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Brain Research, 340 (1985) 341-354 341


BRE 10907

Evaluation of Neuronal Connectivity: Sensitivity of Cross-Correlation


Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ( U. S. A. )
(Accepted November 6th, 1984)

Key words: multi-unit recordings - - cross-correlation function - - detectability- - synaptic strength - -

excitation - - inhibition --simulation

Cross-correlation analysis of separable multi-unit activity is one of the most commonly used methods to investigate connectivity in
neural networks. In the course of development of new analysis techniques which go beyond the study of pairs or triplets of neurons, the
need arose for a simple yet versatile simulator to generate spike trains from networks of specified structure. The present paper de-
scribes such a simulator and presents some examples of its performance as analyzed by cross-correlation. We noted a distinct asymme-
try in the sensitivity of cross-correlation for the presence of excitatory vs inhibitory connections. A theoretical analysis is given from
which quantitative criteria for detectability were derived. It appears that indeed the sensitivity of cross-correlation for excitation is
larger to an order of magnitude than it is for inhibition. Possible consequences of this finding are indicated, and the relation to com-
monly used methods to measure strength of interaction are discussed.

INTRODUCTION chrony between pairs or triplets15. In the course of in-

vestigating the p e r f o r m a n c e of this new a p p r o a c h it
Recent years have shown a growing interest in the was necessary to simulate spike sequences generated
experimental investigation of activity in neural pop- by a network of neurons with specified connections.
ulations. This is, at least partly, caused by the in- In view of its use, the simulator had to be simple and
creased availability of techniques to record simulta- had to describe the neurons and their networks by
neously from groups of neurons and of procedures to commonly used p a r a m e t e r s such as firing rate, syn-
separate this activity reliably into the contributions aptic strength and time course of the interaction. The
from individual neurons 1,8,t°,~4,19,32. This upsurge in output trains were to show the t e m p o r a l features
experimental techniques has led to an e n o r m o u s in- usually associated with excitatory and inhibitory con-
crease in the amount of data p r o d u c e d during an ex- nections. Various p r o g r a m s for simulating neural
periment. The subsequent analysis, apart from being networks are available22,28,29, and are explicitly built
very time consuming, is seriously h a m p e r e d by a rel- on models of the biophysics underlying synaptic
ative lack of conceptual and analytical tools nec- events and spike generation. F o r our purposes such
essary for an a d e q u a t e description of the p h e n o m e n a level of detail r e p r e s e n t e d unnecessary complication;
associated with groups of interacting neurons. Most we have chosen a purely functional approach. O u r
analysis at present is based on cross-correlation of si- simulator operates entirely in terms of stochastic
multaneously r e c o r d e d trains of events from pairs point processes with prescribed probability density
(sometimes triplets) of neurons, introduced as early functions.
as 1967 (ref. 26), or m e t h o d s derived from that 13.27. While studying the behaviour of our simple simula-
Recently it has b e c o m e possible to detect func- tor we noted a peculiar a s y m m e t r y in the sensitivity
tional assemblies in populations of neurons by an ap- of cross-correlation analysis for excitatory versus in-
proach which goes b e y o n d the analysis of firing syn- hibitory interactions, the excitation being much more

Correspondence: G. L. Gerstein, Department of Physiology/G4, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

19104, U.S.A.

0006-8993/85/$03.30 © 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B .V. (Biomedical Division)


readily detected. In this paper, we give a theoretical uses a logarithmic transformation of a uniform distri-
analysis of the relation between spike train or inter- bution generated by a standard random number gen-
action parameters and the expected shape of the erator algorithm. In order to prohibit unrealistically
cross-correlation function. This analysis confirms the short or very long intervals, this uniform distribution
noted difference in sensitivity which may amount to is mapped on to the interval [0.01, 0.99], rather than
an order of magnitude. We have been able to derive on the usual [0,1]. The event sequences generated by
threshold conditions for a given strength of connec- the units are either passed to the output (in the case
tion to be visible, expressed in terms of experimental of autonomous units) or can be modulated locally by
variables (pre- and postsynaptic rates, recording the effect of incoming events from one or more driver
time) and analysis parameters (binwidth). Compari- units.
son of these criteria with experimental findings re-
ported in the literature on connectivity analysis in the Excitatory connections
cortex suggests that the low proportion of inhibition The mechanism of an excitatory connection is
found may, at least partly, be related to this differ- schematically depicted in Fig. la. Upon the occur-
ence in sensitivity of the analytic tools.


a. excitation (D ,q)
The simulator
The basic components of the simulator are units
representing single neurons: each unit generates (9
events, the action potentials, according to some pre- p--u.
scribed probability function. For our purposes an ac-
tion potential is fully described by the moment in
time at which it occurs. The units can be treated as
unrelated elements, with independent firing statis-

tics. More interestingly, however, is the possibiIity of

'connecting' the units by having the output events II I ®
6 xE, ~---~
from one unit (the 'driver') influence the probability
of occurrence of events from another one (the
'driven'), including possibly the driver itself. This in-
fluence can either enhance the probability of firing in
the driven unit ('excitation), or it can suppress it ('in- b. inhibition (9 =I~:
hibition'). Each connection can be specified by the
amount of this influence ('strength') and its time
course ('dynamics'), thus enabling the construction
of an interconnected network of units, described by a
'wiring diagram' or 'connectivity matrix'. We will
now describe the units and the possible types of con-
nection separately in more detail.
I i
The units
When left to itself, each unit will generate events, II i ®
following the rules of a renewal process, i.e. fully de-
termined by its interval distribution 3. The present
model uses the so-called gamma distribution 33 speci-
Fig. 1. Mechanism of excitatory (la) and inhibitory (lb) syn-
fied by the rate 0 and form parameter 7, with 7 an in-
apses as implemented in the spike train simulator. Further ex-
teger number/> i. The actual realization of the model planation in text.

rence of an incoming 'presynaptic' event an 'excited' the driver event giving rise to it. In the present model
event is inserted into the 'postsynaptic' train with the distribution of ~s, like in the case of excitation, is
probability a (0~ < a ~<1), in the remainder of the chosen to be uniform, with some mean j~ and width o.
cases (probability 1- a) the incoming events pass 'un- Note that, unlike the case of excitation, there now is
noticed'. As a result the post-synaptic train will con- no stochastic behaviour as far as the point of insertion
tain a partial and noisy replica of the pre-synaptic (the beginning of the silence) is concerned; this gives
train. The larger a, the higher the chance per driver rise to a sharp temporal coupling between driver
event to produce an event in the follower train. events and the onset of inhibitory effects in the driven
Hence we may name a the 'synaptic strength'. Note train. We will return to this point in the discussion.
that from the probability definition the strength of a The insertion of a silent interval terminates the on-
connection is necessarily normalized to the range going interval generated by the driven unit's own
[0,1]. The timing relation between the excited event event generator, and a fresh interval is selected and
and the event giving rise to it is made up of a constant set to start (without an intermediate event) at the end
delay 6 and a stochastic interval ~, drawn from a pre- of the inserted silence. This corresponds to a com-
scribed interval distribution as illustrated in Fig. la. plete reset of the driven unit's generator potential
The constant 6 gives a minimum delay between followed by a 'hold' at zero level through the silent in-
'cause' and 'effect', the distribution of ~s describes terval. Moreover, throughout the time span of the si-
the stochastics of the coupling dynamics. In the pres- lent interval any event, whether autonomous or ex-
ent version of the simulator this distribution was sim- cited, is prohibited, making this a very strong version
ply chosen to be uniform over a specified range [0, o]; of inhibition. The inhibition, throughout its induced
any reasonable distribution, however, can be used. silence, effectively prevents all incoming events from
Evidently the smaller the width a, the more precise possibly eliciting an excited event. The insertion of a
the temporal coupling between driver and driven silent interval has no effect on events or silences
events. scheduled to occur before the moment of insertion,
Upon insertion of an excited event into the driven neither on excited events or induced silences sched-
sequence, the ongoing interval, generated by the uled to occur after its termination.
unit's autonomous renewal density, is terminated
and a fresh interval is selected and set to start at the Implementation
point of insertion. This may be taken to correspond The simulator was implemented in Fortran 77, on a
to a complete reset of the generator potential as used D E C LSI-11/23 computer. The program has been in-
in so-called (leaky) integrator-type models of neural cluded into a software package ( P U N F U N ) , devel-
firinglS, The insertion of an excited event has no in- oped at the Department of Medical Physics and Bio-
fluence on events scheduled to occur before the mo- physics at the University of Nijmegen, the Nether-
ment of insertion, neither on the excited events lands, and implemented at the authors' laboratory at
scheduled to occur after it. the University of Pennsylvania. This package con-
tains various procedures for the statistical analysis of
Inhibitory connections series of events arising from single and multi-neuron
The mechanism of the inhibitory connections is il- recordings and was used in the present investigation
lustrated in Fig. lb, and can be observed to be very to analyse the performance of the simulator.
similar to the excitatory mechanism. The strength
now is defined to be negative ( - 1 ~< a ~<0) and is used RESULTS
in the same manner as before: a driver event gives
rise, with probability i a I, to an insertion into 1. Simulations
the driven sequence. The item to be inserted now, In this section we show some analyses of repre-
however, is not an event but a forced 'silent' interval sentative data generated by the simulator. Through
of some variable length ~ generated by a specified this series of simulations we have used parameter
probability density function as shown in Fig. lb, The values suggested by experiments involving single and
silent interval starts after a fixed delay 6, following multi-unit recordings from cat visual and auditory

cortex; these areas are the subject of experimental delta-function at the origin and the flat distribution
investigation in our laboratory'< for non-zero timeshifts, expected for a Poisson proc-
Independent units. We begin by considering the be- ess. The expected number of coincident firings per
haviour of autonomous, i.e. non-driven units. Fig. 2 bin (0.5 ms) in this case equals 2 and is indicated by
shows the results of statistical analysis of a sequence the arrow along the vertical axis of Fig. 2d. It can be
of events generated by such a unit. The firing rate 0 observed that the delta peak at the origin is flanked
was set to be 4 s -1, this value being fairly typical for by a trough of 2.5 ms width, caused by the minimum
the 'spontaneous' activity in both the visual24 and au- interval in the event generating mechanism (see
ditory6. H cortex. The interval distribution was taken Methods).
to be Poisson (y = 1), which is less realistic but con- Finally, Fig. 2d shows the similarity between the
venient for theoretical purposes. This particular unit firings of two non-driven, and therefore statistically
was 'recorded' for 256 s, and produced 1038 events independent units as expressed in the cross-correla-
(average interval 246.7ms, standard deviation tion function for their respective event sequences2~.
236.8 ms, as compared to the theoretically expected Again we note the basically flat distribution of the
value of 250 ms for both quantities). The interval dis- number of coincidences per bin around the expected
tribution is shown in Figs. 2a (linear scale) and 2b value of 2. The result in this figure should serve as a
(logarithmic scale). The straight line in Fig. 2b repre- reference for cross-correlations of event sequences
sents the expected interval density for a true Poisson from units where a connection does exist: the vari-
process. The arrows along the time axis indicate the ance gives an indication of the statistical reliability of
expected average interval of 250 ms. possible features in cross-correlograms using a bin-
The temporal structure of the event sequence can width of 0.5 ms and event sequences involving some
be studied by means of the auto-correlation func- 1000 events each, which is typical for cortical record-
tion 25 as shown in Fig. 2c. This basically shows the ings.

t+O . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . I oo
-a b I
'IllJ , ,
i i
0 • ~I "r" (ms)---~ " " I02/+i0 ' /I '"t' (ms)-~ " ' I02/+

6/+I c . . . . . . . d. . . .


-32 0 ~' (ms) - - - 32-32 0

Fig. 2. Statistical analysis of spike train from non-driven unit: interval histogram on linear (2a) and logarithmic (2b) scale; autocorrela-
~' (ms}----

tion function (2c) and cross-correlation with independent unit (2d). Vertical axes give numbers of counts in all cases. Binwidth: 8 ms
(2a, b) resp. 0.5 ms (2c, d). Numbers of events: N 1 = 1038, N2 = t096; observation interval: 256 s. Drawn line in Fig. 2b represents
interval distribution for Poisson process. Arrows in Figs. 2a, b indicate expected average interval (250 ms); in Figs. 2c. d arrows indi-
cate expected number of coincidences (2).

Excitatory connections. The p a r a m e t e r s used to tent of the distribution of ~s is shown by the n u m b e r

specify the excitatory connections were inspired by in each graph and is indicated by the bar along the
e x p e r i m e n t a l data on intracortical excitatory connec- time axis. F r o m these results it can be observed, as
tions~,6. 24. Event rates again were set to 4 s 1. N u m - was to be expected, that increasing o results in a wid-
bers of events p e r unit were in the o r d e r of 1000, the ening of the peak in the correlogram, at the expense
delay 6 in all cases was 1 ms, being representative of of its height, in such a m a n n e r as to keep the product
a monosynaptic delay. We have varied both the "syn- of the two, i.e. the total n u m b e r of coincident events
aptic strength' a and the width o of the distribution of in the elevation, a constant, the value of which is de-
excitatory intervals (cf. Fig. la). Fig. 3 shows the ef- termined by a. Evidently, with lower values of ~ this
fect of changing the synaptic strength, while using a increase in temporal uncertainty may cause the el-
fixed width of o = 2 ms. D e p e n d i n g on the value of a , evation in the correlogram, i,e. the signature of the
we observe a peak of m o r e or less distinct height excitatory connection, to become buried in the vari-
against an essentially flat background. The a priori ance, especially in preparations with modest firing
expected n u m b e r of coincidences for uncorrelated rates, like the cortex. On the whole, however, using
sequences (2 per 0.5 ms, cf. Fig. 2d) is indicated by 2 - 4 ms as a reasonable estimate of 6rI,°,11,24, the
the arrow along the vertical axis in Fig. 3b, d. The cross-correlation function of trains containing some
extent of the distribution of ~s is indicated by the bar 1000 events each appears to be sensitive to connecti-
along the time axis, next to the origin. It can be ob- vities as low as 0.025.
served that a distinct elevation in the cross-correlo- Inhibitory connections. In the case of inhibitory
gram is present for a value of a as low as 0.05 connections it is much h a r d e r to obtain reliable esti-
(Fig. 3b), i.e. in the case that, on the average, only 1 mates of p a r a m e t e r values from the physiological li-
out of 20 presynaptic events induces a postsynaptic terature on cortical neurons. They are either not re-
event. Even the case of a = 0.025 (Fig. 3a) shows at ported or explicitly r e p o r t e d not to have been found.
least the suggestion of an elevation at the a p p r o p r i a t e Following Dickson and Gerstein~ and Michalski et
time coordinates. al. 24 we set the delay equal to 2 ms. Event rates were
The effect of changing the width o, while keeping a 4 s ~ as before, as were the numbers of events "re-
at a constant level of 0.1 is shown in Fig. 4. The ex- corded' ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1000 per unit). The cross-

i i i b I i I
64 a o~ = 0.025 b 0.05

6/, Ic~ 0.1id 0.2

-32 0 "r (ms)-- 32-32 0 "r (ms)--- 32
Fig. 3. Cross-correlation analysis of pairs of units with excitatory connection of variable strength a and constant width cr of noisy inser-
tion. Vertical axes give numbers of coincidences. Binwidth: 0,5 ms; observation interval: 256 s; numbers of events: driver (the same in
all 4 cases): 1038 (cf. Fig. 2), driven units: 1092 (3a), 1078 (3b), 1115 (3c) and 1254 (3d). Expected number of coincidences for uncor-
related trains (2) is indicated by arrow along vertical axis; extent of distribution of insertions (o) is indicated by bar along time axis.

a o'= 8ms b 4

II +i i

° L
., i ::;::: L
6/+Ic "2msid Ims;

t i
nl h f L
I J.ql I i

-32 0 a" (ms) --- 32-32 0 -r (ms) - - 32

Fig. 4. Cross-correlation analysis of pairs Of units with excitatory connection of constant strength a and variable width crof noisy inser-
tion. Numbers of events: driver (the same in all 4 cases): 1038 (cf. Fig. 2), driven units: 1150 (4a), 1097 (4b), 1130 (4c) and 1210 (4d).
Further details as in Fig. 3.

correlation functions for different values of a are F r o m these results we observe that an unambigu-
given in Fig. 5. The distribution of ~s in these cases ous sign of inhibition, i.e. a trough at the a p p r o p r i a t e
was a shifted delta-peak: every inserted silent inter- position in the otherwise flat cross-correlogram, now
val had a fixed length of 4 ms. T h e extent of this in- is only found in the e x t r e m e case of a = - 1 (Fig. 5d),
terval is indicated by the horizontal b a r along the where every incoming event manages to silence the
time axis in the figures. follower unit for the prescribed p e r i o d of time. E v e n

o'= 0 ms
a o~ • -0 ,

n t

c -0.8 d


-32 0 -r (ms) - - 32-32 0 "r (ms) ---- 32

Fig. 5. Cross-correlation analysis of pairs of units with ~nhibitory connection of variable strength a :and constant inserted silence/t.
Numbers of events: driver (the same in all 4 cases): 1026, driven units: 1031 (5a), 1003 (5b), 1038 (5c) and 1012 (5d). Extent of in-
serted silence is indicated by bar along time axis. Further details as in Fig. 3.

in the case of a = - 0 . 8 (Fig. 5c), although there is shows the results of cross-correlation analysis of
some sign of a trough, it barely manages to escape event sequences containing between 16000 and
the variance. Certainly for lower values of i a 17000 events, all parameters being identical to the
(Fig. 5a, b), the inhibition is not reflected by any sig- ones in Fig. 5. Translated to an actual experiment
nificant feature in the correlogram, while, on the oth- this would correspond to a recording of well over one
er hand, valleys that are present (e.g. the trough in hour (4096 s), as compared to the roughly 4 min
Fig. 5a at about r = 12 ms) are merely due to statis- (256 s) necessary to obtain the data for Fig. 5. One
tical variation. It should be noted, moreover, that observes that now, at least for cz = - 0 . 8 (Fig. 6c) and
this lack of clear signs of inhibition was obtained de- a = - 1 (Fig. 6d), the correlogram shows the theoret-
spite the use of a-values which are well beyond the ically predicted square well. It may be noted that the
range needed for unequivocal demonstration of exci- well extends some 2.5 ms beyond the width (4 ms) of
tation (cf. Fig. 3). the inserted silences, as indicated by the horizontal
The major factor determining the bad visibility of bars. This is caused by the combined effect of (a) the
inhibition is the variance of the cross-correlogram. In complete reset of the event generating mechanism
order to reduce this variance appreciably we would after insertion of a silence and (b) the minimum inter-
have to increase the number of coincidences per bin val (in our case 2.5 ms) in the event generator (see
by an order of magnitude (',/N-behaviour). One way Methods). Even with this 4-fold decrease in vari-
to obtain this would be to increase the binwidth from ance, however, the correlograms for c~ = - 0 . 2
the present value of 0.5 ms, e.g. by smoothing. Al- (Fig. 6a) and even for ct = - 0 . 4 (Fig. 6b) only reluc-
though something surely could be gained here, an or- tantly show the sign of inhibition and certainly its
der of magnitude is out of the question if we want to time course is not convincingly portrayed by the
be able to make any sensible statements regarding shape of the well.
the time course of the inhibition. The other possibili-
ty then lies in increasing the numbers of events in- 2. Visibility of connections in the cross-correlograrn
volved. Since we do want to continue working with a The foregoing results demonstrate a remarkable
fairly typical cortical rate of about 4 s ~, this nec- asymmetry in the sensitivity of the cross-correlation
essarily means increasing the 'recording' time. Fig. 6 function for excitatory vs inhibitory connections.

0"= Oms


I"I liiiiiiiiiiiii:=:,::..

_ , ,

-32 0 T(ms) - 32-32 0 "T(ms)--- 32

Fig. 6. Cross-correlation analysis of the inhibitory pairs from Fig. 5 with increased observation interval: 4096 s. Numbers of events:
driver (the same in all 4 cases): 16,974, driven units: 16,856 (6a), 16,561 (6b), 16,284 (6c) and 16,117 (6d). Expected number of coin-
cidences for uncorrelated trains now equals 32. Further details as in Fig. 3.

This is more or less paralleled by an equally remarka-

ble silence in the experimental literature on intracor-
tical inhibitory connections as revealed by cross-cor- a. excitafion o~
relation analysis of simultaneously recorded spike
trains (with the notable exception of the visual cortex
work by Toyama et al. 36.37to which we will return lat-
er). This relative silence is all the more remarkable in ......... i ............. 2
view of the abundantly present signs of inhibition as ~r
revealed by intracellular recordings both in the audi-
tory 3] and visual 4,35 cortex. We therefore have inves-
tigated the theoretically expected sensitivity of cross-
correlation, using the present model as a convenient b. inhibition
For a uniform distribution of insertions following a
driver event, the theoretically expected cross-corre-
lation functions for excitation and inhibition are re-
I< 6 , <cr,
spectively shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. Quantitative ex- 0
pressions for the background level e and the depar-
ture from background, i.e. the signature of the con-
nection, are given in the Appendix. The 'visibility' of Fig. 7. Theoretically expected cross-corretogram for excitation
the connection is determined by the magnitude of the (7a) and inhibition (7b) for a model using uniform distribution
peak or trough relative to the variance s 2 in the back- of insertions (cf. Fig. 1). Further explanation in text.
ground. If we assume that the event sequences are
roughly Poisson, the noise s can be approximated by ture relative to the background is equal to the
strength of the connection a, whereas for excitation it
s = X/--d-= (010~TA) v~- (1) involves an additional gain factor (a 0~) -1 which in
most cases will be substantially larger than 1. This
with 01 and 0~ the average rates of the pre- and post- discrepancy between (2) and (3) lies at the very heart
synaptic trains (0~ as distinguished from the hypoth- of the asymmetry in visibility of excitation and inhibi-
etical 'unconnected' rate 02), A the binwidth of the tion using cross-correlation analysis.
correlogram and T the duration of the recording. The In order to quantify the difference in visibility we
binwidth is determined by the time constants of the may define a criterion for detectability: in order for
peak or trough to be investigated: for proper sam- the connection to be noticed we require
pling of its time course some minimum number of
bins is required (5-10) which sets an upper limit to A.
Idl 1> 2 s (4)
For relatively narrow peaks and wells :(narrow with Like any criterion this one is somewhat arbitrary; nu-
respect to the average interval in the presynaptic merically it approximates the 0.10-significance limit
train) the amplitudes dexc and dinh of the departure for PST-histograms given by D6rrscheidt 7. It leads to
are given by (see Appendix) the following expressions for the lower limit of
dexc - o0~ • e (2)
4 02 0~
excitation: O~mi
n2 = 0~ TA (5)

din h = ~ " e (3) 4

inhibition: o~i" 010~ TA (6)
with a the synaptic strength and a the width of the
distribution of inserted events (cf. Fig. la). It is ob- The threshold conditions (5) and (6) are shown
served that for inhibition the magnitude of the depar- graphically in Fig. 8a for excitation and Fig. 8b for

a. excifafion b. inhibifion
~ '0~' 0"=2 nls
L 'Og

".::" :: -1

10 2 : . ..[ .", " - i . . • .. ..i . : : .": .. . 7.. : :,"....: "

0.1 1 10 0.1 1 10
-- /~ (ms) = A (ms)

Fig. 8. Thresholds for detectability of connection with varying strength a for excitation (8a) and inhibition (8b), based on Eqns. (5)
and (6). Horizontal axis indicates binwidth of correlogram, vertical axis gives combination of pre- and postsynaptic rates and duration
of recording; both axes are on log scale. Symbols in the graphs represent data from this paper and from findings in the literature:
Fig. 8a: • = Fig, 3, present paper; • = Fig. 3a in Perkel et al.26; ~, ~, ~ = Figs. 4 and 7A, B in Dickson and Gerstein6; x , + =
Fig. 1A, B in Michalski24; O,0~,l = Fig. 5D, E, F in Toyama et al. 36.
Fig. 8b: • = Fig. 5, present paper; A = Fig. 6, present paper; • = Fig. 36 in Perkel et al.26; ~ , ~ , 0 , ~ = Figs. 5A, B, C, D in Dickson
and Gerstein6; x = Fig. lc in Michalski et al.24; O , ~ , O = Figs. 5D, E, G in Toyama et al. 36.

inhibition. In both graphs the horizontal axis denotes responding to Figs. 3 ( A in Fig. 8a), 5 ( A in
the binwidth A, a parameter in the analysis procedure. Fig. 8b) and 6 ( A in Fig. 8b). It can be observed
The vertical axis is a c o m b i n e d m e a s u r e of the experi- that indeed there is a fair a g r e e m e n t between the
mental variables 01,`0~ and T: for excitation we have predicted sensitivity and the actual results of cross-
correlation in these cases. F u r t h e r m o r e , Fig. 8 ex-
0j T for inhibition it is Q10~ T. This difference again plains clearly the impressive difference in sensitivity
`0"' of cross-correlation for excitation vs inhibition.
reflects the different forms of (5) and (6). Note that A n o t h e r interesting observation can be m a d e re-
the measure in the case of excitation is asymmetric garding Eqns. (2) and (3). Relation (2) can be written
with respect to which neuron is pre- and which one is to yield
postsynaptic. The threshold for excitation still con-
d A A/A Nc
tains the p e a k w i d t h o; in o r d e r to conform to the
a- .°1T o~T Nl (7)
value used in the simulations we set this equal to 2
ms. The value of the synaptic strength a is a p a r a m - Eqn, (7) simply states that the synaptic strength of an
eter in the different graphs, with the area u n d e r n e a t h excitatory connection is given by the ratio of the
the graph for ] a ] = l as obviously ' f o r b i d d e n n u m b e r of correlated events Nc (i.e. the events in the
zone'. Fig. 8 thus can be r e a d as a recipe: given the area A of the peak in the correlogram, cf. Fig. 7a)
binwidth required for resolving the time course and and the n u m b e r of presynaptic events. This is pre-
given the strength of the connection one wants to be cisely the quantity that was p r o p o s e d by Levick et
able to pick up, it gives an estimate of the m i n i m u m al.20 as a measure for the 'effectiveness' or 'dynamic
amount of e x p e r i m e n t a l data which is required. Or: potency of the particular excitatory synapse'. The a-
given the binwidth and the e x p e r i m e n t a l a m o u n t of symmetry of excitation and inhibition thus is express-
data, it predicts the minimal strength of connection to ed in the difference between (3) and (7): inhibitory
be discovered. W e have indicated the locations cor- strength equals the ratio of ordinate values inside and

outside the trough while excitatory strength is pro- experimental findings from single- and multi-unit re-
portional to the area under the peak. Measures in- cordings available in the literature.
volving areas of inhibitory correlograms3~.37 do not so The mechanism of excitation in the model, i.e. the
much address the strength of the connection, but insertion of an event followed by a reset of the event
rather a combination of the strength and its time generator, can also be viewed as a local contraction
course. There is no obvious relation between our of time: at certain moments, determined by the
model parameters and another measure proposed by driver events, an otherwise unaffected follower train
Levick et al. zo the 'contribution', defined as the ratio is advanced in time to the point of insertion. A similar
arrangement for the inhibition, i.e. local stretching of
Nc of the number of correlated events relative to the time, would be to insert a silence into an ongoing in-
terval, without selecting a fresh interval at the end of
number of postsynaptic events. It is curious to note the silence, thereby effectively retarding the remain-
that the latter measure has been used in many experi- der of the follower train. This would correspond to a
mental investigations of connectivity24,34,36,37 while temporary 'hold' of the generator potential, instead
the former has only rarely 21 been considered. From a of the current combination of "reset' and 'hold'. The
theoretical point of view we would expect more de- main reason for the latter choice was that it provides
tailed information regarding the underlying mecha- a 'stronger' version of inhibition which should be
nism of connectivity to result from measuring the more readily detectable in statistical analysis of spike
strength of the connection using (7), including its pos- trains. The present implementation of inhibition is
sible dependence on stimuli, context, learning 17 and certainly unrealistic in its deterministic temporal cou-
the like. The 'effectiveness' is a detailed measure of a pling with the driver. Again. this choice was made to
particular synapses' strength, whereas the 'contribu- obtain the highest degree of visibility of inhibition in
tion' is a more global measure, which, through N 2, is the cross-correlogram. Any additional noise in time
also affected by the effective strengths of contribu- locking, although certainly more realistic, would
tions from other projecting neurons, which in turn have a dispersive effect on the inhibitory trough, ren-
may be variable, each one in its own way. dering it even less conspicuous than it is now.
The basic activity of the units was modelled as a
DISCUSSION stationary renewal process. More realistic perform-
ance can certainly be obtained by relaxing this re-
The simulator striction and adopting certain forms of non-station-
A model was described for simulating spike trains, arities, e.g. modulation of rate and departures from
generated by a population of neurons. The neurons renewal. This type of temporal manipulation of the
can be chosen to be either independent or intercon- event generators could also be used to model "exter-
nected, each connection specified by its strength and nal' influences on (parts of) the network as exerted
time constants. The model essentially is a functional for instance, by sensory stimulation of the periphery
or black box-type model, operating in terms of sto- projecting to the network or global modulation due
chastic point processes with prescribed probability to efferent projections. The networks considered so
density functions. No attempt was made to incorpo- far are autonomous, they behave as isolated chunks
rate the biophysical mechanisms underlying the gen- of brain tissue, not involved in sensory processing of
elation of action potentials; emphasis was on simplic- any sort. The incorporation of stimulus-related non-
ity and versatility in producing spike trains rather stationarities evidently is among the most necessary
than on microscopic reality. The main purpose of the and interesting extensions.
model is to generate event sequences which can be
used as reliable and instructive data for multi-unit Detection of excitation and inhibition
analysis procedures, currently being developed 15. In The commonly used framework for investigating
order for these data to be representative of real neu- connectivity in a neural network is the cross-correla-
ral activity, the stochastics of event generation and tion function of simultaneously recorded spike
synaptic connectivity were modeled on the basis of trains~2.z6. The presence of significant departures

from a fiat background is interpreted as indicative of is remarkable. The approach of going to considerably
a functional connection, either direct (through one or longer recording times (cf. Fig. 6: approximately one
more synapses) or indirect (shared input, either neu- hour) in many cases will be problematic because of
ral or stimulus-induced). In the present discussion variability in either the recording configuration or
the second possibility can be disregarded since we did the network itself 1623.
not study this form of 'connectivity'. The statistical Although the criteria for sensitivity as illustrated in
analysis of spike trains generated by the model, apart Fig. 8 were derived for stationary Poisson se-
from serving as a check for its performance, led us to quences, we expect the overall conclusions to be fair-
observe a peculiar asymmetry in the sensitivity of ly robust for temporal modulations as caused, for in-
cross-correlation functions for the presence of excita- stance, by stimulation. Certainly in the case of very
tory vs inhibitory connections. We were able to dem- strong, almost o n - o f f modulation as present in many
onstrate, on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the experiments using repetitive tone bursts, light flashes
relation between model parameters and correlogram and the like, we expect these results to provide a rea-
shape, that indeed the cross-correlation is distinctly sonable first order approximation, provided that the
less sensitive for inhibition than it is for excitation of effective rates and the relevant recording time over
comparable strength. Results of this analysis were the integrated 'burst'-sequences are used: the re-
summarized in a set of threshold curves (Fig. 8) rep- mainder of the recording will not contribute substan-
resenting the relation between (a) the strength of the tially to the overall correlogram. More modest
connection (system parameter), (b) the binwidth of and/or complex modulations like the ones caused bv
the correlogram (analysis parameter) and (c) a com- continuous stimulation using long and complex stim-
bination of pre- and postsynaptic rates and the dura- ulus ensembles9 will probably have a more compli-
tion of the recording (experiment parameters). cated effect and certainly should be studied further.
Thereby it appeared, apart from the noted asymme- The derivations of the relations underlying Fig. 8
try in sensitivity, that the experimental parameters also were based on the assumption of uniform distri-
have to be treated differently for excitation and inhi- butions of insertions; changing the shape of these dis-
bition: for inhibition we have the product of the rates, tributions will affect the final results only marginally.
for excitation it is the ratio of pre- and postsynaptic Intracellular recordings indicate that 'the amount
rates, the latter combination thus being asymmetric of inhibitory input to cortical neurons is impres-
with respect to the order of the units involved. sive '4.3h35. It is thought by some authors that "the ill-
We have indicated in Fig. 8 the locations corre- tracortical network is essentially, if not exclusively,
sponding to a number of analyses of connectivity as inhibitory '5, with the intracortical inhibition shaping
they appeared in the literature, both from model the response characteristics of cortical cells-'. Cross-
studies 26 and multi-unit recordings from the cor- correlation analysis of spike trains has so far failed to
tex 6,24,36. It appears that for excitation a sensitivity substantiate this hypothesis. This raises the question
for connections with a strength larger than 0.02-0.05 whether the relatively low proportion of inhibitory
is fairly commonly obtained. The situation is consid- connections detected by cross-correlation of cortical
erably worse for inhibition: with the exception of part unit activity may simply reflect the disproportionate
of Toyama's 36 data, inhibition with a strength of less sensitivity of the analysis tools. Such disproportion
than 0.8 will have failed to be detected in the experi- would surely distort true connectivity if there is a
mental papers mentioned. The increased sensitivity broad distribution of (inhibitory) (1: if the (~ s
in Toyama's results is caused by the deliberate en- are indeed greater than 0.8, no distortion occurs.
hancement of the firing rates by either visual or Another question concerns the information proc-
chemical (glutamate) stimulation. Even then the sen- essing aspects: if cross-correlation is so insensitive to
sitivity is not changed by more than a factor of about temporal alterations of spike trains produced by inhi-
2-3: inhibition with a strength of less than 0.2-0.3 bition per se, it is not obvious how a neuron would be
will almost surely remain undiscovered. Still the in- able to resolve them. In other words: is the principal
creased proportion of inhibitory connections in effect of inhibition to modulate incoming excita-
Toyama's results compared to other authors" results tion30 rather than directly to produce silences in the

outgoing spike train. The investigation of such mech- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

a n i s m s s u r e l y will r e q u i r e t r u e m u l t i - u n i t a n a l y s i s ,
i.e. g o i n g b e y o n d p a i r a n a l y s i s as is c u s t o m a r y now. This work was supported through Grants from
M o d u l a t i o n o f i n c o m i n g e x c i t a t i o n m i g h t also p r o - NIH (G.L.G. N S 05606), the Fulbright Program
vide a n e x p l a n a t i o n f o r t h e o b s e r v e d s t i m u l u s - d e - (AA travel grant) and the System Development
pendence of n e u r a l correlationsS,lt; these consist F o u n d a t i o n . T h i s r e s e a r c h p r o j e c t f o r m s p a r t of a
m a i n l y of s t i m u l u s - r e l a t e d c h a n g e s in c o r r e l o g r a m collaboration program between the Departments of
p e a k s . M e a s u r e s f o r i n t e r a c t i o n s t r e n g t h like 'effec- P h y s i o l o g y a n d of B i o p h y s i c s , U n i v e r s i t y of P e n n s y l -
tiveness' are probably more suited to describe these vania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, U.S.A., and
p h e n o m e n a t h a n t h e ' c o n t r i b u t i o n ' m e a s u r e u s e d in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of M e d i c a l P h y s i c s a n d B i o p h y s i c s o f
m o s t i n v e s t i g a t i o n s , t h e l a t t e r i n c o r p o r a t i n g also t h e the University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands). The
unknown, possibly varying contributions from unob- a u t h o r s wish to t h a n k J a n i c e H e n r y f o r p r e p a r a t i o n
served sources. of t h e m a n u s c r i p t .

APPENDIX e - 01 (0: + a 01) TA (A3a)

Relation between model parameters and cross-correlogram or

The cross-correlation function of spike trains from two inde- e = 1+ Q_~- .e,, (A3b)
pendent units with average firing rates 0~ and 02 is, apart from
statistical fluctuations, a constant e o, the value of which is given The departure from background (cf. Fig. 7a) simply reflects
by the distribution of inserted events, in our case a uniform distri-
bution over the interval [0,0], shifted by the delay 6 (cf.
eo = 01 02 TA (A1) Fig. la). The width of the elevation consequently is a, its am-
plitude d is given by
with T the observation interval and d the binwidth of the corre-
logram. The effect on the cross-correlogram of making a con- d=a0,( la - 0 1 ) T A ,A4a~
nection, either excitatory or inhibitory, between two such
units, whereby unit 1 becomes the driver (presynaptic) and unit or
2 the driven (postsynaptic), is 2-fold: (1) Due to the overall in- d=a @
01 (O~1 1)'% (A4bl
crease or decrease in the total number of events in the postsyn-
aptic train, the expected number of coincidences in the back- Note that (A4) only holds if the width a of the inserted distribu-
ground level will increase or decrease from its 'unconnected' tion is smaller than the average interval in the presynaptic
level e o to a new level e. (2) Over a certain interval following a train, which is not unrealistic for actual spike trains. Further-
driver event there will be a positive or a negative departure more it has been assumed that the observation grid is consider-
from the background-level e, the location, shape and size of able smaller than both 6 and a. otherwise we get a blurring of
which is determined by the distribution of inserted events or si- the correlation shape due to undersampling.
lences and the synaptic strength a (cf. Fig. 1). As a measure for "strength' or 'visibility' of the excitatory
The theoretically expected cross-correlation functions for an connection as exhibited in the shape of the cross-correlogram
excitatory and an inhibitory connection with uniform distribu- we propose the amplitude of the departure from background
tion of inserted events or silences, are shown in Fig. 7. In the relative to the background, in other words, the ratio d. This def-
following we will express these expected correlograms in terms inition is analogous to such notions as 'modulation depth" and
of the 'unconnected' rates of the participating units (01 and 02). 'visual contrast'. Using (A3,4) we obtain
the connectivity parameters (strength a, average p and width a 1
of insertion distribution), the observation interval T and bin- d o-o~
= - a- (A5al
width A. We will assume Poisson characteristics for the uncon- e ~o2 - cz 01
nected event generators and uniform distributions for the inser- or. in terms of the average rates of the connected pre- and post-
tions. Only the main results will be given, proofs are rather synaptic units
lengthy but straightforward.
d ~-Ol
Excitation = a- IA5b)
e 02
The expected number of events N~ in the postsynaptic train
during an observation interval T is given by For narrow peaks (a 01 << 1) this reduces to
d 1
N~ N2+ a N I (A2) - a - [A6al
e (102

with N 1 and N 2 the numbers for the unconnected pre- and post- or
synaptic trains. This implies that for the background level e in d /x?
the cross-correlogram we obtain e - u - o fA6bl

w i t h / 4 the average interval of the postsynaptic train. We ob- shown in Fig. 7b for the case of a uniform distribution over the
serve from (A5,6) that the 'contrast" in the correlogram is pro- range [/,-j,/x +~].
portional to ct, with a gain factor which (for narrow peaks) Due to inhibition the n u m b e r of coincidences in the trough
equals the ratio of average postsynaptic interval and peak drops to the u - i n d e p e n d e n t level of (1 + a)e o, provided that
width. u > 0. Therefore the depth d of the well is given by

Inhibition d = a ( l - u < o , ) .e o (A9)

Analogous reasoning can be applied to inhibitory connec-
tions (a < 0). For the n u m b e r N" in the postsynaptic train we For the "contrast" in the correlogram we thus obtain
now obtain d 1 - y .oh
= a • " -- (A10a)
e 1 + ¢zk¢0,
N' = (1 + a uo. 1) N, (AT)
or, in terms of intervals
with u the average inserted silent interval. This leads to a new,
lower background level e given by d 1 --"{1
- = a • -- -- (A10b)
e 1 +a,i
e - 01 02 ( 1 + a.u -01) T A (Aga)
Note that both the depth d and the contrast now are in-
or dependent of the postsynaptic rate ~%. For narrow troughs
c = ( 1 + a,uol) % (Agb) (,u 01 << 1) this reduces to
Note that it is assumed that (1 + a / ~ O~) > 0, otherwise no -- =a (All)
events are left in the postsynaptic train. The inhibition causes a
where, as in the case for excitation, the contrast is proportional
trough in the cross-correlogram, the shape of which reflects the
integrated version of the distribution of silent intervals. This is to a, now, however, without an additional gain factor.

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