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The Seven last Words of Christ. Introduction. Soprano Solo. THEODORE DUBOIS. 0 vos omnes qui transitis per viam, atten - © all ye who travel upon the highwayhearle dite, et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus._ en to me, and behold me: was eer sorrow like Posuit me Dominus desolatam, tot die moo- unto my sorrow? For the Lord Almighty rore confectam; ne vocetis me Noemi, sed vo- hath dealt bitterly with me. Call me now no cate me Mara. more Naomi, from to-day call me Mara. Andante.(d = 6 Soprano Solo. Piano. 7 tel Soto Oboe, molto espress.. A T_ =— pp tao— > 2 ii 2 EDWIN F. KALMUS PUBLISHER OF MUSIC YORK, \.Y. Bae > Ba. * Soprano Solo. my_molte expressive 0 vos om- nes qui transi-tis per O all = ye_who travel upon the Sirinee cD | faa loa = om-nes qui transi-tis per vi - am, ye—who travel upon the —high-way, *,—— iF we at - ten- di- te, et vide - te heark- en to me, 9, and behold — me, a ee = dim. - si est. = do - ‘lor —si-cut do-lor_ me - was eer sor - row like un-to my sor - > Po-su-it me Do-minus de-so-la - For theLord Al - might- y, the Al-might - sr. —— FR to - té di - e mo-ro - re con- feo- tam; hath dealt bit-ter-ly, hathdealt bit-ter - 1y with me; g a~, 2 oiiea fis sia 2 ne vo-ce-tis me Call_menow no more qui transitis per vi - am, om - nes trav-el up-ow the high - way, ye —. who pS qui transitis per vi - am, at - ten-di- te, et viede - travel upon the high-way, —heark-en to me, and behold Ohe Cn dim. do - lor si- cut do- lor like un- to my :_ — est eer sor - row si est do - lor si- cut do- lor Was eer sor - row like un-to my a lp | colle voce mm ~S ‘allurg. First Word. 7 Baritone and Tenor Soli, with Chorus. Pater, dimitte iilis, non enim sciunt, quid Father, forgive them, for they know not Sacint. whut they do. Et dicebant omnes: Reus est mortis; tole, And the people clamor’: He is deathguilt- tolle, crucifige eum. Sanguis ejus super nos Zi take, im, take him, let us crucify him!” Be et super filios nostros! is blood on us, and on our children! Crucifixerunt Jesum et iatrones, unum a Then they did crucify Jesus, and the two dextris et alterum a sinistris. thieves, one at His right hand, the other at His left hand. Andante. (d= 60) Cor. Solo. ‘ane. = sine Pian i fa eo Baritone Solo. Pa - ter, Fa - ther, hoe & Tenors. ter, di - mit-te il - lis, | non ec-nim sci - unt ther, Fa - ther, for- give them, — for___ they know not quid fa- ci unt. what they 40. Oboe & Tenors. Harp. phe en aoe F f= => Timp. p) Foro Tenor Solo. Recit. ‘Et di-ce-bant om- nes: Trap. And the peo-ple clam-ord: f° murcuto They. Allegra can fuoco. SOPRANO I. Re - us cst He "is death - guilt - $0) : he is death - Re - us est : eis death - guilt - = -y, he is death - Re eat mor is est is death - i is - He sas" gu is death Te - us est ‘mor = fis; He is death - guilt - —+y, Allleyrro con fuoco.(d =%0) = us est is death - Sr so ‘Ra. #3 fo # fa. * us est_— mor is death - guilt us est is death him, 10 —= San. guis Be his - jus, blood, ay, Ba. * Ra. * crese. poco a poco - su = oper us; be cresc. poco a cresc. poco a poco - sempre cresc. - su- per fi - li- 0s nos- tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil - dren, Sempre cresc. . et su- per fi - li- os nos - tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil- dren, and our Sempre crese. . : su- per fi - li nos - tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil-dren, be on us and. our Sempre cresc. - : su- per fi- li- nos-tros, su- per fi - li - os and __ on our chil-dren, our chil-dren, be on us and our + Sempre crese. . = us ‘est is death cru- ci- fi- yee us est mor - tis; - fy him; —he_-—is death - guilt - y, ® us est mor - tis; he is death - guilty, g z us est mor - tis; - fy him; he is death - guilt - y, ecru - ci - fi - 5 2 5 5 e us est mor - tis; let us cru- ci - fy him; he is death - guilt - y, 13 le, tol - Te, him, take him, Ie, tol - le, him, take him, Ra. Tenor Solo. ru-ci-fi-xe- runt Je Then they did cru - ci-fy Je tol = Tet ‘Take him! _ Df gBASSES. 14 pid dolce et la - tro - = nes,__ ue - and the two thieves, —_ one SOPR.I. tol - let take him! SOPR.II. je! him! tol - take sost. P ‘Celtis D. BL ea Timp. ay P Cru - ci- fi- Then they did 15 Tenor Solo. poco « — poco__erese. xe - runt Je - la - tro - cru - ci-fy Je - the two TENORS. tol - le! stake him! passes, J7'2¢_ tol - Ie! take him! poco crese. a dex - His right te- rum a si - nis - er at His_ left 16 a tempo us est mor - is death - guilt - us ‘est mor - is death - guilt - Chorus. Us est is death Re - us est He is death a tempo Tutti. come prima. ga Ra * oF Ba, * 7 us est tor - fis; | Re- us est’ mor — iy death- guilt - y, he is death- guilt - us “est mor - is death - guilt - ~ us est mor - tis; is death « guilt Ys take him, ‘us est mor - He is death guilt - Us est mor - he is death- guilt - Re- us est mor us est mor - tis; tol - Ie, He is death- guilt - — y, he is death- guilt - y, take him, — s fa, ritone Solo. ey | him, Te, him, Tey him, le, Warp. $ Wort Wind tol = le, tol -Ie, take him, take him! tol - le, tol - le, take him, take him! tol- le, _ tol- le, take him, take him! Ls tol - le, tol le, take him, take him! Tutt, ar let us cru-ci-fy him. > > > + $ eru-ci-fi-ge e- um. let us eru-cj-fy him. Kez ze =E 3 een cru-oi-fi-ge e-um. let us cru-ci-fy him. 2 dod 20. non for come sopra f co dim. poco u non e- nim sei- -unt, for they know_______ not. poco « poco dim. =i unt. they do. u tempo. p Sanguis ¢ - jus, sanguis @ - jus Re his, blood,ay, be his bloodon «tempo _ Sanguis e - jus, sanguis e - jus Be jhis, blood, ay, be his bloodon i tempo — Sanguis e - jus, sanguis e - jus Be his, blood,ay, | be his blood on tempo —— Sanguis @ - jus, sanguis é - jus Be his blood, ay, be his blood on a tempo colla voce 20 oco u poco crese. sempre crese. su -per nos, su- -per nos = et___—su-per_ fi - li - os us, be his blood on us, then, and__ on our children, our cou, pocp _cresc. sper nos, bu. nos et su-per fi - li - os us, be his blood on us, then, and ‘on our children, our joco_u poco cres sempre crese. su- per nos, su- nos et su-per fi- li - os be his blood and on our children, our poco u poco crese, sempre crese. =per nos, su. =per nos ct__su-per_ fi - li - os be his’ blood on us, then, and__ on our __ children, our sempre crese. poco a poco|crese. tf, = us est__ is death - no-stros, su-per fi -li- os no- -stros! children, be on us and our chil- -dren! no -stros, ~ us est children, 0 - stros, fi - li - os children, be on us and our chil- -dren! us est is death - no-stros, fi - li - -os children, be on us and our chil- -dren! He is death - RA us est mor - tis; tol - Ie, — tol - Ie, vs he is death-guilt - y, take him, take him, mor guilt mor us est mor - tis; tol. - le, tol = dey guilt - y, he is death-guilt - y, take him, — take him, mor - tiss usest mor - tis; tol = —_ ie, tol = ley guilt - y, he is death-guilt - y, take him, ‘take him, 2 mor - tis; Re- us est mor - tisy tol - Ie, tol ~ ley guilt - y,. he is death-guilt . y, take him, take him, * tiss y us est__ mor - is death - guilt - usest mor - tis; - fy him! He is death ~ guilt - 5 Re - usest mor - tis; He isdeath - guilt - y, cru - ci- fi- ge e- -um Re - usest mor - tis; let us cru-ci - fy him! He is death - guilt - y,

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