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A Master Class™ Sourcebook for the d20® System

,. Credits ,.
Design: Jesse Decker T he Avata r 's Ha ndbook is ©2003 Green Ronin Publish-
ing. Art is ©2003 by the respective artists. References to
Additional Design: Chris Thomasson (Arimrawthi,
other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a
Choralia, Gabriel, Garguran, Inferity, Living
Flamestrike, Uncalled template, Watcher cha llenge to the respective copyright holders of
Scarab, and Wordbearer template) that material.

E diting: Penny Williams Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the

Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards
Development: Chris Pramas of the Coast, and are used with permission.
Art Direction: Hal Mangold
' D20 System ' and the ' D20 System ' logo are
Cover Art: James Ryman Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are
used according to the terms of the D20 System License
Interior Art: Liz Danforth, Jennifer Meyer,
version 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at
Britt Martin, and Kent Buries
Proofreading: Chris Pramas
The following text is designated as Open Game Content: • I
Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Chapter One; Chapter Two; the name, stat block, and
Folio Page: Jeff Mackintosh combat section of each creature in Chapter Three, "
Chapter Four, and Appendix I; Appendix 11; the folio
Green Ronin Staff: Nicole Lindroos,
Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Playtesters: Jesse Dean, Paul Boudreaux, Tim Craft,
Chris Dalland, William Doston, Dale Nixon, Rob G r een Ronin Publishin g
Kilpatrick, Sean Flanders, Ted Harris P.O. Box 1723
Special T ha nks to Adam, Jim, and Tai ofOsseum Renton, WA 98057-1723
Entertainment for their continued dedication Email: GreenRonin@ao l. com
and hard work. Web Site:

,. Table of Contents ,.
Introduction ......................... .. 3 Choralia (Archon) ......................... 32 Kranom ..................... ...... ... ..... ...... 60
Chapter One: The Ebeith-Ebeil .................. .. ... ....... .... 33 Living Flamestrike ...... .. ... .... ... ..... . 61
Etemal ........................................... 35 Watcher Scarab ............................. 62
Calling of the Avatar .. .... .4
The Hallowed ................ .......... ...... 36 Appendix I: Archangels .. .... 63
Avatars ......... .. ........ ....................... .. 4
Inferity ........................ .. ........ ......... 41 Rise & Fall .... .. .............................. 63
Chapter Two: Malakim ....................................... .42 Sample Archangels ........................ 64
Spells & Magic .... ......... 11 Mettarum ....... .. .... ... .... ....... ..... ... .... 44 Mika'il, Archangel
Avatar Spell List ........................... 11 Paladriel ....................................... .45 of Righteousness ....... ............. 64
New Spells & Other Classes ........ 13 Penneroth ...................... .... ....., .. .... 47 Gabriel, Archangel
Expanding the Avatar Spell List ... 14 Seraphyl .............. ... .... ... .... .... .. ... ...48 of Revelation ........... .... ........... 66
Rules Variants ........... ............. ...... . 14 Valorum .... .. ................................... 49
Appendix II: Templates ....... 68
Banner Spells ........... .. ............ ....... 14 Zel-Achar .............. .. .................. .... 51
Half Celestial Dragons ...... ............ 68
Spell Descriptions .... ..................... 15 Chapter Four: Reforged ..... .. ...... .... ...... .. ...... .. ....... 68
Chapter Three: Celestials .... 20 Creatures of the Sublime ......................................... 72
Aeons ............................................ 20 Uncalled ........................................ 74
Upper Planes ................. 52
Arimrawthi .................................... 29 Word bearer ........ ......... ..... ..... ......... 77
Celestial Dragons .... .............. ........ 52
Bene Ishim ............................ .. ...... 31
Garguran ... .................... ..... ..... ...... 59
For as long as there have been lessons about morality, there have been tales of higher beings---creatures so dedicated to virtue that the
essence of goodness pervades their very souls. These creatures, sometimes depicted as healers and messengers and sometimes feared as the
bringers of just wrath, make up the celestial host- the greatest army that the forces of good have at their call. The powers of good and the
leaders of the celestial host do not intervene in the affairs of mortals li ghtly. Instead, they rely on chosen mortal s, the avatars of their wi ll, to
determine when the might of the upper planes is needed to battl e the fo rces of evi l.

Th is book presents the avatar, a new class fo r the d20 system that exemplifies a mortal extension of the celestial host. The avatar is a
powerful spell caster capable of call ing celestials into battle and leading the fight agai nst evil in the darkest dungeon or the most corrupt city.
But avatars do more than summon celestials-they wield the power of these heavenly warriors through their own bodies, taking on many
aspects of celestial might as they advance in level. The Avatar:S Handbook was designed as a stand alone sourcebook, but care was taken to
also make it compatible with three previous Green Ronin titles: Legions of Hell, Armies of the Abyss, and Book of the Righteous. For more
information on those books, see

How to Use This Book

The Avatar s Handbook is broken down into four chapters and two appendices. A handy addendum page to Green Ronin 's popular d20 System
Character Record Folio is also included. This can be used to record the stats of frequently summoned celestials and the avatar's own angelic forms
C hapter O ne: T he Avatar introduces the avatar class and its abilities. The avatar is a di vine spellcaster who speciali zes in summoning and
leading the celestial host.

C hapter Two: Spells provides rules for surnrnoning good outsiders and presents a host of new spells usable by spellcasters of nearly any class.
This chapter also introduces a new spell category-the banner spell- and discusses several interesting variants on the summoning rules.

C ha pter T hree: Celestials offers descriptions and statistics for a host of new good outsiders, many of which avatars and other spell casters
can summon to battle the forces of evil.

C hapter Four : Other C reatures of th e Upper Planes provides descriptions and stati stics for several additional creatures native to the
higher planes, including three kinds of celestial dragons.

Appendix I: Archangels di scusses the powers and abilities of the leaders of the celestial hierarchy- the creatures known as archangels.
Detailed statistics for two such creatures are provided. Also included is a brief hi story of the archangel known as Ib lis and the story of a
celestial rebellion by a race called the Divs.

Appendix II: Templates includes several new templates that all ow GMs to convert nearl y any monster into an ally that characters can fi ght
beside or summon.


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.,. Chapter One .,.
The Calling of the Avatar
An avatar is a good-aligned divine spellcaster who lives closer to the powers of light than nearly any other character. An avatar is the
advance scout of the celestial host who searches out evil to combat, then serves as the summoner and leader of that host when the foe is
found. Some sages postulate that an avatar is in fact celestial essence contained in mortal form.
This chapter describes the avatar class and its abilities and discusses how to include avatars in your campaign world. It concludes with new
four feats designed especially for avatars.

They are the chosen ones- mortals tasked with calling the celestial
host into battle whenever the need arises. Avatars both herald and
lead the celestial armies, and they embody the fight against evil
more thoroughly than any other spellcasters can. But members of
All avatars are good. individuals may differ widely in their
the avatar class don 't take this devotion to good lightly. Some are
philosophies and specific beliefs, but on the whole, members of this
born to the fight against evil, some are called to it, and some simply
class serve and embody the principles of goodness.
choose to strive for it.
Lawful avatars usually seek to fashion the mortal realm after
When not struggling directly against the forces of darkness, avatars
the model of the higher planes. They value the structures of the
walk among the inhabitants of the mortal realms, searching out evil
societies in which they travel and seek to provide justice and safety
to fight. As they grow in power, avatars gain much of the might
to the inhabitants. Often, they accomplish this goal by ensuring that
of celestials themselves, including the ability to draw on greater
established laws are fair and followed.
spells and summon more powerful allies. Eventually, the avatar can
temporarily assume the physical form of a celestial. Neutral avatars are perhaps the purest embodiments of good,
championing a balance of social freedoms and societal structure.
They often focus on protecting nature from the ravages of evil
Adventurers creatures. Many such avatars wander the wild lands, bringing the
might of the celestial host to bear on wicked creatures that attempt
An avatar adventures to protect those who are unable to defend
to secret themselves in the wilderness.
themselves, to seek out and destroy powerful evil creatures or items,
or to obtain knowledge or power that will help her or her allies in a Chaotic avatars value freedom and personal choice; thus, they often
later cause. An avatar 's adventures focus on identifying and locating devote themselves to the pursuit and destruction of those who seek
evildoers, alerting the Lords of Good, and calling the celestial host personal gain at the expense of others. Chaotic avatars may follow
to destroy sources of unrepentant evil. She often brings her power instinct and feeling rather than the specific doctrines of the higher
to bear against evil creatures- particularly evil outsiders such as realms when summoning celestials to battle.
demons and devils. In many ways, it is the avatar 's duty to lead
other mortals to good just as it is a fiend 's joy to tempt mortals into
evil. Religion
While the typical avatar chooses not to follow the teachings of
Characteristics anyone god, there are plenty of exceptions to this general rule.
An avatar without a patron deity devotes herself to the doctrines
An avatar wields divine magic through a deep bond with the and goals of the celestial host. Since warriors of the higher
celestial host. Not only does he carry the burden of deciding where realms have many goals and missions, the host requires avatars
and when the warriors of good will fight in the mortal realm, but he of many different beliefs and personalities. Some avatars take
must also be an emissary of good himself. Blessed with powerful devotion very seriously, while others look at religion.itself as a
gifts, the avatar may become a protector and guide for the less distraction from the ultimate purpose of bringing good into final
fortunate or the oppressed. Unlike a cleric, who is the disciple of confrontation with evil.
one particular god or philosophy, an avatar represents the entirety
When an avatar does follow a specific deity, she summons only
of the celestial host. As such, the avatar rarely binds himself to any
celestials devoted to that god (a restriction that must be worked
particular god.
out between player and GM). Typically, she also works closel y
As a master of summoning, an avatar can bring powerful scions with the deity's clerics to combat the greatest evils that threaten
of the higher realms into battle. He can also channel some of the their church and its followers .
power of the Lords of Good into himself, temporarily taking on the
In some campaigns, all avatars are devoted to one particular deity.
form of a powerful celestial.
This being has usually tasked its chosen mortals with bringing
An avatar has only a smattering of combat training. Though he can the wrath of the heavens down on a specific foe, guiding people
use simple weapons and light armor, his combat ability is limited toward a certain goal, or leading the celestial host in a particular
unless he takes on the form and aspect of a celestial being. Like battle.
other divine spell casters, an avatar can wear any kind of armor
without risking spell failure .
Chapter One: The Calling of the Avatar
An avatar is a strange sort ofhero. Although he wields mighty
spells and can perform many amazing deeds himself, his primary
role involves calling other beings to battle. Where some might feel
that the summoner is overshadowed by the summoned, an avatar
regards his role as one of privilege and importance.

The typical avatar begins his journey toward oneness with the
celestial host by discovering an innate talent for magic. Although
a fledgling avatar might be mistaken for a sorcerer, those
knowledgeable about the different types of magic can quickly tell
the difference. Once his powers begin to manifest, the budding
avatar usually undergoes training in a temple or cloister devoted
to a good deity. Although he probably won 't remain bound to the
church in which he trained, he benefits greatly from learning the
history of religion, the structure of the higher realms, and how to
identify the foes of good.

An avatar can be of any race that has good-aligned members.

Other Classes
An avatar generally prefers to work with paladins and good clerics.
In an adventuring party, she benefits greatly from working closely
with fighters and other strong melee combatants because they can
provide her the few moments she needs to summon a powerful
celestial. An avatar has little tolerance for the bookishness of
wizards or the arrogance of sorcerers, regarding most arcane
magic as a diversion from the real power and inspiration of the
celestial host. Rogues and rangers, because of their various scouting
abilities, tend to make useful friends for an avatar. They can seek
out information about powerful evil creatures more effectively
than other characters can, and such knowledge is vital to an avatar
seeking her next battle.

Game Rule Information

Avatars have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Charisma defines how powerful a spell an avatar can

cast, how many spells he can prepare per day, and how hard
those spells are to resist. He also gets bonus spells based on
Charisma. In addition, Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence
are important for many of the avatar 's class skills.
Alignment: Any good.
Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills
The avatar 's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge
(religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis),
Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill points at 1st level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4

SkiD points at each additional level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the avatar.

Chapter One: The Calling of the Avatar

Table 1....1: The Avatar

Base Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I +0 +2 +0 +2 Bonus language (Celestial) 5 3 - - - - - - - -

2 +1 +3 +0 +3 6 4 - - - - - - - -
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Heaven 's mantle (lIday) 6 5 - - - - - - - -
4 +2 +4 +1 +4 6 6 3 - - - - - - -
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 Sacred boon 6 6 4 - - - - - - -
6 +3 +5 +2 +5 6 6 5 3 - - - - - -
7 +3 +5 +2 +5 6 6 6 4 - - - - - -
8 +4 +6 +2 +6 Heaven 's mantle (2/day) 6 6 6 5 3 - - - - -
9 +4 +6 +3 +6 6 6 6 6 4 - - - - -
10 +5 +7 +3 +7 Sacred boon 6 6 6 6 5 3 - - - -
II +5 +7 +3 +7 6 6 6 6 6 4 - - - -
12 +6/+ 1 +8 +4 +8 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 - - -
13 +6/+ 1 +8 +4 +8 Heaven 's mantle (3/day) 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
14 +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 - -
15 +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Sacred boon 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - -
16 +8/+3 + 10 +5 + 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 -
17 +8/+3 + 10 +5 + 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 -
18 +9/+4 + 11 +6 + 11 Heaven 's mantle (4/day) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
19 +9/+4 + 11 +6 + 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20 + 10/+5 + 12 +6 + 12 Sacred boon 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

celestial or other creature of the upper planes. At 3rd level, she can
Weapon and Armor Proficiency make this transformation once per day. She can do so twice per day
An avatar is proficient with all simple weapons and with light at 8th level, three times per day at 13th level, and four times per day
armor, but not with shields. Armor check penalties for armor at 18th level.
heavier than leather apply to skills that involve personal movement
or subterfuge. Also, Swim checks take a - I penalty for every 5 Each avatar has a unique list of good creatures whose forms she
pounds of armor and equipment carried. As a divine spell caster, an can assume. When she first gains the heaven 's mantle ability and at
avatar suffers no chance of spell failure for wearing armor. every other avatar level thereafter (at 5th, 7th, 9th, II th, 13th, 15th,
17th, and 19th level), she can choose a new form for transformation.
Spells Each new form must be chosen from the list of celestials and other
good creatures that she can summon using any summon monster
An avatar casts divine spells according to Table 1-1: T he Avatar. spell that she can cast. For example, a 3rd-level avatar who has just
He knows only a small number of spells at each level, much as a gained the heaven 's mantle ability can choose one good creature
sorcerer does. An avatar begins play knowing five O-level spells, from the summon monster ilist, while a 13th-level avatar who has
three I st-level spells, and summon monster I. At each subsequent just gained her third daily use of the ability can choose a new form
level, he automatically learns one or more new spells, as indicated from the combined lists for summon monster i, summon monster ii,
on Table 1-2: Avatar Spells K nown, from his mentors within summon monster 11i, and summon monster VI.
the celestial host. These spells are chosen from the Avatar Spell
List (see page 11-13). At each new spell level, an avatar also The heaven 's mantle class feature is similar to the polymorph self
automatically learns the summon monster spell of the corresponding spell in that the character gains only a few specific aspects of the
level (the "s" entry on Table 1- 2). The number of spells known is chosen creature's power. When the avatar uses this ability, she gains
not affected by the avatar's Charisma bonus, if any; the numbers on the new form's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, but she
Table \-2 remain fixed unless the character augments them with an retains her own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. While
appropriate sacred boon (see below) or other benefit. transformed, she gains the new form 's natural armor bonus and
natural attacks, its natural and extraordinary senses (such as scent,
An avatar is limited to casting a certain number of spells of each darkvision , and low-light vision), its natural and extraordinary
spell level per day, but he need not prepare them in advance. The movement abilities (but not its supernatural or spell-like movement
number of spells he can cast per day is improved by his bonus spells abilities), its resistances (which do not stack with her own), its
(if any), just as with a sorcerer. An avatar may use a higher-level immunities, and its other extraordinary abilities. The avatar does not
slot to cast a lower-level spell ifhe so chooses. To learn and cast gain any of the new form 's supernatural or spell-like abilities.
a spe ll, an avatar must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10
+ the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against Using the heaven 's mantle ability requires a standard action. The
an avatar's spells is 10 + the spell's level + the avatar's Charisma transformation lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's
modifier. avatar level plus her Charisma modifier. Heaven 's mantle is a
supernatural ability.
Heaven's Mantle
Sacred Boon
As she advances in level, an avatar can call the might and purity of
the celestial host into her own body by transforming herself into a As an avatar achieves higher levels of power, he is periodically
rewarded with gifts from the Lords of Good. He gains hi s first

Chapter One: The Calling of the Avatar

Table 1"'2: Avatar Spells Known

Level 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I 5 3+s
2 6 3+s
3 6 4+s
4 7 4+s 2+s
5 7 5+s 3+s
6 8 5+s 3+s 2+s
7 8 6+s 4+s 3+s
8 9 6+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
9 9 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s
10 9 6+s S+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
II 9 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s
12 9 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
13 9 6+s 6+s 6+s S+s 4+s 3+s
14 9 6+s 6+s 6+s S+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
15 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s S+s 4+s 3+s
16 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
17 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s
18 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s S+s 4+s 3+s 2+s
19 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 3+s
20 9 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 6+s 5+s 4+s 4+s

Note: The "s" denotes the summon monster spell of the corresponding spell level.

such sacred boon at 5th level, and another every five avatar levels
thereafter (at I Oth, 15th, and 20th level). Each time the character The Herald
gains a new sacred boon, he may select anyone for which he
This individualistic and eccentric avatar wanders the world-
qualifies from the following table. (lfthe sum of the character's
sometimes on whim, sometimes driven by greater purpose. Like
avatar level and his Charisma modifier matches or exceeds the
other avatars, he seeks out injustice, corruption, and other evils
number in the first column, he qualifies for the corresponding
wherever he goes. The difference is that the herald decries such
boon.) An avatar can 't choose the same boon twice.
baseness publicly, calling upon the good and righteous people of
Sacred boons whose effects duplicate those of spells are spell-like surrounding nations and regions to band together with the celestial
abilities (caster level equal to the character's avatar level). Each of forces in routing evil and protecting the innocent. Occasionally
these functions just like the spell of the same name unless noted denounced as a rabble-rouser or malcontent, the herald nevertheless
otherwise. The remaining boons are extraordinary abilities. seeks to promote his view of good and righteous behavior and
to urge good beings everywhere to join with the celestial host in

Starting Gold righting the wrongs suffered by the innocent.

A I st-Ievel avatar receives 3d4 x 10 gold pieces upon character

The Inquisitor
Although most avatars manage to balance their power with
responsibility to others and duty to the higher planes, occasionally
Avatar Archetypes one borders on inquisition-like zeal, reveling in her ab ility to
bring celestials into the lives of mortals. The inquisitor longs for
Although all avatars are good-aligned and focused on summoning the triumph of good, so she is quick to call upon the power of the
celestials to battle evil, individuals are as varied as members of celestial armies.
other classes. Below are some samples of different avatar character
types, but many more archetype concepts may exist as well. While few avatars ever stray toward evil, it is the inquisitor who
is most likely to fall under the sway of darkness, becoming ever
more steeped in intolerance and suspicion as she seeks out evil in
The Militant others. But such an outcome is rare even for this archetype--the
character of the typical inquisitor is impeccable, and in her certainty
Forceful and charismatic, the militant has no doubt that she must
lead others into battle--not only the celestial host, but also mortal and unfailing vigilance lie countless roleplaying opportunities for
characters and NPCs alike.
armies and heroes. A militant gathers large forces, leads military
campaigns, and shakes the politics of the world by declaring a
crusade or by bolstering a nation 's power with summoned celestial
The Unwitting Channeler
Usually just coming into his power, an unwitting channeler is not
When she begins her career, a militant avatar might serve alongside yet aware that he is a spellcaster. He knows only that he has special
paladins and other servants of good. But this arrangement typically powers that others do not seem to possess. Angels and other beings
lasts only until she has amassed the tools and fame she needs to from the higher planes seem to answer his call-even though such
gather the forces that must stand against evil. a call might not even be consciously made. Likewise, small boons
Chapter One: The Calling of the Avatar

Table 1-3: Avatar Sacred Boons

Level + C ha Mod. Sacred Boon Effect
5 Gift of life +3 hit points
6 Guided will + I bonus on Will saves
7 Guided reflexes + I bonus on Reflex saves
8 Guided health + I bonus on Fortitude saves
9 Holy Summoner Gain Holy Summoner as a bonus feat
10 Sense taint Detect evil3/day
II Sense aura Detect magic 3/day
12 Sacred knowledge I Learn one extra I st-Ievel spell
13 Fiend fighting +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against
evil outsiders
14 Sacred knowledge 2 Learn one extra 2nd-level spell
15 Sacred focus +4 sacred bonus on Concentration checks
16 Sacred knowledge 3 Learn one extra 3rd-Ievel spell
17 Enlightened leader +4 bonus to leadership score
18 Sacred skill +3 sacred bonus on checks made with anyone skill
19 Silver tongue +2 sacred bonus on Bluffand Diplomacy checks
20 Aura of revelation Invisibility purge Jlday
21 Inspired casting +2 increase to save DCs for all spells cast
22 Shield of purity +2 sacred bonus to AC
23 Sacred retribution +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls
24 Energy resistance Gain acid, cold, or electricity resistance 5
25 Celestial sight True seeing I/day

and bits of luck seem to miraculously follow him around as his first monsters in every combat can slow down games and create needless
few magical abilities begin to manifest themselves. distractions. [f summoned celestials, monsters, and other creatures
outnumber the regular party members, the game can rapidly become
Although most avatars rapidly grow out of this archetype, an
boring for the other players.
unwitting channeler in an isolated area might remain forever
unaware that there are others with similar abilities. Such an avatar This sort of rapid party expansion, while it can present a problem,
may not understand his powers simply because he has never has several easy solutions. First of all , you can make the player of
encountered another of his ilk. While clerics and sages can shed the summoner (whether avatar, cleric, wizard, or any other class)
some light on the nature of his magical abilities, it could be difficult prepare " character sheets" for the monsters he or she regularly
for an unwitting channeler to find complete answers to his questions summons prior to each session. After all , if a character is going
about his abilities or his connection to the celestial host. to summon monsters repeatedly, it's the player 's responsibility
to ensure that they can be played quickly and well. Second, you
The Temple Conduit could rule that a summoning spell can bring only one creature.
(This ruling removes the option to choose multiple monsters from
Although many spell casters have means to divine the future , a lower-level summoning spell's list instead of a single creature
commune with deities, or summon powerful allies, few can rival appropriate to the level of the spell cast.) Such a tactic reduces the
the avatar 's talent for calling helpful creatures frequently and number of allies a spell caster can summon in one fight. Finally,
consistently. This ability to call messengers and soldiers from the if the party is small, or if there are multiple summoners present,
higher realms often earns her a privileged role within an existing you can spread the duty of managing the summoned creatures
religious structure. Working hand-in-hand with clerics and paladins, among all the players, not just the summoning characters. As long
an avatar of this archetype provides the voice of the celestial order as everyone gets a fair share of the attention and an opportunity
within a large church. to participate in the combat, avatars and other summoners can
greatly enrich a game.
An avatar in such a role is usually the rarest form of spell caster in a
civilization, and few temples have more than one of these powerful
summoners. Thus, a temple conduit might feel elite, marginalized, The Avatar~s Role
or simply unsure of her role as it relates to other individuals,
You must also decide how prevalent avatars are and how they
cultures, or species.
interact with clerics in your world. There are many interesting ways
to include avatars in a campaign, and you should tailor the class 's

Avatars in the Campaign presence to suit your world concept.

For instance, you might use avatars in place of clerics in one or

Before including avatar characters in any campaign, GMs should more churches, but have clerics administer the other faiths . This
consider a few potential problems and their solutions. tactic can give one or two religions a greatly different feel than
the others. Alternatively, perhaps the arcane spellcasters of a far-
Managing Summoning off continent all specialize in conjuration magic and the divine
spell casters are all avatars. Or you might make use of the fact that
Summoning spells are complex and can slow down a game. Just avatars often exist outside the church structure because they serve
as allowing one player to play multiple characters or to take the celestial host rather than a particular god. Perhaps the avatar is
along a cohort can disrupt a campaign, characters who summon a new kind of spell caster, and the first one is only now discovering
Chapter One: The Calling of the Avatar
his powers. His arrival could signal the approach of some great
cataclysm or confrontation between good and evil. !fthis avatar and
others like him can grow their power sufficiently before that event
takes place, they can summon the celestial host to tum the tide of
If summoners of any kind are prevalent in your world, monsters
are likely to be more easily recognized and far more frequently
encountered than they are in other worlds. If avatars in particular
are present in the campaign, most commoners from civilized lands
should be able to recognize the celestials and other creatures that
the avatars summon, for good or ill.

Avatar Feats
The fo llowing new feats are particularly well suited for avatar
characters, but members of other character classes who specialize in
summoning may also find them useful. These feats are available to
any character who meets their prerequisites.

Holy Summoner
You gain exceptional command over your summoned creatures by
channeling the power of the higher realms.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, good alignment, ability to cast summon
monster spells of at least two different spell levels.
Benefit: The duration of your summon monster spells increases by a
number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (if any).

Imperative Summoning
Any creature that you summon from the higher realms is flooded
with a temporary burst of holy power, which allows it to act quickly
and effectively when it first appears.
Prerequisites: Holy Summoner.
Benefit: Any outsider with the good subtype that you summon with
a summon monster spell gets a partial action on the round that it
appears. Thereafter, the creature can take one extra partial action in
any single round that it choo es during the duration of the spell.

Rapid Summons
You are so practiced at the art of summoning that you can cast
summoning spells much faster than other spellcasters can.
Prerequisites: Holy Summoner.
Benefit: You cast all summon monster and summon nature sally
spells as standard actions rather than full -round actions. The
summoned creatures still appear at the beginning of your next

Summoner#s Bond
When you summon a creature from the higher realms, you also pull
some of its holy power into yourself.
Prerequisite: Holy Summoner.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a summon monster spell that calls an
outsider with the good subtype, you gain a +2 sacred bonus to both
your Charisma and your Wisdom scores. These bonuses last as
long as the summon monster spell does. If you summon multiple
creatures, the resulting bonuses do not stack, but the overlap ensures
that a +2 sacred bonus remains in effect until the last creature has
returned to its own plane.
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic

.,. Chapter Two .,.
Spells & Magic
Avatar magic follows the nonnal rules for divine spell casting outlined in the Player s Handbook, except that avatars do not have to prepare
their spells the way other divine spell casters do. The avatar class description in Chapter One details the key differences between avatars
and other divine spell casters. Otherwise, assume that the normal spell casting and magic rules apply.
Avatars and other spell casters can benefit from the variant rules and new spells presented in this chapter. The first section provides
the avatar spell list. Spells marked with an ' *' are described in this book; descriptions of the other spells can be found in the Player s
Handbook. The next section offers expanded summoning rules that cover the creatures introduced in Chapter T hree: Celestials and
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes. Subsequent sections focus on new spells (including a new spell type called a banner
spell), whicb are available to avatars and other selected spellcasters.

-- Avatar Spell List --

0 .... Level Avatar Spells Calm Emotions. Calms Id6 subjects/level, negating emotion
Create Water. Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Consecrate. Fills area with positive energy, making undead weaker.
Cure Minor Wounds. Cures I point of damage.
Continual Flame. Makes a pennanent heatless torch.
Dancing Lights. Creates figment torches or other ligbts.
Cure Moderate Wounds. Cures 2d8+ 1/level damage (max. + 10).
Detect Magic. Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Darkvision. See 60 ft. in tota l darkness.
Flare. Dazzles one creature (- I penalty on attack rolls).
Endurance. Subject gains Id4+ 1 points of Constitution for I
Guidance. Grants + I bonus on one roll, save, or check.
Light. Causes object to shine like a torch.
Enthrall. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft.llevel.
Purify Food and Drink. Purifies I cu. ft.llevel of food or water.
Flame Blade. Touch attack deals I d8+ 1/two levels damage.
Read Magic. Grants ability to read scrolls and spellbooks.
Hold Person. Holds one person helpless for I round/level.
Resistance. Subject gains + 1 bonus on all saving throws.
Lesser Restoration. Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs I d4
Virtue. Subject gains I temporary bp.
points of ability damage.
Make Whole. Repairs an object.
Ist . . level Avatar Spells Negative Energy Protection. Subject resists level and ability
Bless. Allies gain a + 1 bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear. *Rally Standard. A banner strengthens allied creatures and deals
Bless Water. Makes holy water.
Charm Person. Makes one person your friend.
holy damage.
Resist Elements. Ignores 12 damage/round from one energy type.
Command. One subject obeys one-word command for I round. See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects. A
Cure Light Wounds. Cures Id8+ I/Ievel damage (max. +5). Shield Other. You take balf of subject's damage.
Detect ChaoslEviIlLaw. Reveals creatures, spells, or objects. Spiritual Weapon. Magic weapon attacks on its own.
Divine Favor. You gain a bonus of + I/three levels on attack and Summon Nature's Ally n. Calls creature to figbt.
damage rolls. Summon Swarm. Summons swarm of small crawling or flying
Endure Elements. Ignores 5 damage/round from one energy type. creatures.
Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you. Zone of Truth. Subjects within range cannot lie.
Protection from ChaoslEvillLaw. Grants a +2 bonus to AC and
saves, counters mind control, and hedges out elementals and
outsiders. 3rd . . level Avatar Spells
Remove Fear. Grants a +4 bonus on saves against fear for one
*Brother of Angels. Bond with celestial grants mUltiple bonuses.
subject + one/four levels.
Call Lightning. Directs ligbtning bolts (ldIO/level) during storms.
*Sacred Weapon. Weapon gains temporary sacred bonuses.
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Sanctu ary. Opponents can't attack you, and you can 't attack.
*Cull the Wicked. Evil creatures lose Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Sleep. Puts 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber.
Shield of Faith. Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Cure Serious Wounds. Cures 3d8+ 1I1evel damage (max. + IS).
*Stand Fast. A banner protects good creatures and deals holy
Daylight_Creates bright ligbt in a 60-ft. radius.
Dispel Magic. Cancels magical spells and effects.
Summon Nature's Ally I. Calls creature to fight.
Greater Magic Fang. One natural weapon of subject creature gets
+ I bonus/three levels on attack and damage rolls (max. +5).
2nd . . level Avatar Spells Greater Magic Weapon. Grants a weapon a bonus of + IIthree
levels (max. +5).
Aid. Grants + I bonus on attack rolls and saves and 1d8 temporary *Guided Weapon. Creates a more powerful spiritual weapon .
hit points. Halt Undead. Immobilizes undead for I round/level.
Augury. Reveals whether an action will be good or bad. Helping Hand. Ghostly hand leads subject to you.
Bless Weapon. Weapon gains + I bonus. I nvisibility Purge. Dispels invisibility witbin 5 ft.lleve!.
Bull's Strength. Subject gains I d4+ I points of Strength for I

Chapter Two: Spells & Magic
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil!Law. As protection spells, but releases a blast of holy energy.
10-ft. radius and 10 min.llevel. Break Enchantment. Frees subjects from enchantments,
Magic Vestment. Armor or shield gains an enhancement bonus of alterations, curses, and petrification.
+ I/three levels. Commune. Deity answers one yes-orono question/level.
Prayer. Allies gain a + I bonus on most rolls, and enemies take a - I Dispel ChaoslEvil!Law. Grants a +4 bonus against attacks.
penalty. Greater Command. As command, but affects one subj ect/level.
Protection from Elements. Absorbs 12 damage/level from one Hallow. Designates location as holy.
kind of energy. Healing Circle. Cures Id8+lllevel damage in all directions.
Searing Light. Ray deals Id8/two levels damage, more against Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
undead. Mark of Justice. Designates action that will trigger curse
Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated course of on subject.
action. Faithful Hound. Phantom dog can guard,
Summon Nature's Ally Ill. Calls creature to fight. attack.
*Summoning Standard. A banner strengthens Plane Shift. Up to eight subjects travel to
summoned creatures and summons another plane.
an allied creature. Righteous Might. Your size
Tongues. Grants the ability to speak any increases, and you gain +4
language. Strength.
*Sacred Gift. Holy energy
4th. . level Avatar makes your next spell harder
to resist and more effective.
Spells Summon Nature's Ally V.
Calls creature to fight.
Air Walk. Subject treads on True Seeing. Lets subject see all
air as if solid (climb at things as they really are.
45-degree angle). Wall of Stone. Creates a stone wall
*Banner of True Light. A with 20 hp/four levels that can
banner sheds magical light be shaped.
and causes blindness.
*Blade of the Archangel. Weapon deals holy
6th . . level
Control Water. Raises, lowers, or parts bodies
of water.
Avatar Spells
Cure Critical Wounds. Cures Banishment. Banishes 2 HDllevel of extraplanar creatures.
4d8+ lIlevel damage Forbiddance. Denies area to creatures of another
(max. +20). al ignment.
Dimensional Anchor. Bars Geas/Quest. Command any subj ect.
extradimensional Globe of Invulnerability. As minor globe
movement. of invulnerability, plus 4th level spells.
Discern Lies. Reveals deliberate Greater Dispelling. As dispel
fa lsehoods. magic, but up to +20 on check.
Dismissal. Forces a creature to return to its native plane. *Heaven's Touch. Creature gains
Divination. Provides useful advice for specific proposed sublime template.
actions. Heroes' Feast. Food for one creature/
Divine Power. You gain attack bonus, 18 Strength, and I level cures and blesses.
hpllevel. Legend Lore. Allows subject to leam tales about person, place, or
Flame Strike. Smites foes with divine fire (ld6I1evel). thing.
Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. Mass Suggestion. As suggestion, plus onellevel subjects.
across. Planar Ally. As lesser planar ally, but up to 16 HD.
Lesser Planar Ally. Exchange services with an 8-HD Repulsion. Creatures can't approach you.
outsider. *Spell Shield Banner. A banner provides spell resistance and
Minor Globe of Invulnerability. Stops I st- to 3rd-level dispels magical effects.
spell effects. Summon Nature's Ally VI. Calls creature to fight.
Restoration. Restores level and ability score drains. Word of Recall. Teleports you back to designated place.
Scr ying. Spies on subject from a distance.
Sending. Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Spell Immunity. Subject is immune to one spell/four
7th. . level Avatar Spells
levels. Dictu~. Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes non lawful subjects.
Summon Nature's Ally rv. Calls creature to fight. *Grave Bane Banner. A banner weakens undead or heals the living.
Wall of Fire. Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and I d4 fire damage Greater Scrying. As scrying, but faster and longer.
out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6+ Illevel damage. Holy Word. Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nongood subjects.
Wall of Ice. lee plane creates wall with 15 hp+ lllevel, or hemi- * Moment of Grace. Subject gains powerful bonuses for one round.
sphere can trap creatures inside. Refuge. Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
Summon Nature's Ally VIT. Calls creature to fight.
5th. . level Avatar Spells Sunbeam. Beam blinds and deals 3d6 damage.
Vision. As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous.
Atonement. Removes burden of misdeed from subject. *Weight of Sin. Evil creature is stunned and offered redemption.
*Banner of Perdition. A banner lowers energy resistance and Word of Chaos. Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects.

..- 12..-
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic
Summon Nature's Ally VIII. Calls creature to fight.
8th...level Avatar Spells Sunburst. Blinds all within 10 ft . and deals 3d6 damage.
Antimagic Field. Negates magic within lOft.
*Banner of the Purging Flame. A banner calls repeated blasts of
holy fire and blinds and burns foes.
9th...level Avatar Spells
Cloa k of Chaos. Grants a +4 bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on *Call the Host. Summons increasingly powerful celestials.
saves, and SR 25 against lawful spells. Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Discern Location. Reveals exact location of creature or object. Elemental Swarm. Summons 2d4 Large or I d4 Huge elementals.
Earthquake. Intense tremor shakes I O-ft.llevel radius. Foresight. "Sixth sense" warns of impending danger.
Fire Storm. Deals Id6 fire damage/level. Gate. Connects two planes fo r travel or summoning.
Greater Planar Ally. As lesser planar ally, but up to 24 HD. Miracle. Requests a deity 's intercession.
Holy Aura. Grants a +4 bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on *Standard of Heaven's Peace. Banner prevents attack actions and
saves, and SR 25 against evil spells. casting of spells without the good descriptor; can destroy a target.
Mind Blank. Subject is immune to mentaVemotionai magic and scrying. Storm of Vengeance. Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
*Sanctify. Creates powerful, long-term hallow effect. Summon Nature's Ally IX. Calls creature to fight.
Shield of Law. Grants a +4 bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on *Wrath of the Heavens. Devastating barrage of holy energy
saves, and SR 25 against chaotic spells . cleanses area.

... New Spells & Other Classes ...

Some of the new spells in this book are also available to other *Wrath of the Heavens. Devastating barrage of holy energy
spell casting classes, as given below. cleanses area.

Cleric Spells Paladin Spells

1st-Level 1st-Level
*Sacred Weapon. Weapon gains temporary sacred bonuses. *Sacred Weapon. Selected weapon gains temporary sacred
*Stand Fast. A banner protects good creatures and deals holy
damage. *Rally Standard. A banner strengthens allied creatures and deals
holy damage.

*Brother of Angels. Bond with celestial grants multiple bonuses.

*Cull the Wicked. Evil creatures lose Intelligence, Wisdom, and *Stand Fast. A banner protects good creatures and deals holy
Charisma. damage.
*Guided Weapon. Creates a more powerful spiritual weapon .
*Blade of the Archangel. Weapon deals holy damage.
& Wizard Spells
*Banner of True Light. A banner sheds magical light and causes
*Rally Standard. A banner strengthens allied creatures and deals
hol y damage.
*Sacred Gift. Holy energy makes your next spell harder to resist
and more effective.

*Summoning Standard. A banner strengthens summoned creatures

and summons an allied creature.
*Moment of Grace. Subject gains powerful bonuses for one round.
*Weight of Sin. Evi l creature is stunned and offered redemption.

8th-Level *Banner 'o f Perdition. A banner lowers energy resistance and

releases a blast of holy energy.
*Grave Bane Banner. A banner weakens undead or heals the
livi ng.
*Heaven 's Touch. Creature gains sublime template.
*Sanctify. Creates powerful, long-term hallow effect. *Spell Shield Banner. A banner provides spell resistance and
dispels magical effects.

*Banner of the Purging Flame. A banner calls repeated blasts of

holy fire and blinds and burns foes .
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic

... Expanding the Avatar Spell List ...

The spell list above represents the spells that every avatar should through play--<>n a scroll, by seeing it used, or by learning of it
have access to and establishes a good baseline for the class's spell through another source. Thereafter, assuming that the avatar has the
power. Like other spell casters, however, avatars can expand their capacity to learn a spell of that level, she must attempt a Knowledge
spell lists. Several other d20 products, particularly the Pocket (religion) check (DC 15 + spell level). If the check succeeds, the
Grimoire Divine and The Book of the Righteous, are great sources avatar can choose the spell as one of her spells known. Ifit fails , she
for additional spells. Players and GMs should work together to can either choose a spell from the regular list or keep the slot open
make sure that any new spell is right both for the particular avatar to try again later. Each such attempt requires I week of research
who wants to learn it and for the campaign in general. time. Of course, the most important step in this process is getting
the GM 's approval to learn the spell.
If an avatar wishes to add a particular spell to her list of spells
known, the GM may require that she first encounter the spell

Rules Variants
For example, suppose the evil cleric Kemak gains access to summon
Sununoning monster III when he reaches 5th level. He chooses a fiendish boar as
the first creature that he will summon with that spell. When Kemak

Individual Creatures advances to 6th level, he adds another creature to the list that he
can summon with summon monster 111. The fiendish boar provides
The DMG describes a variant called Summoning Individual muscle for ground-based melee fights, so this time Kemak decides
Creatures. This variant is particularly relevant to celestial to add a small air elemental to his list, giving him a slightly weaker
summoners because of the frequency with which they summon but more mobile creature to summon should the situation demand it.
creatures. Using this rule encourages players to personalize
summoned creatures, creates consequences for letting summoned
creatures perish, and encourages more careful record-keeping and Summon Monster
preparation on the part of the player.
Custom Summoning Lists The following list summarizes how the celestials described in
C hapter T hree: Celestials fit into the lists for the various summon
The summon monster spells are some of the most interesting, monster spells.
versatile, and easily expanded spells in the game. As more and
more monsters become part of the d20 system, the list of potential Summon Monster II: Martrym, Paladriel, Zel-achar
candidates for each summon spell continues to grow. Taking Summon Monster Ill : Penneroth, Season shepherd (winter)
advantage of the proliferation of monsters offers a simple way to Summon Monster IV: Hallowed accuser
make each summoner seem unique. Summon Monster V: Ebeith-ebeil, Garguran, Season shepherd
In this variant, learning a summon monster, summon nature sally, Summon Monster VT: Bene ishim, Hallowed witness, Inferity,
or similar spell allows the character to summon only one kind of Lathar, Season shepherd (summer)
creature at first (or even one specific creature, if the Summoning Summon Monster VII : Hallowed judge, Kranom, Terraphil
Individual Creatures variant from the DMG is used). Thereafter, Summon Monster VIII: Malakim, Season shepherd (spring)
whenever the character gains a level in the spellcasting class Summon Monster IX: Hallowed penitent, Living flamestrike,
that allows access to the summon spell, he or she can choose an Mettarurn, Seraphyl
additional kind of creature that the spell can summon .

... Banner Spells ...

Each spell bearing the banner descriptor creates a mystical banner attack with a banner releases the spell's energy and ends the spell,
(flag) with specific powers that often serve to bolster nearby allies in regardless of whether the target was actually affected by the attack. A
combat. Banner spells also share several other important characteristics. banner counts as a weapon of your size category- that is, humans create
Medium-size banners, halftings create Small banners, and so forth.
To cast a banner spell, you must have two hands free. You must hold the
banner in at least one hand to maintain the spell effect. While holding it, Some banners deal holy damage when used in this manner, but none
you cannot perform actions that require the use of two hands. deal normal damage. Therefore, the wielder's Strength bonus never
applies to damage rolls.
Dismissing a banner spell is a free action rather than a standard action.
All you need do is let go of the banner, and the spell ends.lfthe banner
is removed from your hand for another reason (if it is destroyed, if you Spell Entries
fall unconscious, get disarmed, etc.) the banner spell ends immediately.
Each banner spell has two entries for saving throw and for spell
A banner can be used to make a single melee touch attack. The effects of resistance. The entry before the slash applies to the primary power
this attack differ for each banner spell and are detailed in the individual of the banner spell. The entry after the slash applies to the banner's
spell descriptions. Unless otherwise noted, any successful melee touch effect when it is used as a melee weapon.
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic

. . Spell Descriptions . .
Below are detailed descriptions of the new spells for avatars. As long as you hold the banner of the purgingjfame, you have fire
resistance 40. Furthermore, at any time during the spell's duration,
you can call down a column of fire that fills the affected area. Each
Banner of Perdition creature in that area (including you) takes Id6 points of fire damage
Transmutation [Banner] per caster level (maximum ISd6) but may attempt a Reflex saving
throw for half damage. You may call additional columns of fire
Level: Ava S, SorlWiz 7 as long as the spell lasts, but you must wait I d4 rounds after each
Co mpon ents: V, S, OFIM before you can call another.
Castin g Time: I action
Range: Personal Attack: A successful melee
Effect: Banner that generates an emanation with a radius of S ft. + S touch attack with a banner
ft .l2 levels, centered on you of the purgingjfame releases
Duration : I round/level (0) the spell's energy into the
Saving T hrow: Will negatesfReflex half opponent. If the touched
Spell Resistance: Yes/yes creature is evil, it must succeed
at a Will saving throw or be
You create a translucent white banner with a moving, permanently blinded. Whatever
shifting flame in the center. While you hold it, the banner the result of that saving throw,
of perdition weakens the energy resistance of every the creature must then succeed at
creature within the area of its emanation. a Fortitude saving throw or take 2d6
When you cast the spell, choose an energy type (acid, points of fire damage that round and
cold, electricity, fire , or sonic). Each creature within each succeeding round for I minute
the banner's emanation that has either resistance after being struck. The banner
or immunity to the selected energy type must disappears after one attempted
attempt a Will saving throw. Failure indicates melee touch attack, whether or not
that its resistance to that energy type decreases by it succeeds.
10 (to a minimum of 0), or that its immunity
is replaced by resistance SO. Resistances Banner of True Light
and immunities return to normal when the
affected creature leaves the area or when Evocation [Banner, Good, Light]
the spell ends.
Level: Ava 4, Clr S
Attack: A successful melee touch attack Components: V, S, OF
with a banner ofperdition releases a 20- Casting T ime: I action
foot-radius burst of holy energy that deals Ran ge: Personal
Id6 points of holy damage per caster Effect : Banner that generates an emanation with
level (maximum IOd6) to each evil a radius of 20 ft. + S ft.l2 levels, centered on you
creature within its area. Each Duration: I round/level (0)
affected creature may attempt Saving T hrow: NonelWill partial (see text)
a Reflex saving throw to ha lve Spell Resistance: No/yes (see text)
the damage.
You create a glowing, golden banner with a
Arcane Material Component: vibrant silver sun emblazoned on its center.
A pinch of powdered topaz. While you hold it, the banner of true light
radiates pure, holy light against which no
darkness can prevail.
Banner of the
Each darkness effect in contact with the light
Purging Flame shed by a banner of true light is suppressed for the
duration of the latter spell. In addition, you can make
Evocation [Banner] a dispel check with the maximum bonus (+ IS) against
Level: Ava 8, Clr 9 each such darkness effect, as though you were using an area
Components: V, S, OF dispel magic spell against it. Success indicates that the darkness
Casting Time: I action effect ends within the area of the banner; fai lure means the effect
Range: Personal is merely suppressed. Each invisibility effect within the banner's
Effect: Banner that generates a 20-foot-high cylinder of flame with area is also suppressed, as though an invisibility purge spell were in
a radius of S ft. + S ft .l2 levels, centered on you effect.
Duration: I round/level (0) Attack: A successful melee touch attack with a banner of true
Saving T hrow: Reflex halflWill negates and Fortitude negates (see light deals I d8 points of holy damage. If the target is evil, it must
text) also make a successful Will saving throw or be permanently
Spell Resistance: Yes/yes blinded. Spell resistance applies to the blindness effect, but not the
You create a pale red banner that radiates faint heat and flickers as damage.
if made of pure flame. While you hold it, you can call down huge
gouts of fire within its area.
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic
Dire lion (celestial), Bene ishim, Hallowed witness, Lathar
Blade of the Archangel Polar bear (celestial), Season shepherd (summer)
Ten minutes after the first creatures appear, Id4 additional creatures
Level: Ava 4, Clr 4 appear at the same spot as the first ones did. You may select one kind of
Components: Y, S, OF creature for this phase from either the following list or the one above.
Casting Time: I action
Avoral (guardinal), Elephant (ce lestial), Dire bear (celestial)
Range: Touch
Triceratops (celestial), Hallowed judge, Kranorn , Terrapbil
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: I round/level Ten minutes later, one additional creature appears in tbe same spot
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) as the others did. You may select a creature from the following list,
Spell Resistance: Yes (hann less, object) or from ei ther of the ones above.
You imbue a weapon wi tb tbe force of pure good and bless it with Dire ti ger (celestial), Gbaele (eladrin), Lilend, Malakim
holy power. Wh ile so affected, the weapon glows with a silvery
radiance and trails light through the air behind it. These creatures serve you for the duration of the spell. You can
dismiss them singly or in groupings of your choice at any time
For the duration of the spell, the affected weapon deals an before the spell ends.
additional2d6 points of holy damage with each successful hit
If a summoned creature has an elemental subtype (such as fire , cold,
aga inst an evil opponent. An ev il creature attempting to wield the
affected weapon takes a - 2 sacred penalty on attack rolls, weapon or the like), the spell also gains that descriptor. For example, if one
damage rolls, and saving throws. of the creatures summoned was a malakim, tbe spell would become
a fire spell. All summoning that takes place after the spell acquires a
descriptor must follow the rules for spells of that category.
Brother of Angels
Transmutation Cull the Wicked
Level: Ava 3, Clr 3 Evocation [Good]

~, Components: Y, S, DF
Level: Ava 3, Clr 3
,- Casting Time: I action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft .l2 levels) Components: Y, S, DF
Casting Time: I action
Targets: You and a good outsider that you have summoned
Duration : I round/level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft.l2 levels)
Area: 20-ft.-radius burst
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Saving Throw: Will negates
You bond with a good outsider that you have summoned with SpelJ Resistance: Yes
a spell or spell-like ability. This bond makes both of you more
You wasb the area in holy energy, spiritually damaging all the evil
competent when figbting together and lets each of you call upon
creatures therein. When this spell is cast, a brilliant nimbus of green
some of the other's abilities.
energy momentarily surrounds each evil creature in the area. Every
While this spell is in effect, both you and the affected outsider gain a creature so affected must make a successful Will saving throw or take
bonus on melee attack rolls equal to the other's Charisma bonus (if Id6 points oflntelligence damage, Id6 points of Wisdom damage,
any) as long as you are within 20 feet of each other. Tf you move farther and Id6 points of Charisma damage. The energy surrounding a
apart than that, the bonus is lost until you are once again within 20 feet creature that fai ls its saving throw fli ckers from green to brilliant blue
of each other. Both you and the affected outsider also gain a deflection as the ability damage is dealt, then ripples upward, pulling some of
bonus to Armor Class equal to the other's Charisma bonus (if any) for the creature's essence with it, until it fades away entirely.
the duration of the spell. In addition, eacb of you may use the other 's
Spot or Listen modifier for checks involving those skills, if desired.
For example, if your summoned celestial has a + 15 Spot bonus and
Grave Bane Banner
you have only a +4 Spot bonus, you may make Spot checks using the Evocation [Banner. Good]
celestial's + 15 bonus instead of your own for the duration of the spell.
Level: Ava 7, Clr 8
Components: Y, S, DF
Call the Host Casting Time: I action
Range: Personal
Conjuration (Summoning) [Good]
Effect: Banner that generates an emanati on with a radius of20 ft. +
Level: Ava 9 5 ft .l2 levels, centered on you
Components: Y, S, OF Duration : I round/level (0)
Casting Time: 10 minutes Saving Throw: NonelFortitude partial (see text)
Range: Medium ( 100 ft. + 10 ft .llevel) Spell· Resistance: Yes/yes
Effect: Two or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be
You create a pale ye llow banner with four glowi ng white arrows
more than 30 ft. apart.
aligned verti cally in the center. While you hold it, the grave bane
Duration: 10 minutes/level (0)
banner radiates positive energy that disrupts and weakens undead
Saving Throw: None
creatures within its area, rendering them more susceptible than
SpelJ Resistance: No
usual to destruction fro m turning.
This spell opens a portal to a higher plane, from which you can
When a turning attempt is made within the area of tbe spell, any
summon celestials and other good creatures. Select one kind of creature
undead creature that would normally be turned is instead destroyed
from the following list. As soon as you finish casting the spell, 2d4 of
if its Hit Dice do not exceed 75% of the turning character 's
those creatures appear at a spot you designate within the spell 's range.
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic
effective turning level. In addition, the spell grants a +5 bonus on
turning damage rolls made by creatures within its area of effect.
Moment of Grace
Evocation [Good}
Attack: An undead creature that is the target of a successful melee touch
attack with a grave bane banner is affected as though by a disintegrate Level: Ava 7, Clr 7
spell (Fortitude save for 5d6 points of damage). A living creature hit by Components: Y, S, DF
the banner is healed of 3d8 points of damage + I point per caster level. Casting Time: I action
Either use of the banner's attack power ends the spell. Range: Touch
Target: Good creature touched
Duration : I round
Guided Weapon Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
E vocation [Force} Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Level: Ava 3, Clr 3 You infuse the touched creature with tbe sacred energy and
Co mponents: Y, S, DF protections of the higher rea lms. For a single round, the target
Casting Time: I action glows with health and power, shakes off all doubt and indecision,
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft.l2 levels) and feels good flow through its body like a warm wave.
Effect: Magic weapon made of force
For I round, the affected creature gains a +5 luck bonus on attack
Duration: I round/level (0)
and damage rolls, a +5 luck bonus on all saving throws, and 2dl0
Savi ng Throw: None
temporary hit points. In addition, you can attempt to free the target
Spell Resistance: Yes
permanently from any Enchantments, Transmutations, curses,
A melee weapon made of pure force springs into existence and attacks petrification effects, or other magical transformations that currently
opponents at a distance, much as with the spirirual weapon spell. Like affect it. This effect works exactly like a break enchantment spell
a spirirual weapon, the guided weapon takes the shape of a weapon except that it affects only the target.
favored by your deity (or one with some spiritual significance or
The duration of this spell cannot be extended by metamagic feats ,
symbolism to you, if you have no deity). It has the same threat range
magic items, or other effects.
and critical multipliers as a real weapon of its form. It strikes the
opponent you designate, starting with one attack the round the spell
is cast and continuing each round thereafter. It uses your base attack Rally Standard
bonus (possibly allowing it multiple attacks per round), but adds your
Charisma or Wisdom modifier (for an avatar or cleric, respectively) Conjuration [Banner}
instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Like a spirirual weapon, Level: Ava 2, Pal 2, SorfWiz 3
the guided weapon strikes as a spell, not as a weapon. Components: Y, S, DFIM
The guided weapon strikes from your direction , and unlike its Casting Time: I action
lower-level counterpart, it can help an ally get a flanking bonus and Range: Personal
can benefit from a flanking bonus or an ally 's aid another action. Effect: Banner that generates an emanation with a radius 0£20 ft. +
Feats such as Weapon Focus, Power Attack, and similar abilities 5 ft .l2 levels, centered on you
do not affect attacks made with the weapon, and you cannot make Duration: I round/level (D)
sneak attacks with it. Saving Throw: None/none
Spell Resistance: Yes/yes
The guided weapon continues to attack the designated foe unless it
travels out of range, in which case the weapon returns to you. You can You create a pale si lver banner with a bright go ld trumpet
direct the weapon to attack a new foe once per round as a free action. If emblazoned on its center. While you hold it, this standard radiates
left undirected, the weapon continues to attack the last designated foe. holy energy, spurring nearby allies to rally to your position.

As with the spiritual weapon spell , if a designated target has SR, Any allied creature that spends an entire move action getting closer
the resistance is checked the first time the weapon strikes it. If to you moves an extra 10 feet in that direction beyond what its
the guided weapon is successfully resisted, the spell is dispelled; speed would normally allow. This increase applies to any form
othelWise, the weapon has its normal full effect on that creature for of movement, including climbing, flying, and swimming. Only
the duration of the spell. movement toward your position gains this benefit. In addition, every
creature within the banner's area is affected as ifby a prayer spell
(+ 1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and ski ll
Heaven's Touch checks for you and your allies; - I penalty on the same rolls for foes).
Transmutation Attack: A successful melee touch attack with the banner conjured by
rally standard deals 2d8 points ofboly damage +2 points per allied,
Level: Ava 6, Clf 8
good-aligned creature in the spell's area (maximum +20).
Compon ents: Y, S, DFIM
Casti ng Time: I action Arcane Material Component: A miniature brass trumpet worth 25 gpo
Range: Touch
Ta rget: Good creature touched
Duration: I round/level (D) Sacred Gift
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Transmutation
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Level: Ava 5, Clr 5
You imbue the target creature with the grace and power of the Components: Y, S, OF
celestial host. For the duration of the spell, the subject gains the Casting Time: I action
benefits of the sublime template (see Appendix II: Templates). Range: Personal
A rcane Material Component: A small piece of quartz. Target: You
Duration: I round/level or until di scbarged
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic
Saving Throw: None (harmless) of movement, nondetection, protection from arrows, spell immunity
Spell Resistance: No (all creatures in the area are immune to the chosen spells).

You call forth holy power to aid your spellcasting, making your Fifth, any evil outsider must make a successfu l VVill sav ing throw
next spell more effective against evil creatures. each time it enters the sanctified area or be sent back to its home
plane. Spell resistance applies to this effect, but a separate check is
The next spell you cast while sacred gift is active is infused with
required. That is, if an evil outsider with spell resistance has already
holy power. You gain the following benefits with respect to any evil
resisted (or saved against) the spell's first effect, it must still check
creatures potentially affected by that spe ll : a +2 bonus on caster
spell resistance and save again to avoid this effect.
level checks made to penetrate spell resistance, a +2 increase to the
saving throw DC (if any) required to resist the spell, a 20% increase Finally, each good creature in the area gains a + 1 luck bonus on
in maximum range, and a 25% increase in damage dealt (if any). attack and damage rolls, saving throws, ski ll checks, and caster
The spell works normally against neutral and good creatures, but its level checks. In addition, the save DC of any spe ll with the good
casting discharges the sacred gift anyway. descriptor increases by 4 if cast by a good-aligned spell caster
standing within the sanctified area.
Sacred Weapon Material Components: Herbs, oils, and unguents worth at least 1,000 gp,
plus 1,000 gp per level of the spell to be included in the sanctified area.

Level: Ava I, Clr I, Pal I

Co mponents: Y, S, DF
Spell Shield Banner
Casting Time: 1 action Abjuration [Banner]
Range: Touch
Level: Ava 6, SorlVViz 8
Ta r get: VVeapontouched
Com ponents: Y, S, DFIM
Duration : I minutellevel or until discharged
Casting Time: I action
Saving T hrow: VVill negates (harmless, object)
Range: Personal
Spell Resistance: Yes (harm less, object)
Effect: Banner that generates a I O-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you
You imbue a weapon with holy energy, making its next strike more Duration : I roundllevel (D)
dangerous than normal to evil creatures (especiall y evil outsiders). Saving Throw: VVill negates (harm less)/none
Spell Resistance: Yes (harm less)/no
If the target of the next attack made with the affected weapon is
evil but not an outsider, the wielder gains a sacred bonus on attack You create a translucent, dark gray banner with a white anvil in the
and damage rolls eq ual to 2 + I /six caster levels (maximum +5). If center and white runes in a circle around it. VVhile you hold it, the spell
the attack is made against an evil outsider, the bonus increases to 3 shield banner protects you and other creatures in the affected area from
+ l/five caster levels (no maximum). These effects do not app ly if some spells and magical effects. Every creature in the banner's area
the target is a neutral or good creature, but the attack discharges the gains spell resistance equal to 5 + caster level. This does not stack with
sacred weapon effect anyway. any other spell resistance the creature may already have.

Attack: A successful melee touch attack with a spell shield banner

Sanctify releases a burst of holy energy that affects the opponent as a
targeted dispel magic effect. Make a caster level check (DC II + the
effect's caster level) for each magical effect on the target creature.
Level: Ava 8, Clr 8
Arcane Material Component: A pinch of powdered iron or iron fi lings.
Components: Y, S, M
Castin g Ti me: One day
Range : Touch Stand Fast
Area : 10-1t./levei radius emanating from touched point
Conjuration [Banner]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving T hrow: See text Level: Ava I, CLr 2, Pal 3
Spell Resistance: See text Compo nents: Y, S, M
Casti ng Time: I action
Sanctify blesses an area with sacred energy, much like the effect of
Ran ge: Personal
the hallow spell. The fo llowing six effects apply to the sanctified area.
Effect: Banner that creates a wall of invisible energy 40 ft. long, 20
First, no evil creature can enter the area unless it makes a successful ft. high, and I ft . thick, centered on you
VVill savi ng throw. Spell resistance applies against this effect. Duration: I round/level (D)
Saving Throw: VVill negates (see text)/no
Second, a +4 sacred bonus applies to all Charisma checks made to tum
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)/yes
undead in the area, and a -4 sacred penalty applies to Charisma checks
made to command undead. (This effect works just like the second You create a white banner with a black shield in the center and black
effect of the hallow spell.) SpeU resistance does not apply to this affect. runes along its border. VVhile you hold it, this standard bolsters nearby
celestials and other good creatures, allowing them to defend a line
Third, any dead body interred in a sanctified site cannot be turned
across the battlefield more efficiently.
into an undead creature.
The banner created by this spell generates an invisible wall of holy
Fourth, you may choose to fix a single spell effect to the sanctifi ed
energy that extends 20 feet to either side of you. Any evil creature
site. The restrictions and modifications to the attached spell 's effects
must make a successful VVill saving throw to pass through this barrier.
are as written in the description for the fourth effect of hallow.
Spell resistance applies to this effect. The barrier also provides one-
In addition to the spells noted in the hallow spell description , the
quarter cover (+2 cover bonus to Armor Class and + I cover bonus on
following spells may be linked to a sanctified site: death ward, Reflex saving throws) to good creatures against attacks or effects that
detect scrying, dimensional anchor, discern lies,fog c1oud,freedom originate from evil creatures on the opposite side.
Chapter Two: Spells & Magic '
Unlike the banners produced by other banner spells, the one created the round that it appears. It remains for one minute or until it is
by standfas/ must remain immobile. If you move before the spell's destroyed or dismissed by you.
duration expires, the effect ends immediately.
Arcane Material Component: A small feather from an infant bird.
Attack: A successful melee touch attack with the banner created by
stand fast deals I d8 points of holy damage + I point per caster level
(maximum + 10).
Weight of Sin
Material Component: A straight metal wire.
Level: Ava 7, Clr 7
Standard of Heaven's Peace Co mponents: Y, S, DF
Casting Time: I action
Enchantment [Banner, Good, Mind-Affecting] Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft.l2 levels)
Ta r get: One evil creature
Level: Ava 9
Duration: Instantaneous (but see text)
Co mponents: Y, S, DF
Saving T hrow: Will negates
Casting T im e: I action
Spell Resista nce: Yes
Range: Personal
Effect: Banner that generates an emanation with a radius of20 ft. + In an instant, this spell crushes an evil creature with the spiritual
5 ft.l4 levels, centered on you weight of its past misdeeds. The celestial host sifts through the
Duration: I round/level (D) creature's soul and lays bare its sins for review.
Saving Throw: Will negateslFortitude negates
An affected creature is presented with visions of two possible futures
Spell Resistance: Yes/yes
and forced to choose between them on the spot. [n the first version,
You call forth a holy banner bearing a single, very personal symbol the creature continues along its current path of perfidy but must pay
that represents a virtue dear to you , usually centered on a green partial penance now, sitting stunned by the weight of its sins. In the
or gold fie ld. Though each caster 's banner is unique, it always second, it turns to a path of light and gains a chance at redemption.
embodies and evokes the peace of the hi gher realms. The affected creature knows, in the instant of the spell 's effect, the
consequences of both choices, and it is free to make up its own mind.
Each creature inside the standard 's radius must make a successful No mind-affecting magic or similar controlling affects can force the
Will save or be unable to make attack actions or cast spells that do creature to choose one path over the other. An affected creature that
not have the good descriptor for as long as it remains within the chooses the first option is stunned for a number of rounds based on its
area. An affected creature that moves outside the standard's area
Hit Dice, as given on the following table.
is free of the effect; it can make ranged attacks and cast spells into
the area normally. However, it immediately becomes subject to
the effect again upon re-entering the area. No new saving throw is Weight ofSin
allowed for re-entry unless the effect is from a different casting of
Hit Dice Duration
the spell.
1- 3 2d6 minutes
A ttack: A successful melee touch attack with a standard of heaven s 4-7 3d4 rounds
p eace destroys the opponent in a torrent of holy energy. A creature
8- 11 2d4 rounds
that makes a successful Fortitude saving throw is not destroyed, but
12+ Id4 rounds
it still takes 15d6 points of holy damage.
A creature that chooses the second option must permanently change
the evil component of its alignment to good. (The chaotic, neutral, or
Summoning Standard lawful component of its alignment remains unchanged.) It must also
Conjuration [Banner] voluntarily adopt the reforged template (see Appendix U: Templates).

Level: Ava 3, SorlWiz 5

Components: Y, S, DFIM Wrath of the Heavens
Casting Time: I action
Evocation [Good]
Range: Personal
Effect: Banner that generates an emanation with a radi us of 5 ft. + 5 Level: Ava 9, Clr 9
ft.l2 levels, centered on you Com ponents: Y, S, DF
Duration: I round/level (D) Casti ng Time: I action
Saving Throw: None (harrnless)/none Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft.l2 levels)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harm less)/no Area : 20-ft.-radius burst
Dura tion: Instantaneous (and 1 hour/level, see text)
You create a nearly transl ucent banner with a faintly white,
Savi ng Throw: Reflex hal f
beckoning hand in its center. While you hold it, the summoning
Spell R esistance: Yes
standard radiates holy energy, enhancing the physical abilities of
good outsiders summoned within its area. You unleash a torrent of sacred energy against which few evil creatures
can stand. The might of the higher planes bathes the entire area in a
Once this spell is cast, each good outsider that is subsequently
white, cleansing radiance that physically slams any evil creatures therein.
summoned into the area gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength,
Constitution, and Dexterity. It also gains IdlO temporary hit points. Each affected creature takes Id6 points of damage per caster level
These benefits last for the duration of the banner's effect. (maximum 20d6 points; Reflex save for half). The area also is affected
as if by a consecrate spe\J-a +3 sacred bonus applies to all turning
Attack: A successful melee touch attack with a summoning standard
checks made against undead creatures in the area, and a - I sacred penalty
deals 1d8 points of holy damage and summons a good outsider
applies to attack roUs, damage rolls, and saving throws made by each
(your choice of the good creatures avai lable through the summon
undead in the area. The consecrate effect lasts I hour per caster level.
monster 11 spell) to fight on your behalf. The creature can act on
.II" Chapter Thre·e .II"

All the creatures presented in this chapter are celestials. A few fall into celestial subcategories given in the MM, but most are entirely new
kinds. Many celestials, particularly the winged ones, are also called angels by mortals on the Material Plane. Most of the creatures in this
chapter can be summoned using the various summon monster spells, as detailed in Chapter l\vo, but some are simply too powerful to
answer the summons of any mortal.

Like a few of the spells in the previous chapter, some celestials are capable of dealing holy damage with their attacks. Holy damage affects
only evil creatures; good and neutral creatures are immune to this damage.

Ancient beyond reckoning, aeons are celestials that exist largely outside the hierarchy of the higher realms. Some sages maintain that these
creatures are the remnants of an older celestial order--<>ne displaced or destroyed by the current Lords of Good. Others insist that they are
si mply byproducts of the world 's creation .

Whatever thei r origins, the aeons remain the most mysterious of the celestials. Each kind of aeon em bodies and represents a virtuous
ideal- loya lty, beauty, sacrifice, triumph, nature, or the like. Though they occasionally mingle with other celestials and good mortals, most
aeons prefer to keep themse lves apart from the affairs of the multi verse as much as possible.

Lathar (Aeon)
Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)

Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 25 (- I size, +2 Dex, + 14 natural), touch II , flat-footed 23
Attacks: 4 claws + II melee and bite +6 melee
Damage: Claw Id6+5, bite Id8+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend 2d6+7
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+ I, immunities
(electricity, petrification), outsider traits, resistances (acid
10, cold 10), scent, soul bond, SR 18, teleport without error
Saves: Fort +8, Ref + 7, Will +8
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 16, Lnt 13, Wis 13 , Cha 12
Skills: Diplomacy +3, Hide +6, Intuit Direction +9, Listen +9,
Move Silently + 10, Search +9, Sense Motive +8, Spot +9,
Wilderness Lore +9
Feats: Lron Will, Track

Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 6
Treasure: one
Alignment: Always lawful good
Adva ncement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15- 21 HD (Huge)

Lathars, the aeons of loyalty, are the most active of these

ancient beings in the affairs of the planes. Most often encountered
as the intelligent mounts of great celestial heroes, lathars are
endless ly fai thful to their chosen com panions. Sages who know of
these creatures often theorize that they were created especiall y to serve as mounts for both mortal and celestial
A lathar looks like a six-legged golden mastiff, but it is the size of a heavy warhorse. There are thick flaps of skin on its neck, and each
of its golden paws ends in a set of wicked claws. The lathar's broad shoulders and incredibly stable gait contribute to its desirability
as a mount, and its appearance conveys a solid feeling of loyalty and strength. The creature's surprisingly expressive face can convey
considerable information and emotion to its bonded companion, if it has one.
When the Lords of Good send a lathar to serve a hero, they take great care to be sure of the recipient's devotion to goodness, because they
know lathars form lifelong bonds with their companions. In fact, though a lathar will not form a bond with a nongood creature, it will
remain loyal to an already-bonded companion even if the latter falls from grace. During the famous rebellion of the Divs in the upper planes
(see The History of Iblis in Appendix I: Archangels), many Div heroes rode lathars to the site of the conflict and rode them away again in
disgrace after their fall.

Chapter Three: Celestials
Although they are good-hearted as only celestials can be, lathars occasionally give way to the sin of jealousy. Over time, a lathar can come
to resent its bonded one's other companions, especially if those creatures are animals that could qualify as potential mounts.
Lathars can speak Celestial, but they rarely use anything beyond looks and gestures to communicate.

C ombat
Whether or not they are serving as mounts (see below), lathars remain close to their chosen companions in battle. They work to flank foes
with their companions or, when pressed by greater numbers, position themselves to prevent foes from flanking members of their own group.
In cases where the companion is much more powerful than the lathar, the creature uses its soul bond power to support its companion and
retreats to a safer distance, often seeking healing while its more ab le companion fights the foes. Should both the lathar and its bonded one
find themselves overmatched, the lathar can teleport both to safety if its companion agrees. If its companion refuses to leave the battle, the
lathar remains as well and fights to the death .

Rend (Ex): If a lathar hits a si ngle target with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the fl esh. This attack deals
2d6+7 points of damage.

Celestial Traits: A lathar can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always active).
It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonu on Fortitude saves aga inst poison.

Scent (Ex): A lathar can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Soul Bond (Su): At will, a lathar can share its spirit with its bonded companion. This ability functions like the spell shield other, except that
it allows tran fer of the companion 's wounds to the lathar, but not the reverse. The bond remains active as long as the lathar and its bonded
companion stay within 100 yards of each other, or until dismissed.

Outsider Traits: A lathar has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Teleport without Error (Su): A lathar can teleport itself and its bonded companion at will as though usi ng the teleport without error spell.

Lathars as Mounts
A paladin of 8th level or higher can call a lathar as a mount, though the Lords of
Good must be willing to provide one for this attempt to succeed. The lathar gains the
normal enhancements for serving as a paladin 's mount, and it increases in power as
the paladin rises in level, according to the description of a paladin's mount in the
Player s Handbook.

The lathar can form a lifelong bond with a good creature even if the latter is not a
paladin, and that bond remains in force even if the companion later abandons its
good alignment. Of course, if the companion is not a paladin, the lathar does not
gain the benefits that correspond to a paladin 's mount.

Martrym (Aeon)
Small Outsider (Chaotic, Good, Incorporeal)

Hit Dice: Id8 (4 hp)

Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 ft. (perfect)
AC: 13 (+ 1 size, + 1 Dex, + 1 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 12
Attacks: None
Damage: None
FacefReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Channeling
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, immunities (electricity, petrification) ,
incorporeal subtype, outsider traits, resistances (acid 10, cold 10), sacrifice
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Abiljties: Str - , Dex 12, Con 10, Int II , Wis II , Cha 13
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Improved Initiative
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: I
Treasure: 0 coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 2- 3 HD (Small)

The martrym is the aeon of sacrifice. Like a lathar, a martryrn devotes itself to the
protection ofa chosen companion- usually a mortal creature it believes to be capable
of great good- though the relationship is not necessarily lifelong, as it is with a lathar.
A martrym can tum itself into a living shield or gift its chosen companion with its own

.... 21 ....
Chapter Three: Celestials
life essence if necessary. Though it never sacrifices itself needlessly, a martrym does not hesitate to do so if there is a chance that its action
will save its companion or further a cause. The lords of the upper realms see to it that another soul becomes a martrym whenever an existing
one sacrifices itself, to ensure that these scions of sacrifice remain part of the celestial hierarchy.

Although the wispy martrym lacks the great might of some other celestials, it is still beautiful and soothing to nearly any eye. Alone, the
creature appears as a long, thin wing made of pure light. Its body is insubstantial, and though it sheds some light, it is not nearly so bright as
the more powerful lantern archons. After a martrym has chosen a mortal to inspire, it appears only as a glowing nimbus around that creature.
Unlike other incorporeal creatures, the martrym is not quite transparent- it sheds so much light that the viewer cannot easily see through it.
Martryms speak Common and Celestial.

Martryms are as fearless as they are noble, and they often take the front ranks in a conflict, trusting their incorporeal nature to protect them
from most attacks. When faced with one very powerful foe, several martryms may sacrifice themselves to give one of their number multiple
bonuses in the conflict, increasing the chance that one of them will survive and be victorious. A seriously wounded martrym looks for an
opportunity to sacrifice itself in a manner that will save the greatest number of its allies.

Channeling (Su): Once per round, a martrym can channel divine energy into a creature or object within 5 feet. This infusion of positive
energy deals I d6 points of damage to the target. The attack hits its target automatically and there is no saving throw.
Celestial Traits: A martrym can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Incorporeal Subtype: A martrym can be hanned only by other incorporeal creatures, + I or better magic weapons, spells, spell-like
abilities, and supernatural abilities. The creature has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects
or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. A martrym can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at wi ll. Its attacks ignore natural
armor, annor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work nonnally against them. A martrym always moves silentl y and
cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn 't wish to be.

Outsider Traits: A martrym has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Sacrifice (S u): A martrym can, as a full-round action, sacrifice itself to boost the power of one ally within 60 feet. The creature can choose
anyone of the three gifts described below to bestow on that ally. The martrym dies instantly upon using this ability.

Gift of Power: The affected creature gains a +4 sacred bonus to Strength and an additional attack each round at its highest attack
bonus. These benefits last for I hour.

Gift ofFortune: The affected creature gains a +4 luck bonus on saving throws and a +4 luck bonus to Armor Class. These benefits last for I
Gift of Endurance: The affected creature gains a +4 sacred bonus to Constitution and immunity to fatigue and exhaustion. These
benefits last for I week.

Season Shepherds (Aeon)

By far the most common aeons are the season shepherds, the aeons of nature. These feylike creatures move between the wilds of the mortal
realm and the higher planes via secret interplanar gates. Although they lack the raw power to actually shape the seasons, the four kinds of
season shepherds do embody the nature and hardships of the four quarters of the annual cycle. Each is particularly attuned to the needs of
wild creatures during its associated season.

Season Shepherd (Autumn)

Medium-Size Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: 6d8+ 18 (45 hp)
] nitiative: +5
Speed : 20 ft.
AC: 23 (+ 1 Dex, + 12 natural), touch II , flat-footed 22
Attacks: 2 slams +8 melee
Damage: Slam Id8+2
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, withering aura .
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 5/+ I, immunities (cold, electricity, petrification), outsider traits, SR 16
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int II , Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Animal Empathy + 12, Heal + 12, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen + 12, Wilderness Lore + 12
Feats: lmproved Initiati ve, Track

Climaterrerrain: Any wilderness

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items

Chapter Three: Celestials
A lignment: Always neutral good
Ad van cem ent: 7- 12 HD (Medium-size);
13- 18HD (Large)

Autumn is a time of preparation

for the coming winter, of laying in
reserves and watching the young that
were born in spring become mature,
self-sufficient adults. Although it is a
quiet time, the seeds of evil can take
root and grow in this period, coming to
fruition with the onset of winter. Just
as wild creatures prepare to weather
the cold, good creatures must prepare
to resist the evil that always seems to
build and strike during the months of
winter. It is the autumn shepherd
who must watch for the early signs
of evil activity and try to prevent
its rise. This celestial also works
to avert disasters, either natural
or magical in origin, that would
ruin the preparations of natural
creatures for the winter months.

An autumn shepherd is a human-

sized creature that appears to be
a strange blend of fey, plant, and
celestial. Its roughly humanoid
body is lean and lanky, composed
of vine tendrils, flexible branches,
and thicker, longer strands of
woodlike flesh. The creature
is covered with a scattering of
colorful leaves, but much like a
tree in the season it represents,
most of its vines and branches
are bare. An autumn shepherd 's
face looks like that of a mature human
man, worn with lines of care and toil.
Although its appearance can be disconcerting
to some mortals , it typically wears a benign, tolerant
Autumn shepherds are very skilled at choosing battles they can win. When
wandering through the wilds of the mortal rea lm, they concentrate their efforts where they wi ll do the
most good in terms of making the coming winter easier for animals and other natural creatures.

Autumn shepherds speak Celestial, Sylvan, and Terran.

Like other season shepherds, autumn shepherds stick together in combat, so that one of them can always have a withering aura in effect on
the area. If given the opportunity, autumn shepherds gang up on their foes , attempting to win fights quickly and then move out of the area
as fast as possible. Although an autumn shepherd has only a few spells at its disposal , it is adept at using those spells to enhance its own
abilities and hinder its foes. In particular, autumn shepherds favor the entangle and endure elements spells for combat.

Spells: An autumn shepherd can cast divine spells as a 3rd-level druid (spells/day 4/3/2; save DC 13 + spell level).

W ithering Aura (Su) : Every I d4 rounds, an autumn shepherd can infuse the air around it with a supernatural blast of withering negative
energy. This effect deals 2d6 points of damage to every creature within 20 feet (Reflex DC 16 half). An autumn shepherd is immune to its
own withering aura and to those of others of its kind . .

Celestial Traits: An autumn shepherd can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Outsider Traits: An autumn shepherd has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Season Shepherd (Summer)
Huge Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: 9d8+36 (76 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 25 (- 2 size, + I Dex, + 16 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 24
Attacks: 2 slams + 12 melee
Damage: Slam 2d8+5
FacelReach: 10 ft. by 10 ft .1 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Animate trees, fiery aura, spells
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+ I, immunities (electricity,, petrification), outsider traits, SR 18
Saves : Fort + 10, Ref +7, Will + 10
Abilities: Str 21 , Dex 12, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 18
Skills: Animal Empathy + 16, Heal + 16, Knowledge (arcana) + 13, Knowledge (nature) + 13, Listen + 16, Spot + 13, Wilderness Lore + 16
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Track

Climaterrerrain : Any wi lderness

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 6
Treasure: No coins, doubl e goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 10-27 HD (Huge)

Although they cannot match the raw power and inspiration of the spring shepherds, summer shepherds are strong and dedicated protectors
of the wild regions. These creatures represent and protect the season of growth and prosperity, and they work to spread summer's bounty
among all the animals and good creatures of the wi ld.

The largest of the season shepherds, a summer shepherd appears to be a strange blend of fey, plant, and celestial. Its roughly humanoid
body is thick and heavy, composed of sturdy vines, flexible branches, and thicker, longer strands of woodlike flesh that give it a superficial
resemblance to a treant. A summer shepherd is clothed in several shades of green, from the bright, healthy color of its vines to the darker
green leaves that cover its branch1ike limbs. Its face resembles that of a handsome human male in the prime of his life, full of health and

Second only to spring shepherds in power, the summer shepherds prefer to confront evil when they find it. They have numerous allies
among the fey, and they are often kept apprised of events over a large area by a network of fey, kindly natural beasts, and good or neutral
druids and rangers.

Summer shepherds speak Celestial, Sylvan, Terran, and Elven.

Because they are immune to the fiery blasts of their own kind, summer shepherds tend to fight in tight-knit groups, so that one of them
can always have a fiery aura in effect on the area. Larger and more physically powerful than many other aeons, summer shepherds do not
hesitate to enter melee as long as they think they have a reasonable chance of emerging victorious.

When summer shepherds do enter combat, it is usually behind a screen of animated trees. Although they do not enjoy allowing trees to
be destroyed, they realize that waves of animated trees may be more effective in overwhelming a powerful source of evil than a single
opponent, no matter how strong. Summer shepherds never risk themselves foolishly because they know it is better for them to live and
continue the fight than fall and leave the wilds without a guardian.

A nimate Trees (Sp) : At will, a summer shepherd can animate all trees within 90 feet , although it can control only one such tree at a time.
It takes I full round for an ani mated tree to uproot itself. Thereafter, it moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all respects. If
the summer shepherd that animated it is incapacitated or moves out of range, the effect ends; the animated tree immediately roots itself and
becomes a normal tree in all respects again. This effect is otherwise similar to that of the liveoak spell (caster level II th).

Fiery Aura (S u): Every Id4 rounds, a summer season shepherd can infuse the air around it with a supernatural blast of heat. This effect
deals 3d6 points of fire damage to every creature within 20 feet (Reflex DC 18 half). A summer shepherd is immune to its own fiery aura
and to those of others of its kind.
Spells: A summer shepherd can cast divine spells as a 5th-level druid (spe ll s/d ~y 5/4/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level).
Celestial Traits: A summer shepherd can speak with any creature that has a language as though u ing a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). 1t also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Outsider Traits : A summer shepherd has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Season Shepherd (Winter)
Medium-Size Outsider

Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)

Initiative: +4
Speed : 20 ft.
AC: 18 (+8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 slams +5 melee
Damage: Slam Id6+ ]
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Chill aura, spells
Specia l Qualities: Celestial traits, DR
5/+ I, immunities (cold, electricity,
petrification), outsider traits, SR 14
Saves : Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con IS, In!
II, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Animal Empathy +10, Heal + 10,
Knowledge (nature) +7, Listen
+7, Wi lderness Lore + 10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track

C limaterrerrain : Any wilderness

Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad
(3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 2
Treasure: No coins, double goods,
standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 5- 8 HD (Medium-size);
9- 12 HD (Large)

Without death, there can be no rebirth.

Without hardsh ip, there can be no
triumph. Without winter, there can be no
spring. Although they are the weakest of the
season shepherds, those set to watch over
the season of winter are as important as any
other aeon that monitors the seasons.

Withered by the very season they oversee,

winter shepherds seldom attempt to confront
evil directly. Instead, they he lp other good creatures persevere
through the season during which the powers of the season shepherds are at their
weakest, saving confrontations for the risi ng power of spring.

A winter shepherd appears to be a strange blend of fey, plant, and celestial. Its roughly humanoid body seems to be made of dry and
withered vines and branches, and it appears to be bent under the weight of the seasons. Its face resembles that of an ancient human woman,
creased with lines of age and worry. A winter shepherd often carries a small branch that it uses much like an aging human wou ld use a cane.

Like all season shepherds, winter shepherds love and revere nature and wild creatures. Although they have a deep affinity for the natural
world, winter shepherds travel slowly and are reluctant to show themselves, even under the most forgivi ng conditions. In most cases, they
do only what must be done to help others make it through a winter.

Winter shepherds speak Celestial and Sylvan.

In combat, winter shepherds stick together, so that one of them can always have a ch ill aura in effect on the area. In this way, they can force
their enemies to endure a nearly constant barrage of cold energy. Only when faced with foes who are obviously capable of casting spells
that affect large areas do winter shepherds spread out.

Winter shepherds are very clever in their use of the aid another action. When they outnumber their opponents, they aid one another 's
grapple attempts, endeavoring to hold their foes where the blasts of cold energy from their comrades can have full effect.

C hill Aura (Su): Every Id4 rounds, a winter shepherd can infuse the air around it with a supernatural blast of co ld. This effect deals Id6
points of cold damage to every creature within 20 feet (Reflex DC 14 half). A winter shepherd is immune to its own chi ll aura and to those
of others of its kind.

Spells: A winter shepherd can cast divine spells as a 1st-level druid (spells/day 3/2; save DC 13 + spell level).
Chapter Three: Celestials
Celestial Traits: A winter shepherd can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Outsider Traits: A winter shepherd has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Season Shepherd (Spring)

Large Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: 14d8+70 (133 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 33 (- I size, +4 Dex, +20 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 29
Attacks: 2 slams + 18 melee
Damage: Slam 2d6+5
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft J IO ft.
Special Attacks: Animate trees, peaceful vision, radiant aura, spells
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+3, immunities (electricity, petrification), resistances (acid 20, cold 20), outsider traits, SR 23
Saves: Fort +14, Ref + 13, Will + 14
Abilities: Str 21 , Dex 19, Con 20, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Animal Empathy +22, Concentration +22, Heal +22, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (nature) +20, Listen +22, Spellcraft +20,
Spot +22, Swim +6, Wilderness Lore +22
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Track

Climaterrerrain: Any wi lderness

Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: II
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 15- 28 HD (Large); 29-42 HD (Huge)
Patrons of rebirth and renewal, the spring shepherds are the most powerful of the season shepherds and among the most powerful of the
aeons. Where other season shepherds work to protect and preserve, these guardians of the wild promote growth and abundance, urging their
charges to expand rather than remain content with what has already been gained.
A spring shepherd is a perfect blend of celestial, fey, and plant whose very being radiates power, hope, and rebirth. Its roughly humanoid
body is composed of vines and flowers that constantly seem to grow, twine, and sprout offshoots. Its face resembles that of a fresh young
human girl, fu ll oflife and laughter. Though the spring shepherd 's task is formidable, it smiles and laughs at any opportunity, displaying
such gaiety that it invariably lifts the spirits of any who see it.
Few celestials love and care for the natural world as much as spring shepherds do. Many good druids, fey, and other creatures of the wild
look to spring shepherds for guidance, and even more powerful creatures are often wi lling to work with these patrons of rebirth.
Spring shepherds speak Celestial, Sylvan, Terran, Elven, and Aquan.

Spring shepherds are canny combatants, capably directing the actions of ani mated trees and other allies while employing their own powers.
They seldom look for conflict, but when forced to fight, they favor advance over withdrawal and aggressive tactics over defensive postures.
When possible, spring shepherds move to surround and down one foe at a time, eliminating threats in qui ck succession. If confronted with
evil too powerful to combat directly, they employ their spells to wear down the opposition, usually summoning elementals and animating
trees for brief excursions against the enemy.
Animate Trees (Sp): At will, a spring shepherd can animate all trees within 90 feet, although it can control only one such tree at a time.
It takes 1 full round for an animated tree to uproot itself. Thereafter, it moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all respects. If
the spri ng shepherd that animated it is incapacitated or moves out of range, the effect ends; the animated tree immediately roots itself and
becomes a normal tree in all respects again. This effect is otherwise similar to that of the liveoak spell (caster level 11th).
Peaceful Vision (Su): The sight of a spring shepherd inspires such peace and tranquility that the viewer must succeed at a Will save (DC
22) or be dazed for Id3 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that spring shepherd 's
peaceful vision ability for one day.
Radiant Aura (Su): Every I d4 rounds, a spring shepherd can infuse the air ~ound it with a supernatural burst of positi ve energy. This
effect deals 4d6 points of damage to every creature within 20 feet (Reflex DC 22 half). A spring shepherd is immune to its own radi ant aura
and to those of others of its kind.
Spells: A spring shepherd can cast divine spells as a 10th-level druid (spells/day 6/6/5/4/4/3; save DC 15 + spell level).
Celestial Traits: A spring shepherd can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Outsider Traits: A spring shepherd has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Terraphil (Aeon)
Medium-Size Outsider (C haotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 slams +9 melee, or +2 longsword + 11 /+6 melee
Damage: Slam Id6+ 1, +2longsword Id8+3/ 19- 20
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Peaceful vision, touch of peace
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+2, immunities
(electricity, petrification), outsider traits, resistances
(acid 20, cold 20), SR 20
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, lnt II , Wis 10, Cha 25
SkiDs: Diplomacy +20, Hide + 13, Listen + I 3, Move Silently
+ 13, Sense Motive +9, Spot + 13
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 9- 16 HD (Medium-size); 17- 24 HD (Large)
Terraphils are the aeons of beauty, free and unchained even
by their own long history. They gather followers and admirers
wherever they go, and for th is reason, the Lords of Good often use
them as emissaries and diplomat .
A terraphil comes very close to the mortal ideal of beauty. Beyond
the fact that it resembles an extremely comely human or elven man
or woman, its appearance and dress may vary widely. Unlike the
seductive and tempting fiends that ape the forms of human women
and men, the terraphil possesses a soothing, peacefu l beauty. Several
fiends , such as the succubus and erinyes, are warped and fa llen
creatures thought to be made in the image of the terraphil. Despite their
success at tempting mortals, these fie nds possess but a shadow of the
terraphil 's beauty.

Terraphils are deadly in combat- not because of their physical prowess,
but because of their beauty. Few can bring themselves to even draw
weapons against the aeons of beauty, and many of those who summon
the willpower to do so lose that determination at a touch from the
terraphi l.
Whenever possible, terraphils stun their opponents with either beauty
or touch before beginning combat. Although these abilities
make them dangerous, these celestials are not so foolish as to
overlook mindless foes or other creatures that are immune to
compulsion of their beauty. When confronted by such foes ,
terraphils attempt to stun any other opponents first, then tum all
their attention to fighting the creatures that are immune to their special abilities.
Peaceful Vision (Su): The sight of a terraphil inspires such peace and tranquility that the viewer must succeed at a Will save (DC 21 ) at
the beginning or each round or be dazed. Whether or not the save is successful , that creature cannot be affected again by that terraphil's
peaceful vision ability for one day.
Touch of Peace (S u): Any creature touched by a terraphil (or hit by its slam attack) must succeed at a Will save (DC 2 1) or be dazed for I
round. This ability cannot be used in conjunction with a weapon attack. Touch of peace is a mind-affecting ability.
Celestial Traits: A terraphi l can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Outsider Traits: A terraphil has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Victarium (Aeon)
Large Outsider (Good)

Hit Dice: 17d8+85 (161 hp)

Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 30 (- I size, +4 Dex, + 17 natural), touch 13, flat-
footed 26
Attacks: Large +2 longsword +23/+1 8/+ 13/+8 melee and
three Large +2 longs words +23 melee
Damage: Large +2 longs word 2d6+9/19- 20 (primary
hand), Large +2 longsword 2d6+5/ 19- 20 (off
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./ IO ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Adrenaline boost, celestial traits, DR
151+3, immunities (electricity, petrification),
outsider traits, regeneration 5, resistances (acid
20, cold 20), righteous fury, SR 27
Saves: Fort +15, Ref + 14, Will + 16
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha
Skills: Concentration +25, Diplomacy +28, Hide +20,
Knowledge (any two) +23 , Listen +26, Move
Silently +24, Search + 10, Sense Motive +26,
Spot +26
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Multidexterity,
Multiweapon Fighting, Power Attack
Climaterrerrai n: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 15
Treas ure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Adva ncement: 18- 34 HD (Large); 35- 51 HD (Huge)
As the aeons of triumph, victariums number among the fiercest
warriors of the upper planes. Unlike other celestials that radiate
unearthly grace and peace, victariums are vibrant, sometimes bawdy
proponents of aggressive attacks against evil , and they enjoy well-earned celebrations after such forays.
A victarium looks like a slender elven woman with four arms, each holding a light but deadly blade. A victarium usually dresses in
lightweight, jewel-toned clothing rather than armor and wears bold golden jewelry.

The victari um 's grace and skill with its weapons has inspired many sages to claim that the dread marilith was made in its image. In fact,
many legends relate that the first mariliths were created from a legion of fallen victariums, turned and corrupted by the lords of the lower
planes. Whether or not this is true, the twisted female demons bear an unholy hatred for the beautiful victariums and enjoy nothing more
than capturing, killing, or tormenting their celestial counterparts when given the chance. For their part, victari ums return this sentiment,
going out of their way to confront any marilith they learn of.

Victariurns hate injustice and thirst for honorable combat, but they are far from subtle in their approach to fighting-tbey simply wade into battle,
weapons ready. When faced with foes of great power, victariurns are capable tacticians, but they much prefer straightforward brawls when possible.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active-detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. Caster level 20th; save
DC 16 + spell level. At will- aid, continualjiame, cure moderate wounds, improved invisibility (self only), holy smite, lesser restoration;
3/day-divinefavol; greater dispelling; I/day- heal. Caster level 14th; save DC 16 + spell level. Always-active effects can be dispelled,
but the victarium can reactivate one every round as a free action.
Adrenalin e Boost (Ex): This ability allows the victarium to take one extra partial action during its turn. It may use this ability a number of
times per day equal to its Constitution bonus (nine times for an average victarium), but no more than once per round.

Righteous Fury (Ex): Once per day, a victarium can enter a righteous state of rage. While raging, it gains a +4 bonus to both Strength and
Constitution but takes a - 2 penalty to AC. Its rage lasts for 10 rounds, but it can end the effect sooner if desired. The victarium experiences
no fatigue or other ill effects when its righteous fury ends.

Outsider Traits: A victarium has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Celestial Traits: A victarium can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Huge Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 20d8+ 120 (210 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed : 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) with annor; base 40
ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
AC: 36 (- 2 size, + I Dex, + 18 natural, +9 [+ 1 full
plate armor]), touch 9, flat-footed 35
Attacks: Gargantuan +3 holy speed greataxe + 3 11
+3 11+26/+21 /+ 16 melee, or +2
mighty composite longbow (+4 Str bonus)
+24/+ 19/+ 14/+9 ranged
Damage: Gargantuan +3 holy speed grea/axe
4d6+ 18 plus 2d6 holy/x3, Gargantuan +2
mighty composite longbow (+4 Str
bonus) 2d8+6/x3
Face/Reach: lOft. by 10 ft.l l5 .ft.
Special Attacks: Death throes,
manifest hostility, smite
nonbeliever, spell-like abilities,
spells, transmuting gaze, vials of
Special Qualities: Aura of courage,
celestial traits, DR 30/+3, ferocity,
immunities (disease, electricity,
petrification), outsider traits,
rage, regeneration 10, SR 30
Saves: Fort + 18, Ref + 16, Will + 17 • k.
Abilities: Str 31 , Dex 18, Con 23, lnt I,
16, Wis 2 I , Cha 22
Skills: Concentration +29, Craft •• _J~
(armorsmithing) + 15, Craft
(weaponsmithing) + 15, Diplomacy
+8, Escape Artist + 14, Hide +9,
t. ' "
Intimidate +33 , Knowledge
(arcana) + 13, Knowledge (the
, I ~
planes) + 13, Listen + 18, Move
Silently + 17, Search + 18,
Sense Motive +25 , Spellcraft
+ 16, Spot +23
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great
Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sunder
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or wing (4 arimrawthis plus 3d6 astral devas and 5d6 trumpet archons)
Challenge Rating: 17
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 21-40 HD (Huge); 41-60 HD (Gargantuan)
The arimrawthis are righteous wrath incarnate. These angels embody the principles of divine justice and retribution, often acting as
lieutenants to archangels such as Raguel or Gabriel. At other times, they undertake missions of holy vengeance on behalf of more powerful
celestials. Arimrawthis never shirk from an appointed task.
An arimrawthi looks every inch like the manifestation of divine wrath. Standing a full 30 feet tall, it has a massively muscular frame .
Some have great feathered wings of a color somewhere between pure white and the gray tone of polished steel. Others manifest without
wings. Its skin may be any shade from translucent white to deep ebony, and its hair is typically worn short. An arimrawthi is typically
clothed in + 1 full plate armor forged by the most skilled craftsmen in the upper realms. The angel 's face always wears an expression of
pure fury.

Arimrawthis love battle more than anything. Naturally terse and impatient, they grow nearly unbearable unless given some purpose.
Although they always show respect to their superiors, these angels avoid the company of most other creatures, preferring instead to spend
their time sharpening their combat skills or pacing the halls of palaces in the upper realms, waiting for their next opportunity to utilize their
righteous wrath.

Arimrawthis speak Celestial, and they are capable of speaking Common, Infernal, Abyssal, and Elven, but they rarely choose to engage
creatures that speak any of those languages in dialogue.
Chapter Three: Celestials
While arirnrawthis glory in the thrill of melee combat and prefer it over other forms , they are not stupid- they use their spell-like
abilities and spells as the occasion demands. When the battle gets thick, they pour out their via ls of wrath and charge into battle,
greataxes drawn.

Death Throes (Su): When an arimrawthi dies , it explodes in a flash of light that deals 50 points of holy damage to every creature and
object within 100 feet (Reflex DC 26 half).
Smite Nonbeliever (Su): Once per day, an arimrawthi can attempt to smite a creature that does not serve the same deity as itself. (An
arirnrawthi that serves the celestial host directly may smite any creature of a nongood alignment.) This attack deals an extra 20 points of
damage. Should the arirnrawthi accidentally attempt to smite a creature that does share its faith , no extra damage is dealt and that daily use
of the ability is wasted.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will- bull s strength, dispel magic, endurance, holy smite, invisibility purge, polymorph self, remove curse,
teleport without error (self plus 100 pounds of objects only); 3/day- banishment, cure serious wounds, jiame strike, restoration; I/day-
blade barrier, dimensional anchor, heal, holy aura, holy word. Caster level 15th; save DC 16 + spell level.
Spells: An arirnrawthi can cast divine spells as a 10th-level cleric (spells/day 6/7/6/5/5/4; save DC 15 + spell level). It has access to spells
from the Destruction and Good domains.
Transmuting Gaze (Su): Once per day, an arimrawthi can activate a devastating gaze attack for I round. Any creature that fails a Fortitude
saving throw (DC 26) is turned into a pillar of salt (treat as a petrification effect for the purpose of spells and effects that reverse this
condition). A successful save negates the effect. A Medium-size pillar of salt has hardness 3 and 30 hp. A larger pillar has an additional 5 hit
points per size category above Medium-size, and a smaller pillar has 5 fewer hit points per size category below Medium-size.
Aura of Courage (Su): An arimrawthi is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 30 feet of the angel gains a +4 morale
bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Celestial Traits: A arirnrawthi can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Ferocity (Ex): An arimrawthi is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying (see the
Player s Handbook) .
Outsider Traits: An arimrawthi has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Rage (Ex): Five times per day, an arirnrawthi can enter a screaming blood frenzy. While raging, it gains a +3 morale bonus on Will saves
and a +6 bonus to Strength and Constitution. An arirnrawthi can sti ll use skills and abilities that require focus and concentration (such as
moving silently or casting spells) while raging. This ability is otherwise similar to a barbarian's greater rage ability.
Regeneration (Ex): An arirnrawthi takes normal damage from acid, and also from unholy weapons of at least +3 enhancement.
If • Skills: An arimrawthi receives a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks .

Vials of Wrath
Each arimrawthi has access to seven unique magic items called via ls of wrath, which come into existence when it is born. A vial of wrath is
a small crystal bottle filled with red fluid that incites a beneficial rage in the arimrawthi 's allies and a debilitating hostility in its foes.
An arimrawthi never carries these vials on its person. Instead, they are stored in an extradimensional space that only that particular
arirnrawthi can access. Each arirnrawthi 's space is different, and each stores only its vials. Calling a vial out of the storage space is a free
action for the arirnrawthi ; it need only speak the command word and the vial appears in its hand. If the vial leaves the angel's grasp before it
can be used, it automatically returns to the extradimensional space.
To activate a vial 's effect, the arimrawthi to which it belongs must pour its contents out on the ground as a standard action. When the
liquid wrath spills out of the vial, every ally within 60 feet flies into a rage similar to the arirnrawthi 's special ability of the same name,
except that the bonus on Will saves is only +2, and the bonus to Strength and Constitution is +4. While raging, affected allies can still
use ski lls and abilities that require focus and concentration (such as moving silently or casting spells), just as the arirnrawthi itself can .
Allies receiving this benefit are forced to focu s their attacks on enemies of the arimrawthi . Any ally who does not wish to rage may
attempt a Will save (DC 26); success negates the entire effect. In addition, every enemy within 60 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC
26) or take a - 2 penalty to Strength and Constitution, a - 2 penalty on Will saves, and a - 2 penalty to AC. An affected opponent also
feels tremendous hostility toward the arirnrawthi and must attack it to the exclusion of other enemies. A successful saving throw leaves
the enemy unaffected.
Vials of wrath are not poured out casually; arimrawthis save them for dire circumstances or crucial battles. As each vial is used, the
arimrawthi 's attitude grows more and more dark and angry. An arimrawthi that is down to its last vial quivers with barely suppressed rage.

The angel dies at the end of the round in which it pours out its last vial, triggering its death throes ability. But when its demise occurs in
this manner, another spectacular event also takes place. Four of its spell-like effects (blade barrier,jiame strike, holy smite, and holy word)
automatically activate, even ifit has already used up its daily usage for one or more of them. Each of these effects covers a 60-foot-radius
area centered on the arirnrawthi 's position and lasts for only I round.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Bene Ishim
Medi um-Size Outsider (Good)

Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp)

Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 claws + 10 melee, or greatsword + I 01+5 melee
Damage: Claw Id6+2, greatsword 2d6+3/ 19- 20
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft .
Special Attacks: Combat confusion, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 101+ I, immunities (electricity, petrification),
resistances (acid 10, cold 10, fire 10), outsider traits, shadow blend, SR 18
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will + II
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff + 17, Diplomacy + 15, Disguise + 17, Escape Artist + 11 , Hide + 11 , lntimidate +5,
Listen + 13, Move Silently + 1I, Read Lips + 10, Sense Motive + 17, Spot + 13
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will

CIimatelTerrain: Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 9- 16 HD (Medium-size); 17- 24 HD (Large)

Spies, scouts, and infiltrators of the higher planes, the bene ishim are tasked with learning
and defusing the plans of the forces of evil. Their missions take them deep into fiend-
infested regions, often pitting them against foes with access to much greater power and
numbers than the bene ishim can call upon. These celestials, however, are adept at turning
evil against itself. They strive to keep demons and devils warring against one another, turn the
servants of evil against their masters, and keep the forces of good out of as many pitched battles
as possible. Bene ishim are also quite adept at removing items of power from the hands of evil
individuals, cloaking their acquisitions in abjuration magic, and then bringing the stolen devices to other
good beings for use or destruction.

A bene ishim's body is highly malleable-a fact that makes this celestial particularly well suited for
its role in misdirecting the forces of evil. In its normal state, a bene ishim looks like a stereotypical
servant of evil. Standing approximately 5 feet tall, it resembles a slender, ruddy human male with
dark hair and a clo ely trimmed goatee. Small horns protrude from its forehead. A bene ishim
usually wears a cloak of black or crimson and affects as sinister an appearance as possible. Unless
confronting a powerful individual who is known to be capable of seeing its true form, a bene ishim usually disguises
itself further while on missions, often appearing as a particular sort of demon or devil.

Because they move so freely and regularly between planes on their spying and misinformation missions, bene ishim often come into contact with
mortal adventurers and other agents of good. Although they seldom reveal their true natures, the bene ishim often subtly direct such groups toward
evils that they are capable of defeating. When such a ploy results in an actual victory over evil, the bene ishim try cover the trail of the mortal
heroes and pin the blame for the event on one or more unidentified celestials, to prevent the forces of evil from retaliating against the adventurers.

Bene ishim usually strive to avoid combat. Only when their disguises are penetrated or when there is no solution other than a direct
attack by the forces of good do these celestial spies resort to physical confrontation. When they do engage in combat, they make crafty
antagonists, using their confusion ability, their powers of stealth and disguise, and their other powers in various ruses designed to make evil
turn on itself. Even when confronted directly, bene ishim can often avoid combat by relying on their exceptional talent for disguise.

Combat Confusion (Su): Any evil creature that attempts to attack a bene ishim must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or direct the attack
against another target instead. Combat confusion is a mind-affecting ability.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-alter self, change self, detect evil. detect magic. invisibility (self only) misdirection; 3/day-confusion.
obscure object. sending. Caster level 8th; save DC 13 + spell level.
Celestial Traits: A bene ishim can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Outsider Traits: A bene ishim has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions other than full daylight, a bene ishim can disappear into the shadows, gaining nine-tenths
concealment. Artificial illumination-even from a light or continual./fame spell-does not negate this ability, but a daylight spell does .

Skills: A bene ishim gains a +6 racial bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Sense Motive checks.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Medium-Size Outsider (Good)

H it Dice: 13d8+52 (llO hp)

Initia tive: +11
Speed: 30 ft., fiy 60 ft. (good)
AC: 34 (+7 Dex, + 17 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 27
Attacks: +3 keen rapier +22/+ 171+12 melee, or + 1
mighty composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +21 1
+ 161+ II ranged
Da mage: +3 keen rapier I d6+ 12/crit 12- 20, + I
mighty composite longbow (+4 Str bonus)
Face/R eac h: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of menace, spell-like
abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Bardic knowledge,
bardic music, celestial traits,
consummate performer, DR 151
+3, dual vocal chords, immunities
(e lectricity, petrification), magic circle
against evil, outsider traits, quicken song,
SR 26, teleport without error
Saves: Fort + 12, Ref + 15 , Will + 13
A bilities: Str 23, Dex 24, Con 19, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +24, Concentration + 16, Decipher Script + I 0,
Diplomacy +26, Escape Artist + 15, Gather Lnformation + 18,
Hide + 15, Lnnuendo + 13, lntimidate + 10, Knowledge (arcana)
+ 12, Knowledge (the planes) + 12, Listen + 15 , Move Silently
+ 15, Perform +28, Sense Motive + 15, Spellcraft + 14, Spot + 15
Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Initiative,
Quicken Spell-Like Ability

C limatelTerrain : Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary or pair
C hallen ge Rating: 15
Treasure: Double coins, no goods, standard items
Alignm ent: Always good (any)
Adva ncement: 14-21 HD (Large); 23- 39 HD (Huge)

The choralia, archons from the upper realm s, are thought to be the most gifted
musicians in existence. Some scholars speculate that these bardic angels once taught
mortals the art of music, while others say these archons are the physical embodiments
of music itse lf. The truth remains a mystery, even to the choralia.

Unlike most of their celestial brethren, the choralia don't appear all that angelic. Each stands a mere 5 feet tall
but appears to weigh about 300 pounds. Its ruddy skin stands in stark contrast to its pale hair. A choralia sports no wings, and although it
can fl y as gracefully as any solar if the need arises, it prefers to walk. A typical choralia wears simple robes si milar to those of a monastic
order. It sings or hums constantly and tends to mix snatches of song into its conversation.

These plump and jolly angels radiate feelin gs of joviality and pleasure, but they are not to be trifled with. Though they are fierce warriors
and potent spellcasters, the most powerful weapon these celestials wield is their music. Choralia are capable of using any musical
instrument in existence, and their vocal range is unmatched by any other creature. Furthermore, each choralia can sing two melodies at
once, thanks to its dual set of vocal chords. Legend holds that in ancient times, some choralia could produce all the sounds ofa symphony
orchestra from their bodies while singing multipart harmony.

Choralia speak Celestial, Common, Draconi c, Dwarven, and Gnome.

Choralia seem to flow into combat as easily as one note slides into the next in a song. Since each angel sings a nearly nonstop string of
melody all the time, it's difficult to tell when the casual song ends and the battle song begins. Whenever choralia enter combat, they first use
their dual vocal chords to double their bardic music capabilities. While doing so, they typicall y fly into the air so that they can follow up
with spells or bowfire. When challenged to melee combat, they joyfully draws their rapiers and charge, singing a martial battle cry as they

Aura of Menace (S u): A righteous aura surrounds any choralia that fights or becomes angry. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot radius
of the angel must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) or take a - 2 penalty on attacks roll , AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits
the choralia generating the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that choralia's aura for one day.
Chapter Three: Celestials
SpelJ-Like Abilities: At will-detect evil, discern lies, hypnotism, prayer, sculpt sound, sending, sound burst; 3/day-emotion, healing
circle, mass charm, restoration; IIday- dominate monster, greater dispelling, repulsion, shout, true seeing, word of recall. Caster level
14th; save DC 18 + spell level.
SpelJs: A choralia can cast arcane spells as a 15th-level bard (spells known 6/4/4/4/4/3; spells/day 4/6/5/5/5/3; save DC 18 + spell level).
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A choralia can use the bardic knowledge ability as a 20th-level bard.

Bardic Music (Su): A choralia can use bardic music abilities as a 20th-level bard. Furthermore, when using its dual vocal chords ability, it
can employ bardic music effects twice per round (see below).
Celestial Traits: A choralia can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves aga inst poison.
Consummate Performer (Su): A choralia can automatically play any instrument or sing any part of a vocal piece after either studying the
instrument or music for I round or listening to the music performed for I minute.
Dual Vocal Chords (Su): Each choralia has two sets of vocal chords. This unique anatomical feature enables it to harmonize with itself,
possibly while playing an instrument, and to use its bardic music ability twice per round. A choralia can choose to produce the same
bardic music effect twice in a round (two uses of the countersong ability, for example) or use two different bardic music abilities (such as
fasci nate and suggestion) in the same round. This use of the dual vocal chords ability is a full-round action, but the choral ia can maintain
both bardic music effects as a free action each round thereafter, up to the duration of the individual effects (for example, countersong can
sti ll be maintained for only 10 rounds). The choralia can use its quicken song abi lity (see below) on only one bardic music effect per round;
activating the second requires a standard action. Therefore, a choralia typically begins combat with one quickened bardic music effect
and one standard action. The following round, it quickens another bardic music effect and takes another standard action. Thereafter, it can
maintain both bardic music effects until they independently expire.
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A choralia is always surrounded by an effect that functions like the magic circle against evil spell (caster
level equal to the choralia 's Hit Dice). The effect can be dispelled, but the choralia can create it again during its next tum as a free action.
The defensive benefits of the magic circle are not included in the statistics above.
Outsider Traits: A choralia has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Quicken Song (Su): Once per round, a choralia can activate a bardic music ability as a free action. Furthermore, it can use this ability in
the same round as it uses its Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat, quickening both one bardic music effect and one spell-like ability per round. .,«:
" tu
Otherwise, it is limited to one free action that involves activating an ability per round.
Teleport without Error (Su): At will, a choralia can produce an effect similar to that of the teleport without error spell (caster level 14th),
except that the angel can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.
SkiJls: A choralia receives a +4 racial bonus on Perform checks.
'f~ , I
, I

Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 6d8+ 12 (39 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 17
Attacks: Huge greatsword +9/+4 melee
Damage: Huge greatsword 2d8+4/ 19- 20
FacefReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Inspire, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Bless, celestial traits, DR 10/+ I, immunities (electricity, petrification), outsider traits, oversize weapon handling,
resistances (acid 5, cold 5), SR 16
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con IS , lnt ll , Wis IS , Cha 14
Skills: Diplomacy + 12, Knowledge (any two) +8, Listen + I 0, Sense Motive + 10, Spot + 10
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
ClimatelTerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or sq uad (3- 5)
ChalJenge Rating: 5
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 7- 12 HD (Medium-size); 13- 18 HD (Large)
Often described as warrior 's muses, ebeith-ebeils inspire mortal and celestial warriors alike to new heights of battle prowess. These angels
whisper praises to bolster lagging faith and persuade reluctant champions of good to undertake new perils by telling tales of epic battles.
Occasionally, they even bestow weapons of power on exceptionally accomplished heroes to aid them in upcoming battles. Because their
Chapter Three: Celestials
primary role
is one of
rather than
direct confrontation, ebeith-ebeils
often appear in mortal realms before, rather
than during, important confrontations or moments of choice in
an individual's life. When they do appear, they seldom remain long.
Nevertheless, those they inspire typica lly count such meetings among
the turning points of their lives.

Upon cursory inspection, an ebeith-ebeil could pass as a beautiful

human woman. It wears a long, brilliantly white cloak over a silvery
gown, and delicate silver and gold jewelry adorns its wrists, neck,
and fingers. Although only slightly taller than the average mortal
woman, an ebeith-ebeil carries an immense silver sword. Though
a larger creature such as an ogre or giant would need two hands
to wield such a massive weapon, the ebeith-ebeil twirls it
effortlessly in one hand during battle.

Although there are far mightier servants of

good, few are more involved in the
affairs of mortals than ebeith-ebeils.
These angels work tirelessly
• ~ .... ~ .. ~. to help mortals avoid
temptation, rise above
their perceived limits,
and make choices that
inspire other creatures to take the path of
good, however difficult it might be. Much is
made of evil beings that deal in the temptation
, and seduction of good creatures, but ebeith-

, ~'t
•• ebeils are, in their own way, just as effective
at inspiring evil or selfish creatures to rise above their past
choices and join the fo rces of good.
1..1. "
~ ," Combat
Although their primary role involves inspiring others to fight against
evil, ebeith-ebeils gladly enter combat themselves whenever they
t '. see an opportunity to prevail over those they know to be evil.
Ebeith-ebeils are intelligent and aware enough to realize
that many demons, devils, and other servants
of evil are more powerful than themselves,
and their willingness to fight does not make
-'S.fJ. E'/1X. them foolhardy enough to engage foes that
obviously outmatch them. But when faced with
opponents they believe they can defeat, ebeith-
ebeils are ruthless, determined warriors.

Ebeith-ebeils prefer melee combat. When they decide to engage the enemy directly, they typically set an example for the forces of good
by appearing wherever the fighting is thickest, swinging their massi ve blades rapidly and with surprising grace. When fighting in larger
confrontations, ebeith-ebeils make good use of their bless ability, striding across the battlefield from foe to foe and blessing their allies each
round as they move.

Inspire (Su): Once per day, as a full-round action, an ebeith-ebeil can inspire one good creature within 30 feet , granting it the benefits of
the sublime template (see Appendix II: Templates) for one hour. A target that does not wish to receive this benefit may attempt a Will
saving throw (DC 15) to negate the effect.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-aid, cure moderate wounds, divineJavor, true strike. Caster level 6th; save DC 12 + spell level.

Bless (Sp): Once per round, an ebeith-ebeil can produce a quickened bless effect as a free action. This ability otherwise function s like the
spell of the same name (caster level 6th).

Celestial Traits: An ebeith-ebeil can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Outsider Traits: A ebeith-ebeil has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Oversize Weapon Handling (Ex): An ebeith-ebeil can treat any weapon as though it were two size categories smaller than it actually is for
the purpose of wielding it.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Huge Outsider (Good, Incorporeal)

Hit Dice: 25d8+ 175 (287 hp)

Initiative: + 17
Speed: Fly 90 ft. (perfect)
AC: 32 (- 2 size, + 13 Dex, + II deflection), touch 32, flat-footed 19
Attacks: 2 divine fire tendrils +35 melee touch
Damage: Divine fire tendril IOd6 holy
FaceIReach: lOft. by 10 ft.l l5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of menace, aura of might, divine fire ,
quickened spell-like abilities, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Air mastery, all-around vision, celestial traits,
DR 40/+5, immunities (electricity, fire, petrification),
incorporeal subtype, magic circle against evil, outsider
traits, resistances (acid 20, cold 20), spell absorption, SR
Saves: Fort +21 , Ref +27, Will +24
Abilities: Str - , Dex 36, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 26, Cha 32
Skills: Animal Empathy +36, Concentration +32, Diplomacy
+40, Hide +33 , Knowledge (any eight) +33, Listen +35,
Move Silently +38, Search + 12, Sense Motive +33 , Spot
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground

Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 26-50 HD (Huge); 51 - 75 HD (Gargantuan)

Eternals are such pure embodiments of virtue that they are

almost outside morality. Only the most powerful champions of
good and the most learned sages even know of their existence.
The mighty eternals ring the homes of the Lords of Good,
providing protection and support, and they rarely journey
beyond those sanctified places. It is said that the eternals were
ordered long ago by those same gods to hold themselves in
reserve for one great struggle that is yet to come. Whether or
not such a specific trial awaits them, the eternals are willing to
act whenever the need is great.

An eternal resembles a glowing golden cluster of twelve wings.

Its very body radiates power, light, and purity, and few can
stand within the radiance of its presence without being moved.
An eternal is never still, and it rarely even touches the ground,
preferring to remain in constant flight. Its wings shed brilliant light
and reflect the light given off by its other wings, so its body is never
in shadow.

When accompanied by other powerful celestials such as solars or

planetars, etemals usually let their companions speak on behalf of the celestial host. They are often found in the retinues of high-ranking angels
on mighty missions- three eternals hovered beside the archangellblis when he put down the uprising of the Divs (see malakim on page 43,
and Appendix I: Archange[s). But although they supported his missions as an archangel, these eternals did not fall with Iblis, as some of his
followers did. In fact, of all the celestial kinds, only the eternals and the malakim have never had any of their number fall into evil.

it is a rare and powerful foe that can even harm an eternal, much less triumph against one. Even one eternal is enough to rout whole armies
of evil creatures. But although they easily rank among the most powerful celestials, etemals typically remain apart from the celestial host.
On rare occasions they accompany celestial armies, serving as advisors and powerful behind-the-scenes spellcasters rather than as captains
and generals. Only when an evil individual of great power takes the field does an eternal seek open combat. Etemals have fought dukes
of Hell, great demon lords, and other powerful champions of evil. [n a few cases, these paragons of goodness have directly opposed evil
deities and their avatars on the field of battle.

When moved to combat, etemals are direct and merciless. Because they are wise and perceptive beyond mortal understanding, eternals
make universally optimum choices in battle, destroying the most dangerous foes quickly, working effectively with all ies and underlings,
Chapter Three: Celestials
and anticipating enemy tactics with great accuracy. The most straightforward attack employed by eternals in combat involves striking with
tendrils of divine fire at the most powerful evil creature present while simultaneously using their quickened spell-like abilities to destroy
mUltiple lesser foes.

Aura of Menace (S u): A righteous aura surrounds any eternal that fights or becomes angry. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of
the eternal must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) or take a - 2 penalty on attacks rolls, AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits
the eternal generating the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that eternal's aura for one day.
Aura of Might (Su): The very presence of an eternal strikes terror into the hearts of its enemies. Any opponent must make a successful
Will save (DC 33) or be unable to attack the eternal with a melee weapon.
Divine Fire (Su): An eternal 's primary attack is its divine fire. A successful melee touch attack with a tendril of divine fire deals IOd6
points of holy damage. The eternal 's tendrils act as ghost touch weapons against both corporeal and ethereal creatures.
Quickened Spell-Like Abilities: At will- break enchantment, greater dispelling (usable as a counterspell if desired ), jireball, healing
circle, lightning bolt, searing light; 3/day- /reedom o/movement, invisibility purge. Caster level 6th; save DC 2 1 + spell level. These
abilities function like the quickened spells of the same names.

Once per round, an eternal can use anyone of the spell-like abilities given above as a free action, assuming that it has not yet used up its
daily uses of the selected ability. The eternal is limited to one quickened ability per round. If it so chooses, the eternal may also use any of
the above abilities without the quickening effect, as a standard action for the round.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active- detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing; at will- aid, bless,
commune, dimensional anchor, etherealness, greater scrying, holy smite, improved invisibility (self only), plane shift, resist elements;
3/da y-heal, power word blind, power word stun, prismatic spray, resurrection. Caster level 20th; save DC 21 + spell level. Always-active
effects can be dispelled, but the eternal can reactivate each as a free action, although doing so counts against its limit of one quickened
spell-like ability per round.

Air Mastery (Ex): Any airborne creature suffers a - I penalty on attack and damage rolls made agai nst an eternal.
All-Around Vision (Ex): An eternal can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Search and Spot checks,
and it cannot be flanked.

Celestial Traits: An eternal can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active) . It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Incorporeal Subtype: An eternal can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, + I or better magic weapons, spells, spell-l ike abil ities,
and supernatural abi lities. The creature has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks
made with ghost touch weapons. An eternal can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its attacks ignore natural armor,
armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. An eternal always moves silently and cannot be
heard with Listen checks ifit doesn 't wish to be.
M agic Circle against Evil (Su): An eternal is always surrounded by an effect that functio ns like the magic circle against evil spell (caster
level 20th). The effect can be dispelled, but the eternal can create it again during its next turn as a free action, although doing so counts
against its limit of one qui ckened ability per round. The defensive benefits of the magic circle are not included in the statistics above.
Outsider Traits: An eternal has darkvi sion (60-foot range). It cannot be rai sed or resurrected.
Spell Absorption (Ex): Whenever a spell fails to beat an eternal's spell resi stance, the creature gains hit points equal to the level of the
spell. These hit points are first applied to healing any damage that the eternal has taken. Any leftover hit points are treated as temporary hit
points, which expi re after I minute.

The Hallowed
The hallowed are celestials especially created to lead creatures who have committed evil deeds back to the path of virtue. After the fall and
punishment of the archangellblis (see Appendix I: Archangels), the Lords of Good realized that mortals and celestials alike needed a path
to redemption. Knowing that even the purest creatures are occasionally tempted to sin, the Lords of Good created the hallowed to notify
creatures when they begin to stray form goodness, point out the foll y of evil deeds, j udge and sentence those who have transgressed, and
provide a way to win back the favor of the Lords of Good.

Like most good creatures, the hallowed try to avoid combat if possible, but their very purpose puts them into contact and conflict with a
host of foes , ranging from good creatures starting to go wrong to powerful fiends and devils so dedicated to evil that there is little hope of
redemption. When combat is upon them, the hallowed attempt to subdue any foes that they know they can best. When faced with truly evi l
foes unlikely to be redeemed, the hallowed make every attempt to destroy them quickJy and efficiently.
T he Path of Redemption (Su): When a creature voluntarily agrees that it has strayed from the path of righteousness and wishes to
repent, a hallowed can summon the next most powerful kind of hallowed to move the creature along the path to redemption. Hallowed
accusers summon witnesses, who summon j udges, who summon penitents. Each such summoning requires a full-round action, and the
Chapter Three: Celestials
summoned creature remains in the area for up to one hour before returning to its home. This
summoning otherwise functions like other summoning abilities, except that summoned
hallowed can summon the next most powerful hallowed if the repenting creature
wishes to continue on the path to redemption .

Hallowed Accuser
Small Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (good)
AC: 18 (+ 1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 15
Attacks: 2 slams +8 melee
Damage: Slam Id4-1
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of innocence, voices of the wronged
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 5/+ I, immunities (electricity,
petrification), outsider traits, SR 15
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Diplomacy +4, Hide + 13, Knowledge (any two) +7, Listen +7, Sense
Motive +7, Spot +7
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam)

ClimatelTerrain: Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 5- 8 HD (Small); 9- 12 HD (Medium-size)
Hallowed accusers constitute the first step on the path to redemption. Though
less powerful than others of their ilk, they are still an important part of
the celestial hierarchy. Their task is one that many good creatures find
unpleasant--confronting wrongdoers with evidence of their crimes.
Sometimes this duty involves helping to prove the guilt of the irredeemable;
at other times it means showing a good or neutral creature how its actions affect a ~ I
larger group for ill. Once the creature knows its crime, the hallowed accuser must
begin to show what might be done to atone for the evil deeds in question.
Of the many servants of the higher planes that resemble humanoid children, only
the hallowed accuser regularly seeks confrontations with mortals. Each of these spirits of justified accusation resembles a white-robed
human boy with wide blue eyes and wispy blond hair. Few see its true visage however, because any creature that looks at a hallowed
accuser sees the image of a good creature that it has wronged or made to suffer. Although an accuser never speaks, the guilty cannot help
but hear those they have wronged imploring them to be merciful.
Despite the effectiveness with which they fulfill their appointed task, few hallowed accusers relish the thought of presenting a creature with
its crimes. As the guilty creature hears the cries of its victims, so too does the accuser. This effect serves to keep the accuser focused on
protecting those who cannot protect themselves, but it also causes the celestial great discomfort and turmoil.
Because they have so often heard the cries of good folk in pain or danger, hallowed accusers are particularly hardened against the
temptations of evil. This very resilience and dedication to good, however, often drives evil fiends to seek out accusers and attempt to seduce
them to evil.

A hallowed accuser can be surprisingly aggressive in combat, moving among its enemies to make maximum use of its voices of the
wronged ability and trusting its aura of innocence to protect it against at least some of the dangers presented by such bold tactics. When
confronting spellcasters or creatures with dangerous area attacks, hallowed accusers are careful to stand close together, so that the opponent
must make multiple saving throws to overcome their auras of innocence.
When confronted by mindless creatures or by opponents they know cannot easily be affected by their supernatural powers, hallowed
accusers are much more cautious. In such situations, they revert to more typical celestial tactics, such as flanking and defensive fighting.
When confronted by any foe that shows serious resistance to their powers of innocence and accusation, hallowed accusers are likely to flee
or seek aid from a more powerful good creature.
Aura ofInnocence (Su): A hallowed accuser has such an aura of innocence and purity that it takes an act of willpower to harm it. Any
creature attempting to attack a hallowed accuser or cast a harmful spell that might affect it must make a successful Will saving throw (DC
14) to do so. Failure indicates that the opponent must attack another target or cast the spell so that there is no possibility of harming the
hallowed accuser. This ability is always in effect. It can be dispelled, but the accuser can reinstate it as a free action.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Voices of the Wronged (Su): As a free action once per round, a hallowed accuser can cause all Intelligent creatures within 30 feet to hear
the cries of those creatures that they have unfairly wronged. Every creature within the area must make a Will saving throw (DC 14) or
become panicked. Success leaves a creature with 6 or more Hit Dice unaffected, but a creature with fewer Hit Dice is still shaken.
Celestial Traits: A hallowed accuser can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison .
O utsider Traits: A hallowed accuser has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Hallowed Witness
Medium-Size Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 8d8+ 16 (S2 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 wings +9 melee
Damage: Wing I d8+ 1
FaceIReach: S ft. by S ft./S ft.
Special Attacks: Confessing gaze, visions of guilt
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+ I, immunities (electricity, petrification),
outsider traits, resistances (acid 20, cold 20), SR 18, true seeing
Saves : Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +7
Abilities : Str 13, Dex 14, Con IS, lnt 16, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (any ten) + II ,
Sense Motive +9
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Climaterrerrain: Any land or
Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad
(3- S)
C haUenge Rating: 6
Treasure: No coins, double goods,
standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 9- 16 HD (Large); 17- 24 HD
Hallowed witnesses represent the second step
on the path to redemption. As the name suggests,
these celestials exist to show creatures which of their
deeds the Lords of Goods deem evil. In some cases, the
list is long and clear, but when it comes to mortals- those
beings with the most ability to make their own choices between good
and evil- subtleties of morality and belief can confuse even the most well-meaning
individuals. These are the cases in which hallowed witnesses are most valuable
because they provide a way for repentant individuals to learn about their misdeeds.
Many symbols of wisdom and truth are inspired by the appearance of the hallowed witness. This servant of good resembles a great, four-
winged, homed owl. Its feathers range from gray to dark brown, and these variations in color often form pleasing patterns of stripes or
concentric circles. Each of a hallowed witness 's wings has two joints along its length, which provide great strength and maneuverability in
flight. But few mortals remember much more than the creature's eyes, for its gaze carries the weight of truth and imparts a certainty that no
sin goes unnoticed.

The hallowed witnesses were brought into being in the instant that the Divs fell (see Appendix I: Archangels). Their creation was an
acknowledgement by the Lords of Good that something must be done to prevent the gradua l corrosion of sentient creatures' souls by the
forces of evil. Although they were the first of the hallowed, the witnesses ' powers were too limited to offer creatures who had already fallen
from virtue a way to redeem themselves. It was not until the fall oflblis, the archangel who had put down the Div uprising, that the Lords
of Good constructed a complete path ofredemption by creating the rest of the. hallowed.

Like other celestials, hallowed witnesses do not relish combat. They know, however, that they sometimes face too many evil creatures to
avoid it entirely.
10 battle, hallowed witnesses attempt to split their attacks among as many foes as possible. Unlike other celestials, who tend to concentrate
all their attacks on one foe until it is defeated, hallowed witnesses know that they can keep a relatively large number of foes out of the
combat with their visions of guilt ability. When confronting mindless opponents or foes to powerful to be affected by their incapacitating
touch attacks, hallowed witnesses revert to the grim efficiency of other celestials.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Confessing Gaze (S u): The gaze of a hallowed witness makes other creatures doubt themselves by forcing them to realize their sins.
Anyone within 30 feet of a hallowed witness who meets its knowing gaze must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15) or take a -4 morale
penalty on Will saves for the next 2d6 rounds.

Visions of Guilt (Su): Any creature touched by a hallowed witness (or hit by one of its natural weapons) must succeed at a Will save (DC
IS) or be dazed for Id4 rounds while its evil deeds, beginning with the most recent, replay themselves over and over again in its mind.
Visions of guilt is a mind-affecting ability.

Celestial Traits: A hallowed witness can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves aga inst poison .
Outsider Traits: A hallowed witness has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
True Seeing (Ex): This ability functions like the divine version of the true seeing spell (caster level 20th), except that it is always
active, cannot be dispelled, and does not go away in an antimagic field.

Hallowed Judge
Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: IOd8+40 (85 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 23 (- I size, +2 Dex, + 12 natural), touch II , flat-footed 21
Attacks : Huge +3 quarterstajf + 19/+ 14 melee
Damage: Huge +3 quarterstajfld8+13 plus paralysis
FaceIReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft.! 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Paralysis, spell-like abilities, zone of j udgment
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+2, immunities (electricity, illusion,
petrification), outsider traits, resistances (acid 10, cold 10), SR 21
Saves: Fort + II , Ref +9, Will + 12
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 21 , Cha 19
Skills: Climb + 17, Diplomacy +6, Jump + 17, Knowledge (any five) + 12, Listen + 15,
Sense Motive + 15, Spot + 15
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder
ClimatelTerrain : Any land or underground
Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C haUenge Rating: 9
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 11 - 20 HD (Large); 21 - 30 HD (Huge)
Hallowed judges represent the third step on the road to redemption.
Their task is to determine guilt or innocence and pronounce sentence
on evildoers. In most cases, the judgment is guilt and the sentence is
redemption by the more powerful hallowed penitent, but variations
do occur. Created to find the truth, hallowed j udges are extremely
difficult to deceive, and those attempting to do so always find the
judge's "sentences" harsher than do those who accept its j udgment
with more reserve and honesty.
Wrapped in an air of mystery that is unusual for a servant of
good, a hallowed judge is a tall, nearly featureless humanoid
shrouded from head to toe in gray robes. Its long, flowing
sleeves and deep enveloping hood shield all of its fles h from
sight. When it grips its staff of judgment, the same sleeves
that conceal its hands wrap around the staff and hide much
of it as well. In truth, these robes are as much a part of the
judge as the flesh underneath, for they help the creature
maintain the anonymity necessary to deliver an equitable
Although they appear featureless and remorseless, the
hallowed judges are greatly concerned with the fates of
mortals and celestials alike. Thus, they take great pains to root
out deception and evil in their early stages, and to prevent poor choices from leading an otherwise good creature into a harsher encounter
with a judge in the future. Whenever possible, hallowed judges seek to explain their actions to creatures that they must sentence, and they
always prefer reasoning to open confrontation. Nevertheless, hallowed judges know that creatures with evil or deceptive natures usually
seek to avoid punishment and redemption, and they have no tolerance for those who attempt to avoid their j ust fates .
Chapter Three: Celestials
In combat, a hallowed judge typically tries to isolate the strongest evil opponent and trap it within a zone of judgment. If it is unable to
do so, the hallowed judge still fights intelligently, flanking with other celestials whenever possible and using its holy smite ability to blind
groups of lesser evil foes. Hallowed judges feel it is their duty to protect weaker good creatures from harm, so they almost always position
themselves between such creatures and any opponents present.

Pa ralys is (Ex): Any creature hit by a hallowed judge's melee weapon attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 19) or be
paralyzed for I d6 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-analyze dweomer. detect evil, detect magic. discern lies. legend lore. see invisible. true seeing. zone of truth;
3/day-cure moderate wounds. holy smite. Caster level 10th; save DC 14 + spell level.
Zo ne of Judgment (S u): Once per day, a hallowed judge can create a zone of judgment with a I O-foot radius, centered on itself. Only one
other creature may be within the area at the time the zone is formed; otherwise the attempt fails and the daily use is wasted. Other creatures
attempting to enter this area are affected as ifby a repulsion spell (caster level 20th; save DC 19). Neither the judge nor the target creature
can leave this area for 10 rounds, or until the judge dismisses the effect (as a standard action). If the target creature is evil, the hallowed
judge deals an additional 2d6 points of holy damage with each successful melee attack against it while in the zone. In addition, the hallowed
judge can use all its spell-like abilities as free actions within this area, although it is limited to one such free action per round.

Celestial Traits: A hallowed judge can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Outsider Traits: A hallowed judge has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Hallowed Penitent
La r ge Outsider (Good, Incorporeal, Lawful)

Hit Dice: IOd8+20 (65 hp)

Initiative: +9
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
AC: 17 (- I size, +5 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 17, flat-
footed 12
Attacks: Incorporeal touch + 14 melee
Damage: Incorporeal touch paralysis
Face/Reac h: 10 ft. by 10 ft .1 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf, paralysis, torrent of
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 10/+3,
immunities (e lectricity, petrification),
incorporeal subtype, outsider traits,
resistances (acid 20, cold 20), SR 24
Saves : Fort +9, Ref + 12, Will + 12
Abilities: Str -, Dex 20, Con IS, Int IS, W1s 16, Cha 17
Skills: Diplomacy +5, Hide + II, Knowledge (any
five) + 12, Listen + IS, Move Si lently + IS,
Sense Motive + 13, Spot + IS
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lron Will
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 11 - 20 HD (Large); 21 - 30 HD (Huge)

The greatest of the hallowed and the last step on

the path to redemption, hallowed penitents embody
the twin ideals of fo rgiveness and j ust punishment.
These celestials travel the planes, often summoned
by hallowed judges to mete out justice or to give a
repenting creature a righteous path through which it can
atone for its sins. Hallowed penitents usually remain aloof
from the rest of the celestial host, much like the other hallowed,
and even the purest celestials fear being brought into the presence of a hallowed penitent to atone for some transgression.

A hallowed penitent has no true form , but it usually resembles a translucent whirlwind of electricity and sacred fire. Mortals looking upon it
often see images of themselves in the middle of this vortex, writhing in the purging flame. As the penitent moves close to a solid surface, sparks
and tiny arcs of electricity brush along its surface, making it appear to emerge from the ground, wall, or whatever surface it is near. Whenever
the penitent wishes to appear less foreboding (when imparting a few final words of wisdom to a newly redeemed creature, for example), it pulls
much of the fire and electricity into itself so that it looks more like a benign source of radiance than a torrent of holy energy.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Although there are certainly more powerful celestials, few have done as much to bring wayward creatures and evildoers back to the side of
good as the hallowed penitents. The torrent of retribution that they use to change the ways of wrongdoers is justly feared among the forces of
evil. But even though they are tasked with the just punishment of many creatures, hallowed penitents are not cruel. They may allow a creature
that has committed only minor sins to atone through less painful means, provided they are certain that it really intends to correct its ways.

[n combat, a hallowed penitent attempts to isolate and incapacitate opponents so that it can offer them a chance to be redeemed rather than
simply destroying them. Like most celestials, however, hallowed penitents are quite intell igent, and they are adept at determining which
foes are too steeped in evil ever to seek redemption. Though demons, devils, and other evil outsiders may be offered the chance to tum to
the side of good, few ever do so, and hallowed penitents do not hesitate to destroy the ones who do not truly want redemption.
Engulf (Ex) : A hallowed penitent can simply move over a single creature up to one size category smaller than itself as a standard action.
The target can make either an attack of opportunity against the hallowed penitent or a Reflex save (DC 17) to avoid being engu lfed . A
successful saving throw indicates that the target has been pushed back or aside (target's cboice) as the hallowed penitent moves forward.
An engulfed creature is considered grappled and trapped within the hallowed penitent's body and is subject to the penitent's paralysis and
torrent of retribution abilities on that round and every round thereafter that it remains trapped. The penitent can expel a trapped creature as
a standard action. This attack affects only one creature at a time. [f a penitent successfully engulfs a new creature before expelling one that
was already trapped, the old prisoner is pushed out of its body to make room for the new one.

Paralysis (Ex): A creature hit by a hallowed penitent's incorporeal touch attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or be
paralyzed for I d6 rounds.

Torrent of Retribution (Su): An evil creature trapped within the body of a hallowed penitent experiences almost unbearable pain in
retribution for its wrongdoing. Each round that it remains trapped, it must make a choice between the following options:

I) Take 5d6 points of holy damage.

2) Voluntari ly change the evil component of its alignment to good, receive the benefit of an atonement spell, and adopt the reforged
template (see Appendix U: Templates).

Should the creature choose the latter option, it is expelled from the penitent's body when the celestial is satisfied that the al ignment change
is done. The penitent then directs the creature to a reforging site to complete its promise. Good and neutral creatures do not take damage
from this abil ity, although they can choose to receive the atonement, and neutral creatures can choose to become good.

Celestial Traits: A hallowed penitent can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th,
always active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Incorporeal Subtype: A hallowed penitent can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, + 1 or better magic weapons, spells, spell-
like abilities, and supernatural abilities. The creature has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force
effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. A hallowed penitent can pass througb solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its
attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. A hallowed penitent
always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn 't wish to be.
Outsider Traits: A hallowed penitent has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Small Outsider (Fir e, Good)
Hit Dice: 8d8+ 16 (52 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed : 20 ft., fly 40 ft . (good)
AC: 22 (+ 1 size, +4 Dex, +5 natural , +2 leather armor), touch 15 , flat-footed 18
Attacks: Dagger +9/+4 melee and dagger +9 melee, or mighty composite shortbow (+2 Str bonus) +13/+8 ranged
Damage: Dagger I d4+2/ 19- 20, dagger Id4+ 11 19- 20, mighty composite shortbow (+2 Str bonus) I d6+2/x3
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Meteoric strike, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 5/+ I, fire subtype, flame weapon, immunities (electricity, fire , petrification), outsider traits
Saves: Fort +8, Ref + I 0, Will +6
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration + 13, Escape Artist + 15, Hide + 19, Intimidate +8, Listen + 11 , Move Silently + 15 , Spot + 11
Feats: Ambidexterity, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting

Climate/Terrain : Any land and underground

O rga nization: Solitary, wing (4--12), or squadron (15-40)
C hallenge Rating: 7
Treasure: No coins, standard goods, standard items
Alignment: Always good (any)
Ad va ncement: 9- 13 HD (Small); 14--24 HD (Medium-size)
Chapter Three: Celestials
Inferities are celestials closely related to the element of fire. Highly communal, they tend
to associate only with one another when not engaged in some celestial battIe. Their small,
ash-gray homes in the upper realms are built to accommodate only creatures of a like
size, a fact that discourages other beings from seeking their company. When recruited as
part of an army, however, inferities jump at the opportunity to participate.
An inferity resembles a wiry halfling with long, straight, gray hair and coal-black skin.
The internal temperature of its body is close to that of an open flame. This internal
combustion sometimes reveals itself in a flicker of flame from the creature's mouth
as it speaks, and an occasional reddish glow behind its eyes. A typical inferity wears
light armor and carries a pair of sharp daggers, a shortbow, and a quiver of arrows.
Battle is the only place that an inferity's typically surly demeanor changes.
The babbling and screaming from an excited squadron of these creatures often
disconcerts opponents as much as their meteoric strikes do.
lnferities speak Celestial and [gnan.

An inferity usually begins combat with a meteoric strike.
Thereafter, it uses the Quick Draw feat to draw its weapons,
triggers its flame weapon ability, and rushes into battle, using
spell-like abilities to supplement its weapon attacks. lnferities
usually try to fight in groups, flanking opponents in the air and
on the ground. They show no fear in battle, chattering and screeching at enemies
throughout the fight.
Meteoric Strike (Su): Once per day, an inferity that begins its tum at least 100 feet
above the ground can perform a meteoric strike. To do so, it must use a run action to
move down, straight at the ground. When it hits the earth, a burst of flame erupts from
the point of contact, affecting every creature in the area as though it were a fireball
(caster level 10th; Reflex DC 16 half). The inferity takes no damage from the dive,
even though it does not slow down before impact.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-continualjlame. detect evil, detect magic,
protectionfrom evil; 3/day-cure moderate wounds; 1/day-<limension door,
dispel magic, fire shield (warm only). Caster level 8th; save DC 12 + spell level.
Celestial Traits: An inferity can speak with any creature that has a language as
though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always active). lt also has low-light
vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Fire Subtype (Ex): An inferity is immune to fire damage but takes double damage from cold unless a saving throw for half damage is
allowed. In that case, the creature takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure .
Flame Weapon (Su): Three times per day, as a free action, an inferity can ignite a weapon it is wielding to grant it the flaming special
ability. A flaming weapon deals an additional Id6 points offire damage per successful strike. This effect lasts for I round per Hit Die of the
inferity (8 rounds for the typical inferity).
Outsider Traits: An inferity has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Large Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: IOd8+30 (75 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 33 (- I size, +3 Dex, + 16 natural, +5 breastplate), touch 12, flat-footed 30
Attacks: Huge +3 falchion + 18/+ 13 melee, or 2 slams + 15 melee
Damage: Huge +3falchion 2d6+12/ 18- 20, slam Id8+6
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft '/ I ft.
Special Attacks: Magnetism, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, divine fire, DR 101+2, immunities (electricity, petrification), outsider traits, resistances (acid 20, cold 20,
fire 20), SR 22, turn blow, unfallen
Saves: Fort + 10, Ref + IO, Will + 17
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 16, lnt 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Skills: Appraise + 11 , Climb + 12, Craft (any three) + II , Diplomacy +5, Jump + 12, Knowledge (any two) + II , Sense Motive +20
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack
Chapter Three: Celestials
ClimatelTerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 11 - 20 HD (Large); 21 - 30 HD (Huge)

The malakim, otherwise known as the Unfallen, are members of an ancient genie-race known as the Divs. Of all the div tribes, only the
malakim refused their caliph's call to rebel against the Lords of Good (see History ofIblis in Appendix I: Archa ngels). When the day of
battle came, the malakim fought on the side of the archangels against their own people. The celestial host won the day, and the rebellious
Divs were cast out of the upper realms and scattered among the planes.

For their faithfulness, the malakim were named the Unfallen and offered a place among the celestials they had come to aid, an offer they
readily accepted. Little else was immediately forthcoming in the way of thanks, for the Lords of Good expected loyalty and did not feel it
worthy of reward. But the archangel Gabriel, who had fought beside the malakim on the battlefield and seen the anguish and remorse they felt
over their part in the fall of their own people, disagreed. He interceded with the gods on behalf of the stoic genies, and at last they were granted
a special reward for their loyalty- the ability to fuse the power of the celestial host with their own fiery souls to create weapons of divine fire.

Since they did not rebel against the gods, the malakim retain the gifts of the celestial order, but they have willingly discarded the beauty of
the heavens as a mark of the shame that the other Divs brought upon their race. Standing nearly 12 feet tall, a malakim resembles a hairless,
broad-shouldered humanoid with metallic skin, heavy muscles, and a grim countenance. Each malakim carries a great falchion and wears
patchy armor made of thick, heaven-wrought steel (equivalent to a breastplate), with heavy metal vambraces on its forearms.
The malakim, having seen the great folly of their people and having drawn weapons against their own kind, are at best stoic and at worst
unsympathetic or even callous. They have little time or patience for the mortal races, viewing the troubles that came after the fall of the
Divs as important matters, but matters to which others must attend. They feel that their primary duty is to redeem their brethren or, if the
other Divs cannot repent their arrogance, to destroy them utterly. When dealing with members of another race, malakim are abrupt and
perfunctory, although they will usually aid another good creature if pressed.

Considering their history, it is no surprise that the malakim harbor an unusual hatred for oathbreakers. These celestials regard treason or
breaking a bond ofloyalty as the highest crime an intelligent being can commit.

Malakim speak Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, and Draconic.

. "j
1 ....1
The malakim face conflict with grim resolution, determined to destroy their .,
foes in the least amount oftirne possible. The Unfallen never speak
while fighting, but they do appear to listen intently-a fact that
leads sages to wonder whether they hear the voices of their
fallen brethren calling out to them in agony whenever
they fight. Whatever the cause of their silence, these
.. I

unfallen Divs present a curious paradox on the
battlefield: They clearly hate combat, yet they
never shirk from physical confrontations, and
they always seek to engage and destroy the most
powerful evil creatures opposing them.

In combat, a single malakim typically

surrounds the foe it most wants to engage
with a wall of fire , then closes to take
advantage of its prodigious melee combat
prowess. Fueled by inner turmoil, an
Unfallen never hesitates to use its divine fire
ability, lashing out quickly and often to destroy
enemies. When a group of malakim is hard
pressed in battle, half of its members are careful
to save their wall offire and invisibility abilities in
order to facilitate the group's escape.

Magnetism (Su): Originally the smiths of the Divs,

the malakim have a deeper understanding of metal
than any mortal could hope to acquire. Because
its being resonates so strongly with metal, a
malakim gets a free disarm attempt against
any creature that successfully strikes it with a
melee weapon made wholly or partially of metal
(including wooden-hafted weapons with metal tips,
such as axes and spears). This disarm attempt does not
provoke an attack of opportunity and does not count as an
attack of opportunity made by the malakim. This attempt
occurs after the attacker's first successful strike has been
Chapter Three: Celestials
resolved, so it does not prevent damage to the malakim from that attack. It may, however, prevent the attacker from making mUltiple attacks
if the disarm attempt is successful. The malakim may make one such disarm attempt per foe per round.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will- producejlame, pyrotechnics; IIday-detect magic, enlarge, invisibility, wall offire. Caster level 18th; save
DC 13 + spell level.
Celestial Traits: A malakim can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Divine Fire (Su): As a symbol of their fortitude and steadfast courage, the malakim were granted the use of divine fire by the Lords of
Good after Gabriel's intercession. An Unfallen 's ability to call upon this power is limited only by its own fortitude. As a free action, a
malakim can infuse its weapon with fire and holy energy. Each attack made with the affected weapon on the round that this ability is used
deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage and an extra 2d6 points of holy damage. Should the malakim score a critical hit with the affected
weapon, this extra damage is not doubled. A malakim can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Constitution bonus (three
times per day for the typical malakim). The effect lasts only I round.

Outsider Traits: A malakim has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Turn Blow (Ex): Once per round , when struck by a melee attack from a creature up to one size category larger or smaller than itself, a
malakim can attempt to deflect the blow with its vambraces. To use this ability, the malakim must make an attack roll at its highest attack
bonus. If the result is higher than that of the attack made against it, the blow is harmlessly deflected. Using this ability counts as one of the
malakim 's attacks of opportunity for the round. Touch attacks cannot be deflected in this manner.

Unfallen (Ex): Because of its tribe's traditional loyalty, a malakim gains a +8 bonus on Will saving throws and a +8 bonus on Sense Motive checks.

Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)
,,t Hit Dice: 15d8+60 ( 127 hp)
Initiative: +2

, Speed: 80 ft.
AC: 27 (- I size, +2 Dex, + 16 natural), touch II , flat-footed 25
Attacks: 2 claws +22 melee and bite +20 melee
f Damage: Claw I d8+8, bite I d6+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft.!10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake 2d6+4
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 15/+3, immunities (electricity,
petrification), outsider traits, resistances (acid 20, cold 20), roar
of courage, scent, speak with animals, SR 24
Saves: Fort + 13, Ref + ll , Will + 10
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 11 , Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +23, Hide + 13, Jump +23, Listen + 16, Move Silently + 17, Search +15,
Spot + 16, Wilderness Lore + 16
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack
ClimatelTerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 16-30 HD (Large); 31-45 HD

Although many animals suffused with the

might of the heavens and the grace of the
celestial host wander the upper realms, several great
Lords of Good have fashioned celestial servants in their
own images. Metteron, lord of aU animals in heaven,
is one such god, and his mightiest children are the
winged, lionlike mettarums.

Made in the image of Metteron himself, a mettarum

looks like a noble, silver lion with large, luminous wings.
Unlike its lord, the mettarum lacks a mane and has the
efficient build of a lioness in the mortal realm. Its claws and fangs
are as hard and pure as mithral, and its body ripples with lean muscle.
The silver lions of the heavens are prone to bluster and full of bravado, but they are also implacable foes of evil that inspire terror in
their foes. In times of peace, however, mettarums are kind and gentle-in fact, they are among the most beloved of the celestials because
Chapter Three: Celestials
of their beautiful appearance and kindly, honest demeanor. When they have the opportunity, mettarums cultivate great wild gardens of
incredible diversity and beauty in the planes where they dwell.

As hunters and mounts of the celestial host, mettarums appear in the mortal realm relatively frequently compared to other celestials of
similar power. The silver lions hold good druids in high regard because they help to ensure the safety and peacefulness of wild lands. On
the other hand, evil druids and other despoilers of the wild have few foes more dedicated than the winged lions of Metteron.
Mettarums speak Common, Celestial, and Sylvan.

Fierce and anxious for action, the mettarums often serve the celestial host as scouts and skirmishers, an arrangement that suits their pack
hunting mentality quite well. These fearless and focused celestials go to great lengths to protect good creatures that are weaker than
themselves, and this protection extends to many animals and other neutral but peaceful creatures as well. Mettarums charge into combat
with no hesitation, pouncing on the most dangerous foes present. If numbers favor them, the pouncing mettarurns try to bear even foes
more powerful than themselves to the ground while their comrades surround the area. In such a group action, one or two mettarurns keep
the opponent pinned, while the others tear and rake at it. When outnumbered, mettarums use their pounce ability to make multiple attacks
during each round of a running battle.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a mettarum hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack, it deals normal
damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +27). If it gets a hold, it
can attempt to rake in the same round. Thereafter, the mettarum has the opportunity to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its jaws
to hold the opponent (- 20 penalty on grapple check, but the mettarum is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple
check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals bite damage and allows another rake attempt.

Pounce (Ex): If a mettarum charges, it can make a full attack (including a rake attempt, see below) even though it has moved.
Rake (Ex): On any round that a mettarurn has a hold on an opponent (see Improved Grab, above), it can make two rake attacks (+22 melee)
with its hind legs for 2d6+4 points of damage each. The mettarurn can also attempt to rake when it pounces on an opponent.
Celestial Traits: A mettarurn can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
O utsider Traits: A mettarum has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Roar of Courage (Ex): Once per hour, a mettarum can unleash a roar of courage as a standard action. This inspiring sound grants each ally
within 100 feet who can hear the mettarum a +2 morale bonus on saving throws and attack rolls for I minute. The roar of courage is a sonic,
mind-affecting ability.

Scent (Ex): A mettarum can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes , and track by sense of smell.
Speak With Animals (Su): A mettarum can speak with animals as though under the effect of the spell of the same name (caster level 20th).
This ability is always in effect. It may be dispelled, but the mettarum can initiate it again as a free action.

Medium-Size Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: + I
Speed: 20 ft. (with armor); base 30 ft.
AC: 2 1 (+2 natural, +7 half-plate, +2 large steel shield), touch 10, flat-footed 21
Attacks: Spear of the sun +5 melee
Damage: Spear of the sun Id6+2/x3
FaceIReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 5/+ I, formation fighting, immunities (electricity, petrification), outsider traits, resistances (acid 10,
cold 10), spear of the sun, SR 13
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, lnt II , Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Diplomacy +7, Heal +7, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats: Iron Will
ClimatelTerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: I
Treas ure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 4-9 HD (Medium-size)
Paladriels, also known as the footsoldiers of light, are some of the most loyal and organized servants the Lords of Good have at their
disposal. Drawn from the ranks of newly fallen soldiers who served a just cause, they lack the might that other celestials wield, but they
Chapter Three: Celestials
know their duty and serve the heavens
well when called. In fact, these
heavenly footsoldiers, blessed by
the archangel Raguel, form the
backbone of the celestial host.
Among the first signs that the Lords
of Good are about to unleash their
righteous wrath is the stirring
of the armor-clad boots of the
paladriel legions.
A paladriel resembles a human
soldier shielded from head to toe
in armor of brilliant white steel.
The visor of its helmet always
remains closed, so that the paladriel
is effectively faceless. The tabard
that covers its armor is also white,
save for one symbol of the individual's
sacrifice- the emblem of the cause
that particular soldier served in life
is blazoned in red on the front. Each
paladriel carries a spear fashioned
entirely of light, which is known as a
spear of the sun.
Although they most often function as
footsoldiers, paladriels frequently join
forces with large mounts, usually
kranoms (see C hapter Fou r: Creatures
of the Upper Planes). In such situations,
several paladriels man a battle platform
on the mount's back, while a more
powerful celestial controls the creature.
Because of their relatively low power
and sheer numbers, paladriels are easier
to summon than most other celestials.
Consequently, they are encountered
more frequently in the mortal realms.
Although they are polite and helpful to
other good creatures, paladriels often seem distant or
distracted to noncelestials. This air of detachment stems from
the fact that paladriels know their real purpose lies in battling
devils and other denizens of the lower planes, so they rarely tocus all of their attention on single mortals.
Paladriels speak Common and Celestial.

The paladriel is the embodiment of lawful war. Every inch the soldier of good, a paladriel is an honorable and courageous fighter, even if it
sometimes lacks innovation or imagination. When given an order, the paladriel always sees it through.
Considering their lawful nature, it is no surprise that paladriels are among the most disciplined and efficient fighting forces in the
multiverse. Usually accompanied by more powerful celestials, the footsoldiers of light excel at providing controlled formations from which
more powerful or more mobile creatures can launch attacks or cast spells. Knowing that spel1s and other large area attacks represent the
greatest danger to any group fighting in close formation, paladriels do abandon their tight-knit groups when necessary. When confronted by
a spel1caster or a creature with powerful area attacks, paladriels often shift to fighting in pairs or in groups of three.
Celestial Traits: A paladriel can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spel1 (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Formation Fighting (Su): Paladriels are so adept at fighting in formation and covering one another 's vulnerable areas that when two of
them are adjacent, neither can be flanked. In addition, whenever a paladriel using a Smal1 or larger shield ends a turn adjacent to another of
its kind, each of them gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class. These benefits end when the adjacent paladriels are separated.
O utsider Traits: A paladriel has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Spear of the Sun (Su): This signature weapon of the celestial footsoldier is a halfspear that sheds light in a 60-foot radius, as though
affected by the daylight spel1 (caster level 5th), so long as it remains in the pal adriel's hands. This light may be dispelled, but the paladriel
can reactivate it at will as a standard action.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Large Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 80 ft., fiy 80 ft. (average)
AC: 16 (- I size, + 2 Dex, +5 natural), touch II , flat-footed 14
Attacks: 2 hooves + 10 melee
Damage: Hoof I d8+4
FacefReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, DR 5/+ I, immunities
(electricity, fire , petrification), outsider traits,
resistances (acid 20, cold 20), speed of the
heavens, SR 15
Saves : Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha II
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Hide +8, Listen + II, Move Silently
+ 12, Spot + II
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Cli : Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 2
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral good
Adva ncement: 6-15 HD (Large)

Penneroths are beautiful horses made of pure divine flame

that roam in great he rds through the upper realms. These creatures commonly
serve as messengers for the celestial host or as mounts for units of celestial cavalry. Though
cava lry units do little to improve mobility in a celestial army (since most of its more powerful
members can teleport anyway), units ofpenneroth-mounted warriors do make powerful strike
forces. Such units are especially effective against massed hordes of lesser evil creatures.
The noble penneroth burns with sacred white flame. Its mane, tail, and hooves are composed entirely of this fire , while the rest of its body
fades from white to silver and back again depending on its mood. Legend holds that the nightmare was crafted in demented mockery of the
penneroth, and indeed the two species resemble each other a great deal. As might be expected, however, where the nightmare is horrid and
dangerous, the penneroth is beautiful and honorable.
Herds of penneroths roam the outskirts of the celestial realms, enjoying the freedom and beauty of the heavens and remaining ever vigilant
for any sign of incursion by the forces of the lower planes. Whenever such a herd finds something amiss, its fastest members immediately
set off to warn nearby celestials.
Penneroths speak Celestial, Common, and Ignan.

As the messengers of the heavens, penneroths place far more importance on finishing tasks and delivering messages than on righting
wrongs or engaging in honorable battle. When alone or accompanying other fleet creatures, a penneroth invariably runs rather than fighting.
Even when accompanying good creatures, a penneroth is likely to flee a confrontation, leaving its companions to fend for themselves, rather
than fail to deliver its message.
Although it may be willing to serve as a mount for another good creature, it expects to be treated as befits an intelligent being filled with the
blessings of the celestial realms. Thus, it is considered polite to let the celestial steed choose its own course in battle, unless it offers its rider
full control.
Burn (Ex): Any creature that is hit by a penneroth 's slam attack (or that hits the penneroth with a natural weapon or an unanned attack)
must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 16) or catch fire . The fire burns for I d4 rounds.
If desired, the penneroth can, as a standard action, grant another creature the ability' to mount it or touch it without taking this fire damage.
This damping effect remains in force with respect to that creature and that penneroth until the latter dies or dismisses it (a free action).
Celestial Traits: A penneroth can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Outsider Traits: A penneroth has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Speed of the Heavens (S u): When it has an urgent message to deliver or must make a hasty escape, a penneroth can call upon tremendous
reserves of strength and travel at a greatly increased rate. Once per day, each of these celestial steeds can call upon divine energy as a
standard action, doubling each of its speed ratings. In times of great strife, units ofpenneroth cavalry race to a battle with the speed of the
heavens. Such a use ofthe penneroths' divinely gifted speed usually signals that desperate times are at hand.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Penneroths as Mounts
A paladin of 8th level or higher can call a penneroth as a mount. The penneroth gains the normal enhancements for serving as a paladin 's
mount, and it increases in power as the paladin rises in level , according to the description of a paladin 's mount in the Player s Handbook.
When serving as a paladin's mount, a penneroth is not expected to be a celestial messenger, nor is it willing to abandon its paladin
companion in favor of completing an assigned task.

Large O utsider (Chaotic, Good, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 14d8+28 (91 hp)
I nitiative: +7
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
AC: 21 (- I size, +7 Dex , +5 deflection), touch 21 , flat-footed 14
Attacks : 2 slams +20 melee touch
Damage: Slam 2dl0
FacelReach: 10 ft. by 10 ft .110 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of menace, burn, enhanced holy smite, spell-like
abilities, wisp of freedom
Special Qualities : Celestial traits, corporeal attacks, DR 10/+3,
Enchantment awareness, freedom of movement, immunities
(electricity, petrification), incorporeal subtype, outsider traits,
resistances (acid 20, cold 20), SR 25
Saves: Fort + 13, Ref + 18, Will + 14
Abilities: Str - , Dex 24, Con 15, lnt 15, Wis 16, Cha 21
Skills: Diplomacy +7, Hide + 17, Knowledge (any five) + 16, Listen + 17,
Move Silently +21 , Sense Motive + 17, Spot + 17
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Spring Attack
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 13
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 15- 28 HD (Large); 29-42 HD (Huge)
Seraphyls embody the ideals of freedom , free will, and chance in equal
proportions. These incorporeal creatures of light and hope are so fiercely and purely
focused on freedom as the highest form of good that even other celestials have a
difficult time understanding their views. To a seraphyl, there is no greater crime than imprisonment, no greater evil than
slavery, and no greater foe than one who attempts to restrict the freedoms of others.
As much as they enjoy the peace and freedom of the higher planes, seraphyls cannot help but disdain the rigid hierarchy of most other
celestials. Their dedication to freedom first and compassion second sometimes brings seraphyls into conflict with the lawful hierarchy of
the upper realms, and a few have openly opposed planetars, solars, and even a few of the archangels. Nevertheless, the seraphyls remain
devoted to the cause of good. Whenever possible, they work to obtain the freedom of others through peaceful means rather than through
force .
A seraphyl has little in the way of physical form- it is a living repository of divine energy. The creature's incorporeal form seems to be
composed entirely of tendrils of light and fire. A seraphyl often seems to sway, as if moved by some invisible breeze. The light it sheds
is hardly soothing; in fact, it is deadly in its own right, buming as easily as it illuminates. When seen from a safe distance, a seraphyl
resembles a clump of hazy strands of luminous mist, arranged in small clouds.
Although they are dedicated to freedom above all else, seraphyls know that some evil cannot be reasoned with, and some creatures cannot
be allowed loose in the world. When faced with a choice between caging and destroying a creature of evil, a seraphyl invariably chooses
the heavy-handed path of destruction, finding it more merciful than the other option. Although this dedication to freedom can seem harsh
at times, it has also made the seraphyls the most beloved celestials in many cultures. Oppressed and enslaved beings on countless worlds,
upon appealing for aid from the higher realms, have often found their deliverance in the form of a cadre of seraphyls bent on bringing
freedom at any cost. One might think that their opposition to mightier celestials and their extreme dedication to freedom would push some
seraphyls into evil extremes of anarchy, but in fact very few of these free-willed celestials have ever been cast out of the higher realms.
Because their chaotic nature makes them too intractable to serve reliably, seraphyls have no place in the celestial army. When the host
musters for battle, a few curious seraphyls are usually drawn along, but none fit in with the ordered ranks of the celestial legions. When
formations of the lawful paladriels march to battle, a few seraphyls might flit above them, but the scions of freedom heed their own whims
as often as they follow the commands of the archangels.
Seraphyls speak Common, Celestial , and Auran.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Seraphyls abhor captivity, slavery, and beings who infiinge on the individual freedoms of good creatures. When confronted by such conditions, they
strive to free those held unfairly. Seraphyls prefer to free captives and release the imprisoned rather than engage in direct confrontation, but if no other
course obviously leads to the freedom of the imprisoned, these celestials do not hesitate to join in battle. Tactically, seraphyls are wild cards, choosing
their opponents seemingly at random. If there is any method to their combat style, it is to take advantage of their great speed by moving so that at most
one opponent can attack at a time. Since they are incorporeal, seraphyls favor making spring attacks that begin and end within solid objects.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds any seraphyl that fights or becomes angry. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of
the angel must succeed at a Will save (DC 22) or take a - 2 penalty on attacks roll , AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits the
seraphyl generating the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that seraphyl's aura for one day.

Burn (Ex): Any creature that is hit by a seraphyl's slam attack (or that manages to hit the seraphyl 's incorporeal form with a natural weapon
or an unarmed attack) must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 22) or catch fire. The fire burns for I d4 rounds .

Enhanced Holy Smite (S u): A seraphyl can release a burst of positive energy, centered on itself, that deals IOd6 points of damage to every
nongood creature within 20 feet (Reflex DC 22 half). Any evil creature caught in the burst is also blinded for 1 round if it fails this saving
throw. A seraphyl can use this ability three times per day, but never more than once every 4 rounds .

Spell-Like Abilities: At will- break enchantment, freedom, freedom of movement, knock, teleport without error (self only). Caster level
13th; save DC IS + spell level.

Wisp of F reedom (Su): Instead of making a normal attack, a seraphyl can, as a standard action, infuse its entire form with motes of divine
energy that deal damage to creatures passing through it. The seraphyl can use this ability as an attack by moving through other creatures
while it is in effect. Every creature it passes through during a move action (or any creature that moves through the seraphyl on its own) must
make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 22) or take 2d6 points of holy damage. Regardless of the result of this save, that creature is immune to
this damage for the rest of the round, even if the seraphyl passes through it again. Wisp of freedom is usable at will and lasts for I round.

Celestial Traits: A seraphyl can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster leve l 14th, always

active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves aga inst poison.

Corporeal Attacks (Su): When a seraphyl 's tendrils slam into flesh , they become momentarily corporeal, allowing the creature to deal
normal damage yet still ignore the opponent's armor. Thus, the seraphyl makes slam attacks as melee touch attacks. Creatures hit by a
seraphyl's slam attack are also subject to burn damage (see above). '
.. 'r\'
Enchantment Awareness (Su): A seraphyl is instantly aware of all Enchantment effects affecting creatures within a 60-foot radius. This
ability otherwise functions like the detect magic spell, except that it reveals only Enchantment effects.

Freedom of Movement (Ex): A seraphyl always moves as if affected by the freedom of movement spell. This ability functions exactly like
the spell except that it is always active and is not magical in nature (thus, it cannot be di spelled, and is not suppressed in an antimagicfield).
t'd •
a,\J ~
Incorporeal Subtype: A seraphyl can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, + 1 or better magic weapons, spells, spell-like I,
abilities, and supernatural abilities. The creature has a SO% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects
or attacks made wi th ghost touch weapons. A seraphyl can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its attacks ignore natural
armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. A seraphyl always moves silently and
cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be.

Outsider Traits: A seraphyl has darkv ision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Feats: A seraphyl gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

Lar ge Outsider (C haotic, Good)

Hit Dice: 24d8+ 168 (276 hp)

Initiative: +9
Speed : 80 ft. (with armor); base 120 ft.
AC: 44 (- I size, + I Dex, +20 natural, + 10 [+2fiill plate armor], +4 [+2 large shieldJ), touch 10, fl at-footed 43
Attacks: Large +4 holy heavy lance +38/+33/+28/+23 melee, or Huge +2 mighty composite longbow (+S Str bonus) +29/+24/+ 19/+14
Damage: Large +4 holy lance 2d6+ 16 plus 2d6 holy/x3 , Huge +2 mighty composite longbow (+S Str bonus) 2d6+7/x3
FacefReach: S ft. by 10 ft J I 0 ft.
Special Attacks: Charge of valor, spell-like abi lities
Special Qualities: Adrenaline boost, celestial traits, DR IS/+4, focused movement, immunities (electricity, petrification), outsider traits,
regeneration 10, resistances (acid 20, cold 20), SR 30
Saves: Fort +21 , Ref + 19, Will + 18
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 21 , Con 24, Int 13 , Wis 14, Cha 27
Skills: Concentration +34, Diplomacy +39, Intuit Direction +29, Jump +33 , Listen +29, Sense Motive +29, Spot +29, Swim +39
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Chapter Three: Celestials
Climaterrerrain: Any land or underground
Organization : Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
C hallenge Ratin g: 18
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Adva ncement: 25-48 HD (Large); 49- 72 HD (Huge)

The mighty valorums are the scions of valor and courage. These celestial knights-errant thunder across the skies of the upper realms,
seeking the evils that others fear to confront. Va lorums undertake noble, impulsive quests, strive to protect the freedoms of others, and
crusade against evil whenever possible.

A valorum resembles an immense armored centaur, standing up to 15 feet at the shoulder. It is covered from head to toe in shining plate
armor decorated with elaborate symbology and runes. A valorum 's armor is an intensely personal expression of its ideals, and the most
prominent element among the symbols that cover it is always a great shield, emblazoned with the symbol of the good power that particular
valorum serves.

Valorums are quick to join any crusade against evil, but such service is always on their own terms. Although they are mighty servants of
good, valorums serve in the celestial host only as free-roaming cavalry or individual scouts. These creatures often enter combat before
the bulk of the host because they tend to ferret out scouts and spies from the fo rces of evil. In times of peace, valorums tum to poetry and
philosophy, often seeking out the wisest and most artistically gifted mortals to inspire.

Few events on the battlefield strike as much fear into the black hearts of demons and devils as the charge of a valorum
unit. These celestial crusaders charge into battle, crushing foe after foe with spell and lance, with no thought for ordered
ranks or coordinated group tactics. Despite the disorderly appearance of their combat style, however, valorums are smart
and tactically gifted warriors. Their seemingly chaotic charges wreak havoc among their foe , both because they deal
tremendous amounts of damage and because individual valorums carefully target the foes most likely to be destroyed or
disrupted by the charge.
A valorum is particularly dangerous when it carries another powerful celestial (such as an astral de va or planetar) as a rider.
tn such cases, it is often the valorum, not its rider, who leads.
Spell-Like Abilities: Always active-detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. Caster
level 20th; save DC 18 + spell level. At will-aid, air walk, continua/flame, cure moderate
wounds, improved invisibility (self only), holy smite, lesser restoration; 3/da y-divine Javor,
flam e strike, heal; I/day- mirac/e. Caster level 18th; save DC 18 + spell level. Always-
active effects can be dispelled, but the valorum can reactivate one every round as a free
C harge of Valor (Ex): A valorum gains the following special advantages when
using the charge action in combat.
Spirited Charge: When wielding a lance, a valorum deals triple damage, as if it
were a mounted creature wielding a lance and using the Spirited Charge feat.

Burst oJSpeed: When using the charge action, a valorum may

move up to three times its base speed before making its attack.
Ride-By Attack: A valorum may move and
attack as a standard action and then move again
(continuing the straight line of the charge), as ifit
had the Ride-By Attack feat. When the creature
attacks in this manner, its total movement may
not exceed three times its base speed. The valo-
rum does not provoke an attack of opportunity
from any opponent it attacks with this ability.
Adrenaline Boost (Ex): This ability allows the
valorum to take one extra partial action during
its tum. It may use this ability a number of
times per day equal to its Constitution bonus
(nine times for an average valorum), but no
more than once per round.
Celestial Traits: A valorum can
speak with any creature that
has a language as though
using a tongues spell (caster
level 14th, always active). It
also has low-light vision and a +4
racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Chapter Three: Celestials
Focused Movement (Ex): A valorum can take a partial action at any point during a move action. It cannot take a second move action
during a round when it uses its focused movement ability. A valorurn usually uses this ability to move before and after it uses a spell-like
ability during combat.

Regeneration (Ex): A valorum takes normal damage from acid, and also from unholy weapons of at least +4 enhancement.
Outsider Traits: A valorum has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.

Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)

Initiative: + 12
Speed: 80 ft.
AC: 17 (- I size, +2 Dex, +6 natural),
touch II , flat-footed IS
Attacks: 2 hooves +5 melee and butt +0 melee
Da mage: Hoof Id6+3, butt Id8+1
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./Sft.
Special Attacks: Charge
Special Qualities: Celestial traits, immunities (petrification), outsider
traits, readiness, resistances (acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13 , Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills: Jump +9, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Improved Initiative

Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)
Challenge Rating: I
Treas ure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful good •
Advancement: 4-9 HD (Large) '.
Like the more powerful penneroths, zel-achars occasionally serve as messengers of the ",
., ~
heavens, but these creatures are more often encountered as mounts for small groups of celestial cavalry. In fact, much of the celestial realm is
patrolled by swift-moving units of paladriel cavalry mounted on zel-achars. Although they are thinking, self-aware creatures, the zel-achars 'WIp.I j

know that they can best help the cause of good by carrying out the orders of more powerful celestials and by serving as steeds in battle. •• t Wi ,~
"t\! • ~
A zel-achar is a tall, staglike creature with silver antlers and a searching, intelligent countenance. Were its coloring less striking and its bearing less
noble, it might be able to pass for a mortal elk or deer. Gifted with exceptional speed, a zel-achar looks ever ready to run, even when standing still. \• •
Curious and forgiving, zel-achars enjoy brief excursions through the mortal realm, so they are happy to be summoned there. They bond
readily with other good creatures and serve willingly as mounts for paladins (see below). A ze l-achar in the mortal realm may also be
willing to follow a good adventurer as a cohort or companion.

Zel-achars do not speak, but they understand Celestial and Common.

Zel-achars are brave and intelligent in battle. Although they most often serve as mounts for units of paladriel cavalry, they are quite capable
of fighting on their own. Whether they are carrying riders or not, groups of zel-achar move in swift uni son and can break into a charge at a
moment's notice.
Charge (Ex): A zel-achar typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its horns into play. In addition to
the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this tactic allows the zel-achar to make a single butt attack that deals I d8+4 points of damage.

Celestial Traits: A zel-achar can speak with any creature that has a language as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th, always
active). It also has low-light vision and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against p.oison.

Outsider Traits: A zel-achar has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Readiness (Ex): A zel-achar moves with a speed that few can match, gaining a +6 racial bonus on initiative checks.

A paladin of 5th level or higher can call a zel-achar as a mount. The zel-achar gains the normal enhancements for serving as a paladin's
mount, and it increases in power as the paladin rises in level, according to the description of a paladin's mount in the Player 50 Handbook.
When serving as a paladin 's mount, a zel-achar is not expected to be a celestial messenger, nor is it willing to abandon its paladin
companion in favor of completing an assigned task.
.,. Chapter Four .,.
The creatures presented in this chapter are not celestials, but they are native to the upper realms. A few of them can be summoned using the
various summon monster spells, as detailed in C hapter Two, but some are simply too powerful to answer the call of any mortal.

Celestial Dragons
Among the most ancient and powerful good creatures in the multiverse, celestial dragons are winged, reptilelike creatures that have the
innate ability to manipulate magic. Gifted with both physical and magical might, celestial dragons embody various intangible aspects of
life, such as music or dreams.

These dragons gain power as they age, just as their counterparts in other planes do . Only the most powerful celestial dragons have enough
spell casting ability to travel between planes, but plenty of opportunities exist for mortals to interact with them nevertheless. The guidelines
provided for the Leadership feat (see the DMG) can be expanded to allow characters to call celestial dragons as cohorts, or paladins might
call younger ones as mounts. A particularly powerful character might even have had a celestial dragon as a mentor at some point in his or
her personal history.

Because they spend most of their time in the higher realms, celestial dragons rarely enter combat. Occasionally, however, they can be roused to
action by a powerful foe or by the entreaties of other good creatures, and sometimes they agree to join the ce lestial host to fight a powerful evil
force . Once stirred to combat, celestial dragons are among the most deadly combatants of the upper realms. They fight much like their Material
Plane counterparts, using their magic and powerful breath weapons to control the environment and weaken a group of foes , then closing to
deliver powerful physical attacks. But because they detest combat, celestial dragons almost never attempt to draw out a fight- they use their
magic to enhance their own abilities and then concentrate on one foe at a time, eliminating the evil creatures they face as quickly as possible.

Celestial dragons use the same face and reach , size-based attacks and damage, breath weapon dimensions, frightful presence, dragon
immunities, keen senses, feats , and overland movement parameters as the dragons described in the MM

S kills: Like other dragons, each celestial dragon starts with 6 skill points per Hit Die, plus bonus points equal to its Intelligence modifier
times its HD. It can purchase the fo llowing skills at I rank per Hit Die: Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Search. The remaining skill points
are generally spent on Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (any), and Scry, at a cost of I skill point per rank. The above skills count as
class skills for any celestial dragon . Celestial dragons also have the Spellcraft skill and the Jump skill for free at I rank per Hit Die.

S pells: Unlike other dragons, a celestial dragon knows and casts spells as an avatar of the level indicated in its description. It gains bonus
spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: A celestial dragon 's spell-like abilities depend on its age and kind. It gains the abilities given for its age category plus
all previous ones and uses its age category or its avatar caster level, whichever is higher, as the caster level for those effects. The save DC is
10 + the dragon's Charisma modifier + spell level.

Dream Dragon
Dragon (Chaotic, Good)

C limaterrerrain : Any
Organization : Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: so litary or clutch (2- 5); adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient,
wyrm, or great wyrm : solitary, pair, or family (1 - 2 plus 2- 5 offspring)
C hallenge Ratings: Wyrmling 6; very young 8; young 10; juvenile 12; young adult 15; adult 17; mature adult 20; old 22; very old 23 ;
ancient 25; wyrm 26; great wyrrn 28
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: Wyrmling 10-11 HD (Medium-size); very young 13- 14 HD (Large) ; young 16-- 17 HD (Large); juvenile 19- 20 HD
(Large); young adult 22- 23 HD (Huge); adult 25- 26 HD (Huge); mature adult 28- 29 HD (Huge); old 31 - 32 HD (Gargantuan); very
old 34- 35 HD (Gargantuan); ancient 37- 38 HD (Gargantuan); wyrrn 40-41 HD (Colossal); great wyrm 43+ (Colossal)

Unlike most denizens of the upper realms, dream dragons are creatures of the night. Formed from the dreams of good creatures, they have
physical bodies but need no sustenance other than that provided by the dreams of mortal creatures. Like other dragons, dream dragons
collect treasure, favoring magic items that let them peer into the minds of others.

In its true form , a dream dragon resembles a silver dragon with strange and chaotic patterns of color swirling beneath its scales. Any time it stands
still, it begins to slip back into the half-realm between wakefulness and dream. At such times, it appears indistinct and only half-present. As it gets
older, a dream dragon spends more and more of its time in the Ethereal Plane, only rarely taking on a physical presence on the Material Plane.

Among the most curious of all dragon species, dream dragons are free-willed and at times capric ious, surprising those they meet with their
calm and simple approach to life. Unlike most other dragons, dream dragons enjoy the company of other creatures, and they surround
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Table 4-1: Dream Dragons by Age

Attack Fort Ref Will Breath Fear
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Bonus Save Save Save Weapon DC SR

Wynnling M 9d 12+27 (85) 18 (+8 natural) , + 13 +9 +6 +9 2d 12 ( 17) 17 18

touch 10, flat-footed 18
Very young L 12d12+36 (114) 20 (- I size, + II natural), + 17 + 11 +8 + 11 4dl2 (19) 19 20
touch 9, flat-footed 20
Young L 15d 12+60 (157) 23 (-I size, + 14 natural), +22 + 13 +9 + 13 6dl2 (21) 21 22
touch 9, flat-footed 23
Juvenile L 18d 12+90 (207) 26 (-I size, + 17 natural), +27 + 16 +11 + 15 8dl2 (24) 23 24
touch 9, flat-footed 26
Young adult H 21 d 12+ 105 (241) 28 (-2 size, +20 natural), +29 + 17 + 12 + 17 IOdl2 (25) 25 27
touch 8, flat-footed 28
Adult H 24d 12+ 144 (300) 31 (- 2 size, +23 natural), +33 +20 + 14 + 19 12dl2 (28) 27 29
touch 8, flat-footed 31
Mature adult H 27d12+ 189 (364) 34 (- 2 size, +26 natural ), +38 +22 + 15 +22 14dl2 (30) 30 32
touch 8, flat-footed 34
Old G 30d I 2+240 (435) 35 (-4 size, +29 natural), +40 +25 + 17 +25 16dl2 (33) 33 34
touch 6, flat-footed 35
Very old G 33d12+297 (511) 38 (-4 size, +32 natural), +44 +27 + 18 +27 18dl2 (35) 35 35
touch 6, flat-footed 38
Ancient G 36d 12+360 (594) 41 (-4 size, +35 natural), +48 + 30 +20 +30 20d 12 (38) 38 37
touch 6, flat-footed 41
Wynn C 39d 12+429 (682) 40 (- 8 size, +38 natural), +48 +32 +21 +32 22dl2 (40) 40 38

Great wynn C 42d 12+5 04 (777)

touch 2, flat-footed 40
43 (- 8 size, +41 natural), +53 +3 5 +23 +35 24d l 2 (43) 43 40 .,•
touch 2, flat-footed 43

themselves with friends and companions whenever possible. Although dream dragons are as devoted to good as any other creature from the
celestial realm , they seem to prefer the company of mortals to that of celestials and other creatures from the higher realms .

Dream dragons hate night hags and other creatures that threaten mortals
while they dream . Some say that the night hags stole
their dream haunting ability from a dying dream
dragon, trapping some of its essence
in an artifact of great evil called the
Heartbane, which they then used to
forge their heartstones. Many dream
dragons quest for Heartbane, which
is rumored to be hidden somewhere
deep within the Ethereal Plane. Other
dream dragons spend their time
protecting dreaming mortals from
night hag attacks and hunting the foul
creatures on both the Material and the
Ethereal Planes.

Dream dragons approach combat with
the same capriciousness and vibrant
spirit that they bring to any other task,
but that fact doesn't make them any
less dangerous than other dragons.
Although dream dragons seldom
prepare in advance for combat, their
ability to retreat to the Ethereal Plane
when desired provides them with a refuge
in case the tide of battle turns against
them. Should the need arise, dream
dragons can be fearsome opponents
of evil, for they can stalk the selfish, the
amoral, and the depraved through their dreams.
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Table 4-2: Dream Dragon Abilities by Age

Age Speed Str Dex Con Int Wis C ha Special Abilities Level

Wyrmling 60 ft., fl y 200 it (poor) 19 10 17 16 17 16 Immun ities (cold, electricity) -

Very young 60 ft., fl y 200 ft (poor) 23 10 17 16 17 16 -
Young 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 27 10 19 18 19 18 DR 5/+ 1 1st
Juvenile 60 ft., fl y 200 ft (poor) 31 10 21 18 19 18 Dream 3rd
Young adult 60 ft., fl y 200 it (poor) 33 10 21 20 21 20 DR 10/+ 1, dreamshape (dream haunting) 5th
Adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 35 10 23 20 21 20 Ethereal jaunt 7th
Mature adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 39 10 25 24 25 24 DR 20/+2, dreamshape (dreamwalk) 9th
Old 60 ft., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 41 10 27 26 27 26 Detect thoughts 11th
Very old 60 ft., fly 250 ft (clumsy) 43 10 29 28 29 28 DR 30/+3, 13th
Ancient 60 ft., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 45 10 31 30 31 30 Etherealness 15th
Wyrm 60 ft., fly 250 ft (c lumsy) 47 10 33 32 33 32 DR 40/+4, dreamshape (dream prison) 17th
Great wynn 60 ft., fly 250 ft (cl umsy) 51 10 35 34 35 34 Holy breath 19th

Breath Weapon (Su): A dream dragon has two breath weapons: a cone that combines electrical and cold energy, and a cone of sleep gas. The first
of these deals damage according to Table 4-1 , below, with half the damage coming from electricity and the other half from cold. Any creature
caught within the second breath weapon's area must succeed at a Will save or fall asleep, regard.less ofHD, for Id6 rounds plus I round per age
category of the dragon.

Dreamshape (Su): A dream dragon has considerable power over sleep and dreams. In addition to its powerful , sleep-inducing breath
weapon and its spell-like ability to communicate through dreams, a dream dragon can actually shape the dreams of other creatures. It gains
new dream shape abilities as it advances in age, according to Table 4-2. A dream dragon can use dreamshape three times per day, regardless
of its age category. Each of the following abilities counts as one daily use of the dreamshape ability.

Dream Haunting: A young adult or older dream dragon can visit the dream of evil individuals through will alone. To do so, it must
first visit the Ethereal Plane using its ethereal jaunt or etherealness spell-l ike ability. While ethereal, the dream dragon spends I
round concentrating on the target, draining its health away. The sleeper suffers from tormenting dreams for the rest of the ni ght
and takes I point of Constitution drain upon awakening. A sleeper whose Constitution core is reduced to 0 dies. Unlike the cruel
torment that night hags visit on their victims, dream haunting always offers the victim a way out. Each night, as the dream comes to

Table 4-3: Glory Dragons by Age

Attack Fo r t Ref Will Breath Fea r
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Bonus Save Save Save Weapon (DC) DC SR

Wyrmling L IOd12+30 (95) 18 (- I size, +9 natural), + 14 + 10 +7 + 10 2d l 2 (18) 18 19

touch 9, flat-footed 18
Very young L I3d 12+52 (136) 2 1 (- I size, + 12 natural), + 19 + 12 +8 + 12 4dl2 (20) 20 21
touch 9, flat-footed 21
Young L 16d12+80 (184) 24 (- I size, + 15 natural), +24 + 15 + 10 + 14 6d 12 (23) 22 23
touch 9, flat-footed 24
Juvenile H I 9d 12+95 (2 18) 26 (- 2 size, + 18 natural), +28 + 16 + 11 + 16 8d 12 (24) 24 25
touch 8, flat- footed 26
Young adult H 22d12+ 132 (275) 29 (- 2 size, +21 natural), +31 + 19 + 13 + 18 IOdl2 (27) 26 28
touch 8, flat-footed 29
Adult H 25d12+ 175 (337) 32 (- 2 size, +24 natural), +35 +21 + 14 +21 12dl2 (29) 29 30
touch 8, flat-footed 32
Mature adult G 28d I 2+224 (406) 33 (-4 size, +27 natural), +38 +24 + 16 +24 14dl 2 (32) 32 33
touch 6, flat-footed 33
Old G 3 1dl 2+279 (480) 36 (-4 size, +30 natural), +42 +26 + 17 +26 16d 12 (34) 34 35
touch 6, flat-footed 36 .
Very old G 34d1 2+340 (56 1) 39 (-4 size, +33 natural), +46 +29 + 19 +29 18dl2 (37) 37 36
touch 6, flat-footed 39
Ancient C 37d1 2+396 (630) 38 (- 8 size, +36 natural), +45 +3 1 +20 +3 1 20dl 2 (39) 39 38
touch 2, flat-footed 38
Wynn C 40d I 2+480 (740) 41 (- 8 size, +39 natural), +51 +34 +22 +34 22d 12 (42) 42 39
touch 2, flat-footed 41
Great wynn C 43d 12+559 (838) 44 (- 8 size, +42 natural), +56 +36 +23 +36 24d1 2 (44) 44 41
touch 2, flat-footed 44

Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes
an end, the dreamer is shown a way to redeem itself and atone for the evil
acts that it has committed. This path always involves an alignment shift to
good and requires specific good acts that are tailored to the dreamer 's past Dream Prison
deeds. Should the victim choose to act on such an option, the dream dragon C harisma Score Time Needed to Escape
ceases haunting its dreams as long as it remains on the path of atonement
that was offered. 2 or below 2d4 minutes
3 I d6 minutes
Dreamwalk: A mature adult or older dream dragon can travel through the 4--5 Id4 minutes
stuff of dreams, covering great distances in a short time. When it moves at 6-8 5d4 rounds
its normal speed through the dream realm, it covers three times the normal 9- 12 4d4 rounds
distance with respect to the Material Plane. While in the dream realm, the 13- 15 3d4 rounds
dragon always knows where it wou ld be on the Material Plane if it were to 16-17 2d4 rounds
emerge. A dream dragon can take one additional willing creature per age 18+ Id4 rounds
category along on a dreamwalk.

Dream Prison: A wyrm or great wyrm dream dragon can create an extradimensional manifestation of another creature's dreams and
trap it there. The trapped creature must navigate the labyrinth of its own subconscious before it can return to the Material Plane. The
time it takes to escape depends on the victim's Charisma score, as given on the table below. This ability otherwise functions like the
maze spell (caster level 18th).
Holy Breath (Su): Once a dream dragon attains the great wyrm age
category, it can convert all the damage from its energy-based breath
weapon to holy damage (with no energy descriptor), if desired.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-delecllhoughls, dream, etherealness;

3/day- elhereal jaunt.

Glory Dragon
Dragon (Good)

Climaterrerrain: Any
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young
adu lt: solitary or clutch (2- 5); adult, mature adult, old, very old,
ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2- 5
C hallenge Ratings: Wyrmling 7; very young 9; young II ; juvenile 13 ;
young adult 16; adu lt 18; mature adult 21 ; old 23 ; very old 24;
ancient 26; wyrm 27; great wyrm 29
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always neutral good
Ad vancement: Wyrmling 11 - 12 HD (Large); very young 14--15
HD (Large); young 17- 18 HD (Large); juvenile 20-21 HD
(Huge); young adult 23- 24 HD (Huge); adult 26-27 HD
(Huge); mature adult 29- 30 HD (Gargantuan); old 32- 33 HD (Gar-
gantuan); very old 35- 36 HD (Gargantuan); ancient 38- 39 HD (Colos-
sal); wyrm 41-42 HD (Colossa l); great wyrm 44+ (Co lossal)

Born of beauty and song, glory dragons are among the purest expressions
of music in the multi verse. Some sages claim that these creatures actually
created music, and that it was they who taught music to the first of the

Though most creatures that encounter a glory dragon remember the sound
of its song long after they have forgotten its appearance, the creature is
nonetheless magnificent to behold. A glory dragon is covered in rich, steel-
bright scales, often tinged with a deep yet subtle shade of blue. Two huge
horns jut from its forehead, and its limbs and wings are all powerfully

Of all dragon species, glory dragons are the most social and the most
apt to treat individuals of other species as respected equals. [n fact, a glory
dragon usually lives in the center of a community, within a great house or palace rather than in a cavern complex or
other remote lair. Although this close association with other, less-powerful creatures mystifies even some of the other
good dragons, it makes glory dragons among the best-informed and best-protected dragons anywbere.

Glory dragons are kind and generous, and they often aid talented mortal musicians and artists who find themselves in danger. Although they are shrewd
and careful to verify a story before taking action, glory dragons are more easily moved to help other good creatures than most other dragons are.

When forced to fight, a glory dragon first uses its spells and dragonsong to enhance its own abilities and those of its allies. Because of its
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Table 4-4: Glory Dragon Abilities by Age

Age Speed Str Dex Con Int Wis C ha Specia l Abilities Level

Wyrmling 60 ft. , fl y 200 ft (poor) 21 10 17 16 17 16 Immunities (electricity, sonics) -

Very young 60 ft ., fl y 200 ft (poor) 25 10 19 18 19 18 Ghost sound -
Young 60 ft. , fl y 200 ft (poor) 29 10 21 18 19 18 DR 5/+ 1 1st
Juvenile 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 33 10 21 20 21 20 Silence 3rd
Young adult 60 ft ., fl y 200 ft (poor) 35 10 23 20 21 20 DR 10/+ 1, dragon song (inspire courage) 5th
Adult 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 37 10 25 24 25 24 Sculpt sound 7th
Mature adult 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 41 10 27 26 27 26 DR 20/+2, dragonsong (countersong) 9th
Old 60 ft ., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 43 10 29 28 29 28 Power word, stun 11 th
Very old 60 ft ., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 45 10 31 30 31 30 DR 30/+3, dragon song (inspi re greatness) 13th
Ancient 60 ft., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 47 10 33 32 33 32 Power word, blind 15th
Wyrm 60 ft., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 51 10 35 34 35 34 DR 40/+4, holy breath 17th
Great wyrm 60 ft ., fl y 250 ft (clumsy) 55 10 37 36 37 36 Dissonance aura , power word, kill 19th

great to lerance for and friendships with other good creatures, a glory dragon rarely travels alone, and its extensive network of followers,
informants, and companions ensures that it normally has the advantage over any foe in terms of information . When given time to prepare
for a battle, the dragon prepares both its location and its allies to maximum effect.

Glory dragons are often ca lled to fight as part of the celestial host. The younger ones act as hera lds and emi ssaries, while the older ones
serve as field commanders, using their increasingly powerful dragonsong abilities and spells to fortify the host.

,I,' .~
Breath Weapon (Su): A glory dragon has two breath weapons: a cone that combines sonic and cold energy, and a cone of stunning sound . The
first of these deals damage according to Table 4-3, below, with half the damage coming from sonics and the other half from cold. Any creature
caught within the second breath weapon 's area must succeed at a Fortitude save or be stunned, regardless of HD, for I d4+ I rounds.
,, ".1
Dragonsong: A glory dragon is a living embodiment of the power and joy of music. Its voice is an incredibly versatile instrument that can move freely
between symphony and silence. As it ages, the dragon learns to use its dragonsong to affect nearby creatures. It gains new dragonsong abilities as it
advances in age, according to Table 4-4. A glory dragon can use dragonsong a number oftimes per day equal to its Hit Dice. To activate a dragonsong

f I

Table 4-5: Radiant Dragons by Age
Attack Fort Ref Will Breath Fear
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Bonus Save Save Save Weapon (DC)DC S R

Wyrmling L Ild12+44 (115) 19 (- I size, + I 0 natural), + 16 + 11 +7 + 11 2d12 ( 19) 19 20

touch 9, flat-footed 19
Very young L 14d1 2+70 (161) 22 (- I size, + 13 natural), +21 + 14 +9 + 13 4dl2 (22) 21 22
touch 9, flat-footed 22
Young H 17d 12+85 (195 ) 24 (- 2 size, + 16 natural) , +25 + 15 + 10 + 15 6dl 2 (23) 23 24
touch 8, flat-footed 24
Juvenile H 20d 12+ 120 (250) 27 (- 2 size, + 19 natural), +30 + 18 + 12 + 17 8dl2 (26) 25 26
touch 8, flat-footed 27
Young adult H 23 d 12+ 161 (3 10) 30 (- 2 size, +22 natural), +33 +20 + 13 +20 I Od 12 (28) 28 29
touch 8, flat-footed 30
Adult G 26d 12+208 (377) 31 (-4 size, +25 natural), +35 +23 + 15 +23 12d12 (3 1) 31 31
touch 6, flat-footed 31
Mature adu lt G 29d1 2+261 (449) 34 (-4 size, +28 natural), +40 +25 + 16 +25 14d12 (33) 33 34
touch 6, flat-footed 34
Old G 32d 12+320 (528) 37 (-4 size, +31 natural), +44 +28 + 18 +28 16dl2 (36) 36 36
touch 6, fl at-footed 37
Very old C 35d1 2+385 (6 12) 36 (- 8 size, +34 natural), +44 +30 + 19 +30 18d12 (38) 38 37
touch 2, fl at-footed 36
Ancient C 38d 12+456 (703) 39 (- 8 size, +37 natural), +49 +33 +2 1 +33 20dl 2 (4 1) 41 39
touch 2, flat-footed 39
Wyrm C 41 d 12+ 533 (799) 42 (- 8 size, +40 natural), +54 +35 +22 +35 22dI 2(43) 43 40
touch 2, fl at-footed 42
Great wyrm C 44d 12+616 (902) 45 (- 8 size, +43 natural ), +59 + 38 +24 +38 24d 12 (46) 46 42
touch 2, fl at-footed 45

Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes
ability, the dragon must generate music, but it can otherwise act normally while doing so, fighting and casting spells with no impediment. Each
activation of an ability counts as one use of dragonsong, though simply maintaining an already active ability does not count as a new use.

Inspire Courage (Su) : A young adult or older glory dragon can use the music that infuses its being to inspire courage in its allies, bolstering
them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must first hear the dragon 's music for I full round. The effect
lasts as long as the ally hears the music and for 5 full rounds afterward. An affected ally gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against
charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.

Countersong (Su): A mature adult or older glory dragon can use its music to counter any magical effect that depends on sound (but
not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, the dragon makes a Perform check. Any creature
within 60 feet (including the dragon itself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack (such as sound burst or
command) may use the dragon's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after rolling the saving throw, the check result
proves to be better. The dragon may keep up the countersong for I round per Hit Die.

Inspire Greatness (Su) : A very old or older glory dragon can use its music to inspire greatness in another creature, granting it extra
fighting capability. For every age category the dragon attains beyond very old, it can so inspire one additional creature. To be affected,
the target creature must be within 60 feet of the glory dragon and hear its music for I full round. An affected creature gains +2 Hit Dice
(d I Os that grant temporary hit points; apply target's Constitution bonus normally), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a + I
competence bonus on Fortitude saves. These benefits last as long as the target hears the dragon's music and for 5 rounds afterward.

Holy Breath (Su): Once a glory dragon attains the wynn age category, it can convert all the damage from its energy-based breath weapon
to holy damage (with no energy descriptor), if desired.

Dissonance Au ra: A great wynn glory dragon can generate a field of dissonant sound that greatly hinders spellcasting. Any creature (other than
the dragon itself) attempting to cast a spell with a verbal component within 60 feet of the dragon must make a successful Concentration check (DC
20 + spell level + the dragon's Charisma bonus) or the spell fails. A glory dragon can activate or terminate this ability as a move-equivalent action.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will- ghost sound, sClilpt sound, silence; I/day- power word blind, power word kill, power word stun.

Skills: A glory dragon gains 1 rank in Perform per Hit Die for free.

Radiant Dragon
Dragon (Good, Lawful)

Climate/Terrain : Any
Organization : Wynnling, very young, young, juvenile,
and young adult: solitary or clutch (2- 5); adult,
mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm , or
great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1 - 2 and 2- 5
Challenge Ratings: Wynnling 8; very young 10; young
12; juvenile 14; young adult 17; adu lt 19; mature
adult 22 ; old 24; very old 25 ; ancient 27; wynn 28;
great wynn 30
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always lawful good
Adva ncement: Wynnling 12- 13 HD (Large); very young
15- 16 HD (Large); young 18- 19 HD (Huge);
juvenile 21 - 22 HD (Huge); young adult 24-25 HD
(Huge); adult 27- 28 HD (Gargantuan); mature adu lt
30- 31 HD (Gargantuan); old 33- 34 HD (Gargan-
tuan); very old 36-37 HD (Colossal); ancient
39-40 HD (Colossal); wyrm 42-43 HD (Colos-
sal); great wynn 45+ (Colossal)

Although other good dragons aid celestials from time to

time, radiant dragons take the forefront in championing
celestial causes, and few creatures command as much
respect from the Lords of Good as these mighty dragons.
Accustomed to others respecting their might, radiant
dragons can at times seem arrogant or abrupt to those not
used to dealing with them, and they occasionally leave lesser
creatures feeling snubbed or ignored. The dragons, while
not callous to these reactions, simply keep their prodigious
intellects focused on the greater good, for they do not feel
that they can take the time from their crusades against evil
to soothe hurt feelings .

A radiant dragon is an immense and noble reptile whose scales

glow as the sun. Its body is covered in horns that blend into light
rays , and its eyes are glowing yellow pools. A radiant dragon
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Table 4-6: Radiant Dragon Abilities by Age

Age Speed Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Special Abilities Level

Wyrmling 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 23 10 19 18 19 18 Illumination, immunities (fire, electricity) -

Very young 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 27 10 21 18 19 18 Daylight 1st
Young 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 31 10 21 20 21 20 DR 5/+ 1 3rd
Juvenile 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 35 10 23 20 21 20 Prayer 5th
Young adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft (poor) 37 10 25 24 25 24 DR 10/+ I, radiance (tum undead) 7th
Adult 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 39 10 27 26 27 26 Hallow 9th
Mature adult 60 ft. , fly 200 ft (poor) 43 10 29 28 29 28 DR 20/+2, radiance (turn fiends) 11th
Old 60 ft., fly 250 ft (clumsy) 45 10 31 30 31 30 Prismatic spray 13th
Very old 60 ft., fly 250 ft (clumsy) 47 10 33 32 33 32 DR 30/+3, holy breath 15th
Ancient 60 ft., fly 250 ft (clumsy) 51 10 35 34 35 34 Heaven s tauch 17th
Wyrm 60 ft., fly 250 ft (clumsy) 55 10 37 36 37 36 DR 40/+4, radiance (healing circle) 19th
Great wyrm 60 ft. , fly 250 ft (clumsy) 59 10 39 38 39 38 Wrath of the heavens 20th

carries itself proudly, and its broad shoulders, four muscular legs, thick-bladed tai l, and powerful wings are all usually in swift, confident

Powerful radiant dragons can lead the celestial host and even gather portions of it when evil rises. Older radiant dragons usually assume
positions of command and leadership on the higher planes, while younger ones often act as the knights-errant of dragonkind, traveling far
and wide in search of noble causes and righteous battle. While they are young, radiant dragons seldom exhibit the solitary tendencies of other
dragon species. Even as they age, they maintain active relationships with many celestials and even a few good mortals of great power.

Among the mightiest servants of good, radiant dragons fear no confrontation with evil, and they never shrink from opportunities to confront evil
or to protect good creatures oflesser power. Holy warriors of the highest order, radiant dragons lead other celestials and good mortals into battle
after battle, seeking out and challenging the forces of evil whenever there is a need. But despite this devotion to fighting for righteous causes,
radiant dragons are far from combative. Like other celestial dragons, they fight only when there is a need for such action and no useful alternative.
However, they show neither hesitation nor remorse when destroying the forces of evil, for they know that few if any can be redeemed.

When engaged in combat, radiant dragons use their size and physical power to great advantage. They prefer to destroy one evil creature
entirely before moving to the next threat. If given time to prepare for combat, a radiant dragon and its companions establish prearranged tactics
based on the perceived capabilities of the foes they face. In general, such tactics revolve around getting the dragon 's weaker allies into position
to aid its attacks and provide it flanking bonuses while restricting its breath weapon and spellcasting area as little as possible.

Breath Weapon (Su): A radiant dragon has two breath weapons: a cone that combines electricity and fire energy, and a cone of blinding
radiance. The first of these deals damage according to Table 4-5, below, with half the damage coming from electricity and the other
half from fire. Any creature caught within the second breath weapon 's area must succeed at a Fortitude save or be permanently blinded,
regardless ofHO.

lIIumination (S u): Formed from the very essence of light, a radiant dragon continuously projects an aura of luminous holy radiance, which
it can brighten or dim at will. The light is centered on the dragon and illuminates an area with a radius of up to 10 feet per age category the
dragon possesses, though it can cover a smaller area if desired.
Radiance: A young adult or older radiant dragon can periodically infuse its aura with holy energy, which generates one of the effects below.
The dragon gains new radiance abilities as it advances in age, according to Table 4-6. A radiant dragon can use radiance three times per day.
Each of the following abilities counts as one use of radiance.

Turn Undead (Su): A young adult or older radiant dragon can expend a use of its radiance ability to turn undead within the area of its
illumination (see above). This effect otherwise functions like the tum undead ability of a character whose cleric level is equal to the
dragon's caster level.

Turn Fiends (Su): A mature adult or older radiant dragon can tum evil outsiders in the same manner that it turns undead. This ability
functions exactly like the dragon's turn undead ability, except for the creature type affected. The dragon cannot turn both fiends and
undead with a single use of radiance.

Healing Circle (Su): A wyrm or great wyrm radiant dragon can channel the holy energy of its radiance into a burst of healing
power. When the dragon uses this ability, positive energy floods the area of its illumination (see above). Every creature in the area is
affected by this energy, which heals Id8+20 points of damage for the dragon and each of its allies and deals a like amount of damage
to every undead creature (Fortitude DC equal to dragon's breath weapon DC for half).

Holy Breath (Su): Once a radiant dragon attains the very old age category, it can convert all the damage from its energy-based breath
weapon to holy damage (with no energy descriptor), if desired.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-daylight, hallow, prayer; 3/day-heaven s touch, prismatic spray; I/day-wrath of the heavens.
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Lar ge O utsider (Good)

Hit Dice: 5dS+25 (47 hp)

Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 19 (- I size, + 10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed
Attacks: Gore + I 0 melee
Da mage: Gore IdS+9 plus Id6 sonic
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sonic hom, trample 2d6+9
Special Qualities: All-around vision, ferocity, outsider
traits, sturdy
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 23 , Dex II , Con 20, lnt 4, Wis 12, Cha II
Skills: Balance + II, Jump + 10, Listen +S, Search + I ,
Spot + 12
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack

ClimatelTerrain : Any land or underground

Organ ization: Solitary, pair, pack (4-10), or herd
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: No coins, 50% goods
Alignment: Always good (any)
Advancement: 6-11 HD (Large); 12- 15 HD (Huge)

Gargurans are massive, elephantine beasts of the upper

planes commonly used as herd or pack animals. Their
strength, intelligence, and genial natures make them
efficient and durable workers. But when beasts of burden are
needed in times of war, the gargurans take on a different aspect. Perfectly
suited for long marches and difficult sieges, these creatures are always numerous in
celestial armies, where they serve as beasts of burden, shield walls, and sometimes even mounts.
The sonic effect produced by a garguran's hom can quickly bring down gates, walls, and other
baniers-a fact that makes the creature a permanent fixture in the front lines for sieges.

A garguran's rough skin ranges from pale blue on its body to deep indigo near its massive head. The six eyes spaced evenly around its
cranium are protected by numerous bony ridges and fully a dozen sharp horns. A garguran has five legs, each end ing in a round, flat foot
like that of a rhinoceros, with blunt, knobby toes and thick pads that cushion against the most uncomfortable surfaces. A single, curving
hom that vibrates with stored sonic energy rises from the creature's snout.

Gargurans are always willing to fight for the forces of good. In fact, they actually prefer a good battle to a peaceful day in the fie lds.

A garguran 's tactics are usually dictated by the situation. If a celestial army needs a wall or gate brought down, its officers call for gargurans
to reduce it to rubble. If a mount is needed in a pinch and a saddle of the right configuration is available, a garguran can serve as a steed.
Left on its own in a fight, however, the creature simply tries to overpower foes with its gore and tramp le attacks.

Sonic Horn (Ex): A garguran constantly generates sonic energy from somewhere in its oddly shaped skull. Its hom acts as a release
channel for this pent-up energy, dealing an additional Id6 points of sonic damage with each successful gore attack.

Trample (Ex): As a standard action during its turn each round, a garguran can trample opponents at least one size category smaller than
itself. This attack deals 2d6+9 points of bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt either an attack of opportunity at a-4
penalty or a Reflex save (DC IS) for half damage.
All-A round Vision (Ex): A garguran can see in all directions at once. Because of this ability, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Search and Spot
checks, and it cannot be flanked.
Ferocity (Ex) : A garguran is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying (see the
Player s Handbook) .

Outsider Traits: A garguran has darkvision (60-foot range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
Sturdy (Ex): Because of its natural gait, posture, and sure-footedness, a garguran is treated as a Huge creature when making an opposed
trip attempt to avoid being tripped. (Thus, a Large garguran gains a +S size bonus on opposed trip attempts.) The creature is also entitled to
the +4 stability bonus on such attempts because it has more than two legs. Thus, its total trip bonus is + IS.
Skills: A garguran receives a +4 racial bonus on Balance checks because of its natural sturdiness.
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes

Huge Construct

Hit Dice: 12dl0 (66 hp)

Initiative: - I
Speed : 50 ft.
AC: 27 (- 2 size, - I Dex, +20 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 27
Attacks: Slam + 18 melee
Damage: Slam 2dlO+16
FacelReach : lOft. by 20 ft J lO ft.
Special Attacks: Toss, trample 2d8+ 16
Special Qualities: Construct traits, DR 10/+3, SR 25
Saves : Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 8, Con - , Int 10,
Wis l3,Cha 1
C limaterrerrain : Any land or underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3- 5)

C hallenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25- 36 HD

The great constructs known as kranoms are forged

from mithral and heaven-wrought steel, tempered
with pure mercy and touched with the purity
of the heavens. Perhaps because of this fact,
kranoms remain ever loyal to their creators,
unlike their fiendish and arcane counterparts.
The celestial component of their construction
may also be what gives the kranom its
intelligence and the quality of mercy for which it is justly famous.

With its towering bulk, treelike legs, massive tusks, and long trunk, a kranom resemb les nothing so much as an elephant or mastodon made
of silvery metal. Its nearly flat back provides a surprisingly stable battle platform for lesser celestials and chosen mortals alike.

Kranoms are usually used as mounts and guards for the celestial host. In rare instances, a powerful celestial might use one as a personal
mount. Kranoms are also as capable of long-term guarding assignments as any other construct, and powerful celestials frequently employ
them in this role. Occasionally, a mortal servant of good is rewarded with a kranom companion to serve as a mount, guard, or protector.
Such a companion is an obvious symbol of the favor of the Lords of Good.

Kranoms behave in consistent and predictable ways, whether they are in the active service of celestials or not. They attack as ordered by
good celestials or mortals, and they can readily discern whom they should obey in the case of conflicting instructions. Likewise, they can
determine what course of action to take when confronted by a fallen celestial or other anomaly. Because of the mercy that was forged into
their very forms, kranoms are perfectly willing to sacrifice themselves to save good mortals, even if no celestial has ordered them to do so.
Un less it has direct orders to the contrary, no kranom ever stands idly by while a good creature is hurt or threatened; it always takes direct
physical action on the victim's behalf.

Made to protect and support groups of lesser celestials in combat, kranoms are rarely encountered alone. Groups offootsoldi ers in the
celestial host, from paladriels to hound archons, ride kranoms into battle and direct their movements. These behemoths attack foes as
directed by the celestials they support. If left on its own, a kranom simply charges, swinging its clublike trunk and destroying one foe after
another until none are left in sight.

Toss (Ex) : After a successful charge attack, a kranom can make a free trip attempt without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the
kranom wins the opposed Strength check, the opponent is tossed into the air instead of being knocked prone. In the same round, it lands
prone in any space that the kranom threatens (GM's choice) and takes Id6 points offalling damage in addition to any damage dealt by the
charge attack. A target that is not flat-footed can land on its feet and avo id the falling damage with a successful Tumble check (DC 15).

Tra mple (Ex): As a standard action during its tum each round, a kranom can trample opponents at least one size category smaller than
itself. This attack deals 2d8+ 16 points of bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt either an attack of opportunity at a -4
penalty or a Reflex save (DC 27) for half damage.

Construct Traits: A kranom is immune to mind-affecting effects, and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects,
necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. The creature is not subject to critical hits,
subdual damage, abil ity damage, ability drain , energy drain, or death from massive damage. It cannot heal itself but can be healed through
repair. It cannot be raised or resurrected. A kranom has darkvision (60-foot range).
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes
A kranom 's body is sculpted from 5,000 pounds of steel and traces ofmithral, all of which must be found and forged in the celestial realm.
A kranom costs 60,000 gp to create, including 2,000 gp for the body. Creating the body requires a successful Craft (annorsmi thing or
weaponsmithing) check (DC 20) and a successful Knowledge (the planes) check (DC 25). The creator must be 16th-level, able to travel the
planes, and able to cast divine spells. The process requires the spells animate object, bless, commune, prayer, and resurrection.

Living Flamestrike
Huge Elemental (Fire, Good)

Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)

Initiative: +6
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 22 (- 2 size, +6 Dex, +8 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Attacks: 2 slams + 13 melee, or ignite + 13 ranged touch
Damage: Slam 2d6+6, ignite 2d6 fire
Face/Reach : 20 ft. by 20 ft J I5 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf, explosion, heat metal, ignite
Special Qualities: DR 10/+2, elemental traits, fire subtype, SR 23
Saves: Fort +8, Ref + 14, Will +6
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 23 , Con 19, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills: Climb + 12, Concentration + I 0, Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Power Attack

Climaterrerrain : Any land and underground

Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 13- 24 HD (Huge); 25- 36 HD (Gargantuan)

This incarnation of holy, cleansing flame can vaporize nearly everything in its path, leaving a 20-foot-wide
trail of charred terrain in its wake. Thus, living flamestrikes are often used by celestials to clear the way for
their regular armies. Preferred as enforcers by devas, planetars, solars, and other celestials that are resistant
to fire, living flamestrikes enjoy the heat of battle and live to serve the causes of the upper planes.

A living flamestrike resembles a 20-foot-diameter pillar of flame . Though it nonnally stands 60

feet tall , it can vary its height to fit within the vertical space of any chamber it enters. Its flames
burn white, gold, red, and orange, and they constantly move and crackle with divine fury.

Un like many elementals, the living Aamestrike possesses a strong moral compass. It is almost
blindly devoted to the forces of good and fights only for their causes. Though it is a creature of
fire, a living flamestrike is slow to anger and takes considerable time to build into a fury. Once it
reaches that po int, however, its crackling flames and hissing voice take on a raging intensity.

Living flamestrikes speak Celestial and Ignan.

Living flamestrikes don 't hold back in combat. When fighting fo r a cause they believe in, they nearly always fight until destroyed. [n battle,
a living flamestrike tries to use its engulf abi li ty every round if possible, lashing out with its slams only when an engu lf attack fai ls. Before
closing to melee range, it uses its heat metal ability on heavily armored opponents and attempts to ignite any flammable materials. Living
flamestrikes especially love to use this ability against spellcasters or on highly flammable materials such as stored oil.

Engulf (Ex): A living flamestrike can simply move over creatures up to one size category smaller than itself as a standard action. This attack
affects as many opponents as the living Aamestrike's body can cover. Each target can make either an attack of opportunity against the living
flamestrike or a Reflex save (DC 20) to avoid being engu lfed. A successful saving throw indicates that the target has been pushed back or aside
(target's choice) as the living flamestrike moves forward . Each engulfed creature must make a successful Reflex save (DC 20) or take 15d6
points of damage (halffire and half holy). Such a creature is not considered grappled or physically hindered in any way, so it may move out of
the elemental 's body on its turn . Each round that it remains within the living Aamestrike, however, it must make a new Reflex save (DC 20) or
take the same amount of damage. A living flamestrike cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it attempts to engulf.

Explosion (Su): Once per day, the living flamestrike can unleash an explosion of holy fire in a 20-foot radius burst, centered on itself. Each
creature in the area takes 10d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 20 half), half fire and half holy.

Heat Metal (Su): Three times per day, the li ving Aamestrike can create an effect identical to that of a heat metal spell (caster level 10th).

Ignite (Su): Once per round, the living flamestrike can attempt to strike an opponent with a lance of flame (range increment 60 ft.). Ifa
ranged touch attack is successful, the target takes 2d6 points offire damage. A target that is wearing or carrying any flammable objects must
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Upper Planes
also succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) to avoid catching on fire. Failure indicates that the creature takes I d6 points of fire damage per round
until it uses a full-round action to extinguish the flames.

Elemental Traits (Ex) : A living f1amestrike is immune to paralysis, poison, sleep, and stunning. It is not subject to critical hits or flanking,
and it cannot be raised or resurrected. The creature also has darkvision (60-foot range).
Fire Subtyp e (Ex): A living f1amestrike is immune to fire damage but takes double damage from cold unless a saving throw for ha lf
damage is allowed. In that case, the creature takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.

Watcher Scarab
Diminutive Construct
Hit Dice: 4dl0 (22 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: lOft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
AC: 20 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 18
Attacks: Gore +6 melee
Damage: Gore Id2- 1 plus I d6 electricity
FacelReach: 2 112 ft. by 2 112 ft./O ft.
Special Attacks: Electric shock
Special Qualities: Construct traits, remote spells, transmit
Saves: Fort + I, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 14, Con - , Int - , Wis 17, Cha 7
Skills: Hide +22, Listen +7, Move Silently + 10, Spot +7

Climaterrerrain: Any land and underground

Organization: Solitary
C hallenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5- 12 HD (Diminutive)

These mobile scrying sensors serve as reconnaissance devices

for celestial scouts. They are frequently sent to spy for celestial
leaders who are having a difficult time penetrating the scrying
wards frequently employed by demons, devils, and other
enemies of the upper realms. Watcher scarabs are tied to their
masters, so when one is spotted- which is rare--there 's sure to be
a celestial behind its presence.
The body of a watcher scarab resemb les a dull gray coconut. Inset in
one end of its smooth, nearly spherical shell is a small piece of glass, which
serves as its eye. Wings of nearly invisible gossamer propel the scarab along its
way. Whi le the construct is actively watching for its master, its eye shimmers with
a rainbow pattern like oil on water.
Each watcher scarab must be bonded to a master-either the creator itself or another individual- at its creation. Breaking the bond between
watcher and master usually involves destroying one or the other.

Watcher scarabs are designed to watch. If discovered, they are programmed to flee to their masters. If a watcher scarab is cornered or
trapped, a small, stone hom springs from a hidden receptacle in its body, crackling with electricity. The scarab attacks with this horn only
until an avenue for escape presents itself, at which point it flees.

Electric Shock (Ex): A watcher scarab generates a slight electrical charge that it can channel through its horn. Any creature struck by the
scarab's gore attack takes 1d6 points of electricity damage in addition to the normal damage dealt by the hom.
Construct Traits: A watcher scarab is immune to mind-affecting effects, and to poison, sleep , paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects,
necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. The creature is not subject to critical hits,
subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain , energy drain, or death from massive damage. It cannot heal itself but can be healed through
repair. It cannot be raised or resurrected. A watcher scarab has darkvision (60-foot range).
Remote Spells (Ex) : A watcher scarab can be the subject of spells that its master casts on himself or herself. Any spell with a range of
touch or personal that can affect constructs also affects the scarab if it is within I mile of its master when he or she spell is cast. Typical
spells cast to facilitate the scarab's information search include invisibility, expeditious retreat, and shield.
Transmit (Su): A watcher scarab can 't speak, but it has a telepathic link with its master that extends out to a distance of 1 mile. The master can
give the scarab simple, one-word instructions (such as "Stop," "Hide," or "Flee") through this link. In addition, this telepathic link enables the
watcher scarab to transmit everything it sees and hears back to its master. This ability functions in a manner similar to that of a scrying sensor.
Skills: A watcher scarab receives a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
.,. Appendix I .,.
The mightiest servants of the Lords of Good are the archangels, who command the celestial hosts. The majority ofleadership positions within the
celestial hierarchy are filled by archangels. Because of this status and incredible powers, archangels are among the greatest powers in the multiverse.

-- Rise & Fall --

Archangels oversee all the business of the celestial host. They coordinate Gian 's massive palace caught fire . As the stone burned around the
and train the celestial forces, allocate resources to fight evil, and lead struggling pair, the archangel's sword finally reached the heart
the host to war as needed. One archangel, chosen by the Lords of Good, of the caliph. But rather than end the torrent of fire , Iblis poured
heads this hierarchy. This chief of the archangels serves at the pleasure the co llected might of the higher realms into the palace, seeking
of the Lords of Good, usually until he or she either falls from grace or is to end forever the Divs' delusion that they were powerful enough
killed. On occasion, however, the leadership changes simply because the to challenge the Lords of Good. The palace became the caliph 's
Lords of Good have decided that an emphasis on some other aspect of funeral pyre, and its holy flame cleansed all evil from the area. To
goodness is needed, and another leader would better embody that ideal. this day, so much sacred energy suffuses the site that it is suitable as
a location for reforging (see Reforged in Appendix II : Templates).

The Archangel Iblis With their leader dead, the Divs were quickly defeated. Judgment fell
on the rebellious genies, who were dispersed throughout the planes,
The mightiest and most famous of the archangels was Iblis, who headed the power of their ancient civilization forever broken. In the instant
the celestial hierarchy for eons. It was he who put down the legendary of their fall , the hallowed witnesses (see C hapter T hree: CelestiaJs)
revolt of the Divs and elevated the malakim to the celestial host. were brought into being. Their creation was an acknowledgement
Eventually, however, Iblis 's pride of position led to his fall from grace. by the Lords of Good that something must be done to prevent the
gradual corrosion of sentient creatures ' souls by the forces of evil.

The Revolt of the Divs Iblis named the malakim the Unfallen and offered them a place among
the celestials they had come to aid. Though they accepted this honor, the
Long ages past, an ancient race of fire-born creatures called the Divs guilt and remorse they felt about their people's rebellion and subsequent
grew strong in numbers and mighty in both magic and combat. These fall diluted their joy in the victory. To this day, the Unfallen still carry the
creatures, native to the upper realms, were the first of geniekind, and pain of the Divs' decision to tum away from the service of the Lords of
the various Div tribes included the creatures now known as djinn, Good, and they consider oath breakers the worst of criminals.
efreet, marids, and daos, as well as other, lesser-known kinds of genies.
Their caliph, a marid named Gian ben Gian, thought his people a match
for the gods themselves and organized a rebellion. But in his hubris, he The Fall ofIblis
had greatly overestimated the strength of his people. Although the Divs
[blis himself continued to hold the leadership position among the
had grown more powerful than ever before, even their ancient magic
archangels for centuries thereafter, maintaining the fight against
was but a silver of the power wielded by the gods.
the forces of evil throughout the planes. But even the mightiest
When the Divs began preparing to march against the Lords of Good, of good creatures is not immune to the power of evil. When Iblis
only one tribe remained opposed to rebellion. The tribe that stood apart, learned that he and the celestial host must serve the newly created
a clan of sage-smiths known as the malakirn, sent emissaries to the mortal races on the Material Plane, his pride stood in the way of his
caliph urging him to abandon his foolish plan. Such obstinacy from goodness. lblis denounced the decision made by the Lords of Good,
one of the mightiest of the Div tribes disturbed the caliph greatly, for turning to his fellow archangels for support in opposing the edict.
he knew that the coming battle would be much more difficult without
It was Mika'il, an archangel who had fought beside the mighty Iblis for
their support. So Gian ben Gian and his followers began to court the
eons, who first spoke against the chief of the archangels, reminding him
malakim, promising them many favors in return for their support. But
of the nobility of serving in good faith. When lblis rose from that meeting
the sage-smiths spurned every offer, making it clear that they remained
to cry out against the gods, Mika'il foresaw the outcome. He called
loyal to the lords of the upper realms. As the plans for war progressed,
Raguel, a fellow archangel known as the Vengeance of the Heavens, to
the other Divs began to treat the malakim with derision and hostility,
his side to oppose Iblis should he give voice to his rebellion.
but the latter never once turned from the path that they knew was right.
But the mighty Iblis was not to be swayed. He gathered his supporters
When the celestial host, led by the archangel Iblis, inevitably set out
and challenged the supporters of the Lords of Good on the battlefield.
to crush the Div rebellion, many eyes turned to see what the malakim
A..'ter a prolonged combat, Iblis and his followers were defeated.
would do. Although even they did not hold enough power to match the
Once again, the judgment of the Lords of Good called for casting
assembled host, celestials and Divs alike knew that the battle would be
down the perpetrators, and thus the mighty lblis fell , along with
much closer should the malakirn side with the rebels. When the day of
those celestials who had supported him (see Legions ofHell for more
battle dawned, the malakirn donned their armor, prepared their most
information on Iblis and his fallen brethren). At that point, the rest
powerful magic, and took the field against their own people. As the
of the hallowed (see C hapter T hree: Celestials) were brought into
battle raged, the rebelling Divs focused the brunt of their attacks against
being, to ensure that a complete path to redemption existed for all
the malakirn, blaming the loyal tribe for splitting their people and trying
souls that strayed.
to ruin what chance the Divs had to rule in the place of the gods.
The leadership of the archangels fell to Mika ' il for his wisdom and
The caliph, meanwhile, strove against Iblis in single combat, hoping
mercy, and he still holds that position today. Raguel, his friend and
to wrest victory from almost certain defeat by slaying the leader of
ally, and Gabriel, the archangel of revelation, support his leadership
the celestial host. Their personal battle released such a maelstrom
and provide advice.
of hol y fire and magical energy that the pure marble ofGian ben
Appendix I: Archangels

.-. Sample Archangels .-.

Each archangel is an individual with a particular mission and area of control. As such, each has different powers, abilities, and
vulnerabilities than the others. This section presents full statistics for two archangels: Mika 'i l and Gabriel. The GM can create additional
archangels as desired using these two as a foundation.

Each archangel has a unique combat strategy based on his or her particular strengths. All have the following qualities in common, however.

Archangel Abilities
Archangels have all the traits common to other celestials, but usually in greater measure than their lesser counterparts do. Each archangel
has the following special attacks and special qualities.

Aura of Menace (S u): A righteous aura surrounds any archangel that fights or becomes angry. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot radius
of the angel must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + one-half archangel 's H it Dice + archangel's Chari rna modifier) or take a - 2 penalty on
attack rolls, AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits the archangel generating the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken
the effect cannot be affected again by that archangel's aura for one day.

Archan gel Traits: An archangel can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster leve l 20th; always
active). It can also produce a teleport without error effect (caster level 20th; self plus 100 pounds only) at will. An archangel is immune to
acid, cold, electricity, and petrification, and it has fire resistance 50 and sonic resistance 50. It has low-l ight vision, darkvision (I 20-foot
range), and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison .

Protective Aura (S u): An archangel is always surrounded by a nimbus of light with a radius of 60 feet. All creatures within this area
are affected as ifby a magic circle against evil spell (caster level 20th) as well as a globe of invulnerability spell (caster level 20th). The
protective aura can be dispelled, but the archangel can reactivate it on the following round as a free action.

Mika'il, Archangel of Righteousness

Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 40d8+360 (540 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect)
AC: 48 (- I size, +9 Dex, +25 natural, +5 deflection), touch 23 , flat-footed 39
Attacks: Huge +5 brilliant energy holy bastard sword +57/+52/+47/+42 melee
Damage: Huge + 5 brilliant energy holy bastard sword 2d8+26 plus 2d6 holyl17-20
FacefReach : 5 ft. by 5 ft J IO ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of menace, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Archangel traits, DR 35/+5, immunities (acid, cold, electricity, petrification), outsider traits, protective aura, resistances
(fire 50, sonic 50), SR 50, regeneration 20
Saves : Fort +41, Ref +41 , Will +42
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 30, Wis 31 , Cha 30
Skills: Balance +53 , Concentration +49, Diplomacy +54, Hide +45 , Intuit Di rection +50, Jump + 18, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Know ledge
(history) +50, Knowledge (nature) +50, Know ledge (nobi lity and roya lty) +50, Knowledge (reli gion) +50, Knowledge (the planes)
+50, Listen +50, Move Silently +49, Search +50, Sense Motive +80, Spell craft +50, Spot +50, Tumble +49
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bastard
sword), Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Sunder, Whirlwind Attack

C limatelTerrain : Any land or underground

Organization : Solitary
C hallenge Ratin g: 36
Tr easure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Lawful good
Ad vancement: By character class
Mika'il, the archangel of repentance, righteousness, and mercy, ranks among the greatest and most powerful servants of good. His history is nearly as
long as time itself. Mika 'il has battled the most powerful lords of hell and the greatest masters of the abyss, but whenever he has taken the field, good
has always emerged victorious. Despite Mika'il's martial prowess, however, his true role is to grant mercy and show good creatures how to hope.
Mika' il resembles a 7-foot-tall, winged human male of great beauty. Few creatures can stand his unshielded presence, for the glory of the
heavens shines forth from his entire body. Mika' il's wings are broader than his frame is tall, and he carries a long, slender sword called
Fellwraith and the Scales of Judgment, an artifact designed to weigh the souls of both mortals and immortals. Mika' il wears shimmering
white celestial robes, and a thin go lden circlet adorns his brow.
Mika' il fought beside the mighty fblis for eons, until the latter grew too prideful to serve lesser creatures. When fbli s rebelled, Mika' il and
his allies stood against him and won the day. When the time came for the Lords of Good to choose a replacement for fbI is as chief of the
archangels, they passed over Raguel, who was perhaps the mightiest of the remai ning archangels, and selected Mika' il because of his wisdom
and mercy.
Appendix I: Archangels
Unlike many celestials, Mika'i l never hesitates to fight creatures be knows to be evil. As the bearer of the scales ofjudgment, he knows
with perfect accuracy wbether a creature might repent its evil and turn to the side of good, or wbether it is so steeped in evil that there is no
possibi lity of redemption. This knowledge makes Mika' j] a terror on any battlefield- not only is he one of the mightiest beings ever to draw
a weapon against evil, but he is also free of doubt about the righteousness of his actions. Almost invariably, Mika'il offers the most powerful
scion of evil present the chance to decide the battle by single combat with him, in the hope of sparing other good creatures the hardships and
dangers of battle. But hi s foes rarely accept such a challenge, for they are well aware of Mika' il 's thousands of victories over many, many ages.

Though he would prefer to spare other good creatures the dangers of war, he knows that he cannot fight every battle alone. Thus, wben
he leads the celestial host to war, hi s fe llow archangels Raguel and Gabriel are by bis side, along with several solars, a few etemals, and
numerous lesser celestials.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds Mika' il when he figbts or becomes angry. Each hostile creature witbin a 20-foot radius
of him must succeed at a Will save (DC 39) or take a - 2 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits
Mika ' il. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by Mika ' il's aura for one day.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active-detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing; at will-aid, commune,
freedo m, greater dispelling, holy smite, imprisonment, improved invisibility, greater restoration, heal. mass charm, power word blind, power
word kill, prismatic spray, resurrection, sanctify, summon monster IX wall afforce; 3/day- wish. Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level.

Always-active effects can be di spelled, but Mika ' il can reacti vate one every round as a free action.

Spells: Mika ' il can cast di vi ne spells as a 20th-level cleric. He has access to spells from the Air, Good, Law, Knowledge, and War domains
(spells/day 6/8/8/7/7/7/6/5/5/5; save DC 20 + spell level).

Archangel Traits: Mika' il can speak with any creature that has a language, as though
using a tongues spell (caster level 20th; always active). He can also produce a teleport
without error effect (caster level 20th; self plus 100 pounds only) at will.
He has low-light vision, darkvision (120-foot range), and a +4 racial
bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

O utsider Traits: Mika' il has darkvision (60-foot range).

He cannot be rai sed or resurrected.
P rotective Aura (S u): Mika' il is always
surrounded by a nimbus of ligbt witb a radius of
60 feet. All creatures witbin this area are affected
as ifby a magic circle against evil spell (caster
level 20th) as well as a globe of in vulnerability
spell (caster level 20th). The protective aura can
be dispelled, but Mika ' il can reactivate it on the
fo llowing round as a free action.
Regeneration (Ex): Mika' il takes normal damage
from unhol y weapons of at least +5 enhancement.

The Scales ofJudgment

After the fa ll of [blis, the lords oftbe higher realm
gifted the new leader of the archangels witb this
powerful tool of good to ensure tbat their most
powerful servant would be better able to tell right
from wrong. The scales' primary purpose is to weigh
the souls of tbe deceased and send them to their
proper place in the afterworld. Only the chief of the
archangels can activate this function of the scales.
However, tbey also have other powerfu l magical
abilities tbat are useful in combating evil.

The scales ofjudgment grant their possessor a +30 bonus

on Sense Moti ve checks, a +5 deflection bonus to Armor
c1!!ss, and a bonus equal to tbe user 's Charisma bonus on
all saving tbrows. In addition, the bearer can use weight
ofsin (caster level 20th) at will and wrath of the heavens
(caster level 20th) three times per day.

Finally, any creature holding the scales ofjudgment knows

instantly whether or not every other creature within 60 feet
is evil. This abili ty otherwise functions like the detect evil spell,
except that the user gets all the possible information that the spell can
gran t instantly, without concentrating, and there is no chance of being
stunned when overwhelming evil is detected.
Appendix I: Archangels
Fellwraith, the Light of Repentance
Mika'il's most potent melee weapon is an intelligent Huge +5 brilliant energy holy bastard sword. Eons past, Mika'il and Nergal, the fetid
prince (a powerful devil in the service of Beelzebub, Lord of the Seventh Circle) battled for the sou l of a repentant archpriest whose name
is lost to antiquity. Although Mika'il was victorious in tbeir confrontation, Nergal managed to shatter the archangel's weapon before being
banished back to tbe lower planes. Fellwraith was forged shortly thereafter, as a replacement.

Fellwraith is a lawful good bastard sword with Intelligence 20, Wisdom 22, Charisma 19, and the ability to speak Auran, Celestial,
Common, Elven, Ignan, and Infernal. It has telepatby, and it grants its wielder the evasion ability and the use of the Sunder feat. Fellwraith
can use the Intuit Direction skill witb a + 16 bonus. In addition , the sword can use shield (wielder only, 20 minutes/use) three times per day,
haste (wielder only, 20 rounds/use) twice per day, and detect thoughts (100-ft. range, I minute/use) once per day.

Gabriel, Archangel of Revelation

Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Hit Dice: 38d8+456 (627 hp)

Initiative: + 12
Speed : 50 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect)
AC: 42 (- I size, +8 Dex, +25 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 34
Attacks: Large +5 holy keen longsword +51 /+46/+41/+ 36 melee, or
Huge +3 flaming burst mighty composite longbow (+5 Str bonus)
+47/+42/+37/+32 ranged, or spell +45 ranged touch
Damage: Large +5 holy keen longs word 2d6+20 plus 2d6 boly/ 15- 20,
Huge +3 flaming burst mighty composite longbow (+5 Str bonus)

2d6+8 plus I d6 fire/x3 , by spell
Face/Reach: 5 ft . by 5 ft J I ft.

'It \~ Special Attacks: Aura of menace, aura of truth, spell-like abilities, spells, word

oftbe most holy
f I! ' Special Qualities: Archangel traits, DR 40/+5, immunities (acid, cold, electricity,
mind-affecting effects, petrification, sonic), inspiring presence, intuitive linguist,
outsider traits, protective aura, resistance (fire 50), regeneration 20, SR 47
• • I
Saves: Fort +33, Ref +29, Will +34
', Abilities: Str 30, Dex 27, Con 35 , Int 28, Wis 36, Cha 31
Skills: Bluff +51 , Concentration +53, Craft (weaponsmithing) +29, Diplomacy +59,

Hide +38, Intimidate + 14, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Knowledge (architecture
and engineering) +44, Knowledge (geograpby) +44, Knowledge (history) +45,
Knowledge (religion) +50, Knowledge (the planes) +50, Listen +54, Move Silently
+38, Perform +30, Search +39, Sense Motive +54, Spellcraft +50, Spot +54
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Critical (Iongsword), lmproved Initiative,
Leadership, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Spring Attack

Climaterrerrain: Any land and underground

Organization: Solitary or flight (Gabrie l plus 2d4 solars, 4d6 planetars, and 10-100 arcbons
and devas)
Challenge Rating: 35
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Lawful good
Advancement: By character class

Second only to Mika'il in the celestial hierarchy, Gabriel is the messenger of the
heavens and the berald of the upper realms. He commands the most powerful
armies of the higber planes and often appears in battle at the side of Mika ' il
himself. Gabriel also acts as the personal messenger of the Lords of Good,
bringing their word to mortals in ways they cannot ignore or deny. He is
capable of bestowing the grace of the upper realms upon mortals he meets,
but he is also the archangel sent when the Lords of Good have determined
that a group or power should be completely annihilated.

The herald of the upper realms is one of the most majestic creatures ever to grace
the planes. In his true form, Gabriel looks every inch the servant of heaven, with
his golden skin, tawny hair, and large, white wings. He wears simple robes of the
purest white, belted with a golden cord. But the arcbangel usually takes on other forms
when be visits mortals or carries messages to other planes, altering his shape as necessary
to suit his particular mission. The one common feature in all his guises is the badge of his
office--his golden born. He often alters the trumpet's appearance to suit his own--cbanging its
size, making it appear to be of inferior quality, or even disguising it as a hom-shaped piece of jewelry-but it is always there.

The vast majority of Gabriel 's responsibilities relate to his role as a messenger. Whether be visits vengeance on the unrighteous, brings
death to someone whose time has come, grants beavenly mercy to a repentant creature, or offers a gift of revelation to a chosen mortal, the
Appendix I: Archangels
archangel 's presence always indicates some momentous change in the works. Gabriel rarely makes his angelic nature known when he is
acting as a herald, but he reverts to his natural form quickly when there is no further need for subterfuge. When he leads the armies of the
upper realms against their foes , Gabriel is implacable. Like Mika ' il, Gabriel has never been defeated in battle, and even the great legions of
the lower planes tremble when they hear the clarion call of his hom. In some cultures, Gabriel is revered as libraiil and has a fema le form.

Gabriel speaks all languages (see intuitive linguist ability, below).

Gabriel always begins a battle by sounding his hom. He then attacks any creatures who have failed to succumb to its power with his spells
and spell-like abilities from a distance. He does not shirk from melee combat, however, and ifforced to engage a foe hand-to-hand, he
wields his longs word without hesitation.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds Gabriel when he fights or becomes angry. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot radius
of him must ucceed at a Will save (DC 39) or take a - 2 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and saves for one day or until it successfully hits
Gabriel. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by Gabriel's aura for one day.

Aura of Truth (Su): Gabriel continuously emits a zone o/truth effect in a 40-foot radius. This ability otherwise functions like the spell of
the same name (caster level 20th). The aura of truth can be dispelled, but Gabriel can reactivate it on the following round as a free action.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-aid, banishment, commune, continualJiame, dimensional anchor, dispel evil,Jiamestrike,forbiddance,
greater dispelling, greater restoration, heal, holy smite, improved invisibility (self only), plane shift, remove curse, remove /ear, resist
elements, restoration, speak with dead, summon monster IX; 3/day-dominate monster, earthquake,/orcecage, greater restoration, holy
aura, mass charm, meteor swarm, miracle, permanency, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, symbol, true resurrection;
I/day-gate, mass heal, storm o/vengeance. Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level.
Spells: Gabriel can cast divine spells as a 20th-level cleric. He has access to spells from the Good and Law domains (spells/day 6/9/8/8/8/8/
6/6/6/6; save DC 23 + spell level).

Word of the Most Holy (Su): Once per week, Gabriel can speak a word that is unbearable to mortal ears and capable of massive
destruction. When he activates this ability, it simultaneously causes several effects that resemble those of spells (all caster level 20th),
except as noted. The ground within a I-mile radius of Gabriel reacts as if subjected to a maximized earthquake spell, and all creatures
within that same radius are affected as ifby a maximized holy smile spell. In addition, all creatures within a 60-foot radius of Gabriel are
affected as if by a maximized holy word spell.

Archangel Traits: Gabriel can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 20th; always
active). He can also produce a teleport without error effect (caster level 20th; self plus 100 pounds only) at will. He has low-light vision,
darkvision ( 120-foot range), and a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

" T"j
Inspiring Presence (Su): Gabriel inspires all allies within 60 feet that can see him, granting each a +2 competence bonus on attack and
damage rolls, saving throws, and ski ll checks.

Intuitive Linguist (Su): Gabriel can speak, understand, and write any language he has heard another creature speak for at least 1 round.
He also ga ins this same understanding of a new language if he can study a writing sample that includes at least twenty different words for 1
t It
~ j

I I •
h~ •

, ..
minute. His knowledge of a new languages never fades.

~" ~
Outsider Traits: Gabriel has darkvision (60-foot range). He cannot be raised or resurrected.
• I
Protective Aura (Su): Gabriel is always surrounded by a nimbus of light with a radius of 60 feet. All creatures within thi s area are affected
as ifby a magic circle against evil spell (caster level 20th) as well as a globe o/invulnerability spell (caster level 20th). The protective aura
can be dispelled, but Gabriel can reactivate it on the following round as a free action .
Regeneration (Ex): Gabriel takes normal damage from unholy weapons of at least +5 enhancement.

Gabriel's Horn
Gabriel created this powerful artifact when the planes were still half formed . Only he knows its true name (H'aaliarquiella). The hom is
an intelligent magic item that is both the archangel 's most potent weapon and his longtime companion. Gabriel's hom has an lntelligence
of20, a Wisdom of24, and a Charisma of 19; its ego is 40. It is lawful good, and although it can communicate telepathically as well as
through speech, it usually speaks only telepathicall y to Gabriel, preferring to let him talk for both of them. The hom also has a special
purpose: to aid Gabriel while he serves the Lords of Good. Once, when he was young, the archangel briefly strayed from this path, and his
hom was lost to him during that time. Should he stray again, the same is sure to happen.
Gabriel 's hom grants him the benefits of the true seeing spell (divine version) at will, the haste spell (self only) twice per day, and the
clairaudience/clairvoyance spell three times per day. It also grants him evasion, uncanny dodge (as a 5th-level barbarian), the ability to detect
secret doors and magic at will, and the ability to survive without food or sleep while it is in his possession. Furthermore, he can disguise the hom at
will, altering its shape and appearance as though with the polymorph any object spell (caster level 20th), although it must always resemble a hom.
Finally, Gabriel can call the hom to his side at will, regardless of the distance that separates them, even if the hom is on another plane.
The artifact can also produce any of several unique effects when Gabriel blows a blast upon it. Each time he sounds his hom, every
opponent within 30 feet must make a successfu l Fortitude save (DC 25) or be stunned for I d4 rounds. Three times per day, he can blow
a single long blast on the hom to duplicate the effect ofa destruction spell (caster level 20th). Finally, once per week, Gabriel can blow a
short, triumphant burst on the hom to call 1d2 solars, Id4 planetars, 2d6 archons, and 2d6 devas to his side.

Caster level: 20th; Weight: 15 Ibs.

.,. Appendix II .,.
The following templates can be applied to existing creatures according to the limitations set out in the individual descriptions. GMs can use
these templates to increase the diversity of creatures from the celestial realms .

. . Half Celestial Dragons . .

Like other dragons, a celestial dragon can crossbreed with
virtually any creature. Because of its good alignment, such a
dragon tends to take the relationship that produces such offspring
Special Attacks
much more seriously than other dragons do. Most half-celestial- As with a normal half-dragon, the base creature retains all its
dragons are the results of celestial dragon s pairing with celestials, special attacks and also gains a breath weapon useable once per day.
but a fair number also arise from relationships with creatures from A half-celestial-dragon has the same energy breath weapon as its
the mortal realm. dragon parent-a 30-foot cone that combines two different energy
types, as given on the following table. 1n each case, half of the
The half-dragon children of a celestial dragon are likely to be
damage is of the first energy type and half is of the second.
raised by their dragon parent or by both parents together. Like
other half-dragons, a half-celestial-dragon di splays some physical
manifestations of its heritage, such as scales, elongated features ,
reptilian eyes, or exaggerated teeth and claws.
Special Q!alities
A half-celestial-dragon's energy immunities depend on the nature of its
dragon parent, as given in the table below. As with normal half-dragons,
Creating a the base creature retains all its special qualities and gains low-light vision,
darkvision (60-foot range), and immunity to sleep and paralysis.

Half...Celestial.,Dragon Advancement
To create a half-celestial-dragon, apply the half-dragon template
The various half-celestial-dragons have different favored classes, as
from the MMto any eligible creature, but make the following
given in the table below.

Half Dragon Powers

Dragon Breath Weapon Damage (DC) Immunity Favored C lass

Dream Electricity and cold 4d 12 ( 19) Electricity and cold Sorcerer

Glory Electricity and sonic 4dl2 (20) Electricity and sonic Bard
Radiant Electricity and fire 4dl2 (22) Electricity and fire Avatar

. . Reforged . .
Good creatures, celestials and mortals alike, work tirelessly to
help other creatures make proper moral choices and follow the
standards set by the Lords of Good. Every day, their patience
and humility lead creatures whos souls were once stained with
the blackest evil to change their ways and embrace civilized and Reforged Creatures
moral behavior. But such efforts, although they provide a bright "Reforged" is a template that can be added to any evil, corporeal
counterpoint to the activities of the fiends who tempt mortals into aberration, animal, beast, dragon , giant, humanoid, magical beast,
sin, are not sufficient to turn the tide against evil. Occasionally monstrous humanoid, or outsider. A reforged creature's type
a single evil creature has such personal power, influence, or remains the same as the base creature's, but ifhad the evil subtype,
potential for doing good that powerful celestials intervene to that changes to good. The thick armor plates fused to its flesh give a
change its ways. reforged creature's face and body a chiseled look, and its skin tone
With the sanction of the Lords of Good, such a creature may be often takes on a slightly gold or bronze hue. A reforged creature
forcibly taken to one of several sites infused with the force of uses all the base creature 's statistics and special abilities except as
pure good. There, plates of heaven-forged steel are fused to its noted here.
ski n, and its alignment is irrevocably changed to good . Creatures AC: The base creature's natural armor bonus increases by +4.
that undergo this reforging process often become listless and
unfocused, but their devotion to the cause of good never falters Attacks: If the base creature did not already have either a slam or a
once they have been so transformed. claw attack, it gains a slam attack now in addition to its normal attacks.
Appendix II: Templates
Damage: If the base creature has gained a new slam attack from the descriptor is lost. If there is an analogous effect with the
reforged template, use the base damage given on the table below. If good descriptor, the creature gains that ability in place of
it already had a slam or claw attack, use either its nonnal base damage the one that was lost; otherwise the abili ty is simply gone.
or the value given on the table, whichever is greater, for that attack. All other parameters for use of the abili ty remain the same.
For example, the magic circle against good spell-like abil-
Slam Damage ity becomes magic circle against evil, and the desecrate
spell-like ability becomes hallow. Any other special attack or
Size Slam Damage special quality the base creature had that specifically hanned
good creatures, aided evi l creatures, dealt unholy damage, or
Fine made the creature especially vulnerable to holy damage now
Diminutive Id2 works in the same manner but with respect to the opposite
Tiny Id3 alignment or damage descriptor. If the base creature was a
Small Id4 spell caster, spells with the evil descriptor in its spell book
Medium-size Id6 or memory are replaced with the analogous good spells, or
Large Id8 simply lost ifno such replacements exist.
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8 Uncorrupted (Ex): The reforged creature's perfected soul
Colossal 4d6 has been hardened against mental control, granting it a +8
bonus on Will saves made to resist mind-affecting spells and
Special Attacks: A reforged creature retains all the base creature's effects.
special attacks (though any that specifically affect good creatures
are altered; see Tum on Evil, below) and also gains the fo llowing Saves: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.
Abilities: The reforged creature's ability scores change from those
Conduit 0/ Purity: The sacred power of the higher realms of the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +4, Int -4 (minimum I),
flows through the reforged creature 's body. Three times per Cha -4 (minimum I).
day, it can channel this power to produce anyone of the fol-
Skills: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.
lowing effects.
The drop in Intelligence does not retroactively remove skill points
Aura 0/ Purity (Su): When this ability is active, each evil spent.
creature within 10 feet of the reforged creature must make a
Feats: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.
Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half reforged creature's
Hit Dice + reforged creature 's Charisma modifier) or take Climaterrerrain : Same as base creature and underground.
I d6 points of hol y damage. This aura lasts for 10 rounds
plus I round per point of the reforged creature 's Constitution
Organization: Same as the base creature.
.. :~
Know Taint (Ex) : This ability functions like the detect evil
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 1.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
\:. rl
, ,' ~
spell, except that it cannot be dispelled or suppressed (in an I
Align ment: The base creature's moral alignment component I
antimagic field, for example), and it does not require con-
centration to use. This effect lasts I minute plus I minute per
point of the reforged creature's Constitution bonus.
Sacred Blade (Su): One natural or manufactured weapon of
changes to good.
Adva ncement: Same as the base creature. .'
Level Adjustment: A reforged creature has a +3 level adjustment.
the reforged creature's choice deals an extra 2d6 points of
holy damage with each successful hit against an evil crea-
ture. This effect lasts I minute plus I minute per point of the
reforged creature's Constitution bonus, but it ends immedi-
ately if the weapon leaves that creature's hand. A reforged
creature can imbue multiple weapons or natural attacks with
this power through multiple u es of this ability.
Reforging Locations
The reforging process must be carried out at a site infused with
Sacred Shield (SlI): The reforged creature gains a +4 deflec- good magic. The two examples described below can be placed in
tion bonus to Armor Class that lasts I minute plus I minute nearly any game world, or they can serve as guides for creating
per point of the creature's Constitution bonus. such a site that is unique to your own world.
Special Q ualities: If the base creature could summon evil creatures,
the reforged creature loses that ability. Otherwise, it retains all the
Shalbeya's Footfall
base creature's special qualities (though any that specifical ly affect The blessed Shalbeya, saint of hope and revelation, unlocked the
good creatures are altered; see Tum on Evil , below) and also gains secret path of ascension after much sacrifice and contemplation.
the fo llowing abilities. But she was. not the only one who had sought that secret. The devil
Maelcrexis, a comugon of unusual size and power, knew instantly
Fortification (Ex) : The plates of heaven-forged steel fused
when Shalbeya's revelation occurred, and he rushed to the scene,
to a reforged creature's skin protect its vital areas and make
hoping to steal the secret.
it less vulnerable to critical hits and sneak attack damage.
Whenever a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the Though mostly metaphysica l in nature, the path required two
reforged creature, there is a 25% chance that the extra physical foo tsteps at the start of the journey. As the saint rose and
damage is negated and damage for the attack is instead rolled took the first of those steps, the power of ascension began to flow
normally. into and through her body. Maelcrexis appeared just as Shalbeya
moved to take the second and final mortal footfall on the path.
Turn on Evil (Ex) : Any special ability the base creature had
Sensing that he was too late to wrest the secret from the woman,
that duplicates or mimics the effect ofa spell with the evi l
Appendix II: Templates
he struck her down before she could complete the second step. As The Pyre of Gian ben Gian
she died, Shalbeya's budding immortal power infused everything
around her with power and purity, including the foul Maelcrexis When the Divs rebelled against the gods (see Appendix I:
himself. Archangels), the lords of the higher realms answered by sending
Iblis, the mightiest of the archangels, to put down the uprising. When
When Mika' illater learned of the event, he searched out Maelcrexis Iblis defeated Gian ben Gian, the Div caliph, in single combat at his
and found him wandering and broken. After weighing the devil's palace, the resulting torrent of holy fire ignited the edifice and burned
soul on the scales of j udgment, the archangel dragged him back it to the ground. This holy energy cleansed all evil from the area, and
to the spot ofShalbeya's first footfall and reforged him into an even today the site still shines with the might of pure good.
adherent of righteousness.

Sample Reforged Creatures

The following samples use a gnoll and a unique advanced comugon as the base creatures.

Reforged Gnoll
Medi um-Size Humanoid (Gnoll)
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 ( 15 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (with armor), base 30 ft.
AC: 21 (+5 natural, +4 scale mail, +2 large steel shield), touch 10, flat-footed 21
Attacks: Slam +5 melee, or battleaxe +5 melee, or shortbow + I ranged
Damage: Slam I d6+4, battleaxe Id8+4/x3, or shortbow ld6/x3
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft.l5 ft.
Special Attacks: Conduit of purity
Special Qualities: Fortification, tum on evil, uncorrupted
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 4, Wis II , Cha 4
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats : Power Attack
Climate!rerrain: Temperate or warm land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2- 5), band (10-100 plus 50% noncombatants plus I 3rd-Ievel sergeant per 20 adults and I leader of
4th-6th level), or tribe (20-200 plus I 3rd-Ievel sergeant per 20 adults, I or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, I leader of 6th-8th
level, and 6-10 dire lions; an underground lair also has 1- 3 reforged trolls)
C hallenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic good
Advancement: By character class
Once servants of evil, but now footsoldiers in the armies of good, reforged gnolls make effective elite shock troops in large armies. They
can also serve as competent guards for more intelligent good creatures.

A reforged gnoll stands 7 1/2 feet tall. Its greenish-gray skin is tinted with gold and made angular by the fusion of heaven-forged steel
plates to its flesh . The creature's fur can be any shade from reddish-gray to gold or bronze. A reforged gnoll has a head like a hyena's and
prefers a diet of meat.

Reforged gnolls are direct and fearless in combat. Although they tend to be dim and unimaginative, they are tenacious in their devotion to good.
Conduit of Purity: The sacred power of the higher realms flows through a reforged gnoll's body. Three times per day, it can channel this
power to produce anyone of the following effects.

Aura of Purity (Su) : When this ability is active, each evil creature with in 10 feet of the reforged gnoll must make a Fortitude saving throw
(DC 8) or take I d6 points of holy damage. This aura lasts for 13 rounds.
Know Taint (Ex): This ability functions like the detect evil spell, except that it cannot be dispelled or suppressed (in an antimagicfield, for
example), and it does not require concentration to use. This effect lasts 4 minutes.
Sacred Blade (Su) : One natural or manufactured weapon of the reforged gnoll's choice deals an extra 2d6 points of holy damage with
each successful hit against an evil creature. This effect lasts 4 minutes, but it ends immediately if the weapon leaves the gnoll's hand. The
creature can imbue multiple weapons or natural attacks with this power through multiple uses of this ability.

Sacred Shield (Su): The reforged gnoll gains a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class that lasts 4 minutes.
Fortification (Ex): Whenever a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a reforged gnoll, there is a 25% chance that the extra damage is
negated and damage for the attack is instead rolled normally.
Uncorrupted (Ex): The reforged gnoll's perfected soul has been hardened against temptation and mental control, granting it a +8 bonus on
Will saves made to resist mind-affecting spells and effects.
Appendix II: Templates
Maelcrexis, Reforged Advanced Cornugon
Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 15d8+75 (142 hp)
Initiative: + I
Speed: 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
AC: 29 (- I size, + 1 Dex, + 19 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 28
Attacks: Whip +211+ 16/+II melee (or 2 claws +21 melee) and bite + 16 melee
and tail + 16 melee
Damage: Whip Id6+7 plus stun, claw Id8+7, bite Id4+3, tail Id3+3
plus wounding
FaceIReach: 10 ft by 10 ft./ IO ft .
Special Attacks: Conduit of purity, fear aura, spell-like abilities,
stun, wounding
Special Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 201+2, fortification,
immunities (fire, poison), outsider traits, regeneration 5,
resistances (acid 20, cold 20), SR 24, tum on evil, uncorrupted
Saves: Fort + 14, Ref +IO, Will + 11
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 12, Con 21 , Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
SkiDs: Bluff + 12, Climb +25, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +4, Hide
+ 15, Intimidate +2, Listen +20, Move Silently + 19, Search
+ 18, Sense Motive + 14, Spot +20
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder
Climaterrerrain: Any
Organization : Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Treas ure: Standard gold coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Lawful good
Advancement: 16-30 HD (Huge)
Once part of the elite defense forces of the lower planes, Maelcrexis had
long sought to unlock the secret path of ascens ion so that he could steal power
from the realms of good. When he killed the saint Shalbeya in her moment
of enlightenment (See Shalbeya's Footfall, above), the powerful devil was
infused with some of the essence of pure good and forever changed. When
the archangel Mika ' il found the devil wandering and confused, he returned
him to the site ofShalbeya 's slaughter and made him the first of the reforged.
Maelcrexis is 9 feet tall and appears only vaguely humanoid. His body is covered in a pattern of scales and steel plates. Although he retains
vestiges of his fiendis h origins, Maelcrexis looks less threatening than a normal comugon does.

Maelcrexis, like other reforged creatures, is a bold if uninspired combatant. But what the reforging process took away from him in verve
and creativity, it replaced with resolve and unquenchable devotion to good.
Conduit of Purity: The sacred power of the higher realms flows through Maelcrexis's body. Three times per day, he can channel this power
to produce anyone of the following effects.
Aura of Purity (Su): When this abi lity is active, each evil creature within 10 feet of Maelcrexis must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17)
or take I d6 points of holy damage. This aura lasts for 15 rounds.
Know Taint (Ex): This ability functions like the detect evil spell, except that it cannot be dispelled or suppressed (in an antimagic field. for
example), and it does not require concentration to use. This effect lasts 6 minutes.
Sacred Blade (Su) : One natural or manufactured weapon of Maelcrexis 's choice deals an extra 2d6 points of holy damage with each
successful hit against an evil creature. This effect lasts 6 minutes, but it ends immediately if the weapon leaves Maelcrexis 's hand.
Maelcrexis can imbue multiple weapons or natural attacks with this power through mUltiple uses of this ability.
Sacred Shield (Su): Maelcrexis gains a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class that lasts 4 minutes.
Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, Maelcrexis can create an aura of fear in a 5-foot radius. The effect is otherwise identical with that of the
fear spell (caster level 12th; save DC 17). If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected by Maelcrexis's fear aura for one day.
Celestials are immune to the aura.
Spell-Like Abilities (Su): At will- animate dead. charm person. detect evil. detect magic. detect thoughts. dispel chaos. dispel evil. magic
circle against evil. hallow, major image. produce flam e. pyrotechnics. suggestion. teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects
only); 3/da y-fireball, lightning bolt; J/day-wall offire. Caster lever 12th; save DC 10 + spell level.
Stun (Su): Whenever Maelcrexis hits with a whip attack, the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be stunned for I d4
Appendix II: Templates
Wounding (S u): A wound resulting from Maelcrexis's tail attack bleeds for an additional 2 points of damage per round thereafter. Multiple
wounds from such attacks result in cumul ative bleeding loss (two wounds for 6 points of damage per round, and so on). The bleeding can
be stopped only by a successful Heal check (DC 10) or the application of a cure spell or some other heali ng spell (heal, healing circle, or
the like).
Baatezu Traits: Maelcrexis can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. In addition, he can see
perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
For tifi cation (Ex): Whenever a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on Mae lcrexis, there is a 25% chance that the extra damage is negated
and damage for the attack is instead rolled normally.
O utsider Traits: Maelcrexis has darkvision (60-foot range). He cannot be raised or resurrected.
Regeneration (Ex): Maelcrexis takes normal damage from acid and from unholy weapons of at least +2 enchantment.
Uncorrupted (Ex) : Maelcrexis's perfected soul has been hardened against temptation and menta l control, granting him a +8 bonus on Will
aves made to resi st mind-affecting spells and effects.

-- Sublime --
Some good creatures are favored not only with physical or magical Spell-Like Abilities: At will- bless, detect evil, protection
power, but also with a certain nobility of purpose and high moral from evil (self only). Caster level 6th; save DC 10 + spell
worth. Although many thinkers and even adventurers might aspire to level + sublime creature's Charisma bonus).
or embody such ideals at one time or another, a few creatures actuall y
Special Q ualities: A subl ime creature retains all the base creature's
succeed in incorporating this perfect goodness into their very beings.
special qualities and also ga ins the following ability.
Consecrated Aura (Su): A 20-foot-radius area around the
Creating a sublime creature is infused wi th positive energy, much
like th at produced by the consecrate spell. Each Charisma
Sublime Creature check made to turn undead within this area gains a +3
sacred bonus. Furthermore, every undead creature entering
"Sublime" is a template that can be added to any corporeal dragon, the area suffers minor disrupti on that results in a - I sacred
giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or outsider. A penalty on attack rolls , damage rolls, and savi ng throws.
sublime creature's type remains the same as the base creature's, but This ability is always active. Consecrated aura can be
ifhas the evil subtype, that changes to good. dispelled, but th e sublime creature can reactivate it as a free
A sublime creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special
abilities except as noted here. Saves: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.

AC: Same as the base creature. Abilities: A subl ime creature's ability scores change fro m those of
the base creature as follows : Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +6.
Attacks: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new abi lity scores.
Skills: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new abili ty scores.
Damage: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.
Feats: Same as the base creature, adjusted for new ability scores.
Special Attacks: A sublime creature retains all the base creature's
special attacks and also gains the following abilities. Climaterrerrain : Same as the base creature and underground.

Riddle a/Contemplation (Su): A sublime creature can pose a Orga nization: Same as the base creature.
question of morality to any creature with which it can com-
C hallenge Rating: Same as the base creature + I.
municate. The target must succeed at a Will savi ng throw
(DC 10 + one-half sublime creature 's character level + sub- Treasure: Same as the base creature.
lime creature's Charisma bonus) or take no action for the fol-
lowing round. The sublime creature gains a +4 sacred bonus Alignm ent: Any good.
on Diplomacy checks made during that round to change the Adva ncement: Same as the base creature.
attitude of a creature affected by this ability. Riddle of con-
templation is a mind-affecting, language-dependent ability. Level Adj ustment: A sublime creature has a + I level adjustment.

Sample Sublime Creatures

The following samples use an average salamander and a mind flayer as the ba e creatures.

Sublime Average Salamander

Medium-Size Outsider (Fi re, Good)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: + I
Speed : 20 ft.
AC: 18 (+ I Dex, +7 natural), touch II , flat-footed 17
Attacks: Longspear +9/+4 melee and tail slap +7 mel ee
Appendix II: Templates
Damage: Longspear Id8+3 plus Id6 fire/x3 , tail slap 2d6+ 1 and Id6 fire
FacefReach: 5 ft by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d6+ 3 and I d6 fire, heat, riddle of contemplation, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Consecrated aura, DR 10/+ I, fire subtype
Saves : Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, lnt 18, Wis 19, Cha 19
Skills: Craft (metalworking) + 18, Escape Artist + II , Hide + II , Listen + 16, Move Silently + 11, Search +14, Spot + 16
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack
Climaterrerrain: Any land and underground
O rgan ization: Solitary, pair, or cluster (3- 5)
C hallenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard (non-flammables only)
Alignment: Lawful good
Advancement: 8- 14 HD (Medium-size)

Though it was born into a species suffused with evil and fire , a sublime salamander is full of peace and given to contemplation. A sublime
salamander looks much like other salamanders, with muscular, red- and black-scaled arms and a hawkish face.
Sublime salamanders speak Ignan and Common.

Like other creatures that are thoroughly infused with the power and peace of the higher planes, a sublime salamander is slow to anger, fair
in discourse, and usually willing to discuss differences rather than fight. When forced into battle, however, it is a cunning and inventive
warrior. A sublime salamander knows well how to use its powerful persuasive abilities to augment its flames and other powers.
Constrict (Ex): With a successful tail slap attack, a sublime average salamander can crush a Large or smaller opponent, dealing 2d6+3
points of bludgeoning damage plus Id6 points of fire damage.
Riddle of Contemplation (S u): A sublime average salamander can pose a question of morality to any creature with which it can
communicate. The target must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 17) or take no action for the fo llowing round. The sublime average
salamander gains a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy checks made during that round to change the attitude of a creature affected by this
ability. Riddle of contemplation is a mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.
Spell- Li ke Abilities : At will- bless, detect evil, protection/rom evil (self only). Caster level 6th; save DC 14 + spell level.
Consecrated Aura (Su): A 20-foot-radius area around the sublime average salamander is infused with positive energy, much like that
produced by the consecrate spell. Each Charisma check made to tum undead within this area gains a +3 sacred bonus. Furthermore, every
undead creature entering the area suffers minor disruption that results in a - I sacred penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws.
This ability is always active. Consecrated aura can be dispelled, but the sublime average salamander can reactivate it as a free action.
Heat (Ex): A sublime salamander generates so much heat that its touch deals Id6 points of additiona l fire damage. Its metallic weapons
also conduct this heat.

Galitlrikali, Sublime Mind Flayer

Medium-Size Aberration
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+2 Dex +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13
Attacks: 4 tentacles +8 melee
Damage: Tentacle I d4+ I
FacefReach: 5 ft by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Extract, improved grab, mind blast, psionics, riddle of contemplation, spell-like abi lities
Special Qualities: Consecrated aura, SR 25 , telepathy
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will + II
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 23, Wis 21 , Cha 23
Skills: Bluff + II , Concentration + 12, Diplomacy +8, Hide +8, Intimidate + 13, Knowledge (arcana) + I I, Know ledge (the planes) + II ,
Listen + 12, Move Silently +7, Spot + 12
Feats: Alertness, Combat Ca ting, Dodge, lmproved lnitiative, Weapon Finesse (tentacle)
Climaterrer rai n: Any
O rga nization: Solitary
C hallenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Lawful good
Advance ment: By character class
Though most mind flayers are horrid and alien creatures, there are exceptions. Nearly a hundred years ago, during a great battle for the lost
dwarven city of Mar-Namor, a mind flayer named Galith'ikali encountered an eternal that had been dispatched by the Lords of Good to
Appendix II: Templates
watch over a dwarven avatar called Branak the Herald. Although the eternal destroyed several powerful mind Bayers and thousands of their
slave-troops, Galith'ikali was touched to his very core by the almost tangible goodness of the powerful celestial, and he left the encounter a
changed illithid-forever devoted to good and peace.

Although he still has the same alien appearance as any other mind flayer, Galith' ikali radiates such peace that, after a moment or two in his
presence, rational creatures overcome their distaste for his looks. Galith ' ikali dresses in a silvery tabard reminiscent of a knightly garment.

Galith'ikali speaks Undercommon but prefers to communicate telepathically.

In combat, Galith'ikali tries to stun foes with his mind blast attack, then reason with them. When forced to kill in self-defense, he does so
quickly and as mercifully as possible. Of course, since he has the psionic abi lity to travel to another plane, Galith'ikali is rarely forced into
prolonged battles.

Extr act (Ex): If Galith'ikali begins his tum with all four tentacles attached and successfully maintains his hold, he automatically extracts
his opponent's brain, instantly killing that creature.

Improved Grab (Ex): IfGalith 'ikali hits a Small to Large opponent with a tentacle attack, he deals normal damage and attempts to start
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +7). Ifhe gets a hold, he automatically attaches the
tentacle to the opponent's head in the same round . (Galith 'ikali can grab a Huge or larger creature, but only ifhe can somehow reach the
foe's head.) On the next round, Galith ' ikali can try to attach his remaining tentacles with a single grapple check, then attempt to extract
on the following round. The opponent can escape with a single successful grapple check or Escape Artist check, but Galith'ikali gets a +2
circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was attached at the beginning of the opponent's tum.

M ind Blast (Sp): At will, Galith'ikali can launch a mental attack in a 60-foot cone. Anyone caught in this area must succeed at a Will save
(DC 20) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Galith ' ikali typically uses this ability to render opponents willing to parley or to escape from combat
without having to kill.

Psionics (Sp): At will-aslral projection, charm monster, detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, and suggestion. Caster level 8th; save DC 16 + spell level.

"t Riddle of Contemplation (Su): Galith'ikali can pose a question of morality to any creature with which he can communicate. The target must succeed
I I it at a Will saving throw (DC 20) or take no action for the following round. Galith' ikali gains a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy checks made during that
round to change the attitude of a creature affected by this ability. Riddle of contemplation is a mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.
, !'-' •I Spell-Like Abilities: At will- bless, detect evil, protection from evil (self only). Caster level 6th; save DC 16 + spell level.
, ~ 't
f II
Consecrated Aura (Su): A 20-foot-radius area around Galith'ikali is infused with positive energy, much like that produced by the

iflt consecrate spell. Each Charisma check made to tum undead within this area gains a +3 sacred bonus. Furthermore, every undead creature
entering the area suffers minor disruption that results in a - I sacred penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. This abi lity is
always active. Consecrated aura can be dispelled, but Galith'ikali can reactivate it as a free action.

Telepathy (S u): Galith ' ikali can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

-- Uncalled --
Most sentient creatures die before accomplishing everything A creature with the uncalled template looks much like it did in
they set out to do in life. Typically, the trivial unresolved issues, life, though there is a strong chance that its favored possessions
unfulfilled quests, and unpursued goals cause the dead creature's are gone, taken by others when the creature's body was interred
soul no unrest. Occasionally, however, a good creature is slain while or abandoned. The key differences are the creature's pale skin and
in pursuit of some significant goal--<me with an importance that white hair, as well as the haunted, determined look on its face.
transcends its mortal shell. When such a quest coincides with the
plans of a powerful good outsider, the soul may be placed back into
its body so that it can pursue its goal once more. Such a creature,
known as an uncalled, must complete its mission before it can find
Creating an Uncalled
eternal rest. "Uncalled" is a template that can be added to any good-aligned
dragon , fey, giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, outsider, or
An uncalled wanders the mortal realms, seeking always to complete shapechanger (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). The
whatever massive task it had been pursuing before death claimed creature's type becomes undead.
it. The creature might have been attempting to free its home nation
from enslavement by a nearby kingdom, or destroy a cabal of An uncalled uses all the base creature's statistics and special
powerful sorcerers, or even bring about the death of a deity. The abilities except as noted here.
goals of an uncalled are never simple, minor tasks; they always Hit Dice: The base creature's Hit Dice (current and future) become dl2s.
seem monumental in scope.
Speed : Same as the base creature.
When uncalled are returned to the mortal world, they are not
compelled to take up their quests immediately. Some choose to AC: An uncalled has a +4 natural armor bonus or the base
abandon their quests for a while, seeking (and sometimes finding) creature's natural armor bonus, whichever is better.
a certain amount of happiness among the living. But the call of
Attacks: Same as the base creature.
the grave echoes in their soul s, and eventually they take up their
burdens once more. Damage: Same as the base creature.
Appendix II: Templates
Special Attacks: An uncalled retains all the specia l attacks of the Shadow 0/ the Grave (Su): An uncalled remains close to
base creature and also gains those below. death, even as it walks the earth to further its mission. Because
of this proximity to the grave, the uncalled can assume a
Frightful Presence (Ex): When an uncalled charges or
shadowy, incorporeal form for I minute per character level per
attacks, it inspires terror in every creature within 30 feet that
day, though this duration need not be used all at once. While
has fewer Hit Dice or levels than itself. Each potentially
in this state, the uncalled has no material body and gains the
affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + one-
incorporeal SUbtype. It has no Strength score, so it applies its
half uncalled 's Hit Dice + uncalled 's Charisma modifier) or
Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier to aU melee
become shaken-a condition that lasts until the opponent is
attack rolls. The creature cannot make physical attacks against
out of range. A successful save leaves that opponent immune
opponents on the Material Plane except with ghost touch
to that uncalled 's frightful presence for one day.
weapons, but it can attack ethereal creatures normally. An
Spell-Like Abilities: An uncalled whose Wisdom or Charisma uncalled 's spells against targets on the Material Plane work
score is 8 or higher gains spell-like abilities as it increases in normally except for those that rely on touch; such spells do
character level, as specified in the table below. Unless otherwise not work against material targets at all. While incorporeal, an
indicated, each ability is usable once per day, and the caster level uncalled can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures,
is equal to the uncalled 's character level. The save DC (where + I or better magic weapons, spells, spell-like abilities, and
applicable) is 10 + the uncalled's Charisma modifier + spell level. supernatural abilities. The creature has a 50% chance to ignore
any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects
C haracter or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. An incorporeal
Level Spell-Like A bilities uncalled can pass through solid objects, but not force effects,
1- 2 Bane, spider climb at will. Its attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but
3-4 Daylight, undetectable alignment deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against
5-6 Magic circle against evil 3/day, searing light them . In this state, an uncalled always moves silently and
7-8 Enervation cannot be heard with Listen checks ifit doesn 't wish to be.
9- 10 Commune, mark o/justice While incorporeal, the uncalled can still move normally, and
11 - 12 Find the path it gains a fly speed equal to its base speed (average maneuver-
13- 14 Control undead, shadow walk ability). If the uncalled returns to the Material Plane inside a
15- 16 Horrid willing material object, it is shunted off to the nearest open space and
17- 18 Storm o/vengeance takes I d6 points of damage per 5 feet that it travels.
19+ Summon monster IX (cast as a good spell only) Touch o/the Grave (Su) : The uncalled channels the icy touch
Specia l Qua lities: If the base creature had regeneration, it loses that of death into its melee attacks. Each melee attack it makes
special qua lity. The uncalled retains all other special qualities of the with either a natural or a manufactured weapon deals an
base creature and also gains those noted below. additional I d6 points of cold damage.

Damage Reduction (Ex) : An unusually tough body gives Turn Resistance (Ex): An uncalled has turn resistance +6. This
it damage reduction 5/-. If the base creature already had value is added to the base creature's turn resistance (if any).
damage reduction, the uncalled gains the benefit of which- Undead Traits: An uncalled is immune to mind-affecting
ever rating best applies to a particular source of damage. effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death
Fast Healing (Ex) : An uncalled regains lost hit points at the effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires
rate of 5 per round, or at the base creature's rate, whichever a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. It is not
is better. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, abil-
starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow the ity drain, energy drain , or death from massive damage. An
uncalled to regrow or reattach lost body parts. uncalled cannot be raised , and resurrection works only if it is
willing. The creature has darkvision (60-foot range) .
Immunities (Ex): An uncalled is immune to cold, fear, and
polymorphing. Saves: Same as the base creature.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): An uncalled can see twice as far as a Abilities: An uncalled 's ability scores change from those of the
human in low-light conditions. base creature as follows : Str +6, Dex +2, Wis +6, Cha +2. As an
undead creature, it has no Constitution score.
Rejuvenation (Su): The place where the base creature was
interred (or the spot where it died, ifit was given no funeral) is Skills: An uncalled gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate, Move
called its gravesite and is sacred ground for the uncalled. Unless Silently, Search, and Sense Motive checks, and a +2 racial bonus on
this gravesite is located and desecrated, the uncalled reappears Bluff, Disguise, and Hide checks. Otherwise its skills are the same
I d8 days after its apparent death. In addition to casting the des- as the base creature's.
ecrate spell on its gravesite, anyone wishing to put an uncalled Feats: An uncalled gains Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will ,
permanently to rest must also deal at least 50 points of damage and Leadership as bonus feats. Otherwise, its feats are the same as
to the crypt, coffin, headstone, earth, or any other receptacle the base cr~ature 'So
that once held the uncalled 's mortal remains. If the gravesite
is only the location of death, dealing this amount of damage to C lim ate/Terr ain: Same as the base creature.
the area within a 10-foot radius of that spot suffices. Whenever
Organization : Solitary.
anyone comes within 30 feet of an uncalled 's grave, the creature
becomes aware of the intrusion as if the site were warded by C ha llenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
a si lent alarm spell, though the effect isn 't magical and thus
Treasu re: Same as the base creature.
cannot be dispelled or suppressed by any means.
Alignment: Always good (any).
Resistances (Ex) : An uncalled has fire resistance 10, or the
base creature's fire resistance, whichever is better. Advancem ent: By character class
Appendix II: Templates
Sample Uncalled Creature
The following sample uses a stone giant as the base creature.

Uliy, Uncalled Stone Giant

Huge Undead
Hit Dice: 14dl2 (91 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 26 (- I size, +3 Dex, + 11 natural, +3 hide annor), touch 12, flat-footed 23
Attacks: Huge + 1 greatclub +20/+ 15 melee, or rock + 13 ranged
Damage: Huge +1 greatclub 2d8+ 16 plus I d6 cold, rock 2d8+ II
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft J IO ft .
Special Attacks: Frightful presence, rock throwing, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. , DR 5/- , fast healing 5, immunities (cold, fear, polymorphing), low-light vision, rejuvenation,
resistance (fire 10), rock catching, shadow of the grave, touch of the grave, tum resistance +6
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 17, Con - , Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13
Skills: Bluff +3, Climb + 13, Disguise +3, Hide +3*, Intimidate +5, Jump + 13, Listen +5, Move Silently +4, Search +4, Sense Motive +7,
Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Leadership, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
ClimatelTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral good
Advancement: By character class
Uliy was tribal champion of the Rrevik clan of stone giants. He lived to prove his prowess in combat and serve his tribe in whatever
capacity he could. One day, while he was hunting in the mountains, a strange glow began filling the valley in which his tribe made its home.
He quickl y hurried back through the mountain passes to see what was happening. When he crested the last ridge overlooking the valley, he
saw a massive hemisphere oflight encompassing the entire village. As he sprinted toward his home, the light seemed to throb and expand.
Then it winked out.
Uliy's vi llage had vanished. In its place was an immense, perfectly smooth hemispherical crater in the ground. All the gardens and animal
pens, all the homes, and the giants were gone. Ul iy had fai led as tribal champion for his own village, but he was determined not to fail the
other stone giant settlements in the mountains. He set out for a nearby vi llage several miles away to warn the residents, but again he was too
late-another perfectly smooth depression was all that remained. The same was true for the next village, and the next. All told, eight stone
giant villages-all those in U1iy's mountain range-were gone.

Uliy swore a blood oath to discover the fate of his people or die trying. As luck would have it, the latter event happened first. Barely a
month after the disappearance, Uliy was ambushed by a family of mantic ores and slain.
But some power of good found Uliy's quest worth pursuing, and there was no one else who could complete it, since Uliy had been the only
sentient being who even knew about the missing stone giants. Thus, Uliy opened his eyes once more-this time as an uncalled. Now, driven
by the need to discover the truth about his tribe 's fate, he searches the land for clues.

Uliy fights as other stone giants do, hurling rocks at enemies as long as possible, then closing in for melee. He uses his spell-like abilities
primarily to further his quest.
Frightful Presence (Ex): When Uliy charges or attacks, he inspires terror in every creature within 30 feet that has 13 or fewer Hit Dice.
Each potentially affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or become shaken- a condition that lasts until the opponent is out
ofrange. A successful save leaves that opponent immune to Uliy's frightful presence for one day.
Rock Throwing (Ex): Uliy is an extremely accomplished rock thrower, so he receives a + I racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing
rocks. He can hurl rocks weighing 60 to 80 pounds each (Medium-size objects) up to five range increments. Uliy 's range increment is 180
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day- magic circle against evil; I/day- bane. commune, control undead. daylight, enervation, find the path. mark of
justice, searing light, shadow walk, spider climb, undetectable alignment; Caster level 14th; save DC II + spell level.
Fast Healing (Ex): Uliy regains lost hit points at the rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
or suffocation, and it does not allow him to regrow or reattach lost body parts.
Rock Catching (Ex) : Uliy can catch Small , Medium-size, Large, or Huge rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, when he
would normally be hit by a rock, he can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size
Appendix II: Templates
rock, 25 for a Large rock, and 30 for a Huge rock. If the projectile has a magical bonus on attacks, the DC increases by that amount. Uliy
must be ready for and aware of the attack. As a stone giant, he gets a +4 bonus on his attempts to catch rocks.
Rej uvenation (Su): Uliy was not given a proper burial. His gravesite is in a high mountain pass. Unless this site is located and desecrated
(with a desecrate spell and 50 points of damage to the 10-foot-radius area around where he died), Uliy reappears 1d8 days after his apparent
death. Whenever anyone comes within 30 feet of Uliy's gravesite, he becomes aware of the intrusion as if the site were warded by a silent
alarm spell, though the effect isn 't magical and thus cannot be dispelled or suppressed by any means.

Shadow of the Grave (Su): Because of his proximity to the grave, Uliy can assume a shadowy, incorporeal form (gaining the incorporeal
subtype) for 14 minutes per day, though this duration need not be used all at once. While incorporeal, he can be harmed only by other
incorporeal creatures, + 1 or better magic weapons, spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. Uliy has a 50% chance to ignore
any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. He can pass through solid objects,
but not force effects, at will. His attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally
against them. In this state, Uliy always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks ifhe doesn't wish to be.
Thrn Resistance (Ex): Uliy is treated as an undead with 20 Hit Dice for the purpose of tum, rebuke, command, and bolster attempts.
Undead Traits: Uliy is immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and
any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. He is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
ability drain, energy drain , or death from massive damage. Uliy cannot be raised, and resurrection works only ifhe is willing. Uliy has
darkvision (60-foot range).
Skills: *Uliy gains a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in rocky terrain .

.-- Wordbearer
From time to time, the Lords of Good or their chosen Captivating Message: The power of this ability increases as
representatives select a mortal for a special purpose. This purpose the wordbearer advances in level. The creature can produce
can vary depending on the specific deity, but it always involves the effect that corresponds to its character level on the table
conveying a special message and converting nonbelievers to the below, as well as all effects corresponding to lower character
deity's cause. Such a creature is called a wordbearer. levels.

A wordbearer usually shares the alignment of its chosen deity from

the start. The rare wordbearer that differs in alignment when it first Captivating Message .•~
gains the template usually ends up changing its alignment to match •
its patron's in a short time. Clerics and paladins are often selected
as word bearers, but other characters and even monsters are selected
Character Level
Captivating Message Effect
Inspire peace
t '

just as frequently. 5- 7 Fascinate

8- 10 Suggestion
For the most part, a wordbearer looks like a normal version of the
11 - 13 Holy word
base creature. The only perceptible differences are the occasional
14-16 Holy aura
flash of light from its mouth when it speaks, and the golden motes
17+ Alter alignment
of light that sometimes float through its eyes.
Inspire Peace (Su) : Once per day per three character levels,
the wordbearer can attempt to influence the attitude of a
Creating hostile or unfriendly opponent by speaking in soothing tones.
The opponent must be able to hear the wordbearer, but it
a Wordbearer need not understand its language. The target can make a
Will save (DC 10 + one-halfwordbearer's character level +
" Wordbearer" is a template that can be added to any good- or wordbearer's Charisma modifier) to resist. If the opponent
neutral-aligned animal, beast, dragon , fey, giant, humanoid, magical fails its save, the wordbearer immediately makes a Charisma
beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider, or shapechanger (referred check with a bonus equal to the wordbearer 's character level
to hereafter as the "base creature"). The creature 's type becomes to influence the target's attitude, even if a previous attempt
outsider, and it gains the good subtype if it is good-aligned. has already been made. Success indicates that the target 's
attitude shifts according to Table 5-4 in the DMG. A suc-
A wordbearer uses all the base creature's statistics and special cessful save indicates that the wordbearer cannot make an
abilities except as noted here. extra Charisma check and does not gain the bonus indicated,
Hit Dice: Same as the base creature. but it may still make the check normally if it has not yet
attempted one against that creature.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Fascinate (Su): Once per day, a wordbearer can spread the
AC: A wordbearer gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC because of the message imbued within its body to every creature within 40
holy energy constantly emanating from its body. feet that can hear its voice and pay attention. (The distrac-
tion of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability
Damage: Same as the base creature, except that all damage dealt by
from working.) Each potentially affected creature must
the wordbearer's natural weapons or unarmed strikes is holy damage.
make a successful Will save (DC 10 + one-halfwordbearer's
A wordbearer does not provoke attacks of opportunity for using natural
character level + wordbearer 's Charisma modifier) to resist
weapons or unarmed strikes, even if such attacks normally would.
the effect. Failure indicates that the creature is fascinated and
Special Attacks: A wordbearer retains all the special attacks of the must sit quietly and listen for I round per character level of
base creature and also gains the captivating message special attack. the wordbearer. While fascinated, the target takes a -4 pen-

Appendix II: Templates
alty on Spot and Listen checks. Any potential threat allows Fast Healing (Ex): A wordbearer regains lost hjt points at the
the fascinated creature a second saving throw, and any rate of 3 per round, or at the base creature's rate, whjchever
obvious threat (such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or is better. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
aiming a bow), automatically breaks the effect. Maintaining starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow the
the fascination effect requires the wordbearer to concentrate, wordbearer to regrow or reattach lost body parts.
as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a mind-
Low-Light Vision (Ex): A wordbearer can see twice as far as
affecting ability.
a human in low-light conditions.
Suggestion (Sp) : The wordbearer can implant a suggestion in
a single target creature once per day per five character levels. Outsider Traits: A wordbearer has darkvision (60-foot
This ability functions exactly like the suggestion spell (caster range). It cannot be raised or resurrected.
level equals wordbearer 's character level). Saves: Same as the base creature.
Holy Word (Sp) : The wordbearer can speak a holy word Abilities: A wordbearer 's ability scores change from those of the
once per day. This ability functions like the spell of the same base creature as follows : Con +2, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6.
name (caster level equals wordbearer 's character level).
Skills: A wordbearer gains skills for its monster Hit Dice (if any) as
Holy Aura (Su) : Once per day, the wordbearer can generate an outsider. Treat skills from the base creature's list as class skills
a holy aura. This ability functions exactly like the spell of and others as cross-class skills. If the creature has a class, it gains
the same name (caster level equals wordbearer's character skills for class levels normally.
Feats: A word bearer has one feat fo r every 4 Hit Dice or the base
Alter Alignment (Su): This ability, usable once per week, creature's number of feats, whichever is greater. Wordbearers
forces a target 's alignment closer to that of the wordbearer's tend to favor feats that capitalize on their unique abi lities (such as
deity. The wordbearer must attempt a Will save (DC 10 Leadership), or those that further strengthen their resolve (such as
+ one-halfwordbearer's character level + wordbearer 's Iron Will).
Charisma modi.fier). If the save fails, the target 's alignment
immediately shifts one step closer to that of the wordbearer 's ClimaterTerrain: Same as the base creature.
deity on the good-evil axis. Ifsuch a shift is not possible Organization : Solitary.
(because that component of the target's alignment already
matches that of the wordbearer 's deity, for example) the C hallenge Ratin g: Same as the base creature +2.
target 's alignment shifts one step closer to that of the
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
wordbearer's deity on the law-chaos axis instead.
Alignment: Always good (any).
Special Qualities: A word bearer retains all the special qualities of
the base creature and also gains those noted below. Adva ncement: By character class.

, Sample Wordbearer
~I • ~ The following sample uses a male human Ftr 4IPal I as the base creature.

Delroy Tarilouse
Med ium-Size Outsider (Good)
Hit Dice: 5d I 0+ I 0
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (with armor); base 30 ft.
AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +2 sacred, +6 [+ 1 breastplate], +2 large steel shield), touch 14, flat-footed 20
Attacks: +1 bastard sword +9 melee, or longbow +7 ranged
Damage: + 1 bastard sword Id I 0+4/ 19- 20, longbow IdS/x3
FacelReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft .
Special Attacks: Captivating message (fascinate, inspire peace)
Special Qualities: Detect evil, divine grace, divine health, fast healing 3, lay on hands (2 points/day), low-light vision, outsider traits
Saves: Fort + 14, Ref +S, Will + 10
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis IS, Cha 21
SkiUs: Climb +5, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +6, Jump +5, Listen +6, Ride +S, Spot +6
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack
Climaterrerrain : Any land and underground
Organ ization : Solitary
C hallenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignm ent: Lawful good
Advancement: By character class
Delroy was once a mercenary for hire. He belonged to a small band of sells words called Thiggins' Motleys, which had found moderate
success under the leadership of Bull Thiggins. Delroy had problems with some of the jobs Thiggins took, especially those on behalf of rich
nobles who made their fortunes from the sweat of working-class people.
Appendix II: Templates
The matter came to a head when Thiggins
accepted the job of executing a local priest for
harboring fugitives from the duke's justice.
What the leader did not tell the rest of his
band was that the "fugitives" were merely
members ofa poor farming family. The
father was wanted for not paying his taxes
promptly, and he had fled to the church
with his family for sanctuary when the tax
collectors came calling. Now the duke
wanted the life of the priest who had taken
them in.
When the sellswords arrived at the
church, Thiggins kicked the door down
and struck the head off the farmer, who was
cowering next to the rearmost pew. The rcst
of his men fell to the carnage as easily as
that farmer might have reaped grain---except
Delroy. The mercenary stood in the doorway of the
church, speechless. When Thiggins reached the
altar and drew back to strike down the upstart
cleric, something happened to Delroy. A
bolt of holy power seemed to flow from
the altar, and he knew that the god of justice
had just spoken to his soul. He began to speak to
Thiggins, beseeching him to show mercy and to
call off his men. The mercenary captain paused,
his eyes glazing over momentarily. Then he
shook his head, laughed, and struck down the
cleric. In a rage, Delroy attacked, killing
Thiggins and eight of his former comrades
before the rest fled in terror from the man
with light leaking from his mouth and eyes.

Delroy wanders the earth spreading the
message of mercy. He avoids useless
combat but does not hesitate to strike
down those who would harm people less
powerful than themselves. When given the
opportunity, however, he attempts to use his
inspire peace and fascinate abilities to deliver
his message.
Captivating Message: Delroy can use the inspire peace and
fascinate powers that this ability provides.
Fascinate (Su): Once per day, Delroy can spread the mes-
sage imbued within his body to every creature within 40 feet that can hear his voice and pay attention. (The distraction of a nearby
combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working.) Each potentially affected creature must make a successful Will save (DC
17) to resist the effect. Failure indicates that the creature is fascinated with Delroy and must sit quietly and listen to his voice for 5
rounds. While fascinated, the target takes a -4 penalty on Spot and Listen checks. Any potential threat allows the fascinated creature
a second saving throw, and any obvious threat (such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or aiming a bow), automatically breaks the
effect. Maintaining the fascination effect requires Delroy to concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a mind-
affecting ability.

Inspire Peace (Su) : Once per day, Delroy can attempt to influence the attitude of a hostile or unfriendly opponent by speaking in
soothing tones. The opponent must be able to hear him, but it need not understand his language. The target can make a Will save
(DC 17) to resist. If the opponent fails its save, Delroy immediately makes a'Charisma check with a +5 bonus, even if a previous
attempt has already been made. Success indicates that the target's attitude shifts according to Table 5-4 in the DMG. A successful
save indicates that Delroy cannot make an extra Charisma check and does not gain the +5 bonus, but he may still make the check
normally ifhe has not yet attempted one against that creature.
Fast Healing (Ex): Delroy regains lost hit points at the rate of 3 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation,
thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow Delroy to regrow or reattach lost body parts.
Outsider Traits: Delroy has darkvision (60-foot range). He cannot be raised or resurrected.

g ggg





I Modifier


I Modifier

Modilier Modifier


HIT POINTS _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __
AC: ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
INITIATIVE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INITIATIVE:
AT'{ACKS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATTACKS:
DAMAGE: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ DAMAGE:
SKILLS: _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SKILLS:


OrHER NOTES: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___ OTHER NOTES:


g ggggg ~

M:~ 1':_11':_1
Score Score

Modifier Modifier Modj(icr Modifier Modifier Modilier ~


HIT POINTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
AC: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
INITIATIVE: _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ INITIATIVE:
ATTACKS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ATTACKS:
DAMAGE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DAMAGE:
SKILLS: _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SKILLS:


OrHER NOTES: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ OTHER NOTES:

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The Avatar's
MSRP $16.95 US
ISBN 0-9723599-6-6

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