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(19TH – 21ST AUGUST, 2006)

(Organised by teri (The Energy and Resources Institute), New Delhi at J.T.R.I. and
sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forest, GOI)

Valedictory address by Justice Sunil Ambwani,
Allahabad High Court


1. The earth’s atmosphere is a common heritage. The environmental

issues, take into account the human being, and not the State as a unit. It is a
global issue. The Stockholm declaration recognized that man is the part of
nature and life depends on it. U. Thant, the Secretary General, United
Nations, in Stockholm Conference appealed: “Like or not we are traveling
together on a common planet and we have no national alternative but to
work together, to make an environment in which we and our children can
live a full and peaceful life”.
2. The declaration in the United Nations conference, on human
environment from 5th to 16th June, 1972, considered the need for a common
outlook for common principles to inspire and guide the people of the world
in the preservation and enhancement of human environment. The long and
tortuous evolution of the human race was not possible without rapid
acceleration of science and technology. The man has achieved the ability to
transform his environment in countless ways and on an unprecedented scale.
This power if used wisely can bring benefits of development and opportunity
to enhance the quality of life. The wrong application on the other hand can
do incalculable harm to human beings and human environment. The
members to the declaration felt that millions continue to live far below the
minimum level required for a decent human existence, deprived of adequate
food and clothing, shelter and education, health and sanitation. The
industrialist countries pose gigantic environmental problems. The natural
growth of population on preservation of environment. With the people as
the most precious commodity in the world and their progress, social wealth,

with development and science and technology continue to transform human

environment. The members felt that a point has reached when we must
shape our actions with a more prudent care for environmental consequences
for achieving for ourselves and our posterity, a better life in an environment,
more in keeping with human needs. What is needed is an enthusiastic but
calm state of mind. The freedom should not be misused for manipulating
3. The declaration proceeded to declare the principle: State of common
conviction that the man has fundamental right to freedom, equity and
adequate conditions on life permitting life of dignity and well being and
bears solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for
present and future generations. The natural resources are common to all and
must be safeguarded for the benefit of present and future generations. The
capacity of the earth to produce vital renewable resources must be
maintained and wherever practicable restored and improved. The discharge
of toxic substances and the release of heat in the quantities and the
concentration should not exceed the capacity of the environment to tender
them harmless. The states should take positive steps to prevent pollution of
the seas by substance hazardous of human health, living resources and
marine life. The economic and social development is essential. It should
however be such that would not adversely affect the present or future
development potential nor should hamper attainment of better living
condition for all. The resources must be made available to preserve and
improve the environment. A rationale management of resources should be
ensured to make development compatible with a need to protect and improve
the human environment for the benefit of the population. The planning
should be rationale, to avoid adverse effect on environment and obtaining
maximum social economic and environmental benefits. Science, technology
and education should be applied for identification, avoidance and control of
environmental risks.
4. The club of Rome and the historic Rio Declaration in the Earth
Summit in 1992 on 6th June, which is celebrated as ‘World Environment
Day’ every year, recognized that the States should cooperate in a spirit of
global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of
earth’s eco system. The summits recognized the principles of ‘Sustainable
Development’, as a balancing concept of development and ecology. It
was found that human desire to progress cannot be restricted, but has to be
controlled by preserving the biosphere. The ‘Precautionary Principle’,

reversing the burden of proof; the ‘Polluter Pays’, putting the burden of cost
of compensation as well as restore the injury to environment, on the polluter,
and the ‘Public Trust Doctrine’, declaring that nature’s resources are
common to all, are the essential features of sustainable development.

Environmental justice:-

5. Kautilya, the Prime Minister of Magadh, during the regime of

Chandra Gupta Maurya, 300 B.C. in his ‘Arthshastra’ exhaustibly dealt with
the question of environment protection. He laid down the rules for protection
and upgradation of environment minutely, meticulously and with great
details. Mauryan King Ashoka depicted exemplary compassion for wild life
and prohibited killing of certain species of creatures.
6. We find preaching of compassion towards nature in all religions.
“Don’t make mischief in the earth” says holy Quran. Gautam Buddha’s
religion was based on experience and logic. He believed on evolution of
man. In the contemporary period Sikhism teaches that the life is made of
five basic elements i.e. earth, air, water, fire and sky. The colonial rule,
however, disregarded ancient prudence, cultivated ruthless intelligence to
exploit environment for their material gain. The legacy of imperialism and
colonialism, concealing a sense of ownership over environment, propagated
its consumption for wealth. Growth of industrialization, and lack of
awareness to handle the fast pace of development, has brought into focus
many environmental issues and in its response environmental legislations.
7. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, the National Environment Tribunals Act, 1995, the
National Environmental Appellate Authority Act, 1997, the Biodiversity Act,
2002 etc. along with the Rules, Regulations and Notifications under these
acts have provided regulatory measures, 'the Hard Law’ mostly in response
to the treaties and conventions, 'the Soft Law’, signed by India. These
special acts have supplemented the provisions of Indian Penal Code, 1860 in
Chapter XIV of offences affecting the public health, safety, convenience,
decency and morals; the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973; the Easements Act;
the Civil Procedure Code and other such antiquated legislations.
8. ‘Public nuisance’, though difficult to be defined, is provided in
Section 268 IPC to be any act of a person guilty of illegal action, which
causes any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public or to the

people in general, who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity, or which

must necessarily causes injury, obstruction, danger or annoyance to persons,
who may have occasion to use any public right. The Food Adulteration Act
has supplemented Sections 272 and 273 IPC providing for punishment for
adulteration of food and drink intended for sale, the Drugs and Cosmetics
Act has supplemented Sections 274 and 275 providing punishment for
adulteration of drugs and sale and misbranding of adulterated drugs. The
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, extends the
provisions of Section 277 IPC providing for punishment for fouling water of
public spring or reservoir and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981 expands Section 278 IPC providing for punishment for making
atmosphere noxious to health and enhance the punishment. The Motor
Vehicle Act, makes special provisions dealing with compensation in respect
of death and injury arising out of rash driving or riding on public way, made
an offence under Section 279 IPC. The Poison Act and the Explosives Act
are special acts extending offence under Section 284 and 285 IPC and the
Factories Act, defines and provides for enhanced punishment for offences,
which were till then punishable under Section 287 IPC. Section 290, stands
apart for all such public nuisance in cases not otherwise provided for:-
“290. Punishment for public nuisance in cases not otherwise
provided for:- Whoever commits a public nuisance in any case not
otherwise punishable by this Code, shall be punished with fine which
may extend to two hundred rupees.

291. Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue:-

Whoever repeats or continues a public nuisance, having been
enjoined by any public servant who has lawful authority to issue
such injunction not to repeat or continue such nuisance, shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six
months, or with fine, or with both.”

9. The growth of environmental jurisprudence in India was slow but

steady. First of these cases, which is still the Magnacarta of the
environmental jurisprudence for recognition of public right to decent living
was treatised in Municipal Council, Ratlam Vs. Vardhichand, AIR 1980
SC 1622. Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer in his inimitable style, affirmed the Trial
Court’s order upheld by the High Court, directing under Section 133 CrPC to
abate the nuisance of a foul drain flowing in between the city with the filth
and stink and discharge from the alcohol plant. He justified the exercise of
powers by the Magistrate under Section 133 to go and take action wherever
there is public nuisance, invoking the duties of the Municipal Council and

“Public nuisance, because of pollutants being discharged by

big factories to the detriment of the poorer sections, is a challenge to
the social justice component of the rule of law. Likewise, the
grievous failure of local authorities to provide the basic amenity of
public conveniences drives the miserable slum-dwellers to ease in
the streets, on the sly for a time, and openly thereafter, because
under Nature’s pressure, bashfulness becomes a luxury and dignity a
difficult art. A responsible municipal council constituted for the
precise purpose of preserving public health and providing better
finances cannot run away from its principal duty by pleading
financial inability. Decency and dignity are non-negotiable facets of
human rights and are a first charge on local self governing bodies.
Similarly, providing drainage systems- not pompous and attractive,
but in working condition and sufficient to meet the needs of the
people- cannot be evaded if the municipality is to justify its existence.
A bare study of the statutory provisions makes this position clear.
This is a public duty implicit in the public power to be
exercised on behalf of the public and pursuant to a public
proceeding. Failure to comply with the direction will be visited with
a punishment contemplated by S. 188 I.P.C. Therefore the
Municipal Commissioner or other executive authority bound by the
order under S.133 Cr.P.C. shall obey the directions because
disobedience, if it causes obstruction or annoyance or injury to any
persons, lawfully pursuing their employment, shall be punished with
simple imprisonment or as prescribed in the section.”

10. The recognition and growth of Public Interest Litigation has became
a catalyst for environmental justice. In Rural Litigation and Entitlement
Kendra, Dehradun, AIR 1985 SC 652, the Supreme Court recognized
imbalance of ecology and hazard to healthy environment due to working of
lime-stone quarries. In Sachidanand Pandey, AIR 1987 SC 1109, the
Court recognized society’s interaction with nature and the environmental
question affecting the humanity. The Supreme Court observed:-
“Industrialisation, urbanization, explosion of population,
overexploitation of resources, depletion of traditional sources of
energy and raw materials and the search for new sources of energy
and raw materials, the disruption of natural ecological balances, the
destruction of multitude of animal and plant species for economic
reasons and sometimes for no good reasons at all are factors which
have contributed to environmental deterioration. While the scientific
and technological progress of man has invested him with immense
power over nature, it has also resulted in the unthinking use of the
power, encroaching endlessly on nature. If man is able to transform
deserts into oases, he is also leaving behind deserts in the place of
oases. In India, as elsewhere in the world, uncontrolled growth and
consequent environmental deterioration are fast assuming menacing
proportions and all Indian cities are afflicted with this problem.”

11. In Shriram Foods and Fertilizer Industries and another, AIR

1987 SC 965, the leak of olium gas from one of the units of the company

affecting several persons including one Advocate practicing in Court, who

had died, the Supreme Court awarded costs and directed remedial measures.
12. In M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India, AIR 1988 SC 1115, the
reckless discharge of untreated sewage in river Ganga by a riparian owner
was sought to be checked with several directions issued to clean the river.
The Bhopal gas leak disaster case woke up the entire country to the threats
of environmental degradation and loss of life. The right of compensation to
the victims, invoking “parens partriae” doctrine was invoked. The State was
directed to assume the role of a parent protecting the rights of the victims and
then claiming compensation from the negligent corporation.
13. In Tarun Bharat Singh, Alwar, AIR 1992 SC 514 the right of the
government and private persons over forest land were curtailed to protect
wild life, and mining operations were stopped.
14. The Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum, AIR 1996 SC 2715 is
landmark decision recognizing ‘Sustainable Development’ as answer to
balance development with ecology. The Supreme Court accepted the
concept, which came down for the first time in Stockholm Declaration of
1972 and then in 1987 by the World Commission on environment and
development in its report called “Our Common Future”. The Commission
chaired by the then Prime Minister of Norway Ms. G.H. Brundtland, came
out with a document called “Caring for the Earth” a strategy for sustainable
living and the earth summit in June, 1992, deliberating and chalking out a
blue print for survival of the planet signed by 153 nations. In Vellore
Citizens case, monitored by the Supreme Court for five years, the pollution
caused by Tanneries in the State of Tamil Nadu discharging untreated
effluent into agricultural fields, roadsides, water-ways and open lands was
confirmed through various reports and National Environment Engineering
Research Institute, Nagpur (NEERI). Accepting the principles the Supreme
Court held:-
“The precautionary principle and the polluter pays principle
have been accepted as part of the law of the land. Article 21 of the
Constitution of India guarantees protection of life and personal
liberty. Articles 47, 48A and 51A(g) of the Constitution are as
47. Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of
living and to improve public health- the State shall regard the raising
of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and
the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and in
particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the
consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks
and of drugs which are injurious to health.

48A. Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding

of forests and wild life- the State shall endeavour to protect and
improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of
the country.
51A(g). To protect and improve the natural environment including
forests, lakes rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living

15. The Court directed the Central Government to constitute an authority

under Section 3 (3) of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to monitor the
implementation of the treatment plants, close the industries, which did not
take any steps for installation of treatment plants, impose fine on the
tanneries for delay in installations of treatment plants and set up
‘Environment Protection Fund’ for compensating the affected persons
identified by the authority. It also approved the standards for ‘total dissolve
of solids’ recommended by NEERI.
16. The long line of cases, thereafter, regulating shrimp culture industry
in the ecologically fragile costal areas in Gopi Aqua Farms, AIR 1997 SC
3519, and S. Jagannath Vs. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 811; protecting
Taj Mahal from pollution by the foundries in Agra in M.C. Mehta Vs.
Union of India, AIR 1999 SC 734; directing the Pollution Control Board
regarding proper search of effluents in Lagoons in Re: Bhavani River-
Sakthi Sugars Ltd., AIR 1998 SC 2059, controlling vehicular pollution in
Delhi by use of CNG and phasing of old vehicles in M.C. Mehta Vs. Union
of India, AIR 1999 SC 291, protecting Yamuna river in News Item
‘Hindustan Times’ A.Q.F.M. Yamuna, AIR 2000 SC 3510; regulating
solid waste disposal and cleaning of metropolitan cities in Almitra H. Patel,
AIR 2000 SC 1256; imposing exemplary damage for restoration of
environment and ecology on construction of Span Hotels Private Ltd. on
Beas river in M.C. Mehta Vs. Kamal Nath, AIR 2002 SC 1515; banning
smoking in public places in Murli S. Deora, AIR 2002 SC 40, protecting
cubban park at Bangalore in Bimal L. Desai, AIR 2003 SC 2246 and
enforcing the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 in T.N. Godavarman
Thirumulpad in a series of orders, and many such matters have firmly
established the environmental jurisprudence in India.
17. More recently the Supreme Court invoked the 'public trust doctrine'
evolving methods for arriving at ‘Net Present Value’ to be paid by the State
of the diversion of forest land to non-forest use to be paid to Compensatory
Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Agency (CAMPA) in T.N.
Godavarman (87) 2006 (1) SCC 1; issued directions for disposal of

imported contaminated waste oil in Research Foundation For Science (21)

2005 (13) SCC 675; rationalized the meat export promotion policy and
regulation of abattoirs in Akhil Bharat Goseva Sangh (3) 2006 (4) SCC
162; and intervened in town planning (DCR 58) providing for conversion of
large open lands of cotton mills in Mumbai for public housing, balancing
ecological factors on the principles; of ‘Sustainable Development’ in
Bombay Dyeing Mfg. Co. Ltd. (3) Vs. Bombay Environmental Action
Group (2006) 3 SCC 434.
18. In the State of U.P., the unchecked, unplanned urbanization, almost
total lack of sanitary conditions, over flowing drains, obstruction to public
pathways, public lands, encroachment of parks and playgrounds, lack of
public conveniences, lack of organized and scientific removal of waste, lack
of sewage management, lack of facilities of disposal of hospital, bio-medical
and chemical waste, contamination of food articles, lowering water tables,
vanishing green belt and other such Eco violations, call for an urgent legal
action and judicial response. These are Socio environmental issues, which
must be addressed to by the judiciary at District level. The competent
authorities, Law Enforcement Agencies and the Members of Subordinate
Judiciary responsible for administration of law cannot sit back and be
unresponsive to the public duty reposed on them by Constitution of India.
There is an urgent need to address issues of environmental justice at local
19. There is a common feeling in legal fraternity that the laws do not
provide for sufficient measures to deal with these issues at local units and
they look forward to the response from High Court and Supreme Court. This
feeling is not justified. They have ample powers under the existing
provisions of law, both substantive and procedural, to deal with these issues.
Sections 133 to 144 in Chapter X of the Code of Criminal Procedure, provide
for procedure to deal with public nuisances and urgent cases of nuisances and
apprehended danger. Section 133 deals with issuing conditional orders in
case of injuries to the health or physical comfort of the community by any
trade and occupation or by regulations of any goods or merchandize. Section
144 has a potential of providing immediate prevention and speedy remedy in
response of danger to human life, health or safety. This Section is utilized
mostly in cases of disturbances of public peace and tranquility. Its full
potential has not been realized in environmental matters. The Ratlam
Municipality case arose out of an order under Section 133 of Code of

Criminal Procedure. The Supreme Court emphasized that the powers are
public duties to the members of public, who are victims of nuisance.
20. A misgiving in the judiciary that the special legislations like the
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 have impliedly repealed,
Section 133 of the CrPC was cleared by the Supreme Court in State of M.P.
Vs. Kedia Leather and Liquor Ltd., AIR 2003 SC 3236. It was held:
“While as noted above the provisions of Section 133 of the
Code are in the nature of preventive measures, the provisions
contained in the two Acts are not only curative but also preventive
and penal. The provisions appear to be mutually exclusive and the
question of one replacing the other does not arise. Above being the
position, the High Court was not justified in holding that there was
any implied repeal of Section 133 of the code. The appeals deserve
to be allowed to the extent indicated above, which we direct.”

21. The Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations, owe a

duty to its citizens, to provide clean environment for human development.
U.P. Panchayat Raj Act, 1947 provide for land development, minor
irrigation, water and water-shed management, social and farm forestry,
drinking water, medical sanitation, planned economic development,
preservation and maintenance of community assets. A yearly development
plan has to be submitted by every Gram Panchayat to Kshhetria Panchayats.
These Panchayats have powers in respect of maintenance of public streets,
waterways and to prevent pollution of water resources and to improve
sanitation. The U.P. Municipalities Act, 1916 provides in Chapter VII for
construction, alterations of public drains, enforcement for drainage
connection, removal of projection and obstructions over streets and drains,
cleaning – cesspools, dust bins, filthy buildings and lands and saving water
resources from bathing and washing, disposal of dead bodies etc. By 73rd
Amendment Act, 1992, amending Constitution of India, the Panchayats and
Municipalities have become part of the Constitution of India. The powers,
authorities and responsibilities of Panchayats and Municipalities have been
expanded to propose plan of economic development and social justice and to
implement schemes given in XI Schedule and XII Schedule respectively.
These Schedules enumerate subject which are closely related to
Environmental issues. These powers subject to legislation, authorize the
local authorities to maintain ecological balance along with development.
22. The District Courts can also address to these issues while enforcing
individual rights and duties. The environmental matters are often mixed up
in deciding the individual or collective rights. One such example can be

found in the case of Hinch Lal Tiwari Vs. Kamla Devi (2001) 6 SCC 496.
The Gaon Sabha allotted a part of land including village pond, which was
filled up with silt by passage of time. In hearing an application for
cancellation of allotment the Additional Collector found that the plot was
recorded as ‘Pond’, and thus the allotment was cancelled. The
Commissioner dismissed the revision. The High Court partly cancelled the
allotment. Relying upon Section 117 (1) (vi) of the U.P. Zamindari
Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1951, which vests tanks, ponds, private
ferries, water canals, pathways and abadi sites in Gaon Sabha, the Supreme
Court held that material resources of community like the above, maintain
delicate ecological balance. They need to be protected for proper and healthy
environment, to enable people to enjoy a quality life, which is the essence of
the rights guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. The
Revenue Authorities after taking notice, that the pond is falling in disuse
should have bestowed their attention to develop the same to prevent
ecological disaster, and to provide better environmental for the benefit of
public at large.
23. In the suits for injunction, representative suits under C.P.C. to protect
local environment, the trial courts can insist upon maintenance of balance in
environmental issues. Before granting injunction in property matter, the
courts can insist on the development plan of the house or locality. In the
maters of drainage the courts can ensure that the ultimate course of effluent is
connected to proper drainage. The Courts can also ensure that the regulatory
measures provided under the environmental legislation are complied with by
the plaintiffs and defendants before granting any relief. In property disputes,
relating to urban and rural properties, while granting injunctions, the courts
must issue directions to safe-guard green belt, preserving trees and
plantations and for strict compliance of Municipal Laws. Directions can be
issued to Panchayats, Municipalities and Local Bodies to comply with
environmental obligations. Public nuisance to human life, and health can be
prevented by the procedures under Code of Criminal Procedure, and its
violation punished under Sections 188, 268, 277 and 278 of Indian Penal
Code. Courts have to be careful and cautious in Food Adulteration Cases for
recurrence of offences. A vigilant and responsive judiciary can create a great
impact on the local environment. These issues cannot be left to be taken care
only by High Court or Supreme Court.
24. The subordinate courts, given the judicial activism and dynamism
can take special advantage in dealing environmental matter. Public Interest

Litigation, social action and pro-bono process can be entertained under

Section 91 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The Section is quoted as

91. Public nuisances and other wrongful acts affecting the public-

(1) In the case of public nuisance or other wrongful act affecting, or likely to
affect, the public, a suit for a declaration and injunction or for such other
relief, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of the case, may be
(a) by the Advocate-General, or
(b) with the leave of the Court, by two or more persons, even though
no special damage has been caused to such persons by reason of
such public nuisance or other wrongful act.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect any
right of suit which may exist independently of its provisions.

25. The subordinate courts, have sufficient power and jurisdiction, which
should be used with comprehensive knowledge of law, relating to
environmental matter and the motivation to use the jurisdiction for public
good. A trial Judge can better appreciate the local environmental matters and
can ascertain the environmental damage, effectively through local
commissions. Witnesses can be examined and questions of fact can be
determined and adjudicated at local levels. There is no dearth of legislation
and the case law, relating to environmental issues. What we require is a
proper understanding of the legal system and the remedies, which can deliver
environmental justice.
26. In attempting any mater touching environment the courts should be
cautious. Their approach should be to create a balance between development
and environment. An objective criteria must be adopted to be the basis of the
decision. Such a criteria can be fixed only by understanding, the cause of
pollution, the effect which it is likely to cause on environment, the legislation
which deals with such issue and a careful manner of reducing the impact of
such pollution.
27. Every Judge has an opportunity to enforce environmental laws.
Even if the environmental cases do not directly come to his Court, his
concern for environment can bring a tremendous change.

Access to Environmental justice:-

28. The right of access to justice is characterized as the most

fundamental of all the fundamental rights. The Universal Declaration of

Human Rights mandates in Article 10 that, “everyone is entitled in full

equity to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial Tribunal,
in the determination of his rights and obligations and any criminal charge
against him.”
29. Our society is founded upon rule of law. If the people without using
force or trying to obtain extra legal remedies, approach the Court of law for
redressal of their grievance, the Courts must ensure that they have real and
effective access to the remedies. At present our Courts are overburdened
with pending cases called 'arrears'. There is acute shortage of Judges in the
country. At present there are 3.5 million cases pending in different High
Courts and 25 million cases pending before subordinate Courts. With only
26 Judges in the Supreme Court, 719 in High Courts with 198 vacancies and
13204 Judges in subordinate Courts with 2101 vacancies, and with ratio of
10.5 Judges per ten lacs people as against 50 in developed countries, the
judiciary is extremely hard pressed, to respond to the people of the country.
With the expansion of rights, with little emphasis on duties there is increase
in legal actions making it increasingly difficult for the Courts to deliver
timely justice. The Courts have, however, evolved methods like class action
suits, representative suits and public interest litigation to overcome the
problem of accessibility. The strict requirement of locus has been relaxed.
The Apex Court has also ventured to create new rights for the citizens
through progressive interpretation of constitutional provisions. Right to
travel, right to privacy, right to fair trial, right against torture and custodial
violence, right to free legal aid, right to health care, right to safe drinking
water, right to quality life, women’s right against sexual harassment, right to
work, and right to environmental protection (M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India,
AIR 1997 SC 734), amongst others have been recognized and have flooded
the Courts. The achievement of environmental justice through the existing
judicial system has become a mirage.
30. For the common man faced with might of industries and
multinationals on violations of environmental rights, the access to
environmental justice through local Courts has become more relevant. The
strict regulation of environmental legislation mostly borrowed from west,
and the end product of treaties and conventions, without local concerns has
simultaneously raised many human rights issues. The same brave women in
Uttranchal, who saved their forests by ‘Chipko Movement’, are not allowed
to use forest on the declaration of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve in
Uttranchal. The air and water legislations are more concerned about resource

degradation and resource access, soil erosion, declining water tables, toxics
and pesticides than the local concerns. The public good and public concerns
have often driven away more people from homes to be ‘environmental
refugees’. Gadgil M. Guha, R. 1995, ‘Ecology and Equity’ have appealed
for more pragmatic approach to these issues calling “think Globally-act
locally”. The concern of tribals, local communities, and traditional trade is
forgotten by the enforcement authorities. Many trades employing lacs of
artisans have died, to save rivers, forests and wild life. The dyers of cotton
sarees at Vrindavan; tanners in Tamil Nadu and Jajman at Kanpur; stone
crushers around Delhi; weavers at Bhadohi, tribal fishermen in Madhya
Pradesh, the displaced persons of the catchment areas of large dams like
Narbada and Tehri, are knocking at the doors of the Courts to reverse actions
on environmental law enforcement, seriously interlinking human right
concerns with environmental issues. The Courts have a greater role to play
in these areas.
31. The superior Courts may have, led the path by adoption of
techniques of investigation, enquiries and remedial actions through Public
Interest Litigation, the local Courts still feel helpless in providing remedies to
the common citizens.
32. A close look on various legislations would go to show that in each
case the complaint has to be filed for violation of environmental rights
created under these special acts by competent authorities, who many at times
are violators of these rights. The common man does not have access to the
records and reports, and is mostly left alone in the fight for causes, which
trouble him the most. The financial power of the violators of environmental
rights, is frightening. Their reach extends to even stalling the legislation,
like in the case of the Central Government dilly-dallying with the ‘central
food standards’. In the scenario, the local Courts have doubts in giving
orders and their implementation even for small violations like pollution of
drains and nalas, noise pollution, removal of bio-medical waste or dumping
of toxic wastes by industries and slaughter houses.
33. It is surprising as to why the power under Section 133 is still left
with Executive Magistrates, when most of them, are on many occasions
administrators of the municipal bodies. Are they required to issue orders
against themselves? These powers should be entrusted to Judicial
Magistrates, with greater sense of responsibility, judicial temperament,
independence and accountability.

34. It took more than 10 years for the Central Government to constitute
authorities under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and that too only
after the reminders given by the Supreme Court in Vellore Citizens Welfare
Forum case. It took 16 years for a petition filed in Supreme Court to
complete the investigation, surveys to protect Taj Mahal and to establish a
Taj Trapezium. The directions to install cupolas on iron foundries has not
been realized so far. The Apex Court had taken up the issue of cleaning
Ganga in 1988 with little success. The air pollution caused by increasing
automobiles in Delhi took about six years of persuasion with threats to the
Delhi Government to convert all the public transport to CNG.
35. The subordinate Courts not only require knowledge and expertise, to
deal with environmental issues but also sensitivity and courage to pass the
orders and to get them executed. The access to environmental justice, is an
issue, which requires serious thought.


36. The environmental justice, is part of socio-economic development of

the society. The superior judiciary has made tremendous progress in
distributing environmental justice. The orders passed by the Supreme Court
have provided healing touch to many and even those, who are residing in
remote places in hills, coastal areas and forests. The Courts, however, are
not the forum to solve all environmental related challenges in the country.
Judiciary has to be equipped with creation of additional capacities to deal
with the whole gamut of environment related issues. Only the trained and
motivated judges can take correctional measures and help in distributing
environmental justice with human element, fairness and compassion. To that
extent every court in the country should be turned into environmental court,
for environmental actions.


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