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Luis Morel


In these units I learned vocabularies of food, sports, months of the year, and
parts of the body.

I learned the difference between some and any with count and noncount nouns.
Some is used in affirmative statements with countable nouns and uncountable
nouns, and Any is used in questions, in negative statements with plural
countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.

Also, I learned that Can is a modal verb. and is used to express ability or to say
that something is possible. Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S'
in the third person (like other verbs).

I learned how to use the future with be going to. The rules to use it is, am / is /
are + going to + base form. And finally I learned that we use the imperative
mainly to give orders, and that it is formed with the base form of the verb
without the subject, that is, without personal pronouns.

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