features like text, PDFs, Links/URLs, drawings,
Photos, and videos with QR code to join the class (Hamilton, 2017). writing and speaking as
English skills are enhanced more while using Seesaw Class Application ( Ratnaningsih, 2018).

In 2018, there is a research about utilization of Seesaw by Ratnaningsih. Ratnaningsih cited

from Korucu and Alkan (2011) that there are three areas seen in using Seesaw Class Aplication.
The first id time and place, the students are not restricted in the scope of duration and location in
submitting the tasks. It is because the global learning is not take a specific location. The second
is various file types. The students have to explore how to create and submit their task in different
file types. The third is installation. This application is easy to used and make more flexible in
learning process.

The process in utilize Seesaw application is not difficult. The first, students have to write the
task. Some of students type directly in Seesaw and some of them type in other media firstly. The
task can read by all of students and they can learn English skill and component online. Then,
they have to speak and make a video based on their task. It makes students learn writing and
speaking skills. To improve speaking skill, focused on articulation and self-mentoring. Students
also can learn grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. Thus, components and language skill are
as the out put in learning with Seesaw application.

Students said that Seesaw application has a positive effect for digital learner. It can motivate
students and makes activity become more interesting especially in speaking class. In the other
hand, some students and teacher claim that Seesaw application will make difficult instead of
easy. Furthermore, Seesaw application is using stable and strong internet connection. Therefore,
not all people can use this application and access it ( Nur & Rialdi, 2019)

In conclusion, there are so many alternative of using media in learning process. All of media
has their own advantages and disadvantages. From all the media over the last decade that has
mentioned above, the using of Youtube and Video Track Imitation (YATI) as the media for
teaching English speaking skill seems the most effective one. It encourage students to pursue
learning. Furthermore, by using this method students get many improvement in their confident,
intonation and fluency. It because the imitation part made students able to try and develop their

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