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Student: Vanesa Idrobo

Group: 2019-02
Unit: Sentences and paragraphs
The correct files name would be: 2019-02YIdrobo_SP
In the activity done in the forum for this unit, the students have analysed some resources to
improve the building of sentences and paragraphs. Copy bellow all the texts your colleges and
you have posted for the activity (max. 5 texts), underline their mistakes and point out why they
are mistakes.
Texts Why they are mistakes
Writing is an important skill when we learn a second language, this
language, this ....../, a good
process require time, organization, clear ideas, a good investigation
investigation about the
about the topic. All is important to generate a clear message to the
reader. To learn a second language requires being predisposed.
Another way to overcome my difficulties is improving my vocabulary
and grammar rules because they help me to improve my speaking and is improving ..... ....grammar
writing skills. In addition, I have to follow the different instructions to
learn more. I should follow this course to be better as an English
teacher and finish it with good grades. this course ....language
2) we have to be clear ...language,
The moment we decide to learn another language we have to be clear meaning
that we will need to learn words we have never used in our vocabulary.
We will have to use all our senses to learn this new language. It is not
enough to just read, memorize and repeat. Learning through writing is enough to just ....word order
something unique. With writing, knowledge is transmitted, information
is summarized, learning is facilitated, and study is easier.
Learning to write correctly requires a lot of effort, time and dedication. connect with other people
The different disciplines of linguistics are: Grammar, Semantics, ....preposition
Lexicology and Phonics.
We have to have the ability to use technology to our benefit. The
internet is the portal to unlimited resources to learn, create, publish, highs and lows....language
connect with other people in another country thousands of miles away.
If you do not have knowledge, you can also learn. Through this
technology, we can connect instantly in various parts of the world, of everything I mention, ...tense
creating support groups, following the direction of our mentor. in various …… language
I have a clear and objective vision that I will learn all the areas of
linguistics, I have decided to start this process and I know I will fulfill
it until the end. I will learn all the elementary concepts of writing, I
have the desire and the availability to do it. I know that I will have
challenges, highs and lows, but I also know that it is part of the
process. If I do the opposite of everything I mention, I will not achieve
my goals.
3) Hello tutor and classmates Hello tutor and
A portfolio is the collection of documents that show what teachers
have accomplished in terms of research, teaching and services. Also, it
motivates students to keep working and have everything organized to The documents that have a portfolio

maintain a digital folder and the supporting documentation or files.

The documents that have a portfolio is the documents that teachers Tests…....language
develop everyday with their students, results, tests and amoung others. amoung….. language
According to Border (2005-06), “participation in teaching preparation
activities such as workshops, seminars, courses, and videotaped
consultations can add skills and confidence, and thus pages, to the
4)I can respond to the topic by saying Krashen´s hypotheses leave no working for schools that focus on
doubt on why he believed in them in the first place.I definitely think I conscious programs, make
followed a couple of his hypotheses when I started learning English. I ....punctuation
learned in a subconscious process. This process was very similar to my
L1 acquisition. I couldn't agree more with Krashen. I think the acquired Watching the video, made me
theory makes complete sense. I normally try to adjust my lesson plans ....punctuation
as much as possible to the acquired system. However, working for
schools that focus on conscious programs, make the teaching process  I  understood...tense
very difficult. In other words, if the teacher had the faculty to use her
own particular ways, the teaching process would be much easier. it certainly amazed me....tense,
Watching the video, made me understand the importance of his theory. language
I  understood his second lesson plan, and it certainly amazed me.
working for……language
5)This video was interesting and useful for our career. First, I have
noticed that I made some grammatical mistakes. I do not use an
First, I have noticed that I made some
appropriate structure in sentences, such as, declarative and introductory
grammatical mistakes. ...tense
sentences to create a good document. In addition, the uses of
declarative and introductory sentences make the document friendlier to
the reader. Second, I do not provide information about the author in a In addition...inappropriate use
document. For example, I write the quotation but I do not give brief
information about the author of the quote. Quotation but…….punctiation
In sum, I make those mistakes because I don´t practice my writing I learn……tense
skills in a correct way and I don´t give a little time to learn new words
or adjectives. Nevertheless, I learn about certain details to write a Finally, when people wrote the
correct term paper. Such as, the use of serial commas after each bibliography, they wrote the date that
element of the sentence is correct in a formal paper when it is they got the information of the URL on
published. Besides, I learn that we should not use apostrophe in dates internet but this is not correct...tense
when we write a formal document. On internet….language
Finally, when people wrote the bibliography, they wrote the date that
they got the information of the URL on internet but this is not correct.
People should write the date that research was written.


1. Writing is an important skill when we learn a second language. This process requires
time, organization, clear ideas and a good investigation about the topic. All is important
to generate a clear message to the reader. To learn a second language requires being
predisposed. Another way to overcome my difficulties are improving my vocabulary
and grammar rules because they help me to improve my speaking and writing skills. In
addition, I have to follow the different instructions to learn more. I should follow this
program to be better as an English teacher and finish it with good grades.

2. The moment we decide to learn another language we have to understand that we will
need to learn words we have never used in our vocabulary. We will have to use all our
senses to learn this new language. It is not just enough read, memorize and repeat.
Learning through writing is something unique. With writing, knowledge is transmitted,
information is summarized, learning is facilitated, and study is easier. Learning to write
correctly requires a lot of effort, time and dedication. The different disciplines of
linguistics are: Grammar, Semantics, Lexicology and Phonics. We have to have the
ability to use technology to our benefit. The internet is the portal to unlimited resources
to learn, create, publish, to connect with other people in another country thousands of
miles away. If you do not have knowledge, you can also learn. Through this technology,
we can connect instantly with various parts of the world, creating support groups,
following the direction of our mentor. I have a clear and objective vision that I will
learn all the areas of linguistics, I have decided to start this process and I know I will
fulfill it until the end. I will learn all the elementary concepts of writing, I have the
desire and the availability to do it. I know that I will have challenges, highs and lows,
but I also know that it is part of the process. If I do the opposite of everything I
mentioned, I will not achieve my goals.
3. Hello tutor and classmates,

A portfolio is the collection of documents that show what teachers have accomplished
in terms of research, teaching and services. Also, it motivates students to keep working
and have everything organized to maintain a digital folder and the supporting
documentation or files. The documents which have the portfolio is the documents that
teachers develop everyday with their students, results, test and among others. According
to Border (2005-06), “participation in teaching preparation activities such as
workshops, seminars, courses, and videotaped consultations can add skills and
confidence, and thus pages, to the portfolio”

4. I can respond to the topic by saying Krashen´s hypotheses leave no doubt on why he
believed in them in the first place.I definitely think I followed a couple of his
hypotheses when I started learning English. I learned in a subconscious process. This
process was very similar to my L1 acquisition. I couldn't agree more with Krashen. I
think the acquired theory makes complete sense. I normally try to adjust my lesson
plans as much as possible to the acquired system. However, working in schools that
focus on conscious programs make the teaching process very difficult. In other words, if
the teacher had the faculty to use her own particular ways, the teaching process would
be much easier. Watching the video made me understand the importance of his theory.
I  understood his second lesson plan, and it certainly amazed me.
5. This video was interesting and useful for our career. First, I notice that I make some
grammatical mistakes. I do not use an appropriate structure in sentences, such as,
declarative and introductory sentences to create a good document. Then the uses of
declarative and introductory sentences make the document friendlier to the reader.
Second, I do not provide information about the author in a document. For example, I
write the quotation, but I do not give brief information about the author of the quote.
In sum, I make those mistakes because I don´t practice my writing skills in a correct
way and I don´t give a little time to learn new words or adjectives. Nevertheless, I learn
about certain details to write a correct term paper. Such as, the use of serial commas
after each element of the sentence is correct in a formal paper when it is published.
Besides, I learn that we should not use apostrophe in dates when we write a formal
document. Finally, when people wrote the bibliography, they wrote the date that they
got the information of the URL on the internet but this was not correct. People should
write the date that research was written.

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