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The activity consists of a personal reflection on the use of memorization strategies. Answer the
questions about memory after reading the contents of the unit. Remember that you must use
personal experience, but always justifying it with the theory studied in the unit. The maximum
extension must be from 200 to 300 words, including all answers. You can seek and use additional
bibliography if you want. Answers can be written separately or as a unified text. Remember that
you have to use the concepts learnt in past units about writing a text.

1. Do you think that orthography is an important aspect of writing? Why?

Yes, it does because orthography includes rules of capitalization, emphasis, spelling and
punctuation to express a good writing.

2. Do you think you use orthography properly?

No, I do not.

I have to learn and practice more about it.

3. Is there any orthographic problem that seems difficult for you?

Yes, the punctuation is difficult for me to recognize the position of them.

4. Do you use memorization strategies?

Yes, I do

5. What strategies seem more useful for you? Why?

The best strategy that is more useful for me is “Elaborative interrogation” because it
improves memory for facts. It involves reading a fact to be remembered.

6. Did you consider grammar lessons boring?

No, I did not. I love the grammar lesson, but I have to improve some of them like

7. How would you like to learn grammar?

I would like to learn grammar through exercises. I think that is the best way to improve


8. Is it difficult for you find the specific words to express your ideas? Do you always
use a dictionary?

In some cases, yes because I do not know a lot of academic words for that reason it makes
me difficult to find the specific words to express my ideas and I always used an English-
English dictionary.

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