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Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511

Sulfate removal from waste chemicals by precipitation

Cláudia Telles Benatti a, Célia Regina Granhen Tavares a,*, Ervim Lenzi b
Departamento de Engenharia Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo, 5790, Bloco D90, 87020-900 Maringá-PR, Brazil
Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo, 5790, Bloco 22, 87020-900 Maringá-PR, Brazil
Received 23 May 2006; received in revised form 26 October 2007; accepted 2 December 2007
Available online 28 January 2008


Chemical oxidation using Fenton’s reagent has proven to be a viable alternative to the oxidative destruction of organic pollutants in mixed
waste chemicals, but the sulfate concentration in the treated liquor was still above the acceptable limits for effluent discharge. In this paper, the
feasibility of sulfate removal from complex laboratory wastewaters using barium and calcium precipitation was investigated. The process was
applied to different wastewater cases (two composite samples generated in different periods) in order to study the effect of the wastewater com-
position on the sulfate precipitation. The experiments were performed with raw and oxidized wastewater samples, and carried out according to
the following steps: (1) evaluate the pH effect upon sulfate precipitation on raw wastewaters at pH range of 2e8; (2) conduct sulfate precipitation
experiments on raw and oxidized wastewaters; and (3) characterize the precipitate yielded. At a concentration of 80 g L1, barium precipitation
achieved a sulfate removal up to 61.4% while calcium precipitation provided over 99% sulfate removal in raw and oxidized wastewaters and for
both samples. Calcium precipitation was chosen to be performed after Fenton’s oxidation; hence this process configuration favors the production
of higher quality precipitates. The results showed that, when dried at 105  C, the precipitate is composed of hemidrate and anhydrous calcium
sulfate (w99.8%) and trace metals (w0.2%: Fe, Cr, Mn, Co, Ag, Mg, K, Na), what makes it suitable for reuse in innumerous processes.
Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Waste chemicals; Fenton’s reagent; Sulfate; Chemical precipitation

1. Introduction There are significant differences between the two in terms of

waste volume produced and number of chemicals handled,
Waste chemicals from academic laboratories are byprod- as well as in the associated potential environmental risks (Na-
ucts of research, teaching and testing activities. Collectively, tional Research Council, 2000). Therefore, academia has sev-
academic institutions account for only a small portion of the eral unique challenges in managing hazardous wastes as
produced hazardous wastes, less than 1% of the total generated compared with industry (Izzo, 2000; Ashbrook, 2001). First
in the United States (Ashbrook and Reinhardt, 1985). Al- is the wide variety of relatively small amounts of chemicals
though small-quantity generators, universities have the respon- that are handled in the laboratories. Second is the high turn-
sibility of introducing a sense of ecological awareness in over of workforce, relying heavily on graduate and postgradu-
students as well as of ensuring institutional compliance with ate students, which requires a commitment to training. Third is
regulations (Ashbrook and Reinhardt, 1985; Schneider and the type of operations and waste generation changes frequently
Wiskamp, 1994). Moreover, waste chemicals from academic as the focus of the research. These aspects create a relatively
laboratories generally pose more problems for the treatment large difficulty in terms of characterizing wastes and providing
and subsequent adequate disposal than those from industries. adequate documentation for treatment and disposal by safe
and environmentally acceptable methods.
Because of the lack of specific legislation to regulate waste
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 44 32614746; fax: þ55 44 32632652. chemicals treatment, the waste generated during the operations
E-mail address: (C.R.G. Tavares). of the Control and Environmental Prevention Laboratory at the

0301-4797/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511 505

Department of Chemical Engineering of the Universidade or calcium salts is an alternative, mainly if applied to the treat-
Estadual de Maringá e Brazil, has been held for many years ment of wastewaters that contain high sulfate concentrations.
at the laboratory site, waiting for acceptable disposal modes to In this case, systems for separation and appropriate disposal
be developed. Three typical chemical waste streams prevail in of the solid phase are necessary (Silva et al., 2002).
this setting: waste chemicals from routine chemical analysis, The solubility of BaSO4 is extremely low
from research activities, and an abundance of unused labora- (1.14  105 mol L1 or 2.66 mg L1 at 25  C from solubility
tory reagents. The research activities include chemical and product calculations). An effective sulfate removal is also
biological treatment experiments of a wide range of synthetic obtained with lead (PbSO4 solubility 1.26  104 mol L1 or
and natural wastewaters arising from different chemical indus- 38.40 mg L1 at 25  C). In the presence of Ca2þ ions CaSO4
tries. Accordingly, these wastes are constituted of great diver- is produced, a compound of moderate solubility
sity of composition and volume, including refractory organics, (5.10  103 mol L1 or 694 mg L1 at 25  C). Solubility data
toxic compounds and heavy metals, and may offer potential were calculated according to the Kps value reported by Meites
hazards to both health and environment. (1963). If the product of barium, lead or calcium ion and sulfate
In previous research work, chemical oxidation using Fen- ion concentration (mol L1) exceeds the solubility product, pre-
ton’s reagent was used as a treatment method for the laboratory cipitation of either BaSO4, PbSO4 or CaSO4 will occur. The
wastewaters (Benatti et al., 2004, 2006). The results showed that solid precipitate can then be filtered, centrifuged, or otherwise
the oxidative destruction of organic pollutants could be success- separated from the liquid portion.
fully accomplished by the Fenton’s oxidation, however, the con- Because of its low solubility, precipitation with lead or barium
centration of certain inorganic constituents, such as sulfate, still is potentially a more effective method for complete conversion of
remained extremely high for effluent discharge. The next step dissolved sulfates to a sulfate insoluble form. However, the major
was to designing a treatment system for the removal of sulfate. disadvantages of precipitation with either barium or lead are the
Sulfate is a common constituent of many natural waters and handling of toxic compounds and the generation of a barium or
wastewaters (Silva et al., 2002), which is present as a dissolved lead-containing waste that requires disposal. Moreover, the risks
compound in seas and oceans or as insoluble salt (e.g., gypsum- associated with high concentrations of barium and lead impose
layers). Industrial wastewaters are responsible for most anthro- adequate effluent monitoring and generally the use of a post-
pogenic emissions of sulfate into the environment. Domestic treatment system (Lens et al., 1998; Ghigliazza et al., 2000).
sewage typically contains between 20 and 500 mg L1 sulfate On the other hand, precipitation of sulfate with calcium ions
(Lens et al., 1998) while certain industrial effluents may contain has no toxic risks and produces gypsum, which can be a replace-
several thousands of milligrams per liter. The main source of sul- ment for natural gypsum (Lens et al., 1998).
fate in the laboratory wastewaters is the use of sulfuric acid in The purpose of this paper is to study the chemical precipita-
many routine chemical analyses. Sulfur compounds are also tion as an alternative for sulfate removal from complex waste
present in wastewaters used in the research activities, such as chemicals. Chemical precipitation using barium and calcium
those from the pulp and paper industry, the food processing is recognized method to reduce sulfates in industrial wastewa-
industry, and the photographic sector, among others. ters (Kabdasli et al., 1995), but this has not become standard
The damage caused by sulfate emissions is not direct, since practice owing to high costs, mainly due to the need of shipping
sulfate is a chemically inert, non-volatile, and non-toxic com- out hazardous solids for additional treatment or disposal. There-
pound. However, high sulfate concentrations can unbalance fore, precipitation appeared as a promising process for remov-
the natural sulfur cycle (Lens et al., 1998; Silva et al., 2002). ing sulfates in sulfate-rich laboratory wastewater since the
The accumulation of sulfate-rich sediments in lakes, rivers produced sludge contains a reasonable level of impurities that
and sea may cause the release of toxic sulfides that can provoke favors its reuse. Thus, precipitation experiments with barium
damages to the environment (Ghigliazza et al., 2000). and calcium ions were conducted on raw and oxidized wastewa-
A number of methods are currently used to promote the re- ter; moreover particular attention was paid to gypsum generated
moval of dissolved sulfate. They include reversed osmosis, from calcium precipitation. Furthermore, the process was ap-
electrodialysis, or nanofiltration, which are expensive, can be plied to wastewaters generated in different periods in order to
poisoned by impurities, and require a post-treatment of the study the effect of wastewater composition on the sulfate pre-
brine (Lens et al., 1998). Ion exchange, biological treatment cipitation. Results are discussed and conclusions are drawn
and chemical precipitation are also systems used for sulfate- with focus not only on the sulfate removal efficiencies but
rich effluents treatment. Chemical precipitation is a widely also on the reuse of the solid phase obtained after treatment,
used, proven technology for the removal of metals and other addressing possible alternative ways for its final disposal.
inorganic compounds, suspended solids, fats, oils, greases,
and some other organic substances (including organophos- 2. Materials and methods
phates) from wastewater (U.S. EPA, 2000). Previous investiga-
tors have reported successful reduction of soluble sulfate from 2.1. Sample preparation
water by formation of calcium aluminate and sulfoaluminates
(Schaezier, 1978), and from pure and waste sulfuric acid/lime Two composite samples produced during the laboratory
suspension by formation of calcium sulfate (Gominšek et al., operations in different periods were used in the experiments.
2005). Chemical precipitation through the addition of barium The initial characteristics of the wastes generated from July
506 C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511

Table 1 purchased from Quimibrás. Barium chloride (BaCl2$2H2O,

Main characteristics of raw laboratory wastewaters 99%), ferrous sulfate (FeSO4$7H2O, 99%), hydrogen peroxide
Parameter Units Sample 1 Sample 2 (33%), sodium hydroxide (95e100%), sulfuric acid (95e98%)
Apparent color Pt/Co 12 700 10 250 were purchased from Nuclear or Quimibrás. All solutions
Real color Pt/Co 7150 1020 were prepared in distilled/deionized water. Glassware was
Turbidity NTU 4010 2960 washed with detergent, rinsed with tap water, soaked with
COD mg L1 2345 2676
Total phenols mg L1 58.6 37.9
HNO3 (w50% v/v) for 24 h, and rinsed with distilled/deion-
Settable solids mL L1 4.5 4.0 ized water prior to drying.
Standard barium and calcium chloride stock solutions were
2001 to April 2002 (sample 1) and those produced from May to obtained by dissolution of solids (BaCl2$2H2O and CaCl2) in
November 2003 (sample 2) are presented in Table 1; and the distilled water at 25  C till saturation. The solutions were then
main characteristics of these wastewaters after separation of filtered. Barium concentration was determined by EDTA titra-
suspended solids by centrifugation at 2500 rpm by 5 min are tion (Merck). Calcium concentration was determined by
presented in Table 2. In both periods, the waste chemicals atomic absorption.
were generated fundamentally by chemical analysis residues Reagent grade H2O2 was standardized using iodometric ti-
originated from the laboratory routine analysis, such as COD, tration (U.S. Peroxide, 2003) and used as purchased. A 1 M
total phenols, nitrogen, protein, phosphate, sulfide, sample prep- FeSO4 stock solution was prepared and standardized (Pavan
arations and standards for atomic absorption, solutions standard- et al., 1992) just before Fenton’s experiments. Solutions of
ization, and an abundance of unused laboratory reagents. NaOH and H2SO4 were used for pH adjustments.
Experiments of Fenton’s oxidation were carried out under
optimal conditions established in previous work (Benatti 2.3. Sulfate precipitation procedure
et al., 2006): ratio [COD]:[H2O2] ¼ 1:9; ratio [H2O2]:
[Fe2þ] ¼ 4.5:1 and pH ¼ 4. The wastewater after Fenton’s treat- Chemical precipitation of sulfate before and after Fenton’s ox-
ment was taken for the sulfate removal experiments and its main idation was performed using barium and calcium ions. Firstly, the
characteristics are presented in Table 2. effects of pH on sulfate precipitation were investigated at a pH
range of 2e8 using non-treated wastewaters without solids sep-
aration. NaOH (w30% w/v) was used for pH adjustments. At this
2.2. Reagents and solutions stage, a calcium or barium dosage of 9.2 g L1 (0.23 mol L1 as
calcium and 6.70  102 mol L1 as barium) was used. Control
All reagents used in this work were analytical reagent experiments were carried out in parallel without addition of
grade, excepting calcium chloride (CaCl2, 75%) which was either calcium or barium ions. Secondly, precipitation tests
Table 2 were conducted with non-treated wastewaters without solids sep-
Main characteristics of non-treated laboratory wastewater supernatant after aration at pH 4 as well as with oxidized wastewaters, at a calcium
centrifugation, and of laboratory wastewater after the Fenton’s oxidation or barium dosage range of 20e80 g L1 (0.50e2.00 mol L1 as
process (N.D.: not detected) calcium and 0.15e0.58 mol L1 as barium).
Parameter Units Sample 1 Sample 2 Each precipitation experiment was conducted in a 22 mL
Non-treated Oxidized Non-treated Oxidized glass tube, with 5 mL of wastewater in which a pre-calculated
wastewater wastewater wastewater wastewater volume of stock solution was added to give the desired con-
pH <1 8 <1 8 centration of barium or calcium ions. The tube was sealed
Apparent color Pt/Co 308 137 503 352 with parafilm, and after a rapid mixing the sample was left
Turbidity NTU e 10 e 6 to settle for 24 h under quiescent condition. Aliquots of the su-
Soluble COD mg L1 1145 117 2576 167
pernatant were then removed with a pipet from each tube for
Total phenols mg L1 27.3 N.D. 39.8 N.D.
Sulfate g L1 263 152 296 164 sulfate analysis. The difference in the amount before and after
Sulfide mg L1 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.03 precipitation reveals the sulfate removals. All experiments
Ag mg L1 1.1 0.8 1.1 1.0 were run in three replicates, at room temperature.
Al mg L1 18.8 1.4 6.8 4.5 The solid obtained from the best-selected experimental
Ca mg L1 59.1 30.4 37.7 21.4
condition was filtered under vacuum, rinsed with distilled/de-
Cd mg L1 0.2 0.3 6.9 0.5
Co mg L1 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.0 ionized water to eliminate the excess of sodium hydroxide,
Cr mg L1 301.4 1.0 541.6 16.0 dried at 105  C, and stored for characterization.
Cu mg L1 1.7 0.6 4.5 0.3
Fe mg L1 131.9 4.4 114.0 1.7 2.4. Analysis of the solid phase
K mg L1 405.2 187.4 1084.8 645.3
Mg mg L1 3.5 1.7 10.6 3.0
Mn mg L1 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.1 The dried solids were first analyzed for water content. The
Na g L1 10.2 77.9 9.1 101.7 samples were dried in a 105  C oven for 24 h, cooled down in
Ni mg L1 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 a vacuum desiccator for 2 h and then weighed at each 30 s for
Pb mg L1 1.9 1.1 1.6 1.1 10 min. To set free the water of constitution, the samples were
Zn mg L1 0.9 N.D. 0.1 N.D.
dried in a 220  C oven for 2 h, cooled down in a vacuum
C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511 507

desiccator for 2 h and promptly weighed after been removed respectively. Metal concentrations were determined by atomic
from desiccator. Total water content was determined as the dif- absorption spectroscopy (Varian SpectrAAe10 Plus). The de-
ference in weight loss after drying samples at 105 and 220  C. tection limit of the analyzed metals was determined according
Dried precipitate samples (0.5 g) were then treated with to Skoog and Leary (1992) recommendations.
3 mL of 60% perchloric acid in 250 mL erlenmeyer flasks un-
til fumes of perchloric acid appear. For metal determinations,
the obtained extracts were diluted to 50 mL by distilled/deion-
ized water. For sulfate determinations, the extracts were 3. Results and discussion
treated by aqueous solution of sodium carbonate based on
the methodology of Wolesensky (1929), and then diluted to Fig. 1 illustrates the influence of pH on the concentration of
50 mL by distilled/deionized water. dissolved sulfate in non-treated wastewater before and after
Mineralogical analysis in dried precipitate samples was the addition of a fixed calcium or barium dosage of
also performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Shimadzu 9.2 g L1 (2.30 mol L1 as calcium and 6.70  102 mol L1
D6000 diffractometer (Cu Ka radiation and l ¼ 1.54178 Å; as barium). This was a chosen concentration once it was de-
scanning speed 5 2q for the ranges 5e70 2q). sired to work with a known concentration close to 10 g L1.
Results of barium and calcium precipitation on both sam-
ples showed a similar behavior to control experiments on the
2.5. Analytical methods pH range studied. Large amount of NaOH was used for raising
the pH from below 1 to 2, and a significant decrease on the sul-
pH was measured with a Digimed DM-20 pH meter cali- fate concentration was observed on both samples (see Table 2
brated with pH 4.01 and 6.86 Digimed standard buffers. The and Fig. 1). However, the pH variation in range of 2e8
analyses of COD, settable solids, and soluble sulfate (turbidi- resulted in small changes in sulfate concentration. In fact, in
metric method) were performed in accordance with standard this pH range the amount of hydroxyls present does not inter-
methods (APHA, 1998). Total phenols were measured accord- fere in the precipitation of barium sulfate (Kps ¼ 1.3  1010)
ing to the colorimetric method of FolineCiocalteu reagent and calcium sulfate (Kps ¼ 2.6  105), because the formation
(Scalbert et al., 1989). Real and apparent color, turbidity, of Ba(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2, due to their high solubility, requires
and sulfide were measured spectrophotometrically (spectro- other conditions of interference.
photometer DR/2010, HACH, Loveland, CO) using the Therefore, the pH 4 was chosen to perform the sulfate pre-
APHA platinumecobalt standard method, the attenuated radi- cipitation on raw wastewater, since this is the pH used for the
ation method (direct reading), and the HACH sulfide test, Fenton’s oxidation.

220 2.29
Sulfate concentration (mol L-1)
Sulfate concentration (g L-1)

200 barium 2.08
180 1.87

160 1.67

140 1.46

120 1.25

100 1.04
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

220 2.29
Sulfate concentration (mol L-1)
Sulfate concentration (g L-1)

200 2.08

180 1.87

160 1.67

140 1.46

120 barium 1.25

100 1.04
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 1. Influence of wastewater pH on sulfate concentration: (a) sample 1; (b) sample 2. The calcium and barium concentration is 9.2 g L1.
508 C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511

90 Calcium precipitation

Sulfate removal ( )
sample1:raw wast.
70 sample1:oxidized wast.
60 sample2:raw wast.
sample2:oxidized wast.
Barium precipitation
30 sample1:raw wast.
sample1:oxidized wast.
20 sample2:raw wast.
10 sample2:oxidized wast.
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0
Precipitating agent concentration (mol L-1)

Fig. 2. Results of barium and calcium precipitation conducted on samples 1 and 2.

In Fig. 2, the results obtained for sulfate removal in raw and (1 mole of SO24 per mole of Ca
or Ba2). Although complete
oxidized wastewaters as a function of the concentration of bar- conversion to sulfate form is desirable, partial precipitation of
ium or calcium ions are presented. sulfate may be sufficient for reaching the required standards
The raw wastewater at pH 4 presented an initial sulfate con- for wastewater discharge. Barium salts may be capable of re-
centration of 142 and 151 g L1 for samples 1 and 2, respec- moving practically all sulfate due to the lower solubility of
tively. The tested concentrations of precipitating agent were BaSO4, however, the hazardous nature of the sludge formed
40, 60 and 80 g L1 which correspond to the molar concentra- and the excessive cost of chemicals are important factors to
tions of barium and calcium plotted on Fig. 2. These also cor- be considered in the choice of the treatment system. Therefore,
respond to Ca2þ:SO2 4 molar ratios of 0.68, 1.01 and 1.35 for the calcium precipitation was selected for sulfate removal.
sample 1 and 0.63, 0.95 and 1.26 for sample 2, respectively, The most recent directives of the European Community
and to Ba2þ:SO2 4 molar ratios of 0.20, 0.30 and 0.39 for sam- regarding solid wastes management give high priority to the
ple 1 and 0.19, 0.28 and 0.37 for sample 2, respectively. development of technologies addressed towards recycling
Because sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions were and reuse. The reuse of calcium salts wastes can be limited
used for pH adjustments, and ferrous sulfate was used as a cat- by their impurities. Hence, the calcium precipitation per-
alyst in the Fenton’s process, further amounts of sulfate formed after Fenton’s oxidation may be preferable, achieving
resulted from the wastewater oxidation. Thus, the oxidized higher quality product precipitates. In this sense, the analyses
wastewater presented an initial sulfate concentration of 152 of precipitates generated by calcium precipitation of oxidized
and 164 g L1 for samples 1 and 2, respectively. The calcium laboratory wastewaters have been performed to indicate the
concentration tested were also 40, 60 and 80 g L1 that corre- possible final destinations of the solid phase according to its
spond to Ca2þ:SO2 4 molar ratios of 0.63, 0.95 and 1.26 for composition.
sample 1 and 0.58, 0.88 and 1.17 for sample 2, respectively, Firstly, the amount of water of hydration and constitution
and to Ba2þ:SO2 4 molar ratios of 0.18, 0.28 and 0.37 for sam- presented in the precipitate was estimated by measuring the
ple 1 and 0.17, 0.26 and 0.34 for sample 2, respectively. Based dry weight at 105 and 220  C. As CaSO4 is appreciably hygro-
on the results shown in Fig. 2, the components originally scopic when dried at 105  C, it is feasible to obtain its dry
existing in the wastewater as well as the products of oxidation weigh by plotting weigh against time. From these data,
seem to exert similar influence on sulfate removal for precip- a straight-line fitting is obtained, and the dry weigh at this tem-
itation conducted on both samples, achieving similar removal perature can be determined in the intercept of the y-axis of the
efficiencies under the same experimental conditions. Thus, the straight-line fittings. Fig. 3 presents the obtained plots at 79%
removal efficiency is dependent on the dosage of the two daily average relative air humidity. According to Mellor
agents, once sulfate removal increases with crescent additions (1952) when calcium sulfate is heated over 200  C it un-
of calcium or barium above the equilibrium sulfate concentra- dergoes anhydrous calcium sulfate (anhydrite). Thus, the wa-
tion, independently if it is conducted on raw or oxidized ter content of the precipitate generated by calcium
wastewater. The maximum removals were achieved with a dos- precipitation conducted on samples 1 and 2, as determined
age of 80 g L1, using barium or calcium ions. Barium precip- by the difference in weight loss after drying precipitates at
itation provided 61.4 and 52.4% (raw wastewater at pH 4), and 105 and 220  C, was 0.83 and 1.34%, respectively. The small
50.1 and 61.2% (oxidized wastewater), of sulfate removal for change in weight detected demonstrated that sulfate precipita-
samples 1 and 2, respectively. Calcium precipitation provided tion occurred as CaSO4, which may be associated with other
over 99% sulfate removal for both samples (raw and oxidized forms of crystalline calcium sulfate.
wastewater); with a final sulfate concentration up to X-ray diffraction analysis of both samples was used in or-
1000 mg L1. These results are in accordance with theory, as der to identify crystalline forms in the precipitates. Fig. 4 pres-
the production of insoluble inorganic species BaSO4 or ents typical X-ray diffraction spectrums of precipitates
CaSO4 formed during the sulfate precipitation is stoichiometric indicating that both samples present similar characteristics,
C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511 509

sample 1
5.30 sample 2

5.25 y = 0.0034x + 5.2576

R2 = 0.9909

Mass (g)


5.10 y = 0.0045x + 5.0193

R2 = 0.9918

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min)

Fig. 3. Water absorbed by dried precipitates (105  C) with time.

with the presence of calcium sulfate anhydrite (CaSO4$1/ detection limits of each metal are presented in Table 3. The
2H2O) associated with calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CaSO4). proportion of calcium sulfate as well as of moisture and impu-
The absence of other pure crystalline components, as shown rities detected in the precipitate is also presented in Table 3.
by X-ray diffraction, also indicates the presence of a low con- The results show that the approach used in the precipitation
tent of other metals in precipitates as impurities. procedure was able to produce calcium salts with low impuri-
Also, the presence of impurities in the precipitates was ties contents. This suggests the yielded precipitate may be use-
investigated by the decomposition of calcium sulfate. The de- ful for applications in innumerous processes.
termination of sulfur in precipitates as well as the results of Among the impurities detected in precipitates, iron and
acid-extractable metals determinations along with the manganese are micronutrients essential for plants growth.

a 2 (1) calcium sulfate anhydrite

(2) calcium sulfate hemihydrate



2 2 2
1 2 1/2 2 1 1/2 1/2 2 2 2

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
2θ - CuKα

b 2 (1) calcium sulfate anhydrite

(2) calcium sulfate hemihydrate

1/2 1/2


2 1 2 2
2 1/2 1 2
2 1/2 1/2 2 2 2

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
2θ - CuKα

Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction pattern of precipitate: (a) sample 1; (b) sample 2.

510 C.T. Benatti et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 504e511

Table 3
Detection limit and composition of precipitates (dried at 105  C) generated from calcium precipitation conducted on samples 1 and 2 after Fenton’s oxidation
Element Detection limit Results (mg g1) Results (%)
(ppm) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 1 Sample 2
Ag 0.6 0.012 0.008 0.0012 0.0008
Al 129.0 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
Ca 2.9 301.8 299.7 29.13 28.99
Cd 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
Co 5.7 0.006 0.006 0.0006 0.0006
Cr 26.8 0.033 0.062 0.0033 0.0062
Cu 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
Fe 26.8 0.039 0.033 0.0039 0.0033
K 0.4 0.008 0.024 0.0008 0.0024
Mg 0.1 0.004 0.003 0.0004 0.0003
Mn 0.8 0.004 0.004 0.0004 0.0004
Na 1.9 2.02 1.77 0.20 0.18
Ni 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
Pb 3.8 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
Zn 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
S (as SO2
4 ) e 691.5 690.7 69.83 69.48
H2O (associated to the hemidrate) e e e 0.83 1.34
Total (%) 100.00 100.00

Cobalt is termed phytotoxic and is more toxic to plants than to be performed after the Fenton’s oxidation in order to pro-
animals. From the standpoint of potential hazard to human duce higher quality precipitates. The precipitates’ character-
health, elements such as chromium and silver are among the ization showed chemical compositions with no toxic risks
most toxic ones. The toxicity of trace elements to plants and that favors its reuse in innumerous processes applications.
microorganisms depends, however, on their concentrations.
Nevertheless, if elemental concentrations of precipitates are Acknowledgements
within of those expected for soil, they can be safely used in
agricultural applications. Typical contents in soil worldwide The support provided by CAPES and by the State
of some elements of interest detected in the precipitates are University of Maringá is gratefully acknowledged.
(McBride, 1994): Ag, 0.03e8 ppm; Co, 1.6e21.5 ppm; Cr,
7e221 ppm; Mn, 80e1300 ppm. Regarding to the metal con-
tent, it is not a limiting factor in the use of the precipitates as References
a soil conditioner. Hence, dried calcium sulfate can be safely
APHAeAWWAeWEF e American Public Health Association, American
used in soil treatment to neutralize alkali carbonates and to
Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation, 1998. Stan-
prevent loss of volatile and dissolved nitrogenous compounds dard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th ed.
by volatilization and leaching. Dried calcium sulfate can also Washington, D.C.
be used as a white pigment, filler or glaze in paints; for wall Ashbrook, P.C., September/October 2001. Elements of a role model hazardous
plasters, wallboard, tiles and blocks for the building industry; waste management program for academic institutions. Chemical Health &
Safety, 27e29.
in the cement industry; moldings; statuary; in the paper indus-
Ashbrook, P.C., Reinhardt, P.A., 1985. Hazardous wastes in academia.
try (The Merck Index, 1996). Finally, it is essential to empha- Environmental Science & Technology 19 (12), 1150e1155.
size that the produced calcium sulfate still has an Benatti, C.T., Tavares, C.R.G., Guedes, T.A., 2006. Optimization of Fenton’s
economically viable application for on-site reusing in the man- oxidation of chemical laboratory wastewaters using the response surface
ufacture of chalk, which besides representing discrete costs methodology. Journal of Environmental Management 80 (1), 66e74.
Benatti, C.T., Tavares, C.R.G., Toniolo, F.S., 2004. Aplicaç~ao dos sistemas
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