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Nama : Lindawati

Nim : 1709MK697

The importance of maintaining cleanliness

Cleanliness is a state free from dirt, including garbage, dust, pollution and unpleasant
odors. In modern times, after Louis Pasteur discovered the process of disease transmission or
infection caused by microbes, cleanliness also meant being free of viruses, pathogens, and
harmful chemicals.
Cleanliness is a sign of good hygiene. Humans need to maintain environmental hygiene
and personal hygiene so that they are healthy, not smelly, not ashamed, do not spread dirt, or
transmit the germs of disease to themselves or others. Body hygiene includes personal hygiene,
such as bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands, and wearing clean clothes.
Apart from that, we also must always maintain our health by consuming nutritious food
for example, milk, bread, eggs, and fruits. Not only that, we also must be diligent in exercising
every morning or at least once a week. The emergence of diseases or health problems starts from
an unhealthy environment, so we must keep the environment healthy. A healthy environment is
an environment where Environmental Health Standards are met. According to Government
Regulation number 6 of 2014 concerning environmental health that environmental health quality
standards are set on environmental media such as water, air, land, food, facilities and buildings
as well as vectors and disease-carrying animals. The environment that needs to be kept healthy
includes Settlements, Workplaces, recreation areas, and public places and facilities.
Benefits of maintaining environmental cleanliness include:
a. Avoid disease caused by an unhealthy environment.
b. The environment becomes cooler.
c. Free from air pollution.
d. The water becomes cleaner and safer to drink.
e. Calmer in carrying out daily activities.
f. No shame when guests arrive in our neighborhood
g. Save positive energy and live more stinging in your activities.
If our environment is dirty, there are many diseases that will continue to haunt us, our
families and those around us. Types of diseases that can be caused by dirty environment include
1. Dengue Fever (DHF)
2. Malaria
3. Diarrhea
4. respiratory inflammation,
5. dysentery,
6. infections of various skin diseases.
7. And Covid-19
There are many more benefits of maintaining environmental cleanliness. therefore we
must realize the importance of environmental cleanliness starting from our own homes such as
diligently sweeping, throwing trash in its place, not piling up used items, beautifying the yard,
diligently cleaning the sewers of our house, and we must also be able to preserve trees that are in
the neighborhood and keep it from being damaged by others.
In our religion, it is taught to maintain the cleanliness of our environment so it is comfortable to
look at as in the hadith which reads:

ٌ‫سالَ ُم نَ ِظ ْيفٌ فَتَنَظَّفُ ْوافَاِنَّهُ الَيَد ُْخ ُل ا ْل َجنَّةَ اِالَّ نَ ِظ ْيف‬

ْ ‫اَ ِال‬

Al- islamu nadifun fatanaddafu fainnahu la yadkhululjannata illa nadifun”. (HR. Baihaqiy)

Artinya : ”Agama Islam itu adalah agama yang bersih atau suci, maka hendaklah kamu
menjaga kebersihan. Sesungguhnya tidak akan masuk surga kecuali orang-orang yang
suci”.  (HR. Baihaqiy)
The contents of the hadith:
a. That Allah is a good, clean, noble, and good substance. Because Allah loves such things.
As a Muslim, you must have the same characteristics, especially in terms of cleanliness
of the environment in which you live.
b. Islam is a religion that is straight and clean from the teachings of error. Thus the
adherents of Islam must have a pattern of clean behavior and a pure heart from matters of
lust. Because someone who is promised by Allah will go to heaven.
Thank you….(:

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