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EXAM ID : 10953

Direction for questions 1 – 5: The following graph shows the break-up of the type of
employees of company Z which consists of 4 types – managerial, staff, unskilled,
temporary, from 1997-2000.


10.4 12.5
80% 33.3 36.8

40.7 35.6

40% 32.6

42 45.6

1997 1998 1999 2000

Managerial Staff Unskilled Temporary

1. What is the approximate % increase in the number of staff employees between 1997
and 1998?
a) 25% b) 26% c) 27%
d) 28% e) Can’t be determined

2. If the total strength of the Company Z in 1997 was 5000, what was the number of
temporary employees?
a) 250 b) 275 c) 290
d) 300 e) 400

ERUDITE 1 Exam ID : 10953

3. What is the average number of unskilled employees in the period given?
a) 1160 b) 1175 c) 1200
d) 1205 e) can’t be determined

4. Using data from question 7, what is the number of managerial employees in 1999, if
there was a 20% increase in total strength for every year from 1997?
a) 3024 b) 2208 c) 3080
d) 2890 e) 3000

5. What is the percentage change in the percentage composition of managerial

employees between 1999 and 2000?
a) 5.66% b) 7.14% c) 8.57%
d) 9.09% e) 11.11%

Direction for questions 6 – 11 : Problems are based on the information given below.

When King Vlad’s court jester expired suddenly, five new candidates auditioned for the
job. During the auditions each entertained the king in his own special way. The first four
who gave the trial were found unsatisfactory and were disqualified, with one being boiled
in oil for his failure to please the king. The fifth candidate got the job

• Jack auditioned right before the Weems who did magic tricks for king Vlad and
who did not survive to become court jester.
• The fool who later tumbled for his majesty watched in horror as an earlier candidate
was drawn and quartered
• Ranulf wasn’t the one who played the flute nor the one who sang for the ruler
• Scarletto met his fate earlier than the fool who was drowned
• Immediately after the juggler met his fate for failing to amuse, another fool failed
and was drawn and quartered.
• Weens immediately followed the tumbler in trying for the job.
• Jack,who didn’t juggle for king Vlad, wasn’t the fool who was drawn and quartered
Pippin’s talent wasn’t playing the flute
• Weems wasn’t the fool who was drowned in the castle meat
• The fool who was beheaded wasn’t the one who did magic tricks

ERUDITE 2 Exam ID : 10953

6. Who was the juggler?
a) Ranulf
b) Scarletto
c) Jack
d) Weems
e) Pippion

7. Who was the second fool to come to the court?

a) Jack
b) Ranulf
c) Scarletto
d) Weems
e) Pippin

8. Who was drowned?

a) Ranulf
b) Jack
c) Scarletto
d) Weems
e) Pippin

9. What was scarletto’s talent?

a) Juggling
b) Magic
c) Singing
d) Playing the Flute
e) Tumbler

10. Who came in first to the court?

a) Jack
b) Ranulf
c) Scarletto
d) Pippin
e) Weems

ERUDITE 3 Exam ID : 10953

11. Who became king Vlad’s court jester?
a) Weapons
b) Pippin
c) Scarletto
d) Weens
e) Jack

Direction for questions 12– 15 : Refer to the data given below.

No. of Open Offers Value of Open Offers (Rs. Cr.)

Month 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 Month 98-99 99-00 00-01
April 97.0 9.5 38.21
April 8 10 6 6 16
May 793.9 138.3 660.8
June 54.8 11.1 0.6
May 8 7 9 7 12
July 22.2 50.4 58.6
Aug 56.4 4.4 2.0
June 8 2 2 4 5
Sep 50.9 14.6 22.3
Oct 22.1 14.6 199.9
July 2 4 2 10 9
Nov 7.0 47.7 43.2
Dec 10.4 138.1 1047.4
Aug. 5 4 6 10 4
Jan 194.5 38.9 18.7
Feb 0.3 8.5 46.6
Sept. 7 3 6 7 8
Mar 17.2 276.2 487.3
Total 38 30 31 44 54 Total 1326.7 752.3 2625.6

ERUDITE 4 Exam ID : 10953

No. of Open Offers

16 2001-02

14 2002-03

April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March

Value of Open Offers


1500 2002-03



April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March

12. What was the total value of open offers for the period of April 2002 to Sept. 2002?
a) 2850 cr. b) 3000 cr. c) 3150 cr. d) 3100 cr.

ERUDITE 5 Exam ID : 10953

13. In 2000-01 what was the total value of open offers for the months whose value
decreased over previous year 1999-2000?
a) 86.8 b) 62.5 c) 64.5 d) 86.5

14. If the percentage increase in the total value of open offers in the year 2001-02 over
2000-01 remains the same for the year 2002-03 what will be the value of open
offers (approx) for the month of Oct’02 – March’03?
a) 6500 cr. b) 5300 cr. c) 5000 cr. d) 6000 cr.

15. A good month is defined as a month in which the value of open offers is always
increasing every year. In the years 1998-99, 1999-00, 2000-01 how many good
months were there?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 2 d) 6

Direction for questions 16– 20 : Based on the information given below.

The four islands in the Tropicana group produce a different type of fruit, have different
population among 293, 305, 328 and 402, and are located at either A, B, C or D

• The Kolahani islanders inhabit the island west of but not immediately next to Holahu
island. Holahu doesn’t produce bananas or pineapples and has a higher population
than Wahani island.
• Molaku island isn’t the one with a population of 293, nor is it the one immediately
next to the island with a population of 293.
• The islanders who grow bananas inhabit the island east of but not immediately next to
the island of Kolahani.
• The island at location D isn’t the one with the highest population
• Molaku island (which isn’t the one at location B) is the next island due west of the
one where papaya is grown
• The islanders who grow coconuts don’t inhabit the island immediately next to the one
where bananas are grown
• The islands are in a row, in the order A – D from west to east

ERUDITE 6 Exam ID : 10953

16. Papaya is grown on which island?
a) Holahu b) Kolahani c) Molaku d) Wahani

17. Which island has a population of 402?

a) Holahu b) Kolahani c) Molaku d) Wahani

18. Which island is located at B?

a) Holahu b) Kolahani c) Molaku d) Wahani

19. What is grown at Wahani?

a) Papaya b) Pineapples c) Banana d) Coconuts

20. Which island is in the extreme east?

a) Wahani
b) The one where coconut is grown
c) The island with a population of 328
d) Molaku

Direction for questions 21 – 24: Refer to the data supplied below :

James, in disguise, approaches 4 workers of a particular corporation exactly one of whom

is known to be a mole for its arch rival.
All of them are from different departments and have peculiar characteristics. The one
from finance always speaks truthfully; the HR guy always lies; the marketing guy makes
statements that are alternately true and false.
James knows that the mole is from the R&D department. James asks which one is from
the R&D department. They each respond as below :

A- 1. Two of us are from R&D.

2. B is from finance.
3. B was from R&D, but he changed over.
4. B’s third statement is true.

ERUDITE 7 Exam ID : 10953

B- 1. I am neither from HR or marketing.
2. A’s first statement is true.
3. D is from finance and C from R&D.
4. A is not from systems.

C- 1. D is from finance.
2. I am from R&D.
3. B’s second statement is false.
4. D is neither from finance nor from marketing.

D- 1. B is either from marketing or R&D.

2. I am either from finance or marketing.
3. C falsely claims to be the R&D guy.
4. A’s 3rd statement is false.
James is utterly confused and desperately requires your help to solve this.

21. Who is from the finance department?

a) A b) D c) C d) B

22. Which department is C from?

a) finance b) marketing c) R&D d) H.R

23. Who is the R&D guy?

a) A b) B c) C d) D

24. Which department is A from?

a) finance b) HR c) marketing d) R&D

ERUDITE 8 Exam ID : 10953

Directions for questions 25 - 30: Each question is followed by two statements I and II.
Answer each question using the following instructions

1: If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be
answered using the other statement alone.
2: If the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone.
3: If the question can be answered by using both statements together, but cannot be
answered using either of the statements alone.
4: If the questions cannot be answered even by using both statements together

25. If Sarah bought twice as many apples as pears, what was the total amount that she
spent on pears?
I. The price of each apple was $ 0.42, which was 16 percent less than the price
of each pear.
II. Sarah spent a total of $ 2.52 on apples, which was 68 percent greater than the total
amount she spent on pears.

26. In how much time will the tank be filled if tap A, B & C are opened?
I. Inlet tap A can fill the tank in 3 hrs., outlet tap B can empty the tank in 5 hrs.
and inlet pipe C fills it is 4 hours.
II. The tank is already half filled.

27. Is the square root of the integer x an integer?

I. x is divisible by 3.
II. The last digit of x is 2.

28. How much does each A, B & C has?

I. A has 25% more than B.

II. C has Rs. 45 less than A, and B has 20% less than A.

ERUDITE 9 Exam ID : 10953

29. A boat takes 6 hrs. to go between two points P and Q, upstream and downstream.
What is the speed of the boat in still water, speed of boat being greater-than flow
rate of water?

I. Distance between P and Q is 10 km.

II. The boat takes 4 hrs. to reach Q upstream.

30. In a certain store, item X sells for 10 percent less than item Y. What is the ratio of
the store’s revenue from the sales of item X to that from the sales of item Y?

I. The store sells 20 percent more unit of item Y than of item X

II. The store’s revenue from the sales of item X is $ 6,000 and from the
sales of item Y is $ 8,000.

ERUDITE 10 Exam ID : 10953


Exam ID : 10953
1 5 2 2 3 5 4 1 5 3 6 1 7 3 8 3 9 4 10 2

11 2 12 2 13 3 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 3 18 4 19 2 20 3
21 2 22 2 23 2 24 2 25 1 26 3 27 1 28 4 29 3 30 2

1. We only know % breakup of the employees of Co. Five auditioned to become king Vlad’s court
Z but not the employee strength for any year jester in the following order:
∴ % increase in no. of staff employees can’t be Renaulf the juggler was beheaded.
determined. Hence, option (e). Scarletto the flute player was drawn and quartered
2 Total strength of employees in Co. Z in 1997 Jack the tumbler was drowned
= 5000 Weems the magician was boiled in oil.
% of temporary employees = 5.5% Pippin the singer was the lucky one the kept his
∴ No. of temporary employees head and was made the court Lester.
= 5.5/100 of 5000 = 275 Thus the answers are.
Hence, option (b). 6. Hence, option (a)
3. No data is available regarding the no. of 7. Hence, option (c)
unskilled employees in the given period. 8. Hence, option (c)
Hence option (e) 9. Hence, option (d)
4. If No. of employees in’ 97 be 100 10. Hence, option (b)
∴ No. of employees in ‘99 at 20% growth 11. Hence, option (b)
20 × 20 12. 600 + 1400 + 50 + 750 + 10 + 200
= 144% [ 100 + 20 + 20 + ] = 3010 ≈ 3000 crore.
Hence, option (b).
∴ No. of managerial employees in ‘99
144 42
= 5000 × × = 3024 .
100 100 13. June 0.6
Hence, option (a). Aug 2
5 Change in the % of percentage composition of Nov. 43.2
managerial employees between 1999 and 2000 Jan 18.7
= 45.6 – 42 = 3.6 64.5 Hence, option (c)
∴ % change in the percentage of its percentage 14. Total value offered in 2001-2002
composition = 100 + 400 + 50 + 50 + 400 + 250 + 100 + 100 +
3.6 0.6 1000 + 50 + 1900 + 550 = 500 G.
= × 100 = × 100 = 8.57% .
42 7 Total value offered in 2000-01 = Rs. 2625.6 G
Hence, option (c). ∴Increase = 5000 − 2625.6 = 2375 (approx)
6 – 11 : 2327
∴ growth rate = × 100 0 = 90.41%

ERUDITE 11 Exam ID : 10953

∴ Value offered in 02-03 know the times taken by A, B, and C to fill or
empty the tank.
475 22.5 4
2375 100 0 Combining I & II, in 1 hour A, B, C can fill
= × × 5000 + 5000
26250 105 100  1 1 1  23
21 = − +  = of the tank.
 3 5 4  60
90 × 450 0 0 60
= = 4500 + 5000 = Rs. 9500 Cr. ∴A, B, C can fill the tank in hours.
10 0 23
∴ Value offered from April ’02 to Sept ’02 1
∴A, B, C can fill of the tank in
= Rs. 3000 Cr. 2
∴ Value offered from Oct ’02 to March ’03  1 60  7
= Rs. 6500 Cr. Hence, option (a).  ×  =1 hours.
 2 23  23
15. The months are July, Dec, Feb, March.
Hence, option (a). Hence, information given is sufficient and the
16 - 20 answer is option (3).
27. From I alone, if x = 27 (say),
Island Fount PopulationLocation then x = 3 3 , which is not an integer.
Name Again, if x = 36 (say), then x = 6 ,
Holahu Papaya 328 D which is an integer. Hence, both cases are possible
Kolahani Coconuts 293 A ⇒ data insufficient.
Molaku Bananas 402 C From II alone, as a perfect square cannot have the
Wahani Pinapples 305 B last digit as 2, the square root of the number
cannot be an integer.
Thus the answers are Hence, statement II alone is sufficient
16. Hence, option (a) and the answer is option (1).
17. Hence, option (c) 28. From I alone, A = 1.25B. But we do not know
18. Hence, option (d) anything about C. Hence, statement I alone is
19. Hence, option (b) insufficient.
20. Hence, option (c) From II alone, C = A – 45 and B = 0.8A.
21 - 24 But the absolute value of A is not known.
By hit & trial we get D as person from Finance Hence, statement II alone is insufficient.
Dept. Combining I & II, A = 1.25B
Taking this assumption we get result which is not ⇒ B = 0.8A, which is already known.
contradictory. Hence, the information given above
From this we get A is from HR. B is from R&D. is insufficient and the answer is option (4).
C is from marketing. 29. Let the speed of the boat in still
21. Hence, option (b) water be x km/hr and that of the current be y
22. Hence, option (b) km/hr.
23. Hence, option (b) 10 10
24. Hence, option (b) From I alone, + =6
x+ y x− y
25. From I alone, price of each apple = $0.42
The above equation contains 2 unknowns and
∴ Price of each pear = $  0.42 ×  = $0.50
hence statement I alone is insufficient.
 84 
But we cannot determine the number of pears From II alone, = 4; =6−4= 2
x− y x+ y
bought. Hence statement I alone is insufficient.
From II alone, the total amount spent on pears = But no solution.
Combing both the statements and solving the two
 100 
$  2.52 ×  = $1.50 equations we get
 168  x = 3.75, y = 1.25. Hence, statement I & II
Hence, statement II alone is sufficient and the together is sufficient and the answer is option (3).
answer is option (1). 30. From I alone, ratio is 0.9 × 1 : 1 × 1.2
26. Statement I alone is insufficient, as we do not Hence, sufficient.
know whether the tank was initially empty or not. From II alone, ratio is 6000 : 8000 or 3 : 4.
Statement II alone is insufficient, as we do not Hence, sufficient. [option (2)]

ERUDITE 12 Exam ID : 10953

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