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Number Talks Planning Sheet – 2nd Grade Addition

Learning Goals:
-Understand and use multiple strategies for adding 1-digit and 2-digit numbers,
including making tens, near doubles, landmark/friendlier numbers, and adding up.
Focus on this number talk on the first three strategies.
-Use relational thinking to solve sets of related tasks (use solutions to one problem
to reason about solutions to other problems.
Tasks and Why:
9+1 (Making tens, Adding Ip)
9+7+1 (Making Tens, Adding Up)
1+6+9 (Near Doubles, Adding Up)
20+20 (Making Landmark or Friendly Numbers, Making Tens, Adding Up)
19+19 (Making Landmark or Friendly Numbers, Adding Up)
78+2+3 (Making landmark for Friendly Numers, Adding Up)
78+5 (
Anticipate Strategies: How to Record Strategies:

9+1 1 plus 9 is the same as 10 Making Tens: using a V shape to shows

which two numbers are added together
9+7+1 1 plus 9 is the same as 10, 10 to make ten. Use an equal sign to confirm
plus 7 is the same as 17 (e.g., 1+9=10). Say “is the same as” for
equal sign when reading equation. Then
1+6+9 1 plus 9 is the same as 10, 10 plus add the third number.
6 is the same as 16.

20+20 I know that 20+20 is the same a Near Doubles: write the equation for
40. the doubled numbers (e.g., 10+10=20).
Say “is the as as” for equal sign when
19+19 Add one to each 19 to get 20+20. reading. Then add any number in the
We know that 20+20 is 40. Then take ones place.
away 2 since we added 1 to each 19.
Landmark/Friendly Numbers:
78+2+3 to get to the friendlier number Use another color marker to note
of 80; add 78 plus 2. Then add 80 plus 3 quantity added/subtracted. Rewrite task
to get 83. with new quantities. Use same color to
note when this quantity is
78+5 to get to the friendlier number of subtracted/added to answer to
80, decompose 5 into (2+3). Add 78+2 to compensate for change.
get 80. Then add 80+3 to get 83.
Adding up: students may simply start
with a number in the problem and add
the other numbers to the first number.
Possibly show this on a number line.
Questions to ask to elicit, understand, Possible Confusions/Misconceptions:
and represent students’ thinking:
In the problem 19+19 I believe a few
Questions about focal strategies: select students in my class will add two
1. Why did you add/subtract ( ) to reach a friendlier number. However, I
to/from ( ) to make it ( )? think that these students might forget to
2. When you got your answer, how subtract the two at the end.
did you know what to do next?
3. How did you make the problem Also, I think many students might focus
easier? on the adding up method and use their
4. Can you think of another way to finers to count the numbers in the
make the problem easier? problem.

Other questions (to help students

orient to one another’s ideas):
1. Who can restate [student’s name]
strategy in their own words?
2. Why do you think [student’s
name] change ( ) to ( )?
3. Turn to a partner and talk about
why you think [student’s name]
added/subtracted ( ) from the
answer at the end?
4. Did anyone else change the
numbers, but in a different way

Notes During Number Talk:

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