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uban mdcJX n I nr •

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• L nH'" pr' 'III in allliH' r '~I 111
• nirlll m , \rlll\' and an ili,1I [O!' : P nm'lll:1I lillilonll
1m! kalllllJl mn., "mel ill iKlli;t - ,I em ternU:1l I ... - ,lib n
valunt 'l'" - ,\- ap fl.
• Th' 'an

• h III .m .tUon: (I anlJ. II II - ulli,o
an 1 ill,i
• \\I:ap n ollh III III n...,


Men-at-Arms • 437

Alejandro de Quesada· IIlustra ed by 5 ephen Walsh

5, or r
Photogr phlc credt
Unl O\Iwlr........yj.~' all 1m3lge$,are frcm rho c:oUo!lCtl4om

info 'evew.1

07 08 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 J 2 \

ACIP _'or from

""".....,y .n.JIARV """J I\'MI!UN

HE 5 .. _~

wi lei d
W'.lp n - lh

4 l) .mizau n \\ n
t i n t rventlon n Cuba, 1898
.1I .111 111'111 r'llI <II III\ h 1I III t u{ Lh nl aI ar'< th '


I'll •

men t.s

\\l'l 9
'~I . rat en
after ~Iar

lIba ,Ut' ~I\ n in R n" ,In nt in Lh

i l 11\, Jj t 1101 III Iim,lna II I


•\Ifl/II blow \.

ident ~1l Nnle

d lar th,1l ,I tal til \i1r ' i~t,

!JI7t'f) til' il< "lt
f Re r

iv·s II' 1"'1' lo 1[', VI' ra p<, F • Ii

1 nel al ~lIalll:\lI:.tIIlO R,n. 'lIh41. nd slabli h



ti l hip- unci r Rt"ar

. m ) pro\'in e uf :ub<l apillliat
mJD~Uld f n I un
n of Pon fl 11

pimUll '. an I u )
dl' Clmpaign.

'u> Rico and l.h Philip in

/II1(lldll \ JI/\llt r~1/1 jun attar.' ( troop In .\lamln.

- - Batllt uJ ~"'O \ iii

mill fl M II) \ If/I

ltl ,II J uJ Ih, PIlllil,/mlt'11I Wl iloll.



Br th early
,lTJ1i1a. lin . [Q


ill (.\\1 I 01 lit· Ii rill 'I C: 1111 ,II 11
dll' III lilt' 111lll1b'I III IU II
li)J) <u1d

in I.m
: Ih t'

d wn.

r .
1 \ U 11
oPPOSITE A Hrv-Int of Itil. Inllunl8: khaki uniforms
VOlunlHrS, • •Irlng hI. M1&83
aek eoIIt and M188. C:Il'l'lpllgn
1111' NCOs' che\Ton.. for lhe fi~lcl Illlllorlll\ wert." milialh
Nt; hi. C:ln..,l, '-9olng• ...". 1lI1changed in design, MbUI of ~lIc-h 1ll,IIt'ri,tl a-.. nM\ he found most
10 bII dIl1I brown, InCl "- t_ suiwblc for scnice·; and for the lnfaml"\, till' c-he\Ton.!> anc! th~ colored
-.... I " ...... row ·H··buc~ collars and epaulets were 110'" to Ix- ~r..\·hlut', Aftt'f 190:! Ihe\ wen: .... om
~ MM. H. chemlnllnd !>oim upwards, and were also 10 be worn on the oli\c dr.d) ..hin .... hen in
~ .tri~ _ bolt! wnl1..
shir~ltt'\e order. :"io insignia were worn on lht" colored t'paulcu. .md no
Dumg the , . . . .tr1lckltlng the
tum fit the c.nt..., u-. w.- ~a," .. tripes wt"re \\-om on tht." l..har...i trou.§('1"i
_ I d...... ~ IIIout On lheir Ulal.i cOllon or 01l\t' drotb wnol CO.Il offiC'l'r'\ displa\ed
tM.,...wy~to natit)flal and branch collar insignia a,.\ prnlOu~h. in mel.d, "lnCt' th~
bII cthpt.,ed "" 1M plIfb fit had 10 1Jt.'" easih I"l'mO\<lble from ... lllllfoml Ih.1I neflled fre-quent
COiMl . . . . tooy ~ ~
cleaning Rank insignia were ",om at the mll~r end of thr br.tnch-
.. brief "'~ . . In . .
colored epauleb .specified from It'l9R to 191r! (Y..\'-bIue for Infantn"
_ . . . . . . . Aodct; . . to lie and on tht' plain lhalJ epaulel5 't\om .l€tt"r IYI"r!. Bei"ttn ItN~ and ~
__ \lIP first. . . coM
end of 190"2 Ihe l" cOOl~f--arrn-s't\b addlllunalh w bt dl'fll3\-ro. in tht"
--W " - but'- ~ center of the brandl<olored epaulet; from Dttl"m~r l!lfr! thl \to&\5
....... of ........ ,.U- ehM
moo.l"d 10 theo front of the rollar. brirlh repl ing Ihe ~l ~. cipher. but
h US Anftr...-. .... lilt," I,Uler't\&\5 officialh' reqored r.m It''af''i I;ul'r In \On\(" lIlu.ancn le./il:.
1Iutt-. ......... ~...

Spt'• ......, ~ wfttI
lbed IOdIet llew_-. _
pholOgr..J.phs of L1CoI Theodore Rno!ir'\eh ()f the I I LS \OIUOlttl"
(:."1,01In) the old I.r.UlS\ I"5ol' shoultltt RrafM "'~ inql'Old "orn O\'er t~
tontl.. of the epauleb. On lh:d,l uniform no troll~r AAfl't' "cre "'om.
..nci from 1902 bunon.. and mew in ignia "rre to br dull bronTe.
OrrKr~ ""en." permitted to di.'1X'n .... ilh l)wuunrnl dlsun('"lion lhat
\\erc> 10 ;UlJ'act the allention of enrm\ ~h<lqxhooter"\, but had to
dl pl;\\ the basic marks of their ranL

H•• doe.,
In 1R9 the standard hC."adgear lor llndrt'~~ and ncnd.n l~ m all rank5
dnd branches of the Arm' W<l! the darl.. hltH' '11~l3 IOr.l~e cap "ith a
rOllnded \isor. C..ommonh called the ~lrain conduClor"i cap·, tht' almO'!iI
nlindrkal M1R95 r(,"\"(:!"'it'd the tmdiunn;d .. h,Ipt'. \\llh an enlarged
row'n ~light.h wider than lhe h..'\nd; II W,I~ hif{hh unpopular, ,lIld was
olle uf Ih(' Hrst ilems 10 di'lappe;lr in lilt" unilunn ('"flanj.t("<; of 1902,

us V Corps order of battle. Santl390 roglon. July 1. 1898

CorPfl troops 2nd Ol'llMiJlGen t Swlonl

HO Sla", lSt S<:r!. M US C8v ~","J" C &
E CoB, Eng Bn. DelIlorrnent: HolIpitai
'st sao 1~1 LJ.dcwl
8tt'1 & 22nd us ~1! RegIs.
2nd Ma.SIIC/luIfIno- \til,"! Ret/!
AniMrr)/ Gnmee:' Bly, Boors Sly, Caprorl. Bty,
Pa'khnt's Bly lead14x 3.2n~,
2nd b ICol MilOI)
1M. 4lh & 2:.>lf'l US W AtIgts
Pa1<&'~ Bty 14.: Gl'llingI )roo &Ie ~~ Ota"-l
• ~ ~ gan'lson IBngGen [);/bllIdl
~t1 ~ 8ltlCho. 33ra&
71t1 121l , PIt1 US In! AIlt:rs
1'IdllPIIltAi>" fb ~ BIIiIII
34'" M»;hgarl '\itlI ~ Asg'.s 0& "l'IUl'

CMlIlry 0Iv & - - 'obi ~
, .. DIvIIk>n ~ K8'll, ~
'st S ptdlt cBrogOen ~
f & 18r> US'" Regrs _,.,.,~." F liltL6Wc..AIIl}l
~lll ..... Yo1< '001 W Rug! hb(:ol CInoIva ~ ~
hlbJ ICCIl ~ .WI , ~ USc.... AIgts
... _""
~ 10lt> .. 2'. US w RagI3

'3ln & 24lh t.5 W A!gts

o ICJaJ etl
of • regu Cay lry m n
w • around 1 200 m n n
thr e lKl,U dron en of four
comp 1'Ile5. How 1/ r, only two
quadrons p r r glment were
p. ",or' ~\ Irplll'i 1 f'a gf'OlI lal \Va n
shipp d to Cuba, wh re unit
st ngth al/eraged bout 400
• II I allem"
m n; with 600, th "Rough PPll n h~lni an I ,UI1 11 t' Ii UI
RldenJD were unUBU I,

Acco terment
he b


'sf m. had I t't 11

.1 ,uba. 10 lh - I -Iel
III .~.

hi 'id 7
had [ b' loa I d inLO thi on at a tim . "All Krag are.3 -40 caliber
ccnterfire: all were m nufacnJred at ill pringfiel t mary. h ar
bolt action operated; magazines held five TOunds of ammunition and
are loaded from t.h right side through a large hingecl loading gate.
Blad type from ights t in a high tud near lh muzzl are used on
all model" (lay rman, 470).
However in 189 m ed ral and t11 tulk of t o'oop bad nOl
yet b. 0 i u d wit..h Krag , and were till u'in the b I [ [1 73
in I - h l. 5-7 ~ "apdoor" pringfi Id rifl and ar inc. Apart fr m
their sl w r ral o. fire. th se still u d bla k p wd r canridge , ~
produced a vel' visible smoke cloud when fir d, lhu revealing tll
Ameri an oldi r position to the enemy.
h 1872 It. 5 al sing I action nn' revolver of Frontier
f m wa r [u bi h d b military arm r r , having i 7 l hin barrel
'hart ne I b 2in in th lR90s; this barteo d It Will known ill the
"Artillery Model". Hundreds of urpLu 01 pw'eh sed b
v rioll t militias, and fi r th 1st US Jun r aval '("Roug-h
Rider ") al the . tart f the ani h- ri an W r. Regular era p'
and 0 Ticers were issued Lh d llble- lion olt w Arm' nd
revolver M 1892 and M1 , \ iill a swing-om cylind r in
ali r. few R mingtol1 n 0 .44-40 singl -3 tion Arm'
r v Iv r 0 whi h onl 2, 00 w r pr du d in 1 1-94, were n t d
in II e dll ing he panjsh-Am 1'i an War. h It ingle- and
d hI -a tion Arm revolver weI' arried in [h MJ 7 h Isler
in ru 1 ath r.

Sanors resting aboard Adm

Dewey's flagship. USS Olympia,
after the battle of Manila Bay.
Note the mIxture of white and
blue uniforms and headgear-
18 see Plate F.
1I11ifilnn 01 lilt' • il r h~ d h n~ d
Lale . II
. <I flat-lOp
lh hip'
vcr -i n (If

rs would W('.lI .l

Ii 11 9
from lilt' 1897 regulatiuns ...huws tl1('11\ stildwd down wuh dark thread.
bllt the le;"1 Slates that black thrc<ld Ill'I'd IInl bt, used, 'i{1 change in UIC
manner of \'ieanng either rating b.'tdKt's or \\;luhmarls 1I.'aS made in
the Ili9i regulations, and tlle (ufr trip' rt'ma..Llled .1.'1 Iht' r1l5tingul,lung
dilferen("e between grades of nun-rated IIlt:n.

Naval officer.
\ \....ncl' of unifonns \\t're spcclhcd for IISC m ulfiun.. In an order of
Januan 16. ISii. the sad. COOl inlmducc-d 111 IHtii w;u R"pbcrd m a
nt'\\ senice coot. TIlis, like Ihe Idlcf 1$93 Anm omcen' Imd.. ~ COOl.
'"'ou lrimmro \\ilh braid in lustroll~ bl..d. Dlulldir. on dle 'ilandtng colbr.
the (rom edges, around 111 bottom and up the bad. 'IC'aDl\. Rank 11.,"
indicued m' stripes of b1ad., brnid lI1"itc.-ad of dIe guld Lie«' ,,'orn on other
blue coats, and the cufT JtM of th.. llI1e (.merr ""4l'i ominw. RMtl. "'0\:,
also indicated on the "il.... nding colbr. b\ thl' SoUTU.· iIUIJitTl13..u ust'd on mr
t'p3uleLS and shoulder tr.lps, embroidn-ed 111 hl$;h relief: in lead of the
~old d~ices of the shoulder ornarnen~, hO\\C'\""Cr. heulenant:o. \\o~ r-"J
....h-er ban. and ma5lers .. singlf" iher bar - b\ I 'i ihtt ,,'UUkllx U"ied
fOf" aU gr.tde ornamenl5 of both Ih~ r-'O K'"0IlJ)'l ollofficen. Thu "'Ob
Ihe coal. in il.'i 6naJ form, that "'"35 COpied in tM9!t b\ the AnD\' .is the
IUldtess and f.uigue jacket (or officef"\
The ~hite :'\3"'- otrlCe.-s' ~r\ice Cl)dl of IHN; ~as J>'luemed on the
blut::' nice coat of 1877, <lnd lIimmtd ",ilh ~hite br.1id. Ranl W<b
indicated ~ mean of 1I.h.ile br.ud sI t' ,uiJ'C"'; the emhl"Oiderro
de\ico dispb\ro on the collar of dIe blue COdI ~-el'"e omiuro. Sincr
cloth 111 the identif\ing ('olo~ of 111(' 'itaff corpt> ~-;" omlUl,d f.rom thf'
.sIC'(·..·cs and corps dC'\ic fmm lhe collar. there \\.:L'i no 11.01' 10 de~nnine
an officer's special~' ",hen he \\~ lI.t"arinM; Ihi.) ('~IL Bolh the blue and
"hitt: coats were still in use b) l"n'a1 onken "ell after World War I
The frock coat of IRR6 Wfl.5 to th.1I of Ii'G2. "ith mi.norchangeo;
in CUI to foUow conlempot3r) l<tilorinl( 'I\I~. TIle froc.l. co.1l "-A.'i the
multi-purpose coat of thl' n.wal officer. ,IS it h,ld beCJI dllrin~ lhe Chil
\'1;ar, It "~dS worn ,,;th epaulets••1 thu/Null brm blCOnl holl. and gold-laced
trousers for full dress: widl epault.'LS, 1)lalil blue ()r \\IIIlC' I£OU~l"S, and
ciulcr a bicorn or a \\hitc hf'll1lci fOI drc~; and wilh shoulder 'i£taps.
blue or while rrousel'"S, and c:Jp or\\hilc Ilt'lrtlcl fOI' lIndrcs.'i. 111e tailed·
bod)' ,<;pecial full dress co:1L of tht' 1886 uniform reglll<lUOll bore rank
dbiljllClion.s simililll" to Iho~> of the filii drt'!IS CO<1t of 1852,

US Marines
On April 22, 1898, lh.. day .1Iter waf \V;IS declared wilh Spain, the
lSi Uallalion of !\I;U'illl'S, comnl.lnded by LIC.oI Rnbert \V.Huntington.
embarked [rOIll BroolJ\'1l. NY, un the L'SS Palltll", for 01 sLI~ing area at
Ke) Wesl, Florid.'!. After addition;11 tr:uninK 011 No, \\Nl, u1e battalion
again boarded dlt' Pa"tMr-, Frolll which il madt' its (a11l01l~ l.mding al
CuantanamoonJunc 10. U110 st,'curinK tll(' fi~1 bt'4lChht"ad on Cuba nearlY
Iwoweeks before the arrival of the t\lm,. Durinlot Ih("operalion. supponing
"ihellfire from ship'" offshore bl..1fdll fallinlo: hnll. "Se.-geaOl John Quid
became tht'" first hem of the "-:lr when he calmh picled up $emapltoff
n~, walked (0 the top of it ridge and iWtakd it lIl("<;Slgt'" redirecullg the
shi~' J;Unfire a.~ Spanish htdlets buaed abom him. lit" ~""3.." awardrd the
20 CoogreWonai ~Iedal of Honor foe hu action· (('..Mnpbdl. 16).
\ lW till

I 1I
Ih 21
1Il1ifo! III III \\hir C IT n dll \.l Illin du d lur
at 'lilh d I ullil r oHM I d
• I. Ii pat JJ

1m t

,["it e cI rt . rh· .ll had

)mini .11

to h I um
.l I II .J

<lud aroUJ

1: FIrst serg nl, In1 ntry
2: Ma Gen Col no G rc 0
3: Copla n of c y lry
1: COflXJfiIJ, 715' NY VOIU' r infantry
2: Sergea 1 US Artlll ry
3: Colonel. 1st US C valry
4: C pta n, 24th US (Colored) Infantry
1: serge nt, 1st Bn, Cub Inf Reg! (No.65)
2: Pnv , 6th Bty, th Mtd Arty Regt
3: U nt, Rey C v Regt (No.1)

1: C ptaln, Allonso XII R fie Bn (No.24)
2: Pr wate, P Rifle Bn (No.25J
3: M or, 6th Massachu US Volun er Infantry
4' P"v m, 19th US Inf "try

1: Seaman. US V'J
2= CommodcmJ G4torge Dewey, US Navy
3: Chief petty • US !IVY
: Sergeant. US Corps
1: Fli p no nsurganl, n t va d s. w th I "taka cannon
2: F I P no In urg nf with Span h u pm nl
3: Filipino In urgent offIcer

1: Corporal, 20th Kansas Volun In' nlly,1899
Private, Ph "ppines Con bul ry. 1901
3: oro insurgent. dalUlO. 1902


U1J (' "ell w \01r/m IIH II IT

'nap, ( k

bly fronI
I In' t
(No.291. suppa d· hOWl1
defending th , pa lion dunng
the battle 0'
EI C n 't on Ju 't t.
ote the sh 110 tranche.
protected by b rb d wIre
~cattle , nelng".

Units present In Santiago region, July 1, 1898

em ar." lOIn ~ krf 8rI
8lrI Bty, .ttI HorM M'i Regt hII' 7!ltm1
• Sinw'aa AilQt,
lit &\. 601, 1 IXI
Cav R8gI Ft.y .I'tc t - tIPPIDI" 2 ~
GollmId Coe. T«t::la I &. Z fQ)IOlI Ii 1ft. cI
, Sl Brr:. 5th FOOl My Reg! 14" GOtmI 'IIIIf*1l hili m:a

..... ~-'tf'o
lSI ~ &> DI PoM\:) Ar:I:l '" 8""""
It &\. ~ AlgI
"ic:a -3 CZII
- ~ I GO
04... 8'\. ....... ~ ""'"
I.&> s..~RIlgl: " c....y~Rtr _'-.0
1S Ih .... A!Igt .55t 0... t:IpIiist ~ "lit eo
111 & 2nlI8"cL ~ RIg! 6& . . Bl'I- oWllotorM M; FlIal'" ~

-Cub.m \iliunieci n."ualioll~ hen' it [Ofu' of "ollie flO.UOO m~n

and were o~ized. tr.tinro. and e'qlllpptd liL..t' the rr-gtl1a.r" infanm•
•Irtillt=n. (.naln. and ('nginec~ f\\o ooluhons fonned ;I r~mnn:
.SlancLu-d pcarenmc- ..u-enRth of .. battalion "ilh foUJ •.eLi, OUld ol\e
depot compan'- \\"':ib U).I ofTKC" and men. mneascd In J ,nOli dunl"
wartime. ')pai0 furni hed arm~ .1I1d amlJlunition. bUI Iht' \ulum«1"'i
\\rH' paid ~ Qbo"Il"(.hil~ jIOL" I. In ~ t:.l!'>IIW .after Ih(' wa,.- ([Iun~ &
~lcAfec. (0) .
. \Jthuugh the COUldj.;C' and l"fMc-in in bailie ul o;onll' 01 the dcfellder\
of ..he San Juan po.. ilion drr\\ jlhniril1l; comment from Arnt:ricm
~lIch 3 .......tem nalur.t1h did nUl en("ou...,,~t" diehard I(",otlf\" Dunng
the L c;unpaign in Pueno Rico the- dclealL'" olltitude of Lhe Spani.q,
~urpri~1 m.un Amenca.m:. C">pt"ci;tlh mO'oC' \0\ 110 enter I Ihe pon ("in of
Ponce. "hen -the fircomen and \"OluJltecn 01 lhe Puerto Rir.m B.maltorn
I)a.-aded m uniform .md petilinnN! General Miles 10 bt' pennill«l LO
enlist ill Ihe American :Irnl\'M (FICletd, 2G6) - lhe'jC \olumeen "ould
fonn llll' ha~is for tJw Porto Ril(1 Provision,ll Illf,lIl1n Rt.'Kiment III 100 l.

nH~ uniforms of the Cull.m \UIUlllttr oouahon wt:~ iclentiall to tJU)5e
\\urn 1)\ regular I:rOO~ ho"'e\t'r, Ihe\ "l'rr SCi ap'u t b\ their obsolete
equiplllt:nbo .md '\l·,lpt)llS. Tilt.' ~wnd,lf(1 rilll" I~ucd to theo;e batwhons
wa_~ lhe ~inJ.:lc-shOl R£'mington ~rolling·bloclw, wilh ,I M)("lel Iy.I\Onel;
mounlcd mluntcl'r~ "tfried Ihe carbin(' \'t.'niQIl of 1I11~ mude!. "hile
anilll'rynwn and cng;lH'cl'S 1\(.'11' .lddiliOlI,lllv i"Mlcd wilh "hon-,,"nrds.
ThL' Rt.'millKlon rolling-block ".LS a H:r", popul.t..- ;,r!ioll in maO"
cUlIIltri.·,,; il "'itS eXIl"Clllcl\ UUIlK and simple. and cuulc1 be dloJmlln'ed
lO take "m ,1I1111lunilion tJlen ,I\"il.lbl~. TIlt' nn~ hold been in use ~ m
since ib ,tccept..lIlre in IHm, and had lx"t"n produced under Licrn§t' at
the <::hiedo ,tI'5t"naJ ~nct: IMil; lht." 11111111 rOlmd (-,·n Spanish-' had
lx'en upr:.ucd in 1&19 ",ith a hc:.'""r, hra'''"J.lclelc.'d rr/PnluuW bullel.
TIle Sp.'l.msh MIA71 !Kt\UlIt'1 hOld ;\ he,t\ih billed 'iO<'kct and .1 long
tli"ngttlar-M"cuon hladc:.·. TII(' Rl'mingtoll "",., <l h;trd·hillillg and ,;nuall"
~\()Idier-proorweapon. but - tile the ;\111'l7.'\ 'ipringfield - it tool. blacl
f>O""d rcartrid~e.s,,,,hich mad den~"hil ..mole.
For the regllla~ in Cub."I th(' ReminJitlun l'Il'rt' repbcffl ~rurr
the "ou l'Iith the holhjuioll Sp.umh \1;III.!I(:r \11891 .1nd \11 ~)3 rifles.
3. "hich tOl,l Inc round of smnld \ ammuniuon (7.6.:;0101 .md imm
Coll1pam were recoUlmended sidearll1-lo, .lnd both companie\ sold
rt:\'OI\'ers to the Spanish government during the laiC' 187lh Md I.hrou¢l
the 1880s. 8\1 royal decree of OCl.ober 1884, a doublt."at:uon milh &.-
Wesson made under license tw Orbea ) Compania of E.ibar. Spain ~0lS
apprmed for purc.h~ b\ offict"n; and dc~ignau~d me ~11N84. \lam
of these \\cre brouglu 1>.1d as war soll\cnirs m American soldie~
returning from Cuba ami the Philippmes.

At the gale of a Spanbh Ion built be-sidt-o the railroad line between
Gibara and Holquin in Cuba, ,I plaque W(IS inscribed \\'ith the appeal
"Chri-loti:'ltl Traveller, SLOp and remove }'our hat! The grollnd YI)\I tread
on is sacred, in the name of Ihe Cuerpo dl' "lj(mtPT1a d, Man',wlw,'''C
Thc fon was namcd aftcr Seamen Rama and Cancela of the 2nd Bn,
2nd Regt of the RO''aI1\'il\'allnfantn' Corp!>, \\ho had died figilling alone
on that SP()l in 1890. against a force of some 1,800 Cuban rebels. On
shipboard. na\,,1 enlist("(IIIl(n wore a traditional blue or while jumper
....ith a bro."ul blue bib (or "Nelson") collar. a broad-topped flat cap and
....i de trousc=n; - lillie dinerenl from thOSt' .... om m na\il"'s around th~
....· orld: the black hat ribbon bore the n3.Jlle of their ship in gold lettering
(lot-"e Plate DI). S.,i10ni on land duty and those scr\ing as na\<ll infantn
,,'ore in tropical climates the s.,me bhlt."-5triped rayadilio uniforms ~
their Arnl) counterparts. wilh deep blue f.lcings. ~mdjll,f(u on the rufT~
and an anchor badge on the collar (~ce Platt: 03). TIll'Y ....·Crt· i~sued
standard Army eqllipmcI11 ami rilles.
Oll(' clistingldsbing fCatllre of unifol'lll in lhe Spanish Na\/)' WlU the
officers' lull dress cO.lIel". Thbi had ;j recl toll;u. broad bultQllcd·back
lapel!> :md round cutTs..... hich ....·ere edged with gold lace of\'aryinK \\idt.h
according 10 rank. \ello'\ metal buttons bort' an upright fouled anchor
surmoullled b\ a crown: anolher t)-pc nOh."<I had the same motif on a
lined b<tckground \\ilhill an o\'al border and rope edging. Officen> in
the NaV) and the Na,-allnfanU") wore a \isorrtl cap bearing a CfO\\'n and
coronet (n'er an anchor .....ilhin an 0\";11, centt"rtd \\ithin a ....-realh. The
afficen' insignia of the Cunpo d, Itifantmo. dr "'unPIn was a cro....n O\"cr
cra-.scd tlllchol"5. and was lCluall" pinnt."tllo the collar of the uniform.


The organil.ation of the Cuban Ann\ of Uberation was lomel, based
upon variolls European and American models. but it ine."ilably
reOccled the Re\ CO\-emment' relath-e shonage of men
and equipmenL lllcrc .... ere onh t.....n organi7t"d branches - IOfamn
and ca\.un. (Due to the shortage of both cannons and ship'S. born of
which had to be diller captured or slnuggll"d in. the fel\ memben
of the Cuban anillen ,mel "nOl\") ~ were u-e3ted as auxiliarY braorhes of
lhe arow.) The majorit)' of weapons and supplies 11- d b~ me
Cub;Ln insurgents \vere eit.her smuggled in by "rmparnizers from Cuban
communities in the United Sttlles. or C:lIHlU'l'd on the b..'lulefield Or
38 froll1 Spanish supply tl1lill~.
Iw 1\\0 bnmch I lh . ,trrn \\. li\ id I
helW en C Jfp', ;.lJId ' It t l rp \\" mad up
JI 11\ () UI m r dh'i in, a II Ih u.i)n wa:

l'1II'rfz/), lhr e ld fiv -p inl t

'U h

h riz uta! al" fi c-rl III

b • n h color. . nd all
• I (cabo). in de bal 3
The clurh ba kin on 10 \I hi h l11 • I ;jl1k in 'ip;ni \wrr I.. I \\ in
III c Ion. the I n h r ~r\'i' .'\ lull n\'s:
Blu = ene 1 1.4 II (e. fado l7Ia,\'ol) , rr' '/1 = " (lIl!nlltn'i{I). r d =
GI.... aJr> frnbnlll'lia). Iighl bro\\l1 =' ,utill'r\ III/til/nul) , r " n = ngin'l;'

(in 'I'1l1l'T'QS). \'ell w = m eli ,1 fH I (flll/dad). bla = Judi ., r' orr

tl1mJln jlmrlifn). and with = 'j, il U\ '111111 [il ({{fJh, ',w {/ I,ll
I lilt' [flll I
cI \ I I I,
n l- no JI\ :
plimili olllcl lill ht- 1
Another view of Filipinos
wee ring "liberated" uniforms
and equipment; note particularly
the variety of Spanish headgear
- straw hats. sun helmets,
barrecks caps and visored caps.

pOLCnL en ugh lLl an mbll h upon' pani h uluffin. Of l.h mulul.ud

l' [yl and Lyp s 01 mall arm made I lJ Mom', nil l. W re
Inal hl " will b r t el lub barr 1 and '1.0 f bamb 0 r
'om oLb r infelio W od. A £ w caru'iclge wea liS wefe II t·d as bem
manuf~ lur d; th cartJidg S, usuall l of thin bras' b ring and holdin T
a larg lead 111P; usnall' f b ·tWe 11 .65 and .75 aliber, w'r a1 '0
illdividually hand-mad. Artill ry pice s wert: cast opi of pani b
mULLle-loadlng canl10n of tlJe 17th and 18lh centuries. ew modern
panis]) 6 ld pie e were apwr d, bUl. t.b e proved diffi ull fo l.h
in,"urg nLS lO Dr tel', U p ni"l) pri' n rs w re p r'u ded l op tt'
Lh m - a pra ti l.h I. ani d 11 tl1rollgh lhe Filipiuo upri in of
1 99-1902.
As tl) mach te spnb liz'd l11 . tourag 0 I ' del rminarion of the
llban Mall/In" es. th Tiris' mb lued the fer cit of the M roo. Thi1>
weapon i found Ll TOng-hom the [alav and Tndon ian archip lago in
IllaD va,;anLS alld 'ue', from perhaps l..J:in to 28in tong. TIle oaw is
p palar1 a i led will a" va .. blade <Wape. blll in • l l.h maj r;.1)
11 ve straigl1t, u. uble- dged blades. Fir'l [oUJ.1d on s ulptur ~ LaLing
from the 14lh niur, an p rb~ p originaling in Java, LIlt' kri (and
oLller pes of edged I capon Willi us d b Ll1 Mora wt:U int Ll (
20th Cnlury. Til sscnti I f'ature' fa klis l: Lll r ughl' triangular
e l nsi n f Lh LOp f t11 blad b low the Lang 11 n sid : and tht:
mall, hort-langed handgrip , tal. a sli rhL an Tl • to tll blad , 0 Ll1al
l.hls f01'l11 a naLlu'al eMensiol1 of the lIser's arw - l11 weapon was 1I ed
primarily for Lhru Ling radlcr man 'lashing. Blad . ar of fulded
and hamm I' d Oll'lnt Lion. giviJlg a paLlern d fin' h which i' I t
gra and un oli 'h d. M 'L Ita" a hand-c cd h. dw cl bandle,
or Clime' ani Li 1i11 sltap t1, nd' meum wilh lraditi 11, I U lh
wrapping f h mp. niJt\al- a fi h-'kio or otber maLerial . Th
. abbaI'd i or LI di'tin l. P'1rLS: {l br d, r ught" r 'tangular.
asymm lri .aU, \ pt upper "e 1.1 n to a commodal lh bl d -top
c. len iou, and a narrow, parallel-sided low I p ll. in smoothJ tilllshed
hardwood iJ an v. J p. i 11, Br. s or oilier III filling art>
42 o ca iOl all ~ lIncl.
L C BIB 10 v

.I 9
ltimme. ill: Tmcm<ttiollal


;pain and I1u' Hi,(o" of C"bt,

. •I

• J!I(/Ilth (. riami

\lambi'a . liam.i, . iur c

HiLT In mapa &

nif(JN1lS i7/ 111/ nm, \' J

,1//m1/ j\.li/ilo : 1-1''2-1

• 19 0)

MAV-JU 1888
B 1: Corporal, 71 st New Vor" Volunteer Infantry
82: Sergeant, 1st Un ted St te Artillerv
83: Colonel, 1 t United States Cavalrv
64: Captain, 24 h United 5t tes (Colored) Infantry
The 7181 New York wor a vanatlon of the M1B72 and
M1883 sack coats, with white piPing around the collar; his
chevrons and '/ln trouser strjpe are also white. The M1874
water canteen, In lIs stllched-on pale drab canvas coVer.
had no ch nged In essentl I design since the Civil War: but
the method of carrying th !loldler's other kit for subsistence
In Ihe field had changed rad cally Although thiS was one of
lhe State regiments Ihat e penmented w th he Merriam
pacK before embarkation, I w not ken on campaign.
C1: Serge nt, 1st Battalion, Cuba Inf ntry
R 91ment ( 0.65)
C2; Private, 6th Ba lety. lh Mounted Artillery
Reglm nt
C3; Lieutenant, Cavalry Regim nf ey (No.1)
Th lnt n ry sergeant's rayadil/o uniform of w Ite blue
riped lickIng has /'lad the detachable coli ,and CU 3Clngs
In Infantry green removed while In the field, but two loosely
attach gold sleeve stripes dentrfy his rank, Th pillbo-
style orro del cvartsl or "barracks cap" IS also In ticking
material, w th three green stripes round the b nd. H Is In full
campaign dress, InclUding a leather canleen hung from his
bell, which h s his regimental number on the plate. This IS
hldd n by "colonial" four-pocket cartridge pouches for Ihe
Spanish Army's latesl 711)m M1893 Maus r bel -action nfle.
The rt lIeryman is weanng a style of straw hat known as a
Jipij8pa, decor led With he cockad In Ih national colors of
Spain, and retained by a dark b ue nee cord xeQ 10 he
,Th emlng bomb of the arllil p on IS collar.
Hrs belt Ulpment COOSlStS 0 a parr of rigid cartnd be as
for his eatbi e ammun. '00. and an arlill word: e
brass bUc plate bears he a II cy's ero ed crossed
cannons over ad C2f1J101'lballs.
va (y enan ears the same n u form
as e o . but was of mer qu and l.aiIored
to tas e. u shoulder ootd moun ed
on epau A cockade is attached to h .te co el' 0
hiS 'Leopol Ina cap. His status IS Indicated by e small 5
The soldier of he Real Cuerpo de Infanlerla de Manna wears
a rayadillo umfCJm1 SImilar to those om by he Army. but
/ilth deep blue eu facmgs and U'OU strlpes. Three
inetas ere se bo\Ie each cuff, an upngh
ned anchor c!lspla ed on h collar e belt
plate. The bej supporls n Id cartndge bO es and e
Ie bayooe fOf 7mm a ser n

; PU ATO R CO, .JU Y 1898

E : Captain, Alfon 0 XII Rifle Battalion (No.24)
E2: Private. Patrie R fie Battalion (No.25)
E3: Major, 6th M ssachusetts Yolunte r
Infantry Reglm nt
E4: Private, 19th US Infantry Raglm nt
This plate Imagines a scene during the surrender 01 the pori
or Ponce to troops 01 Gen Nelson Miles' I Corps n late July
1898 The volunteer battalions In Puerto Rico wore the same
uniforms as those In CUba, as prescnbed by regulatIOns of
1880 and 1892. The captain surrend ring h s sword IS seen
anng his gray Leopoldina- cap with hIS unifonn for
hiS so emn occaslOO - hiS everyday U I Offll ouId have
been of Re linen, y or nJlf8d ' bfaided scarves
blu ic has sa en gold b ons and go shoUlder COfds' souvenirs and on
the stand co lar In Infan green as Sliver om branch note also brallch ragmen and can
badges. and t a cu s gold stnpes below silvar ars Infantry plrmed to e side. (In on documented case US Arrrrj
green also appears as strlpes on e madder-red roUselS. musJClal\S even applied SpanS1lnfanny bugtehom IIlSJgNa
to th r collars and hats.) Th woven cotton webblng MIlls-
pan m cartridge bel 01 1896, taklng the .30- 0 rounds rer he
Krag rifle, was made of superior matenals and treated to make
It resistant to damp and rotting; 1t was fastened with a simple
C~haped clip. Both 4S·round and eO-round b I were used
dUring the Spanish-American War and Ph I pplne Insurrection,
aOd soldiers ISSUed the former sometimes carried extra
ammunition n a pair 0 spare socks slung around

A ILl. AV. AV- UGU 8

F1: Seaman, US avy
F2; Commodore Gorge Dewey. US 8VY
F3: Ch e1 Petty Of1 car. US avy
F : Sergeant, US ar ne Corps
e saJ or is reaJ'ltJg e summer picaJ ()\,
a "duoe cup~ ca WI the bnrn rolled p
Commodore Oater m) Dewey wears the w I e undress
unIform trlmmed With whl e mohair braid, as Introduced n
1886. nd a cap with a While cover; his ran Is Indl ted by h 5
shoulder straps. and by the old lace on the Visor 0 his cap.
The chief petty officer wears his double-breasted coat with
two rows of four buttons and fI pped skirt pocks . Th rating
b d e, as Introduced In 1694. shows three chevrons nd an
arc In scarlet. encloslng the I ship's wheel 0 his speoa
The "figure elQ kno nd 9 tha he IS an e -appnlI'
played on the loW nght sleeve. and on
pes S is on h s Il'd rislment.

n Joachim Il

898- 902
G1: Filipino insurgent with Ian taka cannon
G2: Filip no insurgent with Spanish equ pm ot
G3: Filip no Insurgent oHleer
In the early d ys of the stru99 e for Phillppin ,ndependence
from Sp In th I was r e uniformity In th dress of the
Insur ents. The majority wore combme! ons 01 European
and native dress, In while, blue, rayaao or ev n checkered
material. and edged weapons such as the bolo end I<.rls were
commonly used, A range of more or less prlmlUve firearms
were m nuf clurad by the Flllpino Insur ents and later by
the Mora tribesmen. Including matchlock mus ets and
crude cannons. In most cases. hese w used only to
nfilet e Initial casual as tha1 allowed the Insu~enls to
capture modern weapons Ilke Span ah Reml 910ns or US
Spnng ds and Krags.
A er I e lall a ManIla In August 189B Agum Ido's soldJerS
ransac ad th Spanish rru ltary s and annories
\0 obta,n much-needed supplies. equ,pmem, weapons and
uruforms. I h, days. e ormerly rag- FlIIPIOO S
a ng much mol8 smartly ressed In Spanish
rayadlJIo n ~ ile nan ev u.nlfonns -
thOUg 911 bareloo - and canyI rrearms
Ii e he R on roiling-bloc ill I pp11es
dWl led uenilla warfare look rl tol n 9OD-02
gUI do's army began looking much as it e days
before Ih fall 0 anda
A m Illtud 0 -Spamsh headga r, mInus tha Spanish
cockade and 0 er inslgma. ranged from the s what 10 he
pith h Imal: he officer wears a white-cov Spanish naval
o IC r's c p. Filipino officers preferred to wear o"lcer~style
Jack:ets With shoulder cords and broad trouser stripes, and
some acquired Spanish officers' swords.

Ill. ignlJ 1!Jlllunn,
"p,uli,h \J m\l J ~, Cohan \llm ul Llhn,IIIIIIl (:.1.1)
l 11111 It ,-, (171 9.:1' III. ~ I,
I ilipinu II Ill': III > I H. Ii
IlUl 'I. nut.! Lm
I wi h H2 ! ;
Hia'lla·Uatl ~
Brllll"~ (.·n lollll R. I IllM' ( ... n.\J ~I II> 7 'l'nd.lml<'llt' ' I
I ut.. \ II I -'J! l' nllI ILtt mlf" III .! t i\
• lnl 1.
1.1 .... ( 11,"' III.. tttlP :al
("'1 . h· I .• ,ull... ad •. 1 a hi., I'Jn]'!
:\1..1111.. 1U .1 \kRilllt', Willi.m1, 251' PrC',id"111 LT' -\J IIt~ (2.1,
dmll1"lo~' WoOl I If Ih. nilt'o'iI,III" Ii
C Illrnrr-Ju,d p"plll,tuon an'" l'uli .... \/",,, l II-I:!.l


" 1.11 r.illon

l~"u "" '1

\ .
r ..' 'Ie

"rlu l
I ..

om,,· III rlt

1i.. lrI II adyll.llrI· ....., M ro~ III 11. 42 , <,ml II
wl'npPII' 10, 10-1 Tr,\J\,pflJ I ~'n-t<'

( III .tII R/"I'll U In Ann '~ l' will'

(lIh.m \'1.lunl :;....; Philil'l'lIll ill lin t· \lUll III l ;J

~ pon . Puenu Ri I I. til

It LrJOIhJt tnl Ii.... .'

.. d,l \ tn.t.l oMl .\l.u1u I ,It :i lll1loo '.t'"
illl 'rwmiull ill .tlh. i-
Retl,ill11011 rifle. 1 I1I1t'd lHll" \.r1l1\ 7
RC'\ \ I 111m C 1 '-lIII '" \011, 'ulunl • r Infutllf 11
.lnd ( Ii ,.....,;

r HII,h nil I.; '"Ill II r
1 'i -\Jill) If 17 I J. I \.111 16
Filiplllll inde-pt lICkncC' ' III . mp"lll. \dm WilllJffi 1 halll "f~Il'r I.-
nll)"'J" In cnl -II, 4__ I , 7 D IIWJl II j hI- 7 17-1
ill III .m "u h
" I' II. ( n , ,1. -.\. I" hI . R lim \ "Ii hI ;: .lp'"l
hafTt'1;en' III 1m R- I, i
(.lIlll,I, • on ~ Itxtu i. r, 7 II ,lil\'t"fI I ~I

.t"III1C·'. ~cn ~I., IU1(l 1,

.11 un Y \\'1' kf' \. 'j ol.n ..i(llf" It ;u 11dll11


61 n.. l

II. \ I John h
h . rI,I( ',ll 1 n' ,Il. , ll'" (H,' -i • ~:­

48 1'1'> 1\.1 my r. Iti 'In. I. C.-II In i

nrza Ion
oft orld' ore p d p sen



Unri ,I d d I he

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