Reflection Journal 3

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Chelsy Sampson

Reflective Journal # 3
Due : February, 24, 2020
Edu 232

Reflective Journal # 3
With the semester and practicum nearing its end, I am glad to have pushed through my

practicum the best to my abilities. I have two lessons left and I have never been more excited to

get through those two lesson plans. Not that I am not enjoying my practicum. I am very glad to

have the experience I am gaining. Even though, I have still been contemplating whether or

whether not teaching is for me. I have to say, I have never felt more comfortable and happier to

get up in the morning then when I go to practicum. Seeing the students smiling, pouting, talking

about their weekend, fooling around, and happy to do the activities I have planned for them is the

most satisfying thing. Sadly, my practicum came to an end earlier than I had imagined, but it is

for the best. I am sad that I will not be able to see the students anymore because they were all

amazing and I learned so much from them.

I learned that there are many things you cannot say to a student and that you must watch

your wording when encouraging them and giving them corrective feedback. This sounds logical

but when teaching it is very easy to say something that is not child appropriate or words they

understand. From my experience, there must be a balance between assuming the best of them

and assuming what they do not know. As for my experience, there were times I assumed they

knew the material when they didn’t and this had an impact on my lesson plan. I am very happy to

have met all students and to have gained experience in teaching, for my first time. Even though it

was difficult I do not regret starting this practicum with my AT. I gave it my best during the
practicum and to my students. I have learned that I am not as bad as my AT portrayed me to be

and that nothing can be learned perfectly as no one is perfect. Teaching is not a job one can

perfect but can have a growth mindset while doing.

Furthermore, after the situation, I have been put in Lennoxville Elementary School where

I will be attending with a new AT for the remainder of my practicum, which consists of two

days. I will be in a music class where I will be helping my AT with classroom management and

other things. I will also have the experience to be with grades four, five, and 6. This week I

learned what is was like to be a music teacher. When you are a teacher for a specific subject you

have the opportunity to meet all grade levels. On Monday I saw how teachers must adapt to

specific grade levels and groups. For example, having two grade six groups can be very different.

One method that may work with one group may not necessarily work with the other, thus this is

where your plan B comes in hand. Even though, I did not have a lot of time to observe due to the

situation, I learned so much. I am happy to have had both experiences because I know what I

want in the future as a teacher and what I do not want. I noticed that this AT took into

consideration all her students interests when it came to music in the classroom ( learning songs)

and their levels. I enjoyed seeing a different side of things opposed to only seeing one, by doing

this is allowed me to feel better about my teaching.

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