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Chapter 1 Introduction two basic points (the author clains that) solar returns only work when the sidereal zodiac is use d, Tropical solar returns are apparently unreliable sone genstel blather about transits vs progressions JE (the author) considers the idea that transits result in external events and p rogressions result in ‘psychological changes’ too simple, and states that events ‘and psychological states are intertwined all the tine, but then goes on to stat @ that the *sourcet of the life change is ‘internal’ or based on the ‘natural volution of the natal condition’ for progressions and comes out of' interaction with the natural environment’ for transits | I'm not sure that clears up anyth ing). He also implies that the wider orbs catch subconscious changes etc but tig} 5 catch obviously manifest oncoming transits/progressicns. on Chapter 2. Speaking the sane language 1, JE claims that different techniques are neaded for different charts. He says ‘that when aspects of (natal?) planets to fixed stars are considered, only conjun ctions, oppositions and squares are noted, and not trines, sextiles etc (WIF?)) but they are significant for natal char: interpretation 2, JE recommends a ‘tus pass! approach to vesding Solar eturn charts, First app atently it is read as a ‘new birth chart! for the year which overlays the oricin al natal chart. Secondly it is read in a ‘return chart style" . Both approa aze detailed ia coming chapters. Chapter 2 The author begins delineating the terminology of Sidereal astrology Angularity: JB sticks with the notion of angularity but detaches it from details of the house system. He states that angularity (nearness to the angles) deterai nes not so mich the ‘power’ of a planet, but how easily it expresses itself ( ex ample? specific difference between 'power" and 'ease'?) e defines foreground as "half a house eicher side’ of the four angles. (he us the Campanus system for this). The middle ground is half 2 house on either side of succedent cusps. Similiarly background ~ half a house either side of cadent cusps. He uses Canpanus houses. I'11 continue to use Placidus. Principle: Planets in the foreground of a chart - natal, solar return, ingress, whatever, are the most important and prominent. Background planets acquire inportance also because they are least able to expre ss thenselves and represent qualities that are held in abeyance (-= 22) Midground planets are neither particularly strong nor particulary weak (not E is using strong/weak vs expressive/inexpressive) but reflect a aeasure of easy moderation. Garth Allen studied che birch charte of 42 murderers and found that Pluto, Mars and Neptune are the most in the foreground! (note: I have Mars in the foreground " To understand the rest of the system, I need to really understand all the 'circl est uses ro divide ante nouses arc Step 1 Imagine an observer standing at the centre of a circle. The circusference of the circle is the visible horizon. The £, Wi, XN, 8 points on the horizon circle are the East Point, West Point etc ‘The point directly above the observer is the Zenith, The point directly opposi te to this, so below the observer is the nadir. A circle that starts at the Gast Point, goes to Zenith, West Point and Madir is called the Prine Vertical. ‘The circle starting at North Point, goes to Zenith, South Point and Madir is cal led the Meridian, step 2 The Barths poles form an axis. ‘The Earch's equator is perpendicular to this axis. ‘The equator projected onto the celestial sphere is the "eles ial_Bquator* Since astrology is geocentric, we extend this plane to the celestial sphere cbta ining a circle called the 'eclipcic’ along vhich the Sun appears to travel The ecliptic is at an angle of about 23.5 degrees to the Celestial Equ step 3 Since the observer from step 1 above is (unless he is at the direct North/South polar points) standing on 2 spherical /elliptical Farth,his horizon circle also makes an angle to the equator (depending on his Lattitude). In practical terns, ‘the celestial equator would appear as a tilted circle. (So if obsever is standing on the Equator, the Prine Meridian would equal the ce Jestal Equator?) The celestial horizon is a disc parallel to the local horizon, but with its cen tre at the centre of the Earth, and its edges projected to the’ Celestial Sphere. If the observer is at the poles, the Celestial Horizon and Celestial Squator w ould be the sare. So in essence, the observer stands in a 'co - ordinate systen' formed by these circles. Ly Horizon 2) Prime Vers 3. Meridian 4) Celestial Equator 5. Bclipcic. teal Added later in the night: (I want to start the next section tomorrow) hat the weiter considers ‘extra sensitive points! (other then the angles) 1. (longitude of ) Zenith 2) (longitude of } Nadir 3. Bast Point (has a Ist House quality) 4. West Point (has a Tnth House quality) 5, Vertex, If any planets conjunct, their manifestations have an unconscious qua lity. 6, Anti Vertex Th South Point ( house quality! 8. North Point (10th house quality) Aspects used Classicals ‘dynamic’ and ‘static' preferred to ‘hard’ and ‘soft! JE thinks dynamic aspects portend movement and activity and static aspects still ness and quietitude, even a dampening effect. But if a static aspect connects to a dynamic aspect, (e.g a trine aspects one @ nd of an opposition and sextiles another), in which case the hard aspect is enha need SE chinks that when examining Solar Returns one's attention must focus only on t he nord aspects (2 reject chs) Pay JE says the potential paran becoses an active paran when a Solar returns [othe soue sideresi time (cf) a2 che sbvests forming the porential peren. |asw + & EFA slddewal ElnecoE a CRAEETIN! gidienck: Gbdecr ln & paten Eelar aasintNi() I tthink* what he is trying to say is that when any of the *angles* of the Solar Return chart coincide with the ‘angles* of a potential paran, then it bacones a So for e.g from my natal chart CEI Mc 008 00 so 8 Aries PLU IC 008 30, = 8 Aries 30 MAR MC 009 21'= 9 Aries 21 When the (paran?) of the Solar Return chart angles hit these angles, the chart b econes active. Not sure what the Sidersal tine of the char: exc means. choprer 2 (coat!) angles mostly abot the meanings of 1-4-7-10 angles Houses JE clains 4th-l0th azis has to do with identity. MC connected to public identity ~ the authority one acknowledges in an outerwor 1d ‘superior’ — parent, employer etc. MC signifies the unfolding of a personal = nse of direction, the outcome of which is to be more truly and fully become one self. In natal astrology, the key to identity as measured by outerworld standards In SR characteristically pinpoints one's experience of “highness” (prestige, pro minence, culmination) . Reputation and status are often involved, because one's. career is a frequent, but not only area of manifestation. For a public figure, 4 = can reveal the overall tone of ones’ interaction with che public. Ic - the most personal, private focus of awareness in a horoscope, Privacy is t he keyword of the angle. Due to angularity planets on the IC are highly expressi ye keynotes of the year in question, But the realn of manifestation is withing sotional (if not physical) close quarters to hoes. Specific outer manifestations ‘will center around donestic concerns, family propersy etc. Psychological orient ation towards rocts, sense of inner self, peychic foundatacne cf life ~ zeevalua Sion of priorities, ongoing decisions at susconsciows level energe into consist sness ste - prompting a major cycle shift ‘the end of che mtter! eepecsally if Sas, Pluts, sr rapes is places there. Ascendant - ons!s experience of oneself in the process of intezreLoting with anc Ther ~ projected self inage - how we extend ourselves to others. J considers 5 eithocd as a matter for the entire horoscope with the ascendant implicitly signi Hie: the presence of relsticnshin, ascendant can ps considered "oo" in oR char ts, denoting self involvenent Descendant - cther consciousness, an awareness of other people, cooperation on ¢ onerition as keynotes designating D¢ attribuces. focus of actention aay from $ elf. death , but not solely, just stepping out of purely individual concerns. Signs aostly irrelevant in 5R analysis, except the sign occupied by the 5R moon. Lacation Easentially S8R charts are cast for the location native occupies, ve is born in, Posted by avi at 11:08 FM No coments: 2888 May 13, 2016 (Saturday, May 14, 2 teont ‘ah 16) Houses: do have a certain measure of importance in Solinar interpretations. But not prim ary. (which are angularity and aspects) When SR are interpreted 'as native charts’ in pass 1, houses are important. JE t hinks house dispositorships are aisleading, but a planets position in 2 house is revealing, The important factors wrt houses are luminary placements and stellia. A planet can be simultaneously foreground and angular ‘or* cadent. (Likewise mid dleground + angular/succedent, background + succedent /cadent) . The houses related the foreground planets in an SSR should be focused on, SSR houses and angles mean the same thing as natal houses and angles, except cha © they specifically apply to unfolding patterns and events within a certain time frame. Meanings of SR planets in SRo houses resenble zeanings of *transiting* planets i nonatal houses. Natal glansts on SR angles (I interpret this as saying that whe the SR angles share the sane zodiacal degree as a natal planet) they manifest Chapter 3 - The Intezpretation of Planetary Angularity The last two chapters have emphasized the ‘foreground! nature of both natal and solar return planets This chapter is about interpreting such placements. I am skipping the details of each planet in the foreground/background etc but there seen to be two principle s for such interpretation principle 1 = Foreground planets both solar and natal (A) set the tone of the © ntire period covered by a solunar return. Background planets (in the solar chart ; whether solar or natal) represent the least zanifest thenes. background Mf Grcury is bad when trying to write a book. |1) This seems to refer to the natal planets coming in the foreground *of the so Jar return chart* i.e with reference to the angles tof the solar chart’. (e.g M y 2015 SSR has an ascendant of 07 Cancer. The TSN is in the foreground of this c hart. ). Likewise for background planets. (There is 2 List of transiting planet foreground and background effects, then na tal planets foreground and background effects. Skipped for nox. Will read later site getting pvervan's Seok) Principle 2: Most foreground natal planets don't have an influence that varies w ith which angle they are ‘bound’ to via foreground. Angularity just emphasises t hen. GUT if the planets are conjunct the angles (within § to 7 degress, vs just being in the foreground via that angle,) then the angle has a specific’ effect on how exactly the planet is emphasized. (ong list of planet P on angle A delineations skipped for now] srpreting Lunar Aspects Focusing on foreground sclar and natal planets give us the main there of the SSR «Then we focus on the solar moon and its aspects clesr understand stage! Planetary angulerity (and 'fcregroundness') are is inpot ing of Solunar returns. But angles are static and only angles | luminaries = Personal points Sun | Uson } Ascendant + NC craw attention to the qost significant pests of the chart. in the SSR, the solar Sun and natal Sun occupy the same point. This makes the mo on the most crucial part of a SSR chart, after the angles. Lunar aspects to sola rand naval planers are important, If lunar aspects are nearly exact while foreg round planets are not exceptionally close to the angles, then the solar Maon can be considered the prime thene setter for the year ahead. In the section, "The Meaning of the Solar Moon" JE ties the status of the Solar Moon to various thinga ‘enotional' - enotions of people in the querent's life, = he enotions he exhibits etc. I am skipping all this psychological woo and focusi ‘ng on event prediction. In the section "The Solar Moon and Health* JE says that important illnesses mani fest as afflictions to the Solar Moon. Technically the angularity of lights is supposed to show wellness but JE says Moon in foreground or midground shows aff1 ictions if badly aspected. The Sidereal ‘constellation’ (== sign in sidereal cha Es) shows which pare of the body is affected. Lunary importance in terms of angularity Contentictory pieces of advice 1, Guminaries are important in any chart 1, Loninaries are important in any chart 2. Planets not in the foreground can be ignored. So what if luminary is in background? JE's solution L.Solar Return Moon 3. if in foreground or middleground give aspects full priority b. if in background give aspects full priority only if other parts of chart p oint in the same direction. (e.g: all aspects of less than 1 degree are of impor tance itrespective of cadency) 2. Solar Retum sun if foreground, give full priority to aspects b. if middleground give priority to aspects only if other chart factors are co ngruent ‘c. if background, ignore completely (except partile aspects which are always p tent) Reinforcenent and activation sometimes the SRMoon acts as a trigger for an existing aspect (in the SSR), in w hich the lunar nature is hard to discern and the planetary nature is prominent. e.g # 1: King Edvard's 1900 SR had a wide Saturn Venus square. Other aspects T. Gupiter conjunct Teluto and conjunct NJupiter, opposed by NPluto and conjunct We st Point -xere important. The SSR Moon was weakly placed [just below? 6th cusp) but opposed Saturn and squared Venus (thus activating this aspect) -> death of Queen Victoria etc. 9.9 #2: J's solar return had a middle ground Venus Saturn opposition. But the oon was squaring these planets and so activated this aspect. When SSAMcon progre ssed to exact square Saturn, his grandfather died. generalizat jon ~ Moon activated 3 Venus Saturn aspect causing an emotional outco enotional/paychological délineations of Solar Moon to Solar planets and Solar Mo on to natal planets skipped. ‘Skining through the Patricia Hearst solar return series. I think this is too influenced by the "retrospective fitting’ effect. and also t ‘00 much psychology analysis vs hard event focus. Extracted principles for each chart Gh lookts at foreground planets, close to exact aspects etc. The a nalysis I consider dubious due fo the ‘retrospective’ and ‘psychological’ factor 1, Look for the unusual in 2 chart - GE suggests angularity, (sign and house of) Stelliun, tight aspects (which GE says are the best starting points of a deline ation). 2, Planets are the active agents and (therefore) angularity and aspects provide the most information. Signs and houses indicate how and where such aspects manif est. Stelliuns indicate an emphasis in signs/houses. S. Stvength is given by partilicy (closeness of osp of aspes ates eas@ of expression ). Anguiarsty taste hore soxe examples are given where aspects are expressed in terms of psychologic al needs ete. Skipped. 4, PH chart L. 1 Mundoscope + paran analysis support Pluto Moon Jupiter Uranus aspects . b, Interesting is that a background Mars squaring Pluto is interpreted as ‘this bg Mars can find expression only via its square to Pluto" which is an example of fn anteresting princspl= 5. BH chart 2 a. A Pluto conjunct the ascendant of this SR, along with the Uranus in Ml is int erpretad as ‘the type of personality which will manifest this year" (?? this loo ks dubious and a matter of tretrofizcing') b. aspects among planets which are both foreground (here Venus Uranus square) is onsidered very relevant for and interpreted . Fifth house steLliun is also folded into the interpretation, Interesting ie t hat the "fifth house’ is an SR house, not a natal house 6. PR chart 3 a. GE claims this chart has a ‘new tone" b. Again, aspects between plansts in the foreground are important 7. Repeating features across successive SR charts are indicative of ‘stages inn atural development (of a multi year phase?), Aspects are repeated across success ive SR charts, and GE also ncces grand srine ete (uhich is one of aspect pattern 5?) Sonmavy: While in chapters of The Hook, GP erphasises toreground/miaground/backey round distinctions, in practice, aspacts are also very important when it comes t 9 delineation. Chapter 6, Second Time Through - Wheels within Wheels Solar Return delineation has good accuracy and also simple methods. In this chap ter, an easy way of getting information from an SSR quickly and efficiently. No need for complex approaches or psychic abilities. Though GE generally discourag es ‘rules’, in SSR interpretation he strongly recconends a routinized delineativ © approach. Two distinct steps 1, First SR chart by itself - (SA: as previously foreground, midground, backgrou ng etc planets. Then parans, zodiacal and mundane aspects all sorted by partilit yh 2. Add “inner wheel" of natal chart, approach becomes more tightly focused, disc iplined and acute, knowing precisely where to look Algorithm for interpreting SSR - 2nd run 1, Observe angularity and aspects. Set aside signs and houses. 2. Foreground planets are important. Widdle ground planets are important only wh eh involved in exact aspects. Background planets are significant for lack of act ivity. 3. Only hard aspects are to be considered. Trines and sextiles of solar planets Lopinaries are isporsant. 4, The inside/cutside notion should be carefully applied. In detail Note which planets aze foreground and background, both natal and solar. Prane he cone of your delineation around these factors alone, trying to com= to som = cing of integrated assessment of general tone a. If the same planet is foreground in both natal and solar charts, it takes on special significance as 2 these (setter) planet Bb. The planets closest to the angles have the most to say. This guideline w 411 help prioritize and weight planetary involvement. c. Solar planets are interpreted as circunstances the world brings to the ind ividuel. uaral planets are interpreted as either the actions that evoke these ci cumstances or the individual's reactions to then. 2, Note aspects betxeen/arong foreground planets 4. aspects to foreground natal planeta help refine judgenenc on what to expects fron the outside world, b. Interpret natal foreground planets by what they represent in the nativity (s own ny natal aspects, and to sone degree by cheir sign placenents) ¢. Note aspects between foreground solar and natal planets. S. Interpret aspects of the Solar Moon to both solar end natel planets. Stop at chis point and sake sire The delinesticn is consistens ana makes sense. 4, Observe which solar planets are in the background and hew they color the pict ture so far obtained. 5. Interpret aspacts of the Sun to solar planets. 6. Consider any remaining aspects within about 1 degree. These represent suppler entary background considerations. Chapter 7, Timing Sok #s prasicror of events andr ng these, SSR pinpoint events (SAi in reality the planetary natures of events) within a y ear. What an SSR describes will cone true within that year. Ne need other xethod 5 to designate narrower tine periods 1. & Deni Solar Return is the chart for the moment when the cransiting Sun is ex actly opposite the natal Sun. Considered a supplerentary chart describing the la ster halt of the year. 2, A Quarti Solar Chart - a chart of the moment whe: Tsun is exactly square nat al Sun is somewhat representative of the quarter of the year. JE doesn't conside F them as strong/reliable as the SSR + DeniSolar. if the subsidiary charts reflect /continue the sane event-causing-planetary-signi fcances from the SSR, then the events will happen in that half/quarter. Else, it will happen in the first half/quarter. ming (cont'd) The Anlunar return is when the moon returns co the position she had tin the S88 charc* . There are 12-13 of these chart: Interpret the anlunar charts by the same rules as in "Procedure for SSR analysis "in chapter 6 but giving more importance to the transiting Sun GE suggests putting SSR in the inner Ting and the Anlunar chart on the outer rin g. GE says the Anlunar charts aren't reliable as independent charzs, but *are* r elisble in pinpointing the month in which portent of the SR aze most likely to be actualized, especially when used in conjunction with the Demi and Quarti Sola Progressing the SSR chart. the SSR can be progressed just like the natal chart. There are tyo methods to pr ogress this chart 1, The Solar Quotidian ($9) (2) The Progressed Sidereal Solar Return (PSSR) Quotisian means ‘deily! and both these charts ate daily charts There is some unclear theory here (wrt $Q) but I think the essence is that this chart is essentially the progressions *of the SSR* for the year, with the vario us aspects in the SSR ranifesting most strongly on the day xhen the progressed a spect becomes precise. Also the progressed Moon and angles form partile aspects on specific days and th ose become very important. Essentially (pg 108) $9 and PSSR give daily angles. And on the days any planet — natal, solar, transiting, or progressed solar - cone within | degree (rarely 2 degrees) of these angles, those planets dominate the day. ok so far, but I need to actually do some work with a real chart and also'Nor ko cut the precise procedures with Solar Fire ate ta really get at) Transits to SS& chart JE clains that $s plane ‘than natal charts (!) and angles are susceptible to transits, perhaps more The main distinction between Solar planets and natal planets is that solar plane ts represent forces coming at you from the external world vhich are relevant for year (and natal planets the reverse? this seers to be more of the psychology pased inner/outer stuff). So transiting Mars conjunct natal Venus indicates a good tine for a sexual enc ounter but transiting Mars conjunct Solar Venus can indicate stress in a relatio nship. A special situation wrt outer planets is that if planets are retrograde in SSR ¢ hart when the reverse direction, they eventually progress to themselves. This ex poses the individual purest essence of the planetary influence e.g transiting Pluto precisely conjunc’ Elutonian week of the year. It is as giving the individual direct acce: Solar Pluto will mark the most intensely jough a personal window has been opened, to the planet's untainted central nature. End of year mop up . GE says that any unresolved (in the year) features of the $ SR will nanifest in the last @&10 weeks of the year. (ny connent - chis seems a bit dubious) exanple 1: ignoring details, extracting process SSR shows SMoon 7 and 1/2 degrees to exact trine to Solar Venus. By 8) rate, this shows progressed Yoon Venus trine as occurring 7 1/2 months aft er his birthday (May). PSSR shows 6 months after birthday (March) Examining an epheneris, GE isolated a Jupiter square Solar Venus aspect in March (apparently Venus-Jupiter aspects are common to weddings) . Since no correspond ing transit in May, March is selected, The square becomes exact cn March 13. PS$R Moon trined the Solar Venus on March 14, On March 16, transiting Venus squared solar Midhaven. Example 2: SSR shows a Saturn Mars opposition (even if middleground). Apparently Mars Satur n aspects are the most stressful. also Solar Moon was applying to 4 conjunction with Solar Neptune. Quarti solar indicated the sane configs Key principle ~ aspects with small orbs landing excruciatingly close to Solar/an lunar etc Return angles = extrene results Chapter 9 Enneads The originsliy Egyptian (2) nov Windy Navassa divisions of the ecliptic also nol 8 viable returns? . i.e there are 9 basic solar returns every year, one for cock dibcaggoes iments yop elon at thenoata ene Navamsa is identical to John Addey's "Ninth Harmonic Chart* Every point of the Jodiac is considered to be in pseudo conjunction with pains: 40, 80, 120 and 160 degrees from it in both directions. Trines and conjunctions are the only 30 degree aspects which are also multiples of 40. Garth Allen called his discovery the Ennead . It forms a ruling triumvirate alon g with the ordinary Solar and Lunar Return ~Zorning the backtone and flesh of ef fective astrological forecasting Creating the Ennead Essentially add multiples of 40 degrees to the Natal Sun. (Cast charts for cho se moments seems to be implied). You can sudbivide the ennead into 4 period of 1 0 degrees/10 days each. Interpreting: Enneads are interpreted with the sare ond reading" approach Example of Kennedy assassin: les as SSR, but only once, with the "sec et natal saturn! !) on ennead elided, (vertex coi GE thinks Enneads are more potent individual charts than Anlunars, but don't act 's 'triggering' mechansims. Enneads describe the *situation* or nore precisely he individual undergoing the experience indicated in the solar/anlunar etc cha

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