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International Global News


。Entertainment。娛樂 2020/03/01-03/19
1. Disney to r_________e 'Frozen 2' on s_______ming p______m three months early --

Reuters 迪士尼將提前三個月在串流平台推出《冰雪奇緣 2》( 2020/3/16 )

2. Walt Disney World closes, p_________zing the company's t_______m empire -- CNN

華特迪士尼世界關閉 該公司觀光帝國全面停頓( 2020/3/13 )( 2020/3/13 )

3. Netflix to slow Europe tr__________ns to avoid b_________d o______d -- The Guardian

網飛將在歐洲降速播送 避免寬頻超載( 2020/3/20 )


4. Oil c___________es by another 24% to $20. It hasn't been this low since 2002 – CNN

油價再度崩跌 24% 來到 20 美元 自 2002 年以來還沒這麼低過( 2020/3/19 )

5. Philippines ______________________________________________________________

菲律賓成為第一個因病毒而關閉金融市場的國家( 2020/3/17 )

6. Federal Reserve ____________________to zero to ___________________ during the

coronavirus p_________c – CNN 聯準會降息至零 以在新冠病毒大流行期間支持經濟

7. Apple accidentally ____________ surprise new iPhone r___________ -- Forbes

Apple 意外洩漏意外新 iPhone 發表訊息( 2020/3/19 )

Sunny Cheng Business English March 21, 2020 1

New York governor orders all nonessential
workers to stay home from work
Bryan Pietsch

All nonessential businesses in New York state will be ordered

to keep their workers home starting Sunday evening, Gov.
Andrew Cuomo said on Friday.

○ 建議, 命令相關的動詞 → 語意上有 should 被省略, 變為 VR 原型動詞

ask(要求), demand(要求), request(要求), require(要求;命令),
suggest(建 議), move(建議), propose(建議), command(命令), order(命令),
insist(堅持), maintain(堅持), instruct(指示), direct(指示), specify(指定),
provide(規定), legislate(立法), advocate (倡導), urge(催促), resolve(決定),
decide(決定), object(反對), advise(規勸)

demand(要求), request(要求), requirement(要求), suggestion(建議),
proposal(建議), motion(建議), provision(建議;規定), insistence(堅持),
order(命令), command(命令), recommendation (推薦), direction(指示)

○ , starting → , which will start ○ barring ….from = prevent ….from → , which bars …

Cuomo said he would sign an executive order barring people from traveling to work unless they are
employees of essential businesses like pharmacies or grocery stores.

Civil fines will be issued for businesses that don't comply with the order, Cuomo said, adding that the
order is not a shelter-in-place mandate.

○ comply with = be in accordance with = be obedient to

≒ abide by rules / regulations / orders / law

○ mandate (n.) authority / an official command / an official permission

○ mandate (v.) authorize / to delegate authority to

Sunny Cheng Business English March 21, 2020 2

The order says all nonessential gatherings of any size for any reason should be canceled or postponed.

Cuomo ordered New Yorkers to limit outdoor activities to those without contact and said they should
avoid public transportation unless absolutely necessary.

The governor urged anyone leaving their homes to practice social distancing and remain at least 6 feet
away from others. Businesses that provide essential services will remain open and will also need to
implement rules to facilitate social distancing, Cuomo said.

○ urge …… V 敦促; 力勸 advise ○ facilitate (v.) assist ○ As of …time…, / Until / By

He said people who are sick should not leave their home except to seek medical care, and only after
consulting with a medical professional via a telehealth service. As of Friday, there were more than
7,000 coronavirus cases in the state.

Newsom estimated that more than half of California's residents, about 25.5 million people, would test
positive for the coronavirus in the coming months.

The order in California is similar to the one issued by French President Emmanuel Macron that
banned public gatherings and walks outdoors.

III. Further Questions

Q1 : What does “shelter in place” mean?

Q2 : What does “ social -distancing “mean?

Q3 : What do we do to stay healthy?

Q4 : What should we pay attention to?

Q5 : What should we avoid?

Q6 : What do we do in Taiwan to contain an outbreak?

Sunny Cheng Business English March 21, 2020 3

IV. Make up Sentences

1. Human-to-human transmission __________________________________________________________________

2. Broader epidemic 擴大的疫情 __________________________________________________________________

3. trace the outbreak to __________________________________________________________________

4. incubation period __________________________________________________________________

5. from exposure to the onset of symptoms

6. respiratory infection 呼吸道感染 __________________________________________________________________

7. avoid direct contact with __________________________________________________________________

8. contract a disease 感染一種疾病 __________________________________________________________________

9. receive treatment 接受治療 __________________________________________________________________

10. cause germs/viruses to develop antibiotic resistance 產生抗藥性

11. contain an outbreak 控制疫情 __________________________________________________________________

12. reduce human transmission __________________________________________________________________

13. difficulty in breathing __________________________________________________________________

14. wear a surgical mask __________________________________________________________________

15. personal hygiene __________________________________________________________________

16. respiratory infection __________________________________________________________________

17. constitute a public emergency __________________________________________________________________

18. spread from person to person __________________________________________________________________

19. a prominent scientist __________________________________________________________________

20. add to fears __________________________________________________________________

Sunny Cheng Business English March 21, 2020 4

New York Times

。Environment。環保 March 6, 2020

Below a New Dam, a Grim Turn for the Mekong
泰國湄公河下游築壩 破壞生態 Hannah Beech and Adam Dean

The water is so clear on the Mekong River in northeastern Thailand that the sunlight pierces through to the
riverbed, transforming the waterway into a glinting, empty aquarium. It is beautiful, but it means death.

○ so….that S+V : 強調因果關係, that 關代 pron.拿來當連接詞 conj.用

○ , transforming : which transforms ….into

At this time of year in Thailand, this stretch of the world’s most productive river should be brown and
swollen with silt. Instead, a prolonged drought and a huge new dam over the border in Laos, the first on the
lower Mekong, have stolen the nutrients needed to sustain life.


○ Swell (v.) 腫脹 I hurt my ankle while dashing through the hallway, and it got swollen soon.
○ Be swollen with 波饕洶湧

On another bend, the Mekong almost disappears entirely, a trickle of stagnant water surrounded by a lunar
landscape of hillocks and desiccated roots. This is the season [ that fish normally spawn here, but there is
no water.]


○ hillocks : small hills desiccate : to dry out from heat or lack of rain = parch = dehydrate
○ entirely = completely = fully = thoroughly

“Our nets are almost empty,” said Buorot Chaokhao, who has fished the Mekong’s waters in Nong Khai,
Thailand, just across the riverine border from Laos, for nearly five decades. “Maybe our way of life on the
river is finished.”

Sunny Cheng Business English March 21, 2020 5

在泰國廊開市湄公河水域捕魚近 50 年的喬高說:「我們的漁網幾乎是空的,也許依靠河流的生活方式已經結

The lower Mekong, which makes its way through five countries, was one of the world’s few remaining free
rivers. But a hydropower boom [ , coupled with extreme weather patterns attributed to climate change, ] is
radically remaking the waterway.


○ be coupled with =be combined with = be along with

○ be attributed to 歸因於 ; 被動 → 過去分詞 PP. 當作描述去修飾 =because of = owing to

In October, the turbines of the first lower Mekong dam, the Xayaburi, began churning upstream from Nong
Khai in Laos after a series of test runs last summer. The effect of the Thai-funded dam was almost
immediate, residents said.


With about 10 more dams [ planned for the mainstream Mekong’s lower reaches and hundreds more on its
tributaries] , a lifeline for 60 million people is being choked. Tens of millions more will be affected as farms
and fisheries are compromised, even as the rich and powerful across the region profit from the hydropower

湄公河下游主河道及其諸多支流,依計畫還要分別再建十座與數百座水壩,6000 萬人的命脈正在被扼殺,另

○ choke (v.) 窒息 clog = suffocate = kill = strangle

○ compromise (v.) 妥協

“We’re asking the question: Is this the breaking point for the Mekong?” said Brian Eyler, director of the
Stimson Center’s Southeast Asia program and author of “Last Days of the Mighty Mekong.” “The
Mekong’s ecosystem is adaptable and resilient, but the worry is [ that the river’s massive resource base
won’t be able to overcome all these dams and extreme weather] .”


○ adapt (v.) 適應 adapt to N adapt + able : being able to adapt 能適應的, 有適應力的
○ resilient (adj.) flexible 有彈性的 ○ overcome (v.) 克服 conquer = defeat

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