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Week 1:




Green refers to the development that meets the needs of present

generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs .
Electronics made life easy for us. Though electronic devices are a complex mixture of several
hundred materials, many of which can contain hazardous chemicals such as heavy metals
– highly toxic compounds of lead, mercury or cadmium– hexavalent chromium, beryllium,
brominated flame retardants (BFRs) or the chlorinated plastic, polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Green Electronics focuses on elimination of harmful chemicals,

elements and components, and recycling of electronic products at the end of life. Green
electronics mainly concerned with embrace the principle of “Individual Producer
Responsibility” by taking financial responsibility for their products at the end of life. Designing
the products by eliminating hazardous substances, replacing harmful ingredients through use of
safer alternatives or design changes and to reduce the climate impact of electronics products and
provide technology solutions to help significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

The popularity of “green” electronics is on the rise. Consumers

are increasingly interested in investing in features that have a lower environmental impact,
according to a recent study by the Consumer Electronics Association. Up until now, energy
efficiency has been the basis for most green product claims, but some of the chemicals used in
electronic products also have a significant impact on the environment.

Many Parliaments of the different Countries has passed the

legislation to restrict the use of Lead and other harmful materials for the manufacture of
electronic products.


Electronics made life easy for us. It has its wings in every
field of science. With the advent development in the wireless and IT industry the demand for the
electronic devices is so high .But electronic devices are a complex mixture of several hundred
materials, many of which can contain hazardous chemicals such as heavy metals- highly toxic
compounds of lead, mercury or cadmium– hexavalent chromium, beryllium, brominated flame
retardants (BFRs) or the chlorinated plastic, polyvinyl chloride (PVC),which has adverse effect
on the environment. The world’s booming consumption of electronic and electrical goods has
created a corresponding explosion in electronic scrap, much containing toxic and persistent.
Recycling of electronics devices is one way of reducing environmental
hazards associated with early production stages. However, recycling in this case is not the whole
solution; because of hazardous chemicals currently being used in the manufacture of electronics
products, recycling can bring its own problems. so the need for the GREEN ELECTRONICS
“Green refers to the development that meets the needs of present
generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”
according to the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Developement .Green
Electronics focuses on elimination of harmful chemicals, elements and components, and
recycling of electronic products at the end of life.

Green electronics mainly concerned with embrace the principle of

“Individual Producer Responsibility” by taking financial responsibility for their products at the
end of life. Designing the products by eliminating hazardous substances, replacing harmful
ingredients through use of safer alternatives or design changes and to reduce the climate impact
of electronics products and provide technology solutions to help significantly reduce global
greenhouse gas emissions. The popularity of “green” electronics is on the rise. Consumers
are increasingly interested in investing in features that have a lower environmental impact,
according to a recent study by the Consumer Electronics Association. Up until now, energy
efficiency has been the basis for most green product claims, but some of the chemicals used in
electronic products also have a significant impact on the environment.
Week 2:

The Many Dimensions of Green Electronics

• Are its materials safe and sustainable?
• Is it conservative of energy?
• Is it designed for responsible recycling?
• Is there a way to reuse and recycle it?
• Is that way environmentally responsible?
• Will it last? Can it be upgraded?
• Is the packaging environmentally friendly?
• What about corporate practices?
Environmental Aspects of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) :

When looking at the environmental aspects of electronics, there are four main areas
of interest:
• Use of Raw Materials
• Use of Energy
• Waste deposit/incineration
• Chemical Substances
Environmental aspect Environmental impact
Use of Materials Pollution and energy use from mining and refining of raw materials,
use of non-renewable resources, destroying beautiful scenery etc.
Use of Energy Pollution from power plants (acid rain, NOx-gases, radioactive and
other waste etc.), use of nonrenewable fossil fuels
Chemical Substances Potentially toxic to humans and eco-systems. Emissions can occur
during the whole life-cycle(mining and refining of raw materials,
production, in the use- and end-of-life phases)
Waste deposit/ Pollution of soil and ground water by leakage from waste deposits or
incineration ashes and slag, removal of non-renewable resources from circulation
Legislation needed to green the industry:
“Extended Producer Responsibility” means that
the cost of waste management is incorporated into the product price, thereby enacting the
‘polluter pays’ principle. Producers either absorb the additional costs (evaluated at 0.1% of the
price of a PC and 0.01% of a mobile phone), or increase the product price to take account of
these costs. In a competitive market this will motivate producers to design more environmentally
friendly products in order to lower the end-of-life costs. To be effective, such a programme
should be aligned as close as possible to “Individual Producer Responsibility”, meaning that each
company pays for its own-branded discarded products.

EEE has the authorities attention, primarily because

of the rising amounts of waste and the connected disposal problems. This is the reason why since
the beginning of the nineties there has been an ongoing work on legislation in this field, starting
in Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, as well as on the EU-scale.
The regulations are primarily concerned with:
1. establishing collection systems and securing correct handling of waste, which
means recycling and regaining of resources
2. safe separation and disposal of environmental hazardous parts
3. certain hazardous substances, which will either be banned or restricted in use
The regulations also introduces a producer responsibility for the
disposal, and demands information from the producer to the recycler about e.g. the content of
environmentally hazardous parts and possibilities for recycling.
There mainly three directives set up by the EUROPIAN UNION(EU).They are
1. WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
2. RoHS - Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substance in electrical
and electronic equipment
3. EuP – Energy using Products, a framework Directive for setting eco-design
requirements for energy-using products
Week 3:


 The WEEE Directive covers the design and production of electrical and
electronic equipment to aid repair, possible upgrading, re-use, disassembly and
recycling at end-of-life.
 The Directive covers a wide range of equipment falling into ten broad product
categories with a voltage of up to 1,000 AC and 1,500 DC.
 From August 2005, it makes producers of such equipment responsible for
financing at least the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment
from central points, specialist treatment, and meeting the targets for re-use,
recycling and recovery
RoHS :
 The RoHS Regulations ban the placing on the EU market of new Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (EEE) containing more than the set levels of lead,
cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium and both polybrominated biphenyl
(PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants from1 July
2006. There are a number of exempted applications for these substances.
EuP - directive for ”energy using products”:
Eco-design of energy using products
 This initiative aims at improving the environmental performance of products
throughout their life-cycle by systematic integration of environmental aspects at
the earliest stage of their design.
 The Directive will deliver long-lasting and increasing energy savings beneficial
to consumers that will also contribute to a reinforced security of energy supply
for the Community
Three North American Eco-labels for Electronics:
ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR is a U.S. government backed program
dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through superior
energy efficiency
EcoLogo : A Private, for profit eco-label organization Under a
Partnership with Environment Canada
– Develops standards
– Certifies products
– Helps market certified products
• Standards developed through open, public process
– Approved by Environment Canada
– TerraChoice issues/promotes the standards
• Third-party certification of products by Terrachoice with onsite audit
• License agreement with manufacturer to use label
EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool):

An environmental procurement tool

designed to help institutional IT purchasers address environmental concerns in their purchasing
of desktop computers, laptops and monitors.
The EPEAT System:
1) IEEE Standard 1680-2006 for the Environmental Assessment of
Personal Computer Products Standard
– ANSI Standard
– Comprised of 51 environmental criteria

Hazardous chemicals in electronic products:

1. Lead can be found in solders, although decreasingly, in the glass of cathode ray tube
(CRT) monitors and as a stabiliser in PVC. Lead is highly toxic and exposure to lead
can result in irreversible damage to the nervous system, particularly in children, which
can lead to intellectual impairment.
2. Mercury, used in lighting devices for most flat screen displays, can damage the brain and
central nervous system, particularly during early development.
3. Cadmium, used in rechargeable computer batteries, contacts and switches and in older
CRTs, can accumulate in the body over time and is highly toxic, primarily affecting the
kidneys and bones. Cadmium and its compounds are also known human carcinogens.
4. Beryllium, used as a metal alloy in electrical contacts and as beryllium oxide in the semi-
conductor industry, is a human carcinogen and inhalation of fumes and dusts can cause
lung disease.
5. Compounds of hexavalent chromium, used in the production of metal housings, are
highly toxic and are human carcinogens.
6. Some BFRs19 used in circuit boards and plastic casings do not break down easily and
can build up in the environment, and some BFRs are also highly bio-accumulative (build
up in the body). Long term exposure to certain poly brominated diphyenylethers
(PBDEs) has been linked to abnormal brain development in animals, with possible
impacts on learning, memory and behaviour. Some BFRs can also interfere with thyroid
and oestrogen hormone systems and exposure in the womb has been linked to
behavioural problems. Incineration or any kind of burning of plastics containing BFRs
can cause the release of persistent dioxins and furans.
7. PVC is a chlorinated plastic used in some electronics products, including for insulation
on wires and cables. Although not directly toxic, PVC is a major source of pollution and
chemical hazard at all stages of its life cycle. In its softened form (as found in cables),
PVC requires the use of additives such as hazardous phthalates, including di(2-
ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), which are known as
reproductive toxins. Incineration or any kind of burning of PVC can cause the release of
persistent and toxic chlorinated dioxins and furans.

Eco-design - How to get started?

There are three mains steps to take:
 Establish specific and measurable environmental targets for each
product-type, and specify these targets in the requirements
 Include the environmental issues in the agenda for design reviews
during the development phases
 Establish metrics in order to make the environmental performance
of the products visible and measurable
Use less materials:
1. Minimise the equipment weight: This can be achieved by using the printed electronics.
--Smart cards(=microprocessor, memory, packaging) in a flexible strip manufactured
in continuous reel to reel process.
Week 4:

--RFID ( = antenna + some electronics) is a printed foil manufactured in a continuous reel

to reel process

--Flexible solar cell

--Flexible displays
2. Specify materials with established recycling systems (steel, aluminium, pure
thermoplastics etc.)
3. Specify the use of recycled materials (primarily polymers)
4. Consider alternatives to materials listed as limited resources
5. Minimise material waste during production
Reduce energy use:
1. Design with automatic power-down and stand-by functions.
2. Switch off parts of the circuit, which are not in use all the time
3. Change clock-frequencies dependant on the need for speed.
4. Consider power consumption when choosing components and component-families
5. Priorities high efficiency in power supplies
1. Phase-out or minimise use of substances/chemicals, which are mentioned in lists
of banned or restricted substances (including lists from customers)
2. Map and evaluate the use of substances/chemicals, including their influence on
occupational health and safety, when choosing manufacturing processes(cleaning,
soldering, gluing, welding, etc.), also when applied at supplier
Components which are mainly used in production of present day electronics which has effect
effect on environment are

- Pb(lead)
- BFR(brominated flame retardance )
- PVC(polyvinyl chloride)
Week 5:
Lead is mainly used in
 Solders

 Glasses and ceramics

 Polymers, rubbers, paints & inks
 Lubricants
 Other metallic uses of lead

The current lead based solders will have to be replaced by lead-free systems.
Solders e.g. based on silver are available - however, they require a processing temperature which
is about 30 °C higher than lead based solders. Therefore, the resin formulations of halogen free
wiring boards and components have to be adapted to withstand these higher temperatures.
Challenges-General Pb-free Electronics:

 No exact drop-in replacement for Pb-based materials/components.

 Solder alloy selection may vary based on application.
 Replacements likely to see wide adoption include
– SnAgCu – Reflow
– SnCu – Wave
– SnAgCu or SnAg - Rework
Changes in component finishes, die attach materials, solders joints

– Higher processing temperatures (pop-corning, board warpage,


– Compatibility with Pb-free processing (mixed technology)

– Indirect failure mechanisms (tin whiskers, creep corrosion)

– Solder joint reliability (durability, intermetallic growth)

Technical Issues:
Many of the technical issues have been solved, and lead-freeproducts are being developed and
sold. Some remaining concerns are with:
– Mixed solder technologies (cross contamination)
– Rework
– Secondary failure mechanisms (tin and zinc whiskers)
– Reliability test standards
– Very long term reliability, i.e. >8 years
Board-level Issues:
 Pb is present as an etch resist and as a plating -Hot Air Solder Level
 Likely switch to pure tin for etch resist.
 Pb-free PCB surface finishes, replacements for HASL (cost: 1.0)
– Organic solderability preservative (OSP)
– Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG)
– Immersion tin (Sn)
– Immersion silver (Ag)
 Boards can be susceptible to damage in a high-temperature Pb-free
manufacturing process (Tg,, delamination, PTH, solder mask, inks,
markings, adhesives).
– One-third of the U.S. industry has switched to higher
Tg materials 170°C vs 140°C for a greater margin in
rework. With single-sided boards, FR-2 can be soldered Pb-
free with care.

Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu and HASL Boards:

A CALCE Study showed a weakened interface on HASL boards,
which were soldered with Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu. After high temperature aging, the failure mode in
shear testing shifted from the bulk solder to the interface (left) and over time, void bands were
observed (right).
Shear testing failure at the interface between voids observedat the interface between
SnAgCu and intermetallic on HASL T after SnAgCu and intermetallic after 1000hrs
aging 100 hours at 0.9Tm (168oC) aging at 0.9Tm

The most probable cause is tin depletion at the interface as tin from the HASL coating migrates
toward the pad and forms intermetallics with copper, creating a weaker localized Pb rich region
in the coating.
Action Items for Pb-free Implementation:
1. Determine an approach to regularly monitor the release/revisions of legislative/regulative
requirements (worldwide) and required implementation deadlines
2. Determine materials/components in final product, which may contain RoHS restricted
substances. For instance, Pb in tinned cables, plastic additives, PVC wiring. Brominated flame
retardants in the polymers for plastics housing, connectors and switches.
3. Obtain necessary information from component suppliers and assembly facilities (e.g., material
selection, allowable reflow temperature, and Moisture Sensitivity Level). Identify the finishes of
components (in case of every package type) and PCBs.
4. Determine a list of Pb-free materials/components, based on availability and design
5. Determine a timeline for your product release with consideration of material/component
availability and qualification schedule
6. Determine if you want to place any restrictions on components, based on their finishes.
Determine additional processes for component finishes, if necessary, e.g., re-plate, solder-dip,
and heat treatment. Also determine any modifications necessary for assembly equipments due to
changes in materials/process. For example, removal of dross built-up in the solder pot may be
required more often than the case of Sn-Pb solders
7. Determine the licensing agreements of your Pb-free solder suppliers
8. Identify the end-of-life of Sn-Pb materials/components offerings, which may be required in
some applications
9. Identify new/revised standards applicable to Pb-free assembly process/test/inspection. For
example, current automated optical inspection might not work due to differences in surface and
wetting characteristics
10. Determine qualification and reliability tests
11. Determine an approach for Pb-free rework/repair of components and identify any
modifications needed on existing tools for rework/repair

Week 6:
BFR(brominated flame retardance ):

This is mainly used

 Laminates of printed wiring boards, including flexible circuit boards.
 Battery, including casing and components
 Housing (including for periphery equipment, e.g. transformer)
 Fan and fan housing
 Ribbon cables
 Electrical insulation sheet
 Plastic coated/encased electrical connectorsin
The main concerns against brominated FRs are their persistence in the
environment but mainly their accumulation in living organisms in addition to in some instances
steeply increasing concentrations in the environment and biota. They have been found almost
every from house dust, foodstuffs to polar bears and human milk.
A number of ecolabels restrict or ban brominated flame retardants in their
product criteria, e.g. the Blue Angel in Germany, the Swan in the Nordic countries and TCO
which is of particular interest for electronics. IT Eco-declarations of manufacturers as well as the
new Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) require the declaration of certain
halogenated flame retardants.
Available halogen-free flame retardant solutions:
Currently, halogen-free solutions exist for printed circuit boards as
well as for plastics for housings, connectors and other E&E materials.
New environmentally friendly Phosphorus based Flame Retardants forPrinted
Circuit Boards as well as Polyamides and Polyesters in E&E Applications:
Elmar Schmitt and coworkers from Clariant Corporation discussed the
properties of a newly developed class of phosphinate flame retardants (Exolit OP series) for
engineering thermoplastics like polyamides and polyesters. Different polyamides,especially glass
fibre reinforced grades, can be effectively fire retarded with these new halogen-free products
based on phosphinates. The required dosage for a UL 94 V-0 performance is lower than for other
flame retardant formulations apart from red phosphorus. In engineering thermoplastics, the new
formulations based on Exolit OP 1311 / 1312 allow a high CTI (Comparative Tracking Index) of
600 Volt and a low compound density. Mechanical properties are at the same level as for
halogenated compounds. Particular advantages of the new formulations are also the good flow
properties and the fact that they flame retarded plastics can be coloured with any pigments. The
established bromine and red phosphorus based flame retardants in this sector suffer from
technical drawbacks like limited electrical properties, high density or limited colour range.
Exolit OP 930 is the phosphinate designed for printed circuit boards based on epoxy resin (high
Tg of 170 °C, FR-4 laminates). Unlike most other phosphorus containing compounds, Exolit OP
930 is not hygroscopic (no water pick-up after pressure cooker test), has no plasticizing effect, is
not soluble in organic solvents, has very low solubility in water and does not hydrolyse in the
presence of water. Furthermore, Exolit OP 930 has an excellent thermo stability, showing a start
of decomposition around 330°C, making it suitable for the next generation of lead-free solders.
The temperature of 330°C is also the range
in which most of the epoxy resins will
decompose, making Exolit OP 930 a very
effective flame retardant in this type of

“green is the common colour of

printed wiring boards
containing brominated
flame retardants, whereas
blue is used for materials
with non-halogenated flame retardants”.
Highly Efficient Flame Retardant Curing Agent for Epoxy Resins:
Cefn Blundell from Akzo Nobel Chemicals, now Supresta, presented
results on physical properties and combustion performance of a new polymeric organo
phosphorus curing agent, specially designed for electronic thermoset resins. The new flame
retardant has quite promising properties like higher glass transition temperature and lower
thermal expansion, however, at the time it was not available in commercial quantities nor was its
chemical nature disclosed.
Sustainability Concerns For Flame Retarded Plastics Used in Electrical
and Electronic Equipment Applications:
Raymond Dawson and Susan Landry from Albemarle Corporation
highlighted the fire safety provided by flame retardants, but mainly looked at the currently
available end of- life options for plastics containing flame retardants. The main conclusion is that
flame retardants are not in the way of any recycling or treatment option which is currently
technically feasible, e.g. plastic parts can be mechanically recycled and retain their material and
fire safety properties, although various polymers and flame retardants differ in suitability. Also,
waste-to-energy recovery by incineration is not a problem, provided state-of-the-art technology
is applied. However, the same limitations apply as to all plastic materials: for mechanical and
feedstock recycling continuous streams of input materials of defined composition are necessary.
Therefore, these routes are currently only applied in either closed loop recycling systems or by
polymer processors who recycle their process waste.
Comparison of brominated versus halogen-free printed wiring boards:
The main difference, is higher energy consumption for drilling of the
non-halogenated wiring boards, probably because inorganic filler materials were applied (like
aluminium hydroxide or silicium oxide) as flame retardants. Whereas the bromine industry
promotes this paper as proof that brominated flame retardants are environmentally more friendly
than non-halogenated flame retardants, this quote clearly shows the limitations of this study.
Environmental and toxicological effects like bioaccumulation were not even covered.

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