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a) Well, I usually get up quite early, at about 7 am.

I look through the papers

and check the celebrity news on the Internet and I ring a few of my reliable
sources to see if there are any interesting stories that I should know about. If
there is any exciting news about a celebrity then I always call their agent to
ask for a comment. I spent most of the morning on the phone, then I write
my article in the afternoon and submit it to my editor. She’s usually thrilled
with what I come up with.

b) My routine varies depending on what jobs I’ve got on. I’m self-employed so I
get work through friends or through recommendations. On a working day, I
get up at 6 in the morning because I like to get an early start, I prepare my
equipment – brushes, ladders and so on – and drive to wherever it is that I’m
working. I work all day, with a short break for lunch. When I get home I
clean all the brushes and myself of course and relax.

c) I’ve got quite a strange routine really. I get up at 2 am and drive to the dairy
to pick up my float. I deliver pints until eight or nine in the morning. When I
have finished my rounds I go home, have breakfast and do a few jobs around
the house. My working day is over before most people’s have begun.

d) Well, if I’m doing a children’s puppet show in the morning I get up at 8:30
a.m, load the scenery and the puppets onto the van and drive to the venue. I
put up the set, do the performance and I often chat to the children
afterwards to see what they liked and didn’t like about the show. In the
afternoons I deal with any phone messages and correspondence and arrange
bookings. After that, I spend some time in my workshop making puppets and
scenery. I often perform shows in the evenings and especially at the
weekends, so I’m always very busy.

e) As I don’t have an actual boss I can alter my routine according to my mood,

so I don’t usually get up very early. I’m not a morning person, so I spend the
first few hours of the day pottering around the flat before I get down to
work. I work on different projects every day, for various newspapers or
magazines. I usually do a bit of research, and then set about writing
whatever it is I’m meant to write. It’s a great job and I love being my own

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