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Human Based Media and Mold Based Media




ERI SANTI (4173121014)





First of all, let us give thanks to God Almighty, for giving His grace and grace and health
to me, so as to be able to complete this Critical Book Review. This Critical Book Review was
made to fulfill one of the courses.

This Critical Book Review is structured in the hope of adding to our knowledge and
insights. But I realize that this Critical Book Review is still far from perfection.

If in this Critical Book Review there are flaws and errors, I apologize that in fact the man
must have been wrong. Finally, I hope that this Critical Book Review can provide insight and
knowledge for those who need it in the future.

Medan, 30 April 2019



Publisher : PT Raja Grafindo Persada

Author : Prof. Dr. Azar Arsyad, M.A.

Publishing Place : Jakarta

Publishing Year : 2015

Thickness : 242 page

Edition : 18th Print Revised Edition



A. Understanding Media

The word media comes from Latin medius which literally means 'middle', 'intermediary'
or 'introduction'. In Arabic, the media is an intermediary or delivery message from the sender to
the recipient of the message. Gerlach & Ely (1971) said that the media when understood broadly
is human, material, or events that build conditions that make students able to obtain knowledge,
skills, or attitudes. In this sense, the teacher, textbook, and school environment are the media.
More specifically, the notion of media in the teaching and learning process tends to be
interpreted as graphic, photographic, or electronic devices to capture, process, and reconstruct
cisual or verbal information.

B. Basic Terms Regarding Learning Media

1. Learning or Education Technology

Educational technology is an ethical and practical study to facilitate learning and improve
performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources
(Januszewski and Molenda, 2008: 1)

2. Learning Resources

Learning resources are sources that support learning including support systems, materials,
and learning environments (Seels and Richey, 1994: 12). Learning media and learning resources
have similarities on one side and also differences on the other. The equation, when the media
functions as a source to help individuals in the learning process. For example, video media
containing learning materials or materials used to help the learning process both in the classroom
or outside the classroom, then the position of the video media is the same as learning resources.
However, if visual media, which only functions as equipment, functions as an intermediary
between sources and recipients of information, then the visual equipment is only a medium not
as a source of learning. From this perspective, learning media is narrower than learning
3. Props

What is meant by teaching aids is the medium of learning aids, and all kinds of objects
used to demonstrate the subject matter.

C. Characteristics of Learning Media

Gerlach & Ely (1971) propose three media features that are indicative of why media is
used and what can be done by the media that may be inadequate (or inefficient) teachers.

1. Fixative Property

This feature describes the ability of the media to record, store, preserve, and reconstruct
an event or object. This feature is very important for teachers because events or objects that have
been recorded or stored with the existing media format can be used at any time. Events that occur
only once (in a decade or a century) can be perpetuated and rearranged for learning purposes.

2. Manipulative Property

The transformation of an event or object is possible because the media has manipulative
characters. An event that takes two or three minutes by taking time-lapse recording techniques.
For example, how the process of larvae becoming cocoons then becoming butterflies can be
accelerated by the photographic recording technique.

3. Distributive Property (Distributive Property)

            Distributive traits of the media allow an object or event to be transported through space,
and simultaneously these events are presented to a large number of students with the same
relative experience stimulus of the event. Once information is recorded in any media format, it
can be reproduced at any number of times and is ready to be used simultaneously in various
places or used repeatedly in a place. The consistency of the information that has been recorded
will be guaranteed to be the same or almost the same as the original.

D. Human Based Learning Media

Human-based media is the oldest media used to send and communicate messages or
information. One of the famous styles is the Socrates tutorial. This media is especially useful if
our goal is to change attitudes or want to be directly involved with monitoring student learning.
For example human media can direct and influence the learning process through guided
exploration by analyzing over time what happens in the learning environment.

Human-based medicine proposes two effective techniques, namely problem-centered and

socrates-based design and problem-centered learning design built on problems that must be
solved by students.

One important factor in learning human-based media is the interactive learning design.
With the presence of humans as the main actors in the learning process, the opportunity for
interaction is increasingly wide open. Interactive lessons encourage student participation and if
used properly can enhance learning outcomes and transfer of knowledge. Interactive learning can
be realized in several forms including:

1. Participatory learning

This type of learning begins with brainstorming sessions from all students.

2. Learning to play roles

Learning begins with playing roles that are given stages with actors consisting of students

3. Learning system

It starts by announcing that there will be a quiz at the end of the lesson.

4. Cooperative learning

It starts with creating teams or groups that are responsible for teaching each other specific
knowledge or skills.

5. Structured debate

Very useful if there are important information items or opposing views.

6. Learning 99 seconds

It is a learning design that helps students process information by asking students to

organize brief information into a presentation of no more than 99 seconds.

E. Mold Based Learning Media

From the beginning until now education is a very important thing, because with the
existence of education, human beings can develop their talents optimally. There are many who
can help education so that education can be effective and efficient, including the existence of
goals, vision and mission, curriculum, learning media, and others. However, much of the current
education is not appropriate in the selection of learning media, which is where this error will
result in a lack of effective learning. Therefore, on this occasion www.dosenmuslim.com will
share knowledge about print and computer-based learning media, which also includes references.
More or less what will be discussed is What is mold-based learning media? and What is
computer-based learning media?

The most commonly known are textbooks, manuals, journals, magazines, and loose
sheets. Print-based text requires six elements that need to be considered when designing, namely
consistency, format, organization, attractiveness, font size and use of blank spaces. Interactive
text-based learning became popular in the 1960s with the term programmed instruction which
was material for independent learning.

F. Function of Educational Media

       Levie & Lentz (1982) suggested four functions of learning media, especially visual
media, namely:

1. Function Attention visual media is the core, namely attracting and directing the
attention of students to concentrate on the content of the lessons relating to the visual meaning
displayed or accompanying the text of the subject matter.

2. Affective function of visual media can be seen from the level of enjoyment of students
when learning (or reading) illustrated text, images or visual symbols can arouse emotions and
attitudes of students, for example information concerning social or racial problems.
3. Visual media cognitive function can be seen from research findings that reveal that
visual images or images facilitate the achievement of goals to understand and remember
information or messages contained in images.

4. The compensatory function of learning media can be seen from the results of research
that visual media that provide a context for understanding text helps students who are weak in
reading to organize information in the text and remember it again.

Media functions for the purpose of instructions where information contained in the media
must involve students both in mind or mentally and in the form of tangible activities so that
learning can occur.

G. Benefits of Educational Media

      Encyclopedia of Education Research in Hamalik (1994: 15) details the benefits of
educational media as follows:

1. Putting down concrete foundations for thinking, therefore reducing verbalism.

2. Enlarge the attention of students.

3. Putting down the basics that are important for the development of learning, therefore
makes the lesson more solid.

4. Providing real experiences that can foster self-employment activities among students.

5. Growing orderly and continuous thinking, especially through living images.

6. Helping the growth of understanding that can help develop discussion.

7. Provide experiences that are not easily obtained by other means, and help more
efficiency and diversity in learning.
H. Recognition of Some Media

            Based on technological developments, learning media can be grouped into four groups, as

A. Print Technology

     Print technology is a way to produce or convey material, such as books, visual static material,
mainly through mechanical or photographic printing processes.

B. Audio-Visual Technology

     Audio-Visual technology is a way of producing or delivering material using mechanical and

electronic machines to present audio and visual messages.

C. Computer Based Technology

      Computer Based Technology is a way to produce or deliver material using microprocessor-

based sources. The difference between the media produced from the other two technologies is
because information / material is stored in digital form, not in printed or visual form.

D. Combined Technology

      Combined technology is a way of producing and delivering material that combines the use of
several forms of media controlled by computers.

I. Media Election

A. Media Selection Factors

     At a comprehensive level and general media selection can be done by considering the
following factors:

1. Development and learning barriers that include funding factors, facilities and
equipment that are already available, time available (time to teach and development of material
and media), available resources (human and material).
2. Requirements for content, assignments, and types of learning. The contents of the
lesson vary from the side of the task that students want to do, for example memorizing, applying
skills, understanding, relationships, or higher level reasoning and thinking.

3. Obstacles from the side of the student by considering initial abilities and skills, such as
reading, typing and using a computer, and other student characteristics.

4. Other considerations are the level of pleasure (the preferences of institutions, teachers,
and students) and the effectiveness of costs.

B. Principles of Media Selection

      In terms of learning theory, various conditions and psychological principles that need to be
considered in the selection and use of media are: a) Motivation, b) Individual Differences, c)
Learning Objectives, d) Organizational Content, e) Prior Learning Preparation, f) Emotion, g)
Participation, h) Feedback, i) Pengutan, j) Exercise and Repetition, k) Application.

C. Criteria for Selecting Media

      Media selection criteria derive from the concept that media is part of the overall instructional
system. For this reason, there are several criteria that should be considered in the selection of
media, as follows:

1. In accordance with the goals you want to achieve.

2. It is appropriate to support the contents of the lessons that are facts, concepts,
principles, or generalizations.

3. Practical, flexible and enduring.

4. The teacher is skilled at using it.

5. Target grouping.

6. Technical Quality.
J. Use of Media

            The following will explain the principles of learning media usage. The learning media
that will be discussed will follow Leshin's taxonomy, and friends (1992), namely human-based
media (teachers, instructors, tutors, role playing, group activities, etc.), print-based media (books,
guides, books work / training, and loose sheets), visual based media (books, charts, graphics,
maps, figures / images, transparencies, film frames or slides), audio-visual based media (videos,
films, slides with tape, television), and computer-based media (computer-assisted teaching and
interactive video).

A. Visual Based Media

      If you observe graphic materials, images, and others around you, such as magazines,
advertisements, information boards, we will find many ideas for designing visual materials that
involve structuring the visual elements that will be displayed. The arrangement of the elements
must be able to display visually understandable, bright / readable, and can attract attention so that
he is able to convey the message desired by its use.

      In the structuring process, certain design principles must be considered, including the
principles of simplicity, integration, emphasis, and balance. The visual elements that need to be
considered are shape, line, space, texture and color.

B. Audio-Video Based Media

      Audio-video media is a form of learning media that is cheap and affordable. Once we buy
tape and equipment such as a tape recorder, almost no additional costs are needed because the
tape can be removed after use and new messages can be recorded again. In addition, audio
material is available that can be used and can be adjusted to the level of students' abilities. Audio
can display motivating messages. Audio tape recorders can also be carried everywhere, and if a
tape recorder can use batteries, it can be used in fields or places that are not covered by
electricity. Audio tape tapes can also be used because almost all students have a radio tape
C. Computer Based Media

      The use of computers as learning media is known as computer-assisted Instruction-CAI, or

Computer-assisted Learning CAL). Viewed from learning situations where computers are used
for the purpose of presenting the contents of the lesson, CAI can take the form of tutorials, drills
and practices, simulations, and games.

D. Computer-Based Multimedia and Interactive Video

      Although the definition of multimedia is still unclear, it is simply interpreted as more than
one media. It can be a combination of text, graphics, animation, sound, and video. Multimedia
meanings that are commonly known are various kinds of graphics, text, sound, video, and
animation combinations. This use is a unit that together displays information, messages, or
content of lessons.

      Information presented through this multimedia in the form of living documents, can be seen
on the monitor screen or when projected onto a large screen through an overhead projector, and
can be heard, seen by the movement (video or animation).



 Advantages of the Book.

1. In terms of the presentation of the material, this book includes several reliable sources,
such as quotations from the professor's statement, namely people who understand the
placement and selection of media.
2. The language used in this book is easy to understand and there is no repetition of
3. Explanation of any material on the book is explained in detail.
 Disadvantages of the book
1. Cover:
The cover is less interesting writing letters for the title of the book in the front
does not include images that add to the attractiveness of the reader to read.
2. Material:
The material presented is incomplete, in the selection criteria material is not listed
choose the model well. It's just explained in outline.



This book contains learning media, which contains human-based media, video, visual,
print, audio-visual, the use of learning resources, besides this book is about the development of
media. Various types of media lessons each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Media
lessons are certainly very important for the continuity of learning, because using learning media
will facilitate the learning process. students really need something new in the learning process

In the learning process we as educators are especially very important to know about
learning media to facilitate the occurrence of the interaction process during the teaching and
learning process. Knowledge of learning media must be known to begin from the basic to the
current development so that the media used is relevant and in accordance with the current


Based on the analysis, the book is worthy of being a reference book of learning media
course or can be used as a companion book of the course and can also be used as a source of

Arsayd, Azhari. (2009). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

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