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History | Graded Assignment | Unit Test, Part 2: A New Century

Name:Beatriz Gomes de Oliveira Date:05-24-2017

Graded Assignment
Unit Test, Part 2: A New Century

Complete this teacher-scored portion of the Unit Test and submit it to your teacher by the due date for full credit.

Total score: ____ of 20 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 20 points)

1. Respond to both parts of this question.

Part A
Social Darwinism used the idea of “survival of the fittest” to make a case for a laissez-faire approach to business.
Social Darwinists thought the government should not regulate business because only the best should last. Write a
brief essay explaining some of the government’s actions around the turn of the century that social Darwinists
would not have approved of.
Part B
Then think about another philosophy that developed in the late nineteenth century. The Social Gospel taught that
it was a person’s duty to help others in need, not just prepare for an afterlife. Write a brief essay describing some
of the actions that people took to practice the beliefs of the Social Gospel.
The Social Darwinism used the Idea that the societies evolves from an inferior stage to a

superior one, where it would be more adapted and complex. These changes would guarantee the survival

of the stronger societies. This theory was used to justify the racism, imperialism and discourage

intervention and reform. It was used to justify the Holocaust, for example. The Nazis claimed that the

assassination of Jews in World War II was to clean up the inferior genetics.

The Social Gospel is an attempt to apply Christianity to the collective ills of an

industrializing society. They argued that people must emulate the life of Jesus Christ. To honor God,

people must put aside their own earthly desires and help other people, especially the needy. The purpose

of wealth was not to hoard it but to share it with other. Followers of the Social Gospel Movement

implemented numerous reforms to help other people. One of their most important contributions to

society was the creation of settlement houses that provided numerous opportunities for less fortunate

people, including access to education, free or low-cost health care and free or low-cost housing.

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