Engagement of Electronic - Health (E-Health) Applications Related To Consumer Privacy Data

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Ahmad Ninjar Algi Fajri 10215063

Jurusan Sistem komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Jl. Dipati ukur No.122-116, bandung, Indonesia

Email: Ahmadninjar@gmail.com


In the world of health today can be channeled with information technology by using
e-health applications where e-health was designed by the geneva 2003 World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS). The purpose of e-health is for time efficiency, easy access by
involving medical services such as health centers, clinics, hospitals and experts in doctors,
specialists, pharmacists and consumers. In e-health services, it requires data that is personal
or sensitive that is not known by other patients, which provides legal problems that make the
new problem for e-health application makers. securing patient sensitive data from
technological developments that are freely accessible. The method used in this research is to
examine the normative juridically with tables and graphs by collecting data through library
research and general field research. The application of e-health is carried out in several
places, but legal regulations cannot provide protection for patient privacy data because it is
still a mess in the existing regulations.
1. Everyone is now talking about e-health, but a small number of people have a clear
definition of e-health. They created and used this term with other "words" such as e-
commerce, e-business and so on, in an effort to convey the principle promises around
e-commerce to the health arena, and to provide accountability for new things that
were opened Internet media to the health sector. Intel, for example, calls e-health an
effort made by leaders in the health care and high-tech industries to make full use of
the benefits available through Internet convergence and health care. Because the
Internet creates new opportunities and challenges for the traditional health care
technology industry, the use of new terms to overcome this problem looks very good.
This new challenge to the health technology industry about health care information is
primarily the ability of consumers to interact with their systems online, increasing the
possibility of transmitting documents from institutions to institutions, new
possibilities for communication between consumers and consumers. Health is a field
that emerges in the midst of medical , public health and business, referring to health
services and information provided or added through the Internet and technology. In a
broad sense, this term characterizes not only technical developments but also the state
of mind, ways of thinking, attitudes, and firmness for networks, to improve health
care locally, regionally and throughout the world. by using technology.
1.2 The research with a qualitative approach was carried out in one of the locations of
this study conducted at the Peneleh Health Center, Genteng City, Surabaya. is one of
the health centers in the center of Surabaya which is part of the e-Health program
conducted by the Surabaya city government as an example of an e-health program.
Determination of research focus is intended to clarify the scope of the research
discussion. The focus of this research is to see how the application of e-Health in
Peneleh Health Center, Genteng City, Surabaya by analyzing the elements of e-
government management success, namely the political environment, leadership,
planning, stakeholders, sources of funds, transparency, technology and innovation.
The research subjects referred to in this research activity are apparatuses and
communities that are directly related to this e-Health service. The purposive sampling
technique was used in determining the number of research informants.
There are two aspects that must be focused when using medical services, namely
security and privacy. In the study used the two-stage empirical approach using focus
groups and surveys for the use of electronic health were collected and evaluated. In
particular, parties must consider the importance of consumer data security. The results
of the study show that aspects of security and privacy are important in the help of
using medical personnel. In particular the data analysis of young users and women
emphasizes the security of privacy data compared to older men and old women.
This research found several solutions to discuss the security of privacy data in e-
health. we provide a breakthrough security architecture to create a privacy domain in
e-health infrastructure. Our solution now provides the security of the client platform
by combining it with the latest concept of network security technology. In addition,
we researched further open issues and challenges about the security of data privacy
and the usefulness of the cloud e-health system.
Big data analytics has the potential to change health services using e-health to gain
knowledge from clinical repositories and other medical data so they can make
informed decisions. All organizations and industries about health will use big data
analytics to guarantee personal data and security. Applications and big data analytic
are still under development and the development process will be faster for application

As a company that creates e-health, it also poses a risk to health data that involves
many technologies, laws and regulations. Keamanna does not only require standard
security but also rules and laws. Health organizations must present a high level of
principles for patient data privacy security. So there is a strong foundation for global
1.3 The purpose of e-health is for time efficiency, saving easy access costs by
involving medical services such as health centers, clinics, hospitals and experts in
doctors, specialists, pharmacists and consumers. The research method chosen in this
study is a normative juridical study with tables and graphs by collecting data through
library research and general field research.

The research conducted in 2004 on the E-health Program was linked to consumer
privacy data in Indonesia. In 2004 Students wrote about Personal Data Protection
Related to the E-health Program in Indonesia. Research focuses on the National E-
Health program while this paper describes the influence of international instruments
in protecting personal data and how the involvement of e-health programs that are
associated with personal data. The research method used is a normative juridical study
with specifications in the form of tables and graphs. The process of data collection is
done through library research and field research and the library research stage is
conducted to find secondary data using primary, secondary, and tertiary legal
materials. In this stage, a literature review of a number of international instruments is
also carried out which regulate the protection of privacy for personal data which is
already a global international standard so that it is taken by many countries in drafting
personal data protection laws.
The development of practices in developed countries has provided that there have
been many cases of violations of consumer personal data so that it has harmed
consumers because their privacy has been violated, as follows: Statistical data in
Figure 1. has addressed the level of violations being violated and accessing and
misusing consumer data for other purposes. Statistical data in Figure 2. has addressed
a very high level of violations of public health data that can be accessed and used for
personal interests by other parties. In Indonesia, legal problems will arise considering
there are no

picture 1
Strong regulations or provisions that regulate the privacy protection of consumers'
personal data which is sensitive personal data and fear that consumer personal data
will be misused and disseminated to other parties without consumer consent.
Examples can be used economically by other service provider industries such as the
pharmaceutical industry, insurance so that it will happen which is called direct selling.
The concept of data protection is often intended as part of privacy protection. Data
protection can basically relate specifically to privacy as said by Allan Westin that
defines privacy as the right of individuals, groups or institutions to determine.
Level of Privacy Violations in Information on Health
5000% 45 46
33 33 31
3000% 26
2000% 14 16 17

1000% 6 4
no incident yes 1 incident yes 2 to 5 incident yes more then 5

fy2012 fy2011 fy2010

Picture 2

Should the consumer data information be discussed or not to other parties so that the
purpose discussed by Westin is called information privacy because it involves privacy
information. Many privacy data settings as an individual's right to determine whether
consumers will share or provide their personal data. In addition, consumers also have
the right to determine the terms of the transfer of personal data. One of the principles
of regulating personal data in other countries is how to regulate the flow of outflows
of personal data between countries and prohibit personal data from other countries if
other countries do not have regulations that will either hinder or hinder international
business and therefore OECD ( (The Organization for Economic and Cooperation
Development) issued a Guidelines known as Guidelines that Regulate Privacy
Protection and Transborder Flow of Personal Data.

The main targets of the 1980 Guidelines state that "member countries are deemed
necessary to develop a guideline that will help harmonize the laws of personal data
protection of OECD member countries while upholding human rights, which
simultaneously prevents international trade barriers in terms of this is the cross-border
exit and entry of personal data. The guidelines produce basic data protection
principles so that they can help governments, employers and consumer representatives
in an effort to protect privacy of personal data and avoid unnecessary trade in the flow
of cross-border personal data both online and offline.
In carrying out or providing services, the party from the health care provider will
collect, secure, send and use consumer medical information which is personal data
including documents, records, pathology and diagnostic specimens without consumer
knowledge. The use of technology allows the patient's personal data to be accessed
and processed in large data capacity and in a very fast time so that if it does not follow
special regulations it will violate the privacy of the consumer's personal data which is
highly confidential data that requires special legal protection. The reason why medical
information is so important to protect is that consumers' personal data can be traded or
disclosed for insurance purposes, employment opportunities, getting government
assistance programs without the knowledge of consumers.

In e-health programs to protect privacy data on consumer personal data that is

specifically regulated is how consumer medical data is collected in the database so as
to minimize crime in misuse of consumer data. Seeing other countries that have been
good in a special law that regulates the details of protection in particular there are
conditions that medical data consumers cannot provide without consumer consent and
processing data must be as needed. For example, when medical data is collected and
processed for treatment in a hospital, after treatment is finished, it may not be used by
other companies without the permission of the consumer. And patients must know the
purpose of collecting personal data. The next principle is guarantee or security from
health service providers to ensure the smooth running of the system so that there is no
crime, data leakage, data theft, and illegal access to medical data stored. Principles of
protecting privacy for personal data in the most important e-health programs include:

A. Principle of Agreement of consumers as owners of health data except:

1. written permission from the patient as the owner of a valid data
2. the existence of regulations from applicable laws
3. for the benefit of personal consumers
B. has a specific purpose for why data is collected and each subsequent use must be
C. The security of data users is required to take the necessary steps to maintain the
security of the data. The storing party must protect data from any party
D. if the data is not used then it should be deleted

The e-health application is very much needed in Indonesia given the uneven
distribution of health services by both the government and the private sector in Indonesia so
that e-health programs become more efficient services because technology and
communication can reach remote areas and communities can enjoy health services efficiently,
effectively and cost-effective. But in the context of protecting privacy of the patient's
personal data, it is not fully guaranteed because there are no specific arrangements regarding
the protection of the patient's personal data in the e-health program even though it has been
regulated in several laws. The government must make clear the principles of protecting
specific personal data so that it cannot provide maximum protection as a result of the
existence of personal data or medical records belonging to patients that can be easily accessed
by other parties without the agreement with the relevant consumers.


Thank you or appreciation of the author to those who have helped this research so that
it can be completed with a better development. I thank the Chancellor of the universitas
komputer indonesia PROF..DR.IR Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. MT. And entrepreneurial
lecturers for guidance during writing a paper. As well as the book ENTERPRENEURSHIP
MENJADI PEBISNIS ULUNG panduan bagi pengusaha, calon pengusaha, mahasiswa, dan
kalangan dunia usaha.

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