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Dystopian Descriptions

Work in groups of three and follow the steps below to complete the challenge

Step One – Read the quotations from the early chapters of George Orwell’s novel 1984. As
a group, decide which three quotations* represent dystopia the most and why. Look at the
dystopian conventions to help guide your choices.

Step Two - Creatively write the title ‘Dystopian Descriptions 1984 George Orwell’ and
include icons, symbols and/or images which represent the dystopian society in the novel.

Step Three – Once you have selected three quotations*, cut them out and stick them to your
paper. Make sure you have enough room around each quotation to annotate.

Step Four – For each quotation, write down the dystopian conventions demonstrated in full

Step Five – For each quotation, zoom in on a single word/phrase or detail and highlight it.
Look closely at the language/words or symbolism used and explain what picture it paints in
the reader’s mind. For example, “Alliteration is used to describe Winston’s body; ‘frail figure’
emphaises his malnutrition because he is rationed by the regime.”

Step Six – Provide extra information about the novel 1984 – the writer, publication date,
famous phrases/words, a summary/blurb.

Step Seven – Design your page to visually represent dystopia.

*Do more than three quotations if you have room/if you want to strive for excellence!

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