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Overall shape and dimensions


The Howden Cooling Fan delivery program consists of several

product designs with fan diameters from 0.710 to 20 meter.
Other geometric features are:

1. Blade number
2. Blade width
3. Blade shape (straight or swept forward)
4. Blade material (FRP or aluminium)

Standard Howden Cooling Fans perform aerodynamic duties up-to 250 Pa fan static
pressure and 3000 m /s air flow in wet and dry air-cooling installations.

Howden Cooling Fans impellers are designed for application in

cooling towers, air-cooled condensers and air-cooled heat

The continues operating temperature range and allowable

incidental upset temperature varies per product range, we
therefor refer to the respective service manuals for the allowable
temperatures per product type. The FRP impellers may be
exposed to a higher maximum temperature for a short period of
time, for example during start-up or stand still. In case the
temperature of your installation exceeds the maximum allowable
impeller temperature, then please contact Howden for review of
the full operating conditions.

In a humid arrangement FRP fan blades must be provided with

an erosion-resistant layer on the inlet side in order to protect
the blades from impact of water droplets (leading edge

The fan diameter, the fan rotation speed and the fan blade number are the
particular parameters to match the performance of the fan to the aerodyna-
mic duty point of the air-cooling installation. Blade width and blade shape
are the principal instruments to reduce the noise generation of the fan.

Product lines
Howden Cooling Fan product lines can be divided into four typical shapes
as presented below. The blade pitch angles of all Howden Cooling Fans can
be adjusted manually during standstill. For available diameters and number
of blades see the diameter and blade number overview (PDF).

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ENF / KNF / ZNF fan
Classic straight aerofoil bladed standard fan with a normal noise
performance and high efficiency.

ELF / KLF / ZLF fan

Standard low noise fan with straight aerofoil blades and high efficiency.

ELFA / ZVF fan

Very low noise fan with straight aerofoil blades which combines a good
efficiency with a noise performance that exceeds the ELF / KLF / ZLF
product lines.

SX fan
Sophisticated super low noise fan with a low number of forward swept
blades. The SX program with its remarkable blade shape is the fan solution
for total low noise projects.

Aerodynamic duty point

The aerodynamic duty point of the fan is the combination of the Air Flow Q
and the Fan Static Pressure FSP generated by the fan. The product of Q
and FSP has the dimension of Power and is called the Aerodynamic

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Power Nair of the fan. Nair is the so called effective power output of the fan.
The power input comes through the drive shaft and is named Drive Shaft
Power Nsh. The ratio between Nair/Nsh is the static efficiency ηst of the

Air flow
The Air Flow is defined in [m3/s] at the temperature of the air when it passes through
the fan. In principle the Air Flow has a value equal to the product of the average air
velocity v in the flow section and the surface of that section. Since there is always a
spread in the value of the air velocity over the section, for the determination of the
average air speed the air speed must be read on several locations according to
international standards. For instance the American Cooling Tower Institute (CTI)
advises to do air velocity readings on at least 20 locations with a calibrated
anemometer or pitot tube on equal flow sections in the fan inlet as close as possible
to the fan. Due to rotation of the air, and flow "unfriendly" duct shapes it is hardly
possible to do flow readings down stream of the fan. For the determination of its fan
curves, Howden has built a test installation according to AMCA 210-74. Here the flow
is measured over a calibrated nozzle. See figure 1. For air cooled installations this
method is not possible due to the lacking of a nozzle.

Mathematical relations

Pdyn = 0.5 * ρ * v
Ptot = Pst + Pdyn {2}
ηst = Nair/Nsh {3}

1. Valve 5. Nozzle
2. Booster fan 6. Stream gauzes
3. Streamer 7. Engine frame
4. Stream gauzes 8. Test fan
Fig.1 Principal sketch of Howden aerodynamic test deviceaccording

Static pressure

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The Fan Static Pressure represents the flow resistance of an air cooled installation. It has the SI unit [Pa].
The value of the FSP is found according to the following definition:

FSP = Pst2 - Ptot1 [Pa] {4}

= Pst2 - Pst1 - Pdyn1

See figure 2.

FSP = Pst2 - Ptot1

F1/F2 = 5
Fig. 2: Definition of FSP

Perhaps the definition of the FSP is felt to be strange. However for an induced draught installation this
definition of the FSP corresponds exactly with the static flow resistance of the heat exchanger section for
which the influence of the velocity pressure is eliminated. This means that the value of Pst1 will differ from
the FSP due to the influence of the velocity pressure. This can be better understand by deriving the
theoretical value of Pst1 for different cases. The law of Bernoulli defines for an ideal flow without resistance
the following relationship:

Pst + Pdyn = Constant. {5}

In any case in an flowduct the theoretic value of the dynamic pressure is:

Pdyn = 0.5 *ρ* v {6 }
For a configuration where no heat exchanger sectionis present andtaking the
environmental pressure zero (Pst2 = 0), according to {5},
Pst1= - 0.5 *ρ* v1 {7 }
See figure 3.

Whenthere isa heat exchanger section present with a flow resistance of RPa:
Pst1= - R - 0.5 *ρ* v1 . {8}
Seefigure 4.

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Accordingto {4} The value of FSP is then:
FSP= Pst2- Ptot1=Pst2- (Pst1+Pdyn1),
=0 - (- R - 0.5 *ρ* v12+ 0.5 *ρ* v12) = R Pa. {9}
Sothe absolute difference between FSP and Pst1is:
¦FSP¦-¦Pst1¦= -0.5 *ρ* v12 {10}

ID/FD differences
In principle there are two types of fan installations:
a. Forced draught
b. Induced draught
For each type of installation the definition {4} (static pressure) must be
interpreted as follows:

Induced Draught (ID)

The heat exchanger section (flow resistance) is located up stream of the fan.
For example, arrangement 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 in figure 5. In this case Pst2 =
0 if no diffuser is used. With diffuser Pst2 = ∆Pdiff. (See section 3-07.314,
Pressure recovery by a diffusor) FSP is determined according to equation
{9} and is equal to R. Pst1 versus ambient pressure is negative and Pdyn1
positive. Theoretically the value of Pdyn1 is equal to the reduction of P st1
according to Bernoulli's law {5} and corresponds with the difference between
¦Pst1¦ and FSP. According to {6} the value of Pdyn1 results from the air speed
in the plenum. For an air speed v of 10 m/s this is 60 Pa. If the air speed is 2
m/s, Pdyn1 is 2.4 Pa.

Forced Draught (FD)

In this case the heat exchanger section (flow resistance)or

principal flow resistance is down stream of the fan. For
example arrangement 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 in figure 5.

The interpretation for FSP, in section 03-07.312 Fan static

pressure, is made for an ID installation. For a FD installation
the FSP is not equal to R but equal to Pst2 since Ptot1 = 0. This
follows from the definition:

FSP = Pst2 - Ptot1 = Pst2 = R - 0.5 * ρ * v22 - 0

In a FD Air Cooling installation there will be no pressure

recovery from dynamic pressure to static pressure. Due to the
presence of the bundles the additional kinetic energy will be

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dissapated. That is why an FD installation must be designed
with a FSP which is at least equal to R.

For the identical heat exchanger section with a flow resistance of R

in an ID configuration ¦Pst1¦ will differ from¦Pst2¦ in the FD
configuration for two principal reasons:

1. Its theoretical difference:

Pst1(ID) = - R - 0.5 * ρ * v12

Pst2(FD) = R - 0.5 * ρ * v22

2. Besides the velocity in main flow direction, there are rotational

and turbulence components in the velocity which enlarge the real
three dimensional value of v (v2>v1). Consequently Pst2(FD) is

A contradictionary phenomenon is the idea that a rotating flow

through a heat exchanger section has more resistance than a
unidirectional flow. This due to the higher absolute speed of
the air and due toa less favorable direction of the air (more
obstructions and longer air passage way) means an increasing
value of R.

In practice this means that the design of an FD air-cooling installation

is more difficult to do by theoretical considerations only. Practical
feed back from prototype tests will give the final information for
adequate design

flow-related quality in general ± +
insensitivity to wind at fan inlet - +
insensitivity to wind at fan outlet + ±
feasibility of guarantee measurements - ±
absence of annoying noise for operators - +
suitability for high-temperature application + ±
life in case of wet application (erosion) + ±

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When the air flows out the air cooling installation with a
certain velocity v, according to the law of Bernoulli {3}
(page 1, norm 03-07.311) it is possible to regain static
pressure from the dynamic pressure and to reduce the
FSP. However this works only for a fricton free flow. It
means a uniform and swirl free flow.

In reality it is only possible for an ID installation with an

efficiency of 75 percent, and using a diffuser or fan stack
with a cone angle of between 6°-8.5°. (fig. 1). The
pressure recovery ∆Pdif is calculated as follows:

∆Pdiff = 0.75*0.5*ρ(vo2-vi2)

FSP need to be corrected with ∆Pdiff as follows for the

case that a diffuser is used:

FSPc = FSP + ∆Pdiff {14}

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Flow disturbances
Principles of flow disturbances

Besides the flow resistance of the heat exchanger

there are other elements around the fan that have
influence on the working of the fan namely:

a. Fan inlet shape

b. Flow obstacles
c. Fan tip clearance

a. Fan inlet shape

The performance of Howden standard fans are measured with an elliptic inlet bell with a length
of 15 percent of the fan diameter and an elliptic ratio of 1:1.5. See figure 1.

Other inlet shapes like:

• inlet with radius

• cone
• flat-face flange
• cylindrical duct section,

have an unfavourable effect on the air flow around the airfoil of the fan blade. The inlet shapes
will generate swirls and wakes which disturb the angle of attack of the air flow on the aerofoil of
the fan blade. It is like the ingestion of turbulence by an air plane when it passes turbulence
and the wing sections are flapping by the turbulence. See also figure 2.

b. Flow obstacles
In an air- cooling installation, heat exchanger sections and fan support structures are flow
resistance elements but they also generate swirls and wakes. In an ID installation this will have
the same negative effect on the air- flow around the blade aerofoils as the non -ideal bell inlet
shape. That is why the influence of obstacles up stream of the fan is worse than down stream
the fan.

c. Tip clearance
The fan tip clearance has the following definition:

cl = 2∗s/Df {15}

where : cl = tip clearance [mm]

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s = gap between blade tip and fan ring [mm]

The performance of Howden cooling fans are measured with a tip clearance of 0.01 (=
1%). A bigger tip clearance will have the effect of a leak; A smaller one has the effect
of the closure of a leak, it means a higher pressure. In actual practice, the fan ring will
never be truly round. The clearance 2s/Df is the average value along the circumference.
It is recommended to respect the following minimum local value:

s min = 0.0025 Df {16}

This minimum tip clearance value serves to prevent the blade tips from scuffling
against the fan ring under changing operating conditions in the air cooling installation.
(temperature increase, vibrations). The tip clearance has also influence on the fan
efficiency. See section 03-07.325, power and efficiency.

Calculation of flow disturbance effects.

The interaction between disturbances and the fan is related to the generation of swirls
and wakes, which besides have a normal flow resistance effect, also have a disturbance
effect on the flow angle of attack and on the flow around the blade aerofoil. In order to
find the correct FSP, the flow disturbance influence must be elaborated by the use of
characteristic correction pressure terms ∆Pi for each type of disturbance:

FSPc = FSP + Σ ∆Pi {17}

FSPc = Corrected FSP

∆Pi = Additional pressure drop by i.
i = Disturbance: inl = inlet
obi = obstacle at inlet
obo = obstacle at outlet
tpcl = tip clearance

The correction terms ∆Pi of the obstacles and the inlet device have in principle the
structure of a flow resistance term:

∆Pi = ki ∗0.5 ∗ ρ ∗ vi2 {18}

ki = flow resistance coefficient of i [-]

vi = characteristic air speed [m/s]

The influence of the tip clearance is directly defined as a ratio Rtpcl of the correction
term ∆Ptpcl and FSP:

∆Ptpcl = Rtpcl ∗ FSP

The flow resistance coefficients for the inlet type, the flow obstacles and the values of
Rtpcl for the tip clearance can be found in respectively enclosure 1,2 and 3. The
characteristic air speed for all is the air speed through the fan section in the main flow
vf = 4Q/(π(Df-2 – Dh2) {19}

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Dh = Fan hub diameter.

Figure 3: Influences of various inlet shapes

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Figure 4: Flow resistance coefficient Kobi for obstacles at inlet

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Figure 5: Flow resistance coefficient Kobo for obstacles at inlet

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Figure 6: Rtpcl as a function of the fan tip clearance s

Wind influence
Since a cooling fan operates at one side in the open air
at a relatively low pressure, wind surely influences the
performance of the fan. For the same reasons as for the
obstacles, the influence of the wind is more felt when it
blows on the fan inlet side than when it blows on the
wind outlet side. Special attention must be paid to
situations where wind concentration effects arise by the
air -cooling installation itself or by structures close to the
air cooling installation. In particular vertical impellers
with a horizontal shaft have an elevated sensitiveness
for wind effects. However also horizontal fans installed
at a great height and exposed to strong winds for sure
are affected by winds. What happens is that a impeller
comes partly or fully into stall which causes an elevated,

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sometimes destructive dynamic stress level See figure:
1. Up to now the influence of the wind on the fan
performance is only partly quantified. For instance the
influence of the pitch angle is not clear. The same for
the wind direction to the fan. Also fans beside each
other have a mutual flow effect. A single fan "feels" the
under or over pressure of its neighbor as an additional
resistance. This phenomenon is amplified by wind. It
can happen with strong winds that one fan performs
perfectly and the fan beside is almost "dead". This
"dead" fan is normally the fan on the up-wind side. All
these aspects makes it clear that it is not easy to
quantify the influence of the wind speed. The best
suggestion is to take the dynamic wind pressure ∆Pwi as
an additional static pressure drop.

∆Pwi = 0.5 * ρ * vwi2 {20}

Fan scaling rules

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Scaling of the fan operation points is done according to the so called fan laws:

P :: ρ * Ut2 {21}

Q :: Ut * Df {22}
In order to compare different fan configurations the fan duty point (Q,FSP) is transformed
with help of the fan laws to the dimensionless figures Cp and Cf. Cp and Cf have the
following definition:
Cp = FSP/(0.5*ρ*Ut ) {23}
Cf = Q/(0.25*π*Df *Ut) {24}

Ut = fan tip speed [m/s]

Ut = 0,5*ω*Df {25}
ω = angular rotation speed [rad/s]
ω = 2*π*RPM/60 {26}
By considering Cp and Cf, the pure aerodynamic performance of the fan is considered
without the influence of the:

• Fan diameter
• Fan rotation speed
• Air density (temperature)

By taking the dimensionless characteristics of the fan, the fan duty point can be
compared with a model fan with the same shape, for instance a model fan in a test

By this way Howden is determining the characteristics of its fans. It has built a test
facility according to AMCA 210-74. In this facility fan models with a diameter of
1829 mm (= 6') can be measured. By transforming the results into dimensionless
figures, Cp,Cf,ωst, the results can be applied to any fan diameter and rotation speed
for fans with the same shape.
The fan solidity σ the dimensionless figure which characterizes the aerodynamic effective
shape of the fan. Its values is the total relative blade cord width or fan solidity σ. σ has the
following definition:
σ = z*c/(π*Df) {27}


z = number of blades

c = blade width (cord)

It can be said that fans with the same σ and blade aerofoil, perform aerodynamically
equally, i.e. for the same pitch angle they will always follow the same Cp/Cf. This is the
basic principle of the fan scaling rules and selection programs.

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Pressure margin

About pressure margin and flow margin, Standard 661

of the American Petroleum Institute (API) defines the

"Fan selection at design conditions shall ensure that at

constant speed the fan can provide by an increase in
blade angle a 10 percent increase in airflow and a
corresponding pressure increase. Since this
requirement is to prevent stall and inefficient operation
of the fan, the resulting increased power requirement
need not govern the driver rating."

Supposing there is a square increase of flow resistance

on a linear flow increase, the consequence of applying
this (API) standard is that a 10 percent flow margin
results in a 21 percent pressure margin. See figure 1.

Another interesting value to know is which maximum

FSP the fan can make for the set pitch angle before
stalling and the corresponding Air Flow.

Surge limit

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é Pressure Resistance Lines

è Flow

Pressure margin = DP1/P1 * 100% or D P2/P2 * 100%

Fig.1: Definition of Pressure margin according to API


Axial thrust
For mechanical design features, it is interesting to know
the value of the aerodynamic axial force on the fan.

This force is called Axial Thrust and is calculated by

multiplying the total pressure drop over the fan, Ptot1,2
times the surface of the fan ring section.
Fax = Ptot1,2 * ¼π * Dr {31}

Dr = Diameter of the fan ring

Power and efficiency

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The product of FSP and Q has the dimension of power and is the aerodynamic or effective power
output of an air cooling installation. The power input to the installation comes through the fan drive
shaft. This drive shaft power Nsh is the product of the shaft drive torque Tsh and angular speed ωsh.

Power input:

Nsh = Tsh*ωsh

where: {28}
Nsh= Fan drive shaftpower
Tsh = fan drive shaft torque

ωsh = angular rotation speed [Nm]

Effective Poweroutput

Nair= FSP*Q [kW] {29}


As for every power transforming engine also for a cooling fan the ratio between effective power output
and power input is called the efficiency ηst.

Remember {3}:

ηst = Nair/Nsh

For fans which are built in a ducting the FSP is not an interesting value. For that cases Ptot1,2 is
considered. Consequently there also exist an expression for the total efficiency:

ηtot = Ptot2,1*Q/Nsh. {30}

Correction for deviating tip clearance

The performance of the Howden standard fan curves is

measured with a tip clearance of 1 percent. Deviating
values of the tip clearance result into deviating fan

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efficiencies which need to be corrected as follows:

shaft = Nshaft1 * (1-KR)

The following correction must be made for calculationof the fan shaft power.

The following correction must be made for calculation of the fan shaft power.

Nshaft1 = fan shaft power after correction for inlet shape, obstacles and diffuser

KR = Dη stat / η stat = correction factor for efficiency at deviating clearance

Figure 1. has been plotted for some arbitrary 2s / Df values. For the applicable clearance -
design value or value measured in the installation - other the KR value can be determined
by means of interpolation.

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Fig 1. Influence of tip clearance on fan efficiency

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Field performance

It is a normal interest to verify the performance of a cooling fan in its installation. However this is not
easy. The reason is that a cooling fan operates in unstable turbulent conditions, in both senses of the
word. The main feature of a cooling fan is that it makes a big air flow over a relatively low pressure
drop. Both parameters are hard to measure. A big air flow and a low pressure drop can only be made
when the cooling fan has a free air access and a free air outlet. This makes the air cooling installation
sensible for wind and other external disturbances. There will also be velocity variations over the
various flow sections, which complicates the determination of air flows.


In principle there are two possibilities to verify the performance of a cooling fan:

1. Scale model test

A scale model test can be done with a geometric identical shaped fan on a well conditioned test
facility. Example: the Howden 6’ test facility according to AMCA 210. Procedure: Howden 16-07.002,
which is available on request. See also ISO 5801

2. Field performance test

Like it has been explained in the introduction: Field performance tests are complicated. That is why it can only make sense
to do it when international standards are carefully applied. Useful and practical is the Recommended Practice For Airflow
Testing of CTI. Also DIN 24166 is very helpful. This last standard defines clearly the accuracy which can be expected.
Power station and industrial applications in unstable environments like air cooling installations, are classified in category
and 3. Those classes define the following accuracy’s:

Variable 2 3
Class acc to
Air Flow +/-5% +/-10%

Pressure drop +/-5% +/-10%

Drive power +/-8% +/-16%
Efficiency -5%
A-Sound Power +4 +6
Level dB(A) dB(A)

Also see ISO 5802

Noise basics
The noise phenomenon is not easy to understand. From physics point of view it is the vibration of air at
frequencies, which can be heard by human: 20-18000 Hz.
The vibrations correspond with very small air pressure variations. Beside by the human ear also by a
microphone the (sound) pressure variations can be observed.

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Like for alternating electrical current, for both the air particle velocity v (this is not the sound velocity) and
the pressure variations p there has been also defined an effective value, it is the so called r.m.s value
(root mean square). When the air particle velocity v and the sound pressure p is considered, always this
effective value is meant.
The particle velocity v is proportional to the pressure p: v ~ p.

Noise is transmitted like longitudinal waves. Taking a spherical surface F with equal pressure p there can be found an
expression with the dimension of power P.

P ~ p∗v∗F [W] {1}

Because v~p, it can be stated that:
P ~ p2∗F [W] {2}
The range of audible pressures is very big: from 2.10 Pa for just audible to 200 Pa for the pain threshold. However
the human feeling for noise is far from proportional to that scale.
It is found to be useful to express the terms of equation {2} in the logarithm of the dimensionless ratios which is mentioned
decibels. Doing this the following quantities are derived:

The Sound Power Level PWL or LW:

PWL = 10 lg (P/P0) [dB]

with reference value P0 = 10-12 W and

The Sound Pressure Level SPL or Lp:

SPL = 10 lg (p2/p02) [dB]

With reference value p0 2.10 –5 Pa. It is understood to be correct by knowing that the reference value for the
particle velocity v which is proportional to p, is 5.10 –8 m/s.

Applying all consequently on equation {2} results in the following useful expression:

PWL = SPL + 10 lg F [dB] {3}

This expression is that useful because it gives a relationship between the sound power of a source
(PWL) and the audible value (SPL) at a certain position with respect to the source. Moreover since it is
not possible to measure sound power the expression is also the way to determinate the PWL of a
source: This is done by measuring a SPL on a control area F where the SPL is supposed to be equal
like e sphere around the source or for big installations at 1 meter distance. This method is well defined
in several international standards like ISO 1940/1.

The use of octaves and A-weighting

The human ear has a different sensitiveness/awareness for the various sound frequencies. That is
why mostly a noise value is filtered according to a logarithmic deviation into an octave bands. The
variable human awareness is elaborated by a correction, a so-called A-weighting, for each octave
band as follows:

Octave [Hz] 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

A-corr. [dB] -26.2 -16.1 -8.6 -3.2 0 1.2 1 -1.1

The not A-weighted spectrum is called the linear spectrum. From the A-weighted spetrum an A
weighted total value can be found by the logarithmic addition of the different A-weighted octave values
as follows:

PWL(A)=10 lg (10 0.1lg Lw(A)31.5 +100.1lgLw(A)63+........ 100.1lgLw(A)8k) [dB(A)]

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An A weighted spectrum can be recognized by its unit: dB(A)

Fan noise
The quantification of the noise generation by a cooling fan is in principle achieved by using general
accepted standards like ISO 1680. Just measuring the noise of a fan is not enough criteria to accurately
predict the noise performance of a cooling fan. You must also know about the influence of the operating
conditions and dimensions that effect the noise performance. Moreover, if noise production must be
reduced, an even more sophisticated understanding of the noise generating mechanism is needed. For a
relatively slow running fan like the propeller cooling fan, there are a few characteristic noise generating
flow phenomena [1].

1. The so-called "rotor self noise". It is the turbulent and laminar vortex shedding at the blade rear
sections and at the blade tip.
2. The ingestion of turbulence in the main air-flow. This turbulence is generated by the heat
exchanger, fan supports or other upstream obstructions. The turbulence leads to random variati-
ons in angles of incidence at blade leading edges, causing fluctuating blade loads and surface
pressures over a broad range of frequencies.
3. Besides the broad-band noise levels, sometimes there will be discrete peaks of sound pressure associated with the
blade passing frequency. This frequency is the product of the fan rotation frequency and the number of blades. The
noise is caused by the pressure pulsation that is generated when a fan blade is passing a sharp and close disturbance
such as a support beam.

Figure. 2: Different noise generation fields for an axial flow fan according to [1]

From a more simple and practical point of view can be stated that the noise intensity of a cooling fan is related to the quantity
and intensity of flow-generated swirls. For the quantification of the noise intensity and in order to compare one cooling fan
configuration with another, it is necessary to have a relationship between the noise intensity PWL and important design
parameters like pressure drop p, flow Q, the fan tip speed Utip and the fan diameter Dfan. Through years of research and field
measurements we have developed the following formula:

The characteristic value C represents the influence of the fan shape on the noise generating phenomena or as said
before the intensity and quantity of swirls.
From formula (1) it becomes clear that especially the tip speed Utip has a strong influence on the sound power level.
The correction terms ∆dB are related to characteristic noise mechanism in an air cooling installation: The influence
of obstructions and the influence of the flow inlet shape. The correction term for the inlet shape covers the
additional noise by deviating from the ideal elliptic bell inlet shape.

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Typical C-values for Howden Cooling fans are:

ENF 37 dB[A] ZNF 35.5 dB[A] KNF 37 dB[A]

ELF 35 dB[A] ZLF 35 dB[A] KLF 35 dB[A]
ELFA 33 dB[A] ZVF 33 dB[A]
SX 27 dB[A]

Bottom value, function of several parameters like, tip speed, diameter and pitch angle)

From the total PWL value of a fan, a linear spectrum is calculated by a correction table that varies for each fan type and octave

Reference [1]

S.E. Wright (1976), The Acoustic Spectrum of Axial Fans, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 45(2), 165-223

Sound pressure level

For many projects it is required to calculate the sound pressure level on a certain position with respect
to the fan.

This standard provides some calculation methods for this purpose. The method works on the sound
pressure level calculation for both areas and positions according to figure 1 and 2.

Induced Draught installations

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Fig. 1: Induced draught configuration with SPL positions and areas

Please note that due to the turbulent airstream it is not possible to accurately predict the sound pressure level at 1 meter
directly above the fan ring. Furthermore it is not possible to meassure the sound pressure level at 1 meterbelow the fan
ring because of the presence of the air cooler.


A: 1 m beside

B: 1 m above, 45° from the fan ring or the diffuser


1 and 2 (0.5 Do + 1 < R < 5 Do) according to DIN 45635 P46)


For A, B and area 2:

SPL = PWL - 2 - 10 logF + Cspl 1 + Cspl 2

F = control area
Cspl 1 = direction correction
Cspl2 = near field correction

F = 2pR2

Cspl1 = 2 - 6.8 (1 - Öcosa ) (0°£a£ 90°)

If R£ Do, Cspl2 = 4(1-R/Do), else Cspl2 = 0

For area 1

SPL = PWL - 10 log (2pR(R + h))

h = height of the fan ring or diffuser from ground level

Forced Draught Installations

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Fig. 2: Forced draught configuration with SPL positions and areas

For a FD installation, reflections by ground surface can result into deviation of SPL levels which are out of the
scope of this consideration A: 1m beside


A: 1m beside

B: 1m below, 45 ° from the edge of the inlet device

1 and 2 (0.5Do +1< R<5 Do)

h = height of fan edge of fan inlet device

hmin = 1.5 Di

For area 1

SPL = PWL- 10 log(2πR(R+h))

For A, B and area 2

SPL =PWL –2 –10 logF + Cspl1 +Cspl2

F= 2πR2

Cspl = 2 –6.8(1- √cosα) (0°≤α≤90°)

If R ≤ Do, Cspl2 = 4.(1-R/Do), else Cspl2 =0

For zone C, 1 m straight below the fan:

This is a zone which is not easy to predict since there are many acoustic influence factors:

• the fan
• drive equipment
• reflections from the earth

As a rule of thumb can be stated that the SPL level in plane C is SPL in the

position B +6 dB(A).

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Total noise

Looking to an ACHE with a view to noise we recognise

several sources of noise. Theoretically the total noise
the ACHE should be calculated by adding up all
individual noise sources, however the problem is that
not all noise sources of the ACHE can be predicted

Examples of noise sources in an ACHE are:

1. Aerodynamic noise of the fan impeller.
2. Swirls in the air due to a non optimum fan inlet
3. Noise due to obstacles (e.g. driver support) in the air
4. Noise of the E motor.
5. Noise of the power transmission (e.g. V belts, gear
6. Noise due to air passing the fin tubes.
7. Reflection (Non free field condition)

As an extend to the above there can be all kinds of

elusive noise sources like noise due to the interaction
between all components of the ACHE, Vibrations can be
generated in the construction and can cause radiation of
noise. Noise can also be amplified by the ACHE (e.g.
Plenum chamber) or fan blades which are usually

The different noise sources

Impeller, inlet obstacles

From the above mentioned noise sources the first three
are relatively easy to predict although some impeller
manufacturers will only guarantee the aerodynamic
noise of their impeller in a configuration similar to their
test arrangement.
The noise of the support structure or inlet type noise is
not always taken into account.
The aerodynamic noise is calculated by Howden
according a formula which is empirically defined in the
course of the more than 40 years experience we have.
The result of this is shown on our fan selection sheet as
impeller sound PoWer Level.
Beside this, a fan supplier should compare the type of
inlet which he uses during the laboratory testing of his
impellers with the actual inlet configuration and must
consider the differences carefully. A less optimum inlet
configuration in practice than during lab testing means
more swirl at the fan tip area which results in a higher

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power consumption and higher impeller Sound Power
Level up to +3 dB(A)
The support structure of the driving arrangement is
positioned in the air stream. When it Is close to the
impeller it's influence is bigger than when it is further
Howden always specifies the type of inlet and obstacle
data on which the given fan performance is based. The
influence of the obstacles and inlet type are also
specified separately.

Besides the impeller, also E-motors and transmissions
generate noise. In principle the noise levels of that
equipment must be guaranteed by the suppliers.
Theoretically the total noise level of the installation, i.e.
the impeller and the drive is found by the logarithmic
addition of the individual figures. However in practise
this is not that simple because of the following reasons:
· Due to the acoustic interference of components the
total noise can be significant higher than the calculated
value. This is the so called construction noise effect
which is caused by the transmission of vibration from
one component to the other. Together with the noise
source the component which is affected by the vibration
can generate the same frequency even at a higher level.
· In most of the times the drive components are the
vibration generators which transmit their vibration to the
impeller or to the support structure. This is the reason
that the suppliers of drive components are hardly willing
to guarantee the noise level for an in situ installation, but
only for on-loaded, isolated and ideal test facilities.

Power transmission
Should be considered carefully in case of gearboxes or
power belts. V-belts only in combination with super low
noise fans.

Fin tubes, reflection and other elusive noise

Beside the fact that air passing the fin tubes causes
noise, the fin tubes can also reflect the impellers noise.
Normally the Howden Impeller Sound Power level can
be considered as a total noise source. When it is divided
into two directions (e.g. suction side and discharge side)
the PWL for one side is lower. Theoretically this should
be 3 dB but how much this is in practice can also
depend on the fin tube reflections.
Beside the reflection of the fin tubes, ground reflections
or reflection of other constructions build near the ACHE
can be of influence. Specially when the guaranteed
noise value is a sound pressure level at a certain
position this must be considered carefully. Knowledge of
local circumstances is necessary to estimate this.

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What remains are all possible types of noise sources
which are very elusive and difficult to predict like the
generation and amplification of vibrations.
Vibrations can be generated everywhere in the ACHE
but they also can pass on to another part of the ACHE
(e.g. plenum chamber or fan blades) and radiate noise
at a completely different location than where they are

Whether noise sources likes this emerges in the total

ACHE noise depends on a lot of thinks like:
- Distance between fan operating frequency and ACHE
natural frequency (tends the ACHE to
go into vibrations?).
- Stiffness of the ACHE (support, plenum chamber).
- Conditions of the bearings.
- Alignment of the equipment.
- Value of other noise source. (When the impellers and
motors are very dominant you will have
less nuisance of other noise sources. However their
influence will be more and more in case
the previous dominant noise sources are reduced).
Managing these kind of noises is basically a matter of
avoiding them instead of anything else.
One precaution you can take is to consider the blade
material you are going to apply carefully. As mentioned
earlier, fan blades (both aluminium and GRP) are
usually hollow and therefor very suitable to operate as a
sound box for vibration generated elsewhere in the
The damping properties of the Howden glasfibre
reinforced polyester (GRP) blades, is an advantage over
standard aluminium blades. Beside the fact that it will
give you less risk for resonance it also has less
tendency to amplify vibrations generated somewhere
else in the ACHE but which radiates out of the impellers
blades. The Howden aluminium bladed K-series, offers
a solution for both noise and vibrations due to the
resilient connection of the fan blades to the hub and an
elastomer buffer.

The estimation approach

ACHE data
Number of bays : 5
Number of fans/bays : 2; Total number of fans = 10
Dimensions 1 bay : approx. 14.1 x 7.22 m
Dimensions ACHE : approx. 14.1 x 36.1 m

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Theoretically the total noise should be calculated by the
energetic summation of the different noise sources of
the ACHE. However not all noise sources can be
predicted up front.

Our approach is to use a ACHE characteristic value to

cover all the exlusive noise sources which are difficult to
predict. Key question is what the value of this
characteristic should be. For reasons mentioned earlier
this is very dependent on the general execution of the
ACHE construction, power transmission etc. but also of
the total noise level of the ACHE. If only the motor and
fans are dominant enough you can neglect all other
noise sources.

The Howden fan selection software offers extended

possibilities for the calculation of multiple fans.

Noise reduction
If expression (1), as mentioned in the "fan noise"
section is accepted, it is clear that the correct approach to
achieve noise reduction is to look at decreasing the
characteristic value C and/or the tip speed Utip without
reducing pressure drop, flow or fan efficiency.
Reduction of the tip speed of a fan will indeed reduce the
generated noise, however it will also reduce the pressure
and flow. The reduction of pressure and flow can be
avoided by making the blades wider or installing more
blades, however the last way of doing enlarges the
number of blade trailing edges, which means an increase
of the number of noise sources. Making the blades wider
is better. Wider blades perform aerodynamically the same
as narrow ones, but at a lower speed. It is like a sail-
plane which can fly at a lower speed than a motorized
plane because of its bigger wing areas. See for instance
figure 1

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For the reduction of the characteristic value C, besides
making the blades wider, the shape of the blade must be
changed, by sweeping it forward and/or through applying
the latest Aerotip technology.

Aerotip technology:
The research for the
Aerotip was initiated by
the wish to reduce the
vibration of the fan ring
and supporting structure
through decreasing the
pressure pulses
generated by the blade
tips. This aim was
achieved, however the comparative pressure distribution
readings indicate additional advantages; an increase of
the lift generated at the blade tip resulting in a significant
fan performance improvement and a noise level reduction
of 1 to 2 dB(A).

Forward sweeping:
This is the common
conclusion of
international research by
several institutes over the
last few decades. The
most important reasons why the sweeping forward
reduces the noise production of the fan are the following:

1. The forward sweep causes a phase shifting

cancellation of fan noise generated at different
radial stations on a blade and blade to blade
interference. Here it concerns what is earlier
mentioned as the noise by turbulence ingestion.
2. Forward sweep severely limits the range of
spanwise travel of low momentum fluid or more
simply said, it limits the grow of boundary swirls on
the fan blade trailing edges by truncating the
natural growing path at the trailing edge. This
effect is related to the so called fan self noise.
3. The speed component of the rotating air
perpendicular to the trailing edge line is significant

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smaller than for a radial blade. If it is accepted that
this perpendicular speed component generates the
noisy swirls, its reduction must make the fan more
4. The big tip angle on the leading edge side,
reduces the tip vortex shedding.

Figure 3: The typical SX shape reduces the air velocity component

in perpendicular to the leading edge (vector B).

The availability of low noise and super quiet fans

complicates the design of air cooling systems: Sound
attenuaters are little effective, expensive as well as power

Example: For a duty point with a static pressure drop of

110 Pa and a flow of 280 m3/s, a classic 28' diameter fan
performs well at 117 RPM with a PWL of 101 dB(A). A
reduction of 15 dB(A) can be achieved in the PWL value
by using a super low noise fan instead of a classic
fan.(Fig. 4)
For another application it can be interesting to reduce the
number of fans without exceeding noise demands. A
super low noise fan can supply 560 m3/s (twice 280
m3/s) over a resistance of 110 Pa with a noise level of
94.4 at 90 RPM. This is still 11.5 dB(A) less than two
classic fans according to the first configuration.
If a certain PWL value is acceptable for an application,
then it is possible to operate the tower with a super low
noise fan with a much bigger flow than with a classic fan.
For the example of before, where the classic fan operates
at 101 dB(A), a super low noise fan can supply 50
percent more air through the same cooling tower at a
noise level of only 97 dB(A). This is realised with a
rotation speed of 100 RPM.
The conclusion is that there is a wide range of
possibilities in avoiding the need for sound attenuators
which demands a new evaluation approach for the
cost/benefit analysis of air cooling installations.

Example: Differences in noise generation for a fan with 8

m. diameter and an air volume of 280 m3/s at a static

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pressure of 110 Pa.

Figure 4: Various Cooling fan options for an identical duty

point. Difference in Noise generation: up to 15 dB(A)

Figure 5: Application potential of Super Low Noise fans.

Nair = Pressure * AirFlow

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Mechanical integration
Proper integration of the Howden fan impeller in the air-
cooled system is important to satisfactory operation of
the system and its lifetime expectancy. Based on our
field experience we have the following recommendations
for the overall system design:

Sizing of bearings

The impeller is fitted on a drive shaft, which is part of the

bearing set, gearbox or E-motor. Our recommendation is
to size the support bearings for a load situation that is
generated when one blade of the impeller is lost. (half a
blade for a Howden super low noise SX fan).

Avoid vibration due to resonance

In order to avoid vibration due to resonance Howden fan

impellers are designed to have a natural frequency,
which is at least twice the value of the nominal rotation
frequency of the fan.

Interference between the rotation frequency of the fan

impeller and the natural frequencies of the fan drive &
support structure shall be avoided at all times. Howden
recommends that the natural frequencies of the fan drive
& support structure are at least 1.5 times higher than the
rotation frequency of the fan impeller. This needs to be
checked at the design stage.

When a customer introduces a new design cooling

system, or when a new fan type is applied in an existing
cooling system, then interference between the rotation
frequency of the fan impeller and the natural frequencies
of the fan drive & support structure needs to be checked
by measurements. The same for interference of multiple
values of the rotation speed and natural frequencies of
support structures. Special attention must be paid to
interference of the blade passing frequency of the fan
and the natural frequencies of the support structure. The
blade passing frequency is the result of blade number of
the fan and the rotation speed of the fan in Hertz. The
natural frequency value of the fan impeller in operation
and the blade passing frequency can be found on the
output sheets of Howden's fan selection program CF-

In line with our recommendation it is advised that the

shaft, which is supporting the fan impeller, has at least

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two bearings, which both have an independent rigid
foundation, and that a single flange type of support
structure is avoided. Particular attention must be paid for
3 and 4 bladed fans.
Figure 1 and 2 show two examples of drive concepts:
Figure 1 reviews an E-motor which is flanged on a
gearbox. This concept is sensitive for various rocking
modes. In figure 2, the E-motor is independent fixed to
the fan bridge, which will be more stable:

Figure 1: Flanged motor, which is very sensitive for

various rocking modes

Figure 2: E-motor which is independent supported on

the fan bridge

Variable Frequency Drives (VFD)

A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is today's method for

combining reduction of mechanical loading and optimal
process control.
A consequence of applying a VFD is that the rotation
speed can continuously vary from zero to nominal value.
As a consequence also the excitation frequencies like
the rotation speed, the blade passing frequencies and
their multiple values vary continuously.

Howden K-series aluminium fans can be used without

limitation across the full range of a VFD. There is no

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need to block out a range of frequencies and tip speeds
due to the Anti Vibration System (AVS) blade support
design. Howden polyester fans have hardly any
sensitiveness for resonance. The natural frequency of
the blades is always more than twice the maximum
nominal speed. Therefore the only theoretical risk on
resonance of the blades that remains is when the
rotation speed (operation frequency= OF ) is that low
that the blade passing frequency (BPF) interferes with
the blade operating natural frequency.
All these values can be found on the output of the CF-
P20 selection program. From that value the interference
point is found by taking the BONF/BPF ratio. Multiplying
this value by the fan RPM gives the interfering g fan
rotation speed. Multiplying the ratio BONF/BPF by the
fan tip speed gives the interfering tip speed. As long as
this tip speed is lower than 35 m/s, the excitation will be
that low that there does not exist a risk on resonance of
the blades. In other cases it is advised to consult

Example for a model 32 ENF 8 Howden Polyester fan:

BONF = 4.9 Hz
OF = 2.0 Hz
BPF = 15.7 Hz
RPM = 117.8
Tip Speed = 60.2 m/s

BONF/BPF = 0.312
* tipspeed = 18.8 m/s
A more extensive analysis with Campbell diagrams is
not needed for Howden Cooling Fans.

A more realistic risk on resonance and vibration

problems is interference of the motor-fan unit with the
support structure. Recognised excitation frequencies are
the operation frequency and the blade passing
frequency. Critical operation points are hardly to predict
but easily to correct during commissioning. That is why it
is advised to do a few test runs over the full operating
range of the VFD during commissioning and to track on
disturbing frequencies. With a modern VFD those
frequencies can be blocked for operation.

Above recommendations are intended as a general

guide when customers design the complete cooling
system. As such Howden does not accept overall
system responsibility or any contractual liability for
vibration problems that may occur due to resonance
between the fan rotation frequency and natural
frequencies of the support structure as far as

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components and engineering tasks are not part of
Howden's supply.

The radial forces caused by imbalance of a cooling fan
are calculated as follows:

Howden cooling fan impellers are balanced to G 6.3

according to ISO 1940/1.
This means that the point of gravitation of the fan has a
circumferential speed of 6.3 mm/s

The theoretical permanent imbalance force FG6.3 in fact

is a centrifugal force.

FG6.3 = m∗ω2∗e [N]


find in
= impeller
m [kg] dimension
ω = angular calculate from ω =
speed RPM: 2∗π∗RPM/60
= excentricity e=
e [m] find from:

This force FG6.3 will have a very low value. For the
dimensioning of bearings it is advised to calculate with a
load situation that is generated when one blade of the
impeller is lost (half a blade for a Howden super low
noise SX fan). Please refer to Howden standard 03-07-

The theoretical radial force Frad-1bl, when one blade is

lost is calculated as follows:

Frad-1bl = m1bl ∗ 0.125∗ Df ∗ ω2 [N]


Df = Fan Diameter [m]

m1bl = mass of one blade [kg]

m1bl can be found in the fan dimension sheet from the

mass difference between two indentical impellers with
one blade difference of blade number. For example the
mass of one blade
12ENF is the difference between the mass of a 12 ENF
5 and a 12ENF4 impeller:

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136 – 118= 18 kg

Pulse force
The pulse force on the fan casing caused by the
passing of a fan blade, can be estimated as follows:

Consider a fixed position on the fan casing where the

blade is passing, each time when this occurs, the fan
casing feels an under pressure pulse from the blade tip.
The value of the under pressure is:

with ρ = the air density (kg/m3)

utip = the tip speed (m/s)

This pressure is effective on a certain area of the

fancasing. Assuming that this area A is equal to the tip
section of the blade then the radial pulse force is:

Theforce on a specific area of the fancasing is a cyclic load with a frequency

of(z×n)/60 (Hz), with z = the number of blades of the fan and n = the
rotationalspeed. It has a real pulse character.

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The force on a specific area of the fancasing is a cyclic load with a frequency of (z × n)/60 (Hz), with z = the
number of blades of the fan and n = the rotational speed. It has a real pulse character.

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