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Task 1: Pag.


Name: Joseth Guaman Course: 3 “B” Date: 31/03/2020

Greta Thurnberg

1. Explain in your own words how Greta got started as a climate activist. (2.5 pts)

She started an important movement for climate change in 2018 with a simple
message: “school strike for the weather" written on a card. with that she began
protesting outside of school cuery Friday, starting.
"Friday for the future"

2. What was unique about Greta’s trip to the United States? (2.5 pts)

One of these important trips were in September 2019 to the United States. By
demonstrating your support for the environment, instated of traveling by plane, she
lost a zero - emission yath from Europe to New Your City. She be crossed the Atlantic
in two weeks and arrived in the United States.

3. Reread the lines from Greta’s speech. Summarize her message in one sentence.
Do you agree with what she says? Why or why not? (2.5 pts)

-Greta in his speeches has his well-known word which is "How dare you" so that
people become aware.

-If we agree with what Greta says, since it is true that most of us take care of the

4. Choose a photo in which she promotes activism through a trip, speech, protest or
march. Decide. (2.5 pts)
Total = 10 points.

Adapted from:

Task 2: Cause-Effect Brainstorm

Step 1
Think about all of the environmental issues you have seen in this module and
that you know. They can be related to the land, to the air, to the water, or any
other part of our environment you can think of. Write your issue here:

_______ environmental pollution_______ (1 point)

Step 2
Brainstorm the possible causes of the issue you chose, at least four. Write them
in the column on the left side. Then brainstorm at least four of the effects of
the same issue and write them on the right side.

Causes Effects
1. Extraction, processing and refining 1. Damage to health conditions
of fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural
2. Temperature rise 2. Disappearance of the ozone layer
3. Iindiscriminate felling of trees 3. Damage to ecosystems
4. Black water discharges 4. Acid rain
(1 points)

Step 3
Outside of class, research your topic and add or change the causes and effects
from Step 2. Try to find sources in English, but put what you read in your own
words. You should not copy word for word what you read, because that is called
plagiarism and is illegal.

Environmental pollution, I think it is obvious why it occurs, our irresponsibility
and our bad habits of throwing garbage without any fault.

And because of us what we cause is an extreme accumulation of garbage that
through the wind or through the sewers that are covered reach forests,
protected areas can even reach the sea and create ocean pollution and at this
stage we are going with the contamination We will finish all our beautiful home.

Step 4:
Put a picture and label an environmental issue in Ecuador. (1 point).
Disorderly and irrational oil exploitation.

Total = 10 points.

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