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Student Observation

Classroom: Mrs. Brooks Observer: Hailey

Grade: 4th Date: March 9, 2020
Curriculum Area: English Time: 8:50

What I notice: Thoughts, Questions, Connections to Methods

Carpet reading time (teacher reading)
Everyone on carpet Read alouds are useful in all grades
Turn and talk The book, Blue, is very deep (polio, “negros”,
Posing inquiry questions during reading wheelchair, President Roosevelt’s death, fairness,
Uses big paper, whole class discussion, teacher selflessness, sickness, segregation, WW2 with
example Hitler, death, religious terms, military)
Novel Engineering (character is a client, students Setting Expectations
design a solution for a problem in the book) Daybooks are used
Group work Makerspace use
Walking around and asking questions and taking Strong GO
informal assessments
Indirect learning and problem solving

Questions to Consider in Your Reflection:

 Do you think the teacher you observed established and communicated learning goals, tracked
student progress throughout the lesson, and celebrated success? Explain.
 Do you think the teacher was effective at managing the classroom during science instruction?
 Do you think the teacher helped students effectively interact with new science concepts and/or
processes? If so, how? If not, why do you think that?
 Do you think the teacher helped students deepen their understanding of new science concepts
and/or processes? Explain.
 Do you think the teacher effectively engaged the students? Explain.
 Do you think the lesson you observed was an inquiry lesson? Explain.
 What aspects of the lesson that you observed would you change? Keep? Explain.

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