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A healthy lifestyle helps improve your physical, mental and

emotional health. Health is the state of complete physical, mental
and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease of
infirmity-WHO 1948.We should maintain a healthy lifestyle that is
free from illness and injury. You can take steps to help reduce your
risk of disease, such as making sure your immunizations are up to
date and handling your food safely.

Staying healthy is an important part of growing up. And it can affect you
physically and emotionally. When your body changes during puberty and you
have to deal with things like school and exams, staying healthy can really help
you. Maintaining good health doesn't happen by accident. It requires work,
smart lifestyle choices, and the occasional checkup and test.


 Staying healthy physically can help you stay healthy emotionally too. If
you're eating the right food and keeping fit, your body will be strong and
help you to cope with stress and also fight illness.
 Eating well and exercising often when you're a teenager will also help
you stay in good health later in life.
 Getting regular sleep is another really important way to stay healthy.
Having late nights can leave you feeling tired the next day. It can be
difficult, but try to have at least 8 hours sleep each night.


 EAT A HEALTHY DIET- Make fruits and vegetables a part of every

meal. Put fruit on your cereal. Eat vegetables as a snack. Choose chicken,
fish or beans instead of red meat. Choose whole-grain cereal, brown rice
and whole-wheat bread over their more refined counterparts. Choose
dishes made with olive or canola oil, which are high in healthy fats. Cut
back on fast food and store-bought snacks (like cookies), which are high
in bad fats.
 MORE WATER, LESS SUGAR- It's a good idea to avoid added sugar in
whatever you eat, yet soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks may be a
bigger source than you realize. Some studies show that just a soft drink
or two a day makes you 26% more likely to get type 2 diabetes. Sugary
drinks have also been tied to heart attacks, gout, and obesity. Stay
hydrated with more and more water .
 EXERCISE REGULARLY- It can be hard to find the time, it’s important to
fit in at least 30 minutes of activity every day. More is even better, but
any amount is better than none. It can include walking, running,
gardening, dancing etc.
 STOP SMOKING- If you smoke, quitting is absolutely the best thing you
can do for your health. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s also far from impossible.
More than 1,000 Americans stop for good every day. Or Talk to your
health care for help.
 PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN- While the warm sun is
certainly inviting, too much exposure to it can lead to skin cancer,
including serious melanoma. Skin damage starts early in childhood, so
it’s especially important to protect children.

Also, washing hands, Getting enough sleep (atleast 7-8 hours is a must), limit
your drinking habit, stay up to date on vaccines are also counts in staying
healthy. And staying happy(very important) .


To understand a firm knowledge about HEPA (health enhancing physical
activity and behavior), one must first understand the great complexity and
versatility of PHYSICAL ACTIVITY as a psychological, behavioral and social
phenomenon. The health consequences of physical activity and inactivity have
been widely documented. On the basis of the accumulated research data,
several expert committees have recommended promotion of regular physical.
Sedentary adults are advised to accumulate 30 min or more of moderate
intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, on most, if not all, days of the

Exercise involves engaging in physical activity and increasing the heart rate
beyond resting levels. It is an important part of preserving physical and mental

Whether people engage in light exercise, such as going for a walk, or high
intensity activities, for example, uphill cycling or weight training, regular
exercise provides a huge range of benefits for the body and mind.

Taking part in exercise of any intensity every day is essential for preventing a
range of diseases and other health issues.


 AEROBICS- Aerobic exercise aims to improve how the body uses

oxygen. Most aerobic exercise takes place at average levels of intensity
over longer periods. An aerobic exercise session involves warming up,
exercising for at least 20 minutes, and then cooling down. Aerobic
exercise mostly uses large muscle groups.( Improves muscle strength in
the lungs, heart, and whole body, lowers blood pressure and etc.).
 AENAEROBICS- Anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen for energy.
People use this type of exercise to build power, strength, and muscle
mass. These exercises are high-intensity activities that should last no
longer than around 2 minutes. It includes weightlifting, sprinting, intense
and fast skipping with a rope.
 AGILITY TRAINING- Agility training aims to improve a person’s ability
to maintain control while speeding up, slowing down, and changing
direction. In tennis, badminton, volleyball, hockey for example, agility
training helps a player maintain control over their court positioning
through good recovery after each shot. People who take part in sports
that heavily rely on positioning, coordination, speed, and balance need
to engage in agility training regularly.
 Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and
the relationship between diet, health, and disease.
 Nutritionists use ideas from molecular biology, biochemistry, and
genetics to understand how nutrients affect the human body.
 Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce
the risk of disease, what happens if a person has too much or too little of
a nutrient, and how allergies work.
 Nutrients provide nourishment. Proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins,
minerals, fiber, and water are all nutrients. If people do not have the
right balance of nutrients in their diet, their risk of developing certain
health conditions increases.

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness
is an approach to training the body. “In Buddhist tradition, the word
‘meditation’ is equivalent to a word like ‘sports’”. It is a body practice that has
a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving
psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and
well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the
brain, mind, body, and behavior. 


 Lower blood pressure.
 Improved blood circulation.
 Lower heart rate.
 Less perspiration (The process of sweating ).
 Slower respiratory rate.
 Less anxiety and stress.


“A degenerative disease is a type of a medical condition that causes a tissue or
organ to deteriorate over time”. There are quite a number of degenerative
diseases and many of them are associated with ageing, or gets worse during
the ageing process.

Degenerative diseases are classified into three main groups:

 Cardiovascular.
 Neoplastic.
 Nervous system

Some of the most common types of degenerative diseases are Cancer,

Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Heart Disease and Stroke etc. Millions of people
around the world are affected by these diseases. In fact, in most countries,
certain types of degenerative diseases are consistently among the top causes
of mortality.


Many degenerative diseases are caused by factors that are yet to be identified.
However, due to advances in imaging technology, genetics, biochemistry, and
cell biology, scientists have been able to identify similarities among many
degenerative diseases.

They discovered that a key similarity is the presence of abnormal proteins.

However, precisely how these abnormal proteins cause cell deterioration is still
a mystery. Solving this mystery will pave the way to improve the current
available treatment options or create new treatments that not only relieve the
symptoms, but also cure the disease itself.

But Degenerative diseases are caused by a wide variety of factors. Some are a
direct result of normal wear and tear of the body, while others are perpetuated
by poor health or an unhealthy lifestyle.
The symptoms of degenerative diseases vary widely. Each type has its own set
of symptoms, although some symptoms are common in many types of

Some degenerative diseases do not display any symptoms at all during their
early stages. For instance, Cancer while in its early stages may not have any
symptom, but as a Alignant tumour grows large enough to be detected, it will
produce a variety of symptoms. According to the American Cancer Society, the
seven early signs of cancer are change in bowel habits, a sore that does not
heal, unusual bleeding, thickening of lumps in the breast, testicles, or other
parts of the body, indigestion or swallowing difficulties, obvious changes in
size, color, or shape of a mouth sore, mole, or wart, and a nagging cough.

The most common symptoms of Cancer are persistent headaches, fatigue,

nausea, chronic pain, repeated infections, and persistent fever.

The most common signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are tremors,
rigid muscles, slow movements, writing and speech challenges, impaired
balance and posture, and difficulty in performing automatic movements.


Most degenerative disease cases are only discovered after a close examination
of a primary complaint. Most patients approach their family doctors with a
particular complaint, such as chronic pain and excessive coughing. After
performing several diagnostic procedures, the doctor begins to suspect that
the underlying cause is a degenerative disease.

The doctor will then investigate further to pinpoint the exact cause or type of
disease and then refer the patient to a specialist for further diagnosis and

Some degenerative diseases, such as certain types of cancers actually have a

cure.For instance, Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured, but medications, such
as carbidopa-levodopa help in managing the symptoms. Patients undergoing
this treatment notice an improvement in their walking and movement abilities,
and a significant reduction in tremors.



The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with the term
"cardiovascular disease." Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions
that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack,
chest pain (angina) or stroke. which affect your heart's muscle, valves or
rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.


This is a general Doctors don’t Abnormal heart Treatment can

1.CONGENITAL term for some always know rhythms . ,A bluish include
deformities of why a baby has a tint to the skin, lips medicines,
the heart that congenital heart and fingernails catheter
have been defect. They (cyanosis).,Shortness procedures,
present since tend to run in of breath., Tiring surgery, and
birth. families. quickly upon heart
exertion, Swelling of transplants.
body tissue or
organs (edema)

A defect in the it include genetic cyanosis is a bluish most infants

2.CYANOTIC heart causes a defects (e.g., color of the lips, need to have
shortage of trisomies), fingers, and toes surgery to
oxygen around maternal that is caused by the correct the
the body. infections (e.g., low oxygen content defects causing
rubella), and in the blood. It may the disease. The
maternal occur while the child success of the
consumption of is resting or only surgery depends
drugs or alcohol when the child is on the severity of
during active. the defects.

3.ARRHYTHMIA basically is an
irregular heart
 Congenital heart disease- This is a general term for some
deformities of the heart that have been present since birth .
 Cyanotic heart disease- A defect in the heart causes a
shortage of oxygen around the body.
 Arrhythmia- Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat.
 Coronary artery disease- The coronary arteries supply the
heart muscle with nutrients and oxygen by circulating blood.
 Dilated cardiomyopathy- The heart chambers become dilated
as a result of heart muscle weakness and cannot pump blood
 Myocardial Infarction- This is also known as a heart attack,
cardiac infarction, and coronary thrombosis. An interrupted blood
flow damages or destroys part of the heart muscle.
 Heart failure- Also known as congestive heart failure, heart
failure occurs when the heart does not pump blood around the
body efficiently.
 The symptoms of heart disease depend on which condition is
affecting an individual.
 However, common symptoms include chest pain,
breathlessness, and heart palpitations. The chest pain common
to many types of heart disease is known as angina, or angina
pectoris, and occurs when a part of the heart does not receive
enough oxygen.
 Angina can be triggered by stressful events or physical exertion
and normally lasts under 10 minutes.
 Heart attacks can also occur as a result of different types of heart
disease. The signs of a heart attack are similar to angina except
that they can occur during rest and tend to be more severe.

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