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Inter view car

Interview ried out by Elizabeth Rodríguez2
Foreign Languages Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The Process Syllabus

Syllabus, (Breen 1989) Michael
as its name suggests, is a ‘process plan’ P eter Breen,
that tries to serve the joint creation and T. C e r t . E d .
implementation of a syllabus by providing (London), B.A.
a framework for planning and action that (Lancaster), M.A.
should emerge from decisions jointly made (Lancaster). He
by teachers and learners during the has published on
classroom learning experience. Due to its a range of issues
nature, it goes beyond a “propositional” within English language education. In addition
syllabus like the ones known as Functional to contributing to a number of edited
or Task-based . Therefore, the Process collections, he has published in Applied
Syllabus, providing a plan and a bank of Linguistics, Studies in Second Language
resources, and requiring regular reflective Acquisition and several overseas journals. His
and formative evaluation, facilitates the current interests are the psychology of language
learners’ creation of their own syllabus learning, the process of interpretation, and the
in an on-going and adaptive way. development of courses in English Language.

RODRÍGUEZ:: Mik e, could
Mike, The question is: How, in the methodology in
you please, give the reasons why a teacher the classroom and how people work together
might consider adopting a Process in the classroom, can the negotiation of
Syllabus? meaning and genuine communication be
encouraged? One way I see this happening is
MICHAEL PETER BREEN BREEN: I think there that people communicate together, initially
are four main ones. The first one is that I am maybe in the mother tongue, but certainly as
assuming the teacher is a teacher of language the work progresses more and more in the
and therefore, language is the subject matter, language being learnt, they negotiate about
One of its key characteristics is the negotiation how the work should be done and who should
of meaning and one of the objectives that most do the work and so on and so forth. That is,
language teachers will have is to enable they negotiate and communicate over the
students to communicate and therefore, decisions that have to be made in order for the
negotiate and create meaning with other people. work to proceed in that classroom group. The
Note from the director: Given the importance of Process Syllabus in Curriculum Development, it was decided to include the
complete text of the interview. It is hoped that it will contribute to our enlightenment and understanding of process as a means to improve
our teaching practices.
This interview was carried out at the University of Lancaster in 1989.
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kinds of decisions that identify a framework. Syllabus is, therefore, one means for enabling
That’s one reason, negotiation of domain ; teachers and learners together, to negotiate and
therefore, why not also define the means of construct together as they go along, their
achieving the work in the classroom ?. Secondly, external syllabus or to use an external syllabus
what happens to a normal syllabus ... an as a starting point to negotiate themselves
external syllabus? Either one that is presented through that syllabus. So, that’s the second
to teachers by the institution or a syllabus reason: learners and teachers reinterpret any
hidden within a textbook. No class follows syllabus and the PS 3 is a way for them to do
the syllabus. And no class does everything the that in a more public and confident way. The
syllabus asks it to do. Why ? Because the teacher third reason is the sort of problems teachers
reinterprets the syllabus for her or his group of face in the classroom. I have worked with lots
learners and the learners in turn reinterpret the of teachers over the years, and one of the major
syllabus against their own personal agendas, issues that they see as a professional concern is
their own personal the management of the
syllabuses. So a second classroom group, and the
reason would be that The Process
Process kinds of problems they
people working from any have when looking after
syllabus, a content
Syllabus is one classroom groups. And
syllabus, are going to means for so, I see the PS as one
reinterpret that syllabus solution to a whole range
in terms of their own enabling teachers of classroom management
learning preferences, their and learners to problems the teachers
own learning stages and typically have in their
so on and so forth. So, all negotiate and lives. And in essence,
syllabuses are construct what the PS does is to say:
reinterpreted. Sometimes, ‘ Look, classroom
privately, but sometimes, together as they management is not just my
also, in a public discussion go along responsibility as a teacher,
in the classroom. So, an it is our responsibility as a
external content syllabus, classroom group, and we
a syllabus about aims and a syllabus about have equal responsibilities to make sure things
content, is made redundant, it is reworded and work well’ 4. So, a PS is a way of sharing
turned into the working syllabus of the classroom management with the learners, for
classroom group and this is often done by whom the classroom exists after all. So,
accident, often in an unconscious and decisions about who should do what? What
unpredictable way. I feel there is a need for the should be done? and so on and so forth,
classroom group to be explicit and to go instead of becoming just the teacher’s
through the process of designing in public, their problem, becomes the whole group’s problem.
syllabus rather than struggling through an That’s the third reason: managing the
externally imposed syllabus that they are going classroom and the kind of problems the
to change in any case.Then, The Process teacher has. My questions are: Why should the
My Abreviation
My italics and quotaions to refer to possible interactions between the interviewee and language teachers and learners.
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teacher be the only person who has an opinion be done in teaching and learning but not in
on this problem ? Why should the teacher be terms of content, not in terms of what has to
the only person who tries to solve it ? I think be achieved, in terms of the language or
it’s humanly impossible that teachers on their whatever, not in terms of what subject matter
own can do this. So, why not share it ? And we should work on but in terms of procedure,
the fourth and final justification, I think, for ways of working:Who will do what? When and
the PS, is the whole notion of learner on what? Why should they do it? Those kinds
responsibility. One of the major things that of decisions are made covertly by the teacher
teachers keep saying to me is: ‘We have quite often in a lesson plan or as they go along
unmotivated learners’ or ‘Our learners don’t in a lesson. So, Syllabus is a useful word
participate as much as we’d like them to’ or because it comes with the notion of a plan for
‘Our learners are rather immature and haven’t what is to be done in joint teaching and
approached their learning of the language’ learning. But the PS focuses much more on
‘They don’t take responsibility’. So, you need action and on decision-making. So, in a way, I
a means whereby sharing responsibility suppose a more accurate description would be
becomes more public so that learners will take ramework’5.
a kind of ‘Decision-making FFramework’
on more overt responsibilities for themselves But, within a PS, of course, we will have sets
and, very important this, for the group of of activities and sets of tasks, a bank of
people around them. They are not only activities and tasks which will be partly pre-
responsible in their classroom for their own planned ; there may be sets of textbooks that
learning but, also, for seeing themselves as people would use as one resource, the usual
responsible for the success of the learning of sorts of materials would be in that classroom ;
the other people in the classroom group. So, not just one set but several sets, there would
the fourth reason would be to encourage and be dictionaries and grammars and tapes and
to mobilize learners’ responsibility. that sort of thing. But, I think the important
thing is that these activities and tasks should
E. R.: Mike, I remember during a forum
Mike, be selected and chosen, as things progress,
that you said the PS was not exactly a by learners, either in small groups or learners
syllabus, that it was not even an in the whole class sometimes, or learners
appr oach. How
approach. How,, in essence, would you individually at other times. That is, the
define it? activities and tasks and the materials that are
there, the decision as to Who should use
M.P .B.
.B.: In essence, it’s a framework for them . When they should use them.
decision-making in the classroom. How long they should spend working on
So, in a way, it’s a kind of plan for methodology. them. What they seek to get out of it6.
I use the word Syllabus because syllabuses are That’s what the PS is about. So, it’s a plan for
something that people have a lot of interest decision-making. It’s a framework in which
in and people understand a syllabus to mean teachers and learners can jointly negotiate and
a plan for what has to be done in joint teaching decide on what they are doing and what they
and learning. So I adopted the word Process are achieving or what sort of difficulties they
Syllabus because a PS is a plan for what has to have, as the diagram suggests7.
My emphasis.
My emphasis.
See diagram: “The Element of a Process Syllabus”
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Key Characteristics
A framework for planning and action during classroom language learning.
A Process Syllabus emerges from decisions jointly made by teacher and learners.

Involves the on-going complilation of a bank of activities and (entailed ) tasks to beselected from on
the basis of decisions made.

Each element relates to the others ; element 1 shaping the actual nature of those below it. A Process
Syllabus requires regular reflective and formative evaluation. This enables a crucial cycle of refinement
from element 5 back to 1 and through to 5 again.


Who does what ? With who ? To what Purpose ?

On what Subject Matter ? With what Resources ?
When and for how long ? How is it to be done ?


Agreed upon as the An agreed plan of Aims and Content
Working Contract (Possibly as a synthesis of an external
of the classroom group syllabus & the negotiated purposes
and subject matter of the classroom
(Changes over time) group.Changes over time)


To be selected from as appropriate

to decisions agreed at Elements 1 & 2.


To be selected and undertaken for the achievement

of a chosen activity . Tasks are the focused
teaching-learning work of the classroom group.


Evaluation of the outcomes from an activity and its tasks ;

both the achievements AND the difficulties.
Involving reflection on the appropriateness of
decisions made at 1 & 2 with the view to adapt-
tation wherever necessary.

© M.P. Breen , 1989

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E. R.: Mike, considering that a pr

Mike, ocess
process And so, what came out of that was: Why
can be more important than a product, don’t we have the kind of syllabus that enabled
could you please explain how this on-going reflection, research, investigation to
framework evolved ? What are its occur and the on-going decision and giving of
origins? responsibility by learners to be brought to
the surface in classroom life in some way. And
M.P .B.
.B.: For me, it began as a good idea so, came out the idea of the PS, that teachers
when working with a group of teachers in might work from a PS primary, to get their
Europe over quite a long period of time. learners more engaged in their learning but also
When we first began Teacher Training we to free the teacher to do more investigative
intended to train people very much through work and to get closer to their learners.
providing them with theory So, it came out of, I think,
and evidence Teachers a long period of experience
from research and getting working with teachers who
them to evaluate designed might work were always looking for
materials ; what I would call from a PS,
from answers to classroom
the traditional ways of training management problems and
teachers. And over a period primarily
primarily, , to for ways of getting action
of time, thanks primarily to get their research in their classrooms
their feedback and their going. So, that’s where it
feedback on their classrooms, learners more came from. I think, in terms
we decided that the key thing engaged in of philosophy or educational
worth trying was to bring the ideology, it clearly comes
classroom much more into their learning from the view of the learner
the training, to get the as an active participant in
teachers to bring their
but also to free shaping their own learning,
experiences back from their the teacher to and that teaching and
classroom, to do research in learning is essentially a joint
their own classrooms and to
do more activity, a cooperative activity,
report back to us in the investigative especially if you are with a
teacher training workshops. large group of people in a
From that process, which took work classroom and that the
about a good few years responsibility for oneself and
working with different groups of teachers in a for the others’ learning, both as a teacher and as
particular European country, from that process, a learner, is a very important element. All of this
we felt that (and they did too!) a lot of their comes, I think, from humanistic approaches to
classroom management problems and a lot of education rather than behaviorist or classical
the kinds of research they wanted to do needed approaches to learning and teaching.
some sort of framework within which they could
work, within which they could do research, E. R.
R.: In the framework you propose,
within which they could help their learners, there is a total recognition for learners’
advise them or help to sort out certain rights, learners’ autonomy autonomy.. Who, in the
problems. end, mak
makeses the decisions?
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M.P .B.
.B.: The classroom group makes course, allowing the group to dictate to the
decisions. The main decisions are made by the individual and similarly, without the individual
group. I don’t believe in learner-centered dictating to the group, and that applies to the
curricula and I don’t believe in autonomy. I teacher just as much as anybody else. So, the
mean, in the sense that I don’t believe a learner basic answer to your question, “Who mak es
who is in a classroom can be genuinely the decisions”?
decisions”?, I think, for me, it’s very
autonomous. It’s a contradiction in terms. The obvious that the decisions are made together
learner is working with a group of people and by teachers and learners.
that group of people includes the teacher. So,
they are in a collective environment, they are in E. R.
R.: Can activities such as grammar
an environment where cooperation and mutual activities, or those typical of notional,
help is actually essential if anything is to happen functional or task-based syllabuses, be
at all. Normally, the relationship is between the contained or developed within a PS ?
teacher as an individual and the learners as a
group. So, I suppose I would replace this idea M . PP.. B ..: Certainly. There is a big
by the notion of collective responsibility8. misunderstanding about this. People have
But, respecting the individual within that, so, interpreted the PS to be seen as a challenge to,
just as the learner can work with the group in a or something quite opposite to other kinds of
cooperative way to contribute to their opinion syllabuses—grammatical, functional, task-
on what decisions should be made, contribute based or whatever. Those are syllabuses of
the kind of problems, difficulties and content, they are the sorts of syllabuses that are
achievements they are having, as feedback, to about what should be achieved in terms of the
the group. So, the group, each member of the target language, what we should work on, what
classroom, should come to realize that their own aspects of the language and what types of skills
work will benefit if they also see themselves as we should focus on, and so on and so forth . A
a part responsible for the good running of the PS will contain within it activities and tasks
group, and that the teacher is an equal member which themselves will be, maybe, structural,
of this. Clearly the teacher has, if you like, a they may be functional, they may be task-
guiding-coordinating responsibility and the oriented or skill-oriented or whatever. There will
teacher has greater wisdom in terms of the be a range of very traditional sorts of things
language and in terms of the experience of that learners might work on: grammar,
running a classroom. But, I see the teacher, put vocabulary or pronunciation. There will be a
very simply, as a facilitator of this collective range of communication activities and so on
responsibility, of this cooperative endeavor. So, and so forth. In some sense, it doesn’t really
I’m not so sure about individual, I mean, I think, matter what aspects of the language are focused
individual autonomy, fair enough; but, I think, on and what skills are selected in terms of the
the primary thing about the teacher is that I am actual tasks that people do. They can be
working with groups of people and so, I am structural or functional or communicative or
much more concerned with collective whatever. What does matter is who chooses
responsibility and cooperation. So, how can I these, why they choose them and how long they
get these things mobilized and then working work on them. That’s what matters and it’s
for me. That’s the key question, and without, of those sorts of decisions that are usually made
My emphasis
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quite outside the classroom or by textbook fact, an external syllabus document would be a
writers and they are not actually considered and very good starting point for the process of
they are not actually worked on. So, what I am negotiation. So, in essence, it is not process or
interested in is providing a framework where structure, or function. The Process is a
an individual learner in the classroom can work framework within which the choice of whatever
on either grammar or vocabulary or functions other syllabus, appropriate to learner need and
or a role play or a reading text or a learner problem, is actually made. So, I don’t
communicative activity or a massive project see that there is any necessary conflict here. I
with other people, with other learners, have personal views about what the more useful
sometimes with the teacher in small groups or or more helpful or more interesting content
on their own. But, having chosen to do that, syllabus is but that, I think, is quite independent
mainly on the basis of: (i) what that learner feels to the notion of the PS. It does not replace this.
is most urgent to him/her in terms of the It provides a frame in which the best of this
immediate learning needs on the way to can be chosen by learners and teachers together.
achieving long term needs and (ii) what kinds
of problems that learner has had, in working
just before ; what sort of problems has the
learner had in working with a text or in some
kind of oral activity ? But that learner’s
identified or other people in the group will help
that learner to be identified. So, the kinds of
content that people work on will depend on
learner need, as I made clear, through
negotiation of what the learner himself or herself
identified the need as being the teacher advising
on the basis of learner problems. So, the choice
of what other kind of content syllabus, if you
can choose on the way, is not a problem for me
at all. It’s not a problem for me if, in fact, the
teacher is working within a syllabus that is being
externally imposed and the teacher has to
complete that syllabus, say, the teacher has to
complete the syllabus designed by the Ministry
of Education or somebody and that syllabus is E. R. If we understand teaching as a
very structural or it is very functional or resear ching activity
researching activity,, it leads to the
whatever. That doesn’t seem to me a problem assumption that teachers should be
either because, obviously, one of the first things learners, that teachers resear ch as they
you do with that syllabus is to negotiate it ; teach and learn. Is it, then, possible that
that is, you present it to the learners and say, the PS, defined as a framework for
‘Right, these are the things we have to achieve. planning and action—as shown in your
What order should we take them in? What do diagram—could be applicable not only
we already know ? What would be the best way to language learning but also to teacher
of achieving this?’ and so on and so forth. In development ?
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.B.: Yes, absolutely. I think you’re being M.P.B.
.B.: The basic reason is, instead of saying
idealistic if you think that teachers see themselves to people, ‘Don’ t do as I do, do as I say’. You are
as researchers, they may well see themselves as saying to people implicitly by adopting a PS with
learners. I think you’d have to argue, to convince them, ‘Look, this is how I work with you. Might
teachers, that they should be doing research or it be possible for you to consider working like
be researched, because people have different this with your learners? I am working with you in
views of what they mean by research. If you mean a way that engages your responsibility, that asks
by research that teachers diagnose learner you to participate in the cooperative work of the
problems, get feedback from learners in terms of group. I am asking you to take responsibility on
the learners’ strategies, explore with their learners your learning and for the learning of others in
their conceptualization of learning, identify this group and I’m asking you to engage in shared
decision-making problems in their classroom, decision-making to select activities, to share your
alternative ways of working, involvement in problems’ and so on and so forth. I have worked
finding out which materials (with their learners) with teachers like that. It is just a chance. They
are best to work on, what sort of materials are would also say, ‘Yes, this is the way I can engage
most useful, evaluating progress; all these sorts learners’ responsibility and this is the way I can
of things which teachers do in a class in an begin to implement shared decision- making in
indirect way quite often. If you say that’s research, my classroom’.
it seems to me that it is almost synonymous with In fact, there’s far more of a chance of that
teaching, because, in essence, what I am doing happening rather than if I stand up and give
is finding out, investigating as I work and lectures about the PS to a group of teachers
exploring as I seek the best ways of helping and tell them about it. If I actually work in this
learners to learn. If that’s research, I’m sure I agree way myself as a teacher trainer, then, it ceases
with you. But, if on the other to be an ideal thing and
hand, you think that teachers becomes a possible thing, and
should do action research with Change by example, I am enabling
learners in their classroom in happens them to see an alternative way
order to develop personally, I of working; by example, not
am not sure, I don’t know. I thr ough
through just because I am telling them
mean, I know teachers who actions of but because this is the way I
do do action research as part work with these people. So,
of their application of the what I do as that for me is the major reason
process ; the sort of work that I would have for adopting a
we’ve been talking about. But,
well as what PS for Teacher Training, and
if you are asking me, could a I think for the very same reasons, you
teacher training course be know, the rationale for Teacher
based on a framework of shared decision-making? I Training would be just the same: the notion of
mean a PS, then, of course, I see no reason why no. cooperative work, responsibility, problems in me
In fact, I see lots of good reasons why it should be. as a trainer, my own classroom management and
sharing them with you. Obviously, one of the
E. R.: What reasons might you give for themes of Teacher Training may not be the
adopting a PS framework for teacher language, so I am not so much concerned with
training? helping develop people’s negotiation of
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meaning or being better communicators, but I M.P .B.

.B.: Yes, of course. Most teachers,
might be, I might be. It may well be that teacher specially experienced teachers, if you have a
training or workshops that I’ve run are also seen, workshop with experienced teachers and you ask
by the teachers, as an ideal opportunity to work them to decide the content - any time I’ve done
in the target that they are supposed to be this and I’ve done it quite a lot of times they
teaching with fellow teachers and it may be one define the content in terms of their problems in
of the very rare opportunities they have. So, it the classroom. So, that’s a very good place to
may well be. If I run a workshop in English, I am start because their problems in the classroom
helping the teachers to become more refined are the things they sort of worry about. But those
communicators and helping them to negotiate problems may be the tip of an iceberg. There
their meanings about classroom life and so on may be lots of things under the surface that those
and so forth. It is also a good reason for adopting problems express, but if you start with the
a PS because they have to talk about their teachers’ problems in their classroom
experience and they have to negotiate what the management then share these in a trusting way,
best ways of solving their problems are. So, I that should be the content of your work. From
think there are very good reasons for adopting that you are going to say: ‘O.K.I may be running
a PS for teacher training, specially when you a workshop but I don’ t know, I have similar kinds
compare with how most teacher training is of problems myself’. So, how can we, then, decide
carried out in most parts of the world, basically, how we should work on things and who should
where you have situations in which the experts work on them because you are not going to have
very rarely work inside an actual classroom. The the same problems. What sort of things we can
experts tell the professionals what they should do both in the classroom and in the workshop ?
be doing without actually knowing what those So, already you are locked into the PS. So, yes, I
professionals are doing in their classrooms and think it can be problem soIving ; the content
they assume that if they pass their expertise on, should be solving problems.
somehow things will be changed. Changes very
rarely happen that way. Changes only happen E. R.: And when does evaluation tak
when the individuals relate possible, meaningful place?
alternatives to their own life experiences. So,
change happens through actions of what I do M.P .B.
.B.: All the time. Evaluation is a very,
as well as what I think. And therefore, a PS very important element. By evaluation I don’t
which enables active-taking responsibility and mean testing progress. By evaluation I mean,
sharing decisions, doing things together, of a at a certain point, if I was working on a
central nature, I think, is going to be more workshop, say, a two-day teacher training
beneficial for people in terms of their workshop, at the end of each day at least. But if
professional development than merely listening I was working over a long period of time, at the
to what experts think. end of a class, at the end of a large activity, three
lessons, at the end of the week or at the end of
E. R.: So, based on what you have just a period of work, but certainly very regularly.
explained, can I say that teacher training The evaluation would take two forms, or would
leading to teacher development, could be answer three questions really: ‘What have we
seen as a problem-solving situation or achieved? What have we done?. Have we
activity requiring shared decision-making? progressed? What have we gained so far?. What
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have we learned ?’ and actually sharing those aspects are still unachieved ?’ So, yes, it’s both
things and taking a good long time sharing formative and summative, but fundamentally
them because we tend to emphasize the formative, formative in the sense of planning
negative things; and equally spending a good ahead, improving the way we are working
long time looking at, ‘What are the problems? together.
What are the difficulties? What still needs to
be done? What are we achieving? What are we E. R.: Mike, why don
Mike, ’t we speak on a
getting? What should be on our agenda? What delicate issue ? Does the PS, as a
should we focus on from now?’ So, that is the framework either for language learning
second question. The third question would be: or teacher development, have limitations?
‘How can we improve the way we are working?
Are we satisfied with the way we are working? M.P.B.
.B.: Well, a framework is always a limited
Are there more efficient ways of doing things?’ thing. A framework is, in some sense, a piece of
So, there’d be achievements, problems and ways paper, with sort of areas of decision-making
of working and much time has to be identified on it. So, as it stands as a document
spent on that, I think, as spent on planning andor as a set of proposals for teacher and learner
deciding, ‘What are we going to do?’ It must action, it is ideal. I don’ t believe there is one
be regular and it must be, again, a shared PS. I believe that if teachers adopt a PS
activity. It’s quite often the sort of thing theframework, there will be as many PSes as there
teacher does when s/he goes home and mark are teachers and classrooms that adopt them.
assignments and worries about this and then ‘Why would it be rejected?’ I think, is another
think O.K. what, ah, The teacher very often is way of looking at it. And I think, there are lots
taking those decisions on herself or himself andof answers to that. There are probably as many
that seems to be, again, an unnecessary burden. if not more answers, more reasons that people
might offer to reject it than could be offered to
So, yes, evaluation is absolutely central, because
the evaluation stage shapes the whole of the support it. And, you know, I can think of several.
rest of the PS. Evaluation is the way in which A teacher reason might be, and this is just to
you construct your own group’s PS together. have an example, a teacher main reason might
be , ‘There is a fear here that I
E. R . : In other would loose a very strong
w o rrds,
ds, a sort of
The PS element of control on what
summative-formative requires a happens in my classroom, that
evaluation. I quite like to be the
confident conductor of the orchestra or
M.P .B.
.B.: Yes, if you say, by teacher who’s the main controller of
a certain point, ‘We ‘have activities and routes we take’.
done this and have done that willing to tak
takee And that’s a genuine fear and
and have done the other’, risks it requires a confident teacher
there is an element of who’s willing to take risks,
summative evaluation. Because you are saying, because I think the PS does involve the teacher
‘What have we achieved ? This is what we set in taking risks and having different kinds of
out to do. Have we achieved it ? Which aspects responsibilities as a guide, as a facilitator, as a
did we set out to achieve and did so, which coordinator, as an evaluator and not just as a
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transmitter of knowledge. So one teacher give them space to take responsibility for their
worry would be ‘Can I take on the new learning and the best way of doing that is to
responsibilities that the PS make far fewer decisions on
demands of me?’ And one of their behalf myself. And
the risks is taking on these I’d be ver
veryy thirdly, to get them to become
responsibilities. surprised if more and more independent
‘I’m giving up familiar of me as a source of the
control that I used to have in people would language but to use me as
my lessons’. And I think, not accept the one possible thing to rely on
that’s a genuine concern. I because the pressure that
think, the answer I would give view that one of that puts on me, as a teacher,
is, ‘ Well, what do you is almost inhuman and rather
consider your main
the main hard to bear because I cannot
responsibility to be as a functions of a meet the particular needs of
teacher?’ I would want to a group of learners. It’s
give that teacher back that
pr ofessional
professional Humanly impossible,
question. The second teacher is to because these needs are so
objection might be from the diverse. So the learners may
learners. ‘O.K’. the learners facilitate say, ‘You are getting paid to
might say, ‘Look, you are successful make decisions, please , make
asking me to make decisions decisions’ My response to
that, I think, I see you as the learning that would be, ‘What are the
teacher responsible for things that really help you to
making’. And that’s a tricky one. What that learn ?’ And if you think of good learning
learner is essentially doing is giving up or experiences in your past life , right through
surrendering his/her autonomy and your past life, ‘What was your role in those
responsibility actually as a learner for their own experiences?’ And ‘How much did you have
learning back to the teacher, being teacher- to depend on other people, including the
dependent. There may be very good reasons teacher?’ And I think if learners can track that
for this because, of course, learning a language question, they’d realize that they are far more
is a rather threatening and a highly affective responsible for their own learning than they
experience. But, I’m not just interested in what had assumed. Finally, I think external bodies
learners do in my classes. I am interested in such as heads of departments, ministries,
how to help learners become good language institutions might want certain aims
learners and to carry on learning outside the achieved and certain content covered and
class, and after they leave the class, and the that’s fair enough. I mean, teachers obviously
only way that’s going to come about is if the have to, in some sense, achieve certain
learner recognizes the extent to which s/he objectives and they may see the PS as
exercises their responsibilities in good learning something which has got nothing to do with
experiences in the past and, thus, realize that this. It’s threatening to the established
they are, in fact, responsible for their own syllabus, or threatening to the established
learning and when they’ve learnt something aims. I don’t see that. I think, that’s a shiver,
they have taken the major role. Secondly, to that’s a false fear. But, they may see the PS,
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the whole notion of sharing decisions with teacher’s shoulders to make sure things work
learners—the teacher sharing responsibility—as well, but also to help things be more
not the business of a language teacher; that the efficient and successful. But, sharing that
language teacher is there to load. Because if you share
achieve the objectives of the it, it’s likely that you’ll
course and to get students I am not actually have more
through the next or to a denying that efficiency because you’ll be
certain level. And my answer meeting a wider range of
to that one is, ‘What do you there may be people’s needs and
see as the main of the expectations and preferred
professional teacher ? ’If you
conflicts and that ways of working and the
see it as the transmission of there may be need to be committed. I am
knowledge, fair enough. But, not denying that there may
people may disagree that
different be conflicts and that there
that’s the main function of priorities, but may be different priorities,
the teacher. I think I’d be very but therein lies negotiation,
surprised if people would not therein lies there you get the
accept the view that one of negotiation opportunities to transform
the main functions of a problems together.
professional teacher is to
facilitate successful learning in the learning E. R.: Thank you Mik e. YYour
Mike. our resear ch
groups, and if they are working in the and contributions to language education
classroom, to facilitate that classroom process, will be an invaluable help for all of us.
and that’s exactly why I feel there is a need
for a PS, to not put all the weight on the M.P.B.
.B.: I hope so. Thank you.

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